a L THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: MONDAY. MAY 28. liXMt Three straight for omaiia bolt timet with Pobl F1U Into Fa Eourkc'i Pinntnt Pocket else's Meat Make Many tilt a Omaha naa Vet Are Skat Oat. Threa la Satblnc Omaha Von tha laat cam of tha present homa series from Pueblo Sunday afternoon before a crowd of 2.20O people at Vinton Street park by shutting out tha Selee In OIF i1la Msns by tha score of I to 0. Although tha 'r dlahed r.p by tha weather man ws re like the middle of March than the laat day of May, the crowd stayed through all the cold and wind and aaw a food kme of ball. True, not many of the local fane were out. aa the majority of the large crowd waa made up of visitor from the atate and western Iowa who had come In on the Rock laland excursions. Many ainualng Incldente aroae during the same. One man rrom tn rural precincts refuaed to give up hie ticket at the gate, saying they alwaya kept their tickets at home to show they hnd paid to get In the grounds. The richest wss when Pa hap pened to glance at one of the boxes and aaw two joUog men from the aubtirba who had been Quaffing from two bottlea. They had the bottlea lined up on the rail In front of them and did not seem to know the lid ws supposed to be on fn Omaha and that beer waa not auppoaed to be In use on the Sabbath. They muat have thought they were .In St. Louis, where beer Is nerved In the grandstand. At any rate, they were having a glorious time until In formed hey were In the wrong city to in dulge In such luxuries at the ball game. These people from the towns In the atate are as a rule better posted on the members i ,k. ii... rw.k. hn nmnlv of the team than Omaha people who simply read the papers and do not attend the, game' They Know every piayer oy signi and know his whole history. They follow all the gamea cloaely by reading the full acorea In The Bee and know what Is going ron In the sporting world. Marrlsoa a ad Dalgr. Morrison was pitching for Selee, and Dodge did the honors for Omaha. The Pueblo team was having a little the better of the argument until the sixth Inning, when three hits brought In a score. Pueblo had not Scored up to that time, but five hits had tn-en made, while the Colts had secured but three. Howard atftrted first Inning with a single and wen seeond when Carter attempted a bunt. Bassey flew out to Shugart and Welch hit a safe to right, putting Carter on second. Corn wa put In to run for Carter and cored from second 'on Dolan- hard drive to left center. The eighth inning was the downfall of Fueble for the day Corn started off with safe on to left and Bassey bunted safe. Welch hit an eaav bunt to Morrison.: who ball, filling the bae. Dolan knocked a grounder to third and Faurot.-one of Be lee pitchers, who was playing the posl- . . , , , a . . . . . . i n, tnrew in oau noma in iron w Corn. Slsler then tried for a oounie piay to first, but wa too lata, and on the Batsey scored before Meyer could recover the bail and set It home. Staler then threw ina pmii .m unu iu j i .. and Faurot dropped It, so Welch came on home. That waa the sum of the scoring for. th dar.' , Omaha goes to Des Molne for- four games, two of which , will be played Decoration day. Tha core: V OMAHA. AB. ft. H. PO. A. B. Howard, lb Carter, rf .. Corn, rf . . Bassey. If Welch, cf . Dolan lb ... Runkle, sa . perring, Sb .Gondlng, e Dodg. P ... Total' ... 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 PUEBLO. AB. R. M. PO. A. E- Cook, if McGilvray, cf Shugart, Ib .. M avers, lb .... 4 , a , t 1 1 0 1 v 0 0 0 4 1 Meichoir, rf Faurot, tb Flake, sa . I Slsler, e 4 Morrison, p 4 0 1 0 t 0 Total Omaha ... U T ... o o o e 24 10 0 -s pueblo ooooo 0 0-0 Twn-haae bits: Ooiidlnc. Meyer. " Cook. Baa on ball: Off Dodge, 2; off Morriaon, t. Dtruck out: Br Dodae. 7: by Morrison. . v. . . V. b a. T, i.KI n a Double play; Perring to Dolan. Stolen bases; Bassey, Howard. Sscrlflce hits: Gondlng, Shugart (2). Tim: 1:36. Umpire: Fuller. Attendance: i,uo. Slaws: City Skate Oat Waeala, SIOUX CITY. la.. May 17 About 1.000 of tha vartt faithful In overcoats and furs sat In the trandstand at Riverside park this afternoon and saw Sioux City defeat Lin coln, i to 0. Th locals fielded almost per fectly, while th vial tors muffed ball or threw wild at crltloal time. Jarrott Pitched a strong game. Harmon, for tb XJncolns, was somewnat erratic, ecure BIfIT1f CITT. AB. R. H. PO. A. E. Campbell. If 6 4 110 0 Nobllt, ct 1 1 8 1 W4, Jb 118 14 0 Tate, rf 2 0 2 0 0 Newton, sa $ 1 0 T Frost, Ib 10 Ham, lb 4 1 4) 1 0 0 Fr, e 4 1 1 41 Jarrott, p I 1 1 1 Total 22 1 LINCOTjN. 2T 1T- AB. R H. PO. 0 4 A. 4 K. Fallmaa, a.. Holm, If.... yuillln. lb.... Ketchum, cf.. Thomas, lb... Collins, rf.... Barton, lb.... Roger, c... Harmon, p... 2 1 0 0 1 I 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 4 0 0 Totals ...... Sioux City . Lincoln ..20 4 24 14 0 I I M 1 I 1 M o 4) o ao Karned run: Sioux City. 1.' Two-baa hits: Katchum. Collins. Uaa on errors: Nswton, Hess. Left on bases: Sioux City, . IJncoln, 2. Stolen , baaea:. Campbell. Tate, Froat. Sacrifice hits: Tate, Jar rott til. Baaea on balls: Oft Harmon. Struck out: By Jarrott, 1; by Harmon, 4. Tim: 1:26. I'mpire: Davis. Attendance: t.ftug. Des Mclaaa Wlas la Seveath. DFS MOINES. Ia.. May 27-Wtth the mercury hovering near the freeslng point. It required four inning for the Champions to thaw out today. Then they turned In and defeated lM-nwr by a score of 4 to I. In the fust inning tttoups threw wild to first and aent Tommy Bmlth areund the bsses for a soore. Then Randall circled the baaea on a ount mat Andreas at first failed to bold when it wss toaaad to him and allowed It to roll under tha bleacher. In tha third a base on balls, a slnala an.l a sacrifice Sent McHala arrnaa tha for another score. De Molne atarted to hit and run Daaea la the 6fih and won aih and Uintiar Bill Everett nf ria.iv.r handled the Indicator during the rat In. ilng. The acore: . DtS MOINES. AB. It. H. PO. A. t'affvn. If. ...... Shipke, tb Welday. cf Towne. lb In-iur. e 4 Lary, ss llogrelver, rf... Andreas, lb-cf.. Magnon, 2b Sioup. p Miller, p Totala 1 v 4 PENVER AB. R. t 1 t - I t 27 It H.-PO. A. I Mv-Hele. AV tinllti. 0 1.1 2 10 0 0 0 10 0 1 .00 110 0 0 11. 0 0 0 2 4 0 0.1 S 0 , 1 T 1 0 0 0 I "1 27 16 Randall, rf.. 4 1 1 I 1 Reldn, If 4 0 I 0 0 Reddlck, 3b 0 0 1 1 Kroell. sa 4 1 I I 0 Z.alusky, lb 1 0 ! 1 ft 9 Hchrant, c 4 ii o 4 I m fuller, p 0 0 4 0 0 4 Uorian, p I 0 9 4 0 Totals '.. I 7 14 IS 1 Des Molne fl 0 0 0 0 1 3 h -4 Denver I 0 1 0 0 0 ft I Stolen bsses: Shlpke. Hogrlever. Tn baae hit : Mnonn, Krnel. Zsluskv. T'lree baaa hit: Miller, Double plays: Miller. O'Lesry to Andrea Base on balTv Off Miller, I; off Morgan, t. Struck out: By Stoup, 1; by Miller. 4; bv Morgan, t: bv Pwlge, I. Paaaed ball: Schrsnt, 1. Wild pitch: Miller, 1. Time: 1:J5. Umpires; Everett and Keefe. Attendance: 1,1A Iiaa4ln( of the Tea ma. Played. Won. Lot, ..i. ..a in - 22 IS 7 34 II II 23 II 12 26 12 1.1 IS t 20 Pit. ..WS Ml .478 Dee- Molnea Omaha Sioux City Lincoln .. Denver .., Pueblo . . . 4M 1X0 Games today: Omaha at De Molne. Lin coin at Sioux City. 7.tK. firm run oisTitu o.ril Paeblo'e Vale Will Re for a Maa far Presldrat. Reaardina- the action of Mike C'antlllon In staving off tha meeting of the Weatern UaviI lnuna.ni , n . , I ( I' V u 1 1 1 the SO. called president. In the hope of being able to whin Denver and Pueblo in line to keep the C'antlllon tool In the chief executive chair, friends of N. Zlnk, business manager of Pueblo, who will cast the vote for that team, announce they have a positive prom lee from Mr. Zlnk that he will co-operale to throw out O'Nell. Mr. Zlnk cauaei it to be thoroughly understood while here K.U- Urriav thai he waiiM nM mtanA tnr IVKxIl any longer than actually necessary and that be would lend all his Influence to rid the lengue of his' Injurious association. Man ager rlourke la not the least skeptical about Mr. Zlnk, in fact he feela aa certain of his aupport aa of that of any other manager. vtlth Mr. Zlnk In the combine to oust O'Nell the latter a summary dischnrge looka like an assured fact. Mr. Zlnk gives the Impression ot being a man of deter- miimrlon and there Is no doubt In any quarter, except possibly In C'antlllon'. of ins neing unshaken. He is In favor of clean base bait and says he wanta to do wnai ne can to Insure that sort In the weatern league. Th I" Moines Capital, less affected n . ...... m,innhli . ,,,, ,K, ,.- and leader, blames all the trouble In the W eatern league on the umnlres. A thona-ht iui ran oners, ror tne sake of argument, to agree with that theory ami asks who Is to blame for the umpires? Willing to sc- cord the dignity of the position to the mmi anown ns president, ne puts tnls responsi bility on O'Nell and then asks who is to blame for O'Nell? "So, after all. It cornea back to the start ing point." says he. "And if Mike Cnn tlllon is shorn of his power, which l the presidency, the evil will be uprooted." Nobody, except C'antlllon s rredulou young Journalist over In Des Moines, will commit himself to such a silly thought os that the movement for the nustlnr of O'Nell contemolatea. in the allrhteat t. tert the ,ne removal of C'antlllon. That haa m p,ver been thought of. Evervbodv la wl'l t out at Ing to let Cantlllon remain, knowing how '""J win ne to nannie mm witu a man in ine presiaent s cnnlr. CJAMES, IX THE V4.TIOV4L IE1UIR new lark Wins Third Rama at Series Tea to rive. ST. LOl IS. May J7.New York won fhla "M:rn"on u,,ra "m J series. i'j iw o. piwwii vtnn wtia ana ne reiirq after the fifth Inning. Hostetter. who took his place, waa caught for a bunch of Ions- through, but kept the runs In check. Score: NEW YORK ST. LOflS R.H.O.A.B. H.O.A.C -"-ii-ii. v . . v t iwinni, ID.i a 1 1 1 a n(M, rf.. 4 SIS Shannea, If.. I t , j.. i i a a i r.... i s i Dlay I ! I 4Beral.jp, lb.. I t t 4 By Oberlin, ; by Cov. 2. Sacrifice hit: ?Lr RJ?"!?-"1'! I ! lir"1 'JS'-'i ! ! f ! Pdoen. Left on baaes St. Paul. Ii; Mil over DerMn, lb.r..4 1 I Hlm. rt....l l f l waukee 1 Time- 12 I'mnire- Owen Gilbert, lb... I 1 I 4 4 MrBnda. aa. 4 I 11 0 I wul"- 1 mpire. Uwen. Btrars. CI....4 4 1 4 Raub, C.....4 A 4 4 4 MeOlrnlty, Mill ti Biawa. p 1 4 4 1 , nrairupr, p. a V X a V Totals 11 mil I Totala 41 II IT U I 1 0 1 1 2 0 4 1 030, 1 0 1 1 2 0 0 0 . 0 5 New York St. Louis Earned runs: St. Louis. 4: New. York J Two-base hits: Smoot. Bennett, Browne. Three-base hits: Smoot, .Merte. Sacrifice hit: McUamn.,.-Passed, ball; Jtaub. Stolen base: fciortea. Hit by -pitched baH: JJy Brown, McGann. Bases on balls; Off Brown. 7; off Hoatetter. 3. Struck out: By Brown, i: by McOlnnlty, 4; by Hostetter, f. Ijeft on bases: Bt. Louis, 10; New York . Hits; Off Brown. 4 In Ave innings; off Hostetter, in rour innings. Time: 1:01. empires: O'Day and Emslle. . aukrra Wis at C'lstelaaatl. ' CINCINNATI. May 27.-Phlladelohla won again today through superior hitting. Sen sational catches by Bransfluld, I.usK and Mages held th score of the Cincinnati down. Suore: PHILADELPHIA. CINCINNATI. B.H.O.A.E: - B.H.O.A.E. Luih, at 4 i Barry. . lb.... 1 It 1 t Cleaaon. lb.. 4 1 4 Kallay. If 4 1 4 4 4 Courtaey. 4b. 4 1 1 Sarsiour, ef. . I 1 1 4 4 Mag., If.... I 114 4 IMI.hanty, Ib I 4 1 I 1 Tttua. rf I 1 1 4 4 0dll, rf.... 1 1 1 BranaR.14. Ill 1 I I 9 Corcoran, aa.. 4 1 1 T 4 Doollo. as.... 4 I I. 4 4Shlel, r I a A 4 lno!n. o 4. I I Lohart. lb... 4 I 1 1 0 Dulabjr. p. 4 1 4 2 ACberh, P 4 4 4 4 4 Toula 11 14 It II 1 Totala 44 t V 17 T PhilaJelbh a 0 2 0 1 0 o 1 n ni I Cincinnati .......0 0 0 0 0 2 1 0 0-1 Two-base hits: Kelley. Corcoran. Brana- field, Titu. T.tree-base hit: Doolin. Bae- riflce hit: Cleason, Titus, Bransfleld (2) Stolen bsses: Delehanty, Odwell. Struck out: By cnecn, 7. Hases on balls: Off Dug iy Cheeh. 1; by Duggleby, 1. Double plsy :oroorsu to Barry. Time: 1:60. Cinnirea: Carpenter and Conway. Gam Postponed. At ' Chicago Chicago-Boston game post' poned; rain. - ataadlaa; af tha Trams. Played. Won. Loat. Pet New York Chicago .. ., 37 26 12 .474 .476 .6i0 40 , 26 .40 S7 27 n 21 22 17 IK 12 11 12 14 17 21 24 A f Itlaourg Phlladelphi St. Louis . .675 .448 . Cincinnati .) Boston ... .24 Brooklyn . .7 Games, today: Boston at Chicago, Ne lorn at Bt. Louis. Pii adeluhia at On clnnatl. Brooklyn at Pittsburg. ORIGINALS WIS A PRETTV GAWK taamplea Amatears Defeat Fremoat la Claaa C'aatast FREMONT. Neb.. Mv 27.-iSneclal 1 The Fremont leaguera lost one of the premeal games ot ball ever witnessed In this city this afternoon, the faat I... Glaaa-Andreeaen team of Omaha belns the opposing club. In spit of the cold weather both teams played snappy ball. It being either tasm's game until the laat man waa out Iw tne nlnttl Inning. Husby and Shea were the star for the locals, while the sll-around work of Lawlor. Mlnlkus and Tonneman of the Lee-Glass-Andreeaen team brought forth rounds of applause from th shivering fans. Scully for the hardware men pitched wonderful ball, and Anderson a work wa equally aa faat, al though touched up for ten aafetle. The score : L.-G.-A. AB. R. H. PO. A. 0 11 2 1 ( Bradford, ib Lawler, ... Tonneman. lb Mullen, cf .... Mlnlkus, tb .. Glbsoa, If .... r..Mn rf 4 If 1 r-oad' c ' I gcull'v i" Scully, p .. Totala . IS t FREMONT. 10 27 H. PO. AB. R Bickey, ss Busby, 2b . 4 0 0 Copple. rf I Shea, C .. 1 Wheeler, th inraiaj, in 14 I livin, rf I Anaeron, ' Total ...Jl : I 27 14 L.-G.-A , 1 4) 0 1 1-t 0 Fremont 1 V 1 e u o 2 I Earned run: L.-0.-A.. I: Fremont, t I Two-baae hit: Iawlor, Tonneman. Home I run: oliea, Lawlor. Baara on bulla: Off 0 1 Scully, 1. Struck out: by Andereon, t; I by Scully, t. Double play: Buaby to Prlmiey. Attendance: Time: 1:15. 1 I I nip-.rs: W heeler. I Maaraa Crawl t with Game 1 Tha uiirai !iai -ma asunarcas in a sell-played game on the south side f rounds Sunday morning, ths final score ving 12 to 8- The feature of the game was the home run drive of I-atovaky and the bail hue not been found et. The Lis aid iiAks Avt luai a gam this aeaaou ml ureal pt-sise In bestowed upon the pleyltig of Manager Frank Jaroerh, known lo base ball fan a TMdle-de. Wink, the all-round man and maacot of tha OmHln team. Score; Llaards 1 1 1 1 1 1 I A '-12 Monsrchs 9 4 1 t 0 1 Batteries: I.lgarda. I.ee. Ruah and Mur phy; Monarrha, Mnlllon and Meyer. G4WE II AHRRK (1 ASSOCIATION Kaasaa Ity la laable a Hit Kllroy aad la Shal Oal. MINNKAPOL.IH. Msy r.-Kllroy wss In vincible today snd had little trotilile In shutting but Ksnsas City. The game was Slaved In a field of mud. The batting of ulllvan waa the feature, he getting four hits out of the same number of times st bst. Score: MINNEAPOLIS KANSAS CITY. R.H .O.A C R M O A t. IxtIi. rf I 1 1 1 SWalltma. If.. 4 111 Si lllv.n. rf 4 4 1 Hart, lb 4 1 1) tire mlngcr. lb 4 t 1 Ora rani. It. .. ISS Ovier. as 11 Ffrrlne. aa... 4 1 I S 4 Hill, cf 4 t Ca.MHr. rf . 4 t 4 Donahua, 2b. 4 f Slattarr. lb.. I II s Burka. Ik.... I t i Iihr, r 4 I Wllllaina. a . I Shannon, r v eager, c. Pea. lb... Kllioy. p.. Ill 14 4 S I I 44 4 1 Total! M 1 14 14 I Tntala .... II 11 IT It 1 Mlniieajlls J 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 Kanaas City , 0 0 e 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bases on balls: Off Kllroy, 2: off Wil liams, J. Hit by pitched boll: Oyler. Orem mger. Struck out: By Kllroy, i; by Wil liams. 1. Wild pitches: Kllroy. Williams. Sacrifice hiTs: Sullivan, Hart. Y eager Left on hasea: Mlnneapolla. 11: Kansas City. . Time: 1:46. I'mplres: Kane and Egan. Chawiplime ahat Oat Hooalera. COU'MBI S. O., May 27. Coulter's hit ting won today's game for Columbua. The victory puts the champions Into first place. Veil, in winning his ninth straight, hsd no trouble In shutting out the visitors. Score: . . COLl'MBIS. INDIANAPOLIS. B H D A t. B.H O.A.K. Pliktrlta. rf. I I 1 J. t'arr. 4 11 Wrlaler. Ib.. 4 1 1 PIT. If 4 111 l-oulier. If... 4 I 2 0 1 r. I arr, Ib. Klhm. lb... I 111 asmbieb. rf.. Httrhiran. rf t 4 S 4 4 Juan. 3b... . t 1 14 1 4 1 1 A a .44 ..4 I A A 0 . . J 1 1 A u . . I 1 I 1 A ., I 0 1 4 A .j 1 A A 4 A .1 4 : 14 i rrlel. lb .... 4 1 1 I A H, In Hul. vttt, aa. I S Ryan P I II I 4 1 Plaff. cf I 1 A KOIrr. lb. Vail, p 1114 I'lthrr. a aKahoa . Tatalt i 17 i I Totalt., Batted for Pfaff in ninth. Columbus 0 0 1 ft 0 0 1 1 Indianapolis 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 Btolen base: J. Carr. Sacrlflc hit: Minchinsn. Bases on balls. Off Veil. 2; off Fisher, 4. Two-base hits: Wrlgley, fViel. Double plays: Hulswttt to J. Klhm; J. Carr to Kelley to C. Carr; nsher to Carr. Hit by pitched ball: Hlnchmn. Struck out: By Veil. . Time: IM. I'mplre: Sullivan. Police sloa name at l.oalavllle. lOriSVlDLE. Ky.. May 27. The ball game here today between tnulvtlle snd Toledo waa atopped by ill - police after the first half of the first inning. St. Paal Defeats MllnaaLe. ST. PAl'U Minn., May 27. Although out hit by more than two to one. St. Paul won today's game from Milwaukee with hits when men were on bsecs. Coy wss effec-. tlve at critical times. The game wss played in a sea of soft mud. ScAre: MILWAUKEE. ST. PAIL. B.H.O.A.E. B.H .O.A.K. Bi.Mi ara. aa. 4 0 1 ! 0 Galer. If 4 1 I S a Oratn, rf I 1 I 0 4 SufHen. lb... I S It ( lark. Ib I Bat. mm, lb. I Htir.ihlll. rf. 1 lljn.a. If... I Roib. r 4 MiCJ aar.ay. rf 4 Mf rorai'k, ib 4 Obtrlln. p.... 1 Barilla 1 I 1 a a VanZai.4l, cf. 4 ft 1 A 1 i T 1 rr!k. rf 4 9 t A 4 A 4 A Whealer, Jh .i All 14 4 1 PlAdtn. Ib... I 1 t I I I I ( norlt'Sald, aa I 1 1 4 0 til Prill, c. Ill 51'ny. p .. A 1 4 A .11111 1 A A I A A A Totala. ..n mil i Tr'.ala St IP J4 14 I Batted for Oberlin In ninth. St. Pul 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 o I Milwaukee 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 Two-base hits: Padoen, Qeter, Green. Bases on bslls: Off Coy, 2: off Oberlin, 1. Hit by pitched bsll: Wheeler. Struck out standing: of the Team. Won. Ixst. Pet. 20 . 14 .68 a Hi .&W 14 14 .63! 1 14 " .6ij 14 1 . .4B7 1 14 .471 1f. -17" .4M -, 14 : '. 38 : .m Toledo .... 34 89 m 32 36 ......34 M ......87 Columbus ... Mllwsukee St. Psul ..... Kansaa Clty' Loulsvllle .., Minneapolis . Indianapolis . Milwaukee at St. Paul, Kanaas City t .Minneapolis, Toledo at Louisville. - iC alra's First Defeat. ATLANTIC. Ia.. May !7. (Special Tele- gram.) In a well played game here today atanttc gave r.xira ita nrst aereat 01 tne season, the score being 4 to 0. Atlantic has not yet lost a game this season, and the rivalry was keen between the two teams. Both went Into the game with de termination to win and played ball until the lust man was out. Both pitchers were in excellent form and. did not let down once. Atlantic got four hits and .ExIra but three. One error wss charged up to Atlantic and four to Extra. Batteries: Atlsntlc. Blrcher and Franklin: Extra. Sar gent and Kramer. Six hundred people saw the game. Mana-er Bnirren 01 tne mw- chanta Graya, Atlantic's tesm. is anxious to hear from any team within a raaius of sixty miles. Diets Wis First Game. The Diets Lumber Company team won a faat game from the t'nlon Pacific Store Department team on the Diets grounds at Thirtieth and Spauldlng streets Sunday. Goddard started the fireworks In the third bv setting a hit and stole second . on Tracey's strike out. Gordy hit a warm one through shortstop, advsncing Goddard to third, and then he stole second. Hall came lo the rescue with a two-bagger, scoring loth Goddard and Gordy. Score: Diets , 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 2 V. P. Btore 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 01 Batterlee- Diets, Gordy and Hunter; V. P. Store, Iatherby and Brown. Two Games at. Fart Omaha. A faat game was played at Fort Omaha yesterday afternoon between Fort Omaha and the Internationals, the fontier winning by the acore of t to 8. The features were the pitching of Gray for the Internationals and Hawkins for Fort Omaha. This waa the first game for both teams. A second game wss plsyed on the same grounds be tween Fort Omaha and Sterling, the score at the end of the fifth inning being 1 to 1, both score being made In the fifth. The game wa called then on account of the late hour. Hard team work by both teama waa the feature of thla game. Diamonds Blow Oal Ihe Gas. The Diamonds defeated the Omaha Gas Company team on the grounds of the for mer by a score of 11 to 4 Sunday. The game was loosely played on account of extreme cold weather with the exception of Wins low, who pitched a strong game, striking out fifteen men and allowing but three hlta with no baaea on balls, score: Diamonds ...0 1021060 -U 12 I Gas Co 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 t I Batteries: Diamonds. Wlnslow snd Stice; Omaha Gas t o., Mixen and Brunuer. I m pire: N. O. Good. l aapera Defeat ' Lakealae. The Omaha Cooperage Company team de feated the Lakeaidea by the score of 18 to 2. The festures of the game were the batting or tne loopera and tne pitching or Denny, who atruck out eiguteen men. Score: Coopere t 2 0 6 1 1 2 1 It 14 1 Lakesldrs ...0 00002000 2 4 Batteries: Denny and Zlebell, Curtis and yulgley. empire: Baundera. larvls Wis from Mrts. The laurels defeated the Mets tram Sunday by the score of 11 to I. Cavanaugh atarted in to pitch for the Laurels, but re. tired sfter the fifth Inning. Swift takina his plsre. Dygert did line wurk In center field. 1 he score : R H F laurels 0 t 6 1 0 t 1-11 12 I Mets 0 0 2 1 1 0 0 2 0- ft 1 Batteries: Mets. V'anous and Danse; Laturet. cavanaugo, owirt and Bone. lasrai far teharler Ara lesrc. GRAND ISLAND. Neb., May 27 -8peruU Telegram. Grand laland proved too faat lor ocnuyier on in local ground today winning by a acore of t to 0. Score: Grand laland. 0 4 0 2 0 2 10 - '4 E Schuyler 00000 00 4 I Batteries: Grand laland. Welch and townscna; ocnuyier. ruchter and Wilson Rain Steps t'eatral City Game. CENTRAL CITY, Neb.. May 27.-(Soe riui.l A lively game of base ball waa played her aaturday" bet ween the Aurora club and the reorganised city club. Rain cloaed the game ac the end of the sixth Inning, tbe score then standing 1 to 1 In avur u( i.ruirai Illy. norm. Ilea Wis Trtaaaralar Ml SIOI'X CITY, Ia.. May 27.- Special, h- aiurnioa aina rnneaw won a triangular mee 1 rum me 1 niveraity or South Dakota en Buena lata college bar lua. . lb .ur : Morning Std. M point South Da kota. l, and Ruetm lta.- 11. Hellya Beat Da7r. The, Holly Won another hard fought game at Duffy park. South Omaha The game waa with th Joe DnfTe and waa won by a score of I to 7. The Holly cer tslnly earned their victory and it will be a much colder day than Sunday when the Hollya go over Indian hill again. At the very start the Chuahas put a dent in Stiff Smith's recrd of twenty-five Innings pitched wlthont acore off htm. The Hol ly found his great apeed with men on bases, lmugherty's four hits being espe cially timely. Two fast double plays by th Holly snd Houaks s catch of a Texss lesguer were the fielding festures. Bun nell pitched a brilliant game and It was only the surprising ajoenslon of some of hla team mates which gave the Duffs their lsst six runs. Score. R. H. fi. Hollys 2 4 0 1 0 0 0 0 1- 7 Joe Duffs n 0 0 1 o 0 S 7 S t Batteries: Bunnell snd Spelmsn. Smith and Bohner. The Hollys wish to hear from out-of-town msnsgers. Address Will Fell, lift North Sixteenth street. Omaha. Rambler Ramble llaiara Falla. The Rambler opened the season by win ning from the Nlagsrss Sunday on the Joe Duffy ground by the score of to 4. Tha Nlsgaraa atarted with two runs In the initial round, after which Ronan settled down and wss invulnerable for the rest of the game. He pitched a splendid game, striking out thirteen and keeping hla hlta well scattered. Behind the bst he was ably supported by Wllllsnis. The Infield played a strong snd heady game, while the outfield gobblsd up everything ,ln sight. Rout Kennedy and Hoesky were the brilliant luminaries for th Niagara. Score: Niagara 2 0 0 0 1 o 0 2 0-S 7 ft Ramblera . . . .1 1 0 1 4 0 1 1 - 12 Batteries: Ronan and William. Rout and Kennedy. , Reaalla la lovra Slate l.eaarae. MARSHALI.TOWN, U., May 27.-8pe-clal Telegram.! Reaull of Iowa Slate league: Mmahalltown, 7; Waterloo, 2. Keokuk. S; Burlington, 2. Oskalooaa, 7; Ottumwa, 6 (fourteen In nings). Boone-P"ort Dodge game postponed on ac count of rain. Rase Rail at Hasllnars. HASTINGS. Neb., May 27 (Special The base ball season will open in this city on June 4, when the Des Moines Western league team will play with the local or ganisation. Manager Hoxglund haa col lected a strong aet of players. The first gsmes of the local team will be played at Lexington on June 1 and 2 ami nt Lawrence on June 3. Oae (.ante In 1hre-l l.eacne. . At Cedar Rapids, la. Cedar Rapids, 1; Springfield, f. At Dsvenport Davenport-Blnomlngtnn game postponed, rain. At Dubuque Duburiie-Peorla game post poned, rain. Italek at l.lherty. Kddle Quick drew his release from the Omaha team last night. Frank' Selee, who bad given Qlck a trial, returned him to Omaha Saturday. Rourke having no fur ther need for his services gave him hi unconditional release r.n Sunday evening. Campbell Wins la Math. Tom Campbell and Jimmle May, two local fiuga, boxed for nine rounds out at Cut-Off nka yesterday. Campbell getting the decis ion on points at the end of the ninth round. , American l.eaarae names Today. Chicago at Boston. St. -l-ouls at Phila delphia, Detroit at New York,. Cleveland at Washington. HIGH RCHOOI. MFF.T AT RKI.I.RVIB York Wlaa First Place with Slaty Five Palais. BELLEVl'E. Neb.. Mr 27.-pcll.)-, The first annual interscholastic trsck and field meet of the high schools of Nebraska wss held on the Belleviie gridiron Frldsr. York won the meet with sixty-five points to Lincoln s nrty. t'awnee city High school took third place with ten pnlnls. York took first place six times with eight second places. Lincoln took first place Ave times with four seconds. Pswnee go: first place In the only tw events it en tered. Plattsmouth wss not well repre sented and took last place. Some ot the spectacular events of the meet were the hsmmer throwing of Som merholder of Lincoln, . who threw the twelve-pound hammer HfttMO feet snd the running.' of. MaDonaldwOf iaoilt, who won the L'jo-vard hurdlea, the 440-yard dash and the one mile relay rare. Burn ham of Pawnee City High school- also showed up very well, winning tut mile and the half mile runs. The pole vaulting of Harrison wss also tery good, ' s he vaulted' nine leei nve incnes wun sppwreni raw.- 1 ne results of the meet' were aa follows: On hundred-ysrd dash?: Yates of Lincoln won. Time: 0:10. Flower ot Lincoln second. Half-mile run: Burnham of Pawnee won. Time: 2:16. Wollenberg of Lincoln sec ond. ...... ' Two hundred and twenty yards, low hur dles: Osburn of York ami McDonald of York tied for first place. One mile run: Burnhsm of Pawneee won, Davis of Lincoln second. Two hundred and twentv-yaro aaan: Mc Donald of York won, Frold of York sec ond. . Four hundred and rorty-ysra ossn: Mc Donald of York won, W'ollenberg of Lin coln second. ' . '. One mile relay race: McDonald or iorg won. r ... Running high Jump: Hiiers or or mra tied with Mead of York at 6 feet 2 Inches Twelve-pound shot- putiv Boniernoiner 01 Lincoln, won. Dlstsnce: , feet 7 incnes. rutchfleld of York secopft. Disisnce: w feet 1 Inch. .... Discus throw: Bomernoiaer .01 uncoiu won. Distance: l reel incnea. i. ruicn- fleld of York seeona. tisisnce: iw ieei. Running brosd jump: sieao 01 lorn won. Distances n reel ncne. Twelve-pound hammer; throw: Sotnert holder ot Lincoln won. Distance: 149 fee Inches. crutcnneia or. iora aeconu. Distance: '130 feet I Inch. Pole vaulting: , Harrison 01 i.iucoui wu. Distance: feet 6 Inches, Mean ot oira seond. Distance: 9 feet 2 incnes. Th meet was under the direction of th Bellevue College Athletic hasoclalion, who Invited the hign scnoois 01 ine aiaie i v,..i. ih.ip annual meets here. The asao- clutlon preeented York's winning team with a beautiful pennani. over iii,h cheered loud snd lonff. Coach Whltmore of the college presided ai me evem, aim wllh the asslstsnce of C. C. Browne of the college, who Is a graduate or ioik and who managed the field events with great skill, tie puiieo im nieei mi wsy satlsfsetory to sll concerned. All the teams speak of Bellevue college hospitality In the hlgneai lerma lira, all Bidea, the meet was a great success and will be even more of a success when repealed next year. rrlaa Flnanrlal. t ivnnN. . Mav 24. Supplies of money were not plentiful today and thei wa a good demand. Discount were a shade tauter. Trading on tbe Stock exchang opened quiet and healtatlng and then be came dull. Quotations eased the nearness of the settlement-checking business. Amei- Icana atarted irregular at aooui parity uni Improved, but eased during the session on realisations. The msrket closed quiet, ror- elgners were steady end insciive. namrs were irregular, japanrni iiniivnat ns ox 19D4 weie quoted at W1T. PARIS. May 26 Prices on the Bourse today opened weak, owing to the contra dictory newa from Ruasia, but Kusslsns closed firmer. Kussian imperial s were quoted at 82 and Russian bonds of 18o4 at 4K. BERLIN, Msy M. Trsding on the Bourse today wss dull, but prkes generally were steady. ST. PETERSBURG. May 24 Price on the Bourse today war weak, owing to the tenor of tha government response to the address of the tower house to the speech from the throne. lmperisl 4s and 6s dropped a quarter of a point, respectively, to ite and fttc. ask Clearlaas. OMAHA, May 24 Bank clearings for to dsy were 81.61,149 27 and for the corre sponding date lsst year. tl. 128,524 06. 106. 106. Monday .... Tuesday ... Wednesday Thursday .. Frldsy Ssturdsy . tl.TM.CKM tl.lM.M7t 1.6o..4. 91 1.24.iKe.7S I.Xtr88 irtU B ...... 1.S4S.477 76 1.64S.9ft6 24 1.641.149 27 1 .M.4 11 1.2 970 17 1,3J.6; M S.9..4i 09 t7.904.6TS.79 over the corresponding week t:.ii i.sss.a. Incl laat year. lotTee Market. NEW YORK. May 26. COFFEE Ms r kei fur coffee opened steady to a de cline of 6 pofuts. At first price lieid steady, but later there waa Bailing by Wall sireet and scatured liquidation un der which the initial loss was included with the close easy with a net decline of 1016 points Salea of the day were re ported of 40.4X0 bags. Including June at 1 11) fi.16r; Jul). ; September. 4 4 4. October, 4. 46c; December. 44oti46c; March. 4 si.-; April ISnlht. Dyol Hlo. lead) ; No. t Intone. iVu OMAIIA LIVE STOCK MARKET (No rreoh Cattlo Hero to Mtkt a Tt of Value. HOGS SHOW A DECLINE OF FIVE CENTS Oal a rr Freak Car. af I.a.h. Re anrleri, with Met All af Thess . aa Sal aad Jl Sheee Market I arhaaftea. SOt'TH OMAHA, May . 1J. Receipt were: Cattle. Hogs. Shear. Official Monday .... Official Tuesday ... Official WeOneeday Official Thursdsy .. Offlclsl Friday Offlctsl Saturday .. This aeek Lsst week Week before Three weeks sgo.. Four weks sgo 1.746 424 4 111 4 471 4.722 2.042 1 1M 1S.4W 14.44S .res 1!..'40 t.Ktt 2. 437 1,441 1.11 11 1.170 I3.4W 17.ST1 t.'.S41 27 S .1 S24 .1J.127 .20.416 1.10 .14,:i7 74.-JM 41. Ml 40.494 4S.401 41.644 74.116 Same week laat year.. .14.74 RECEIPTS FOR THE TEAR TO DATE. The following table shows the receipts of isttle. hogs and sheep at South Omaha for the year to date, compared with last year: 1. Inc. Cattle 3M,4fi2 833.040 66.413 1 Hogs 1. I6,0S6 l'4.i Sheeo , TCa.iX BS3,1( 46.004 RANGE OF PRICES. Cattle. Omaha t2 "J'tfo f Chlcgo 146f Hcga $. f""cf4 86 64 69 6-4474 46 6aM 6 fortf). 8- Kanaaa City 2 bwifvai Bt. Lou la toriij on Sioux City 2 0oj6 to CATTLE QUOTATIONS. The following will ahow the prices paid for the different kinds of cattle on the South Omaha market: Good to choice corn-fed ateera 14.104)6.10 Fair-Jo choice corn-fed steers t4.0&4f4.H Common to fair corn-fed teer.... 4 fVq4 H Good to choice cos and heifers., tQwfi.W Kslr to good cows and heifers 1.0O'o4 W Common to fair cows and heifers.. 2.0Ht.8.0B Good to choice stockers feeders. 4.ti'4 flu Fair to good Stockers snd feeders. 1 4it4.M Common to fair (locker IAVuSSU Bull, stags, etc ;.&"& t Vest calves t.0TO.W The following labia shows th average price of hogs at South Omaha for th last sevirsl days, with comparisons: Date. I 1206. jltJ6.ilIO.!19u3. !1302. 190l.l0. May 16... I 2H 615, 84! 7 11! I SSI I 21 Mar 14. ..I 6 2 1 I 20i 4 tli 1 16i 7 07 6 6 I 2t May 17 1 S3Wi 6 li 413, 7 12 6 72 6 20 May 18... I r,hi 6 24 4 6! ?T I 6 74, 6 11 May 19. ..I ( 861 6 20 4 47i t til 1 12, I 6 11 May 20... I 6 24 4 41 4 27j 7 11; I 71 May 21... 2Si 4 41, 4 26 T t7 6 , 1 00 May 2t...t2t t 1 T 08; 6 64 6 0 May 23... t It t 2s 4 27 i lt 7 08 t 2 6 01 May 24... U t 171 4 26 1 t 06 I 7 I 84 May 26... I 6 e.i 6 18, 4 84 4 041 If 6ZI t 06 May I 6 19; 4 39 t 4 M t 00 Sunday. The official number . of . cars of stock brought In todsy by esch road was: Hogs, eneep. Horses. C, M. St. P 8 Wabssh 1 Union Pacific system 24 C. N. W., esst 16 C. & N. W.. west 68 C. St. P., M. A 0 10 C, B. A Q., east 6 C, B. W., west 27 C, R. J. P., esst 10 C, R I. P-. west 1 Illinois Central 6 Chicago Great Western... 1 Total receipts ,.ltl2 The disposition of the dsy s receipts ws as follows, each buyer purchasing the num ber of head indicated Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Mg t 1.9M s82 1.R76 802 Omaha Packing co.. Swift and Company. j Cudahy Packing Co Armour co ........ 4.2)7 Curtahy, country yt Klngsn ft t-'o Other buyers .... 217 Totals 11.7W l.lCt CATTLE There were no fresn receipt, of cattle tnls morning, at least nothing ot anytmng consequence and the yaras were practically bare of supplies, tnere being nothing on sale to make a lest ot values. The total receipts for the week foot up nearly . at.Oia) being silghtiy in . txoenu .01 last week, but a tulle snort of the previous week's record. Th arrivals have con stated very largely of corn fed beeves,. In fact it is safe to say that 71 per cent of all the cattle marketed have consisted ot that kind. The quality of the receipts ha sveraged up quite good ss usual tnls late In the season. ' I Iliici me 111 ijriiii w . ,ma OTtiv , declining prices at all other selling points j the market here has been on the flown grade ail the Week. Th decline, however, has not been due to sny lack ot demand as packers have all been free buyers every uay and the receipts, lsrga as they have been, have been well oieaneu up on the day of arrival. It has simply been a shrlnksge in values tnat uas extended to all msrket points. At the close of the week it Is safe to call beet steer It'ittc lower than one week ago, the riecun being the most marked In tne case of rougn, coarse and heavy cattle. Handy lignt cattle have not Buffered as much. Th supply of cowa and heifers hss been very numerate every dsy. while the demand ha been fair so that while that kind of cattle nave been forced, lower in sympathy with the decline on beef cattle the shrinkage In values has not been so great. At the close of the week cow and heifer are not over IO47I6C lower than one week ago. Utockers and feeder have been in light supply, all the week and while as ususl at tnls season there has been comparatively little demand for feeders operators on the market are reporting constdersble Inquiry for desirable kinds of light stockers. The result is that stock csttl have sold quite freely all tne week and the market If anything is a little higher In spite of the faat that beef csttle nave been declining. No change has tskn plaoe In th market for heavy feeders. HOGS Hogs opened about 6c lower this morning and sold quite freely at the decline. A little later buyer seemed to come to the conclusion that they might Just as well get their hogs for less money and they lowered thel1- bids, for a time offering prices that were all of 62IOc lower. Seller could not see it that wy and very few hogs changed 'lands on that basla. Ths result wss that buyers were forced to again raise their bids, the market winding up Just about where it started that is 6c lower than yesterday. As will be noted from the ssles below tAfT1 bought almost all tns nogs as sgstnst ftf.s:1 yesterdsy There was a sprinkling of loads at M 2S as against turn yesteraay. Receipts of hogs this week have been almost double what they wer last week and conalderably heavier than year ago. The fact la that the receipts thia week haie been the largest for the year so far. Cndsr the influence of the hesvy run both here and at other points the advanoe made during the latter half of laat week was all lost and more too, the decline today leaving the market 7Hc lower than it was laat Saturday. Representative sales No. A. Bk. rr. 144 1U ... IK 14 1S7 140 4 tl'i Ka. Sr. la Pr. M til M I 'V6 74 117 ... I 17 74 121 10 I !7V 71 4 IS I 17 'a 4 a M 4 171 44 rn ita n 71 Ill ia 1 7 41 144 IM I 17 k lit ... 1 :i 1 124 46 I 17 71.. , W4 M 4 ri 70 144 10 I 17 17 Ill Mir 111 in ... 1 r, 71 Ill M I 17 7 HI M I 11 I M ... I 17 241 40 4 17 71 217 ... 4 17 74 : M 4 17 44 til IM I 17 14 171 ... 4 11 71 IM M 4 17 al Il I I 17 ... 1 rt 7 Ill ... 117 7 II M I 17 It 144 90 I 17 I '...141 ... I 17 44... tl... It... 44... 41. . 14.. 7t .. 47... N... M... 40... Tt.., 14.., tl... 1... 74... 10 4 It ..! to 4 ti ..Ml ... It ..lit ... I M .114 S 14 ..111 41) I 11 ..111 110 I II ...tl W 111 ...7 ... IS ..:, so 1 h ..HI 4 I 14 ...H t4 I 11 . . m w m ...964 ... IK . ..124 m I ...121 4 4 . ..! N 19 ...Ml win ...111 ... I M ...nt i: 1 n ..144 IM IS ...111 M I it ...irl ... I 14 ...117 ... I st ...tul 14 I ti ...141 4U I HVt ...144 tea I lt ..Ml 24 I 17 ...iM 4 4 na ...901 14 I IT ...141 ... I rt'a ...iou ... 1 n't ...Ml 1M 4 ...I7i a in ...at m I Vm ...u ... 1 r7 ...III 4 I 17'a ...HI IM I r-a ...til IM I 17 ...I'l ... 4 It1. .. lit im I j;-,, ...Ml 10 I 74... 14... IS... It... 74 . 44... U . tl.. V.. 77.. Tl.. 47.. 7 . 41.. 44.. 74.. 11.. 41.. Tl.. 71.. 17.. .. 74 . 44. . 74. . Tl.. .tu in 1 rt Ml 1 r .171 III .311 .IM .III 111 IM 44 4 17 M I 17 M 4 17 M 4 M' ... 4 87 4 17 ... 4 III 4 4 tt) 41... 41 .. 44. . . 71... 71... 71... 7... 74... 17... let IM 4 lo ... ITS M 4 M ...19 ... 4M ....1.4 ... 4M ... U4 M 4 II II STAGS. 1 IM M I II SIIKKH Although It ass Saturday four cara wer reported In thla nioiulng. one of Iheiu direct to a packer. The three car 011 aale brought about neady price, fair. Iy good lamiie aelllng at 8il4 with pretty good but not choice lambs st 940. This aeeks relpts of sheep and lamha hake I en the lightest of any weak sines the holiday season In I leceiuoer. The heavy ailing off m ilia run, lissntr, wa antlcl- pated snd haa been due to the fact that the fed sheep and lambs In ferritin tri butary to this market have been pretty well disposed nf. while ss a matter of course It Is too early for grassers to sp pesr at this point. The southern markets sre being quite liberally supplied wllh southwestern grsss sheep and lambs snd the supply from that source together with the large receipts of fed stock at Chicago haa caused a ronsldersble bresk in those markets. Owing to the light run at South Dosha comparatively little change has taken place In values at this point. Hence It la thst Ismbs havs sold very nearly steady her all th week, at lesst ihe good kknda. although th feeling hss been weak, everybody knowing full well that with any thing like a liberal run the market would be forced downward to a level with prices prevailing at other selling points. Fair to medium gradea of lamb possibly heve sold s little hit lower during th week hut the change hss not been very marsed. Opera tors on the market are figuring that this market should have been lMiTw lower this week owing to the break at other point. Wuntatlon on clipped stock: Good to choice weatern Ismbs. tnvl.76; fair to food lambs, tft.0tviitl.60; cull lambs. t4.t"4 ; good to choice yearlings. t6.7r .26: fslr to good yesrllnga. t6.Vf6 75; good to choice aethers, t&.76i4iio; fslr to good wethers. t6raK).76; good to choice ewes, t66o.76: fal rto good ewes, I4.764T6 60; bucks. 14 X114 76. No. 8m c stern lambs 682 Western lambs Av. .. 47 ., 87 Pr. ll4 40 CHICAGO I.IVK ITtltK M4RKF.T t attle aad heea Steady Han Five ta Tea Cents I.awer. CHICAGO, Msy 2 -:ATTLE Receipt s. head: market steadv; heaves. M.OTOttA; rows snd heifers, Il.air4 80; calves, t4 GOij) 4.76; stockers nd feeders, 82.Kfr4.7S. HOG8-Re'eipt, 15.0 head; estimated re-' eeipts for Monday, 47.O0O head: market 64) 10c lower; mixed and butcher, 8864(4 60; food heavy, 84 40. 60; rough heavy, t ISrf i; light. t4 2t47H; pigs, K 3f3 4 J6 ; bulk Of sales. 14.424 60. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, t.600 head: market steady; sheep, Vt So4.0; yearlings, S6.4OQ4.60; lambs, 85.604K76. Kaasaa fitr live Stork Market. KANSAS CITY, Mo., May 3t.-OATTLlC-Receipts. 600 head: market unchanged: choice export and dreaaed beef steers-, 66 26 4J6 63; fair to good. 14.3216.10; western fed steers, tS.764T f; stockers and feeders tt.2f Ot 60; southsrn steers, 88 6o4.60; southern cows. 12.6044.00; native cowa, 12.6(4.60; native hetfera, tS.40.2t; bulls, tl WUTt 80; I'Slves. tt.266.26; receipts for ths week, U.nno head. HOOB-Recelpts, t.Ont hesd; market 6a lower; top. 86.46; bulk of ssles. 8410040; heavy, 86 tOi441; packers, M. 276.0; pigs nd lights, to.cvtf 30; receipts for th week, 48,000 heed. SHEEP AND I,AM8-Recelpt, 6.008 head: market nominally steady; native Ismbs, SW7.50; fed Sheep and ysarllnsrs, t6.0O.2O; western clipped yesrllnga. 86. "&H 4.26; weatern clipped sheep, stockers and feeder. t3.eV$6.00. S6.001f.00; t. Inls Lira Stoetx Market. ST. IXH'IS. Mo., Msy 2. CATTLB Re ceipt, 360. head. Including 100 head Tex ans; market stesdy; nslive shipping and export steers, t4."7.fJO: dressed beef snd butcher steers. 1761640; steers under 1.000 pounds, t2.6t34.80; stockers and feeders, 82.4014 40; cows and heifers, 12.0x66.16; can nSrs. ll.6fiH3.40; bulls, t'2.40tff4.00; cslves. 88.00 4.60; Texss snd Indian steers, 8J.0O3-4.76; cows snd heifers, t.'.0ftil.90. HOGS Receipts. 4.600 hesd: msrket 6 lower; pigs nd lights, 16.fti?40; psrksrs, 14.104.46; butcher and best heavy, 84.S&U .60. 91. Joseph Live Stack Market. . ST. JOSEPH. Mo., M4y 24 CATTLE Receipts, 4 head; market nominal; na tive, t4.6ol76.7l; cow and hetfera. 81.769 4.76; storker and feeders, tl. 0094.16. HOGS Receipts, 4.60 hed: market gen erally Sdfye lower: light. 84.e4.40; medium and heavy. lltt'Wi; pig. J4.7MJ6.0O; bulk of sales. Kr fT. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 7 head; market nominal. sleax City Llva Stork Market. SIOUX CITY. May 24,-fSpeclal Tele- Sram.l-CATTLE Receipts, 100 hesd; msr et eteady; beeves. t4.2oM.tO; cows, bulls and mixed, t2 804(4.40; stockers and feeder, 81 4034 60; calves and yearlings, t2.2S4T4.lt. HOGS Receipts, i.ono head; market 6c lower, selling at t4.20tj4.32S; bulk of sales, 14.26J4.27H. Stark la lht. Receipt of live stock at the six principal western markets yesterday: cattle. Hogs. naep South Omaha . Bloux City Kansas City ... St. Joseph ...... SC. . Loul ; Chicago . 11 1.224 1,170 t.ooo T ino ton S4 8U 800 7.000 t.nnO 4.4HO 6.600 18,090 Total ...1.687 42.804 8,477 Liverpool Grala and' Provisions. LIVERPOOL. May 24-WHEAT-Spot. nominal; futures, quiet: July, 4s : ep- ember. 4s 6Vd; December, 6s Hd. CORN Soot, firm: Aemrlcan mixed, new, 4a 7d: American mixed, old. 4s 9V1. Fu tures, oulet; July,- is 4'Aa; eepiemDer, as 4Vad- Dnlath Grala Market. Dfl.t'TH. Msv 26. WHEAT To srrlve and on track. No. 1 northern, 844c; No. 2 northern. 82c; May. M'c; juiy, stiac; oep tember, t2c. OATS To arrive, on track ana May, u-nc. Si, l.aala Geae-ral Market. bt. liri Mav 24. WHEAT Future higher; cash lowei No. t red, cash elevator. S4tec; tracK, wxrywic; juiy, oi'tn; c, cej- tember, 6Vywic; no. i nara. awoaec. CORN Futurea firm: eaah weak; No. 2 caah nominal; track. ifMc: July, 44Hc; September, 4;4c. OATS Futures higher: cash week; No. t cash, 24c; trsck, 16c; Juiy, 4ac; Septem ber, 22VZ3c; we. 2 wnite, 6'c. FI,tiL K Biesay; ren winter paiems. t4 404j4.6t; extra lancy and straight, 88.784j4.t6: clear, t2.764jt.00. 8EKIJ Timoiny sieauy, j.ivv;.m. COKNMEAL Steady, 12.60. BRAN Steady; sacked east track, to 6 82c. HAY Stesdy ; timothy, tH 00 17.00; prSlrle, 111 60 It. 60. IRON IDHON TIES-rtl.OO.-BAGGING I He. HEMP TWlNli 7VC. PKOVISION.S Pork lower; Jobbing, 116.20; lard-lower; prime steam, II47V; dry salt meats, steady; boxed extra shorts, IllaSs; clear ribs, ttt7Va; short clears, 19 60; bacon steady; boxed extra short, 19 174: clear ribs, I10.12H; short clear, tl0 26. POULTRY Dull; chickens. !V&Vc; springs. 2i26c;' turkeys, 9c; duck. IV; geese. 4f6c. Bt'TTER Stesdy; creamery, irtT20c; dairy. Hditc. EGGS Steady, Ue case count. Reeelots. Shlnnieiits. Flour, barrels 6.000 7,009 Wheat, bushels 29.000 24,000 Corn, bushel 176.000 t9,00A Oats, bushels 84,000 49,000 Mlaaeaaalta Oral a Market. MINNEAPOLIS. May 24. FLOL'R First paten's, t4. 1604. 45; second patents, 14 20b t in; nrsi clears, unuuj.st'; sec ond clears. II 4 0166. BRAN In bulk, !6 26C1&6. (.Superior Board of Trsde quotations for Minneapolis and Chicago delivery.) The rang of prices, as furniahsd by F. D. Day A Co., llo-lil Bosrd of Trsde building, was; Articles Open. Hlgh. Low. Close. Yes y Wheat-! ! I I w, fc-"4j; tiVi, tohi May...t -",! 2'a HJ-, K1WU 1141 UtS 1 I6V.1 1 14 1 17il 1 1 17'a, 1 1. July... t:1iA Sert...to'1iRil I lax- 1 May. July. Sept. 1 ir. 1 i4f 1 l&V 117 1.1 lii I 17 I 1 Km 1 1;, 1 i:m Minneapolis Cash Close Wheat : No. 1 hard, et4ac; No. 1 northern, 84V-; to arrive, 44Hc; No. I northern, a'c; to arrive, S'A-", No 8, kl'tjajc; No. 1 ciurum, 70c; No. t durum, ..nc. torn: No. 8 yellow, 44fc, No. 8. 4Jc. Oats: No. 8 white. li-c; No. i, 314C. uariey: 44aac. riya; Flax: 11.14'. 4oai(.. Kansas C'ltr Grata and Pravlslaas. KANSAS CITY. May . WHEAT Msy, 771c: July, 7tic; September. 74'tc. Cash: No. t hard, tlidl2e; No. t, ittfUic; No. 2 red. 92c; No. 1, ae'illc. CORN May. 44c; July. Saptember. 44we. Caah: No. 2 mixed, 46$4&V; No. t white, 44. GATS-N'o. t lulled. taft4Vc; No. 1 white, tC'aC. HVE hfesdy at Uljaac. HAV-ejteady; choice timothy, IHO04I lt.iai, choice prairie. tll.Ootf ll.a EGOS Steady; Miaaourl and Kansss. new No. 2 whltewood rssea Included. 18c; eas count, l!'-c; esses returned, He less. Bl'TTER-Steady; creamery, lsc; pack ing. 12c. Receipts. Shipments Wheat, bu 46 0iai 271 HHI Corn, bu lotfloO a.tau Data, bu ll lae 4 Ouw Be Whnl Ad for UmlurM Kuatlr. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Wheat Showt Marked Tendeocj Towtrd 8trDtth Bert nd Eltewhtr. JULY DLLIVtRIES ' ARE MOST ACTIVE Kseeaalie Mains af Xarthaaeat aa Prsslmlatle Neparta f Damaga la Winter Ira Held . . Heaaaaalble. - - , m 1 r OMAHA. Msy 2. 1801 . Wheat showed a niarked tendency toaaiil strength both on the floor bf the locsl exchange and at other trading riolnta The activity here waa largely n July deliveries, but extended to Msy and Itept ember. Though European cables showed a sllghtlv lower opening ther the American market grew firmer dur ing the morning. In Olnaha May cloaed Sc higher, July Sc better and September the aame Trading on the floor was brisk. The excessive rains In the north west, coupled with pessimistic reports concerning alleged deterioration of th winter wheat crop were held resopnslbl for the ascending market. Agsln it was supposed big Chlcsgo shorts were trying secretly to cover on May stuff. An estimate on the Kansaa erop ws 40. 000. 000 bushels. which Is 10,000.000 less than computed recently by a prom inent Kanaas City grain hotiss. A tele gram from Hlllsboro, N. D., reported much Inundation of lowlands and heavy losses In wheat. Grand Forks, N, D. quoted a firmer as ssylng th" fcr Una wss -sll under wster between Thompson and Grand Forks Still BroomhaU es timated world's shlpmsnt for Monrty at 10.200.00 bushels lnst 11.464,004 bushels last week and 9.164,000 bushels for the corresponding dsy a year ago. India shipments were 840,000 bushels against 1.688.000 laaV year for the week. Corn atrengthened In eympathy with the wheat market. Locally thera wa nothing doing In option on oat. Ixcan range of option: Article.) Open. High.! Low. I Closa. YA Wheat- May... 79', B B 7HV.B 80W 7VS 76 7SB W A 74-4 B 74B 74SD 44SB 44B 44SA 48.B 43SB '48SA -- P2 81 Q July... 74B 7SB Sept... 74Nl 74HB Corn I I I May...) 44SXI 44HB July... 48B! 43SH oat My... July... A askd. B bid. N Nominal. i Oaiaha Caah Sales. .!Bl4,tl WHEAT No. t hard. 1 ear, 74o. 9XT CORN No. 4, 1 car, Hc. itf OAT8-N0. I white, 1 car. 83c. Oaiaha Cash Prices. U-ll C T Vn 9 1 1.. X.'., a hl 78$77Wo; No. 4 hard, 70fJ78c; No. i spring. too; no. 1 spring. v7Vc. CORN-No. t, 44criSt0. 8 yellow. 44o; No. t white, 46o. OATS No. t mixed, S24c; No. t whit. 83c; No. 4 white. 82V4c- RYE No. 2. 64c; .No. 2. 64frc. OMAHA WBOLEiALK MARKET, gteple aad Faaey Prodac. EGGS Receipts, liberal; fresh took, cas count, 15c LIVE POl'LTRY Hen. lOc; rootrs, tli 7; turkeys, 16c; ducks, He; spring chick ens, ICiXKjt.oo per dosen. ' BUTTER Packing stock, 12Hc; oholc to, fancy dairy, 16c; creamery, Mjj2mc. HAY Prices quoted by Omaha Feed com pany: No. 1 upland, 110.60; medium, tS.Wi coarse, 19.00. Rye straw, 14.60. BRAN Per ton, 117 60 NEW VEGETABLES. TOMATOES Florida, per crat of 10 lba., net, 13.00. WAX BEANS Per box of about 26 lba. 82.00. STRING BEANS-Per box of about 14 lbs., net. 11.00. TURNIPS, BEETS AND CARROTS Louisiana, per dos. bunches, 46c HEAD LETTUCE -Home grown, per do. held, 40o60c. LEAF LETTUCE1 Hothou, per do, heads, 25c. 1 ; ' CUCUMBERS Hothou, per dog. 76c. ONIONS Colorado, yellow and red. lm per lh.; Texas, In cratea, white, H.75; yel low. 11.26, MUSHKOOMS-Hothous. per lb,, 60Jtkw RADISHES Pr dos. bunches. 26c. CABBAGE California. 2fc$3c per lb. CELERY Florida, tl 00 per dog. OUJ"VKOE'VAll.ES. .'."V,-T . f"a POTATOES Home grown, per bL, 601J 60c; South Dakota, per bu., 660;' Colorado, per bu.j 80c. V - ,- NAVY BEANS-Pr bu tl.t6 ; No.'X LIMA BEANS Per lb., iw. 4 TROPICAL TRU1TS. " '.':: DATES Per box of 20-IB pkgs., 'ti00 Hallow en, in 70-lb boxes, ' per box, let Bayers, per lb., 4c; walnut stuffed. 1-lb. pkgs, 82.00 per dos.; 8-lb boxes, HO. ORANGES Calif OTnls, extra fancy Red lend, large si sea, 13 608.75; Mediterranean sweets, all sixes, t3.taXa4.00; fancy navels, 15.00. LEMONS Llmonier. extra fancy. MA Ise. 8.S.00; 800 to 860 alss, to 96. FIGS California, per 10-iB. csrton. TM 86c; Imported Smyrna, three-crown, lla six-crown, lie. BANANAS Per medium sited bunoh. tl. 7M2.26; Jumbos. t2.6d8.00. GRAFK p Ki. 1 1 t aittornia, per nox, it.so. PIN EAPPLES Sixes 24, SO and 84, 86.001 Sis 42, 83 .60. ' rnuua APPLES Utah, Ben Davis, 82 per bu. box; Wlnesaps, 12 60 per bu. box; other varieties, I2.0ow2.60 per bu. New York ap ples and Russets, 16.60 per bbl. CHERRIES California. 12 00 per t-lb. box, BEEF CUTS. Ribs: No. 1, 11c; No. X loo; No. t, to. Loin: N. 1. 14c; No. 2, 12c; No. t. Ho. Chuck: No. 1, 6Vc; No. 2, 6.o: No. I, to. Round: No. 1. tc; No. 2, 7ic; No. 1, 70, Plate: No. 1, 8c; No. 2. 8c; No. 8, 2fto. MISCELLANEOUS. - CIDER Per keg, W76. per bbl., 86.71 HONEY New. l,er 24 lb., 83.60. CHEESE Swlas, new, lto; Wisconsin brick, 12c; Wisconsin Umbsrgsr, lie; twin. UH'1 Young American, 16c. NUTS Walnut, No 1, soft shall. nw crop, per lb., l&Hc; hard shell, per lb., iBUjc. Pecan, large, per lb., 14o; imall, per lb., 12c. Peanula, per lb., 4Ic; roaeted. per lb.. Sc. Chill walnuts, per lb., 12oitVo. Almonds, soft Bhells, per lb., c; hard shelK per lb., 16c. Cocosnuts, It per sack of 100. FRESH FISH Trout, He; halibut, 11; pickerel, dressed, 7e; while bass, 11c; sun Ash, 4c; perch, skinned and dreaaed, 4a; pike, 9t310c; redsnspper, 11c: salmon, lie; crappies, tc; sels, Uc; black bass, 2tc; Whitehall, lu312o; frog legs, per dos.. 66r; lobsters, green, 16c; bolted lobster. 4MI bluflsh. 16c; herring. c; Spanish anaok eril. 14c; haddock,- 10c; shrimp, 11 per gsl. smelts, 12c; cod. 12o; bullheads, 11c; oatnab, 16c; ros shad. 76c; flounders. He. HIDES. PELTS AND TALLOW No. 1 green hides. 9c; No. 2, tc; No. 1 salted. 114; No. 1, 10c; bull hides, 7bVo; dry hides. 12'ac; horss hides, large, It; small. It; sheep pelts, each, 60641.26. Tallow, Na. 1, 4c; No. 2, tAjo; roush. lc. Sl'GAR Granulated cane, In bbl., 84 94: granulatrd ran?. In sacks, 1491; granulated beet, in sacks. 1481. SYRUP In bsrrels, 4o per gal.f In rasas, t 10-lh. cans, 11.40; cases. 11 6-lu. cans. 12.60; laees, V4 cans,. Il.vtl . f-fle'FEF. Roasted. No. . 26e per lb 1 No. 80, 2c per lb.; No. 26. lVo pt ID. I No. m. 16 'c per Ibj No. 21, llo per Ib. CURED FISH Family whltefleli, per libl., 100 lbs., M.S0: Norwey niscker!. par bbl., 200 lb., blotter. 14000; No. 1, I2ts; No. i. till Ui: ; iso. s, taiw; irisn, ro. a, iii.w herring, in bbls., JM lba. eacn. (Norway, . 113O0; Norway. 2k, 113 00; Holland, mixed, 111.60: Holland herring; in kegs, mllaars. Sue: kegs, mixed, Toe. CANNED GcKJDS Corn, standard west ern, bbbW; Maine, gi 16. Tomatoea, t-lb. cans. ll.ll.aO; 2-lb.. 97Hc3tl.0O. Plnespples, grated, 2-lb, X2 0Cj2.2H; sliced. tl.twji .90. Gallun apples, fancy, 13 90; California apri cots. 114111110: pear. 11.76.60; peacbe. fancy, 11.764W 40; H. C. peache. ti 00412 60. Alaaka salmon, rd. H.26; fancy Chliiosk, P.. 1110: fancy aockeye, F., 11 ; earolne. , M Oil. 12 60; mtitard. t2.6t8t 14. Sweat tw tat oca. 81 16tl 2; aauer kraut, 1100: pumpkins, socVtl.du: wax besns. 2-lb.. 7M 4uw-. tl,... h.,n, C.IH 7KcS1 SS ' BnliuHl I 61 .85; cheap peas, Mb., toe; extra, T-atl fancy, ll.S691.76. - - rt':T-0!rifT' Til' '" ys.. ' ' -J ' lilgsaVAn Y-j;iii I a , I r