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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 31, 1906)
THE OMAIIA DAILY DEE; THURSDAY, MAY 31, 1&06. 12 1 1 H W n ii n I H I ii. mm i..u- ii- i ml ii I II II J St " " " " ' " " 111 ' 1 J PI'- Ml i SatuTdaj ii n n ii M n ri ri n n n ii ti ri p ii ri u n n ii ti ri u ii n n ra ii u ri n n ri n M n El IS n II 11 II II IS M f! 11 n n El II IS M roFf IQ) 1 J 2jJ C5' 11 Satariiy 1 1 Big SilsN Meat ! 2 Salts ladies Stunning Tailored Suits at $10 ii n ri n rs M u ri n Thursday we offer a new assortment j of popular styles in ladies' tailored g j suits these arc high class suits that I'l have been selling at $17.50 and $1D l W " IS each all the prettiest 'Etons, Bole ros, Polos, etc. the newest shades FI of Alice blue, reseda, p 1 jfH ri ixtures- q I j M grays and mixtures splendid values. Celebrated "Fashionse&l Suits These elegant fashioned suits are recog nized by the best . dressed women in Omaha as the standard of excellence and perfect tailoring ladles' apparel, the wid est possible variety styles all the ultra fash ionable shades, the "Fash lonseal" price Is M II II 11 n In f mmm. n smartly tailored or daintily trimmed specially priced I EMBROIDERIES These are the highest quality of w I d e embroideries, skirtings, flounclngs, lnsertlngs and bands, new open work effects, all of them new patterns one of the greatest embroid ery bargains of the year, worth up to 75c yard., at yd 25c Ladies' Long Gloves LADIKS KTOX AND COVERT JACKETS AT 4.D8 These very smart J"J Jackets are In coverts and the pretty little silk etons that f ( Q j have attained such exceptional popularity mis season ' II rl of w w -m P ti n ti ii ti n ii ii n ii n n These gloves are the long lisle in black, wnite and colors, or the silk gloves with elbow length lace arms, In Mack an,d colors, all sizes, new arrivals In these ' fashionable effects at, pair $1, 150 .d $2 MK0 Just Received Two Carloads of Carefully Selected Sample Pianos B'Jjl Charming New Millinery at $2.50 Most of these Hats are in the popular small Sailors or Turbans many are Dress Hats smartly trimmed with wings, nowers ana clus tered or knotted ribbonsat J. L. BBANDEIS & SONS. 1H U 1 r 1 IS is As we ara not represented In Omaha by any dealer, we wilt sell the SAMPLE PIANOS to people living In the city, or In any town In the state where we arc not represented at FACTORY PRICES. Payments Made to Suit Buyers. We do not manufacture our own pianos. but the planoe we represent an from factories among the oldest and moat reli able In America; they have built and marw keted their planoe for over fifty years. Ttocir product has a fixed reputation In the patno world. All of our planoe are direct from the factory, no middle man, and we guarantee you a saving of 176 to $100 on any , high grade piano. PRICES ON NEW PIANOS FROM $135 UP. N 01R LIME: The Old Reliable Chase, The Old Reliable Adam Schaaf, The Old Reliable Hackley, The Old Reliable Carlisle, The Old Reliable Boltwood, The Old Reliable Sherman, The Old Reliable Miller. Call and examine our line, and we will prove to you beyond a doubt that we carry the finest line of goods In the west. We also handle the best sewing machine made, . ana sell it at absolutely factory prices. DO NOT FAIL. TO LOOK OVER OUR STOCK BEFORE BUYING. Write, call or phone vs. . J. S. CAMERON 106-108 North 15ih Street McCAGUE BANK BUILDING, EAST ENHANCE 1508 Douglas Gt. Popular Prices. Popular Prices. Enormous Cut Price Millinery Sale Thursday Absolutely Every Hat in the House Reduced In Price Exquisite Dress Hats at $5.00, SS.50 and $3.75 It Py to Investigate. 1608 Doug lag St. DO YOU WANT TO KNOW ABOUT COLORA UU i if so, fill out the blank below and mail to C. H. SPEEHS, ' TOO Seventeenth Street, Denver Colo And yon will receive by return mail FREE, a set! of handsome pouveror. postal cards, showing mountain scenery, together with a number of beautifully illustrated booklets, telling you how to ' make your Bummor vacation trip to the Rockies a most enjoyable event. - Dear Sir Please tell me about Colorado. Name ; Postoffioe. ; ' ' State ax' i 8222j22222S3SSSs5SSS2S "Goin Tourists 99 0 (ft . 3 i . i 17 AU TEE WAY Irani, taHiMs Hag, aKtata. bm, tar tMrtal Ucacr leaMw. Is the way ol economy and comfort. You travel In qalck lime over the shortest line to Southern CaUlornb, along the historic Santa Fe Trail. ; It's the Grand Canyon line, too Cool and dnstless and Harvey series the meals. Personally conducted tri weekly excursions. nm ii is Ob- 1 JilffilpRIAL This la ifemorlal day, which serred throughout the land. A few words'-to the laborini- man. Onr special mechanics shoe at $1.(0 Is Juat what you want-made of soft crome calf uppers, aenulne oak soles. wide, common sense toe full crimp front with closed tongues tha- pre vents dust and dirt gettlnv Into the shoe. . . These shoes . will outwear any two from the start. in Yairs of (he ordinary kind that has been costing you lust as breaktn No you lust as much. in required comfort Drexel Shoe Co. . 1419 Firnara Strett. M Graduation Wais ' Seta , fi Oraduatlon ' Blraet SUaa-a t , I I Graduation ' Brooches VI ,: Graduation 'Watok.a ' "it if Graduation Toll. ata Graduation Bracelets ' 1 I Graduation r Meoklaoes -', P A Graduation Scarf mi ' 7 fi ' We hare '. made a great 1 .effort to please you this k jDrown ArDorsheim ) JEWELERS iZZZ 5outb 1633tret0moha.l Business Boosters Try th Wut Ag Qjliiina ti Tm Jtt. OMAHA WEATHER FOKECAST TTionMlay, Fair and Warmor. Tmi I lbWWJLJl 7 3 Thurs day is Re d Letter Day.. Ten Green Trading Stamps Free to each Book Produced Most bring book or will give you no one. Ten Green Trading Stamp . Pree, J In Either Caae. Premlant. . Parlor Balcony fi Croctoy rfjf Tea Pot Sale V "y Big RI KngUpta Bock Tepotn, pretty decora tions and snap, all ities, values up CIa to 75c, for. each m&JC New Japanese China Raits and Peppers, pretty blue decorations, Thursday, I CA a pair.......... IJC The Kent Dinner Set, a new one and a beauty, full set of 100 pieces on a good shape, C f a $15 yslue, Thursday, a set 41U New White and Gold Toilet Sets, very fine ware on a good shape, 10 piece 3 69 Burns' Crockery Almost All Goae Plates, 6c 3c t r ana . . . Odd Cups, each Odd Bancers each. Odd Cover Dishes, 35c and .......3c Ic ..,..:..:...2Sc Aay Glass Globe or. Flat Piece ol Glass, Tfcarsaiy for . . . .So Re dl;j5tt6r Stationery Barffairis Ten Green Trading Stamps with each of the following items Package Eleiujett'fi Lunch Paper (50 sheets) ; . . . .' . . 10c 10 yards best graiie Lace Shelf Paper, 5c Bottle Carter's best Ink .................... . . '.' ,5c 10c Ink Tablets, assorted sixes and papers , 5c Post. Card-Anmei', hold 100 cards , . , ; . . . ... 25c Bicycle Playing Cards, $1.50 doz., pack .15c '"""""" Stationery Main Floor Bennett's Bi Grocery TEAS .TEAS. TEAS. Headquarters tor the beet values. Jos. Tetley & Co's. India and Ceylon Teas. Pound can Sunflower Brand .75c And fifty -green trading stamps. Halt pound can. Sun flower brand . .. . 88c Ana . twenty-nve . green trading stamps. " Bennett's . O&pltol -- Lemon Extract . per. bottle 18t And twenty, green -. trading stamps. Pride of Bennett's1 Flour,1 sack . . . .$1.80 And forty green trading stamps. Diamond "8" Fruits, can 25c And thirty 'green trading stamps. Schepp's Cocosnutj lb. pkg 25c And ten greeti trading stamps. Bennett's CapltoV'Baking Powder, pound, can ,1 .Wv 24c pi BUTTER. . dJXTEIl, BUTTER. Fresh Country Butter, pound .......15c Ripe California Olives, pint. 28 And twenty green trading stamps. Sour -.Pickles, quart ,.10c And ten. green trading stamps. .... Chow Chow Pickles, quart ' ; . .;. , ' . . I . I5e . And ten green trading stamps.: . Small. Sweet Pickles, quart ; . . . :20c , And ten green trading stamps'. CANDY SECTION. Chocolate Frappee, assorted flavors, very delicious, per pound box ........ 50c .- And twenty green, trading stamps. FRUITS AMD ytGOKTABLKS Lettuce, radishes, onions, cucumbers, oranges, strawberries and cherries, fresh dally. ' New Potatoeaaelendid quality, per, per. pound 8c; peck 45c. RED LETTER DAY CV SHOES Double Green Trading Stamps All Day On 111 Shoe Purchases. Children's Gibson and Christie Ties, Patent Colt and Kid, $2.00, $1.50, $1.25 no and ... ....... vOK, Ladies Gibson Ties, Patent Tip, Light or Heavy Sole3, $2.25 values, in at. ......... .JLeMO Ladies' Kid Julia Mar lowe Pattern, Patent Tip or Soft Tip, J yjj Ladies' White Canvas Oxfords or Gibson Ties, k plain toes - or tips, white heels or leather heels, $3.00, $2.50, $2.00 J jjQ Ladies' Earl Schmidt's White Calf Welted Soles, ,. at , ... , 3.50 Young. Men ' and Small MenHere's . Tour Chancy! 100 suits, some are pure worsteds and all-wool cheviots, etc.; sizes 31 to 3,0 (or 14 to 20 years) Xvortti up to" $10, RedLetterDayi , only . .' :'. . '. .... , $5 Children's Straw Hats worth up to $1.00, . , at... .i And fifty green trading stamps. 39c Boys' Wash - Suite, whites and tans, double ' breasted, sold up ifv wt . to $2.95, ages 4 to 16, hi f now ,,rJ Bargain Square. FirnisKing Goods s Ten Green Trading Stamps' with Any 50c Garment of "Underwear, plain and fancy colors. BOYS' HOSE ...12c 'And five green trading stamps. . - ' . SHIRTS Shirts, Red Letter Day, only .50o And twenty green trading stamps. BALBRIGGAN UNDERWEAR .39o SPECIALS in HARDWARE-thursday 30c No. 280 Granite Preserving Kettle, special And thirty green trading stamps. - 25 Per Cent Discount on All Agate Nickel Ste4 Enjunel Ware 1 and 2 qt. Blue and White Enamel Cups, 18c and . ' : . , .. And twenty green trading stamps. Eighty green trading stamps with any clothes wringer, selling up from EVERY ONE GUARANTEED. 14c 1.95 June Sse of Undermtsllns Begins Saturday. TNI RKLIABLK eTRB V J Qnzt Sale . of Dainty Undtrmtislins Saturday. Furniture Sate Continues The reault of this sAle so far bave been Imrnenaely pleaMlng to w and even more to the hnndreds of customers who have profited by these special ' price reductions. Hundrvds of blue tags yet In sight, each meaning a saving f several doUars to te purchawer of the article. '-' Those In need of good furniture should act at onoe ae this sale will be of short dura tion. Don't ml us this great opportunity. Was Oak Extension Table, 45x45 top, well constructed, 6 ft J7.50 Oak TTvtnnainn Tahle. Kx4f ton well constructed.-8 ft 18.50 Onk Extension Table, 46x45 top, 6 legs,. 8 ft... .... 8.60 Oak Extension Table. 46x45 top, 6 legs. 10 ft 110.60 Now 5.85 .85 $TJ50 1 SA.AO Oak Extension Table, 45x45, top. 0 legs, lift...... III. 60;. w.ou Pillar Extension Table. 48x48, polished. 6 ft $12.60- 4MO.BO Pillar Extension Table, 48x48, polished, 8 ft , .. 113.88 , $11.50 Round Extension Tables, 48x48. top. French legs; 6 ft. ... . . .118.85 $11.00 Fancy Oak Chair, deep carving. veneer seat 114.85 $12.00 IIl(th back, wood seat Chair, carved back, ... 11.26;.- $1.00 rancy oak Chair, deep carving.veneer seat, .,.,..... 81-60 r $1.20 Our oak Chair, saddle veneer seat polished. .11.76 ; $1.40 Oak cane seat Chair,' brace arm .11.28 75c Heavy oak chair, cane seat ...$1.36-; $1.15 Qr. Oak Buffet, French bevel plate mirror .$14.60 ' $12.00 Qr. Oak Buffet French bevel plate mirror, polished $23.50 $19.00 Qr. Oak Buffet, French bevel plate mirror, polished, leaded glass doors at .'..K $83.60 $20.00 $12.00 Sideboard, now. . .$0.00 f Oak China Cabinet, bent glass front. $10.50 Sideboard, now. .$8.83 1 was $21.60, now v. .$18.00 $11.60 Sideboard, now. . $0.83 China Cabinet, w $19.40, now $16J0 Parlor and Library Tables, Desks and Cabinets, Rocker nd Parlor Pieces all have "Blue Tags". Do you want to save? Ladies' Spring Suits Woman's $ and MO Sprint" BulU,Q Qf In this sale .....i...tS Women's tX and $30 Spring Bulla, IJ. Q( In this saJa Women's 120 and S23.60 Bprlag Suits, 4ft in this sale .v...lw Women's $15 and U8 Spring SuJtS, . y RQ at eww HANDSOME) SKIRTS An alwnt Una of Panama. Voiles, Eollnnea,. etc, In plain aid fancy colors. . neweat , style, worth r ,.......G.95 Greatest line of Dress Skirts In; Omaha at. $11.60. IIS. U. JJ jQ BPR1NO COATS AT HALF PRICE 20 Covert Coats, $10 tlf Covert Coaaa, at ......:.::.:.2.98 .7.50 ......:...::.v,3 $5.00 Jap 811k Waists, at $2.00 Lawn Waists, at.... FROM I THX A. M. Women's-$1.25 Wrappers 65c $10 Covert Coats, at LADIES' CRAVENBTTK POATS-M; oC FrletleTTS oest craveneiiea, in ait mmu, 16 values, 7.f3 choice J BKAUTIFTJL NEW WASH SUlTBNew. est styles and material, unequalled va rlety and values at $46 , JE8 down to....i.. ft.M Bilk Umbrellas,. J - "3.98 at. .ww. FROM t:M TILL srW-'' AQc tl.OO Wash, Underskirts. ....vm.m.. " FROM TILL. 10 A. M. 20f2 Women's 75c Klmonas ...t.m.,mr. " FROM : TILL. 11 A. M. 1Qn $1.60 Moire and Sateen Uo4rskrrts.M Gteat Removal Sale Continues Our House-Furnishing and Crockery Department present a scene greatest activity. Preparations for a change In quarters are under way And WE, ARE HOLDING THE GREATEST CUT PRICE SALB '. EVER ICNOWN. HELP US TO JvtoVE THESE GOODS THURSDAY: '; ' " ' "' - 25o;Wajsh Basins. .... 10c 55c Tea and Coffee Pots. . . 15c $1.50 Tea Kettles ......... 89c 25c Sauce Pans........... 15o 25c Stew Pans . ; 15c 25c Stew Pans... 10c 25o Mixing Bowls 15c 25c Dippers.'. ...... ...... 10c ELort-IIandled - Spades, , or, ... Shovels, round or square , top,' worth 75e. " 394 Fine Parlor Brooms (4-tie) -' 25c and 30c value. . , 19o Garden Rakes, worth 25c, at .......... ;;'...4v:;15c Garden Hoes, worth 25c, at i. 15c And dozens, of oUstY articles, mostly blue and white enameled, white lined on the floor in great piles-r-all marked at correspondingly low prices. Hayden'sTtie Greatest Grocery Department In Omiha Read These Prices . ' V 21 pounds Best Pure .Can Granulated Sugar ..$1.00 10-pound Back Beat Qranulated Corn- meai j-c I pound Best Breakfast 1 Rolled Oat meal 1 4)0 10 bar Best Brands Laundry Soap 26c 6-pound pail Pure Fruit Jelly 16o Potted Ham, Beef r Tongue, per can.. 4c Deviled Ham, Beef or Tongue, per can.. 4c The Best Boda Crackers, per pound.... so Fresh, Crisp Ginger Snaps, per pound.. 6c Best Bulk Laundry Starch, per pound.. 4c Choice Tea Siftlngs, per pound Ufto Fancy B. F. Japan :or ' Sun Dried Tea, per pound , 2Eo Fancy Santos Coffee, per pound........ 16c BUTTER AMD CHEESE PRICES. Fancy Full Cream New York Whit ' Cheose, per pound .120 Neufchatel Cheese, each So Sap Sago Cheeae, eaoh V&s Fanoy Separator' Creamery Buttetv- -equal to anything put up in pack ages or much higher prloea par J jg fresh FRurra and vegetables. ' Biz bunches Freah Radish ...4. Co Two bunohea Fresh Asparagu.....n. - to Fresh Wax or String Bean, per lb 5o Three bunch Freah Turnips. Fresh Ripe ttrawbeniea, per Quart . fcox , M.....V.MM. 1 WAVDEW BR - ...TO THE.. WOETHWES AND RETURN . Portland, Tacoma, Seattle, Bellinghara, Everett, Vancouver, Victoria and New Westminster 0I1E FARE, or $50 For the Round Trip " r To accomodate delegates to ' meeting of the Hotel fcien's Mutual . Benefit Association thisremarkably low . round-trip rate, haa lieen made by , yJwiow Pacific . Tickets on sale June 18, lt.jzo, tl. 8. 1906, with -final return limit 80 dayi from date of sale 13 v Inquire fcit vtii 11VAE.1 urrii.iuiiiizi r - Pbone Douglas 834. : t ) JUNE WpDDINGS O rtiii aoea oe her. Should II u be Invltea we wouia iih A . . . I k. ... . 7 I . . . I . 1 . ' of Bterllng BUrar. Cut '.1 . rnry Clncks. Hand palntad Cliloa,- few mint la spent In our slot would be profitable. LOOK rOM rxs aTAMK. 1 (S) AY 1 . I n ) s. W. LINDS 1A1 A Y, JEWELER. pgls. 4 ' ' ' . 1