Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 03, 1906, NEWS SECTION, Page 6, Image 6

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SOCIETY nAS ONE BUSY SPELL r JZX. m ",h th'lr -ror
Mrs. 3. P. Lord, Miss I-ord snd Frentiss
LoH If ft Frldar to" Viln Dr. Lord In Bos-
Omaha Folks Lay Out Sevan Days af ton and spend several weeka tn the east.
Osnuins Activity. Mr- n1 Mr" E receivea a
m re re
U il LJ V m n m m h m m as an aaaaRMHMHHBBsanasnHaHMS"S)H"ainMMI!'MM
Beautiful tew display of Linen Suits, Jackets and Skirts
Graduation Gowns and Mull, Lawn and Organdie Dresses -
jn two-piece or Princess style, is now open to your in- I
Epection. We have all of fashion's latest offerings in y
style, material and color, at prices the most moderate.
All-Linen Bolero Kults Circular elbow sleeves with medallion
! effects, skirts self : trimmed, regular $16.00 value ft Oft
Monday special . . . U
Special Mnen Bolero Halts Circular sleeves, all colors, 70
' trimmed In braid Monday special
beautiful Organdie Princess Dresses, In dainty floral H CA
. patterns, regular $12.50 values Monday special 'w
' 0 '
Separate lace and linen jackets, all prices.
Wash skirts and separate wash coats.
' Our Window.
Srrinl Rnrrrs. announcing Ms sfe sr-
WEDDINGS TAKE THE LEAD ON CALENDAR rivsi st uvexpooi. Mr. floors win spend
the summer abroad.
Mrs. David Cols will lesv soon for
Kansas Cltr t tnNt her daughter. Mlas
Irene Cols, who will to to Kansas Cltr at
th close, of De Pauw university June 14.
They will spend shout thres weeks there.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Tates sslled Friday
on ths Bltirher for New Tork. Miss Bes-
sis Tstes remained In Paris with her sunt.
V.n. Demon of St. Joseph, snd will he
Joined tster by her sister. Mrs. Voss, who
leaves soon for European trip.
Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Beeeon snd Mies
Kstherlpe Beeson leave today for the City
of Mexico, accompanied by Mr. Snd Mrs.
Greens snd Mr. and Mrs. ' Lou Marshall
! of Lincoln. Ths party will ba ths guests
while there of Ambassador Thompson and
Mrs. Thompson
Brlils Party Coamtry Clah far tka
BcaesH mt tka Cracks Frwsalssa
o Be Issaortaat
"O" Wtlii.
Gwendolen Oardner. gsy sjrlrl.
flresorv flrfv. sreen fliv.
Gwendolen save Gregory genial glances.
Gregory grinned.
Owendnlen goo-gooed Gregory.
Gregory niggled.
Gwendolen got Gregory.
Gwendolen got Gregory's gold.
"Good by !
Goodness gracious!
Graftl Ths Alllterator.
The? Social Caleadar,
BI'NDAY Miss Ella Mae Brown, supper
1 c
3 C
Correct Dress Identifies Good Taste
'' 1 and Often Suggests Prosperity
Announces a Big Reduction in rrlces During the Month of June.
Mr. La Book guarantees the same high-class workmanship that
has always obtained In his establishment.
He has the reputation bt producing garments that show the grace
ful lines desired by every woman who wishes to be well dressed.
Showing the Most Up-to-Daic Things
itY Oxfords
",. "We make a specialty of fit
We have all the new shapes which make 'fitting fairly
The new welt pumps in White Canvas,. Dull Kid or
Patent Kid- ". ' :'"' "
White Canvas for Women, Misses and Children in the
popular prices as well as the finest, made.
203 South 15th St.
OlllH 11II1LI ill
T o CI a T .
Each barrel contains three flavors
t tec Cresm. Trosen and packed so
that they wilt keep hard for a long
time. Their popularity Is vouched for
by the rapidly Increasing demand
over 25,000 have already been sold.
Send and get one. They are put
up In two sls4s:
Quart Sisa sufficient for six Afr
or sight persona
Flat suae auftlclent for,thras 9f
or four .persons. . . . . 4fcWW
1520 Farnam St.
S100 In a Diamond
Baats -S1.0QQ
In a Bank
The Quest
for Gifts
Ths Jewelry
Gilt Store
With a broad and comprehensive assortment of many
wares, offering myriad gift suggestions, we are prepared to
aid in the selection of presents for Wedding Gifts and Grad
uation Articles.. ' w ,.
The store is nt your service. Anything you may desire
to see will be shown cheerfully. .
Remember the Diamond market is advancing and we
are still selling some at old prices.
T. L. COMBS fi CO. Sas ,
Douglas Street
Mrs. I). M. Brrlven of Tine. Colo.. Is
.tN?oVn7rVlc?UbE!nror of Mrs. IrKS "pected In Om.ha tod.y for a visit with
Keeiine and Mm. w. i. nurn. ner orotner, rrea u. weaa. Mrs. oenven
JV1 "h' upPrVni;0UJJt.rC,fSr wl" mk nr August at
r..andr.r;. V'MrMr: SPTfl.h, S. D.. where her husband will
and Mrs. H. T- Clarke, Jr.. supper for teach In the normal school. Mr. Scrlren
Mies Clarke and Mr. will take post-graduats work this summer
Mrs. Mo rand, supper for Capune-Morand , .t .. . ". .
bridal party. - in ina university or unicago.
MONDAY Whit tIl-rirke wedding at I Mrs. W. J. Cnnnell leavea this week for
Trinity cathedral. Mrs. w ths sast to attend tha commencement ex
luncheon at Omaha club for Mies toie. I . , .
Mlee Tukey, dinner ror Speh-cole onaai " nr anu i
r.ortv Mr Rn (Wllasher. luncheon I Hiideon. where hr miehtera are at achool.
for Mrs. Short. Capune-Morand bridal M Ctnnf,i, ., loln i.Ur wUh
T"E6APT-CM"rs. JoaTp'h tt. Phelps, their dsughters wll spend several weeks
luncheon for Bouth Bide whist eluo. Mrs. i gt ths summer rraorta and other eastern
S5S!e7t. H'prVtrVldse' lunch- plscas. returning about the mlddl. of July
- 7 A Uai mmJ U X aVT ITamM at ba Ih ri m
eon at Country club. Mrs. r. M. iavie,
luncheon at Country club for Mrs. Cud-
h v
WEDNESDAY Hopklns-Roblnson wsd-
Mr. and Mrs. 3. N. Kopald are In Cln
clnnati, O., attsndlng ths grsduation ex
ercises of the University of Cincinnati
ding at I p m.T WestVBartTett wid- their son. Louis J. Kopald. being on. of
ding at s p. m. ; i.apune-Morana weauing ini years graduates. Besides issing I
st high noon; Speh-Cole srtllng st ie3ng p.rt In ths clsss play. "Friar Ba
Unger-Butphen wedding. Mre. vincp .. ""j
Un luncheon at Field club. Mrs. C. A. received a signal honor by being sdmttted
Hull, luncheon at country ciuo ror nn. i (h rhi ft.i. v.nn.
Crain. T. P. . A. card party at Elks'
THURSDAY Mra. 3. 8. Brady, luncheon I Coaaa aad Go Koeelp
for Mrs. E. A. cudarv. miss eioiss wood expects to go abroad
FRIDAY Hndgs any at country ciuo toon , Bpend , yeaf
HATCRDAY-Dlnner and dancs at Coun- Mrs. Edgar H. Bcott returned on Friday
try club. Dinner and dance at meia from a trip to Colorado. 11
club. Reception at Browneu nan xor Mrs. Minnie D. Karbsch has gone to New
" j Tork to spend ths summer.
June Is ths favorite month for wed- 1 Mr. snd Mrs, Clarence Rosa lesve next
dings, and that many young women have I week for a trip to New York,
waited for the month of roses Is evident Mrs. Z. T. Llndeey has been visiting
by glancing st ths social calendar for friends In Malvsm, la., this week.
the first week of the month, which has j Mr. Walter Taylor Page returned Monday
seven weddings chronicled, while there from an extended visit In the east
will probably be severs! mors quiet ones Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Love expect to
which have not been announced, snd I leave next week for an eastern trip,
many more are in prospect before ths I Miles Btandlsh hss gone to Kanaas City
end of June. Two of ths weddings will to visit his brother, Frank Btandlsh.
tsks swsy from Omsha two very pop- Miaa Isabella Clarke of Kingston, N. Y.,
ular young women. Miss Gertrude Clarke, has been the guest of Miss McMenemy,
who will live in the extreme east. In Mrs. E. Strsuss snd family leave this
Worcester, Mass., and Miss Gertrude Rob- I week for Asbury Park to spend the sum
inson. who goes to Seattle in ths ex- mer.
treme west to reside. Both wers born Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Trimble leave
snd reared In Omaha, but being passion- next week for a two-weeks' visit In Buffalo.
ately fond of travel, have spent much of N. Y.
the time away from here, but now their Miss Mary Hsrtnett Murrsy of Ksnsss
msny friends regret that their marriages city Is ths guest of Miss Hasel Llvlng-
wtll take them away permanently. The I atone.
rest of the brides ot th week have all Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Munn of Chicago arc
chosen Omaha men snd will continue to l the . guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Psl
reside here. All the brides hsvs been the I matter.
recipients of much sodsl attention the Miss Beatrice Eves of Lowell. Msss., was
past week and the coming week holds the guest of Miss Nancy Batttn during the
many glven-ln-nonor sir airs. l last week.
Mr. snd Mrs. N. L. Guckert sre en-
The one topic of conversstlon snd the tertainlng Mrs. C. C Willisms of Hooper-
event of the week in soctety was tne open- i town, 111.
lng of the Country club on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Heyden leave this
All society wss there In Us best autre and week for a two weeks' trip to New York
the scene from esrly afternoon tin mid- and Boston.
night was a gay and brilliant one. rrom Mr. and Mrs. Sam Caldwell are visit
now on most of the entertaining will tske ng Mr. snd Mrs. Chsrlea Howe In St.'
place at the Country club snd Field club; ixuis today.
for It Is an easy and very delightful wsy Mr. and Mrs. Montgomery Harris and
to entertain one's friends. It relieves the utile son left Isst evening for Bt. Louis
hostess .of ths bother and worry of plan- to spend a month.
ping ths-many little details of a luncheon During the week Miss Florence Deverell
or dinner and she can entertsln as msny entertained at cards for her guest, Mlns
as she wants at very short notice, which Bessie Rundell of Chicago
Is a great convenience sometimes. Among Mrs. W. R. McKeen lesves today for In
the dinners at the Country club last even- dlanapolls, where she has been celled by
lng was that given by Mr. and Mrs. James the serious illness of her fsther
L. Paxton In honor of Miss Gertrude Clarke Miss Helen Devls returned the first of
and Mr. Metthew Whittall, the other guest ths week from Miss Scoville's school In
being Mrs. Bishop, Mrs. Heth, Mr. H. T. I New York, where she grsdusted
-''". r. uuruun .ire, mr. buu mi. Mr. and Mrs. William H. Gould. Jr.. re
Henry T. Clarke. Jr., Mr. and Mrs. M. F. turned last night from an extended tour
Allen and Mr. and Mrs. Paxton. H f the Paclfle coast, havlna- been cone a
Mrs. Guy Howard entertained Miss month
teener, adoou or ion umana, Miss Florence Lewis will return Mon
Mlss Howard. Lleutensnt Whelen of Fort day from Fort Meade. 8. D.. where she
Crook. Mr. Exra Millard, Mr. Milton Darling hai visiting Lieutenant and Mrs.
and Mr. and Mrs. Harry uoorly at dinner. Karnes,
Mr. snd Mrs. v.. K. McKeen s guests Mr. snd Mrs. Reed Hlndman. Miss Oert-
wers Mr. snd Mrs. C. W. Hull. Mr. snd rud Hlndmsn and Mr. Arthur Hlndman of
Mrs. H. cummings and Mr. and Mrs. Chicago are ths guests of Mr. snd Mis.
A. f. UUIOU.
Mr. and Mrs. John A. McBhane hsd as
their guests Mr. snd Mrs. W. J. Fory snd
Mrs. E. C. McShsns.
Mayor and Mrs Dshlmsn, Rev. and Mrs.
T. J. Mackay snd Mr. snd Mrs. Q. W.
Wsttles were entertslned by Mr. and Mrs.
C. B. Montgomery.
Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Leinlst entertslned
fourteen guests snd Mr. Frank Wllhelm
gave a dinner of ten covers In honor of
Others entertaining were Messrs. C. N.
Diets. W. A. Gilbert. Howard Baldrlge,
Frank Keogh and Harry Wllklna.
Hereafter Wednesday will be ladles' day
at the Field club, the directors having an
nounced that a table d'hote luncheon at ft
cents a plal will be served on that day.
It is probable the women will also be al
lowed tha privilege of playing carda on ths
plaxsa after the luncheon. A table
d'Vote dinner will also be served on Wed
7'iieaday eventnga , hereafter. Those who
gave dinners last. evening were: Messrs.
F. B. Johnson. E. E. Bryson. G. W. Hold
rege. Judge Munger, C. H. Brown and W.
H. Buckholts.
The event ot next week will be the bridge
parly to be given at the Country club Fri
day afternoon for the benefit of the Creche.
A general Invitation is extended to those
who are In any way Interested In the
Creche. Those who will have charge of
the decoration of the.rooms and tables are:
Mrs. Charles Kountse, Mrs. J. E. Baum
and Mrs. H. T. Lemist. Miss Arabella
Kimball will see that the necessary cards
and tables are in place. Mrs. McMahon
and Mra. Arthur Meta will be the door
committee and will have tickets to sell
to those who for various reasons were un
able to purchase previous to that time.
Mrs. A. 3. Beaton Is chairman of the re
freshment committee and Mra. H. T. Lem
I vFih m PCDi Jgqgoacra; i i
S DaaasoaaofAJJru!
liiifi l nnnriiil n nf mn:. ! ! i i
uuiiujMsujn-j-i-wLji' I
si I lUL LVL 'V- v.v ! I
Ths ideal glovo for Summer
Dame Fashion approves them.
Excellence. Elegance and
nnrl i
""nrjuijw-'t'ULJL-iiA j
m m rfl rf-im tJLICI! wmm-w j IJ TtLJLJU ..,I,L JLJUUJ
rnn n n h n el m n ir pis sj s
Present fflftl .
; June iWfc
Bride! lltefSiifeW -.
- i ii
Arthur Sheets.
Miss Blanche KInsler. who hss been
the guest of relatives and friends for some
time, will return to her home In Buffalo,
N. Y., next week.
Miss Bobb Bell, who has been the guest
of Mrs. Howsrd Baldrlge for some time.
lesves for horns tomorrow.
Miss Blanchs Garten ot Lincoln Is the
guest of Miss Ethel Tukey, having come
for ths Bpeh-Cole wedding.
Miss Jeanls Afcrigg and Miss Nannto
Page will return next Thursday from
dgonts, where they have been attending
snd Mrs. J. R. Buchanan of Wau
kesha, Wis., formerly sr - Omsha, will
arrive today to spend several weeks with
Mr. snd Mrs. C. J. Greene.
Miss Bsdle Beckman leaves todsy for
Berkeley. Cal.. to visit Mr. snd Mrs. O.
W, E. Dorsey snd later she will make a
tour of the northern coast cities.
Senator Charles R. Hnlllngsworth of
Oscl.n. Utah, waa the guest of Mr. and
Mrs. R- B. Leech Baturdsy. He will leave
for his home esrly this morning.
Miss Ruth Moorehead. who Is attending
Burnham school. Northampton, will at
tend ths commencement exercises at
Irvlngton-on-the-Hudnon. the guest of
Miss tinsel Connell.
Mr. snd Mrs. J. M. Eisimlnger and chil
dren of Btarkwell. Okl., sre the guests of
Mr. Eislmlnger's uncle, Mr. E. A. Bitle snd
family, of 240 Emmet street. Mr. Elslm
inger Is owner and editor of the Blackwell
Pleaaares Past
Mrs. Horbach gave a charming luncheon
Wednesday tn honor of Mrs. Zera Snow
Covert were laid for Mrs. Snow, Lewis
Reed. Mrs. Joseph Barker, Mrs. Icey,
Mrs. Remington. Mrs. Victor Caldwell, Mrs
Bourke and Mrs. Horbach.
1st will hsve charge of the twelve prises The Msrrhlonette Kensington club gave a
When Too Go Away This Summer Don't Forget
To pack your Silver and other valuables and leave them In storage at
Omaha Safety Deposit Vaults .
It's Cheaper Than Insurance.
tW OMAHA .NATIONAL HANK, Hot we n Ikiulas autl t-'aroani Ms.
4. . . A Burglar-Proof Safe for a Year, Only $5.00
donated by the members of the committee
The ofllcera of the Creche are: Mrs. T. L
Kimball, president; Mrs. Ada Walker, xl.-e
president; Mrs. McMahon. secretary: Mra.
A. D. Brsndels. . treasurer. The directors
are: Mesdames 3. E. Bsum, Chsrles
Kountse. Joseph Cudshy. Thomas Kllpat
rick. A. J. Beaton, O. T. Anderson, Ouy
Howard. J. L. Ibmin, Arthur Remington,
J. W. Van Nostrand. W. A.- Redlrk. Ar
thur Mets. H. II. Baldrlge, H. T. Lemist, F.
A. Nash. Ourdon W. Wattles. A. O. Beeaon!
John C. Cowln. Miss Barrows, Miss Carrie
Millard and Miss Arabella Kimball.
Social (hlt-Ckat.
Dr. and Mrs J. J. McMullen expect t4
move Into their new home at sM Dewey
avonue tomorrow.
Dr. and Mrs. C. C. Allison expect to
move out t their country home near Flor
ence about the middle of next month.'
Judge and Mrs. J. N. Baldwin have taken
the Thomas A. Crelgh bouse on Thirty
second street for the' summer. Mr. and
What could be
more appreciat
ed than a Met
rostyle Pianola
lr ,1,11
would be just as I' ! M
Most Wonderful Pianos." Tt makes an artist of every member of the family regardless of
their musical education. The Metrostyle marking on the music roll is an authentic guide
to correct interpretation; this, takes away all the mechanical effects.
What more can be desired in a Piano f If you have a piano, how much music do you have?
We will take your Piano at its actual value as a part payment on the Pianola Piano, or, we will sell you
a Metrostyle Pianola that can be attached to your Piano. Our new "Home Music Library" contracts give
you the right to purchase a large amount of music on easy .monthly payments, with an exchange privilege.
Our "Circulating; Library" elves you access to overlO ,000 rolls of music.
A full line of Pianola Pianos in our parlors at all times awaiting your itspection. Also a full line of
Mrtrostyle Pianolas. We have several used players in condition that can be bought at greatly
reduced prices. Any of the Player Pianos or Players can be bought on easy terms, ranging from $10 down
'cafatnr1 new store at your earliest convenience and ask to hear the Metrostyle Pianola Piano, Orches
trelle and Vocalion, at the
Schmoller & Mueller Piano Co.
1311-13 Farnam St., Omaha
"Aeolian Department
-V- -a m v w' V It-' -v Kn 1 V '-f r '.: ' :
'jVi :?-:,. ' j.ny I
1 1.
. ;;tvx
Ankle Braces
Invalid Chairs
Instep Supports
Electric Belts
Shoulder Braces
We make Ltmbs for any Amputation. Rubber
and Felt Feet. Perfect Joints
ploasant . surprtsa party Wednesday even-
Ins, on Mr. snd Mrs. W. Morris MrKsy
who have recently moved to aYiS Bouth
Twenty-sevanth street. Muste and informal
games wers ths features of ths evening
About fourteen guests were present.
Mrs. F. U Haller and Miss Carrl O
Brown ehaperoned ths Unitiger Travel cluh
of ths Omaha High school at a p'.rlo at
Rivervlew park mday aftemoor. The af
ternoon was spent )n games arid on their
departure Mr. Anderson, keeper of the
animals at the park, presented esch girl
with a . beautiful pearock feather, as s
souvenir of ths pleasant afternoon spent
In the park.
The West Pamam Kensington cluh met
last Thursday afternoon at the home of
Mrs. John Douglas, 4411 " Douglas street.
The guest of ths afternoon wss Mrs. n'J
Hlndman. nee Ullle Brenton, of Chicago.
Those present were Mesdames Block, Bush.
Douglas, Hlndman. Heaton, Haynes, Hlim.
McDonald, ghlmer, Bchnets, gpetman. Wal
ton and Toung. Ths nest meeting wfll be
H. J, PENFOLD & CO., s. 1408 Farnam St., Omaha, Neb.
Tield at the home of Mrs. W. Haynee, 2"
Harney street. ' ,
Comptimentiry to Mrs. Hubert WholiM-k
and Miss Fanny Cole, Mrs. Jost-pli Bbckcr
gave a delightful luncheon at the Country
club yesterday. The table, prettily deco
rated with summer Mufsoms, was luld for
Mrs. Whrelock. Mls Cole, Miss i;ih"l
Tukey, Miss Blanche fiarten of Lincoln,
Miss Randall, Mrs. Paul Ho.iRlanri, Mrs.
Qerrit Fort. Mrs. Qcoig.- N. I'e.-k. Mrs.
I'l.lllp Davidson. Mrs. OcrtruJe R l:nson.
Mrs. John 9. Velt.ll and Mrs. I.iiR.r
Mis. Herman Cohn gve a dinner, fol
lowed by an automobile rlda. In honor of
her niece. Miss IJllUn Rogers of New York
City, on Thursday evening. The tsole
artistically decorated wltn mlulatuis auto
tires and also with horns filled with differ
ent colored peonies. Ths guests found
thflr plftces by means of spproprlaMy
hand palntfd place cards on which wer
little rhymes showing their characterises.
The guetts were Misses IJlllau Rosera.
Haiti Cahn. Zerllna Dreyfoos, Bi-elyn Berg
msn, Blanche Qrntts. Messrs. Plilllp
Bchwarts. Jerome, Heyn, Bldnry, Mandle
berg. Lester snd Robert Foreman of New
Vork City.
A very agreeable surprise party In the
forirl of a linen ahower waa given f o
Miss Mary Griffith at the home of Mis
Klsle McKenna. ZilZ Urand avenue. Fri
day evening. Ths color schema of pink
Graduation Gifts
Fans, Handkerchiefs
Gloves, Neckwear, Calls
Choice Stock . ;
rsrsseriy tskk Mrs. J. Irsssa
317 Soutb UUi Strcel
tCuullnucd on ve(Uli fsgsj