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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 29, 1906)
10 TIIE OMAIIA DAILY BEE: TUESDAY, MAY 29. 1906. jcr "i i",1 't 1 i,vgii::rix ,,ijgjy riM'1'JM!'ll-'1Mv Creil Silt of Ladies' Spring Suits Hit This Wtek omm tv pth f:r Foprr,T-Tt k n v rm am wdtucn Ml Out Ladies' Spring Suits at Half Price and Less 111! Ire1 actios Sale ol ladlef Tailorrt Salts Rrdartio bj Sale el Ladies' ' J SanmfT ' bj Casio art THE RELIABLE TRE Lop P1NN ,T a. Our Remarkable Sale of : I EMBROIDERIES ! Bought from the Arnold B. Heine (N. Y.) Stock Beautiful new patterns in shirtings, flouncings and embroid cries in extra widths 'widths. are up to 18 inches you would regularly pay yard for such elegant specimens, per 6 . g np to 75ca U ( J yard . . aJ 2 All the medium width embroideries from the Arnold B. Heine stock many match sets, fnsertlngs and edgings I Ifl 1 C " J on bargain square, at, per yard Oit'luC'IJC a lfiRAMBfife LINEN DEPT. Great sperlRl sale of plain white linen for Bhlrt waists and milts. SfiO pieces of : German, Austrian,. Bel gium ami Irish Uncns at prices very much below the ordinary. Sit quality iihecr ronnd thread, 'M lnrh linen, at. per yard OiJw 5nr quality round thread, 30-Inch Qn linen, at, yard XJ J Rw and IT-c quality round thread, ACir m and 42-Inch llnnn, at, yard VW $1.00 quality round throad, 46-Inch linen, at, yard OW $1.25 and 11.39 quality round thread, QQr 54-Inch linen, per yard $1.25 quality 90-Inch linen sheet- Ar lne. per yard $1.39 qtiHllty 90-inch linen sheet- QHc ing, per yard 'ow 11 75 quality 90-Inch linen sheet. 4 OK InK, per yard .. 1 " These linens are the products of the bent looms on eath and prices lower than ever before offered in the went. Tuesday in linen department, basement. Ska The Sr: Hylo J a v TUESDAY Oreater Bargains lo Sate of Lace Curtains Tapestry Curtains artel Couch Covers. These are the splendid (roods from our two great purchases. New goods brought forward. Exceptional specials Tuesday. Patent Leather, Bluchex Cut Oxford; Military Heel The' Florsheim Oxford embodies the greatest pos sible shoe value. Modeled on absolutely scientific lines, you never nave to 'break in" a Florsheim. It gives genuine comfort from the start Most styles are $5.00 Exclusive Agent BRANDOS OMAHA. SJ(E DAMAGE SALE OP ORIENTAL RUGS Positively the best Oriental Rugs in the world at manufacturers' prices. Sale will last five days, only Com mencing THIS morning. KAHEKM -NAHIGIAN, 1515 Howard Street One Door East of Her Grand Cafe It u Star Open Tuesday Evening Till 10 O'clock and Wednes day Till Noon. DCN'T CO SHABBY ON DECORATION DAY Dresses You Well at Rldgley's Men's Suits Ladles' New Suits Men's Hats Ladies' New Skirts Men's Shoes Ladies' Millinery Pay As You Get Paid Wear While You Pay 1417 Douglas St, Elmer Beddeo, Mgr. ; ''I A STRING of gold beuda would l. Just the thing for th girl rrad Vie. If t.a has ihrae perhaps a brooch or a diamond Un. or a . neckUoe and ccom. or locket. A fountain pra would b nlo for the boy. W have sum hand some O. H. 8. Omaha spoons. Spcud a few minutes la our slur. Look for the nsms S. W. LINDSAY, JEWELER. 131 Douglas. 5 Bco Want Ads -Best Business Boosters Misses' and Children's Shoes Misses' and Children's Shoes are as Important as the shoes for Father Mother or Brother. We pride oursolves on the record we have made with our Misses' and Children's shoes. They are made of Plump Kid and Genuine Box Calf Extension Soles Button or Lace. Child s sizes, H to QQ Misses' sliea. HV to $2.00 H Young 'Women's' sises,' "z "to $2.05 ft A little higher than some but a whole lot better. Drexel Shoe Co. 1419 Farnam Street. DIAMONDS mj. .... viv,. tlma now and nothing mora accept able than a diamond for a graduation or wedding gift. Diamonds we anow ara rtant la alas, color and prloe. It's a pleaanra to na to anow , sou Qun mt Drown & Do rsheim JEWELERS 1222 5outh I625tree!;0inIVL S.nd for IS0S C.t.leJ POPULAR EXCURSIOII TO DES MOINES AND RETURN Decoration Day May 30th VIA sis $2-50 Round Trip Special train ; leaves Omaha Union Station at 7 a. ni., Council IUuffs Main St. depot 7:15 a. m., arriving Dea Moines 11 a. m. Returning . leaves Dea Moinea 7:30 p. m. Thi train will not pick up pas sengers east of Council Bluffs. Inquire City Ticket Office, 1323 Farnam Street for further ln formation. F. P. RUTHERFORD, D. P. A. WE KNOW T"HE merits of fair dealing and fair al profits both of which we have the right to name by long experience in the tailoring business. Not another assortment of choice tailoring fabrics like ours under any roof in the city. Trousers. $5 to $12 Suits. $20 tj $50 GSEEN TRADIX3 STAMPS EYERY TIME WILLIAM JCRREMS' OOW3. soavaii Bo. l&th eeM AS lOaX O 10 curb CCXST1PAT1CH EILiCSSKESS AX3 HEADACHE tat "taxja? v " Tzi aat, Li IWUDM 1 We close at Ohe O'clock Wedrvesday Memorial Day Thursday will be RED LETTER. DAY Thursda.y -not Wednesday Bennetts Bi Grocery mil SATISFACTION COFFEES BOASTEB EVE1T DAT FINEST DRINKINC QUAUTIES TUESDAV SI'Et IA1 ONE Vy 1 DAY ONLY fc. V. fiolden Santos Cofteo, JLn lY .aJ DlW. -I nnnnrl aDC ........... And 30 Green Trading Stamps Pride of Bennetts "Zf Flour, sack lJt And 40 Green Trading; Btampa Bennett's Capitol Bak- 9J ing Powder, 1-lb. can.aJlv And 20 Green Trading Stamps Diamond S Fruits, can dd And 30 Green Trading Stamps HEADQUARTERS FOR 15 L TIER Fresh Country Itutter, f C ' SOLD ONLT BT pound. CHEESE New York full cream cheese, lb And, Ten Green Trading Stamps Finest Virginia Cheese, pound ; And Ten Green Trading Stamps Sour Pickles, quart And Ten Green Trading Stamps Chow Chow Pickles, quart. . . .' And Ten Green Trading Stamps Ripe California OliveB, pint And Ten Green Trading Stamps Kippered Herring, can 20c And Ten Green Trading Stamps Jell-O, assorted flavors, 3 packages And Ten Green Trading Stamps FRUITS AVD VEGETABLES FRESH EVERY J MORMXG CANDY SECTION. Large assortment Chocolate, cake..... 4c 20 , ...22c . ...10c a l&C 23c . .2oc Burns' At Half Off Our Prices TUESDAY The greatest bargains ever offered in Crockery Places, Cover Dishtt, Sets, L&mps Anything left on our Tables at One-Half SPRING CHICKENS! Strictly fresh dressed springs, not frozen or from cold storage. Tc3sda.y, 40c Each Its a specl for your Decoration Day Lunch Basket. Basement. Thursday is Red Letter Day, Not Wednesday SBCBaiSBSEBBBasaE VTA TOE . Special Homeseeker's Excursion Jane 5th and 19111, July 3rd and 171n Iron Mountain ROUTE..... To Certain Points in the West and Southwest ONE FARE rm ROUND TRIP WITH VERY LOW MINIMUM EATES . STOF-OTER8 will be allowed both going and returning after Cm HomewvlmrC point enroute. Unusual , opportunities exiwt along the line of the Missouri Pacific iron Mountain Route. The rich, allurlaL deitn lands and river bot tom lands of Southeast Mlaaourl, Eastern Arkansas, Louisiana and Texas, capable of producing 60 bushels of corn, a bale of cotton, 4 to 6 tons of alfalfa, 1BO buahela of potatoes, and others grains, rege tables and hay crops, can be bought for $7. BO to $15 per acre. When cleared and slightly Improved will rent for 4 to $6 per acre cash. Uplands more rolling, lighter soli, adapted to fruit growing peaches, pears, plume, grapes, berries, also melons, tomatoes and other ego tables can be bought for $5 to $10 per acre In unimproved state. Many places with email clearings and torn lmproventenU can be bought very cheap. This ia a fine stock -country. No long winter feeding. Free range, pure water, mild climate. A healthy, - grewlng country, with a great future. " For Further Information, Maps, Folders, Etc., Address T. F. GODFREY, Passenger and Ticket Agt, Omaha, Neb. H. 0 TOWNSEND, Gen. Fas. and Tkt. Agt., St. Louis, Mo. Cm 0 .1 f r." TO Seattle, Everett. Portland and Horth Paolllo Coeat Plaal R(Ura Limit OeU 31 Via the Great Northern Railway V "The Comfortable Way" Liberal 8tep Over Privilege very Day June 1 to September 15 Inquire further of F. I. Whitney, P. T. t, St. Paul, Minn. ' or Keareat O. N. By. Ageut. Ask the asent for aalllns ditea of tha Minnesota" aad Dakota," boolUe to Jato and China. St 15ft Anniversary Furniture Sale Look for the Blue Tags. They mean a de cided earing to you. Are you Interested enough In your pocket book to keep It nearly as it Is and yet own a few new pieces of furniture? IIERK ARK A FEW TRICES. THERE ARE III'XIHIEDS MORE: .BO .SO Was. Milsle Cabinet, mahogany finish.. f 6.50 McKlnley Armchair, cane seat and W L. 1 . . . -.I t- Q U n'iv, J Quartered Oak Settee, polished f1 V'-Z? ' 1 W seat. Antwern flnlsh 112 Quartered Oak Roman Seat, golden f 6.76 Genuine Leather Conch, tufted. .. 126. 00 Genuine Leather Couch, smooth top, roll edge , $29.00 Chase Lenther Couch, diamond tuft ...121.00 Large Leather Chair, oak frame 127.00 Large Leather Turkish Rocker $33.00 Upright Folding Bed. 18x40 bevel .mirror. .... : $23.00 Same, without mirror ..,'.......$19.00' Five-Drawer Oak Chiffonier $ 9.60 Six drawer Chiffonier $10.60 Fine Dresser, mahogany Teneer, 24x30, mirror $28.60 Three-Pleoe Bed Room Suit... $?S.OO Oak Bed Room Suit, three-piece $37.60 Now. $ 4.95 6.95 9.85 26 00 00 Oak Bed Room Suit, three-piece. .$23.50 $ 4 $19 $23 $18.00 $22.00 $27.00 $l.0ft $15.00 $ 7.25 $ 7.85 $17.00 $19. K0 $23.00 $19.00 Also Chairs, Rockers, Tables, Sideboards, Buffet, China Cabinets. Shoes for Decoration Day. SOft pairs women's $2.60' hand turned Gibson tla, In vicl kid or patent colt, O ff wide silk rlbhon ties Sl.UU 200 pairs women's 12.00 Gibson gQ 300 pairs women's 11.00 white canvas f en oxfords, Gibson or Christie ties.... - 20ft pairs misses' white canvas ox- 1 ftfl fords or Gibson ties a.vw 160 pairs child's white canvaa ox fords, turn soles, Tic and 50c 800 pairs hoys', youths' and little ()Q, a;ents $l.So satin calf shoes. ll.SSandOC palis misses' and child's 11.60 sQ and tl dongola lace shoes. 98c and., a 700 pairs of shoes for the little ones, Aftr 1 and 75c values, 69c and srOW Great Removal Sale Begins Tuesday In our house furnishing and crockery, departments we are rapidly ar ranging things for a quick removal into new quarters, and in order to quickly reduce some of the stocks, will begin Tuesday one of the greatest bargain sales ever known In Omaha. TUESDAY IS ENAMELED WARE DAY Thousands upon thousands of pieces Enameled Ware will go In this sale at HALF AND LEHS THAN HALF PRICE. 25c Wash Basins 10c 55c Tea and Coffee Pots 15c $1.50 Tea Kettles .89c 25c Sauce Pans. . ..... ... . .15c 25c Stew Pans.. 15c 25c Stew Pans 10c 25c Mixing Bowls 15c 25c Dippers lOo And dozens of other articles, mostly blue and white enameled, white lined, 6a the floor in great piles, all marked at correspondingly low prices. In the Great Domestic Room BllX STRIPE FIGURED ORGANDIES Lonc mill ends, worth up to 29c lOc yard, at yard avw RED 8EAL, DREF8 GINGHAMS Worth regnlarly 12Vtc, Tuesday 7ic at yard v INDIA LINONS Very fine and sheer, 10c value, long mill ends, . , rr at yard STANDARD DRESS PRINTS AND COI ORED LAWNS Worth ftftc yard, 'lU Tuesday at yard UJW SNOW WHITE CAMBRIC 38 inches wide, worth 10c yard,. Tuesday at sn yard OU LIN ON FINISH CHAMBRAT In all col ors, from, bolt, worth 15c yard, lr at yard , a ENGLISH LONG tTLOTH Regular JBo value, 6 Inches wlda, long mill 71 C ends, at yard " 10.000 yards of Wash Goods, Voiles, Ba tistes, I .awns, Orra-ndlea, etc.. m worth np to 26c yard, at and a Three Furnishing Goods Specials FROM TILL 10 A. M. Mtn'i Balbrlgffan Underwear, in plain or fancy colors, drawers ara reinforced, worth up to 89c, . Cr choice i. FROM 10 TILL 11 A. M. Ladies' Jersey 1 Ribbed Underwear, vesta high . or low neck, panta lare trimmed, worth up to 60c, for this lC! hour, choice..... FROM 11 A. M. TILL 11 M. Men's Half Hose. In blacka or tana, all strictly fast colors, and worth regularly 12 He pair, for . ft-, this hour, palr....0 Wash Goods Sale Main Wash Goods Dest. FROM K TO 10:30 A. M We will sell 100 pieces of Whita ' Walstinga, tha 24c, Sc and 60o grades, only one pattern $Oc to a customer, at yard iw FROM l: TO I . P. M. Wa will aell 60 pieces of Dark Dress and Waistlngs Goods. Bilk Warp and mercerised filling. Arnold's Silks, sold at Ifc yard, flr only 1 pattern to a customer, yard.... UI" Several other specials during the day. HAVDEra BROS. Z3I mm An TP FAST HME ( ; THE E1ST Se our iohdnle to tome of the principal eastern cities: Detroit -..21 hours Buffalo... 27 hours Syracuse........ .SO hours Albany 33 hours New York. 37 hours Boston...... ..44 hours .Indianapolis. ..-.21 hours Cincinnatti 24 hours Pittsburg .20 hours Philadelphia. 35 hours Baltimore .80 hours Washington. 38 hours The Illinois Central's fast "Chicago Limited" train leaves Omaha at 6:00 p. m. Fast da train at 8:00 a. m. Union depot connections in Chicago for nearly all prin cipal points. Steamship tickets to all European and Asiatic points. Cafe oar service. Tickets and information at City. Xi&ksi Offlos, 1402 Fiirnam Bt., Omaha. SAMUEL NOinU District Pasesctr Afftsl DO YOU WANT TO KNOW ABOUT COLORADO? If so, fill out the blank below and mail to " C. H. SPEERS, 700 Seventeenth Street, Denver Colo., And you will receive by return mail FREE, a set of handsome souvenir postal cards, showing mountain scenery, together with a number of beautifully illustrated booklets, telling you how to make your summer vacation trip to the ltockiea a most enjoyable event. Dear Sir Please tell me about Colorado. Name Postoffice 1 -a v