THE OMAIIA SUNDAY BEE: JUNE 3, 191)6. i U ' rp a n is sold on time by practically all dealers, most any of whom one may expect some kind of terms. IJuying house furnish ings then resolves itself to the question of where to buy good reliable furniture at The Lowest Price. We unhesitatingly claim and prove to you our prices, quality considered are lower than any house in Omaha. Our Easy Terms and Liberal Credit makes this the ideal trading place of the ECONOMICAL HOUSEWIFE. Extraordinary inducements offered young married couples during June. W If. If Terms nf":f:;';T P' to . fll&fcga . .WW. N fe 7.50 rtppP THIS SOLID OAK Six Foot K tension Table, our best 110.00 value, on Bale Monday, at Solid Onk Sldebonrd, swell front top drawers, hevel French plate, jslass, $1S value, Monday. . . ' French plate, -jslass, . I M Kxtra heavy Iron Hd, (exactly like cutl .. our leader 4.95 This beautiful .1-piece Parlor Suite mahogany finish, upholstered In fine Verona velour, a ft flf bargnin at 20.00, I A M yours Monday for... aJV L ; So i f iVtAfsiA iiiu tan GOB IBS OGTORS FOR . . , . .... 7, f fi. i :. 1 A AVOID APPROACHING CALAMITY '.,.,. Jj''S" or wknes '' rob. m man of hla aplrlt. ambition and totem nou d not b considered a trirliii- all mnt. Hexual .Harases or weatnow. . or innn may b primarily Indwell from a variety of cauae., auch aa debaalne; habu,, ncoaaea, overwork, dinaloatlon, tc. The victim of wraknam gn ally knowa the cause. Loaa of ,wer Gradually develop.. Orcaalonal weak u""lly the Arat tlgn of fullln- power.. The man who atopa the caua. ana retina treatment then 1. reatored ao quickly by our method that he often dota not appreolHte the calamity he ha. avoided. Deferring an active and en ergetic course of treatment mean. creaW-r weukneaa. leading to Nervo-Sexual Debility, night lo.aea and day dralna. atrophied organa and wentually a com plete loan of vitality. The evil result, are both physical and mental. Private disposes or weaknesses, when neglected or Improperly treated, have been the means of blighting the most radiant hopes, rendering marrlag. unhappy and busltiesa failure. If you are afflicted with any of theae bano ful, body-destroying, nnul-bllghtlng dlseasea or weaknease. ao prevalent among men, come to u. and we will make a thorough, searching and sclentlflo ex amination of your ailments, an examination that will disclose your trua . ihyslcal condition, without a knowledge of whiohr your ars groping in the ark and without a thorough understanding of which no-phyalclan or epa clalist should treat you. .... ,. ... The maa who has youth In' his heart, pure blood In his vein., ambition, confidence and nervous energy In Ida makeup, and' who-la free-from the con- laminating effects of private diseases, or the depressing Influence of Narvo Sexual Debility, I. worth more to himself, to his family, his friends and tha world than la the broken-down millionaire with all his weHlth In the bank. We have gladdened the hearta of thousands of y.ung and middle-aged man wna were plunelng toward the grave, restoring them to perfect specimens of physi cal manhood, full of vim, vigor and vitality. We cure safely and thoroughly: . Stricture, Varicocele, Emissions, Nervo-Sexual Debility, Impotency, Blood Poison (Syphilis), Rectal, Kidney and Urinary Diseases - and diseases and weaknesses of men due to self-abuse, .xcasea or the result of .pacltlo sr private diseases. . V FREE .C0ISULTATI01 AKO EXAMIHATION. , ?uZS:'t-.fot STATE MEDICAL INSTITUTE 1308 Farnam St., Between 13th and 14th Sts, Omaha, Neb. 3SB&E3 DO YOU WANT TO KNOW ABOUT COLORADO? If bo, fill out the blank below and mail to . . C. H. SPEEPvS, 7U0 Seventeenth Street, Denver Colo., And you will receive by return mail FREE, a set of handsome souvenir postal cards, showiug mountain scenery, together with a number of beautifully illustrated -brtoklets, telling you how to make your summer vacation trip to the Rockies a most enjoyable event , . . Dear Sir Please tell me about Colorado." , v ' V, , ' 1 '. Name ..4....1;.: . '., postoffico ...... C1NTILL0NS STILL BOSSES With Comiikej to Weak.a Holm. Tbej Override Boniks u Uinl. 0'NEIL REMAINS TOOL OF HIS MASTERS Manaarrr. D t Hoi 4 Formal Meet lag mni Roarke'a "Krlcnaa leave Him to Hold tha 9ack. The Cantlllona apparently have won again in the Western league fight. No meeting was held In Omaha yentcr day. All the magnates were present, but the majority, deaertlng Ilourke, re fused to meet without a call from the president. A call from the president could not be had without orders from the execu tive committee of the board of directors. Rotirke nnd Joe Cantlllon were a majority of the board and Cantlllon refueed to algJt a call for a meeting, so all that could bo done was to sit around and talk It over. Talk was all there was to the meeting, but it developed that the Cantillons were, willing to do almost anything In the in terest, of harmony except to expel O'Nell the only thing to:be done the man who hold, the title of president of the Western league. 0"Nell they would not part with and so the matter .lands whera it has been-wlth Mike Cantlllon .till bos. of O'Nell and the league. After several Informal discussions by groups of twos and threes the magnates went to lunch with nothing definite In view. Jo Cantlllon said there was to be no meet ing becauae there wa. no necessity for one. l oinlskey Bntts In. ComlHkey has taken a hand In Western league politics and Ducky Holmes has weakened from the position he took In the strong telegram of support which he sent to Rourke at the time of the rowdy Ism displayed by Mike Cantillon on the Omaha ground. All. the league magnate, were present at tha Millard hotel at the appointed time, but tha tlma wa. .pent In chewing around In group, and In holding caucuses. Those present were E. O. Mlddlekamp of Tuehlo. Joe Cantlllon of Chicago. R. R. Burke of Denver, Ducky Holme, from Lincoln, R. B.. Duncan of Sioux City, Mlko Cantlllon of Des Molne. and Vice President Myrick of Omaha. After a short conference between Dun can, Holme., Joe Cantlllon and Rourke In the latter', room Holme, went to the clerk', desk and asked for the time of a train to be. Moines, saying he wa. going to net out and play with his team where he belonged. "They can't use Ducky Holme, for a foot ball," said Mr. Holmes. "They have put me In the tightest position a man wa. ever In in hi. life. They have this scrap on and will have to decide It without Holmes." Darky tp Asrainat It. "Tou will attend tha meeting if one Is called, won't you?" asked a reporter for The Bee. "Weil, I am here." replied Ducky. "A. long as It was a matter of going against Mike Cantlllon I wa. with Rourke, but when Joe Cantlllon comes along with a letter from Comiskey It 1. a different proposition. Joe CantilloA and Bill Rourke helped me to 'my team at ' Lincoln. Joe Cantlllon made it possible for me to play with that team. Here .ra my two friends and I am the pivot In this row and what can' I do? Three with ma and' three against me. ' Wa. a man ever put In a worse position? If. I could catch train out of town-1 would go, a. the only way out of the trouble. ."Joe Cantlllon sat. In the grand stand at the game in Des Moines Friday and after the , game said to Mike: 'For heaven', sake, why do you Insist noon keeping such an Incompetent umpire as Ful ler in the league? You should fire him at once and put one of the little bat boy. to work, or anybody but him.' "I will go back to the American league and play for my little $2,600 a year before I will be made the foot ball of this lexrue. I don't know anything about the politic, of base ball and I don't want to. They can have my team. If they, want It, and I can play ball, but I will not decide this squabble for them." O'Xell Denies the Iatervlvw. - Norrls O'Nell sat around the lobby talk ing to first one magnate and then another, and when asked by a reporter for The Bee It he had given out that interview I which was put on the wire, at Denver he aaid: "I don't think Norris O'Nell ha. ever got enough hop in him yet to give out -such an interview. I did .ay part of what wa. reported, but I don't think I nm fool enough to say that I hired the cap tain, and the club and thnt I would cull them out. A man at Denver did say he waa. willing to take the Omaha franchise. I should think he would when he could get $10,000 or $12,000 for nothing." "I. thera to be a meeting today?" he waa asked. ."Well, that I cannot tell you." "How did you happen to come If there is to be no meeting?" "Well, I got a telegram from Mike Can tlllon, who la the bosa of this league, nsk ing me why I wa. not coming to Omaha, ao here I am. "Under the constitution and bylaws of tha league there can be no meeting today because I have not called one. If all the owner, who are here now sign a call fo.' a meeting, it will be put up to the board of directors, consisting of Tebeau. Joe Cantlllon and Rourke. ? wo of these are here now. and If they decide to call a meeting Jt will be held. "I have telegram, lit my grip, which I will show you when this squabble h) over, showing that the owner, .of the league team, knaw where I wa. all the time.'1 Paeblo'a Side of It. K. Q. Mlddlekamp. one of the director, of the Pueblo team, Mia: "We have been given to understand that Omaha wanted to throw Denver and Pueblo out of the league last win ter and with that uncertainty we did not like to go ahead and spend a lot of money on a team. With thla squabble on w. again do not like to keep Investing our good money, but we are go ing ahead and building a grandstand and getting players never! helesa. We have the utmost confidence In Selee and will give him our support. Wa will have a good team which will not keep losing. I don't know much about this squabble and don't know what I shall do. We have lost games by the Incompetency of the umpire, which O'Nell ha. sent ua. and it was pretty hard when we had such few game, to our credit." R. R. Burke, representing the Denver I team, .aid: "I think the only thing to do Is for tne owners to give O'Nell a talking to and see that he enforce, the law. of the league, which are sufficient to give clean ball If they are enforced." raatllloaa OIto Their Fscose. Joe Cantlllon, proprietor of the Milwau kee team, said: "This question of umpires I. the cause I of all the trouble and tt cannot be helpod. There are but five good, first-class umpires In the country. When a man makes good. umpire at Des Molne yesterday t knw he was Incompetent." "Why did not O'Nell recognise that fact and get a new man?" wa asked of Can tlllon. "That i. a hard question to answer, but If you can find a competent umpire he will be hired. They are hard to nnd." "How do you account for O'Nell sending out Interviews from Chicago when he Is known to be in Oakland?" Mr. Cantlllon evaded this question. "We hav. factions In our league and manage to get along, and I don't see why they can't here." Mr. Cantlllon rave the Impression that the cities of the Western league would have no cause to complain In the future of the way the Des Moines team acted on the field. Mike Cantlllon said It was all the fnttlt of the newspapers that this 'trouble was started. 'We do not want the best of It from anv umpire," said he "All we wnnt Is to be let alone and we will win the games. There are two . ground. In this Ictigun where It Is Impossible for one umpire to give satisfaction. The grounds are too mall and two umpires art needed. The umpire cannot stand at home base on the Des Moines grounds and make a fair de cision on second, and the sume way at home if lie Is umpiring In the middle of the diamond. We have two good umpire In this league, but J don't think Fuller I. much good myself, but whera can you get better ones?" . ., It w.s understood th.t Cantlllon was going to promise to be good and quit try ing to bulldote the umpires. He said the pres. had ' stirred . up .uch a sentiment against him until he wa. blamed for every thing which happened, which many people think not too hard. . After a day spenj In accomplishing nothing the different magnates left for their homes. Rourke stayed In Omaha, waiting for the game Monday with Lln-colh. PROTECTION F0R PETERH0F Aeachllghts Mounted and Gaardsblp Poatod to Guard the Csar'a Family. 8T. PETERSBURG, June S.-9everal strong searchlights have been mounted on the fortifications of Kron.tadt to command the . palace of Peterhof and a gunrdshlp lias been stationed Just off shore. . These precautions indicate the extent of the inquietude for the safety of the imperial family. Revolutionary agitation among; the sailor, at Kronatadt is reported to be ram pant and the fear is expressed thnt they may secure and train some of the guns on the emperor's palace across the bay. t BIG SHOW COMISa. "First Show of the Season. The splendid reputation of the Sells-Floto Shows Is so firmly established none will doubt the genuineness of promise, made, and on one will be disappointed. This. year the shows have been enlarged .0 a. to rank with any tented organisation on the road. Thousands of dollar, hava been spent in Improving every department. Be side, a big, full, complete, double company of performer, and trained wild and domes tic animals, the largest menagerie now on exhibition, the finest horses In the world, the best, fine, open-den, free street parade ever seen, the big shows carry thei own physicians, blacksmith. harnea.makers, electricians, tentmaker., and five detective, accompany the show., who know every crook and thief of reputation fn tha coun try; consequently these questionable gentry five. . the show, grounds a wide berth on clrcu. day, for they are locked up on sight. When a man get. too old to take a day ofT when . the clrcu. come, to town It I. time for Id m to get buay with hi. will or else call the doctor In to overhaul his liver. The man who doe. not care for the sights and sound, of the sawdust arena is certainly badly out of Joint somewhere. Two exhibitions are always given dally, rain or shine, and In case of Inclement weather water-proof tents insure ample protection and comfort. The horses with the Sells-Floto circus are among It. most Interesting features. Of the 300 splendid animal, there Is not one that cannot find his car and his special stall in It alone. The prloe. paid for them ranged from $300 to $900 each for the Perch eron and Clydesdale draft stock and went Into the thousands for the racing horse, used In the tournament and principal rid ing acta. When the tent for the horse, la ready each horse knows where he belongs In It.' When the parade forms he falls Into line without being told. It is even said that the ring horse know when they are to perform by means of the music. The perfect discipline found In every de partmenr of the clrcu. is absolutely neces sary. Cruelty to any of the animal. I practically unknown. The tent, are erected with a precision and lack of confusion marvelous to the lay mind. The amy of men necesaary to the trans portation and presentation of the snow are housed, fed and paid with never a hitch. Whatever letters, may precede It In the alphubet, the . first word In the circus man's dictionary Is "system." All this will be observed when the eel).. Floto Show, come to Omaha Thursday, June 7. Kxtremelr Low Rate. FOR THE HOUND TRIP TO BOSTON. NEW HAVEN, CONN.. AND BUF FALO, VIA NIAGARA FALLS and the Michigan Central. Liberal limit, and stopover.. For complete information oall on or address C. C. Merrill, Trav. Passr. Agt., Tenth and Walnut 8t... Kan sas City, Mo. ' W. J. Lynch, Passenger Traffic Manager, Chicago. Important C'hana-e of Time. Effective June t. the Chicago Great West ern Railway changes time of trains. See time card In these column. Chicago and Return l.1.M. Via ILLINOIS CENTRAL RAILROAD. Tickets on sale June 10th 11th and 12th. Oood returning until June 17th. Tickets and further Information at City Ticket Office, 1402 Farnam St., Omaha. Engraved Wodrtlnj invitations A. Root, (Inc.) 110 Howard St.. Omaha. I. State a. I. hear lai has. he la aura to be gob bled up by the largvr lea.uea. and then the smaller leagues are conipell1 to hitnf for n.w material Tha nilnui. I saw Fuller Irt Trains Collide. SANDUSKY, O., June 1. Westbound pas senger train No. 1. knowc as the Pittsburc and Buffalo express, on the Lako Shore J road, dashed Into the rear end of a freight tram early today, resulting In the serious Injury of Engineer Wise of the pasitenger No rasitengar wa. Injiired. The tracks were all blocked and train, will be sent over tha southern division between t'levelana and Toledo. Knhn for t narresa. GREENFIELD. Ind . June !. The demo crats of the 8ixth district this afternoon nominated Rev. E. II. Kuhn of Richmond for congress. Mr. Kuhn had no opposition. A KOTRE DAME LADY'S APPEAL To all knowing sufferers of rheumatism, whether muscular or of the Joints, sciatica, lumhagoa. backache, pains in the kidnes or neuralgia pains, to write to her for a home treatment which hen repeatedly cured all of these tortures, the feels It her duty to send it to nil sufferers FREE. You euro youru-lf at home, as thousunda will testify no change of climate being nece. Mry. This simple discovery banishes uric arid from the blood, loosens the stiffened Joints, purifies t lie blood and brightens tlx eyes, giving elasticity and tone to the whole ssteui. If the above Intervals you. for proof address Mrs. M. uininscs, cW lit. Sou. Laxu. 14. v yl ' yJ -J i 'Jayiml Trims m,, mv-.-rA aP' IE Direct Representatives of the Factory SEE US BEFORE BUYING Remember We Arc Western Headquarters lor the..... 4 9 Edison PItoiiop8aplns Victor' The New 1906 Models, From $15 to $100. 50,000 New Records to Select From FREE CONCERT DAILY SKK THIS ORF.AT OKFKH. Nothing Down Wo offer to sell you an I'.dison or Victor Talking Ulachlne on the condition that you pay for the records only, and begin to pay for the instrument 30 days later. We prepay all express charges on all retail orders. Write for catalogue. flvvj; y m,T - ,- ,; - V SIlK SINGER and WHEELER & WILSON We have on our floor a full line of each In all styles sold for cash or easy monthly payments. We have some KPIX'IAL BARGAINS IN I'SED MACHINES. They have all been overhauled and put. in first class shape. Ront MachiiiPH at $1.M) per Week. We repair and sell parts for all makes of machines. OPEN MATT HIM Y EVENINGS. NebrixskeL Cycle Company CEO. E. MICHEL, Mgr. Cor. IStlt and Harney. Omaha J34 irasaway. Ceuncfl Blsllt Pkone 1S. 43 N. 14th SI.. Se. Omaka p5j mm mm r a a Ml. "tf" ninn if ii Crow liai jssenratiioii LOCATION In Southeastern Montana between the Big Horn and Yellowstone rivers and Adjacent to the Burlington's Northwest main line south of Billings, Montana. v- DATES OF REGISTRATION June 14th to 28th. . . . n Tt a TTT T"VT n A i. T: lf.i.. On A DATXj AUD JjUUAilUIM UJT JJXWilWlWVr ill rlllilig,, urn; -mi. PLACES FOR REGISTRATION Billings, Montana, Sheridan, Wyoming, both located on the Burlinirton's main line- CHARACTER OF LANDS About one million acres of land will be opened for settlement. Of these 125,000 acres can be irrigated according to survey already made by the Government. 300,000 acres are very fine grazing and pasture lands. The farm unit to be drawn for is 160 acres. EXCURSION RATES From points on the Burlington Route west of the Missouri River, excursion rate is one first-class fare for the round trip to Sheridan or Hillings, with a maximum excursion rate of $20.00 from Omaha, Lincoln, Denver, and intermediate points. Tickets sold June 10 to 26, final limit July 10th. - ARRANGEMENTS TO CARE FOR ALL WHO COME-The business men of Billings and Sheridan have made unusual preparations to take care of all who come to register for this drawing, Burlington Agents will be supplied with rate circulars and special folders descriptive of j l a , a 1 i 1 1 1 i t ... tnis Agency at tne earnest possi Die aaie. . . . L W. WAKELEY, General Passenger Agent 1004 FARHAM STREET, OMAHA, NEBRASKA Mm n WHJ n!anwia,i-iii'ai miwu -a -y 7t aaaj'i,. ifc ifci' torn V franf mm iai p nil mi w ly n . i) I sw ... 1 ..i4, M,-. f tBV4 i-i- H1"'" 1 til n I .ii. iii mul i niti ... i i'.."Tl dlr-r-'1- At.. . . -T- t , , ; iiiMlllftMllliiMi ill III Ii Ml S Fish or no fish, you will be perfectly satisfied with your outing if Gold Top ia in the basket. ::::::::: Wholesome Refreshing Appetizing. w , , w- . ) m a Ii a llsudquartrra JetterBrewinrjCo. B I u I t s H-ad'iiat Irrs, T.I.U,t. Nml, I.KK MITt'llKLI, Kiipiivut iiuiuvti u( vuuiii viuaiia, jmj Mam St Tel. 0. WHAT YOU o A m nil Ramn Your' Treatment Nntt Or. McGrew, Specialist TUB AT ALL FORMS OP DISCASIS 0" Men) ONLY.. THIRTY YKARs' EXPKXIENCE TWENTY YEARS IN OMAHA ' CLOUD POISON, VARICOCELE, STRIC TURE. LOSS OF VITALITY and all and dlaordtr. of mca OVER 30,000 CASES CURED .Char gas Lsss Than All Others. Treatment by- mall.- titl or writ.. Bo! TM. fifflw, Ili Bouth Kourtesnth, Omaha, Neb. . JsP. Tnos'. s'jffsrtnf from waii-' tietea wuM'b sap tfia I'lHauri't ut life auuiilij lke Jurru I'uu iyur l.l will tf.l a blurv i,t roarTrloiis rasults. This cuolwina bas mora rvjurrnatlng. vmIiih.i tur-a limn has vrr hiuri l-o t)(Terd. !vrt uusl-paid in plaia unly on n-reipl of iwjr. a.jd II. M.l Of its orlgiuaiurs C. 1. kiuod C o.. pra AnaUirs Uuwd tarias-ariUa. Lnasi ataaa