Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 02, 1906, NEWS SECTION, Page 3, Image 3

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.Report of Auditor Bhowi $118,890 for the
Put Six Months.
Secretary Benaett
of Annmint
I State Board
taiiri Bom
to Loral
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, June 1. (Special.) State Audi
tor E. M. Bearle, the head of the state In
surance department, today completed his
semi-annual report to the governor, showing
the collection of fee.. From all sources.
Including the reciprocal tax, amounting to
IKO.OOO flue and unpaid for the past three
years, the auditor has collected I11S.S90 In
the past six months. The Income during
the next six months will not exceed 15.000.
This showing Is the best that has been
made In the history of the state by the In
surance department. Ten or fifteen years
ago the total Income In the form of ff-es
from Insurance companies did not exceed
Kfl.OflO a year. Now the revenue Is more
,han double that amount and Is enough to
materially assist In paying the current ex
penses of the state. , For the corresponding
six months last year collections were tM.MS.
The reciprocal tax. which the Insurance
companies resisted to the last In the state
courts, was unpaid for three years and Its
collection by Auditor Searle after prolonged
'litigation has swelled his total receipts,
Ills collections Include all fees from In
surance companies, a 2 per cent tax on
life companies of other states and the
reciprocal tax.
Taxation of Insurance Companies.
Two Are and life Insurance companies of
Lincoln were represented this afternoon
lefore the State Hoard of Assessment to
protest against the Interpretation, placed
, by County Assessor Miller of Lancaster
county, on written Instruction given him
. by' the board. The question of assessing
companies not only on gross premiums.
; but also npon other property, was upper
most. After an earnest discussion, the
board adjourned for the day without action.
The matters before the board apparently
Involve the assessment of Insurance com
panies In Lancaster county, the assessors
' of other counties not having borne down so
heavily upon the companies. However,
the same question may arise In Douglas
and other counties before long.
Secretary Bennett, after consulting with
Deputy Attorney Oeneral Thompson, sent
to county assessors a letter directing them
' to assess property of certain companies as
well as gross-premiums. Mr. Miller In
terpreted this to mean Insurance companies
should be assessed upon their capital stock,
mortgages, notes, bonds and In all respects
tht same as banks are assessed. A member
of the board explains that the board ln-
tended merely to Instruct assessors to
-. assess the reserve funds of fraternal com
panies the same as had been ordered last
year and not carried out by County Assessor
. Heed of Douglas. The letter contained
other matter relating to other companies,
--. and if the order is obeyed. Insurance com
j panics of all kinds will be assessed much
, heavier than they were last year. The let-
; ter of the secretary, which still stands. Is
? as follows:
; It has, been taken for granted by some
assessors that insurance companies are to
' he assessed only upon their gross premiums
for Nebraska business during the preced-
Ing year. This Is erroneous. The asaess-
ment of the gross premiums Is an assess
. ment. not upon the valuation of the prop
erly of the Insurance companies, but upon
tnoir Dusiness. it la not in lieu oi the as-
Vseaament of property which they own in
the state and county, but In addition
thereto. The assessment upon ' the busi
ness or gross premiums shall not be made,
however, against fraternal beneficiary as
sociations and mutual Insurance companies
that operate upon the assessment plan,
having no capital stock and make no divi
dends and whose scheme of Insurance
does not contemplate the return of any
earnings or profits to the policyholders.
The Ihh( named class of companies and
associations shall he assessed only upon
the valuation of all their property. Their
pronerty may consist of office furniture
and fixtures or any other personal prop
erty, such as credits due or to become due,
notes, bonds, mortgages, moneys d posited
In banks or elsewhere, whether held by
such associations and companies as re
serve funds, contingent funds or In any
other manner. Such property Is subject
to assessment and taxation against them
and shall be listed and assessed by the
Lamberraea Answer.
The Perry Bee company, A. V. Perry
and C. W. Keys Jb Company, lumbermen
of Cambridge, have filed answers In the
supreme court In the suit instituted by
the state to dissolve the association, on
the ground that it Is operating contrary
to the anti-trust laws. The answers are
similar to others filed recently by Fremont
lumbermen. It denies that the association
Is a confcpliaoy in restraint of trade, sets
forth the objects of the organization and
asserts that the attorney general dos
not believe the secretary will' destroy the
records unless restrained. It is alleged
that the board of directors of the associa
tion In September. 105, directed the sec
retary to confer with the attorney gen
eral; that the secretary did so, Informing
him of the practices of the association
and on behalf of the board. Inviting him
to inspect its records and to point out
anything that In his opinion might be un
lawful. The secretary further informed
the attorney general that the association
would not put into practice anything he
might And objectionable or unlawful. The
attorney general failed to comply with
this request and has in that manner, so
the answer asserts, given the defendants
to understand that the association and
its practices were lawful and for the
public good. E. B. Perry, representative
from Furnas county In the last legisla
ture, Is attorney for the Cambridge lumbermen.
After reciting the alleged purposes for
which the association was organized an 1
asserting that the attorney general had
been invited to examine document,
records, etc., the answer continues:
While the price of lumber Is very much
higher than It was a few years ago. this
is caused hy the higher prices at the
mills, and the percentage of profit at ths
present time Is very much less than it
was a few years ago, for the reason that
the retail trade has not been willing to
fay, and the retailers have not considered
t practical business to ask them to pay.
a price proportionate to the advance made
by the mills. By reason of the rapid and
vast Increase of the prices of lumber at
the mills, the retail dealer is now com
pelled. In order to avoid comDlaint from
the retail trade, to sell lumber at a much
lower price than a legitimate profit would
Both Regiments May Go.
Aojuiani uenerai J. ti. culver Is now
confident that the two Nebraska regiments
will be permitted to attend army maneu
vers either at Fort Riley or elseewhere.
One regiment msy go to Fort Riley and
the other to another post. The former
Intention was to hold a state encampment
for one of the regiments. The Sheridan
Rifles, on account of being far removed
from the eastern part of the state, will be
ordered to hold a one week's encampment
of their own for target practice.
Local Church t -ration.
A movement for a federation of Lincoln
churches was started last night at the
First Presbyterian church. Lay delegates
and pastors from the various evangelical
churches met and formed a temporary 01S
gamzaiion, wun Jtev. B. z. Batten as
chairman and Rev. R. H. Houseman as
secretary. The great benefits accruing to
the city from such an organization was set
forth by Chairman Batten. A tentative
organization was effected at which a con
stitution was adopted, to be submitted lm
mediately to the churches for their action.
when fifteen churches have voted their
acceptanoe another public meeting will be
held to form a permanent organization,
l.adden is Reappointed.
Governor Mickey today reappoint? Bev.
Luther" P. Ludden of Lincoln a member
of the State Board of Education, a body
which hat control of the state normal
tract of very rich bottom land to cultivation
which ha heretofore been used almost ex
clusively for hay land, and the price of the
and has been greatly Increased by th com
pletion of the drainage ditch.
Christian Missionary Convention.
KEARNEY, Neb., June L (Special. ) The
annual convention of the Nebraska Chris
tlan Missionary society of the Tenth dis
trlct opened with a good attendance at the
Christian church Wednesday afternoon. The
address of welcome was given, by Rev. F. D,
Hobson and the response by H. F. Stevens
of Cozad. The program has proved both
entertaining and helpful, the sermons and
addresses at (he services "Wednesday, as
well as Thursday, morning and afternoon.
being well prepared and right to- the point
flood Attendance at Normal. v
GENEVA. Neb., June 1. (Special.) The
enrollment at the Union Normal, which was
opened on last Monday morning, is 326
students, and It is expected to reach at
least 425 before this time next week. Four
teen instructors are In charge. Mrs. Lizzie
Crawford, who is instructor of the mode
school at the State Normal at Peru, is In
charge of that department Instead of Miss
Schlee, as the latter Is 111.
Big; Ditch Completed.
TEKAMAH. Neb.. June 1. (Special.) B
fore a crowd of BOO people the dam that
held the water In the great combination
drainage ditch Just completed by Burt
county, was blown out with fifty pounds of
dynamite yesterday afternoon and the sur
face water on a large tract of land ten
miles wide and twenty miles long Is being
rapidly drained by this ditch and its spurs
into the Missouri river. This opens a large
Dressy Straw Hats
Dunlaps and Stetsons
Nol Shown Elsewhere
Prices Right Too.
Successor to C. II. FREDERICK,
1504 Farnam St., Omaha.
U i
awreace Woman Gets I.eter and
onvenlr from President.
LAWRENCE, Neb., June 1. (Special.)
The Lawrence Locomotive relatea that
Mrs. Newcomb. a Deweese woman, wrote
to Mrs. Roosevelt a short time ago asking
her to kindly contribute a handkerchief
for a church bazar 'to be held at that
place. Mrs. Newcomb explained to tho
president's wife how her home and little
church was located on the historic Blue;
that the old Mormon trail crossed their
farm and that a quarter of a mile below
was Liberty farm (ranch), maintained
years ago -by I'ncle Sam for the Pony
Express company, eto. The woman also
told the chief executive's wife ' that they
had been and were still democrats, but
that "our president, Ood bless him. Is
muktng It very difficult for us to know
where we are at." Mrs. Newcomb received
the following letter In answer:
Msy 4. My Dear Mrs. Newcomb: Tour
letter to Mrs Konseveit interested Doth
her and me so much tnst I write Just a
line myself.
I am sending you
photograph and I
wish you all success in building the little
church. What an Interesting life you have,
had, and how fortunate we Americans are
to have the chance to lead such lives, and,
my dear Mrs. Newcomb. it Is of mlarhtv
small importance whether we are reput
leans or democrats, but It Is of very real
Importance that we should be good Amer
icans and do our duty in straight and de
cent lasnion. mncereiy yours.
Train Strikes Stranger.
PAPILLION, Neb., June 1. (Special.)
Union Pacific passenger train No. 11, going
west, struck a man walking the track a
little east of Papillion this morning. The
train backed up and picked up the body.
Dr. Margrett, the Vnlon Pacific physician
at this place, had him taken to the hospital
at Omaha. The skull was broken and he
was otherwise badly injured. He was
stranger about 40 years old.
Train Throoah Open Switch.
GRAND ISLAND, Neb., June 1. (Special
Telegram. Union Pacific passenger train
No. 11, westbound, ran off the track on
account of an open switch at Gothenburg
this afternoon, while going at a good rate.
The engine was overturned, but not much
other damage done, and when reported here
at 6 o'clock, the train had already gone
on. No one was injured as far as ascertain
able here.
brakan a Centenarian.
SCOTIA, Neb., June 1. (Special.) On the
4th of this month A. Gillespie of this place
will celebrate his 100th birthday.
If so, fill out the blank below and mail to
700 Seventeenth Street, Denver Colo.,
And you will receive by return r.;ail FREE, a stt of handsome
eouvenir postal cards, showing mountain ectnery, together with
a number of beautifully illustrated booklets, telling you how to
make your summer vacation trip to the Kockiea a most enjoyable
Dear Sir Please tell me about Colorado.
State ,
JImti of Nebraska.
CHADRON Yesterday commenced the
graduating exercises of the academy at
the nnK.
GENEVA The snnual reception of tho
Geneva High school alumni was held last
night In the auditorium of the school
BEATRICE Ellsworth McClung and
Miss Josephine M. Lane, both of v ymore,
were married in county court yesterday,
Judge Spafford officiating.
BEATRICE The class day exercises of
the Beatrice High school were held at th-j
I'addock opera house last night, the at
tendance being very large.
CHADRON-rOfflcers elected for the Ma.
sonic lodge are as follows: W. H. Willis,
master:' A. O. Fisher, senior warden; T
B. Augustine, Junior warden; B. L. Scovll,
treasurer; a. ntman, secretary.
MADISON Ora Scalph and Miss Hatttl
Chapman were married nere yesterday
The groom is a prosperous young farmer
and the brfde baa beei., a succession
ttacner, tne, daughter oi jonn Chapman.
ST. PAUL The sixteenth annual com
mencement of St. Paul High school was
held In the opera house lust night. The
weather was fine and the house was
crowded with people eager to listen to the
PAPILLION Judge Day came out this
morning and nao a snort term or court.
Among other things, William Edmonson,
who stole a horse from Mr. Uneinan, near
Bellevue, plead guilty and was sentenced
to the penitentiary for one year.
HCMHOLDT This morning the transfer
or authority at the local postomce occurred
Postmaster O. L. Buntz. after an active
service of eight years, stepping down and
out, wnne tary K.. cooper, tne recent ap
pointee, assumed the duties of the place.
HUMBOLDT The high school alumni
last evening held their annual reception to
the class of 'u6 at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. L. M. Steams, and then followed
banquet, the evening being one of the
most successful in the history of the as
NEBRASKA CITY-The graduating ex
ercises of the Nebraska City High school
were held at the Overland theater this
evening. The theater was beautifully dec
orated for the occasion and every seat
was occupied by friends and relatives of
tne graduates.
HUMBOLDT The eighth, ninth and tenth
grades of the high school at tl close
of the term presented Principal gchlalfer
witn a nne gold band ring, engraved with
tne initials H. H. S., ' in view of his re
tlroment from the position he has occu
plea lor three years.
OAKLAND The thirty-first annual Sun
day school convention of Burt county was
neia at tne euver i rerg Baptist church
northwest of Tekamah. Monday and Tues
day of this week. About sixty delegates
were present ana also t-ror. H. M. steldley
and Ail hi Mamie naynea, state worxers.
BEATRICE Following is the mortgage
report for uage county lor the month o
May: Number of farm mortgages tiled,
21: amount. 143,970. Number of farm moil
gages released, S3; amount, o6,1b4. Num.
ber of city mortgages hied. 28; amount,
113,50. Number of city mortgages re
leased. 39; amount, 117. &l.
MADISON Yesterday witnessed the
rlosina of the Madison public schools ti
this year. During the afternoon some o
the grades celebrated the event with pro
grama and picnics, and last night tho
commencement exercises were held in the
opera house. There were only two gradj
ates this year, botn gins.
OAKLAND It is understood that the
stations at Oakland, Lyons and Hodge on
the Great Northern will be opened for
freight business on June 3. The ballasting
trains have reached the big cut on the
reservation and the roadbed is rapidly be
Ing put In condition for regular trains,
The bricklaying on the new depot is be
EDGAR The closing exercises of the
nineteenth commencement of the Edir.i
High school were held last evening in tho
Optra house. A short program of mue'a
and singing was nrsl rendered, art r
which an address was delivered on thu
subject of "Chariots of Fire," by the
Rev. Albert Bushnell, D. D., of Kansi
City. Mo.
CHADRON Yesterday occurred the field
meet between the academy, high school
and Young Men's Christian association.
The academy did not enter many, hut the
rivalry between the high school and the
Young Men's Christian association was
fierce. Score points: High school. Si;
Young Men's Christian association, ii;
academy, 9.
PAWNEE A serious, automobile acci
dent occurred Wednesday which resulted
in the death of the victim, Mrs. Brown.
Mrs. Brown and another woman were out
ilrlving and the horse was frightened at
the machine and ran away, throwing Mrs.
Brown out and Injuring her so seriously
as to cause her death. The other woman
escaped with but slight Injuries.
OAKLAND The annual commencement
exercises of the Oakland High school were
held in the Swedish Lutheran church
Thursday evening. For some unknown
reason Rev. James F. -Nugent, who was
to have delivered an address on "Tne
Philosophy of Civilization," failed to reach
here, so Rev. C. F. Sandahl of the Luth
eran church addressed the class instead.
TEKAMAH The commencement exer
cises of the class of were held lust
night at the Presbyterian church before
a large crowd. Dr. H. B. Ward of tne
State University of Nebraska delivered an
Interesting address on "American Indi
viduality." The alumni receutlun and bun.
quel will be held Saturday night at the
Modern Woodmen of America hall,
ing pushed as much as possible.
BEATRICE The University cadets, who
are holding their annual encampment at
the Chautauqua grounds, gave a military
bail at the armory last night, which was
niw of the moet successful and elaborate
functions of its kind ever held in ths city.
About luO couples were in attendance, a
number, of the elite from Lincoln being
present. Bruce orchestra of Lincoln fur
nished the music. The cadets ars nicely
located on the grounds, and the program
each d1 comprises drills aud areas pajaU
telil i ' Hie Blue
mL 12-J
I Copyright Itt m Qjp
m B. KuppAhlmr dt Co.. CM, i
loir ofi
Hie rp
is to be the greatest factor In clothes circles this summer
and, acting upon the advance indications, we prepared the
greatest and finest assortment of these dressy garments that has ever been carried by
a clothing institution. Our selections were made from eight or
ten of the finest clothes makers in the world, and every suit will
be sold with Berg-Swan son's positive guaranty, that is the very
best ever sold at the price, no matter what the price may be.
Every popular shade of blue is included, every one of the smart
styles are generously represented, and the workmanship in every
case is absolutely beyond reproach. The variety is so complete
and the stock so extensive that every taste and every shape and
size of man will be satisfied to the full. "We invite inspection of
the blue serge section. Prices of blue serges are $7.50, $10.00,
$12.00, $15.00, $18.00, $20.00, $22.50 and $25.00.
certain breeziness is'desira-
ble in an outing suit that hard
ly goes with the more formal
dress requirements of the
colder season. The coat is cut looser, just a trifle more negli
gee and altogether has a comfortable, coolish, ease and grace
that is delightful to the wearer and pleasing to the beholder.
May we show you our splendid assortment of the new 1906
'model outing suits
750, looo s 1200, 1500, igoo, 20oo,and 25i
The Choice o! Hundreds of Men's
iim 5ul"$i5.00" Suits for $7.50 and $10.00
In a wide variety of all the popular styles, including new and exclusive models, con
servative and staple weaves, ranging from the plain black and stylish blue to the
breeziest of mixtures. The assortment is perfectly complete in
Bizes, 33 to 4-t chest, so no disappointment is possible, all subject
to your choice in this sale for.
Copyright 1t0
Kuppenhslm. A Co
Men's $5.00 Pants al $3.50 Men's $7 and $8 Pants at $5.00
HUNDREDS of pairs to pick from in a wide variety of
handsomely patterned weaves, perfect in lA
fit and finish, all sizes 29 to 50 waists, on 1 1
, 6ale now at the choice for vJW
These are made from superbly patterned imported
trouserings, a broad variety of fashionable m
weaves, correct in style, fit and finish, all n&
0 fS0
E. & W. Shirts, $3.50 values
at 2.50
Star Shirts, $2.50, $2, $1.50
Manhattan Shirts, $2.50, $2.00
and $1.50
Berg-Swanson Special Shirts
$1.50 and $1.00
Other makes at 75c and.. POc
Underwear Superior Union Suits, $2.50, $2, $1.50, $1
Other makes, shirts and drawers, $2.50, $2.00, $1.00,
75c, 50c, 35c and 25c
Hosiery Fancy or plain colors, $1.50, $1, 75c, 50c 35c,
25c and 15c
Belts Black or tan color, $1.50, $1, 75c, 50c 35c, 25c.
Fancy Vests $1.50 value 75c
Straw Hat
Season Opens
The beginning of the sea
son finds us with a roost com
prehensive array of the finest
qualities in straw hats new
effects In weaves and shapes.
Blum ft Koch high grade
Straw Hats, Sailors, Telescopes,
Soft Brims. Macklnaws. Sen-
niets and Split Brands, at $2.00, $3,oo and $3.50.
Men's Straws, in all shapes and braids, $2.00, $1.50, $1.25,
$1.00, 75c and 50c.
Bornn & Co., full line of Panamas, at $8.50, $0.OO, $5.00,
$4.50, $4.00, $:.50 and $2.50.
Sole agents for the Youmans celebrated New York Hats, $5,,
John B. Stetson soft and stiff Hats, $5.00 to $3.50. '
The Berg-Swanson Special, stiff and soft Hats, in all the
prevailing shapes and colors, at $3.00.
Spring and Summer Caps, la all the latest styles, $2 to 25c.
followed by a band concert. A sham bat
tle was Riven today on th" hills south of
the Chautauqua grounds. The encampment
closes Saturday, June . and the battalion
will return to Lincoln on a special train
In the afternoon on that day.
GRAND ISLAND The twenty-fourth an
nual commencement of the Urand Island
High school took place at the Bartenbach
opera house last evening, the house being
packed. The class was the largest ever
graduating from the school. Eight of the
members receiving the higher honors were
on the program, one of these, however.
Miss tlrace Hedgelin, being unable to ap
pear on account of the death of a sister.
KBARN'EY The graduation enerclses of
the Kearney High school were held this
evening at the opera house. The first pail
of the program consisted of a number of
recitations orations and musical selections.
The second part Is a play, entitled, "The
Worsted Man," the parts being taken by
the members of the class. The diplomas
will be presented by John F. Dry den pres
ident of the Hoard of irxlucatlon. and the
benediction pronounced by Kev. A. II.
Fraser. Thirty-five members constitute the
OKNKVA The new Tabernacle" wm
formally opened on Decoration day FV
the Lincoln L'nlveralty Olee club, giving
a concert in the afternoon and evening,
this waa the nrl of a course of entertain
ments that are to be given during the
normal; nothing has ever been more en
joyed here, there being 1.3U0 present in
the evening. Messrs. Oeorge and Eddie
JiJinsoo am Duuubers and are old friends
of all the Oeiieva people, and were rm
eclved Ka much, solhuim. The iius
hers were all Immensely enjoyed and
encores responded to In a manner to cap
ture all.
Trf mri fou. Power
over constipation, biliousness, etc.. Is shown
In the marvelous cures made by ductile
Bitters. SO cents. Guaranteed. For sale by
Sherman A McConnell Drug Co.
Mayor Refaeee to Ulva Ip and Mayor
Elect Arrests Folic Jadg and
Seises Property.
HARTVILLE, Wyo June l.-(8pecll.)-The
fight for control of the city govern
ment of Hartvllle today took an unex
pected turn and more trouble Is In sight.
Last night Mayor Hauphoff went to Chey
enne on business. Taking advantage of
his absence. Mayor-elect Toney Wilds, as
sisted by George Fen ton. ex-marshal, kid
naped Police Judge J. M Adams, took
bis keys to the city hall, star and other
paraphernalia and lodged the judge In the
city jail.
. Before Wilde and his friends could pro
ceed further In their efforts to setae the
city government word was sent to Mayor
Uaupboft, who lostruolea WUhelut Vomers,
president of the city council, over the tele
phone to swear In a number of deputies,
take possession of the city jail, liberate
Adans and cause the arrest of Wilde and
Before surrendering the Jail, Mayor-elect
Wilde talked with his Cheyenne attorney
over the telephone. Wilde was advised
that 'he had no authority to bold Adams,
whereupon the judge was released.
Gaining his liberty, Judge Adams Imme
diately swore out warrants for Wilde and
Fenton, but no one could be ' found to
serve the pa purs. They were charged with
conspiracy, kidnaping and robbery.
The trouble Is of long standing. Judge
Hauphoff has been mayor of this place
for several terms and has fought desper
ately to hold on. At the recent election
he suffered an overwhelming defeat at
the hands of Wilde and his friends. But
Hauphoff refused to give 'up his office and
will not cause the vote to be canvassed.
Wilde cannot secure a certificate of elec
tion until this work Is done. The matter
will be taken into the courts. During his
administration the city of Hartvllle has
been engaged In an expensive fight over
the title to the townsite. Borne owners
of mining claims claim the townsite under
the mining laws. It is charged by Haup
bea eeveuUea that al one time be eouid
have settled the controversy for 1100, but
refused and continued to spend, the city's
money In litigation.
Sterling Silver Finsej-, nith and Dodge.
Marriage Licenses.
The following marriage licenses have
Name and Residence.
Hugh Adcock. Bouih Omaha
Dora Sherman, South Omaha
John Harnady, Omaha
Julia Mondel, Omaha
John W. Arnold, Omaha
Clara McDonell. Omaha
Theodore L. Huber, Omaha
birdie Spenoer, Omaha
George 8. Collins. South Omaha
Katherlne A. Kelly, South Omaha
... n
... u
... -m
... XI
... 23
... 21
... K
... U
... 24
... l
DIAMONDS Edbniro. 16th at Harney sts.
An Old and Well-Tried Remedy.
sf Uolilt Ks.tUelr. HIl.l'hKa W H1I.K 'J f n
in.unrir.rti i m i . it Mmjti t k
HII.rjL K'Mi'Mt th. GUilS. aLi.av m all FIisi.
1. 1 A It If II
t r.
I -f W IND VoLU). and Is the U-i mJ,.i..i
.or. u.. i.. i... r i :
. for
wer-e iwe a hitum