Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 25, 1906, Page 7, Image 7

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    THE OMAHA DAILY. BKE: riUUAY, "MA 15. l'Jvro.
Wheat Euru Easy, but Winds Up the
Mwion Etronc
Say Wheat U Headlasi Oat abort
Ralaa Come To Late Raorta '
Good Buyers of Corn
Oata Strong?.
lures, quiet; Juljr. 4a 4?d; September, s
(.notations of the Par Varloue
NEW TORK. May !4.-FLH'R-R-
celpts, 22.197 bbls.: exports. 4.151 bbls.; mar
ket steady, bot quirt: Minnesota patents,
straights, wa1"'; extras, :.
p3 4"; low grades, 2.Sfa3S6 Rye nur,
stexdy; fslr to good, t3.46''u3n; choice tu
fsncy, 38f'n4.25.
CORNMICAI. Steady; nne wntt ana
yellow, tl 20; coarse, $107 4 1.03; kiln
dried. 12 70412. 8(1
kite: Hteaay; no. z western, wc.
Iral, f. o. b. afloat. New York.
RARLEY Dull; feeding. 47. C.
New York: malting. 52fi67e. c. I. f.
X orK
I. f.
Prioe Eeoorer from Wodnesdtf't Low
' Fiirara on Faying by ProfeMionala,
Graft of Railway Ofllrlala Is aa
Reaaoa for Boosting; Prlcea
Warn Day Before (lt
Canned Derllae.
u.njiiiR, may , lie.). x n.,.ir,.. nu h . --. . NEW YORK, May 14. Prices made a
Report, of further ralna In the south- THflWi'EAJ-f JKet ft- jio Jd lite recovery on the Stork exchange today
went and lower cable caused a bearish ,,tn "P" market firm, No. 2 red, Wc, rf. declines on a (lir.nii-
feellng In wheat at the .tart and prices nml,l'!Y iJhed volum of bulne.V comp.rej with
were c lower. Th'a weakness was only nat i-n" , . ' Di V.hlVn yesterday. The narrow ana constant
temporary, as the southwest began buy- f.. b' , No' J fluctuations In price. Is convincing evl-
ing. at the same time sending numerous .- ""Iln1 ; J , ' h,", "'hi., o'nce of the highly professional nature
messages to the erTect that the rain had J""1 opening decline, due to easier cables. of tne deBllni," slid the conviction I.
come too late In some places and wheat lnf ' ""J ""k, lTrt ,hi h.V B'Tieral in the Wall street district thai
was heading- out short. The northwest riVimm,edlatoly r1"ed,BnJ ? ri J?'1.: "here Is an almost total absent rrom
markets, wnlch 'were strong, made com- f ni ',h dar rL lror"K iw'h operations of all but the profes-
plaint of too much ratn. The close was higher on bad crop news and bad eaher .1onaI ,pm,nt. Another significant Indl-
lc higher on July, There was a little
firmer feeling In the sample market and
prices were strong.
Corn receipts were liberal, but the cash
demand was strong. The strength In wheat
win a help to corn and there' was good
buying by shorts. , The market was strong
and prices were up at one time about c
There I. now talk that the run of corn
will soon be over. The cloae was fee over
yesterday. -
Oata were strong, closing c higher for
July.. Tne demand was better.
Prim ar wheat receipts were 206. WO
bushels and ahlnment. 324.nuu bushels.
against receipts last year of 291.000 bushels
ana shipments of 2i,ono bushels. Corn re
celpte were 802.000 bushels and shipments
614.00 bushels, against receipts last year of
119.000 bushels and shipments of 2K2.0O0
bushels. Clearances were 119,0O bushels of
wheat, 7.861 barrels of flour. 79,0u0 bushels
of enrn and 3o,O00 bushels of oata.
Liverpool closed ra,d lower on wheat
ana Ma lower on corn.
Local range of options
Artlc!ei. Open. Hlgh.l Low. Close. Tes'y.
May.. July..
I 1
78HBI 7914BI 7M,B 79B
I 44 B 44B 44 BJ 44B
2 B
31 B
A asked. B bid.
Omaha Catah galea.
CORN-No. 4. 1 car, 4Sc
' Omaha Caah Prleea.
WHEAT No. I hard. T7V4'n-: No.
hard. 73S.78c; No. 4 hard, V73c; No
spring, 78 Wc; No. I snrina. 12&T!c.
CORN No. I, 44Hc: No. 4, 42Vp43o; No.
s yenow, nc wo. I wnit. 46c.
OATS-No. 3 mixed. I2c; No. I white.
c; ixo. t wnite, kjhc.
RYE No. 1 67c; No. 8. Mo.
Carlot Recetpts.
Wheat Corn. Oata.
i.ntcago ..,
Kansas City
Duluth ,
St. Louis
... 24
... 2
... 7
... 85
... W
news from the central west, where It is too
dry, and from the northwest of excessive
rains. Prices closed mftlHo net nigiur;
May, W 7-lvaeiHc closed at lc; July,
h l-16qH9 6-l closed at fir; Septem
ber. t4,4ft8VkC. closed at 86'ac; December,
S6VvJ7Vc, closed at 87Ho.
LUK.N iw eipts, h.koi ou. ; exports. z.w
bu.; spot market barely steady; No. 2. 86c,
nominal, elevator, and ;c nominal, I. o.
b. afloat; No. 3 yellow, 670. nominal; No.
2 white, 67c, nominal. Option market was
more active and generally firmer on bml
crop news, covering and the wheat ad
vance. It closed partly Sc net higher;
My, SfiVtG 5t5Vc. closed at Sti'tc; July. M'btr
M'c. closed at 64c; September, Wm:i64,i:.
closed at Mc; December closed at b4c.
OATS Receipts. 18S.600 bu.; exports, 30,
048 bu.; spot market firm; mixed tmts, 36 to
32 pounds, SS4c; clipped white, S8 to .10
pounds. 40fl'42c; natural white. 30 to 33
pounds, S?Va0o.
HAY Firm; shipping. 3-Vg)c; good to
choice. 0tjy6c.
HOPS Quiet; state, common to choice,
1!05, 10l&c; 1904, 10c; olds, nominal;
Pacific roast. 190B, 16c; i04, 1213?;
olds. 4Q6c.
HIDES Steady; Galveston, 20 to 2R
lbs.. 20cj California, 21 to 25 lba., tic;
Texas dry, 24 to 80 lbs., 19c.
LEATHRH-flteadv! acid. 25'27c.
PROVISIONS Beer, steady; family, $11.:0
eU.OO; mess, IS.004( 50; beef hams, iju.ou
4I22.0U; packet, $.&f 010.50; city, extra
India men.. 117 00117.60. Cut meats.
steady; pickled bellies, 39.60911 50; pickled
12.00. Lard, steady: western prime, t.5,
nominal; refined, Arm; continent, 38 IK;
Mouth America. 89.75: comDOtind. $7.0(Kf
7.374. Pork, firm: family. 3180"; short
r.U'1 r tl "-',, 1fi (V,- mas 11A 7F.'ll IT 7S
TALLOW Steady; city, 6c; country, 6
RICE Steady; domestic, fair to extra,
3H4j Sc: Japan, nominal.
BUTTER Firmer; street price extra
creamery, Hc: official prlcea creamery
common to extra, 144illVtc.
CHEESE Firm; new state full cream.
Urge, best. 10c; new state, fair to good.
9Wo10c: small, best, 10Hc; fair to good, 9H
ti(tc: Inferiors, 7Vk9SHc.
(XK18-Steady; state, Pennsylvania and
nearby fancy aelected white, 21c; state,
choir. ViU.ihltie: state, mixed extra. 19H-
30c; western firsts, 174c; under grades, 1549
16Vic; southerns. 14ai6c.
POULTRY Live. steray; western
broilers, 2Mj-26c; fowls, 13Vic; turkeys. 12c.
Dressed steady; western broilers 2229c;
turkeys, I4jlbc; rowis, iiioiavtrS-
77 B
75 A
82 R
Peatarea of the Tradlaa; and Clostag
Prleea os Board of Trade.
CHICAOO, May 24. The local wheat mar-
It. Loa la Geaeral Market.
ST. LOUIS. May 24. WHEAT Futures
higher, cash dull; No. 2 red, cash elevator,
96 4i 7c; track, 969&c; July, 82c;
ket today was unusually strong because of September, 80c; No. 3 hard, 8488c
numerous reports of damage by drouth
In various sections In the winter wheat
belt. A number of advices were received
declaring that the weather In Kansas and
Nebraska was favorable, but these were not
able to offset the damage reports. At the
close July wheat was up l4ilVbc. Corn waa
up ftu. oats snowed a net gain of c.
" Provisions were lMJ'JCAc hia-her.
? Strength In the what pit developed aoon
. after die opening, which waa slightly weak
.. on report ot general rain, last nlgtit in
Kansas. All offering, were readily taken
by commission houses and thin created an
upward tendency, which continued until the
,. close. Many of the damage report, re
ceived from the southwest asserted that
the recent rains had come too late to aave
l a large part of the fall-sown crop. The
.strength of cash wheat at St. Louis and
Kansas City was an Important factor In
stimulating the demand for options In the
local market. A feature of trading was a
CORN Higher: No. 2 cash, nominal;
track, 60c; July, 47Vc; September, 47 Ho.
OATS Higher: No. 2 casn, .4 Ac: traca.
85 He: July. 84c; September, 13c; No. 2
white. SV4c.
RYB 63c.
FLOUR Steady : red winter patents. II 40
4.66; extra fancy and straight, tt.7C34.3o;
Clear, $2.759.00.
SEEDS Timothy, steady, -xz.SOO&sn.
CORNMEAL Steady, 82 50.
BRAN Steady; sacked, east track, 90
HAY Steady; timothy. 314.0OB-17.00; prai
rie, tll.504S.60.
8Hc '
PROVISIONS Pork, higher; Jobbing,
318.20. Lard, higher; prime steam, 84.45.
Dry salt meats, steady; boxed extra shorts.
876; clear ribs, 39.12H: short clears, 89 25.
Bacon, steady; boxed extra short, J.6Wfc;
cation of the professional character of the
market is the shifting views professed
and of some facts as to their effect on
market conditions and as motives lor buy
ing or selling stocks. Yesterday much
ot the selling was accompanied by ex
pressions of uneasiness over, the effect
u;on public feeling towards securities
caused by the Inquiry Into the coal car
riers and the possibility - that further
revelations of grafting practices will fol
low the extension of the inquiry to other
railroads and to other lines of traffic.
Today the stocks Immediately affected by
this Investigation were conspicuous in
the rise, ana the view was promulgated
that the exposure of grail amongst offi
cials of these companies gives assurance
of abolishing the abuse and of doing
sway with the losses presumably involved
foi the corporations through favoritism
to Individual shippers. An advantage o
the stocks was alleged to be promised In
this way. There was also considerable
discussion of the expressed gratification
by the president of the Reading that hli
rompnny was undefiled by graft pra-tlces.
Reading and the coalers were made the
lever for propping the market and lifting
prices to a higher level. Th movement
spread to other points, however, and trad
ers who went short yesterday were gen
erally inclined to cover today.
There was general satisfaction ex
pressed over the tranquil manner In which
the resumption of banking was effected
In .San Francisco, and conlldence was ex
pressed that early return of cash to New
York banks would follow. The transfer
through the subtrensury today of ne-rlv
81,600.000 from San Francisco to New
York was not without effect on sentiment
although that amount of gold was received
In Ban Francisco yesterday, from Aui
tralla, and the largest part of today's
transfer was known definitely to be in
course of remittance of this gold to the
bank here, which engaged it In Australia.
Some of the New York banks had Informa
tion, however, from their San Francisco
correspondents of Intended shipments
from there next week amounting 10 sev
eral million dollars.
Reports of a 825.000.000 loan In prospect
by Paris bankers to fire Insurance com
panies opened a new phase of the re
sources opened In the Paris money markt
to American borrowers, arter tne example
of the Pennsylvania 35O.OOO.OO0 bond issue.
Confirmation of the reported insurance
borrowing was lacking, however. Call
money rose again during tne oay. wnn
an effect of admonition of the result, to
be expected from occasional syndicate
requirements. Installments of subscrip
tions for Baltimore A Ohio new stocks
and for Delaware Hudson convertible
bonds, due tomorrow, were the cases In
point todar. A good errect was proaurra
on sentiment bv the report of wage ad
vances toTew England cotton operatives.
Prices reacted to some extent -during the
afternoon, hut rose again to the best of
the day under the influence of Reading
movement, ana tne closing wb. strong ami
mitt active.
Honds were irreginar. 1 oiai " yir
value. 32.165,000. United States new 4S
registered declined H per cent, and the
coupon H per cent on the last call.
The following was the range 01 prices on
the New York Stock exchange:
RUM. Hlgn. UOW. Lloa.
Ipg changes: Total reserve. Increase.
El.6o9.aiO: eirculallonr fteerease. 41.; bul
lion. Ineteaee, .1.7iA.:4. ether securities, de
crease, other deposits. Ine;
0i,o; public deposits, Incresse, a,l3.nnn;
notes reeerve. Increase. 1.b18.i'", govern
ment securities unchanged. The prnp"
tlon of the bank . reserve ur liability this
week la 44 11 per cent; last week It was
41. 4 per cent. -
Neve York Moaej Market.
NEW YORK. May 24 -MONET-On call,
steady, S'cHH per cent; runng rat. 3Vfc per
cent; closing bid, per cent; offered at 4
per cent, 'lime icans, firm; sixty dsys. t
(4H per cent; ninety dsys, 4"4j per cent;
i?: mcntns, 4Va Pr cent.
per eet.t.
olERI.INQ ' EXCHANGE Steady at
f so2i for demsnd and si 4 8?0j
4.82in tor sixty-day bills; posted rates. U ai
and H'; commercial bills. 34 81.
SILVER Bar, (7-c; Mx.can douarS. 5:c.
BONDS Government, wrak; railroad. Ir
regular. Quotations on New , Tork bonds today
were as follows:
tl. ri. .. tcs-' . .fi t JP . series...
4a eotipon I"1"! -4a 4t vtf
0. 8. It, rg 4 do 4t titi
o eoupos "' 80 M mrl.t k.
V. t. ota . rf....l03VL 1- lw
do eoapen .ltfcm, , Mm. c. g. 4i ,...!.
I. 8 n. . rr( 4 Nn. t'i,trml 4 'i
It HI do lt Inr .14
. It Minn St. L. 4.... 1
.114 M.. K ,T. 4
.lut do ,
. ' S. H. R. ot M c. 4a. M
. Y. f. . i. C. (. i U
. tot No. Ptoinc 4i 1 a
. do t
.lllS'N. W. c. 4 iro
. H n. I rtd. W J
. to Pnn. conT. in.
. XI Krtdlns cn it I'll
.lWoSt. U. I. M. r. St.lUS
I- st. l a s. r. is 4i. so
Cattle of All Kinds Sell in About Ies
terday'i Kotch,
Sheep aad Umtt la Light Sapply.
with Good Active Deanaad
Prices Fally Steady aad
Right t i ta thleagto.
SOUTH OMAHA, May 14, 190.
Receipts ere;
OfUcinl Monday ....
OCiciai Tuesuay ...
OfDclal XVeonesday
Official Thursday ...
Cattle. jn. 8h t
.. 3.745 8.24 4118
.. 8.U18 19.11'S t.M
.. 4.7S? H. 168;
. . 8.017 14.304 1 foi
..18.172 67.747 U.4fi5
..10.4W 17.050 11.(18
.. 19.1517 M.rt 39.!4j
..lit.7,4 2'l U.-'IJ
..If. 397 44.8F.2 t.78
..15,f9S 63.2ti7 S4.T4S
I ! I t ten 4 !
t W I M I i i 11
1 I H I ,.IM 4 l
1 t"X I M II til 4 t
1 I sn 1 1V 4 U
1 :t I I ion 4 tl
I I" I i 1 11" 4 II
I. i4 1 i i- 4 11
I I1M I I M1 I
t Itl I M I IIM 4 to
1 tM I M 11 tiw I r)
II I'4 I S IS I 4 f
t Ill) S II 1 1044 S)
IM I Tl I IHt 4 H
I Ml S 71 I I 4 4 t
I Ml 8 ft I tM 4 it
1 1 n if rt 4 4t
1 ti 1 11 1 1m 4 4"
IC7 1 i 14 irst 1 40
fl 104 I t -1 HI! I M
1 M 1 r 4 Utt 4 40
1 II I II I I'M I tl
K Ill I U I I0 I 11
I H IIS 1 714 I I
I tn I 14 I IM 4 e
I TSI I 41 1 1H I 11
1 I to ii in 1 ;
I mi t m im 4 11
I Ml I I) fl 7t I t.
1 I 4o I IM 4 IS
1 7S I II 1 lot) I i
1 1 4 I 70 I t:l 4 4v
II 4.1 I 71
do coupon
Am. VotiaoiO 4a. .
do la
Atcnleon sn. 4a..
do ad. 4a
Atlantic C. L. 4a.
Bal. A Ohio 4
do la
Br. K. T. e. 4a..
la.ilral ol Oa. a.
do Irt tne
do Id Inc
do id inr
(hea Oh la 414a.
ihli-age A A.
C B. Q. B. 4r.
C. H. 1. ar P. 4a.
d col. 6a
Clt. V 81. L . 4
Colo. ind. la. aer.
do aariaa B
Colorado Mid. 4a..
t ola, a 80. 4a
Cuba la
O. a R. O. 4a....
Plstlller Sec. la.
ria p. I. 4a
do sen. 4a
Ilorklut Val. 4ita.
Japan aa
St. L. S W.
74!lraboar(l A. L
e-'alo. HarlAc 4a
bulge of 80 In the'Tirlce of the May delivery, cjear ribs, 89.76; short clear.. 310.00.
as brnhlrht anM hv an tirent demand he I bnfti tdt j , u w .
shorts. Th markev closed strong, with
8 rices close to the highest point of the
ay. The May option opened at 83Hc, de
clined to 83c and then advanced to S8Hc.
. Tha close was at 86c, a net gain of 240.
- July opened -'o to SWAO lower, at 1V
filio. advanced to SSSc and closed at
8Jc. Clearances of wheat and flour were
equal to lirt.tmu ou. rnmary receipts were
826,000 bu., against 291.O0O bu. for the corre
" soonding day one year ago. Minneapolis,
Duluth and Chicago reported receipts of 134
cars, against 138 cars laat week . and 2u6
cars a year ago.
The wst weather In the middle west de
,' pressed tha corn market at the opening,
but this weakness waa quickly dispelled
' by a lively . demand from pit traders and
. commission houses. The principal buying
' waa by caah Interests. The close was
' strong. July opened H'4c lower, at 47
4VHc, sold up to o ana ciosea sx i"no.
springs. 20925c; turkeys, c; ducks, HWc
geeee. sc.
BUTTER Steady; creamery, 15tj20c;
dairy, 14J16e.
KOati Lower, 180. case count.
Receipts. Shipment!.
Flour, bbls 7.000 7.000
T,. u K.. lanri an AtiA
Corn, bu.. l.ono 18o,0fio
Oats, bu 90,000 65.000
Minneapolis Crraia Market.
patents. 84.S&84.45; second patents, 84.2i3
4.30; first clears,'; seoona Clears,
83 4MjT.&5. '
(Sunerlor Board of Trade Quotations for
Minneapolis and Chicago delivery.) Th
range of prices, as furnished by F. D. Day
at Co., 110-111 tsoara 01 Traae Duiiaing, was:
1 InW
1 1V
1 14
1 16H
1 164
1 16
Locsl receipts were 841 cars, with 264 cars ArllclM.I Open. Hlgh. Low. Closs. Tes y
Sentiment In the oata pit was extremely
bullish for the greater part 01 tne oay
Shorts and cash houses were active bid.
ders, but offerings were light. Numerous
reports were received of damage by
drouth to the croo In Missouri, southern
Illinois and Indiana. The principal trading
was In th September delivery, xn mar.
ket - closed strong, with prices near the
ton. - July orjened unchanged at 83c, sold
at xsaxn and then advanced to 8840. Th
close waa at S3Ho. Local receipts were lot
' cars.
W heat I
80H 82 80i
81 V! 82HI '
1 1611 1 IRiil ) 154
1 1H, 1 WW 1 1W
1 164l 1 16il 1 16H
Minneapolis Cash Prices-Wheat: No. 1
hard, 44c; No. 1 northern, 837o; to ar
rive, 83T4o; No. 3 northern, 82c; to arrive,
f2Vo: No. 1 durum. 74Wc: No. 2 durum.
Llsrht recelDts of hogs at western live 724c. Corn: No. I yellow. 444c: No. i.
A. . .Iwiil .nil., hlivln. I A f tal.' V: n a b.1.11. 9V7. r. V ft
nf m-nvlalona In tha local market. Shorts I 81.o. Barley. 40447c: rye. tbu.ii6'ic: flax.
and local packers were esujer Diaaera, oui 1 11.14.
offerings were not eumcieni to roeei re-
numii ana a a nam aavance. especially in
nork. reaulted. At the cloae July pork was
v. up 2Ho. at 318 20. Lard was up lbc, at
V. Rib were 32Hc higher, at 89.26.
b S cars; corn, 489 cars; oats, 166 cars; hogs,
. 1B.OUV naaa.
I The leading future ranged as follows:
Kansas City Grata aad Provisions.
78c: July. 75v4c; September, 74Sc; cash. No.
I hard. 79S4i2ta; No. 3, 77fc7c; No. 4,
TiKSfjc: mo. 1 rea, swwc; no. , stxawic;
No. 4, 71W6c.
CORN May. 46Vc; July, 44c: Beptember,
46Vc; December, 43Hc: cash. No. mixed,
4Hp47c; No. 8, 44V40-46VSC; No. 2 white,
AJUoles.l Open. I Hlgh. Low. Close. Tss'y. N'0, , ' c
OA ti no. 1 while, ssxabw; iso. 1 mixed.
. Oats
May '
Sept. '
July '
14 97
16 76
l !o
i to
16 MVil 18 0THI
t t4
8 75
8 87W
f TI
9 26
I 17V,!
83 m
81 V4 834
15 97
15 To
16 U'Vi
t 87H
I 87H
t 00
. .SI
It 10
18 2A
16 07
I 67Vi
I 75
t 80
16 5TV,
15 wr
16 ST
I 6?H
9 tW
t 75
t 97S
I 05
I 7V4
HAY-Steady; choice timothy. 113.00013.60:
cnoice pratne, gn.c'
iXXiti Lower; Missouri and Kansas, new
No. 2 whltewood cases Included. liBfcc; case
count, l?4c; cases reiumeo, ho less.
BUTT t,K creamery, toe; packing, 12c.
Receipts. Shipments
Wheat, bu 24.000 24.000
Corn, bu 64.000 Kl0
Oats, bu. (.000 11,000
Philadelphia Prod see Market.
Steady; extra western creamery, 20c; extra
nearby prints, 22c.
kXKJS V40 lower; nearby fresh, 17c, at
mark; western fresh. 17o, at mark.
CHEESE Firm. Vc higher; New Tork
full creams, isitHiC.
Bo.toa Stocks and Bonds.
BOSTON. May 24.-Call loans, 4fl8
cent; time loans, 4Vat,i per cent.
losing on stocks and bends:
Atchlaon ad). 4a 94 Altouea 1
do 4a 1014 I Amalgamated .
Max. ontral 4a...... 774 lAmcr.ran Zinc
Atrhlaon Nn1 Atlantic
do ptd If;.'a Binxham
How on Albany. ..IM teal. Hacla.
Boaton a Malna.,... .liMi'rantannlal
Boaton Elavatad l&JI Copper Hangs
-riicnourf pia iia i'bijt nva. ....
Mexlran central .... t.V- rranklln
Ul korala ...
Maaa. Mining .
T.. N. H. H...W
nlon PacISc 141
A mar. Arg. Cbem. .. )
do ptd to
mar. pnau. Tuba...
mar. Sugar 14
do fa 1.4
Amcr. T. A T 1S7
Anir. Woolan 17
do ptd i. .....
Dominion I. 4k 8 IS
IMIaoo, Blec. Illu 214
la Electric
do prd
Mamv Oaa
No. 1
Cuh ouotatlona were as follows:
FLOUR tHeady ; winter patents. t3609
Ifti- .ll.hii u IhrfKI 7ft- anrlnar natents.
tt is33.0; straights. a. 463.(4; baksrs, p.M I 04i4fic
CJ2 eu.
WHBAT No. t spring. 84rWc; No. I
. Mllwaakea Grala Market.
ket higher: No. 1 northern, WiJiK7c; No. t
northern, 888Vjc: July, Vc, asked.
RYE Firmer: No. L 84.4ioc
BARLEY Steady; No. t 66c; sample.
SDrins. 74tc: No. 3 red. BB-aKSo.
OORN-No. t. 4840; No. 1 yellow. 49H9
OATS No. t, S3Sc: No. t white, t4Hl2r3Sc;
No. t white. 3t'-,1i'ra.
RYE No. t. 61Vwi2c.
BARLEY Good feeding. 4143c; fair to
choice malting, 47fc61c
SEEDS No. 1 flax. 31.09; No. t north
western 11 14H- Timothy, prime. S3 Jur
36 Clover, contract grade. 111 26.
PROVISIONS Short rtba. sides (loose),
9 10. Mess pork, per bbl , tit .10al.lS. Ird.
per 110 lbs., 68.7U. Short clear sides (boxed),
. 40. -.
Receipts snd shipments of grain and
flour were as follows:
' Receipts. Shipment.
Flour, bbls 33 Si 18 W
Wheat, bu 8.0W 7.9u0
Corn, bu SIM' Wlbti)
Oata, bu ,...lysi0 210.W0
Rye. bu t. 8.4 1.7
Barley, bu 22 I'D 8 1u)
tin the t'reduce exchange, today the butter
market was steady; creameries, 13'ttjlKV;
dairies. lio!7c. Frgs. steady; at mark,
rases Included. HftHV-: flrsis. 14Sc: prime
firsts. 16vc; extras, ltic. Cheese, steady,
CORN Steady; No. I cash, 46V3H94c; July,
47c. asked.
.'versoal Grala aad Provisions.
nominal: futures, quiet: July, fca b,d; Sep
tember. s d; Iiecembef. As SVd.
CORN Spot, firm: AmerU-aa mixed, new.
aa 7d. Aiuerlcan mixed, old. is t'.d; lu-
Peorla Grala Market.
PEORIA. May 14.-CORN Steady ; No.
t yellow. 484c; no grade. kftc.
OAT73 Firm; No. I white 54c; Nn. 3
White, 83Wc: No- white. tSirtUVaC
WHISKY On the basis of 81.29 for
finished goods.
Metal Market.
advance In tb London tin market was
continued during today session and spot
closed at 190 10a and futures at tl Is.
Ixx-ally the market wss firm snd higher
lu sympathy, with spot dosing at ttl.TMr
42 25. Copper also waa higher In London,
closing at 14 7a td for snot and S6 for
futures. Locally no change wss reported,
luke being quoted at tla.TMr 19 1. electro
lytic at IU.37St4ilS.75 and casting at. 318 269
lhlTH. I.d was lower at 16 17s 80 In
Iondon, while locslly the market was quiet
and a shade easier, with quotations ranging
from 86.75 to 85.98. Spelter was higher In
the London market, with spot closing nt
27 7s sd. Locally the market was dull,
with spot quoted at 8j.7V( 95. Iron ass
loner abroad. with standard foundry
quoted at 60a td and Cleveland warrants
at 60s 9d. The loc i market wa unchanged.
No. 1 northern foundry being quoted at No. t northern foundry and
No. 1 southern foundry at tt8!?il.60 and
No t southern foundry at 817 7Vrtino,
ST. 1H li. May 34.-M E T ALS Lead,
steady, 85 90. Speller, dull, So.7i.
Adama Expreaa
Amalgamatad Copper
American C. aV F
American C. T. pfd
American Cotton Oil
Am. Cotton Oil pfd
American Expreaa
American H. A U pfd....
American Ice. securities...
American Llnoeed Oil
Am. Unseed Oil pfd
American Loromotlva .....
Am. LrfMn motive pfd....'. .
American . At It.
American 8. a n. prd
American Sugar kenning..
Am. Tobacco pfd. ctfa
Anaconda Mining Co.
Atcbleon -
Atchtaoa pfd
Atlantic Coast una
Baltimore a Ohio
Baltimore Ohio pfd
Brooklyn Rapid Trmnelt. ...
Canadian Parlne
Central of Nee Jersey
Cheeapeake Ohio
Chicago Alton
Chicago a Alloa pfd
Chicago Oreat Weetern
Chicago a Northweetern....
Chicago, Mil. 8t. P
Chlcao T. A T
Chicago T. A T. ptd
C. C. C. A 81. Louie......
Colorado rl A Iron
Colorado A Southern
Colorado A 80. let pfd
Colorado A 80. Sd pfd
Conaolldatrd Una
Corn Producta, rfg
Corn Producta pfd
Delaware A Hudaos
Delaware, L. A W
Denver A Rio Ormnde
Denver a R. O. pfd
Dlatlllera' Securltlea
Erie let pfd
Erie td pfd
General Electrle
Hocklug Valley '
Illlnola Central
International Paper
International Paper pfd
International Pump
International Pump pfd
Iowa Central
Iowa Central pfd..
Kanaaa City Southern
Kanaaa Clljr 80. ptd
Louievllle A NaabTllle
Manhattan i.
Metropolitan Street Rr
Mexican Central
Mtnnoapolta A St. Louie...
M., St. P. A g. 8. M
M .81. P. A 8. g. M . pfd..
Mlaaourt PaaISc
Mtaaouri, Kanaaa A Teles..
M , K. A T. pfd
National Lead
National R. R. of M. pfd...
New York Central
New York. O. A W
Norfolk A Weetern
Norfolk A W. pfd
North Americas
Pacific Mall
Pennsylvania t
People'a uaa
r . C. C. A it. Louie
Preaaed Steel Car
Preeeed Steal Car pfd.,
ruiiman raiace car
Reading let pfd
Reading td pfd
Republic Bteel
Republic Steel pfd
Rock Island Co
Rock laland Ce. pfd
Rubber Goods
Rubber Goods pfd
St. L. A 8. g. td pfd
8t. Loula Southweotern. .. ,
St. Loula 8. W. pfd
southern racina
80. PaclBo pfd
Southern Railway
Be. Railway prd Coal A Iron
Teaaa A PacISc
Toledo, St L. AW
T , L A W. pfd
Valon PacISc
t'nion Parifto pfd.,
I'oHed Staiee Kipreee ...
t'nlted Stetee Reallt'
I nll.d Siaiee Rubber
Inlted Slalea PUI
I". 8 Steel pld. "
Va. -Carolina Chemical ..
Va. -Carolina Chcm. pfd..
W.Usfi pld
Wtlls-Farge kpreea
Westlnghouw Electric ...
W estern I nlon
Wheeling A Like grle..,..
Wisconsin Central
Wisconsin 1 antral pld....
Northtra ParlAo
Central Leather
central Lraibr
Sluea-Sh.aleM Sleei
Ureal Northern ' ptd
it. mo m lor
It 00 41 4dV
" sob 'sii 'tiii
900 HH II 4
I, . ....-.'-1141,
II. 40 1M m 15814
. l.Ono 1MI4 itv4 lit
400 10(14 103U. 101
41. 00 !a4 S7 t n im .
1.440 141 144V, I44V4
l.aoo 10K4 104H lis
10 14 4V l4 ti aou nuj
l.ooe u laau imu
1.000 J3'4 3W4 I3IH
1,000 HH UVk
100 II 114 1414
l.ioo St4 too K
11,10 14t 1474 lllt
11. mo 11 4
to S34
S00 44
SCO 47Vt
1.400 137
1.700 tS
1.100 71
4.100 111
l.luO l0
400 4144
11. ton
44 "4
114k 1144
II "4 II
tf ' 014
47 47
n jj4
71 71
Sll4 Hl'e
44 H
4 t
400 1474 14T4 117
100 1244k IS" Ul
100 17H4 17S14 171
100 M I IS
400 W4 U14
100 17 17 164
100 51 H 11V, II
t0 K4 S6V, 4
1.100 H4 5i4
I.M0 I4SI4 Ui 141
100 Il MS 22S4
10 117 161 111
1.800 M "4 ISVt N4.
1.100 4V S4 S414
100 174k 474 17
400 74 '4 74 "4 74
'4 nt ais isi
1.10 M 10V, 11 14
1.4"0 i4 MVa i
104 tH4 8144
000 WM It )w
U.10O 131 lit 15J-
1.100 U S44 Sta.
I. loo 11 ovk &014
til. 100 131
100 1214
100 Mj
'w 211.
US4 17
14 II
l.ioo 101 iiijh tots
40f' It.', 16 4 tb
1ISJ e. M 44
100 tl4 11 31 ,
t.Ka) MS 4 46
SV0 111 111 1U
a.w m4 ar aa
l ua m wi
l.e S2-. 31
17.100 141 147 141
Total aslea (or the day. 711,000 aharaa.
10 lu 104
40 t
106 1 lui
40 40 4u
II II 11
47 44 47
2 11 11
1'4 n 11
10 41 10
41 41S 41
7 71 :
SOi 21 fcrl4
do at 4a ctfa J4
80 Railway la 1.7 4
Ttsaa A V. la lit
T., Bt. L. A W. 4a.. ,i
. 11 1 ulon Pacini.' 4a 104
I . 8 Steel Id la
Wanesh lb
do deb. R
Weatern Md. 4a. .
W. A' L K. 4a...
Wli, Central 4s..
77 1
Same week before....
Same three weeks ago
Same four weeks so.
The following titbl shows the receipts o.'
raitie, hogs and sheep at South Omaha
for th year to date, co-nnared with last
t .80414.71;
cows and
head: 8c higher:
and lights. 86 76330; turk.ri, d
dlart steers.
Hi 8 Receipt a
f s
4: butchers snd best hesvy. MtfllO.
SHF.KP AMI l.AMRt Receipts, t
hend, market stsdv; native mutton. IS 00
ty4'v: lambs. 86 0fttAon; rulls and bucks,
t4.0S(ir; Blocker. 83 76114 09.
tock la Hlgkt.
Receipt of live ituck at th lx
clpal western market yesterday:
Cattle. Hogs
South Omaha 8.017
bloux City )
Kansas city i.f
. Sheen.
14S I.1!
44) K
9 yt 4.0110
tin 1 4ST
7.xi i.wo
11.000 13.000
...17.513 5.9 tl.rl8
... 1
.. n
yenr; lfc.. 1915. Inc.
Cattl SST.S'VI t:8.434 58.8C)
Hog. 1,Oi7.t8 9j9.oi1 rjs.lSO
Sheep 707.166 (C,8.60 48,40a
The following will (how th pi ice paid
for the different kinds ot cattl on thtt
Soutn Omana market:
ood to choice corn-fed steers t4. 8033.50
Fair to choice corn-fed steers 14 444.S0
Common to fair corn-fed steers.... 4.v.4.S
viwu ,u 1 .mi 1. w cime anu iiciieia... e.y. w
Kair to good cows and heifers 3 t44.00
Common to fair cows and heifers.. t.OOuS.OO
Good to choice stockers A feeders. 4.iXn( J6
Fnir to good stockers snd feeders. 3.4fa4 00
. 1 , ,,,n.n A 1 in .1 JA
. . - ,u ,a,i .1 waul a. .......... . ..wn..w
lias Bulls, stags, etc 2.5$4.10
teai calves (.uu3.w
The following tsble shows th avcrag
price of hog ai oouth Omaha for th last
seversl dsys, with comparisons;
Dat. ' I 10C. 11904. ,1904. 19.. 102.1901. 1900.
14 -a
nlted Fruit 110
nlted Shoe Mack.... 10
do ptd
. 8. Steel
do pfd
Wcetlng. common
Bid. "Asked
Mont. C. AC
Old Dominion .
8 Vnlted Copper .
44 I. 8. Mining...
21 I
I- .
t 8.
30 .VlctorU
40 Winona
105 Wolverine
77 .North Butt
' 3 (.
..... I
..... 12
May 4 ..
May I...
May 6...
May T. .
May 8...
May t...
May 10... I
May U...
May 12...
May 13...
May 14...
May 16...
May 18.
May 17...
May 18...
Mny 19...
May 30...
May tl...
May 22...
May 23...
May .'4...
211 t 261 4 69! t 711 I I Ml t 28
I 16 6 8u 4 88 1 6 72 7 02 I t it
It 28 4 Ml l 9i k 8
I t 16 I 4 5 t 8 t 9 I 70( t 11
I - U 6 171 1 8 841 7 4jfl 6 84! I 11
. t CS) I 16) I 68 t 42 7 87 t 88 I II
I4 11 I SJ I 7 OS! s ! 1
6 ii t 21 4 (At t 64;
t t04
6 2Hl
6 83
8 37H
6 281 4 82
t 20 4 681
I 4 87
I 15
6 t 1
2 (t
7 ( i (t
7 13 1 t 71
7 11! J J8
i 42
8 14
6 Ml 4 811 t 351 7 07 j 6 f
6 281 4 83. I T 12 6 1
, 6 26 1 4 62! 6 17
8 36'A1 I 201 4 471 8 8 2 7 1 2
771 7 II t 73
8 231 7 07 t
6 IM 7 US t 841
6 19
6 24 4 44
264 4 41
6 23 t 29
8 19 t 28 4 17
6 17 4 15
i 11
t 17
I 11
I 1
I to
4 6 11
I 11
J 03
t 08
J C8 t 62l t 01
7 0t t C7 I 04
I.ondoa Closing Rtoeks.
LONDON, May 24. Closing quotations on
th Stock exchange were:
Conaola. money .. U 11-14 N. Y. Central
do account
Atchison ,
do pfd
Baltimore A Ohio
.'anedlaa PacISc
Ches A Ohio
. H
. 40 ',
Chicago Ot. W 11
M. Bt. P. ...,.171
DeBear 17
.Denver A R. O , 41
00 pf w
Brie 1...,.....', 4e
do let pfd..., II
do 14 pfd ... II'
Illlnol Central 171
Louisville A Nash... 14.
M.. K. A T ii
Norfolk A W
do pfd
Ontario A W
Rand Mines
do let pfd
do Sd ptd
Southern Railway
do pfd
louthern Pacific .
Onion Pacific .....
do pfd
". 8. Bteel
, dO Pfd .N
do pfd
vanish 4a
.. .
.. 04
.. HIS
.. IDS
.. 41
.. 41
.. 11
. .104
.. 44
.. It
.. 41
.. 11
.. 44U
.. a . 1 yam.n v.g
SILVER Bar, teaU. 31 l-lbd per ounce.
MONEY 8 per cent.
The rate of discount In the otn market
for short 'bills Is- "g -6'?3H per cent; for
three months' bills. tV(W 9-16 per cent.
. Teatarurrttateaneat
lrAR tn Vll Tm- Vav 04 Trvrl
rnent of the, jtrealilry balances In the gen
eral fund, exclusive, of the tl5O,OG0,00O gold
resen'e, snows: AvanaDie. casn naiance.
tl58.087.717; gold coin and bullion, 173.563,149;
gold certificates, 8a,437.t0.
Bank Clearings.
OMAHA. May !4.-Bank clearinrs for
today were 81.S4ft.4T7.76 and for the porre-
spondrng date- last year tl.368, 896.11.
Wool Market.
BOSTON. May 24..-WOOL The Boaton
wool market Is without special feature.
trade being quiet, wrth prices firmly held.
ueaiers are approaching the new cup, witn
scant stocks on hand. -Old territory i.ouk
is practically exhausted. Fine clothing Is
held at about 70c, fine medium at QtSti'iA
and half blood at 68$r70c. Pulled wools ar
dull. A us t saltan crossbred and merinos
are moving moderately snd sre In a strong
position. Leading quotations follow: Ohio
and Pennsylvania XX and above. SI'S 34 c:
X, 8l'a.c; No. 1. 3,aw, do. z, S.'a3c; line
unwashed, 24a2c; quarter blood unwashed,
3m532c; three-eighths blood. 824j33c; half
blood, music; unwaehed delaine, iMiuic;
tine washed delaine, i6?S7c. Michigan fine
unwashed. 24.fl 26c; quarter blood unwashfil,
t0V4i31c; three-eighths blood. 31c; half
blood. 31fS2c: unwashed, delaine,
Kentucky, Indiana, etc., inree-eignms anu
quarter blood, 3Miisc Territory and lano
fine, 2223c; heavy line. WMc: nne me
dium, 2i28c; medium, 2VQ27c; low medium,
2627c. Wyoming fine. Hli; :2c; heavy Are,
WuiOc; fine, medium. 22(Qi'ic; medium, t'if
27c; low medium. 2B27c. I'tah and Nevada
fine. 222ao: heavv fine. 19(520c: fine medium.
22'23c; medium, itnt7c; low medium, 229
23c. Dakota one; k."ioc; nne meaium.
28o: medium. 27.8c; low medium. ZMJiic
Montana nne. choice; ivttazoc; nne average,
KU 24c ; nne medium, choice. 24ji25c; aver
age, 2324c; staple, 27a'2Sc; medium choice.
ST. LOUIS, MO., May 24-woul-Steadv:
medium gradea. combing and
clothing. 2fyu30c; light fine, 25'S26,c; heavy
fine, lstrv'joc; too wasnea. ejffliitc.
Cotton Market. I
cloaxd quiet; middling uplands, 11.90c; mid
dling gulf. 12.16c; eaTes. 8.I0O bales.
closed steady; sales, 2.7fiO bales; or
dinary, 8 9-16c; good ordinary, 9-c; low
middling, 10 l-1c; middling. 11 15-lfic; good
middling, 11 1316c; middling fnlr. 12 3-16c.
receipts, 2.101 bales; stock. 1?S,S50 bules.
fair demand; prices 1 point lower; Amer
ican middling fair. 8.61d; good middling.
6.37d; middling. 6.15d; low middling. 6.i7d;
good ordinary. 5.79d; ordinary. 6 5Sd. The
sales of the day were 12.000 bales, of which
l.OOi) bales were for speculation snd ex
port snd Included ll."l bales Amerlcsn;
receipts, 35.UUU bales, including 28.4oi bales
ST. LOCIS. May 24 COTTON-Rteady :
middling. HSc; sales. 249 bales; receipts, 4
bales; shipments. 61 bales, stock. 3J.4J9
Coffee Mrket.
NEW YORK, May 24. COFFEE Futures
opened steady at unchanged prices nud
ruled Very quiet during the en' Ire session.
There were no European cables, owing M
a holiday, but Brazlllin news seemed
rsther unfsvorsble. snd the lecil mtrkot
eased off under moderate offer. ngs In the
s havener of support. The close was stendy.
net unchanged to 6 point loner, t-vea
for the day were tenorted ot 19.1100 bn.a.
Including Julv at 6.3" c: September. .15c;
Iecembe.r. 6.7ug'3.75c; March. 7.f0c; April,
7.00c. Spot Rio, quiet; No. 7 Invoice. 7c.
Cattle. Hogs.
Omaha 1 2i.4fj6.26
Chlcsgo 1.75tii 0ft 6. 15 9 .46
Kansas City 2.6ni. 6 40 4.H.82H
ru. IX)lls X.00(b.00 S 75 tj 40
Sioux City t.00tf 20 6.16 tjt.80
The following- shows the number of cars
of stockers and feeders shipped to the
country and their points of destination:
A. J. Wagner, Ames, Neb. U. P 1
O. H. Goodell, Humboldt. la I. C.
O. E. Hungreen, Creighton,- Neb. N
w. tj. Batteiie, Hancock, la. K. 1...:
J. W. Dohl. Scrlbner, Neb.-F. E
E. 8. Fairchlld, Klrkman, Ia.-O. W,
. c. Arnold, lvirkman. la. . w...
C. H. HamDton. Strahan. Ia. Wab...
C. E. I-ewis, Astor. Ia, Mil
It. H. Good. Bavard. la. Mil
O. Mohr, Manning, Ia. O. W
T. Hansen. Carley, Ia.-N. W
The ofllclal number of cars of
brought in todsy by each road was;
Csttl.Hoge.8h p.H'r
1 'i !!
17 1
4 l . :
61 t
t 4
1 ' t. .
1 1 ' ' . '
. . 40
.. 144
,. I nl
.. Ill
. .111
. .nn
.. Ill
.. 404
.. HI
.. S3
.. At:
.. SM
.. tlO
,. w
.. IM
.. 1"0
I 0
I 1
t tl
S 81
3 S3
S 10
I 10
S 14
S 10
1 ;
I 71
I 71
I 71
I is
5 71
4 40
4 ta
4 71
I 00
I 0
6 40
I s
S ll S TS
1 4 4 S 11
1 1110 S IS
1 14J I II
I it- I to
1 17M 1 l
1 1100 I SO
1 ....IIS! I 14
1 1I0 I SI
I 1:0 S It
I lt: S SS
S 1441 S
I 1I I 10
1 l70 4 14
1 114) 4 IS
: iral 1 11
1 14 ) 4 l
t l'WS 4 tt
V Kb.
II 140 I tl
1 Ill I 7
I Ill I 71
4 Hi I 40
8 14 I so
1 140 I 40
1 10 4 Oil
1 140 00
I Ill I SO
.. Ill
.. 141
.. 470
.. T71
.1 10
.. Il l
.. 440
.. 1
.. in
I 11
I 71
I 7
I 00
4 00
4 OA
4 IM
4 1
11 .
4 .
, 420
, 100
. 7S4
, 7t
, 111
. 47
. 171
4 :;
4 s
4 IS
4 II
4 St
4 IS
4 IS
I so
4 M
4 40
4 10
4 SS
t?t. Joseph.
St. Iiuls
Total receipts..
t. Joseph Mr Itork Market.
P.eceipts. 2,iM nesd. Merket steady to lOo
lower; natives, 46id4.75: cows and heifer.
t1.76V 4 7A; stockers and feeders, t-KVoM 15.
HuOS Receipt. 9.F-4 head. Market 64
higrier: light.; medium and hev,
Slib.Kr AND 1 .A MP6V Receipts. 1.437
head. Market steady to weak; lamb. !7.4u
horn lambs, 14.50.
glons City Lira Stock Market.
SIOUX CITY. Ia., Way 24. -(Special Tele
gram.) CATTLE Receipt. head. Mar.
ket steady; beeves, 34 W6 fc; cow, bull
and mixed, IS OtHSt 50; stockers and feeders,
U..6'j4 Ui; calve and yearling, 83.0094 10.
, HOliS Receipts. 4..VO head. Market ta
higher, selling At f.lir'i26.80; bulk ot sales.
So -itl4 Ji.
SHKh-r- AND LA M BS Receipts, SKI head.
Market ateady.
C , M. A St. P..
Missouri Pacific
V. P. System
C. N. W east
C. A N. W., west....
C, St. P., M. A O....
C. B. A Q.. east
C, B. A Q.. west
u., K. 1. t f-, east...
C. R. I. A P., west...
Illinois Centrsl
Chicago Gt. West..v.
' Total receipts. 131
Ths disposition of the day's receipts was
as follows, esch buyr purchasing the
number of head Indicated:
Cettli. Hogs. Sheep.
Omaha Packing Co ' 8,24
Swift and Company 836
Cudahy Packing Co. 680
Cudahy. Kansas City
Van Sant A Co
Lobman A Co.
W . I. Stephen.....
Hill A Son
Sol Degan
J. B. Hoot A Co.
Other buyer
.... 18
.... t
.... 67
.... It ..... .
.... t
.... It
.... 193
'...3.081 14.666 1,860
r at Ti.K There wss a fair run of cattle
hre this morning, although not quite ss
many as a week sgo, but th total for the
four days Is somewhat In exceae of last
week, which Is saying a good deal, as it
will be remembered that last week s re
ceipts were very hesvy. Th market a a
whole did not show any especially new
features and was without news of any
great interest.
Although packers hav been very heavy
hnvm nil the week, thev still appeared to
have use for a-ood killers, so that th
I. market wa In fair shape o far a the
riomanrl wan concerned. Bllll 11 was not
the urgent kind of a demand which makes
a good, active market. On the contrary,
buvera seemed to wsnt certain kinds of
cattle and sellers who had the right kind
did not And any difficulty In unloading at
steady prices. On the other hand, holders
of eouailv rood cattle found It very slow
work getting steady prices, and In som
case tney reportea inai iney were un
able to do a well aa yesterday. Th gen
eral market, however, wa not very mucn
different, pi Ice being vry nearly steady
with the decline noted yesterday that Is,
Mi-2hc lower than last week.
Cows and heifer were in moderate up-
plv . only twenty cars being reported tn
aiwht There w.i a fair demand and Prac
tically everything In the way of desirable
kinds of cows and heifers changed hinds
In reasonable season at tuny as gooa
nrlres as orevalled yesterday.
Stockers and feeders continue In light
supplv snd moderste demsnd, there being
comparatively little change In th market
from day to day.
Representative sales:
Oils aad Rosla.
NEW YORK. May 24 OI LS Cotton- j
seed oil, steady: prime crude, f. o. b.
mills. 31c, nominal; prime yellow, Ic.
Petroleum, steady; refined New York,
87.80; Philadelphia and LUHImore. In bull:.
i t.66 Turpentine, steady al 61, ,3c.
w York Mintage flocks.
NEW YORK. May 24-Closlng quotations
on mining stocks were:
Adama Con.
Brae, a
brunswlck Con ..
f oml Mk Tunnel
(oa. (al. A Va...
Horn Hllver
Iron Silver
Lradvllla Cos
tjtiei en.
. "
. 41
. t
. 4
I Little Cblet ...
, a vans
eitrra Nevada
Small Hopra ..
1 Standard ,
.. S
.. S
.. iS
.. TO
.. U
.. Jl
Bank of Bnailand Statement.
LONDON. Msy 24 -The weekly statement
of ths Batik of Ufcalaud show in foliuw-
Kaaaaa City I. It Sterk Market.
Receipts, 3.010 head. Including 2CJ southerns.
Msrket steady: choice export and dree-,l
beef steers. it.Jteti Lb, f;lr tn good. Jl lj
6.i4. western fed steers. :l TIrtiS 5 ; stackers
snd feedets. 13 9( 61'; southern tnc:n. SJ f'l
ti4.U; southern cows, t-'b'jt'O. natlo
cows, tM(i4fr0; nstlve heifers. tl4r,(6 25:
bulls. I3.flrr4. M; reives. tMt'ut.Z)
HOOS Receipts. 9.t0 head. Market 5e
higher; top. totTS: bulk of sV.en, fi X"i
8 3v:H; heavy. 1 6.37 4: nackers. to.3i'3
t t"U: rlKS and lights. 86 40 ft 1 30.
BHEEP AND LAMHS-hecelpta, 4.f3
hrd Market 10c loaer; native la-nhs,
t, 147 50, fed sheep and year!ln,s, 84 dr
4 3o; western clipped sheep fl unr.; west
ern clipped -yearllnRs. (S.ili'U&.la, atuck.-s
and Ueders. to butiSjAj.
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. ' Pf.
14 454 S 71 87... 444 4 SO
jj 44 4 OS II lOOII 4 44
I... MO 4 01 in; 4 S
11 164 4 10 IS i:is 4 40
4 led 4 IS IS liAl 4 44
1 134 4 tl It lilt 4 44
tl 134 4 SS 10 1111 4 M
1 710 4 IS II 1!4T 4 M
21 132 4 S4 tt 106 4 41
11 Ul IN It 1341 4 IS
I 1041 4 I) 17 1170 4 II
It 711 4 SS M llll 4 4
4. 14 4 40 4 1101 4
II IIS 4 40 tl lie S a
I Ill 4 40 11 Its I 4
I not 4 41 14 ISM I o
11 4SI 4 41 II UN I 44
II 710 4 S 14 124 I OS
t 160 4 M to 1143 I 0
II Ii40 4 M 24 1347 I 0
1 1170 4 M 10..... 1143 t
1 110 I IS 21 12" I I
1 744 4 M 14 WW I 04
i m 4 11 1 im 1 4
1 HO 4 S4 11 1411 I 4
1 1040 4 14 SI 114 80
7 H4i 4 44 . 44 ItSS I 04
I Ilv I II 1 1100 4
10 Ml 4 41 10 list 6 44
I r4 4 4e Is U-t 6 4
SO 1607 4 41 I U.4 I Ov
21 1041 10 II :2m I 44
i; 1011 4 7 li 1S4 6 II
21 141 17 K 134 I 10
It 1144 4 74 1? 1140 II
2U 4l 4 14 U llsl I II
1 l:4( 4 71 14 1444 I II
1 ...lilt 4 71 II llsl 14
.I IVt ' 75 II ..t 6 SO
1... mo 4 71 ;1 1141 I M
I I'll 4 71
cow. .
1 li I 14 4 '.m-1 8 84
t 770 t 44 1 1230 I SO
I SO t IC I HI I 41
J 100 I 46 14 4 7 I I)
1 111! I 43 1 140 I 10
1 I'O I '.l 1 U I 10
I.-. li) I 7 4 113 I 44
1 Ill) I Tl 1 1x44 I 4-J
I 131 I Tl I II ID
I HI ! 14 I Ill 4 4
I lo I si 1 1160 4 00
1 Ill 8 94 I Ml 4 0
1 ItsVi I 00 1 I" 4 00
1 744 I SO 1 '.ISO 4
1 114 ) I 40 II n; 4 a
1 it! loo 1 1140 4 eo
I 1110 I 00 1 ll.W I 04
1 113 S 00 l: I' ll 4 48
1 I'M I . 1 10S1 4 14
1 41 I 21 S 111! 4 14
I I I II 1 120 II
1. ItoO la 1 1"44 i :
, I IW 111 3 Lie I II
higher this morning. While th trade waa
not especially active gt any, the hog
old quit freely and It wa not long until
half or more of the receipt had Changed
hand. It waa largely a 36 22) margi, aa
gainst 84.17S4M yesterday. After the
more urgent order had been filled packer
seemed Inclined to take advantage of tne
large receipts and began acting on the bear
Ide. thus making the latter half of th
market less active than the mornlnj
trade. For a time almost nothing was
doing, hut In the end the hogs were all
sold, f.e market closing slightly easier.
It will be noted from the tsble of re
ceipt t the head off thl column that the
arrivals this week have been extremely
large, more than double what they were
last week, and very much larger than
year ago. The heavy receipts have glven
packere a good opportunity to bear the
market and they have not been slow to
take advantage of every chance In their
favor. It. therefor, speaks very well Tor
the strong position occupied by the hog
trade that In the face of such heavy re
ceipts prices have declined only about 12V4jC
as compared with th close of last week.
According to Information svallshle from
the country, the present large run Is due
to the fnrt that farmers have Jjst finished
corn planting and ar now able to haul
their hog to markt. Th general opinion
Is that the big runs will not last very
long and hence no on Is looking for any
very great or permanent cnange in nog
values. On the contrsry. th general opin
ion seems to be that receipts will very
soon drop off and that the loss In price
win soon d recovered.
Representative sales:
Na. At. h. Pr. No. Av.
41 -10 M III 41 240
14 Ill ... I 10 TO 144
m its ... 1 so ii ,..t42
II SOI 44 I 10 41 171
10 170 ... I 10 71 Ml
M 114 ... It II IM
71 231 84 6 94 SO S 7
1 lot ... I SO 71 Itl
IT 171 200 I 30 Tl Itl
M 904 ... 4 S S Sll
M Sit 44 I 90 SI 114
14 ITT 400 8 14 t tit
II Ill 10 I 10 K 141
71 171 SO I lt Tl Ill
II tOI ... 112 Tl 147
10 r ... I 11 M 914
71 tol SO tl T4 t4
'14 ...141 to 4 tl 41 It
Tl 911 1.. 4 11 II tot
Tl Ill 84 I 2t l.. 114
Tl MS 14 4 St M 344
II SM ... I lt II IIS
71 SM ... l 41 141
74 Ill I 11 Tl Ill
0 til 110 I 33 77 241
11 Ml 4 I 21 SI 141
74 Ml 10 I 11 11 3M
13 344 14 I 12 Tt Ill
StO 40 11 TS til
II 174 ... I 31 II Itl
IT HI ... 111 4 141
Tl Ml 40 I 11 41 SI
47 Ill ... 113 If ISO
Tl 887 II I 31 M Ill
Tl 141 94 4 11 Tl Ill
II IM ... 111 M '.44
II 171 ... 131 II 101
II 117 ... 4 11 71 Ill
41 Ml II I 13 47 Ml
17 til 144 I lt It 140
II lH IS 8 11 1ST It
71 IM 4M I 11 14 IS
17 Ml SO I 11 77 17
141 til 80 I 23 Tl 141
IT 140 40 9 11 II 171
17 148 ... 111 41 120
71 ill It I tl 44 8
44 MS 104 8 31 Tl tl
74 Sll M0 8 11 is rt
61.. 343 M 113 II SM
1 410 N IS 8 880
1 444 8 8 76
1 414 ... 4 M
8HEKP The offerings of
4 ll
4 21
4 23
I 21
4 11
I 22
4 I!.
I ft
4 11
I tt
I 12
I 11
I 11
4 12
4 12
I 19
4 11
4 21
8 tt
4 11
I t
I 11
I 11
6 12
4 31
4 S2
4 S2
4 11
I 23
I 12
I 11
I 21
I 11
I 11
I tt
4 11
4 19
I 13
I tl
I 12
4 12
I 21
I tl
I 87
IM 6 76
sheep this
arnlng were very meager, only about nine
r being on ssle snd four of them sin
per box, 84.60.
and I. 36.w;
morning were very meager,
decks. The market wss fully steady with
yesterday and everything In sight cnangad
nana in a vary snort lime alter tne mar
ket opened. Although buyer had report
from Chicago to the effect that top lamb
were bringing only 84 60 at that point, they
paid 14.76 for good western and the same
price for good but heavy natives. Ther
were no aiieep or yearling In sight, but
the fw ewe her sold to good sdvantag.
A double deck, tne last of Colonel Price
feeding, sold at 85 50. A little bunch or
good Colorado touched 84 00, while natives
sold as hlgn ss 8826. All these prices
looked very high, being right up to Chl
csgo; In fsct some of the stuff would nut
have brought as much money at Chicago
as It did nere.
As noted yesterday, th "spring mad
ness" which leads sheep men to ship
everything t Chlcsgo Is on In dead earnest.
That msiket leported almost twice aa
many sheep snd lamhs today as all the
othc markets put together.
Quotstlons on clipped atock- Good to
choice western lambs, ti.E0&4.8S; fair to
good lambs. tl.WWd.f.O; cull lambs, 84. SO
0.26; good to choice yearllnrs. 5.75a.i6i
fair to good yearlinga. ..6i3t.76; good to
choice wethers, 7frtf 8 00; fsir to good
weiher. tS.Oi t.76; good to choice ewes,
.U3i.T6; fair to good wcs, 84.766. 60,
buck. S4.ii4i4.76.
1 buck ,
1 w
! euil lambs
:J western lambs
3 western ev.e culls
1 western buck
1 western buck
1 weatern buck
36 west rn lamb culls
1 western buck
196 western we
i'A weatern lamb
21 Colorado ewe
It natlv we
I buck
11 weetern we
491 Colorado Iambs
14 native I em be
et native larhhs
136 wrtrn lamb
l(t western lamb
t aprtng lamb
Coadltloa of Trade and tnotatloas 01
Staple aad Faacy Prednr.
EGGS Receipt, liberal;, fresh stock, casa
count. 15c
Live POVLTRY Hens. KHic; rooster,
btjic. luikeya, 15c; ducks, 11c; spring chick,
ei.s. 4i.uu6.iM per dosen.
bl' lTKR Packing stock. 12Hc: chole ta
fancy dairy,, lie; creamery, Uitj&Hc-
H AY i'r.ce quoted by Omaha reed pom.
piny: No. 1 upland. tlO.tfl; medium, 8950;
toaise, 19.110. Rye straw, 88.60.
BRAN Per ton. 117 .60.
TOMATOES Florida, per crate of 10 lba.,
net, 8300.
WAX BEANS Pr box of about Ib
Ol RING PEAN8 Per box Of about la
lbs., net, 3100.
Louisiana. rr 1 1. hunches, 460.
HEAD LKT'l I CE Home grown. per
df.s. hrsd. 4onfc.
LEAF LET l t'CE Hothouse, per do,
heads, 37c.
Cl'Cl'MBERS Hothouse, per dog.. 75c.
ON ION 3 4olorado. yellow and red, lo
per lb.; Texas. In crates, while, $1.75; yel
MLSHKOOM8 Hothouse, per b , f04j0a,
l'.ADI SUES Per dog. bunches. 26c.
CABBAGK California, 344i)3c per lb.
CELERY Florida, tl 0ft per dog.
POTATOES Home grown, per bu., tOSt
ilte; South Dakota, per bu., 66c; Colorado,
per bu., 80c..
NAVY riEANB-Per bu., tl 85; No. X 11.71.
LIMA LKANS Per lb . 6 Vic.
DATES Per box of 30-lb pkgs., 12.0fl
Hallowe'en. In 70-lb boxes, per box. 5c;
Bayers, per lb., 4c; walnut stuffed, 1-lb.
pks, $200 per dot.; 8-lb boxes, tl CO.
O RANG E8 California, extra fancy Rd
land, large sites. t35tij3.76; Mediterranean
sweets, all sixes, $3.5ti'0 4.OO; fancy navels,
LEMONS IJmonlers, extra fancy, 240
else, 16.00: 800 to 360 t-lxe, $5.95.
FIGS California, per 10-lh. carton, 71
85c; Imported Smyrna, , three-crown. Ho
six-crown, 18c.
BANANAS Per medium sised bunch,
l.i642.iA; Jumbos, 32
GRAPH FRI IT-Csllfornla.
PINEAPPLES Sixes 24. 30
sise 42, 83 50.
APPLES Htsh, Ben Davis, tl per bu.
box; Wlnesps, 82.60 per bu. box; other
vsnetle. ti OfKai.60 per bu. NwYork ap
ples and Russets. $5.50 per bbl.
CHERRIES California, t! 00 per t-l. box,
Ribs: No. 1, lie; No. 2, 10c; No. 1. 8c
IVIn: No. 1, 14c; No. , lie; No. I, 11c
Chuck: No. 1. IWc; No. t, 6c; No. 1, to.
Round: No. 1, 8c: No. 2, 74c; No. t. 74'.
Plate: No. 1, 3c; No. S. Se; No. 1. 2Hc.
CTDER Per keg, M 7t; per bbl., $4.78.
HONEY New, ier 24 lba.. $1.10.
CHEESE Swiss, new, Itc; WIoonln
brick, 12c; Wlsconrln llmberger, 18c; twins,
1SH'-; Toung Americans, 16c.
NUTS Walnuts, No. 1. soft shells, new
crop, per lb., 164c; hsrd shells, per lb..
134?. Pecans, large, per lb., 14c; smsll,
per lb., 12c. Peanuts, per lb tHcj roasted,
per lb., sc. Chill walnuts, per lb., 12e313VR.
Almonds, soft shells, per lb., 17c; hard
sholls, per lb., 16c. Cocosnuts, 34 per sack
V'rEBH FISH Trout. Ho; halibut. 11c;
Slc'cerel. dressed, 7e; white bass, 11c; sun
sh, 6c; perch, skinned snd dressed, 8c;
tike, SrftlOc; redsnspper, 11c; salmon, 18c;
cripples, 6c: eels, loc; blsck bass, Z3c;
whltellsh, 104312c; frog legs, per dog., 660;
lobsters, green. 15c; boiled lobsters. 42o;
blu-flsh, 16c: herring. 6c; Spanish Mack
erel, 16c; haddock. 10c; hrlmp, 11 per gal.;
smelts. 11c; cod, 12c; bullheads, 12c; catfish,
15c; roe shad, 75c- flounders. He.
green hldea, 9c: No. 1, 8c; No. 1 salted, 11c;
No. 1, 10c; bull hides, 74e; dry hides.
2:0c; horse hides, large, $3: small. $3;
sheep pelts, each, 6(Vfi41.26. Tallow. No. L
44e; No. 1. 8e; rough, IHc.
SUGAR Granulated cane. In bbls.. I4.9b:
granulated, cane, In sacks, $4.91: granulated
beet, In sacks, 14.81.
SYRUP In bsrrels, 24c per gal.; In esses.
6 10-lb. cans, $160: cases. 11 6-lb. cans, $2. SO;
cases, 24 2H-I&- cane, $1 90.
COFFEE Roasted, No. 36, Ho per lb.
No. $0. tVc per lb.: No. 26, 18Hc per lb. J
No. 20. 16c Tier lb.; No. 21, 12Sc per lb.
CURED FI8H Family whltefleh. per M
bbl.. 100 lbs., 14.60; Norway mackerel, per
DOI., 3V IDS., uioniwm, (w.w, .-.v. , ,ww,
No. t $24.00; No. 1, $DOO0; Irish, No. 1. $14.00
herring. In bbls.. 100 lbs. each, Norway, 4k.
$13.00; Norway, Ik, $18.00; Holland, mixed,
$11.60; Holland herring, In kegs, milkers,
toe; kegs, mixed, 70c.
CANNED GOODS Corp. standard west,
rn. tSiftWe; Maine. $1.16.' Tomatoe. t-lb.
can. I1.164T1.S0; Mb., 87Hc$1.00. Pineapples,
S rated, t-lb, J Otl: sliced. ' tl.90u3.2O.
allon apples, fancy, tS.90: California apri
cots, tl-401 2.00; pears, tl.TBtJl.tO; pesches,
fsncy, $1.76(62.40; H. C. pesches. $1.0002.60.
Alaska sslnion, red, tl.26; fancy Chinook,
F., $2.10: fancy sockeye, F., $1 95; sardines.
U oil, $2.60; S mustard, $2.6o93.10. Sweet
potatoes, il.l5fil.t5; sauer kraut, $1.0ft;
pumpkins, 80etj$1.00; wsx besns, t-lb.. nw
ft.'-: lima beans, 2-lh., 75c6$1.3t; spinach,
$l.So; cheap peas, t-lb., tuc; extra, 7k4B90o
fancy, $1.3:!. 76.
Toledo teed Market.
TOLEDO. Mar 24 SEEDS Clover, cash,
$8.66; October. $446; timothy. $160.
Av Pr.
170 4 00
t 4 00
68 I Ou
64 t v0
77 1 6.1
130 4 00
130 4 50
240 4 60
80 6 (0
2-0 i (w
8a t i)
f.6 t 00
121 t 00
193 t 16
lt t ;i
193 t 25
T t 80
94 4 !
1:3 4 75
SO t 76
92 t 75
92 10 00
Cattl Dnll and glowHogs Five Cent
Higher been Steady.
CHICAGO. May N.-CATTLE-Recelp's.
8.000 head; dull snd slow; common to J lre
S'eer. $4 VXQ 30; COWS, tt.l.tO; h-1fer,
12.7VB6S5; bu;ls. tS.fcAll.iS: cU'es. $.75V, ;J;
stockers and feeders, $2 7526.00.
HOGS Rece pts, 14.000 head; 6c hieher;
choice to prim heavy, t 40.M. 46 ; rradl'im
to good heavy, $8 80434. 40; butcher weigh .,
$6106 46; gocd to choice fienvy mixed,
$A76ti44: pucHrg. M'Otfas.
held. market steady: she-p. $jKf-17i;
iearllngs, I5(i-j4 1c; snorn Ismbs. to.Ott
Hcracs C. Plunkett to Howsrd Ksn
neay, lot 4 and nVj lot i, Moreman
park $$,7t0
Charles D. Blrkett to Margaret E.
Bays, lot 26, block- 11, Omaha
View 14
E. W. Arthur et al to Anna L. Pen
nock. lot 5, Tabor Place 1.40J
O. 8. Osterhoff to Henrietta Wennln
ghoff. lot li. block A Wilcox. 1st,
add 1
Clara B. Manning and huabsnd to
Florence M Furnesa, lot 7, block
$, Briggs Place
Msude Kane and husband to Mary
Garvey, east 470 feet nw se
W. L. f-elby and wife to same, asm
J. T. Nolan and wife to sam. sam
William Tigris and wife 10 same;
Harold OltTord snd wife to A. P.
Akerlund. lw 8-18-9 ...10,40
Melchior L,eis ana wire to Lien
ft- Ion Is Lie floek Market.
BT. IX5UI3. My 14 CATTLE Re-el pis,
t ? teid. Inrlud n-r 2 1 Texana; market
fteadr; native shlrnlng and export ators,
M-sor'; dr.sied ieef snd botcher eteers,
$7605; s eer under l lba.. ttt'-fri:
stacker and feeder. IJ407li; tin a-'d
heifer. 12 w(f1 15; canne-a. tl 607)1 40: bu'.l.
l2HjtHM. cilvri. $la4 6u; Texas aad In-
Forester, tiart lot 7. block 1. Leer
park 100
Pame to Hattle Bchnell. part earn I
A. S. Comstock to William D. Stum
on, let 21 and 22. block t. Or
crrard Hill tH
A. Iveleny and husband to V. SlegU
lot 14. block 8. Brown park....... 790
J. M. Gehrig end wif to F. A.
Lrogan. lot 16. block 4, Roae IUU 1
W. C. Lawton and wif- 10 Thomas
Paif lots 2 and t. Williams' suh. l.titj
John W. McDonald to Gottlelb Bod.
nr. lot 4. Mock 4. Kountse Piac
Ph'U'e'rhl" M--tgage A Trust Co.
to Orln B. Whipple, wu let 4.
block . Reed lt add t.700
Jn. 8. Gilbert to Charlotte O. Whit
ney, lots 18 and It. block lot.
TV-ndee 1
Dsnl-l A. Coy and wlf to K
term. part tart lot 28. sw'4 swW
l'-15-t f.tlA
Fr'tk I. lwi' to .loht' Wl!r. lot
18. blo-k . Fhrldan Pls-e 1
TKr, p H-n.r1 and wt'e to Wtl. :
"sm Hsmaad. lot 6. block I. j
Fhar'ar P'sce . 160
A''e M Brown to John L, Barber.
e..f a fet lot ?. block 4, A. 8.
Pa'rtew'4 1,000
Oeer- H. ""jwn end w'fe o E1na
Arnoi't. part lot 2, block It. Hans
eem Plsre 1,171
Wiiiem 8 Wri-ht s-d wife to Wil
liam D. Branch. t.lwU 17-14-10 1