Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 02, 1906, EDITORIAL SECTION, Page 15, Image 15

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    1 1
Offie. 10 Pearl St. Tel. 48.
Clark' sodas.
Davis Mill drug. '
Htockert sella carpels.
Ed Routers' Tony Faust beer.
Now location, 30 Fearl St. Maloney.
Dumbing ond heating. Blxby & Son.
Wood ring Undertaking company. Tel. 239.
Lewis Culler, funeral director. "Phone 17.
tlet vour good berries at Bartel A Miller's.
Tel. 81,9. ,
Diamond as an Investment. Talk to
l.efTert shout It.
Beautiful lace door panels. o and up.
fliorkert Carpet Cu.
Pulled Wafers three rmckagen for only Jfio.
Rsrtel A Miller. Tel. 8M).
Summer school now open nt Western Iowa
I'ollege. Knroll next Monday.
Buy your tires and bicycle sundries from
Williamson, It South Main street.
.l'lctuie and art noveltle for graduation
g.fti". C. 10. Alexander, 33 Hroadwajr.
8; 8tephn Bros, for lire brick and fire
rh'y, sewer pipe, fittings and garden hose.
Six per cent mortgages on real estate
for eal-. Absolute security. Clifton
Walker company.
.If you want your fire Insurance to In
sure have Cltf toii-WalKer ero. write It In
reliable companies.
If you have tender feet and want a
goto! comfortable rlioe sco Duncan &
uran, 2 Main street.
A marrlege license was Indued yesterday
In JO. V. Mcrrltt, aged 2fi. and Kmina Ogden,
ejte.l lo, both of Council H luffs.
Moving vans utxl wagons; furniture
Mnred. Kesbltt's Transfer and Storage.
Tel. p:.V Office XII West broad way.
Picture Framing a specialty. Pictures
framed to order. Trices reasonable. Uor
wli.k. 211 South Main street. Tel. 63.
. due nuiney on plumhlng and figure with
u. Work Hiid material guaranteed to be
lust-class. P. A. Spencer, 168 West Broad
way. r'ur Sale Will sacrifice on my fine piano.
TiOinenls If desired. Can be scon at
iichmoller A Mueller's, 602 Broadway,
council Bluffs, la.
J. H. Pa bat, a barber, charged with as
smilting K. II. Ilari'lnglon. a fellow ton
eniinl artist, whs discharged In Justice
field's court yesterday.
Do not aell your old Iron, copper, brass
una oiU rubbers before you see us. We
tay per ton for No. 1 machinery Iron,
j. Kalllcman, W 8. Main. Tel. eoO.
We liuve the finest line of sample monu
ments to suiect iioin in the west. Bliccly
ec lne ,iaille and Granite works, ZL
j-.aal BroHttway, Council Blufts, la.
We wholesale ice cream, shipped to
Any pari oi tne state, .special prices to
uie retail trade. I. Muccl, SIS West
uiotdwuy, Co. Bluffs, la. Tel. a.
How to save money attend the aula at
Bartel & Miller's. Tel. SOU.
invctyiu noticed the nice yellow-geared
u jivi I y wugona on the street lately. W ell,
uiey were uotight front Van Brunt. Two
ink far of ail styles and denigns Just
in. reduced pries for ten days.
Homo cooKlng Is our specialty. We do
the cooKing ourselves and prices are
made aa ntar home economy a clrcum
siances will iermtt. Uood cool surround
ing, olean . table linen and clean table
ware. We do our best to please you.
lenna ltestaurant.
The preliminary hearing of Arthur Fegley
on the -charge of being Implicated In the
holdup and robbery of Rocawell Jewell, a
butcher, has been continued In Justice
tlardiner'a court until June 11 In order
that the grand Jury may Investigate the
case In the meantime.
D. Bouton, 1013 Avenue B, has been noti
fied by the naval authorities that hla son,
John, who recently enlisted from this city,
haa deserted from the training ship at
l'ensacola, Kin. The ship waa about to
make a cruise when young Bouten decided
he preferred to remain on dry lai.J.
' Why shorten your life by baking over
a hot stove when you can buy better bread
and pastries at MoAtee'sT It's the real
merit of our gooas uui mi wo
popular. They are not simply equal to, but
tetter than any sold in the city. Try
Twentieth Century and Colonial bread and
be convinced.
Harry Pierce' haa bought the Battin prop
erty at Second avenue and Tenth atreet
and will make It hla borne. Mr.' and Mrs.
But tin leave the early part of next week
for Salt Lake City, where they go for the
benefit of Mrs. Battin a health. It Is not
unllaely that they will decide to make
their home there.
One of the worst annoyances in spring
house cleaning are the carpets and rugs.
We can make It easy for you. Carpets
taken up, thoroughly cleaned and brought
back on short notice and at very small
coat. Try it. 'Phone M. Prompt service.
We make rugs out of your old carpets.
The Council Bluffs Carpet Cleaning and
Hug Mfg. Co., 34 No. Main St.
Superintendent E. H. Rothert and aeven
teon teachere from the Iowa School for
the Deaf went to Glenwood yesterday,
where they were the guests of Superintend
ent Morgiidge of the Slate School for the
Feeble Minded Children. The visit was in
the nature of a return call, the superin
tendent and teachera of the Glenwood in
stitute having visited the Council Bluffs
schools a few weks ago.
H. V. Battey, clerk of the district court,
completed yesterday his report showing
the amount of fees collected in his office
from January 1 to May VI. which he will
submit to the Board, of Supervisors at its
meeting next week. The total amount of
fees collected is $1.32, and represents among
other Items KM marriage licenses during
the four months, twenty-three declarations
of Intention to become a clllsen of the
I'nlted States and ten naturalization papers.
The balance Is made up of court fees.
A mechanical money changer in the sa
loutt of Bamliart & Klein, lb2 West Broad
way, waa broken Into Thursday night and
. lobbed of $U The cash drawer was also
broken open, but It contained no canh. It
ia believed by the proprietors that the
thief secreted liimself In the saloon when
the place waa closed for the night, aa there
was no evidence of any of the windows or
doors having been forced. The thief Is
supposed to have made his exit by the
front door, which Is opened from the Inside
by a spring lock.
At the monthly meeting of the Council
Bluffs branch of the Railway Mall associa
tion Thursday these officers were elected:
President, C. E. Anderson; vice president,
J. A. Miller; secretary and treasurer, W. J.
McDonald. These delegates to the Sixth
.Imtrlct convention were selected: P. El
Vail, B. L. Blrchard and Timothy Kelly;
alternates. D. P. Hutchinson. w. A. Beca
ett and O. W. Potts. These were ap
pointed a committee on arrangements for
the 8lxth district convention to be held
In Council Bluffs June Z7; c, n. Ming,
Timothy Kelly. K. B. LHthrop, W. 3. Mc
Donald, u. A. weuer ana J. a. anuei.
AT JEFFERTS Largest selection of
graduation and wedding gifts in the city.
Prices tbe lowest.
Mrs. Xliu PlaUer Asked to Fay Up for the
Benefit of Creditors.
Active) la Rroaaht Infer Nebraska
Statute ' Maklna- stockholders
Liable for Doable Amwnnt
f Holdings.
Mrs. Kllsa Platter, who owns a large
farm In this state nosr Persia. Harrison
county, has been made defendant In a
115,000 suit brought against her in th;
I'nlted Slates court here by Michael J,
Holland, receiver of the Platte Valley
State bank of He II wood Neb., which failed
In January, IMC Mrs. Platter It ia alleged,
bought 100 shares of the stock of the de
funct bank at a par value of 1100 and paid
W a share. Receiver Holland sues for
I10..KJO, the fHce value of the stock, and
for Jo.oOo, the amount of her unpaid sub
scription thereon. The suit is brought
under the Nebraska statute making the
stockholders of the bank individually re
sponsible to Hn amount equal to their'
shares or alL liabilities accruing while they
remain stockholders.
Thomas Platter Is made co-defendant in
the suit and the sum asked against him
Is $lSo on one share of stock.
Matters la District Court.
Thomas 8. Farnsworth began suit in the
district court yesterday to recover $2,000
damages from the New Tork Plumbing
company of this city. When Farnsworth
was having his residence) built at 2 South
Eighth street the New York Plumbing com
pany had the contract for installing the
plumbing. An alleged defective connection
to a washbowl In an upstairs room Is aaid
to have been unable to withstand the pres
sure of the water and burst, flooding the
house so that much of the woodwork had
to be torn out and replaced.
The suit ct the Kimball Bros, company
against the Citizens' Gas and Electric com
pany Is assigned for trial today in the dis
trict court. The plaintiffs seek to recover
damages placed at $2,000 for the alleged
failure of the electric company to furnish
sufficient power to run an elevator which
the plaintiffs installed In the warehouse
building of the Groneweg Sz Bchoentgen
company on Broadway and Ninth street.
The defendant company, it is alleged
agreed to furnish power for the elevator
to lift 6.000 pounds, but after the elevator
was Installed It was found that the power
was Insufficient to allow the elevator to
carry more than 1.000 pounds.
The district court jury in the long drawn
out personal Injury damage suit of C. C.
Cooper of . Portsmouth, Ia., against the
Omaha & Council Bluffs Street Railway
company, . brought In a verdiot last night
In favor of the plaintiff for $150. Cooper
sued for (2,000, asserting he had been per
manently Injured when a motor in which
he waa a passenger went off the tracks
on the loop In Omaha and he was thrown
violently against an opposite seat. -
which he waa taken Thursday. Death Is
said to have resulted from Injury' to the
spine. In some manner Klnsey also dis
located one hip. He was conscious to the
Klnsey's father arrived yesterday morn
ing from Oakland. Ia., before his son'
death. He will take the body this morning
to Oakland for Interment. Klnsey wss 21
years of sge and leaves a widow.
BOIMMRV l.lB Is A ft 17.1. K
Question Arises Over Construction of
Plejenn Creek Rrldae.
The attention of the supervisors of Potta
wattamie county has been called to the fact
that the commissioners of Douglas county,
Nebraska, have granted permission for the
construction of a sixty-foot bridge across
Pigeon creek, on the east side of the Mis
souri river. It Is understood that the Doug
las county commissioners have acted on
the theory thst both ends of the bridge
will be in Nebraska territory and conse
quently they 'iave a legal right to build it.
The members of the Pottnwattamle
county board of supervisors, however, yes
terday expressed doubt that this Is really
the case and with the assistance of County
Attorney Hess intend to investigate the
matter. The supervisors are tinriuilllar
with the state boundary lines, owing to the
frequent meanderlngs of the Big Muddy,
but they intend, within the next few days,
to Inform themselves on the stib.iect.
While the supervisors Intend to Investl
gste as to the right of the Douglas county
commissioners to construct the bridge, tbey
admit that the structure will be of con
siderable convenience to the people of this
county living in that vicinity.
cotiraglng results. The proposed "Woman s
Christian association week" will probnb'y
be held the lust week In this month, al
though this has not yet been ilelnltely
Solid Coanrort.
Rustic hickory and Adirondack silver
birch porch furniture, Vudor porch shades,
Vudor hammocks, Vudor hammock chairs.
If you want solid comfort on a hot sum
mer evening get Into one of our Vudor
hammocks or one of our Vudor hammock
chairs and you will get It. Lawn furniture.
Catalogue free. Keller-Farnsworth Furni
ture Co.
Look over thla list of high grade lawn
mowers on which we are making 20 per
cent discount: Keen Kutter Winner, Acme,
Caldwell's, Park Lake, Wood, New Porte,
LAN, Reading; all prices from $3.50 to
$13. M less JO per cent for cash. Paddock St
Handschey Hardware company.
Rest your feet on on or our foot stools.
26c and up. Just received, a new stock of
lace curtains, 90c and up to $10. They are
the real, latest patterns. Stockert Carpet
Port Arthur was one of the strongest
fortified cities in the world, but waa sur
rendered because the Russians could not
get Big A flour. - Use no other. .
AT LEFFERTS Largest selection of
graduation and wedding gifts in the city.
Prices tbe lowest.
Don't forget that I have fine spring and
summer suits from $30 to $25. E. 8. Hlcka.
Good Work Relarlaa- PsTtuesl.
The Cltlsens' Gaa and Electric company,
in relaying the granite paving on Broad
way, recently torn up in order that the
old matna might be replaced with larger
pipes, has demonstrated that the blocks
can be reset practically as they were before.
When the conduits of the Independent
Telephone company were being laid, the
contractor experienced much difficulty In
getting the granite blocks to fit back aa
they were before they were taken up and
the result was that a large number of the
block never went back. The attention of
Mayor Macra was called to the matter
at the time and he ordered the work of
relaying the paving stopped until the con
tractor could find a man competent to
relay the paving in the same condition aa
it was before the excavation waa made.
The contractor Insisted to Mayor Macrae waa absolutely Impossible to place
back all of the blocks taken up, aa they
would not fit back In the same positions
Mayor Macrae, however, stood pat, and
much of the pavement had to be taken
up again and relaid. The same haa been
true In instances where the motor com
pany baa taken up the granite pavement
to repair or replace Its tracks, but the gaa
company haa demonstrated that with care
all of the granite blocks can be replaced
as before they were taken up. On Broad
way, where the company is now laying its
big mains, not a spare granite block Is to
be seen on any part of the work where
the pavement has been replaced.
The average amoker must have a cigar
that Juat suits his taste, so that he can en
joy a few minutes' comfortable smoke. We
kr.ow that this Is a fact and know that It
Is bard to suit all smokers, but we also
know that we can suit you if you will call
on us and designate your choice. We han
dle many brands and nothing but first
class stock. Malouey, 30 Pear) street,
New location.
Maloney'a Time to Smoke.
Councilman Maloney will smoke a box of
cigars at the expense of Councilman Wal
lace. At the meeting of the committee of
the whole Thurtday night Councilman Wal
lace Insisted that Councilman Maloney
voted In favor of municipal ownership at
the Inception of the negotiations between
the city and the water works company.
This Councilman Maloney denied, but Coun
cilman Wallace insisted that the records of
the proceedings of the city council showed
that he did and that in the face of this
Councilman Maloney's denial would not
hold water. .
After sleeping over the matter. Council
man Maloney waa more confident than ever
yesterday morning that he had not cast his
vote in favor of municipal 'ownership and,
meeting Councilman Wallace In the city
hall, the wager was made, the records In
vestigated with the result that they dis
closed the fact that Councilman Olson and
Maloney had voted against the proposition.
Heal Ketate Transfers.
These transfers were reported to The
June 1 by the Title Guaranty and T
company of Council Bluffs:
Ernest E. Hart, Incorporated, to Kthel
U. 'luobs, lot t, block M, Haynss
hirst add to Council Wiutls, jn.,
w d
Lisxie Distman and nusband to vt alter
f. Stepnaii, lots II ami u, bloca U,
Crawlurd add to council Biufls,
la., w d
F. J. Day and wife to Ktrsi Swedish
Bnptisi church of Council Biun,
e46 ft of lot ,-blocR J, Curtis at
Ramsey s add to Council Bluits, la.,
w d
Jennie A. Kennedy and husband to
r J. Day, lot , olocK 1, Buslinell s
add to Council bluffs, la., w d
Heirs of John W. wnite to f 1. W.
Wilson, nW wH s sv, tie ne'
24-10-44, w u
A. O. and E. J. Gilbert and wives to
Annie M. Keys, lot 1. block 'ii. Cent
ral aubdlv In Council Blufts, Is.,
w d
George H. Mayne, guardian, to G. W.
Wilson, ln . Auditor's suUllv ne'
nev i4-7b-44, gdn d
Elmer L. Fehr to Annie M. key, lot
2. block 32, Central subdlv In Council
Bluffs, la., w d
Elmer K Fehr to Mary E. Dally, lot
3, block 32, Central subdlv In Council
Bluffs, Ia., w d
Heirs of John W. White to O. W.
Wilson, lot 2, Auditor's subdlv of
ne ne'i 24-75-44. w d
Francis GuiUar ana t fe to Theodore
Gultiar, lot 1, block 11, Jackson's
add to Council Bluffs, la., q c d
Frederick Gulttar to Theodore Oult
tar, lot 1, block 11, Jackson's add to
Council Bluffs, la., q r d
l,outse Gulttar to Theodore Oulttar,
lot 1, block 11, Jackson's add to
Council Bluffs, la., q c d
George H. Moore to G. W. Wilson,
lot 2, Auditor's subdlv of ne-4 net
24-75-44, w d..
Interstate Realty company to James
P. Chrlstensem lot 11, block P,
Perry's Second add to Council Bluffs,
Ia., w d
J. W. Squire and wife to James P.
Chrlstensen, lot 29. block 22, Ferry's
sdd and lot 8, block 32. Central
subdlv in Council Bluffs, Ia., q c d..
Sixteen transfers, total $14,296
AT LEFFERTS Largest selection of
graduation and wedding gifts In the city.
Prices the lowest.
Oo to Hicks' for your money's worth in
tailoring. No bluff, either.
Fence posts at bottom prices. If you are
In need of fencing material of any kind we
have It at bottom prices. C. Hafer.
I haul dead animals. $1.00 per head.
Garbage, aalies, manure and all rub
bish: clean vaults and cesspools. All
work done is guaranteed.
Culls promptly attended to.
'Phone. Red l7a.
carriers- Bee Office,
10 Pearl Street
Office Fort Crook, Nebraska, May 14,
lie Sraiud propvaala, in triplicate, sub
ject to the uoual conditions, will be re
ceived hare unlit lu o 'clock a. in., central
etanuaid t me, June i, at wtilih time
Itiey will oe olxsneu' In public, for the con
struction of four additions to and eight
new toilet rooms In preaoiil barracka build
ing No. 40, at Fort Crook. Nebraska. Plans
and apecincatlons and blank forms of pi o
poMals my be obtained at tiila office or
at the omoe of the Cnlef tjuurterutaater,
!w-iMrtment of tbe Miurl, Omaha. Nt
Irni-h Tne risiit la rewrved lo reject
an) aid ! M,' or part of bid. CAF
1AIN' K h I- 1 1 I A i.l .. iiuii an. I y
M, 5" U infullf, l vuir k-i ' eg- jnilt
l. !t. .Mil 1. lo 1. H i
- 1 ' " '
Flae Pint,
Two hundred-acre farm five mllea from
Missouri Valley. Oood Improvements and
orchard. Cheap at $7$ per acre. Wallace
Benjamin, room 1, First National bsnk
building. Office telephone 301.
The Independent Cracker company of
Pavenport. 1 la., does not belong to the
trust. That Is why they can always give
us bargains. We have on sale today salted
wafers In one-pound packages for 25c. We
also have pineapples, lie; bananas, ' 20c;
atrawberrlea, 10 and l."ic; cucumbers, 6c;
beets, $c; home grown peas, 20c half-peck;
new potatoes, 60c peck; cabbage, 5c lb.;
radishes, lo a bunch, Bartel Miller.
Tel. S5. v
The Title Guaranty and Trust company,
abstracters of titles. Books date back to
1S5S. Books are all up to date. Work ao.
curately and promptly done at lowest
prices. Office opposite court house, 236 Pearl
street. Council Bluffs. Ia.
Parties having houses for rent or sale,
list them with Clifton-Walker Co. for quick
action. Recent salea have greatly reduced
our liat and we have customers waiting tor
For imported wines, liquors and Budweiser
beer, go lo L Roenfeldl, wholesale liquor
dealer, 51 South Main street.
AT LEFIpRTB Largest selection of
graduatlorjj .d wedding gifts In the city.
Prices thvTowest.
Summer school now open at Western Iowa
college. Enroll next Monday.
Kl"r Olea frosa lajarles.
John Klnsey. the Rock Island brakeniau,
who while dtvtng from the Kursaal on the
Manhattan beach aide of Ike Mans a
UhI Wedneadsy afternoon struck hie
gaunt I-' Ivni died yeate.dt.y a,,.i'.
aliei ' u . al it, tieuvtai uuskai, lo
N. T. Plumbing Co. Tel. 260. Night,
Schmidt Refuses to Talk.
George Schmidt who was picked up as
suspicious character Wednesday night
by the police, Is still being held for In
vestigation. Schmidt, It appears, mysteri
ously came In possession of a diamond
ring, a gold watch and chain and othe
artlcles of Jewelry, to pawn which he
oame to Council Bluffs from Omaha, where
he has been for a short time employed by
the Klrkendull Shoe company. Investi
gation by the police developed the In
formation that when Schmidt applied tor
employment at the shoe company he was
without means. To Judge Scott, In an
swer to Questions, Schmidt said he lived
In St. Louis, but had a family In Chicago.
He, has so far declined to give any In
formation as to how he came In possession
of the Jewelry which he pawned beyond
stating that it was his persnnul property.
High grade pianos' sold on easy payments,
$10 down and $5 per month. Swansoii
Music Co., 4u7 Broadway.
AT LEFFERTS Largest selection of
graduation and wedding gifts In the city.
Prices the lowest.
A good school is Western Iowa college.
Flowers for Gradaatlac Exercises.
On account of the heavy demand from
out-of-town, we advise all parties wanting
flowers to M us know as soon as possible,
so we can arrange to have them. J. y
Wilcox, Florist.
Investigate our eheap land proposition In
eastern Colorado. $6 per acre for raising all
kinds of crops; good soli; best of water;
delightful climate. Excuralona - first and
third Tuesdays of each month. . Send for
printed matter. F. C. Lougee. 124 Main
street. Council Bluffs. Ia.
All of our old customers know that when
we have bargain sales they are genuine.
New customers soon learn it. Bartel A
Miller. Tel. 35.
CENTRAL FLOUR-U.ll. Every Back
warranted. Central Grocery and Meal
White canvas Oxfords, all kinds. Prices,
$1 to $2. Duncan Dean. 21 Main street.
A good school is Western Iowa college
Beaeat for Hospital.
For the benefit of the Jennie Cdmundron
Memorial hospital fund, the Woman's
Christian association Is planning to give
an operatic performance at the New theater
some time this month, provided, an open
date for the house ran be secured. "The
Geisha Girl" Is the opera which tbe young
people who recently gave "Pinafore" at
the high achool auditorium so acceftably,
have under rehearsal and this will be the
attraction which they will offer for the
hospital building fund.
The committee appointed by the associa
tion to soiled solcrtot n.s towards tbe
j Valium is siu iu lueeung aim ru-4
3. 20"
A hot weather refreshment Jello-O Ice
Cream Powder prepared In vanilla, choc
olate, strawberry and several other flavors.
Two packages, 25a, makes the finest home
made Ice cream going. Fancy pine apples.
weet and Juicy. We have lunch cheese
hard to beat. John Olson, 73 W. B way.
w sell nlanos on reasonable terma,
monthly or quarterly, and ak responsible
customera to look up our prices and terms.
Bourlcius Piano House, 336 Broadway
where the organ standa upon the building
Congressional Committee Called.
A meeting of the Ninth congressional dis
trict republican committee haa been called
by Chairman L. S. Roblnon of Glenwood
for next Tuesday in this city. The meet
ing will be held In the office of H. J
Chamber in the Shugart block at 11 a. m.
These counties comprise the Ninth congres
sional district: Pottawattamie, Caaa, Harri
son, Shelby, Adair, Audubon, Guthrie, Mills
and Montgomery, and all are expected to bo
represented at the meeting.
The meeting is for the purpose of fixing
the date and place for holding the con
gressional convention for renominating Con
gressman Walter I. Smith. The date will
probably be fixed for some day before Au
gust 1, the date of the state convention,
and it la expected the convention will be
held in Council Bluffs, as usual.
AT LEFFERTS Largest selection of
graduation and wedding gifts In the city.
Prices the lowest.
Tou can always And the greatest bar
gains rn pianos at A. Hospe Co's. S3 So.
Mala St.
Auditor WanU Better herniation of
Mutual Tiro 0omptnii.
Conventions and t'nnrnaea to He Meld
Today In All Probability Will
ettle Wko (lets tbe
From a Staff Correspondent.)
IE8 MOINES, June l.-(Specisl.)-The
next legislature of Iowa will he awked to en.
act a statute to define the point nt Which a
mutual fire Insurance company becomes in
solvent. The legislative Insurance Investi
gation commission will look Into the ques
tion also, but whether or not It recom
mends such a law. the asdltor of stste, B.
F. Csrroll, will ask it, provided he Is re
nominated and elected, as he probably will
be, having no opposition at this time.
"At present we have no way of knowing
Just when a mutual fire Insurance com
pany arrives at Insolvency," said Ole O.
Roe, head of the Insurance department
In the stste auditor's office today. "Mu
tual life companies are required to deposit
a reserve with the state and we therefore
are able to keep close tab on them. The
mutual Are companies, however, are prac
tically without our Jurisdiction. About
the only way we can tell when a mutual
lire company is Insolvent Is when it hss
a lot of accumulated losses It cannot pay
and somebody sends word to this office
asking about them.
"The next leglalsture should remedy this
evil, because In many cases injustice is
done policyholders who pay their assess
ments regularly and never know tbey are
not protected until their property burns
and they, find they really have no in
surance. A law requiring mutual fire com
panies 'to deposit a reserve with the state
might be the solution of the difficulty."
Conventions Today.
A large number of county conventions
and caucuses to select delegates to the
republican state convention will be held
tomorrow and upon their result the gov
ernorship contest between George D. Per
kins, editor of the Boux City Journal, and
Albert B. Cummins, the present executive,
hinges. The counties which will caucus
and the number of delegates each will
have In the convention follow:
Hardin 1
Worth a
Story a
Montgomery ,
Mills 12
Total 77
Caucuses will also be neld In the cities
of Nswton, Jasper county, and Cedar Falls,
Black Hawk county.
The countlea which will hold conventions
tomorrow are as follows:
Franklin is
Adair u
Lucas i
O'Brien ia
Wrlgtit 16
Doth. 'Phones .24. G00-GO2 Droadway.
Why Suffer r
Why do you suffer with those dreadful
corns and bunions? Removed at Graves',
106 Pearl street.
Flour is our specialty. We are sole
agents for the celebrated Diamond Bluff,
Crosby Best and Golden Rule. We always
buy these brands by car load lots. Crosby's
Best, $1.15; Golden Rule, $1.16; Diamond
Bluff, $1.26. We guarantee any of these
brands. Bartel & Miller. Tel. 35S.
Refrigerators, refrigerators, refrigerators,
carpets, linoleum, oil cloth, sideboards,
combination bookcases; anything in house
furniture. D. W. Keller, 1J8 8. Main.
We are selling out our best grade of lawn
mowers at rock bottom prices. See us for
lawn mowers. Swalne St Mauer, 336 and
138 West Broadway.
Porch Fnraltnre.
We are showing a complete line at low
est prices. Peterson Schoenlng Co.
We received unother loud of potatoes that
were stored In a cave. They are aa solid
aa when first harvested. 15c peck. Bnrlel
Si Miller. Tel. 3.
Something entirely new and Just out.
Beautiful new photos at a special offer for
short time only at Schmidt's studio.
CENTRAL FLOUR-$r.l4. Every sack
warranted. Centra! Grocery ana Meat
Hepburn Endorsed for Henouilnntlon
for C'oaareaa.
CLARINDA. la., June 1 (Special Tele
gramsThe republican county convention
of Page county, held here today, elected
delegates and alternates to the Iowa re
publican state, the Kighth Iowa congres
sional district and tle Fifteenth Judicial dis
trict conventions. The delegates to the con
gressional convention at Cientun were In
structed for the renomlnation of Colonel W.
P. Hepburn, who waa most cordially ,-n-doaed
In the resolutions. The judicial dele
gates were Instructed for the renomlnation
of Judges A. B. Thornell, W. R. Green and
O. D. Wheeler. Congressman Hepburn was
elected delegate-at-large to the state con
vention. The following resolutions were
unanimoualy adopted:
We recognize in Hon. George D. Perkins
a long and true advocate of the principles
of republicanlMin and a man of high stand
ing In the councils of the party, and we do
hereby Instruct the delegation of Page
county to the Iowa republican state con
vention to cast the solid vote of ibis rohnty
foh his nomination for governor and to op
pose the renomlnation ef Hon. Albert B
Cummins on each and every ballot for that
position. And In connection with this In
struction we simply voice the desire of the
republican party of this county when we
say to our nominees for senator and repre
sentative In the state legislature thai we
are opposed to their vote being cast at any
time for Albert B. Cummins for the posi
tion of I'nlted States senator. And the ma
jority of the delrgatea from this county to
said state convention are hereby Instructed
to cast the full eighteen votes of the county
as a unit upon all questions coming before
said state convention, end no proxies shall
be recognised In said delegation.
Reel Family Reunion.
LOGAN, la., June 1 (Special.) The sec
ond annual reunion of the Reel family was
held yesterday at the home of William
Brayton. with a picnic dinner in the grove.
Fifty-two were present from the families
of Reel, Wilson. Brayton. Berry, Owens and
Logan, all more or less related Tbe larger
rii of Logan waa platted as Heel s addi
: lion.
... (6
Uniform Municipal Accounts.
State Auditor Carroll will next month
appoint hla commission on "uniform mu
nicipal accounting," authorised by the re
cent general assembly. Tbe law providing
for putting a uniform system in oper
ation in Iowa goes Into effect July 4, and
the auditor will name bis commission Im
mediately afterwards. He has already de
cided on the personnel of the commission,
which the statute says shall be composed
of not more than seven nor less than five,
members, but haa not made the namea
public. John MacVlcar, ex-mayor of Des
Moines and secretary of the American
League of Municipalities; John B. Lucas,
treasurer of this city and ex-audltor;
Frank Pierce, ex-mayor of Marshalltown;
Harry Grose, ex-treasurer of Des Moines;
ex-Mayor J. S. Caster of Burlington and
ex-Alderman Dr. E. K. Dorr of Des
Moines are among the men mentioned as
probable appointees.
The duty of the commission will be to
devise and formulate a uniform system of
accounting for cities of over 5,000 popula
tion. The system becomes operative April
1, 1907, -upon Issuance of blanks for re
ports and circulars explaining It by the
stste auditor. The new law requires the
annual Inspection of all cities by the au
ditor -or an Inspector from his office and
semi-annual reports to him from the city's
accounting officer. Cities of less than 5,000
population may avail themselves of the
law upon application of the mayor, coun
cil or fifty taxpayers.
Counties Break Lnvr.
Fourteen Iowa counties, Including such
large counties as Pottawattamie and Des
Moines, have violated the law, according
to the report of the Iowa State Historical
society. The law requires the auditors to
prepare and the Board of Supervisors to
publish annual financial statements. The
historical society does not Intend to prose
cute, although taxpayers of the guilty
counties may. 1
Students Anolonlse.
All Is once mui'e love, peace and har
mony at the big Lutheran college ut De
corah, and It Is so becaune half a hundred
students saw the error of their ways,
apologised to the faculty and were once
more received Into good standing. The
trouble aroae over a demonstration ou May
17. The faculty had prohibited Sunday
base ball, so on the date noted the stu
dents formed a long procession and sol
emnly held funeral services over their
bats, balls, masks, etc. This incensed the
faculty and threats of dismissal and an
Investigation followed. Yesterday the stu
dents apologised and the Incident ia now
Ulster Superior Elected.
Sister Mary Joseph of Mercy hospital
at Davenport has been elected superior
of the Slaters of Mercy jurisdiction, in
cluding Des Moines, to succeed Mother An
gela for a term of three years.
Tinners to Strike.
Organised tinners of Des Moines will
walk out of shops Saturday evening. All
of the shops will be affected by this strike
and at the very busiest time of year In
rooting and other outdoor tin work and
may stop present building. The strike
hinges on the question of a 6-cent raise
In the local shops. At present the tinners
are receiving S6 centa an hour and ask
for an Increase to 40 cents.
Phono Men Knjolned.
The first legal shot in ths fight against
the universal Introduction of nlrkel-ln-the-slot
telephones in the drug stores of Des
Mollies waa tired thla morning when Judge
Hugh Brennan of the district eourt Issued
a temporary Injunction restraining the
Mutusl Telephone company from refuaing
to lease a telephone to F. S. Aldtv-h. pro
prietor of the Opera House pharnucy, "I'l
West Walnut street.
The case will come up fur argument In
the near future.
Mlno Workers Rich.
The I'nlted Mine Workers of Iowa have
tT&.iRo In their treasury as a defense
fund. That amount la distributed In the
stale with the greater bulk drawing Inter
est In the local banks here. This report
baa Just been made to the State Federa
tion of labor and Includes an Itemised
sisieicent of .ecetptt snd expenses. Dis-
1 tuci it, which Includes Iowa and two
1 I
Special Prices
o Beef, QCft
8 lbs mVl.
ltex Breakfast 'Ba I Olp
con, per lb Iuui2i
rienic Hams, Qs
per lb U2U
Salt Pork,
per lb
(rood Lard,
3 lbs
per can.
- per lb
Home Grown Strawberries, three boxes
for ,
for Saturday
Two packages Vf
Pigs WW
Two 3-oz. packages
Sugar Corn,
per can. . .
loo can Tink
Salmon UU
2;")c Fancy Egg
Plums, per can
25c Fancy Pears, Ha
25c n
Try Our Central Flour
V.vprv Kflrlr wArrnntod. ner fiark .
Both Phones 108. 236 West Droadway
Extra Fancy Country Butter, per pound .18c
20 lbs. bent Cane Sugar. .. .$1.0O
4 cans Atlantic Corn 25c
3 cans Red Oak Peas .SI.V
White House Peas, per can .... 10c
3 cans Dinner Party Corn. . . . .2Hc
2 3-lb. cans Apricots Sftc
2 3-lb. cans Green Gage or Egg
Plums 23c
15c bottle Sweet Mixed Pickles 10c
25c bottle Sweet Mixed Pickles 15c
20c can Red Alaska Salmon, 2
cans 2Ar
4 lbs. best Japan'Rice 25c
4 lbs. Lima Beans 25c
6 lbs. hand picked Navy Beans. 25o
60c Uncolored Japan Tea or
Sundried Tea, per lb . ..... ,25c
Good Lard, per lb 10c
3 heads Lettuce. 5c
Fancy Wax or Green Beans,
per lb lOc
3 boxes Gooseberries 25c
Oranges, per dozen 15c
New Potatoes, per peck ...... .45c
With every pound of 25c high
grade Baking Powder we glre a
fancy dish.
Fancy Home Grown Strawberries 10c
All Patent Flour per sack $1.10
The Orvis Market and Grocery
537 West Broadway, Botfi 'Phones 46. '
New Pickle Pork, per lb 10c
Picnic Hams, per lb 9Hc
Good Steak 7c
Round Steak, per lb ...... 12Hc
Sirloin Steak, per lb 12ac
Porterhouse Steak, per lb..!2)ac
Pot Roast, per lb 6c
Boiling Beef, per lb 4c
Corn Beef, per lb 8c
Skinned Hams, per lb,....12Hc
10 bars Swift's Pride Soap... 25c
10 bars Diamond "C" Soap. . .25c
Patent Flour, sack.
Sugar Corn, per can
Fancy Rice, per lb
Wisconsin Cream Cheese..
Soda Crackers, lb,
Oyster Crackers, lb. . . .
6 lbs. Navy Beans for.
Good Butter, per lb. . . .
20 lbs. Cane Sugar....
2 lbs. Good Coffee
.. ,5c
.'. .5c
12 Me
. . ,5e
. . ,5c
. ,25c
. .18c
. .25c
Bee our chedule to aome of the principal eastern
Detroit. 21 hour
Buffalo 27 hours
Syracuse HO hours
Albany 33 hours
New York 37 hours
Boston 44 hours
Indianapolis 21 hours
Cincinnatti. .. .24 hours
Pittsburg 26 hours
Philadelphia. ... 35 hours
Baltimore 3b' hours
Washington 88 hours
The Illinois Central's fast "Chicago Limited" train
leaves Omaha at 6:00 p. m. Fast day train at 8:00 a. m.
Union depot connections in Chicago for nearly all prin
cipal points. ,
Steamship tickets to all European and Asiatio points.
Cafe car service.
Tickets and information at City TUket Offlc, 1402
Farnam St., Omaha. x
District Ptuenser Acent
e"'i l I
ly tne 014 lefiinU BE. SEAILQ ft SIA1LES
Estsblished ia Omiht for II yssrs. Ths msny thou
ssuds of is curnd by us mnJc us ths roost sipnrU
ncd Specialists In ths wast. In nil dlsetMS un4 nil
mants of men. Ws know just wht will curs ru
n4 ours quickly.
he au ra tsen you tk us tn rat
Ws maks no misleading or fa Is statorasnts or offsr
you cheap, worthless tisatment. Our rsputatlon anS
Mini ars too favorably known ovary easa wo tront.
our reputation Is at stake. Your health, Ufa and hs
ptness Is too serious a matter to place In the hands (
a "JfA.MCI.ESS BOOTOB." Honest doctors of ability
use their OWsT likl XftT TMXXM HUSOfBun. VV
ran effect for everyone a life-long CUSS for Weak.
Nervous Men, Varleocele troubles. Nervous Debility,
Blood Poison, Hrostailo troubles. Kidney, Bladder.
wiftTTva TtruAva tJ.. 1. . .. I r -
'' ' 'i WAiraa Slllilll, Hydrocele' Chronic' Iiseaea!
f ;&', (, t t Contracted Diseases, Stomach and Sain Disease.
? TTi )' U t7 0l?7 Eamlnatlon and Consultation. Writ (.' l"KLL Rymptom Blank for Home Treatment.
DM. ItiklJI n, Male and
treats, wmshn,
counties ef Missouri, now lias 14,2J union
men. All of the mines ars organised.
ON WA, In., Juno L Special -Casper
Hanson, who Uvea about I wo miles west
of Soldier, committed suicide this morning
by hansing himself at his home. Mr. Han
son wss a farmer, shout eS years of ace.
and tiad lived ia the nelgUbvrkuod ful
some years. No reason for the act ia known
at present.
Fatalities Prevented.
After an ncrldent. uae Bucklen's Amlua
Salve. it prevents fatal results. Heals
ruts, bums, sores. 2S rents. For sale by
Sherman McConnell Drug Cu.
Tiusliiess propositions sdvertlsed In 1e
bee (S Uiln Ut Luiut ul lb best ietayi