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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 26, 1906)
THE OMAIIA DAILY BEE: SATURDAY, MAY 26, 1906. 13 s ( GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Vie Qui,t, with Price Eulin Under FrvTiou Day. BEARISH SENTIMENT PREVAILS IN PIT hart Orala la loitbwtit Vor Heeelpts Largo aa Prices Art Lower. OMAHA. May 26. 1M. The wheat market quiet, with prices Under last riant a clone, Yesterday a Amer ican aavante did not affect the fureln '"'" ana cauies this morning cam only a rugtier. Bentimrnt waa bearish at tha rt and opening price wera H'UHO. lower. 1 lie market turned strong aoon and prices went to yesterday's hlgn point. Holders took profit a at the advance and tha market reacted to the opening. Tha close waa e under yesterday for July. Complaints came from the northwest of too much rain, and from tha southwest of wneat needing out short. Kecelpts wnlcn overran tha estimates nd tha expectation of a good movement for the coming week started corn lower. Tha market waa weak through the session, losing mora than yesterday's advance and rloslng So lower for July. The rash de mand waa alow at about &lc lower. The market Is a question of receipts. Primary wheat receipts wera 264.000 Duahels and shipments 262,010 bushels, against receipts last year of ,000 blAh1 ana snipments Liverpool closed 'id lower on wheat and i nigner on corn. Prom the Record-Herald: "Marfleld of Minneapolis, who Is In touch with the grain situation throughout the northwest, says he is neither bullish nor bearish on n? fTm nyLhln h e,li.T, "J thl section as yet. He says condition In the Red river vslley, where a great deal of wheat Is raised, are not good too much ruin, ground soggy and sour and Is In no condition to. be seeded with wheat. The esceea nf rainfall, however, will make a better wheat promise on the more arid lands fsrther west. He says he does not agree with tha bears In the northwest that tl.ere la to bs Increased receipts from the country, as he cannot see where trie wheat s coming from. ' . Local lauge of options Articles.) Open. Hlgh. Low. Close.l Yes y. Wheat I I Way... 7HVBI 79SB July.,. 7 B Jj4 J I' 7b'A 1 W 8ept... 74B 74 ,4b 74ViU lorn- I May... 44 .1 UB 4441 44HA 444B 43sA uiy,,.i iAI.4y!A 1 w May.. ' July., 82 EH... II B... A aaked. R bid. Osnakat Cash Sales. WHEAT No. t hard. 1 ear. 78e. COHN-No. 2 yellow. 2 cars. 44hc: No. 1 1 car, 44c; No. 4, I car, 43e; no grade, 1 car, ;nc. OATS-No. I white, 1 car, 33c. Oaafca Cash Prlcaa. WHEAT No. I hard, 77H6; No. bard, 3'a77c; No. 4 hard, 'tirtri'tc; No. prlnr. 7tc; No. I spring. 72a6tc. COKN-No. 8, 4W44Vc; NO. i yellow, MHc; No. I white, 46&46HO. OATS-No. S mixed, We; No. t whits, mc; i o. wnite, iilfjiNo. i. me; No. t. Mttc. Carlot Reeelots. . Wheat. Coin. Oats. rhlcego . , , I S 1K3 Kansas City tt Minneapolis 120 Omaha It Duluth 14 fclt. Louis 42 it 31 I 1J1 47 CniCAOO GRAIN AND PROVISIOH Fatnres of the Tradlna: a4 Closlas Prices oa Board of Trade. CHICAGO. May 26. Additional rains In tha southwest had a weakening e fleet on tha local wheat market today. At the cioss the July delivery was oft ic. Corn was down o. Oats showed a loss of He Provisions were 2Vtrt(6c higher Sentiment In the wheat Dlt was bearish (or. the greater part of the day, although no great weakness waa maniieatea. ins chief reason for the easier feeling was thjt for th entire wheat belt with the cep- tlon of the Ohio river valley. There was considerable selling by pit traders at the oD.-nlnir hfcause of weather conditions, but trie market soon rallied on a good demand by commission houses. A report attributed to a St. Lau1h trude Journal, which claimed that the crop had deteriorated materially because Of dry weather before the present rslns, created a firmer tona In the mar VlL Another reaction soon occurred on pi., fit-taking, however, and the market was Inclliit a to be weuk until laie in ne aay, when a steadier tona developed on cover In iy shorts. This late demand was due 1,, h.nv waeklv exuorts of wheat and flour, as shown by iiradstreefs, the total olearances of the week being 4,334,000 bush els. The market closed steady. July ....n.i -f,L.. ioair sr K'TifitvJc. sold be tween 8-VJ2Ttc nd 83 c and closed at Kl"o. Clearances of wheat and flour were 1 t,i i7 tti huahela. Primary receipts wire gno 01 bushels against 8u3 000 bushels for the corresponulng day one year ago. .Mtnneu polls, Uuluth and Chicago reporiea receipts of H4 cars against 11a cars last u ..i mnA 91k cara a veur ICO. With the exception of a moderate degree of firmness early In the session, ths corn market waa wean all day. The chief eource ot the weakness was last nights rain over a large portion of ths corn belt and the foi-eoaat of additional -showers for today ..H Inmnrnw IJheral IllCB I receipts aild Indications of a continued free movement rienreaaed nrices. Pit traders snd I'omniisKlon houses wers the principal sen- ers, wnus snorts ana cmi uu,.. -the offerings. The market closed ...... ,h. i.iaiaat nini of the day. July opened o to Wtjc lowef at t!tMe to 4iwo. sola ai tic aim uwim The close was at 4.4c. Local receipts wera sou oars with 3bl cars of contract grade. u'a aa.' as a : nr 11 Mil m iifuir'niiia rnvv vis tha oats market. Sentlinont In the pit was bearish all day. There was consider. ku u n hv nit irauers sou m f raalixllla- bv lot'sl lOllgS. ThS mrket closed wrak nar the lowest point f the day. July openea .c lower e-i ,.ld oft to SamSSc and cloaed at 43V-, i ..kui m, ins can. Provisions were strong w"f ' ,lk,7 ofi an active demand uy snoris. ''n,1 silvance in the price of live bogs being if. ... f ih lively buying, lter the ued off somewhat because of The close Ia selling by iocbi iwcsna. wiS steady with July por "P ' 14 ?1 Laird was up 2s at H.77. , lllbs were 6o Vi I JT, a Q 'I A tjtlmsted receipts for tomorrow: Wheat. c3rs? coni, 661 184 csr,; h0. 10.'"b head. m Tbs leading futures ranged as follows. Ai tlces.I Open-1 High. Low. 1 Close I Yes'y. Whe-t Mai July. 8P. Crru May Julv Sept Oais-. May . July Sept. ' Prrk- May July lirt klay Jaly -$. Jtlba . May July . Sept. RRU 8W W m. vun .-. as aiat a I . a sn rtd AsHLa. nnm til W ft h ax iWkB I ' ri,rSWh.'. 7n..:7 ? "? r,hlni? No- 6. nominal No. 2 while k.!" ? -T ' Tfc'pt? ,a"e 'L 7c. nominal. Option market opened lower 5?Ur'ofhLPJ-n.L"aSLa,i on better weather and with wheat, rallied hV.lhr Ih.W. J.J? barrela-flour M..M an covering and for the balance of the day "1! h.t' "0J0 bu,!hel8 corn n1 waa heavy on big receipts and light clear- am. I 8.SW! 82kti"3; S3SI isl'ietrl 4H t'H "47VwNi "V 47S1 S3A! SSH 88s,i 31V32 Sl'A(t4J 16 ZO 16 80 It 80 It 40 It 80 It 80 8 70 8 TO 8 8 ko I 86 I 00 I Z7H I ITH SO 40 I 26 I 82H l U4i e2H 47W 47 ( 41 47 I 47'. 47H 47, 47HtJ '.Ttt' I 8S4jl S3 iiS. 334 83'1 liVinti 32 It 80 It $0 14 14 26 It 10 it to It 17 W, It 17W 1I07H 8 TO 8 70 !5TH 8 T7 S 78 8 I 2W 8 25 80 Z2V! to f 26 SO 1T4 s t II I BHl No. t -h ntiAtatlnm were aa follows: FLOUR Firm: winter patents. 88 608 410: straights, 33 8uva.rO: spring patents. (8 atit.9v; straights. liW-ti; bakerv lil ,4 Ml WHEAT No. I spring, 8.V587; No spring. 80H6c; No. 3 red. totpde. riftN-No. I. Kc: No. 8 yellow. 48c OATS No. 8. fcfac: No. I white, ttQ 34c: No. I white, MY V. tin. 1 tlWjoiC. BARLEY Good feeding, 41(7 43c; (air 10 choice malting. 47TifeJc SKETxi No. 1 flax. ll.OOU; No. 1 north western. H16. Prime timothy, $Jul 36. Clover, contract gratle, til a. PROVISIONS Short rlba, tldea ( loose V $-at0. Meas pork, per bbi , $it tntl4 2i. lrd. per 1 lbs.. o.T2i. Sbm clear sides tboxedl. 88 l0 ML I Following were the rec 1 f and ship . snenia of flour and graJi: ft Re! v AUiLTientS. Wheat, bu ISflno ITO Corn, bu "2. lr.7 Oats, bu 2l.(iiW 124 5"0 By i', bu . ton l.fmo Barley bu .' 3A fAOOO On the Produce eirhanrs tmlav tha hut. tef market was steady, creameries. 12Ve-S lc: dairies. IMiITc. F.gra, steady ; at mark. rnees inciuaeo, writer; nrsta. 14Hc; prima firsts, IWjc; extras, 18c. Cheese, steady, lcTUc KKW YORK (iF.IERAL MARKET Qaotatlaaa a( the Day aa Varloaa f oastaedltles. NEW TORK. Mav at PI)rB-lt. celpts. 26.277 bbls.; exports, 14,1ft bbls.; mar ket steady, with better demands; Minnesota patents. M0O64.a; straights, $3 tbi.(H; ex tras, 82 Sa- .40; low grades. $iru3S6. Rys flour, firm; fair to good, $3. 46418 60 ; choice to iant-y, u.rtiiu CORNJIEAL Steady; fins white and yellow, 11 ; coarse, $1.07 01.08; Win dried, $2.7os2 80. RVB Easv: No. 31 western. ttftlfiOfl : nom inal, f. e. b. afloat. New York. BARLEY Steady; feeding, 47HN c. I. f. New York; malting, 6267c, c. 1. f. New Tork. WHEAT Recelnta TO hu ' nnt mar ket stesdy; No. X red, 93c, nomina. elevstor; iNo.ii red, 4c, nominal f. o. b. and afloat; No. 1 northern, Duluth, 92c. nominal f. o. b. and afloat; No. 1 northern, Manitoba, 89H. pomlnal, f. o. b. and afloat. The wheat opening was lower, owing to rains In the central belt and unloading. A shsrp rally on reports of excessive ralna In the northwest waa followed by conflicting newa ana irregularity of prlcea after midday, the cioss snowing a partial vc net loss. May, MkWle. closed at SfWtc: Julv. WS'a9 7-16o. closed W7e; Beotemher. tHWa fettec. closed at December. JW 7Ut. closed at K. T VT Tl ,q a w.. . . mill bu.; ppot markft. y; No. i tWc, nomina; ances. I,aet prices were unchanged to H net lower. May. btfUc. closed, at bt4c; July, UhkVMc, Closed at H'c; September closed At 64H December closed at 63c. UA its Kecelpts, 124.7( bu.: exports, b,k bu.; spot market, steady; mixed oats, 2t to a ins, "4c: natural white, a) to m ids., SPVe; clipped white, i8 to 40 lbs., S I fcijuc liAT Steady: shlPDlnsr. JMiWc; good to choice. f)0Sg6c. HUPS-rlteady: state, common to cnoice. iw. ai:ic; lii4, rulOc; olds, nominsj Pacific const. 19U6. 10ttl4c: 1904. ll'ttlic; olils, nominal. HUli8 steady; Ualveeton. zo to an lla., 20c; X'slifornla, 21 to 26 lbs., lie; lexsa dry. 24 to X0 lbs., lvc. LEATHER-Steady ; acid, VbWOitO PROVISIONS Beef, stesdy: family. ill.fO 4li '; tni, IXCpH 50; beef hams, Idl.iO Mi'22.00; pscket, n.fiiv?no.60; city, extra India mess, $17.0017.(10. Cut meats, steady; pickled bellies, $.60gl2.a; pickled 12.00. Lard, steady; western prime, IS. 76, I nominal: reflnd. firm: continent. ISt lE; South America. J9.75; compound, 17. 004 7.J74 Pork, Arm; family, iis.oo: clear, I18.25G 1S.00; mese, 16.7&ai7.76. TALLOW Steady; city, c; country, 6 RICE Steady: domestic, fair to extra. 8 H (i c; Japan, nominal. i BL'TTER Firmer; street price extra creamery, lHVfcc; official prices creamery common to extra, CHEESE Firm; new state full cream, large, best. lOc; new atata, fair to good. DVKkr: small, beat. l-.c; fair to good, lityc.; infer lore. 7MifiVc. FOILTRT Ilve, steady: western broilers, Zfei26c; fowls, Hc; turkeys. 12c Dressed steady; western broilers 220 2c; turkeys, ulbc; fowls, llfeUo. St. I.anls Geaeral Market, ST. LOITIS. May 26. WHEAT Lower; toiVfc; July, NHWo; September, 0?u; No x hard, re'osoc. CORN Lower; No. 2 cash, nominal; track. 4SH60c; July, 46VS4fec; September, 4t4C i OATS Lower ; no. i cash, 4Yfee; track, isv.c; .July, 33c; September, .Vc; No. 2 white. 8H14C. FUIUH-Bteaoy; rea winter paienia, m w (54 6; extra fancy and straight, 3.76i4.36; clear, $2.7568.00. B1KI Hteaoy ; timotny, ji.Durn7j.wu. CORN MEAL-Steady; 12.60. BRAN Steady; sacked eaat track, I0i?2c. HAY-Steady; timothy. 114.00!;. 00; prai rie. $U.6fKSl3.60. IKON WITTOH TIK l.W. BAOGIN(J-8V-HEMP TWINGE 7H0. PROVISIONS Pork. higher: lobbing. 116.26; lard higher; prime steam, 88.47; dry salt meats higher: boxsd extra shorts, 9.l2V; clear ribs, W short clears, 89 .50; bacon higher; boxed extra shorts, 89.87H; ciear rms, io.iz; snort clears, METALS Lead, lower at 86.87; spelter. Quiet at $5.76 asked. POULTRY Dull; chickens, Vc; springs. 2: eys, o, ?VTT'1,'teajr' ducks. 4c; geese, 4mc. creamery, 16j juc; EUU8 Steady at 13c, case eount. Receipts. Shipments Flour, bbls 7,on0 6.000 Wheat, bu 43.0110 84.000 Corn, bu M.Ou 114.000 Oats, bu 47,000 9,0u0 Mlnaeapolla brat Market. MINN'P.APOI.18. Mav 2K lflrar I patents. Se.S64j4.4o: second patents, 84 204.30; first clears, 83.60&3.60; second clears, 82.4u tiKAn-in Duik. iio.ayti lo.oo. r . (Superior Board of Trade quotations for Minneapolis and Chicago delivery.) The range of prlcea, as furnished by F. D. Day at Co., liu-ui uoara 01 1 raae ouiiaing, waa Articles ! Qpen. High.j Low. Close.l Yts'y Wheat I May...8IHtf! 82 821 82V4 S24 July...82HV 82H,82H&'SI 82 ia Sept... SOJ.1 eVJ OV45a Flax- May... July... Sept... 1 IS 1 17 1 K 1 16V, 1 16 1 1V. 1 16 1 17 1 lti4 1 16 i 1H 1 1 1H 1 16 Minneapolis Cash Close Wheat: No. 1 h&rd, satc; no. 1 northern, s4Ac; to arrive, M'ac; No. I northern, 82V: to arrive. 824c; Kin I nnHham Hllljftiil Ltrt K n 1 Tl iWf: No. I Durum. 72 Wo. Corn: No. i yeuow. 44c; no. 4, oats: No, whits. 32Ho. Barley; 4o47c. Rye: 66y t:c. Flax: $1.14's. Kanaaa City Orala and ProTistoas KANSAS CITY. May 26. WHEAT Mav rc; July, T6Sc; September, 74o. Cash: No. Z hard, 79Wl3c; No. 8. 77Hj81Vkc; No. 4. 703 71c; No. 1 red, t!ti3c; No. I, 86ifjlo; No. 4, idU HOC CORN May. 44c: July. 444.o: Sentember 44Sc; December, 424.C. Cash: No. 8 mixed, 4c; No. 8, 4bt&46c; No. I white, 48Vc; No, t, 4e'1c. OATS No. 1 white. WtrtOc: No. Z mixed S3-,a34C. HAY Steady; choice timothy, 813.0018.60 choice prairie, $11 0ttll.iS. KYE Steady, 04i(c EG!8 lX)er: Missouri and Kansas, new No. 2, whltewood cases Included, 13c; caso count, l.c; cases reiurneu, toe less. BUTTER Creamery. 18c: packing. 12c. RecelDts. ShlDments I Wheat, bu 21.000 33.000 Corn, bu. 86.000 37.000 Oats, bu 11.000 8,000 I.lverpeal Grata sat Provisions, LIVERPOOL. May SS.-WHEAT-Pnot nominal: futures, stesdy; July. 6s 6d September, tis 7d : December. 6s 7d. CORN Spot, firm; American mixed, new, 4s 7ti; American inixea, old, 4s vvi: fu tures. quiet; July. 4s 6d: September. HOpS-In London (Pacific coast), firm 3t3 Us. Mllwaakoo Grala Market MILWAUKEE. May 86-WHEAT- Steady; No. 1 northern, (mb,c; No. northern. K18&Hc; July. 83Sc aaked. RYE M'.Kher; No. 1. aootc. BARLEY Steady ; No. 3. 66c; sample, 40 corn steaay : no. i caan. 4nic: juty, 47a aaked. Dalath Grala Market. DULUTH. May 25 WHEAT No. northern, to airlve, 84Sc: No. t. northern 82ac: on track. No. 1 northern. MSi'l No, northern. f-'Sc; May, 84c; July, 84Sc; Sep tember. kl4ac. OATS To arrive, on track and May,,33c Peoria Grala Market. PEORIA. May 28. CORN Firm: No. yellow. 4Vc; No. 3, 4kViC; No. 4, 4 fo XTbWStroflf i No. 2 white. 84'c; No. I white, II Vc No. white. $St'18Uc w rilisKi -on the baals or $l.Z. ' CosTeo Market. NEW YORK. May 26 COFFEE Mar ket for futures opened steady at an ml Vance of 6 points In reaponae to ateau European cables. There waa no deman of consequence, however, and the market eaaed off during the aeaalon under aiat terlng liquidation. The close waa stuady at a net decline of 6 points to an ad vance of 6 points. Sales were estimated at 11.260 baas, most of the business bet in the late trading. Sales Included June, at t 20c: July, t 260 1 50c: Sep:emher. t4t64 4tc: December, t 45 f t.Uc: Febru ary. ; March. ftOOitf. Spot Rio steady; No. 1 U' voice. J5sc ! NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Uuket Underjro8 t CompreheniiT E ooTerj in VaIum on ActiTi Demtcd. SHORT INTERESTS DRIYEN TO COVER Baylagr of Leadla Issaes by Daaka Afflllated with These Companies Caaaea Exrltemeat Aasoaa; Bear a. NEW TORK, May 26.-Stocks underwent a comprehenslvs recovery In price todsy op. dealings which, at tlniee, showed great animation. There were one or two con spicuous exceptions to the sweep of the upward movement and a select few stocks led the market aggressively and a heavy congestion of activity in them. The un doubted strength of the market waa, never thelesa, fairly general. There waa a nota ble unanimity of opinion that the strength of the advance was largely due to the neessitls of sn uncovered bear sccounL The dimensions of tha short Interest were quite unsuspected on the part of speculative element. but the cam palgn against it was evidently founded on accurate information of lis position. At the same time reports were current of an absorption of some of the day's favorite stocks on account of hanking Interests clieely affiliated with the companies and entrusted with their flnsnclal operations or representing the actual control of the Drort- ertlea. Tha belief In buying of this kind aa particularly effective In Intimidating the bears and In driving them Into cover ing shorts. Reading was still the con- plcuous leader of the advance and the fward rush In the price carried- the price gher than that ruling when the news of the San Francisco earthquake was first received In New York. Erie shsred pretty fully in the strength of Reading, but out- Ide of these the coalers did not fully keep puce with the movement. The supposition that the anthracite carriers were consider ing a project to divest themselves of own- rshtp of the coal companies ny a division f these assets amongst stockholders wis the main Influence In the movement. The Hill stool's made a characteristic upward flight without any newa to explain tha movement. The movement In general was ot based on any known development In tha situation to Justify the radical change in the speculative temper since the early part or the week. The BDeculativo element is fostering a unnnnltlnn that bnnklna negotiations with foreign money centers have been going on which cromlea a supply of money re sources for the use of the New York money market, which will Insure It against trlngency during the coming season. The Pennsylvania bond ssls in Paris Is the concrete fact on which this supposition Is based. Beyond thst authoritative in formation on the sublect is riot to be had in banking quarters. The ibck or oiner xplanatlon for the aay s revival 01 vrc- 11 alive activity in siock cauneu cretnce to ha irlven to these reports The money market was firm today both fnr rail nnd time loana. the latter partly In sympathy with the former. Syndicate requirements account for the rise in csii in.n iu A 'Ai ner cent installment on Baltimore & Ohio stock subscriptions called for $6,600.0n0 today and a bo per cent ln.miimni nn Delaware A Hudson con vertible bond subscriptions caiiea iur $7,000,000. Next Tuesdsy the suDscnpjiona in ih. XTtniiMiow Pennsylvania miw imud are payable and later In the week cornea payment on tnicago r nouni"ii .h.rinti,,n Th sentiment 01 reuei of replenishment of the money market unoer mesa cona. and with large new capital miuc 111 ,o. nrt hevond la understandable. London mror., hirii.F tO.lHV. but thS lm nravallad In Wall Street that there might be some early renewal of tha gold import movement. The currency n nwamasi atr f flaw laVMRK 1IU1 llJO. 1ST as. oitsawss chanae In the caah item, but syndicate ilui. n,ar have an Influence on the loan Item 01 me ran". " ".T. ket ahowed some signs of weariness late In the day and prices receoea consiunra,u Bonds And converiiDie rai""' were strong, rose In sympathy end there was heavy buying of Wabash debenture bonds. Total sales, par value, $3,7Jp,O00. United States bonds wera unchanged on call. t fnllnwlna- was the rangs 01 prices on tha New York piocn excnaimo. eeies. mta. 1 ' 244 Adams Express M.IOO 1WH 10tH V Amalssmated Copper American C. A r Amarlcaa C. A r. ptd Amarlcsn Cotton Oil........ toe v '"itii iii" iii"' "'ioo ii'i Yi'.iH ioii 'iiii IVt to lit Am. Cotton on pro Amarlcan Express Amarlran H. A L, pfd h 1 American Ire. Mcunties.... American Unased Oil V n Am. Ulnse oil pra.. Aineriran LocomolUva Am. Loeomotlra pfd American 8. A R Amarlcaa 8. A R- pfd IHVa M.IM U Htl U4V. KM 111V lit H American Sugar Kenning... Am. Tobacco pfd ctts Anaconda Mining Co Atcnlaoa Attn lean pfd Atlantic Coast Una Baltimore A Ohio Baltimore A Ohio pfd....... Brooalra Rapid Transit Canadian Paclgc Central ot Naw Jersey. J.... Chesapeake A Ohio Chicago A Altos Chicago A Alton pfd Chicago Ureal Weetero Chicago A Northweaurn.... l.luo 1MW l"1 100 IMH 14S M.ioo n leu" t,(00 8S MS4 H 1IM 10! U, lUISi Wi I.K 147 Itt 1H 4.10S lo' 1014 iui ii h m 4, (wo in 700 is 8,000 tS 14 ! 16'e 1" ISi 13 u 11 n 100 tot i,oo n 10s m4 It it tMt toil Mitt 14SH 11 U Chicago. Mil. A Bt. raui.. Chicago T. T Chicago T. A T. pfd C, C, C. A 81. IxmiI Colorado Fuel A Iron Colorado A gout barn 400 si. too l.too too W4 14 l 14 Colorado A Bo. let pld 10 47V it 47 Colorado A 80. Id pfd Consolidated Oaa. ex-dlr... 7H tOO 131 197 IMS 32 1 114 Cora Products Corn Products pfd Del. A Hudson, ei-dlv.- Delaware. 1 A W Denver A Rio Grande Denrer A R. 0 pfd 1.100 tl", it 14 400 It 4. tOO 111 100 140 1.100 4IH S00 Tl 1I"4 tit 860 m nit 44 4414 111 49 41 441 Distiller' Securities Erie Erl lat pfd Erie id era 1. too n.too 414 41 4414 1.100 4, TOO I0 It '4 im 11 11 General Eleetrt 400 14714 117 !' Hocking Valley Illlnola Central International Paper International Paper ptd 1Z 1.400 171 100 It 174 171 W 1 It International Pump ......... International Pump pfd 00 too too too fa) too M M Bt 85 W't tl ni tt it U It tl Si lows Central own Central pfd Kansas Cltr Southern Kanaaa Cltr 80. pld Louiielll A Naihvlll Manhattan L, Metropolitan Street Ry Mexican Central Minneapolis A St. Louie... M.. 8t. P. A f. 8. M 3t M'A MS 14,100 147 14444 14 151 lit l.tOO It tl tt tuO 71 II l 40 15 J 111 117 m . st. p. a . s. a. pia.. Mlaaourt PaclOn Mlaaouli. Kanaaa A Teiaa.. M , K. A T. pld.: National Lead National B, R. of M. pfd... New York Central New York, O. A W Norfolk A Weatei Norfolk A W. ptd North American pacifle Mtll Pennerlvanle , People's tie P., C. C. A 81 Lewi Preaaed Steel Car Praeaed Steel Ca rpfd 17 .ioo My, tt 4.104 U 14 o t It 8,100 r, - 84 4 48 Tl Jl 4. 100 A 1.400 '40 It tl 11 to It '.- 1 t 4 It 1U, II It II t1 ttt 14 1 tl 7 4 It mo 44 it.nw 14 ia 10 l.ftuo It 11 It tl rullmaa r a lace lar Raedlnf Reading let pfd , Heading 2d pfd Republic Steel Reouelle Steel pfd Rock Uland Co Roil laland Co. pfd Rubber Oooda Rubber Oooda pfd St. L. A I. P. td pfd.... St. Louia 8. W Bt. Lout 8. W. pfd Bout here Paclac Seutnera Pa'-ISc pfd Southern Railway So. hallway pfd T enneai ae Coal A lroa... Tama A Paclfte Toledo. 8t. U A W Toledo, bt. U A W. pfd I dioo Pai lSc I mo paclAe pfd tnlted Stale Kspreaa.... I ailed Biatea Realty tnlted Stale Rueoer.... I'. B. Rubber pfd t nlted Slate Steel 1 8. Bterl pfd Vs. -Carolina Chemical Va. -Carolina Ckem. pfd.. Wabaaa Vtabaen ptd Wella-Kargo Eipraa .... tVeallagbuuee Electric .. Wealern talon Wheeling A Lake Brie.. Wlacuoela Central Wiaiioiialn Central ptd... Northern PaclBc Cenlrul lelher Ceblrel Leather ptd ioo no .IM.IOA 14t 100 tl tM tl 10 t . 1.40 101 . 1.40 It tto u tl M 11 17 1U2 11 . 1.0O 14 44 44 1M 41 11 tl 11 84 tl 14 14 49 tta 100 too it. loo 111 M.70 II I 10 111 Ul 111 1.400 to It 12 10 l ; 10 1U t to ink 14 40 lil 141 10 10 ev4 v lot l,7ot ti r loo 114 to 4U0 111 lot 41 o 41 41 4.1-0 10 101 o 41 40 o n 1011, 41 tut 40. It :i 10 IM li 1 It 10 lu! 41 IM Tt 100 11 l.iw) (e 10 14 tl 4 ta too too 100 l!'t tl It l.tuo mt 104 l.m l 41 to lot lot I lu IK1 1 gloaa-Sheel Bleel Ureal Northern pld . 'iu au 101 Total ale for the day. laarea. Sank ( learloaa. OMAHA, slsy 26. Bank clearings for to dsy were ll.tti.eoe.fti and for tha eorre spondlng date last year 81.Krt.878.17. Bank of Praaeo Statement. PARIS. May 3 The weekly statement of the Hank if Franco shows the following rhangva: Notes in circulation decreased U.lw.ivO italics; treasury depvsita lncreaaed general deposits decreased gold In Viand Increased silver In hand Increased bllla. dlcounted. decreased advances decreased l,M0O0 francs; 4W.noo francs: ,7rVnno francs; il.Kto.tma francs; rancs. Hew York Moaey Market. NEW YORK. May 26-MONET-On call. teady at iii per cent; ruling rate, 4 per cent; closing bid. SH per cent; offered at rer refit: time lonna, firmer: sixty dsys, 441i4H per rent; ninety dsys. 4vyu, per cent; six months. 4nt per cent FRIMN MLHIAMILIS fArtll-ldJO per rent. STFRLINa EXCHANGE Steady at $4.K."..!C4i4.SMO for demand and at 84.8500 4.8?10 for slxtv-dsy bille: posted rates, $4. 88 and $4 commerrini bills. $4 81. SILVER Bar, tiTc; Mexican aouars. 62'c . . BONDS Ooverninent, steaoy, rauroaa, firm. Quotations on New Tork bonds today were as follows: V. S. ret. la, r....lMtlJfin 4a. 14 arrtes 2 let 101 71 I. to 4 eeupoa .loH ..let do M C S. ta. r.... do 4 elfa do roosa .... . t. eU 4a, ret 4a rospoa .... . I. a. 4, reg. 4o eensos do td eorlra L. A N. anl. it ..101 ,.10.1SMan. e. ( 4 ..lKH'Mex. Central 4a... . .1?V do let Inr .. 11 Minn. A St L 4 Am. Tsrco 4s. . a .114 M.. K. A T. 4 101 do ta .. M'. R. R. of V. e. 4a. 4 ..100 N. Y. C. g. I . .10S K. J. C. g. t II" Atchison sen. 4a. Sn 1l. a Atlantic C. U 4S. Bal. Ohio 4s... 40 IW tt's Ne Pacifle 4 iv Brk. R. T. c. 4s. do Is Tt. A W. e. 4a 10 O. 8. U rfdg 4..... t.S Penn. cone. I 84 Reeding gen. 4e Ill Central of Cs. H .111 to tat Inc 4e M In do ti Inr st Che. A Ohio 4....105'tlB. L. A I. M. e. t..lll Chlrage A A. I.... T st. U A S. F. fg. 4. e St. U B. W. B. .... ei C , R. I. A P. 4 li 8a board A. U 4.... 7 do cot. ta. S04, go. ParlSe 4 I CCC. A t. L. g 4..1M do let 4a cth) M Colo. Ind. tt. ser. A. So. Railway t 117 do eerie B.. Texas A P. 1 121 Colo. Midland 4s. . . ii'i . tt 10 .104 T.. St. L. A W. 4a.. m t'nlos Paeine 4a is C S. Bteel td t t nle. A 80. 4s 'uhs ta A R. o. 4a .... WabMh 1 do deh. B ..114 Dlatlllan' Bee. ta.. Erie p. I. 4a .. 80. .. 14 .. .. 82 101 Weetern Md. 4.. tl W. AUK. 4... 1(4 Wit. Central 4a.. 101 So ses. 4a Hocklns Val. 4. Japes 4 Rostoa Stocks and Roads BOSTON. May 26. Call loana. 405 per cent: time loans, 4V8"4j per cent. Official closing on stocks ana bonus: Atchlaon adl. 4 14 Weetlng common ... TT do 4a 101 Adventure t Me. Central 4a 77 Atchlaon tit Allc-uer. Amalxamated ... American Kind ., Atlantic Bingham ('I. A Heel.... Centennial Copper Range , Daly West Franklin (jlranhy lale Royal Maea. Mining ... Michigan Mohtwk , Mont. C. A C. Old Domlnlos ,,, 81 10U do pfd 104 tot Mex. Central 4a. 17 11 84 Atchlaon M'4 do pfd 10: two ..... 14 Ronton A Albany t&3 Ronton A Maine 171 7 Bneton Elereted Fltchbur pfd ... . li! .131 1 17 It 20 4 ! t. I 4Hj Meg. Central .. N. T.. N. H. A H....l7 t'nlon Pacific ljO Amer. Arge. Chem ts a ji o ptd Amer. Pnev. Tube. Amer. 8ugr lit 4 do pfd lit Oereola 110 Amer. T. A T ..117 'Parrot , .. i" iQulnry , ..104'4 Bhannon w Amer. Woolen tt do pfd 8 Dominion I. A 8. .. . 8i.TmararK , 100 Edlaoa Else. Illu.. Mae. Eleotrie .... ...246 Trinity , United Copper ., U. 8. Mining...., V. 8. Oil , rth , Victoria , wtnona , Wolverine North Butte .... 44 6 ... 96 ... at ... do ptd Ma. G 11 II United Fruit United Shoe Mack.. 110 7 do pfd if)' A .... T lit It L. 8. Bteel 41 4e ptd luMi Asked. I.ondaa Cloataar Btoeka, IX5NDON. May 26. Closing nuotatlons on the Stock exchange were: Console, money .. tt 11-14 N. T. Central 141 do account si Norfolk A w tl Antconda la do pfd 14. Atchlaon 11 Ontario A W o4 do pfd 104 Pennsylvania Baltimore A Ohio.... 111 Rand Mine .... Canadian Pacific ..14 Readtns i Che. A Ohio... Chicago Ot. W. .. 41 .. lt ..171 So lat pfd do id pfd Southern Railway do pfd 41 .. 41 C . M. A St. P DeBeera Denver A R. O do nfd .. II ..101 .. 44J? Southern Peclte .. to illnlon Pacific .. 41 Erie 17-4 do pfd .i t do lat pfd 81 U. 8. Steel.. d Id Pfd 14 dtl pfd .... .. 42 ..10t Illlnol Central 171 Wabaah .... Louiaville A N 110 dn pfd s; M., K. A T lA-W'Rpanlnh 4 . ::::::::: SILVER Bar, steady, 81 3 lbd MONEY-3418U cer cent. per ounce, The rate of discount In tha o-?n market for short bills Is 39 Der cent; for three months' bills, 8WB3 -l per cent. New York Mining Stoeka, NEW TORK, May 85. Closing quotations on mining stocks were: Adam Con. to Little Chief ... . t .111 .171 . I . IS . 10 . tt . 80 .804 Alice ....ut .... o .... 84 -.... it .... to ....too ....8M .... 4 Ontario Ophlr Phoenix Potoal Savage Blerra Nevada Small Hopes .. Standard Brunewlck Con , Cometock Tunnel Con. Cel. A Vs.. Horh Silver Iron Silver , Leadvllla Coa ... VOeied. Foreign Financial. LONDON, May 86. Rates for money were firm In the market today and the auppllea were much wanted. 1 he calls Included t), 000,000 for Canadian Pacific stock. Dis counts' Were firm, due partly to talk of probable American competition for gold next week. Business on the stock exchange continued steady without much expansion Consols hardened on moderate Investment purchases. Home rails Improved. Ameri cans were active and firm.- They opened above parity and Improved during the morning on Wall street support, especially In the rase ot coal lines. Later New York advices were responsible for further hardening of prices, which closed firm, though a shade below ths best quotations of the dsy. Foreigners were quietly stsaay. narrira nao a better tone. jap. aness imperial tie of 1804 were quoted a 101 'A. PARIS, May 26. Prices generally on the course today wera unsteady. Kussiant were unsteady and the market closed dull Imperial Russian 4s were quoted at 88.80 ana nussian bonds of 18U4 at 490.50. Treasorr Statement. WASHINGTON, May W.-Today-B state ment of the treasury balances in the e-en eral fund, exclusive of the 8150.0O0.O00 gold reserve, snows: Available cash balance. 8168,780,031: gold coin and bullion, r8.1W.3ST goia ceriincates, .6(i.w. Wool Market. BOSTON, May 26.-WOOL The Boston Commercial Bulletin will say tomorrow o the wool market: There la a slightly better undertone 10 me market aria uuyera an showing mors Interest In the limited of. ferlnas. The bulk of the business Is be In done In foreign wool. A few lines of Hue medium Utah and new Montana clip have been purchased at c. Bales of wool, in eluding Montana, are reported at prlcm considerably under those ruling In the went Some selections are 4c cheaper In the greaslea. Fine clothing sells at 70c and fine medium, SoiyoKc. Half blood la firm, at 8 tt-70o, three-eighths at oS'uiioc and quarter blood at ooitjolc. Fleeces are dull, althoug a few lota of quarter blood are nmvlng a 81482c for Ohio and S2c for Michigan. Three-eighths is being taken In a slmlla manner, at 8:1; 83c and Sli&;fc!c respectively Washed Ohio delaine sells In a cleaning way at 36364c. Texas and Callfornl, woo la are quiet; quotations are nominal! steady. Pulled wools are having a fal movement, at r-6'4i' for A supers, while supers range from b.c. for ordinary ones, up to 8c for high whltea touching the grade. leading Boston dealers are still waiting for the territory sheepmen to mod ify their demands, but other firms sre pick ing up wools here and there. On Tuesday the first Oregon sale was held at Pendleton and about l.ono.OiO pounds were bought st prices that will mean an average clean cot of 72c. A sale waa held on the following day. but bids were ao unsitisfactury to growers that about two-thirds of the offers were withdrawn. At Bitter Creek. Wyo., sales have been made at !0Hft!2f. hut aome growers, dissatiafled with the bids, have conalgned their wools to Boston and Phila delphia. The shipments of wool from Bos ton today, from December 7, 18u6. are )3. M7.8U8 pounds, againat loO.6P6.007 pounda at ths same time Ust yesr. The receipts are 8v. 768. 042 pounds "gainst U7,i6.1& pounds for the ume jieriod last year. 8T. L.Ol'18. May 26. WOOl Steady: me- rilmn wreda combine and Alothlne. tbhUtv. p- . . fine. Tm2Lvr- neavy nne, ltm'.uc; tuu washed, 83joHc. t'olloa Market. NEW ORLEANS. Msy 25 COTTON Spot closed firm; sales. 2.425 bales; ord ntry, 18-loc; good ordinary, 874i'; low middling, 10 1-iltc; middling, 11 6-loc: good iiilddlinv. lit-lbV; middling fair, 12 8-loc. Receipts were X 4fcS bales; slock. 126.6t hales. LIVERPOOL, May 26.-COTTON-Spot In fair demand: prices 6 points higher; Amer ican middling fair, ttod; good middling, 8 41: middling, 61; low middling, t.02d; good ordinary. 5t4d; ordlnsry. 6t4d. The sale of the day were lo.ono bales, of which l,(l bales were for speculation and ex port and Included 2.700 balea American. Receipt. 1,0110 bales. Including ! balea American. ST. LOUIS. May. 26-COTTON-8teady ; USo: aalea none; receipta nan; ahlpnienra. Hat bales; stock, 82.0UO bales. TnleAa See Market. TOLEDO. O. Msy 2t SEED fash clover, ft 10; October, 86 tt, prltue tim othy, $10, Ko. I r, 44c. fT.rVS.eno francs; OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle Trade Without Kew or Intereatine; Fettnret. BETTER PRICES REALIZED FOR HOGS N keep or I.amba ta lht ta Make Teat at Values Kastera Mar keta MeetdeAly ltsver for the Week. SOUTH OMAHA. May 86, 19"t. Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. ... 1.745 8.21-8 4.118 ... t.; 8 1.1!'S 8,f48 ... 4,732 15.M5 ,537 ... 8.M2 14.443 l.Sbl ... l.llt t.tJS Ofnclal Monday cunciai Ttiesdav ... Cifllclal Wednesday Dtflclal Thursday .. Otflclsl Friday , Five days this week.. 18 318 87.K8 12.406 Same dsys last week.... 18. 740 81.778 13.4"4 Hame week before 20.) 38.518 113 Same three weeks ago. .18,011 4.'U9 27. Same four weeks sgo,..14.1o 68.774 K2'i Same days last year ....18.536 4,61t 2:Z RECEIPTS FOR THE THAR TO DAI T The following table shows ths receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha for tha year to date, compared with last year: l6. Inc. Cattle 3M.441 Ml fj 64. MO Hogs l,077,OW 9M.- 123.4.'4 Sheep 707.0S5 tf.8.oK2 47,44 CATTLB QUOTATIONS. The following will show the prices paid for the different kinda ot cattle on tha South Omaha market: Good to choice corn-fed steers.., Fair to choice corn-fed steers... Common to fair corn-fed treers. Good to choice eows and belters ..$4 ROflS oO . 84 4 W 4 on.a4 4 0fa 88 8.004.00 Fair to aood cows and heifers.. Common to fair cows and heifers.. I.OO3.VOO Good to choice stockers A feeders. 4.0(4 65 Fair to good stockers and feeders. 8 40ru4.00 Common to fair stockere 8 0tu3.40 Bulla, stags, etc Zpottt S Veal calvee i t OOiM OO The following- table shows the average price of hogs at South Omaha for the last several days, with comparisons: Date. I IDOt. J1906. 1904. 1908. 1902. jlflnl. 1900. May 16...) i9 6116 84 ? 11 6 86 I tl May 16... t 29 6 20 4 61 8a 7 07 6 n 6 U May 17... 6 eU 6 28 4 63 ' 7126 72 620 May 18... 6.1714 5 26 4 62 6 27 6 74 6 11 May 19... SM t 80 4 47 6 82 7 12 6 11 May 80... 6 24 4 46 27 7 11 I 73 May 21... t 25 4 41 25 7 07 6 6K 6 00 May 22... 623 628 6 19 7 02 6 64 5 08 May 23... 6 19 5 23 4 87 19 7 W 6 6-' 6 01 May 24... I 2ZM 6 17 4 35 7 06 6 67 6 04 May 26 6 It 4" 34 04 6 62 6 06 Sunday. RANGE OF PRICE8, Cattle, Hogs. Omaha $17(Ve6.75 5.0ti'tf4.374 Chicago ... t.&orou tTf ... 2 ilu6 60 6 4il.42H ... 2.00.00 6.8oi8.o5 ... l.OHaft.M 6.16oj.35 Kansas City Bt. Louis ... Sioux City THURSDAY'S SHIPMENTS. The following shows the number of cars of stockers and feeders shipped to th country and their points of destination: CATTL.B:. cars. H. Voepel, Springfield, Neb. M. P .. 1 S. Bartllng. Hooper, Neb F. E 1 1 1 F. E. Anderson. Boyer. la. N. W 1 E. H. HotchkJU, Valpariso, Neb. I. C 1 Flneran Bros., Denison, la. I. C 1 The official number ot cars of stock brought In today by each road was: Cattle. IloKS.Hh'a.H'r a. C, M. A Bt. F wabash 1 1 81 6 46 t 8 25 6 1 2 1 130 Missouri Pacific 1 U. P. System 10 C. A N. W., east 1 C. A N. W.. west 23 C, St. P., M. A O C, B. A Q., east 6 C, B. A Q.. went 2 C, R. I. & P., east.... I C, H. 1. A P.. west... Illinois Central Chicago Ot. Western .. Total receipts 44 The disposition of th day's receipts was as follows, each buyer purchasing the number of head Indicated: Omaha Packing Co Swift and Company Cudahy Packing Company. Armour At co Vansant & Co W. 1. Stephen Hill A Son J. B. Root & Co Other buyers Total 1.100 8,222 CATTLE RecelDts of cattle this morning were very small, even for a Friday, only forty-five cars being reported in, the total for the week, however, is large as compared with all previous weeks of recent date. It was Just as well after the large runs that the market should have a breathing spell and an opportunity for recovery. Hardly enough fat cattle were In sight to really make a test of the market, but such as there were sold generally at steady prices, there being no quotame cnange in the market In any direction. The quality of the cattle was nothing extra, so that sales on paper do not show up especially well. Only a very few loads of cows and heifers in addition to a few odds and ends were on sale. As was the case with beef steers, the market did not show any material change, being generally steady with yesiAfday. Four or five cars constituted about !1 tho stockers and feeders there were In th yards and th trading In that department was entirely" devoid of new or Interesting feeturea. Representative sales: BEEF STEERS. N. l....f. 4 M 17 to 14 1 14 tt to...... 1 8 10 II I 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 4 Ar. rt- tJO I to 174 4 It 411 4 10 Itt 4 tft 1000 4 tt lilt 4 40 Ill 4 tt 1151 4 41 1044 4 41 1144 4 70 lilt 4 7i lilt 4 7t Hot 4 IM 110 4 10 Ns. At. Pr. to 1011 4 tt I 51 4 80 It.... II... to.... II.... to.... 0.... 11.... II..., tt.... 4.... II.... It' 4 It HOI 4 M 1151 4 H 1114 4 M 1141 I 00 101 t 00 1104 t It 1101 I It 12M I II 1311 i 10 in 1 to CDW8. 416 1 It 1. ...1111 I 10 ...1040 I It ...1070 I 76 ... M IN ... 711 I M ...110 4 00 ...llWt 4 II ...111! 4 It ...1004 4 10 ...1414 4 M ... M III ...lilt 4 It ...HIil 4 40 . . . 1270 4 W ISO I 00 1 1t 1 tt 1 170 I 80 I 1010 I 10 II 1010 t 10 1 711 I lo II 100 I tt 4 1170 I It 8 lltO I It 1 110 I 00 t Into I 10 I 1220 I t I 140 I 44 I 1100 I M HEIFERS. 430 I 00 I mo I M II 171 8 1 I BULLS. 1410 I 40 i ir;o I It 1 ...1091 lit ... W0 4 II ...10 I to ...1444 I II ...lM III ...1414 4 1 1740 I SO lit I to 1 CALVES. 10 I 80 1 141 t 00 i0 t tt 1 1M I 04 150 I 10 1 140 I 0 11 t 71 1 ISO I M blOl Kb.Hd AND FxiCDEKS. 411 I 40 1 tit 4 1 lit I to 1 714 I It 140 I 7t t Hit 4 tt 40 I 0 17 4l I 40 74 4 14 40 lit 4 tt r ti7 iu HOGS The slight reaction which took place in hog yaiuea yesterday was followed by a more substantial advance today. The trade oprmd a lltlla slow, with packers bidding 81 tj8.1iH for the general run of hogs, the first bids being largely at 8680. Salesmen, however, seemed to feel that, sfter so much grief during the last week they were entitled to even more advance than that and were generally refusing 10 sell at the opening bids As the demand proved to be quite extensive pat-kns gradu ally strengthened their bids, until 86 UJH I.. .1.. .... .!.. .-I tm ....... 1 1 uvctuir din uvcsuir nit, 11 r.Biiiu viiit I'., e" ""e,, at which the bulk of the receipts changed 1 . which th hand. This was practically !0c higher than yesterday's market, w alien u.--V4 rxiugni ai- most everything in the yards. There was, however, quite a sprinkling at 11 Si today as sgalnst 8i.20 yestrrday. The market was active at the advance and everything In tight sold 111 good season, the rinse being strong. It would be well for shippers to note thst heavy hogs are being given the preference, the demand for that kind bflng much better as compared to lUlil hi. us waa tha cs- .a short time ago. Yesterday and today s advance makes up for moat of the decline entered thla week, leaving the market oi ly about 2Ho lower than It aa at the clou of last week, or 6c lower than last Friday Representative sales: No. I... II .. 14... 44... V4... It... II... 11... tt... A. .. to ..III lb. Pr. ... Itt . . t 10 ... t 10 Ha. 4. 11., U. II II., It. as. Pr ...tut ... 4 Ml ...S 4 t l: ...l!4 f 4 li .. til 11 t l' ..HI IM t llv .. 4 I I Its, it t 111, ...8)4 M t si ...let u I tl .MS to 4 I ..til ... ID .11 it t C .11 ... IN ..t"7 4 ..Itt ... tst r. 11. Cattle. Hogs. .. l.tot .. 217 2.079 ., 82 8.064 .. 270 2,640 .. V2 2 I .. 10 .. 119 14 H4 ... 8 tt I. i . . I 10 in til 14 4 t n t 1 so 1 toi to 4 I rt in in t 71 til tl IM 1., tl t IM 141 111 l .IM .no HI ,.Ht at 1 r . 1 11 84 I II .. lit .. Ill 40 I If 4 I II 4 4 I' 4 t II I .... tl I tl II .111 M IM .let 14 t IK.. it., t. . 14.. 44 . IV. 10.. tl.. 114 1SS 4 71.... IM I SO Tt..., Ill 10 t 1 14 ... Ill 40 t M It ... tM SO I 10 14..., 4 Mil" II... .141 80 t 10 !... .141 ... It 40... ,144 ... It It... to If I II I'l It !" Ill ... I IK Hi Kin lit . . I r i its 1 11 8M ... 11 84 I li ... Ill ... lit 4 4 ... 4 11 Ml 4 11 tt I It ... til 80 I 1! ..." 4 I! l4 t?t .11 104 lit .141 r trt .trl ,141 It 11 let I I to II... DO I 0 It .... N 141 It tt.... It ... . 2... IS.... 44 ... .... '4 ... 4 ... 11.... IS... 15.... 47.... 11 ... 71.... 74... 14.... II... II.... U ... It.... 10... tit 140 I SO 14 .. 114 10 t 14 ... . . 1S7 W IN 74 .. ..140 14 t SO Tt .. ...140 ... I 10 74.,. ...lot 4 I II 71... ...117 140 4 11 71... ...121 11 I II 17... ...141 . . I l: 141.. ...141 10 I 11 ... no 1 u HI 40 I lis 175 110 I It 10 t t It tM 1 I It 14! to 4 tl II... 141 Ml in Ml 0 I II ... to I It II... .. Ill It.. at t 11 44 .. 4 I II 10 I II IK I at ... I t ... I It 40 I H M I II SO I It ID IB ... t H 40 I 17 SO t 4 .117 ..IM ..IM ..141 ..tst ..ISO .11.4 ..III ..Ml ..171 Ill 10 I It II... Ill ... Ill Ill 10 I 11 4... 141 44 I 11 14... lit 110 I It tt... tto 110 1 11 it... 110 ... I lilt IS .. tM MO I 11 tl... 11.... It.... I.... 1 ... 1 ... 851 ... Ill STAGS. tt 8 I e l....u..1 IM to I to 1 IM .11 St I tt 80 I to M IU SHEEP Not A single car of sheep wa received today and there wa nothing to make a market. The big sheep barn wii deserted and there was absolutely nothing doing. It was apparent, however, that packers had uae for fresh supplies, as their buyers were Inquiring as to the pcselMUty of getting something In on oaiuraay. As noted yesterday the market Is In very good condition at this point, due to the good demsnd and to the very light receipts. Yesterday rood western lambs sold as high at t 76. while at Chicago the best price was only 860 and the lambs selling at that flmire wers quoted as very choice. Native ewee were hit hard at Chicago during the laat two days, th best selling there at 6.00, as ngaln't 86.50 on Monday. The few native ewes st this point yesterday, which were very soon, sold aa rush as 88.26 While the prlcea prevailing at South wmana are very strong, aa noted aoove, 1 will be understood that there is a feelln that with lars-e receipts weakness wotil be almost certain to result, owing to tha heavy declines that have taken place this week at Chicago, consequent upon heavy snipmenrs to tnst notnt. Quotations on clipped stock ? Good to choice western lambs, 6.50fit.7l; fair lo food lambs, 86.O04i6.60; cull lambs, 84 nOtl ?8; good to choice yearlings, 66. TM1.: fnlr to good yearlings. 8.. V"lf 75; good to choice wethers, 85. 75.00; fair lo good wethers, 15.6006. 75; good to choice ewes, en.60ej6.7t: fair to good ewes, 64.TC06.6O; bucks, 84.26(34.76. CHICAOO LIVI5 STOCK MARKET Cattle DallHoars Tea to Fifteen Cents Hlarher Sheep Steady. CHICAOO. May 28. CATTLE Receipts, 1.600 head; market dull; common to prime steers, 84.0fij.SO; cows, 83.263.00; heifers, 82.7666.S6; bulls, 63.2rV7T4.26: calves, t2.76&.76; Blockers and feeders, 82.76t?.O0. HOOB Receipts, 11,000 head: market, 10 160 higher; cnoice to prime heavy, 8fi.62V) JU6.67H; medium to rood heavy, 86.toiSi6.62H; butcher weights, 8t.60tj.67H; good to choice henvy mixed, 86.46iS 66; packing, 86.O0Gjrt.62H. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 5,000 head; market, steady; sheep, 86 6" 86; yearlings, 86.756.10; shorn lamb, 86.600 t0. t New York Live Stock Market.. NEW YORK. May 15. BEEVES Re ceipt. 8,824 head; market slow to 10c lower; fst bulls steady; bologna bulls higher) cows firm to a ahade higher, ateers, 84.70O5 60; - extra, 26.90; bulls, 88.804.85! cows, $2,40 0)4 80. Liverpool and London cables quoted llv cattle easy, at ll12c per pound dressed weight: sheep firm, at 14 16c per pound dressed weight; refrigerator beef lower, at 84 0 8 He per pcAind. Exports tomorrow, 1,018 cattle and 7,276 quarters of beef. CALVES Receipts. 418 head; market steady to strong; veals, fS.00fl7.12H: ex tra selected, 87.50; dressed calves, firn.i city dressed veals, 74211c. per pound; country dressed, 8H9Hc. HOGS RecelDts. 1.489 head: market full I steady; state hogs, 86 8607.00. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 8.061 bead; market sheep steady; yearlings. nominal; spring lamns, steady; sneep, 64 6066.26; choice and export wethers. f0.TDi5t.00; aprlng lambs, 88.00(98.26. Kaasas City Live Stoelc Market. KANSAS CITT. Mo.. May 25. CATTLF Receipts, 1.200 head. Including 600 southerns; market steady: choice expmt and dressed beef steers, f 6.25 0 5.55 ; fair to good, 14.25 ij 5.80; western red steeis. to. 7606. so; stockers and reetiers, 3.oo 4.60; southern steers, IS.BOffj 4.60: south ern cows, 82.60 4.00; nntlvo cows, 82 60 (SI to; native neirers, I3.40M s.zt; buns, 83.0019 4. 60: calves. 88.2606.25. KOG8 Receipts, 800 head; market lf? 16c higher; top, 86.50; bulk of uales, 8 35 t.46; heavy, 18.35 ' 6. do; packers, t 40( 6 45: pigs and lights. 85. 10 6.40 SHEEP AND LAMBS Uece'pts, l.rV'O head; market steady; native lan,hi. 6.oo; red sneep and yearling.!, gn.ootr 8 30; western clipped yearlings. 8V2r'r 6 25: western clipped sheep, 15 000 6.09; siocitsrs ana leeaers, ij.ouwo.uo. St. 1-ools Live Stock Market. ST. LOUIS, Mo.. May 25. CATTLE Receipts, 1,000 head, including 800 Texan; market natives steady. Texans strong; Native Shipping and export steers, 14.61. XI1 8.00; dressed beef and butohtr steers. 88.8043 6.40: steers under 1.000 poinds II. 60fi4. 66; Blockers and feedeia, 12 40 4.60; cows and heifers, 22.00V6.15; can- nera, 81.6002.26; bulls, $ 2. 4 1 ,t 4 ''0 ; ctlys 82.7608.26; Texas and Indian steers, 15.00 194 86: cows and heifers. 8 MO? 4. 00. HOGS Receipts. 6.000 head; market 10 IH15C higher; pigs and lights, to.uiun hi: packers, 14.206 4.60; butchers and best heavy. I6.404r6.56. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipt. fOO head; market strong; native muttons, $4.10 fa 6.10; lambs, 85.00(3 8.25; culls and bucks, $2.7606.00; Blockers, $2.7504.00. Sioas City Live, stack Market. SIOUX CITY. May 25. (Special Tele gram.) CATTLE Receipts. 800 head; mar ket steady; beeves, $4,001)6.20; cows, hulls and mixed, 83.0Ofl4.GO; stockers and feeders, $.1.2.'.(u4 26, calves and yearlings. t1.OOSi4.10. HOGS Receipts, 6,4X4-1 head; market 10c hlicher. selling at S6.15dj6.S5; bulk of sales, 86.WT.'.8ZH. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 1.100 head; market steady. St. Joseph I.lve Stock Market. ST. JOSEPH. Mo., Mav 25 CATTLE Receipts, 707 head; market steady: 111 tlvss. f o(5.76; cows 4nd heifers, $1 7b 04.75: stocL ri and feeders. 13.0011 5.1 1. HOGS RecelDts. 4.818 head: market 10 4116c higher; light. $6.5i6 40; medium and heavy. 30O4.&0. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 666 head; market steady; lambs, $7.40. Stock la Slxtbt Receipts of live slock at the six principal western markets yesterday: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. South Omaha 1.116 t.ilb Sioux City 8'Vi .too 600 Kansas City l.arrt 8"0 2 OOO St. Joseph 77 4.818 ktt St. IaiuIs LOU) $.XO 6.4) Chicago 1.500 H.OiK) 6.000 Total '. 6.812 86.844 8.16 Oils aad Rosla. NEW TORK. May 2i..-OIL8-Cottonseed ol). stesdy: prime crude, f. o. b. mills. 30 i.S1 nominal; prime vrllow. tTHSMc Petroleum, siesav; refined New York, 17 w; Philadelphia and Baltimore. In bulk, $6 66. Turpentine, ste-idy St "-"Hc SAVANNAH. )a.. May 26 OIL Turpen tine, firm st 684c. ROSIN-Firm; A B snd C. 83 80; D. $4 00. F. I4.S6; r. $4 60; H. IK: K. 14.; N. $4.70; WO. $4.7k34.M: WW. $4 nj4.8f.. OIL CITY. Pa., May 36.-OI L-Credlt bal ances. 1164: shipments. 6. tool bbls : aver age. 61.647 bbls.; runs. 86.410 bbls ; svrrasje. 1.676 bbls ; sl.lpments, Lima. 40.180 bbls .; average. 64.24'.' bhls.: riina, Lima, 4t.4S4 bbls.; average. 39,S 7 bbls. Bnanr aad Molasses, NEW YORK. May T5 -!"G A R Raw, nt'-adv; fnlr refining, t :-7t 15-lnc; cen trlfueal, IS. lent. A W-XXit 7-li,c: molaaees sugar, 2 'A-V-frl !1-16c; refln. d. steady: cruahed. t ide; powdered. 4. tine; granulated, 4FV. NEW ORLEANS. May 25 -PUfJA R-Mar-ket qulel; open kettle. Centrifugal whites. 3V-' 7-16c: Centrifugal whltea, 8,4i4c; yel lows. 3Vn1o; seconds, alij.l'sc. MOLAHKS-Nomlnal; open kettle. 179 30c: centrifugal. 7(h'J0c. SYRI P-Nomlnal; 2fft30c. Evaporated Apples and Dried Frails. ' NEW YORK. Mav 25. EVA POR ATK1 APPLES Market shoas no fresh feature; strtr-tly prime. 11c; ehol.-e, 11 till He; fancy, llu12c. CALIFORNIA DRIED FRUITS Prunes are unchanged, with quotations rtngint from 7Hc pit $o-tO's to lc. Apricots art la vr; mall supply on spot, with choice quoted at Uap; extra choice, 119 II 14c; fancy, 14TT14C. -eecnes are tnor-j active a to futures, but spot auppllea being light, hardly any business I re ported. Choice, lie; extrs cnoice. 11 m v ll'tc; isncv. 1 1 - u 1 ;c. emrm 1 mi, j , , l!Vtc. Raisins are very quiet; loose mns- cstel, tfjtSe. seeded rslsins, tV!Oi ixitidon lsyers, 6I.1 to. OMAHA WHOLESALE MARKF.T. Condlllna af Trado and Qaotatlona an taste ul Fancy Praooee. F-GOS-Recelpts, liberal; fresh ttock, caso count. 15c LIVE J Ol. I.TRi HenB, lttc: ronsiei-. 6U7c; turkeys, l&c; ducks, 11c; spring emm- ens, 4 ("l:t,iw per nosen. Bl'm hit Packing slock, U"4jr; entries iw fancy dslry, lfcc; creamery, 21"fllHC. HAY- 1 Ticca quoted by Omaha Feed OP'" pnny: No. 1 upland. 810 60; medium, 19. 60; oomne, !(. Re straw, 86 60. BRAN I'er ton, 617 to NEW VEGETABI:3. TOMATOES Florida, per crate of 80 lba.. Bet, 83 00. WAX BEANS Per box of about x ion.. HlHIMi BKAIXO fer OI Ol auoui w lbs . net, 81 00. TL'RNIPS. BEETS AND CAttttUTsr Louisiana, per dos. bunches, 45e. HEAD LETTlCE Home grown, ef dos heads, tf.'&iiOc. LEAF LET1LCB Hothouse, per ana. hearts, J3c. cUCI'MBERb Hothotiss, per oea. to. ONIONS Colorado, yellow and red, 1B per lb ; Texas, In crates, whit, tl 76; feie low, 81 26. mVsHROOMS Hothouse, per lb., eOfltCa Rin RUTLPer nnm. hunches. 2sO. . - t CABBAGE California, tKQSc per lb CELERY Florida, 81 00 per dog. OIJ VEGETABLES. POTATOES Home grown, per bu.,1 PAH (0c; South Dakota, per bu., 66c; Colorado, rNAbV Y BEANS Per bu., $1 85; No. tl $1 71 LIMA BEANS Per lb.. &Hc TROPICAL FRUITS. DATES Per box of 80-lb pkgs . 1 $r AO; Hallowe'en. In 70-lb boxes, per bot. 6c, Payer, per lb., 4c; walnut Bluffed. I 1-1 b. rtbea 12 IV) nor rina ! 8-lb boxes. 81.00. ' tJHANOES California, extra fancy Red land. Isrgs slses, 8360ii)$.76; Mediterranean sweeta, all sixes, $3 50(4.00; fancy navels, is. 00. LEMONS Limonlere, extra fanoy, 240 , Ire. 15 00; no to 8W) alse, 86 86. FIGS California, per 10-lb. carton, 76'gi tfic; Imported Smyrna, three-crown, llo tflx-erown, 18c. BANANAS Per medium slxed bunch. $1.762.26; lumbos, $2.iVV3.O0. GRAPE FRUIT California, per box, $4 60. PINEAPPLES-Slses 24, 20 and 86, $6 .00; Use 42, $8.60. rnuiia. APPLES Utah. Ben Pavla. $2 per bu. box; Wlneaaps, $2.60 per bu. box; other varieties, $2.00J'2.6 per bu. New York ap- . . n u - V. I pies sno nusaein, ei.w ir VllHirtrvl L.O t Blll7rill. a.w jwi riw. wm.. BEEF CUTS. Ribs: No. 1. 11c: No. 2. 10o; No. 2, 8o. Loin: No. 1. 14c; No. 2, 12c; No. I, llo. Chuck: No. 1, 6Hs; No. , Ho; No. 8, to. Round: No. 1, 8c; no. 8, (ie: imo. i. (tu. piste: No. 1, 8c: No. 2. 8c: No. I, 2Vt.- MI9CELLANEOUB. CIDER Per keg. 8J.78; per bbl., $6.71. HONEY New, t,er 24 lbe., 83.60. rMr.ESB Swiss, new. 16c:- Wisconsin brick, 12c; Wisconsin llmTierger, ISo; twins, J3ti.-:- Toung Amerlcant, 16c. NLTI S W alnuts, no. , son sneus, new crop, per lb., irH: nara anens, per io.. 13o. recans, large, pr m.. iwr ,,in, per lb.. Uo. Peanuts, per lb., Hc; roasted, , per lb., 8c. Chill walnuts, per lb., lafcltHn. Almonds, soft shells, per lb., 17c; hard holls. per lb., 16o. Cocoanute. 84 per sack Of 100. t . FRESH F1BH Trout, no; nan out, iic; pickerel, dressed, 7c; white bass, 11c: sun fish, tc; perch, skinned and dressed, tc; pike, BtflOe; redsnapper, lies salmon, 18c; crapples, 6o; eels, 18c; black bass, ZUc; whiteflsh, 1012c; frog legs, per dOB., 66c; Iobsters, green, leci boiled lobsters. 42c; ilueflsh, 15c: herring, 6c; Spanish mack reL ltc; haddock. 10c; Bhrltnp, $1 pe' Sl-S smelts, 12c; cod, lie: bullheads, 12c; cattish, fee; roe shad, 76c; flounders, 11;. gresn hides, 8c: No. 2, 8c; No. 1 salted, llo; No. 2, 10c; bull htdee, 7t4jHo; dry hides, fMoa; horsa hides, large, $8; email, $2; Sheep pelts, each, 60341.26. Tallow, No. 1, 4c; No. 2, 84c; rough, lHc. SUGAR Granulated cane. In bbls., $4.M; granulated cane. In sacks, $4.21; STntnulated beet. In sacks, $4.81. SYRUP In barren, 24o per gal.: In rases, I 10-lb. cans, $1.60; cases. 11 5-lb. cans, $20; canes, M 2H-m. cans, ti-sv. . COFFEK Koaaiea, no. so, 10-40 per p.. No. 80, 20HO per lb.: No. 26. I8H0 per lb.; NO. , 16HC per ID rto. 41, hik per 10. .. 11 ; j . CURED FISH-Famlly whiteflsh, per 4 i , j bbl., 100 lbs., $4.60; Norway macktrel. per , " . ; 1 bbl. i lbe., bloaters, $40 .fo; No. 1. 28.00; V ' - J No. 2, $26.00; No. 8. $20.00; Irish, No. 8. $11.00: -; , - lernng, in bDlB., nu ion. eacn, rnirway, m, 13.00; Norway, 8k, $U00; Holland, mixed. 11.60: Holland herring, In kega, mllkere, oc; kegs, mixed, 70c. , CANNE1D GOODS Com. standard west- . mmc,tAn' U.ln, tl IX Tnmilruu. 8-lh. fans, $1.2601.60; t-lb., 87Hc(g$1.00. Pineapples, grated, Z-ln, BjiorKO'tw; sucea, i.muij. allon apples, fancy, $3 .80; California apri cots. tl.WitM; pearB, sl-ttVUiM); peaches, fancy, $1. 7602.40; H. C. peaches, $1.0002.60. A las 1 a salmon, rea, ti.i lancy-uiur.oua., F., $2.10; fancy aockeye, F.. $1.9fS; sardines, U oil. $2.60; mustard, $150414.10. Bweet nntatnea II 1.WM.2S: sauer kraut. 31.0: bumpkins. 8OcJj$1.00; wax beans. 8-lb., 7b I ( i I ,, I . a Ik eKA,A1 fix. anlnah II . - sve; lima oeana, rtu., ieie.", "t:, , $1.86; cheap peas, z-lo., oc; sxira, lattisvo; fancy, $1.3601.75. Metal Markat. NEW TORK, May 26. METALB Thera was a sharp break In the London tin market today, speculative conditions thsre remaining very nervoue and unsettled. Fpot closed at 1188 16s, and futures at (1.6 10s. Th market here was weak. In Sympathy and closed at $40 60041.00 for spot. Copper also declined In London, closing at i$6 for spot and at (84 10s for futures. Locally the copper situation was unchanged. Lake was quoted Bt $18.7tO 16.00; electrolytic. 81 87H OH 76: casting. $K.2501 27H- Lead waa Is 2d lower, .tt (It 'its 8d In London. Locally the market was without further change, quotations ranging from $6.76 to $6 .85. Spelter waa a shade higher abroad, closing at $27- 10s The local market wn dull and barely Steady, with apot quoted at $6.86 0 5.8... Iron was lower In the English marks, with stsndard foundry quMed at 60s Id and Cleveland warrants at 60s Id. Locally the market waa unchanged. No. 1 foundr---northern Is quoted at $18. 75 18 00; NoJ 2 foundry northern and No. 1 foundry south ern. $18.2618 60, and No. 2 foundry southern. $17.78018.00. . RT. LOUIS, May 26. ME'i ALB Lead, lower at $6 87; spelter, quiet at $$. asked. Philadelphia Prodoce Market. PHILADELPHIA. Msy IS. BITTER Firm; extra western creamery, 20c; extra ; ; nesrbv prints, 22c. k EGGS Steady; nearby tires h. 17c at mark: western fresh. 17Hc at mark. cheese Firm; Nw York full creams.. loS'lOtic. Great Wheat Crop la India., , LAHORE. India. May 26-The wheat cron of th "Punjab for thla yearlhas broken all records, being Kroono tor In excess cf the previous best crop. I Mrs. Davis Better. . ' NEW TORK. Mav 2. Continued Im provement was reported today In the con dition of Mrs. Jefferson Davis. It Is now two days since she had a sinking spell. REAL K8TATE TR A38FER8. John W. McDonald to Ed Munshaw A Co.. lot 1. block 1, Jetter's li odd $' -J. C. llavemever and wife to Mary A, Hall, lot 6. bicck I. Hlllalde add No. t l.Tfx) Inter Bylea to Josephine Kelly, part lot 4, Olse a add 1.2r0 C. B. Hhepard and wife to Shlmer A Chase Co., part lot 102, Qlse'a add 1 Mahala E. Cox and husband to Cox Realty company, se nela 21-lo-u ;' o .. . ... ...... ...... i.., 17 . 1 .... L. ii L u " I r, o South Omah Fannie D. Biingl et al to A. E. ' 'i'lioniaa. 2' ft 8tli st. and part fierce t. north Hasting A Heyden to Kmil Srholl, lot 6. block 1, Hastings A Ihyden s add Jonn L Webster Co. to Minnie i Mc- Cague, part lots 1 and 2, bluck 4, Reed'B 11 add 14" Robert L. Bullry to lunula and Mary I J , Bauer, lot t, block 11. Orchard Hill ''J Th Chicago Lumber company lo Luis Jr Bvsch, lot , block 1. Muynr s add.... !" National 1-lfe Insurance company to ' Kate A. O Hnnion, tart lots 18 snd 14. block 7. Hanscom pine 8. W illiam M. liasiinga to Orace C W'll- jtf i bur, part lota 11. 1.', 18 and 14, block 7, ILirisciirn Pine ... !,$tk. Bertha Pa'urel et al to Oscar B. 1 Berndes, part lota 2 and 1 Coll'na' Pliice sn L I. Abbott to same, part lots and 4. Collins Place 86 Wllllsm T. Wvman to E. W. Dixon, part lots 1 and 2. block 16, Parker add., and lots 1, 2. 18 snd 21, block 116. Florence Harry ChrlBtnpherson to Charles J. Carlson, lot I. Moore's Bubdiv $.860 Omaha Realty company to Lester O. lUcks, tsx lot 14. SeS, Di 21-UM2 . I1 Laslla 0. HKk to Uatvty May, twmt $.iwt) t too r r I e