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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 29, 1906)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: TUESDAY, MAY 20, lfMV.. PA LOSES AT DES MOINES Eii Hired Men Unabl to Connect witi Ixraii Vanite'i Bendera. ONLY THREE HITS, NO TWO IN ONE INNING the Meaailtn' aatllloa's Make fren Blnalea Off Koa , kallk Whit Tfcm Ta o Rill. DCS MOINES. May 28.-Des Moines d-ft-ated Omalia today, by a score of 2 to 0. It was the fsstnt rarrio of the sesson here and wan arood hard has ball from start to finish. Rourkes team found It dimcull to find Ma'nKke. who pitched a wonderful nam, and was given almost perfect sup port.' With' one out In the ninth, he began to lone control and Itmcoe Miller was sub stituted. Koukullk pitched well, but the I'hnrnplftnn wr-re more successful In finding him, lM-n Moines- first score came' on a two base hit by Schlpke end a single by Wel day. 'lit the fifth C'affyn was hit with the hall, stole second and scored on -Welday'a hard flrlv'o to right.' "Omaha made three hits In -three different, inning. . Th score: , . ,. DBS MOINES. . - AB. R- H. PO. A.. E. Caffyn. If 8chlpke, 3b Welday, cf. Peter, c... Towne.- lb... Hogrlever, rf...... Andreas1, -m. Ma goon. L'h O 1-eary, 2b Manske, p Miller, -p 1 0 T 11 0 I 1 1 1 0 . i 1 Totals 2 2 OMAHA. AB. R 7 27 U H. PO. A. E. Pender, rf. ....... 2 0 10 0 0 0 0 17 1 0 1 0 0 0 ooioo 0 1 11 0 0 0 0 4 2 1 0 0 1 3 0 0 0 t 0 0 0 0 S O 0 3 34 20 2 Howard, 2.1... Bassor, If..'.. Welch rf.... I)olan; lb.;..i Runkle, ss... perrlng. 3b.v.' Oondlng.' C... lKoukallk, p.. Totals .... tes Moines . Omaha . ... ,.0 0 .,0. 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 02 0 0 0-0 Sncrlflee .hit:. Hogrlever. Stolen bases: ,Oaffyn, Baasey. Two-base hits: Bchlpke, Bender. Doible play; Runkle to Howard to rnlan. First base on balls: Off Manske, i; oft Kotikalik, 3. Struck out: By Manske, ; by KoukaUk. 4. Wild pitch: Manske. Time: 1;20. . Umpire: Fuller. Attendance: SMA. . ' . , . Errors. Lose for ftlnux. . BlOfX. CITY. la.. May 2 .-Sioux City lost to Lincoln this afternoon largely on arcount of wild throws and fumbles at critical moments. . Eyler. though batted more freely than M'-Cabe, kept the hits well scattered. Tha game was Interesting throughout, the result being In doubt until the last man was out In the ninth. Freese, the first man up In Jhe Inst half of the ninth, made a home run. but there was nothing doing thereafter. Score: . LINCOLN.. AB. R. H. PO. A. ..... J , 1 0 1 0 3 11 2. 0 Flllman... as Holmes, If cjMllHn. Sb... K etc hum, cf'...., Thomas, lfc. Collins, rf Harton. 2b., Zlnran, ,c. Kyler, p 1 0 '16 0 . 1, 6 0 0 0 1 0 o ft 4 x Totals- , , ..32 ' 6 t , 27 IS i SIOUX ,CITV. AB R. H. PO. A. 0 0 2 1 3 : 1 E. ' Campbell, ''If., Nobllt. cf Weed. !b Tate, rf . Newton, ss..,. .Frost, Jb...... 'Hesa, lb...... ' Freese, c. ..... McCahe"p..'. Bauer- 'Totals' ..... 5 . S. , 6 .4 , .4. .. ,. 4- . - - ll. .5i 0 0 0 3 2 - 0 , 3 J 4 10 26 - 16- 'Barton out. third attempted bunt. 1 'Bauer betted for McCabe In ninth. .Lincoln ,...,...,,0 2 0 1 0 2 0 ft 6 Sioux City 3 0 0 0.0.0' 0 0 14 t0amo4 rns: Sloiix City. 2; Lincoln. 4. Two-base hit: Frost. " Home runi Freese, .First baser on errors: Oft Eyler, 2; off McCabe. 4, Ieft on bnsca: Sioux City, ; Jjlncoln, 6. Stolon bnsox; Holmes (2). Qull jjln, (2, Ketchum. Sacrtftco h(ts: Holmes, ..Ainran... Joases on oans: im McuaDe, 4, Hit hy pitched ball r Qulllln. Struck out: By McCabe, 7; by Eyler R. Wild pitch: McC.ube. Time: 1:37. Umpire: Davis. At tendunce: l.iiw. , Bfandlaa; of the Teams. ' i . t Played. Won. Lost. Pet. Ie Moines ,.,.24 17 7 ..708 Omaha .23 15 .662 Sioux City 13 -12 .520 Lincoln w... 24 13 12 .5t)0 We Cure Men and Men Only . Pay ug for curco Our accavtano of a case.-la equivalent to a cure, for we never accept Incura ble caaes. Consult ua, OUR ADVICE IS FKkltt. For year we have special ised on tha aliments of men. Our msthods ara dlaUnotly arlglnal and up to data. Whin other physicians ara beglsd ajid fall w cure, and cur Qlilckly. ' , . . , First Wi Con You USD You Pij Ut Tour rmf Is urgent we are willing to wait until yeu are cured for -the few-, dollars wa charge for our aervlcea. Could ws afford to do this If our cures were alow or doubtful? Lit Th's Advertlsexent 6s Your Guide II has been our message to thousands -rit has been their first step towards bealtij It la our maasage to you. Th. Only Diseases Ws Trsat W aaeeessfallr treat Wetksaia, Partial ar Coaaplete Laa, Lack af Pawer aad Streacta, Diseases the KJaaiaya, Biesi Plasaa. RUa aaatlaaa, Varlale, Coaatrlatlas, Vrlwa, ' tklsi IHaMii, Piles, Flo-' tala aat all 4lseasa naea. Xfirthtntara Uetflcal & Sur.lcil lost. V Harihwejal Cer. 1th A Parses O sua ha. Nebraska Every Vcmaii siawssteaasjawouis tow MADVTI UkirliiM! U4 kmm ImitmUs aApeardraraBMlwg. L aunitlv thM a M a .. accept so .' rtliar. but aeaa evajwp for liliiairid aaalaa. It (tTa full iiucolara and .lira mra tu. iul,' l,'iee. MIRI tl, 14V. , 4 a- asAsf Aas teaiv kut cWiw vjf HERMAN a McCUNt-L L DRUG CO. lam ana LHose ets. MYERU-DIL1JN DRUG CO.. . E. Cur. lath and Faraam sHa. . UEHAKDWCMEN. . Des sa 4 aaaalaral r ll aVa. "S, I VeS aa twa laenaw t m . i difcbaa.laaenaa, wawuaaad VI Irrllalioaa '''" I 1 aasawa.aaii - et aa aeal saeamkemaaa. 5 f - I JVVntfiaauCBtssai 0. ( m pw saMli.lP "I va4 a .-. ' ee at la t kl aaaaM aaaia wraaaar. avawa. xea'd. tad I 44. at 4 boitiaa Si 1. Ck rawer saak aa) reajwaa DenTr 3R II II .41 Pueblo 23 t JO .1 Oamea today: Omaha at les Molnea, I Lin coln at Bloux City. Pueblo at Dcnvar. GAMES ) AMEBIC AX ASSOCIATION Toledo Defeats Loalaeltle r TIsboIt tso of he Mirk. IrtSVIIJJS. May Toledo defeated Ixiulsvllle today by batting at opportune limn Pmtman retired alter the stath Inning. Kenna taking his place. Nanre took Oannell'a place after the seventh In ning, the latter hurting his left leg In sliding to second. ' Score: TOLEDO. , ttfriiTTUjr R H O A C. B H O.A.B. rannall, rf... 4 Nance, ef J. Oarae. If. 4' pemoat, w... 4 Juria, rf I Bunter. lb ... I KnlK lb I W ilaraa. lb Abbott, e I Camnlll,. p... I 0 . 0 Hallmee, If.. I l SI or. II. nf ... I I I t 4 Rraahaar, ' 2b. 4 Stilllran, It. -w I OKtrwl. rf ( 4 Wooemft, lb. I nQulnlaa, M... I Shaw. .4 0 Fattman, p... I 4 Kenna, p .... 1 til t 4 Total! 14 II 37 I totals 43 IT IT 14 4 Toledo .0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0-9 Louisville ,....1.0.0 1 0.3 0 t 07 Two-base hit: Mailman. Three-base hits: Brashear, Knabe, Abbott. Stolen bases: Stovall, Kerwln, .W. Clarke. First base on balls: Off Puttman,-6; off Kenna, I; off Vamnlts. 3. Strwk out: Hy Pultinan, 3; by I'amnltz. 5. Passed built, Sbaw. Hlta: Off Puttman. 12 In six lnnlpgs; .off Kfnnn, 1 In three Innings. Jeft on .bases: IjoiiIs- vllle. 12; Toledo, ft. Double-play : Woodruff to Ifrashear to Sullivan. Time:. .-2:2i.' Em pire : Haskell. . . . i- Hooslers Win on 'Krrors. COLfMBT.'S. May 28. Robertallles field ing and battery errors were, largely re sponsible for the Indianapolis victory over Columbus. C. Csrr and Cromley did effec tive hitting. Wrlgley was put out of the (una Score: INDIANAPOUi .- CObUMftrs. B H O.A.B. B.H. O.A.B. J. Carr. aa.., Perrr. If...... C. Carr, lb... ,41(41 Plekarlng.' ef . 1 1 I .4140 owrlflar, lb. .1 0 1 .114 1 ORr.n, lb.:.... 114 ,1119 acoultar, If.... 4 O A ,4111 Klhm. lb I It 4 114 0 Hlnrhmao. rf i 0 ,4110 rni. tb 4 i .4 t 11 Hul.wltt. aa.. 4 1 1 .4 1 4 4 0 Blue. e. ...... 4 14 RobcrUllls, p 4 9 1 I 4 Rothjeb. rf.. Janiaa, lb.... Hnlmal, o.... Pfaff. cf..... Kallar, tb... Cromlej, p., 4 f) 4 1 Total! 11 r ! I Ttrtala 14 4 17 M 4 Indianapolis 1 1 1.0 0010 1 ( Columbus 0 0 1,0 1 0 0 0 24 Stolen bases: Hlnchman, J. Carr. Sacri fice hits: Ryan. J. Carr. C. Carr. First base on balls: Off Robertallle, 3; off Crom ley, i. Two-baae tilt: Blue, Home run: Pickering. Double play: Blue to Ryan. Hit with pitched ball: Hmchman. Struck out: By Robertallle. 2; by Cromley, 2. Passed ball: Blue. Wild pitches: By Robertallle, 2. Time: 1:40. Umpire: Sullivan. Packers Wla from Millers. MINNEAPOLIS. May :'8. Kansas C!W had no trouble winning today's game. The heme team played without spirit and made many errors, vlohrtng replaced Thomas- in the eighth, but the game had a i ready been lost, Score:- KANSAS CITY. MINNEAPOLIS. B.H. O.A.B. B.H. O.A.B. 4 4 14 1 Paris, ef 1 I 0 4 114 0 OSulllran. rf . I t 4 9 404 OHart. Ib-lf ...4 1999 4 111 1 COramlni'r. Sb 4 0 0 1. 10 1 9Graham. If... 1 0 1 4 111 t Freeman, lb.. 0 4 1 I 4 1111 Oyl.r. at 1 I 1 I .1 0 4 0 OYeagrr. c... I I I .40140 Fni. lb 444 Thomas, p.... I 0 1 I 0 31 4 17 14 4 0fhrlns. p.... I 0 4 0 Parrlne, as.., ranoafly. rf... Walrtron. If.. Slatterr. lb. Hill, cf Frantl, lb.... Burka. lb Sullivan, e.. Durham, p.. Totals , Totals 14 S IT 11 1 Kansas City 0 1 0 2 1 0 1 0 08 Minneapolis 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 01 Two-basa hits: Burke. Perrlne, Hart. Bases on balls: Off Durham, 4; off Thomas, 3. Hit by pitched ball: Thomas.' Struck out: By Thomas, 7: by Durham, 4. Passed ball: Sullivan. Hits: Off Thomas. 6 in eisclit Innings; off Oehrlng, 1 In one Inning. Stolen bases: J. Sullivan, Slattery, Frants, Burke (2).' Sacrifice hits: Hill (2), Casaidy. Lft on bases: Minneapolis, 13; ' Kansas City. 6. Time: 1:45. .Umpires: Egan and Kane. ' , Brewers Bnnrh Hits.. ST. , PAUL, May 28.-Opportune hitting, coupled with a base , on bails and an error In- the first Inning, gave Milwaukee the game today, 4 to 41. Score: .. . . . . MILWAUKEE. ST.' PAl'L.- . B.H. O A K. . - B.H. O.A.B. Roblnaoa, aa. 4 L 1 4 ftOaiar, rf...... 1110 Green, If..... 4 I 1 0G8uc1n. lb.,. 1 11 1 ft !(..... 4 9 I u I'susnen, id.,. i 11 l v b.,... 4 1 1 1 : fl VanZandt, ct. 4.11 9 4 . .lb.. I IJS.l trrlfk. it i .1 4 1' 4 ll, ef. I 11 OW'heelar; 3h!. i t 11 Clark, 3b Jutetnan. Hemphill. Uvvtllar o.A.i.1 O t ift VHad4eni b..- l 9-4 4 Hlh.w.rl4 0.1 J Roi-k 'Bala, at 1 McCona k, Jbi 1 1 l,UDrlll..r kl. 1 1,4 I Hliker, p.... 4 11 - . Buchanaa. p. n4 1 I 0 . . 'Fierce I 0 0 9 ToUla......lT II !7 14 ,1 . , . ' , . , Totala. 4 17 .14 1 Batted for Buchanan in the ninth. : Milwaukee , 2 0.0 00 0 10 1-4 St.. Paulv... ...0 0 , 0.0 0 0 0 2 0- '. Two-base hits:' Sugden, Wheeler.'. Drill, Green. Bateman. Stolen base: . Partden, Double plays: Padden to Rockenfleld to Sugden. Robinson to McCormlck to Bate man. on balls: Off Hlckey, 4; off Buchanan. 2. Hit with Ditched on'.!: Bcvllle.. Struck out ,. By Buchanan, Jr by Hlckey, 4. Sacrifice hit:- Clark. Left on bases: St, Paul, ; Milwaukee, 10. Time: r:40. Umpire,: Owen Staadlns of the Teams. Played. Won. Lost. Pet. Toledo 36 21 ' 14 . Columbus 40 23 17 .675 Milwaukee 31- 17 14 .54 St. Paul 83 IB IT .4H5 Kansas City 36 17 18 ' ,472 Minneapolis 34 1' ' 111 .471 Louisville 35 18 19 .467 Indianapolis 38 15 23 . 290 ' Games today: Indianapolis at Columbus, Toledo at Louisville, Milwaukee at Kansas City, Minneapolis at St. Paul. Armoars Beat Peaaaaats..- ' Tha Armours defeated the Pennants In a loosely played game at Duffy park yes terday afternoon. Errors figured largely In the score, although opportune batting won for tha Armours. Both pitchers were ef fective. The acore: ARMOVRS. ' PENNANT. B.H.O.A.E. B.H.O.A.E. Bobnar. ....! 1 It 1 Dlrki. tb 4 4 1 0 MrMahos. tb. 4 1 1 4 Davis, Ik 4 1 1 shanahan. lb.ll I I 9 Collier, ae....4 10 14 Millet, lb...... 4 4-1 l'lPaiton.'tb.... 4'S lit Williams, rf.. 1 9 1. 9hanahaa, If. 4 4 1 0 4 gpttsen, aa... 4 111 lHydoik. rf:.. 4 4 4 4 Prlaroll.' cf... 4 110 1 Uurneaa. p..i. 4 1 4 0 Ensllih, 11... 4 1.1 4 Brown. 4 1.114 I I Donahue.' p.. . 4 10 1 OHumply, cfr. 1 4 14 9 Totala U.ltr 4.4 Tola La M I M 11 T Armours 1 0 1 2 0 1 2 3 -4) Pennants - 0 0 0 2 0 1 1 0 04 ' Karned'- runs: Pennants. 3; Armours, 1. Sacrifice hit: McMahon. Passed ball: Brown. Two-base hits: - Davis. Gurneas. Stolen bases: Armours, 3; Pennants, 2. Base on balls: Off Donahue, 1; oft Gurness, 4. Struck out:' By Donahue. IS; "by Gur ness, 10. Time: 1:3a Umpire: Clement. Paeblo Loses at Kearaey. KEARNEY, Neb., May 28 (Special Tel egram.) In an exciting 'game of eleven Innings, played here today between the fuemo. uoio., team ana Kearney tne Koar hey boys proved the better, tha score Bland log 7 to 4. Kearney made seven runs, eight nits anu nve errors; 1'ueDio made six runs, ten hits and six errors. Batteries: Kear ney, Welnbrod and Zalusky; Pueblo, Motney ana oisior. umpire, .renqergraii. ,i Grand Island Beats ehnyler. . GRAND ISLAND, Neb.,' May 38. (Spe cial Telegram.) With oompltraenta of the umpire Schuyler was given two runs to day, it should have been a shutout. Score R. H. E. Grand Island .400010 31 It tichuyler 000 10000 03 8 3 Batteries: Schuyler. Stilts and Wilson; Grand Island. , Coykandoll anid Townsend. Chlcaa-o' Wins Track Meet. MINNEAIOLIS. May 23 Chicago won the track and fted meet from Minnesota tbla. afternoon by a score of U to 44. Cap tain Parry was the star of the meet. He led his team In scoring; taking three first places, the discus . throw, shot put and hammer throw. . Iarca Leave aa Basalts. MARSALLTOWN. Ia., May (J Spe cial Telegram.) Following are tha results In the Iowa league: Marshalltowo. 4; Waterloo, 1. Fort Dodge, 17; Boo lie.. 4. Ottumwa. 8; Oskaloosa, 7; twelve Innings. Burlington, T; Keokuk, 4. Kranrla Celts" Prove- Eavsr. WAHOO. Neb.. Mar 21. Special. Man ager Francis and his Colts met defeat by the strong Hudlc Brothers' Giants by the score of Id to 1. The features of the game were the pitching of Gustafson. striking out fifteen of the Hudlc batsmen, and of Anilel ..Anderson on third baaa. . American Leagae Classes Postponed. All the games fa the American league scheduled fur Monday- were postponed on account of rain. , , Horribly flamed , m C. Rlvarsark 'of Norfolk. Vs., ut Bucklen's Arnica Salve healed his burns withoat 4 soevr. -.. Heals ovta, to. 21 cant a For sale by Ssariuaa eV McCanasU Drue cgiupaDVa TflREESTn.AIGHTFORCIIICAGO Wbdj Oitj HationaJg Win Third Viotory from the Book Worms. SCHULTE MAKES HOME RUN IN EIGHTH rrert sad Bases aa Balls Let la Ran far Ike Visiters aa4 tli Other Two Are Earaed. CHICAGO, May 28. Chicago today made It three straight from Boston. Two doubles In the first earned one run and Bchulte's home run to the club house In the eighth another. Boston's two runs and Chicago's other .two scores resulted from errors, bases on balls and wild pitches. Score: CHICAOO. BOSTON. B.H. O.A.B. B.H.O.A.E. SlMl. ef.... 1 4(1 4Brldwll. a., I 1 I I I Pherkard. rf . I 1 I 0 9 Tanner, lb... I I 9 1 Sennits. rf...4 19 1 I Dol.n. rf-lb . I 9 4 4 0 H of man. lb.. I 119 9 Howard. It... 4 1110 Sttinfaldt. lb 4 1 9 1 1 Plain. Jb 4 114 0 Tinker,, saf... I 1 1 1 1 nle. cf..'...4 10 0 0 Erora. lb...... Jill ostrnbel. lb... I l l l Moran. e 1 0 I 1 Niwdham. 1-..4 1 7 1 0 Brown ,p 1 9 0 1 OLInneman, p. I 0 0 I l) Pfrffar. rf. . . . 1 0 1 0 0 Totals M 17tl . . ToUla II IMII I Chicago 1. 0100001 4 Boston A I D o u o tf o i Ijttt on basse.: ' Chicago.- ; Boston, 8. Two -base hiu: Sheckard. Steinfeldt. Bates, Stroebel, Needham. Home run: Schulte. Sacrifice hits: Sheckard, Tinker, Llndeman, Stroebel. Stolen bases: Kvers, Moran. Double play: Slagle to Tinker to Hoffman. Struck out: By Brown, 8; by Llndeman, 3. First base on balls: Off Brown, I; off Llndernan, 4. Wild pitches: Llndeman, i. Time: 1:62. Umpire: John stone. . St. Loo Is Defeats New York. ST. LOUIS. May 28. Consecutive hitting, coupled with good base running In the sev enth Inning, wo.i today's game for St. Louis, & to 4. Thompson was effective ex cept In one Inning, when a triple by Browne and three singles netted New York four runs. Score:, ST. LOCI8. NEW TORK. B.H.O.A.E. B.H.O.A.E. Bennett. 2b.. 4 114 1 Bresnahan. e. 1 0 1 10 Shannon, If.. Km not, of.... OBowerraan. c. 1 1 I 9 4 Rrowna, rf... 4 1 I 1 4 OMrOann, lb... 4 1 11 9 9 OMertta, If.... 4 14 9 0 ODahlen. aa.... 4 1 1 4 4 Derlln, 3b.... 4 0 I 4 0 OOllbrrt. 2b... 11110 0 Strain, erf ... i 4 4 1 4 4 Berkley. Ik. Arndt, lb Htmee. rf McRrtda, as. 4 1 11 4 Orady, Thompson, p. I 0 0 0 Wlltae. p 1 1 9 s 9 Tetala 11 17 14 1 Totals SI 7 24 11 0 St. Louis 1 01000S0-6 New York 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0-4 Earned runs: St. Louis, 3; New York, 8. Two-base hits: Bennett, Arndt, Mertes. Three-base hit: Browne. Home run: Orady. Double plays: Browne to Bresna han to Gilbert to Devlin; Hlmes to Mc Brlde. Passed balls: Grady, 1; Bowerman, 1. Stolen bases: Shannon, McBrlde, Gil bert. Wild pitches: By Thompson, 1; by Wiltse, 1. First base on balls: Off Thomp son. 1; off Wiltse. L Struck out:- By Thompson, 4: bv Wiltse, 8. Left on bases: St. Louis, 3; New York. 4. Time: 1:40. Umpires: Emslle and O Day. Cincinnati Basrhei Hits. CINCINNATI. May 28. MoCloskey was driven off the rubber by Cincinnati In the third inning. Ritchie, who succeeded him, was hit safely but twice. Cincinnati made the claim that Magee crossed the plate In the third Inning after the third man had been retired on a double play resulting from a fly to the outfield, but Umpire Con way refused to allow the claim. Score: CINCINNATI. PHILADELPHIA. B.H.O.A.E. B.H.O.A.E. Barry, lb.... I 1 11 1 0 Thomaa. rf... 4 0 14 0 Keller. If.... I 1 Seymour, cf . . 4 I Delehanty. lb 4 I Odwell. rf.... I 1 Corcoran, as.. I 1 Llvtngeton, c 2 0 Lobert, 3b.... I 0 Fraeer. p I, 0 0 Oleaann, 2b... 4 I I 1 1 Courtney, lb. 1 1 I 0 Maces. If Ill 0 THun, rf 4 1 1 1 BranafUM. lb I 1 12 0 Doolln, aa.... 4 11 0 Dooln, e 4 0 I 9 McCloskey, p. 1 9 0 Richie, p 1 0 0 Total!.. II t24 14 1 'Lu.h 1 1 0 Total! S3 24 13 I Batted for Ritchie In the ninth. Bransfleld out hit by batted ball. . Clnolnnafl i.... -.'.'..... 3 0 2 0 0-0 0 0 Philadelphia ....... ..0' 1 0 0 0-3 Two-be se hit: Magee. 1 Sucrlflce hits: Bransfleld. Kelley. Stolen base: Odwell. Double plays: Seymour to Corcoran; Courtney (unassisted); Doolln to Bransfleld. First base on balls Off Ritchie, 1; off Fraser, 3. Struck out: By Fraier, 1: by McCloskey, '1; by Ritchie, 1. Innings pitched: By McCloskey, 3; runs3; hits, 6. By Ritchie. 6; runs, 2; hits. 2. Time: 1:25. Umpires: Conway and Carpenter. Postponed . Game. At Pittsburg i'lttsburg-Brooklyn game; rain. Standing of the Teams. ' Played. Won. Lot. Pet. Chicago 41 2R 13 .6s3 New York 38 25 13 .658 Pittsburg : ' 21 14 .tin) Philadelphia -;.' -.41 23 18 .ftfil St. Louis 39 18 21 .4ti Cincinnati 41 17 24 .416 Boston 38 ' 12 L' .315 Brooklyn 37 11 28 '.2W No games today. (ranforda Beat Victors. The Frank Crawfords of South Omaha Won a loosely played game Sunday at Twentieth and Missouri avenue from the Council Bluffs Victors by the score of 24 to It. McMahon for the Crawfords pitched a good game, striking out eleven men and allowing out seven nits, nut the fielding behind htm .was very ragged. The Craw fords drove two pitchers from the box by their terrific slugging, every man on the team getting at least two hits. L. Marsh and F. McMahon led the bunch with four hits apiece out of alx tlmee at bat, con sisting of a home run, two-bagger and two singles for Marsh, while M Mali. in got a three-bagger, two-bagger and two sin gles. Howley, Sullivan and Hwirt got a two-bagger each, while Hwlft was ap plauded for two nice catches in left field Wllllums for the Crawfords caught a splen did game, besides getting two hits out of two times at bat. and Millett and Corrigan each got three hits. The Crawfords seemed to lack ginger on account of the game be ing so one-sided. The Crawfords were to have played a double-header, but the Onl mods cancelled their game Sunday morning. Batteries: Crawfords, J, McMahon and Williams; Victors, Wilson, Roarlty and Hmnthara Changes In National League Schedule, NEW YORK. May 28. The following changes In the national league schedule were announced tonay Dy I'n-siaent pui Ham: At Brooklyn (being changed to Sunday dates), with Boston, June 4 to June 3, August 31 to September 2: Philadelphia, Sentember 12 to July 1, July 8 to July S. September 11 to September S, September 10 to BeptemDer it; imcago, june u to June 10, August 18 to August 12; Cincinnati, June 21 to June IT, August s to Augtial 6 Pittsburg. October 2 to September 3o: St. Louis, July 30 to July 29, September 4 to September 3. At New York, with Boston. June 30. At Cincinnati, with St. Louis, October 4 to June 3 (two games), October to ben tember 16 (two games). At St. Louis, cancel Philadelphia. June 9 with Cincinnati, September 7 Instead of aWntember 4. Poatponed and, Ue games wll be played aa follows: At Clnclnatl, witn Hi. Louia, Bcptemoer (, (two games). At Pittsburg, with St. Louis, September I (two games). ' At St. Louis, with Pittsburg, June 23 and July 1 (two games). Games In Three-1 Leagae. At Davenport Davenport. 3; Blooming ton. 3 (ten Innings). At Dubuque. 1; Peoria, 0. At- Cedar Rapids Cedar Rapids, 1 Borlnafleld. 0. At Rock IsUuid Decatur, ; Rock Island. 2 Methodists Are that Oat. VERMILION. . D.. May 28 (Special Telearam ) Dakota Wrsleyan university a Mitchell lost to the state university today a to a Orr struck; out fourteen men. Bai teries: Cnlverslty, Orr and Johnson Mitchell, Shoberg and Fosaum. Millard Beats Rile. Millard and Thurston Rifles ball teams played a game Bunaay aiirrnoon at Mil lard, tha result being a score of 14 to I in favor of tha former. The batteries were Hodges and Collin, Jones and Troup. ' Atasworth Beats Jnhnstoa. AINB WORTH. Neb.. May !8.-8DOclal Telegram.) Ad exciting game of ball was played here this afternoon between John ston and Alnaworth. the acore being to in favor of Alnawortn. Colls Win la Twelfth. BERTRAND. Neb.. May 23 (Special ) The Bertrand Colts won an exciting twelve-Inning game Sunday from the Platte Valley Creecenls by a score of I to 7. The twaaira t the gauua was tha pllculnf of Webster of Bertrand. going In In the fourth Inning and holding the Crescents down to one run In the last eight Innings Batteries: Bertrand. (Tillds. Webster and Larson; Crescents, Meyers. Robb snd Meyers. MTEHCOLi.KGlATK F1FI.D MKKT m i Kalry Mat for ' Classic Kreat at Kvanatoa Larsrd la History. CHICAGO. Mir 28. The entries for the Interolleglate track and field meet to be held fin Northwestern field. Fvanston. June S. were given out today. Not only the lnraest number of entries for th. conference meet, but the largest number of colleges ever reprented st till western clssslc event will make the meet ' this year a notable one. The following are the ntries: One hundred yard dash: I.uberger. Iowa State: Johes, Ridgley. He(denrifh B"!it ; I'ougherty, Hawley, Robertson. Malmgren. Minnesota; Nelson, Lewis. Purdu-. ji.irK ley. Miami; Hamilton. M?rner. Iowa tttato normnl; Stewart. Bristol, Clark, Hull, Jr., Michigan: Rader, Northwestern; Willlani scn, Indiana: Renshaw, Miller, McDonald, Iowa: Rrauham. Missouri: Merrill, Barker; I'omeroy. Oulgley. Chicago; Parsons, i Waller, Vreeland, Rldeout, Wisconsin; May, Jenkins, Illinois; Starr, Belding. iJiske. Two hundred , twenty-ynrds: Packer, Iowa State; Gleghorn. Beloit; loughrt, Hawley, Robertson, Malmgren. Minnesota; Nelson, Lewis, Iurdue; Markley, Mtatttl:a. Hamilton. Werner. Iowa State Norm: 1; Stewart, Bristol. Clark, Davey, Michigan: Williamson, Indiana; Kenshitw. Miller, McDonald, Iowa; Branhnm, Missouri; Mer rill, Barker, Verriam. Qulgley. Chicago; Parsons. Mueller, Vreeland, Wisconsin; May, Jenkins, Illinois; Scarr, Belding, Me Ctilly, l)rake. Four hundred forty-yard dash: Hubbard, Iowa State;' Worf, Smith, Beloit; Malm gren, TierneV, Vsr.ell, Hawley, Mlnnesotn; Verner, Williamson, TllWtt, Purdue: Ham ilton, Noble, Merner, Iowa State Normal; Or.cdwln, Schenck. Davey. Brlggs. Micb Igan; Rader, , Northwestern; Wallaco, Davis, Indiana: Rlemickee, Rtngana, Hm rard. Iowa; Merrlam. Taylor, Bark-r, Qulgley, Chicago; Waller, Mueller, Rlde out, Haffner, Wisconsin; Orear, PeeDles, Msckey, Illinois; Haven, Barr, Drake. Half mile run: Beard, Vanmarter, Iowa State; Hart. Beloit; Bedford, Greaves. Malmgren, Doughertv, Minnesota; Vomer, Williamson. White, TIHett. Purdue; Noble, Iowa State Normal; Brown. Kenron, Hamey. Brlggs, Coe. Michigan; Rader, Northwestern; Wallace, Davis, ilndlana; Stoops, Dreea, Riley, Barker. Iowa; Jenk ins. Missouri; Merrlam, Parkinson, Ander son, Klock, Chicago; Myers, Hideout, Stein fort, Inbusch. WisconKln; Lindborg, Froom, Van Inwagen, Illinois; Haver, Teater, Drake. 1 One mile run: Curtis. Packard, Iowa State; Webster, Schurman, Hart, Pelolt; Bedford, Pratt, Greaves, Snndstrom, Minne sota; Verner, White, Williams, Purdue; Barnes. Noble, Iowa State Normal; Coe, Maloney, Rowe, MoKlnney, Michigan; Ster ling, Northwestern; Riley, O'Connel, Bral nerd. Iowa; Jackson," Jenkins, Missouri; Anderson, Klock, Mathews, A. Mathews, Chicago; Blankenagel, Cooper, Hean, Wal llne, Wisconsin; Richardson, Van Inwagen, Smith, Illinois; Hensleigh, Drake. Two mile run: Curtis, Mutch. Iowa State; Hart, MelkelJ.ihn. Beloit; Ellison. Smith, Condon, Sandstrom, Minnesota; Barnes, Noble, Iowa State Normal; Rowe, Dull, Maloney, McKlnney. Michigan; Remley, Brainerd. Wlllr-tt, Iowa; Jackson, Missouri; Klock, Scheid. Anderson. Mathews. Chi cago; Hean, Cooper, Blankenagel, Wiscon sin; van inwagen, tsmitn, iiunos; fiercy, Drjtke. lJO-yard hurdles: Carrels. Hodeen. Bris tol. Shaw. Michigan; Hennlnger, Nlcholl. Iowa State; Plumb. Dewey, Beloit; Wood rich, Boland. Minnesota; Flfleld, Congdon, Kelley. Purdue: Knaleman. Iowa State Normal; Rhauver, Northwestern: Buckley. Seward, Indiana; Brown, Murphy, Iowa; Steffen. MoAvoy, Detray, Chicago; Nat wick, Byron. CHinrlps, Hufener, Wisconsin; Koine, Depew. Illinois; McCord, Drake. z.'0-yard hurdles: Carrels. Hodgen. Bris tol, Shaw, Michigan; Hernlnger. Nlcholl, Iowa State; Plumb, Dewey, Beloit; Wod rich. Bolnnd, Van Vorst, Hawley, Minne sota; Filteld. Congdon, Kelley, Purdue; Hamilton, Iowa, State . Normal: i Shauver, Northwestern; ' Buckley, Seward, Indiana; Brown, Murphy, Davis, Iowa; Steffen, De tray, 8chomer, Groman, Chicago; Walter, Hufenor, Natwick, Wisconsin; Mackey, Illi nois. .. ... High Jump: Pinch. Leete. Adams. Michi gan; Jensen, Iowa -State; Bacon, Beloit; Xorcros. . Leachc Minnesota: DaiiDrlch. Clark, Purdue; ,l.rks, Oberlln; Engleniun, towa otuie isormag eamse, Aimer, Indiana; McJohnston, -Cook; 'Northwestern: 'White, Pattoe, Iowa: Richards.- Schoinmer. ' Chi cago; Hughes, WNconMn; KirkpatricW, Illi nois; Haggard,' iiXfi Broad iuniD: "' Heath. French. - Adnmn Clark, Michigan; Hsrber, Iowa State; Hart,' Beloit;-' Hawley; "Boland, Norcroas. Wod rich, Minnesota; 1 Williamson, Purdue, Parks, Oberlin: ''-Hamilton. Iowa State Normal; MoJohtisfoti, Northweytern ; Burk heinier. Chalmers. Iowa: Pomerov . WJeh- ards, Henneberryi Schommer, Chicago; Van verse, t ooraen, nurener, Wisconsin; Kline, Jenka, Woodin, Illinois; Burcham, Drake. r-oie vault: Marker, Hunt, Bishop, Sims, Michigan; Bucket. Iowa State: Bacon. Be loit; Pryor, Leach. Minnesota: Van Dor- man, Purdue; Parks. Oberllrr: Wood. Kramer. Iowa State Normal!. Haniia. Indi ana; Clark. Crossen. Iowa; Iddlngs, Henne- nerry, tuiwiarus, Bterren, Chicago; McMil lan, Springer, Wisconsin: Grear. Norrls. Illinois; Haggard. Bunten, Drake. anoi put: uunlap, Garrels. Curtis, Michi gan; Vita, Jttner. Brush, Minnesota: Con- vlll. Funk, Purdue; McCullough. North western; Durkee, Chalmbers, McMahon. Iowa; Anderson. Missouri: Parrv Kiihw.ii Schommer. Chicago; Burroughs. Helneman, Illinois; Conway, Drake. Hammer throw; Curtis, Dunlap, Chand ler, Michigan; Vita, lllner, Minnesota; Con- un.-, nuMi), r-uraue; .ierner, lowa State Normal; McCullough. Northwestern: Chal mer, Allen. Morrison. Iowa: Parrv Wil- ltamsen. RuskoII. Chlcairo: Munntr Wis consin; Burroughs,' Illinois; Conway. Youti, Discus throw:. Garrels. Duntsn Cumi. Michigan: Vita, Jttner, Minnesota; Steffena, Conville, Hurley, Beaver, Purdue; , McCul lough. Northwestern; Anderson, Iowa; t-arry, jtiiHseu, JSCliommer, Williamsen, Chi cago; Messner, "Wisconsin; JiurrouKhs. Ileineman, Kline, Illinois; Jones,. Youta. Drake. ... Tile preliminaries for the nnle vsitlt quarter-mile run will take place Friday afternoon, June 1.. ... Penny-pucker Slops Prise' Fight. HARRI8BCRS. ' Pa.. Mav T.n,, Pennypacker this evehirut dirncted nunnin Oroome, superintendent of the state poller. ku v-iiu av buuhq vi policemen tcrrr.rrow night to Norih Essington. Delawaia county, near Philadelphia, to prevent the scheduled fight between Bob Fltzalmmons and Tommy Burns, In the club rooms of me 1 uxedo Athletic association. The gov ernor declines to make any comment on his action In ordering Captain Groonie to seno a squad ot slate police to North EfBinbTton. '' I..ere..e,i.te Ten... Match. Chicago. Mav 28. The western intereni- legiate tennis tournament was begun today on the courts of the University of Chi- cago. The universities of Chicago. Mlrhl- gan, Minnesota, Northwestern, Iowa, 1111- nols, "Wisconsin and Cornell college were represented In today's play. Eight matches It Boston, Mass., and VIA ILLINOIS CENTRAL RAILROAD . '. Rate Through New York City, $33.75. Tickets on sale May 31st to June Oth. Good returning until June 18th, with privilege of ex tension until July 15th. Stop-overs allowed at Detroit, Buffalo, Niagara Falls and New York City. . Fast train leaves Omaha at 6:00 p. in., arriving in Chicago at 7:30 a. m., connecting with all eastbound trains.' ' Tickets and further infonnation at City Ticket Office, 1402 Faraam street, Omaha. . SAMUEL NORTH, v . ... In the preliminary round In singles were decided. Oarnett, Chicago, defeated James. Illinois. -0, 7-6. Gray. Chicago, defeated Hutchin son, Iowa. S-2. 4-3. Cogswell, Iowa, detested Hronson. Northwestern. -l. -3. lwsi-h. Wisconsin, defeated M.-yulllen, Cornell, t-l. 8-1. Hayes, Cornell, defaulted to St. John, Michigan. iRoehni. Wlsi-oneln. defeated Payne, Michigan. 6-8. 6-1. Friend, Illinois, defeated Nye, Northwestern. ft-8. 8-3. Thompson. Minnesota, defaulted to Stew art, Michigan. Mt;OYF,H AMI BBITT KIUHT Try Makfa Remarkable thowlns: ' .... n .. nd "eema to Have Better of Boat. NEW TORK. May 28. Terry McGovern of Brooklyn surprised everybody tonight by his wonderful showing against Jimmy Brltt of California in a ten-round bout before the Twentieth Century club in the Madison Square Garden In the presence of 4.0(10 people. Tim Hurst was referee, but aa no decision ran be given under the law governing boxing In this state, the spec tators had to Judge for themselves as to the relative merits of the men. Immediately after the fight both prln- clpala, Manager Harry Pollock, Referee Tim Hurst and ten others were arrested hy order of Deputy Police Commissioners Waldo and Mathot, charged with partlcl- patlng and conducting a prire fight. Metlovrrn wa-s not trained down fine, as he has lecn on other occasions. HrlU looked to he In much the better condition mid was about Ave pounds lighter than tin Brooklyn num. Brltt was very clever and shifty and ducked away from some hsrd swings. McGovern stuck to his old bulldog Style of fighting. There was great deal of clinching,' holding and Infighting, but whenever they Indulged In a mlxup Terry seemed to have the better of It. ' Brltt landed several hard Jabs on McGovern's head and face, but McGovern did not ap pear to suffer much from those blows. The final round found Terry forcing the face. After a clinch both sent right and eft to the head and exchanged lights far back on the Jaw. There were several clinches during which Terry had the upper hand In short arm work., Terry missed a. right swing, but landed a left hook on the face. They were fighting at close quarters when the bell ended the fight. . More Errors Titan Hlta. ARAPAHOE. Neb., May 28 .-(Special Telegram.) A closely contested. If not scientific base ball contest was the game today between the Holhrook and Arapahoe High school teams. Arapahoe was strong at bat and weak In fielding, while Holbrook was contrariwise and for once a winner by the following score: ' R H E Holbrook ... 40003100 S-ll 4 Arapahoe ... 20202031 0-10 11 14 County Superintendent Monday umpired as well as ha always does. Principal Mc Mlcbael scored. Indians neat White Students. COLITMBCS. Neb., May 28. (Special.! The high school boys played their second game of base ball with the Genoa Indians and the Indians put it over them to the tune of 3 to 8. Then hose company No. 2 played a game with the railroad boys, the score standing 9 to 8 In favor of the hose company. Chicago Defeats Mlnnesotn, CHICAGO. May 28. University of Chi cago, 10; University of Minnesota, 8.. Help Your Stomach The chief cause of Indigestion and Stom ach Trouble is the failure of the glands to properly secrete the normal digestive fluids. This Suppression of the secretions is usually due to the circulation in the glands becoming clogged with the jelly-like form of uric acid, njasa . the circulation thus clogged and W IXrl the secretions suppressed, artifi cial digestives can at best give but temporary relief. Stimulants at first give relief, but afterwards the re action is so depressing that they make the case chronic, and the user a slave to the stimulant. For anything like satisfactory results, the normal secretions must be restored. . To do this the uric acid must be cleared from the blood. EnlimuiariA i9 PrePareI or the . 1 1 111 1. ltJ express purpose of dissolving from the blood the jelly-like form of arte add. By doing this E-lim-l-no not only restores normal digestion, but also im proves the circulation and general nutrition. Ask your Druggist for E-lim-i-no, 13-or. bottle $1. Accept nothing else. -- Free Book of 64 pages by Dr. E. C. Scott on the Elimino Treatment with each bottle, or sent by mail on request. Elimino Medicine Co., Des Moines, la. FAIR TREATMENT AND LOW (H ARIES Is the secret, of our secret, which; has never been equalled. Over 80,000 cored patients guarantee this fact. . Or. fiicGrew, Specialist 1I.KATS ALL FORMS OF DISEASES . ' OF MEN ONLY. Thirty Years Experience. Twenty Years in Omaha. . BLOOD I'OISON, VARICOCELE, STRICTURE, LOSS OF VITALITY I and all weaknesses and disorders of I men 1 ' . t . ireatment Dy man. call or write. '. rjox 766 Offices . ' . ' I Omaha, NeD. 216 S. 15th St.. wala Return 7 District Passenger Agent ( - - si 1 1 1 afn- st ma mt, fca i,..;t . fca , M-aat aa aA Malaria ia aa atmospheric poison which we unconsciously breatne into cur lunps thronh the impure air arising from low, marshy places, stagnant ponds, damp cellars, sewer ripes, improperly ventilated houses, tlcc.iyin; vegetable matter, etc. Day after day these perms and poisons arc takt n into the lungs, and as the blool passes through them it Incomes infected with the poison and in its circulation distributes the microlxs of disease to all parts of the body. Malaria is a very insidious1 disease; it gives no warning of its coming until the circulation is filled with the poison and this foe to health has the system at its mercy. The blood becomes polluted, thin and weak and its stow, irregular circulation fails to properly nourish and strengthen the body. Then the entire system is attacked, and if the germs nnd poisons of Malaria are allowed to remain the strongest constitution will break down. No one can feel well when the system is in a malarial condition ; the vitality is weak, the appetite poor, digestion deranged, Uie complexion grows sallow and the entire body feels the effects of the poison. Malaria must be removed from the system through the circulation and the only medicine that can accomplish this is S. S. S. It not only cleanses the blood of all unhealthy, morbid matter, but destroys the germs, cures Malaria and restores this vital S aw ?uiP strong, healthy condition. S. S. S. "f is made of roots, herbs and barks combining Vv VjV purifying and tonic properties which keep the fcO'iafc bvaaJaf "'00 ree r11 oisons and the system in V -m 9 9 perfect condition. While destroying tin PURELY VEGETABLE. Eerms of Mala" and building up the w-ak, polluted blood S. S. S. gives tone and vi&oi to the entire system. Book on the blood and any medical advice without charge. THE S WIFT SPECIFIC CO., A TLANTA, CAm w-wiaufwa-svaajiaia tvmwmmmmmmmmmmm :.. . DO YOU NEED SUBSTANTIAL AID? It is said that a drowning- man will crasp at a straw. How many weak, nervous, drowning, sinking men are praaplng at straws today to get ourad of tneir ailments (dlsesses), wnicn are dragging mem aown m m mniom w ma sea of despair and misery? Why not awaken to the realisation of the .fact to day that boasting promises of quirk cures, misleading statements and unbuM nessllke propositions to the afflicted ara but straws that will sink you deeper and deeper Into tha sea of despair? As for others, let them grasp at straws. but ; Trus save within the boundary line of pr you. who are in n0 or substantial meaicai aia, come 10 noni, miunii, i Specialists, who will not dsoelva you with any falsa promises, but will you and restore you to nemtn. strenatn ana visor, anu piaca uu aw We cure safely and tnorougiuy y Stricture, Varicosele, Emissions, Nervo-Sexual Debility. Impotenoy, Blood Poison (Syphilis), Rectal, Kidney and Urinary Diseases. ' and all dlseasas and weaknesses of men dua to evil habits, excesses er tha re sult of specific or private diseases. We have no fre offers, no cheap or trial treatments, no-pay-un til cured propositions or schemes to sell medclnea, worthless belts, eto. Our education, our experience, our reputation, condemn such methods. We will make you no false promise aa to carina your caae In a abort time, knowing- it will take longer, aa we promise nothing but what wa can do, and always do what we promise. FREE CCNSULTATION AND EXAMINATION. .15't:o,,,k STATE MEDICAL INSTITUTE 1308 Farnam St, Between 12th and 14th Sts Omaha, Neb. ! Special Train ti ifflston For those who wish to attend the Christian Scientists' meeting at Boston, Mass., and any others who may wish to take advantage of the low rates, & special train of stand-; ard Pullman sleeping cars will be run through to Boston, leaving Union Depot, Omaha, . At 8:00 p. m. Wednesday. June 6th Arriving Boston 5:20 p. m. June 8th VIA THE Chicago. Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway Route of train will be via Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway to Chicago, Wabash, West Shore and Boa ton & Maine R. R., Chicago to Boston. "." , ' ROUND TRIP RATE $29.75 Via Hew York City . S33.75 Sleeperone way, double berth S8.00- Stop-overs allowed at Detroit, Buffalo and Niagara Falls going and returning, and at New York City returning. Tickets honored via boat between Detroit and Buffalo and between Albany and New York City, no extra expense ex cept meals and berths. For Pullman reservations and full information writa to or call on, F. A. 1S42 FARNAM ST. OMAHA. FOR f -1 ,WVS .tvr. uh thair VWi Hint ur Tiitiat suauuca. wa 4 .''. ; rao slltact for v.roi.e a ilte-l.i.K CUttS for ak. . I ' tt.Lfl T' Nerrous Men, Varico'-sls troubiea. NVrvous li.liuy. ,...,,. Hlood Poison, Proaiailu troublus, Kidiity, liiaddsr, r l"i s. . 1 rh waanaiq siaaaara, Hyrooei. riiromu Disoaaoa. I . ' ' . .- . .' i r'-. .i raniraciad Liiaaaaa Stomach and rikln Llaaaa. a ' i ' ' in rrnrrp r ltlta Wm H.II.M at imMMlMlfi MUt pi All INSIDIOUS FOE TO HEALTH ' i erlty ana in enjoymeni 01 111a. NASH, GEM1AL WESTERN AGENT. y tb Qla BtlUkie Dl. SEAIIXS A SEAR1 ES Established In Omuha for li years. Ths many thoo sands of rases cured by .us make u the moat exynrU nced ttpsdaltsts In ttia weal, In all disease and alU ments of men. Wa know just what will aura you and aura quickly. WE CUE YOU. TIEN YOU PAY IS 011 FEE Ws make do misleading or tulse statements or offer you cheap, worlhleas treatment. Our reputation an4 Dams are too favorably known every cae we treat, our reputation is at stake. Your healib, life and hap filneaa Is too serious s matter to place in the hands of ExamtnaUoa and ConauKalloo. Writs ttm lDaptuoi laak for Home Treumaat Bf Im feete, aaafca, aokvewatssa