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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 25, 1906)
THE ; OMAHA DAILY. BEE! FRIDAY, MAY 25, 190G. NEWS OF INTEREST "PROM IO WA 1 t - '7 ' , . 1 , - ,, ,i in in - I, . .. a , ""N J ' v . r A' i i COUNCIL Office 10 PMri MINOR MKSTIOJI. Clark'i soda. Davla sells drugs. Stockert sells rarpete. Ed Rogers' Tony Faust beer. New location, 30 Pearl Bt. Maloney. Plumbing and - heating. Blxby AY Son. A food school Is Western Iowa college. Wnodrlng Undertaking company. Tel. M. , I.ewls Cutler', funeral director. 'Phone 7. " Diamond ai an Investment. Talk to t.eTrt ahout It. - Hesutllul lure door panels, SSo and up. Storkert -Carpel Co. j Specials for gin dilation glfta. Alexan- tier's Art. Store,-Broadway. 8a Stephen Rroe for (Ire brick and Are clay, aewer pipe, flttlngs and garden hose. Kor Imported wmes, liquors and cham IMigne. I.. Rosc-nfeld company, 619 Main. Huy your ice cream at I. Muccl, the Ice ( team man. Plain Ice cream, 25c a brick. Miss Margaret Oronewcg will leave ttila evening for a visit with (datives at Mln pola, la. Wanted All K. O. T. M to bring their alines for repair U Chris Loseth, at 23 lain Street. - . . (n nf Clark's I" will Just hit the spot these hot days; all flavors. Clark lung company. Si per cent mortgages on real estate for sale. Absolute security. Cllfton Wnlker company, lr you want your lira Insurance to In sure have Clifton-Walker Co. wrlta It In lelliible companies. Art "tinker and Nellie Fleming were mar ried In Uilg city yesterday. Justice Fleid performing the ceienmny. 1 iw -malt until you get soaked; buy your shlnglea now. Ilafer bus a large stock of all grades at.liotlom prices. llarfy Maymo, a former subject of the mikado of Japan, took out his hist papers In I he Ua-rior court yesterday. Moving -' vans and wagons: furnltur stored. Neshltt's Transfer and Storage. Tel. 913. Urtica S3tYcst Broadway. Free this week, a beautiful aephyr fan with a fcbo purchase. Bee them In our show window.. Kwalne at Maurer, SW-33S Broad way. Mrs.- Ella Cllnkingbird was granted In trie district court yesterday a divorce from I'liilip Cllnkingbird on the grounds of d -sertiiwi)" For Sale Will sacrifice on my fine piano. Payments -ff ; desired. Can ' be seen at Bclimollor ' ac Mueller's, U2 Broadway, Council Bluffs, la. B. r. Brown ef Wright township and H. K. Strong of Carson earh brought In six wolf cube to County Auditor Cheyne and each received $12 bounty. Mini ZeuUh Matlack arrived last even ing from Texarkana, Tex., to spend the summer with her brother. Court Bailiff Joa Matlak-and hla family. John Atterbury, who appeared to be un der the influence - of liquor, waa arrested last night charged with insulting women on Fourth and Story streets. Do not sell your old Iron, copper, brass and old rubbers before you see ua. We pay 19 per ton for No. 1 machinery Iron. J. Kattleinan. 803 8. Main. Tel. 0. We i.ave the finest line of sample monu ments to- select from In the west. Bheely A Lane Marble and Granite works, 217 East Broadway, Council Bluffs, la. Ivanhoe commandery. Kniglita Templar. will. meet In special conclave, this evening for work In the order of the temple for the annual Inspection. A banquet will be served at the close of the Inspection. Friends In this city have been advised hat Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Potta of Lincoln, Neb., ar the happy parents of a boy baby. Mr. and Mr .Potta are both former resl denta of Council Bluffs, Mrs. Potta being formerly Misa Jennie Cars of thla city. Tears of experlonce haa told ua' the best variety of planta to grow. We can furnish them to you, no extra charge, and will do the planting free, either at your home or In the cemetery. Will le planting all this week at the cemetery. J. f . Wilcox, riortau ; ' The notice have as yet been unable to lo cate Morn lilggiiiM, who Is charged with having assaulted Frank Fish on th Rock lalkrm special lilst- Sunday evening- while ' returning torn th ball garrie at Neola. Hlgglns Is a brakoinan In th employ of the Rock Island. The funeral of this Infant daughter of Mr. ' and Mrs. J. W. Smith, lb2 Avenue O, who died Wedneaday, waa held yesterday after noon' from the family residence. Interment being In Kairvlew cemetery. The services were conducted by Rev. F. A. Case, paalur of the First Baptist church. Why shorten your Ufa by baking over hot stovs when you can buy better bread and pastries at McAtee'aT It's the real merit of our goods that makes them ao popular. They are not simply equal to, but better than airy sold In the city. Try Twentieth Century and Colonial bread and be oonvinced. The following building permits were is- sued, yesterday: Mrs. IJlly Smith, one- story rrame residence, corner of Twenty ninth street and Ninth' avenue, tl.tOO; Mra. suns nuirn, one-siury irtniv resiaence, Second avenue, between Twenty-first and Twenty-second streets. I1.S0O; Martin Mil ton, two two-story, houses, northwest cor ner of Avenue A and Tenth street, J1.5U0 each; M. Benton, two-story brick addition to residence. 11,000; W. A. Williams, one and one-lialf story frame residence, $1,700. The Latter Day Saints' church will hold a public baptism. Saturday afternoon at 1 o'clock ltd the fountain In Fair mount park. Harry Huddleeton. a Itf-year-old youth of thla city, la In a predicament, from which ha . could dleentanale hlmislf were it not or his mother. Th young man stands ensrgea witn netrayai Dy uertna waiter mire, l-year-old girl. Young Huddlesion Is willing to marry and the girl la eaualiy willing. The young man's mother Is ob durate In her refusal to give her consent to th marriage, which Is necessary, as young Huddieston is fatherless. It la said the young man's mother has repeatedly de clared Since his arrest she would rather sea Mm In, the pen than marry Miss walter- liurw. For Sale 4 rooms, Ave. B, west end. city water, a- nice little bom for $400. For 12.000, ie rooms, modern except heat. barn, on nth Ave. Tor 13,000, 7 rows, modsrn except beat, on Glen Ave., I lots, good barn. In good repair, and rents for $$00 ysar. Easy term a. Alva Smith, Real Estate and Insurance, Room 7, Everett block. See th newest things In back and side combe at Hunter's. . WANTEOvFour new .', carriers. Bee Office, ; 10 Pearl Street GOVERNMENT NOTICES FORT MEADE. 8. D , MAT L 1KM. Boated proposals. In triplicate, for fur nishing and Installing electric light na ture Id six sets of officers' quarters, two set of non-cummlaloned officers' quar ters, one double barrack, constructing secondsry snd service linos, furnishing transformers and watt meters, win be re ceived here until 1 p. m.. June 1. 1. Bid ders who are not manufacturers of the goods called for will submit the name of the manufacturer from whom the goods are to be obtained. Information furnished upon application. I'nlted- States reserves right to sccapt 1o reject any or-all pro posals or any part thereof. Specifications may be obtained by application to this office. Envelopes containing proposals should be marked "Proposals for Electric Fixtures, Fort Meade, B L).," addressed Major George K. Hunter, Constructing Quartermaster. Mayl-z-$-4-26-2 OFF1CH CONsTTRL'CTINO QUARTER master. Sheridan, Wio.. May . lua Be led proposals, in triplicate, will be re ceived at -this office until ie a. m. (mountain llinei, Juue $, JJti. for consuuUon. in. eluding plumbing, heating and electric wir ing, of an adminlslruttou building and a post 'hospital, both brick, at Fort Mao ksiisle, VSyo. ,-lana aud specifications n.ay be seen St the office of Chief Uuarternias ter, V. B. A., St Lenver, Omaha. Chicago and St. . Haul, deput quartermaster. C. H A., at feu. Louis, snd st this office, at which latter ptare ail information may be utMalned- I'. 8. rwservee tlie right to re ject or accept any or sll proposals or sny parr thereof. Envelopes containing pro posals should be endoreed "Proposals fur Public buildings." addressed Capt. Jamea aV Parker, y. M . V m. A. Jaayta-iUM-atun- BLUFFS BC Tel. 43. COUNCIL INSPECTS CREEK Looki Over Work Beinc Done Between Second and Fifteenth A rennet, NO ACTION ON YMTLR WORKS REPORT Invitation Accepted t Attend Memo rial Service of Grand Army of the Repablle and of I nlan Vetersa Lesion. The city council met In adjourned session yesterday afternoon, but tranaacted little business of Importance, as It spent the greater part of the afternoon Inspecting the work done on Indian creek between Second and Fifteenth avenues. The assessment for the sewer on Perrln avenue was approved and It was decided that the abutting property was able to stand the full assessment. , A change of grade was ordered" for the sidewalk on Fifth avenue between Four teenth, and Fifteenth street and th was ordered on Second avenue between Sixteenth and Eighteenth avenuea, on ac count of trees being in the way and the property owners not desiring to have them cut down. Th council had expected to take up th proposed wide tire ordinance and th re port and recommendations Of the special committee on water works, but the mem bers were too exhausted after the long walk along the banks of the creek. An Invitation from Abe Lincoln post, Grand Army of the Republic, to attend the memorial exercises In Falrmount park on Memorial day was accepted. The council also decided to attend In a body the me morial services of the Union Veteran Legion at the Dodge Light Guards' armory Sunday evening. The councllmen will meet at the Grand hotel' at. 7:56 o'clock and march In a body to the armory. Rest your feet on one of our foot stools, 26c and up. Just received, a new stock of lac curtains, 80c and up to $10. They are the real, latest patterns. Stockert Carpet compare. If you need a sewing machine, bicycle or phonograph, call on 8. M. Williams, 17 South Main street, or 'phone Red 1167. Refrigerators, refrigerators, refrigerators, carpets, linoleum, oil cloth, sideboards, combination bookcases; anything In nous furniture. D. W. Keller, 1C8 8. Main. , Graven, 100 Peart street, carries the finest line of hsir goods, combe snd cos metics in' the city.. Investigate our cheap land proposition In eastern Colorado, $6 per acre for raising all klnda of crops; good soil; best of water; delightful climate. Excursions first and third Tuesdays of each month. Send for printed matter. F. C. Lougee. 124 Main street,. Council Bluffs, Is. JOMT BOARDS HEARIffG PROTESTS Haadred Usfswsen Objeet to Beaet Assossaaeats. The Board of Supervisors '.f Harrison and Pottawattamie counties ire In joint session In t his . city - to - consider protests niea against tne assessment for benefits by reason of the construction of the Joint drainage dltchca. The joint meeting was convened yesterday morning and owing to the number of protests to be heard It will laat to the end of the week'. , There are about 100 protests from land araera affected 1b Harrison eounry ana thirty In Pottawattamie county. As th Protestants had up till noon yesterday to file their objections, little was done at the morning session. Miss E. M. Colburn, stenographer to County Attorney Hess, was engaged as offlolal stenographer and Is taking down all complaints made ver bally so that a complete record may be had In case of litigation. In attendance at the joint session are Supervisors Brandes, Baker, Bullis, Sets and ' Spencer of Pottawattamie county; Supervisors Hall, Murray snd Hosbrook of Harrison county; Auditor Cheyne and County Attorney Hess of Pottawattamie and Auditor Atkins and County Attorney Falloon of Harrison county. A hot weather refreshment Jtllo-O Ice Cream Powder prepared In va-.illla, choc olate, strawberry and several other flavors. Two packages, Be, makss the finest horns made lc cream going. Fanoy pine apples, sweet and Juicy. We have lunch cheese hard to beat. John Olson, 7 W. B way. Don't let a few dollars Influence you when giving out your furnace contract. A good article at a fair price Is cheaper than a poor one at a low price. Wise people buy Wise furnace. Paddock A Handschy Hdw. Co. Flae Farsa, Two hundred-acre farm five mil from Missouri Vallay. Good Improvements and orchard. Cheap at $7$ per sore. "Wallace Benjamin, room 1. First National bank building. Offloe telephone He. - Tour old wornout carpets and rugs are valuable. Don't throw them away. We manufacture handsome, reversible rug from old carpets. Thousand of them In use In the best homes. 'Phone $1. Our man will call and tell you all about It. Send for booklet. The Council Bluff Car pet Cleaning and Rug Manufacturing com pany, $4 North Main. A good school Is Western Iowa college. Cola to BaaTalo for Frteoaev. Sheriff BJiInn of Harrison county was In ths city yesterday en route to Buffalo, N. Y.. to bring back Walter Bentcllff, alias Walter Grant, alia Walter Hamilton, In dicted by the grand Jury of Harrison county on a charge of conspiracy In connection with the sale of phonographs. ' Bentcliff was arrested mainly through the efforts of the sheriff's office of this city, as- Will iam Barker of Council Bluffs went on the man's bond for $500 when he wss arrested In Harrison county, but Bentcllff failed to ahow up when called for trial. The cleaneet and best restaurant hi the city, servloe prompt. The Vienna, 414 West B w ay. A good school is Western Iowa college. CENTRAL FLOUR $1. la, - Every sack warranted. Central Grocery ana Meat Market. If you don't read thla you will loos your digestion. Read R and then call your grocer and order a sack of Big A flour. the kind that tl Hew Dralaagro bile a Wasted. Residents of - Rock ford township filed yesterday with County Auditor Cheyne a petition asking for the establishment by ths Board of Supervisors of a dralaaga ditch for the purpoee of carrying off the surplus waters of Honey Creek lake Into lu Boyer river. The proposed ditch is entirely separate from the Harrison-Pottawattamie ditches or the Pigeon creek ditch. The length of the proposed ditch Is shout two miles. The, necessary bond to defray the preliminary expenses will be filed by the signer of the petition. f RIPPLRD VKTERAV IK DAD PIJOHT Asks to Be Seat to Inebriate Aeylnm to Break Habit. Guy R. Austin, a resident of Neola, who saw military service In ths Philippines, sppeared before Judge Wheeler In the district court yesterday morning with a request that he be sent to the Sta'.e Hospital for Inebriates at Knoxvllle as he wss unable to cure himself of his craving for liquor. In order that there might be no hitch In the proceedings, ne brought with him an Information signed by his wife charging him with being an Inebriate. When Informed that he would have to remain In the county Jail Until such tlm aa the authorities at Knoxvllle were ready to receive htm Austin pleaded that he be sent anywhere than to Jail. Arrangements were made to place him in St. Bernard's until such time as he can be aent to Knoxvllle. Austin Is almost a physical wreck from wound received In the Philippines. His face bears a scar from forehead to chin cauaed by a bolo, while his left hand Is crushed and almost useless from a blotr from a similar weapon. One rib la gone and one leg partially crippled from bolo wound. Austin received his Injuries while In charge of a detail of fifteen native scouts. They were attacked by a band of In surgents and th native scouts fled. All of the band except three pursued the scouts and Austin waa left single-handed to cope with the three. After a desperate hand-to-hand fight he succeeded In shoot ing with his revolver his three opponents, but he almost succumbed to his wounds. He receives a pension from the govern ment which Is his sol Income. Don't forget that I have fin spring and summer suits from $10 to $58. E. S. Hlcka A good school is Western Iowa college. If you prefer quality to quantity and absoluts satisfaction to yourself, get Schmidt's photos. Always guaranteed to please. .'Phone ii"; 40$ Broadway. CENTRAL, FLOUR-X1.15. Every ack warranted. Central Orooery and Meat Market, , - Go to Hick' for your money's worth In tailoring. .No bluff, either. Why can you tell that Muccl's lee cream I swell 7 Because he makes ths pure Neapolitan lc cream at aoc a brick. 21$ W. Broadway. Telephone $64. Bloomer to Make lee. A new Industry In the nature of an artificial Ice manufacturing plant is as sured for Council Bluffs. R. H. Bloomer of the Bloomer Manufacturing company yesterday let the. contract for the Installa tion of such a plant to g Loulsvllle,Ky., firm. The project has been under con sideration by Mr. Bloomer for several months psst. The plant ' will be owned entirely by the Bloomer Manufacturing company and will be Installed on Its property at Third street and Twelfth avenue, where It fenc fac tory' Is 'located. The work of preparing the ground for the buildings will be com menced today, and Mr. Bloomer stated last night he 'expected to have the plant In operation on or" before August 1, at which time hla' company would "the .on the mar ket with Its manufactured Ice, which It expects sell at a greatly 'reduced price from that now ssked by dealers for the lake or river product. The undertaking. ' Mr. Bloomer said, means an Investment of sbout $30,000. The plant, he ssld, will require fourteen car loads Of machinery. ' W are showing the largest line in the city and you will find our prices the lowest. I Whether you buy or not, favor ti by In specting our line. Prices rang from Wc to $7. .Peterson A Bchoenlng Co. Solid Comfort. Rustic hickory and Adirondack silver birch, porch furniture. Vudor porch shades, Vudor hammocks, Vudor hammock chairs. If you want solid comfort on a hot um mer evening get Into one of our Vudor hammocks or one of our Vudor hammock Chslrs snd you will get It. Keller-Farns-worth Furniture Co. Harter Is Parojed. E. E. Harter, the Sac City man sentenced to two yeara In the Fort Madison peni tentiary for passing a number of worth less checks In this city, breathed th fresh air yesterday for the first time since ths early part of January, when he was committed to the county Jail in default of ball, and he had the double satisfaction of realising that as long as he did not gt Into trouble h would not have to serve his sentence. A parole for Harter reached here yes terday morning and he was released. An other Indictment, returned by the grand Jury of Polk county, likewise for passing bad checks, however, confronted him and he was placed under arrest again, but only for sufficiently long to ensble him to attach his signature, to a $1,000 bond which his brother In Sac City had fur nished. . Ths psrolo provided that Harter ahould not leave Pottawattamie county, this evi dently being a mistake, but communica tion was had over the long-distance tele phone with the executive office In Des Moines and permission given to Harter to return to Sao county. Ths parois will b corrected. A careful inspect'-on of "Van Brunt" vehicle will convince even the most sk ra tios! that goods such as hs sells must possess more than ordinary merit. There are good reasons for It. Call around and Van Brunt will tell you why. Smoking Is a pleasure; not a habit. Ws have foung that out. Our customers all say It Is a pleasure to smoks our cigars Now, If you want a real hr-lf hour's pleas ure oom In and let us sell you cigars aftsr this. Ws ar located at $0 Pearl Si., our liw IwaUuu. Maioaejr. N. T. Plumbing Co. Tel. 164. Night, LtW, The Title Guaranty aad Trust company, abstracters of Utlea. Books date back to 14. Book ar all Up to it. Work ao eurgtsly snd promptly don at lawsst prices. Offloe Opposite court bouse. 234 Pearl street, Counoil Bluffs, Is. MsvrrlataTO Uooaaee. Llcenaes to wed have been leaued to the following: ' , Name and Raaldence. Age. C. Yokeai. Klmwood, Neb $0 Eva Helmee, Greenwood, Neb. Art Tinker, Omaha Nellie Fleming. Omaha . .$0 ,.11 , .20 Parties having ho usee for rent or sal, list thsm with CUf ten-Walker Co. for quick action. Recent sales have greatly r4ued our 11st and w have custgmera watting let Investments. Cheshire Seaks fat Caasaalas. State Senator Thomas A. Cheshire ef Dee Uotnee was in ths city yesterdsy and ad- In Boomer township. Mr. Cheshire Is an ardent supporter of -Governor Cummin and he natnrally predicted the latter' nomination. . , . . Dry Coeds Store Robbed. Burglars visited the dry- goods store of Brandon Fleming at $4$. West Broad way. Wednesday night and succeeded in getting-away with goods valued at $10J. The stolen goods comprised silk skirts, umbrellas, women's snd, men's hose end a quantity of plated Jewelry. F.ntrance was effected from the rear through a second-story window. There was Indica tions that the burglars had failed to force one window and they were evi dently forced to break the glass of the one through which they entered the build ing. A carpenter's chlsef was found near the window and thla Is supposed to have been used In the futile sttempt to force them. Exit waa made through the back door, which was opened from the Inside by sliding the bolt and which was left open. The open door led to the discovery that the store had been robbed. DOCTORS WH OI'T 151 THEIR FIGHT Telephoae Compaay Redseea Rata aad All la Sereoe. WEBSTER CITY. Ia.i Way i4.-(8peclnl Telegram.) After a sensational fight, last ing two months, which has been heralded and "featured all over' the country, th controversy of the Martin Telephone com pany with the physlclana of the city haa ended with the doctors as' winners. The physicians Imported by Msrtln during the fight still rtmsln In the city, however, snd will probably stay. The controversy ' was merely one of rates, although to the doctors a principle was Involved. Martin raised them $1 a month, and they refused to pay. Their telephones were taken out and forth with the fight began. The people protested because they could not talk to the doctors, and Martin Imported a number of excellent physicians. The fight went on snd pro mised to last some time, but the patron of the compsny continued to utter their discontent snd finally, due to their protes tations, the telephone company has-' given In and will take the doctor back at th old rate. ' During th controversy Martin adver tised for physician to come to the city on a salary, and In ponsequence the fight has been an expensive one to both sides. Perklas Well Received. ATLANTIC. Ia., May $4. (Speclal.)-The Perkins meeting held her last night was a success so far as attendance and enthusi asm were concerned. The opera, house, which had been beautifully decorated for the event, was filled o Its capacity by a crowd of Interested listeners. A special train had been run- from Grlswold and Lewis and about thirty' people came down- from Audubon to hear the talk. Mr. Per kins was met at the train and escorted to the Park hotel by a drum corps and a com pany of Grand Army comrades, where he made a short talk and rested during the afternoon and received friends. The pri maries will be held In this county on Sat urday, May 26, and the county convention on June ' Freraoat Against Cammlns. SIDNEY, la.. May 24. (Special Telegram.) The republicans of -Fremont county met In convention In Sidney this afternoon and selected delegates to the state, congres sional, aenatorlal and judicial conventiona, twelve delegates being. , selected . for each. The delegates to the state convention were Instructed to vote against A. B. Cummins, but no other candJdati'a name was men tioned. There were 4 half dozen noea when the resolution "was 'ptR. The convention was well attended and "harmonious, nearly all the townships being represented. Short speeches were made by Judge Thornell, ex Senator Eaton, W. E. Mitchell and County Attorney Chantry, who wss chairman of th convention. Some of the speeches were strongly antl-Cummlns. Veteraa Editor at Blows City. SIOUX CITY, la.. May 24.-(8pecial.)-Mahton Gore of Bt. Louis, Mo., who estab lished both leading Sioux City newspapers, the Journal and Tribune, Is In Sioux City for a visit with, his aged wife, whom he married at the age of 71 during the sum mer. Mr. Gore came to Sioux City In 1864, when Bloux City wss a struggling river vlllsge of 750 Inhabitants. This waa at the time of the Spirit Lake massacre, and other Indian ravages were frequent, and much of the news space waa devoted to the red skins' doings. In 1868 George D. Perkins, Its present owner, bought the JournsI from Mr. Gore, and In 1874 the veteran 8ioux City editor established, the Tribune. High School Societies B-lert. The election of the ataff of "Echoee," the high school psper, ws held yesterday afternoon and resulted aa follows: Editor-in-chief, Howard Brown; local editor, Ger trude Hooker; business manager, Elmer Norgaard. These officers were elected by the Phllo mathian Literary society of the high school: President,' Howard . Brown; vice president, John Howe; secretary, Harry Kerney; treasurer, Jamea Fonda; sergeant-at-arms, Elmer Norgaard. Owing to the removal of certain of the officer of the High school csdets from school, these appointments have been made: First lieutenant, Lynn Balid; second lleu tensnt, G. Vogeler; first sergeant, H. Schmidt; quartermaster' sergeant, E. Balrd: fifth sergeant, A. Peterson; corporals, W Martin, E. Hardin, E. Norgaard. loax City After Trade. SIOUX CITY, la.. May 24.-(8pecial.)r-More than eighty local business men will tart tomorrow on a special trad excur sion to Bonesteel, 8. t.. In three Pullman cars. Stopa will be made at all the prin cipal points In Nebraska and South Da kota on the right of way. The train will be accompanied by Frank Walters, assist ant general superintendent of ths North western for Nebraska.' Start oa Isternrbss. IOWA CITY, May $4. -(Special Telegram ) At a meeting, of the Commercial club rep. reaentatlvea and prominent business men residing between here and "alontesuma it wa decided to build an lnterurbun between Montesuma and Iowa City. The work of organising will begin Immediately. Veteraa Eoglaeer Killed. BURLINGTON. Ia.. May $4 (Special. -J D. Johnson, a veteran engineer on the Chi cago, Burlington A Qulncy, waa killed at a prominent street crossing today. He was looking out of ths cab window of his lo comotive when a passing - switch engine knocked his head off. ' riatterlagr aarll Trad. WASHINGTON. May M.-The reign commerce of the t'nlte-1 Slates fur April aggregated f Sl.OOO.OUO, of which UO7,0t4.M waa In imports and tlM,MI.00 In exports. These figures ars given In a bulletin issued by the Bureau of Statistics,, whk.h says that only one previous April In the history of the export trade has the total of imports and exports reached as much as tJflO.OOO.tu. Society eve-eat. Sarah Berk took .Electric ' Bitter for headache and can sow meet her social en gagements. M cents. For sal by Shr ma MeCoall prug Co. Points to the Cause ganlsm female Get rid XaLlMiarasYegetcib!eCorapoRd cures all female troubles and restores nerve equilibrium and brings sound, restful, healthful, , natural sleep. Thus does this wonderful -tweedy operate to bring health to suffering women. Wakefulness tvnd Nervousness Cured ' Dtar Mrs. Pinkham f Last spring-, I lost my gpparHe, had headache, and beaiinf tlown pains with cramps so that I was in perfoct misery. 1 became wakeful and ex tremely nervous. ."'''" I decided to try Lydla E, Plnkham'g Vegetable Compound, and am pleased to stata . that I durlved Immediate benefit and soon enjoyed permanent relief. Within eight weeks I was restored to normal health and felt refreshed and strengthened as though I had enjoyed a lengthy vacation. Since that time I have recommended your Compound to a number of mylady , friends suffering with female Irregularities, and thoeo who have used It report great , benefit from Its use. Mr. E. E. Vam Duns. . 965 College Ave., Appleten, Wis. Vice-President Social Economic Club. Lydla E. Plnkham's Vegetable Compound has cured more women of female diseases than any other "medicine in the world. Mrs. Plnkham, daughter-in-law of Lydla E. Plnkham, advises sick women free. She will Write you apersonal letter If you tell her about your case. AHr?rscc Mr Plnlrhom I vnn Mat iLydia E. Pinkliam's Vegetable Compound Cures Where Others FaflJ J PERKINS IS MAKING GAINS Carriei Iowa and Johnson Counties in the . Second District. ' ' i ' ... EXPECTS WEEK WILL SEE HIM IN LEAD Legislative ' lasaranre Commission '. Es peels to Commence Hearings the Latter Part of Kezt Week. ! (From a Staff Correspondent.) DES MOINES. May 24. (Bpeciftl Tele gram.) Ite reports from the caucuses In Johnson tnd Iowa counties tonight received j at Perkins' headquarters show that the I Cummins forces were snowed under In Johnson. Perking carried all the wards In Iowa City and ouy one Cummins dtl.?- gate was elected from the city. Nine coun try precincts already heard from were all carried by Perkins, and out of 115 delegates to the county convention reported Perkins has 114. There are eleven country precincts to be heard from, but Perkins has a large majority of the county conventions ajready. In Iowa county Perkins has carried a ma jority of the delegates to the county con vention, according to last reports. This takes thirty-one delegates from the Cum mins column In 1901 and makes thirty-seven delegates out of the Second district already selected .against Cummins. The Perkins people are rejoicing over the victory and believe that they will make a clean sweep of the conventions and cau cuses to be held the latter part of the week. They estimate tonight that the week will add Xi to the number of anti-Cummins delegates already chosen. If these figures are correct the antl-Cummlns strength by Saturday night will number 770 delegates, thus leaving the governor far in the rear. Insurance Commlssloa Busy. The Legislative Insurance Investigation commission will hsve public hearings In the lieutenant governor's rooms In the stain house, beginning the latter part of next week, with the Royal Union Mutual Insur ance company of this city. For several weeks the commission haa been investigat ing insurance problems, most of the work being academic and merely preparatory, such as collecting figures on the amount of businena done by the various companies, the kind of pollutes written asid the various other details preparatory to the more ex haustlve work. The rorhmtsajoner hays de tailed most of this work to the secretary of the commlsaion. The members of the commission met today and went over the work done thus far and will be here moat of next .'week. Near the close of the weet Hon. Sidney Foster and ex-Governor Frunk D. Jackson of the Royal T'nlon all! take the aland, according to prevent expecta tions, and tell of the management of their company. Iwlse Breeders ComliK, The Iowa Swine Breeders' association will meet In thla city June 5. at which time John C. Simpson, aecretary of the State Department of Agriculture, will address Die association on "The World's Greatest Swine Show the State Fair" Addresses will be delivered by prominent swine breeders uf the stste and the west. Uaarel Mea Are Here. Nearly eveiy officer of the Iowa National guard Is In Ie Moines today attending the school of Instruction being held In commit tee room No. 1 of the houae. Regular tuny officers from Fort Des Moines are giving '.he instructions, which pertain principally to the details of the practice marches to be given this summer. Discovered Father by Hli Death. Ten years ago Mrs. Henry YVaid was in formed uf the death of her father, Barney Williams, at the Soldiers' home at Marshall town and of hla burial there. Yesterday the body of her father was brought to her home, he having died at the Soldiers' home the day befcrs. Through th mistake in the How many women are troubled with Insomnia ! How few, alas, habitually sleep the night through and rise refreshed. If you can't sleep It Is because your nerves will not let your body rest. Women s nervous troubles come from female diseases. Their delicate or is a network of intricate nerves. No woman can suffer from irregularities without eventually ruining her nervous system, of female disease and the perfect sleep of childhood will return. report ten years ago the father and daugh ter had lived for ten years close to each other without she discovering that he was still alive. ARREST RESULT OF SPITE WORK Wromtagr Newspaper Kays gambler Charged Mormoa Bishop with Polygamy. 1 GARtiAND. Wyo.. May ' 24 -( Special. V The recent arrest of Bishop H. 8. Jolley of JLovell, on a charge of having plural Wives. Is the result of spite work, says the Garland Guard, edited by Emtle Vate' laus, a member of the Mormon colony here.- The Guard satfs that a leading gambler, who was recently arrested charged with violating the anti-gambling laws of the state, thought Bishop Jolley caused his arrest, and to get even had the bishop arrested, on a chargo "of polygamy. The Guard says It Is no secret that half a doxen Mormons In the Lovell colony have plural wives, but avera that they were married prior to the manifesto o President Woodruff. "The children of these polygamous parents are grown up," says the Guard, "and If the domestic re lations of these aged people are left un disturbed there will In a few ahort yeara TO SsiKIi, Evaratt, Portland and Worth PaCiHo Coast Points and Katurn . Pinal Return Limit Oat. 81 VI th " Groat Northern Railway "Ths Comrortabl Wfay" Llbsral Stop vr Prlvllf sTvery Pay . June 1 to September 15 Inquire further of F. I. Whitney. P. T. M, St. Paul, Mln. or ftearesi u. n. ny. Ask th sgsnt for "Dakoti Brattle to (C51ICA6 -' (BnEAT Delicious Meals Are served on the Dining Cars between Omaha and Chicago. Supper Is served on the train leaving Union Sta!on t 5:00 p. m. and Breakfast before arriving at Chicago. Both of these meals are "a la carte," with moderate prices. The service Is prompt and polite. Entire train of Pullman Sleeping Cars, Club Car, and Free Reclining Chair Cars electric lighted. CITY TICK ST OrriCB. t$i X Farnmm 9tr. Vbmen flio Ar&, Frcefrom Female Ills Sleep Soundly be not one vestige of the old polygamous relations existing among the Mormon pea-' pie: These unions are entered lnta in all sincerity " by the ' few who thus be lieved," . The Guard denies the report that the Mormon residents of this or any other section of 4he 'country are seeking to gala control of public affairs. bants to Speak at lies Molars." WASHINGTON. May 24. Chairman T. P. Shonts of the Isthmian Canal commission will he the chief speaker at the twnty llfth anniversary, celebration of Drake uni versity at Des Moines, Ia.f on June 14. The school wss established by the late General Francis Marlon Drake, former governor of Iowa, who , was the father-in-law al Mm Shonts. . : Ileartrenstag. was the state of A. C. Sticker dsught), Miletus. W. Vs., with a UK or- Buck len's Arnica Salve- cured ber. 2So. For sale by Sherman' & McConnell Drug Ca DIAMONDS Frenser, 15lh and Dodge sta Landls to tls ftioa A'alr. CHICAGO. May 24 All factions encaged In the struggle for possession of Zlon City and Its Industries have agreed that Judge Landls nf the United Ststes circuit court shall settle all of the points In dispute. njeui. sailing date of th "Minnesota" aad and China. . . Jspan M ereseed a Cunuuln UtesUug last evening . i