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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 26, 1906)
r (i v- i TUB OMAIIA Y BEE: SATURDAY, MAY 26, 190G. 5! a Week THmfllmml fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiljiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiim Will Press Yy Welt IJTE OFFER you most liberal credit and easier terms than elsewhere, and you will not find our conditions burdensome, difficult or embarrassing. THE P&LACE- CREDIT PLAN Pick out the garmenhyou desire, pay a little down and balance at the rate of One Dollar a Week Step in and slip on one of our SI 5 Suits and note the, (ft and general makeup of theVgarment. Hand felledr col' lars, hand worked buttoivheips, hand padded shoulders and in every way a custom made garment. yThe fabrics the most stylish that fashion dictates. flhers at p o $20 r i , BUS'S REVIEW OF TRADE Amplt taJm Throughout Famine: Reeion chif Commercial FaotoT of Weak. WHOLESALE BUSINESS UNUSUALLY HEAVY flstrlbalo Responds to ' tha Mlsnislna f (BV Warner wWtner Labor Dlapates Fewer. t r ; u : : T Fourteenth Otreet Douglas ; at' ' Fourteenth Otreet iMiMiuMMMilinti"iiUimjmiiiiauuiim urn uuuu lUiuu llBiiilMlillllliH 3 ANARCHISTS ATTACK JMI Warsaw the Boene of B!"vlInooant.r Between Bandits y iiker. TWO CUSTOMERS o Aim KILLED FItO Clerks, Twj at M ' Cai oniers mmi Oat d, Asaatl- (clr Escape, ; WARSAW ? brief but,! i tbls after f bank, lan Poland, May 28. A encounter took place here at the Industrial Saving! attacked by a band of i anaronuTi mi tatter, wun rworeerB m I thelf hail ordered the olerka and custo- j met a prnt to hold up their hands. The cjllef clc promptly drew a revolver and i Ired athe Intrudera. Thla waa the signal for a.i-luk fusillade, during which two of the latoraera were killed and two custo , flva .clerks and one of the anarchists ; ne wounded. The anarchlsU escaped. nf pft their wounded. Governor Oellnakl of Klelce Is suspected the murder of a woman named Okoullna, who was found dead In a room with htm yesterday." Two Bhota were heard by the nelchbora. - Oellnakl declares that the woman committed suicide. The local pa pers have been forbidden to mention the occurrence, which has created a sensation. t Premier Bees Casvr. Premier ;Ooremykln went to Peterhof to- day to secure the emperor's final approval of the general i statement of the govern ment's policy ' which the cabinet has pre pared In answer . to the speech from the throne. As th statement will probably have to run tho gauntlet of the court oam. j Jrilln ' thar premier, It Is believed. Is not t likely to bef able to return here In time to deliver It . this afternoon. The plan advo cated by the majority, of the constitutional democrats j la that. If the premier's speech Is found unsatisfactory a vote of lack of eonndsncsNin the ministry will be passed, thus fordnc upon the government the issue of supplanting the cabinet with one more In harmony with the party and the lower house. If this course Is followed, unless the emperor Is prepared to yield Immedi ately, It Is sure to hasten a conflict. In spite of the moderate counsels of the leaders the constitutional democrats are being pressed by the denunciations of the radicals toward an open rupture. Chansre la the Cabinet. BT. PETERSBURG, May 8.- p. m. It was rumored In the lobbies of Parliament this afternoon that Premier Ooremykln had resigned and had been succeeded . by M. Bhipoff of Moscow. It was also reported that Prince TJrusoff, the former assistant of the ministry of the Interior, who resigned when the old council of the empire declined to accept his project to remove the race and religion limitations from the schools, and who since has been elected to the lower house of Parliament as a constitutional democrat from Kaluga, had been appointed minister of the Interior. Revolatioalats Active. Revolutionary activity ! Increasing throughout the country and the papers rep resenting the radical groups which were suddenly allowed to resume publication are taking advantage of the license granted them to Indulge In the bitterest - attacks not only on the government, bat on Parlia ment, and there Is evidence that revolution ary emissaries are traveling through the country stirring up hatred against the no bles and the landlords and encouraging the peasants to strike for the ostensible purpose of forcing Parliament to hasten the distri bution of lands. On the other hand, the agents of reaction are adopting the same tactics In favor of a dispersal of Parlia ment and a return to autocracy. As a re sult of this propaganda threatening letters have been received by many members of Parliament and dispatches from the In terior report dally conflicts between the fol lowers of the two extreme parties. Workmen's Leader In Prison. During a meeting of Black Hundreds on Archangel square, Bt. Petersburg, last night under the' presidency of Barbara Nlkolalevna workmen began a counter demonstration by singing the Marseillaise. A collision followed and resulted In fifty revolver shots being fired by the Black Hundred. One man was killed, three were seriously wounded and dosens sustained broken heads. Observing liberals trace the revlv-.l of the old bureaucratic expedient, divide et Impera, to General Trepoft's Inspiration. - The Slovo says that instead of being re leased, as announced, M. KrustalefT, presi dent of the executive committee of the workmen's council, who was arrested In Bt. Petersburg December last during the general strike, has been transported . to Sveaborg fortress, Finland. 7:40 p. m. It Is now stated that Premier Ooremykln, the report of whose retirement Is characterised In official circles as "pre mature," Is ready to make the declaration of the government's policy . tomorrow In the lower bouse of Parliament Naval Officer Accaacd of Crime. . MOSCOW, May 25. A navl lieutenant named HolschenlvkoS has been identified as the would-be assassin of the governor general of Moscow. May 26. R. O. Dun Co.'s Review of Trsde tomorrow will Ample rains throughout the farming resrlnna nrovtita ths most lmnortant com mercial factor of the Inst wpnk. targe crops being essential to a maintenance of na tional prosperity at the maximum position recently attained. Retail trade responded to the stimulus of warm weather, light weight wearing apperol going freely Into consumption, and there is an unusually liberal volume of wholesale business for this time of the year. Mercantile collec tions are still somewhat Irregular, but at most cities payments are Improving, and the financial situation is more encouraging now that the San Francisco banks have resumed business. Manufacturing plants were well occupied and building prepara tions are heavy, but there are Indications of a lower level for commodity quotations for the month of May. Customary summer quiet la noted In some departments, al though there Is less than the usual inter ruption and preparations are In progress for a very active fall season. L.bor con ditions have Improved, the only new dis turbances of note being locally among the painters, while the steel industry suffers less delay from old disputes. Railway earnings thus far reported for May exceed last year's by 11 per cent and foreign commerce at this port for the lHSt week showed gains of $1,834,259 in exports and 11,134,601 In Imports over the movement of 1806. Absence of Interest Is the feature of the frlmary market for cotton goods, the ethargio attitude of purchasers being as sumed In anticipation of obtaining concessions. The cheapening of cost is noted In the hide market, but there are more evidences of uncertainty and Increasing efforts to restrict purchases on the part of tanners. Failures this week were 188 In the United States, as against 211 last year, and t In Canada, compared with 19 a year ago. REPORT OF THE CLEARING HOUSE Transactions of the Associated Banks tor the Week. NHW YORK. Mav 26. The following table, compiled by Bradstreet, showa the bank clearings at the principal cities for the week ended May 24, with the percent age of Increase and decrease as compared with the corresponding week last year: i Th6 II. ,;. Qram-A.A 1 m ''i-Te.r-rvi M CRIENER ThLsrcr Training of (he Amsrican Army Cspt. T. DaTITLEY HOTT, U.S. A. Aa article point isf it certain (rare da forts ia tas trainms; ol bo American Army, with many radical aad practical sagges tions for its mora ef ficient scrric. sf nasal Bssjrsasia 4a'afavraaoBBMoln etrlb sstfcara aa tha tafcyUrfc, aituawate. r4r (, tawtaoovi MS SB SMI f MlMI An American's Impressions of English Bird Life By IBANK M. CDAPIIAN Wit Vcmz&ing Indian Types T! Tribes ! tm Northwest Plains By E. S. CURTIS Mm Taaaa are tha laaiaaa that ream ad tha groat plains and livaa soon tha ones caaatlaaa hrt af haffala. SilTOUT ST0DIES JAMES b. Connolly's -n kJllUAil. iJlViALlJLOe blasphemer f a story ( the Cleocaater tool. WaUi aa tSooWtioa. - PWious iooca. and Haw hs Came hrto Hi Ow," by eCWCLL FORD! oo of this author's asaat aalightfaUT ha aaroaw aeortoa. Tha E M I B Lewostott, another of VV. 8. MOODY'S atortoa aaaJiaf wsta tha coUectar cathaataam. " Pro Tsmpora," by MARY TAPfAN WRtCHT. A sympathetic story af eollsgo life, wfta a asuaraasac oioateot af aaatbaaat. ENGLISH ItESaVE niTtlZL'tL't Tlf- ANcmia or madaue waddcsctots DEUcniax TSAVEL SXETCIIES, ci tha aaaiat cattoms and aocia! I fn.ctiaaa at a Nanuaa Town. IlUstrated hp F. W. Tarlar. j9 a vcan aa ccnts a numiu CHARLES ICRiQNCR'8 SONS, NEW YORK Canal Bill is In. WA8HINQTON. May 26. On motion of Senator Klttredge the sea level Panama canal bill was today made the unfinished business in the senate. CITIES. Clearings.) Inc. I Dec. SUPREME COURT SYLLABI The followlnsr nnlnlnna ' were filnii AnMi 1 1tM. v 1389. Lincoln Traction ComDany against Shepherd. Error. Lancaster county. On renearing lormer Judgment adhered to ftMlrwIlf i' 1 1. The ruie that the burden of proof unnn th nf .1 . - . . ... . in w'cu nui amii during the progress of the trial, but rests " uivii ma priy alleging sucn negligence, is based upon the better sea son. BnH WAll Bi 1 rvi r p , a. I Kr 1 Is established In this state as the correct 2. When It aDneara In' an ftrtlnn n a . . . kv, isuiim lit J u i J caused by the .negligence of the carrier avfjiiw ufTirji. in ins appliances ot ine CrrlAr HP asimA an r I , 1 . . I . I conduct of its business, contributed to the accident Which caused tho Inlun, .m. plained of, a presumption of negligence ui tamer aniieB, ana un ISM therj, ! aviAMi. a 1 n . . t. . tlon It will h ..,.... . iT- ailegatlon of negligence bf the carrier. it rrroneiiui 10 reiuse to Instruct tha Jury that thn nartv alleHnr f..i. from which a presumption of negligence would arise has the burden of proving the ioiniL, ui iul-q lacia. 14J7. Nebraska Mercantile Mutual In surancs Company against Myers. Error, SlrUCtlOna. .tnnkann r T 1 1 . ' I u I . , n vr 1. A preponderance of the evidence Is all that Is required to establish a dis puted fact in a civil action, and an in struction which informs the Jury that If upon any reasonable hypothesis a fact can be accounted for upon any other the ory than a dishonest one, they should so And, is a violation of that rule, and In this case reversible error. 14240. MISMnurt tnoltl DnflA. against County of Caaa. Error, Cass. Re versed and remanded. Oldham, C. Dlvl alon No. L -J lJnd' section 110. chapter Ixxvit, of the Compiled Statutes (Cobbey's Annotated Statutes. 06), it is the duty of a railroad company to make and keep in repair suit able crossings, with approaches, notwith standing (he highway waa laid out after the railroad waa built. Tac publlo authorl tlea are required to bulla that part of the highway within the right-of-way which they would have been required to make had the railroad not been constructed. State e rel Lancaster County against Chicago. Burlington & Qulney Railroad Company, Neb,, 4, 12. followed and approved. 1 Under the provisions of this section of tho statute a railroad company cannot re cover damage from a county for the cost of putting in cattle guards, erecting sign posts, building wing fences, planking the track and constructing the necessary ap proaches at a public crossing. t. Compensatory damages should be al lowed for the land taken from the right-of-way for a public road. 4. Where, In making the proper ap proaches to the railroad track. It la neces sary to grade through all, or nearly all, the width of the right-of-way on either stde of the track, the railroad company l.milri t Wtm-x4 a,,.K ... ...... -" u uiuj mj r as the county would have been compelled k i kui 1 1 g in. pudiic roaa naa the railroad never been built. 14241. Nuckolls County agalnat Guthrie sV Co. Error, Nuckolls. Reversed and re manded, with Instructions. Jackson, C. Luvtston No. 1 1. Where water la diverted from Its nat ural channel by means of a canal con structed and operated to supply power for a mill. It Is the duty of a mill owner to erect and maintain suitable bridges for the convenience of the publlo at any point the canal orosses a public road, and mandamus will lie to compel tbs perform ance of that duty. 14244. Flke against Ott. Error. Thayer. Affirmed. Albert. C. Division No. 1 1. Petition examined and held good aa against a general demurrer. 2- Assignments, based ou rulings upon objections to sn smendment to the reply and motions directed against the amended reply, examined, and held, that the er rors. If any. In such rulings, were cured by the charge to the Jury. k. Tbs reception of Incompetent evidence tending to establish a certain fact. Is not prejudicial error, when the tame fact la conclusively established by competent evi dence. 4. The doctrine of the ostensible author ity of sn agent can be invoked only by such as have dealt with the agent on the faith of his ostensible authority. 6. The mere fact that one loans money to another, wherewith to buy land, gives the lender no equity In the land bought therewith by the borrower. t. Evidence examined, and held aufflclent to euetatn the v.rdici. 1. A transcript on appeal should contain the judgment or order sought to be re versed or modified, and. In addition thereto, only such mstters as may be oeceuaary to present the rulings sousut to be reviewed; to include other matters Is- a useless es pen, and tends to obscure the real Ques tion presented. New York 11,667, ens. 823 g.S Chicago 18,3S0.8i.1 t 1 Boston - 140.9X4.0(16 .8 Philadelphia 1S9.473.761 1 St. Louis 66.136,90t ...... 5.6 Pittsburg 49,139.759 8.1 iSan Francisco Baltimore 3,409,048 6 9 Cincinnati 24,843.iO . 5.5...... Kanaaa City 21.736.3S9 1.9 New Orleans l,t1.6C 2.4 Minneapolis 16,&11,W 6.5 Cleveland 14.375.6S6I 18.21 Louisville 11,749,846 .21 Detroit 12.02S.SH4 6.0 Los Angeles 9.899,694 12.6 OMAHA 9.7M,261 , 25 4 Milwaukee 8.673.235 20.3 Providence 7,468.500 2.7 Buffalo 7,464,645 17.0 Indianapolis (739.1S5 20.1 St. Paul....- 7.0K5.M 19.7 Denver 8.132, 330 4 6 Seattle $.3'9,529 68.5 .. Memphis 8.928,089 7.7 Fort Worth 4,911,615 9.0 Richmond 6.334.665 15.9 Columbus 6.096.2O0 11.7 Washington 6.04ft.37! 20.S St. Joseph 6.t.P42 9.7 Savannah 4.582.770 64.6 Portland, Ore 4.678,195 12.4 Albany . ' ,V7.e- 40.6 Salt Lake City........ 6.1K4.796 58.8 Toledo. 0 8.822.857 7.3 , Rochester (.331.975 9.6 Atlanta 8.834.192 32.8 Tacoma 4,037,721 19.2 Spokane, Wash 8,967,140 25.7 Hartford 8.104.040 20.3 Nashville 4.671,578 74.0 Peoria 1. 461,947 8.4 Des Moines 2,568,635 9.6 New Haven 2.041, M7 6.0 Grand Rapids 2.875.826 19.8 Norfolk 2.311.49(7 27.1 Augusta. Oa 1.662,656 6.9 Bpringfleld, Mass 1.6..705 2.3 Portland, Me, '. 1674,820 '20.6 Dayton , 1,581,116 1.1 Sioux City 1,738,528 21.51 Evansvllle " 1.637.497 1.6 Birmingham 1.799,074 27.2 Worcester 1,475,785 7.31 Syracuse 2.166.722 63.6' Charleston. 8. 0 1.194,747 12.61 Knoxvllle 1,400,666 36.11 Jacksonville, Fla 1.282.567 4.81 Wilmington, Del 1.149,852 16.81 Wichita 1,137,912 1 4.8 Wllkesbarro 1,037,818 9.31 Chattanooga 1.177,117 46. 2 Davenport 845.584 81.81 Little Rock 1,0H4.541 23.71 Kalamasoo, Mich 865.578 9.71 Topeka 898,762! I 16.1 Wheeling, W. Va 837.685! 25.8' t Macon 635.9921 42.6' Springfield, 111 787.6S4I 3.51 Fall River 831,890 26.21 Helena 66,1851 1 6.4 Lexington 424.675! 30.4 Fargo. N. D 4?7,2S I I I New Bedford 6M.857 36. Toungstown 7n3,440 8.8 Akron 4f2.816 25.1 Rnckford, 111 4X7.817 7.7 Cedar Rapids, Ia 4!!,740! 24.2 Canton, 0 4H5.647I 18.0 Ringhamton 467.4001.;.... 11.1 Chester, Pa 6fl6.42l 11.2 Lowell 606.O44I 14. S Oreer.sburg 467.825 j 17.1 Bloomlngton, 111 844.15ll .8! Springfield, O...' 8-J5.6X 24 0; Qtilncv. Ill ;.. 847.151 15 2' Mansfield, O j S33.861 8.4' rv '-L.'x- nocoa De&ns grow in pods on the trunk and limbs of a deli cate tropical tree. I They contain tlx I times more food val ue than beef. We use the highest cost beans that are grown and there Is nothing la our cocoa but cocoa. That Is why It Is the most delicious ol cocoas m a tins a. lewin ca. 1 ' a" "1 IIA' k ZtiV I The Most Helpful of All Credit PlaiVs You will recognize Hartman's credit plan as the most gentrous, tha most helpful and the most satisfactory credit plan that Is serving the people of Omaha today. Other credit sit or a may give you credit and make terms of payment, but the Hart-nan stores do MORBAthey glve you generous consideration In esse you ara unable to meet your payments excuse you from paying when ill or unemployed. They arrange matters at all times to suik your particular needs AT TH05B TIMES. That's the reaion Mart mm credit plan Is TI1FJ MOST POPULAR with the waga-sarnerj and salariel psop'.s and should bs hvlplng YOU t4 solve the furniture problem NOW. I a u.,,. .M..M,ii,..u..... , l HARTMAN'S SATURDAY SPECIAL Set of Six Knives Box Wm.A. Rogers Solid Nickel Silver This solid nickel silver Is the same ware as used In the manufacture of tha teaspoons, tablespoons and have been offered you In our Saturday sales during the past three weeks. These knives are made by Rogers, Ltd.. the famous silverware makers. We do not claim this ware to be solid silver, but It Is solid nickel silver and very superior to any plated ware ever made. It Is the same in the center as on the surface there Is nothing to wear off or tarnish. It Is guaranteed for fifty years. A com plete set of these knives put up In a handsome box will be offered Saturday from 1 to ( p. m. at Back numbers still on sale. Teaspoons, 89c; Dessertspoons, 65c; Porks, 96c Vour money's worth or your money back i rip m j i r ? y i v." -i7 S ihS,nWlSl wide seat. WEATHERED OAK JOSSION ROCKER. A SPECIAL. It has extra heavy frame, broad arms and paneled back. It is made of solid oak with weathered oak finish. A most ele gant and substan tial rocker; made In large quantities for our 22 great stores hence the low price. HARTMAN'S BRUSSELS RUG, Size 0x12. No Miter Seams. The patterns are exclusive with the Hartman stores made especially for us by one of the best rug weavers in the world. extra quality materials, neauttful noid-fsst col orings, rugs of superiority and at a price that cannot be met by any other home-furnishing concern In Omaha Terms, $1.75 Cash; 50c Weekly. )ia-ism coi- 1785 r : in I Hn n fferks which II (Wllllsni A. H S)5c 1 li I lTSj Mrke4 la I f rTaia Fijarta HARTM Special with . f 511 1 i nHisi.i 1414- 22 GREAT STORES THROUGHOUT THE U. 8. 16-18 Douglas Street. OO-C ART, alne. Complete ncy ruffled parasol. Body is made or genuine Rast India reed, closely woven. ' Handsome design. Reclining back and adjustable dssh. Enameled steel gears, steel wheels with large cushion rubber tires. A value unapproach able at the prloa elsewhere In Omaha. 10.45 Terras, tlM Caia: (0c Weekly. Decatur, III "... Bloux r alia, B. u... Jacksonville. Ill Fremont, Neb........ Fort Wayne tHouaton malveston Lincoln y 259.874 .U65 - 2Z6.6M 241.572 758,640 l4.69,50S 11.802,000 1,044. 788 . . i a '.Q Krii 1f (WJl I fl.O Outside N. T. City... . 927,014.17 . 68.01 46:1! 10.8 . '44.81. 17.21.. 11.3 "i'.i CANADA. Montreal Toronto Winnipeg Ottawa Halifax Vancouver, B. C... Quebec Hamilton Bt. John, N. B IjOndnn, Ont Victoria, B. C...... Calgary Totals, Canada... 18,3tK,74i 375.291 J.010.857 1.52,ai6 2,038,638 1,451,517 1.201.528 1.136,531 S4,213 838,271 674.726 .1 13.6 30.6 59.5 13.6 8.1 28.51 81. 4! 87.31 T.6 61,669,0671 18.8... Balances paid in cash. tNot Included In totals because contain ing other Items than clearings. , Not available. BRADSTREEri REVIEW OF TRADE Weather Conditions Cast Activity in Wholesale and Retail Distribution. NEW YORK, May 26. Bradstreet's to morrow will say: Settled, bright spring weather favors the passage of large quantities of products Into final consumption, as evidenced by the reports of expanded retell trade, of en larged jobbing re-order business and of trade at first hands in excess of the vol ume usual at this season of the year. Re ports from the leading Industries are of sustained great activity, except in some few divisions ot the fuel and Iron trades, where stocks curtail operations slightly. The crop situation Is, on the whole, quits cheerful, the only drawback being the Irregular distribution of rainfall in dif ferent districts. Full trade, as usual, waits on crop development, but is of larger volume than ordinarily at this season, evi dence that so far the agricultural pros pect la for yields at least equal to those of last year, on which the wonderful pros perity of 1905 waa largely founded. Pricea display all their former atrengtli, the slight upward i movement in cereala being baaed as mucty on manipulation of an unwieldy short interest In the current wheat option aa in the reports of crop deterioration oommon at this period. Reports as to col lectiona are. on the whole, fair to good and lndlcetlone of easing money are fur nished In the reports of a return flow of currency from the Interior. The Ban Fran cisco banks all re-opened this week with a vaatly laryer volume of money on hand than waa uaual or even needful and tha return flow to the eaat from that city is already of good volume. Activity in outdoor work, such as build ing, with consequent heavy demand for lumber, hardware and other materlala, is still a feature, though it Is worth noting that some large centers report less pros pective work in view and some abatement In real estate speculation. Railway earn ings are of the best for this season of the year, gro. receipts exceeding the similar' period a year ago by 16 per cent. Business failurea In the United States for the week ending May 24 number 170 agalnM 1H1 last week. 179 In the like week of 6. 184 in 1904. 181 in 1908 snd 13 In 102. In Canada failures for the week number 13 as against 15 last week and 15 In this week a year ago. Wheat, Including flour, exports from the United States and Canada for the week ending May 24 are 4.834.873 bushels (large total mainly due to inclusion of Montreal exports since naviaallun opened May 4 against 2.716.783 bushels last week buahols this week last yesr. Mi&lM bushels in IfM and 4.6T7.678 bushels In !W Fjon; July 1 to date the exports are 122 798,ii bushels against S7.22T..1S4 bushels last year, latrw.! bushels In ISM and 204.358.814 bush- ''"orVports for the week are 818,097 bushels agHlnst 1.089.7. bushels f'k; 1 326 467 bushels a year ago, 233.! bushels in 19"4 snd 1.179.739 bushels In 1903. From Julv 1 to date the exports of corn are ltfl 418,fc0 bushels against 74.521.1.1 bushel! , in 48,981.138 bushels In l-4 and 61,3,9.9u bushels in 19"8. Transatlantic Record Broken. NEW YORK. May 26. All records from Havre to New .York were broken by the arrival here ot the new French liner La Provence In six days, three hours and thirty-five minutes. This time broke by Ave hours and thirty-five minutes, the best previous record, which was also held by La Provence, and was made on Its maiden voyage to New York. This Is the steamer's second westward trip across the tlantlc. The record wss meae under not entirely favorable conditions, high seas being en countered which retarded the vessel's progress on two days. Tbs averags speed was .21.7a knots an hour. Spec ml ihk t aSSBSBBBW to Boston' . . For those who wish to attend the Christian Scientists' meeting at Boston, Mass., and any others who may wish to take advantage of the low rates, a special train of stand ard Pullman sleeping cars will be run through to Boston, leaving Union Depot, Omaha, At 8:00 p! m. Wednesday, June Eth Arriving Boston 5:20 p. m. June 8th VIA THE Chicago Bnalness propositions advertised In The Bea go lata taa bomaa of the beat peopla. Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway Route of train will be via Chicago, Milwaukee & St Paul Railway to Chicago, "Wabash, West Shore and Bos ton & Maine R. R., Chicago to Boston. , ROUND TRIP RATE S29.75 Via Rew York City . 533.75 . Sleeper, one way, double berth $8.00 Stop-overs allowed at Detroit, Buffalo and Niagara Falls going and returning, and at New York City returning. , Tickets honored via boat between Detroit and Buffalo and between Albany and New York City, no extra expense ex cept meals and berths. For Pullman reservations and full information write to or call on, F. A. NASH, lit FAINAM ST. OMAHA. CENOtAL WESTEIN AGENT A g Spokane i ANQ Return 55 i.rrfi If- 1 X Every Day from June ) 1 to September 15. Pinal Return Umlt Oct II. 1106 Ubaral Stop Orar I PrlTUfea. Vis tha Great Northern Railway 'The Cemfertabl Way" Inqoiro farther of F. I. Whitney, P. T. Mn St. Paul, Mlna. or Nearest O. N. Hf. Agent. .w ...n tnr uiHni dates of the "Minnesota' and "Dakota." fcoatrle ta Japan ana China. y i.