Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 27, 1906, EDITORIAL SECTION, Page 8, Image 20

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Grand Jury Said to Hare Found Bill
Arainst Ei-Oity Clerk.
Elboara . Himself Waa So Impressed
with Report Ha Appeared
at Court Hoaae to
Contrary to expectation, th county
grand Jury returned no Indictment Satur
day. At noon the Jury adjourned until
Monday without reporting to the court. It
la rumored a report on the alleged ballot
fraud case and the aliened Moral practice
In the Third ward at the last eleetjbn will
be made Monday. The rumor was persis
tent Friday and Saturday that an Indict
ment had been yoted against former City
Clerk William H. Elbourn on a charge of
tampering with the ballots In a number of
the precincts at the primary election. In
which he was a candldnte for renomlnation.
The rumor was so positive Friday that Mr.
Elbourn went to the court house to give
himself up, but he was told no Indictment
had been returned yet. It Is believed tho
return will be made Monday.
The evidence taken by the grand Jury, It
la said, shows that ballots were tampered
with In eight precincts. . The fact that so
many ballot boxes were affected was taken
as evidence the changes In marking the bal
lots were made after the boxes had left the
hands of the election boards and given Into
the custody of the city clerk.
The grand Jury made a request on City
Clerk Butler Saturday morning for the poll
book used at the May 1 election in tho
Fourth precinct of the Third ward. The
clerk asked the legal department If he had
a right to break the seal of the envelope
which contained the book wanted and was
informed that It would be well to Insist
upon a district court order before breaking
the seal.
Teteraa Railroad Rate Clerk Passes
Away After Drlef Attack
of Paeasnonla.
Louis A. Storck, Identified for a quarter
of a century w)th the Northwestern rail
road as rate clerk, died Friday morning at
St. Joseph's hospital after a brief Illness
of pneumonia. The funeral will be held
Monday afternoon.. Rev. T. J. Mackay will
'conduct the services at 2214 North Twenty
lxth street, the residence of Mrs. Edward
AVeberg, one of Mr. Storck' daughters.
' Mr. -Storck was chief rate clerk under J.
R. Buchanan, general passenger agent for
the old Fremont, Elkhorn A Missouri Val
ley railroad, and when that line was ab-
sorbed by the Northwestern Mr. Storck
waa retained as a rate clerk In the local
offices. He was In the service at Missouri
Valley and Oiaaha about twenty-five years
He was an expert In his line of work.
Many compilations of rates bear his name,
and his memory was of an extraordinary
character. Mr. Storck was 68 years of age
and a native of Germany. Since the death
of his wife ho lived at the home of one of
his daughters. The" other daughter, Mr.
Somers, will come from Chicago for the
funeral. ' Mr. 8tock wa a veteran mem
ber of the Royal Arcanum.
Tralas Hare Pot Most Coaches Out
of Baslaes, flays Vetera
James Stephenson has returned from a
two months' visit with his son at Boise,
Idaho. Mr. Stephenson Is one of the old
time freighters and stage line men of the
western country.
"The old stage lines are now practically
a thing of the pant," said he. "The rail
roads have finished the stage lines, except
In some sections where trains are not prac
ticable. About the last of the lines of any
length was that between Lender and Raw
lins, and as a railroad is now being built
between those points, that line practically
has gone out of existence.
"I have disposed of about all of my In
terests in tho stage lines, nd about all
that are being operated in the western
country now are the short star route lines,
and these are, not operated any more at a
profit. The farmers in that section have
generally gut possession of these star
routes and can operate them cheaper than
the old-time stage companies.''
by a heavy cold or cough, your lungs
are helpless till you cure them with Dr.
King's New Discovery. 60c and 11.0').
For salo by Sherman & McConnell Drug
Likely Xot to Be Beat to Asylum t'atll
Supreme Court Passe
on Matter.
The decision of Judge Cornish of Lancas
ter county that the dipsomaniac law la void
probably will result In no more dipsomaniac
case being sent up from Douglas county
until the supreme court passes upon the
law. There is now but on case pending
before the board. This is the case of Henry
Smith, an alleged drug fiend who wa In
the asylum for treatment once before. He
ha since returned to the drug habit and
the commissioners have been asked to send
him back to Lincoln. . They will not act
on the case until the law 1 passed on by
the supreme court.
Don't take acoop coffee when yon want
Arbuckles' ARIOSA Coffee, which is
old only In sealed packages and never
loose out of a "scoop."
A grocer may recommend a loose cof
fee at so much a pound. lie is all right.
He means well. If he handled the coffee
himself from the tree to you, you might
veil trust him Implicitly. "
But be does not !
- He may know something about coffee.
He may think he does, but let that pass.
He buys it loose ! From whom ? You
don't know if you did it would not
mean anything. He trusts the man he
buys it from maybe a salesman, maybe
It does not matter. What do they know
aDOUu COIieer itiuie iuau luc i
Where do they get their coffee?
Where does it come from ?
Whose hands touched it last ?
Where had they been ?
TI..1, foil Tatra f mm RrnTiliflfl Viv
the looks after it is roasted, and it takes
a man, expert by years of practical ex
perience, to select sound, sweet green
man with the knowledge and experience
to proportion and blend for uniform re-1 from ns direct. Send us $1.80, postal or a
suits in the cup. First they must have
the supply to preserve uniform quality.
Arouckies Buy more couee man any
four other concerns in the world com
bined, and their coffee is the most uni
form. Then the roasting.
"The Brazilian Ambassador tells me
that coffee-roasting is an art," was the
court testimony of a world famous chem
ist. Where are artists more likely to find
employment manipulating a little roast
er or in the Arbuckle mills, where the
yearly roast amounts to tho hundred
million pound ?
Don t take scoop coffee, btit buy a
package of Arbuckles' ARIOSA. Take
it home and keep the bean intact until,
ready to use. We hermetically seal each
bean after roasting with a coating of
fresh egg3 ami granulated sugar to close
the pores and preserve the flavor. A lit
tle warming makes it easy to grind and
develops the flavor. Coffee deteriorates
if exposed to the air it also collects
dust and absorbs impurities. That is
why you should "BEWARE OF THE
If your grocer will not sell you the
genuine Arbuckles' ARIOSA Coffee it
will be greatly to your advantage to buy
express money order, aud we will send
10 pounds of Arbuckles AK1USA in a
strong wooden box, transportation paid
to your freiRiit station, I'nce fluctuates
una cannot be guaranteed for any period.
You cannot buy as good coffee for the
money under any other name or loose
by the pound. More the coffee will
come in the original packages bearing
the signature of Arbuckla Bros., which
entitles you to free presents 10 pounds
10 signatures. New book with colored
pictures of 97 beautiful useful presents
will be Rent free if you write. You caq
write first and see the book before you
order the coffee.
. The present department is an old in
stitution with us to add a little senti
ment to the business.
ARIOSA is just as likely to suit your
taste as coffee that costs 25 or 35 cents
a pound. It aids digestion and increases
the power and ambition to work.
Address our nearest office Box, Dept.
n Water Street, New York City.
100 Michigan Avenne. Chlcaeo, III.
Liberty Avrnne and Wood Street, I'lttubnrgh, Pa,
til South Beventh Street, Bt. ouie. Mo.
Mayor "W ill Have List of Appointment!
Beady for Tuesday.
Ml Refusal to Allow the Legis
lators to Blake ftuvgestlons
Adds to the Feeling
of Discord.
Mayor Dahlman will put the finishing
touches to hlB slate of appointments Mon
day or Tuesday. It is likely he will call
in the councilmen Monday to break the
tidings to them privately. At any rate, the
mayor has some such matter under con
sideration. But it Is distinctly understood
that the councilmen are to be called In to
receive the news not to make suggestions.
This attitude of Mayor Dahlman has
had the effect upon councilmen that rubbing
the back of a cat towards Its head has on
the cat. The big six or Funkhouuer faction,
especially, Is possessed of an idea that It
should be a large factor In running the
city government, but the' mayor, so far,
ha not been heard to define his opinion
about that. Threats have been made and
repeated to a number of effects that a ma
jority of the council will turn down all re
publican appointments; that the majority
will reject all the appointments because It
has not been consulted In making them;
that It will reject certain ones that meet
with 11 favor and confirm others, and lastly
tnat it win snow the mayor he Is not
exactly all of the big noise In the govern
ment of the municipality of Omaha,
The upholstery in the executive chambers
continues to be plastered with Individuals
who have a mania for seelu their names
on city warrants.
"I expect to give out the list Tuesday In
time tor tho evening papers," said the
mayor. "Possibly I shall call the- council
men together to Inform them of the ap
pointment on Monday."
Very Low Btu -faesday.
Every Tuesday, balance of the year, ths
Chicago Great Western railroad will sell
homeseekers' ticket to Minnesota, North
Dakota and Canadiau northwest at about
bait rate; to other territory tint and third
Tuesdays. Writ H. H. Churchill. Q. A
l&tf Farnam street. Stat niunUir in party
and when going.
risalaar aad Cimlns Rates to Btadl
os LaJte, Vatervtlle aad Ely aim a,
Silas-, Via Cbtcasa Great
For parties of tea or mora, one far and
one-third for the round trip, good for ten
days. Tickets on sale dally until Sep
tember SO. For further Information apply
to any Great Western agent, or J. F,
Elmer, G. P. A., Bt. Paul. Minn.
Wert, Dentist, Paxton block.
Via Chirac Great Wasters Railway
For parties of .10 or more on far and
one-third for the round trip, good fur It
day Ticket on sal dally until Septem
ber SO. For further Information apply to
any Oreat Western agent or J. P. Uiutr,
O, P. A.. Bt. Paul. Minn.
Engraved Wedding Invitation A.
Root, (Inc.) mo Howard Bt.. Omaha,
Hav Root print It.
Mao's, boy', children clothing, ha
ladle' Lilts, skirt, millinery, etc, cash
radiL Popl Btore, Uih and Farota.
Sterling Silver ilenaer, isth and Dodge.
Best Values at Kew Hotel Woodstock,
New York.
It Is the aim of the proprietor to give
is patrons as near honest value as is
compatible with first-class service and
homelike comfort, at the new steel-built,
fireproof Hotel Woodstock (125-125 West
Forty-third street, near Broadway, Times
or Long Acre square.) The very heart of
the city, In the midst of the theaters,
clubs, etc. Adjacent to subway, 'I." roads
and Broadway cars to all ferries and rail
way stations.
912.50) to St. Paul xud Minneapolis
, ana itctnru
From Omaha, via Chicago Great Western
Railway. Tickets on sale daily after May
31 to September ?0. Final return limit,
October 31. Equally low rates to other
points In Minnesota, North Dakota, Wiscon
sin and lower Michigan. For further In
formation apply to H. H. Churchill, general
agent, Farnam street,. Omaha. v.
DIAMONDS Frenzer, 16th and Dodge at
The query "Should United State Judges
Be Elected 'by the People" will be consid
ered at the meeting of the Omaha Phil
osophical society at its next meeting
Sunday, May 27, Mr. L J. Dunn delivering
the opening address. The society meets
at S o'clock p. m. In Patterson block.
WATCHES Frenser, 16th and Dodge sts.
Low rates to Boston and New Haven,
Conn., and return, via the ERIE RAIL
ROAD Picturesque trunk line of America.
Apply to ticket agents, or J. A. Dolan.
T. P. A., Chicago.
DIAMONDS Edholra. ltttb & Harney sts.
I u "nt as cent STonri
I rSlSDodc'eSW
For Decoration Day
Wednesday. May 30th. la
Decoration day. It'a none
too early to think of your
decorations. We have a full
assortment of flag In mus
lin, wool and cotton bunting,
all at our special prices. 'Here
are bo rue of them:
Small, 2x3, per dozen ... 3c
Mag, 2Hxt, IH' dozeu. Ac
Hag. 4xd, per dozen. . .loc
Flags, 11x18, per dosen . 2.1c
Large, 27x43, each 12c
Flags, 86x56, each 20c
Flags, 40x66, earn 25c
Flags, 40x72, each 38c
j$l8 SES
Buy a Direct Action Gas Range now and avoid the un
pleasantness and heat of a coal stove. .
Be sure the gas stove you buy is a Direct Action no
experiment, as they are being tried and tested every day
in over two hundred Omaha, homes and are found to be
entirely satisfactory. Direct Action Gas Ranges save their
cost in a single season in the gas they save quick service
immediate oven action safe the Gas Range you want.
Sold on very easy payments. Demonstrated all next week
by Mrs. Plummer. Come and investigate them for yourself.
(People Furniture A Carpet Co.)
. tel.,.. L.a -f..L : . ... J. ..-, M.....
. ... r T'" irr'l 11 in nrL " - ' - ' ;- 'fj
fjljiti Jfla
Wiiitc Canvas
The season is now on for White
Canvas Oxfords.' We are fully pre
pared to supply the demand In all
grades. We use nothing but Be
best of material and can guaran
tee the wear of every pair we sell.
White Canvas Oxfords ranging
In price from $1.75 to $2.50.
Best grade White Duck, Sea
Island Cotton and Genuine Linen,
in welt and turn soles, at $3.00,
$3.50 and $4.00.
We also have a full line for
misses and children.
Misses' White Duck, sizes 11 to
2, $1.50 and $1.75.
Children's White Duck, sizes
8V4 to 11, $1.25.
These misses' and children's
shoes are made for service, hav
ing sole leather inner, and outer
solos. ' '
We Have a Full Line
For women we have a full Une
of Colored Canvas, in the follow
ing popular shades: Blue, pink
and gray. These come in the best
grades and sell for $3.00.
Drexel Shoe Co.
1419 Farnam Street.
U UtU m4 4i ... Ml l ku. mm4
tu mm i. T k Him XAm
m rail a . a-a.
. i An her
Will exp a"
graduation any , J. 1
Bhe'll be pleased with most
;nU.u"ful wal.t- j
k graduate Pcht Price. Too
10 Blades in box SOc
Gillette Razor Case and 12 blades
for WOO
$2.00 Sbumat Razor 91.00
Positively Guaranteed Your Money
Hack If -Not More Than I'leaned.
$1.00 Razor Strops 50c
Bee display in our 15th St. winds.
25c Williams' Shaving Sticks get under
quk. no limit 11
to auaatlty ............... I"
We've made pprl",l provision for
our young men patrons. The younj
men always wunt bh- thai are
We've high and low cut .hoes on a
extreme last, to..) very narrow 3
toes with every style kink tnafcari
be put Into a shoe
$3.50, $4.00 to $5.00
No newspaper an do these .hoes
justice. Come see ihem. I
Th Bhoars,
Ulh and Douglas Sts
Sole Omaha
agents for Hart,
Schalfner Q
Marx Clothing.
v '
But a Hart,
Schalfner &
Marx Hand
Tailored Suit.
They're Best.
amaiimai um - - "
Sfte Best of
The Only Double
Track Railway
to Chicago
Round Trip Rates
Boston .-., $29.75'
Louisville 19.75
Deadwood 18.75
St. Paul ...... 12.50
Milwaukee 20.00
New Haven .... 33.35,
And many others.
Full particulars promptly
and glfdly furnished.
i City Off lces
1401-1403 FARNAM ST.
TEL. 624-861
an i,-p-i-i)w ii'ij ir'-aiiy;;ji,ii M 'f
:flar f-jil i i '; -
' Is King!
Pre-eminent in merit Unequaled
in value.
' " For the dressy
I1EXCH.MAUE man. for th
OX1MOD8 particular man
and for the man who wants the
best shoe made. Prices, $4 to $6.
The $3.60 Onimod is for the
man who wants a good, shoe for a
small price.
We guarantee a perfect fit by mail.
Write for Style Book B-8.
eaent 20s
Keenest appreciation of our Saturday values was shown hy
the tremendous sales. Such an opportunity as this to save about
one-half on your summer clothing purchases is unusual so iar!y
iu the season and should be. taken immediate advantage of. Look
elsewhere if you will, but como
hero before ,.you buy. You'll bet
ter appreciate our values.
$12,150 AXI) $l,VO JIKX'S S11T9
$7.50 .X1I $10.(K.
Over fifty different put (ems in this
lot from which to select. Valuon,
stylo and quality that overshadow!
anything shown in the city nt prices
fo low. A great saving opportunity
" 7.50 ,d $10
fl0.50 AM) $20.00 MUX'S
$12.r0 AXD 913.00.
Our store has Ions been known as
headquarters for ell kinds of Mineral
Water, an1 we are in position to make
the lowest obtainable price by buttle
or rate.
Boro Lethla Water, caae 1! H gallons, 15 00
Doro Lethla Water, ciumj 60 quarta W 60
Horo Ithla Watfr. iw 100 plnta 19.0.'.
Quart Leborah GiiiKer Ale, caae 60 Jo.tA)
Quart Deborah Gliier Ale, dux., (1.2&;
botUa 'c
Arolllnarla Water SPECIAL, PRICES
Write or call for Hat of Mineral Waten
lt'a a lung one.
Sherman & McConnell Drug Co.
Cor. 10ta and Dodge, Omaba, Neb. ,
The finest assorlmont of hand-tailored
garments o have ever shown.
Latest stylos, bout colors, patterns
and materials, and unsurpassed in
quality, workmanship and fit.
Suits wcrth from $10. 50 to $20.00,
Just what you're looking for and at a
price that will be a pleasant surprise
All coats hav hair cloth self-retata-lng
fronts and are perfectly tailored
throughout. See our Monday
specials, at $15, $12.50, ? A (
10. S7.50 and JiUU
MEX'S OUTIXO PAXTS Homespuns, cheviots. canBlnieres, serges,
fancy worsteds, etc., at $:i.75, $3.50, $2.3, $i.wa ana. . .
CHILDHEX'S WASH SUITES Greatest assortment, best values,
at $ down to
CHH-DREX'S WASH KXEE PAXTS Specially good values, at
$1.50 down to SOc and
Tlae Fai of fie Sessffl
11 kinds of seal goods in jewelry worn extensively this
season. This really beautiful goods make very appropriate presents,
and. is (specially suitable tof graduation gifts. We quote prices on a
few crticles:
Up-to-date Bracelets in solid gold, set in diamonds and pre-
( ions stones, also plain Roman eoler or polished, from $8.00 and tip
14 k. gold filled firncelst.s, plain or engraved $2.00 and up
Peal Bracelets, verv modern and stylish, from $2.00 and np
Solid Goid Seal Kings $2.00 and up
Seal Stick. Pins $1.0Oandup
Seal Shirt W aist Sets $1.50 and up
We do the engraving as you desire, in a thoroughly modern and
artistic manner. Don't forget, We are the headquarters for Watches
and Watch lie pairs. You are always welcome
115 South 16th Street Opposite Boston Store, Omaha.
rammer vacaoosi
3 Thousands have the question answered to their
complete satisfaction by that magic word:
6iif U
3 The land of tawny peak and turquoise sky a mile high
cool and inviting.
3 Fishing, camping, automobiling, golfing, any sport you like.
3 A keener eye, a stronger pulse, a rosier check: these
are some of the arguments for Colorado.
4 A beautifully illustrated booklet on apecially prepared and delicately tinted
paper, with cover in three color, Bent ior three two-cent atampi.
4 Rock (aland ia the way to go only line entering both Colorado Spring and
Denver direct from the East.
H Low rate all summer special reduction July 10
to 15, (or the Elk' meeting. Full particular on request,
with free illustrated Elks' folder.
1323 Farnaiu Street, Omaha, Neb.
See our schedules to some of the principal eastern
Detroit 21 hours
Buffalo 27 hours
Syracuse 30 hours
Albany 33 hours
New York 37 hours
Boston 44 hours
Indianapolis 21 hours
Cincinnati 24 hours
Pittsburg. .20 hours
Philadelphia.... 35 hours
Baltimore 3G hours
Washington 3S hours
The Illinois Central's fast "Chicago Limited" train
leaves Omaha at-6:00 p. m. Fast day, train at 8:00 a. in.
Union depot connections in Chicago for nearly all -principal
Steamship tickets to all European and Asiatic points.
Cafe car service.
Tickets and information at City Ticket Office, 1402
Farnam St., Omaha.
District Passcncer Agent