Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 03, 1906, NEWS SECTION, Page 9, Image 9

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F rex
1 -w
f ionx Jump on McKeeley for a Two-Bar;er,
a Three-Baeter and Homo Run.
Cerbett Holds Omaha ta Five Hits, tint
roar rieldlng Behind lllns Melon
Omaha Alone with the
BIOVX CITT. June i. Bloux City won the
moat exciting cam of tha season In the
ninth Inning today, 6 to 4. Hers, the fir fit
man op In the ninth, waa benched for denouncing-
the umpire on a strike decision.
Jarrott, who wna sent to bat In hla place,
vMt to deep renter for two boned. Corbett
truck out and Campbell followed with a
three-bagger to left, acorlng Jarrott, but
Campbell himself waa caught at the home
rlate. Then Nobllt.came up and smashed
out 4 home run over the center field fence,
ending the rmlr-rslnlng content. Cornell
pitched a brilliant game and McNeelcy waa
not far behind, but for4 the bombardment
In tb ninth. Score:.
' fclOL'X CITY".
AH. R. h: PO. A. e
Campbell, If
Nobllt, cf ...
Haucr, lb ...
Weed. 2b ...
Wilkes, rf ..
Newton, sa ,
Frost, 3l
Hess, c
t or bet t. p ..,
Jarrott ,
Totals ..
.-.3 .
i 12 21 It
AB. R.
PO. A.
Bender, 2h .
Carter, If ..
Uniisfv, rf ,
Welch, cf ..
Dolan. lb .,
Kunkie, ss ,
Perrlng, Sb
Gonrihi. c .
4 3
, 10
. i
t 2. 14
Batted for Hess in ninth.
Two out when winning run was scored.
Bloux City 1 0 2 0 0 0 0 36
Omaha .0 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 04
Karned runa: Sioux City, 3; Omaha, 1.
Two-base hits: Newton. Jarrott, Bender,
Dolan. Three-base, hit: Campbell. Home
run: Nobllt. Double play: Runkle to
Pender to Dolan. First base on eirors:
Dolan, Welch 12. Left on bases: Bloux
Clly. ; Oniftha,.4. Sacrifice hits:. Carter,
Runkle. First 'bsse on balls: Off Cor
betl. 4. Hit by pitched ball: Nobllt. Cor
bett. Struck out: By Corhett, 10; by Mc
Neeley, 4. Passed balla: Hess, 1; Oond
lng. 1. Time: 1:33. Umpire: Davis. At
tendance, 1.200.
' All Scores Made In Mnth.
DEB MOINES, June 2 -In by all odds the
best played game of the season thus far,
Des Moines defeated Uncoln by a score of
2 to 1. Both scores were made in tho ninth
Inning and up to that time McKay, who
pitched for the champions, had allowod but
two hits and Jones, who pliched for Un
coln. three. Hits by Quillln and Ketchnm
and O'Loarv's error gave Uncoln one acore
in the ninth. Then Des Moines batted out
a victory. Caffyn singled and so did
0Ieary. There were no outa when Welday
came to the bat. He sent a grounder
down to Fill man who, In his anxiety to
make a double ran up on It and Duiten it,
allowlnr Caffvn to tie the score. Then
Dexter sent out a long nit to left, scoring
O Leary ana winning the game: ocore;
AB. R. HPO. A. K.
JT.-ilr .' If
1 1 2 0 0
0 1-3 0 0
0 t 1& 0 0
0 1 2 0
0 0 2 0 0
0 0 . ft 4 2
0 0 2 0 0
0 0 1 I I
i O Iyary, 3b...
Welday, cf...
Dexter, lb
Towne, c
tlognever. rf
Andreas, as...
Ma goon, 2b...
McKay, p....
30 I
AB. R.
27, 11
H. PO.
Flllman, . sa
Cook. If...
0v 1 .( 1
wuiinn, Sb...
Ketchum. cf
Collins, rf...
Thomas, lb.
Barton, - 2b...
?lnran, c...
Jones, p
Totala 32 1 i 24 10 1
No outa when winning score waa made.
Des Moines 0 0900000 2-3
Uncoln 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 1-1
Baaes on balls: Off Jones, 1. Hit by
pitched ball: By McKay, 1. Struck nut:
By McKay, I; by Jones, 2. Time: 1:25.
Vmplre: .Fuller. Attendance: 1,2X).
' Game Postponed.
At Pueblo Denver-Pueblo, no game; rain.
Standing; of tha Teanae.
Played. Won. Lost.
Drs Moines 29 31
Omaha 28 10
Sioux City 80, 17
Denver 90 14
Lincoln t 13
Pueblo 23
Games today: Omaha at Sioux City,
uoiu at Lea Molnea, Denver at Pueblo
Haatlaars Wlna Flrat Game.
U5XINOTON. Neb.. June 2. (Special Tel
egram.) Hastings and Lexington baae ball
teama met on the diamond here yesterday
and today. Kttch game waa exciting and
was watched by 1.0CO spectators. ester-
day's score waa 9 to 0 In favor of Hast
ings. Today a game ended witn tne sev
enth Inning and was a tie. Hastings de
clined to continue the game and the vic
tory was awarded to Lxmgion. Tne piay-
makes Hula difference to us.
We promise you narmetits of
the style that best suits your
build at a moderate cost.
June Specials
Two-Piece Suits
$22.50 up.
$6.00 to $15.09
These suits made In tbe fa
mous Molony style long and
roomy. ' j
Just Tailor That's All."
320 S. 15!!) St.
. CIV?!I V'ltl riTC bungry
Vllkial s 411.1. U1IL. wolres any sea-
J mmmumm ns aoo of tbe year
If you use Japanette IdexaJ r'Uri Lure,
beat fh bait eer discovered. Write
Immediately and get a hot to help intro
duce it.. Agenis wanted if vary here.
C C. Aatiuua, In-pt 18 AnaUArko, U. T.
era are all professionals.
R. W. Ralston
Uon4 Cieoeral Snowing Still Made,
Alttioaah Fielding la Low,
The avetnge work of ths Omaha team
keeps up to a high notch, for all the .Soft-
hitter lias disappeared from Its midst. The
bnys are bstting well together, and with
the promised Improvements In umpires may
be expected to win a few more games. The
statistics are:
Oames. A.B. R. H. A v. UVT.
Penlon 2 7 1 I .2. 2
Dolan 1 3) .TO .274
Welch 2N 7 14 27 .278 .Z74
Oondlng 14 2 10 25 .! .271
Fas.ey a ltd ID M 2T .74
Render 28 ft, 23 22 .2
Carter 2 72 14 14 .222 .?4S
Runkle '.ft I 30 .2:2 .231
Perrlng a ' 2 ft 20 .217 .215
Howard 13 M 4 1 .1! .2
McNeeley ( : 4 S .171 .222
Banders 21 3 I .143 .111
Koukallk it IS 8 2 .111 .1M
Corns 2 8 0 0 111 .126
Dodge 18 ' 2 t .1S .!
Team 3 W 5 27 .240 .212
, O. A. E. Tc. Av. L.W.
Sanders ....... 1 10 o & l.nno l.ono
Fenlon 3 0 0 3 1 X) l.Ono
Oondlng 115 W 1S7 SH2 .972
Dolan 2H7 11 11 JM .13 .9hl
Carter 17 B 2 24 .Ml .!M1
Passev 45 11 4 n .9Xt .811
Pender ..; 80 25 8 t 140 .943 .9M
Runkle fx 7 10 140 .9.9 .(!
Perrlng . 4ti 73 11 1.10 .'AH .902
Welch 0 3 71 .IB .911
Kotikallk 9 1 1 17 .041 .M9
McNeley .- i 20 3 1 2 .KS .M0
Howard 34 37 10 M .77 .S
Corns 0 11 2 13 .89 .8S
Dodge 1 .15 1 17 .841 .833
Team 737 873 75 1.190 .937 .833
Defeats ' Nebraska t'ntrerslty for
Second Time This Season.
LINCOLN. June 2. (Special Telegram.)
Crelghton university annexed the college
base, ball championship of the state to.
day. defeating Nebraska university for the
second time this season. R to I. 1 ne corn
hunkers gave an execrable exhibition in
the field, making nine mlsnlsys and liter
ally presenting the Omaha collegians with
ail or their runs, creignton, on tne otnor
hand, played perfect ball, not an error be
Ing charged against them. Dnrt and Lan-
Igan were both in' superb pitching form
The Cornhusker twirler was especially ef.
fectlve. whiffing fourteen Crelghton bats
men on strikes, but his own poor throwing
to tne nases gave tne visitors most or
their scores . and would have beaten him
even with better support by his team-
mstes. Nebraska landed on Lanlgan for
five hits In the eighth, scoring three
earned runs, but Crelghton was then so
far in the lead that the Issue was beyond
ii quesiion.
The game was Dlaved at the Western
league park, being witnessed by 600 spec
tators, tne latter including 150 Cre ghton
stuaents, wno came rrom Omaha on a
special train and gave the most consistent
exhibition of college rooting witnessed in
Lincoln ror many a aay. Tne score:
H. PO. A.
1 3 2
Lynch, 2b 4 2
Mullen, 3b b 2
' 0
Pendergast, lb 6 0
MrMallv. 2b 6 1
Oroft, cf 4 ' 1
Kennedy - rf 4 1
McShane. If 3 1
Coad. c 4 0
Lanlgan, p 4 ' 0
Totals S3 s 27
AB. R.
H. PO. A.
Barta lb 3 1
19 0
Rlne. 2b SIX
Carroll, 0 4 0 1
Denslow, sa ,. 4.0 0
Davev. If 4 0 1
Bprague. rf - 3 0 1 i
Homnes. 3b 4 0 12
Nllsson, cf 1 0 1 0
Dort, p 4 110
Totala 34 3 9 2T 8 9
Nebraska 00000003 03
Crelghton 2 0 0.0 0 0 t 0 1-4
Earned runs: Nebraska. 3. "Two-base
hit: Rlne. Stolen bases: Lynch, Mullen,
Pendergast. Croft. Hompes. Double nlavs:
Mollen to Pendergast (2). Bases torn bolls:
Off Dort. I;: off Lanlgan. 4 Struck out; By
Dort. 14: by Larriiran. 10., Hit by "Bitched
bTl:-By Dort. 1. Passed-balTs: CarrohT, lr
Coad, 1. Wild pitch: Dort, 1. empire:
Prof. Condra of Nebraska university. At
tendance: 600.
Tha special train bearing the several hun
dred Crelghton university students form
ing tne coed contingent attending the
game at Lincoln returned; at 10 o'clock
Saturday night. That a victory had been
won waa very evident rrom tne actions of
the atudenta. They marched through the
downtown streets giving the yell, singing
songs and otherwise giving vent to their
Jubilant feelings, while the band joined
In tne general ceieDraiion.
Donble Header at Vinton Park.
There will be a double-header at the
Vinton street park this afternoon. The
Nonpareils and v ictors will start the first
game promptly at 2 o'olock. to be fol
lowed by the Lee-Olasa-Andreesen and C.
N. Dleta teams. The lineup:
L. O. A.
Position. Diets Athletics
. Second
.Third ..
. Short ...
, Left ....
. Middle .
: Right ...
. Catch ..
.. Pitch ..
. Pitch ..
.Pitch ..
. First ...
, Second .
, Third ..
. Short ..
. Left ...
. Center ,
'. leathern
... Knight
... Hunter
Mullen ,
. Ooddard
. . . Strong
, Wahl
.... Kucera
... Hawkins
W. Raben
.i.v W. Kill
J. Casey ...v...
B. Casey
J.' Bowers
M. Kill
, Catch.. Grleb-E. Bowera
T. Edworda .
. Pitch :. Hlnton
Lincoln Comes Monday.
"Ducky Holmes will bring his Salt
peters to Omaha Monday for a aeries of
four games with the Kourkes at Vinton
street park. Monday will be ladles day.
when Dlmmlck a . orchestra will be pres
ent to discourse sweet music while the
, players cavort on the diamond. Thurs
day, June 7, will be Idas' day, when the
receipts will go to the Elks for their
building fund. Lincoln also will come to
Omaha for a game next Sunday, aa thev
are not allowed to play in that town on
mat oay. ins lineup:
. First ...
, Second
. Third ..
. Short ...
. Left ....
. Center .
. Right ...
..Center .,
. Pitch ..
Pitch ..
. Pitch ..
..Pitch .,
. Pitch ..
Dolan ....
Bender ...
Perrlng ..
Runkel ...
...... Ketchum
Bassey ...
sleh ...
Carter ....
Oondlng .
afcNaiely .
Sanders ..
Dodae ....
Corns ...
The Jetters Gold Tods and Joe Dtiffva
will play at 3:16 thla afternoon at Jetters
para, ine lineup:
Gold Topa. Position. Duffys.
Von Clears Klglit Holhrnnk
Collier Pilch Smith
Kennedy Third Milled
Clarke !ef t Bunker
Iirodpeck ......... Second Carey
Miller Center Narfn
McMahon Short Suitseen
Fletcher First Talbot
Flnley , Pitch Bohner
Oanaea la Three-l Usgst. -
t Cedar Rapids Cedar Rapids. I: Daven
port. 0; tan inr.lngs.
At Bloomingtun Springfield S: Bloomlnar-
ton, L
At Peorta Decatur. 3: Peoria, 3.
At Rock InlandRock I.lanil r,.
buque, 1. , '
Iowa State Lraane.
MAR8HALLTOWN la J. in. l.irid
Tel-gram.) Iowa State league rrsuils 10-
ottumwa. 10; Burlington, 1.
Fort Dodge, 4; Waterloo, 1.
Oskalooaa, 4: Keokuk. 3.
Boone. 4, Marshalitown. 4.
Oaawa Wins frosa Whiting.
1.-A.WA. ia.. JUne A IHllMU Tur.m
me unawa Hlgn school defeated iha
Whlilng High sc hool here today by a score
of S to 1. tialterles: Ontai. Olann .nH
ainaa: vniting. rtoog and Hook.
talo Teaas Wist.
VERMILION. D. J una S l,l.l
Teletam. lakoia Weeleyaa university
was arreaieo in ins irsrS meet today by
aa to art by Biate universit. The stnts
reoid dis-iis throw an broken by liuni
klitthrll, bis throw being lirt feel I inctiss.
MiipUjt by Cincinnati Beiponsiblo for
Victory of Windy City nationals.
Benaatloaal Fielding by Visitors
Offsets Rattlaa of t'laelaaatt '
Team Scores of Other
CINCINNATI. O., June 3. Misplaya by
Cincinnati were responsible for Ave of
the eight runs scored by Chicago In to
day's game. Lundgren waa hit hard by
the locals, who, however, could not bunch
their hits. Sensational fielding by the
Chlcagos also handicapped the Cincinnati.
B H.O A E.
SlMle. ct ...4 t 1 HtiKdna. lb.. I 1111
8herkar4. It.. I 1 I 1 lurry, lb 4 1 1
S.hull.. r1...l I I OKnllry. )(.... 1 I
Chsnre, lb... 4 I II 0 S.rramir. of . 4 1 I
glflnt-ldt. lb 4 1 rwlohintr. lb I 4
Tlnkor. ....! t 4 Odw.ll, r(...,4 111
it-era. lb I 0 n l e f orrortn. at.. 4 I 4 1 t
Mnran. 4 I 4 SarhliH. cf I 14 4 1
Lundsren. a . I 1 Praaar, a 14 11
'LlTlnsatos .1
Totals W 1 V 14 1
Tota la 1 14 17 It I
Batted for Fraser In ninth.
Chicago 1 0 0 3 6 0 0 1 4 t
Cincinnati 0 1 0 3 9 a 0 0 11
Two-base hits: Lundgren. Kelly. Thres-
base hits: Chance. Kheckard. Bchulto.
Sacrifice hHe: Kelly (2), Schulte (3.
Stolen bases: Chance (2), Stelnfeldt (2,
Lundgren. tfrhlei. Struck out: By Frgeer.
1; by Lundgren, 2. First base on balls:
Off Fraser, 7; off Lundgren, 6. Wild pitch:
t.unogren. Passed balls: Mo ran, Ben lei.
Time: 3:30. Vmplre: Email.
Plttabnra- Defeats St. I.oale.
PITTSBt RO. June 2. The Pittsburg
had no trouble whatever In winning from
St. Louis today, the last home game until
June 23. They hit Taylor freely while
St. Louis could not touch Willis. Ip io
the ninth Inning the St. Louis team had
only two men on third base. Score:
PITTsBl'RO. T. Lotus.
B H O A B B H O A.K.
Malar, If..
4 4 11 4 Bennett, It . II I t I
4 114 0 Shannon. II . 4 1
4 114 4 "moot, ct 4 1 I
4 111 4 Bac.l.T. lb.. 4 I 14 1
Oanlay, rf.
Loarh. cf 4
Watner, aa. .. 4
Nealon, lb... t
I 11 4 1 Arndt. lb 4 1 9 (
1114 Maratull, rf.. 4 1114
lit 40rd. e 4 1 1 1
1114 Mchrloa. sa. . t 4 I 4 1
lit t Taylor, p I t
Rltrhar. Ih... I
Shechan. lb.. I
Glbaon, r 4
Wlllla. t 4
Totala It 14 11 II 1 Totals M 1 14 It 1
Pittsburg .1 4 0 1 2 0 t 0
St. Louis .....0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2
Two-base hits: Wagner. Rltchey. Beck-
ley. Three-base hits: Qanley (2). Sacrl.
lice hits: Nealon, Rltchey, Sheehan (2).
Stolen base: Olbson. Double play: Arndt
to Bcckley. First base on balls: Off. Tay
lor, 2. struck out: By Willis, I. Time;
1:25. Umpire: Conway.
Three Stralarht for Brooklyo.
BROOKLYN, N. Y., June 2. The local
team made It three straight from the
Boston Nationals today, winning In tha
ninth Inning. Jordan drove the ball over
the right Held fence scoring Batch, who
was on second, but the hit while worth
home run, waa only credited for: two
Dases, m ore: -
. . B H.O.A g. 1 B. H O. A.B
Caaar. lb 1 1 t 1 1 0Hdw.ll. aa.. I I 4 1 I
Batch, if
Lumlay. rf...
1 4
I Dolan. rf.
t Bataa, of
t Howard, If...
t Tenner, lb...
I Brain, lb.....
1 Neetfham, c.
t gtrooel, lb...
t Young, p
Jordan, lb...
I 14
Maloney, cf..
A'pannan, 2b I
Lewia. aa I
Paatorlua, .. I
Totala. ...... 117 14 3 Totals 40 fB I I
One. out when winning run scored.
Brooklyn 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 ft 12
Boston , w...l 0000000 01
Two-base hit: Jordan. Three-bane hit:
Lumley. Sacrifice lilt: Lumley. Btolen
bases: Needham, Alperman. Double play
Jordan to Alperman. Left on bases
Brooklyn, 4: Boston, 6. Baaes on balls
Orr xoung, l; ore I'astorlus, J. f irst on
errors: Boston, 1: Brooklyn, 2. Hit. by
pitched ball: By Paatorlua, 1. Struck out:
Bv Pastortus. 4: by Young. 3. Wild Pitch:
PastorluaV Time: 1:XH. Umpire: Johnstone,
itaakera Pall Is scar. '
PHILADELPHIA, June J. A base on
balls, two singles and a wild throw by
Doom In the eighth inning gave New York
the only two runs scored In todays game.
B. HO. A.B. B. HO. A.B.
Browns, rf... I t I 0 OThomai. cf... 4 4 1 4
MoOann. lb.. I 4 11 1 4 Oltwaon. lb.. 4 1 1
Manas. If.... 4 I I 4 ocourtnay, lb. 4 I 1
Denies, SI....4 1 4 4 1 Masao, If I 1 I
Itorlln, lb.... 4 14 1 4 Til via. rf I 4 I
Ollbart. lb... 4 1 I t 4 Braniflela. Ik I I t
Marshall, cf.. I til t Iwolln. aa....l I I
Boainsu, c. 4 4 1 1 t Doatn, c I I T
Taylor, a I 1 1 4 4 Suarka. S....I I 4
Totala M 7 17 17 1 Totals 14 I tl 11
New York 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 i 0-3
Philadelphia 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00
T mti An Kbbo 1VTau Vnrl 7 Oh O. ,11 , t
z. otnien oases: uevnn, unpen, i; tirowi.e
Two-base hits: Mertes. Double plays:
uutei t Lianien 10 Mcuann: uanien, till
bert to McGann, Da Men to Mcuann.
Struck out: By Sparks. 6: Taylor. 2. Bases
on balls: ore Bparks, z; ore Taylor, 1. Hit
by pitched ball: Bransfleld, Marshall
Time: 1:30, empire: Klem
' Standing of the Tensas.
Played. Won. Lost.
Chicago 45 30 19
New York 43 , 28 16
Pittsburg 41 2 IS
Philadelphia 48 26 20
St. Ixmis 44 20 24
Cincinnati 46 17 28
Brooklyn 43 i . r,
Boston 43 12 31
Games today: Pittsburg at Chicago., 8L
Louis at Cincinnati.
St. Lonls Shots Ont Detroit Is si Kant
Snappy Uamo. .
ST. LOUIS, Mo.. June i. Pitcher Powell
celebrated hla return to form today Dy
lettlna Detroit down With two hits. Ml
Louis winning 2 to 0. Hemphill's baitlug
wss the feature or the game, score:
ST.- ij-iris DETROIT.
B.H.O.A.C. B H.O.A. B
Stona. If I 1 4 4 ID. Jonas, rf. . I 114
H.mpKIII. cf. 4
T. Jonaa, lk., I
O'Brl.a. lb... I
Nllaa. rf I
Hantall, la.. 4
Wallace, sa.. 4
O'Cenner, .. 4
ho-.ll. 4
4 14 l-ladaar, l-lk I s I
111 Ofwtort. rf-lb 1114
4 11 4McIngrra. If.. 4 4 4 4
114 SUousnlln. IS. 4 4 1 1
4 111 Lava, lb 1 4 I I
111 lUXarr, aa... till
til 8ehniill. c .. I 411
.4 14 14 limohua. ... I 4 4 4
Coba. rf 1 I 4 4
14 11 tl II 1
Totals...... M I 14 14;
St. Louis
Detroit . .
1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0
0 00009000
runs: St. Iouis. 2. Two-baao
hit: Hemphill. Sacrifice lilts: T. Jone.,
Lindsay. Stolen bases: Niles 41). First
baae on balla: Off Powell, 3; off Donohue,
3. Struck out: By Powell, 7; by Dono
hue, 3. Left on baaes: St. Louis. 10;
Detroit. 6. Umpires: fcJvans and Connolly.
Time: 1:36.
Chicago Wlna frona Cleveland.
CHICAGO. June 8. Heavy batting by
Chicago in the opening Inning waa the
main feature in lite uniwi ammmiaierea 10
Cleveland by the Chicago American league
team here today. Owen was loo ereecuve
for Lajoie's men to overcome Chicago's
early lead. Score:
B H.O.A. C. B. H.O.A E.
Haha. If I I 4 4 S riWk. rf 4 1 1 1-4
Jonas, cf I I
I Bar. Cf 4 1 S 1 s
111 Turner, aa .. . I 1 I I l
I 1 . Lajola. Ik.... 4 1111
114 Rwaman. lk. 4 4 J 4 4
IS) Jarkaun, If. .. 4 1 1 4 4
S I 1 braaiar. Ik.. 4 1 4 14
14 4 Bu.low. ... I 4 I I I
1 I I Tela, a I I 11 I
Iab.ll. Ik 4 1
Donohu.. lk.. I 1
O'N.II. rf.
Sulllwan. ' i
:! 1
P.ok. lb. I I
Tana.b!ll, aa 1 1
Onaa. s I I
Totals M I IT U 1 Totals. .... 4 M 14 4
Chicago 4 1 t 0 0 0 0 1 -4
Cleveland 00000010 01
Left on bases: Ctilcago, 4: Cleveland. I
Double play: Flick to Lejote lo Biadiuy.
BirucK out: oy uwen. J. uy tueis, s. f irst
baae on balls: Oft Owen. 1; off Eels, 4.
Time: 1:84. I'mplre: Sheridan.
Boston Wlna from Washington.
BOSTON, June 1 Boston won the con
cluding game of tbe home srloe with
Washington today, 4 to J- Hughes' wildncss
figured in the result. Score:
I H O.l l. B H O. A.E.
P. root. as.... 4 14 1 4 Alllaor. as ... 4 till
Slakl. cf 4 4 4
Grliaaaaat. Ik 4 I II
Kraemaa. rf.. 1 I I
s ssvnaisr. Ik.. I I I I 1
1 ICraaa. Ik 4 4 I 1 1
I 1 Aroaraoa. If.. 4 14 4 4
If ... 4 I I
S I Hickman. Ik. 4 I t 14
OoSwln. Ik... 114
I I Joaa.. cf I 1 I
rarria. lb.... 4 1 1
a S fiulM. rt... 4 1111
Pataraoa. a... I I I
I I W uaa.14. .. 4 4 I I 4
4 IHuM, S. ... I I 4 4 4
TBBkiri, B. I I I
Totals 4 It U 1 Total. .11 4 14 14 I
Boston 0 0 8 0 1 0 1 1
Washlugion 4 0 0 0 I 1 0 0 0-3
Sacrifice, hits: Godwin. Freeman. 8: Tan
nriiin. 1 wp-base bit : oWibath. Three-baa.
hit: Hickman. Home run: Altiaer. Stolen
bases: Parent. Godwin. Double play: Al
tiaer, Schalfly to Hickman. Bases on balls:
Off Tannehlll. 3; off Hughes. Struck out:
By TannehUl. 1 Wild pitch: Hughes.
Time: 1:40. t'mplres: Connors and Hurst.
Ee Break to New York.
NEW TORK. June J-The New Tork
Americans hsd a break In their leiig'hy
list of wlnnlnes, when they lost the seci.nd
game of today's double header. Score first
H O. A I. B H (I.A.I
Rlr. rf I
RlherfKla. m t
Merismr. m. I
! !. lk I
fjiAfie. tb .. I
wiIIIssm. Ik. 4
rosrtr. If 4
I 1 Hina.1. If...
I 4 rmh'ater, rf I
4' 1 LoM. cf I
I 1 Darla. lb .... 4
I I Serboia. rf... I
4 Mtirphr. lb .. 4
4 4 Brnnthara. lb. I
Hoffman, ef . . 4
i Croaa. aa 4
Klelnaw. c .. 1 1 I 1 4 Power, a I
Thamaa. ....! 14 I Brrnea, e t
Ortte, s 4 14 14 Plank, s 1
Dysert. a I
Tata la irn it I
Totals tl 1 14 11 I
Cross out; hit by batted bsll.
New Tork 0 0 t 4 2 0 0 --14
Philadelphia .1 0 0 0 0 0 I 0 I 04
Ijeft on bases: New Tork, 7: Philadel
phia, 7. Banes on balls: OIT Orth, 2; off
Plank. 3: off Dva-ert. 1. Struck out: Bv
Orth, 7: by PlanV. 1; by Dygert, 1. Three,
base hits: Kiel now, Orth. Two-base bits:
La port e, (2), Williams, 8eybold, Byrnes.
uoume Plays: rowers ana cross: Arm-
bruster, Dygert and Brouthers. Hit by
nltcher: Bv Plank 1. Wild nltch- llrtl.
Hits: Off Plank. 11 In three and one-third
nnlnga: off Dygrt. 7 In tour and two-
fifth Innings. Time: 1:20
Score second game:
HartMl. H...4 I 1 4 4 Kealer. rf....4 I 4 I t
Armh'al.r. tf I
t 0 1 Klperfald. a. 4 1
4 It 4 4 Thane, lb 4 I
lit I sort e. lb . .4 4
lilt Willlana. Ik. 4
4 4 1 ft Conroy, if 4 t
1 t I 1 Hoffman, cf.. I I
4 11 t IKIalnoo. ...! I
I 4 I t Thamaa. e 1 t
DaTla. lb .... I
SernolS, rf... I
Morphr. Ik... I
Breathers. Ik 4
CrtMra. aa 4
svkreck. c... 4
Ben4r, s. .. . 4
Hog. a t
IT It 17 It 1 Lernr. S t t
1 4
1 4
Clarkson. p.
Tolsls SI I rf 17 I
Batted for Ieroy In the seventh.
Philadelphia 3 0 0 0 3 0 3 0 0-7
New York 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0-1
Ieft on bases: New . Tork. 7: Philadel
phia, 9. First base on errors, New York,
First bsse on balls: tiff Bender. 1: off
Hogg, 3: off Leroy. 1. Struck out: By
Bender. 8: bv Hogg. 2: bv Ierov. 1: bv
Clarkson. 1. Two-baae hits: Chase. Kiel-
now, Hartsel. Davis, Seybold. Sacrifice
hits: Armbruster (2). Brouthers. Stolen
bases: Chase. Hansel. Davis. Double
Play: Elberfeld to Williams to Chase.
Hits: Off Hogg. In four and two-thtrda
nnlngs; off Leroy. 4 In two and one-third
Innings; off Clarkson, 3 In two Innings.
Umpire: OLoughlin. Time: 1:40.
Standing of tho Teams.
Played. Won. Lost. Pet.
New York 39 26 14 .041
Philadelphia 40 25 IS .&$
Cleveland 36 32 14 .nil
St. Louis 40 22 18 .660
Detroit 37 18 IS .487
Chicago M 1 10 .444
Washington , 40 15 26 .376
Boston 43 .' 12 30 .286
Games today: JDetrolt ' at St. Louis,
Cleveland at Chicago.
Kansas City la t nable to Hit Ford at
Critical Times and la Shot Oat.
KANSAS CITT. June .-Ford s effective
pitching at critical stages and Frants'
wlldness were responsible for the detest
of Kansas City today. Score:
B H O A.E.
Dart a. ef
1114 ermine, 4a.,
4 1114
DSnlllTSS. ill I I
Hart, lb I I 14
4 SCaaaedr, if
1 SWal4ron, rf.
4 4Slatterr, lb
4 I Hill, cf
4 1 Phrla. lb...
I 4 Burks, lb..
Oramtat'r. Ik I 1 I
Oranam, If... I 1 I
Orlar. as 4 11
Taaser. s I I I
go, lb 4 11
I 4 i So 1 1 Was, c. I
Ford, s 4 4 4
1 IPranta, a.... I
Totala 14 I 17 II 1 TsUls It 11114-4
Minneapolis ...... ..0 0 0 0 0 1 0 36
Kansas City 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-0
Earned runs: Minneapolis. I. Two-base
hit: Davis, D. SuTllvan. Hill, Qremlnger.
First baae on balls: Off Frants, 6; off
Ford. 1. Struck out: By Frants. 6: by
Ford. 1. Double plays: Oyler to Qre
mlnger; Ford to Hart to Yeager. W Id
Bitch:. Frantg. Hit by pitched ball:
avls. D. Sullivan. Sacrifice hits: Cas.
sady, Hart. Stolen bases: Hart. Graham,
Fox. Time: 1:46. Umpire: Egan.
Colaaabaa Wlna from Toledo.
TOLEDO. O.. June .-Inability to hit
Flaherty, coupled with Toledo's miserable
fielding, gave Columbus the second game
of the series. Bcore:
B. H.O.A. a. B. H.O.A I.
Ptckerlas. at. I
I 4
1 4
t 4Caan.ll. ef... 4
...4 11
If. 4 1
Wrlslejr, lb.. I
Htnehmaa, rf 4
Klhaj. lb I
4 4 Demsnt. aa... 4 I I
I IJnSa. rf..v.. 14 4
4 4 KriMfar, lb.. 4 1 I
I IKnabe. lb.... 4 4 I
I IW. Clark., lb 4 4 It
4' I Abbott, c I 4 I
I 4 Piatt, p I 1
Coultar. If..., 4
rn.i. ik 4
Hulawltt. as.. 4
R)an. c 4
Flaberty. p.. 4
Touts IT I 17 14 I Totals It 4 17 II 4
Columbus 1 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0-S
Toledo o 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 01
Two-base hits: Klhm, Hlnchman. Sae
rlfloe hit: Klhm. Stolen baae: Coulter.
Struck out: By Flaherty. 6; by Piatt, 8.
First base on balls: Oft Pis It, 1. Hit
oy pitched ban: Jude. T'mplres: Bulll
van and Kane. Time: t:00.
Distillers Wis from Hooslers.
LOUISVILLE. Ky., June 3. Louisville
defeated Indianapolis today by oDbortun
batting. Kenna was a puasle to the vis
itors wnen men were on bases. Score:
B.H.O.A.E. B H.O.A E
Hallmaa. .It..
lilt IVInaon, rf.... 1 4 1 s 4
Btorail. ef . ... I I I
BraalMwr. Ik. 4 1 4
s SCroailey, If... I 4 1 1
I I J. Cnrr. aa... 4 8 11
4 IHIaias. ct.... 4 114
4 4C. Carr, lb... 4 1 14 4
I 1 Porrr. It-rf... 4 1 s s
Bulllvao, lk.. I I 11
Kerwln. rf... Ill
WoftDnig, Ik. 4 I 1
Oulnlas. sa.. 4 13
ha, a Ill
Kraaa, a 4 t t
4-1 Holnws, a.... 4 4 I I
I 4 Jemaa. lb.... I 1 I I
4 4 alarraa. lb... 4 1 3 4
CIcmi. a a a a v a
Louisville 1 1 1 0 0
Indianapolis 0 10 0 0
44 8 tl IS I
0 1127
0 0
0 1-3
Two bise hits: Btovall. Woodruff, t: Carr
Three-bane hit: ferry. Stolen base: ?.Jr
can. Sacrifice kits: Shaw, Hallman. Bases
on balls: Off Kenna, 1; off Cleotte. 3.
Struck out: By Kenna, 3; by Cleotte, 1.
Double plays: Quinlan, Braahear to Sulli
van, 3; Brashear, Quinlan, to Sullivan;
Cleotte. James to C. Carr. Left on bases:
Louisville. 7; Indianapolis. 7. Time: 2:00.
Cmplre: Haskell. .
Brewers Defeat Saints.
MILWAUKEE, June l.-Oberlln and
Slagle Indulged in a pitched battle her to
day, each letting the opposing team down
with five hlta Milwaukee hit at opportune
tlmea and the game waa never In doubt
after tha fourth Inning, , Bcore:
B H O. A.B. B H.O.A. E.
kablssoa, sa. I
Graen. rf 4
Clark, lb I
Bawnaa. lk.. I
H.mpalll, cf. I
Rota, c 8
S't kaan, It I
MVCorm k. Ibt
Obarlla. a ... I
till Oolar. If . .. 4 I 1 I S
I S S SUS4.B. IS... 4
14 11 VanZanei, ef. 4
Sit imak. rf 4
4 14 4 Roct fela. as. 4
1114 Pa44. Ik. .. 4
4 111 WkMlei. Ik.. 4
I I 1 I Drill, a 4
4 14 4 Slagl. p
Tela la M I n I I Totala M I M i I
Milwaukee 0 0 1 8 0 0 1 0 i
01. raui
00100101 0-8
Three-base hit: Clark. Robinson n.lee
Slagle. Bases on balls: Off Oberlln. 2; off
Slagle, I. Struck out: By Oberlln, 8: by
Blagle, 1. Double play: Rnckenfeld, Pad
den to Sugden. Sacrifice hit: Roth. Left
on bases: Milwaukee, 3: Bt. Paul. 3. Um
pire: Urn ens. Time: 1:40.
Standi. of the Tea...
Won. Lost Pet.
26 14 .K2S
W 3D .600
M 17 .641
31 a . .4.10
1 31 .476
18 21. .Vi
13 21 .463
16 27 .367
Toledo 40
Columbus 48
Milwaukee 37
Kansas City 42
Minneapolis , 4
Louisville 40
Bl. Paul 88
Indianapolis 41
Games today: Columbua at Toledo, In
dianapolis at Louisville. 8L Paul at Mil
waukee. Minneapolis at Kansss City.
Fremont Loses to Kearney.'
FREMONT. Neb.. June !. tBperlsl Tele
gram. H-Kearney defeated Fremont In a
loosely played game thla afternoon by a
score of 3 to 6. Fremont was badly crip
pled and Buach Cook, who makes no pre
tension of being a alab artist, was In the
box. Busbv made a home run in the sec
ond. Bcore: K H E
Kearney t 1 0 1 3 1 08 14 4
Fremont i 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 14 f
Batteries: Kearney, Pendergraft and
Zalusky; FVemont, Cook and Shea. -
Cornell Wins Inn Harvard.
CAMBRIDGE. Mass., June I. Although
outbatted. Cornell won from Harvard to
day through the poor baso running of the
crlinsoa players by a score of i 10 i. 8- ore:
Cornell 8 4 4 4 4 8 4 0 04 8
Harvard ..... 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 e 4 M 4
batteries: I 111.1 ad. LMbon and Wslck;
Greene and Currier.
WoWerine Unitersitj Team Takes Western
Intercollcrfite Championship.
Indiana Athlete Cleara the Bar at
19 Feet 4T-8 Inches Chicago la
Second aad Iowa Parana I
CHICAGO. June 3 A new world a record
In the pole rsult and the equalling of the
best previous mark In the IJn-yaM hurdles
marked the sixth annual meet of the In
tercollegiate Conference Athletic associa
tion, held on Northwestern field at Evan
ston this afternoon. The University of
Michigan team, as had been expected, took
first honors, scoring the overwhelming
total of VS points, the highest recorded
In the history of the association. The
University of Chicago was second and
Iowa State Normal third.
With the general result a foregone con
clusion, Interest centered In the perform
ance of the Individuals. . Leroy Samae of
Indiana university, by vaulting 12 feet 4T4j
Inches and thus establishing a new world's
record for the event, wan easily first In
this respect. Garrells of Michigan tied the
120-yard hurdle record of 0:164 and. In
addition, won first places in the 320-yard
hurdles and the discus throw and second
In the shot put. He scored 18 points for
his school.
Iowa Sprinter's Faat Work.
F. Hamilton, an unheralded sprinter from
Iowa State Normal, won both the dashes
and landed his school In third place. The
absence of Parsons, the star dash mun of
the University of Wisconsin, contributed
to this result, as the "Badger" Institution
was fourth with 9 points. Parsons was
barred by a faculty edict this morning
and the action of his instructors robbed
the meet of considerable of Its Interest.
With the Wisconsin man out. little class
remained, both Dougherty of the Univer
sity of Michigan and Mark ley of Miami
university failing to live up to their rec
ords. One of tha best events of the day waa
the quarter-mile run, won by N. A. Mer-
rlam, a freshman of the University ot
Chicago, from Frank Waller, who won the
event for Wisconsin last year. Waller set
all the pace and Men-lam caught him 100
yards out and beat him to the tape by
three yards. The time, 0:60, was fast.
The other track events went to Michigan
runners, wearers of the blue "M" coming
In first and second In the half-mile, mile
and two-mile.
Field Eventa.
In the field events, outside of the pole
vault, the work of the athletes was only
fair. None of the lumpers threatened tho
previous marks and In the weight events
Parry of Chicago, although scoring 8 points,
failed to touch the records. B. Haggard
of Drake university pushed Samae hard In
the pole vault, breaking the previous con
ference record by clearing 13 feet 4 Inches.
After he had walked away from the bar
on this attempt the cross stick came down
and the officials would not allow his per
formance to stand.
A relay race, which did not count in the
table of points, wound up the program.
It went to the University of Chicago run
ners, who took an exciting contest mainly
because Lindberg of Illinois failed to touch
O'Rear at the start of the last relay. Tbe
latter ran himself Into the ground trying
to catch Merrlam and finished a bad fourth.
The Institutions represented In tho meet
were as follows: Chicago.. Michigan, Pur
due, Iowa university, Iowa State Normal
school, Iowa State college. Northwestern,
Minnesota, Oberlln, Indiana, Wisconsin,
Drake, Belolt. Illinois, Miami, Missouri and
Kenyon. Results:
First heat: Oarrels of Michigan firs:.
Dupuy or Illinois second. Time: 4:1 6-,,,
Second heat: Wodrlch of Minnesota first,
Steffen of Chicago second. Time: 0:l4r.,
Third heat: Hodgnn of Michigan first.
snauver of Northwestern second. Tlmi:
One hundred-yard dash, first hea:
Hamilton of Iowa normal first, Lewis of
Purdue second. Time: 0:10W. Second
heat: May of Illinois first, Dougherty of
Minnesota second. Time: 0:10V. Thlri
heat: Stewart of Michigan first. Merrill
of Chicago second. Time: 0:104a.
Mile run: Coe of Michigan first, Malonov
or Michigan second, vernon of Purdue
third. Time: 4:80.
Four hundred-yard run: Merrlam of Chi
cago first. Waller of Wisconsin second.
Hideout or Wisconsin third. Time: 0:63,
One hundred-yard dash, final heat: Ham
ilton of Iowa normal first. Stewart of
Michigan second, Merrill 6f Chicago third.
Time: 0:10.
One hundred twenty-yard hurdle, final
heat: Oarrels of Michigan first, Hogdou
or Michigan second, Shauver or North
western third. Time: 0:1&H (equal ta
worm s record. .
Discus throw, distance 1S4 feet V4 Inch
Oarrels of Michigan first. Parry of Chi
cs to second, distance, lis feet S Inches
Messmer of Wisconsin third, distance,
feet IU Inches.
Two hundred twenty-yard dash, flrlt
heat: Markley of Miami first, Dougherty
or .Minnesota second. lime: 0:23 Yi
Second heat: Merrill of Chicago first.
Brenham or Missouri second. Time
0:344. Third beat: Hamilton or Io.n
normal and Stewart of Michigan tied for
nrsi. . lime: :n.
Shot put: Dunlap of Michigan first.
distance, 43 feet U Inches; Oarrels of
Michigan second. 41 feet, 10i Inches;
Anderson or Missour tnird. II reet. 10'a
230-yards hurdles, first heat: Oarrels of
Michigan first, Seward of Indiana second
Time: 0:25H. Second heat:, Mackey of
Illinois nrst. wsiier or Wisconsin second.
Time: 0:27V Third heat: Woodrlch of
Minnesota flrat, Buckley of Indiana sec
ond. Time: 0:27.
High Jump: Kchommer and Richards
of Chicago. Kllpatrickof Illinois, Pinch of
Michigan and Bacln of Belolt, tied for
first. Height: 5 feet 8 Inches.
880-vard run: Ramey of Mirhlsran flrat.
Coe of Michigan second. Myers of Wis
consin third. Time: l:6H.
220-yard dash, final heat: Hamilton of
Iowa state normal first. Stewsrt of Mlchl
gsn second. Markley of. Miami third
Time: 0:2244.
Two-mile run: Rowe of Michigan first,
Dull of Michigan second. Jackson of Mia
sour! third. Time: 10 00 W.
Hammer throw: Parry of Chicago
first. Wllllsmaon or Chicago second, Bur
roughs of Illinois third. Distance: 1(8
feet V Inch.
Broad Jump: . Heath of Michigan first
distance. 23 feet 8 4k Inches: Kline of Illi
J (,i, second, distance, M feet
11 Inches
third, dls
Barber of Iowa state normal,
tance. 20 feet 10 Inches.
220-vard hurdle' race: Oarrels of Mlchl
gan fl"-st. Waller of Wisconsin second,
Mackey of Illinois third. Time: 0 24
Relay race: Chicago (Tavlor. Barker,
Parkinson. Merlam) first, Iowa souond,
Wlsconsi third. Time: 8:284.
Pole vsult: Samse'of Indiana first
height. 12 feet inches: Hangard of
Drake aecond, helajht. 11 feet. 10 Inches:
Oreer of Ullrmla third, helrht. 11 feet. 8
Inches (new worlds record 1.
cnes mew -woria s recorai.
Total acore by points; Michigan. 8244'..
Chicago. 204; Iowa state normal. l. 1
Wisconsin. S: Illinois. 7 4 ; Indiana. 8:1
Drake. 8: Missouri. 2; Belolt. Its: Purdue. !
Northwestern, Iowa atato. Miami, ) each, j
Golf . at Field risk,
The golf match at the Omaha Field club
Saturday waa the aecond round for the
president's cup; medal score with handicap
with eight to qualify. Judge Shields made
low net score, while the low gross score
was made by O. D Thnmaa, who was
scratch man.
O. W. Shields...
R. R. Ruascll....
J. B. Porter.....
R. M. Martin ...
J. H. Clarke
O. D. Thomas...
J. 'A Mcintosh..
A. C. Jones.
Pm Reynolds...
W. K. P.lmatler.
J. W. Hill...
Gross. Hdcp. Net.
.... M
10 8
8 81
S 88
0 hi
0 84
S &
8 . 84
10 84
4 M
Wane is Clab Snoot.
WAHOO, Neb.. June I (Soerlat. I A
two day's shooting tournament will be held
here June 8 see 8. It la tha flrat anaual
event of the Wehno Ujo club. Blue rock
taig.ts will be used, iatcb afternoon after
To Get More Strength
from Your Food
TT OTS of peopls are stsrvlrt; with
full stomach.
You know, lt net how much
wt Eat, 6 Jt how ws D'feM thit
makes us Slrorif. or Brainy, or Successful.
When tha Bowels are filled with undi
gested food we may be a great deal
worse off than If we were half starved tor
want of Food.
Because, food that stays too lent; la the
Bowels decays there. Just as if It atayed
toe long In the opea air.
Well, when food decays In the Bowels,
through delayed and overdue action, what
happens ?
The millions of little Suotion Pumps
that line the Bowels and Intestine then
draw Poison from tha decayed Food,
Instead of the Nourishment they were
intended to draw.
This Poison gets Into the blood and.
In time, spreads all over the body, unless
the Cause of Constipation la promptly
That Cause of Constipation is Weak,
cr Lazy, Bowel Muscles.
When your Bowel-Muscles grow flabby
they need Exerdee to strengthen them
not " Physic" to pamper them.
There's only ene kind of Artificial
Exercise for the Bowel-Muscles.
Its name is "CASCARETS." and Its
price Is Ten Cents a box.
Cascarets act like Exercise on the
Muscles of tha Bowels, and make them
atronger every time they force these
Muscles to act naturally.
The stronger these Muscles propel the
food, thd stronger does the friction of the
food act on the flow of Digestive Juices.
The more of these Juices that act on
food, the more Nutriment does that food
turn Into, and the richer nourishment do
the little Suction Pumps ef the Intestines
draw out of it.
the regular program Captain Hardy will
give exhibitions of fancy rifle and revolver
Sir Hsion Wins tho I.ntonla Derby In
1 glow Time.
CINCINNATI. June '.-Although. lO.lOft
people cheered today when Sir Huon won
the lAtonla derby - there was really little
to enthuse over. Only two horses went
to the post In the rich event, and It waa
virtually a walk-over for the winner. I.ady
isavarre, the other starter, could not make
Sir Huon extend himself and he won by
five lengths, pulled up. 8lr Huon was an
odds-on favorite at 1 to 2 and received
only the support . of the big speculators.
Lady isavarre went to the poat at 18 to
-me winner is a. pay colt oy Kaisetto-
Ignlte and la owned by George J. I .cog of
Louisville.. Ky. The net value of the stake
waa 8&.126.. Six favorltea won. tn the sec
ond event Casper, the fsvorlte. and Nel-
lette, tne second choice, were never in the
running. - Track faat. Summary:
f irst race, one mile St. voima won.
Fulsre second. Morendo third. Tlmn
Second race, four and one-half furlongs:
Avendow won. Miss Bertha second, Flralto
third. Time: 0'Efi.
Third race, six furlongs Robin Hood
on. Don Dome Second. Mllltades third.
Time: 1:13,-
fourth race. iatonie' oerev. mile and a
half Sir Huon (1 to 8) won. Iacly Navarre
(is to ) seoona. Time: ?:se.. two start
ers. ' 1
Fifth rsce. foor snd one-half furlongs
Zal won. Alveaton second, Herryman third.
Time: 0444.
Btxtn. race, one mile Harding won.
Adesso second. Minnehaha third. Time:
Beventn race, mile and on sixteenth
Wexford won. Mamie Altl second, I-oulse
McFarlan third. Time: 1:47V
NEW YOBK, June 1- Kesulta at Bel
mont park:
f irst race, seven runongs tsso won.
King's Qem second, Gentian third. Time:
Second. race, four and one-half furlongs,
straight Oran won. Bat Mgsterson , rec-
ond, Sewell third. Time: 0:42.
Third race, the National stallion stakes.
five furlongs, straight Charles Edward
won, Surernian second,- Demund third.
Time: 0:60.
Fourth luce, tne uadles stages, one mile
Perverse won, Belle of Peqnest second,
Edna Jackson third. Time: 1:30.
Fifth race. International steeplechase.
about two mllea Herculold won, Grandpa
second. Dromedary third. Time: 4:1S.
Bixtn race, one mile Broaociom won.
Vontromp second, Klamesha third. Time:
f Bansrii Pat Fllgnt.
The Burlingtona defeated the Buisards
on the grounds at Forty-second and How
ard streets Saturday afternoon. The feat-
urea were the home run drive by Harry
Relnschneider and the pitching of Jensen.
Boors: n. 1-1. u.
Burlingtona 1 8 0 0 1 Z 1 4 '14 13 S
Bustards ... 1018 100X0 8 I 7
Batteries: bussards. Carlson. Barrett
and Carlson; Burlingtona. Jensen and
Hernaaa Losg Comes to Omaha.
President Rourke has signed Herman
T-onf to play second baae for him and has
sent him transportation, so he may be
expected tn time to be In the gams Mon
day, which will be ladles' day. Herman
Long, wnen snorrstop ror noston was re
garded as the greatest in the business. He
has been in the minor league for a few
seasons. He captained Des Moines last
Poable Healer al Diets' Park.
A double-header will be played at Dleta
park. Thirtieth and Bpauldmg streets, to
day. The first game will be called at 2:16
with the Sterlings and Diets AthlMte as
sociation: aeennd game at 8:80. Starlights
vs. Dleta Athletics. Sunday, June 10,
the Nonpareils will play the Dleta Ath-
' White Rheumatism is usually worse in Winter because of the cold and!
dampness of a changing atmosphere, it is by no means a Winter disease
entirely. Persons in whose blood the uric acid, which produces the disease,
has collected, feel its troublesome pains and aches all the year round. The
cause of Rheumatism is a eiour, acid condition of the blood, brought about
by the accumulation in the system of refuse matter,-which the natural ave
nues of bodily waste have failed to carry off. This refuse matter coming in.
contact wjth the different acids of the body, forms uric acid which is absorbed
by the blood and distributed to all parts of the body, and Rheumatism gets
possession of the system. Rheumatic persons are almost constant sufferers;
the nafffftna' caina in ioints and muscles, are ever oresent under the most
- - . . , ,
I favorable climatic conditions, while
indigestion will often bring on the severer symptoms even in warm, pleas
ant weather. Liniments,. plasters, lotions, etc., relieve tbe pain and give the
sufferer temporary comfort, but are in no sense curative ; because Rheumatism
PURELY VEGETABLE. nd building up the thin, sour blood, cures
Rheumatism permanently. Being made en
tirely of roots, herbs and barks, S. S. S. will not injure the system in the
least. Book oa Rheumatism and any medical advice without charge.
nit swirr specific co., Atlanta, ga.
9. R. Ale MervaaUle Ciftr Co., Manaarto-rer. be Louis, M
It needs enty one Ca?cnret at a time
to stimulates;', the Bowel-Muscles enough,
without, discomfort or lose of
Ss. if you want the ssme natural
action that a six-mile walk In the country
would g!ve you, (without t'-.e weariness)
take one Cascaret at atlr-ie, with intervale
between, till yoj reach the exact condi
tion you desire.
One Cascsret st a time will properly
cleanse a foul Breath, or Coated Tongue,
thus proving clearly its ready, steady,
sure, but mild and effective action.
A coming Headache can be warded off,
In short order, by a single Cascaret, and
the cause removed.
Heartburn, Gas-belching, Acld-rtslngs
In the throat, end Colicky feeling are sure
signs of Bowel trouble from food poisons,
and should be dealt with promptly
One Cascaret will stop the coming
trouble, move on the Bowel load, and free
the Digestive Juices, if that one Cascaret
Is taken as soon as the first signs ars
Don't fail to carry the Vest Pocket
Cascaret Box with you constantly.
All Druggists sell them over ten
million boxes a year, for six years past.
Be very careful to get the genuine,
made only by the Sterling Remedy Com
pany and never sold In bulk.- Every
tablet stsmped "CCC."
Ws want to seat! to eer friends s twmtlfnl
rreiicb-ooiirned. GOLD-PLATED BONBON BOX.
a r4 -enameled In colors. It Is s beauty for tbe
greasing table. Ten centi In stamps is asVed as s
measore ef reed faith aad ts cover cost f Cascarsts,
with which tl3s"daTnty trinket is loaded, 717
Sen tfr-day, mentioning this paper. Address
Sterling JLemedy Compaay. Caicags er New York.
letics two games. TheNonpareils boat
the Diets team once and a good live game
Is expected.
t olleae Base Ball Games.
At Orlnnell, la. State 1'nlverslty
lows, 4: urlnprll. 2.
At Champaign. 111. -Illinois. 8; Minne
sota, 0.
At Ann Arbor Mich. Chicago, 6; Michi
gan. 4; ten Innings.
At New Haven. Conn Trlnceton, 3;
Tale, J.
Independents Are Winners.
The Independents defeated the Burling
ton Juniors In a loosely played game by
the score of 80 to IZ. The feature of the '
game was the batting of the Independents, j
Batteries: Independents. Smersh, Pries- ,
man and Qrasrman; Burlington Juniors.
Ganon, Crsss, vVhlte, McGrath and Black. -
Sporting: Brevities. -(
With Fuller as umglre even Lincoln ,
wsllops Des Moines 14 to 1. '
The Rourkes will be home for a game '
Monday with Lincoln, one Of the post-
poned games. , - . .
Tommy Messltt only got five hlta off of
F.ngle of Denver Friday and hla team, '
mates made nine beside.
Old Pop Eyler Is certainly msklg good
on his talk about not being a dead one.
He's rounding back to the old form.
Omaha piled up ten hlta Friday against '
Sioux City's seven, but could not win. '
The error column, incidentally,, shows a ',
total'of four. .
For the golf tournsment ' cup at ' the
Country club today R. R. Kimball. Ray ,
Low, E. P. Peck and Stockton Heth qual
ified yesterday.
Trinity Junior team defeated Sntnt Bar- '
nabaa by the score of 16 to 7. Batteries: 1
Trinity, Mussulman and Farnald; St. Bar- ,
nabas, Barnes and Sullivan. Played at
Thirtieth and California.
The Highlanders finally have got to
playing ball auch aa thai combination of ,
stars should b able to play, by the de
test of the Champions Friday they had '
made a record of ten straight wins.
Kearney must have quite a base ball -team.
Judging from the way it la making ,
Ihe other trams of the state Jump side
ways. Pop Wallace says the Kearney '
team la better than some of the big teams !
he lies seen play ball this spring.
Pueblo finally has cast off the hoodoo ,
and Is winning an occasional game of
base ball. The heavy hitting of this team '
Is finally beginning to tell and Engle, the
spit ball artist was touched up for four-.
teen sale ones Friday. Seles's persistent
work also Is telling.
The North Omaha Athletic club will
give another athletic entertainment at Its .
club room, 1707 North Twenty-fourth '
street, next Friday evening. Some of the "
best athletes of the city will take part. '.
This promises to be one of the best en
tertainments of the season.
An umpire must be pretty bad when '.
Ducky Holmes Is forced to make the de monstration
the Des Moines dispatches
say he did. When a patient, easy going,
fan like Holmes has to go out snd fight
for his rights, the game Is getting pretty '
tough. Fuller Is about six fool six in his -socks,
If he wears them, and Is such a
big, overgrown coward, he gives the home
team every decision which Is at all close,"
for fear of the fans.
Norris O'Neill Is not only a Joke as,
president of the Western league; he Is a j
humorist. Such little people as Mark
. v.ii . 7 . . ,1111 y i,u ,,nuj nrv
soon forgotten beside this Istter day funny
man. Listen: "If a president of an as-'
soclallon is not to run the organisation.
who Is?" That's a part of his Interview ,
rsrried out of Denver over Associated .
Press wires. "Who IsT" Well, ths an
swer to that question Is, "Who has?" No-!
body but Mike Cantlllon. The league ts.
threatened, by Internal strife with dlasolu-,
tlon, and where is its president? Out on
the sun-kissed coast of the smiling Pa-'
clflc, rubbing aea foam on hla face to
preserve his complexion. "Who Is?" Well,,
whet do you think of thst?
. , .
exposure to dampness or an attack of
is not a disease that can be rubbed away or
drawn out with a plaster. S. S. S. is the best
treatment for Rheumatism ; it goes down into
the blood and attacks the disease at its head,
and by neutralizing the acid and driving it out,