Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 03, 1906, NEWS SECTION, Page 3, Image 3

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Enmor tbat Auditor 6arl Had ReoedSd
from Hii Eulinc ia Emmeoiu.
Parport ta laeare DiIIIUk, but Bi
' sxsalaatlea of Coraeta how They
Arm Nat Eaforelble ia Aclloa -at
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
1 LINCOLN, June 1 (Special.) A stir was
created at the state House today by the
report that the antl-pasa regulations and
the rule requiring state officers to present
receipts for railroad fare had been rudely
battered by the Board of Public Lands
and Buildings and Bute Auditor Searle. It
was reported 'that Warder Beemer of the
penitentiary had been allowed a claim for
taking a prisoner to Wayne county with
out the formality of a receipt showing
that he had paid cash for railroad fare.
AS Auditor Bearle had formerly ruled that
railroad fare would not be allowed unless
receipts were forthcoming, everybody
pricked up their ears In expectation of a
throwing down of the bara.
"It la true the claim has been allowed."
said Auditor 8arle. ""but the warden pre
sented a receipt for his fare to Wayne
-county and explained that on the way
bark he rode on a freight train and It was
hot convenient to get a receipt. He made
ath that he had expended the money on
the, return trip. I believed that, he could
be placed on his honor for $4.20 and al
lowed the full claim. The old rule requlr
Ing receipts Is still In force, but whenever
a proper showing has been made that rail
road fare has been paid on official trips I
will allow such claims. I allowed a similar
claim for the sheriff of Dawes county."
The auditor said the receipt showed that
the warden had paid the fare of himself
and prisoner to Wayne county and had
paid his own far back to Lincoln.
to assess or how to assess It. tie must
use his own Judgment under the advice
of the county attorney.
Mr. Funkhouser and Mr. Llndley con
tended that It would be a gross Injustice
to tsx them upon their capital stock and
surplus, but thought that the best way to
settle the matter pnd dispose of It for all
time would be to allow the assessor to go
shead snd after the assessment had bean
made attack It In the courts.
the cemetery, where the body was taken
directly from ths depot.
Peleaatlon Instructed e Vote
Kasnlaatloa of Senator.
GRAND ISLAND, Neb.. June 1 (Special (parents and friends of the cadets will visit
Telegram.) The republicans or iiau i the boys during the week.
Omaha Hoys From Is eg livery Attn
tloa Dirlsg Week's Eaeasspaseat.
TEJfAMAH, Neb.. June i-(Speclal.) As
a result of the efforts of the Tekamah
Commercial club and Mayor Anderson of
this city, the cadets from the Omaha High
school will come here Monday morning and
stay In camp until Saturday.
Ths city Is making extensive prepara
tions to entertain them during their stay
here. It Is expected that many of the
Insurance Deputy John I Pierce has dls
covered bogus Insurance contracts In ex-
Istene In Nebraska. They are Issued by
men who erect lightning rods and purport
to guarantee the owners of property
against loss by lightning. Ths contracts
nas been Issued to farmers near Platts-
mouth and purport to Indemnify them In
the sum of 1500 for a period of five years.
A close examination of the printed con-
, tracts has csused Mr. Pierce to make this
. announcement:
"An examination f the document showed
that It not only was 'not an Insurance
policy, but that It was a fake as far as
being a guaranty agreement Is concerned,
snd that It was not a valid, binding con
tract which can be enforced at law.
Treasarer Xot Robbed.
The report that Treasurer Mortensen had
. been robbed at Ord was not admitted by
him on his return home today. It was re-
, ported that his house at Ord had been
robbed, but Mr. Mortensen said he missed
nothing whatever from the place. The
house had been entered by boys, apparently.
who ransacked the place, but notning was
missing. The house has been vacant for
several, months.
Pealteatlary Crowded. ,.
Warden Beemer has reported to the gov
ernor that the average number of prisoners
In the penitentiary during May was S51.
One prisoner was jlaced In the "dark
hole" for falsely reporting the quality
cf. his food. Seven were discharged
idurlng the . month, ona. remanded, by
rrder of court, one pardoned, one par-
Od and sewn liberated by dlacharge or
-onimitntlon of sentence, leaving a total
of .:4 in the prison at ths end of ths
r-irttoncd by the Governor.
Hebr r Haney. serving a twenty-days"
Jail sentence for Intoxication, was pardoned
by- Oovernor Mickey today at the request
rf Police Judge P. Jamee Cosgrave In order ,
. to go home to his wife, who Is reported to
bo dying snd who desired to see her hus
band before she expires.
A New Job Created.
In secordance with the action of the
rotate Board of Horticulture last winter,
that organisation last night elected a
secretary, who Is to receive . a larger
-salary than ever before paid for
the position. L. M. Ruasell of Lincoln,
who hss been the secretary. w" re-elected
to the aalarled position and will have a desk
In the office of Secretsry W. R. Mellor of
the Stat Board of Agriculture at the state
Railroad Agents Will Meet.
' The annual convention of the local
agents of the Missouri Pacific Railroad
company will be held In Ltncoln on June
13. The principal agencies of the eom-
pany will be represented and at least half
' a " hundred agenta and traffic men will
come for the event. No formal program
' has been announced.
' Isiartsr Companies ta Appeal.
The question as to whether domestic In
surance companies shall be taxed upon
their Yspltal stock, aurplus and other
property as well as upon their gross pre
' ml urns Will probably' be submitted to ths
courts In the near futurs.
, , The- matter waa conaldered at a meeting
of the State Board of Assessment this
miming, st which wsre . present County
. 'Assessor Miller, L. P. Funkhouser of the
' Farmers and. Merehanta' Insurance com
J pany and W. A. Llndley of the Security
t Mutual Insurance company. The assessor
'desired Instructions In regard to the mat-
' ter. but the board decided that under the
ruling of the supreme court It had no
right to Instruct him as to wnat property
county today endorsed Hon. George L.
Rouse for governor and permitted him to
select his own delegation, but the plan
of the Rouse leaders t permit him to
place the delegation wherever he pleased
In congressional and senatorial
was Interfered with. The congresslonsl
delegation was Instructed for Hon. Georga
W. Norrls for renomlnstlon and the op
position to the plan of not expressing a
choice for United States senator went to
the floor of the convention, though no
oppoattlon was attempted by the repub
licans of the county who opposed the pro
gram. Ex-Supervisor Gsllsgher Insisted
on a motion that the convention express
Its preference for fnlted States senator,
snd attempts to avoid a vote by moving
to lay on the table snd moving to ad
journ were, after considerable discussion,
withdrawn, and the motion to take prefer
ence was defeated by a vote of about 1 to 1.
Ths resolutions demanded, however, that
the republican candidate for senator be
settled by the state convention and so In
structed Its delegation. They also demand
a strict sntl-pass lsw, endorse the Stste
Railway commission, demand powera to
the commission to flx. adjust and regulate
freight rates on st.t traffic similar to ths
regulation of the Hepburn bill on Inter
state traffic, endorse the sdmlnlstratlon of
President Roosevelt and the state admin
istration, approve the action of the at
torney general of the state In enforcing
the law. The resolutions slso favored the
passage of a law prohibiting any corpora
tion from -contributing anything for cam
paign purposes snd demanded publicity of
campaign receipts snd expenditures.
Following are the state delegates: 8. R.
Barton. H. Schuff, W. A. Prince. F. M.
Penny, John Bowen. J. E. Moncrlef, John
Sehwlnn. R. R. Horth, H. J. Palmer. H. C.
Miller, G. B. Boll, E. D. Hamilton. M. L.
Dolan and F. L Toung.
The park where the tnts will be pitched
Is an Ideal shady spot In the center of
the city. Through the courtesy of tho
Speed association the cadets will have the
use of the association grounds and track,
affairs I which is but two blocks from the depot.
for drill purposes.
Mrs. Wiley Writes nnsbnnd Promts.
Inar to Withdraw Salt for Divorce.
FREMONT. Neb.. June I.-(Speclal.)
Rev. Samuel Wiley, the former pastor of
the Presbyterian church at Cedar Bluffs,
whose wife left him a few weeks a so
and made strong chsrges affecting his
stsndlng in the ministry, has received a
letter from her In which she states that
she will withdraw her suit against him
and also retracting some of the state
ments she msde In regard to his minis
terial standing. Mr. Wiley has been stay
ing In Fremont since his wife began pro
ceedings against him. and his friends here
hope that hs and his wife will reconcile
their differences. Mrs. Wiley left her
husband about two months ago. charging
him with cruelty and habitual use of pro
fanity and began proceedings for a di
vorce from him In Saunders county. The
friends of the clergyman have felt confl
deot of his final vindication and this move
of his wife was not entirely unlooked for.
She Is eighteen years younger than ha
and they have only been married about a
Rlsfna; for State Senator.
AINSWORTH, Neb.. June 2. (Special.)
R. S. Rising Is an active candidate for the
state senatorshlp from this district. He Is
president of the Alnsworth bank and Is
well known throughout the northwest. He
stands by the president on the subject of
electing United States senators by the vote
of the people. The time and place of hold
ing the convention has not been announced.
Has Atchison for Congress.
NORTH, PLATTE, Neb.. June .". -(Special.)
Dan Atchison, the well known travel
ing man, head of the western Nebraska
drug trust, and a prominent politician, w(ll
be a candidate for the democratic nomina
tion for congress In this district. Mr.
Atchison s boom was formally launched
In this city last Wednesday when a coterie
of well known democratic leaders of the
western part of the state met and drafted
Daniel against his protestations that his
official position with the drug trust might
Injure his candidacy. Mr. Atchison has the
distinction of being the first white child
born west of the Missouri river and this
will make him popular with the pioneers.
Johaaoa County's "eml-Ceateaelal.
TECTUMS EH, Neb., June ..-(Special )-
Tecumseh will hold one of the b!rest
Fourth of July demonstrations this year
the town has ever attempted. In addition
to celebrating Independence day. It Is pro
posed to commemorate the semi-centennial
anniversary of the surveying of Johnson
county on that date. Fifty years ago this
summer the government surveying party
worked over this county, and at that time
the first white settler pitched his tent where
the handsome little city of Tecumseh now
stands. An old settlers' experience meet
ing will be a feature. A big program of
sports will be carried out. Former Oover
nor Lorenso Crounau has consented to be
one of the speakers.
Dennis ta Barled at Blair.
BLAIR. Neb.. June 1. (Special.) The
body of CT. G. Dennis, commercial agent of
the Northwestern railroad at Deadwood,
S. D., who shot himself In .that city Inst
Tuesday, was brought to Blair yesterday
evening and Interred In the cemetery here.
Mr. Dennis waa married here some eigh
teen years ago. His wife's family resided
here at that time and he waa telegraph
operator at thla place. The body was under
the escort, of members or the Masonic
fraternity of the Blair lodge and a large
number of friends attended the services at
Feel Right
When You Feed Rijjht
You know one
always f e e 1 a
very fit when
the head and' nervea awing along peacefully
and ith that certain aenee of power that ia
But when overwork er anxiety breaks down
the soft gray matter In the brain and nerve
telle (anxiety wili do it quicker than over
work) faater than the food you have been
using replaces it. then to aave .yourself from
. that horror of darkness, nervous prostration,
"you must change food, and take on aome sure
. That'a the mission of Grape-Nuts, made of
elected parts of Wheat and Barley, contain
ing the natural Phosphate of Potash which
combines with albumen In the. hnman body
and make the soft gray filling of the brain
and nerve centres. In makjng Grape-Nuts
the starchy parte of the field graina are con
verted Into a form of sugar exactly as in the
- process of digestion In the body. So Grape
.Note baa really passed the Brat act of diges
tion and therefore the food la quickly as
aim Hated in the moat perfect manner by babe
or athlete.
TherVs &. Ration
Xews of Xebraaka.
PLATTRMOl'TH Mrs. D. M. Jones' has
been taken to the asylum for Insane at
BEAVER CROSSINO-This vicinity has
commenced to market Its Immense straw
berry crop.
MILFORD John Haverstock of Mil
ford was seriously crippled Tueaday by a
well derrick falling on him.
PLEASANT DALE A small child of
Jamea Shane swallowed some poison snd
It took heroic efforts to save the child's
UTICA A mass meeting of the cltlsens
of It lea was held Friday to make ar
rangnmenta for the Fourth of July cele
bration. OBCEOLA-MIss Mabel Heffelbower died
Thursday of tuberculosis at the age of 26.
She Is to be burled Sunday at the Osceola
BEATRICE Farmers In this section sre
busily engaged In cultlvstlng their corn
crop. Conditions are much Improved since
the late rains.
FALLS CITT Mary Long, whose home
ta nine miles north, died here Saturday
morning at the home of her sister, Mrs.
J. J. Lollmnn.
PAPILLION Commencement exercises
of the Papllllon High school were held st
the opera house Friday evening. There
were six graduates, five girls and one boy.
BLAIR The twentv-flrst a-r.iduatlne- exer.
rises of the Blair High school were held
at tne opera house Friday evening. The.
class contained twelve boys and eight girls.
BEATRICE The marriage of Charles
Skanes and Miss Grace Bristol was sol.
emnlxed Thursday evening at Wymore,
where the young couple will make their
BOUTIt BEND Jacob C. Kline and Miss
Eunice E. Hill and Charles F. Hill and
Miss Blanche Wslllck were united In mar
riage here Saturday afternoon at the Hill
NORTH PLATTE A one-story brick ad
dition, 20x40 feet in dimensions, Is being
uuut to the rear or the Vienna restaurant.
Increasing business demands Incressed
noor space.
NORTH PLATTE The United S'ates
land office at this point has been dolns a
rushing business lately, over 24.000 acres
of land having been filed upon during the
month of May. ,
MILFORD The old soldiers at the Mil-
ford Soldiers' home are catching quanti
ties of fish. An eleven.-Dound earn and
nine-pound catfish were among their
trophies this week.
NORTH PLATTE A half doxen cars of
hay hove been shipped from this station
this week and considerable has been pur
chased in the vicinity of Maxwell. The
price Is around $6.50.
WEST POINT Miss Florence Hoy. a
well known teacher of Cumins countv.
has been elected to take charge of the
second primary department or the nubile
schools of Osmond.
SEWARD The marrlaare of Miss Alta
Lawsha and Mr, - Chester Stonecker, will
take place ut the home of the bride's par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Lawsha. next
Wednesday evening.
SEWARD The Seward Countv Agricul
tural society nas arranged and prepared a
speed program for the county fair Sep
tember 12. Three thousand dollars will be
given In the six races.
WEST POINT-Frank Drebert has been
appointed local night telegraph operator
at the Northwestern passenger station at
West point. He waa for some years
station agent at Ceresco. , '
BEATRICE Miss Beulah Bias cln.ed
her school In District No. 16 yesterday with
a picnic and entertainment. About W0
patrons and pupils attended the exercises,
tier which a splendid dinner was served.
OAKLAND The Oaklsnd Hlsh School
Alumni association held its nineteenth an
nual banquet at Benson's . hall Friday
evening, about aeventy-nve being pres
ent. Carroll Stauffer acted as toastmaster.
BEATRICE Commandant Workizer of
the University cadets entertained the offi
cers and a few or his Ilea trice friends at
dance In the armory Friday evening
About twenty-five couples were In attend
NORTH PLATTE The Matthews Piano
company haa . opened a salesroom In the
McDonald nlocK on Uewey street. This
salesroom will be permanent and the resi
dent agent will work both east and west
of the city.
PLATTSMOUTH Members and friends
of the Methodist Episcopal Ladies' Aid
society gave a farewell reception at the
home of Mrs. Miles Morgan In honor of
Mrs. William House worth, who goes to
California to reside.
WEST POINT-Mrs. Esther Nelslus has
obtained a divorce from Matthew Nelslus
of this city. The decree was obtained In
the district court or Stanton county,
where the woman now resides, on the
ground of nonsupport.
GENEVA Frldsy night the members of
the Methodist church gave a reception at
the parsonage, it being the twenty-fifth
wedding anniversary or rtev. Mr. ana Mrs.
Parker. Msny handsome presents of sil
verware were presented.
SEWARD The oi.iy appraisement made
In connection with the Burlington exten-
lons here was held this week on the
snd of H. D. Lsndls. All the rest had
been settled. The railroad offered Landls
tmO and the appraisers found the nine
acres worth I1.2"0.
REPUBLICAN CITT Thursday evening
the opera house was well filled, the occa
sion being the annual commencement exer
cises of the Republican City High school.
The class this year contained but three
members. The address was given by A. C.
Shallenbergrr of Alma.
H-ATTSMOl'TH The finance committee
of the Degree of Honor, consisting of Mrs.
Mary Lai-y. grand cnier, and Mrs. Lou
H. Spencer, both of Lexington, snd Mrs.
Klla si Chspman of Lincoln, held a busi
ness session in the office of the grand re
corder In this city Saturday.
OSCEOLA The high school commence
ment exercises were held at the Auditorium
Friday night. Each of the graduates, four
of them in number, gave orations of a hitch
order. Dean Fordyce of Wesleyan univer
sity gave an Interesting address on the
force, that determine uweuny.
WEST POINT The large barn of Z. H,
Gardner of Cleveland township waa struck
by lightning rimuy evening ana burnej
to tne grouna. A targe quantity or nay.
all the harness and three horses were de
stroyed. The property consumed was cov
ered with only !) insursnce.
BEATRICE The twenty-fifth annual
graduation exercises were held st ths Pad
dues oners nous rriciay mgni before i
large audience. The address to the grsd.
uailng class, which numbers thirty-seven
was delivered by H. H. Wilson of Lin
coln. The diplomas were presented to ths
rmss by u. ii. Hegoie.
COLUMBU8 The twenty-third annual
exercises of the Columbus High school were
held st the North opera house Friday
evening: I he house waa Plied to overflow-
Ing snd was beautifully decorated. Prof
E. B. Sherman gave the highest words of
commendation to the fourteen graduates
and presented the diplomas.
GRAND ISLAND An Italian laborer
working on the Burlington near Abbott
created considerable trouble Friday by
flourishing a gun snd threatening to shoot
a member or the gang. He nnaliy made
tracks and came to tr's city, but evacuated
In short ord-r when he saw blueooata ap
proaching and left the vicinity.
FALLS CI TV A class of three boys and
nine girls wss graduated from the Falls
City High school thla year, the exercises
taking place at the Oehlliig opera house
Friday evening. W. H. Ptliebury. who hss
been the superintendent of the Falls Cltv
High school far several years, haa resigned
his position and will move to Lincoln.
. UKATKH'K-John Pugela visited his
taim It tilriiy loeqhip r'rlday and found
i Utat Ms terucrlbe aud outbuildings had
rchard i Wilhelm arpet o
v illfl.lftglR Smith Sixteenth Strpf.
For the Jmee Bride
This store offers selections from hundreds of articles suitable for wedding gifts.
Ficces that arc attractive, ornamental and useful If you will pay us a visit
and look you surely will find that some article suggests itself as a suitable and
lasting gift. Hero are a few suggestions:
Writing Desks
These come In Goldn and Weathered oak,
Blrdseye Maple and Birch. So many de
slgna that choosing would be easy, f-
Range of prlcea from $100 down.3J
French Writing Tablet
In oak and genuine Mahogany, aome trimmed
with glass knoba, these range In n Cft
price from S60 down to ,0s3U
Music Cabinets
A very choice assortment In Oak, Mahogany
finish and Genuine Mahogany, CCT
plain Colonial and Inlaid. $45 down.. 33
Chafing Ca bine's
In Golden and Weathered Oak, these are
fitted with outfit complete, except the
Chafing dish. $36, $30, $26 $20
Reading Tables
Borne exquisite onea In the old Colonial and
Antique reproductions in Genuine t
Mahogany, from $150 down to....TtVJ
Grandfather Clocks
In Golden or Weathered Oak and Mahogany;
these are very pretty piecea for the hall or
dining room, ranging In price from e f
$350 down to OLD
Sewing Cabinets
Colonial and Antique effects. g
from $36.00 down to 311
Folding Top Tables
For the hall or-living room. In Genuine
Mahogany, correct reproductions, CA'y
from $65.00 down to v"
Parlor and Crystal Cabinets
In Large Variety Parlor Cabinets, q (r
from $150 down to y$0J
Crystal Cabinets, . CC
from $96.00 down to... dtD
Pretty Parlor Pieces
A pretty piece of furniture for the parlor
or living room la alwaya acceptable. There
re ao many designs and patterns, in all
woods, that It would be difficult to elaborate
on any particular one. Theae are shown In
auch great variety of styles and prlcea that
we certainly could please the moat exacting.
Cheval Mirrors
Pretty Cheval Glaaa in Oak, Maple or Ma
hogany, handsomely finished, with CfA
large mirrors, from $65 down to....daw
Dressing Tables
In all of the wanted woods and fin- q TZf
ishea, ranging in price from $100 to Z?0J
Magazine Stands
In Oak, Weathered and Golden, and e"l
Mahogany, from $15.00 down to,.....wO
Teakwood Taborets and Pedestals
A very Urge atock to choose from, prices
varying according to the caning of CI1
the different piecea, from $66 to. . . . .31"
. 1 T--kraa for wedding gifts. We have prepared to show a very fine line of suit
Vll6llIll IUQS able gifts in such well known Persian piecea as
Bokhara, from $20 lo $60. Shlrvans, $1S to $35 Belouehistati. 6.50 to $20
Kermatishah, $00 to $125. Sennas. $45 to $65
Also the beautiful French Wilton. Rugs, in both the large and small sizes to match, 27x54, $6; 06x63,
$9; 36x36, $6; 4-6x7-6. $21; 6x9, $36. Large and special sizes in same proportion.
Kitchen Furnishing Dept. ,WB,lon' ,n
Coffee Percolators, Silver Knives and Forks, Fireless Cooker, Detroit Jewel Gas Rane.
Chafing Dish, Set of Cereal and Spice Jars, Set of . Carvers, Aluminum Cooking Ware.
BRIC-fl BRftC Gifts that will please the June bride.
ELECTRIC READING LAMPS Beautiful ITALIAN MARBLE In beautifully carved GERMAN STEINS, with traya and Tankard
bronse lamps, each, from $100 y ZC busta and whole figures, at, each, to match, a choice assortment of j
down to LtJJ from $75.00 down to atylea, from $23.60 a set to, each.. ODC
a" ea" IT down?.0.6! . 17.50 Small choice apecimen. of the beat 3 MT'.Mespuf'Iir $do "n S3
OLD BRASS PIECEVirnamental and use- art of Jap"' at each' ,25 dowB t0' WKnXITDK8"8UrrPLlKs!leIn, ' old bran
ful Fern dlahea, Jardinieres, Candlesticks, COALPORT ENGLISH CUP Gold lined, the flniah, with book cuttera, blotter; ink
with beautiful candle ahades to riQ- most famous English China made, i . wells, all to match, from, a aet, '
match, from $15.00 down to, ...... .OyC at, each, from $13.60 down to O O $10.00 down to ...3
ROYAL DRESDEN WARE Our own impor- MARBLE PEDESTAL In different heights OIL READING LAMPS Made' from old Au
ction, al! eing marked with the -royal-v;i from . ft -7c 1 ue vase., with apecial made to
atamp thus Insuring u gainst, O JC 422.Bo dowir to 9.75 match them. at. each. $50.00 C(0
mistakes, at, each, from $25 down. J down to
made in new shaped vases; also many re- the Satsuma ware, a special importation; among the useful gifts Our assortment h
productions of old shaped vases. 4 they are worth $5.00 per doaen. -j never been larger and the prices ao low w!
at. each. $30.00 down to It J at, per dozen JO Invite you to inspect them!
been leveled to the ground by the storm
which passed through this section a few
evenings sgo. Wheat In that vicinity was
damaged bv the hall to such an extent
that many fields will have to be plowed up.
GENEVA The Fillmore county Medical
association met here last week. Those
taking part In the program were Dr.
Archerd of Grafton. Dr. Beck of Ong. Dr.
Anderson of Lincoln and Dr. Smrha of
MUllgan. Dr. Snowdon of Davenport and
Dr. Beck were made members. The phy
sicians unanimously agreed upon a fee
NORTH PLATTE Active operations are
being resumed In the building of the North
River extension of the Union Pacific this
week. The .ui.hII bridges and culverta have
been completed in this vicinity and the j
work train is once more on tne line, ai.o
about 100 Japanese laborers. A large force
of Italians will be brought to the scene of
operation within a lew days.
NORTH PLATTE The Junior normal
school will open In this city Monday and
County Superintendent Trotter Is confident
the number of students will reach 3M dur
ing the ten weeks' course. Bo far accom
modations for about seventy-five teachers
have been secured, which is considerably
short of what is needed. James Dalsell,
principal, arrived here Friday.
C LARKS Last Sunday Rev. Mr. Mitchell
delivered the baccalaureate sermon to the
KIBUU.UMR inn, mi lur uiiii.iniiuu.i
cnurrn. xuesaay evening tna annual siumm
banquet was livid at the opera house, wuere
covers were laid for sixty. Friday night ths
commencement exercises took place at the
same place. State Senator E. R. Good of
Peru delivered the class address and pre
sented diplomas.
WAYNE The graduating exercises of the
Wayne High school were held at the opera
house Friday night. An eloquent address
before the cisss was delivered by Rev. Dr.
Swesrengen of Lincoln, snd A. A. Welch
presented diplomas to eight girls and four
boys. At the claaa day exercises, held st
the opera house on Thursday evening, the
class of 19ri6 put on the play, "Antigone,"
to a crowded house.
PLATTSMOl'TH Judge W. H. Newell.
W. D. Jonea. Robert Newell, Mis. Bernlee
Newell, Miss Stanlleld Jonea and Miss
HHen Spies were fishing st Metzgar's
pond near Cedar Creek when a fast freight
train came and rnghtened the team, which
was tied to a tree, canning the horses to
break away and run on the track. One
animal was killed snd the other badly In
jured and both thrown Into the Plstte
FULLERTON The twenty-fifth annual
commencement exercises of the Fjllerton
High school were held last evening In the
opera house. Each of the thirteen gradu
ates delivered an oration. The diplomas
were presented by Lyman Harris, presi
dent of the Board of Education. Alumni
exercises were held Saturday evening. Sun
day evening Rev. William Cooper will de
liver the sermon to the grsduates In the
Presbyterian church.
BEATRICE Bert Buah, deputy labor
commissioner, visited Beatrice Friday and,
in company with the mayor and city coun
cil. Inspected the Paddock opera house
relative to protection In rase of fire. Ha
made a few recommendations, which the
management nays will be acted upon at
once. Mr. Bush says the Paddock Is bet
ter equipped with tire escspes snd exits
than any theater in the atate outalde of
Lincoln and Omaha.
BEATRICE The University Csdet bst
tallon. which has bee holding Its snnual
encampment on the chsutauqus grounds
during the pest week, broke Satur
day and returned to Lincoln on a specisl
over the Durllngton rosd. The encamp
ment was one of the most successful and
rnjoysble of sny held in yesrs, snd Com
mandant Vtorklser and tne nattalion reel
they have been most courteously received
by Beatrice and Its people.
SEWARD- Messrs. Frederick Ooehmon
snd Charles Fallen, both young business
men of Seward, gave a stsg party at the
anniversary rooms rTioay nignt. Mr.
Ooehmon will be married to Miss Wini
fred Norval. daughter of Judge and Mra.
T. L Nerval, at the Methodist Episcopal
church June H Mr. Fallen will go to
Weet Newton, Pa., thla week to marry
Mlas Jean Market of that place. Miss
Mark. I is a nlere of the late Re. W. L.
Boyd of Seward.
GRAND I8I.AND Mldhltmsn Robert
A. Burg of AiMiapolla. a Nebraska boy
whose parents live in this city snd a
former student of the Grand Island high
schools, is making a splendid record In the
athletic and In the other brsnches of the
work. In a series of athletic contests last
year he broke several records snd this
year broke the record in the broad jump
with flying start, covering twenty-one feet
and one and three-quarter Inches. Mr.
Burg expects to graduate from the naval
academy in 1908.
WEST POINT The annual union bac
calaureate services will be held In the
Grace Lutheran church at West Point
tomorrow evening. Rev. L. L. Llpe, pas
tor of the church, preached the sermon.
WEST POINT-Clyde E. Grsnger and
Miss Levera M. Otteson were united In
marriage by County Judge Dewald. Both
are well known residents of Burt county.
WEST POINT-Next Wednesday even
ing the commencement exercises of the
local high school will take place. Nine
young people will graduate.
GRAND ISLAND The fifteenth annual
meeting and banquet of the High School
Alumni association waa held Friday night
at tile Ancient Order of United Workmen
hall. There are now about 460 members
of the association, 160 of whom were pres
ent. The oftlcere elected for the ensuing
year are Earl Farnsworth. president; Mrs.
George Bell, vice president; Miss Alma
lotting, second vice president; Mlas Kata
Matthews, secretsry; Miss Kate Danner,
treasurer; Mrs. B. F. Davis, toastmtstress:
Fd Wolbach and Russell Geer, alumni
council. A fine menu waa served by the
Congregational Ladles' society.
WEST POINT The Women's club met
with Mrs. 8. 8. Krske this week. Re
sponses to roll call wero "Favorite Recipes
for a Dessert." Mrs. Jessie Krause read
a paper on "Cakes snd Pastry," followed
by Mra Mary Harstlck on "Puddings and
Custards." The subject of the paper of
Mra. Carrie Bentrup. waa "Cream, and
Ice.." A general dlscuaalon of these pa
pers followed. A parliamentary drill was
conducted by Mrs. J. C. Elliott, second
vice president. Mrs. 8. S. Kraks was
elected as delegate and Mrs. O. C. Ander
son aa alternate to represent the club st
the State Federation of Women's Clubs
at Kearney in October.
Lake Reaort Has Maay new
Attractions aad All Are
Judging from the attendsnce of the past
meek, this season at Lake Manawa will
far surpass all preceding ones. The re
sort Is more beautiful this year than
exer. Its velvet lawns, picturesque flower.
beds and shady avenues presenting a
fascinating and enchanting fairyland.
Prof. Nordln's band will be one of tin
most popular attractions this season,
this talented organisation Is composed of
only high class Instrumentsllsts, msny
having played with the beat banda in tho
United States, several being Sou. a men.
The director will gladly respond to all
The big roller cosster Is a new addition
this year to Manaws's attractions, and
frcm the patronage It haa received so far
will be a feature that appeals to all.
The tOO new steel row-boats are now In
readiness. The boating at Manawa hai
slways been a most populsr attraction.
every craft being in constant use on a.l
special days. It will not be long before
the bathing seaaon begins. The facilities
offered by Manhattan Beach are the beat
of any western resort. The Japanese
bsll game Is a unique oriental novelty,
this being an amusement that will be en
joyed by both men and woman. At the
Electric studio you ran have your pic
ture taken on postal cards. An exper
photogrspher hss chsrge. The Penny ar
rsde Is now open. The bowling alleys
have been trued op and new pins eo-i
balls placed In the racks. The shooting
gallery has been furnished with a new
set of guns and prises for both men and
women will be awarded. The merry-go-round,
novelty stand and baby rack will
enlist their share of attention. The street
car company has promised first class car
service for today.
Atteatton, Modera Weodmea of
All members of the Modern Woodmen
of America are urged to meet at Bartght's
hall, corner 19th and Farnam streets.
Wednesday evening, June , at 7: o'clock
sharp, to take part In the parade preced
ing the great rally and class Initiation at
the Auditorium. This csll Includes 'Indi
vidual members of all camps, ss well as
r oresier teams.
Candidates for Initiation Will Jklssa enAar
at ths same plsce snd hour to receive
badges entitling them to admission to the
oAnnrji HARRIS President.
Tkersienrten Aksolately Free.
Bvery lady callins- at ths llAr. a u...
son Optical company before noon on Mon
day will be presented with . t..
thermometer and barometer combined
with their compliments.
Lealsvllle Heme-Comlagr Celebratlea.
Special party via the Northwi.r t i..
11 p. m.. June 11. Very attractive nrnrrm
enrouta. Only I19.TS round trin t..i
st city offices. 1401-1 Farnam BU
FaJr la Xertbera Nebraska Today,
Saewere la geatk Pertlea
Fair Taasarraw.
WASHINGTON. June 1-rorecaet of the
weather for Sunday and Monday:
For Nebraska-Fair In north and show
ers In south portion Sunday: Monday, fair.
For Iowa-Partly cloudy Sunday; Mon
day, fair.
For Kansas Showers Sunday
fair and warmer.
For South Dakota Partly cloudy Sun
day; Monday, fair.
For Missouri Partly cloudy Sunday;
showers In weet portion snd by night In
east portion; Monday, showers except fair
In northwest portion.
For Colorado-Fair In west snd showers
In esst portion Sunday; Mondsy, fslr.
For Wyoming-Pair and wsrmer Bundsy;
Mondsy, fair.
. I -oral Reeerd.
OMAHA, June 1 Official record of tern-'
perature and precipitation compared with
the corresponding day of the last three
rears: ln 11k 04
Maximum temperature ..SO M 71 M
Minimum temperature ... M so M
Maun temperature 7 71 M M
Precipitation 00 .00 .00 .04
Temperature and precipitation departures
from the normal at Omaha since March 1.
and comparison with the last two years:
Normal temperature (7
Iefic4ency for the day
Total deficiency since March 1 is
Normal precipitation 17 Inch
Iteflctency for the day IT
Total rainfall since March 1.... T.t! i ,ches
FMnctenry since March 1 1.41 Mrhes
leflcleucy for cor. period In ld. I S4 Inches
Excess for cor. period tat 1W4. ... l.Ulnchts
"T" Indicates trsre of precipitation
L. A. WELSH. Local forecaster.
We have a special sale of sne.
Hal value light weight tommor
two-piece suits to order for 930.
In our stock. Not an old pattern
In the store. Sold out everything
last summer. Our Dally Dollar
Reduction Sale last August cleared
out every 1805 aummor auitlng
we had.
So you can be aure of the up-to-dateness
of every auitlng; we ahow
Tou can be Juat as sure of every
one of them aa you ran of this
just-arrived-from-England Orenfel
Block Worsted that wjre making
to measure for $36.
'Phone Douglas 1$0S.' "' '
304-308 B. lth St. ,
Next door to the Wabash Ticket
" A few of the old and reliable rem
edies: Abbey'a Salt lie
Melachol 7o
Kodol l .4 to
Dyspepsia Cure.
Abbott's Saline Laxative 41c
Hand'a Colic Cure . . . .- 31e
Power's Asthma Cure . . . .41c and lie
Oarfteld Tea Ite
Ballard's Snow Liniment 45c
Pastor Koenlg's Nerve Tonic te
Kennedy. Prairie Weed ..Ie
Imperial Hair Regenerator ....$1.14
8a poll ne Shampoo Lees (la unsur
passed for cleansing the scalp). ..31c
Mra. Potter'a Walnut Juice Hair
Stain .$1.00
Drop in snd resuscitate that tired feel
ing at our famoua fountain.
VVnen You Write to
remswibar K only tame aa extra stroke e
a the pen ti saeauesi tee fee la4 yew
saw be ad. la The beat