Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 31, 1906, Page 2, Image 2

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Telephone DouglaefilS.
All our 25c Japanese Drawn Work Pol
lira. 19c each.
All our SOr Japanese IranWorlt Dol
lies, 2Sc each. , :
TERS. . ... '
All our 1100 Renalessnce Centerpieces,
60e esch. .. .
All our .0 , ReTi issu nee "Scarfs, U.SJ
each. ..' :' '. '
As 'very' great reductions. Call and see
them an you will buy.
On sale in our Linen Department, main
floor, ,
Free Lessons, : Art Embroidery
Every day. from 2 td 6, Mis Hteenstrnp,
the expert needle artiat, give free lessons
In all the. latest stitches, auch as Eyelet
Kmrridfry, lledebo and Gettertyl. A spe
cial courae for those who are In the city
for only a few days. Materials must bo
purchased here. Class Sneels on second
floor,, near Art Department. Come and
Join us.
.' ' Umbrellas.
ft Is hardly safe to venture out of doora
without an umbrella now-a-dnys. It Is
surprising what a really good umbrella
one can buy for little money at our store.
We' woifld be pleased to show you our line.
prECIAL VALl'E AT $1.00.
Finn piece dyed Lion Taffeta Silk, best of
frames, natural wood handles, with pretty
mountings, equal to most II. 5ft. umbrellas,
extra good value, at $l,no each.
Umbrella. Department, main floor, left of
entrance. . . "'I
Ladles' Knitted Underwear
Sells fast. All styles and prices are on
hand Bow. though w shall probably not
as chaplain. A firing" squad of Company
I-fired the three volleys, after which a
bugler 'of tha'same .eompany . sounded
"taps," which ended tHe ccremoniu at
thls,polhu i '-'; ' '
Tlia march -was . ttien taken up to the
speakers' stand, where the closing exercises
were carried out, with J. E. Cramer, com-
. mander. qt .Grant post, as chairman of the
day. The ejtertlac "at h4 stand opened
with et song. ty a, chorus' of twenty-five
.. school. children, .nodct the direction of Miss
, Fannie Arnold, i Rev. B, F. Dlffenbacher
delivered', tlie-.Invocation, - which- was fol
lowed by music trom the band and a song,
"The Old 'Church'. y. -tha T. .K. quartet,
consisting pf Mr. -Harrison, first tanor; Mr.
Grattan, second tenor;. Mr. . Krata,,
tone; Mr. French, baa ; with Lee G.Krats
as 04 reel or. I. ' . r V f: ; ".. ,
lj Address by' John X. .Webater.
i Owing to 'ur.arokiable: absence at. Chey
' enne,Mr. -John 'L." Wfcasfer could '.not be
; present to ' person to Aether-the oration,
and iMr. Carl C Wright, at Webster's
request, .-read,. U& 'Oralion. ttiB, lalter had
prepared fur the occasion-...
After recalling and recounting in eloquent
' words and phrases) the history of the deeds'
'bf valor of the patriots who tyught to
'.'preserve the ' nation,,, the ' oration , suld of
,-tha silent fceroeet ..', yj ' .'. .
But what of-the dead -that were'-left ts
.be gatUeicA tnd burted? This asseatblage
vt pBople-speuks te- elr memory. The
. field of iiloh. . lt.'.wr acrawied n : the nd Mr"- Ju Frlce, past department pi-cs-lilll
tops' of itysbarg. -It waa aanotiUut I. Ident, as secretary. ' v .
'-'?S.CJ'kS.1Im1. Tl-rr'BJ,!lr",?d gn Aftr n Improvised ritual waa' observed
,ut mouaiatri mp' Tha riK,Mona ceine.tertfS I , . , . . . ,
areo many cnapters-from the Bible of j "e nora lK,at wa tnen adrift On the
the people that nmae their lives and deatlia : muddy river and it gently floated out Into
lint I .11 W. V f . .a i ....
the key -to Hiening statesmanship anil- pa
triotic giandUC. vKlghty miHIonajnf Amer
ican .eople totisy studythv history of that
, four years of civil war,. . .
YZ. c.". ."Ei 1 ' "1' lr." .."
Of the h)story. makf rg n.e said,-and paid
pretty" irlbute to tht Vouth:.; '.,'.''
More than torty years have gone by
' since thu war clused. vut you men who
wore the blue are the 'honored citlsens of j
Anrarlua'ou wfe auch large char
, acters and strong Anglo-tfaxon words that
1 it does not need an Interpreter to tell other
S nations what It "means. '
, We are now an all-powerful people, with
no sectional strife between tha north and
the south. We no longer ask our southern
brethren to. forget the iierolo and valiant
deeds of Those who-wore the grayi !
'Away in the southland there rises a
mavble column in the unfrowning ma
jesty of (5m eian- prjrrU(ns. On lis dissy
lops stands the bronisUgure of one of the
Mtn-Id's greatest generals, Robert E. Lee.
ills arms are folded on a breast that never
knew !' Tie lived-, to see bis standard
. Juried , In" (lie . halls of the conqueror to
.lieur the Mcrors' fetal lubllatlon and the
. Via things changed Into new. If you old
aoldlera of the north were In Newa Or-
lean, today you would drop a tJower a the
you decorate the graves of the valiaat
.sons who wore the blue:
Had the confederacy succeeded our W),fK)u,
'.iwi of people would compos the pvpulu.ioii,
, pot of onn, but of two governments, with
Mil the rivalries that flow from divergent
Jutlional Interests. Between them would
eslht unsubdued animosities more uncon
trollable and unronquerahaV than those now
hvI.i 1 11 1, KAwAn 1ltmjim u n .4 .lunan
... With the unlon divided, the United States! ""I iaaaar rnsls llr-
-would have been compelled to surrender; eamataatlal Story.
efo?c0ntOe dOCt''ne Want 0t IK,wer,to LONDON. May SO. 6:33 p. m. A plot
..""uurountry la'tvp.ned In Its flag." You'10 assassinate King Alfonso on his wl
old soldiers fought fu it: comrades oltd for ding day has been discovered in London,
It: the nation lives bei-ause of It. The
armies -of all the binds and the navies of
all the seas salute It wherever It Is un-
' farlrd 6n land or on sea. American anna
,; will ever cluster around and defend it.
. ;.Kollolng tha address the Thirtieth In
fantry band played another selection, after
I which alt Joined In singing "America," led
by the achool children's chorus.
The benediction wss pronounced by Rev.
i. B. F, DtffeDbaclvtr, after which the cere-
monies were declared at an end.
V ' Eserrleee' at Train Sehoot. '
' The eighth B class at Train school ob
served Memorial day with appropriate ex-
erclsea- at, tha school - Tuesday, afternoon.
' Major Mcintosh, representing the Grand
'Army of the Republic, entertained the
young people with war songs, a short talk I
iiud selections on dram, bugle and fife. .
The children were much enthused with th'
Sfilofgi lineral later
i- f. v "' ' ''.
' -. .
Splits 10 Cental
i ;
Omaha Dottliii
Special Sale oS Fancy linens
be able to say this a few weeks later.
Better buy how.
Ladles' Oauae Lisle Vests, high neck,
long sleeves, drawers to. match, knee or
ankle length, etra fine quality. Roe each,
' ladles' Swiss Ribbed Oauae Cotton Vests,
high neck, long sleeves, or low neck, n?
sleeves, extra large sizes, 50c each.
Ladles' Fine Ribbed Cause Cotton Union
Suits, high neck, long sleeves, ankle length,
or high neck, short sleeves, knee length,
siren 4, t, , BOc; 7, 8, 9, 76c each.
Hosiery With Split Soles
That means hosiery with notes of un
dyed yarn, black uppers with unbleached
soles. They wear better and do not burn
the feet like an All-black stocking.
Women's Black Cotton Hose, split soles,
made with double soles, heels and toes, at
25c. 35c, or S pairs for 11. 00 and 60c.
Women's Hosiery Department, main floor,
center aisle.
Two Special Good Numbers in
Children's Hose in Econ
omy Basement,
Children's Black Ribbed Cotton Hose, nil
sizes, 10c pair.
Misses' Fine Ribbed Black Cotton Hose,
double aoles and knees, 15c per pair.
Special Values in Embroidery
and Laces
We mention three line of embroideries
that should sell rapidly at these special low
Special lines of 8wlsa Edging, from 4 to
9 Inches wide, at 25c a yard.
One special lot of 16-inch Swiss Flouncing,
suitable for the new three-flounce skirls,
at 38c yard.
One lot of lC-lnch Corset Cover Embroid
ery at S8c.
- One lot of Swiss 'All-Over Embroidery,
Howard Corner Sixteenth Street
major's entertainment; On behalf of the
Women's corps of Custer post, Mrs. S. B.
Bryant presented the ..class -with, a flag,
which was received by John Oeisler, presi
dent of the class. All members of the
class ' took part In the program-." Miss
' Mary L. Alter has charge of the eighth B
class at Train school. v
Pretty- Service Originated by Omaha
" -Woman Is Observed.
The beautiful ceremony of strewing flow
ers on ths waters in memory of the soldier
and sailor' dead; lost- and burled at sea.
was. carried out at 5 O'clock Wednesday
bari-'evening at the foot of tRe Douglas street
bridge by Garfield Circle No. 11, Ladles
of the Grand Army of the Republic.
Nearly 200 'men, "women and children were
gathered at the bridge and along the bank
to witness the ceremony. The flowers
were" ; placed In "a. temporary boat about
three feet ' In length which " was adorned
with, thu national ; colors and -flags, the
of Ich was glveri by,Mas1eVrCAcir Orange,
which he procured for the special pur his tribute to thevdeadi heroes.
The women officiating' In the ceremony
were Mrs. Carrie M. Peters, president;
Mrs. Hartman, senior vice president; Mrs.
Camilla Elliott,' past department president,
!, acting as Junior vice president; Mrs. Yarton
aa chaplain; Mr. Johnson, as color bearer;
itna current that was sweeping past. As the
boat of flowers started"" the Junior Vice prea
Ident said: i.--. '., .-. '.
' "Speed on, sweet flowers over the waters
to the sea. Over the waters made sacred
by the foved ones 'who sleep beneath them.
Speed on to the sea; scattering- thy frag
rance' In thy Journey as . an Incense to
those dead heroes who sleep In eternal
silence In thy breast." '
An appropriate prayer by the chaplain
With special reference to the sea-burled
veterans was then -rendered, and during the
Interval of the ervice-the songs "Nearer.
My Ood, to Thee" and "America" were
sung. A number 'of the Vnlon Veterans'
union was also present at the ceremonies
with thelf regimental flag, carried by Com
rade Ber'ger and as 'the little boat 'slowly
sped away from the ahore the flags of- the
two organisations were dipped In reverence
to the departing boat. . '
-lifinnurr rnvrnirT pirimn
; JMillUAllL tUJ 1 ItAll MUNIMJ
- Continued from First Page.)
better looking than his photographs repre
sent him to be.
according to an unconvincing story pub
lished by the Evening Standard this after
noon. Fifty anarchists of England, France
and Spain, who are said to be concerned
in the conspiracy are alleged to be on their
way to Madrid ,with the intention of car-
, tying out the attempt, as the king Is lav-
lug the church. The plan is 'said to have
! been hatched In Spain and London, -but
it Is added that the police got wind of
the affair and will tske all the precau
tions necessary. protect tha king. The
jroject. Is is asserted. Included a revolu
tion after the assassination with the view
to overthrowing the monarchy. The Even
ing Standard further asserts that Spanish'
omcers are implicated in the plot
DIAMONDS Edhotm. lath A. Harney ata.
DIAMONDS Frenser, 16th and "Uoage s
Co.; Distributors.
Be. May 30, l0t.
suitable for yokes or entire waists, at Sflo
Four lots of Valenciennes Laces at Jo,
4cr 5o, 6c rard.
Sold at Lace Department, in basement.
Choice Wash Materials, Base
ment Floor, West Side
Wash fabrics that the manufacturers are
proud of having made. Wash goods thst
we are proud of selling, and you'll le
proud of wearing In your new summer
gown .
Sllkised poplin for suits, 40c yard.
Meicerized poplin for suits, 26c yard.
Opaline silk, changeable, for gowns, 4c
Real Irish dimities for gowns, 20c and
SOo yard.
Arnold's NetsukT for kimonos at 25c yard.
Printed tissues for suits at 15c yard.
Shrunk linen finished suiting, all colors,
at 13c yard.
Colored linen for suits at 15c, 25c, 40c
Unbleached linens for dresses at 18c, 20a,
2c, 0c yard.
Fine organdies at 10c, 15c, 20c yard.'
fillk organdies at 25c yard.
The Prettiest of Shirt Waists
Hardly a day passes but we receive new
things in waists. Our regular prices are
always less than sale prices elsewhere.
Dainty styles at 11.75 up to $6.00. There
are always bargains not advertised.
Ladles' outing sweaters, new styles, from
$3.60 up to $7.60.
Wash petticoats, extra well made and
cut full and wide, at $1.00, $1.50 and $196.
Summer House Gowns, Cool and
. Dainty Styles
White lawn dresses, sheer, pretty gar
ments suitable for graduating or afternoon
wear. Prices, f.E0. $9.50, $10.60 up to $25.00.
About Fiftj in Delegation to- General
Federation of Women's Clubs.
Not Mack Probability Qaeatloa of
" Woman SasTrage Will Come
Before the Federation at
This Meeting;.. . .
(From a Staff, Correspondent.)
8T. PAUL, Minn.. May 30. (Special
Telegram.) With a delegation nearly
fifty strong Nebraska Is one of the well
represented states at the eighth biennial
of the General Federation of Woman's
clubs, an unusual . number of visiting
club women being present in -addition to
the delegates. "" At 'the fcourtcll of club
presidents this afternoon t.he- delegation
figured conspicuously. In the opposition to
a proposed .amendment to She by-laws
providing for an Increase In the alae of the
board of directors, Mrs. William Apper
son of Tecumseh, Mrs. H. M. Bushnell
and Mra. A. A. Scott of Lincoln and Mrs.
Mary Andrewa of Omaha speaking against
the measure. The delegation Is consid
ering Inviting one of the General Federa
tion board meetings to Omaha some time
during the next two years.'
Boston, It is ' understood, will ask. for
the next biennial, and sentiment seems
generally In favor of the cast, which has
not had a general meeting sine -tho
Philadelphia convention in 1S4. Above
everything else, woman suffrage has taken
precedence In the Interest of the women,
although there Is little possibility or its
being allowed to come before the ' con
vention. That the women generally are
in sympathy with the principles-of woman
suffrage Is evident, but owing to the pre
judice existing against the enfranchise
ment of women they deem It Inexpedient
for the federation to endorse It and are
equally unwilling that It should refuse
endorsement, earing misinterpretation of
such an action. Jt has been learned that
Jane Addama of Chicago, chairman of the
advisory Industrial committee, is not 'n
sympathy with the resolution asking stat.
federation.' and clubs to work for the
enrrancnisement ,of working women,
which were issued recently by that com
mittee, and regarding .the origin of which
so much mystery exists. Mrs. Florence
Kelly of the consumers league admits
writing the resolutions, and while all the
committee do not endorse them they will
nui repudiate tnera. -Mrs.
Pecker, president of the General
reoeranon, ana Mrs. Rheta riill,lH,u,
cnairman or . me industrial committee,
ueny an anowieage or the resolutions
until after their circulation and both
nuuien are opposed to their coming be
fore the convention. Mrs. Kellya friends
deny that the question of woman suffrage
was brought up with any malicious in
tentions or defeating Mrs. Decker for re
""" "ir premuency, and credit the
circulation or the resolutions to an m
advised desire to gain the endorsement
of the General Federation for woman
suffrage. Miss Louisa Poppenhelm of
Lnariestown, B. c, present correspoud
ei-reiary, ana Mrs. Philip
Moore of St. Louis, vies president, are
mucn tain. or as possible rival . nrtl
dates WlthJ Mrs. Decker for the preal-
urui-jr, .
"""" mt erretar' Ofln Reaemble
liry Uooda Btare an Bargain Day
ST. PALI. Minn., May SO.'-Wornert Trom
all parts of the I'nited States are gathered
In St. Paul tonight attending the biennial
conveotion of the Oeneral Federation of
woman s cluns. which will last a week
The meeting will be held In the National
Uuard armory, with section meetings and
exhibits In the rooms of the old rapltol
Al Itoday waa spent principally in nrs.
,,, , . . . ,H
ring for the business session, which
begin tomorrow. Women Jostle each other
and strive for badges and tickets, and
many who had coma without credentials
still Insist on getting their -tickets of ad
mlslnn. The supreme Idea of some appeared
to be to gt aa many badges for personal
adornment as possible and at times the
place resembled a bargain day sale In a
earge dry goods house.
A meeting of the council was held this
afternoon with Mra. Sarah Platt-Decker In
the chair, and from the decision which
followed the Introduction of several amendments-to
the conatftution it is evident that
soma very animated discussions will take
piaoe Jn the convention hall.
Tonight the opening meeting of the con
vention wsa held in the armory. Governor
Johnson, Mayar Smith and others wel
comed the delegates and Mra. Decker re
apended far tha Oeneral Federation,
Six Thfluund. People -Attend Solemn
Eeqaiem at Holy Eepnlcher.
l nder Ansplers o4 Kalahts nf ( slam
has lmpreaslv'femorlal Wervlee
of ratnall t hareb Is Hea.
Blx thousand persons sat r stord on the
hillside at . .Holy ., Sepulchre '. tfinetety
Wcdnelaj . -. niorning.i' fsclnr the great
white altar. Which had been erected there,
While Rev-JC M.:-L:oUneri conducted ol-
Mnfl mlWary " letjulem . mass, snd while
Rev. M. X;,,0'Con'nor, told of the deeds of
soldier heroes a ad bespoke reverence for
It was a 'solemn jind Impressive specta
cle, and a -.bciintiful one,the; warm sunshine-
streaming "down on the rlohly em
brotdered '' robes - of'- the priests . ' and
the whit Vestments 'of the acolytes
and the Incense hoys," as they performed
the services' of a mass, ahd touching with
benediction heV-hewed, and" uncovered
heads of - the. thousands before '.the. altar.
The purple robes of 'Bishop Scannett, who
took part .In th mjStf,rand saV under"the
altar's canopy, lent some color to the scene
In the . foreground. ,-
The crowd had gathered long -before the
time for "the service, tn Any coming before
t o'clock, i order thai; they might, be sure
of getting seats. There were fcOOO seata, 6no
of Which Wer reserved for the band, the
choir and members ot' the Grand Army of
the Repubilo and. their families: Fully, 4.000
persons had to stand f ar sit on -the grass.
Chief Ponehtieln' onlferm nd Sergeant
Hayes led k' plstootr df'pollc; who looked
after the disposal .jhe (jrowd In an .ad-
miraoie muiiner.
rrelarsr at the Altar.
FatherColanerlWas assisted In the cele
bration' of the mass oy Father Aherne S
deacon, Father Morlarty as subdeacon arid
Father Stenson as master of ceremonies.
ll'ishop Scannell also took part in the cele
bration. ' " ' ' "'
At 10 o'clyock a procession formed hear
the entrance to the 'grouhda and marched
to the altar. It was made Up of the Thir
tieth Regiment band, the Omaha Guards,
the Thurston Rifles, a choir of forty, gath
ered from alt the Catholic churches and
under the direction 'of John Schenck, and
fifty of the clergy among whom was
Bishop .Scannell. '.'"'
After a short program of national airs
by the band the mass was celebrated, re
quiring about an hour.' The Latin words
of the priests, the chanting of the choir.
with the music of an organ, and the whole
in front of 'an altar embellished with
Images and candles and looking very much
like the sltar of a church, were enough to
give an ' impression which will newr be
forgotten. Throughout the service Lieu
tenant Furay and six of the Omaha Guards
served as a guard of honor In front of the
altar. The Omaha Guards and the Thurs
ton Rifles fired a salute to the dead! '
Rev. M. J. O'Connor, 8. J., delivered the
address of the day. It was good to be
present, he said.' If' only to get a calm
assurance which " would kill the terror
caused by the public appetite for exposure,
4 fear that the American honor and Integ.
rlty Is giving way to a sordid selfishness.
It was good to' be present to refute the
words of those1' who' say the fires ire
slumbering" low 'bi 'the altars of the na
tion's 'love, "ft wag 'good to feel that the
services of Decoration- day ' are a strong
Influence to mould the cosmopolitan parts
of the nation' together. He paid an elo
quent tribute to the dead soldiers. -
Sealed In Priceless Blood.
'.'The enduring life of our, land la sealed
In priceless blood,", ha said,, "We know
and realise and come to scatter, flowers on
the graves of our dead heroes. , Their sac
rifice, niakea us feel. how priceless a thing
our -country Is, and our flag .shall, never
suffer dishonor while, we are able, to bear
It up or. ping Its folds to the breese." r . .
At the close of the address Bishop Scan
nell, followed by the clergy, walked down
the central aisle made through the thou
sands, and proceeded to the -graves of the
dead soldiers, of which there are sixty In
the eemetery, more than hi any- other
cemetery in tha state, except one. Wfth
outstretched hands he blessed the graves.
Returning the priests took their seat
again and taps were sounded by -the drums
of the Thirtieth regiment band. The serv
ices - closed with "America" by -.the band
and tha audience. v.-
The exercises were under the auspices of
the Knights of Columbus, and the commit
tee In -charge of the arrangements was
composed of E. W.-Slmeral, John O'Heam,
T. F. SWIft. T. V. Redmond. W. G. CoHrng.
D. J. Riley. C. M. Oarvey, W. P. McDevltt.
Jdhn S. Mullen and A'rthur Coad. - Several
days Were required to do the work neoes-
sary, and the altar and the numerous flag
and floral decoratlona cost several thousand
(Continued from First Page.)
that only the leaders can do; snd If they
snirg it ineir.snama is UDSoeaxaoie.
. Depends an th Man.
ivevertneiess, it remains true that no
leader can accomplish tery much unless
he has the right kind of men to lead. I'll-
less the enlisted man has the right stuil
In hltn it stands to reason that
no officer can get it out of linn.
uecauite it is - not tnere to get
out. So In civil life, if all our leaders were
wasmngtona ' and l.lncolns they could
nevertheless, make no permanent improve
ment in our citizenship unless the average
ciuzen nau in mm ine capacity lor such
Improvement. In the lust analysis It is
the man behind the ballot who counts
most in civil life, Just as It la me man be
hind the gun who counts most in military
'e canooV'too highly honor the. memory
of the leaders In ,th civil war of Grant
on lee, of Sherman and Johnston, of
tilunewall Jackson and Sheridan, of Farra
gut and of (he .captains who fought under
and against him. Jtut, after all, the man
upon whom the chief credit tituHt rest waa
the plain man In- the ranks, the man in
blue or hi gray who went lu lo. see the
war through and who did see It'through.
He had the courage to standwithnut flinch
ing the bickering of the skirmlahes and tli
hammering of the great rights, he had the
steadfast endurance to bear with uncom
plaining resoiut Ion the hunger and the
heat and the cold, the scorching days and
the freezing nights, the grinding, heart
breaking ratigiie. or the marches, the wear I
some monotony of the camps and the sins
surrorlng of tha field hospitals. So in the
,rmy nav" today. In the last analysis
I We must depend upon having the right
at, iff in the enlisted man. and then upon
having that, aturl put into oroner ahaoe
So, again, lo our republic as a whole, it Is
Four spoonfuls of
t breakfast will add
splendid tons to the
mental machinery all day.
Jus( ss true In peer now aa It wss forte
rive years ago In wsr, that It Is the char
acter of the averivce man that must, be
the determining fertor In achieving na
tional success or going down to national
disaster. leadership Is neceeasry In order
thst we .may get really good results out
of a high average of Individual character,
but without the high character In the
average Individual the leadership by Itself
can avail but little.
Responsibility Individual.
Now, It Is easy to say this In words which
shall imply merely nsttery of tne average
voter or of the aVeraae enlisted man. 1
certainly do not Intenu my words to be so
laser), it is a sure sign or weskness in
Sny man If he is alwas wanting to be
flattered, and especially if he lets nis head
be turned by flattery. The average voter
needs to learn and to keep steadily In
mind the fart that If In the last resort the
esl rower is his. so In the Isst resort
the real responsibility Is his. He cannot
cast oft-on anyone else the responsibility
.or our governmental shortcomings. Motu
ng Is cheaper thsn to ssy thst tne people
are all right, but that the politicians are
ail wrong. As a matter of fact, politics,
and therefore politicians, will In the long
run represent laitniuuy eitner tne wisnes
or the indlrterenre of the people, and If
n peopie are ineinerent tne resuita are
ust about as had as if thev deliberately
choose to go wrong. So It is with the en
listed man. When 1 call attention to the
high place he holds, and must ever hold
n t ne esteem of every sensible man. I do
t less with the Intention of emphasising
ne respect oue him hy outsiders than Willi
he Intention of maktne- him realise the
burden of honorable obligation resting upon
nis snouiders. By unwearied effort ne
must learn to do his duty, whether thst
duty lies afloat or ashore, whether It lies
in tha cavalry or the Infantry, In the gun
turret or in the engine room. He must
he able to handle himself and to handle
the formidable and delicate mechanism en
trusted to his care in such manner that If
ever it becomes his fortune to take part
In battle for the flag another page shall
be added to the many which go to make up
me long nonor roil or American nistory.
In closing I ask your attention to the
fact that our soldiers and sailors are able
to do their duty in great emergencies even
other than those of war. Recently the
most aiialllng disaster that has ever be
fallen any city In our country, the most
appalling disaster that has befallen any
city of the same else for a century past,
befell the great and beautiful city of Ban
Francisco. In the midst of their horror
and pity and sympathy the rest of our
people were rendered proud and glad by
the courage, the self-reliance, the aelf
command shown by the men and women of
San Francisco themselves under the sud
den and awful calamity which had be
fallen them. We had yet another source
of pride in the fact that the first Ameri
cans outside the city who were able to
extend relief and help were the officers and
enlisted men or the garrison and tne snips
In the immediate neighborhood of San
Francisco. The alertness, the Instant re
sponse to the demand made upon them, the
mixture of self-reliant Initiative with or
derly obedience and coherence of action,
the high personal valor and the steady en
durance and strength shown by the sol
diers and sailors of the regular army and
navy In coping with this disaster, were as
great as If shown in time of battle. Such
a record should make every true American
proud of the army and the navy and should
make everv true American resoiuie io se
that through our national authorities at
Washington we make the provision by law
for the maintenance, the support and the
training nf the urmv and the navv. that
they shall ever stand in the forefront of
their respective professions.
When the president had concluded nia
address a procession was formed . to the
cemetery adjoining, where he unveiled the
beautiful shaft erected by the Army and
Navy union.
Celebration Is on Bis icale In
WASHINGTON. May . Memorial day
services in this city were on' an elaborate
scale. As In the past, the principal exer
cises, were at Arlington, where an Im
mense crowd gathered- The day was ideal.
Twenty thousand graves in Arlington were
decorated. The ceremonies began with a
procession, participated in by various
Grand Army of the Republic posts, the
Old Guard, the district militia anS the
Spanish .war veterans. Upon arriving at
Arlington , the exercises first , centered
around the' tomb of. the unknown, -where
2,000 federal soldiers are burled, after
which the principal ceremonies were con
ducted In the amphitheater, where ad
dresses,' recitations and' music were heard.
Representative Blrdsall of Iowa delivered
an address. The orator of the day waa
Rev. D. J. Stafford of St. Patrick's Roman
Catholic church. All business was prac
tically suspended.
thaw's Filipino Parable.
WINCHESTER, Ky.. May JO.-In an ad
dress to the graduating class of the Ken
tucky Wesleyan college yesterday Secre
tary Shaw told this parable about the
Phlllpplnear '
"If you please, I will represent t'nele
Sam for a little while. I have a neighbor
thst has caused me trouble for years.
One morning I say to my family, I am
going across the way and aettle that
trouble, and my family says go. I settle
the disturbance, but when I eome back I
have a little baby In my arms. I wish I
had never seen It.
"I call my family around' me and say
there will be no further trouble, but
what am I to do with this baby?' Opinions
differ. To keep and educate him seems the
only thing to do, and when he la grown we
can keep him or atart bim for himself, aa
the good God haa not given us all' this for
seems best. It will cost us something, but
ourselves alone. It will be a wonderful ad
vantage for him, and I say, 'All right,' and
the first time I take him he begins to yell
nd kick and aquall and bile. Spank.
Spank. Spank.
'"The little fellow is well satisfied now.
The other day, when I recalled his nurse.
Judge Taft, he looked up and cried. I
don't know what the little boy la going
to do. I dare not write a prediction and
sign It, but I know you boys; I know that
aa long as the American people hsve red
corpuscles In their blood, so long as they
love equity, justice and liberty, so long
will they help them (the Filipinos). '
(irsersl Observance la Chicago.
CHICAGO, Msy 80. Decoration day In
this city wss generally observed, the ma
jority of the Vulness houses being closed
for a part and many of them for the en
tire day. The services were held In all tha
cemeteries of the city under the direction
of the Grand Army posts and the grave
of every man known to have taken pert in
the civil war or the late war with Spain
was appropriately remembered. The
wesfher waa not propitious, being dark and
showery, but late In the day the parade, In
which the regular troops from Fort Bherl
dan, mllltla, Grand Army posts and naval
reserves participated, waa held and was
witnessed by thousands of people. ' For
the flrst time In this city many of the
veterans, feeling themselves unequal to
march of several miles through the streets
of the city, rode In carriages.
Miners Bow lo Heroes,
DENVER. Colo., Msy SO. No session of
the convention of the Western Federation
of Miners was held today. The delegates
In a body attended memorial services at
tne grave or iiev. Myron neea in r air-
mount cemetery.
Roosevelt's Wreath for McKlnley.
CANTON. O., May 30 President Roose
velt's Memorial day tribute to the memory
of William McKlnley wss a handsome
wreath of white carnations and hydrangea
The floral piece was taken to the tomb of
the marytyred presdent by Mrs. McKlnley
this morning. Vice President Fairbanks
sent a remembrance also and Judge Day
remembered the day with another floral
- Vrtrrasi 1 alt.
NASHVILLE. Tenn., May Hi.-rederel
and confederate vetersns here and at other
points In the stste, Including Xnoxvllle,
Memphis and other lsrge tewns, united
today In decorating the graves of departed
Memorial ! la fw l'ork.
NEW YORK. May . Memerla! day was
celebrated In this elty with a parade, in
whK-h members of the Orsnd Army of the
Republic and several detachments ef
I'nlted States troops and marines took
TTT, 7i
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la BUJoum Attack ad Disorder of thUvert X
A Refreshioz tod Pleasant Aperient for MoroinxUse.
- " ' .
Sole Exporters: THE APOLLIN ARIS CO., Ltd, London,
Mature Just when the borrower can least
arford to take care of them.
In these times of plenty and prospertn- ,
would It not be well to refund your
strslght loan with this association, whom
It may run any length of time you wish
without the necessity of a renewal. "
We charge no commission for making
loans, snd persons borrowing of us ar
fully protected by our Reserve and 1'n
divided profit account of 110,000, and also'
participate In our dividends of s per cent
per annum.
Resources, $1, 750,000.
The Conservative Savings & Loan
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Wk riliiFi
part. The weather was Ideal and great
crowds lined the route of the parade.
eheerlng tho veterans aa they went by.
Several yachting" regattas and other
aporting events were held In and near the
ST. PAUL, May TO.-The feature Of Me
morial day here was the unveiling of a
monument at the university to students
who lost their Uvea In the Spanish-Ameri
can war. " '.
HOl'STON, Tex.. May M.-Deeoretlon day
was observed In all of the larger cltlea
nf Texas today by tha Grand Army of tha
Republic and the Woman's Relief corps.
Many confederate veterans attended tho
service and assisted In .the decoration of
the graves., gome hundreds of federal
veterans are burled In virloua cemeterlea
In Texas.
Of special Interest were the services at
San Antonio In which the regulara of Fort
Sam Houston took part.- In the National
cemetery there many soldiers of the United
States are burled. -
LITTLE ROCK, Ark., May SO.-rMembera
of the local Confederate Veterans eamp
united . today with those . of the Grand
Army of the Republic post In forming an
escort in the parade marking tha observ
ance of- Memorial day. , Ths former con
federate soldiers appeared In their old uni
forms of gray and the Grand Army of ths
Republic were clad In blue. .'
J. Hnnter.
ALDA. Neb.. Msy DO. (Special Telegram !
Mr. J. Hunter, one of Alda a most pros
perous and prominent farmers, died at :4t
p. m May 30. He naa long neen surrermg
from diabetes. Besides his Wife, he leaves
two brothers and three sons and two daugh
808,000 Aeres to Be Opened for
The Stephen's bill, which provides for the
sale of flt.000 acres of Indian pasture land,
will open to settlement the largest body
of uniform agricultural land in Oklahoma.
The lands are located in Kiowa, Csmanche
and Caddo counties, and are divided (nto
four tracts. ' A correct msp, showing loca
tion of lands and railroads entering same,
can be had by enclosing 4 cents In stamps
to F. K. Rickey, El Reno, Okl.,. who has
been furnished with lO.Ono of these maps
for diatributlon by tha Chattanooga Town
by a heavy cold or cough, your lungs
are helpless till ybu cure them with Dr.
King's New' Discovery, toe and'fl.0.
King's New Dlacovery. Wo and 11. For
sale by Sherman McConnell rug Co.
parts t'nt Oat at Heanrst of the
. Grand Army.
vifprk M n.. Mav SO. (Hoec'lsl Tele
gram.) After a week of gloomy weather
Memorial day has been fair. Services
were by the school children In the morn
inm nH an address bv Hon. J. A. Holmes
In the afternoon, both at tha state house;
a parade by band, troops, . firemen end
veterans waa given In the afternoon. At
the request of the Grand Army of the
Republic no sports were Indulged In for
the day. ...
is oshts saom t a son as oshts
siustt, Btaaoav a co.
Tm sutfartiig I rem weak
aetsas waisb sap ths pleasures
f ils skould take Javsa fills.
Ons bos will wll a storr of
marvelous rosalu. ' This kaedietne has mare
Q " fcj, 'Phone Douglas Til.
-w i . in. in i LJlsmnis.,jB.uioM
rejuvenating, vitalising fom Wkaa baa ettr
before U ajforod. beat avsfrpnta la plain
Pay eaa ssjr it, s - sgjkls adv. an fc.
.v,',; . , :
; r. . '
. .s
.-.! ; ' i
' I . t ....
Over SS. 000 of these little Barrels
of toe cream have already bean sold
and tha demand la ooastamtly Increas
ing. ,
If you try one of Batdnff'a little
barrels of Ice cream you wil know,
' why they are so popular and why'
over '"25,000 have already been sold.
Bach barrel Is filled r with three
flavors of Ice cream, vaullla, straw
berry and chocolate; fresh frosen
when you purchase it at the counter. -
The little barret , is so constructed
that It will keep the Ice cream hard'
for a long time on a hot day and it Is
not neceas-try to put It on, ice,, von
ran take it to your home-or office,
keep and eat It later at your con
venience. Send and get One.-- V il "
Put up In two sixes. ' ,
Quart sliersufflolent for glz A fin
or elgnt persons
Pint sise, sufficient for three
or four persons ...........
WO Famam S"t.
Trunks, Suit Cases
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Large Stock at
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Our $5.00 Suit
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in all cowhld
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Ike money., (
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Telephoae tlH. lift Faraaa M
Our satire select stock, whlea Is aom
posed of tas nest Oriental stag and
Carpets la tha world that monsy eaa
bay, guaranteed to be absolutely la
perfect condition in every r.speev
mnst fee sold at oaon ragaratvss nf ;
cost. We extend a oerdlal invitation
to all devout loves of highest grade .
Oriental Bags to call at onoa and in
spect our aniens and unrivaled eoUeo
tfon before sal la ended, Saturoay,
June S. v . '
" (Of tft. Loui, Mo i '
A lew Shipment of Cur Old Brinl-
Four for . V. 25cc
Per Box of 25, $1.25 ,
ICth and Farnam 8trttV j
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Earthquake Picture Show
See the 8 an Francisco
Earthquake and Fire!
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Reserved seats K cefi'tsL Oeneral ad
alon. ' ttnts. " , ; '. K '' t
"Matinee every afternoon at' 3.fti,oiu
Evening perfarmanve'at f .s o'clock t f
-Children admitted t -matinee for 16 cents.
Spertai. matinee Saturday, , afjnrnoon mr
sehooldliildrenadnilaisjon ii vrU t
On, nltht only;uesdsy, June S
Beats on Sal.
nr a en r rt rfTvrrrrvr
In bts latest and best rare comedy '
. "THE GENIUS." . 1 '
Prices 2S cents to K00. " .' "
rWttlMT lOo-asa.
, atATivnav -
ir.L. 1 1: i t t 1 a
TOrTQsTT S lis afaUiis gstutdsy -Tli
Wolfe t toe It i'o. In'a MangmaaV-.
Sunday, "liasel Klrfc'' -' ' ' .