Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 08, 1906, Page 2, Image 2

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    1lrhon Do-ntTa 619.
Cotton ; ChallW , in beautiful Persian ; Haby carriage trapa. f pink, aatla rib-.jlatest creation. Every piece bright. new
designs, soft finished material at &c, e j bon. hand pafn'.ed,'' very pretty. a "Well as ( and snappy. See gmVIs displayed In our
a yard.. , 'useful, prlc - -'; 'Sixteenth street window. Not carefully
Kimono bllr. silk Aalhd. In .vary Baby clothe hanger. In pink and light ! the duality of silk to be sold and the un
el.borat Japan .'.prmtltigs at 13V; a ! blue, toe. &c and ll.W usual heavy reduction.
yard1 j
Prettv IAwns and Reflates at 1V, l:!Vc. j
lie a vard
Wool finished Batlatea. In Persian de
signs knd polka dot a. JSc. a yard.
Arnolds '. Netaukl wool finished, beauti
ful Japanese design on cream colored
background. ..'JSc ji yrd.
Japanese Crepon.ih the Istest Japanese
coloring at 10c a yard.
Wasb goods department In basement.
See display Of fine wash goods In Six
teenth' afreet window.
Our , Infants' Wear Dept.
A complete department by Itself, where
we lopk after the wants of the wee little
tts. ,tvery gannent that tends to complete-
tb wardrobe for the little onea, al
those' JKtl effects so dear to a Toother's
heart will be found In this popular de
partrnfflt. Come and have. a. look. '. W
mill bv pleased to show the pretty thing
litliet Jou wish to purchas or not.
V Celluloid Novelties.,
Absorb considerable . attention, and
though the holiday bits1nes Is the biggest
l'em. 'fhere Is a st,jy demand for- them
a gifts for rhrlstenlnira and other special
occasions. The variety In the things
:s quit extensive", and the daintiest of
hand painted floral designs In pink and blua
appeer In tholr decorations. ; . I
Tiny Toilet Pets ' consisting of comb,
brush, soap and powder bwx, prices $2.60,
$. and ..
Celluloid Teelhlng Rings combined with
rattle, 3E.r, fife (Mid Ac each.
Dnlnty cellululd band painted boxes. n
Itglit blue and white, filled with baby,
ribbon and bodkin, price $1.00 each.
Pretty hand painted boxes covered with'
pink and light blua ribbon, used for baby's
trinkets, prices H)e and 75c each.
Hot water bottles, ' with pretty silk
covers of white, pink and light blue, 60c
to $1.60 each. ".'.-. "' .'
make any trade or deal, that h did not
know what th president plan wo, but
believed It was to aecur adequate legisla
tion. Mr. Nelll followed this statement
with a . latter h h4 received from Dr.
Dyaon In which It was suggested a sani
tary commute b appointed and that the
packers be given thirty days to accom
plish Improvements, pending which no re
ports should be mad.
: Mr. Nelll rather discouraged a visit of
'th commute to Chicago at this time,
aa many of th condition fomplalned of
were due to and could have been
remedied Immediately-
Wlla Directly Caatraaleted.
Mr. Nelll denied th statement of Mr.
Wilson that the floors wr scrubbed dally.
Tbe dirt on some of th rooms waa caked
,oa the floor and had. not been washed for
Mr. NelU ld he at, first began making
notes of the conditions,' but after several
days, seeing 06 In conditions from
-He felt justified In saying ihat the dirty
'floor was a common condition. - There were
.some dirty and som clesn rooms, but a
clean room seemed accidental and gave
'the impression that sanitation waa not a
matter that ( looked after In those
plants. This Included alt th large plants.
Again Mr. Nelll waa asked: "You take
uireci ihkus wun wr. wuson on the fact
that these rooms wer not cleaned?"
' "Yes. sir. I do."
"There wer floors there that war black.
There was no ventilation. Theae rooms
were not 'chill rooms. These, without ex
ception, were the niost satisfactory pait
or the plants abd no fault Could be found,"
salU Mr. Nellk ;
"liut your did not mention anything cred
iiab'.a your report," remarked Chairman
V.'atWwenh. "Were .you there simply to
nr.d uuitr" , . .
Objection to Artlflelal l.lKht.
"No, we Understood lhat we were to ascer
tilu c mdltlona that needed legislative rem," answered Mr. Nelll.
Kejirventatlva' Haijgen (U ) wanted lo
kuo.v th objection to artificial light. "We
Uf uoi king tight here In this room with
artificial light ajul have fifty others right
In th'i capitol."
. "My' cpliilotr Is," replied Mr. Nelll. "that
no ot) , should be vrequtred to work eight
'Ii'or u day by art I tit la I light."
'. Mi. Nelll said he remembered In particu
lar one cooking room was dirty ami he m
Ji:emlered walli. luirticuliii ly In the en
tianits, that vua, sticky with dirt and. a
pillar Uiav.ycu vould ri dirt from Willi
j ou;' Knife. Tliciv were joonis with i afters
ai.d ct'Ungs which bad not been white
washed iir months. '
Mr. asked a number uf questions
tu find out if Mr. Nelll saw meat In transit
from the curing vats to the cooking vat.
Tlut Mr.. Nelll would not answer this 01
trctly. -' did nut follow the meat In that
way.' be said. "We came' upon meat In all
rchard & Wilhelm
CARPET CO., qUJ.16.18 Si loth St.
The Refrigerator Question
'.-j' give us more profit, but no other refrigerator will give YOU
' as much satisfaction as THE HERRICK.' ?
Wo Arc Now Showlna Jill Sizes In
Opal Glass, White Enameled and
Spruce Lined, S14
'i m.
1 '.'' ' '.'. '
Cool Materials for Kimonos arid
Dressing Sacqucs,
Infanta' wear department, north aisle,
main floor.
TJ! I Trii - J T J
' Cool, serviceable summer undermtar for
women at attractive prices Ladles' gauss
lisle vests, low neck, sleeveless, plain tape
top very sheer and fine, 36a each, or I for
11. W.
' 1. ad lea fine rlblied gaaae cotton drawers,
I made with French band, umbrella knee,
lace trimmed, 26c, 36c each.
Ladles' gauxe cotton, odd alse vests, low
j neck, sleeveless', 35c and fific each. Drawers'
i to match vests.; knee, length, 36c. 6nc each.'
i Ladles' knitted underwear department,
i main' floor,' center aisle.
Ladies' Gowns, 50c Each. " j
Special mention are-tnesa gowns at t h 4
; low price. Vacation seeking women will '
profit nicely In laying In their Bummer
' supply from this offering. Fine quality bf
, cambric gowns made with V nrk and long
sleeves; also some of musllg, with, em
broidery insertions and tucked yokes; very
special value at 60c each. ',' " ' '
. .-. - ...
Aprons : v j .. . .
Of fin lawn, with hemstitched tuck and
embroidery Insertion; some with embroid
ery edging; worth .up -to S6c; special sal
price 60c each. Muslin underwear depart
ment, second (loot' ... t , . ,r -
Lace Hose 25c, per Pair.
Women's lace cotton hose of exceptional
value In black, whit and fan.' Tli 'pat
terns are all new and a larg line to select
from. The quality we offer at this price
Is not shown every 4m On sale In base
ment ; special value, 26c per pair.
This Season's. Beautiful Silks
at Sweeping Reductions
. Monday, June 11th. .
You will be delighted with the An line
to choose from. The- styles are of the
Howard Corner Sixteenth Street
stages, not knowing . where' It ,cam from
or where It was going'.'
Filth In Bowlna- Room.
In th boning room Mr. Nelll said h
had aeen dirt. In thl connection he took
Issue with Mr. Wilson's statement yester
day. On Instance he remembered Speci
fically In the Nelson Morris house. H
saw one of th men who had ?ur finished
his boning, walk over the dirt on. th floor
to a pll of meat on- the floor, climb on
to the pile with his feet,' knee and hands,
pick up a piece and throw It fifteen feet
on th floor to his bench and a the dinner
signal aounded at that time he saw men'
'climb upon their tables, get 'their lunches
and U. down on .their. . tables . to . eat. , . This,
he said, waa directly under- th y -of the'
superintendent.- ? . '"':"'" -,'
Mr. Nelll said the paper, herajd'ftd their
arrival In Chicago and. their presence in
the packing ' bouses -was . knows ' dally..
Asked again about the bone roftveyW by
Mr. Lorlmer,, Mr.' Nellt aald b fonVyer
was. covered with, grease tyack ' wt li .dirt.;
lie waa not prepared U aay that that
-particular conveyer . wsa used ;lrf ,'fiartl-.
ular place. " '. '-'-'.'
Chairman Wartsw'orth. took. Up ilM-flAt-'
ment In the report. 'W 1 1 aw meat
shoveled from dirty floor Intro rotten boxes
and pushed 'to room.'-. '.',-''
"How do you know -.they were rotten?
Did yon test them?" '
"We felt them and smelt .thetn; Tber
ur floors there," he continued, Vwhlob all
the seas could not wah th dirt from."
The slipping of a hog. Into a .privy was
made the subject of a colloquy between
the witness and Representative Brook of
Colorado. ' .
Mrr Nelll. said he saw. the .hog fall and
Identified a picture of the. privy, the hog
was put up on the rack and he believed the
hog was. never cleaned. ,' ... .,. ,'
.Chairman Wadsworth persisted that the
witness might "believe" .the hog was not
cleaned, but he did not' "know" it.
At this point Mr- Wllso.i waa allowed to
state that there were men scraping and
cleaning th hog and that none was al
lowed In the cooling .room that was not
perfectly clean. ' ' "' ' "
"This wss pot a case .for scraping; It was
one for cleaning with an antiseptic fluid."
replied Mr. Nelll : - - '- ' -
'. 4turluia . Atxtiiraejr. Hepan-t.
Chairman Wadsworth persisted that the
hug case contained tit esaone of the whole
report. The statement was positively made
In the report that the hog was not cleaned,
lie said, when, as a inuttej- of fact. M.r. Nelll
had admitted lie. had nut followed, the hog
to ascertain the fau( he had seated v";
Going- back to tl'n stateiuent regarding
the tuberculosis spittle on the floor.' Mr.
Wadpworth Insisted that Mr. Nelll. did not
know as fact that the workmen bad tuber
culosis. "The fact was established ' to my own
mind," persisted Mr. Nelll. "1 can only
say that I believe IV." .
Has long been settled by us. Wheu we
took the exclusive agency for the HER
RICK we did fully believing that it
was the best constructed, most scientific
ally built of any ou the .market. It
SAVES MONEY. Has )erfeet dry cold
air circulation, mineral wool lined
built upon such principles' that insures
the preservation of provisions.
We could sell refrigerators that would
and up.
K.-.v.-vi.' '
Lace and Embroideried Boleros
w showing these pretty good In
i Kmbroldtred Batiste, Linen snd Lac ef
fects. In the very latest style.
Whlta Lace-Trimmed Lawn Boleros at
$1.75 each.
Tale Blue Linen Bolero, trimmed with
Whit Lace, at $.1.00.
Heavy White Linen Bolero, Embroidery
trimmed, at $6.50 earh.
Embroidered Batiste Bolero at $7.00 and
$10.00 each.
Very handsome Linen Kmbroldered and
Lace Jacket at $16.00 and $30.00 each.
Laces in Basement. .
See the special lots of Vnlenclennea
Laces ot 3c. 4c, Sc a yard.
One special lot of Embroidery Edgings,
from 4 to Inches wide, at c a yard.
One special lot of Swiss Flouncing, 1
inches wide, at JSc a yard. .
' On special lot of lt-lnch Corset Cover
Embroidery at 38c a yard. (
On special lot of White Cotton Dres
Braids, with colefed mixture, at 6c a yard.
We Are Ready
to serve you with a complete tin of'
Toilet Good at popular prices. Com and
Investigate this new 'department. .' i
Talcum Powders.
Colgate' Violet Talcum Powder, Brad-,
ley' Woodland Violet, Mennen' Violet
and Violet Berated Talcum Powder.
. MaJvlnna Cream. Pompeiao, . Satin Skin
and Superior Cold Cream.
Most any wanted kind of Tooth Powder
or Paste. ,
William's Shaving Stick or plain .. Bar
Complexion Powder and Brushes., and
many other little articles you are apt .to
need. , ' ,
"Oh, well, there Is a difference between
belief s.nd knowledge," said Mr. Lorimer.
"Well, I know. It." replied Mr. Nelll,
- "Did you examine them?"
"I observed them."
"You aay other diseased persona also;
what other diseases?"
"I am not willing to state." r
"Well, doctor," said Mr. Lorimer,. "you
have made these statements to the world
In a report which the president has sent
to us, and which has done Incalculable In
Jury to this Industry and we want to know
the lacta." '
"I have mad this report and am" willing
to stand on 4t," replied Mr. Nelll. "There
wer smells of medicine on- these men -that
you get In dlftpensorles for certain diseases."
Mr, .Nelll here asked permission to. make
a. st'atatjint..41 -said that l was six
weeks, ago. that, he was in Chicago, He
saw "hundreds, 6f thing that did. no.t go
li lo; ihls. repoct.' As , to , the .' rubWaU t ha t
went Into the meat, he did not specify
L'riRbblsh, anali.wubbish. a piece of rope.'' '
"I saw rubbish' go into that meat and
said. so." As 4o tuberculosis, he hid. roade
observations and also had Interviewed
physicians who had told Mm -the , work
tended to produce that disease. .
estl f Morality.
A to the tendency of the work' In the
packing houses' to lower the moral,.. Mr.
Nelll said he believed that this la tb cae.
"As an Instance," he said, "a young girl
It or 17 year old had to walk across. a long
room filled with men to go Into a water
.closet this does not tend to morality, espe-
) daily when some of. those men are of the
lowest type I will not ay tbe worker
are Immoral.",.-
When Mr. Lorimer asked the witness If
he had any complaint to make as to his
treatment as a witness, Mr. Nelll replied
that the treatment of the withes (Mr.
Wilson) yesterday by certain members of
the-'committee and the treatment of him
self today by the same members was strik
ingly Different, especially when the testi
mony of Mr. Wilson tended to raise a di
rect question of veracity between himself
and Mr. Reynolds and Mr. Wilson.
"That's Just what I think,' too," asserted
Representative Lamb (Va ), warmly.
Mr. Nelll denied that the girls sit down.
"They may 'have permission, but there is
nothing for them lu alt on," lie aasertad.
He also referred to a room for girl workers
which was poorly ventilated.
' "Did you have any objection to the man
ner In which the meat was handled In this
loom'.''' asked Mr. Lorimer.
"T must say." after a pause," replied Mr.
Nelll, "that I was so Interested In ob
serving th condition of the workers In
that room that 1 did not take nolle of the
Mr. Nelll commended the government In-
! apectlun, but would nut commit himself
on the stat Inspection.
I It as a mistake -to state, as' Mr. Wll-
sou did yesterday, be said, that the pack-
Ing houses' are open to (lie public. He
J then described the Hog sticking ,' process
! inil Mtttri ''Orta''m&n -l(..L-l.. '!,.... aa
nearly as clean us 1 am, another waa cov
ered with blood.'' He describe! one room
where girls were packing dried' beef In
which the girls looked we! and clean. The
fault In this room, and this applied al
most universally, was that the wster closet
ventilated into the room. The closets were
j flushed automatically.
Every suggestion made to correct the
"absolutely brutal indifference" with which
th employes, especially the young girls
wer treated, be said, was met by the
statement, "Oh, they don't mind that."
Th committee then adjourned until 10:30
o'clock tomorrow.
ee-retary ml War Says Sapplles Will
LONDON. .June 7. The Hous of Com
mons reassembled today after the Whit
suntide recesa and set to work on the
sriny appropriations.
In tbe course of th debate Hugh Cecil
Lea. liberal, ta newspaper proprietor), bo
has served In th British and American
armies, pressed the government f6r an as
surance that no more 'American tinned
meat would . b purchased for th British
army. lie asaertad, from personal ob
servation, that th ct7idltlon under which
It la pauk4 ar revolt;
War Secretary Lialdan replied that b
would be sorry to 'Insist that all tinned
meats must be bought In th t'nlted King-
som. H intended to purcnas wnerever
j h- could procure the best and purest and
tihad already elctd an officer who waa
xprt la the matter and bad ant
him t th TL'nttad State to Inspect ll
'a- oaretwllr befo aay wwr parrbased.
That course would be pursued In th case
of all tinned maa Mr. I aa aska if thta
offli-er would have actoa t tn factory
and b able t see Wow lb .work was
don, to which'the 'ecr-try Teplled: "That
Is bf t arh safuMng Cim to America. He
will vee'thc meat In pKiceaw of manufac;
ture before It la. aetit crV " ,
.Henry W. riartfter.' cnnatlve. asked
whether the War ifTI W Jiad power to cancel
contract If It wu nfit satisfied with the
conditions . under . w h(ehr, the mast w ai
tinn. .. - ' I
Mr. lJuldane aal tha.War office fortu
nately had jery w-Mtpowfre under tin
contract and Intended using - fhem to the
fullest extent. ' "' ' ', T ,'
The secretary' aolf 4 that the War office
hsd bought large quantities of tinned mrat
In America and ha(l a large contract for
further supplies. AJt the present, the sec
retary reminded the , house, the I'nltcd
Ststes was not th only place where bed
meat was turned otrt. The question cf the
purity of British product had been raised
at times in the pisXTh wbole question
required Investigation. . He knew personally
under what disgusting conditions ment In
some cases was packed In th I'mted
Health Officer. Kays e Disease Fol
. ' lows t ee o( .Asierlrs Ktoda.
LIVERPOOJU Jin (.-Reassuring state
menu regarding American canned goods
wera made by both the chairman and tbe
medical officer' at ' today's meeting of the
Liverpool beUh committee.-. The chair
man emphasized the carefulness of the In
peotion tiere And aald A very large num
ber k of tin, were examined . yearly and
all of them hd kbeen found, to be quit
good." ' Consinier therefor' need not b
alarmed. . the '"committee was closely
watcblng their Interests. '
-Medical Officer "'Mope declared that th
great bulk of tinned meat arrived at Llvr
pool -ln a - very; excellent condition. There
had not beeii a . single Instance of harm
from Such rnt brotigfet to light, so far aa
-h khw. Ftrtosp jsW -to 400 ton of tinned
meat Wer destroyed 'yearly because the
tins wr . blown;' owing to defective
fastening.'. Tbt,.' kowever. was a small
percentage and. thVgreat bulk was In first
class condition, t-;.
Continuing, Mr, Hope said: "Against
thee fact we hav to set the statement
of the president of the United State, and,
while the Utter give th Immense weight
of hi authority to the existence of abomi
Inable conditions at' Chicago, I advla th
people to retrain from buying anything
doming" from Chicago so long a the con
dition exist.". , , ,
DIAMONDWFrnser. tb and Dodge at
Nebraska City VUlte fcy M wk
Hob Cltlsenc tk
- Street.
NEBRASKA CITY, June T.-(SpeclJil.
Several holdup 'occurred on the tret
last evening and three victim are minus
an aggregate um of $300. The Patterson
Bralnard Carnival company I In.he city
this week and It ba attracted a large
crowd of stranger, and the -crimes nre
supposed to hav been committed by pro
fessional thieves .following th carnival.
Ed Lowe was, held up on North Eighth
street and his -pocket pioked. Tw negroes
did th work.,- On; of,-them-held Low
while the other on look, his pockntbook,
which contained 4. : ,
A traveling, -man from Chicago-met twa
colored women on .the street. Thry se
cured his pockejtbook.- abstracted $96 nnd
returned th empty wallet to hi pockof.
He reported the theft to the police, but
refused to give hi name, -as he had a wife
and family v. residing , In Chicago.' Tiif
women secured i the, money w hll he was
conversing wib; them near a' nMtrk alley.
- Ian .McCaulsy, ij; ody. yxa,, was robbefl
of $40 ,wjijle ' walking, oa. the ,treet. .. He
missed the. money axly,. Jn . the evening,
but wa .unabl to giv any' of th par
ticulars. . .. . ,
When Mrs. William, Qunn returned to her
home last nlgnt she discovered a .man In
tbe bouse searching for. .valuables. He made
bis eacap. but forgot to tak ill plunder.
A Mr. Steele attempted to commit sui
cide at the .National . hotel this afternoon
by taking oil of tansy, A physician was
called . and revlvied her. . She reused to
give any reaaon for attempting to take
her life. Her husband la . connected with
the carnival.. Th police have not. made
any arrests, but have several persons un
der observation.
tae Tried la Federal Coart Her
Determine Validity f
( I, . .
Th famous Brswer decision regulating
the sale and use of liquor by -Indians
la being tested In 'a suit filed before Judge
Munger of the United State court In
Omaha. Simeon Hallowell,' a prominent
Indian, wa selected .as the defendant and
Thomas L. Sloan Is his attorney. .The
stlpulatlona were made yesterday and the
Jury practically Instructed to find for th
government whose' Interests ar cared for
by District Attorney Goes. Mr. Sloan will
appeal lo the circuit- court of appeals and
if Its decision is adverse to his cause, will
cany' the case ' on up to the supreme
Trior to th Brewer decision, which. In
brief, held an Indian who had . taken up
his land In severalty and become a oltlsen
has the same right as any other cltlsen
with relation to liquor or anything else,
the government slways prosecuted th
white man who supplied th Indian with
liquor when a case of bootlegging cam up.
Now th Indian mho la a cltlsen also Is
piosecuted or Is subject to prosecution. In
th vase at hand Hallowell, It Is alleged
and the government claims to hav proven
Its esse procured the liquor outside of the
reservation, Intending to take it ham for
his own consumption. But h gave Bf, It
to bis wife and other members of the
family. , ,
Another vital point of th Brewer de
cision wsa that th Indian being a cltjsen,
be was subject to the Isws of th state In
whli-b he resided and waa t b triad by
the sta.e court the same as any other
cltlsien of the commonwealth.
Great Interest centers In the ultimata
outcome of this case, as th defendant Is
one of the most prominent of th Indians,
selected because of his prominence.
I.I very Ba rm at Yataktoa.
' YANKTON. S. D-, Jon T. Opeelal.)
A bad fir at 2 o'clock thl morning de
stroyed the big livery barn of W. T. Van
Epps. seven horse and a dosen or 'mora
vehicles, for an hour th who) town
wa threatened, a th sparks from th
larg building mere carried by a stlf
brees all ever th buainass and north
wast section of the city. The mind went
dom-n, fortunately, and th firemen, who
directed their efforts at the adjoining
property, managed to save th big lumber
yard of tbe Loonan Lumbar company,
which wa situate enly ten feet awar
from th burning' bro ' Th los will
reach only 12.009, for. th moat part cov
er ad by Insurance.
After an accident, us Bucklen's Amies
Salve. It prevents a tai - results- Heal
cuts, bums, sora. cents. For i by
ShrmA McConneli Drug Ca,
"8, tlHH. '
Bis Dti of Bmj fessions Conclndtd
lhnrtdy Ercniog.
' ' '
Mrs. Mary Mody Pnsh Mr.
Harriet MarMarphy of Onahm Tak
onsplcnona Pari la th
Day' I'roaram.
(fYorn a Staff Correspondent.)
BT. PAt'L. June 7.-tfperlnl Telegram.1
After nine very full days of eonfe'eni-e
snd business the General Federation of
Women's Clubs sdjourned Thursday even
Ing. the majority of th 1.100 visiting
women departing for home on the evening
Household economics Was feature of tbe
mornlna: session. "Mrs.. Msry Moody Fugh
nf Omaha, chairman of the national com
mittee, presided.' As proof that the home
has not suffered because of the club, Mrs.
Ptigh named - thlrty-x s'ates whose
women have received assistance from the
committee, while eighty-four bulletins snd
thirty-six lists of reference heve been Is
sued to the clubs of the federstlon.
Th name of Mr. V. N. Cooley r.f Du
buque, 1., wss added to tbe list of hon
orary , vice presidents of the federation
Thursdsy morning In recognition of her
long service a a club woman.
Vpoti request of th California delega
tion the proposed plan of th rieneral
Federation paying $2.0no from Its treasury
to that of the- California federation to
b used by clubs suffering from th earth
quake was abandoned, but the several fed
eration secretaries wilt receive all contribu
tion from clubs and federations for the
Ban Francisco club. '
Mr. Mary Moody Fugh and Mr. Harriet
8. McMurphy of Omaha both spoke at th
household economics conference Thursday
Th defeat of Mrs. H. " M. Bushnell of
Lincoln for one of the eight directorships
of th General Federation was a disappoint
ment, to the Nebraska delegation, but the
highly., compllmrnary vote of Ml for their
candidate, as compared with 45$, the high
est vote .for a- director, notwithstanding
th prevailing misunderstanding .regarding
Nebraska' previous representation, was
gratifying proof of the standing of - the
sta; - . ,
Mrs. Decker, with some of the other
general officer, will leave Saturday to be
guest of Mr. Vwishburn of Duluth for an
eight days' housew party.
. Invitations weri formally extended Thurs
day by Boston,' Saratoga, N. Y.: Atlantic
City and Norfolk, Va.. to the biennial of
1908. The acceptance rests with th ex
ecutive committee. It waa decided, how
ever, to hold the council meeting next
ummer t Norfolk, Va. The Federation
Bulletin will be continued the official or
gan of the board of director and the press
bulletins will be continued. .
Or., Klcholaow I nable Give Aay
thlna; bat Hearsay o Snbstaa.
tlate HI Letters.
' NORFOLK, Neb.. June 7. (Special Tele
gram.) A net of hearsay mas brought out
In the hearing of the charge against Dr.
Alden. superintendent of the Insane , hos
pital before the State Board of Public Lands
and Buildings today. The charges preferred
j by Governor Mickey were practically based
on letter written to him by Dr. Frank
Nicholson assistant, superintendent.!. In
which 'Nicholson charged persecution of
himself; a- rht rt YninruleV vulger language
by r. -and Mrs' Alden:' three"' Inmates''
deathe ' flue to "brutality, drunkenness
among employe and wanton cruelty. On
the stand today Dr. Nicholson admitted that
he had no personal knowledge to substan
tiate a single Item contained In his letters.
He said ' that he had merely gathered up
hearsay at the request of Governor Mickey,
who asked him to write what he could find
oat regarding the alleged mismanagement.
' Dr. Nicholson In his letter to Governor
Mickey said Mrs. Alden used language that
'would bring the blush or shame to Inno
cent cheeks. On the stand, though, the
tat board, Alden' attorneys and Nichol
son's own attorney Insisted upon hearing
this language Dr. Nicholson refused to
quote th alleged language. Nicholson salt!
that by "riot of misrule" he meant that
occasionally an attendant went to town
without leave, admitted that there were no
printed rule at that time and said there
never had been misrule In the Institution.
in his letter Nicholson - stated Milton
Shockley. an inmate, . died from injurler
received In a fight and that he was poked
tvith a broomstick by an attendant until
lis bled. On the stand he admitted that
th broomstick report man hearsay and
that h oould not verify It. He said he
could not state from an examination uf
the patient that he had been Jabbed and
that he never heard a rumor regarding the
broomxtlck until months after the Inmate
was dead. He said, and other testimony
corroborated the statement, that 8hoikley
and another patient fought over a card
game December 17. Several attendants
pinned Slilckley to the floor to restrain
Mm. as he weighed i!do pounds, was over
six feet high and unusually powerful. All
declared that no more violence mas used
than wa sabsolutely necessary to restrain
htm end protect their own lives. Dr.
Alden took off the patient who mas beating
Shockley. Shockley was rational till he
died nine days after and he never men
tioned being Jabbed with a broomstick nor
blamed any one but the patient. Cerebral
hemorrhage mas assigned on the record
by Nicholson as th cause of death and
there was no thought of covering up any
thing. In his letter NuliuUon aald. "I know
several patients mho mere struck by at
tendants' flats." On the stand he said.
"I knom- of no patients struck by attend
ants' fists. I heard Indirectly of one such
rumor." Nicholson said that there la now
such a feeling of goodfellcwship between
him and Dr. Alden that things are running
smoothly. Nicholson In his letter, said
patients suffered from the lark of heat.
Th dally record shorn s but one instance
where the' temperature waa belom CO and
generall mas 7u or over. He said Inmates
wer well fed and clothed and Dr. Alden
had been dllllgent Ip organising th In
stitution and its management and that It
is, h believes, the best managed Institu
tion of the kind In existence.
He charged drunkenness In his letter,
but declared on the stand he knew of but
on case. It mas shom-n that In the Shock
ley fight an attendant kicked Shockley
whll h waa down, but th attendant
waa then dated by a blow from Shockley.
Nothing waa produced to aubatantlat
rumors that, cruelty led to the deaths of
Prosser or Davis.
The . board adjourned 1st tonight until
next Thursday. Governor Mickey and Nr
rls Broun sr rived at Oaluaha.
Katon and Mortensea of th state buard
at a Judge. .
Muc-b of tli hearsay in th situation was
traced to an attendant named Bigg.- an
old man. who gav various directly con
tradictory ' stone on the stand, but who
told of cruelty orr rh part of Attendant
Bills. ' m ho,' he aald. -used his fists. Ellis
denied th eh a rite. "Attorney Stewart of
Uncoln represented Governor Mickey. At
torney Loyl of Lincoln rprtnt4 Dr.
Pure, Healthful, Refreshing
" The Queen of
Nicholson and Attorneys Mspes, Robert
on snd Tyler for Dr. A Men. .
emate fnstrnets t'oafereaee Ctt
mlttee . to Work for More
WASHINGTON, Jun 7:-After dy (1;
voted almost exclusively to the conference
report on the railroad rat bill, th senate
decided at o'clock thl afternoon tn srnd
that measure beck to conference. Th de
bate revered free passes, the salaries of
the interstate commerce commissioner and
th penal provision of th bill. There wrr
differences of opinion on ll these point,
but th dominant thought was favorab' to
sustaining the senate provisions thereon.
Senator Forakr gave notice that he
would mov to tak up th conference re'
port on the statehood bill a soon As the
report on the rat bill is disposed of. but
afterm-ard said he would probably not rmk
an effort in that direction until next Tues?
day, when It II believed that Senator Brv-erldge,-who
Is. In charge of th report, can
be present. Th bill providing for th con
trol of th waters of Niagara - river was
passed. -
Mr, Brondf are Attack Attested KxtraT.
siaser of President.
WASHINGTON. Jun T. Art attack and
a spirited defense of the - president m ere
the feature of a busy day In the house
of representatives. Mr.' Brundlge.' (Ark.)
assailing the Items for the legislative de
partment and the care of the White House
ground a grossly extravagant and In
contrast "to past lmpllc.lty." Mr. Gros
venof (O.) championed the appropriations.
The naval appropriation bill was sent to
conference, th conferees being Mr. Pons
(IU.), Mr. Loudenslager' (N. J.) and Mr.
Meyer (LA.).
A bill was passed extending the act of
March 8, 1901. to officers of the navy and
marine corps advanced at any time under
sections ltjog and 1606 for eminent and con
spicuous, conduct In battle.
After completing twenty-five pages of the'
sundry civil bill th house adjourned.
Attempt to l.yach m Kegr Accoaed nf
- Asaaaltlaa a Whit
SIOUX City. Ia.,' Jun T.-A telephone
message from Lemara says h Joll I sur
rounded by a mob Intent upon lynching a
negro who Is accused of having aasaulted
a White girl thin afternoon. The pegro I
said to be an employe of a circus that ex
hibited at JMrs, today.
BEATRICE, ,,Neb.. June J.-.(Spcl,l.J-The
'marrlafe of Mrs. "Eva LUberger of
tills clt'jf. io Mr. Q.' W. K(vahs of Wyoming.
Ia.;WM soiemnlied today 'at ft' o'clock 't
the horn of the bride' sister, Mr. K. F.
Wilt. Rev. K: A. Minlh Officiating.
' There I quite' a romance' connected with
this marriage that date back many years.
Mr. Bvans was left an orphan at a very
early age. and &HssGraham, mother of
Mis. LUberger, took htm Into the family
as one of her "own children. The two grew
up together In their home near Galena,
III., as brother and sister, and upon two
different' 'occasions 'while Mr. ' Luberger
was a little girl Mr. Bvans saved her from
drowning! and now' h come to claim her
hand In marriage and share with her hi
fortune in Uf.
Mr. 'abd'Mr. Evan departed today for
Wyoming,' la., their future home, where
Mr. Evan has been engaged In business
for many year.
W. W. Middieton of th . railway mail
service wa married Wednesday to Mis
Clara Stein of Omaha. The young couple
left Wednesdey evening for a honeymoon
visit at Lake OkoboJI. In the meanwhile
Clerk Middieton . has on deposit several
boxes of cigars at th headquarter of the
railway mall aervloe In the federal build
ing for the aocommodatlon ot congraulat
Ing friends.. ,'
Oaateaialaa Rebels gaerevcl.
I NKW YORK. Jun 7 A prtvat dispatch
' received in this city from the republic of
; Salvador reports that the state of the rev
olutlcnlsts lu Guatemala Is ssournd and that
j.he statements to the contrary given by
the Ouatemalan government ar untrue.
jralr.aad Caolcr la Sbraka Teday
s Fair Taii Wsrafr la
West Partlea.
I WASHINGTON. Jun 7. Foiacast of th
' weather for Friday and Saturday:
I' For Nebraska and Kansas Fair, cooler
! Friday; Saturday, fair,-warmer In western
For loma and Missouri Fair, cooler Fri
day; Saturday, fair.
' Fur South Dakota Partly cloudy Friday,
cooler In eastern portion, mariner In ex
treme western portion; Saturday, fair And
' For Wyoming Fair, warmer Friday; Sat
urday,, fair. ... ;
,','l"."''l'l,1 II.aU
OMAHA, Jun 7. Official record of temper
ature snd precipitation compared with. u
ccrrsepOtidlDg ay ot th last thre years:
IM lus. JK4 ItM.
Maximum tn prtur. .. 1 - ..
Maximum temperature... M
Mean temperature. ....... . '
Precloltatlon r
Temoeratur and precipitation oepnur
from . the norma! at Omaha. lno aiarca i.
and comparison with th last two years
Normal- temperatur '. '
Excea for th day ...........
. .11 Inch
. .U Inch .
. i.OO Inches
. i:a Inches
. Hi Inches
. .7 Inch
Total deficiency einc jnartu .
Normal precipitation
Deficiency for the day. . -.
Total rainfall lnce March J....
Leflctency since March
I)ficlency for cor. period. 1. .
bxoes for cor. period. 1M
-R)rt f r ' tattaa at T P. M.
Station and Stat Tmp. Max Haln.
,.t Weather. 7 P- m. Temp. fall.
Blsmurck. cloudy
Cheyenne, clear
C'liluago. partly cloudy..
Ixivenport. cluar
Unv.r, olur
Havre, cloudy
Helena, cloudy
Huron, cloudy
Kansas City, clear... ..-
North Platte, elesr
rmtia, lwr
Rapid Ctty. tloudy
St. Lopta. cJoudy
Ht. Psul. clear ;
Salt Uk Ctty. clear ...
VaUvawsi, rtry.ody
Wiistoa. raining
M i ,12
4 M UD
7 U .U
Ho M T
ft . .
k) b M
4 H ul
i Ti T
SO r Vi
t To ti
? SI A
11 i T
K M .01)
M M '
- I'
"T" Indicate trace of prclpittin
L A. WELSH, Looal foroasl.
1-1 J.-fcrlc-l
Table Waters"
Mrs. Hajei' Former Admission ef Swallow
ing Diamond Allowed in Trial. -
Testimony la the rase Wrilels is' la
. Prncres Before .lte . atttra
Will Be Coatlnaed
Today.' ? ' '
Confessions tlleged' to hav been 'mad
by Mrs Ms Hayes that ' h wailowd
th t?" diamond she Is charged with steal
ing from T; L. "Coomb and company were
admitted a evidence t her trial be for
Judge Sutton yesterday afternoon. ' Th
other Important vldeno,' mas furnished
by Bl O. Furen who was waiting on her
when the diamond disappeared.
Dr. A. C. Nelson testified sh told him
she had emallomed the diamond and that
sh was never so sorry of snythlng In her
life as she waa of that. Sh said she was
willing to do anything to get it -back so
she could return It. She also told him
she had come to Omaha with a'man who
had deserted her and stolen about $86 of
her money. She then ton ' up with a
second man who fell sick. ,v Sh said sh
was destitute and had to do. something.
Mr. Furen told of her golrtg tnt tli
store and asking to. look at .diamonds
worth about 1300. He showed her a rwo
earat ston and turned half way from her
to weigh Another. '.,'.. ;.
. "I heard th rattl of something on her
teeth.' he continued, "and I tttme toward
her Just In time to see her draw her veil
down over her mouth. I aaked hr for
th diamond whieh-f had . disappeared and
she said, 'you put It away.' Sh Insisted
she did not hav It.'.'
Mr. Furen stated emphatically that no
one but th woman was In the diamond
room with him. The detective tood out
side unrll after the episode. : H' also told
of searching Mr. Hayes and : tb ' failure
to find the gm. ' i :
Several other Jewelers testified .'Mr.
Hayes had been' tn their tore ' looking
for diamonds on the sama' day 1 but ' sh
did not buy anything. Bom"' of them
suspected something wrong and notified th
other Jewelers to look out for1 her. ' The
evidence will b continued today. ""'
Waaaaa Take Deep laterrst.
Mrs. Hayes took great ' Interest tn th
proceedings and ' kept her eye fixed In
tently .upon the juror, She-pressed her
handkerchief to her eye at Irequejat inter
vals nd appeared to. b somewhat nervous.
Th trial did not attract many .spectators,
only a fw outside of those Interested lit
th case being present. ; .: '
Deputy County Attorney- FKoh. In- hi
opening statement-to th Jury, 'declared It
mad, no difference whether Mrs. Hayes
wallowed th diamond, or net. -. s He-said
She bad It (n,, her spasesipn, raisod it to
her , mquth aud . Jlj 4lsappeM4, OUi- de
clared, sh. ..visited . severaX otOier, Jewelry
tores and. looked at dlajnnds, Uiough It
pan be shown sha had no. monsy , -
W. W. Dedg. who ls...dafndlng Mis.
Hayes, .urged the Jurors. not to oak up
their mind until they bad heard ali f th
vldenc. . : .,-- '.'.
hrs Wtass Hal kfaasaa.. t
"Tbls . woman, went to tbe- Jsweiry .store
lawfully, like any. other woman attracted
by th sparkling Jewel," be said. -"8b
had on of tile gems up t her mouth for
th purpose of blowing- upon- IU . 8b was
in th presence of Mr. Furran and - sit
could see Detective Maionsy watching her.
It i plain no on would' think' of steal
ing a diamond under uob- etreaxnalatvces.
Sh put th diamond to ' kr'-mo-atb tndls
oreetly If you wish, but, with no fln)ous
mtant. ' Th detective rushed jp to -.her
and elapped bl band vf har itboufW. suid
grabbed her by the throat- What beeams
of th diamond may b4 n ot . the-tays-terie
you will be called" on" to sol-r; It
will b shown she had th mump aijths
time and her throat was vary or.-vAV
claim sh never intended to, tak tht'dla
mond.. Sh ha ben subjected to medical
treatment since and th Jewel baa nof Wen
found. It all simmers down to the 'fact
these peopl wqr suspicious becau1 she
raised It to her mouth." '
Mr. Combs testified as to tb arrtwgs
ment of the ator and th diamond-room
and aald he saw Mrv.cHaye In thf dia
mond room. '.
County Attorney Slabaugh ba reueived
a letter from a physician signing himsoif
Dr. Reeves and living In a small tomrb in
Illinois offering to reoover th dJamond
without an operation If his expense ars
paid. He does not. Indicate what mttbod
h would use, but says, h successfully
treated a similar case som ttm g.'
'. , , 4
Far (eagaratlea ot Federal gtaiaies.
WASHINGTON. Jun 7.-Th leader of
th hous, realising the futility of attempt
ing to pas any general bill codlfyl. the
criminal law of th I'nlted State aUng
tb lines laid down by the statutory re
vision commission, have decided upon a
concurrent resolution appointing a special
oommlttee of five senator and five mem
bers to examine and submit to rofTjSs
their recommendations of the codification
as prepared by tbe oodlrlng'.corrtmlVn.
Representative Moon (Pa ha IntrOAwced
In : th h - errmr-Vftlr'lvii'rifor
ucJ a 'eei1 commlssiort, 'giving fl pOwr
to sit during th races of congress
Moderate - -
UrsFnrtrA !
WMttADI; y
i .
tl asaielll tMatM I
. aa ?bMea lahirlo
SMlta Imiui latulaaet.
At trig "
W, O. VVi, CARfilVAI.
Itth and Douglas. AdmJtavti lHk