THE OMAHA SUXDAV HEE: MAY 27, ' 1906. 11 GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Wlt Shows Markd Tendency Toward '" Strength Here and Elsewhere. ' JULY DlLiVtRlL ARE ' MOST ACTIVE SSaeeeete- Rain at !irlknn( aad s - - Pesstsalstle Rtftrti of Damage J ...ta Winter Crea Held Resnonslbl e. -i OMAHA. My 26. 1906. Wheat showed a marked tendency toa-ard strength both on the floor of the local exchange and at other trading fiolnta. .. The ar-tlvlty here was largely tf July deliveries, but extended to May ana September. Though European cables flowed a slightly lower opening there - that American market grew firmer dur- Sg the morning. In Omaha May closed c Higher, Jtilv So better and September a tamsr . Trading on the floor waa -,,hxlk. Tint excessive ralna In the north west, coupled . with pessimistic reports allered deterioration of tha -winner wheat r-rop were held resopnftlble -for. the ascending market. Again It waa .supposed bia Chicago shorts were trying secretly to cover on May atuff. An estimate on the Kansas crop waa eS.OOO.noo btieheia. which la 10,000,000 less than computed recently by a prom 'ItieiSt ' Kansas l.'tty grain house. A tele rarem from HUlsboro, V. IX, reported . 'iuh Inundation of lowlands and heavy Jossep in . wheat. Grand Fork, N. D., (tinted a farmer aa aaylng the ground waa all onder water between Thompaon .and Oi-and - Farka. Still Broomhall es timated world's shipments for Monday at 10.200.000 buahela against ll.5.00 bushel last week and ft. 150. 000 bushels ;for th oorreapondlng day a year ago. ..India shipments were 140,000 bushel 'Against 1.KS8.OA0 last year for the week. Corn strengthened In sympathy with tha wheat market. locally there waa nothing doing In options on oats. ... Jin range of options: Artlc!es. Open. I Hlgh.l Low. Close.l Yes'y. Wheat-rl. I May... 79BI' SOB 79ViB SOH 7?SB July... 76BI 7VR 76 7CHB 76V.A Sept... 74iN 7B! 74iB 74B 74HB Corn I I -7 .May,.. 4HN 44Bi 44S" 444, R HA Jwly... 4.1'iB; 4SSB) 4SB 43HB HA Oats' Msyi..? I S2B Jly..-.1;;:..... . I1B r ATarked, B bid. N Nominal. v . ., ' , Omaha Cash galea. . tVHEAT-No, I hard, 1 car, 76o. ' ' CORN-Nd. I, 1 car. 43V4o. tATB No. S white, 1 cr. 33c. ' ' Omaka Cash Prleea. "'W!IEAf-No. 2 hard, 78fi80c; No. t hard, TSffTiHc; No; 4 hard, 70ij.73c; No. 2 spring, 78c; No. 3 spring. 7277c. CORN-No. 3. 44c; No. 3 yellow, 44c; No. '3 white: c - ' OAT8 No. 3 mixed, 32Hc; No. 3 . white. ,33c; No. 4 while. 3HV4C RTE-rNo. i. tfci No. 3, MHc. Carftot Heeelpta. ' ' . . . Wheat. Coin. Oats Omaha f 93 4 Mhlcaga 5 &4H 6o2 St.. Louis 7 f 13 . Kansas City 45 lsj Id Minneapolis .' 119 liuluth a ... CHICAGO . GRAIN AND ' PROVISIONS . Feat of ea of the Trading and Closing Prises oa Board ( Trade, CH1CAOO. May 20 Excessive rains In the northwest and reports of a probable heavy frost In that district caused strength ' today In the local wheat market, the July option closing at a net gain of a'ijHc. Corn was up Vfcc. Oats were up He Provisions were a. shade higher to Be lower. Tradine- In the wheat Dit waa not active. ' but the tone of the market was ajrong all day. A slight reaction took place immedi ately following tne opening, Decause m selling bv pit traders who were influenced by lower cables and additional rain in . the southwest. The depression vanished " Immediately when several leading commtn . star houses commenced to buy wheat. The upturn was the result of the report of the "weather bureau,' which mnounced general Tains throughout the spring wheat terrl t.tory. Many rot these advices were to the affect that, serious damage would probably result, aa the wheat fields of Minnesota sre Inundated. Late In the day the mar- Icvt was further strengthened by a report aroro Minneapolis, which said that there waa likelihood of a heavy frost tonight in Minnesota and the Dakotas. The market cloeed strong. July opened He higher at MUs. -sold off, to W!!ti-l3c and advanced to iitc. The close was MH'oWatf Clear ances of wheat and flour were oqnal to " 136.000 bitshela for the corresponding day one year ago. - Minneapolis. Duluth and Chicago reported receipts of loS cars against 104 laat week and 329 cars a year ago. Despite liberal local receipts the corn market was strong ail day on a good de mand by commission house and oash . btivara; Aside from this buying- the strength of wheat was the chief bullish Influence. The market closed strong, with prices close to the htgheet of the day. July opened Htt'Hc higher at 474347Hc. advanced to 47H'47Vc. and closed at 47Hc Local . receipts, were H cars, with . Si)i cars of . contract arade.t ' Oata were strong all day on a good de "mand by cash' housea and numerous reports of aamage -by drouth. The market waa -also eorliienced by the strength of other grain. The bulk of trading was in the September delivery. ' July opened Ho to WKe , higher at 33e to 3j4ftUHe and closed i at DVie. Local receipts were 137 care: ' ' 4 Tha provision market was Inclined to be Weak because of a 60HOO decline in the v. price of live hogs. There was some liquid ation by small holders and a moderate amount or selling by local packers. Trad . Ins waa of small volume. At the close July fiork was off Sc at 116.90. Lard was a snaoe lower at . vne 7TA. rubs were shade higher at I9.30ije.12vt Estimated reeeipts for Monday! Wheat T ears: corn, o3 carai oata, 3 cam; hogs. 4S.IXI0 head. The board of trade will be closed on neanenay. may so, Decoration day. . The leading futures ranged as follows: v Articles, Qpen. Hlgh. Low. Close. Yes"; Wheat May . July Sept. Corn May July Pt. Oat. 11' M 83V 8 nsi8ii4 47V3 47S 4'la 47H(i-)4 I Mar ISSHffV July Sept. Pork May July kept, Lard .May . flept RII.S- Jklay July epu taS. fiv. 4H 87 47H'fl' 47V 4: t; tS - 33V 32W. - U H 20 1 10 14 21H 13 16 1 13 1 00 . t rrit 8 75 I IC'H t 874 21 it I2H t at 81 1 H!k, 18 30 W 0 18 30 1 i 13 IS 18 17V 7Vi S V0 f 77 V 8 77H 82 I 26 I 25 I I2S 30 I 22 32 1 WW It 18 00 I 7 90 2S 27V ' 15 No. 3. Cash ousts t Ions were as follows: JfUOUR Firm; winter patents. 33 809 4 00: straights. 33 tu4j4.70; spring patents." 34-isHJgftr; straights, U ewffS.; bakers, U.iO 2 W. ... ... WHEAT No. t spring, fc'wgr; No.' t Spring. tMrtioc: No. 3 red. OfewVc. CORN No. 2. 4&4c: No. 2 yellow. 4i0. 04Tie No. i, Bsc; No. 3 white, He; No I white. tKt4V,o. RVK No. 2, 81V.C. BARL1CY Oood feeding, 41443c; fair to choice malting, 476ic 8EED8-N0. 1 flax. 11004: No. 1 north western, fl.aV. Prime timothy, f3.8i3 36 Clover, contract grade, 311.28. PFOVIalONo ooort ribs, aides (loose), fStC.8o. Mess pork, per bbl , !t.jrSl 26. lrd. per lt lbs., 38.70. Short clear sides (boxed), 8 6 bo. ' .JFoilowlag were tha recelpta aat" ship menu of flour and grain: ''' ' Receipts Shipments Flour, bbis !) 120 Wheat, bu 3, 11. 5u) Cum. -an 501 tw '427,it oats.- ba., , 267.7UO y.i.i Rye. btt. 2 0ii0 2.1o barley, bu.., 8,1'Hl Oa the Produce exchange today the but ter market waa firm; creameries, Kflfiw; dairies. 18i17c. Ergs, steady; at mark, raaee Included. 14C14HC; firsts, 14Vc; prime firsts, lMc; extras, 16c. Cheese steady. It Olio. J Llveraool Crala aid Proilaloaa. LIVERPOOL. May 38 -WHEAT-Spot, aontlnalj futures, quiet; July. e Hd; iiep-toit-r. is WI: December, M V1 .COKNopet firm; Aetnrtcaa mixed, new, 4k 7d; Aa.erlcan mixed, uld. 4a Sad. Fu tures, ulct; July. 4a 4 VI; September, 4a 4H4. , Dalotk Orala Market. DI'Ll'TH. May N-WHEAT-To srrive aad oa Uooa, N. I aertkera, 84Mo; Ne. t . ' I northern, 2c; May, Uc; July, S44c; Sep tember. tf"4c. OATH To arrive, on track and May. MVtC NEW YORK AK5KR4.I. MARKET laotallona of the Day tonamodlttea. arloaa NBW YORK. May W FIXJCR-Recelpta, 1,; bbls.; exports. 13.7 bhls.; msrket firm, but quiet; Minnesota patents, II W 4 60; Minnewitx Ijakets. . winter patents, 4.0i&4 ); winter straights. 33 9W( 4W: winter extras. 29t"aj.40; winter low grades, $2.;i3 35. Hye (lour, quiet; fair to good. 33.4Mi3.9i; cholte to fancy. 3.9"ti4.25. CURNMliAlj Slesdv: flr.e white and yel low. 11.20; coarse, fl.ur.tfl.09; kiln dried, f2.30 2 90. HYK Quiet; No. 2 western, S7He8c;.f. o. b.. New York. BARLEY Rteadv: feedlna. 474c. C 1. f.. New York: maltlna. byu&'m. c. k f..- New York. WHKAT 'RecelDts. 34.000 bti.; exports. S6.3n bu.i spot, market firm; No. i red. 3c. nominal, elevator; No. 2 red, 93c, nom inal, afloat; No. 1 northern Duluth, 9.1V!, o. b. afloat: No. 1 northern jwanuonu. 93V4c, f. o. b. In a general way wheat was lirm. all the forenoon and at llmea some what higher on reports or rains ana low temperatures in the northwest. Th mar ket closed Sc to He higher; May, OuVatilc, closed at 91c; July, M 13-lftiiS9Hc. closed at c; September, WlVi!4. closed at )C; December. ffiiiVsC, closert at s.c. CORN Receipts. 46.2 bu.; exports, bu. ; spot market steady; No. 2, tSViC, nom- hhI elevator, and W4c, nominal f. o. t. afloat; No. 2 yellow, 67'c; option market was comparatively nrm toaay, on lear oi cold weather and with wheat, closing un hanged to c higher. May closed ot.'c; July. 54S4i54S'. closed MV'I September. &4MI64V-, closed oiHt; December, 6J44( j3 ,c. closed tWc. . OATS Receipts, lKi,7 mi.; exports, an.. 979 bu. ; spot market steady; mixed ota, ttt3t lbs., 36V.C; natural white. ah'.tS lbs.. 39Vfj404c; clipped white, Wg4o lbs., 4 42'c. r KEU Btead v ; spring Dran. ju.oo, juno shipment; middlings, fai.SO, June shipment; city, fa.wra 24.60. IlOl'B Btoady : state, common to cnoice. 1906, fane; 1M, (VfllOc; olds, nominal. HIDfiS Firm. Oalveaton, 20c; CaJllornia. 21c; Texas, 19c. IIAY Stoady; shipping. S5)tiOc; gooa to choice, 9oj6c. LEATH KR Steady, Bcia. aiWO-'ivy-PROVISIONS Beef, steady; family, til o0 C12.00; mess, fS.BnrnH.iio; beef hams, fau.60w 221W; packet. 39.5ofa 10.50; city extra, India mess, iii.ootm.tio. cut meats, quiet: piun- ed belles. 19 5012.00; pickled shoulders, w 68.5; pickled hams, lll.00SH2.00. Wra, steady; western prime, 38.75; nominal; re fined, otllet: continent.; eoutn America, 19.75;conipound, 7.00a'7.a7H. Pork, steady; family, flHOO short clear, fl.35(B 18.00; mess, flO.7tVtx17.75. TAL.IX3W Steady, city ($2 per package) Be; country (package free), 64i64c. RiCE Steady; domestic, lair to extra. BUTTER Urm. . Ptreet price: r.iin creamery, 202c. Official prices: Cream ery, comomn to extra, 14a,20tte. CHBK8E Stronger; new state, tun large best. lOHc; fair to good, WQlOc; small beat, 10"4c; fair to good, 9V'10c: Inferior. 1K tc; old state full cream, large and small, colored and white, fancy, lSSJUHc; good to prime, 12V12V4C EGOS Ouiet: state. Pennsylvania and tiearby fancy; selected white, 21c; state choice, lMVi'tJauc; state mixea, extra, irvw 20cH western firsts, 17Vc; under grades, 16filHc; southern, 146 lc. POl'LTRT Alive, firm; wetsem nrouers. 2ft4i2fic; fowls. lHc; turkeys. 12c. Dressed, steady; western broilers, 22iSr2c; turkeys. 14(B15c; fowls, 1H913HC. St. Itols tieneral Market. T. IjOITIS. Mav 2. WHEAT Futurea higher; cash lower; No. 2 red, cash elevator, 94960; track, .gi97c; Jaly, 8202c; Sep tember, i8oc; wo. i nara, fwveoc. CORN Futures firm; cash weak; no. z cash nominal; track, 49i'(j50c; July, 46c; Beptember, 4t?4c -OATS Futures higher; ah weak; Jo. 1 cash. 34c; track, 86c; July, 34'c; Beptom- ber. 32T44j33c: No. 2 white. SBic. FIvOLR Bteaay; rea winter patents. f4.403 4.5S; extra fancy and straight, 3. 75414. 35; clear. 2. 763.00. SEED Timothy stead, 2.502.0. niHNMKAi. Hteaov. I.DV. BRAN Steady; sacked east track, SO HAY Steady: tlnfothy. fl4.00,17.00; prairie, si l.&uw ikoin t uriiin ilea ii.vv. BAQOINO 8 He. HKMP TWINK-lHt PROVISIONS Pork lower: Jobbing, 31. 20: lard lower: prime steam, 8.47Vfc; dry salt meats, steady; boxed extra shorts, 89.12H .-clear rms,'; snort clears, IftsO: bacon steady; boxed extra short. f9.7V; clear ribs. flO.liVi; short clear, rOLLTni DUli; cnicaens, irpmtc; springs, Ki25c; turkeys.' 9e; ducks. SHc; geese, 4jbc. BCTTF.R Steady; creamery, ISfiJOc; dairy. 144jle. jjuub steaay, uc case count. Receipts. Shipments. Flour.' barrels . .-. ...... 5.000 7.000 Wheat, bushels js.otin ji.oou Corn, bushels ....... 175,000 99,000 Oats, bushels 88.000 . 89.000 Minneapolis Orsla Market. MINNEAPOLIS.' May 21. FLOUR First patents. 14. 3564. 4a: second patents f4.20tf4.80; first clears, f 3.506 3.80; , seur on a clears, BRAN la bulk, $15 15615 50. (Superior Board of Trade quotations for Minneapolis and Chicago delivery.) Tha range of prices, as furnished by F. D. Day t Co., 110-1U Board of Trade building, was: Articles Open. Hlgb. Low. Close.l Yes'y Wheat May... July... Sept... Flax-f May... July... Sept... 82 W 82VI Kt4 8ei ,8001 81Vi iMi 81 Wl I 1 15 1 17 1 15i! 1 16Va 1 1 1 17HI 1 17 1 1714 1 lTVal iml I 117V, 111 Minneapolis Cash Close Wheat: ' No. hard, 86So; No. 1 northern, 84H; to arrive. sc; No. 2 Donnern, wvtc; to arrive, svc No 3, kl432c; No. 1 durum, 75c; No.. durum. 72Wc. Corn: No. 3 yellow. 44Vc No. 3, 43o. Oats: No. 3 white. 32c: No. i, 31 He Barley: 404c. Rye: x bflVtitHJc. riax; 31.14V. Kansas City Grata aad Previsions. KANSAS CITY. May 28. WHEAT May T7Vc: July. 76ic; September, 74o. Cash: No. 3 hard. bl(a2c; No. 3, 78tiiuc; No. 1 red, 92c; No. 3, K691C. CORN May. 44c: July, September, 44V.C. Cash: No. 3 mixed, 4&&4fic; No. 2 white. 43W.C. OATS-No. 1 mixed. 33QJ4c; No. J white. S6e. HYE Steady at e636Sc. HAY Steady; choice timothy, 113.00 13.60: choice pra rie. S11.00H11.26 EUGS Steady: Missouri and Kansas, new No. 2 whitewood cases included, 13c; case count, 12V; cases returned, Ho less. BCTTEH Steady; creamery. We; pack Ins. 12c. Receipts. Shipments. Wheat, bu 46.0i 23.000 Corn, bu 1(6.000 4.0n0 Oats, bu 13,000 6.000 Philadelphia Prodaeo Market. PHILADELPHIA, May 36. BUTTER Firm; lc higher; extra western creamery 51o extra nearby prints. 23c. EGOS Steady; nearby fresh. 17c at mark: western fresh, 17Vc at mark. CHEESE Firm: New Vork full creams, 10 Itc; New York full creams, choice, 10 Vic; New York full creams, fair to good, 106 10Sol Mllwaakee Grata Market. MILWAUKEE. May 28. WHEAT Mar ket steady: No. 1 northern. striMc: No. northern, 83'fifs5Ho; July. &3&!klViC asked. R Y hj Steady : no. 1. tbtmc. BARI.EY-8eady; N i. 56c; sample. 40 CORN Lower; No. 3 cash, 44c; July( 47o asked. . Poorla Grata 'Market, PEORIA. May 38. CORN Steady ; No. f yellow, 4c; No. 4. 47c; no grade, 4n346o. OATS Firm: No. t white. 34c: No. t wkite. tSHc; No. 4 white, 33c. WHISKY 11.29. Cafree Market. NEW YORK, May 34 COFFEE Mar ket for coffee opened steady to a de cline of 6 points. At first prices held steady, but later there was soiling by Wall street snd scattered lluuidation un der which the Initial loss was Included, with the close easy wlh a net decline of 6jl4 points. Sales of the day were re ported of 40.01V bags, including June at 6 10 14. 16c; July, 6 fr-an.'ttx.:; September. 8 3Nt 6 40c; October, I IV; Deceniber, 6wu 5c; March, 6 65c; April. 6wK&c. Spot Rio, steady; Nu I Ipvolce, 7V- Metal Market. NEW YORK. May 2S.-M ETAI.S There was no quotable rhange in the metal mar kets today and business was quiet, as usual m the absence of rabies. Spot tin was unsettled at 61 JOjl w. Lake copper Is firmly held at fl 7S"i 1 00, electrolytic at 113 XT? 18.76 and casting at 316 1641 lis 37. Iad waa dull at 86.75tnS 96 and spelter at 3fr g6 Iron waa quirt and unchanged Sr. LOI'IS May 3s. METALS Less., dull, 86 ;tl4 v. speller, uuselUed, 36 80. NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS If rkt ii Profaniooal and Harrow to tb Last Decree, eeaasBBsaBaaam BIG DECREASE IN BANK SURPLUS Prleea fade Away la the tleslag Dealings After Kllgkt Rally near Middle of the Day. NEW YORK. May 28,-Traders who bought stocks on the rise yesterday sold to day to even tic their contracts over Sunday. That was about all there waa to the market. which waa narrow and professional to the last degree. The pressure on prices re laxed to some extent after the first Ixour under the Influence of the firm tone in Pennsylvania, which did not share In' lilt, weakness in the aeneral market. Prleea faded away again in the closing dealings and in some Instances ended at the lowest with the tone easy. The bank return showed a weakened po sition and had an unfavorable effect on speculative sentiment. The surplus over he legal requirement was shown to be M.OM.lbn. This compares with a surplus of Ill..9o0 at this time last year and of 120.- 092.326 two years ago. Subscriptions fall dun tiext -Tuesday to the 3,.0U.0ik of Pennsyl vania notes, and there are other synuicato requirements to be met later In the week The usual month-end necessities are also to be met. The possibility of a Hurry In call money next week was therefore kept In view. There were quite emphatic disclaimers of some of the rumors yesterday of a great corporation in prospect for taking over the coal companies from the railroads in Older to comply with the law. These rumors caused buying of stocks yesterday. Ths money and exchanf e markets were nominal, as usual on Saturday. The Imperial llank of Germany made a strong return and the Berlin discount rate was easier. lotai sales of bonds, 31,o0.0W. The following wita tne ranae or pncea on the New York Stock exchange: als. Hl(h. Low. ci. Adami Riprsu Amslgsmstsd Topper Amsr. r sad foundry.... 140 13,700 1MH W 114 ioa to i, iv v lt XM HV6 UK "S 0 .... 11 nk MO U ' 41 ' 41 ' .... .... .... 11 .... II I. ta M4 4 44 1I4H 3.400 144 Ml6 lf.S Ill MM IN 114 . U .... ..... .... 1MH 6.7M iU6 16t !S 00 ti lit 044 : m 14H i. ooo 1MH 100 '4 lt t.Tflt II II tl4 600 IStUj 10O IS4 t3( lie 100 M14 41)4 34 V Ht II 14 77 100 II II II tOI4 3.SO0 141 141 led "a 114 too si h n7a ti 7 ..lie) 4444 444 iS ' 400 uf use' "st ; M0 4TV4j 4T 47 400 111 ll4 1I14 too II lit its 00 10 71 T't tOO 311 11H tllVi 100 640 6M 144 IN 4JS 41 S U i i7v n ' 100 S4 444 444 ii, e -. 44H us 4 . ..t nk -JW 71V6 71 V II . 1474, la'Va 400 176 17444 17414 ; l'4 ' too ir.ta t 100 44 44 41 tl 104 7 17 17V : ::::.S MV4 1,100 14S 14(44 146 141 ,. .... H4 100 K tt'4j 21 100 11 71 70 .... .... 17 100 174S 174S 173 too HI', 4a 14 . 400 : 'a 14V 14 . 41 - 100 77 V 74 V 6 L U 1.110 111 1JH', K4L, l.tflO US US 41V 400 l IIV 4V 40 100 17 17 100 WV MS II II. 400 44S UIS Ul' i ' 41 too IS in II 104 41 60S e04 at ' .... 154 17,100 140 1S up til 100 14 l MS .700 II- 17 V 17 loo ifw lots 1"1S loo trs 2fs lev 10 46 14 14 do prd Atntr. Cotton Oil do pfd Amer. Kipross Amw. Hid Leatser pf4 Amer. lc Ssot , iS. USMSd Oil do pfd Amsr. Uoeeoiotlvs ds pld Amsr. Smelt. 4k tUdnlnf .. da pfd Aomc. Sugar Rsflntng Amer. Tobaeco pfd ctrs Anaeodda Mining Ca v. Atrhisoa do sfd Atlantis Coast Lisa Baltimore A Ohio da pfd Brooklyn Rapid Traaslt.... Canadian faclfle ,. Central of Naw Jarasy . Chesapeake A Ohio Chicago a- Alton do pfd t Chleago Groat- Western Chicago A Nonawestera... a. si. a sc. raul Chicago Terra. A Traoalt... ae aid C. C C. A St. Louis.... Colorado Fuel and lroa.... Colorado a southern.'. do lit pfd do Id pfd Consolidated Gas Cora Products rfg... do pfd Delaware a Hudaon Del.. Lack. A Waatara Deovar A Rio Graada do pfd Dlstlllara' geeurltlea Erie do tat pfd do M pfd .- General Elertrte Hocking Valley Illlnola Central Liter. Paper do pfd Inter. Pump do pfd Iowa Central do pfd K. C. Southern da sfd Louisville A Nashville Manhattan L Msu-opolltan Street "jr.... Mexican Central Minneapolis 4V St. Loula.... m , st. p. . gte m..... do pfd Missouri PaalOc Ma.. Kan. A-Texae do pfd National Lead National k. R. of M . pld ricv or central N. Y., oat. a Weatara Norfolk A Western.,.. do pfd North American I'aeiAc Mail Pannarlvania Peovla'a Gaa Pills.. C. C. A St.- L. . Pressed Steal Car do pfd Pullman Palace Car .. Raadlng do lat pfd do Id pfd Rapubll: Steal , do pfd Rock lalaad. Ce '. do pfd Rusher Ooods u 10a :iw 6. lu'a Me nt id's 32 44 !", 4t4 1W Uo pfd 81. L. A Ran Proa. 2d pfd Louta - Boutaweeiarea. .. do pfd '. .. too ion 1.000 11 ate Southara Paclde da pfd Southern Itallwar I. ve ls ("0 II II Si to II II da pfd Tenn. Coal and Iran Taiaa A Pmc.fte Toledo. St. L. A Wastern.. ds pfd ino to Union Pad fie do pfd .... 1T.1M 14H 141 L. 8. Exprsae V. S. Realty L. S. Rubber do pfd l 3 Steal do pfd Virginia-Carolina Chemical. do pfd Wal.aih da pfd Walla-Pargo Express Wastlnghouaa Electric Weatara t'nlan Wheeling A Lake Erie ... Wirconaia Central da pfd Norlhsro Pacific Central Leather do pfd .: aioaa-shemeld Great Northern pfd offered. .... fit .... lea I, tOO S3V4 ins is) .fit i tea ioa 3 . n 10 Vi 4" 10 lie ictt, 40 10 -I jao 164 MS II l.ina I. KM 21 ta SO 11 lii " 2 II 100 IM 1KI 2 100 US, 1.400 !W 100 4t .... 41 U I'M Tl int 1.4(10 S04 101 Total aalaa tar tha day. tSi.TO eharea. York Money Market. NEW YORK. May I. MONEY ON CALL Nominal; no loans; time loans, firm; sixty days, 44 per cent; ninety days, 4V per cent; six months, 4V&6 per cent. PRIME MERCANTILE PAPER 6e per cent. 44.0 STERLING EXCHANGE Steady t f4.8620J4 8680 for demand and at 34. 210 4T4.8Z16 for elxty day bills; posted ratea, 3468 and 34.84 V; commercial bills, 14.819 SILVER BAR 67 He; Mexican dollars, 63c. BONDS Government, steady; railroad, heavy. Quotation! on New York oonds today were aa follows: U. a. Raf. t, rag....iumjapaa ts. Id aarlaa. da coupea t.-UO do ctfa U. a. la. rag... ,....101 da Id aarlaa do coupoa luVl do 4a. ctfa M J 12 10J4a 1m ' V. B. old as. reg....loivL. A N. aol. a... So oouaoa HJ Manual, e. ,0id 4s .lUV'ktex. Central 4a.... V. a. a. 4a. re 4a eoupon. ... Am. Tab. 44.... 4o 4s AtrStaoa sae. 4e ad). 4a ... Atiaatic C- l B. O. 4a.... 4a la Brk. R. T. ct ds lat lac. . it .114 .10144 ' MV Mlaa. St. U 4a.. at.. K. a T. 4a do 2a N. . at Mai. c. 4i . Sv .1014 . 41 -s .Hi .1M .iuti.,iN. y C. aaa. IWa.. T. .iai n. J. c. aa Nirtaara Paclte 4a. 4a la M'e ... It 4a.lu4 ... o ... M (.'antral of O4. la. 4a lat Inc 4a 14 las.. 4a 14 lncl rhse. 4V Oh la 4a Thlcasa A. Ia. C, B Q. a. a. C . K. I. 1 f. a. 4a eel. aa .111 Norfolk A W. e. Ore. t. U ttt. 4i Peaa. . Ia... Rsa4la( ao 4a St. LaK. k. .101 . '4 Hi st. l a 1 r. f. aa. st at L- a. w. caa. 4a. so 7I UaahoarS A. L. 4a.... tlu. tuaaiSa. raciSe 4a il OX'. St. U a 4a. 1 aa in 4a ctfa M'4 rouikara Rf la llts Taiaa A facile la ..Ik Tot . at. u a w 4a tw( -'aloa PartOt 4a 1041, I S Btsal Id la.... ti - Caia. lo4. aa. aw. A. Tt 4a asr , Tt Oola. Hid 4a...: U roh a ae. a....... J I'uSa la kf Deovar A K. O. 4a..Tu0 II I Miliar' Saw. la.i. M Kria arior iiaa 4a....lvii 4a lu aa si Hark. Val. 4a 441 Japaa aa , v Waaaak la 111 to 4ab. M ilk WMtara M4 4a w. u a. a uZ W la. Caatral 4a ! Bank ( learlaga. OMAHA, May K -Bauk clearings for to day were 31. Ml. 143 37 and for ths corre sponding dsts last year, 31.323.636 43. - ia 106 Monday .... T uaada y . . Wedneaday Thuraday .. Friday Saturday . , 31.76. 6a S3 1.64i.44s 91 l.fcoOlJOU 1.646.I7T 76 . 1.643.966 H , 1.641.149 37 31. 94 .71 1.24.u.76 1.37$ ill 31 !,6.!el II l.fca 9,0 17 62a. 63 39.683. 4f4 0 37 904.676 7 over th corraapoDdlrui weak Increase last )ar. C.0t4 ea3.ll. A Great sTO i I nn HI THE THE KENTUCKY, CAPTAIN SAM AND ARKANSAS CLAIMS Side Lining the Great Manhattan Consolidated End Lining the Dexter and Pine Nut The same great gold-bearing ledges which have made the Manhattan Consolidated famous, can be traced by bold surface croppings across the property of the Manhattan Mizpah. These ledges have been opened at a dozen points on the Kentucky, Arkansas and Captain Sam claims, revealing uniform shipping values. The r-ine Nut ledge is traf-enhle for Sou feet across the Captain Sam.- This marvel ous deposit of gold bearing Ore ranges from 16 to 20 feet in width and gives a general assay value of 376' person." A' four-Toot ledge has been opened at nix places:1 on ths Kentucky, giving a uniform value of better than 3100 per ton. This ledge Is the same vein from which sensational values are being taken on the Consolidated, At Patrick Elliott amp, Inc. Nixon Block Fiscal Agents OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET No Fresh Cattle Here to Maks Test of Values. , ' HOGS SHOW A DECLINE OF FIVE' CENTS Only Fonr Fresh tars of Lambs He ported, with Not All of Them on Sale and-' Ka Sheen Market I nehanared. SOUTH OMAHA, May 26, 1906. Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep Official Monday .... Official Tuesday ... Official .Wednesday Official Thursday .. Official Friday Official Saturday .. Thla week ........ Last week Week before Three weeks sgo.. Four weks ago....' 3.T46 9,26 : 4.17? 6.678 4.732 3.04a 1,11 11 13.193 3.94S, n,m 2.63. 14.443 1,81 flame wevk last year... 14,749 RECEIPTS FOR -THE TEAR 'TO DATE The following table Shows-the receipts o. rattle, hogs and sheep at South -Omaha for tha year to" date, compared with las. year: Cattle' fins a Sheto l0ti. . 1906. Inc 3K8,452 333.040 l.rotS.iSO 9ti6.(i6 65,41' 124. :i 45,0 RANG OF PRICES. cattle. Hogs. 36 a. 6.3oty6.u 6.4iK'i6 '. 6Vf!&6 3(r;pa 3J Omaha ....... t'hli ago ..320030 W .. 1 6a6.K6 .. Istkfjft.MI . kaiiaas t tty St. I.nuls Sioux City 3.0HUI6.30 CATTLE QUOTATIONS. The following will show the prices paid for the different kinds of cattle on t la Bouth Omaha market:, - Good to choice corn-fed steers 4 SOtjis.aO Ifair to choice corn-fed steers 34 6f.a-4 M Common to fair corn-fed steers 4.0(i4.U6 Good to choice cows snd heifers.. 4 0j4.w Fair to gopd cows and hulfers..... S.uis4.00 Common to fair cows and heifers.. 2 ma3 00 Good to choice stockers A eedrs. iAAmi.t) Fair to good 'stockers and feeders. 3 604.00 Common to fair stockers 3023.if0 Bulls, stags, etc; .2.&"ii.6 Veal calves S OOitK OO The following table shows tha average price of hogs at South Omaha for the last se-iiral days, with compurlaona: ey ral Uata. 1906. ,ll6.,19o4-:lB.j1Wl.1901.1900. .1 6 iilHllaS, I 6 341 T ll'i 6 60I 6 tl May 16... May 16... May 17... May IS... May 19... May 20. , May 21... May ti... May 23... May. 24.,. May J... May 26... l"l I 6 Mi I 41 1 S I Oi a It M'a i, 36, 4 3 - 7 12 . 6 73, 5 6 3.', 6 i: 27, 1 6 74, 6 11 36l 6 i'M 4 47 , 4 32 ; 7 12i t U a I 6 24) 4 4! 27) 7 IV, 5 7JJ 6 25V i i 11. 'H I 5 60, 5 00 633 16 29! I 6 19 1 Oi 5 64 5 t 6 19 a 2SI 4 r, 6 19, 7 ts. 4 i 5 "1 22V 6 17 4 3 . ! T' Aq: 6 671 i 04 6 3iV; 6 16, 4 4 6 041 ! 6 J 6 t 6 19 4 6 93! '9H; I I 00 Sunday. The official number of car of stork brought In today by esch road was: ' Hogs Sheep. Ho rst. C, M 8t. P 6 1 Wabash I'nlon Pacific aystem..... C. A N. W., east C. aV N. W.. weat....( C. St. P.. M. O C, B. O., east...: . C, B. at Q.. west C, R. I. P., e-at C, R I. P., west Illinois Central Chicago Grea Western.. 14 16 66 . ID 6 27 10 1 6 1 - Total receipts.. .162 Tha disposition of tfc day's receipts was as follows, each buyer purchasing the num ber of head indicated: Cattle. Hoga. 8i-ep Omaha Tacking 10.. .. Swift and Company Cudahy Packing Ce.. - Armour at Co -.. Cudahy. country Ktngan A C,Vt."v " Other buyers.. .'.;...,. l.!e 1.9M 3 675 4.217 217 612 in 1 Totals. 11.') l.W CATTLI& There were no fresh receipts of cattle thla morning, at leaat nothing of anything and tne yards were practically bar of suppllee. that blng nothing en sal to make a test of values Tha total receipts for the week foot up nsarly 30,000 being sllfbUy to sactss of 1,1 ,.19 3;4- T,2M 19.6 .. 19.12" , 41.861 17,373 ..20.916 40,!4 3i,J! ..1H.1 49.451 37, . .14.217 61.B44 v:s:i 74,116 28,9 Rinh rfpvfni v.ine .s,.;; nicnesi i.mie in MWSWTTAP M1ZPAII MIMWG OWNING artcc joncs MIN'NS eN6INCS. every point where these ledges have been opened on the Kentucky and Captain 8am they have stood the most exhaustive tests and (tven values from $75 to $100 to tho ton. The vein on the Kentucky has been proven to a depth of 30 feet less and has broadened out and become richer with depth. On the Arkansas two ledges aver aging from four to six feet in width re veal values of better than $100 per ton. References Any Bank lust week, but a trifle short of the previous week's record 'lhe arrivals have con sisted very largely of corn fed beeves, in fact It is safe to say that 76 per cent of all the cattle marketed have consisted of that kind. The quality of the receipts has averaged up quite good as usual, tnls late in the season. 1 Under the influence of large receipts and declining prices' at all other selling points the market here has been on the down grade all the week. The decline, however, lias not buen due to any lack of demand as packers have all been free buyers every uay and the receipts, large as they have been, have teen well cleaned up ou the day of arrival. It nas simply been a shrinkage In values that lias extended to all market points. At the close of the week it is safe to call beet steers 10 25c iower than one week ago, the decline being the most marked In the case of rough, comae and heavy cattle. Handy lignt cattle have not suffered as much. The supply of cows and heifers has been very moderate every day, while the demand nas been fair so that While that kind of cattle have been forced lower in sympathy with' the decline on beef cattle the shrinkage In values has not been so great. At the close of the week cows and heifers are not over lOijloc lower than one week ago. ..... Stockers and feeders have been in light supply all the week and while as usual at this season there lias been comparatively . It tle demand for feedera operators on the market are reporting considerable Inquiry lor desirable kinds of light stockers. The .eault Is that stock cattle have sold quite freely all the week and the market If inythtng Is a little higher in spite of the fact that beef est tie have been destining. No change has taken place in tha market for heavy feeders. HOOS-eloga opened aaout 6c lower thla .Tiiirning and sold quite freely at tha lecllne. ' A little later buyers seemed to come to the conclusion tlrat they might just as well get their hogs for less mont) nd they lowered their bids, for a- time offering prices that were all of 64J10C lower, tellers could not see it that way and very few .. hogs chnnged handa on that banls. The result was that buyers were forced to aguln raise their bids, the tnsrket winding up just about where it started that is 6c lower than yesterday. As will be noted from the sales below 3n.274j bought almost all the hogs as against 36.32 yesterday. I There was a sprinkling of loads at 34.36 as against 36.30 yesterday. Receipts ot hogs this week have been almost double what they were laat week and considerably heavier than a year ago. The fact is that the recelpta this week have been th largest for tha year so far. Under the influence of the heavy run both here 'and at other points the advance made during the latter half of laat week was all lust and mora too, the decline today leaving the market 7c lower than It was last Saturday. 'Representative sales: No. ". ah. Pr. Na. . 4. 8k. Pr. 104 .101 ... I 10 10 Ill to I IT 14 117 140 JJ 14 1ST ... lit U I'HI 10 ID 70 ...124 to n U K 200 I 16 71 t4 m I II1, ST 201 ... 2k lot 44 I7V4 44 1st M 44 177 1M 4 IT 41 114 44 4 8i 71 ...441 140 t 14 Ill K IS 141 IIS I 17 Tt 11 120 I a ' 1ft ... 4 17 IT 1:1 44 4 5 II 124 40 I IT II iv7 ... lf ?!,... ....tuo SO 7 II IU S III TO 244 14 t7Vn aa "e 40 ik .sr.. .11 40 11714 71 IU4 I4U I I so. ...... in ... I MVr, 71 124 N I ii 74.., Ill ao 4 J7i Tl U4 ... tit IT. ...'.... J! 44 lf'4 II 124 14 I II 12 K.l . . 6 r 71 lit 40 I 14 4 141 4 I V't 74 If J W I 16 74 127 ... 17 Tl tot HI Ml 74 JH 14 I 17 kv.. Ill ... I 24 44 Ill la 4 17 17 171 IN I S 14 171 ... 117 74.. t4 IW 4 14 II 914 44 4 174 44.-, Ill IK 111 4 4 44 4 17 W , ltd ... Ill 44 120 ... r 71...' Ill ..'. i M 17. Ill ... I 17 17 2.4 1H I II " 71. ...... Ill 64 I 17 TT 141 40 I IT II X6I I IT 7L 144 IM I7V 17 141 . . irk, if. 2(1 240 I IT 4 ta IM 4 17 74 . 124 to 4 17 41 iU ... I 17 II... X1 lw 4 17- 11 i:t aa 117 44 141 ,.. ir( 41 121 44 I 17 Tl.i ro4 ..'in-, at iu 117 12 J41 114 4 17, - 41 .......216 U 1(7 I 171 ,4a I 17 It 2.-.0 . . 117 71 .141 4 IS7 lit 4 17 Tl til ... 4 IT 71 121 ... I ! 11 Ill 14 I 17', 74 131 44 4 M HJ. ...... 111. 1U 117. 11 !4i ltd 110 74 Ill .17W I 17 17. 17 44 4 M 44 171 "... 4 17 74 IM ... I M 74 IM 1K 157 II 1.1 ... I M 11 261 10 I ; ' 71 244 14 I li . HTAtl-l ' 1.1 lit 44 I 14 , i- - 'SlIEKPsAlthoogh It was Saturday four cars weie reported In this morning, one of them direct to a packer. Tha three cars on sale brought about steady prices, fair ly good la in La selling st 34 US with pretty goo but not choice lasnh at 36.64. Tnt week s recelpta of sheep snd lambs have Men the l ghteat of any week since tha holiday eeaaon In December. The heavy falling oft la tha run, howeacr, waa antlcl- nni THE MANHATTAN MIZPAH MINING COMPANY Capitalization $1,000,000 Par Value $1 Per Share 400,000 aUares la Treasury, rally IeU ana sTo&eeseseaale. rresldent. i. V. Mltrhrll. Mlnlna ri aineer. Vlre Prestflsrrt, J. K. Barsness. Mine Operator. Senetary, Harry t'offse, Merrhant. .Treaaurer, L.. M. 1'pham. Assistant Serretary, Julin M. Fairfield. Directors: James O. Sweeney. Attorney General of Nevada: Frank Uendron. Orig inal Irfioator of Claims; J. F. . Mitchell, J. K. Barsnss. M. L pliam, Harry Cof- ira ana J. M. ralrnsid. Oars Are arletocratlo Kslg-nbors The claims of the Manhattan Mlspah are surrounded on sll aides by the greatest mines In tha Manhattan district. The Kentucky claim side lines the great Consolidated, admittedly the richest of all Manhattan gold mines. Four months sgo Its stork was selling at 16 centa. It Is to day In active demand at 310 per share. The Captain Bam claim end lines the Dexter and the Pine Nut. Dextsr is sell ing at 31 par share and Pine Nut for 60 cents per share. Five leasers are working on the three) claims and have opened up immense gold bearing ledges, and the property will soon join the list of shippers of high grade ore. Exceptional Stock Offering 25 CENTS A SHARE A Gold Mine for thi Price of i Prospect One hundred thousand shares of treas ury stock in the Manhattan Mizpah Mln ina Company are offered to the public, at 15 CE3TTS FEB SHAKE. 1'hla remarkable offer cannot and has not been duplicated In the Manhattan district. Not only Is the Mizpah Company's around the cream of all Manhattan, but It embraces s large acreage three claims or about 0 acres. Its territory Is as large as the Consolidated, snd three times that of the Pine Nut. It lias a continuation of the Consolidated ledges. All along these The Big House in Goldfieid or Tonopah pated and has been due to the fact that the fed sheep arid lambs in territory tri butary to this market have- been prett) well disposed of. while as a matter 01 course it Is too early for grassers to ap pear at this point.' The southern market! are being quite liberally supplied wit), southwestern grass sheep and lambs and the supply from that source together with the large receipts of fed stock at Chlcag' lias caused a considerable break in those market, owing to th light run at South Omaha comparatively little change haa taken place In values at this point. Hence It Is Jliat lambs have sold very nearly steady here all the week, at least tha good kinds, although tha feeling hss been weak, everybody knowing full well that with any thing Ilk a liberal run the market would be forced downward to a- level with prices prevailing at other selling points. Fair to medium grades of lambs possibly have sold a little bit lower during the week but the change has not been very marked. Opera tors on the market are figuring that this market should have been lHi25o lower this week owing to the break st other points. Quotations on clipped stock: Good to thole western lambs. Sti.60fi6.76; fair to good lambs, Sfl.Ofl-ti'S.M; ull lambs, S4.60& S.26; good to choice yearlings. S6.7604.36; fair to good yearlings, lo.MKfyo.TS; good to choice wethers. 3S.76JiS.oO; fair to good wethers, 4S..7ni6.76; good to choice ewes, 35.6o36.76; fal rto good ewes, 34.7606.60; 'nick 1. 34.26 6476. No. ' i w A tarn lambs 633 western Is nibs , Av. . 67 . 37 Pr. a 12V SO CHICAGO 1.IVR STOCK MARKET (attic and Sheen Steady Hatta Five 10 ( Tea Ceats I.ass-er. CHICAGO. May 24 -CATTLE Receipts, 300 head: market steady; beeves, S4.0oft4.s5; cows and heifers, 31 .Soij-4.0; calves, Muujjt 6.76: stockera and feeders, 37.S6ig4.76. Hum-Kctpis, lti.o o head; estimated re ceipts for Monday, 47,000 head; market 64 loo lower; mixed and butchers, 36.2&.&0; good heavy. WiiW; rough heavy, t Wa ( So; light, 64 47; plga, S6.StXrX.S6; bulk of sales. M.42Va4.B0. SHEEP AND LA M BS Receipts, 2.600 head: market steady; sheep, $1 (& 20; yearlings, 36.6004 60; lsmbs. S6.60i34j.7a. Kaasas City Live Bteiek Market. KANSAS CITT, Mo., May 26. CATTLE Receipts, 60O head; market unchanged: choice export and dressed beef steers, V 26 Q6.66; fair to good, 4.(i6 So; western fed steers, 33.76'Q6.30; stockers snd feeders 3326 4 60; southern steers. S3 fjoj'4 60; southern oows. $i. 60-04 00; native cows, 32.60-9-1.60; native heifer. S3.4(e6.26; bulls, tS.OOH 60; calves. S3.26'i 26; receipts fpr tha week, 33.O0O bead HOGS-Recelpts. 6.000 head: market 6c 1 lower; top. 66.45; bulk of sales. 36.So4i 40; Heavy,, uioini, ao. 4i',, piss and lights. 66.4O430; receipts for ths week. tAOflO head. SHEEP AND IAMBS-Recelpts. 6,000 head; market nominally steady; native lambs, 660Cko7.6O; fed sheep and yearlings. 65 ooue.30; v. eater n clipped yearllnga, 35 6.26; western clipped sheep, ta.00$.00; stockers and feeders. 33 606.00. toek la Sight. Receipts of live stock at the six principal western markets yesterday: Cattle. Hags. Sheep. South Omaha Sioux City .. Kansas City St. Joseph ... St. Loula .... 11 i.4 1,170 loo 610 SoO 300 7,0u0 6.000 (.660 1600 't.ouo 6.000 7 iioo Chicago Totals .... ..1.637 42,304 3.677 St. Jasepa Live Steek Market. ST. JOSEPH. Mo. May 36. -CATTLE Receipt. 2J4-head; msrket nominal; na tives, S46iaii.76; cows snd heifera 8176t 4.76; stockers snd feeders. 33UKf4.l6. HOGS Recelpta, 4.460 head; market gen erally oojlrc lower; light. I6.2o4j6.40; medium and heavy, 6a3o046; plga. 4.;tsl.o0. bulk vt aalaa. 3i.82u 17 SHtKP AND LAMHS Receipts, 1 head; msrket nominal. Slens City Mv Stork Market. SIOUX CITY. May tt. (Special Tela- train ) CATTLE Recelpta. 100 head; mar et atrsdy; beeves, S4.a'u4.2j0; cows, bulls snd mixed, 114 40; stockers and feeders, 6J 41W14 60; calve.a and yearlings. S3 2S4J4 16. HtlVB Receipts. 7 ' neaa ; market 4c lower, aelllng at 66J2',; bulk of sales, 6 2642: t. Inla live Hark Market. ST. LOl lS. Mo.. May 34. CATTLE Re celpts. 360 head, including 306' head Tex ana; market, steady , nstlve shipping and export steers. 34)4 00; dreesed beef Slid 1 butcher steers, 6S.7e-a 40; etesi under 1.0UO 11 nn i an tiiiannaiian COMPANY rreat ore dsnoelta on tha Misuari Com- l'n)'s ground th he leasers have opened up the velna. On the Kentucky on set of leasers alone have opened up the ledges for feat--which averages straight across shipping values, or values of more then 31dn per ton. Almost an equal amount of work has been done on the Captain Sam. The Pine Nut I .edge crosses this claim and has been rroven for a distance of 800 feet. DlTidaads for Tear. In making this offer to the public we will add another to the long list of suc cessful companies that we have launched tcward tha dividend-paying estate. The Immense ore bodies that have been opened up, even at this early day 1n the history of the mine, insure dividends for every shareholder for many years. For Immediate reoflt r Blelasad See tarns al area in the Manhattan Mlspah Company are more attractive to either the small oi large investor. Any person familiar with conditions at Manhattan will knew at a glance at the map In this ad that no better property could bs purchased It la the best In the district. The Consolidated mine is the carrel of the Mining Werld. Tha scores of engineers who have, ex amined It pronounce it one of the geeateat. mlnea In Nevada, As the Consalidatedi.ta a great mine, so Is Manhattan a great camp, one for which there la scarcely a paiallel In the annals of western mining operations. The Manhattan Mlspah Will Bs as Oreat as ths Consolidated. There will be no second offering of this stock. It will be over-subscribed many times. It is beyond any Question the theapeat atock to which public subscrip tion haa been invited since the first fab ulous values wsre found at Manhattan. This firm has a Bepatatioa to astala. In Qolddeld and Bullfrog it has made a distinctive success of Its every mining enterprise, and theusanda of our clients who purchased stocks upon our advice have coined money through their Invest ments. In Msnhattan we were nrei nn the ground, and each of our Ave com panies in that camp are Making Oood with Bapld Strides. The stock of the Manhattan Mlspah is easily worth 60c per share. Any broker who sees the accompanying map will tell you . as much. The -Pine Nut company, owning a fraction adjoining the Mizpah group, put out its treasury shares at 60 cents, snd the sllotment was over-etih-sirlbed several times within a few hours, tock la ths Manhattan. Mlspah will Be Worth riTs Dollars a Share Wtthla Two Tears. Remember our predlotiom. ' Make a memo, of it and consult the stock quota tion sheets at the end of $4 months. If you want shares in this excellent company you will heve to act quick. Either send us yoar reeervatloa hy wire or eoasalt ear Vocal rapreseaaativea. Conservative Drokerage Brokers and Bankers Goldflold, Nov. pounds, 38.60i34.30; stockers and feadera, AainfHaO: cows and halfera,; ean ners, ll.60ttTI.IO; bull, S2.40iiH.00; calves, 33 00 9.50; Texas and Indian steers, S3.6vH7t; -owe snd heifers, $2.003.90. HOGS Receipts. 6.600 hesd: market 60 nwer; pigs and- lights, 36 stB 40; packers, t1d.46: butchers and best heavy. 34.3641 .60. tMIEEP AND LAMB8-N0 sheep oa sal. BOSTON, May 26.-WOOL Ths Boston Commercial Bulletin says: Thar . Is a lightly better undertone to ' ths wool market and buyers are showing more interest in the limited, offerings. The bulk of the business la being done In foreign wool. A few lines of fine medium Utah and new Montana clip haw been purchased at 26c. Bales of wool. In cluding Montana, are reported at prices considerably under those ruling In tha west. Bom selections are 40 cheaper la tn greasle. Fine clothing aella at TOO and fin medium, aaii-olic. Halt blood la Arm, at 6 670c, three-eighths at 68&JH60 and quarter blood at ixna2c. Fleeces are dull, although a few lota of quarter blood era mavlng at Jl'tf2c for Ohio and 32e for Michigan. Three-eighths Is being taken In a similar manner, at 824TSSC and S16?le respectively. Washed Oldo detain sells In a cleaning up way at 3iU.Wc. Texas snd California wools ar quiet; quotations ar nominally steady. Pulled wools are having a fair movement, at 60rgta for A supers, whlls H supers range . from 63c, for ordinary ones, up to So for. high whites touching th A grsde. IMtdlng Boston dealers ' ar still waiting for the territory sheepmen t mod ify their demands, but other firms are pick ing up wool her and t her. Ou Tuesday th first Oregon sale was held at Pendleton and about VOuO.OOO pounds were bought at prices that will mean an average dean coat of 72c. A sale waa held on the following day. but bids were ao unsatisfactory to growers that about t we-thirds of th offers were withdrawn. At Bitter Creek, Wyo., sales have been made at WMfHio. but some growers, dissatisfied with the bids, have consigned their wools to Boston and Phila delphia. Tha shipment of wool from Boa ten today, f roin . December 7. 190&, ar 93,. 287,363 pounds, against 100. 66, 007 pound at th same tlm last year. Th reoelpt ar 99.769,042 pound -aint 117,906,16 pounds for th same period last year. ST. LOCI 8, May 24 WOOItr ; me dium grades, combing and clothing. aVCtOe; fine, 2Vt2 26Wc; heavy fin. 18aio; tub wahed. S3639HC. IXiNDON, May W WOOL Tb arrival of wool for th fourth aeries of auction salea amount to 66.96 bales. Including t3M bsles forwarded direct to spinners. The Imports this week were: New South Wales, 3,101 bales; Victoria, 1,733 bales; South Australia, 1.192 balea; Tasmania, bales; New Zealand, 7.021 bale; Cap of Oood Hop and Natal, 3.619 bale; River Plata, 670 bale; ,Nw lork, 196 bale; various, 863 hales. F. D. Day Cl Co. Stock, Grain. Provisions Bala Year Grata t Ta. Chleaa aad Minna nolla Dallvary. One-eiahtb commission oa Oraln, ant- quarter on Stock 1. Prompt and careful attanlion given .o ouiaiua accouuia. Tvrna lltt-lil Baara f Trad Bid OMAHA, C, (or our daily Market Latter, mailed free. Mala Office. Uaf Dlstitae 'Phaae, naaala M34. W. Farnain Smith & Co. Stocks, Bonds, Investment Securities. Wo cttr subject to sal IMON STOCK YAHI8 STOCK. 1320 FarnamSt., Tel. Douglas 1084 SAMUEL BURNS, JR. 614 H. V. uri Stark Yard 9 at caa. Street if. Stack . walcr taeSa Nit 6 rerCast t Far Ccat I I karat Sr. Sanaa. FOR INVESTMENT, i. i J J N. . VMsMia aC '