Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 03, 1906, NEWS SECTION, Page 12, Image 12

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Ladies' Silk Suits
and Summer Dresses
Some New June Bargains
Summer Press (Goods
r-r nrn
Wry prtilily and daintily made Silk Shirt
luthumahh nhle feature, at
Ladles' Silk Jacket Suits a score of
suits for Rummer wear, regular $25
Exquisite new ttylea in Silk Jacket Suits elaborately made and C C
finely tailored, worth up to t'0,al AtJU
Tciio Wih Salts the jackets sre made of eyelet embroidered linen with
" strap trimmed or pleated skirts to match colors are white r fQ
M blue, or pink very specially priced at . . VVO
Tlja Stylish ZJttl arlnoe Chap gaits
tjV Made of reps and linens the
Ij cont are very saucy and becoming
favorites everywhere colors are
white or blue,
4.98 6.98-8.98
Trine Chap White Wash Coats Jaunty little separate go A DQ
coats made of reps and linens, prices UtVO'liVo
Entire Haw Lot of Bnmmir Tailored Skins New novelty ffects, plain
grays, checked panamas and voiles, Q8"6 QS"9 Q8
Exclusive Summer Models "Fa.shionsea.1" Suits
We are lust In receipt of a few strictly summer model "Fashionseal"
Suits charmingly made for fashionable mid-summer
wear light weight novelty chiffon, Panamas,
checks, plafds, grays, etc
""rwlWUiJUnTE smiuiasj "pry's,
Lace Curtains, Portieres, Couch Covers, Etc.
Hope Tor: l"re. extra heavy cord, nil
inn-". f feci wide Qtt
at. ) an- "''O
l,ar iV'flnlnp. Imported Scotch Net
t'l'ruin m HrusFel pat- O 1!
tcr.i. ft. pair ai. J
Wiui.-! :; si.ii-lea. .18x7 feet, made to order from the best hand-made Opaque,
lro'interl on Hartshorn rollers H2Z
mi. ci, h DOC
.. Last week wan an active one In local
church circles. The dedication and. conse
cration, of the new Kountse Memorial Evan
gelical Lutheran church at Twenty-sixth
and Parnam streets, free of all debts, was
a in oft Important entry In the annals of
Omaha church history. The dedicatory
Services begun on Sunday and cloned Fri
day evening with a public reception. The
new edifice occupies a worthy place in the
building of a Greater Omaha.
The prebyterial Sunduy school lnnlitutv
Si the First l'l rsbyterlan church on Tues
day was a h'lp to those engaged in thv
work. An Interesting program waa given
Slid much Inspiration received by those at
tending. MukIc at the First MeihodiHt Episcopal
Prelude Offertulre 'Thomas
Anthem 8ing Alleluia Forth Buck
Solo Come I'nio Me Coonen
IIIsk Margaret Damni.
Duet Come, Holy Spirit Jerome
Mica Lamm and Mrs. Icken.
Offertory Music (organ; In the Morning
Pusilude Laus leo Duboli
Prelude Cantilena Plerne
Anthem O, Come to Me Ye Weary.. Florlo
Solo O. Divine Redeemer Gounod
Miss Lamm.
Offertory Mualc Reverie Flagler
Pnatlude Stern
J. C. Norman Richards, organist and
At the Central Vnlted Presbyterian
church, Sunday morning and evening. Rev.
Mr. McBride, the pastor, will press the
claim of the Christian missionary field and
Ministry upon the minds of the young peo
ple, and In thst connection will discuss the
somewhat delicate question of the scarcity
of workers for thoss two fields In the last
few years.
Beginning Sunday evening. Rev. A. 8. C
Clarke, pastor of the Lowe Avenue Pres
byterian church, will preach a series of
Among the many medi
cines for woman's ills there
are none equal to the fa
mous Hostetter's Stomach
Bitters. Every bottle is
backed by a 53 years' rec
ord of cures of Backache,
Dizziness, Fainting Spells,
Cramps, Nervous Head
aches, Biliousness, Costive
ness. Indigestion or Dys-
l pepsia.
Waut Svitt every
new styles In these fetching new
Summer Brass A hundred delight
fully fresh and pretty dresses of
lawn, dotted Swiss, plain or
point d'esprlt nets, organdies,
Ttf :.!?;: 9. 98-12. 50-14. 85 to $35
Couch Covers, 80 inches wide, three
yards long, at, a 'i
Colored Curtain Swiss, fast color.
n Inches wide. fLr
yard IsSaC
Sunday evening sermons on the general
topic, "Moral Derelicts on Life's Sea." The
subjects announced axe: "The Modern
Esau," "The Wages of Inloultv."
Wedge of Gold," "An OJd-Tlme Cham
pion, ' "An Ancient Backslider."
Music at Trinity Cathedral:
Processional Hear Us, Thou that
urooaesi Mann
Kyrte Rtuin.r
Gloria Tlbi Stalner
Hymn Come. Holv Snlrit rk..
Offertory God 80 Loved the World.. Stalner
curium toraa Stalner
Hanctus ; Btalner
Communion Hymn Monk
Gloria in Kxcelsls Plain Chant
necesaionai xove Divine Roe
Processional Ancient of Days Jefferv
Gloria, Patrl Barry
nunc uimims Harrv
Devotional Hymn Barnby
Hymn Jesus Calls Us jUde
I Will Mention the Loving Kindness .
a ,ot, hs Lord Sullivan
Solo for Bass Glory to Thes Gounod
Mr. Mclntyre.'
Solo for Contralto Gounod
Miss Higgins.
Unfold Te Portals Gounod
Postlude Onward, Christian Soldiers....
Ben Stanley, Choirmaster and Organist.
Musio at the First Congregational, Nine
teenth and Davenport:
Prelude The Queston Wolstenholrae
Anthem by guartet Bread of the
Wnrl.t Dnk .
Offertory The Answer WoUtenhoime
Anmem lor communion Service He
hold, the Lamb of God (from "Mea-
D '"';" Handel
Postlude West
Prelude Twilight Picture .
Anthem With Glory Clad ,
Uuartet The Lord is King.
OtTertnrv Merilr.tlAn
8 hell v
u. .Buck, jr.
Solo Woe. Vl'n I'ntn Than. A lv. S ' xj'
sake Him (from "Elijah"). .Mendelssohn
Bung by Miss Florence De Graff.
Potlud Dubois
Martin W. Bush, Organist; Ira B. Pen
nlinan. Director.
Rev. B. H. St suffer, who arrived frnm
Buffalo Friday morning, win occupy the
puipit at the First Methodist Episcopal
church Sunday morning and evening. Dr.
Stauffer Is here to take charge of that
church, succeeding Rev. E. Combie Smith,
who went to the Riverside church at Buf
falo. North Side Christian. Twenty-sixth and
Grant. H. J. Klrschstein, pastor. Morning.
Rally day; short talks. Eveningchildren's
dsy exercises. Program:
Processional-Hymn eui. Come Te That
Love the Lord
Hymn 125-1 Love Thy Kingdom!' Lord!;
Scripture Lesson
Prayer "!!!" !!
Communion Hymn 101 Dark'" Was" the
Nig lit
Anthem fling of the Blight Home' .Havens
"The Necessity of Movina" J R v.-,
"The Coet of Moving" e. y Kerr
"Our Ability to Move" C A. Mangum
"The Bible School In the New Meld".."
K. A. Carmlchael
Hvmn 06 Onward. Christian Soldiers...
Opportunities in the New Field"
P. F. Wiles
Plan for Raising Money to Move"
. C. Williams
"It la Your Next Move"
H. J. Klrschstein
Hymn 477 Lord. 1 Care Not for Riches..
Announcements and Benediction
. The addresses given In-the ponl-educa-tional
services of the Kountse Memorial
Lulheiao church have been of a(hlgh order.
The services wars well attended and will
no doubt be fraught with much good to the
church and the community. The reception
was a happy occasion. Representative
from the Protestant churches brought
greetings to tbs pastor a ad people of the
In this lot, which represents one of onr great
est purchases from a New York importer,
are the finest extra wide embroideries,
flouncings and skirtings elegant patterns,
many in the new eyelet embroidered effects,
beading edges, etc highest
quality of fabric, worth
Medium Width Embroideries
Many match sets In this lot, new and extremely dainty
patterns, worth up to 2Bc f tn. 1 F.
yard at, yard 62C -lUC-IjC
All-Over Lacts and Embroideries
Elaborate patterns for making entire waists and
dresses regularly sells at 76c to $1 a yard TQ
at, a yard , JJC
Valenciennes laces. Torchons, net tops, Mechllnes,
etc. worth as high as 16c and "Xl C. "7 '
20c yard at, yard JzC'DC' $ 2C
Ladies Long Gloves
Long lisle -Gloves and silk Gloves with lace arms the
favorite blacks, whites and colors, Q JQ 1
including greys prices are, pair.. 'P
Five B15 Special
Fine new lot French
percalea. large and
medium, red and black
dota, neat flKures and
stripes, fresh asBort-
aTyd iC
Thousands of yards
white, black and col
ored silk muff, the regu-
ular 25o kind. ffkr
at, yd
35c Heavy bleached and cream
table damask, at, yard ,
50c and 80c all linen sliver
bleached table damask
SOc loom dice napkins,
Elaborate Lingerie Waists, also the
silk and net some are exquisitely
brolderud special at
New arrivals of prettily trimmed whits
Kountze Memorial church in the comple
tion of the new edifice.
The baccalaureate sermon of the high
school graduating class will be held In the
Kountze Memorial Lutheran church Sun
day morning. June 10, at 10:30. Rev. Mr.
Hummon will preach the sermon.
Music for First Baptist:
Organ Prelude Grand Offertolre... .Salome
Anthem Magnificat Marks
Offertory Solo Heavenward Tours
Mr. K. u. nutneriana.
Postlude Rosinl
Organ Preludes Romanza Baldwin
Anthem Gently, lxira, un uenuv i.ean
Us Sehnecker
Offertory Bolo Homeland Hanscom
Mrs. Welty.
Postlude Selected
Mrs. Andrews, organist and director.
Y. W. C. A. Notes.
Mrs. Hsrford, president, Is in Pennsyl
vania. Miss Dora Dart, office secretary, is
spending her vacation in Denver,
spend their vacations at Luke Geneva,
Wis. The Young Women's Christian as
sociation conference will be held August
21-81. A atereoptlcon talk will be given
at the rooms in the near future.
Mrs. Margaret Park will speak at tho
gospel meeting Sunday afternoon at t:0
o'clock. The meeting should be a large
one, as Mrs. Park is a favorite speaker,
and also because this will be the last
meeting before closing for the season.
Some of our members are planning to
Y. M. C. A. Notes.
The tennis courts are in excellent con
dition. The round robin tournament Is
almost completed and a handicap tourna
ment will begin Monday.
Messrs. B. C. Wade and W. S. Rothery
left Wednesday afternoon for the secre
taries' conference st Indianapolis. Mr.
E. F. Denlson will stop at the conference
on his way home from an extended eastern
The Young Men's Christian association,
as usual, will have a large tent at the
high school camp, which la to be held at
Tekamah this year, from June 4 to .
The tent will be equipped with reading
matter, writing material, games, etc. The
social musical hour each evening will be
under the direction of Walter Hoffman.
A free sacred concert will be held in
the Lyric theater Bunday. June 3, at 4
o'clock, under the auspices of the asso
ciation, which has secured the lett
musical talent In the city for this con
cert. Ladies will be admitted. The fol
lowing program will be rendered:
Ninety and Nine Campion
Mrs. C. K. Urquhart. Soprano.
Romance A. d Ambrosia
Mr. Robert Cuscaden, Violinist.
Solo Selected
Mr. Alex C. Stewart. Tenor.
Dedication Schumann List
Mr. Jean P. Duffield. Pianist.
Angel's Song Brewer
Mrs. A. L. Bheetz, Mezzo Hoprano.
Violin Obligato by Mr. Cuscaden.
Penitence Van Der Wster
Mr. J. F. Barton. Basso.
Miss Helen Sadilek. Accompanist.
1lscellaaeoa Anaoaaeemeats.
Saratoga Congregational, Chaplain Dlf
fenhacher. pastor Evening service at 8.
topic. "The Altar."
Grand View Baptist Sunday 8chool,
Fourth and Cedar Meets at S 30 p. m. ;
G. D. Madcison. superintendent.
Calvary Baptist Branch. Thirty-fourth
and Seward Bible school at 1:30 p. m.;
Thursday. 7:46 p. m.. gospel service.
First Spiritual Society of Omaha. Sev
enteenth and Parnam (Patterson hall),
Kev. '. L. Bean, Pastor Lecture In the
St. Paul's Episcopalian, Thirty-second
snd California Morning praer at 11, even
ing prayer at S. Kev. John Barnes will
St. Paul's Eplacopal, Twenty-second and
California Choral communion service at
11: evening service at 1; Rev. John Smith
will ofltciate.
People's Church. Charles W. Savldge.
PiSior Morning. "The Presence of God,"
evening. "Au Infinite Loss." Prof. Merles
has charge of the music.
Unity, Seventeenth and Cass. Rev. New
ton Mann. Minister Service at 10:30: ser
mon. ' Progress Its Religious Signifi
cance"; Sunday school at noon.
Trinity Methodist Kptscopsl. J. Randolph
Smith. Vtur Kev. VV. Gorst D. D . it.,.
siding elder of Omaha district, will preach
) )
ribbons, flowers,
wings, ornaments
and even ostrich
plumes used
trimming, at.,
te U
Bargains in Basement Monday
Fancy checked and
striped dreas ginghams
also plain colors, the
regular 10c grade,
Fancy lace striped and
the new corded checked
effects, flne whits ma
terial, sold from the
pS1.1:' 10c
Bi Special Sale of Linens for
Sc Turkish wash cloths, 1 s-
10c hand made renaissance
dollies, each
. 3ic
12 He hemmed huck towels,
stunning waists of
hand em- tfSS
Fine sheer quality Bilk and Lingerie Waist
three-quarter sleeves daintiest summer
novelties at
Shirt Waists lace and embroidery trimmed all the new features Q&C
at 10:30 a. m. and administer the sacra
ment of the Lord's supper; preaching by
the pastor at 8 p. m.
Hillside Congregational, Thirtieth and
Ohio, Herbert L. Mills, Pastor Morning
Rervlce at 10:30, Sunday school at noon,
Christian Endeavor at 7, evening worship
at V.
Second Presbyterian. Twenty-fourth and
Nicholas, Rev. Newman Hall Burdlck,
Pastor Preaching at 10:80 and : morning
subject, "A Study of Christ's First Temp
tation." Swedish Methodist Episcopal, Nineteenth
and Burt, Rev. Peter Munson, Pastor
Preaching at 11 a. m. and s p. m.; Sunday
school at 10 a. m. ; young people's meeting
at 7 p. in.
Plymouth. Congregational, A. J. Folsom.
Pastor Morning service at 10:30; Bible
school at noon; no evening service; Park
vale Congregational Bible school at 3 and
preaching at 4.
Hanscom Park Methodist Episcopal.
Woolworth and Georgia, Clyde Clay Clssell,
Pastor Morning sormon, "The Transfigura
tion Mountain of Life;" evening aermon,
"The Soul's lover."
First Congregational, Nineteenth and
Davenport, Kev. Hubert C. Herring, D. D.,
Pastor Communion service at 10:) a. m. ;
Sunday school at 12; Christian Endeavor
at 6:M p. m. ; evening service at 8.
Clifton Hill Presbyterian, Forty-fifth and
Grant, R. L. Pinchy, Pastor Morning ser
vice at 10:30; evening service at a; Sun
day achool at noon; young people's meet
ing at 7; Wednesday evening service at .
Grace Baptist, Tenth and Arbor, B. F.
Fellman, Pastor Preaching at 10:45, fol
lowed by the Lord's supper; Sunday school
at noon; Junior union at 8 p. in.; young
people's prayer meeting at 7 p. m. ; evening
sermon at 8.
First Church of Christ (Scientist), Twen-ty-ttfth
and Farnam, Chambers Building
Sunday school at :5 a. m. ; morning ser
vice at 11 a. m.; evening service at 8 p. m.;
subject of lesson sermon, "God, the Pre
server of Man.'
Diets Memorial Methodist Episcopal, D.
W. McGregor, Pastor Sunday school at
:30 a. m.; preaching at 11 a. m.; Epworth
league at 1 p. in.; preaching at 8 p. m.;
Installation of officers of fcpworth league
at evening service.
First Christian. Nineteenth and Farnam,
Rev. 8. D. Dutcher, Pastor Rev. N. Q
Taylor of Illinois will preach at the morn
ing service, 11 o'clock: Bible school at
:46; children's day program at ; Chris
tian Endeavor at :3u.
First Presbyterian, Seventeenth and
Dodge. Edwin Hart Jenks, D. D., Pastor
Morning service, 10:8o; subject, "fcisdrae
lon the Great Battlefield of the World;"
evening service at 8. subject, "Blgh'.s
'round About Jerusalem."
All Saints' Episcopal. Twenty-seventh
and St. Mary's Avenue, Kev. T. J. Mackay,'
Rector Morning prayer and sermon at 11;
young people s church and Sunday school
at lo; communion service at 7:3"; seats
are free and all are welcome.
Knox Presbyterian, Nineteenth Boule
vard and Ohio, M. V. Hlgbee, Pastor
Communion of the Lord's supper st 10:30;
Sabliatli school at noon; young peoples
meeting at 7: evening worship at 8, even
ing theme, "Presumpilous Sins."
St. Msry's Avenue Congregational. Rev.
L. O. Baird. Pastor Morning service at
10:30; subject. "The Unconquerable Christ";
afternoon service at 4 au; subject. "Christ
in Everyday Life." With this service the
vesper services will be closed until August.
German Evangelical Lutheran, Twenty
eighth and Peraer, Kev. 11. liolle. Pastor
Confessional service at .M; regular
service at 10, with holy communion and
music by the choir; morning theme, "Tho
Great Contrast Between Belief and Ln
bellef." First United Evangelical, Franklin, near
Twenty-fourth. Rev. Q. A. Deck. Pastor
Sunday school al M. worship at 11. sermon
by Kev. S. J. Siiupp. presiding elder, fol
lowed by communion: K. L. C E. at 7,
wors'ilp at 8, sermon by Rev. 8. J. Bhupp.
presiding eloc-r.
Trinity Cathedral, Capitol Avenue and
Eighteenth. Kev. George A. Beeclier, Dean
Holy communion at 8 a. m.: hocpltal ser-vl.'-s
al 9 .IS a. m. . Sunuay school and
Bible ciasi at t a. in. ; morning prayer
and aermon at 11 a. in.; evening prayer
and sermon al 8.
St. Mark's English Lutheran. Twenty
First and Burdeite, L. liroh, Pastor
Services at 10 a.- in.. Willi holy com
munion; subject, "Holy Ghost's Work' : at
8 p. in. "lxioklng Ahead Joy of Believ
ing"; Sunday school at noon; young peo
ples .meeting st 7 14 p. m.
Central United Presbyterian. Twenty
fourth and iKidge. R. B. A. M Rridu. Pas.
tor Morning worship at 10 80. sermon
subject. "What Will You Do With Your
Life?" a sermon to young people apropos
the closing of tke school year; evening
All the Htvts Shown Monday tvt Special
' Display Are New Summer Creations
The moment you see these stunning hats you
will realize the great values we are offering these
cannot be matched elsewhere for less than $7.60 to
$10. Hand made chiffon and raallne hats In white
and black, also many fancy braid and peroxalyne
Becoming Sma.ll Stvilor Hats
Also Turbans and Dress Hats prettily trimmed
with ribbons, flowers and wings, . y c A
at, each td03
Tard wide bleached
mualln and cambric
equal to the most de
sirable brand known,
Monday, Cln
at, yd
16c bleached Turkish towels, ICin
each 1Ut
76c quality large slse crochet J.OrT
bed spreads, each W
Extra large $1.00 quality crochet jQe
bed spreads, each Mzr
bort or
worship at 8, sermon subject, "The Tri
umph of Sacrifice," a sermon to the young;
Sabbath school at noon; young peoples
prayer meeting at 7 p. m.
Lowe Avenue Presbyterian, Fortieth and
Nicholas, Rev. A. S. C. Clarke, Pastor
Morning service, at 10:30. topic, "Are We
Meeting Our Responsibilities?" evening
service st 8, topic, "Pitching tho Tent
Sodom-ward;" Sunday school at noon;
Wednesday evening service at 8.
Westminster Presbyterian, Mason Street
and Georgia Avenue, Rev. P. V. Moore,
Pastor Morning service, 10:30; pastor will
speak regarding the general assembly at
Des Moines, to which he wss commis
sioner; evening service at 8; Sunday school
at noon; Christian Endeavor at 7 p. m.
Third Presbyterian, Twentieth snd
Leavenworth Rev. Joseph W. Cherry of
Wahoo. Neb., will conduct both morning
and evening services; preaching and com
munion service at 10:30 a. m.; Sabbath
school st S p. m.; Young People's Society
Christian Endeavor at 7; evening worship
at 8.
Dundee Presbyterian, Fiftieth and Un
derwood, Thomas K. Hunter, Pastor
Morning worship and communion, 10:80;
evening worship and sermon to tne grad
uates of the Dundee school, 8 p. m ; Sab
bath school at noon; Junior endeavor, 3:4ft
p. m.; senior endeavor, 7 p. m.; prayer
meeting. Wednesday 8 p. m.
First Baptist, Twenty-Ninth snd Harney.
Rev. J. W. Conley, Pastor Services at
10:30 a. m. and 8 p. m. Morning sermon.
"Life Made Worth Living;" evening. "Sin
In Its True Light;" Sunday achool at.
"oon; young people's meeting at 7 p. m.
Bethany branch, First Baptist church,
3tA3 Leavenworth, at S p. m.
Castellar Presbyterian, Sixteenth and
Castellar, Rev. Walter H. Reynolds. Pax
tor Morning service at 8, with sacrament
of the Lord's supper snd public reception
of new members: evening worship at 8;
Sunday scxiool at noon; young people's
If you cannot obtain Arbvcklet ARIOSA
Coffee at a nearby store, tend ui poital or
express money order for $ 1 .60 and we will send
(rramportabon paid to your freight station ten
pound of Arbuciles' ARIOSA Coffee in a
strong wood box. The $1.60 pays for both
tratupor.i'ioa and codec, and then will be
nothing more to pay. Price fluctuates and
cannot be guaranteed for any period. The
coffee will be shipped in the original wiappcr
beating the signature of Arbuckle Bros. 10
package 10 signatures. We five presents
lot signatures snd will send free if you write fol
it, new book with colored picture of 97 useful
and valuable presents for users of Arbuckle'
Doa't buy loose grocery-store cotfee, for you
never can tell where it comes from, where it ha
been, or how much it ha beta handled. There
i nothing lo identify k except the pm e, bo wsy
to know positively you are actually receiving
w hat you pay for. ou doa't know, and the
grocer doein't know, You but him, he trust
somebody who tmsU tomehody eUa. Coffee
value are determined by fiava and cup quality
when cooked, sot Ly outward appearance aoi
by the prica a-ked I
About loose grocery store coffee you caa be
sure only of this that it collects th dust of the
store sod freely absorb impurities. You my
sot wash it you must simply cook S sad drtuk
it, dust sad all.
. fliik grog-sues iMft&id.,
New grey checks, plaids and grey
In small broken plaids,
at, a yard
64-Inch cream Tachting and storm
Serge. $1.26 grade, on
t, yard 5IC
54-Inch black and navy f
Panamas. 11 grade, yd.. U(
Closing out all our broken lines of fine Dress
Linens and Fancy Suitings, worth up to $1, at Yd
WAIST IWTTKKMH AT 98c K.U'H In boxes, regular price
$1.26, $1.39 and $1.60, new and stylish lingerie waist
patterns, at, each
HAM) KMnROlDKUEO ROBKS Direct from FTance.
lingerie, lawn and nainsook, latest cut skirts, exqui
site shadow embroidery, at, each.....
Special Silk Sale
In Order t Reduce Our Stock Quickly we Otfer:
our $1.00, $1.25 and $1.50 patterns, plenty of greys,
Alice blues, old rose and navys in the collection. These
silks were manufactured lor the Q
finest retail trade, and we offer U
over 300 pieces at less than actual
cost-IN TWO LOTS, A YD,'
Wear guaranteed, woven in
selvage, a b s o 1 u tely oil
boiled taffeta, for entire
suits, jackets, petticoats or
hninirs. VYe re
place every yardfc??il"w
not wearing well.njj HJj
85c grade, at yd"'
Very Special Bargains Monday in
Altogether the most complete showing of Ruga and Carpers In
Omaha. The season's newest patterns and the best weaves from the
leading factories. Special prices Monday.
Best quality All Wool Ingrain Car
pet, the beat made at yard....S5o
Best Brussels Carpet, with or with
out borders to match, at, yard..79o
Fine Axmlnster Carpet, a splendid
parlor carpet, at, yard $1.10
' The best all-wool Ingrain
Ingrain Squares. S yards
by 4 yards, at 97 .AO
Ingrain Art 8qu.xres,
3x8 yards . ,...$6.50
meeting at 7; Sunday school at Ontario
chapel, Elghteent and Ontario, I p. m.;
Sunday school at Park Forest chapel.
Twelfth and Dominion, 8 p. m.
Grace Lutheran, South Twenty-sixth, be
tween Woolworth and Poppleton, Rev. M.
L. Mellck, Pastor-Servlcas at 10 5 a, in.
and 8 p. m. morning subject, "The Gift
of the Holy Ghost." The evening service
will elso bS of a Pentecostal character;
Sunday school at 11:16; Luther league at
1p.m.; prayer meeting on Wednesday.
Immanuel Baptist, Twenty-fourth and
Binney. Phlletus H. McDowell, Pastor
Morning service at 10:80, topic. The Li v
ing Temple of the Living Christ; the
Lord's supper will be observed with pub
lic reception to new members In the morn
ing; evening service at 8. subject, "Peter's
Denial and Present Dsy penlals; baptis
mal service in the evening, Bible school at
noon, Junior service st 7, prayer meeting
Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock.
Calvary Baptist, Twenty-fifth and Hamil
ton, Rev. E. R. Curry, Pastor Services
at 10:30 ai m. and 8 p. in.: the Lord's sup
per will be observed at the close of the
morning sermon and the hand of fellow
ship given new members; evening subject.
Does God Care for the Individual Life?"
Bible school at 12; man's Baraca class nt
12: all young men are Invited: young peo
ple's service at 7 p. m.: Wednesday, 8 p.
m., mid-week prayer and praise service.
Kountze Memorial Evangelical Lutheran.
Rev. John E. Hummon, Pastor Services
at 10:30 a. m.. a short address to the con
firmation class, subject, "Folllow Ma, or
The True Standard." A class of seventy
young people will be confirmed and about
twenty-five adults will be received Into
church membership. At the evening ser
vice the pastor will preach on the aub
Jeet. "Regeneration," the first of a series
of six sermons on the "Plan of Salva
tion." t
Bee Want Ads for Business Boosters.
Don't you take it no matter whether the
price be 10 cents or 35 cents. Insist on having
Arbuckle' ARIOSA iruled."The genuine
Arbuckle' is ao!d only in sealed one pound
package that never contain less than a full
pound and reach you diiectly from the mill
unhaodled snd pure. It will keep freth foi
year. Each berry is hermetically sealed with a
coating of fresh eggs and granulated sugar, which
preserve strength and flavor, and settle the
coffee quickly when cooked. This is the original
"Mother'" process patented by this arm, in
which the characteristic of our (killed coffee
blending and roasting are secured for you intact
Be matter how distant your location and these
are not to be compared with crude primitive
methods 6a a smaller scale. It it best to grind
at home as wanted ; warming it slightly makes it
easy la grind and develop that delirious cup
quality peculiarly Artockles."
This is the amc ArLucklca' Roasted Coffee,
the same firm that introduced it thirty -aevea year
ago. Through every vicissitude of all those long
year Arbuckle ARIOSA ha f :"tt,:rml it
reputation with consumer and it sales have
mukipUed until we to-day buy, roast and tell
mors coffee ihaa the four next largest concern
ia the world combined. a riuudied of feeble
imitation sacaawhuc have come sod gone
some lo dts ia the borninf, other to Aouriah
briefly, sWay and pas away.
You will kaew Lew good Aiksskles'
grade, at, yard.
Fine French Voila. " grey ' tan,
mode, $1.25 grade, at T Cm
yard. . . . ... v,,. v. . . .
Printed and Jarquard wash Ilk
fabrics, 60c and 76c grades, suit
able, for street or party 1QA
wear and waists, at, yd
.Js'ew shipment Just received. W
Import our Japanese silks direct
and save you one-third on the prtc
Our regular 680 grade, S? Cl
Inches wide, at, yard. C .
Our regular 75c grade, 86 4Q
Inches wide, at, yard...., fwZffi
Our regular $1 grade. 8
lnchea wide, at, yard . . . . .O C .
All our Japanese silks are) specially
selected, closely woven and will
launder perfectly.
Best Body Brussels Rues, txll
at $as, t-ixio-s at
Axmlnster Bugs, 9x12
at 9949 aaA 999
Tapestry Brussels Rugs, slse
9x12, at tl45
Rugs In a big range of patterns and
Ingrain Art Squares. -.
8x3 yards ..S4
Ingrain Art Squares,
2x3 yards ...... 95
i French Veil blacks, f 1.1
Says n Will Nat Ab4ea Souak
I'Btll He Sees Daughter,
Oraee Wllllasas.
In the case of Grace Williams, wrho has
been missing for ten days, the polios and
detectives are working on the theory that
the girt has been placed In an Institution,
where she msy be carod for privately. The
father of the girl Is continuing his search
anil says he will not give it up until he
sees bar. He demands that he Know where
she Is and her condition. Detectives from
the city jail are working on the caas, as t
well as private detectives.
Information was received from - the
Rawltzer residence Saturday morning that
Mr. and Mrs. Rawltser war out af the
city. The servants claimed to know noth
Ing of their affairs. Mrs. Rawltser left Fri
day afternoon.
KestBFklasi 1st Hep.
W. A. Gaines Co., distillers, of the stats
of Kentucky, hsve brought suit In the
United States circuit court a gainst the
Standard Distilling and Distributing com
pany, known as the Her Distilling and Dup
trlbutlng company, and Charles Sclilanck
for 86,010 damages for the Infringement, of
trademark. The petition alleges that the
defendants are manufacturing and selling
a brand of whisky and bottling and mark
ing the same, giving it the name af "Golden
Crow," which is In Imitation of the brand
of liquor known as "Old Crow," manufae- .
tured by the plulntlffs. The petition also
asks that the defendants b restrained
from using the name of "Gulden Crow."
ARIOSA really is if you try it and become
accustomed to k. It furnishes just the proper
stimulant, enable ana la withstand fatigue,
increase the power of endurance, quickens the
pulse, clears up the brain and put heart into the
work. That it it the beat, most wholesome
coffee lo be had for the money it proved by its
coormou sales, which exceed those, of sll other
packaged coffee in the United States coaiixaod.
Addres our nearest Office Boa Dept.,
71 WW Stnst. Nw Yk City.
100 Michiaaa Avaaua. Qicae II.
Uastr A sss Waed St.. Pimistsa. Pa. .
421 &4 SMt. Soc 5. l-mm. M.
10 LBS.