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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 31, 1906)
The Omaha11 Daily Bee ! XXXV-NO. 207. OMAITA, THURSDAY MOUSING, MAY 31, 190(-TWELVE PAGES. SINGLE COPY THREE CENTS. BLUE AND CRAY MEET Fmident Addrenei KoUbU Gtherin of Veer.M from Both Bidet. INDIVIDUAL RESPONSIBILITY THE THEME Country's Welfare U in Hindi of the Eank and Tile. TRIBUTE TO THE CITIZEN SOLDIERY Efficiency of th Army i Duo to Tact that it is Composed of Volnatotn. SPEECH IS DELIVERED AT PORTSMOUTH Chief Executive tn veils Mo at Kaval Cesaeterr AMrMMi x Student at Hampton Institute. OLD POINT COMFORT, Va., May JO. This haa been a notable Memorial day In the commonwealth of Virginia. President BooMvtlt Joined with surviving members of both the blue and the grey In paying ap propriate and Impressive tribute to the na tion dead. In the morning the president delivered a patriotic oration In the beau tiful grounds of the naval hospital at Ports mouth and' directly afterward unveiled a handsome marble shaft erected by the Army and Navy union In the cemetery Joining the army and navy hospital grounda to the memory of their fallen com rades, i The services In- Portsmouth were under the auspices of the Army and. Navy urdon. The memorial exercises were preceded by an Imposing parade. Nearly 4,000 aallors and marines of the North Atlantic fleet participated in the parade. In addition there were organizations representing the Army and Navy union, tha Grand. Army of the Republic, the United Confederate vet erans and many civic and patriotic socie ties. Portsmouth wai elaborately decorated with a wealth of patriotic colors. Business houses and residences, were a blaze of bunt ing. Thousands of people, not only from Virginia, but from adjoining cities as well, thronged the quaint old town and extended to the president moat cordial greeting. His audience numbered many thousand and the naval contingent In white uniforms formed under the giant pine trees in a hollow square, rendered the scene particularly pic turesque. . , Speech at Hampton Institute. In the afternoon President and Mrs. Roosevalt, after an Informal reception at the residence of Rear Admiral P. F. Ha.- rlngton) commandant of the yard, visited Hampton Institute. The president delivered an. address to the hundred of negro aud Indian students of the Institute, afterward making a tour of the various departments of the school. He went aboard the May- flower, anchored Just off this point, at 6:36 this evening. Ihe vessel weighed anchor aailedUat' Y ' o'clock for "WashlngUm The president and his party ara expected to arrive In Washington navy yard tomor row morning at 10 o'clock. -President Roosevelt'e Address. At1 11 o'clock the exercises were opened with prayer by Bishop Van Dever of the ' Cathollo diocese of Richmond. After itiubIo by ' a military band President Roosevelt Was Introduced bjr Colonel Edwin J. Brown, . i . i n. 4..c ihn irmv u rA N'n W I1B 11U ! tm. lAflllllinuui ..... - -. . union. The president's address follows: Thla dav is hallowed and sacred In our history, for on this day throughout the land we meet to pay homage to the mem ory of tha vallunt dead who fell In the great civil war. No other, men deserve so well of this country those to whom we owe It that we now have a country. More over, tha men to whose valor we owe It that the union was preserved have left us a country reunited In fact as well as In iiijtw. Thw have left us the memory of the great deeds and the self-devotion alike of the men who wore the blue and of the men who wore the gray In the context where brother fought brother witn equal courage, with equal sincerity of convic tion, with equal fidelity to a high Ideal, as It was given to each to see tnat ideal. Moreover. It Is a necullar pleasure to sneak today under the auspices of the Army and Navy union, of the union which Is meant to Include the oflieers and en listed men of the regular forcea of the l ulled States. Kxuctly as there Is no other body of men to whom In tho past we have 'owed so much aato the veterans of the civil war. ao there IS no other body of men among all of our citizens of today who, as a whole, doserve quite as well of the coun try aa the officers and enlisted men of the armv and the navy of the Vnlted States. Kvery man who has served well and faithfully, afloat or ashore, in tha ervlco of the United States has shown that he possesses certain qualities which entitle him In a peculiar degree to the re spect of all his fellow citizens, while every man who I now in the service cannot but fel himself uplifted by the thought that In any lime of future crisis It may be that t the honor of the whole, nation will depend upon his bearing. There reeta upon each of you a tremendous tiurnen or responsl blllty, aud therefore to you belongs the proud privilege o( bearing that load of re sponsibility wen. Soldiers Are t'itlsen, To. This audience Is composed largely of vet erans of the civil war, largely of men who have SMVuri In or are serving In Ihe army and the navy of the tinted States. They in concerned not only with the duties of the soldier and the sailor, but with the duties of the civilian, with all matters affecting the plain, everyday olttseii as he does bis everyday duties, for we must always remrmber that In our country our army and navy are an army and navy made up of volunteers; all our forcea are volunteers; our regulars afloat and ashore, are merely our fellow citizens who, of their own free will, have taken up this particular task. The. task once through, thev return to the body of our citizenship; and exactly as the efficiency of our military service depends chiefly upon Ihe ermiencv of the average enlisted man, so the efficiency of the nation as a whole depends chiefly upon the way In which the average man per forms his plain, everyday duties. This dui not mean that the leader, whether In military ur civil life, ran escape bearing a peculiar burden of responsibility. To hlr has been given much and from him much will be demanded.' It is right and proper that the man in a high posi tion, Whether his position h - thoif ft high civilian official In time of peace or uf a high military or naval offlcec ir time of war, ehould receive a marked dcaiee ef credit If he perform his difficult. dVlloete and reponttle task well, and should, en the otber hand, be held to an esrtrclallv sharp accountability for any shortcomings. In any tints of crisis the man In high office tn civil life, tha man in high com mand In military or naval life. ran. If ho ha weak or incompetent, paralyse the no tions of a multitude of brave and able men who are under him. On the other hnn.1 if In Intellect, and above all. in character' he la able to riae level in the nee. I of the moniept. he may so combine and direct the actions of the many under him as to make heir Joint ePToit Irresistible. The first dutv,of a leader, civil or military, la to lead; and he must lead well. Exactly as tha people muit demand the highest gradr of Integrity and eflkiency from their lead era In civil affairs, o In military affilrs they , lauat Insist upon every officer de voting all the ht that there Is tn him to fitting himself In the ditties of bis pro fesslon. to caring for and drillinr and training those under him. mn that alike in point ef personnel and in point of material the army and navy of the United Stntes may reach as high a pent of perfection aa Is humanly possible. This Is the work (Continued on Second Page ) NEW MINISTRY FOR AUSTRIA Bare von ' Berk Charged by the Enperar with Foralif , Cahluet. ' VIENNA, May 80. Baron von Beck, a high official of the ministry of agriculture, has been charged by the emperor to form a new cabinet to succeed the Hohenlohe SchllUngsfuerat ministry, which resigned May 28, owing to dissatisfaction with the propoxate for the aettlement of the com mon custom tariff of Austria-Hungary. Baron von Beck Is known to be In the confidence of Archduke Fram Ferdinand, tho heir presumptive to the throne. While the parliamentary revolt agttlpst the decision of the crown favoring economic Independence Is going on the people re main quiet and are not Interested In the quarrel, mainly because thay recog nize that the complete economic separation of the two countries Is sooner or later In evitable. The anger of the Austrian depu ties because they were ignored and not asked by the emperor for their consent to his action In settling the tariff dispute with Hu-ry when his majesty agreed to the ' tariff being henceforth called the -J. -ious Hungarian tartIT," found ex .j.'! day In violent speeches In Par- lJarr.V,.. 'de by representatives of the i . v. . ' Herr r a Cxeoh radical, said "We hts v, c-nfklence In the wearer of the crown. aa always been a weak man on thw- with Oermn lean-. mgs." ' The VlenneseVj, faster, fterr Lueger apostrophized the ,,.fiporer as follows: "Kaiser, are you ready to take up the responsibility before history that the old Hapshurg realm,' rich In honors and vlO' tories, shall be ruined despicably? An unconfirmed report la current that the crown has granted other concessions to Hungary, indicating the approaching full economic Independence, and It Is snld that his majesty has sanctioned the cabinet In the negotiation with Servla In Hungary's name concerning a commercial treaty with out regard to the Austrian negotiation on the same subject. ' There 1 absolutely' no foundation for rumor current In this city today that Em peror Francis Joseph has resolved tq, ab dicate aa the result of 111 health. His maj esty participated this morning In the mil itary parade and surprised the crowds who cheered him enthusiastically by ' hi fine and almost youthful appearance on horse back. MICHAEL DAVITT IS DEAD Father of Irish Land lean Expires la Dublin Hospital After L-ona- Illness. DUBLIN. May 30. A notable career closed tonight when after a long and paln- rul illness Michael Davitt died peacefully and painlessly at 12 o'clock, In the pres ence of his oldest son. Michael, and hi two daughters, who bad devotedly attended htm through hla illness and of many of hla most intimate friends, including John Dillon. Shortly before, hi death Father Hatton had been with him. Mrs. Davitt. who -ad-been-ln eotistRArt- attendance on her husband until a few day ago, when ahe herself was taken 111, Ilea prostrate in the . same hospital, too weak to leave her room. She has not yet been notified bf her husband's death. . It Is stated that Mr. Davitt left a written message, but If so. it purport has not transpired. ine greatest sympathy ha been dis played by all classes of society during Mr. Davitt IHnes. Today the hospital was besieged by anxious Inquirers. John E. Redmond, leader of the Irish party In Parliament, was a frequent Inquirer by telephone from the House of Commons and gave up his proposed continental trip over the Whitsuntide holidays owing to the condition of his friend, the father of the Irish Land league. After a rally last night Mr. Davitt was able to speak to those at his bedside, but soon showed that he was losing ground. Among the last callers at the hospital tonight was Lord Hemphill on behalf of the earl of Aberdeen, lord lieutenant of Ireland, and the countess of Aberdeen. Mr. Davitt retired from the representa tlon of South Mayo In Parliament In 1899. but to the last took a keen Interest In the politic of hla country- Death was due to blood poisoning, which followed two operations for necrosis of the Jaw bone, and spread so rapidly that all effort to stay Its course were un availing. Mr. Davltt'e Illness began with an Insidious attack of toothache, to which he paid no attention until John Dillon urged mm to have recourse to medical advice. For some time there were hope for his recovery, but the state of his health, which was undermined by the exertions at the recent general elections, greatly handi capped his progress. ATTACK UPON PARLIAMENT Ian Official Messenger Hay Lower Hons Does Sot Rep. reseat the People. - ST. PETERSBURG. May 30.-DespiU the interpellation adopted by the lower house of Parliament yesterday regarding the pro vocative Black Hundred telegrams to the emperor printed In the Official Messenger that paper this morning again published several columns against extending the am nesty tp "traitors," but usklng for the par don of those who participated In the antl Jewish outrages and generally protesting that the lower butis of Parliament doe not represent the real voice of the Russian people. This, taken In connection with the execution of tl.e eight revolutionists a Riga while lue Intel pollution on the sub Ject was pending. Is Interpreted as being a studied effort on the part -of the govern merit to ignore the demands of Parliament But prolietily It la nearer the truth to ssy that It only exposes the continuance of the conflict of authority within 'the govern ment Itself. Final returns from the elec tions in the Caucasus show that the con slltutliinal democrats and other opposition forces practically made a clean sweep. There was ao session of Parliament to day, but the various committees held meet ings and there was also a session of the central committee of the constitutional democrats to discuss the general situation. REBELS WIN IN GUATEMALA Geaeral Toledo Reports gneeeasea Forcea. MIOXICO CITY, Mex.. a-wy.30.-New from General Toledo, the former war min ister of Guatemala, who 1 advancing from Salvador Into Guatemala with l.Oit troops. Including. It Is said. Balvadortan revolution ists, announces a glorious victory ovar the Guatemalan. It Is reported that Oco was stormed lt night by new forces wiiU an American officer In cliarge. MARRIAGE CONTRACT SIGNED Future Queen of Spain to Have Allowance of $90,000 a Tear. RECEPTION FOR AMERICAN EMBASSY Special Eavoy Whltrldae Pre- ' aeat President Roosevelt' Personal Letter to Alfonso. MADRID, May 30. All Spain Is rejoi cing on the eve of the wedding of King Alfonso and Princess Ena, and the capltol ha not seen such scenes of enthusiasm during the present generation. Tonight the whole city is aglow with fireworks and electrical Illuminations, while the street are thronged with dense masse of people. All the central points from the Puerta del Sol to the Prado are literally packed. As the decorations and Illuminations take on their most lurid huea It I a motely throng, with touches almost, barbaric swarthy Moors wrapped In flowing robes and with red turbans on their heads, Asturian dan cers performing their native Jota, gypslos from Cordova and Seville, Salamancan herders in red velvet and tinselled gold, with many representatives of Sapln's clergy and hordes of blind beggars sing ing the melancholy music of Spain. At the corners bands play for street dancers. The municipality has given free rein to the pop ular rejoicings. The schools and public In stltutlon have been closed and the whole population has given Itself up to celebrating the king' marriage. Marrlaae Contract Signed. The chief events of today were the king' reception to the foreign envoys. Including the representative Of the United States, and the signing of the wedding contract. The latter ceremony took place at the Pardo palace In the presence of Premier Morct and the other cabinet ministers, with the solemnity befitting a great stat ceremonial affecting the future succession to the throne. The witnesses for Princess Vic torla were Sir Maurice Bunsen. the British ambassador at Madrid; Polo Bernabo, the Spanish ambassador at London, who was the Spanish minister to Washington when the war between Spain and the United States broke out; Lord Hugh Cecil, Mar quis de Vlana, an Intimate friend of King Alfonso, and Marquis de Vtllalobar. The witnesses for the king were Premier Moret, Senor Maura, former president of the coun cil; General .Aszarraga, former premier General Montero Rtos, former premier the Duke of Sotomayor, chief of the royal palace; the Marquis de La Mlna, chief of the royal hunt; General Pacheeo, chief of the royal halberdiers, and the Marquis de Borja, Intendant general, these represent ing the statesmen, the royal household, the army and the nobility. Allowance for the Qneen. The marriage contract appears tonight In' the Official Gazette. Article M gives the bride an annual Inrime of tPO.fW) and In the event of the king' death. fftO.000. In article HI Princess Victoria renounces all right of succession to the British throne. The J otner articles reutiea 10 tne marriage. Preceding the signature of the' contract the Spanish Journalists presented to King Alfonso a golden pen with which to sign the document. The king laughingly ac cepted the gift, declaring that lie always had defended the Spanish press against criticisms. Many receptions were held tonight, among them, those at the British e'mbassy to the Prince of Wales, at the Italian em bassy tc the Duke of Genoa, at the German embassy to Prince Albrecht of Prussia, at the French embassy to General Dahlstein, and at the American legation to Special Envoy Whltrldge. This latter reception was attended by many prominent person ages In dlplomatlo and court circles. Americana at the Palace. King Alfonso received the special Ameri can embassy at the royal palace .at 10:30 this morning, when the autograph let ter of President Roosevelt waa pre sented ' to him. The audience took place In the hall of the ambassadors and was surrounded by all the Impressive for mality of court ceremony. Mr. Whltrldge, wearing American evening dress, was ac companied by Llentenant U. S. Grant, U. S. A., and Lieutenant Leigh Chalmer, U. S. N., In full uniform, and Minister Collier and the staffs of the special American em bassy and legation. The palace guard ren dered honora as the Americans drove Into the cavernous palace court yard, and a f other embassies arrived at the same time, the ambassadors and their suites made a brilliant picture. The duke of Almodovar, the foreign mln later, and the duke of Sotomayor, the grand chamberlain, received the Americans and conducted them through the palatial corridors lined by royal guards and haluer dier to au anta room adjoining the hall of the ambassadors, where the successive em bassies were received by the court official Then the Americans were Introduced into the magnificent royal saloon, where the king was seated on the throne, under a canopy of red velvet, flanked by tha fa mo us golden Hons. His majesty, when the Americans appeared, advanced from the throne and stood midway In the apartment He wore a blue military uniform, red breechea and high boots and held his mill tary hat tn his left hand. He greeted the special American envoy most graciously and, speaking in perfect English, thanked the United States for having sent a spe cial mission such a distance. President's Letter Presented. Mr. Whltrldge handed the king a sealed letter from President Roosevelt, at the" same time addressing to him the following message of felicitation In behalf of the American people: Sire: The president haa charged me In delivering this letter to give your majesty the assurances of his highest regard and througn him that of the American people, nil only for yourself, but for your great country, which Is the fatherland of the larger part of the new world. I estee myself most happy to be the bearer of tha nation s good will, especially on the au piclous occasion of your marriage with the charming young princess from the mother land of my own country. All mankind, we say, sire, loves a lover; but in all the world there are no more sympathetic and sincere well wishes for long years of hap piness and good fortune for yourself and the princess than among the American people, and, standing In this ancient king dom before the successor of Ferdinand and Isabella, I am bound to say youthful American people, whom I have the honor to represent. King Makes Grnelaaa Reply. The king broke the seal of President Roosevelt' letter, read It attentively and then In a moat gracious manner conveyed hi thanka to the president In behalf of himself and the Spanish nation. The audience terminated with in Amer icans withdrawing. Mr. Whitridge waa Impressed by the king's unaffected cordiality and frankneo. His majesty appeared to, the envoy tj be much taller than generally supposed and (Continued on Second Pag.) ROME The EteriaJ City Described By EDWARD ROSEWATER In Next SUNDAY'S BEE CRITICISM OF , MR. WILSON Action of geerotary of Aartcaltnreln Constrnrtlnar Sew Building Under Fire. WASHINGTON, May 3. What members of the house committee on appropriations regard as an absolute disregard of the law authorising the construction of the new building for the department of agriculture Is revealed In the hearings before the com mittee on the sundry civil appropriation bill. In 190J congresa appropriated $1.BO0,0O0 for this building. It was tha general un derstanding that this appropriation was for the erection of a complete bulldlifg for the accommodation of . the entire depart ment. It was nth home astonishment that the members leaified last week that "somebody" has ordet of two wings of what completed building and have practically exhau; J the construction iay be some davy a that the two wings ed the Jl.fiOO.OOO ap- proprlated for a comil"te structure. The 'wings when completed will, accord ing to testimony given before the commit tee, be Inadequate to house the department force and congress will bt called upon to appropriate $2,0oti,00e to fill the space be tween the two wings. Considerable Irritation was developed during the hearings before the appropria tions committee and Secretary Wilson, Dr. Galloway and officials of tho Agricultural department were questioned ' concerning what is said to be a direct violation of law Involved. , Enarlnerr Gardner Test I lea. When F. S. Gardner, mechanical engineer of the Department of Agrlcdlture, testified before tha appropriations committee he was asked if he knew the limit of cost of the entire building and replied that he did that It was ll.5TO.0o0. Mr. Gardner, continuing, said in reply to further questions by Mr. Tawney that the central administration building was not In cluded In the limit of cost; that It was not even contemplated as yet, and that It would have to be appropriated for aU Borne, future time. In reply to a question from the chair man as. to why the department did not con struct, the building within the limit of cost fixed byl oongres and In a manner that would accommodate the department with all of Its varihus branches as prescribed by congress, Mr. Gardner answerd that "they constructed within the limit of cost exactly, what they needed for their present work and when their future work comes up they will have to . put up other build ings." . .c Would Retain tj'raaent Bulldlug.v It developed further from Mr. Gardner' teatimony that the administrative work of the department would continue to be car ried on In the present buildings, although congresa provided that it should be torn down. Further than that Mr. Oat-dorr said that the two wings In question were being constructed "for laboratory pur poses." Do you know." asked Mr. Tawney, "who is responsible for the plan of lh- building that is now being erected tlrat was authorized, accepted and approved?" "The secretary of agriculture," answered Mr. Gardner. Mr. Gardner then testified that $37,000 worth of useless work had been done tn order that the site for the building might be moved forty feet. On whose recommendation was the change made?" asked Mr. Tawney 'There was a meeting at the While House and It was decided by the secretary and the president that the huijdlng should be moved and also a representative of the park commission," replied Mr. Gardner. Mr. Wilson on the- taad. Secretary of Agriculture . Wilson waa questioned at some length by the com mittee and made a long prepared state ment In defense of the present construc tion. "How can you Justify your position?'1 asked Chairman Tawney. "When you made your plan. If you be came satisfied that $1,600,000 wa not enough, I should have thought you wonld have informed congress before going on with the plan you adopted." "You have a wrong Idea In your mind there," said Mr. Wilson. "We made a plan to exhaust 11.50i,ei6. We built In such a way that congress might add to It, and we made no plans but for our buildings." The secretary then went on to detail the great growth of the department and to de fend his' course In erecting wings that might be added to. Instead of erecting one building as specified by congress. Dr. Galloway and Mr. Wilson, contradict ing the testimony of Mr. Gardner, who had preceded . them. Insisted that the wings would accommodate the administrative force, but both admitted that they did not contemplate tearing down the present ad ministrative buildings as directed by con gress. Members of the committee assured Mr. Wilson that they did not suspect his In tegrity or take issue with his wisdom at this time, but that they did not think he had authority in law for what he had done. To a suggestion of this kind the secretary tartly replied: "You make a law without consulting a soul In .he Agricultural department with regard to its necessities. The man who drafted the law came pretty near the needs and I made the most of It." MORE BODIES IN THE RUINS Entire List ItegWtered at 'Frisco Morgue Is Four Hundred and Klahteen. SAN FRANCISCO. May 30.-The remains of eleven more victim of the lire have been found, bringing the death list at the morgue up to 418. Those of Andrew Coleman and David Cook were found in the ruins of a tore at 114 Third street. Five bodies were taken out of the ruins of the Kingsbury bouse. The first four were those of Louis Btambler, a tailor, M years of- age, his wife. Cell, their daughter, Kosle, 10 year of age, and Stambler's niece. Miss Fannie Welner, Z3 year of age. Tho fifth body taken from this building Is unidentified. The remain of two Chinese were taken from the ruin in Chinatown. The re main of Frank Prochaatia, waiter, were found In a hit nexr the old pustofflce. The body of a man, supposed to be Fred Ken pell, wa found la the rear of 11 Third mat. CATTLEMEN ARE ANXIOUS Packeri Brincrin? Prewar to Bear to Kill Inspection Amendment THREATEN TO TAKE IT OFF PRODUCERS Also Hinted the t'onsamera May Be rinched Conarcssmnn Sot In clined to Hack li on Measnre. (From a Staff Correspondent.) WASHINGTON, May 30.-(Speclal Tele- grnm.) Telegrams by hundreds are being received today by members of congress from the 'cattle raising states urging con gressmen not to take action on the meat Inspection, amendment of Senator Bcve ridge. The Inference which they arc draw ing from these telegrams Is that the Beef trust Is threatening the cattle raisers that If congress makes the trust pay the cost of inspection the trust will take It out of the price paid for the cattle. Some of the legislators familiar with tho methods of the Beef trust think that the trust would also turn around and take a double turn out of the consumers of beef. In fact It Is known that word has already been passed around In congress that If the trust haa to pay the cost of Inspection the people will have to foot the bill In the In creased cost of meat products. It Is safe to suy, however, that these considerations are not cutting much of a figure In congress. The thing has gone too far, It Is asserted, for. congress to turn backward without raising a storm of public Indignation. It is quite possible that the amendment may be changed If it can be shown that a change Is necessary to make It court-proof. The most de termined effort will be made to fix the cost of Inspection upon the packers and make It stick, letting the future take care of the price of cattle and dressed meals. Some statesmen make the point that if the Chicago disclosures turn out to be as startling as they have been hinted, the Beef trust may be glad enough to do busi ness at any price that Is reasonable, and that If the trust does not offer to pay a fair price for cattle there will soon be arrangement outside of the trust for buying them and for .selling them at a reasonable rate for the public. The suggestion haa been made that this very legislation may turn out to be the beginning of the break-up of the Beef trust and the return to normal conditions In cattle buying and meat selling. Rep resentative know that there is no or ganization In the country, not excepting the Standard Oil trust, which Is so hated by the public a the Beef trust and they feel that they need not fear to take drastic action so long ns it is legal. The engagement of Miss Edna May. daughter of Mrs. 'Edward Macdonald of Valentine, Neb., to ' Llentenant N. A. Wlegcnsteln, Twenty-fifth Infantry. I an nounced. SOFT COAL MINERS SETTLE Kansas, , Arkawsaa Territory Men Accept Offer Mads by Operators. KANSAS CITT, May 30 Soft coat miner of Kansas, Arkansas and Indian Territory, In conference here today, agreed to accept the proposition submitted yesterday by the Southwestern Coal Operators' association. The agreement must now be ratified by a referendum vote of the miners, but It Is believed that today's action will result in reopening the mines In the state named by June 10. The Missouri miners, representing district No. 25, still stood out for the 1S03 scale verbatim, which mean a higher propor tionate rate for machine mining than that offered by the operators. The conference was resumed later In Ihe hopes of persuading Missouri to come into the agreement Tim nrrnnmnn t nccenieil hv the Kansas Arkansas and Indian Territory miners. In- The general assembly of the Tnlted Trr. d.irt m ,ii.trlr. No 14 and 21. Is that the bytcHan church today signalized Its dlaap- miners return to work on the 1903 scale and that a commission of three miners and three operators and one referee, to be se lected by the conference, shall consider and settle all matter embraced In the opera tors' propositions. The operators are to le store the wage scale of loS for three years. This scale Is a slight advance on the price the miners were receiving when the sus pension began, but is not so large by about 6 per cent aa they originally demanded. SPRINGFIELD, 111., May . The miner and operators' subscale committee today agreed upon a report which. It Is under stood, Includes paying the scale of 1903, machine differentials to remain on a basis of 7 cents, the miners to recompense oper ators for extra expense Involved in the employment of shot firer. It Is believed the report will be accepted by both operators and miners. MILLION DOLLARS AND A LIFE neanlts of Fire Which Destroy Armour Elevator Stored with Small Grain. CHICAGO, May SO. Fire early today de stroyed Armour A Co.' elevator "V," landing along a slip extending from tha outh branch of the river at Flsk street. With the elevator were destroyed L000.600 bushels of wheat, corn and oats. Four men employed In the elevator, were hurt, one fatally, soon after the fire started, when a series of explosions caused by igni tion of the dust, spread the flames through out the building. The loss la estimated, roughly, at from $500,000 to ' more than $1,000,0(0. In addition, fifteen car, filled yesterday with grain, were on the track by the elevator and these were destroyed. Switch engines were hurried to the switch track and 160 car were hauled out of dan ger. Within half an hour after the sounding of the first alarm, five special call had been sent In and sixty engine, some from as far north a Lakevlew, together with the fireboata Queen, Yosemite and Illinois, were summoned to the scene. The men were obliged to get nearly all their water from the slip, no water plugs being within available distsnce. HYMENEAL. lloTeaa-Vlcker. Howard B. Haven and Mis Mabel Vlrk er were married Monday night at the home of the bride' parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. If. Vlers, 3il5 Templeton street, by Rev. Benjamin F Plffenbaeher. The bride was attended by Miss Unima L. Monnorke and the beat man w .a Clarence K. Wal- roth. Th ruoins --re prettily decorated with palms and r ut flowers. The bride' gown waa whiir mad'- prim-ess and le curried a shuwer bouquet of l.rli.-'a na s. After the ceremony and lecpil'm Ihe young cuople left fur a wsek's l:t wUu th tii(i:t ct the groom. NEBRASKA WEATHER FORECAST Fair aad Cooler Thursday. Friday Fair. Temperature at Omaha lesterdayi Hoar. Dea. Hour. Ie. It a. m .VI 1 p. an...... TM a. m tm 2 p. m NO T a. m AT H p. m "1 Ma. m ti-2 4 p. m n a. m 7 B p. sa sill lO a. tn Tt p. m Tit It a. in T4 T p. m TH 12 tn Ttt H p. tm 711 O p. m T8 SHONTS FOR LOCK CANAL Chairman of Panama Commission Addresses the Atlanta Com mercial t'lnu. ATLANTA. Ga May 30. Theodore P. Rhonts. chairman of the Panama Canal commission, was the guest today of At lanta friends. He delivered two addresses. The first was at the dedication of a new building at Agnes Scott Institute, a col lege for women in Decatur, a suburb of Atlanta. The second was delivered this evening before the chamber of commerce, In which he spoke of the relations of the south to the Panama canal. Me took strong grounds In advocacy of the lock canal sys tem. Mr. Shonts said that between the time of the selling of the supplies which will enter Into the construction of the lanama canal and the period when the opening of the canHl will result In the development of the country, a gulf Is fixed. How great and how wide that gulf Is will depend on the type of canal selected. Mr. Rhonts spoke In favor of a lock canal, as recom mended by the minority of the consulting board, and endorsed by the canal commis sion. He said In conclusion: The practical question for all section of the couatry Is how long shall we wait before we can enter upon the period of de velopment which the opening of tho cnnal will bring to the' country ? I am not sur prised that European countries are In different to the early completion of this cnnal. I am not surprised that they are Indifferent as to how much this canal may cost our government. I am not surprised tnat tney can view calmly an inoennite postponement of the opening of this great water way. They are neither paying tha bills nor with their commerce and Industries suffer - by waiting for the completion of this undertaking. Rut 1 am surprised that those who are supposed to represent the best interests of the American people should try to throw ohstaclea In the way of realiz ing tho benefits of this work at the earliest possible date. When we can get a he'ter canal for less money and receive the bene fits ourselves, why wait; why make it a heritage to our children, with the pnssl blllty of their being deprived of Its liene flts through some unforeseen contingency? I have eiioken of a gulf. Now, how wide that gulf shall be depends on the people. Do you want to reap the benefit of this undertaking yourselves, or do you want to transmit a hope to your children or your cmiaren s cnnuren? Later In the evening Mr. Shonts waa entertained at a dinner tendered by fifty citizens. MONEY FOR CHURCH WORK I'nlted Presbyterian Aascm bir a ppro . prlatea f!3,Oon for Different De partments and Adjourns. . RICHMOND. Ind., May 30.-Flnal d journment was taken by the general assembly of the I'nlted Presbyterian church this evening. Before adjourning. Various appropriations for the coming year were made as follows: Foreign missions, $227,S75; home missions, $189,000; freedmen' mission. INS.OOO; church extensions, $73. "00; education and colleges, $45,000; educational and beneficiary funds, $a.(Xfl; ministerial relief, Slft.fKiO; genernl assembly funds, $L2.0tn: publication funds, St.ODrt. Total appropriation, $6?M7o. an In crease of $i,200 over last year. It waa stated that $75,000 was needed for the relief of the denomination's Interests in California. A committee of seven was named to co-operate with other Kngllsh speaking denominations In North America to secure a uniform vemlon of the Bible. The constitution of the church waa amended so that women are eligible as deacons. proval of tobacco by refusing to confirm the nomination of Rev. John A. Burnett of Mon mouth., 111., aa general secretary of the Young People's society. Rev. M. Burnett is a minister held In high esteem, but he does not share the belief of the fabled "little Robert Reed," that tobacco Is a filthy weed. He enjoys a good smoke. Therefore Rev. W. W. Ijiwrence of Bellevue, III., wa chosen general secre tary. LAKE MOHONK CONFERENCE Twelfth Annaal Council on Arbltra tloj Gathers, with Rotable ' I.arge Attendance. LAKE MOHONK. N. T., May Su.-The twelfth annual Lake Mohonk conference on International arbitration opened today, with an attendance of SQ0 diplomats. Jurists, congressmen, clergymen, educator, editor and philanthropist. The opening address wa delivered by Albert K. Smiley. Mr. Smiley waa fol lowed by ex-Secretary of State John W Foster, who delivered hi adresa aa presi dent of the conference. The following officer were chosen: Pres- dent. John W. Foster, Washington, D. C; ocretary, Clinton Roger Woodruff, Phila delphia; permanent corresponding aecre tary, P. H. Phillips, Lake Mohonk. N. T.; treasurer, Alexander C. Wood, Camden, N. J.; business committee, John Stlnees, Providence, R. I., chairman; publication committee. Dr. Benjamin F. Trueblood, Boston, chairman; press committee. Allien K. Hoyt, Albany, chairman; finance com mlttee, Warner Van Norden, New York, chairman. Dr. Benjamin F. Trueblood of Boston gave a review of the last year's work of the conference. Thl waa followed by ,a discussion of the czar' recent Invitation to the second Hague peace conference, led by Judge J. Sllness of Providence, R. I., In which the omission from the proposed program of the limitation ,of reduction of armament wa criticized by several speak er. LAKE MICHIGAN ON A FROLIC Level at Chicago Varies Four Feet One to Atmosphcrle Conditions. CHICAGO, May $0. The lake level today varied a much aa four feet, going from two feet below dutum to two feet above. The boat room of the life saving statldn i al the mouth of ihe Chicago river, which hud never been wet during the heaviest storms on the lake, was flooded to a depth I "f Mx Inches. liie aeichcM wa attributed by veas.lmen a su!drn sl.f'l In . tiie wind. coti.l-d with a rapid i tmite III tils barometric pressure. No dn.n to shiiping kii iul td. SUN SHINES ON BRAVE Heaven Emllet While Living. Hero Pay Tribute to Nation's Dead. OMAHA HONORS ALL THE VETERANS I Grand Armj Holdi Exeroiie tt Haneoom l P ark Before Tbousands. C. C. WRIGHT READS WEBSTER'S ORATION Impressive Military Requiem Haa ii Cele brated at Holj tiepuloher. KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS HAVE CHARGE High School Cadets and Yeuac Veterans of Spanish War Pa r llrlpate la tha Oraad Army A fairs. Heaven could not have given a fairer ky thsn that which smiled upon the services of Decoration day this year. Th morning opened bright and fair, with cool ing breeze which made a coat just com fortable enough. No sign of rain waa visible, and as the un rose to the zenith and traveled down again, the cloud did tint com tho n-h.,l rlnu thua fulfllllnv th promise, of the early morning. Such Klyslan weather brought out crowds of people to scatter flower on in resting place of the country's soldier dead and to listen with uncovered bead to the exercises In homage to heroes' name. A early aa S o'clock they could be seen here and there In the cemeteries with floral trlbutea In their hands to place upou the graves. By noon the cemeteries had become cities, of tho living a well aa of the dead. When evening had oorae, and the visitors had gone away, they were left beautiful with flowers and flag. Porches and window all over th city were decorated with flogs and the na tional emblem flew from many a flagpole In the business district. Two flags at half mast were furled on top of the federal building. The day was celebrated by two large gathering. From 10 o'clock to noun serv ices were held at the Holy Sepulcher ceme tery, under the auspices of the Knight of Columbus, ending with the consecra tion of the graves by Bishop Scauneil. In the afternoon Hanseom park was filled with persona who came to see th tattered remnant of the army In blue and listen to the words and music In praise of the others of the army who have answered their laat roll call. G. A. R. at (he Graves. Early Wednesday morning detail from Cusur, Grant and Crook post,. Grand Army of ti e Republic, and their respective Woman' Relief corps auxiliaries went to the several cemeteries by special convey ance to strew flower on th grave of. the soldier dead. - The Ladle of th Grand Army of the Republic conducted tbetc ritual of. decorating the graves of the . soldiers t the Soldiers'. Circle In Forest Lawn cemetery In the afternoon, assisted by a number of scriool children, thl com prising the only part that the Ladle of the Grand Army of the Republic took In the day'a proceedings, except being present In a body at the military high mass cere monies at Holy Sophulcher cemetery In the morning. At 5 p. m. thl organization carried out the ceremony of strewing flowers on the water In mem ory of the dead burled at sea, at the Doug- la street bridge. ,.k . . Following the strewing of flower at the cemeteries, the details returned in time to participate In th military mas requiem service at Holy Sepulcher ceme tery, given under the auspices of the Knights of Columbus. Formation of Pnrade. The afternoon ' service began with th formation of the parade at 1:30 o'clock on Capltol avenue and Sixteenth street. Rome little delay wa caused as Is usual In getting the parade In position, but It started promptly at 2 o'clock with E. W. Johnson aa marshal of the day, and George Rathbun and N. K. Vanhuser aa aide. In the following order: FIRST DIVISION. Two Platoon of Police. Marshal of the Day and Aide. -Thirtieth U. 8. Infantry Band. Two Battalions Thirtieth Infantry. . Company L S. Signal Corps Major E. 'O. reenei commending. Nebraska National Guards Company U, second Regiment Cap- - tain O. D. Falconer commanding. Company L, First Keglm t Captain ;W. B. Baehr commanding. Company I. Hecond Regiment Lieu tenant Julius Wllg commanding. Battalion Omaha letter Carrier. SECOND DIVISION. High School Cadet Band. First and Second Battalions High School Cadets Captain It. It. 8togsdail, U. H. A., commanding. Drum Corps. Grand Armv of.the Republic George A Custer Poet No. I. ' Dahlgren Post, Papilllon. V. H. Grant Post No. 110. George (.'rook Post No. 2t2. Veterans Spanish-American and Phlllp . pin Wars. Carriages. Chairman of the Day, J. B. Cramer. Speaker of the Day, Hon. J. L Webster. Brigadier General T. J. Wint and Staff. Colonel E. B. Pratt, Thirtieth Infantry, and Htsff. Mayor and City Council. Board of Education. Park Commissioner. County Grnclaia. l.lac of March, Th line of march was from Sixteenth and Capltol avenue outh on Sixteenth to Douglas, east to Fourteenth, south to Far iam,v west to Twenty-eighth, south to Leavenworth, west to Twenty-ninth, south to Hickory and west to Hanseom park. At Twenty-ninth and Woolwoith avenua was a large body of veterans In waiting to Join Che parade Into the park, being unable to bear the fatigue of th longer march. The parade marched to the unknown grav plot south of the apeakei' stand, where a temporary monument commemo rating a soldier' grave had been erected. The parade formed a hollow square about this plot, the ritual exercise taking part within th enclosure. The proceedings her opened with a dirge by Ihe Thirteenth In fantry band, after which Captain T. A. Crelgh of Grant post called the roll of th dead veterans of Douglas county of 'the last year. A memorial song was then ren dered by the T. K. quartet, Major Miller, a veteran of Vlrkshurg, read Llnooln' ad dress at Gettysburg, which was followed with another aelectlon by the band, whan the ritual ervlce of the Woman' Relief Corp wa carried out with Impressive solemnity. The women participating In th ervlce wtre: Mr. Thomas Hull, a presi dent; Mrs. Allen, senior vie president; Mr. Walker, as Junior vice president; Mr. Prlngle, a secretary, and Mr, tlrysnt, a chaplain. Hock of Age. Then followed the s.i!g, "Kock of Ags " The rliual service by t.c irttid Army of t'.e hepiiblie followed and was cvn-i iried by Commander A. Lotnner, J. L li. i t or u ol tl.e iy aid l.a. T. A,