Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 31, 1906, Page 11, Image 11

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.1 ;
termseter. Cbevenne, Wyoming. May 29.
IfefckMl prnposnla. In triplicate, will be
received at this office until 8 o'clock p. m.,
mountain tlnn. . Jme li. I!. and then
ojwned In public, frr Constructing, plumb
ing and electric wiring on Tout and Trle
rjh Ofllr building, plan No. 177. Bidders
must etata In thalr bid the tlma In which
they will r-orhplete the work. Proposals muat
ba scrnmpanted ey 'wo guarantees Justify
ing Jointly In dnnble tha amount of 10 per
ant of thalr hid. Full Information, blank
farina, plana and epeclm-nttona furnished
on application to thla office, slso to the
office of tha Chief Quartermaster, Denver,
Colorado, and Omaha. Nebraska. I'nited
8l1aa ri4i tha right to accept or re
ject any or all blda or part thereof. En
velnpea containing blda to ha endorsed
"Proposals for Public Building at Fort
l. A. Ruaaell, Wyoming" and addreaaed to
Captain V. K. Hart, Conatnictlng Quarter
master, Cheyenne, Wyoming.
Cnloa Paelfle.
Overland limited,
The China : and
Faat Mall
a 9:40 am
a 8:18 am
a 6:10 pm
a 9:80 am
a 6:10 pm
a!0:46 pm
a 8:80 pm
a 7 44 am
a 4:60 pm
b 2:00 pm
.a 4:15 pm
.a 4:16 pm
.a 4:25 pm
Tnlo. Calif. Ex
."aliform Ore. E
Los Angelea Limited
Faat Hall v..
Colorado Special ...
North Platte Loeal.
Beatrice Local ......
,,.11.) am
..a I t pm
..a 7:46 am
..a 8:10 am
.b 8:J6 pm
rblcaaro Great Western
St.. Paul AMInii a 8:30 pm
t. Paul A Minn I 7:46 am
Chicago; IJmlted ' a 6:00 pm
Chicago- Kxpreaa .......a 6:06 am
Minn. Bt. Paul Ex b 8:00 am
Minn. A fit. Paul Ltd. ..a 8:30 pm
a 7:16 am
a 7:66 pm
alOSO am
a 8:80 pm
b 8:66 pm
a 7:30 am
Cblegte, Rock Island Pact
Chicago Limited , a 8:25 am
Chicago Express a 7:00 am
Chicago Kxpreaa. local. bll: IS am
Molnf Kxpreaa. ...a 4:S0 pm
Chicago Faat Kxpreaa.. a 6:40 pm
Rocky Mountain Ltd... a 7:20 am
Colorado Express ......a 8:01 pin
Oklahoma Ct Texas Ex. a 4:40 pm
. Chlaag A Korthweatern.
l-ocal Cedar Rapida ....a 7:05 am
ChloHgd Daylight ..a 8:U0 am
Chicago Limited a 8:W pm
Carroll local t 1:32 pm
Bt. Paul Faat Mall ....a 8:26 pm
Sioux C. As 81 Pi Local, b M pm
Faat Mall
Chicago Kxpreaa a 6:60 pm
Chicago Limited -....-.. all :00 pm
Norfolk de Uoneateei ....a 7:40 am
Lincoln & Long Pine ..a 7:40 am
Casper & Wyoming ....a 8:00 pm
a 7:10 am
a 9 :65 pm
a 4:30 pm
bll .60 am
a 1:15 pm
a 8:16 am
a 1 :15 pm
alS:06 pm
a 6:00 pm
11:30 pm
9:16 am
9.60 am
7:05 am
a 9:86 am
8:30 pm
a 7:30 am
11 :16 am
10:36 am
10:86 am
& 6:06 pm
6:06 pm
6:06 pm
bl2:40 pm
8:46 pm
a 3:56 pm
a 7:30 am
a 8:40 am
al0:30 pm
bll: am
a 7:86 am
a 8:10 pm
a 9:20 am
bU:00 pm
ueaawooa Lincoln ...a :u pm
Hastings at Aioion
Fremont-Albion - .
Chicago' Local
Illinois Central.
Chicago Express .
Chicago Limited ,
..b 8:00 pm
. d 9 vi pm
.all:30 am
'.a 8:00 am
.a 6:00 pm
Bt. Louis Express ' a 8:30 pm
St. Louie (from
. Council Bluffs; .......a 8:16 am
Stanberry Local (from
Council Bluffs) ........ b 6:00 pm
cWleagcoj. gtllwankee A St. Pa
Chi. as Cole. Special ....a 7:66 am
California Ore. Ex. ..a 6:4t pm
Overland Limited .......a 8:86 pm
Marlon Cedar R. Loc.b 6:46 am
Mlaaoarl Paetno. -
81. Loula Express a 9:00 am
. at St. & Express. all :16 pm
a :30 pm
a 6:00 pm
Barllayteau .
.a 4:10 pm
.a 4:10 pnt
.a 4:10 pm
.all: 10 pm
.a 9:10 am
.a $:0 am
a 8:26 pm
a 8:30 pm
a 7:10 am
a 6:30 pm
a 7:40 pro,
a 9 06 am
al2:20 pm
M0: am
a 8:30 am
a 7:10 am
a :S0 am
a 2:00 pm
725 am
8:66 pm
a 7:23 am
al0:6S pm
all :80 am
a :46 am
a 8:10 pm
Danvar California
Black Hills
.Northwest Special...
'Northwest Express..
Nebraska Express...,
Nebraska Local ,
.ITicoln Local...:...,.
Lincoln Fast Hall b 8:16 pm
Ft. Crook & Plattam'h..b 8:60 pm
Ilellevue 4k Plattsm'h..a 7:60 pm
, Denver United... ..
Bellevue eV Pao. June... a 8:30 am
Bellevue & Pac. Juno. ..a 9:10 am
Chicago- erclal... a 7:25 am
C hicago Express a 9:46 pm
Chicago Flyer a 8:06 pm
Iowa Local....... a 9:16 am
St. Louis Express. .a 4:46 pm
Kansas Clty-Bt. Joe....al0:45 pm
Kansas City-fit. Joe. ...a 9:16 am
t Kansas Clty-St. Joe. ...a 4:46 pm
St. ,
Paat, Mtsanislli A
t"i -. ,.!" Arrive.
Twin Mry Paaaenger...b 8:30 am 9:14) pm
Sioux' City Passenger.. -a 1:00 pm all:20 am
Kmeraon i-ocr. .-:...-.... -.b 8:20 pm - b 9:86 am
Emerson Local....,, c 8:46 am o 6:60 pm
Mlaaoarl PaclSc.
ebraaka Local,
.Weeping Water.,
....b 3:60 pm bl2:80 pm
a Dally.
b Dally except Sunday, d Dally
except Saturday,
c sunaay oniy. e Dally
except AtOrnqgy.
; Cltntl3, Eli;trt, F5l LivUthans
ft yorK Tor It tjiji "Days
. . LA PItOVKNCSS, aeweet tw a screw flyer feav
ing pacacagcr elcvatot, rosd ca e. and many.other
Inaovaoona. ntrni oracni bi.h-i-w.i u iw-1-j
pline. Campany'STttbuleltirs, Havre-Paris,
' i1 hours, where coannirnt o anrctiona . arc
made lor all poinU oa the CcanseaC
: i 20u Cantury KujiTwln U rw Flyers
IjA TOI'KAINE. June 14
-'LA- PROVENCB .1 Jons 28
l.A rORRAlNE....l . ...July g
J r plans, reaervanona ana TV it informa
tlon cull on. telephot . or wrr.a to
- Uarry K. Moore, t 601 Karn.un Street
Louis Neese, car I ttxt N.itio.ial Ilaak
J. B, Reynolds. 1( O'J Krora Street
W. O. Darlduon, lMli la mam Street
G. E. Abbott, 134 Faraam Street,
" V. E. Botk. 1024 Far JWreet.
Aaeata far Onik
'," Ifu jrlr aecomiaadattoe, ai ualleat Clui. Tks
- tom'irt (aiviiitti rantuilr oaaat B 4 ilag
'n r4-tria tickets Wart b.4u hi -tark 4
- 'Mi'h.' BnslUA. Irish an all r"'P "cuaaaul
limi as illmcUra rataa. lallm
m v. i oars.
I tar tlahala ar sauaral Inforujtwa n t-, u dj
. local aaaut c Ika Anckaa Uaa, ar a t.aht IRSOM
I ha u dead animals. 8 09 !' Waal.
Ctarbaxe. Sanaa, manure tnd a'JXrun-
' fcmai-len vaults and d aspovis V All
work' dona Is guaranteed.
Calls promptly atitda4 to.
. 'Phone,' Re ir.i.
' ' J. : H. ; 8HSRI.0CK
asassasi . 1
ThD' 1 wo nc
10 Pearl Street,
Boosters .
, . , , i
V V " (Mum 9t T B
Office, 10 f earl
Clark's sodas.
Da via sells drugs.
Btocsert sells rarpsig.
Ed Rogers' Tony Fsuat beer.
New location, 30 Pearl St. Malonay. .
Plumbing and heating. Bixby 4V Son.
A good school ja Western Iowa college.
vVoodrlng Vndertaklng company. Tel. 839.
Lewis Cutler, funeral director. "Phone 97.
Diamonds aa an Investment. Talk -sto
Leffert about It.
Beautiful lace door panels, 36c and up.
Stockert Carpet Co.
Buy your tires and bicycle sundries from
Williamson. IT Bojlh Main Street.
Pictures and art novelties for grsduation
gifts. C. E. Alexander, 838 Broadway.
Kor Imported wines, liquors and cham
pagne. L. Roaenfeld company, 819 Main.
See 8tephn Bros, for lire brick and lire
clay, sewer pipe, fittings and garden hose.
Blx per cent mortgages on real eststa
for sale. Absolute security. Clifton
WsIVer company.
if you want your lire Insurance to In
Sure have Clifton-Walker (,'o. write It In
reliable companies.
If you have tender feet and want a
good comfortable shoe see Duncan &
Dean, 23 Mala street.
Harmony chapter, Order of the Eaatern
Star, will meet this evening In special ses
sion for Initiation of candidates.
Moving vans and wagons; furnltura
stored. Nesbttt's Transfer nd Storage,
Tel. 928. Office 3.U West Broadway.
Save money on plumbing and figure with
ua. Work and material guaranteed to be
first-class. E. A. Spencer, 168 West Broad
way. . Ice cream and Ice cream sodas served
in a nice cool room with eleculc fans.
Come In and cool off. o. C. Brown, 648
West Broadway.
For Sale-oWlll sacrifice on my line piano.
Payments If desired. Can be seen at
Schmotler ft Muellers, 602 Broadway,
Council Bluffs, la.
Do not sell your old Iron, copper, brass
and old rubbers before you see us. Ws
pay $U per ton for No. 1 machinery Iron.
J. Kattleman, 803 8. Main. -Tel. S60.
We have the finest line of sample monu
ments to select from in the west. Sheely
& Lane Msrble and Granite works. 317
East Broadway, Council Bluffs, la.
We wholesale ice cream. Hhtppod to
any part of the state. Special prices to
the retail trade. I. Muccl, 218 West
Broadway, Ca. Bluffs, la. Tel. 864.
Carl Kruae is confined to his home at
623 East Pierce street with a fractured
leg, the result of a runaway accident a
few days ago. Kruae Is a driver for the
Peterson & Schoenlng Co.
A marrluge license was Issued Tuesday
evening to J. J. Irian, aged 82, and Elis
abeth Hurt, aged 26, both of Clay Center,
Neb. They were married by 'Rev. W. B.
Clemmer of the First Christian church at
his residence.
The ilre department was called yester
day morning to the Northwestern pump
house In the north part of the yards, where
a spark from an engine had act the roof
on ilre. The damage was confined to a
hole burned in the roof.
Home cooking is our specialty. We do
the cooking ourselves and prices aro
made as near home economy as circum
stances will permit. Good cool surround
ing, clean table linen and clean table
ware. We do our best to please you.
Vienna Restaurant.
The police were notified yesterday that
an officer will be here today to take W.
H. Burke to St. Joseph, Mo., where he Is
wanted to answer to a charge of forgery.
Burke Is the man arrested on suspicion
of being wanted 'In Oalesburg, 111., on a
fraudulent land deal.
George W. Bruse( who escaped from the
State Industrial school In Eldora, was
placed. In the city Jail over Wednesday
night for safe keeping by the officer who
had him) In charge. Bruce was arrested
in Nebraska and an officer of the institu
tion was on his way home with him.
Why shorten your life by baking over
a hot stove when you can buy better bread
and paatrles at McAtee's? It'a the real
merit of our goods that makes them so
popular. They are not simply equal to. but
Better than any sold In the city. Try
Twentieth Century and Colonial bread and
be convinced., v . '- H .
DeLoasj Mlaatea Memerlal.
Rev. Henry De Long celebrated the sec
ond anniversary of Mission No. 2, at 1031
Avenue F, yesterday," wth a reception af
ternoori And evening, at' which a number of
his friends and those of the mission called
to pay their respects and extend their con
gratulations. Ice cream and cake .'was
served and a general social time enjoyed.
Rev. Mr. De Long ' wished that MIbbIou
No. 2, erected by him, shall continue after
his death as a memorial of him and his
almost life long work among the children
of the poor. With this end In view, lie lias
willed tha property to' his daughter, Mrs.
McEUath. This portion of bis will, which
was executed Tuesday, was read last even
ing by Mr. De Long before those gathered
at ths mission. ' . . .. .
The portion of ths will referring to the
mission follows: I
I hereby give and devise to my daughter,
Anna McElrath, lots U and 12, block 14,
Hall's addition to the city of Council Bluffs,
Pottawattamie county, state of Iowa, to
have and to hold the same In trust fur the
uses and for the purposes of an industrial
school and mission; the aame to be uaad
for the moral, religious and induatrial im
provement of the neglected children of the
city of Council Bluffs, state of Iewa; the
said Anna McElrath, as trustee, to have
the privilege of naming her successor by
will or other writing, duly executed by her;
or in the event that the said Anna McEl
rath should fail to appoint her succeaeor In
the said trust, the Ministerial aaaoclatlon
of Council Bluffs, la., shall have the power
of naming the said trustee; and In the erven t
of the failure to maintain the said In
dustrial school and mission, than I hereby
devise the aald property to the city of
Council Bluffs, state of Iowa, the aame to
be uaed aa a public playground for the
children of the said city.
1 hereby grant, to the trustee of the said
property, whomever It may be, the full
power to sell, dispose of and convey the
said property at such time and price, and
upon such terms aa shall seem, In the
opinion of the said trustee, for the best
Interest of the aald truat; the proceeds of
the said sale, however, shall ne Inveated
In other property, which shall be uaed for
the purposes of tha aald truat. Believing
that tha aald property la well situated for
the purposes of aald truat. It la my wish
that-the said property be not sold unless It
be necessary. i
Sell OsMiert. '
Rustic hickory and Adirondack silver
birch porch furnltura, Vodor porch shades,
Vudor hammocks, Vudor hammock chairs.
If you want solid comfort on hot sum
mer evening get ' Into one of our Vudor
hammocks or one of our Vudor' hammock
chairs and you will get it. Lawn furniture.
Catalogue free. Keller-Farnsworth Furni
ture Co.
Look over this list of high grade lawn
mowers on which we are, making 20 per
cent discount: Keen Kutter Winner, Acme,
Caldwell's, Park Lake, Wood, New Porte,
LAN. Reading; all prices from 83.50 to
HJ.M less 20 per cent for cash. Paddock aV
tiandschey Hardware company.
Tha name 'Tin Brunt is anyohymous
of all that denotes merit and quality in
vehicle construction. "Van. Brunt" vehicles
are substantial, attractive, and always
embodies the latest Improvements and are
unequale price.
Rest your feet oa one of our foot stools.
So and up. just received, a new stock of
late curtains, 900 and up to 810. They ar
ths real, latest patterns. Btockert Carpet
Port Arthur was one of the strongest
fo'tiad cities In the world, but waa sur
rendered because the Russians, could not
et Big A Sour. l;se no other.
Ice cream, all flavors, at wholesale and
1 stall. Purity Candy Kitchen, 64 Weat
J roadway. Tel. 674. Council Bluffs.
, ran kiwi,, a n. .k- . . - .
1 - ' - " - ' Bar
tins In pianos at A. Hospe Cos. 33 So.
M. In a.
. G to Hicks' for your money's' worth a
X:iunag. No bluff, either.
1, A good school la Western Iowa Milage.
Bt. Tel. 43.
Memorial day exercises
A. H. Sniff of Missouri Valley Dslmrs an
Eloquent, Address.
Largr f roerd Attracted t Falrmeaat
Park Pari lei rate la the Exer
cises la Hssor of the
Kalian's Dead.
The Decors tion day exercises of the Grand
Army of the Republic, held yesterday after
noon In Fairmount park, v attracted a g.xd
slxed gathering, a large number of chil
dren especially being In attendance. The
oration of the day waa delivered by A. II.
Sniff of Missouri Valley, editor and pub
llaher of the Harrison County Newa. Mr.
Sniff proved himself to be a moat eloquent
apeaker and hla address was an Inspiring
one from etarf to 'finish. "Fruits of the
Civil .War and What We' Owe the Old
Soldiers" was his theme and he Im
pressed upon his audience the Incalculable
value of .the services of the men who went
to the front In the early t's to preserve
the union. He also eulogised the unknown
dead whose unmarked graves, he said,
dotted the hills and valleys of the south.
"This country," he said "cannot do too
much for the veterans who fought for the
preservation of the union, nor for their
families. But for them what . would this
country be today?"
ReV James O May, pastor of the Broad
way Methodist church, delivered the ora
tion on "Our Unknown Dead," his effort
being an eloquent and' soul stirring one. A
quartet composed of Miss Grace Barr, su
pervisor of music In the public schools of
this city, Mrs. Robert Mullls. J. H. Gerke
and James McCa'rger, accompanied by J. H.
Slmms, sang "The Star Spangled Banner,"
and the memorial hymn composed by Gen
eral S. H. M. Byers. Rev. J. W. Snyder,
pastor of St. John's English Lutheran
church and posH chaplain, offered the. open
ing prayer and pronounced the benediction.
At the close of the exercises the large
audience joined In singing "America," fol
lowing which taps . was sounded by Major
Wat McFsdden's drum corps. Hon. R. L.
Shugart acted as president of the day, the
exercises being conducted from ths band
stand. " Body of Dead Man Identified.
The remains of the dead man found
Tuesday morning on the Northwestern
tracks, about two miles from Honey creek,
were fully Identified yesterday as those of
James, Monahan, whose home waa In Ian-H
coln,.ll by an uncle, Michael Corrlgan of
Omaha. Mr. Corrlgan's first Intimation
of his nephew's death was received yester
day In a telegram from the young man's
mother at Lincoln, 111. He at once hastened
to Council Bluffs, where he fully Identified
the body as that of his nephew.
Mr. Corrigan could not account for Mona
han being where he was when he was
killed. He said his nephew had been in
Omaha, where he waa emp!6yed as an "egg
candler" ' by .Kirschbaum Brothers, the
commission men. Monaban had spent Sat
urday evening with hjm and fit that time
had not intimated that he Intended leaving
Omaha. Monahan, his uncle said, was
about 24 years of age and single and had
served In the Philippines In the Thirty
ninth United States Infantry, with which
ha had been, stationed for a while at Fort
Crook. v .
Monahan's father Is dead, but his mother
lives -In Llnooln, 111., to which place the
body was sent last evening.
We are selling out our beat grade of lawn
mowers at rock bottom' prices. See us for
lawn - mowers. Bwalne aV Mauer, 336 and
138 West Broadway.
CENTRAL FLOUR-fl.uV Every sack
warranted. Central Grocery ana Meat
Market, ; . . ; ,
Something .entirely, new and Just out.
Beautiful new photos at a special offer for
short time only at Schmidt's studio.
N; T. Plumbing Co. Tel. J60. Night, L698.
Fin Faraa.
Two hundred-acre farm five miles from
Missouri' Valley. Good Improvements and
orchard. Cheap at 873 per acre. Wallace
Benjamin, room 1, First National bank
building. Office telephone 308.
The average smoker must have a cigar
that Just suits his taste, so that he can en.
Joy a few minutes' comfortable smoke. W'a
krow that this Is a fact and know that it
Is hard ta suit all smokers, but we alto
know that we can suit you If you will call
en us and designate your choice. We han
dle many brands and nothing but first
class stock. Maloney, 30 Pearl street,
New location.
Ths Title Guaranty and Trust com pa ay,
abstracters of titles. Books date back to
1863. Books art all up to date. Work ac
curately and promptly done at ' lowest
prices. Office opposite court house, 236 Pear)
street. Council Bluffs, la.
Parties having house for rent or sale,
list them with Clifton-Walker Co. for quick
action. Recent sales have greatly reduced
ur list and ws have customers waiting for
Fence posts at bottom prices, if you are
In need of fencing material ef any kind we
have it at bottom prices. C. Hafer.
White canvas Oxfords, all kinds. Prices.
81 to 82. Duncan at Dean, 23 Main street.
' Has Alsaaat Severed.
John W. Relnhold. a' shoemaker board
ing at tb Tremont house, came near being
disfigured for life shortly after midnight
Tuesday. Hla nose was almost torn from
his face and It required twelve stitches
by Dr. Hombach to place the member back
In Its proper position.
, Reinhold said hs was crossing Broadway
when be waa struck by. an automobile and
hurled Into the trench dug by the Cltlsens'
Gas and Electric company, where It Is
putting down new mains on ths north side
of the street. Reinhold- went head first
inte the trench, his nose striking against
a projecting granite block, and the force
of the Impact nearly tore the organ from
his face. Reinhold said the people in
the automobile never stopped to Inquire
If he was Injured. . No copiplaint had been
filed yesterday with the police by Rein
hold against the unknown owner or driver
of the auto.
Investigate our cheap land proposition In
eastern Colorado, 86 per acre for raising all
kinds of props; good soil; best of water;
delightful climate. Excursions first and
third Tuesdaya of esch month. Bead for
printed matter. F. C. Lougee, 124 Main
street. Council Bluffs, la.
Kite Boys I Tvaebla.
Five young lads who had decided t spend
Decoration Day away from the Christian
Home, of which they are Inmates, went
to Fairmount park Tuesday evening, where
they passed the night, enjoying the con
tents of a pall of randy, which they, suc
ceeded In stealing semewhere. The young
stars war discovered ta'.y yesterday moru
: :.....', , ; eH
- it is uuLutbu'i! (aTOP m tiiyy tl oS S
ft'): m. : MA m 1 l &PvH t): ?tM&
liKAl'TIKUlJ, DAINTY tTKKATIOXH IX WASH (iOODS the season's cholcent ju oductlons of 25c Wash Goods Koine SI'KUIAI. nt HI' NT
Klt'8 THIS WEEK at lc per yard. ' ' "
il "ard to describe in print the beautiful effect, the fine texture of "the goods; the matchless bargain values in these choice goods at
See. the. magnificent values In the 50c wash fabrics, they will certainly please anyone desirous of fine wash goods. If you wish lower
priced goods see the great values we offer in the Ntx-clal IOo Wnsh OootW. It is to your interest in dollars and cents saved to take advant
age of HrXTER'S big Wash Goods Hpt-clul. Mail orders given prompt and ' careful attention. .
Telephone 5E5
Ing by one of the park employes unil
turned over to the police, who later re
turned them to the Home at the request
of Manager Lemen. The boys were much
disappointed at, their, plan to spend the
day In the park with the rest of the crowd
being nipped In the bud.
Four Boys' Make a Find.
Four small boys of this city spent a
happy day' st Lake Mnawa yesterday as
they were possessed Of, to them, untold
wealth. The youngsters had been to Fals
vlew cemetevy to watch the old soldiers
place wreaths and flowers on the graves
of their departed comrades. On their way
home the -four youngsters noticed some
thing shining In- the sun In the middle of
the road on North Second street, near the
cemetery gate.- The foui made a rush for
It and the one whogot their first exul-
tsntly held up -aUk round silver - dnllat.J
The o fester three at one commenced search
ing the dust and.,wexe. rewarded by finding
two more dust covered silver dollars.. This
meant 75 cents eacn' and, after obtaining
permission from their .respective' parents,
they hastened to lke Manawa to ride on
the-roller coaster and enjoy the other atj
tractions to their heurts' delight and until
the whole of the 83 was expended.
Lowest In price, best in quality. We guar
antee satisfaction, iu work. Neatness In
decoration of wall' paper. Work... done
promptly. Le us figure with you.' Council
Bluffs Paint, Oil and Glass company. New
location, Merrlam block. ' '
For!' Sale.
Fortv ltfls on Ninth street.
' Acreage In one to five acre lots in city
Lot In Babbit Place worth $100 for 80.
Dwelling near Avenue H school worth
8J0 for $460. v ' -.1 '
Tel. 81. Charles T. Officer, 419 Broadway.
Don't pound , the life out of your fine
Wilton or Axmlnste rug by cleaning It
the pld-fashloned way. There la a better
way, cheaper in the long run. Our way
will not Injure th flneat .fabric, Our
wagons will eall. ' Tel. 16, the Council
Bluffa- Carpet Cleaning "and Rug Manu
facturing company, .. ). . "A
CENTRAL FLOUR-8115. Every Back
warranted. , Central Grocery and Meat
Market .
Don't forget that I have fine spring and
summer suits from' 820 to 13. E. 8. Hicks.
Golf Goas Sale.
Golf set, consisting of "driver, clock, put
ter, canvas bar and three of the best pneu
matic balls, 86,50 for the set; also a full
line of other clubs. W. A. Maurer.
Borwick wall papers, with their variety
of textures and their harmonious and rest
ful colorings, readily commend themselves
to all customers seeking artistic Tesults.
and ths price Borwick charges for his work
and paper is within the reaoh ' of every
body. Call him up at 311 South Main street.
Tel. kS.
. Refrigerators, refrigerators, refrigerators,
csrpets, linoleum, oil cloth, sideboards,
combination bookcases-, anything tn house
furniture. D. W. Keller, lot 8. Main.
Mrs.. I.oey Kalr Dead.
Mrs. Lucy M. Fair, widow of John Fair;
died yesterday mornjng at her home, 'itt
North First street, after an Illness of three
days, aged 78 year. Three sons, J. C. Fair
and C. W. Fair of Denver, Colo., and K.
F. Fair of thla city, survive her. Deceased
was an aunt f A. P. Fair, local manager
of the, Nebraska Telephone company, ,
Mrs. Fair was one of the early settlers
of Council Bluffa, having 'come here lit
ISM. She was born In New York, but camo
to Iowa with her parents when but a babe
In 1827. The funeral will be held Friday
morning at IS o'clock from the residence on
North First street and interment will be
In Walnut Hill cemetery.
Why Saftert
Why do you suffer with those dreadful
earns and bunions? Removed at Oraves',
108 Pearl street.
' Twenty-five years of experience in tha
piano business enables us to select tha
fluest of pianos for our customers. Bour
lilus Piano house. 335 Broadway, where
the organ stands upon the building.
Iflgh grade pianos sold on easy payments,
810 down and 85 per month. Swanson
Music Co., 407 Broadway.
A good school is Western Iowa college.
Marl Wail Dlvtagr. .
Jonas Kinsey, while diving st Lake Man
awa yesterday afternoon, struck his head
agalnat the bottom and waa partially
par al) sad from ths shock. Hs waa re-
a - . : kjt
: .;..,,.,' .... t
ILOIfi) tT
33-35 Pearl St.
W. A. Maurer,
moved In an ambulance to his home. 71
Fourth street. The attending; physicians
think he will fully ret-over. Kinsey is- a
young married man employed as a brake
man on the ""Rock Island road.
Porch Flirnilnre.
We. are showing a complete line at low
eat prices. Peterson & S'-hoenlng Co.
A .hot weather refreshment Jello-O Ire
Cream Powder prepared In vanilla, choc
olate, strawberry and several other flavor
Two packages, 25c, makes the finest home
made ice cream going. Fancy, pine apples,
sweet and Juicy. We have lunch cheese
hard to beat. John Olson, 739 W. B way.
A good school is Western Iowa college.
Mnsli'lll Inatrnctor ('bauitee.
TABOR, la.. May 30 -(Special. )-Prof.
George I .Pierce, fur. the four., years pust
the successful director of Tabor conserva
tory, las resigned' to go to Cornell colleire,
Mount Vernon. la. " Although the attend
ance has doubled and the conservatory out
grown Its present quarters- under- Mr. j
Pierce, he seems to be discouraged because
or lack of hearty local support of the
music festivals and concerts.
Mllla Convention Called.
' GLEN WOOD,' la.. May 30.-(SpeclHl.)-A-
meetlng .of republican precinct committee
men, held here this Hfternoon. named June
14 for holding "the Mills county convention
for the selection of delegates to the st.te
and Judicial conventions. Mills county will
be antl-Cummlns.
An RngrasjInM Uo.-tor
uses gentle means, such as Electric Bit
ters, in curing dangerous diseases, like
billlousness,. dyspepsia, etc. 60 cents. For
sale by Sherman & MeConnell Drug Co.
' One Fare for ftvand Trip,
plus 81.60 from Chicago to Boston and
return, via 'lckel Plate Koad, MuySl
to JUIUK9, Inclusive. Alao excursion rates
via New Yerk City. Extended return
limit July 15. John Y. Calahan, general
agent, roomt298, US Adams street, Chi
Gasoline Tank Kmplodes and Throws
Burning Fluid Oier Pas
sengers. CINCINNATI. May 30. Seventeen per
sons were Injured, one fatally. In a col
lision between an automobile owned by
Pr. Atkins and two street : cars on Vina
street hill here today? .Th chauffeur tried
to 'pass between a Mill Creek Valley car,
southbound, and a Vine at Norwood car,
northbound. ' Immediately ' after the col
lision the storage tank of the automobile
exploded, throwing the burning oil over
both cars as. well as the automobile. Dr.
J. C. Atklna, Bertha and Kugenla Nulson,
sisters, and Chauffeur Walter Levall, col
ored, who were In the automobile, were
seriously burned about the face and head
and will probably die. Thirteen of the pas
sengers on the Mill Creek Valley car were
slightly burned. Both cars and the auto
mobile were completely destroyed.
' of Homes
Hostetter's Stonwli Hitlers is re
garded as the best and safest medicine
for ordinary family uses. Past experi
ence with it has won their confidence
and as a resultthelr medicine chest
always contains a bottle.
Hostetter s
is very deserving;
of this honor, for
during its S3
years' experience
it has never failed
In cases of
Sick Headache,
Poor Appetite,
Nausea, Cramps,
Constipation, '
female Ills cr
Malarial Fever.
One bottle will
prove Its tnertjC
Try It today.
f''r 1 Dlnw i
i i
32 3 Miin St,
New Arrangement Now Gives Magnificent
Buildinj; What it Ue?er Had.
Mneui Likely to Be Uer the Same
Old Iaawe, Radicalism vs. Conser
vatism Aaed Kx-Slate Ke-
members Benefactor.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
UES MOINEB. Ia May DO. (Special.)
The capltol of Iowa now has Are protection.
This Is the first time In twenty-live years
the magnificent building has occupied its
high position in East te Moines that this
has been true. The city has completed an
extensive system of mains and In the fu
ture such a fire as occurred In the building
two years ago will be unlikely. ,
The contention of the Water company
and of the city has always been that the
altitude of the city at the point where the
capltol la, located waa such that water could
not be thrown Into or onto the higher por
tions of the building. It Is true that the
site of the building is the highest point In
the city. This difficulty has been over
come by connecting the new system of
mains, which have been laid through the
capltol grounds, with the heating and
power plant which furnishes the capltol
with light and heat and which la altuated
directly across Grand avenue north from,
the building. Tn rase of Are In the capltol
now, pumps In the power plant will be
started and the water leading into the
capltol mains from the city mains run
through, them. In this way the pressure
will be doubled or tripled and no diaatrous
results from fire are feared.
Democrats to Meet.
The democratic state convention com
mittee has Issued lta call for the demo
cratic state convention, to meet in Des
Moines August 15.- There will be 842 dele
gates In the convention. Present Indica
tions are that the principal Issue to be
decided by the democrats this year will be
the old question of radicalism against
conservatism. A large number of prom
inent democrats are mentioned as possible
candidates for the democratic nomination
for governor, among them being P. B.
Wolfe of Clinton, Ex -Congressman M. J.
Wade of Iowa City, J. M. Parsons of Des
Moines, formerly of Rock Rapids; Jerry
B. '8ulllvan of Des Molncs, J. D. Dennlaon
of Dubuque and W. W. Marsh of Waterloo.
If Wade would take the nomination there
is no doubt but ,that he would get It. It is
understood, however; thsS he Is' planning
another campaign for congress tn the
Seaond district, which would make blm an
Rewards Friend.
The true story of the escape of John
Olllam, Jr., from bloodhounds In an Ala
bama forest and the .heroic rescue by a
brother slave who was also fleeing for free
dom Is recalled In the reward given by
the son of the former to Ivory M. Jones
In a will filed today In the office of the
district court.
Jones the elder fell upon the dogs that
hfl"d attacked an old slave, killing two of
them with an axe and putting the other
two to flight. Two years ago the sons of
these two men In a singular manner learned
of the relation of their parents. ' At that
time Glllam made hla will and by the as
sistance of Jones waa able to keep up the
Ufa Insurance, policy, which Is the most
valuable asset In the estate.. Jones In turn
gave an elaborate and fitting funeral to hla
Irak After Bender.
"Johnny" Bender, the grestest foot ball
player ever developed west of the Miss
issippi, a quarterback which the critics
place In the same class with Eckersall,
and at present with the Omaha base bell
team. Is at present an sppllcant for ths
position of athletic director of Drake for
theyomlng year, to succeed W. J. Monl
Uw. Bender played four years with the Ne
braska foot. ball team, the sama length of
time with the base ball team, and for tao
years waa a member of the track team'
After leaving Nebraska last year he be
came athletic director of the Dakota Nor
mal achool at Spearflsh.
Iowa' tm t'elebrate.
Preparatory arrangements are being made
at Iowa CUy tot the eeiebratton of the
fiftieth anniversary of the formation and
adoption of ths Io-wa constitution of 1&7.
Dr. B. F. Bhambaugh of Iowa City, who is
ebalrman of the committee en arrange
suents, Is planning aa excellent program
Council Bluffs
A. E. HUNTER, Treas.
to be In progress several days in February,
1!H7. This will include not only addresses
by notable historical authorities of the
Lnited States, .but also, If ponslble. by men
who were Identified with the early const!
tutjonal struggles of the state..
Christian ( hnrch Convention.
The annual convention of the Christian
churches of Idwa will be held , In Iowa
City June 26-28, and the C. W. B. M.. the
woman's auxiliary, will meet with tha par
ent oganlzutlon tu these days.
Northwestern Reports.
The Northwestern. railroad, the last trunk
line In Iowa to tile Its annual report with
the executive "council, has placed Its of,-,
flclul statement In the hands of Secretary
Davidson. It shows an Increase of 8TO1.0U0
In the gross earnings of the company on
Its Iowa business, and added to the In
creased gross earnings of the other trunk
linea, shows an ' Increase for tha business
of all In this state of .83,833.000.
The executive council will take tip the as
sessment ot railroads In July. 1 -
Chicago to,. Buffalo, N. Y. ,
and return, via Nickel Plate road . at am
fare plus - cents for the round trip. Tick
ets -w HI be sold from Chicago June 8. 10
and 11, with return limit of June 28. Par
ticulars at Nickel Plata nfflr. in i ...... .
St., room ,298, Cft lea go, 111. . . .
Suicide Over Baslaeas Fallare. .
pt'IA'TH, Minn , May 80.-C:"W. Toting
of Bummerland. H. C. has committed Sui
cide her by shooting himself. It s thought
that despondency resulting from business
troubles led to the, tragedy.
SpC. .- .,' -J f TWs sfcufar 1
bt ftlse aa for i
forty Tears sets
"xVX ImkedwflntUBsest
v&s aieit extract the wsrli
f roducej the reootss
(Extract of Beef
the most coocentratta iena
, of beef goodness.
Relieve Your Heart
From ever-work by cleaning from the Blood
the poisonous waste products that accumu
late in .ths blood and clog Its circulation.
Ths chief of these poisons Is uric acid. Be
sides ever-working the heart it often settles
in ths muscles and valves, causing organic
heart trouble. .The symptoms srs palpita
tion, irregular pulse, poor circulation, difficult
breathing and dizziness. ' '
1JTi;U these undeniable facte to mind
tf I U I you see the folly of using digitalis,
"'-"hoi, stnehnine and other stimulants to
whip up an already over-worked heart, try
ing to force the circulation at the risk of rup
turing a blood vessel, producing apoplexy or
heart failure. .
Dr. E. C. Scott has demonstrated it to be
Snuch more scientific snd satisfactory to re
lieve tKe heart by clearing out of the blood
the poisons that cause the trouble.
for ttls purpose. It relieves the heart by
making the poisons freely soluble so they
can be readily excreted by the kidneys. -'
A Free Book of 64 pages by Dr. E. C.
Scott on the Elimino Treatment with every
bottle, or sent by mail on request. Ask youry
druggist for F. liml-no, 1 lot. ft .,. Accept na
substitute. It has no rivals.
Elimino Medicine Co., Des Moines, Is.
Every Vcman
wuiieraMao ana mould know
.n.,r. S'wutthe wealrrel
MABVIL Whirling Sorev
1 1 new TMhul S,rwfc Mln.
tumuwt .su.-fi.. liet-(,r
-a: 0.1 1
1 1 ClMMH lMlM,iJ .
fs "wr tines sal sW It., ihfwl sMAmp rot
'ill (411 ft I 4 Q lHK lgj.
It stms
full ir,tfHiikiriia
valnatii- to 'a.nea. MIHIIl Ta
k. st.. iim VnikT
k'ut ! Ly
Klh and D-Alue Bis. T
MTEh8-tU.14N ImiJCJ CO..
a. E. Cur. I6U1 and Karnain eta
iVitflnNu WDMIB.
i 1 su.i.A. J 0ml
HUTi.8 f "" ' t IHraxetsla.
, , ft ! state H.
" S 1 ST . rts'4. IW
I I f Swa4 IJ
1 W-Z1
" w