Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 25, 1906, Page 2, Image 2
... TIIE-OMAHA DAILY- BEE: ' FKID'AY,- MAY .' 25, - 1906. Telephone Douglas 618. Honent that needa no misrepresentation. Head the items mentioned PTttv Fans for the Girl Pans for the Graduate. A very pretty gift In one of our Dainty Fans, and very useful for th warm days to come. Too should aee the pretty one we . .are showing hand - painted, lace t rimmed and plain, strslght effects; some with pearl sticks',, others hand-carved Ans trian sticks; new shape. In all the popular at tea. The prlca tange la 60c, 75c, 11.00, $l.i5, 11.60, 11.75, 2.on and up to $30.00. Embroideries. With .Laces and Embrolderlea so much In request for the spring and aummer atylea It Is a great satisfaction to hav such splendid aesprtments to rely on, such aa are shown here. Many handsome styles in "wlss Flounrings for the graduation dress or summer gown. Prices from Sao to MOT a yard Handsome Batleta Allovera for dress yokes and entire waists. Prices from J1.00 to W( a yard. Embroidery Department, main floor, north' aisle; Embroideries in Basement. Bee the special lgtaof wls Embroideries at 2e. and Sc,a yard." Allovera at 50c a yard. Special lota of Val Lace at Jc, ' 4c, 6c, tc a yard.' "' .- - atand up. . McKIUrlck "was unable to Identify him as th mno who had give him the money. J' K. Burnham, president of the Burn-ham-Hanna-Munger Dry Goods company of Kanaas City testified that hi had hired Thomas at a salary of $1,000 a yearfor at tending to the freight business of the firm Kansss City and Detroit houses. Burtham admitted harltyi, received $48,000 from Thomaa la the past three years. "Thla was, I suppose," said witness, "for mistakes In classification, clalma for damages, etc. All money was paid to me In New York, I think." . ' . W. B. Emery, a member of Emery-Bird-Thayer Dry Gooda company of Kansas City, testified that he had hired Thomas for four or Ave yeara at a salary of $500 a year, and that In that time he had re ceived between $1,600 and $2,000 a year. This money was given blm at liia ofDce In New York. Some one would call him up on the telephone, witness said, and say if he (Emery) were to be In the office for a while something would be aent to him. Later a package containing money was sent In. II did not know who sent it, but supposed it came from Thomas. Cos) tract for Rebates. Tl:e government Introduced as evidence a i;bntrart enfred Into by George C. Smith, nuv d..1. for 'the Smith-McCord-Town-setid Dy On iH c c inpnti y of Kansas City, and Tlu.'iiiM. It provided. In addition to a commission cf :V cents a hundred pounds on." ehipiiients" and a guarantee Of a year, thrat Thomas "should route all shlpmenta except 4hoe-tht were pre paid and on which no rebate or allowance can be bad." Judge H. C. Tlmmonds, of -counsel fofr the defense, objected to the Introduction Of the contract because it waa dated MM, previous to the adoption of the Elklns' law. However, it wsa admitted, subject tn a ruling which the court la to give later the admlssablllty of everything heard thua far In tha trial. Denial ny Barllnfftoa Mea. Louis F. Beldleman, a freight claim in vestigator for the Burlington railway, said he had handled claims filed by 1 homes Taggart, but could not remember the dates of any. Some vera claima for overcharges, and commissions. He always investigated the first class of claims, not , those tot i corn ml sslohs. They -were -all sent to Kim by L. FV Moore, his superior officer, who mad vouchers ' for tho amounts, i .' Ha did rot ' investigate com mission clalma because he waa not told to do ao. . No ' namea were entered In the record of such clalma,. th wltneas aid. Just numbers- Claims for commla tens sometimes were for thousands of jgalata. ' H didn't, know what the com Missions were for. L. F. 'Moore of Chicago, freight claim agent for the Burlington, testified that he had handled clalma of Thomas and Tag gart In 190$ and 104. Some were for commissions. Th witness said he never had received any instructions from George H. Crosby, the defendant, about these clalma and denied, flatly that he had testified differently before the grand Jury laat December. He had, he said, always received his orders from L. F. Miller, who died in January, l4s. Mr. Croaby suc ceeded to Mr. Miller's position. All tha commission claims he bad a handled, ha said, disappeared. He had looked for them last December In his office, but could not find them. Thomaa Showland of Chicago, treasurer of the Burlington, testified that payments of claims were made through his office. He had with him a few drafts paid for claims.. Under the terms of the subpoena he was requested to produce "books and papers and return vouchers." He aaid he had called on th auditor" office for these, but thnt-afflclal had no vouchers or records other than th draft. These were pay able to Thomas and Taggart. They were entered as evidence. . OeorgeT. Roberts, assistant auditor of ths railroad tariffs filed with the . com mission aa required by law, testified aa to th tariffs on different line out of New York. OTHER OMAHA.' ME TESTIFY Ward M. Bargess and Genre l Mnn mer Witnesses la Meant Cas. Ward M. Burgess, vie president of M. K. mtb 4 J and George L, Hammer, yio president of th Byrn-Hammer company, were scheduled to at pear Thursday befoi th Vatted Slate court at Kansas City aa witnesses In th trial of George H. Crosby, traffic manager of. th Burlington, and Moderate Price -aaaaf L 0a!iiag S I Powder f U m will W rtea fvt J Our Store. and reliable. Honest, because we carry a line of merchandise Reliable, beoaufe -we buy from for Friday's selling. . . Pennants. - Pennanta from all trie local schools or colleges on sal at Men'a Furnishing De partment, main Boor. On .three days' no. tic we can furnish pennanta from any school, college or university In the United States. . Prices atart at c- Warm Weather Underwear for Women. Are you prepared . for warm weather? All the desirable weights and colore are here, from the medium-priced garment to the finest of silk underwear. ,. , Women's Fine Oauie I.lsle Bodies, lace trimmed, with ribbon shoulder- straps, 50c each. Women's Swiss, Ribbed Silk Vests, low neck, no sleeves, .hand crochet yoke and shoulders; also plain tape trimmed tl.AO and $1.50 each Knit Underwear Depart ment, main floor, center aisle. Small Prices Basement No tion Department. Mohair Braid, all the staple colore, good value, at 10c a bolt. Good Featherbone, silk covered, color blsck and white, made by the Warren Featherbone company; extra good value, at lOo a yard. OPEN SATURDAY EVENINGS. Howard Corner Sixteenth Street George Thomas, a New York freight broker, on - the charge of, conspiracy -uln rebating railroad rates. The Omaha Jobbers are said to have received rebates from the Burling ton road through Thomas. F. P. Kirkendall, the Omaha wholesale shoe manufacturer, was on the witness stsnd Wednesday, the substance of his testimony being thst he had paid Thomaa $500 a year to look after his freight ship ments, and that several times he had re ceived money from Thomas. He returned to Omaha Thursday morning. "I waa lucky in getting away after one day," said Mr. Kirkendall. They knew I would not be of much value, since all the contracts I had with Thomas have been de stroyed, and no record was kept of any transactlona with him. For that reason they allowed me to go on the stand early and get away. "I employed Thomaa for three or four yeara to handle my freight business because he was a freight expert and could save money for me by his knowledge of railroad affairs. Several time he gave me money, but I do not know where It came from. "It Is my opinion that no case can be made out against the Jobbers. Thomas handled the business of all of them to the best advantage, and if the money he gave back to them was In the nature of rebates from the railroads, they do not know it. Whether It was remains for the court to- flnd out from Thomas and the railroads, and whatever trrelr finding may be, I do not anticipate that the jobbers can be held responsible. ' ' "If 1 want a man In any line of business I naturally seek a man who know the business, and I have a light to hire the one who I think can make me the most money. Her la a man with an Intimate knowledge of freight traffic who comes and promises for a certain consideration to ao place my freight that he will save me money on ship ments. Haven't I a right to engage him just as I would a specialist In any other llnT" JUDICIAL APPOINTMENT WAITS neeessor of Jastlre Brown Will. Wot Be Ha mea t nil) Nest' V Deeember, .',s.- ' r' WASHINGTON, May 24. Secretary Taft today authorised the statement that no conclusion had been reached regarding his prospective appointment to the suprem court-of .the United State. , , - j i Th subject has gone over until De cember. 1. when congress wlU m-wt 'for its second session and when the successor of Justice Brown, will bs nanrttd. Hnrrtman Rashes Work?" ' SAN FRANCISCO,. May M.-TW Exam Iner says that K. -H. Karri man gave orders by wire yesterday to officials in Portland and Ban Francisco to construct Immedi ately a new road elt-hty miles -in -length from Drain, on th Mount 'Bhast rout in Oregon, southwesterly- to Warsh field,, on Coos bay, In the earn state. This-road will form th northern portion of a new coast line between San Francisco and Portland, thus connecting those . cities - by two steel highways. FORECAST OF THE .WEATHER Rata Today and Tomorrow la e- nraskst and ; Iowa Cooler la WASHINGTON. May $4.-Fprecast of the weather for Friday and Saturday For Nebraska Fair Friday and ' Satur day; cooler Friday In north portion. For Iowa and Missouri Showers LFridy and Saturday. For Kanaas Shower and warmer In went portion Friday; Saturday, fair. For Colorado Showers and thunder storms Friday and probably Saturday; warmer. For Wyoming.' Montana and Korth Dakota-Rain Friday and Saturday. ' For' South Dakotfc-Raln and cooler Fri day; Saturday, showers. ... Loeal Rneora. OFFICE OF THE WEATHER BI'REAI! OMAHA, May S4. Official record of tem perature and precipitation compared with th corresponding day of the last three years: In lw 14. lisjj. Maximum temperature.... 82 - .7$ ss si Minimum temperature.".,., -- l M j Menn temperature...-. 73 4 71 70 Precipitation M ' $ti T Temperature and precipitation, departures truni ins normal ai ununt siuce March I and comparison wMh the last tWo years: Normal temperature , jc r-xcesa ror m nay . Totsl deficiency sloe March I.. Norma pisclpltatiun ,11 inch Deficiency lor the dav in inei. Total raUifall since March 1 7.67 incuts Deficiency since March 1 ...... J. . .'. 14 Inch DeAciancy for cor . period in IMS. I ut hes Deficiency for cor. period In lu4. I s inches enorts from Stations at T P. M. Station and Stat Temp. Max. Rain. of Weal her. 7 p. in. Tvinp. (all Blmarik, cloudy iu Cheyenne, cluudy m Chicago, partly cloudy....... 9 bo tu tg 64 4 Davenport, partly cloudy., it Ienver, cloudy M Havre, raining 44 Helena, raining 4S 4 Huron, cloudy 72 7 Kansas City, raining 74 82 North Piatt, raining 70 74 (tnm ha. cloudy 74 82 Rapid City, clear fM M St. t-ouls. eloudy T at Ht. Paul, cloudy 6 74 Suit jtk City, cloudy J 4 nicotine, rlouoy 70 74 Wiiiislon. eloudy . .. 4 4t T Indicates trace of preclnltstlon. U A. V fcUU. Local Forecaster. Be. May 14. 1806. the best manufacturers only. Hand Scrub Prushea, wood back, good bristles, 250 each. Wash Belts at l(lc each. Pretty Embroidered Wash Belts at 25c each. . . Cream Colored Wash Fabrics Basement Floor. Many new materials are brought out thla season In tha beautiful soft, rich cream colors, which la a close rival to white and a trifle newer. Ask to see these fabrics In plain cream color.. y "Vlcerlne" Silk Panama, a stylish and serviceable material, at 25c a yard. Cream - Colored Jacquards, mercerlied dota and figures, at 36c per yard. Cream-Colored Mercerlied Togo, In new cross-barred weave, at 3oc a yard. Cream-Colored Batiste at 15c, 20c, 25c and Mr. a yard. Cream-Culored Embroidered Mull at $0c a yard. Cream-Colored Checked Mull at 20c a yard. Cream-Colored Soisettes at 26c a yard. Cream-Colored Bilk Dimities at S0c a yard Cream-Colored Silk Eollennes It 30c i yard. Cream-Colored Cross-barred Silk Mons- sellne at 30c and 40c a yard. Cream-Colored Banzai 811k at 60c a yard AMNESTY IS SOT CERTAIN (Wi Aniwer to Address of Parliament Will Probably Be Delayed.. TEXT NOT YET DEFINITELY DECIDED Mrholas Hesitates to Redeem Promt of Partial Release of Political PrisonersDancer of Con fllct InrreasliTs;. ST. PETERSBURG, May 24. Owing to the delay in formulating the. final pro gram of the government. Premier Goremy kin may not be able to deliver the ex pected, address at the opening of PaMla- ment at i o'clock tomorrow. Though there have been various forecasts of the address published, It will not be definitely decided upon until morning, when Minister Goremyktn will have sn sudlence of Em peror Nicholas at Peterhof. Unless . the premier returns to St. Petersburg early In. tha afternoon the delivery of the ad dress will have to be postponed until Sun day or Monday. " It Is reported thst Count Wltte hss de termined to go abroad next week for two months. .Mcholas Seems to Hesitate. , Win government seem (to be-hesitating about executing the- resolution taken a week ago to grant partial amnesty. "The official statement last night Justifying the gov ernment In not granting plenary amnesty, eems designed to pave the "way for a re fusal on the ground that In the present circumstances the releaae of the political prisoners deserving freedom can be left to the local authorities. Nothing could . be more Irritating to the libersls than for the emperor to delegate the discretion of grant ing pardon to the very men responsible for th wholesale arrests which occurred dur ing the winter, and auch a decision Is sure to arouse' a storm In the. lower house and Increase the dsnger of a conflict. The hand of General Trepoff. who engineered the pro tests of the branches of the League of the Russian People (Black Hundred) in th In terior which are cited In the official state ment as evidence that the 'Ruaslan masses ar opposed to amnesty. Is seen in this new shift In the government's position and again raise th specter of a counter revolution. Telegram to Csar. Th Twentieth Century, formerly ' th Russ, today prints In parallel columns the text of identical telegrams aent to tha em peror from widely different places protest ing against the demand ot the lower house for amnesty, proving; them to hava been Inspired from a common source. The dis patch most used la as follows: If Parliament desires to assist vnu aiinn It to do so. but If th member attempt to play th role of rulers disperse them and trust to the whole of the Russian people to support you. At KlefT yesterday tha local branch of th "League of the Ruaslan People" decided to organise for th coming war against Par liament and haa announced Itself in favor of the creation of a dictatorship to crush the revolution. . , , Officer of the guard regiments In St. Petersburg at a meeting Just held openly advocated the dispersal of Parliament. Such facts serve to strengthen the cam paign which the social democrats and so cial revolutionists continue to wage against th "Illusions" of a Parliamentary regime. Plaec for Witt. It is announced that Premier Goremykin will reply tomorrow afternoon to the ad dress of the . lower house to the throne. The Impression is growing that If a peace ful issue I to b possible the Goremykin cabinet must give way to another ministry without previous bureaucratic connections. M. Bttlpofr of Moscow is considered the most prominent .candidate for premier.' Michael Stakovlch, Count Heyden and. Prof. Kuamln-fCaravlefr. all members of the low, house, ar also mentioned,' but, no leaders of th constitutional democrat ar referred to In- thla connection, i -. 1 Th Rech today prints an intimation, that Count Bolsky's retirement from th presi dency of the upper house Is Intended to make way for Count Wltte. Former Interior Minister Durnovo. baa gun abroad. The car in which he trav eled, to th frontier was guared gy gend armes and members of the secret police. Prisoners for Mlnerta. TEKATERINOSLAV. South Russia, May $4. One hundred and seven political prisoners started from her for Siberia today. Honse for Lock C'nnal. WASHINGTON. May 14 The sundry servlc bill when reported to th house will appropriate for th Panama canal on the basis of lock construction. Chairman Taw ney of th appropriations committee being convinced that a large majority of th house favor that typ of canal. Lla-ntnense lor Alaska.. WASHINGTON, May 24. Senator Burn ham has introduced an amendment to the bill authorising additional aids to naviga tion In th lighthouse establishment pro viding fcr a lighthouse and fog signsl en Cap Hmchliibrook, Alaska, to coat $7$,0u0. REE ALCOHOL JILL PASSED Sen&U' JcpproTM Measure Believing; Dena tured Spirits from Internal Revenue Tax. AGRICULTURAL BILL IS DISCUSSED enator Hale frltletsea Provision Ki- tennis Vaeatlon Lestres of Em ployes, of the Depart- .... meat. WASHINGTON, May J4.-After conslder ble debate the. senate today passed the bill relieving denatured alcohol from the Internal revenue tax and then took up the grlcultural appropriation, bill, which was till under consideration when the senate djourned. The discussion on the alcohol bill turned largely upon the effect of the legislation on the,, manufacture of wood alcohol, which Senator Aldrich assertu would bs greatly Injured. Senator Hale criticised some of the provisions of the agricultural- bill as manifesting too strong a tendency, towards . paternalism. Objections by Mr. Aldrleh. When the free aloohnl bill wss taken up today Senator Aldrich said the bill would grestly Injure the buslnees of the wood alco hol mannfaeturers and gave-this as one of the reasons' why the dst-fnr the bill to- go Into effect had been extended until January next Mr. MeComher mJVed'the restoration of the date fixed by the house bill carrying it Into effect three months sfter Its pss eage. ' The only amendment made to the bill in the senate wiis one providing that the denaturlxatlon 'provided for' shall be done 'upon the application of any registered distillery," In bonded warehouses espe- clslly designed or' set' apart for densturtng purposes only. f " Senator Allison said the bill was crude and that it should have been more cafe- . fully considered. He sooke of the Imnort- ! ance of the measure, sajMng It might af fect $100,000,000 of revenue, but expressed the opinion that as the bill has been amended by th seriate fraud under It could he prevented.' He did not believe that dis tillers generally wooifl tske advantage of the opportunity to manufacture denatured alcohol as provided for by the bill. Senator Hale aareed with other senators that there Is liable to 'be ' disappointment over the effect of the. bill, but expressed the hope that, 'It would prove beneficial to the manufacturing Interests. He also de clared that there hsd been no effort on the part of outside Interests to Influence the deliberations "Ot the committee on finance, by which the hill waa reported. Mr. McCumber then withdrew his amend ment and the bill was passed. Aa-rlrnUnral Bill Discussed. The senate entered today upon the con sideration of the agricultural appropriation bill. Mr. Hale criticised th provision per mitting the secretary of agriculture to ex tend, to thirty days, the fortnight's leave now allowed to employes outside the city of Wsshlngton, expressing the opinion that the practice Is growing rnpldly and that it will soon . extend -to all the postofflces of the country Jf -not checked. He spoke of the general driand..for government em ployment, saying that such employes be. came "a hungiy. "persistem band of mendi cant,", and that . congress Is dragooned. boycotted. Imnort lined and browbeaten by the demands of thin organized body of sub ordinates. Mr. 'Hale 'referred 'to the possi bility of pensioning' government employes, ocmwor ratrersorr -said that he did not defend a-general pension System, but that ther Is ast.mueti season for granting re tlrement pensiona-toixhrf'more humble gov ernment : employe., ifcu: ; granting retired pay to-the ferterl"jii(lw end-military and naval ofnoesnt; There waa'also- considerable discussion- oti the- amendment authorising too purchase tr sample, of all serums and anU-toxlna for tho cure of animals and it was denounced by Mr. Hale a another step In th direction of paternalism. Sena tor McCumber supported the . provision whtoh was agreed tBi -. '.- Tho consideration of -the bill had hot been concluded when .the senate adjourned. The following bills were passed by the senate toaay: - Enlarging the wuthority of the Missis sippi River commission In the matter of expenditure of funds,, Providing for . the., preservation- of an tiquities on the public lands. Authorizing-a resurvey "of public' lands In Fremont county, Colorado. Authorizing the subdivision . -id . sal of lands In the stale of Washln. jn. Providing for a recorder of deeds for the Osage reservation tn Oklahoma. Ceding to Canon City, Colo., certain lands In Royal Gorge for park purpoaes. Granting-lends for cemetery purposes to the Odd Fellows of Ekalaka. Mont: GEIKWAR OF B A ROD A TO RETTRX Indian Prince Would Stndy Method of t'nlted' states. WASHINGTON, May 24.-Thoroughly Im bued with the advantage to be gained by a study of Its people and Institutions, his highness, Maharajah. Gelkwar of Baroda, will pay a second visit to . tha United. Btates, at which time he can make his Investigations mora complete. He stated to a number, of newspaper men to day whom he met by special appointment. He stated he will probably request the j secretary of commerce and labor to allow an expert from the United Statea Fish commission to go to India and give in struction in fish culture. His highness Is seriously considering the advisability cf sending to. America and placing an agri cultural colonies a number of students to study farming with- the view to Improv ing the condftlon of hia people. Before leaving' America hla highness will visit Colorado snd proceed as far west as San Francisco, although he felt thst his trip may be curtailed on account' of the heat. Ho did not definitely state when he would come to America again, but In timated that-It would be at no distant day, and then he proposed to spend ui least six months gathering what helpful information he could. India was not the whole world, he said, and neither was Great Britain "anj he felt sure that there was much to learn from other countries. POLITICAL TALK I THE HOl'St? Towne 'Attacks Administration and Dalsell Defends It.' " WASHINGTON. Msy S4.-Well Tilled gal leries and a large membership on the floor listened with great attention today in the house of representatives to two leaders of opposite schools bf politics Representative Charles A. Town of New York and Repre sentative John Dalzei.1 of Pennsylvania. Mr. Towne" wss' In splendid voice 'and the democrats applauded him to ths echo. His strictures on the president were received with continued handclapplng on the demo cratic side and when he read th president out of the democratic party the minority applauded. ' Mr. Dalzell, who followed Mc. Towne. Spoke In favor of 'letting well enough alone," his speech being enthusi astically applauded by the republican Nothing of a legislative character was ac complished by t lie house, the day being given pver to oratory. Desire Jew I Ighthvnaes. WASHINGTON. May 24. The senate committee on commerce today voted to report the house omnibus lighthouse b".l and added th following lterast Light ship for Juan de Furs, Wash., $110,001; light and 'fog signals, Csp Hlnrhln brook. Alaska. $71,000: light hout tender. Hawaiian Islands. $l0.0ul; under (or lighthouse .Inspector, Csllfornla district, $110,000; lighthouse and fog signal, ReJ Rock, San Francisco bay, $$0,000. Senate tiilrai Nominations. WASHINGTON. May ?4.-The senate. In executive session, today confirmed the fol lowing nominations: Consuls general: Louis II. Ayme. Illinois, at Lisbon, Portugal; William T. Fee, Ohio, at Mukden, China. Consul; t'hsrles Ci Fberhardt, Ksnsas, at Inultos, Peru. Receivers of fnlted State land offices: Patrick M. Mullen. Nebraska, at Juneau, Alaska; William E. Wallace at Glen wood Springs, Colo. Register I'nlted States land office; John W. Dudley at Juneau, Alaska. Postmasters: Callfomls R. A. Kdmonds, Haksrsneld. Ksnsas R. Waring, Abilene; 11. J. Muth, I Cygne. . TWO CHURCHES UNITE (Continued from First Page.) D.. professor of divinity, t'niverslty of Edinburgh, representing the church of Scotland, and Rev. William D. Wallace. pastor First church, Ramelton, Ireland, the church from which came "Father" Make mlo, who is accredited with boing the father of the Presbyterian church In this country. . Tonight a reception was tendered the commissioners and visitors at the stste cap'uol by the governor and other state officials. Cumberland Session F.nda. DRf ATl'R, III.. May 24. Announcement that the union of the Presbyterian churches had been consummated was made to the general assembly of the Cumberland Pres byterian church today and an adjournment was taken immediately, afterwards. Inlted Preahyterlnnn at Work. RICHMOND, lnd., Msy 24-The general assembly of the United Presbyterian rhnrch tndnv elected ft T Tannlnf nf pPt onnnrt nssistnnt clerk v.rinn. porta were received and referred to com mittees. At the afternoon session a number of reports were presented, most of which went lo the hands of committees for future reports. These reports touched on reform. ways and means, state of religion and men's league. Delegates will be named to th great church federation to be held In New Tork In 1908, and alao to the National Anti- Saloon league, to be held at St. Louis. The assembly favors union with the General Synod of the Reformed church, south, and this movement will be promoted the coming year. A revision of the book of discipline will be undertaken. It Is not deemed prob sble that there will be any change tn the book of hymns. Tonight's session of the general assembly was devoted to a public meeting on mis slons. KRETSCHMER OUT OF THE RACE Vanillins; to Assist In the Pro posed Defeat of genator . , Allison. CEDAR RAPIDS, la.. May 24-(Speclsl.) The withdrawal of Fred N. Kretschmer from the race as a candidate for the re publican nomination for stats trasurr, which waa announced tonight, la one of tha most Important Itema of political news of the present campaign in Iowa, Mr. Kretschmer, who Is the republican county treasurer of Dubuque county, cap tured the county convention and secured the delegation to the state convention to use as he saw fit tn the furtherance of his own eanrildacy,! Since- that time the Cum mins manager hav rwn .claiming (bat. he would name a list of delegate who would be solidly for Cummins and they at once proceeded to put the twenty-six vote from Dubuque county In their list. For some days, ' i however, the conviction has been forced? In on the friends of Senator Allison that the renominatlon of Governor Cum mins for a third term as governor meant that he would be a inri)dafe for United States senator and as he r.iade the public statement at the opening of his campaign that he should not In any wsy antagonise the re-election of Senator Dolllver, it was plain that he would be Senator Allison. candidate against This put a new phase on the candidacy of Kretschmer, who comes from Senator Allison's home. town: After sarefully con sidering the situation, Mr. Kretschmer haa com to the conclusion' that In the Interst of Senator Allison he was willing to with draw so that the county could act In the State convention in the best manner to pro tect the Interests of the senior senator. It Is believed that In this way harmony may be reached in the district and the votes of Dubuque county probably will not be used to aid In the renominatlon of a candi date for governor who Is known to be a candidate for United Btates senator. Mr. Kretschmer' statement, which was given out tonight, 1 as follows: After -mature deliberation and ' having given careful consideration to the present political situation In Iowa, 1 deem a fur ther continuance of my candidacy for nomination to the office of treasurer of state of Iowa by the republican atate con vention shortly to be held, as detrimental to the oplltlcal aspirationa and welfare of my friends In Dubuque county and th Third congressional district of Iowa, to whom I am under much personal and po litical obligations, and that my continued candidacy Is also against tne nest in terests of the senor 1 nuea Btates senstor from lows, snd, therefore, adverse to the who sr jo well and fully represented In 1 the senate by that able, distinguished snd ! mucn-oeioveu .LirBi..ii Ths nation hss no better chsmplon of P.vid.V," 5 pi 1 III WiiMTBWiiWMnnrmi rnirm BOSTON AND RETURN One fare plus $1.00 for tho round trip. Tickets on sale May 31 to June 9. LOUISVILLE, KY., AND RETURN-!f.75 for round trip. Tickets on 6ale June 11, 1'2 and 13. NEW HAVEN, CONN., AND "RETURN One fans plus $2 for the round trip. Tickets on sale June 1 to 4. Liberal return limits. ' Have your tickets read via the Chicago, Milwaulicc &SL Paul Railway. Three fast trains to Chicago leave Omaha Union Depot at 7:53 a. in., 5:45 p. m. and 8:35 p. m. every day. Close connections at Chicago with eastern lines. For full in formation call at City Ticket Office or write to F. A. HASH, ,ltt fAIUM ST, 0MAI4. NE1. ggjTi'fn'EMTIT Hi1 " .I i A. Pure, Healthful, Refreshing " The Queen of barrass him In the future. His removal from the senate would prove a calamity to the nation. That the party may stand united behind Senator Allison. 1 am Im pelled to and do withdraw aa a candidate for-the office of treasurer of state and now retire from the field. Most heartily thanking my friends and political supporters for the kind encourage ment and aid which I have received at their hands, I assure them and the people of thla great state of my life-long devotion to their best tnterests so courageously and effectively advocated and carried Into ef fect ny the great republican party ot tu nation ana state. SAVING AMERICAN ANTIQUITIES Senate Committee Favorably Report BUI to Preserve Relics of . Other Day. WASHINGTON, May I4.-A measure for the preservation of American antiquities. which has the endorsement of a scor or more societies In this country, has been ordered reported favorably by the senat committee on public lends. The proposi tion hss been before congress tn various forms for several years, hut always some objection was urged against It until the present congress, when Senstor Pstterson Introduced a measure previously endorsed by the archaeological and anthropological societies. Under the bill ordered reported any per son who shall appropriate, excavate, In jure or destroy any historic or prehistoric ruin or monument, or any object Of an tiquity sltusted on lands owned or con trolled by the United States, upon convic tion shall be subject to a fine not exceed ing $500 or imprisonment for not more than ninety days, or both. It Is Intended that the president, by proclamation, shall declare hlsorlc landmarks, historic and prehlstorlo structures and other objects of historic or scientific Interest that are situ ated on federal government lands to be na tional monuments. Permits may be Issued by the heads of the executive depsrtments for the excavation of archaeological sites, the examination ot ruins and the gathering of antiquities upon the lands under their respective Jurisdiction. It Is provided, how ever, that such exsmlnatlons shall be un dertaken for the benefit of reputable mu seums, universities, colleges or othev rec ognized scientific or educstlonal Institu tions, with a view of increasing the knowl edge of such objects, and that the material gathered shall be for permanent preserva tion In public museums. MRS. TOOTLE GIVEN DIVORCE Wife of M. Joseph Millionaire . Granted l.eajnl Sepnrntlon on ronnd of Desertlosu ST. JOSEPH. Mo., May IMrs. Ellen P. Tootle, wife of J. J. Tootle, a millionaire banker of St. Joseph, wss granted a decree of divorce by Judge Henry M. Ramey, in circuit court late this afternoon. The ult was filed today and was immediately taken up by the court. Desertion and Indigni ties are -charged. A' decree Waa gtanted. ' Cloverfy Farm! ' trie rfplendld court man-j ion, recently erected Dy tn xooiies, is become the property of the wife. Sh I also to receive $100,000 In money. J. J. Tootle Is president of the Missouri Valley Trust company In St. Joseph. Mrs. Tootle has been a society leader for a num ber of year. DEATH RECORD. James Bnldlnc FREMONT, ; Neb., May 24.-(Speclal.) James Balding, a pioneer resident of thla city, died at the Fremont hospital last I evening at the age of tss. For the past ix months he had been Buffering from a tumor of the stomach and from th beginning his recovery wsj considered doubtful. Ho was born In London, England, and came to Milwaukee. Wis.. In 1846. He cam to Fremont In 1868 and soon after stsrted a meat market... Ha later engaged ex tensively in the stock business and was an extensive. sheep and cattle feeder. Mrs. Peter Band. BENNINGTON. Neb.. May $4.-(Speclal Telegram.) Mrs. Peter Bund died here to day. Mrs. Bund and her husband are among the old settlers of this section, coming here between thlrty-flv and forty years ago. The town of Bennington la located on land which waa originally em braced in their homestead. She leaves a husband, five aons and two daughters. Prof. George A. Weatwortk. EXETER. N. H., May Z4 Prof. George A. Went worth, widely known aa an author of school text books on mathematics, died suddenly of heart disease today, while at th Boston & Main railroad station In Dover. From 1858 to 189$ he was professor of mathematics at Phillips Exeter academy. He waa 71 years of age. Hew Cemetery Law. WASHINGTON. May 24. The senate coin- in..a nn mihltc funds has recommended congress of a g.n.ral bill 0K1 CENMAL HESTM1 ACEVT- i "'""11-iffst' " W i"fi't Table Waters if authorising the secretary of the Interior to Sell parrels of land not exceeding forty acres for cemetery purposes. Under the present law It Is necessary to pass a sep arata bill for every cemetery so authorised. CARS UNFAIRLY DISTRIBUTED (Continued from First Page.) a few dsys, however, and wss Increased to 17 cents. In Investigating the mstter. Senator Emery ascertained that the Fenn sylvsnla company had an oil committee, created, he declared, at the Instsnce of th Standard Oil company to have ent'r cbaj-ge of oil shipments. .With his fighting clothe on, he ssld, he had Invaded th general office of the Pennsylvania company and after being refused admittance to several officers finally reached one of them and had a heated controversy with him. BjJ threatening to bring the matter' before the Interstate Commerce commission he obtained th desired rate In a ew dsys. State' Senator J. W. lee of Pittsburg wss called next. He told of the forma tion and operation of seversl oil companies by himself and others In the last, twelve years which he ssld were run st a loss for several yeara, because of the Standard's methods. The witness said that It was a God-send for the Independents that Senator Emery, who testified before him. Succeeded tn getting a pipe line through to the coast. Had it not bee for (hat no Independent company could have lived for sis month longer. NONUNION MENRESUME WORK Attempt to Kettle Tronbie at Two Ohio Mines Meet with , Fallnre. COLUMBUS. O.. May 34. An ffort to. bring about a settlement of the mining con troversy In Ohio at a conference between John H. Winder, president of th Sunday Creek Coal company; William H. Green, president of the Ohio miner, and Rev. Roderick Macljtchen, a Catholic priest of Belmont county, last night failed, and the two mines In Jefferson county, Ohio,, re sumed operatlona with nonunion men early today. Mr. Winder, who Is chairman of the' "stand pat" operators of Ohio, Indiana and Illinois, had received no report early today of any disorder In the mines started. The mines ar defended, by stockade, a maxim gun and a company of arm Flnkerton men, , , AMt'SEMENTS. Earthquake at the Auditorium , r i I' Great San Francisco Disaster Shown by Miles Bros. Unsur passed MovingPic tures. : V;;d and Startling -Scanea ot Falling Walla, Roaring Flamaa, Dynamited Buildings and PanlC Stricken People Rushing Thre-ugh the Btreeta. The show begins Monday night at 8:30 o'clock and will continue all week, with matinees Wednes day, Thursday, Friday andv Satur day. . . . - General admission 25 cent. Re served seats, 35 cents. Matinees, 25 cents, all parts of the house. Reserved seats go on safe Mon day morning at 10 p'cjotik at the Auditorium. , bAbb BALL VINTON ST. PRK OMAHA J ; ... ' v... ;. PUEBLO MAY 25, 2G AND GAMES CALLED 3:48 KRIDAY. MAT 26. LADIES DAT. f BURV700D stiS?!:!? ffinf I.aat Thr Perform ncn ' ' Tonight Saturday Matins aud Night THE WOODW1HO STOCK COsHA, -IN t THE LITTLE MINIDTER Pries Night, 10-26c. Saturday Matin, lo-JOc. ( ; Flowsr psrmltttd bvsr footlights. KRUS THEATERn' (Ohvsha s Coolest Thssisr ) Tomlght ila stasias fiataraar 1-arswsU tour Mclvlll B. sVarmoad' Cartoon Oomsdy BUSTER BROWN Capital Chorus Cstotar gongs sTag d . eunday A Thoroughbred Trsnip. Eeturns of The Nelson and Hen-era fight will be received by direct wire at , ,E0. ROTHERY, ,, - Schlitj No. 2, ' ill So. ltth St. n I