THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SATURDAY, JUNE 2, 1906. 11 GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET 8np G Out of Wktw wit riniak JULY DECLINES CENT AND A QUARTER C Ke..Brkalr ltrtt, CoBSl4erlBC tToiMlltloBs, Jaljr Closlac Halt CBt to Balllsk BtlasBBt Ib Bolt) of Boorish News. OMAHA. Jan 1. I. Wlutt declined Ho, with only Ho reec tlon at the close, on favorable weether, which Influenced henry selling, both In tin northwest and southwest. All news was bearish no rain In the northwest and fa rt ra bis In the soiifhwest. Reports of the beginning of harvest under favorable con ditions came from Texss. Prospects there are for a good yield. Receipts were large and ch business Is slow. The flour detnsnd Is said to be poor. The market today aateti very heavy and rallies were small. t'orn was remarkably strong, ronstjerlng the weakness In wheat, large receipts and favorable weather. The close showed an advance of for July. The opening wan unchanged, but buying bjr commission houses gradually worked prices up. with email resctiun toward the close. A bullish sentiment, Seemed prevalent In spite of bearish news. oat were firm at yesterday's prices. Trade was not large. Primary wheat receipts were J1.".000 bushels and shipments $74,000 bushels, against receipts last yesr of ine.) bushels and shipments of 162.000 bushels. Corn receipts were m.flm) bushels and ship ments 4TS,iion bushels, against receipts last er of M2.noO bushels and shipments of .. bushels, flea ranees were IlJ.OOO bushel wheat and s.tuti barrels flour lilverpool closed unchanged on wheat and 'r'd higher on corn. From the Modern Miller: "Drouth condi tions hsve been generally relieved In the winter wheat regions, where rains for some lime hsd been Insufficient or entirely lack ing. The crop has been benefitted In the greater portion of the ares suffering from drouth. Poorest prospects are In Missouri. Illinois and Michigan, where the yield Is xpectod to be dlaMppnlntlng. Harvest has begun in Texas and will begin next week In Tehll" esee." I.ocsr rsnge of options: Aril ;.! Otn lligh. LowTCo j Trry. Uliest-I .loir. ..I Bept...f Corn I ! I I 74i A' 74AI JSA TJAj July. 45 A! 4M4, 4.-. A! 4.-.HA 44V 44B Hepl.l 44B 44'iH! 4B 44'B Osts l I I J'llr.:.! .! 31SB A Itxtrcd. B bid. Omaha Cask ftaies. WHKAT-So. J hard. 1 cur. 7c. ('ORX-Xn. I. 1 car. toe; 2 cars. 44 . Omaha fash Prices. - - WHEAT No. 2 hard. 7S '.4 B 77 No. 3 herd. 707Sc; No. 4 hard. t54?70c; No. ;.' spring, 76'; No. II coring, 70 Q 75c. CORN No. S, 44', ? lnc; No. 3 yello v. 45c; No. a white, 4r. OATS No. 3 mixed. S."ic; No. 3 whlta 13-; No. 4 v.hlte. ,t;U(. IITK-No. SV;; No. 3. 614c. Carlo! Receipts. Wlic at. Corn. Oats. rhlcsgft 7 K 112 Kansas Cltv '. SO 131 29 Minneapolis . l." Omalin 14 nulwth , 74 6t. Louis -. 47 Vfi Hi 107 CHICAGO CRAI1 . AU PROVISIONS Feat area of Ihe Tradlaa; and CIosIbsj Prices obi Board of Trade. CHIOACO. June 1. -Excellent weather for the Krowlnsr cron caused free aemug ' ot wheat In the local market today and I l.i ought about a decline of more thSit 1c per bushel In the price of all delivering. At the close the July option was off l:!. f.orn was up He. Otis were practlcall ui. changed. Provisions were 17H4f-"'C livrr. The wheat market opened weak And with the exception of a lew slight rtl the tendency of prices was down ward throughout the cluy. The chief fac tor In lh situation was the generally tloar weather throughout the wheat grow ing sections of I lie i nitcd states, louring the day lurgn amount of long wheat was told by tired hoUlci-j, and thore was alro copuloeralile selling for short fcc . Hunt. Kor"li4U news was favorable to tha liters, the (h, .'ni:t from Argentina being In excess ol !: ( re, tous estimstes ard an nrioial r': oi t p'a'lng the total ylel l In 1ml a -.t S . I '1.uOJ bu.. compared wltn J8;,76i.O'i'i bti. iai year. The report of a Ft. l.o'i." irii-ic Journal thai the whst crop In er. era. had been benefited by r " nt r .'e Mougnt out tivsti selling or-1: ! . i- i : ti;e latter part or tne day. 'I in niuk 't c losed weak. July opened i '4c t" c lower, at 81 & si Tie, so'tl ,..-f ,, k. .',.,- und closed at 80 - it nO1-. t "li n.-ii n. i-e ..f ulvat and flour were equal in .'.'.vii i n I-.-. ports for the wek o pi'iw'i i'V I ir.i I.-: rei'ts' Wi're enual to j Iiiiii.'i'i i mi. 1 rim try receipts wera S 1 6 -mil lu.. ii 1 1 4 r " ' 1 wuh 200,000 bu. for tin i i..': "l i ilit.K ny one year ano. Mln-iirii.-tili:. Irii .th and Chicago reported re. i.'.'e i.r J.iJ cars, against 162 cars last v . a Mil it!4 cars one year ago. I'"IM! the decline In wheat the corn niaiki't was strong nearly all day and the voliiine of trading was large. Theis ii an active general demand and much selling by longs. Cash houses were urgent buyers, apparently agalnat ship ments to the east and shorts were am icus to rover, because of the small stocks of corn In Chicago; a slight recession at the opening waa caused by profit-taking. The market closed strong. July opened a shade lower to o higher, at 4o ti 4tU,!49Hc sold off to 4S74c and advanced to 4Tc. Ths close was at 4H64ac I .oral receipts were tSf cars, with ii cars of contract grade. The strength of corn steadied the oat market and offset the bearish Influence of the decline In w'heat and the favor at le weather for the growing crop. Pit traders aold freely early In the day, but later they became moderate buyers. Com mission nouses also bought freely, July opened fcfafcic lower, at 11 Vi? 31 Sc., sold between 13 Ho and Uo and closed at the- top. Loral receipts were tli cars. Provisions were weak all day. I.eaumg peckers were credited with extensive selling, based on liberal receipts of live hegs at western packing centers. The local hog market was weak at a Be le rltne. At the close July pork was off lOCllHc, at $18 10. Lard was down 17 Sc. at $7.80. Ribs were llo lower, at Ifr.lS. Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat, 11 cars; corn, 188 cars; oats, 14$ cars; bora, 18.000 head, Ths leading futures ranged as follows: Articles. Open High. Law. Close ! Tesy. I .,.:J July ,1VTV 91 1 Sept. I8vUV "! ieo. niasi'k iiai ....I... I SOU B01u4t4 ' 79V,I 79T 0 I J:.. Corn I July !49049: 49T Sept. I 4V . 4Vi, 4V49',fr'V484j. Oils July Bept. Dee. Pork July Sept. Lard July Hopt. Oct. Rlbe ' July Sept. Oot. I I 51' Sl'tliJl i- 121 1 ts I H It 10 It 00 1 10 It 00 It $0 It I7H t 77H 8 t?w 1 86 40 I 80 17H 1 U It 1 1 f S: $ ITHI 60 $ 1 72V, 71 TTV,i 1 71 ! 1 7Stl $ 874 I 11$ J'jhI 1 10 1 10 1 $ to 1 1$ 10 $ 90 2i M I No. $. Cash quotations wera as follows: FLOUR Kasy; winter patent, $15041 4,09; straights. $$o3.70: spring patents. $1 tvilLSO; straights,; bakers. U.t x. WHEAT No. I spring. tle; No. $, T7l He; No. 1 red. MSt;7'c. CORN-No. 1. 5V; No. I yellow. $.g. OATS-No 1 UV: No. 1 whits. Ua KSc; No. I white. 13444;c. RfB-No. S. Sue. BARLtY Good feeding, 44Hec;. fair ta choice malting. 4i-SWc. SKEWS-NO. 1 flax. HOT; No. 1 north wesisrn, $1.11 Prime timothy. $S.luul.$a. Clover, con'raj't grade, $11 2$. PROVItilONS Phort ribs sides noose), f (i4..U. Mess pork, per bbl . Illlws'lH 11, Lsrd. per I'M lbs., 14.54. Short clear aides (boxed), Foiiowltig were the receipts and ship ments of flour and grain: Receipts. Shipments. Moor, bWs 41 wi 18 to Whaat. bu to tv lej Corn. fU ! ITili iiats, bu Ulf r' Rys. bu .. tu 1.00 iiuriey, bu tl.auo t.Suu Ob tl.e Produce exchange today the but ter luajket t.i ensv; -retrertes. I 1'' c ; dairies. 1M, :e I . ts, ateedy; it sjatk. Ssas inulaawsl, 11,.. , fl'., 15 films firsts, llvc; extras, lc. Cheese, steady at EW lORK (IRRR4L HIRKKT a(atUas at the Day oa Coaaasodltlea. NKW TORK, June rieDl R-Receipts, K,tt bbis. : exports. 1131 bbls.; msrket about steady, but dull; Minnesota psttnfs, MIIKKi; Minnesota bakers. 11 Mj ; winter patent. .4i4 V; winter straights, 13 e3-4 rtl: winter extrss, CXntjS.40; winter low grades, 2 x.v Rve flour, steady; fstr to good, I3.4f4jl.90; choice to fancy, 13S1J4.1S. CORN MEA l Firm; fine whits and yel low, 11. W, coaise, ll.Otll O; kiln dried, 12.80 2 . RTE-Easy; No. 1 western, fTttc. f. o. b., New Tork. BARLEY Quiet: feeding, 47V C. 1. t.. New iork; malting, ftZtr '-' ? N"w York. WUEATRecelpts, 5,000 bu.; spot market barely steady; No. 2 red. Me, nominal, ele vator; No. red, 6c. nominal, f. o. b., afloat; No. 1 northern Duluth, )., nominal, f. o. b., afloat; No. 1 northern Manitoba, 8W4c, nominal, afloat. Sever declines occurred In wheat agln today, making nearly lo loss for the week. They lesulted from bearish weather and rrop reports. In connection with a dull north west flour demand, liberal Argentina ship ments and stop loss selling. The close was ij'e net lower. July, JtPufcc, closed at liHtc; September. 84 H-liSic', closed at 84-V; Iecetnber closed at j'c. CORN Receipts, 44.071 bu.; spot market dim; No. 1, ooc, nominal, elevator and 68'ic, nominal, f. a. b.. afloat: No. 3 yel low. Wc, noniinal; No. 2 while, etHo. nominal. Option market waa generally firm all day and up ifcc on a good cash demand, strength In wheat and covering. It closed net higher: July, t', dosed at KHr; September closed at 56c; December, G64o6c, closed at S5e. OATS Receipts, 110.000 bu.; SKt market steady: mired oats, M to 22 pounds. S94c; natural white. 10 to 13 pounds, 4"Qfl.c; clipped white, 88 to 4" pounds, iS4Pc. HAT Steady; shipping, 6eS0c; good to choice, ton 17 He HOPS Quiet- state, common to choice, 1106 crop, (vile; 1804 crop, nominal; olds, nominal; Pacific coast, 1901 crop, 10W14e; 1004 crop, 11612c; olds, nominal. FEED Steady; spring b.-an, 120 60. June shipment: middlings, !20.e0. June shipment; city. Iis.0ll24.ii0. HIDF.8 Quiet- Oalveston, 20c; Cali fornia, 21c; Texas. 19c. PROVI8tON:V-Reef. ensv; family, t11.vff 11 SO; mess, $4 RfnTfS.oi); beef hams. 1'30.VJ 22.00; packet. 19 juilo.oO; cltv extra, India mess, t 50tfri7.oo. Cut meats, firm: pick led bellies, tl0.2CfM2.On; pickled shoulders, Dt.0Oljt.bii, pickled hams. tll.Sotf 12.0H. Lard, easy; western prime, 1? 85, nominal; re fined, easy; continent. 19. to; Bouth America, 19.71; compound, 17.00 87H- Pork, steady; family. tl8.50"g 19.00; short clear, 16.5f"0'lti.i5; mess, tl7.fltiali.ei. LEATHER Steady: acid, 2n274c. It ICE Steady; domestic, fair to extra, i. BCTTER Kasv; street pr!ce, extrn cream ery, 20i204; offlclRl prices, creamery, com mon to extra. 14ft20c; renovsted, common to extra, K'ailVtc; western factory, common to firsts. 12-7T15C. CHfiKbe, fitronger; new state, full lsrge best. 10Hc; fair to good. 9V,10c; small best, lOHc; fair to good. HVttflOo: Inferior. 74 8c; old state full cream, large and small, colored and white, fancy, la'flUHc; good to prime. 12W2HO. Etas Firm; state. Pennsylvania and nearby fsncy selected while. 22c; state, choice. 20?f21e: state, mixed, extra. 19H.fJ 2oe; western firsts, 17c; seconds, 18(IltlVsc; southerns, I4&lrte. POI'LTRY Alive, niesOv; western broil ers, 2M3c; fowls. lVo; turkeys, llwrjc; dressed, easy; western broilers, C22tlc; turkeys, 14c; fowls. Il(ttl24e. J nt. Loals (General Market. ST. LOt:iS. June 1 WHEAT Lower: No. 1 red, cash, elevator. 1HP94C; track, 92i995c: July. 79S ifi 79stc; Septembdr, 71-c; No. t hard. 8084Ha CtiKN Higher; No. 2 cash, nominal; track, 4IH 60c; July, 47T48c; Septem ber, 4Hc. OATS Steady; No. t cash. 14c; track, 14 r; July, 14c; September, tl'Ac; No. I white. 88c. --. FIOI'R Stesdy; red winter patents. 11.40 iTH.&f.; extra fancy ana straignt, us.i&ui.Jft; clear, 82.7V!rS.flO. SEEDS-Tlmothy, $2.50i?je 90. CORNMKAI-Steady; $2.60. BRAN Steady; sacked, east track, 9fV6"92c. HA Y Firm; timothy. 12.50gl.N: prnlrle. Ill.wifilS.Ofi. IRON COTTON TIES-11.00. BAOGINO eH. HEMP TWINE 7V4c. PROVISIONS Pork, lower; lobblnef, 118.00. lArd, lower; prime steam, $8.85. Dry salt meats, steady; boxed extra shorts, 19.50; clear ribs. 19.75: short clears. 19 87. Bncon. steady; boxed extra shorts, $10.25; clear ribs. 10.V; short clears, 11".62H. POl'LTRY Firm: chickens, 10c; Sprlnr. 2026c; turkeys, 10c; ducks, 9ttc; geese, 6 6c. BUTTER Firm; creamery, 18 21c; dairy. lR17c. EGGS Steady, 13c, esse count. Receipts, sntpments Flour, bbls. Wheat, bu. Corn. bu. .. 7.ivo 4.0"0 47,CH JU.fiOO 107,000 to.Oim 74.0HO 3,000 , uats, du Minneapolis Groin Market. MINNEAPOLIS. June l-FLOCR-Flrst patents, H.2;Vo'l 3E; second patents, $4 lixjf .n; flist clears, $3.nj.i.t; second clears, $J.4.Vg2.65. B HAN In bulk, $18. 2515 60. (ouperior Board of Trade (.'.'.otntlone for Minneapolis and Chicago delivery.) The ranga uf prices, as furnished by F. D. Day at Co., 110-1U Board of Trade building, was: Articles. Open. Hlgh.j Low. Close. Tes'y. Wheat July... Bept... Dec... Flax July... Kept... Oct...( Minneapolis Cash Close Wheat: No. 1 hard, KiV0-'4c; No. 1 northern, 8H)lc; No. 1 northern 78Uu80e; No. 1 durum 7l",c. Corn: No. 1 yeilow 455440. Wheat: No. t. lV- Oats: 11 So. Barley: 41j4!c. ttye; 50uolHe- Flax: 11.11. Kaasas City Grata aad ProTlatoBS. KANSAS CITY, June l.-WHEAT-July. 737c; September, 724i,c; cash. No. 2 hard, 7hlc; No. 8, 76a79e: No. 4, SS'rfTeVic; No. I red, 8olc; No. 1, o!c: No. 4, ,4(4c. CORN July, 4tc; September, 4ti-,c; cash, No. 2 mixed. 46vu4Hc; No. 1, 4604tc; No. 2 white, 4fVo No. I, 48c. OATS No. white. 16( io. HAY Steady: choice timothy, $11,009 1$ .60; choice prairie. RYE Steady; 14rBo6c. EOQS Ijower; Missouri and Kansas, new. No. 1, whits wood cases Included. 14c; case count, lie; cases returned, c less. BUTT Creamery, ltc; packing, 12c. Receipts. Shipments. Wheat, bu 4 ooO 42.0HO Corn, bu 16.000 M.OHO Oats, bu . 6,000 12,0u0 Mllwaakee Grsls Market. MILWAUKEE. June 1. FLOUR Lower; wheat, higher; No. 1 northern. satfS6c; No. 1 northern.' SligWc ; July. toc, asked. RIB-Steady; No. 1, 6g6VjC. BARLEY Firm ; No. 2. IVuMc; sample. VuMc. tortrn 14c nigner; No. 1 casn, V3b0c; July. 4Hc. asked. Dalath (Jrala Market. DULUTH. June 1. WHEAT To arrive and on track. No. 1 northern, f'tc; No. I northern, atHc; July, 8i'c; September, SoHc. iiatb to arrive ana on track, itc; juiy, 13 V o. IlYE-$7c. HARLEY-rjjMc. Philadelphia Prstare Market. PHILADELPHIA. Pa. June I. BUT TER Steady; extra western creamery, 10 UttJlc. extra nearby prints. 22c. EGGS Steady; nearby fresh and west ern fresh, 17 c at mark. CHtk-riE -Firm; New York full cream 1, 19 SeOU He. Liverpool Cirala sat ProvlsloBs. LIVERPOOL. June 1. WHEAT Spot, nominal; futures quiet; July, 6s td; Bep temb .-. in December, ts t4d. CORN Spot, firm; American mixed new, 4s 7d; American mixed old 4s 9d: futures quiet; July. 4s Md. September, 4s 4d. m Peoria Market. PEORIA. 111., June l.-CORN-Sirong and active; No. 8 yellow, 48c; No. 1, 4Vc; Mo. 4, 47o: no grade, 41tl'45c. OATS Finn: No 3 white. S',c; No. $ white. tMLnS4c; No'. 4 white. SStfiUSc. WHlSKT-fl.a. t oaTeo Market. NEW YORK, June 1 COFFEE Market for coffee futures upened stesdy at un changed prices to a decline of t points in Keepuut witu l lie cables. Trading wss very quiet exocpt for one or two fair sised lots, which changed hands at the opening prices, and the market no wed no oilier Irature. Ths close waa steady and net unifiaiuted to $ points lower. Sales were repunsd of SO.OUU bags. Including July St tOfr.-; Sei4eiTiU-r. tlSt'; October, t lftc; November, tfcS-; December, .( t.ic; January, t kic. Bool market, sls&dv, m. f IV.O. lO01'., I'-fcC IIH'X t 804;8mgii 83 7K 78' 7V 80 0H 7 j 7ie, 1 144 1 1 UH 1 l"t 12 1 14 llil 1 UVl 1 14V i UV. 1 1 I 111 I 1 1)! 1 ih I NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Market Hardlj Mora That Sominal aad Tolama of Dealinct ii SmalL HEAVY BUYING IN COLORADO FUEL Riant that Moraraa Jk t'o. Are TrylBs; to Beeare Coatrol of It far Steel Treat Seada Price l. NEW YORK, June 1. The nisrket for slocks todsy was hardly more than nom inal, the volume of the trading falling to the year's low record. The movement of prices felled of significance. The drift was exceedingly narrow. During the first half of the day the balance rather inclined toward the side of depression and In the latter half there was some recovery. More and more Indifference was shown to the movements of special stocks, those picked for professional operations being easily rec ognised as fsvorite mediums for market operations by conspicuous speculative leaders. The prominent increases today were Louisville St Nsshville and Colorado Fuel. The motive for the buying in the first case was the unauihentlcated rumors of an Intended Increase in the dividend rate at an early period. In the other stock the buying Was alleged to be for account of J. P. Morgan ic Co. and the purpose to be the securing of control of the property for the transfer to the United States Steel corporation. These sssertlons have figured In many previous movements of the stocks named and nothing occurred today to glva added credit to them. The latter Improve ment In the market followed the publica tion of the preliminary estimates of the week's currency movement. The eubtreaa ury figures are official and show an excess of 6,ao7,0(iO of disbursements over receipts. This does not Include the $1, 600,000 to be deposited with the National City bank against gold to be Imported, which was announced yesterday and which will figure for one day in the bank statement sver sges. It does Include, however, the trans fers by San Francisco, with the exception of the amount transferred today, which amounted to $9i,)m. The express move ment with the Interior hss been In favor of New York to the amount variously es timated at from looo.ow to $2,ooo,0no. The banks appear to have gained for the week, therefore, to the extent of between tS.OiiO.oOO and 110.0ii0.000. The loan Item Is subject to unusually heavy operations and no one attempts to forecast the net effect on the week's averages, but a considerable expansion of loans Is generally expected. T he heaviness of the wheat market today was in response to fsvorable weather con ditions reported both from the northwest and the southwest and the state of the cot ton crop was also Indicated aa being fa vorable. The abrogation of the privilege of receiv ing government deposita on notice of an intention to Import gold lowers the price at which exchange must be bought against the gold engagements In order to yield a profit on the operation. The price of ex change today showed no tendency to ad just itself toward uncovering the new margin of profit and consequently there was no further gold movement talked of. Rates are still near the profitable level of imports, however, sn easier tone of Ixindon discounts having marked the turn of the month. The resumption of the coal roads inquiry by the Interstate Commerce commission had some repressive effect on speculation. The late recovery was not fully held snd the market closed Irregular and extremely dull. Bonds were Irregulsr; total esles, par value. $1,945.0n0. United States bonds were unchanged on call. The following was the range of prices on the New York Stock exehenge: asm. Hiih. u. ris. ASamt CxprMs Amalgamated Copper Ameriras C. aV F Amarlraa C. aV F. pf8 Amarlran Cotton Oil Am. Cotton Oil pt4 American Kxpraas American H. 4V L. pfa...... American Ice. sacurltlea.... American Linseed till Am. Unnt Oil pfd American Locomotive Am. LocemotlTa pfd American s. 4V R American 8. A Ft. pfd Am. Sugar Rennlns. ax-dtv. Am. Tobacco pfd. otfa Anaconda Mining Co........ Atchlaoa Atchlaon pfd Atlantic Cnaat Lta Baltimore At Ohio Baltimore ft Ohio pfd Dronklra Rapid Tranalt Canadian Pacific Central ef New Jersey Chesapeake aV Ohio Chicago Alton Chicago A Alton pfd Chicago Great Western Chicago A Northwestern.... Chicago. M. A St. P Chlcaso T. A T Chicago T. A T. pfd C, C. C. A St. Louli Colorado Fuel A Iron Colorado A Southern Colorado A So. lot pfd Colorado A 80. Id pfd Consolidated laa Corn fVortucta, rfg Corn Froduelo pfd Delaware A Hudtoa Delaware, L. A W Denver A Kio Grande Denver A Rio Grande pfd.. Distillers' Securities Erie Kris 1st pfd Kris td pfd Pennsylvania Hocking Valley Illinois Central International Paper International Paper pfd International Pump International Pump pfd Iowa Central Iowa Central pfd Keneaa CUy Southern Kanaaa City 80. pfd Louisville A Nashville Manhattan L Metropolitan Street Rr Mexioan Central Minneapolis A St. Louie.... It . St. P. S. S. M M . St. P. A g. S. M. pfd.. Mtwotirl Pacific Missouri, Kanaaa A Texaa.. M , K. AT. pld National Lead National R. R. of M. pfd.. New York Central New York. O. Ik W Norfolk A Western Norfolk A W. pfd North Americas Pacific Mall Oeneral Sleet lie People's Oaa P., C. C. A St. Louis Preaeed Steel Car Pressed Steel Car pfd Pullman Palace Car Reading Reading lot pfd Reading Id pld Republic Steel Repubile Steel pfd Ruck Island Co Rock Island Co. pfd St. L. A 8. F. id pfd 8t. Louis Soulhweoira St. Louis S W. pfd Southern Pact Be So. Paciao pfd Southern Railway to. Railway pfd Ten a sea. s Coal aV Iron 140 107 '4 l H lot 11 H w 117 II 41" 14 M44 n 114 I. M HIUj IX', lt)'4 ai 10t'4 1474. 1071,4 4 II 140 1M SS 8 144 tot i;o 11 li : 14 i 41 4744 u 74 ll!4 S40 44 41 II 44 II 71)14 i;i II. 1 ISO i 44 ts 87 7 11 le I24( 14i HI 111 u 70 IS 17J 4 14 4 74 14 111 1.000 1U0 100 too 700 100 100 too 110 1 MS Slit 14 ISO iH S 14 I7H 11 14 11.000 1S41 14444 8. S00 i"0 lot 00 tlt4 tl4 1441 'ii" 14 164 'iiii 700 74 S ft 400 1.M0 t4 m it 1JW 41 41 II 1 lo 744 II 138 44 SI 7 217 14J I M II 101 M 4 4 ' SI 44 im 4s M 1.S4 m lo 4 lin 44 Ii si 41 100 S71 7Uj 81.000 ISJ14 111 lou tv l.0 too II 11 M I4H I3V II B1V4 'H iiiii 1 ..... 101 is4 44 40.1 iioti t 40S 1144 100 IOJ14 1,100 I44 100 10 4" s 8,100 too 8. too 111 8.400 400 HO 110 21. 40 100 "jf'O u 'i'o 1.7 4H Ul H4 144 H 11 44 i6'! 14 i 'ii" 11 , ii" tf.44 lllt ISV4 1144 144 It lo4 44 V 14 44 '" SI "it'iii 104 Telaa A Pacllc Toledo, St. L. e W T . St. L. A W. pfd I'aioa Pacific t'nlon PaclAe pfd I nlted Itaiea Eiprees Inlted Stotee Realty t'nlted Sietee Rubber! t. B. Rubber pld t'nlted Stalee Steel I' S. Steel pfd Va. -Carolina Chemical Va. -Caroline Cheat, pfd.... Wabash Wabash pfd Welie-Fargo El press , Weetlngbousa Electric Western l uloa Wheeling a Lake Brio Wtscoaeln Central W'iscnnela Central pfd , Northern PactBc (antral Leather ('(.niral Leatner pfd Sioee-heBeld Steel 104 4.. ion 4T. 107 11 4 210 144 ! 14 244. 80 liu 41 104 74 IS too 4u0 11 11 4414 1U0 I lo 4414 111 41 l.4 u 4114 Great Northern pfd l.4e ivrt, jo.,. Total aalea lor lbs day. share Nevr York MIbIbat Storks. NEW YORK. June 1. Closing quotations on mining siocas were. A da mo t on Utile thief . 1 lli AM . a . 11 .lui . :4 . W rw Alice .34 .. m .. SO .. It ..1)1 . K ..Si4 .. I Ontario ophir Pteesls Potoal Sataga Sierra Nevada Small Hopea Standard Bn biunenck Cea . ComeUM-k Tnnoal Coa. Cel. A Vs... Horn Silver Iron Silver Leednllo Cos.... Offrred. Bread stasia la Liverpool. LIVERPOOL. June 1. Following are the stocks of breads tu Its and provisions In Liv erpool: Flour, 43.tiio SMcka; wheat. 1,137 ur! centals; com. 673 ') rentals; bacon. It.) boxes; hams, l.0 boxes; shoulders. ! boxes; butter, !. iw ts ; cheese, 12 7') bo xes; lard, 2. l'Sj tierces of prime western steamed and tons of other kinds. Tresssry Blaleasea4. WASHINGTON. June 1 Today's state ment of the treasury bslances In th gen era! fund, escluelv of the ll,'.i,ieju gold ti'itj ii" ifii 1,800 41V. 41Uj " ioi 'iiii ii "'in 'it! 'iiii no :h 41 iiioi 'ii" tiii '4.' ioo iiiii iisvh 'i.'iiio iw" loo Km i(is is. 7no irr i4 l.ond ae, . 114 lei 1!4 li4 1.100 14K14 147 &0O' 104 ln7 100 1414 4St 8.404 IH 1.20 140i IMS '"m 'iiii 'iiii "'400 'ii" 'iiii ii.ioo iiiii iiiii " ioi 'ii" ii" 24.SOO 8S 14 TOO H t't ino 44 tOO 41 44 1.500 1S U14 1.100 tt IHt 00 1014 to 400 1124a llit 100 (41 Ht 1,400 44 44 " ioo 'iiii ii" 8.700 4bH 4IV 1,100 Tilt IS 400 71 7044 reserve, shows: Available rash bslame. tim.o.7: gold coin snd bullion, $7t,84,27; gold certificates, $41. Tjas.nao. Sew York. Meaty Market. NBW YORK. June l.-MONKT-On call, strong, at 54iS per cent; lowest bid. fig per cent: ruling rate. 4 per cent; closing old and ofTered. 6 per cent, time loans, dull and easier: sixty dsys. 4t4'4j per cent; ninety days. 41fv4, per cent; six months. 4'78 per cent. PRIM E MERCANTILE rAPBR-oeJtjH per cent. BTKRI.1NU EXCHANGE Steady at 14 SojrwH 8626 for demand and at 14 t&tVA 41J10 for sixty-day bills: posted rstes, 14 sH ann 4 ,, (omtnerclul bills, 84.8144. BILvr.R Bar, 7c; Mexican dollsrs. Sic. BONDS Government, steady; railroad, Irregular. Quotations on New Tork bonds today were as follows: V. S. ret. 2s. rg .. It 'Japan la. 2d aeries... ft do coupon lot do 4e ctfe V. S. Is. ret 01 do 4s etfs v, to coupon do 2d aerlee 44 f. 8. old 4, reg.,...l02S I.. g N. unl. 4a lug da csspos IW Man. r. g 4a loo V. 8. s. 4a. reg lit Mei. Central 4a 74 de coupon Ut', do 1st inr Am. Tobaccv 4s 71 ;Mlnn. A St. L. 4s ... 41 do .114 "M.. K. A T. 4s.. ..100 .1011 do 21 44 . 4 N. R. R. of M c. 4s. 14 ion N. V. C. g. Ia e .lo.t N. J 1. . is 127 . J , So. PaclBc 4a 104 Atchison gen. 4s. do ad, 4s Atlantic c. L. 4a Hal. a Ohio 4a... do ls Brk R. T. c. 4s 71 du Is 74 central of Oa. 4s Ill N. A W. r. do 1st Inc. S4 !0. S. L. rfdg. 4a... 4 eS,Penn. conv. Ia 17 do 2d Lnc , do Id lnc Chee. ft Ohio 4a.. Chicago A A. Is. , C, B. A Q. n. 4a.. C. R. I. A P. 4a. . S Heading gen. 4s l' .10 St L. A 1. M. r. Ss. llt . 71 St. L. A S. P. fg. 4a. 4i .100 "St. I. S. W. c. 4e. . 74 . 7'Seshoard A. L. 41 ... t,' .. aisioSo. Partac 4s t do col. ta.. err. aV St. L. g 4a . lot I do let 4e rtfa t4 Colo. Ind. ta. nr. A, if Se Railway la Ill do aerlee B 7l,,Taa A P. la 120 Colorado Mid. 4a 74T., Rt, L. A w-. 4t.., go Colo. A So. 4a 3il'nloo Pariflc 4a 104 Cuba Sa ins t'. S. Steel id Sa SI D. A R. O. 4a ioo WibMh is 114 Mill Hers' Sao. Is... M I do deb. B so Erie p. I. 4a 10iWeirtera Md. 4s 44 do gas. 4a MW. aV L. E. 4a II Hocking Val. 4s....loo.iWls. Central 4a M Japan 4a "Ex-Interest. Boston Blocks Bad Boats. BOSTON. June 1 Call loans, 4HtfH per cent; time loans. 4ititHT per cent. Official closing on stocks and bonds: Atchlaoa adj. 4a 14 Adventure ,.. 4 .. il ..107 .. .. II .. II ..140 .. 22 .. 74 .. 14 .. IS .. II .. II .. .. It .. 44 .. 4 .. 41 ..IM .. 21 .. II 4 ..101 .. .. II .. SI .. 11 .. 41 .. 7 .. 7 ..188 do 4s 101 lAlloues , Mei. Central 4a 77 Amalgamated ... Atchlaon American tins ., dc pfd 101 Atlantic Bo.loo A Albany.. ISO jBingham , Boston A Maine 17 leal. AY Hecla..., Boston Elevated let Centennial ritchburg pfd lit 'Copper Rang ... meiican central II naly west N. V.. N. H. A H...I4 Franklin I'nloo Paclac Ill's Ursnbv , Amor. Args. Cheiri.... 28 Iele Roysle as pre It Mese. Mining ., Amer. Pnes. Tube Zlu. Mlchlsss Amer. Soger i:ir. Mohawk , do ptd 13S Mont. c. C.. Amer. T. A T UI Old Dominion Amer. Woolen .... 17 lOsceola do pfd Dominion I. A 8. .lot Parrot l Qulnry K.ttson Flee. lllu. .144 . 10 . 44 shannon Tamarack Trinity Ussa. Electric Ho pfd Mass. Use t'nlted Shoe Marh.. do pfd North Bntle U. S. Steel do prd Weatlng. common . ttid. Asked. SI t'nlted Copper .. so iv. s. Mining.. .. oltt. S. Oil .. 42 jl'tah .. 40 Victoria ..IGA Winona .. Tl 'Wolrerln Lost Closlna; Storks. LONDON, June 1. Closing quotations on the Stock exchange were: Ex-dlvldend. Conaola, money ... do account Anacnnda Atchison do pfd Baltrrnnra A Ohio. Canadian Pacific . Chee. A Ohio (blrago Ot. W .... C. M. A St. P.... lKBeara lenver A R. O.... do pfd Erie do let pfd do Id pfd Illinois Central ... . IN. T. Central.. . s Norfolk A W.. . II do pfd ..141 .. to .. H .. SI .. W .. .. 71 II Ontario e W... .107 IPennevlvanla .111 Rand Mlnea .. .144 Reading . to do 1st pfd 4 . 14 do Id pfd 44 .174 Southern Hallway ... 4 . 17 do pfd 101 . 4 Jouthern Pacific. .... 44 . o Cnlon Pacific 1S4 . 47 do pfd . 81 L 8. Hteel 41 .74 do jfd 104 .Itt Wabash 1144 . ISJv' do ofd SOW Louisville A Nash.. M , K. A T 81L.VER Bar, steady. 31Hd per ounce. MONEY 3 per cent. The rate ui uiecoum la the open market for short bills Is 3H per cent; for throe months' bills Is 3'A per cent Foreign Financial. LONDON, June 1 Supplies of money were more plentiful' today, owing to the month-end requirements being satisfied by the distribution of 15.0"0,C) In dividends. Discounts were easy with bills scarcer In anticipation of cheaper money. On the Stock exchange the sttendance waa poor and the business transacted wss of a holi day character. The prospects of easier money favorably affected gilt-edged se curities, while the strength of Paris kept foreigners firm. Home rails occasionally were harder. Copper shares Improved, but Kaffirs were stagnant. Americans opened dull and Improved to a fraction over parity, but on the receipt of New York advices the market ssgged. Prices close'd easy, except Lioulsvllle A Nashville, which hardened during the last half hour and closed at 68V Japanese Imeperlal ts of 14 were quoted at 102. PARIS, June 1. Trading on the Rourse today was Inactive. Spanish securities had a downward tendency, owing to an un confirmed report that King Alfonso was wounded by the bomb thrown st the royal coach In Madrid yesterday. Russian Im perial 4s were Juoted at 82 and Russian bonds of isot at 491. . The private rate of discount was 2 per cent. Public Debt Statement. WASHINGTON. June l.-The monthly statement of the public debt shows that at the close of business May 11, 1D06, ths lotpl debt, less cash In ths treasury, amounted to tKh1.9M,ti82, a decrease for the month of $2,468,565. Dank Clearings. OMAHA, June 1. Bank clearings for to day were $1,888,761.09 and for the cor respond date last year $1,744,661.(4. Wool Market. BOSTON. June 1. WOOL The Boston Commercial Mulletln will say tomorrow t the wool market. The market Is rather dull and but little Interest Is being shown by manufacturers. The 1'alrly well sun- pnea condition or most mills renders mem temporarily lndiveudent of further pur chasing. Despite the lack of Activity, trices are being consistently maintained, lealers are ready to purchase the lint clip In Its entirety when prices are re duced to a level at which It can be han dled profitably. At Pendleton, Ore., about 450.000 rounds were taken bv eastern buyers, at prices equal to about 70&7l!c clean landed. At Heppner, f 60,000 pound 4 were bought on a almilar basis. Shi k have been recently made In Casper, Wyo., at $24i14c. It has been reported tnst the long clipped Montana, amounting to about 1,000,000 pounds, was purchased bv a Boston Arm at around 24c. Local buy ers are faying 29c to 10c In Michigan and a cent more In price. Iate advices rrum abroad state European manufactur ers feel that the market haa now reached Its summit and that It Is consequently time to go slowly. Fine It very stesdy, st 72 4? 73c, and fine medium holds at 87 o 70c. Half-blood Is worth the latter fte tire, three-eighths, tlftfoc, and quarter blood. 80 2c. Fleeces are dull and nt limited supply. Texas and California wools are without activity at unrhana-e.t prices. The shipments of woo) from Bos ton to date from December J7, 110S, ac cording to the same authority, are S7.721. SM pounds, against 104.884,89$ pounds st the same time last year. The rVcelpts to date are 102.842.170 pounds, agal-iat 127,5M.A87 pounds for the same perTod Isst year. ST. LOV18, Mo.. June 1. WOOL Steady; medium grades. combing and clothing. 4tl28Vtc; light fine. 2143 23c; heavy fine, lit) 18c; tub wsslid. 13$ 19c. 4'otlaa Market. NBW TORK, June 1. "OTTOS" Spot closed 20 points lower; middling uplands, 11.26c; middling gulf, 1 1.6oc; sales, 1,183 balev NEW ORLEANS. June 1. COTTON fpot closed easy; sales. 3,i76 bala: irr ordlnary, 7Vc nominal; ordinary, t'c, nominal: good ordinary. 9 8-1 tit: lo niM iti'.ng. I04tc: middling 11c; good middling 111". middling fair. Iliif, nominal; ta.r. 12 4c; receipts. 1.82$ be lea; stock. 165,9 Ii ble LIVERPOOL. June 1 COTTON r!p. I In fair demand: 'prices five points lower; American middling fair, t.4sd; good mid dling. .241; mlddlinar. t.02d: Inw m'-'-dllng, 6 4d; ..d ordinary. ordi nary. t.46il. The sslea of the d v w re 10. Out) bales, of which 2. Out) were for speculation and export and Included 9.6"0 bales American. Reielpia were 2.000 bales. Including 1.300 Aniericsn. ST. LOr'". Mo., tune I. t'OTTOV Steady; middling. IIS,-: sales. ; bsl-s; receipts, none; shipments, none; stock, 31 17 bales. Oils sat RosIb. OIL CITY. PS . June 1. OIL Credit balances. $1(4; shipments, 76 117 bbls.; average, 61.1 1 1 bhla ; runs. 1i0.t7t bbls.; average. 41.141 bbls; shipments. Lima. t'Ctil bbls : average. 4)1.4i J bids.; runs, Lima, 4l.41t bbls; average l.sQ4 bbls. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Csttlt Trad Mort ActiYt, with Price$ rally Stu. HOGS CONTINUE ON THE DOWN GRADE NotklseT, Sees or lasportBBt la Sfcees Trade, Pteeelpte Still Itelaar ' Light, Wklle rrlees Renaala ftteady. SOCTH OMAHA, June 1, !. 1 Recelnts w-eis: noi, oneep Official Monday Official Tuesdar Official Wednesday.. Official Thursday ... Official Friday Five days this week.... 18.885 came nays last week... Same days week before. name three weeks sgo, Same four weeks ago., Same days last year... RECEIPTS FOR THE The following table ahows the receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha for the year to date, compared with last year: f. ina '' 407.117 153.4K Hogs 1.1M.814 1,011.962 1I2.8S2 Bheep 722.01 tTH.Ct ,181 CATTLK QUOTATIONS. The following will show the prices paid for the different kinds of cattle on ths South Omaha market: Good to choice cornfed steers $4 7t-fJ M in cnoice cornird steers tv'trs-i Common 1 1, rair i rti i no Good to choice cows and heifers.'! 4A"u4 i r iow cows and heifers iwiim Common to fair cows and heifers.. $.Hjl. Good to choice Blockers at feeders. t.OTxiH . Fair to good stockers and feeders. $ A"if4.e0 Common to fair stockers $ OPTI MO Bulls, stags, etc 2.70e4. Veal calves l tvtjR The following table shows the average price ot hogs at South Omaha for the last several days, with comparisons: Date. "$. Il905.il04.l8oa. ;itK42. U0l.MC0. May 21.. May 23.. May 23.. May 24.. 2641 23 I 19 2241 t 3il 261 ,! t 51 t 89 I 32V4J I t 29 b 2b $17, t lie t 19 6 171 l i 17 "I 6 09, t 41 a t 17 7 071 19 7 Oil 1 7 08 I 7 08 t 04'. ! $ 68 $4 1 82 6 $7 $ 82 e t 00 $08 i 01 6 04 6 t 100 t 16 May 26.. 4 34 t 191 May 2t.. t 93, i, $ 72 6 7ll $1. t K! May 27. 4 4 t 80 $ 63 t 2 May 28. t 491 7 02 7 10 7 10 7 12 t $6 t 90 May May 30.. May 11.. e 4 53 6 $9 t 86 4 601 6 i t S3 t 0 4 June 1.. 4 61 $ 93 Sunday. The official number of cars of stock brought In today by each road was: Cattla. Hum Sheen. v-.. ni. at Bi. I . ny Cattle .. 2.174 8.438 i. .. 7.11!) li.oSl 2,aA .. l.OiVu l.teuj .. 4.21 4 14. M Ml? .. 1.204 18.441 6o.S:J 13.780 .10.318 .'16? 12,4tt ,1(1,740 M.7T& 1.1,401 . 38.M8 11,I .19.011 4!.t 27.W2 .25.174 47.913 17.116 TEAR TO DATE. 9 I $ t 1 IS 44 $ 1 It 70 t 23 18 t 22 18 4 t 1 f 48 239 10 v anasn Mo. P. Ry V. P. system C. & N. W. Ry. (east) .. C. & N. W. Ry. (westl.. C, St. P., M. A O. Ry.. v. ft V- (east) C. B. A CI. (west) C. R. 1. & P. Ry. (east). C R. I. A P. Ry. (west). Illinois Central Chicago Great Western.. Total receipts The disposition of the dsy's receipts as follows, each buyer purchasing the num ner 01 neaa inaicatea Omaha Packing Co. . Swift and Company . Cudahy Packing Co. . Armcur A Co Cudahy Pkg Co., K. Lnbman A Co Hill 4 Son J. B. Root ft Co S. ft. 8 Other buyers Cattle. Hogs. Sheen. ... 72 2.491 2,864 ... $42 4.444 59 ... 1"2 4.49$ 442 ... 217 $.012 U C 47 ... 11 e. ... 16 ... 22 ... 26 ... 64 142 Totals 1.193 16.440 2,824 CATTLE Receipts cf cattle were light as usual on a Friday, only fifty cars being reported In. For the week to date the re ceipts have been lighter than last week by close to 1,000 head, as will be noted from the table at head of column. There has been a still larger falling oft In receipts as compared with a year ago. With so few cattle In sight the trade seemed more active this morning and the offerings for the most part were cleaned up In good season. As to prices there was no great change, salesmen as a rule re porting their sales as steady with yester day, although In spots the market was possibly a little stronger. The supply of cows and heifers was very small and dry-lot stuff waa In request st steady prices. On the other hand anything showing grass was slow ssle and lower. The fact Is that packers, especially at the southern markets, ere beginning to get quite a good many grass Tsxans. which are selling low and naturally come in to direct competition with cheap cow beef. The result Is that grass cows and .heifers are lower and there Is every reason for believing that they will go still lower. Stockers and feeders were very scarce and there la nothing to be said regarding thin branch of the trade, this being the dull season for that kind ot cattle. Representative sales: iit.l1.11 eia.ji.nB, No. 4 ... I. ... 10.... 14.... I.... t.... II. ... 1... St.... 10 ... At. rr. No. ,..1041 ...1010 ... 441 ...1000 ... 450 ... 441 ...1071 ...1140 ... 410 ... 40 ...HIT ...1040 ...lot .8 ...1034 ...1011 ...1077 ...11M ...1141 ...llil ... 7 ...1010 ... Ml ... ...1044 ... 1st ... 440 ... too ... 143 ...10S7 ... 444 ... 170 ... 44 ...1044 ... 730 ...1014 ... 430 ...10t4 ... 801 . . Su ... 41 ... 0 ... 411 ... 447 ... 8M ...1IK1 ... 440 ...1100 ...1010 ...14JS ...100 ... 4e0 ...Unl ...IMS ... 14 ... 1st ... 170 ... 140 ... 161 4M 4 14 11U 1111 1143 Ull 1144 1141 1141 1141 1110 IIII lit 141 1141 1i:i 1331 1131 1411 1114 Ill 42 1040 Ill II 1041 1110 Ull 1140 1110 440 IIM IOC 1171 404 1074 1144 1044 4 40 4 44 4 44 I II 4 40 4 40 4 M 4 IS I 4 4 4 40 4 44 1 " 4 44 4 44 4 44 8 00 t M I OS 1 8 !t 10 78 IS I 48 1 M I 10 4 0 4 00 4 00 4 04 4 08 4 I 4 II 4 14 4 W I II u 4 44 4 I 4 I 4 SO 4 4 4 4 4 40 ts 4 44 4 44 4 74 14 II II II 4 4 It 1 I::::: 8 I 1 1 1 1 4 8 1 I 8 1 3 4 3 4 1 1 1 4 IS 1 1 1 1 1 I I I I II 11 I 1 I II It.... SI.... II.... 10.... 14.... 14 , . 4 71 COWS. i it 1 4 1 00 i 00 1 00 1 M I N 1 0 I II 1 M I H i 10 I 41 I SO 10 40 ti!'.!'. 14!.'.'.' 11!!!! HEIFERS. 1 0 S. ... II ... 114 ... IM ...104 ... 444 ... I ...1S4 ...14H0 ...1461 ...1244 ...KM ...14,4 ...1440 ...1440 ... ISO ... 140 ... 140 ... 141 8 80 f 4 1 - 4 11 4 It 4 40 I 0 I 00 I 1 3.... 1 4 ... I.... 1... 3 IS 1 41 BULLS. t 41 8 88 8 71 3 Tl I II I 44 1 44 I 4 8 44 4 0 4 1 t It t It 4 It to 8 40 1 0 1 10 1 1 I 14 1 46 I 40 3 44 1. CALVES. 4 W 1 4 14 1 5 00 1 to I t 00 STAGS. .1740 i4 IS STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. t 10 I u 4. .441 4 08 414 4 1 iso 4 II 140 4 10 . 44 414 70 1 1 1 I 40 74 .1070 4 0 14... .1041 4 14 HOGS-Recelpta of hogs were very large for a Friday, being In excess of a week by ino cars and more than double the receipts of two weeks ago. In addition to the fresh receipts there were twenty cars carried ovnr from yesterday. Owing to the lsrge receipts locally, to the feet that price are high and to the further fact that there was a general weak ; feeling at all points, the market here ; opened slow and lower. The decline was ' generally 2&6c aa compared with yester- dav, hogs selling at tn.27t. largely with a good sprinkling at 3d. to. It will be remem : be red that yesterday half of all the hogs : sold at 15.3?. with the remainder about I equally divided between t V and $8 16. j After the more urgent orders were filled I the trade became less aotlve, while the j packers who still remained on the market naa a neiter opportunity to oear prices, ths late market not being as good as Ihe early. Ms. 44... 77.... a. Pr. Ne A'. St. Pr. ... I 71 lot 4 t 17 ... I B M 1.1 II t 17 ... t 18 114 ... I H it U n 114 ... 4 r ... t Bi 74 Sue 4 I 17 44 t rr 41 us ... t H 6 t II 4 Ill ... t 17 4 t 11 !4 Ill ... 11? H I' M 147 S t 17 14 17 76 Ill 4 4 4 ... t H 14 lea SI IU a ir 71 in v. so 4 r ti 11 ... 1 4 ... r i mi t t 4 a rr s HI te I m t r ti ut 4 t ts 1 at... ,14 Ml .14 .tr .14.1 HI , .14 XM 1 .1.1 , .14 .116 .14 144 I 47... lu. . 71... ' 41... 74... I M... si... 77... t .. II).. 41... 77... II... ..171 . 13 S . IM . jat ..lil . .SI . t ..131 ..ill ..HI .10 . m . . 114 . t 14 t 17 SO 14 ... IS ... I 17 71 HI ... I 40 t rt ii ta ... 40 It r IU IM IT" ... I 71 4 14 4 t 1" 4 4 H 41 141 SO 4 40 44 4 17 41 Ml 10 4 H 8 17 T 174 I to 110 t 17 114 Ill 140 I I IN 4 7 41 114 I 10 ten 8 17 141 mil 4 r 41 144 ... IS M 17 M ...Ml 14 10 ... t r 17 140 ... t 4 8 17 71 147 4 I ... I 17 44 XS 140 4 K ... t7 44 M4 ... II" 11 17 147 44 4 1" lie 8 17 4 144 ... in ... 117 44 M ... tl ... 8 17 40 171 ... t 10 1 rr 41 hi ... 4 I S I 17 4 141 90 I IS 17 t 17 47 117 4 t SO 11 8 87 44 144 ... 4 10 0 17 IM 80 4 I 10 I IT IS 10 ... t SO 140 4 17 76 114 ... t 1 140 t 17 74 141 ... in Is 17 17 14S ... It too t 17 44 110 ... 10 li t tl le ;ss ) I n ... t 17 47 91 40 1 4 17 44 HI 40 4 IS I 17 40 114 40 I M 40 t 17 44 f44 40 t I t 17 sa tc IK I H M t r 71 XM ... t ... t 17 M 140 It t I ... t 17 ! 3f. ... I le ... t 17 41 .174 ... 4 lil ... t 17 H tot lltl 4 10 ... t 17 71 IIS ... 4 to ... 4 17 71 141 ... t 4 ... t 17 71 141 ... ts ... t 17 IIS 11 140 t 41 14 t 17 44 144 N IB 40 4 17 II 1? ... 4 10 110 t S7 47 tat 140 IS ... I 17 7 If 4 4 le M 17 47 Ill IK t I ... 117 tl 114 ... 4 1 4 4 17 II IMl 140 I 10 ... t 17 124 40 I I 0 4 17 44 11 14 4 to 0 t 17 41 101 14 t 10 14 t rr 71 hi it t is ... t 17 47 14 10 t S ... I 17 71 144 II I Ki 141 t 17 7 134 4 I 10 11 t 17 7 41 10 t le ... I 17 41 14 140 4 10 110 I 11 14 171 40 8 4 t 17 40 7 ... 4 II 40 I 7 M 144 40 I 17 I I 17 64 04 ... t 13 10 t 17 SO 114 ... 4 4e ... 117 -This Is the house-cleaning sea- iheepmen and every one Is shlp- 77 r t..... 41 74 T 74 4J 44 71 74 4 44 44 44 7 .... 71 4 44 1 44 74 74 74 47 1 7 17 70 71..... 74 II 44 71 71 44 TO 47 4S 41 74..... 44 44 12 71 4 4J 44... 44...., ...IM ,...ia ....441 ...11 ...tit ...114 ,...144 ...Ml ...IM ...1T ...Ml ..114 ...74 . . 11 ...III ...HI ...141 ...110 ...J41 ....14 ...171 ...141 ....111 ...111 ,...111 ...III ....121 ...1(4 ....131 ....134 ...134 ...111 ...17 ....IM ....117 ... .144 ...K4 ....171 ...Ml ....131 ...131 ,...!! ...Ill ...III ...114 ...Ml ....134 ...171 ....144 ,...13 ....14 ...lit II.... 73.... 44 ... at.... 17.... II.... SI 1.... .... 41.... 74.... 7.... 44.... 10... 6H son pin I'niB tne ciean-ups or tlieir reea lots, hence nothing very good la coming forward 10 mareei at tne present time, in fact, It Is the exception to have anything really good on sale. Common to fair stuff consti tuted the bulk of the receipts today. Ten cars were reported in this moraine. two of them direct to a packer. Of the eight oh sale nretfv arond kinds of ewes sold St $6.60 with plain kinds of ewes at $i, and from that price down for the less desirable or tall ends. Fairish kinds of lambs sold right around $8. All of the sales looked Just about steady and to call the market unchanged would be as near the truth as possible. Quotations on clipped stork: Good to choice western lanihs. $t; fair to good lambs. $8.0c&.26; cull lambs. $l.B0i 2.26; good to choice yearlings, IS 7606.00; fslr to good yearlings, $5 60Q6.7&; good to choice wethers, 15.758.U0; fair to good wethers, $6.50ili6.75; good to choice ewes, $6,604)6.76; fsl rto good ewes, $4 764J6.60; bucks, 14.264)4.7$. Rsnrsssntatlv aalea. No. 60 western ewe culls ... 220 western ewes 438 western ewes 48 western lambs $6 cull ewes 244 cull ewes 43 cull ewes 476 western ewes 10 western ewes 284 western Ismbs Av. . 90 . 98 . 98 . 73 . 81 . 8$ . 98 . 91 . 89 . 76 Pr. 4 2$ $ $0 $ 60 t no $ 78 $ 60 $ 60 t 00 t 00 $ 04 CHICAGO 1.IVE STOCK MARKET Cattle Bteady to Dall Hosts Weak SheeB Steady. CHICAGO, June l.-CATTLTC-Recelpts. 2.00U head; market for best steady, others dull; common to prime steers, $4.004rt.lO; rows, $$.0OTdH.60; heifers. $2.76i86.10; bulls, $3.26426; calves. 12.75OT.26. HOGS Receipts. 20.000 head; msrket weak; choice to prime heavy, $6.rV)(f..66; medium to good heavy. $.464?ft.60; butcher weights, 1647466; good to choice heavy mixed, $; parking, M.0Cfl.47H. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 8,000 head; market steady; sheep, $5.6t7Mi6; yearlings, $6.SJ.36; shorn lambs, $6.26H60. Neve York Live Stock He rice NEW TORK. June 1.-BE7EVES-Receipts, 1.116 head; steers slow and a shade lower; bulls steady; cows, steady to firm; common to prime steers, t4.16fl-5.3S; bulls, 13.to77-4.36; rows. 12.1Mi4.26. Liverpool and London cablet quoted live cattle rather easier; sheep, steady; refrigerator beef sell ing at 86$7c per pound. Shipments to day, 1.600 quarters of beef; tomorrow, 41,020 cattle and 7,411 quarters of beef. CALVE8 Receipts, 289 head; venls. 2Bc higher; buttermilks, nominal. Veals, $4.6a 7.00; choice and extra. r.l21ff7.25; dressed, calves, steady; city dressed reals. 747JilO,4Je per pound: country dressed. tS9r. NOGS Receipts, $.689 head; market a trifle ensler; heavy and medium hogs quoted at $6.80(97.00; mixed western. $6.30. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, t.tSO head; sheep, steady; lambs, 26c lower; yearlings. Stftc lower; sheep, $3.60J2o.60; prime yearlings, $7.00; lambs, $7.76414.60. Kansas City Mr Htoek Market. KANSAS CITY, Mo., June 1.- CATTLt! Receipts, 1,680 head. Including 190 southerns: market slow, steady: choloe export and dressed beef steers, 15 JS5 80; fair to good, $4.2$t3$.!t; western fed steers, $1.763'5.26; stockers and feeders, !3.264.t0; southern steers, 1S.J04J4.80; southern cows, 12.600 4.00; native cows, $2.6044.t0; native heifers, $3 2643 6.26; bulls. $3.004 S5; calves. $3 2643 8.25. HOGS Receipts, 8.900 head; market lie lower: top, $t.42H; bulk of sales, $6.25 471 $ 86; heavy, $6.30 ff 6.42 U, ; packers. $S 66.86; pigs and lights, $6.4006.10. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 1,74) head; market steady; native lambs, $8.00 (S 7 46; fed sheep and yearlings, $5 009 6 26; western clipped yearlings, 16 00fl 6.26; western clipped sheep, 15.00dt.00; Blockers and feeders, $1.6086.00. St. Loals Live Itoek Market. ST. LOUIS. Mo., June I CATTLE Re ceipts, 600 head, Including 100 Texans; market strong; native shipping and export steers, $4.90 $1.00- dressed beef and Butcher steers, $$. 706. 40; steers under 1,000 pounds, $$ 604 60; stockers and feeders. $1.4004.80; cows and belters, 12 00T6.15; rsnners. $1. 5092. 26; bulls, 12. 404. 00; calves. $8.0043t.$0; Tsxas and Indian steers, $$.00 4. $0; cows and heif ers. 12.0014.00. HOGS Receipts, 10,000 head; market 6 lewer; pigs and lights, 16.7606.35; pack era, 16 00r 6.35; butchers and best heavy, $ $0rTf 4$. SHEEP AND T.AMBS nerelpts. 1.800 hesd; market steady; native muttons, $1.00 ft 6 00: lambs, $5.00f $.00; culls and bucks, $3,764? 5.50; stockers, 18.76 4.00. St. Joseph Lire Stoek Market. ST. JOSEPH, Mo., June 1. CATTLR -Receipts,, 174 head; market steady; na tives, $4 60 1? 1.76; cows and heifers, $t.7$ 64.76; stockers and feeders, $$.00Q 4.1$. HOGS Receipts, 1.952 hesd; msrket iff 7Hc lower: light, it 8.36; medium and hesvv. $8 10tjt 40. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, $53 head; market steady. loos rity IIti Block Market. SIOUX CITY, June l.-(Rpeclal Tale gram.) CATTLE Receipts, 700 head; mar- We Own and Offer $100,000.00 MARION-BOCYRUS RAILWAY & LIGHT CO. First Mortgage 5 Gold Bonds Will De Sold to Net the Investor 7 Per Cent In Denominntions of $50, $100, $500 and $1,000 The INTERURRAN Is a link' In a chain of railways that connect Ihe city of C ve la nd with Columbus, Springfield. Dayton, Cincinnati snd Indianapolis. Th right-of-way Is prlrate, the Company having aecu-rd DEEDS In fee simple Principal (and Interest payable semi-annually) at the office of the CLEVELAND TRUST COMPANY. This road It bonded at $r.'.60 a mile, which Is less than any other railroad In th United States. Th termlaal points of this line are Marlon and Oallon, two of the best Inland cities In the state ot Ohio. Ths population along the line Is over 2,xd per mile, from which ths earning pewer as compared with other lints in this state will pay a divi dend of more than double th amount of the Interest on the bonds. REKKREXCJES AMKIUCAN EXCHANGE BANK. CALEDONIA, OHIO. Buettner & Company, BONDS, STOCKS AND INVESTMENT SECURITIES Free Press Culldiuc, Milwaukee, Wis ket week; beeves, $4.tW6 30; cows, bulll snd mixed 8I1IM14 8O: siocliers and feeclei a. $3b4ko; calves and yearlings. $3 iU4 lo. lUllS-Recelpts 8 .. head, tnsrset ii lnc lower; selling. ii..i; bulk. $.. Stock lo lBB4. L'lpl Western markets )rsterds: Cattle !!oic. Sheep. South Omaha l.?"4 1 S4 ! Ploux Cltv ; '.. hanssa lily l.fctl n 1,7" ft. Joseph 374 8.r. WA St Louis 6"ii m.ii l.i Chicago t.'Ml '.tn) Totals t.348 islvXI l$!Si ' OMAHA WHOLESALE MARKET. Staple aad Faery rredaee. EGGS Receipts, liberal; fresh slock, ctsa fount. MMiloc. LIVE POI LTRI-Hens, 9VlT10o; roosters. tnTc; tut keys, 16c; ducks, 11c. spring chick- no. ll'vi.Vo per lb. ' HL'TTKH Fucking stock. LU1.V; choice to fancy dairy, lov; cieumery, iiuil'c. HAY Prices quoted by Omalia Feed com pany : No. 1 upland. 110.60; medium, $; coaise, $H 00. Rye straw, $' 60. BRAN Per ton, 117 60. NEW VEGETABLES. TOMATOES Florida, per crate ot $0 lbs., let. 14.60. WAX BEANS Per box of about 56 lbs.. $2.60. STRING BEANS rer box of about $ Ins., $2 60. TIRN1PS, BEETS AND CARROTS- Per dox. bunches, 45c. LEAF LETTCCK Hotho jse, ptr dus. htsds, :0c. CVCtMBERS Hothouse, per dos.. UV. Texas, per bu. box. $1.76 ONIONS Texas, In crutvB, white, $1.76; yellow, $1.25. RAIHSHKS-Per dos. bunches. 26c. CABBAGE Callfornra. lc per lb, CELLR 1 Florida. $1 ifl pet dot. OLD VEGETAMl.ES. POTATOES Home growit, pr bu 5o fOc; South Dakota, per bu., $0 7tc; Cols tado. ber bu., $1.00. NAVY PEANrV- "'er lei . $1.$5; No. 2. $1.7. LIMA BEANS-v v lb . 6Vc. TROPIC. FBI ITS. DATE8 Per box ot 30-lb pkgs., $100; Hallowe'en, in 70-lb boxes, pet box, tc, Bayers, per lb., 4c; walnut stuffed, 1-1 b. pks.s, $ per dos.; ft-lb boxes, $1 00, ORANGES California, extra lam y navels, lsrge sixes, $4.26 if i.00; Mediter ranean sweets, all sixes, $3.604.00. LEMONS--Limorilers, extra 'sncy, 240 slxe. $6.00; 800 to $60 else, $8.7i. FIGS Calif ornls, per lo-lo. carton. 764 4V Imported Sinyi.ia, three-crown, 11a elx-crown, isc. BANANAS Per medium ll.iMi.'.iii; jumbos, $2.60'i3.u). GRAPE FRI'lT California PINEAPPLES Sixes 21. lxd bunch, , per box, $4.$n. 30 and $8, $1.26. FRUITS. APPLES Vtah, Bn Davis IS 00 per btt. bcx; New York Russets, $8.60 per bbl, CHERRIES California, $2.00 par $-lu. bcx. BEEF CUT8. BEEF CUTS No. 1 ribs, 11c; No. 2 ribs. tc; No. 1 ribs, 7c; No. 1 loin, 14 Wc; No. 2 loin. U'Vic No. $ loin. 114c; No. I chuck, 64c; No. 2 chuck. 6c; No. $ chuck, fic; No. 1 round, 8c; No. 2 round, lc: No. I round, iq, No. I plate, 3c; No. 2 plate, 8c; No. 3 plate. 2lo. MISCELLANEOUS. CIDER Per krg, 33.76, per bbl., $8.78. HONE Y Nt w, per 24 lbs., $3.60. CHEESE Swiss, new, lc; Wisconsin brick. 12c; Wisconsin Umberger, ISc; twins, I340; Young Americans, iuc. NUTS Walnuts, No 1. soft shells, new crop, per lb.. 15c; herd shells, per lb.. 134c. Pecsns, large, per lb.. He; emsll, per lb., 12c. Peanuts, per lb., 64c; roosted, per lb., tc. Chill walnuts, per lb.. 1J4,134. Almonds, soft shells, per lb., 17c; hard shells, per lb., 16c. Cocoanuts, $4 per Back Of 100. FRESH FIBH-Trout. 11c: halibut. 11c; plc'terel, dressed, 7c; white bsss, tic; sun fish, 6c; perch, skinned and dressed, 8c: pike, BJTlOc; redsnapper, 11c; salmon, 13c; crapples, tc! eels. 16c: black bass, ac; whitensh, lOiffVIe; frog legs, per dos., 66c; Iobnters, green, 15c; bolted lobsters, ti.'c; luflsh, 16c: herring, 6c; Spanish mack erel, lie; haddock, 10c; shrimp, $1 per gal.; smelts, 12c; cod. 12c; bullheads, lie; alflab, 15c; me shsd, 76c: flounders. 11c. HIDES, PELTS AND TALLOW No. I green hides, 9c; No. 2, 8c; No. 1 salted. 11c; No. I, 10c; bull hides, 7Sc; dry hides. 12S20c; horse hides, large, $3; small, $2; sheep pelts, each, 60(611.25. Tallow, No. 1, 4c; No. 2. ic; rough, 14c. SUGAR Granulated cane. In bbls.. ll.tb: grknulated cane. In sacks, $4.91; granulated SYRUP In barrels, 24c per gat.; In rases, $ 10-lb. csns, $1.00; cases, U 6-lb. cans, $$60; canes. 24-lb. cans, $1.90 COFFEE Roasted, No. M, He pef lb-l No. $0, 204c per lb.; No. 26. 164c per lb.; No. 20, 164c rer lb.: No. 21, 124c per lb. CURED FISH-Famlly whlteflsh, per 4 bbl., 100 lbs., $4.50: Norway mackerel, per bbl., 200 lbs., bloaters. $40.00; No. 1. $28 00: No. t $26.00; No. 1, $30 .00; Irish, No. 1, $16.00; herring, in bbls., 100 lbn. each. Norway, 4k, $13.00; Norway, 8k, $13.00; Holland, mixed, $11.60: . Holland herring, in kegs, milkers, Oc; kegs, mixed, 70c. CANNED GOODS Corn, sttndafd west ern, 65if7Wc; Mslne, $1.15. Tomatoes. $-lb. cans, $1.2547160; 2-lb.. t74cC$1.0O. Pineapples, 8 rated, 2-lb. $2.0602.30: sliced. $1.9Oa2i0. allon BDples, fancy, $3.90: California apri cots, $1.401 2.00: pears, ;i 7f!.60; peaches, fancy, ti.76fcf.4C; II. r tieacnes, $2. 00I2.60. Alaska salmon, red, $1.: fancy Chinook. P., $1.10: fancy sockeye. F, $1.95; sardines, 4 oil. $160' mustard. $i6Kd3.10. Sweet potatoes, $1.1501.26; Bauer kraut. $1.00; pumpkins, 8oct$1.00; wax beans, 2-lb., 7f 80c; lima beans, 1-lb., 76cJ$l .16; splnsch. $1.15; chesp peas, t-lb., 10c; extra, 76&VOc; fancy, n.Sf411.7e. Metal Market. NEW TORK. June l.METATJ There was another sharp decline In the London tin market with spot closing st 179 16s snd futures at 179 ts. locally the market was quiet and lower, with spot quoted at $39.2$ C 39.60. Copper closed at 84 17s td for spot and 84 10a for futures In Ixindon. Locally no change was reported. I.ake Is quoted at $18.75(8 19.00; electrolytic. $18 S749'18.7; casting, $18 26ms. 374. Lend was is td higher at 18 17s td in the Ixindon msrket. Locslly lead wss unchanged nt $5.76ti6.9S. Spelter was unchanged at 27 12s 8d for spot in the London market. Locally the trne wss steady with prices unchanged at $6 903. 00. Iron waa higher abroad with standard foundry closing at 49s $d. Cleve land warrants quoted at '"'s 8d. Locally No. 1 foundry northern is quoted at $18.7$ 619 00; No. 2 foundry northern and No. 1 foundry southern St $lVtrfrl$.60; No. I foundry southern at $17.76'3 18 W. ST. LOl'IS. June 1 M ETAL8 Load, firm, $6.90; spelter, firm, $5 SO, Bstsr aad Molaasea. NEW TORK, June . SUOAR Raw, firm; fair refining, 11516c; centrifugal, !) test, $16-S2c; molasses sugar, 1 11-ltlc; re fined, steady; No. 7. 4 06c; No-. 8. 4.00c! No. , 195c: No 11. 1 86c; No. 12, 180c; No. 13, 8.76c: No. 14, $.76c; confectioners A, 4,46c; mould A, 4 96c; cut loaf, S.toc; granulated, t $0c; cubes. 4.85c. MOLASSES Steady; New Orleans, open kettle, good to choice, $Otf!38o NEW ORLEANS. June 1 SUGAR Quiet: open kettle centrifugal, 8-fiS7-l'io; oentrlfugsl whites and yellows, 8S"63Vc; seconds, 2$ 4c. Toledo Beed Market. TOLEDO. O.. Jun 1 SFEDS-Clovee, rash, $6.70; October. $6 374. Timothy, $160. f'allfornla Dried Fruits. CALIFORNIA DRIED FRUITS Prunes are unchanged with quotrntinna ranging from 74c to bc according to grade.