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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 31, 1906)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: THURSDAY, MAY 31, 1906. 3 Mme. Yale' Hair Ironic 6 FOR CHILDREN AND ADULTS ANTISEPTIC AND HYGENIC Sells on Merit, not on Sensa tional Advertising. . - A Hair InTljrorafor .Tuet what IU name Implies. It supplies nourishment, the elements of growttt, wnlcbv when absorbed by the hair, strengthens and beauti fies It in the nvne way that sap glorifies 'the ' foliage of a treo.' Event l-where ' the. follicles are seem In sly dead. If the scalp la managed dally, wlh Mme. Yale's Hair Tonic a vigorous growth will be produced; It - has honestly earned Its title of "the treat hair grower." It stimulates the most turned 'growth and makes the hair tcanclflcently healthy and beautiful.4 By Its ns women can provide themselves with a trailing mantle of hair womau's natural raiment, her birthright. Mine. Yale's Hair Tonic Is prist " equally by men and women, particularly when the hair begins to, "Weaken or fade. Cures bald ness',' grayness, splitting of the hair, dandruff and all diseases of the half, scarf1 and beard. One application usually stops hair fall - in g-jf-,A' nursery - requisite; no mother should neglect to use It for her boys and girls; when the hal? lsv made-strong In childhood it'- wrnains' proof against disease and rotains Its vigor and youthful nss" through Ufa. . .' '.A.ii.t J" '.!- ." ' . . : Jim".. Yale's Hair Tonic la a colorless, fragrant, delightful hair dreeslng; neither sticky, gritty nor greasy; makes the hair soft, fluffy .and flossy. Contains no artificial coloring; would not soli the whltr est tlttf restores" original 'c6M" by invigorating the scalp and re-", establishing normal circulation -and. proffer . distribution of the live coloring matter. Beautiful hair redeems the plainest counten ance, "and any orie can 'secure It by using Mme., Yale'a Hair Tonic. -Now lu three slroe; prices, $1.00, 60c and 15c. - Our special prices, 23c, 45c, 80c MEMORIAL DAY AT LINCOLN Eev. Baloh Pleads for Recognition of th Livbc as Well as tha .Dead. FEWER OF THLM TO HONOR EACH YEAR Earlr Mnralfiv Ble Rain the Interior DrroratlaiK and Far- ' labia of the Rika' Clab Roont, (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Nrb., May 30. (Special.) Rev. W. M. ftalch. pastor of Trinity Methodist church, delivered the Memorial Day address this afternoon at the Audi torium before a large audience. Three hundred and forty-three grave were dec oratrd In the forenoon at the cemettrle. In closing: Rev. Balch said: A nation's gratitude Is hut a paltry thing. Indeed, ur.leta It shall cherish the living veteran an generously, as It praises the dead. The veterans who have gath ered here todny are but a little handful, few and feeble. The men who marched from Atlanta to the sea could hardly walk to the cemetery this morning. But think! when, next Memorial Pav comes 'round some who are with us today will lie under the aod; the heroes who answer our greet ings today will return no sign when we strew the flowers on their graves next May. O, better to give the flowers Into the liv ing hands, better he greeting while still they can hear us. better the kindness and service of today than to wait for the mys tery that may chance tomorrow! Friends, I always lift my hat when I see the brunxe button. My father wore It In his day, and earlier he wore the blue; and all who wear It are as my father In my honor and grat itude, for unto them I owe my country and all my privilege and pride In being a citi zen of this undivided republic. And yet the dead are not dead, but liv ing spirits all around us. In the Ufa of the republic they live. In the Influence of their deeds they live. In the memory of the graceful million they live. And by the grace of God. the splrlu of the Just made perfect, close to the tree of life, beyond the smiUng and the weeping, shall live for ever mora. ' Fire la F.lka' Clab. Fire broke out In the Elks" club room at 1318 O street early this morning and the damage la eatlmated at $4,000, fully In sured. ' " The Are started about S o'clock this morn ing. No pne was In the place at the time, and the cause of the blaze remain a mystery. From appeawwjees It started In a light shaft which opens at the roof In skylight. When -the department reached the scene flames Were leaping from this skylight more than ten feet into the alrfc Consuming a light partition between the reception room and the parlors, the flames communicated to hangings In the latter apartment and spread throughout the, room. It was a desperate battle between the firemen and the flames, with the former winning out, though not until the Interior of the elegant rooms had been charred and the expensive furniture ruined. The club, yesterday awarded a contract for a new $41,000 building, to be erected at the corner of Thirteenth and P streets. agreement anrnn the clan graduates as to tn how they should be gowned. Three of the girl graduates appeared on the stage decked In their new graduating dresses ami carried out their part of the program, maintaining they were not notified to adopt the cap and gown until after their graduating gowns had been prepared. Much speculation Is Indulged in as to the out come, as one member of the board has a daughter among the rfntl caps and gown element, and refuses to sign the diploma of the opposite side. OBSERVANCE Ol'T IN THE STATTC nana - jiepartment. CONSULTATION FREE - Mme. ' Yale may be consulted by nail . free 1 of .charge. Twenty-seven fears at practice and experience In trmittng - the human hair and scalp, combined- with natnrnl adaptability end acUmUftc study, has given thle wonderful woman complete mastery of the capillary structure. - Jlrne. Yale's Books Are Free Mm. Tale' book on th subject of Health and Beauty and the Human Hair Fill be mailed free upon request. . . Address. MME! M. TALK, . . ij j .M filth Avenue., New Tork CUy. 7 1 lXXSk .osW - I U 1 rr v - "li I lli'iJ TECIMSEH MEM CONGRATULATED Band Serenades Two Who Wli li Damaare Salt. TECUMSEH. Neb., May 30. (Special Telegram.) P. S. Jonea and C. II. Dennl of Tecumseh were made defendant In a $0,000 damage suit for false imprisonment. brought by A. Staples Cody of Midland, Mich., and the case came up In the United States court In Omaha the first of the week and Judge Munger took It out of the hands of the jury, and dismissed the defendants. It all grew out of the failure of the Chamberlain banking house of this city. .After the bank failed Cody came to Tecnmseh and had In his possession pa' prrs which were supposed te be the prop erty of th failed Institution. He was ac cused with trying to dispose of them, and pending a hearing here was placed In Jail, The district court acquitted Cody and as Jones and Dennis had caused his arrest the damage suit followed. This afternoon a party of 600 frttnds of Messrs. Jones and Dennis, headed by the Tecumseh Military band, called at the Dennis home, where the gentlemen were serenaded. Colonel TV. O. Swan, In behalf of the friends, made a few remarks and Mr. Jones responded. He said that himself and Mr. Dennis had only done their duty in the matter and had acted just as they would again under similar clrcum stances. After the music the friends of the gentlemen offered congratulations on the outcome of the trial. STOCK TRAIN GOES , INTO DITCH Moat of the Hoars la Thirty-Three Cara Are Killed. MI N DEN, Neb., May 30. (Special Tele gram.) The Kansas City and Omaha train No. 14. which goes past here at .7 o'clock In the morning, was wrecked four miles east of Nalman this morning. Thirty-three cars of stock and one of grain went into the ditch. No one was hurt. It happend at Sand Creek bridge. Most all of the hogs were killed, cause unknown. The road Is blocked. ' Kutaart; curb C0MSTIPATIQ5I , . CIUO'JSNESS AKD HEADACHE nwwWm . vmm mmm mam urn Wurl fwsitlM. TT THUM. ..Tbt.M KnlM-Cnwr C,. .Vi! HOTELS. HOTEL KUPPER Kansas' City Missouri a e Thla masnlficenr hotel ha MO beau tiful room and la located at 11th and MKi rwU la the shopping district. Only hair, a block froai the fLmory. bird. Thayer dry good store; nr ail Ui theaters. a-v - M fHvaat aatfea, trbfH law t M taa B tmA Cmi4 lukl Vaier la l7 KMat,A (ancrtlc CU. PtrsKl Csunc. Ok l-'VM aa4 TaM t'Mc i bar tar kn CakJ, U-m II bi b4 Upward. Baraa fka. " Tleserratlon may be made by tala gratb at our espanaa. Rll'PEUt -EEXSOX. HOTEL) CO. r. A. BK.NSON. Maaaaer. niplomaa Are Withheld. CREIQHTON. Neb.. May 30. (Special. A rather unique state of affair exist here a - a result of the just past graduating exercise of the Crelghton High school Seven members accepted the honors, but none of them have a diploma properly Executed and signed by the school board. Some time ago the board decided, and made It a provision of the regular laws, that the graduates should appear dressed In student cap and gown on the night of the exercises, thereby saving the annual oio. Emlesnl Dcctjri Pnlu Its InjridiBrti. We refer to that hnon to weak, iiervon. suffering women known as Dr. Pierre's Favorite Prescription. Dr. John Fyfeone of the Editorial Bud f Th Eclectic) MtnicaL Ravrtw says of Unicorn root lUehmfna HcnVwl which Is one of the chief Ingredients of toe "Fa vorite Prescription" : A remedy which Inrarta'.ily seta ss a uter In lnrtorator mtke for normal ae tlrlty of the entire reproductive system. Be continues la Helonlaa we have a medica ment which ntor fully answers the a bore pnrsoaes thnn etiy trfhtr drug with valrA im acmMtnled. In the treatment of dlae&aee pe TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER Dm I-arta rf.i - l.tM a ttar. FOR OVER SIXTY YEARS. An Old and Well-Tried Remedy. MRS. WINSLOW'B 800THIN0 SYRUP bubtan UMMKorovor K1ITY VPAhKhr UILtlONSJ pf MOT H K HM f or thrtr CH ILVh Kli WHILE Tl:E,T H- CHTLD, Hi)FTithi rt'hFH WJSD OOLIO, MAHHRtlA Sold br th world. Be sura and ask for MRS. WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP. AND TEC KOOTHEB, SIND. lwatait Caau a JtetO. .LAYS aU MX; btOl'MH. Al. WISD COLIi. and la th bawl retuedr for MAHKHtiA Sold br I)riirlu in arery part of GREEN POISON KILLS BED BUGS, KILLS COCKROACHES, KILLS ANTS. KILLS MICllOnES, KILLS ALL INSECTS, HAS NO ODOR Does Not Burn or Explode KilW the Egg - Too. . See the Point? "GREEN POISON" is easily applied wlti brush or feather. A 25-cent bot tle of . "GREEN POISON" from your druggist will kill million bugs. HAND SAPOtIO Is .especially valuable during the umoner season, when outdoor occu pations and sports are most in order. GRASS STAINS, MUD STAINS ' ahs, CALLOUS SPOTS yield to it, and it 1$ -particularly agreeable when ' used , in the batb efter violent exercise, ' ALL CJiOCERg ANO DfiUaGllTS rrartlrallr Ktt Towa rar Trlaatc a aoldler Dead. TTICA. Neb.. May 0.-(Speclal Tele-ram.l Decoration day wa observed In this city today. John F. Purlnton delivered an elo quent address to a large audience at Fra ternal hall. The Orand Army of 'he Re public marched to the cemetery, where graves were decorated with appropriate ceremony. Business houses were all deco rated and were, closed during; the afternoon. BEATRICE, Neb., May 0. -(Special Tele gram. ) Decoration day was fittingly ob served In Beatrice. At 10:J0 a. m. the Orand Army of the Republic, Women's Relief corps, Fpanlsh-Amerloan War Veterans, University cadets and other civic organisa tions, headed by the. cadet and Beatrice bands, marched to the Beatrice cemetery where brief exercises were held and de tails sent out to decorate the graves of the deceased soldiers. In the afternoon nn Interesting program was rendered at the Chautauqua grounds, where Harmon Broer of Lincoln delivered the address of the day. The exercises closed with a drill by the University cadets and a concert by the radet bond of forty pieces. There was a large attendance. WAYNE, Neb., May 30.-Bpeclal. Tele gram.) Decoration day dawned bright and beautiful and despite the heavy rainfall of the day before, by 2 o'clock the mud had dried up and hundreds of people were In the city. At a o'clock a. m. the school children marched to the cemetery In a body and decorated the gravea. At 1:30 . an Immense audience assembled In the opera house, where H. H. Wilson of Lincoln delivered an eloquent address. At the conclusion of the program the pro cession, headed by the Nebraska Normal college cadets In uniform, flower girls, Grand Army post and cltisen tn carriages proceeded to the cemetery, where the graves of departed veterans were strewn with flowers and the, usual Orand Army of the Republlo ceremonies performed. The business houses and public buildings were prettily decorated for the occasion. WEST POINT, Neb., May 5. (8peclnl.V- West Point and southern Cuming county gathered today to again pay tribute to the memory of the soldier dead. An Imposing parade proceeded to the cemetery, headed by the school children of the clfy and the West Point cadet band. Civic societies, fraternal lodges, Bona and Daughters of Veterans, and the Duetsche Landwehr Vereln, an organisation of the veterans of the Franco-Prussian war, joined In the procession, which was also accompanied by the mayor, city council and the various municipal officers. Hon. Jacob Fawcett of Omaha delivered the address of the day. LEIGH, Neb., May J0.-4Speclal. This morning Is bright and clear after a hard rain late yesterday. The local posts, Orand Army of the Republic, are observing Memorial day in an appropriate manner. Judge W. N. Henslle of Columbus will make the address. PLATTSMOUTH. Neb., May 90.-(Speclftl.) Memorial day was duly observed In this city today. The Orand Army of the Re public was assisted In the Meeoratlon serv ices by the Ancient Order of United Work men, Degree of Honor, Eagles, Modern Woodmen of America and other societies. Headed by, the band, they' formed on Main street, this forenoon and marched to the cemetery, and after a short service th graves of the departed were decorated. Colonel H. C. McMaken was marshal of the day. The Grand Army of the Republlo memorial services were held In the Parmele theater this sfternoon. Judge 8. M. Chap man made the opening remarks. Colonel T. J. Majors delivered the address. LYONS, Neb., May 80. (Special Tele gramsDecoration day at this place proved to be a beautiful one and the program for the day was held In the open air. where Judge A. I Sutton, speaker of the day. delivered a very able address to a large and appreciative audience, after which the civil war veterans led the way to the Iyons cemetery where the usual ceremonies were held, followed by the decoration of the graves. The Lyons band ave an open air concert In the evening which was appre ciatea by all. TEKAMAH, Neb.. May S0.-(8peclal.)-Decoration day waa observed here today In the annual appropriate manner, the bua- Iness house being closed most of the after noon. In the morning a large crowd went iu me cemetery 10 aecorate the graves and In the afternoon Rev. Dayhoff adressed a large gathering at the park. SIDNEY. Neb.. May .-(Speclnl Tele gram.) Flags were flying from every bus iness block and residence today in token of Memorial day and hundreds of people drove In from the country to witness the cere monies. The Grand Army of the Republic, headed by the Sidney brass band, led the procession to the graves of the departed heroes. Sons of Veterans, Woman's Re lief corps, school children and all the clvlo societies participated. The Tobln opera house was crowded this afternoon, where Indoor exercises were held. Rev. A. S. Cor Dett being the orator of the day. The day was thoroughly an Idea one. AURORA, Neb., May SO (Special Tele gram.) About 3,000 people were In attend ance at Memorial day exercises held In the court house square today. A splendid muuumeni in nunur 01 me soifllers was dedicated by appropriate ceremonies. Those who delivered addresses were Hon. E. J. Halner, Hon, T. B. Johnson and Judge George F. Washburn. BRAINARD. Neb., May 30. (Special Tele gram.) Decoration day was fittingly ob served here at 10 a. m. A large Droceaalon was formed at the opera house snd headed by th Brainard band, marched to the cemetery, where the grave of the old oldler and other were decorated.. A large audience gathered at the opera, house to listen to an addree by Ray M. Harris of David City and J. T. McKnlght of Lincoln NORTH PLATTE. Neb., May 30.-(Bpe clal.) The weather for Memorial day never has been better than today, though It ha been rainy and cloudy and cold for several days paat. A large number of the cltl sens of this city drove to the beautiful National cemetery, about twenty-two miles east of here. Fort McPherson, where serv ices appropriate to the day were held Attorney J. J. Halllgan and County Judge W. C. Elder made the principal addresses of the day. The citizens of the country for miles about and of the neighboring villages drove In almost Innumerable rigs to attend the services. Many from here went on the early morning train to Max well and drove fiom there. In the city here the veterans of th civil war, the Bpanlah-Amerlcan war, member of th Woman' Relief corps. Ladle of the Grand Army of the Republic and Bona of Vet eran met at the Knight of Pythlaa hall and proceeded In conveyance to the ceme tery, where the grave of soldiers were dec owed. At 2 p. m. a program was ren dered at th opera house, where an ad dreas was delivered by Judge J. S. ifoag land and music rendered by the school I chlldrea, as well as other selections. HUMBOLDT. Neb., May 30. (Special.) Th local Grand Army poat observed Dec. orttloo day with a program at lb Cliy culler to womoo It It seldom that a rae Is seen wblch doe not pnweot some Indlcatlna fjr this remedial arenf Ir. Fyfa further says: "Tb following are among the leading Indications for llIonl (Unicorn root). I'aln or aching In tb back, with lsumrrhiai atonic (weak) condition of tb reprcductlre orfan of women, montal depreavlon and Ir ritability, associate with chronic diseases of tb recrodurllre organs of women, constant aeacation of heat In the region of the kid mr; tneoorrhagla (flooding), due to a weak ened condition of tne reproductive crstemt airifVrrhata (auppreased or absent monthly period K arising from or accompanying an abnormal condition of the digestive onran and nMn1c (thin blood) habit; dragging ensktlon In the extreme kiwer part of tha abdomen." If mora or lee of the above symptom are present, do Invalid woman can do DRiter man tans ur. fere s r avorita Preacrlptlon, one of tha leading Ingredi ents of which Is Unicorn root, or Ilslonia. and the medical properties of which li ; Boost faithfully represents. Of Oolden Seal root, another prominent Ingredient of "Favorite Prescript Ion Prof. Flnley Elllngwood. M. 1)., of Ben nett Medical College, Chicago, says: It Is an Important remedy In disorders of tbe womb. In all catarrhal condition and general enfeeblement, it I useful." Prof. John M. Scudder, M. D., late at Cincinnati, says of Oolden Seal root : "In relation to Its general effect on th System, (Are to no awMr4n in yut about trlrfrh Var to tueh general tnianwntfy of opinion. It t tifltccrsaily regarded a th tunic uwful la 41 debilitated state. Prof. Bartholow, M. D.. of Jefferson Medical College, says of Golden Seal : " Valuable In uterine hemorrhage, anennr rhagla (flooding) and congestive dyawienor reoes (painful menstruation)." . Dr. Pierce's Favarite Prescription farts fully reprraenta all the above named In gredients and cures the dlseatea for which. lhy are recommended. primaries and th fourteen delegate to the republican convention selected at that time were unanimously Instructed for Rouse. The Hall county convention has been called for June 2, at which time the republi cans of the county expect to place Mr. Rouse before the republicans of the stata In his candidacy for th nomination for governor by the republican party. M-rrkawt Qntta Business. ' WEST POINT. Neb.. May 30 (Special Telegram.) August Klelne. one of the old est and best known merchants of West Point, has closed out his business here. A meeting of his creditors was held this morning and matters were amicably ar ranged without resort to logs! procedure. His entire assets were turned over to his creditors in full settlement of all claims. William Steufer of the West Point National bank and C. May of Fremont nre acting as trustees and will dispose of the stock at once. Ord Delesatlon to Convention. ORD. Neb.. May 30. 8peclal.)-Mr. Wall has selected the following delegation to the state convention: W. McNutt, A. M. Rob bing E. J. Clemend. A. R. Honald. Ord; E. J. Babcock. Walter Rood, North Loup; Dr. Bartoc, M. L. Fries, Arcadia. Orchard & Wilhelm park thla morning, music being rendered by the Dawson band, and an address by George A. Lee of this city. In the after noon the post marched to the cemetery, escorted by a band of school children, and decorated the graves of their departed comrades. The rain of Tuesday night stopped the work on the farm and the . Ity was full of visitors from all sec tions of the country. TECUMSEH, Neb.. May 30.-(Speclal.) Rev. J. T. Roberts of , Table Rock was the orator here today, the exercises being held at the opera house In the morning. A splendid program was carried out. In the afternoon the local Grand Army of the (Republic and Woman's Relief corps, together with the school children, formed column down town, headed by the band. and followed by citizens, which proceeded to the Tecumseh cemetery where the graves of the dead were decorated. TABLE ROCK. May 30.-(Speclal.) The nnual Decoration day rain came last night and was very welcome, a there had been no rain for a couple of weeks and It was very dry. It measured a, little more than an Inch. A large crowd assembled at the opera house at 2 p. m, for Decoration day exercises. The address . was by Hon. George M. Collins. MADISON, Neb., May 30.-Memorlal day was observed here today with services at the opera house. Hon. W. W. Young de livered an eloquent address, which was implemented by an appropriate literary and music program. .Senator William V. Allen Introduced the apeaker. The day was an Ideal one. and the audience num bered - over 500 people,,. The exercises, of the day were In charge of- the soldiers of the Spanish-American war. ARAPAHOE. Neb., May 30.-(Speclal Tel egram.) Under the auspices of Garrett post. Grand Army of the Republic, Decora- Ion day was loyally observed In Arapahoe and the graves of thirty-eight veterans of the civil war decorated with flowers by their surviving comrades In the presence of 2,600 people. The Decoration day pro gram was held In the park after decorating the graves. Rev. J. B. Miller of Edison delivering the oration. The business men closed their stores during the exercises In the park. The Arapahoe band furnished music. SEMI-CESTEXMA1, OF COI.IMBIS Event Celebrated Taesday in a Fit ting Manner. COLUMBUS, Neb.. May 80. (Special.) On the 2th day of May, 1856, Columbus was staked out and the first house bull:. It was of logs, covered with grass. It was right and proper that Columbus should celebrate the event, though It was not on very elaborate scale. There were no longwinded speeches, but heart to heart talks of those the oldest In our midst, and these who knew whereof they spoke. Business- houses were decorated, fl3gs thrown to the breexes and a royal time enjoyed by those gathered together, and so the fiftieth anniversary of the first settlement of one of the most beautiful cities of the plain was celebrated. - Child Drown In Water Tank. TEKAMAH. May 30.-(8peelal.) The little 5-year-old daughter of James Jacobaon, a farmer living six miles northwest of here. waa drowned In a water tank this after noon: the tank containing less than eleven Inches of water. The father, with his two sons. were, shelling corn within fifty feet of where the little one was drowned. They hsd been working but a few minutes when they noticed the little girl had gone and went Immediately In search of her, finding her dead In the tank. Roaar Carrie Hall f oont . GRAND ISLAND. Neb., May 30. (Spe cial.) Boosters for Hon. George L. Rouse were busy throughout Hall county Satur day, May 26, on which day all precincts outside of Grsnd Island held republican Xew of Nebraska. ST. PAUI.r A fine rain, accompanied by thunder and lightning, fell here this after noon, the precipitation umounttng to 1.73 inrnf s. TEKAMAH At an adjourned meeting of the city council last night applications for license to operste a pool room here were rejected e-y a unanimous vote. ' BEATRICE The board of directors of the Beatrice Driving association held a meeting lust night and decided to hold matinee races here on June 6. NORTH PLATTE Monday morning of this week Mr. O. E. Garrison and Miss Rose McGovern were united In marriage at the Catholic church by Rev. 8. F. Car roll. NORTH PLATTE The thirteenth an nual convention of the Christian Endeavor for the eleventh district will be held at Sutherland. Neb., June 6 and 6, when a pre pared program will be rendered. BEATRICE Farmers In thla section of the state are feeling Jubilant over the fine rain thiit visited tills locality yesterday. The rainfall Is estimated at an Inch, and It will practically Insure the wheat crop, DANNEBROO C. C. Hanson left on last evening's train for Europe. He Intends to visit old friends and relatives In Denmark and Germany and may also visit Rome. He Intends gone about four months. EDGAR Th. Edgar High school's nine teenth annual commencement began last evening In the opera house. Two evenings will be occupied by the exercises, the first last evening and the last Thursday even ing. May 31. TEKAMAH Ed Morrow, a farmer living about twelve miles north of this place, lost three of his fingers In a corn sheller yes terday. Mr. Morrow was putting the belt on the sheller and accidentally got his hand In the cog wheel. BEATRICE Beatrice lodge No. 136. An cient Order of United Workmen, held an open meeting last nlglU, which was largely attended by members of the order and the Degree of Honor. A musical pro gram was rendered, after which a banquet was held. NORTH PLATTE The steel girders have been laid on the Union Pacific new steel bridge across the North Platte river east of this city and the deck Is now being placed In position. It la estimated that the bridge will be entirely completed in about two weeks. MADISON There Is a movement on foot to organise a stock company In Madison for the purpose of publishing a German weekly- newspaper. The German popula tion In Madison and adjoining territory Is considerable and would well support such a publication. TEKAMAH-A scrap betwen the eighth grade and the seniors occurred on the streets here yesterday and after dragging each other In the mud for about twenty minutes the former succeeded In recovering their class colors from the seniors, who had "awlped them. BEATRICE At a special meeting of the city council last night an electric light. heat and power plant ordinance was read for the first time. Another ordinance for establishing gaa companies and. regulating tne manufacture and sale ot the same was read for t:ie first time. HUMBOLDT A fine rain of two Inches visited this section Igst evening and will prove of great benefit to the crops, which were beginning to suffer considerably. A strong wind and a vivid electrical display accompanied the storm, hut no serious damage la reported In this vicinity. HUMBOLDT In snlte of a steady down pour of rain Tuesday evening the opera house wae well filled, the occasion being the twenty-first annual commencement ex ercise of the Humboldt High school. The class this year was the smallest for a long; time, there being but three members. MADISON Under the direction of Prof. Deremus, the superintendent of the Madi son schools, members of the eleventh grade rendered a play at the opera house lat -night entitled "A Modern Merchant of Venice." The house was filled and the performance waa very much appreciated. PUATTSMOUTH The priests and mem bers of the two Catholic churches St. John's and the Holy Rosary marched to he cemetery this forenoon snd the cross .eeently erected was dedicated. Solemn nigh mass was celebrated. Father Brad ey spoke In English and Father Hancek In .:ohemlan. ' BEATRICE Articles of Incorporation were filed yesterday In the county clerk's office by the Hong Farmers' Elevator com pany. The capltul stock Is placed at $5,000 and the Incorporators are fifteen of the prominent farmers and stock raisers of the Hoag vicinity. The company expects to begin work on Its new 20,000-bushel capacity elevator In a few days. . DANNEBROO-The little village pf Dan rcbsog la making great preparations for celebrating the 6th of June. This Is Den. mark's national holiday, and aa there are large settlements of Danes In different parts of Howard county, there usually Is a great crowd here on that day. In the last few years It Is getting to be popular that all attend the celebration, no matter to what nationality they belong. WEST POINT Continuous heavy ralna, with abnormally cold weather, have pre vailed throughout this section for the last three day, changing this morning to clear. Dractng weatner. in temperature Is grad ually rising. All vegetation la thriving, eorn especially showing a strong, healthy stand. Grass and small grains are excep tionally strong and rank. The recent cold wave did no damage whatever to garden produce or to fruit trees. SIDNEY A rousing meeting was held to night at the court houae to take steps for a big Fourth of July celebration. Various committees were appointed and prospects nre that Sidney will have the greateHt Fourth ever held here. The prospects fur large crops are very favorable and this added much to the encouragement of the vast audience which tilled the court bouse. It Is proposed to have several horse races and a ball game as the principle attrac tions, and at night a dance- and a fine dixplay of fireworks. , Carpet Co. 4H-I6.I8 South Sixteenth Street. SPECIAL STILE OF Brussels arpet Entire line of best quality Tapestry Brussels reduced from $1.00 to 75c per yard. This reduction is on all the new spring patterns that have not before been offered less than $1.00, this is a stock reducing sale of carpets. , Entire line of 85c Tapestry Brussels, reduced to, per yard O Jw Entire line of best Velvet Carpets, this means every piece in our shelves of the best goods and best patterns of vel vet carpet to be had, all reduced from, per . Q O yard, $1.25 to 70C Second Floor Small Sized Wilton Rugs27x54 inch reg ular price $4.00, a special lot purchased at a spe- C Z cial price, will be sold at, each Second Floor Granite Art Squares Sanitary Chamber Bugs 2Vsx3 yards, each $1.95 j' 3x3 yards, each $2.95 ' 3x4 yards, each. $4.90 LINOLEUM Extra wide goods, 12 feet wide Nairns, full Linseed Oil and Cork, will not crack, per 7ft square yard ...f.Uw Greenwich Inlaid Linoleum Best quality linoleum made, we carry three thicknesses, at. . . , . . . .$1.35, $L5Q, $1.65 We also carry best lines of American Inlaid, at $1 and $1.35 6 feet' wide, Printed Inlaid, square yard .50o 0TLS FOR.RfflEKI W V awsawawWsMBMM . -' :-V? y i - c , v . : . j lliMIMI I A"- v Y - -.'. ARE YOU GROPING IN THE DARK? We will make a thorough searching and sclantlfle examination of roar ailments; an examination that will disclose your tru physical condition, with out a knowledge of which you are groping In the dark, and without a thorougn understanding of which no physician or specialist should treat you. All men, who ar not what they should be, who are. weak, nervou and debilitated from any cause, and who may at present be suffering from any poisonous discharge, will nnd It well worth thtlr time to come to tho State Melcal Institute for ronMltatlon and examination, wnicn nas oeen aiaoiina ir in. rurp... 01 curliTg th tarrlNie disease and blighting wakner that dtrey aaen'a mental, physical and sexual power, making th sociul duties and obligation of life a hardship and the enjoyment of life and marital nappineaa imaooaioi. We treat men only and cure tnem aareiy ana morougniy. x.vry mw uttering With ' Stricture Varicocele, Emissions, Nervo-Seiu&l Debility, Impotency, Blood Poison (Syphilis), Rectal, Kidney and Urinary Diseases. with any of their numerous and distressing complications, we It to himself, his family, and especially to the future generations to get cured promptly, safety and thoroughly. v FREE CONSULTATION AND EXAMINATION. .ufflXW.,ltiS.t, STATE MEDICAL INSTITUTE 1308 Farnam St., Between 13th and 14th Ets., Omaha, Neb. uer"a N EVERY PACKAGE The Story of fkari Wa do nof- mean that t1 17 la enrrencw ! arJnslU Andrei I. ach package of Pillsbury'g Best Breakfast Food Vitoa, But we do mean il aaves you that much over the ready-to-eat kind. Besides yon fet 'Pillsbury-.quality, and that's always tha beat, A package contain ing two full pounds costs 15 cents. When prepared, it make 12 pounds. Th ready-to-serve kinds, containing about ft of a pound to the package cost ,c5? u- AfullPond would cost about 11 cents. 12pound would cot $1.32. So the difference between 15 cents and $1.32 indicates the saving when Vitoained 11.17. UaeVitoa regularly. Put$l 17ia . " " ""T ne you Duy a package. Vltoa is a delicious food, it neart 01 toe w neat perry i ue very lile of the grain. Best Breakfasl Food Boston, Mass., and ,7 Return VIA ILLINOIS CENTRAL RAILROAD Rate Through New York City, $33.75. Tickets on sale May 31st to June 9th. Good returning until June 18th, with privilege of ex tension until July 15th. Stop-overs allowed at Detroit, Buffalo, Niagara Falls and New York City. , Fast train leaves Omaha at: 6:00 p. m., arriving in Chicago at 7:30 a. m., connecting with all eastbound trains. Tickets and further information at City Ticket Office, 1402 Farnam street, Omaha. SAMUEL NORTH, District Passenger Agent. NO MATTER 16 Snvo I T II E BEE W11AT you timo .! uANT monoy If you YOU WANT wmo...v.- ADS KYEHY Pl'FK A DELIGHT WHEN IT'S ., QUALITY THE BEST. ALWAVS IMHiltM . r. R. Hkc MereaaUlo Cigar Co., Manufacturer, &U Loula, Mo.