THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: JUNE 3, 1900. Mle FWces MiEei to Great Valwcs. MdDiiay's Specials of Excepfcpl Iiteret 8 r i it i I ' is June Gearing Sale of Silk Begins Monday, June 3rd Startling price reduction" all along the line Mill b a feature of this sale. Silks of the highest quality from our own regular stock Including every Im aginable new weave and coloring. 25c TOTTR CMOTCE OP HIGH GRADE NOVELTIES, worth regulwrly 11.25 to to 12.00 per yard. In this salt at. MC yard TOUR CHOTOB OF ANT COT1R 27 INCH TAFFETA8, (except Wlnslow), regular $1.00 and $1.25 qualities, f)Qc at, yard 1100 COLORED MOU3SELINES or Feau de Cygne. In this aalo, at, 59C JO-INril COLOR TAFFETAS, regular 68o quality, will go at, 43c yard 76o AND 85c FANCT STLKS. In Immense assortment of newest colorings, 45c at, yard ....... -ww 49c Corded Wash Bilks for waists. will go Monday, at, yard. 60c China Bilks, all colors, 27 Inches Qr wide, sale price per yard 60 pieces Rex Black Taffeta, . 27 Inrhe ' wide, frgular price $1.00 eal fQc price, yard vw $0 pieces 19-Inch Black Taffota, 59c flc quality, at, yard 25 pieces of SB-Inch Black Taffeta, fiQn regular $1.00 quality, at, yard vw Our $1.60 Black Feau de 8ole, 36 Qfic inches wide, at. yard w Beautiful Silk Novelties, In 20 and 27-Inch widths, worth up to $100 yard, on bar gain counter, at, yard, 65c 39C and High Grade Dress Linens In Main Wash Goods Department. No other stock to compare with this In all the West. We call special attention to line of St. Gall Hand Embroidered Linens and fcmbrolded Anglalse or Eyelet Hole Embroidery. Belfast Linen, fine finish, 2 yards QQ Belfast Dress Linen, SB Inches wide, very fine grade, at, yard 65c, 69c, 50c 39C ana Belfast Dress Linen, 45 Inches wide, at, yard, $1.00, 86c, 75c 65c and . Belfast Waiting Linens, 3 Inches wide, very fine grade, at, yard, $1.00, 75o, 69c, 60c 35C and.., Belfast Handkerchief Linen, 8 Inches wide, very fine quality, at, yard, CQn $1.60, $1.00, 75c, 69c, 50c and Belfast Fronting or Bosom Linen, superior quality, at, yard, $1.00, 85c, 69c QC and Art Linen, 3 Inches wide, at, I 20c yard, 69c, 50c, 39c. 35c and l... '" Butcher's Linen, 36 Inches wide, OKc .. i ca an 9u BtiH " Hi, ja.u. u " i ... . , " Colored Dress Linens, at. yard, 69c, f0c, 39c, 26c, 19o and SHRUNK MUSLIN, LINEN FINISH 46-Inch Indian Head, at, IQr uo.rA Scinch Arg., at, yard 36-tnch Rensdrag, at, yard KMnch Linen Finish, at, . yard 32-inch 8cotch Linen Finish, at, !ftr varrt Uk Bend for samples of Linens for dresses. 15c 15c 18c 12ic All Mail Orders will Be Filled end Satisfaction Guaranteed nn All Mail Orders will Be Filled and Satisfaction Guaranteed THE RELIABLE STORE. 15th Anniversary Furniture Sale Here and now you can save money. This handsome Extension Table (like cut) has a 48x48 round top. It is made of quartered oak. Polish finish with French legs. This Table comes In two sizes 6 and 8 foot. 6 ft. price was $13.85 now S10.85 8 ft. price was $14.85 now $11.85 This elegant Metal Bedstead Is full size and comes la dark green enamej. The foot is 45 inches high and the head 60 Inches. Regular price $5.50 now flfF 5385 4, r Good quality and low prices have made us grow. We are now making even lower prices on the best qualities. Look for the Blue Tags. White Goods In Main Wash Goods Dept. The grandest line of White Goods, Swisses,' etc., ever shown In this city at the prices we are now making. CHIFFONS. .All Bilk -Wash Chiffons, at, yard, cCf (f $3.60, $1.98, $1.60, $125 and 4JI.VV1 Wash Chiffons, at, yard, $1.25, iXQn $1.00, 75c, 69c, 60c an UW FRENCH LAWNS. High grade, at, yard. $1.60, $1.36, JB- $1.00, 750, 60c, 39c and PERSIAN LAWNS. -High grade, at. yard, $1.00, 75c, t(r Wo, 6UC, 39c. 26o, 15c and IVW FRENCH ORGANDIES. High grade, double fold, at, yard, ORr 39o, 36c. 29o and CW FRENCH WASH MOUS8ELINES. .25c 19c Very fine quality, at, yard, $1.50, $1.25, $1.00. 75c. 69-!. 60c, 39c and.... MERCERIZED BATISTES, Highly finished, at, yard, $1.00, 86c, , 75c. 65o. 69c, 50c, 39c, 2oO and .MERCERIZED ENGLISH JACQUARPS. Very finest brands, at,, yard, $1.60. ttc, tl.O,.76o, Wc, 39c, 26c, 19c and...IW White Silk Novelties, French' productions, at, yard, $2 60, $1.98, $1.50, $1.00, Oil.-, 76c, 50o. 39c and - W BT. GALL HAND-EMBROIDERED SWISSES. At, yard. $1 .98, $1.60, $1.25, $1.00, CQc 75c, 60o and SCOTCH HAND MACHINE EMBROID ERED SWISSES. At. yard, 76c, 69c, 60c, 89c, S6o IQc and w DOMESTIC SWISSES. Finest made In tnls country, at, llr yard, 60c, 89c, 25c, 19c. 16c and '"I" IMPORTED INDIA LINONS. At, I'a.rd, 85C, 76c, 65c, 69c, 60o 3Qc " DOMESTIC ' INDIA ' LINONS. At, yard. 250, 19o, 15c, 12ft. 10c, 7V4c, gg ' ENGLISH LONG CLOTHS.' At. yard, 25c, lo, 15c, 12ftc, 10c IRISH WHITE DIMITIES. CHECKED AND STRIPED. At. yard, 39c, 26c, 19c, 16c, 12Ve JQc Nainsooks, put up In boxes of 12 yards each, lor nie underwear, at, Jp.)(J Out-of-town customers send for samples. Mail orders receive the best of attention. Hayden's Grocery Prices Discount All Competition for Highest Quality, Freshest Goods and Lowest Prices lZO 150 21C H lbs. best Pure Cane Granulated Sugar, for $100 48-lb. sack Fancy High Patent Minnesota Flour nothing finer sold for the money at $116 I lbs. bett Rolled Breakfast Oatmeal.... 26o t lbs. best hand picked Navj Beans 25o 10 bars best brands Laundry Soap 25c 4 lbs best bulk Laundry Starch lfro 1-lb. pkg. best Corn Starch 4o J-lb. tail Purk and Beans VAfi 1- lb. can Pork and Beans 4c 011 Sardines, per can 8c 2- lb. pkg self-rinlng Pancake Flour 6c 1-lb. pkg Seeded Uasins 7Vio Deviled Ham, Potted Ham, Deviled Tongue, Polled Tongue or potted Beet, the best brand, per can 4c 1-lb. Jar Pure Fruit Preserves S"o BroniangL-lon or Jello, per pkg 7o The best Soda or Oyster Crackers, lb 6o Fresh, crisp Ginger Snaps, per 1b,. 6o Swedish Health Bread, per lb 7Ho Fancy fresh Cookies, per lb lOo Xcelo Breakfast Food, per pkg 7fto Great June Sale of Under muslins The buying enthusiasm during the first day of this great aale was beyond comparison the greatest ever shown at a slmlllar event, and no wonder, for the quality and dainty boanty In design is superior to any ever shown at prices so low. KV lAJTS UHUtUUl' KVAU V)K MONDAY will be fully the equal and in some cases superior In values to those offered Saturday. Ladies' Skirts, made of finest materials, gar ments in this lot worth $5.00 f0 choice ..! U Ladles' Skirts, worth up to $3.00, Q Qn beautifully trimmed, at $li50 and iOv Ladles' Gowns, made long and full, handsome garments, worth $1.50, sale 7Q price Ladies' Gowns, prettily trimmed and worth regularly 76c, sale price ifl Monday ft Ladies' Corset Covers and Drawers In great variety of style, worth $1.00, sale price Ladles' Corset Covers and Drawers, regular 60c numbers will go at, choice 39c Corset Covers and Drawers, neatly trimmed, at Ladies' Corset Covers' that sold for 25c, go at ., Ladies' Knee Length Skirts, lace trimmed and worth up to $2.00- at 98c, 75c PA and JUC 49c 39c 25c I9c Grand Special Lace Sale 2(c ..5c CLEARING UP ALL ODD riECES OF OUR IMMENSE LACE STOCK AT ONE QUARTER TO ONE-HALF REGULAR PRICES. o QUALITT VAL. LACES and Insertings, at, yard 6c quality French and German Vals.. at, yard 10c quality Frenrh and German Vals, at, per yard i., Two great lots of fancy Torchons and Nottingham Wash Laces; also heavy Cluny Laces. LOT 1 Worth up to loc yard, all Ol at one price, at, yard ; 9C LOT 2Worth up to 25c yard, all Sr at one price, at, yard.... "J LARGEST LINE OF HAMMOCKS IN, jhcj (.ill. aii styles and irloes, up from $1.00. THE ONLY OMAHA HOUSE THAT CAN SELL YOU ZION CITT LACKS AND LACE CURTAINS. Crtni Cearino Embroidery Salt EMP.R01DERIE8 FOR lo PER TART). All odd length, soiled or msfiJ broideries and Insertings, worth up to 64 yard go at one price Monday, q EM BROi DERI ES,' ' AT,' ' YARD. 2Via All odd lengths of Embroideries an.l in sertings, worth 6c to too yard all 24C at one price Monday, at. yard........ EMBKOIDKRIKS. worth up to 15o yard, at one price Monday, ut, Rg yard ; , EMBROIDERIES, worth Up to 2aO yard, at one price Monday, at, 7C yard s . EMHHOIDERli:S. worth up to 35c yard, at one price Monday, at, 12JC EM BROIDERED SHIRT " WAIST PAT TERNS, worth $1.00 and tLSo, to close quickly Monday, at, llr choice OVW EMBROIDERED WAIST SETS, , A complete and very pretty Waist Bet, Wonderful bargain for Monday. In the Great Domestic Room Every Item a Rousing Bargain. Don't Miss Them. Fine, soft finish Bleached Muslin, iree irom siarcn. worm Ktc yd., at. and embroidery -in three lots Children's Muslin Drawers, with lawn ruffles, all sizes, at, pair Children's White Skirts, in all sizes, at.. 10c 25c 5.00 Great Combination Sale In Saturday's combination sale the ladles of Omaha found Just what they had been waiting for a great bargain opportunity on both Spring and Summer Garments. So marked was the success of Saturday's sale that we have decided to hold another Monday. Ladles' Silk Suits, Wool Suits and Wash Suits $25.00 and $35.00 values, in blouse coats and shirt waist styles, all new designs and colorings about 675 garments from whip h to select Com bination sale 1 yf. O 7 Price t,Jt Offer No. 2 Handsome Suits In Silk. Moires, Voiles, Panamas, etc., in black and colors; style, trimmings and finish the equal of garments you've, paid $25.00 for Combination A QA Sale Price ,JJ U DONT MISS THESE COAT BARGAINS. $15.00 Covert Coats, all new 7 C C spring styles sale price. . . . . . $8.00 Silk Eton Coats, remark- j A" able bargains sale price J $15.00 Cravenette Coats. In all .' 7 FA fizes and colors sale price. .. . iJU Women's $5.00 Walking Skirts, at $2.50 WHITE LINEN PARASOLS. $1.50. The entire surplus stock of White Embroidered Linen arasois, secured rrom Rose Bros., Lancaster, Penn. Good value at $2.60 choice t I fS Monday l.JU Bleached Table Linen, full 72-ln. wldo, satin finish, all pure linen, eight pat terns to select from, goods that f.Q sell from $1.60 to $1.75 yard, at VC3- Unbleached Table Linen, 72-ln. wide, all pure Irish Linen, extra heavy, rr worth $1.26 a yard, at, yard iuC Bleached mercerised Table Linen, 6S-ln. wide, handsome patterns, fine quality, sells regularly at 60c a yard, 'XAn at, yard Jt Unbleached Table Linen, OO-ln. wide, all pure Irish Linen, extra heavy quality and pretty patterns, sells regularly at 60c a yard, only 6 yards to a 'ITlr customer, at, yard 18xl8-ln. all Linen Unbleached Nap kins, worth $1.50 a dozen, at dos.. 81x90-ln, 'bleached seamless Sheets, extra heavy, worth 76c apiece, at.. Unbleached all linen Toweling, 17-ln. wide, 98c 59c Be 13c fuuiakdin:K3 beautiful patterns. iooh line sua, ni, 71. yard i!V 12Hc DRESS GINGHAMS, In splendid aa . sortment of patterns and colors, J 1 yard it Hc STANDARD DRESS PRINTS -tl at yard OiC 12o WASH VOILta, very popular for summer dress, at (t yard Ofc. 16c PRINTED ORGANDIES and batiste, all new designs, at 7iC 860 BILK ORGANDIES, great bar- 4 E gain, at, yard 15o INDIA LINONS, fine and sheer. 71,, at, yard St. 10c FANCY DRESS LAWNS, In 10 to 20 yard lengths, extraordinary S - value, at, yard " k 15c LINEN FINISH. CHAMJ3RAY, In all colors, at, per 71 yard 84 2.98 A Beautiful Line of Skirts Just Received All the popular styles, fabrics and colors for summer wear, splendid values, at $18.00, $15.00, $12.50, $10.00, $7.50 and New Summer Waists The largest and most varied line of waists shown in Omaha. From the most elegant dress waists to the modest, but pretty pop ular priced garments. A new line just received, at $15.00 down 100 Onr Home-Made Wrappers are unmatched In quality at the prices asked. They are made extra wide and full; I C prices $5.00 down to .MiD Children's White Dresses, ages 4 to 14 years, splendld garments, daintily trimmed, prices $5.00 down to $7.50 Silk Underskirts In this sale at , 3.95 Ladles Silk and Lisle Gloves, In black, white and colors, lzana ie-Dutton lengths, at $2.00, $1.50 Cg Ladles' Short Gloves, in silk and lisle, plain black, white or colors, at 98c,76o,60o and c 25c High Grade Wash Goods In Main Wash Goods Department s nI. 1. .t" Cet fndow111 seen 200 Plec" ' th T " Fnch Printed Organdies, and also Silk Printed Mulls that sold at 50c and, 50c a yard. AU the most beautiful lose, lilac, prairie rose and 1 other up-to-date designs all will go nothing reserved at, yard ZSC u case 19c printed Swisses, sells regularly at 8c and 10c yard, fil r- at, yard UJW Surplus Stock Sale of HHneryl ' M A few of the many oppor tunities for a milliner to mis judge supply and demand. All the Trimmed Hats in this sale are in perfect condition and style, and many have Just emerged from our workrooms. In this stock re ducing sale prices will be: $7.50 Trimmed Hats. Cfi for .JJ 410.00 and $12.00 Hats, for Trimmed Duck Hats, for .4.98 ..98c We're Moving the Goods From our House Furnishing and Crockery Departments at rapid rJtt, or rather our customers are moving thorn. The litUe prices, linked to great values, makes this sale one of keenest economical interest. REMOVAL SALE SPECIALS MONDAY. 15c So Garden Hoes at 26c Garden Rakes at 12ic ..15s ..19 c ..10c ..39c Choice Tea Sittings, per lb... Fancy Santos Coffee, per lb. Fpmino. rer rjkK Nabisco, per pkg 10c CHEESE AND BUTTER SALE Choice Dairy Butter, per lb 16o Fancy Separator Creamery Butter, per lb 15o Ncufchtel Cheese, iach 3o FRESH FRUIT AND VEGETABLE PRICES 6 bunches fresh Radishes Co 6 buncnes fresh Turnips 6o 4 bunches fresh Lettuce 6c Large Cucumbers, each 60 Wax or String Beans, per lb "V,o Fresh Peas, per lb 7Vo Fresh Pie Plant, per bunch lo Fresh Cabbage, per lb So 6 bunches fresh Onions 60 I measures of fresh roasted Peanuts. ...60 Large juicy Lemons, per dosen 20o Large ripe Bananas, per dozen 12c WATCH THE ADS FOR OUR FIRST CAR OF PINEAPPLES FOR CANNING, One case 26o Organdies, One case of 89c sartainl plaids, One case plain silk moussellne, at One case of 66c gros grain, 36-ln. wide, at. , One case of 12 Ho fine French Percales, dots, stripes,' etc, new for ifi shirtwaist suits IUC Other goods at, yard, 12Ho, 10c, etri 7 Ho and uC HIGH GRADE BILK NOVELTIES IN WASH GOODS. Printed Wash Chiffon, J QQ Printed Wash Chiffons, """" 1.50 Rtced Eollennes, nearly all silk. i Banzla Silk, plain colors, i Banzla Silk, fancy colors, at '. , , ; Banzla Habutal,60-tn. plain, at , . ; . , , , Phantom Silk fancies, . . . at :75c ,.50c 50c 75c ..50c English Gingham Silk Warp and 1 tt Embroideries, i. ......... 5. I.IJU 69c 50c Ginghams, 25C . . I . . . . . . . . . . . S 0 c Silk Organdies, 39c English Silk Ginghams, SI, , , , English Silk Ginghams, at Scotch Andersen' at Bilk Organdies, at Bilk Organdies, at Silk Organdies, at Silk Overchecks, shirtwaist suiting, at Bilk Chiffon Cloth Wash Goods, at Bilk Zephyrs Wash Goods, at..... Shimmer Bilk Wash Goods, at y Fashion Bilk Messallne, at Sampson's Bilk, at Opera Batln, guaranteed, at 1,600 different kinds of silk novelties In Wash Goods, at yard, from $2.60 1fn down to ivrw 25c .19 15c 39c 39c .25c 59c .50c 1.00 So pieces of Black Panama, strictly all wool, to close, at, yard 38c 100 pieces of Silk and Wool Eollenne; goods that sold at $1.00, $1.60, 1.WJ and 'l'lc ud. to close, at. vard. "W Closing out Fancies In Wool and Silk and Wool Dress Goods at very low prices. in 64-1 Light Blue and other evening shades WOOL DRESS GOODS SALE leces of Shirt Waist Suitings. I h Mohairs, Shadow Checks and I that sold up to $1.60 yard all llri ncles; sold up to $2-00 per Vcl wol goods will go, at, yard rd, will go, at, yard a great many more odds and ends to Green, 1 rn 50 pieces of Shirt Waist Suitings, Inch Far yard. 50 pieces of Nile Green, Pink, Lavender, J close out at a fraction of their value. 15c Parlor Broome (t tie) tSo and SOo 1Cn values, at lvv 76o Spades and Shovels, round or CKdc square top, at - - w 25c Enameled Dippers, IOC 26c Enameled Mixing Bowls, 15C 10c 26c Enameled Btew Pans, at 26c Enameled Sauce Pans, 15C $1.60 Enameled Tea Kettles, at 25c Enameled Wash Basins, 10C 16-ln. Lawn Mowers, ' at Rubber Garden Hose, per foot, at 60 foot Clothes Lines, each, at Handled Bherberts and Custard Cuds Two-quart Crystal Water .' . r1 ......... 89c 2.95 ,...Hc 2c Pitchers 10c 12 to 14-Inch Crystal Vases-each Deoorated Dlnnerware, odds and ends of open stock, choice r each Thin Blown Water Tumblers each .-.3c 100-pIeces Decorated flavlland Dinner Bets, import oraer jubi receivea fa 7l Tin Top Jelly Glasses-each per set ...lie Majolica Growlers two-quart , f Q size If" No. I Western Washer, 2 ()Q 2.35 . . .2.50 2.75 . . .$3 3.25 3.50 at 90 to 60 D Nails per 100 lbs. ... Is to 20 D Nails, per 1O0 lbs. ... 10 D Nails per 100 lbs. ... t D Nails, per 100 lbs. ... D Nails, per 100 lbs. ... 4 D Nails, per 100 lbs. ... Carpet Department Specials Monday we will hold a general cleanup sale of all short lengths of Linoleum. No mill renjnanta or seconds In this lot, but first class goods in short lengths from our own regular stock. ' 76o and 86c Printed Linoleums, In short I $1.60 INLAID LINOLEUMS, very best lengths in this sale, 42JC fl"1)'' in tbl" "Bi,'"at 97&C Small and Room Size Rug Bargains Ztxlt BUNDHIAR WILTON E QA Rugs, special u.rJ 86x72 UTOPIA RUGS, unmatched fj QQ value, at 86x72 AXMINSTER RUGS, newest QQ patterns, at wr 3.21 27x60 AXMINSTER RUGS, special Monday v.. 27x64 VELVET RUGS, great bar aaln. at kuum Biz,; wiiyroN now 27x64 WILTON RUGS, splendid value, at 27x64 Body Brussels Rugs, special O Oi Mnnii.v. at ZION CITT LACE CURTAINS Nearly our entire stock on saie juumu.j special price reductions. You must see them to appreciate the beauty and great bargain worth at our Monday speolal prices. 2.48 1.49 9x12 Best Body Wiltons, $45 al QU value, Monday t,(,'yo 1 xl2 H-xtra Heavy w litems, ijo 77 7M value. Monday 4,lu 1x12 Wilton Velvet Rugs, $30 OCX QH Tersely Told Tales Both Grim and Gay of apples, and 1 1 could have disposed of five tunes the quantity on' the' same terms.' "New' Tork Tribune. Curious and Romantic Capers of Cupid A rrrv Cbaaaed Her Taste. MONO negroes of the south there prevails to a considerable extent a system of easy matrimonial readjustment such as, according to Mr. Gorky's friends. Is the custom of Russia. Divoroes are very formal. When a negro wants a change of wives he simply adopts a new one. A Washington woman who had seen a favor ite servant of her father's household mar ried to a man named James visited Tenn essee recently and found to her surprise Eliza living with another man. "No, James ain't deld," was the explana tion, "an' he's a ltvln' In tttown. But we ain't married no more. I'se got a new hus band " "What was the trouble r was the next Inquiry. "'Thera wa'nt no trouble." "Did you and James get a divorcer" "No, we ain't had no divorce. I just nat urally left blm." "Did he use you badly; did he beat you or neglect you?" "No. He was a good husband, but I done lost my taste for James." New York Trib une. Recalled the Nasa. The stage coach that carries the mall be tween Kent's Hill and Redtleld Station. In Maine, drew un along the roadside and the driver accoated a little old man work ing In a field. "Do you know who Mrs. Abby B. Brown Is and where she lives r The old man considered. "Brown, Abby B. Brown r' he repeated. "You don't mean Mrs. Polly Brown. do your "No, Mrs. Abby B. Brown; we've got a letter for her." "ii you aay tU tuldile letter U B do youT I know a whole lot of Browns that live on the other side of the road, but there ain't any Abble B. among them. You don't mean Abby B. Smith, do youT She lives over "No, It's Abby B. Brown. We'll find her somehow. Thanks." The stage driver started his horses, but before the corner was reached a faint "Hello" caused the passengers to turn around. The old man, hoe In hand, was pursuing the stage. "Brown, Mrs. Abby B. Brown, did1 you say? Why, 1 know her. flue's my wife." Everybody's Magazine. Wbea the Aato Cioit Back. An automoblllst, speeding along a coun-' try road at a rapid clip ran over and killed a chicken. When he returned the ame way an hour later a man was stand ing la the middle of the road, signaling ex citedly for him to stop. He brought tiie machine to a standstill, and there lying on the roadside was the poor chicken whose life had been snuffed out. He was pre pared for the worst, when the following dialogue took place. "May I ask did you run over thla chicken?" "Yes, I'm the guilty party, but I am will ing to pay for the damage. How much do you want?' "Ob, that's all light. You see, before I took the chicken home I wanted to make sure how' It had been killed. If your auto mobile ran over it, I guess It's good to eat" Pittsburg Dispatch. A Xalv DititUs. Mrs. Alexander, taa novelist. Uvea In Flor ence. There a young American woman re cently Interviewed her. "Mrs. Alexander was delightful," said the young woman. "She amused me very much. I, too, amused her she thought me naive. "Once, when I asked her a certain ques tion about the financial side of novel writ ing, she declared that my question was as naive as that of a little Florentine child's that she had beard about the day before. "This child, at dinner with her parents, turned to her mother and said: " 'Mamma, where were you born?' " 'At Padua, darling.' " 'But I was born in Florence, wasn't IT " 'Yes. dear.' " 'And father, where was he born?' " 'In Venice.' "The little girl looked gravely from on to the other. " Isn't it funny,' she said, that we should all have met like this? " Mark Twala ea ATrtlala. Mark Twain, In the midst of a panegyrio on advertising, told a remarkable story. "There was a man," he said, "back Iowa way who was so pleased wtth an advertise ment In the local paper that he wrote the followlpg testimonial letter to the editor: " 'Mr. Kdltor. Blr: After selling all I dbuld, giving barrels away, stuffing my bogs till they would eat no more, I still bad, last fall, about 200 tons of big. Juicy, fine flavored apples left oa my hands. I Inserted In your valuable paper an ad. that I was willing to send tree a barrel of picked fruit, freight paid la advance by me, to anyone who would apply, there being, of course, no charge for the barrel. You wUl hardly credit U, but that little cot ad, U eared out my whole stock He Was Oa. This story is told of Judge Dale, of Wichita, Kan. The Judge Is one of the -best golfers In his part of Kansas. One day be had a case on trial in which sev eral small boys had been subpoenaed as witnesses. Addressing a bright youth of about 12 summers. Judge Dale solemnly Inquired: "My boy, do you understand the nature of an oath?" . - "Oh, yes, sir," quickly replied the youth. "I often caddled for you, sir." Oa Thins; They Had Escaped. A young disciple of Blackstone who had worked his way through college and taken full course In the study of law was making a trip through the southwest In search of an eligible location for the prac tice of his profession. A thrifty young city, with a body of water on one side of It and a forest oa the other, attracted bis attention and he decided to make a few day's stay there and investigate. "Putting up", at what seemed to be the beet hotel, he ate his dinner, then strolled Into the office aad proceeded in a careless way to Interrogate the clerk. "There la a good deal of business done In this town. Isn't there?" he asked., "Yes, sir," answered the young man. "la one way and another there's a good jag of business going oa here." "Healthy place. Isn't It?"' "Middling." "Is there much litigation here?" "No, X haven't beard of any cases of that, but there's a lot of chill an' fever and occasionally a pretty bad cas of the grip. -Youth's Crurypanloa. Wed HI Mother's Maid. HERE Is another smudge on the social moon of Pittsburg. John Alston Moorbead, heir to millions, married his mother' French maid. . The Moorhead family considers Itself and Is widely conceded to be the very first family In Pittsburg. Therefore John Alston has been disinherited. Ten day ago be' was heir presumptive to $7,000,000 or $3,000,000, being the son of John Moor head, Jr., and grandson of John Moor head, who built the family name and for tune with Iron and steel. The only name by which the French maid is known la Frances. Young Moor head la known to more people throughout the country probably than any other young Plltaburger of the society realm. He haa been the puzzle of the women of the so cial set In which his family move. He absolutely refused to have anything to do with them.. He had no use for the grand opera and good society crowd. He was always doing something which upset all social traditions, and there was de spair In many a society mother's heart for fear he would never be "annexed." along with his millions. He paid no at tention whatever to the doings and sayings of society and felt better In a f.annel shirt and a pair cf tennis shoes than he did In evening dress. His family was often hocked at some of his capers. Mrs. Moorhead spent last summer In Eu rope and when she returned last fall she brought with her a French serving maid from Pari. With the young man whoa heart had been a the steel made by hi lather aad his grandfather to all other women before. It was a case of love t first sight. It was only a month or so until the Intimacy between the French maid and the scion of the family bezan to be noticeable. They did their best to hide It Just at first, but it became too evi dent and finally, young John Alston wis called upon ths family carpet. There were tears by hi mother, remonstrances by his father, demands and defiance by the young man. Ha and Frances were Intended for each other from the formation of the world, the young man felt sure. His father announced that he would disinherit him If he did not break off the attachment. The young man steadfastly refused to give up his sweetheart, and it was announced thst Frances must go. The lover declared If she went he would go with her. Franoes went and he followed. They proceeded at once to New York, where they were married. Iav Flads a Way. "You shan't marry Theodore Kelp. I don't like him," said Mr. Prudhome of Red Lake, Minn. ' j "But I like him, papa, and while I hate to disobey you 1 mean to marry hlin," said his daughter Adeline. Whereupon Mr. Piudhome stormed In the -conventional way, and wLen he learned that an elopement was on the program he took the most direct method of Inter ference. He locked the girl up. Young Kelp went to the trystlng place, but Adeline wasn't there. He watted, but he did not come and then he went boldly to the house to rnaka Inquiries. II found that th girl waa la prison la her owa room. He coold not get up eh with bar even, to make another date for another elopement. "This is a regular sixteenth century sit uation," thought Theodore. "It Is "up to me to batter down the walls around th donjon keep or scale the battlements." "This Is not the sixteenth century," said Mr. Prudhome. "If you try to break In here I will have you arrested tor burglary. Go on away." Theodore went and told hi troubles to a lawyer. "Sure, we'll fix that," said th attorney. "We'll get out a writ of habeas corpus." They did, and the constabulary went to the Prudhome house and" served the writ and took possession of the young lady and brought' her before the county commis sioner. This was turning the tables with a ven geance and Mr. Prudhome saw that paren tal opposition was in vain. Like a wis man he withdrew his objections and th marriage was celebrated at one. d Something Doing Mter. A large case of boiled eggs was received at the Kr.ljhts of Pythias relief commit tee headquarters In Oakland, Cal., and upon each egg was written the nam and addreaa of some young woman who at tended to boiling the et'irs. The eas was shipped from Ovelund, O., and there is a strong hint that Utw en the boiler of each egg and some knightly refuge Into whose hands It fall a correspondence will b opened, and It will be Cupid' fault . U there', nothing doing thereafter. If you bar anything' to trad advertise It la 'th For F.hange) aolnmsi ed u Bn Want Ad paa. f IT 1 a J