Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 08, 1906, Page 3, Image 3
1 O TOE OMAnA DAILY REE: FRIDAY, JTXE 8, 1006. .V V INCREASE IN TRUST FINDS ! .7,1 6 tat Em Mr on Hind and Yon lu Terted Thm fix Montbi Aco. MISTAKE ABOUT DATE OF BRYAN'S RETURN Call for Pepallet Mate' f aareatlea niefarne PfaiMntt Wit Profess - ee Head of Bert la tha Mare. and in fnct knew nothing notice hd been sent to his Pp t. 'Chun man Mryer nisde the pall because many popul.sts Insisted that It be made. Out In the state there are number of populists In office mho secured their offices because of fusion with the flfmorrili. It la to their Interest of course to keep up the organisation and they are the people who hsve brought slrtmt the rail. Mr. Rente knew nothing of It and had no hand In It at all. He la after the democrats nomination and lls friend believe he will the arguments In the grain caae thla week. I the supreme court did not Include lt j session today, a expected, hut will hold 1 over In the morning. Inasmuch aa thla la I the next to the last session to be held prevloue to the umner adjournment many Important declalona are looked for this week, aa well s at the next aittlng. Among thoae opinions likely to come down at thla aittlng la the Journal ease. In which ! the atate ta suing for IM.Ono, alleged to have been kept from the atate by reason of the aale of the aupreme court reports by the Journal, upon which the atate owned the cnpvrlght. The decision In tha 'C )!! ny.. asr.--":.'" e' I From a Ptsff C'orreepondent.) LINCOLN. June 7. (Special.) State Treasurer Morteneen' aeml-annual report of the condition of the atate. treasury show thai the balance on hand tecember 1. llOt. trere K8.H. and on Hay l. 1I0. were RAO. It 1 . 3 K. He had .13.1 In caah on hand and cash In atate de positories amounting to $R90.902.7. Tin eapendltures during the alx montha were JH.'..4ll 19 'and the recelpta. U. !. C7S.13. The trust fund on hand and uninvested May St were larger than uaual, being SI 41.SZ0.e2. divided aa followa: Permanent school fund, tl 19,954.37: permanent uni versity, 117,354.11; agricultural college endowment, 112.920.93. There waa no ash In' the; normal endowment fund. The total truat funda Invested Increaaed during the alx montha from $.781.e7..iO to I7.14M4S.70.-- The warrants held by th state as, an-Investment decreased during the alx. montha from, 32.UH.U7 4l .4 31.319,904.23. The honda held aa Invest ments lncrn.sfd. from $4,382,783.1 f to 9S.83i,iS31.j. The following are the truat funda' Inveated ft the date of the re port May 31 : . Permanent school fund.. I'ermanertt university. . . . Agrl. collage endowment. Ni rmsl endowment... ... . . . Jt Xit-mm k. m mm iA h m "--" - " , UI.M , .hi,.h th. an the ' "- ... - - clety la contesting tne rignt oi Mammon county to assess tia reserve fund, la also $.5:.S68 ! 144.144 71 401.J91 91 . Jl.48.'7 Total 87. 148.948.70 Tha balances on hand at the beginning and the) clou of the aeml-annual pcrlo-l are aa followa: , - Funds. . Dec. t, ISO,-,. May 31. 190.. General 2.129.77 3 S.Ma.HO permanent school. 2.038.94 ;10,945..".7 'I emp. school 2J5,2ti0.3! 41 2.601.1 2 V-T. university.,,. 3.018.77 17. .154.11 Agrl. cot endw 1 2.920.11 Tmr. university.. 24.14 1.1 3 reniienHarv ....... 473 JO ' 45.-1 Redemption ..i..:. . 1.792.10 3,804. 4S .Kearney nor. lib.. 1.S75.00 210.70 Orthopedic hnap. .. 491.60 Hosp. insane' . . . . 1 14 81 145.43 flat library....... 331.57 Ig'.M T.nlveralty cash.... 32.039.10 28.797. C5 Normal library.... 3.0SO.H9 2.302.WS Kormal Interest... 1.65S.2( 1.481.93 Agrl. mech. arts. .. I7.828.:.8 .450.rl I", tf. erp. nation. 3.118.51 2.2J!T4 Total .$.125,698.51 5599.81t.3S I'nder the redemption law.' an act passed by the, last legislature levying a one mill tnx and requiring that the revenue thus derived be need to redeem outstanding state warrant, a total of $168,938.59 waa received - during- th aix montha and of that amount . $167.92134 waa used for the redemption of warranta. which with the balance on hand left a total of $2,806.45 on hand May 31. . WhUe the raport shows a balance of $412,401 In tha- temporary school fund, this entire amount has been ordered apportioned to the various counties for the support of ' the public schools ar.d Is now being dis bursed, ." will not run aa an Independent should democrate refuse Mm the nomination In their convention." Mistake Aaeat Bryan Retarn. Discussing this evening the proposed re ception at New York to William Jennings Bryan In August on his return from Eu rope. Charles W. Bryan, a brother, eald he believed the New Tork committee had a misunderstanding aa to the date of William J. Bryan'a return, whlcJiwaja, he said, early In September, Instead of Au gust. When Mr. Bryan left on his world tour it waa with the Intention of return. Ing to Lincoln about the middle of Sep tember, fharlea W. Bryan said there had been no. change from that plan Brown Bound to lestiae. The supreme court has made a move In the Mickey-Brown controversy regarding the Investigation of the Tabitha Homo. Hume time ago Governor Mickey signed tha petition to-be filed In the aupreme court for the Investigation. After he had talked with membera of the board of dl rectort of the home he requested to with draw his name from tha petition. Thla waa granted thla afternoon by the court ftr the governor had filod & written statement with the Judge showing why he had signed the petition. The court then Issued the following order: In tha matter of the application of the attorney general for leave to file action In the name of the state against the Tabitha home, a corporation, and the ob jection of J. H. Mlckev. governor, ordered that the said J. H. Mickey, governor, be allowed to withdraw from the otrered pe titlon his consent to the bringing of the action and withdraw his veriflcation of the said petition, and upon the petition being otherwise duly verified the attorney general be allowed to file said petition and have the cause duly docketed and sum mons issue therein. Hp worth l.eaeae Assembly. The coming Epworth league assembly to be held here July 31 to August 7 promise to be one of the most Interesting and suc cessful in the history of the league. The local committee Is already at work prepar ing to entertain the visitors and an Im mense crowd Is looked tor. The program Includes some of the strongest speakers In the country, among them being Booker T. Washington, Bishop Joseph P. Hartwell of Africa, Newel4 Dwlght Hlllls, Senator Dolllver and othera. The assembly will hold forth at Epworth Lake park, which la being greatly Improved by the local com mlttee for the occasion. Bsehassa Looks l's Reeord. Major Buchanan, formerly general pas aenger agent of the Klkhorn railroad, waa a visitor at the statehouse this morning from his home In Wisconsin. Mr. Buchanan spent most of hla time in the auditor's office looking up the records of the binds Issued to assist In the construction of the Northwestern railroad. He Is preparing an article on thla subject. Officials Oat of City. The statehouse' la in the hands of the deputies today and will be for several days because the state offlcera are out of the city. Governor Mickey, Attorney General due. wolf Roaaty Kwart Kihaastea. Wolf bounty claima on file In the audl- tor'a office In excess of the appropria tion of $15.oro made by the last legislature mount to $10,(JCO. This means an expendi ture for wolf scalps by the state alnce July 19t, of $26,000 and the death of 20.000 wolves, which have been killed during the last eleven months. The bounty claimed in excess of the appropriation will go to the next legislature for settlement. (IRRIE 111 OIT TOR SENATOR Caster Coanty Man Makes His Awaoanreaaent. ANSLEY, Neb.. June 7. (Ppeclal.) The Chronlcle-Cltlnen of thla place will make the following announcement In lis Issue of Friday, June $: Hon. Fv M. Currle of Custer county will be a candidate before the republican state convention for the endorsement for United Statea senstor. In previous Issues of the Chronicle the name of Mr. Currie has been frequently mentioned as an Ideal candidate for thi high office. His name was suggested by this paper without his consent because It conscientiously believes that no better man can be found In the state to fill this responsible position, and It la with a high degree of pride that we can now make ire announcement of his candidacy. The friends and personal admlrera of Mr. Currie (and they are lesion will make a strong effort along honorable lines to Sfcure the endorsement of his candidacy In the republican state convention. Tlr CMndtdacy of Mr. Currie will be built upon the merite and qualifications of wie man. Those who know Mr. Currie know that his candidacy spust be fought out in a manlj- way or not at all. and it Is hoped that the same courtesy will be accorded hla candidacy aa will be conceded to othera. Mr. Currie Is an Ideal candidate. He is a man In the prime of life, whose honesty has never been questioned and whose pub lic and private II fa. Is an open book. He served two terms In the state senate rfnd was a prominent candidate for United States senator during the long aenatorlnl struggle In 1901. He la a man who Is close to the people and who known their needs. He stands aloof from corporation Influences and Is a man of courage and convictions. tf the republicans of Ne braska are looking for a man among the common people, who has alwaya believed In a square deal a man who la highly educated and a brilliant speaker a man who will Instill life and enthusiasm into the party and represent Nebraska In the national capitol with honor to the state and credit to the nation Custer county nominates Hon. F. M. Currie. - Cill rHatarhs Democrats. The fact that the populist state com mittee has been called to meet In Lincoln June' II to soled' a place and a date for holding the pupullst. atate convention, has cairsed considerable talk among Lancaster Brown. Secretary of State Galusha and demoorats, who hove been for some months laboring under the hallucination that this party was defunct. Some of the democrats Land Commissioner Eaton are at Norfolk Investigating the conduct of the Norfolk asylum under Superintendent Alden and profess to see behind the call Assistant Nlcholaon, while Superintendent fbr fhe -meeting the hand of George W. Berge, ' candidate for democratic nomination ' for governor. falling to secure the democratic nomination tnVee deflrrtcti a' assert it 'wlfl be an easy ' matter for Mr. Berge to secure the honor at the hands 'of hla former associates and brethren. Therefore they say Mr. Berge Is responsible for the call of the com mittee meeting. For some time It has been talked that Berge would run Independent, should the democrats conclude to nominate a democrat. Democrata now believe Berge . has- concluded It wonld he better to run aa - a populist rather than' au an Independent providing of course he loses out with the democrats, . " An the other hand an Intimate friend of " Beige denied that he had anything to do McBrlen Is doing the 'honors at the various J school entertainments and Auditor Scarle Is attending- the stock growers' convention at Alliance. .And in ' the meantime not single, solitary dandelion ttandeth Jn the statehouse yard for the Janitor hare cut them down. , Another Grata Firm Objects. The Spelts Grain company filed today a separata objection to the report of Ref eree Pemberton In the grain caae. This Arm claims it received no notice of the taking of the depositions; that It waa not shown that it .waa a member of the slate association, and, further, there was no evidence tp ahow the state association waa In existence at the time the Junkln act went into effect. Owing to the time taken up In hearing IMIARMACISTS ARK OIT 15 FORCE Large Increase In Membership of the Assoclatloa. HASTINGS, Neb.. June 7.-(Speclal Tele gram.) Not only wsa the attendance at the pharmaceutical convention aa large If not larger than In any former years, but the convention was also marked by an in crease of an even hundred In the member ship of the association. The closing busi ness session wss held at the court house this morning at which officers were elected and the place for the next meeting chosen. This afternoon the druggists assembled al the base ball park to witness and partici pate in the athletic contests and tonight the visitors were taken on a special train to the state hospital where a dance waa given In their honor. Seward and Omaha were the only com petitors for the next convention and the former won out by a vote of. 35 to 25. The following officers were elcted:. Presi dent. E. H. Dort, Auburn: vice president, Charles Simons, Beaver Crossing; W. C, Brokaw, Cedar Bluffs; D. A. Adams, Nehawka, A. H. Brooke, Hastings; treasurer, E. E. Cathcart, Meadow Grove secretary, O. H. Bauman, Grand Island. The convention endorsed Mrs. F. Simon of Arapahoe, Wilson Atkinson and O. V. Pease of Falrbury for appointment aa secretaries of the State Board of Pharmacy. These delegates to , the national con vention were chosen: Messrs Pease, Falr bury: Sherman. Omaha; Fink, Holdrege; Hopping, Beaver City; Hanaen, Kearney; Harper. Beatrice. Among the resolutions adopted waa one recommending that the standard of pharmaceutical examination be raised. ,. BOSTON AND RETURN $29.75 On 6ale May 31 to June 9. , N : " '.; , BUFFALO AND ' RETURN $25.25 - On 6ale June 8, 9, 10. ' CHICAGO AND-REURN $13.25 On sale June 10, 11, 12. ,' LOUISVILLE, KY., AND RETURN . $19.75 On sale June 11, 12, 13. Also lo-w rates to many other points f ' . reached via the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway Three fast trains to Chicago every day, leave Omaha Union depot 7:55 a. m., 5:45 p. , . m. and 8:35 p. m. Close connections with eastern lines. For full information call at City Ticket Office or write to F. A. NASH, General Western Agent, 1524 Farnajn Street. Omaha, Neb. He list i Wm Mm 1 ; ; M i -hi mpx Why Doctors Say "Drink Pabst Beer" CAREFUL inquiry ghowg tnat doctor, in pcrhapa trie large majority of cases, prescribe Pabst Blue Ribbon Deer because tbey Vnow ot it absolute purity and positive clearJines. "It ia the cleanest and richest leer in tbe world, said one of Cbicago's leading doctors tbe otber day. ""Wbat appeala to me," be aaid, "is tbe Pabst process and Pabst eigbt-day malt, so very different from all tbe rest. We doctors appreciate sterilization and we are teacbing tbe people in tbeir bomes tbe value of sterilization. On almost every visit we make we empbasize tbat. I bave visited all tbe breweries of importance in tbe country, and I must say tbat for absolute cleanliness tbere is no beer to equal Pabst ' Blue Ribbon I prescribe it in my practice and drink it myself.' Tbe aging of Pabst Beer is anotber point wberein tbe great Pabst brewery excels. Pabst is tbe perfectly aged beer. Wot a bottle or a keg ever leaves tbe brewery until science and tbe test of time sbows it fully aged and mellow, perfect in age, purity and strength. When Ordering Beer, call for Pabst Blue Ribbon Pabst Brewing Co., 1307 Leavenworth St. oneDout 79 . '''t i .... Attorney Rawls. " A' spirit of enthusiasm waa aroused, which. It Is believed, will irreatly Increase tha Interest In the work during the. coming, year. lonfy was pledged for increasing the work the next year. The next convention will he held at Plattsmouth. Cliff Westcott of IMatts mouth was re-elected president and George Iv. Farley secretary. TOCKMM WITH THE PRF.'IDEYT Mir ! Some None' w. bat Helps Fnrnra. GRAND iaiANn, Neb.. June 7; (Spe cial.) "If tha packers'and live stock Inter eats of Chicago and elsewhere believe that they can stir up tlwi mock feeders and grower of the country against the admin istration and In favnr of a whitwashlng of the packing Institution of Chicago," said a prominent feeder and -shipper of cattle, "I think they will And themselves mistaken. For a tlm we are likely to experience se ver losses owing to the revelations made and the reports .uhmlite4 to the presi dent and' the recomtrnWda'tfoYi made by him In his message of 'WpdAy. hut the inter ests of the stock grow --s.'" now that the question Is up, now that there Is uneasi ness In foreign market as' to 'American meats and since the reports of the un cleanly and unsanitary conditions are abroad anyway, are for the prompt Inaugu ration of such Bupervtslon and regulatlona a will absolutely assure for all time a pre vention of such conditions and the perma nent safety and reliableness ot American meat products. W have four cars of csttla on thf Chicago market today. We would rather lose $100 per car today than to eeo this thin whitewashed, only to make the mnrket more unreliable by just so much from a possibility of the recurrence of such charges." 1. Drunkenness, Opium, Morohlne. Cocaine, and r other drug addictions are diseased conditions. 2. Therefore, scientific medical treatment is nec essary. 3. In case of eiclcness, none but the best should be accepted. 4. Our treatment is known the world over, and has proved its merit in over 350,000 cases. 5. JV give value received, and that is the reason we are at the head in our specialty. 6. The "only Keeley Institute in the state of Nebraska is located in Omaha. Sa4 lor Mf-free bokl "Faeto About tha KmUt Cure." rrr.r .toe mm wsmun sTMckWacaat - 0MAIA, MX VOt HO PEOPLE AT BROKE BOW lnlte4 Brethren Society Holds later- sting Session This Week. BROKEN BOW. Neb.. June ?. (Special.) Tha Toung People's Christian I'nlon convention of the West Nebraska branch of the United Brotherhood was held at Broken Bow, Neb. The convention waa opened Tuesday evening with song sen-ice, conducted by the Rev. Barkhelmer. The delegates were cordially welcomed by Miss Anna Hyatt and Mr. Ramoli Ryerson, to which Rev. N. W. Huffman responded. The Rev. Harvey then preached a sermon. The services were opened Wednesday by devotion, conducted by Mr. McVay. fol lowed by an addreaa by Rev. 8. M. Zlke. president. In which he spoke of the great opportunities of the young people of to day. The following papers were then read: "The object of Thla Convention," Gertrude Noll; "The Model President," Grace Ool Uher; "How May Young People Become More Proficient In Religious Work?" Ada Bickenson. At I p. m. devotion waa led by the Rev. Gollaher. Then a very Interesting round ' table followed. The following questions were discussed: "The fundamental princi ple of society; how Is It a part of the church? What Is essential to the best work of the Toung People's Christian I'nlon so ciety? Its relation to the church; how may It help the pastor? How the pastor may help or hinder It? Papers on the following queatlona were next given: "The I'nlon of Toung Peo ple's Societies," M. Arnold: "Some Causes of Failure In Societies and the Remedy." Miss Ranter; "Tbe necessity of the Re- . llgious Element in Our Toung People's Christian Union." Ada Graves. Mas Dies on Trala. BROKEN BOW. Neb., June 7. (SpecUl Telegram.) Mart r Anderson of Wyncote, Wyo.. while en route to the hospital at Grand Island under the charge of Dr. C. Li. McCreery. died suddenly, on the train tWa morning Just before reaching Broken Bow. Undertaker Cole took charge of the body at thla point and an aktopsy held this afternoon showed apo plexy was the cause of death. Anderson waa 40 years old and a native of Sweden. jnd eight Inches from the tip of one wing to the tip of the other wing. Its bill Is fifteen Inches long. He sold the bird to a man who will have It mounted. L.EIOH Ijlgh Is making arrangements to celebrate the Fourth of July In good ehane. More than 3S0 has been raised for the expenses. The commutes have already secured some drawing sttraetlnns. FREMONT The warm weather of the past two days is Just whst the farmers need for corn. The crop Is sll In and look ing well but Is of course late. A few loads of this season's hay haa been on the market. OIQNEVA Testerdsy ' at high noon, Walter Roscoe Mosee and Miss Bessie B. Bahcock were married at the home of ths bride's parents. Mr and Mrs. E. D. Bab cock of Ohlowa, Rev. O. L Moor rector of the Methodist church officiating. BEATRICE- Mr. Ear A. Webster of Omaha and Miss Ena Taylor were niKrrled at the brldo'a home at Blue Springs yes terday. Immediately after the ceremony the young couple departed for Omaha, where they will make their home. BEATRICE Mr. Charles Buhrmann and Miss Grace .Balderson were married Tues day evening at the bride's home near Tlck rell. Rev. W. N. Mllla officiating. They will reside In Plokrell where the groom Is engaged In the general merchandise busi ness. ' L.KIGH Mrs. Chris Relmlger. died last evening of pneumonia and heart trouble. Bhe had been In ill health for some time, but was In town last Friday nd ap parently was much better. Sne leaves a husbsnd and several children. The funeral will be r-ld Friday. BEATRICE At a meeting of Hose com pany No. i last evening R. E. Thompson tendered nis resignation aa president, ana Ira Lock was elected to fill the vacancy. Mr. Thompson left the city tohav fot Harblne, where he will engage In the pumr and windmill business. BEATRICE Dr. Clara Hardy yesterda received a letter from Miss Isabella May nurd of this city, suiting that she had sailed from New Tork City for Europe last Sat urday. Mis Maynard will study music while In Europe, where she expects to re msln for a year or more. OAKLAND Miss Mannle Larson, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Larson, was mar ried at her home here. Wedneednv to Glen W. Cockrell of Emerson, Rev. L. Arlander of the Baptist church officiating. They will reside at Emerson where the groom hss a harness shop. OAKLAND At the home of Mr. and Mra. Charles Wlckstrom, Ave miles east of this city, at t o'clock Wednesday afternoon, occurred the marriage of their eldest daughter. Carrie, to Mr. Otto B. Matt son of Hooper. Rev. C. F. Sandahl of the Swed ish Lutheran church officiating. SEWARD The annual meeting of the German Mutual Insurance company waa held In Seward and elected O. E. Ber necker president. D. liankera vice prest- and H Andrew Rchnets secretary The receipts tne las-i Bendsaaea Settle Shortage. FALLS CITY. Neb.. June 7. (Special.) The city council met Wednesday night and agreed to accept the proposition for settle ment made by the bondsmen of E. O. Bode last Monday night. They all settled with the exception of P. H. Jusscn, who had not signed the agreement, and so fas aa they are concerned the affair Is closed. dent. Bernerker treasurer. yenr were I1.2M.04. After the insurance meeting the members took up the matter of the annual German day picnic and the day Is art for August ti. GRAND ISLAND A number of the business men or the city are circulating a subscription list for the purpose of raising a sufficient sum for a Fourth of July celebration. The first ten men signed $r0 each and as soon aa the list Is com pleted organisation will be perfected. PAPILLION A warrant waa Issued yesterday and placed In the . hands of Pherlff McEvoy for the arrest of Ernest Ptrotlnger by William Baron. He charges the defendant with having challenged htm to fight a duel. The hearing la set Tor Friday, June . The parties are from I'latford precinct. NEBRASKA CITY Mrs. Hannah Crume died this afternoon at her home In Greggs port. The deceased was about 70 year of age. She Is survived by three sons and five daughters, the following being resi dent of this city: Mrs. Otis Hlgglns, Mrs. J. Campbell, Mra. Belcher, Dan Crume, P. Crume and Charles Crume. FREMONT Charles KUIlan an em ploye of the Fremont Gas company had a close call from asphylaxlation. while digging up a leaky gas main on Main street yesterday afternoon. By the ap plication of the usual remedies In such cases. Including about a quart of whisky, he soon came out of It all tight. BEATRICE At a meeting of the city council last night a portion of sn -alley and a strip ten feet along Third street waa leased to Henry Flshback, who expects to sonn begin the erection of a cold storage plant In that part of the city to cost taft.dOO. A motion by Clancy to purchase 110.000 of 4 per cent bonds for $,8oo was lost. BURCHARD Both J. C. Sedam and Tom Smith, who were tried laat week for the illegal selling of whisky In Burchard. were 'found guilty of bootlegging and fined 1"0 and costs. In default of which they will be imprisoned In the county jail. There are everal other chargea against Sedam, nnd if he makes any more trouble here thev will be pressed. NEBRASKA CITY At high noon today at the home of the brlde'a parents, two miles southwest of this city, Mr. C. E. Dwyer and Mlsa Lulu Hollnbaugh. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Hollabaugh. were united In marriage by Rev. C. A. Msstln. pastor of the Methodist Episcopal church. The ceremony wss performed on the Iswn under a group of old trees. Mr. and Mrs. Dwyer left this evening for an extended trip to Massachusetta. FREMONT-Tralnmaster Holt of the Burlington was arrested here today on the charge of assault or) Jacob Stanfield. a coal heaver at the yards. Stanfield had been drinking and the two men had some words shout the latter's pay when, accord ing to Stanfield, Holt struck him a terrific blow on the nose, breaking that organ and knocking him down. Holt asserts that the man called him some bad names and that his temper getting the better of him he drew off and bit him. He . pleaded not guilty and bis trial waa set for tomorrow morning In police court. : Bt'RCH ARD The Western t'nlnn tle grsph poles slong the line f the Burling ton road, nrtween janie iioca ami vy more. are to be replaced, a crew passing through here ' yesterday distributing the new ones. During the storm of Friday last two poles were blown acroH. the track near Armour and the section crew wn called out In the rain to remove them. An Inspection followed nl It wa found the poles are all naaiy roitea. , LEIGH Two real estate deals were made here yesterday that Is of passing Interest. One wss the sale of the-Roren Anderson farm located two miles west of town to Frit Hokemelr, a neighboring farmer. The consideration was W per acre. The farm Is well located and well improved. The other was a quarter section located two miles north of town sold by Ed Murdeman to John Oeltjen. -consideration $12,000 Both deals were made through the Maple Val ley State bank. FREMONT Excavating for the new Young Men'a Christian association began today, though two of the buildings on- the site have not yet . been removed. The building contract has not yet been let though the plana haye. been .practically de cided upon. The building Will be threa stories high. ' The first story will be 44x1 JX The second and. third will be eight feet longer extending to the rear wall of May Brothers building, the third story will be arranged for rooms and It is expected will yield a good Income for the .association. GRAND ISLAND The funeral of Po lice Judge Henry Garn waa held yesterday afternoon from his residence and wa one oi' the most largely attended taking place In thla city in many month. The de ceased, who passed away from quick con sumption, following other ailment, was a member of the UKind Armjr Of the Re public and of the Ancient Order of United Workmen. He was formerly a German newspaper man, was a member of the HalJ county bar and was well known In thi section of the state. He leave hi wife and several sons and daughters, all grown, to mourn his loss. GRAND ISLAND R.' S. MrOovern, a traveling man representing a Chicago har ness linn, left his grips standing In thu women's department of the Union Pactfio depot to return to his hotel,' having foe gotten something. When he returned the small hand satchel was gone. It was his first trip out for his firm, and since all of hla money waa In the grip he waa "up against it plenty." The police department was notified, but the first search revealed neither thief nor property. Finally, on the next morning, a more complete search by one of the officers and MrOovern wa re warded by finding the grip under an ele vator, the i-ontents rlfinfl, but the en velnpee containing the money all In place. The thieves In their hast had forgotten to look Into the envelopes. ijy,vv' ; -' i ' " t ' Tea Sarar fCrnet i Graaa lalaaa College CoBBaaeareateat. GRAND ISLAND, Neb.. June ".(Spe cial.) The annual commencement exercises of the Grand Island college were held this morning at the first Bapttat church In thla city, four young people graduating from the college course Miaa Julia Eleanor Porter, Ella Franklin Starr, Lorenso Dow Weyand and Mia May Grafton. In connection with the earn a the annual meeting of the board of truateea of the college wa held last night. The college la found to be in a fine, growing condition and ranks as second In the state of the denominational schools. The ninth annual mualcal of the college was held last night and the oratorical and de clamatory contests, the aetslons of the atate Baptist Toung People' union, the Sunday School union and the clergy of the church In the atate have Oiled up the week the annual Baptist week In Grand Island. Cats Of Brother' Finger. UTICA, Neb.. June 7. (Special Telegram.) Herman Robb. 3 year old, had the mis fortune to have the third finger of hi left hand cut off by hi older brother to day. He waa playing near where the other was digging post holes with an augi r and got his hand caught. NEHAWKA. Neb., June, T. (Special.) The sixth annual convention of the Sun day School Worker of Caa county closed her last night. The attendance waa un usually large, almost every school In the county being represented. There were several fine addresses;- notably, thoae of Mr. B. Welph, Prof.- Rouse and County jcwa af Nebraska. GENEVA This section is needing rain quite badly, not having had the usual amount of moisture for the month of May. OAKLAND C. J. Swanaon of this i-lty purchased the Crane hotel property this week from the Lland Iand company for t2.K0. COLUMBUS The report of Columbus for the month of May Is twelve birtha and nine dtaths: for April It waa an even thirteen each. GENEVA This week of the Normal found quite an Increase In the number of teacher enrolled, although some have left for their homes. OAKIjAND Mr. John Freese. a farmer living south of town, wss married Wednes day to Miss Ellse Taeaer. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Helnrtch Taeger. SEWARD At the home of the bride Wednesday evening occurred the marriage of Miss Alta Lawalin and Mr. Chester Shonecker. A reception followed. BEATRICE The Da via block on Eaet Court afreet, belonging to the Northwestern Mutual Ufe Insurance company, waa auld yesterday to J. R. Spirer for 17.000. BEATRICE The mar tinge of Mr. Clifford Barnes and Miss Mary Cooper was solem nised yesterday at 11 o'clock at the Chria- tian parsonage. Rev. J. E. Davis officiating. I HEWAKD-Mr. Jacob Hiner of Beaver Croesing wa seriously injured bv being thrown from a carriage last Monday, suf fering a concussion of the spine and other bruise. HARVARD Daniel Hartnet of Lincoln and Miss Cella Deeringer of Harvard were married at early maa thia morning at St. Joseph's church In this city by Rev Father Craning. SEWARD-Ollve. the daughter of Prof and Mra. A. K. Wet son of Itlca. was marl rled at their home Wednesday to Mr Oeorge D. Sears of Bert rand. Neb., Rev' Otto Ponater officiating. PAPILLION The case against Dr. Stewart of Springfield, who was found guilty by the board of Insanity, haa been carried to the ditrle court and will be beard by Judge Day, June 11. "SEWARD Harvey Davis of ft.ihv h. a peilcea Monday that measured iht feet r Hi CLOSING OUT SALE OF 1 . Many thousand dollars' worth of rare, an tique and modern pieces in this collection, con sisting of room sizes, hall runners, and the smaller sizes and beautiful Kilems for portieres or couch covers. . ; This is a clearance sale of unusual importance and an occasion where the person of modest means is permitted to revel in Oriental luxury. Every piece must be sold in the next two weeks. In making your selection you: have the assistance and advice of expert salesmen with our guarantee of no misrepresentation, perfect satisfaction, or money returned. , . , .. . Herewith we quote a few prices to give you an idea of the unusual values: $125.00 Kirmanshaw, size 4-2x6-7, at.$ 90.00 $130.00 Shiraz, size 4-5x7-4,, at $ 90.00 $90.00 Shiraz, size 4-2x5-10, at '.$ 50.00 $65.00 Kazak, size 4-7x7-5, at $ 45.00 $57.50 Mosul, size 3-10x8, at $ 35.00 $55.00 Mosul, size 4-2x7-3, at $ 35.00 $28.00 Shirvan, size 3-8x4-11, at $ 17.50 $28.50 Shirvan, size 3-8x4-7, at $ 18.00 $32.00 Shirvan, size 3-8x5, at $ 19.00 $25.00 Shirvan, size 3-6x5-3, at 17.50 $24.00 Shirvan, size 3-4x5, at. . . . $ 15.00 Anatolian Mats, $2.00, $3.00, $4.60, $6.50 md $7.00. $20.00 Shirvan, size 2-11x4-2, at.....$ 13.50 $21.00 Beloochistan, size 2-9x4-7, at. .$ 15.00 $18.00 Beloochistan, size 29x3-7, at. .$ 12.00 $115.00 Khiva, size 7-1x9, at '.'...$ 80.00 $110.00 Khiva, size 6-6x9-8, at. .... .$ 78,00 $195.00 Muskabad, size 8-11x12-4, at. $135X0 $210.00 Muskabad, size 9x11, at. ... . .$145.00 $245.00 Fine India, size 8-3x15-3, at. .$185.00 $260.00 Sparta, size 8-9x11-3, at $195.00 $160.00 Anatolian Silk, size 3-llx5-l,at $95.00 $Uo.UO Anatolian Silk, size 3-9x5-5, at $85.00 STElVAflT fi BEATON, SSggSg - a . - J- Or JTl-