Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 02, 1906, NEWS SECTION, Page 4, Image 4
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SATURDAY, JUNE 2, 1900. DIN'S REVIEW OF TRADE Business Maintain Wholesome Progress nd Collections Improfe. WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTION IS HEAVY rtetall Trad Retarded at Sosa folat kr Anrers Weather Caadl tloa that AtTeet Crop Oatlook. NEW TORK. June 1 R. O. Dun Co.'s Weekly Review of Trade tomorrow will ay: Business maintains wholesome progres and mereantll collections improve. The week's aggregate transactions show the effect of the holldiiy and seasonable quiet In certain line, but a rood gain la noted in comparison with the corresponding period of a yer previous. Uncertainty re garding tne crop" caused unusual con servatism at the northwest until this week, I when the outlook became sufficiently en couraging to resume confidence. In many Jobbing line there la no prospect of vigor ous activity until fall, but wholesale distri bution In now heavy and,retall business la only retarded at points where temporary weather conditions ara adverse. Utile idle machinery la reported at man ufacturing plants, except In a few cases of labor disputes, and several substantial Increases In wages became effective June 1, Hallway earnings thus far recorded for May exceeded last year's by 11 1 per Cent and foreign commerce at this port for the last week showed gains nf II. "M. 881 In Im ports snd I4UV.74.1 In exports. Money Is re turning from Ban anciaoo and more gold has been engaged abroad, but the se curity market rules comparatively quiet. Aside from the strike of the founders and moulders the Iron and steel Industry is In splendid condition. No decrease In ac- tivlty of textile machinery has occurred, although It Is believed that some mills are overtaking orders, and the tone of the primary market for cotton goods developed a little weakness, but without any radical redjctlon in quotations. Footwear fac torlea are supplied with orders that will maintain full activity for two or three months snd supplementary contracts for full delivery continually arrive from sales men or by mail. The higher prices an nounced last week on sole leather came as n surprise, owing to the dullness of the mifr-kef, and tended to make business still smuller. Failures this week numbered 17 In the United States, against 198 last year, and 13 In Canada, compared with 39 a year ago. II K PORT Or THB CLEARING HOISE Transactions of the Asaoelated Banks for the Week. NEW TORK, June l.-The following table, compiled by Bradatreet, shows the bank clearings at the principal cities for the week ended Msy SI, with the percent age of Increase and decrease as compared with the corresponding week last year: CITIES. -" Clearings. Inc. Dec. New York $l,tflS.7,1.14 1.0 .... Chicago 163.529.949 . .... Boston 116,371. 436 it .... Philadelphia 137,648,414 18.4 .... Bt. Louis 46.375.103 .... 11.6 Pittsburg 4U.519.670 .... 9.0 Sun Francisco" (not available). Baltimore 22.12,214 15.S .... Cincinnati 19.94,100 14. .... Kansas City 19, 413,191 S.O .... New Orleans 14.080,035 .... , S Minneapolis 12.417,940 .... 22.1 Cleveland 12.642.140 1 5 .... Louisville 9.9ij,317 1 .... Detroit 10.034.226 5.1 .... Los Angeles 7.837, 7H0 .... 20 OMAHA .848.K9 17.2 .... Milwaukee (.666.751 14 .... Providence S.912.100 .t .... Buffalo 6.2M.&N) 17.0 .... Indianapolis (.266.627 .... 12. J BL Paul ,8M.908 19.6 .... Denver 4.963,232 .... 1.6 Seattle 4,674.301 101. S .... Memphis 1, 238,692 .... 14.5 Fort Worth 4.324.440 34.6 .... Richmond S.985.240 l.S .... Columbus 4,366,8o0 .... 11.0 Washington 4.972.424 .... .8 Bt. Joseph ........v... 4.837.785 7.4 .... Savannah 8.906, 203 17.5 .... Portland, Or. S.8M.665 48.2 .... Albany 8.913,785 .... 8.2 Suit Lake City 8.349.09 16.4 .... Toledo . 8.16,415 (.8 .... ... .Rochester 8,420,020 .... 19.8 Atlanta " 8.ft,0Ti 29. .... Taeoma 2,875.358 85.0 ...i Spokane, Wash. S.240.6.S6 38.9 .... Hartford 8.861,356 16.4 .... Nash villa 8,8.0ii0 66.1 .... Peoria MS3.076 .... S.l Des Moines 1X.901 . .... 6.8 New Haven 2.045.878 18.7 .... Grand Rapids 1.907,001 6.5 .... Norfolk 1.072..t'4 7.1 .... Augusta. Oa 1.112,677 .... 21.7 Springfield. Mass 1.324.990 2.4 Portland. Me 1.475.9S8 20 0 .... Dayton 1.598,122 14.5 .... Sioux City 1 543,337 .... 8.1 Fvansville l.l6,7f4 .... 5.4 Birmingham 1,891,280 41.8 Worcester 1,133.694 19.8 Syracuse l.jW.742 12. .... Charleston, 8. C 1.1' S.l 43 28.1 .... Lincoln '. 1.007,694 Knoxvllle 1.247.850 61 2 .... Jacksonville, Fla 1,167,184 6 7 .... Wilmington, Del 1,094,475 4.5 .... Wichita 8K9.6S9 .... 13.6 Wllkeslarre 794.792 3.9 .... Chattanooga 622,340 .... S5.4 Davenport 607,849 61.7 Little Rock 944.947 5.9 .... Kalamaxoo, Mich 704,690 .... 6.0 Topeka 68.446 39 6 .... Wheeling, W. Va. ..'... 777,7X7 15 4 .... Macon 461.626 11.0 .... mm OH LITTLE W Mouth and Eyes , Covered With Crusts-Face Itched Most Fear fullyHands Pinned Down to Prevent Scratching MIRACULOUS CURE BY CUTICURA REMEDIES M WTiea say littla bey was tlx mentfc old, at kaa sosema. The sora txtaatca se awiekly th whols M; that ws at eaee tailed la la sector. Ws tata west U aaetasr sector, but a seal set belt kun, sad ia sur despair w wsat te a third aas. Hatters beeam so bad that" be bad regular boles la bla ebeebs, Urga eaeug to nut flager lata, Tas food ha to be g whh a . spooa, far bis inoutb was sTsred wttb snwts at tbiek as a tsfar, sad whasever be Maea tbs Basntb they Begs to bleed sad suppurate, as did alt hit , Heads, arm a, obest, aa back, ia short Ska whole bear, was severed eref aad ever. VTs bad as reel by day at tight. Wasaerer h was laid la bit bed, we had to ia his haaa dswat otherwise be wsal4 Auonao Botmarsj. Scratch bat lass, aad bui aa ear. I uu have ltche. Best faarfullr. era. 1 toils hi (ess Bust "si Basil thoaght aetalag eeuM beta, a 1 bad Bads By aaiad te aead bt wu with tbt sbiid to Europe, hoping that the tea air Bight sura aim, etherwU he was to be ut tukder feed Medical sue there. But, Lord be bleated. Batters Mai differeaily, aad ws seen saw a atiraols. A frlead ef eurs . teoke abeut Cudeuxu. Ws Bade a trial with Cutiewa Beep, Ola tm tat, aad Keealveat, aad withia tea dayt er Iwe week ws aetieed a decided iinpro esaeat. Just aa aukkly as tha aickaets had appeared k ale begaa to dis appear, aad wi&la tea weeks the abild was absolutely well, aad bis skim was amooia aad whiuataeverbefere." F. Uehrath. Preaideat f tha C. L, Hoarmtfc CeBpaay, Maaafasa, rers t Bil k Kibbeaa, 4 u' Kiah Alley, Jaae , &. South Bethiaheaa, Pa. 4Oci Soe, Ohawi PtIU arc mi ttti M Bw . u J r' Uu t w (w. In rwH-aMwa Itna, lnWimtni prlngfleld. Ill Fall River Helena 6K2.655 . .... 57.S1S .... 18 6 ' 27 1 ftHS.l7 88. 1 .... 831JW) .... 19 0 41.47 .... 18. S 673.214 69.0 .... 422.11 .4 .... 528.911 20 3 .... 4M.016 16 6 .... 471.89 80 8 .... 470.0 27.0 .... 628f 89.S .... 3)162 .... Ill 8IO 126 29 5 .... 806.594 2.9 .... 22.414 .... 1ST 3X6.940 29 5 .... 241. 409 .... 2 8 2.44 .... I.S S47.7S8 91 .... 156.105 .... 22 2 .fi:, 26. .... 3.t 17.217.8-4 94 S .... 11.156.nno 81.6 .... 648.9T4 .... 29 3 Islington Fargo, N. D New Bedford Toungstown Akron Rockford. Ill Cedar Kapids. Ia... Canton, d Blnghamton Chester, Pa Lowell Oreenshtirg, Pa Illoomlngton. III.... Pprlngfleld. O 4julnrr. Ill Mansneid, u Iecatur, 111 einux Falls. 8. D... Jacksonville. Ill Fremont, Neb Potith Hend, Ind... Hoiistont Oalvestont Fort Wayne Total. V. 8 tl4.393,44 2.0 Outside N. Y. City.... 790,9'.',3'i9 CANADA. 8 26.743.036 , 18.3wi.784 Montreal .. 18.1 63 2 49 23 6 46J 13.6 Toronto ... Winnipeg .. 9.470.817 1.9H3.6H7 1.M4.890 2.178,079 1.SK7.336 1.3S7.125 924.411 .l,0f.871 670.146 908,163 Ottawa .... Halifax .... Vancouver Quebec .... Hamilton St. John. N B.. 10. 0 'i.i Iondon. Ont 14.1 Victoria, Calgary, Alberta Total. Canada 6,lfl6.1rtl 18 8 balances paid In cash. Not Included in totals because contain. Ing other Items than clearing. fNot Included In totals; comparisons' In complete. BR ADHTr)EBTS RRTIEW OP TRADCC Retail Bnalnese Is ttalet Owing; to Widespread Rainy Weather. NEW TORK, June 1. Brsdstreet's tomor row will say: Rsther quiet retail trade conditions have resulted from widespread rainy- weather, the passing of the leading spring holiday and the natural seasonal quietness which supervenes at this period. Taken aa a whole, the month of May waa a very active one in retail and wholesale trade and Industry, In Which the best records of preceding years were surpassed. Fall trade reports continue exceptionally good, though a comparatively quiet period may De looked for pending a clearer view of crop conditions. Crop re ports are tinged with Irregularity, due to uneven distribution of rainfall, which, Is, however, a seasonable development. Activ ity In outdoor work has been a feature, as for some time past. Building has been ac tive with natural effects on the markets for material, but lower prices of vellow pins are construed as indicating fuller offerings rrom tne current and past enormous pro duction. The labor situation Is, on the whole, quit favorable. Finished products In Iron are reported quiet, but business In steel rails for future delivery Is still ac tive. Rsilway returns are still In a high de gree favorable. Business failures In the United States for the week ending May 81 number only 127, against 170 last week, 154 In the like week oi Jo, i in iKin, ioi in ivn ana iu in iituj In Canada failures for the week were 19 aa against 11 last we kand 16 In this week a year ago. Wheat, including nuor, exports from the United States and Canada for the week endlns May 81 are 2.026.739 bushels, against 4.334.373 bushels last week. 1,309.223 buBhels this week last year, 1,937.208 bushels In 1904 and 4,708.996 bushels In 1 3. From July 1 to data the exports were 126,326,0116 bushels, against 68,636.407 bushels last year. 127.946.139 bushels In 1904 and 209,067,809 bushels In 1903. Corn exports for the week are 614.815 bush els, against 818,097 bushels laat week, 457,911 bushels a year ago, 327.366 bushels In 1901 and 1,013.871 bushels In 1903. From July 1 to date the export of corn were 108,033.106 bushels, against 74.979,085 bushels In 19U5, 49,258 304 bushels In 1904 and 62.S84.8J bushels In 1903. TWO BOMBS THROWN (Continued from First page.) with emotion at first, but the king calmed her, saying that It was . nothing serious. Later sh recovered her self-possesaton and bore herself well throughout tb try ing ordeal. Bom of those who caw th young queen alight from the royal coach Just after the explosion say her bridal veil touched th bloody pool on the pavement nd that It bore an Imprest of th terrible scene a she returned to the palac. At the reception yesterday evening to the princes and ambassadors th king took occasion to express the . profound regret which he said ha felt over th loss of life among hit brave Soldier.' News Is Reaaaarlnar. LONDON. June l.-KIng Edward and Queen Alexandra today received telegrams of a reassurrlng character from Madrid In response to their messages to King Al fonso and . Queen Victoria expressing sympathy and . thankfulness at . their providential escape. , The Spanish embassy her Is receiving very many messages of condolence and crowds of callers, Including many diplomat and official. , Among the earlier arrivals was Manuel Oarcla the famous Spanish professor of singing, now over a hundred year eld. Th official of th Spanish embassy are Investigating th report that th plot against th live of King Alfonso and Queen Victoria was hatched by anarchists In London. The Spanish charge d'affaires, Count d Pradere, aay ther teeme little doubt that th i plot was concocted In London, but pi officials hav not yet been able to ascertain If an Italian, who Is suspected of executing It actually went hence to Madrid- A dispatch ficm Madrid says that an Englishman named Robert Is detained there on tuapiclon of being an accomplice of th men who threw th bomb. , Bomb Thrower Coder Arrest. LONDON, June 1. A dispatch to the Ex change Telegraph company from Madrid today say th bomb thrower ha been ar rested, that he 1 confined In th Medio Dla police station and ha confessed and supplied details of the outrage. Another dispatch from Madrid says King Alfonso had an even more miraculous es cape than generally known. A fragment of th, bomb struck his, breast, but the force waa broken by th chain of the king" Portuguese Ordsr of Santiago which he was wearing. The chain was broken, but It stopped a piece of steel, which otherwise might hav pierced the king' breast. Cablegram front Whltrldge. WASHINGTON, Jun t. President Roose velt is In receipt of a cablegram from Mr. Whltrldge, the special representative of the United States at the wedding of King Alfonso, relative to the attempted assas sination of the king and queen of Ppaln yesterday. The cablegram Ja very brief, simply reciting the salient' points of th outrage. The text of the 'nveaaage fol lows: MADRID, May 31.-4:36 p. m.-The Presi dent: On returning from church after marriage bomb was thrown at king's carriage. Their majesties untouched; car riage wrecked: two horaes killed, also aide-de-camp: soldiers killed and wounded. Great popular rage. Have called sniong very first and written concerning horror. (Signed) WHITRIDOR. BOMB IISPECT It AX ESGLISHMAIV Moo Hed by Madrid Polle Ideollded os to Xotlonollty. MADRID, June 1. The man In custody at the Medio F'la Police nation under suspicion of being the person who threw the bomb at the king and queen yesterday Is said to be an Kngllahman and gives the nam of Robert Hamilton. He Is about bo years old and was pointed out In the streets to th Spanish police by English detectives, who csme here to attend the wedding festivities. His arrest caused great excitement among the people, men and women trying to strike him. while otairs shouted "lynch him." Soldiers had to assist th police In taking the man to th ttailoiu H la of good appearance and ao me what resemble the man the police bavo been looking for. The suspect says .....j . - l.i t, ; w ..... t ,. .a .-hiktww'wwwwo'W Men's $15 St. . & irrr n F FT UP-TO-DATE, JV7U(M BOUGHT FROM AN OVERSTOCKED NEW YORK M'F'R. It was a business chance. of the rarest kind. We bought every suit he had and on Saturday Ohiaha nien can benfit by the greatest spring suit values of the year, NOT A SUIT IN THIG SPLENDID GTOCK IS WORTH LESS THAN $15-MOST OF THEM ARE GENUINE $18.00 AND $22.50 VALUES. Fashionable gray mixtures, checks, plaids and plain the favorite blue suits many newest novelties styles are correct in every feature, high grade clothes from every point of view the kind that fit perfectly and al ways hold their shape. Don't neglect this chance at Brandeis' tomorrow. $(075 $ (O) ALL THE MEN'S PANTS FROM THE DIG NEW YORK STOCK, WORTH UP TO $5 Odd pants for summer the stylish tropical worsteds, cassimeres and cheviots, favorite patterns about one-half the actual value $4 and $6 pants. 8 ii Sale of Men's UNDERWEAR Sample and surplus stock of llsl LTV via, timtw o ssa 35c Kronen DaiDnggan plain and fancy, worth up to 75c t a garment Imported and domestic wimple of Hal and tllk mercerised under- "Jfto. wear, worth up to 11.60 a W , garment, at, each Otis Union Suits, at J 50.250 h went to a bull light yesterday after noon, but he does not explain how he pasted hit tltr In th morning. H re fuse to giv tb Spanish polk any further Information, but add that h It willing to answer any Questions tb British consul msy put to hlmv Th prisoner speak English, Spanish and Italian. When searched at th pollen station a knife and fork and T5 peaetas war found In the man's possession- .The 1 authorities are considering the advisability of postponing the battle of flowers owing to the danger to which the king and queen Blight b exposed. Rrjolrlag at Manila. MANILA, Jiyi 1. Ths English and Spanish residents of Manila celebrated th wedding of King Alfonso and Princess Ena by an elaborate reception and ball. The Spanish consul received-the govern ment officials, the consular corps and offi cers of th army and navy. ACCUSED CRITICISES BILL Makes Plea ftana I Mis. stated. William F. Baroda. F. A. Felix and Hugh Gallagher were srraigned befor Judga Munger In the I'nited States district court Friday afternoon under their Indictments for selling liquor without first procuring the special government tax. Baroda and Felix pleaded not guilty and gave bond for their appearance before th district oouit for trial. Baroda claim tho Indictment Is st fault because ther is no "F" In his nam. Gallagher entered a plea of guilty and was aontenoed to thirty day In th county Jail of Douglas county and to pay a fin of Too. - Bso Want Ad for Business Bootsrs. tT-tm wwVwVwwTwWiT,vyo, rwa7wSWvreievf. Mens $10 Suits at ON SALE SATURDAY AT fT !' !l'i! CORRECTLY 75 1 Saturday A Sale of Boys' Clothes BOYS' SB and $7 SUITS at Come to Brandeis' Saturday and select for your boy one of the best $6 or $7 All Wool Suits you ever saw at $8.48. We bought a big stock at a very low price These Boys' Su,its are just as well made f f" and just as carefully finished as clothes LJ ) iyQ utin uo- wupicce siyies, ueii coais wixn Knickerbocker trousers, etc., light and medium shades, including plain blues Boys' Clothing Dept.. third floor BRANDEIS' IS THE PLACE 1 and BULLET IN HIS HEAD (Continued from rlrtt Page.) the diplomatic and consular appropriation bill in th house Mr. Adams had expressed great anxiety to get the bill through that he might attend to personal buainess, which he said required his presence In Philadelphia. Only yesterday when Speaker Cannon contemplated temporarily aide tracking the measure to make way for the postofhVe bill conference report, Mr. Adams made an appeal to first allow the passage of the bill In hla charge. He told the speaker he had a movt urgent and Im portant engagement to keep today. I'pOn the announcement of the death of Mr. Adams the house adjourned. NEW UNION LABOR LAUNDRY Articles of larorporolloo MleO, with Capital of Fifty Thoaaon4 Dollars. The Wardlaw Laundry company, com. poed of men prominent In union labor circles, has filed articles of Incorporation with th county olerk. The Incorporator are Louis V. Uuye. William Wardlaw. A. F. Hanson, F. R. Jnhnaon. K. 8. Fisher, John Polian, A. O. femall. B. Carmello and F. II. Uulgard. The capital stock is to b loO.uou. fully paid up. The enterprise will be run aa a union plant. The company la said to have all of th machinery necessary to equip the plant, but hav not yet secured a building. In caas a location la secured the laundry could b In working order in two weeks. Several of the sam men are Interested in The Advocate Publishing company, which waa Incorporated Friday, with a capital Block of 16,000. Those wbo aigned the ar ticles of Incorporation are Louis V. Guys, 7 rrl J fj (J f T " i vesta worth regularly ; 0EfV I! .V;' v &J :! and . newest and ;! srijKnii x';rvM J d.re8.r9t ern lrora 5 FASHIONED 75 98 w WHERE OMAHA MEN BUY All newest shapes sailors, telescopes, soft brims, Mackioaws and split braids, specially priced at 50. -I 98.050.300.350 " i Men's 6trw Hat, in all Cfl. flO. popular shapes OUCUuC Boys' and Children's Straw Hats, latest :i . 25c-49c-30c-l.25 Men's Panama Hata, all Importer's samples hand made and South America, latest and most popular shapes, worth A Afl up to $15.00 each, at ttUU K. 8. Fisher. V. B. Kinney, John Polian, A. D. Small and Herman Matthea. TIGHTENING THE SALOON LID How the Federal Army Suppressed Rood Hoaaes Near Saa Fraaelaro. But there is another reaaun for the re markable good order maintained In San Francisco during the last few week. It waa a View regulation one unique In the city's history. The measure to which we refer was the closing of the liquor saloons. For many weeks there has not been per mitted to be sold la San Franciaco a drop of liquor of any kind. Even in the drug Ktores it liar been Impossible to obtain liquor unless on the prescription of a phy sician. Even upon these documents the military authorities hav looked askance, at times forbidding the sale of liquor even when prescribed by a physician. The en forced sobriety and the civic calm resulting from this order hav amaxed the slate. The chief of police remarked that he did not believe San Francisco could be so peaceful a community under any circum stances, least of all th awful ones through which it had passed. At the beginning of the third wetk. how ever, the thirst of the liquor loving became too strong to . u restrained any longer. As it was impossible to obtain liquor within the confines of San Francisco, they began seeking It elsewhere. The embargo on liquor was lifted In Oakland, and to that city the thirsty repaired. They re turned from the hospitable drinking sa loons of Alameda county saturated with liquor, thua successfully defying ths anti liquor ordinance of the San Francisco mili tary authorities. Speedily th keeper of th rood house serosa th county line In San Mateo county became Inspired with envy of the prosperous Oakland saloon keepers, and passed th word throughout Ban Francisco that they wer "open for Men's rH CI 75 1 $225 Suits I at.. xLh tLb 1 -T i- I? W j i T" i r -A i JA liT :i ""V. i Satr ti-n tv'' i s fvjigk ltvi v ih M " Ll!lfUW II H anv k. oi. 'i -ji f. m v i i. , t mm lii ill . . I - Vit I fr i 1 O V i. W jii-? :' fs . . . I w c. torn Catcaot business." They, too, had been closed for a short time after the earthquake and Are. The first Sunday after this was known a crowd of many thousands of both sexes crossed the San Mateo county line, and after filling themselves with the vile boot of these roadside houses, returned to the city of Sun Francisco, poisoning tha air with their foul breaths and making the night hideous with their drunken riies. . The chief of police of San Francisco was powtrleas. H could not exercise any con trol of the San Mateo liquor dealers, and it was comparatively useless to punish the poor creatures whose drunkenness was Uin result of the liquor dealers' thrift. When the matter was reported to military head luurters, General Greeley did not consider Mlmself restrained by the county lines which had terrified the Ban Francisco chief BOSTON ARID mm n 9.00 M' $11 .00 k m r mi im The above rate from Chicago with corresponding low rate from Omaha, aold dally, until June Hth, Includes lake trip, stop-overs, long limit and other attractive feature. Diverse route returning $4.00 higher. Call at YVuimu.Ii Cttjr Ticket Office. lttOl Karuain Street, or Address HAimV E. MOOREH. G. A. P. U., WABASH RAILltOAD, OMAUA, NEBRASKA. s mi a mm ' THE CLOTHES OF REFINEMENT "Rogers Pee! &Co. Suits For Men" 1 l. ': tut nror i nr. Dtdi SUIT YOU CAN BUY. $30 DOWN TO $17.50 of police, fl at one sent a strong mili tary guard across the county line, admon ished the saloon keepers, shut up tho sa loon doors and left guards In front of them .to see that they were kept shut. These direct methods of the federal au thorities, when brought Into contact with county lines, are calculated to excite ad miration among those used tq the slow moving method of Intercounty snd inter state Jurisdiction. We trust that General Greeley may not become litvolved In any trouble with the county of fan Mateo and that the county In question may not bring suit gainst the federal government In order to have him cashiered. His closing of th San Mateo saloons msy be extra-constitutional, but the fsct remains that they sr closed shut tight. Saa Francisco Argo naut. ss. w a si K 3 mi ItU sf ' III :" it it t t t ir 1 1 ' , 1 : Mi