Daily Bee. V, OMAHA, FRIDAY MORNING. MAY 25, 1906-TEN TAGES. SINGLE COPY THREE CENTS. .VOL. XXXV-NO. 292. The Omaha a f it S T f TWO CHURCHES Mil Meree of Westminster and Cumberland Presbyterians' Formally Declared. fINAL ACT AT DES MOINES ASSEMBLY HanA-Clappine and Cheera Qreet the Announcement of Hoderator. DELEGATES FROM CUMBERLANDS PRESENT imbly at Decatur Tbally Adjourni After Exchaiu of Telerama. TWO YOTES AGAINST THE PROPOSITION Csrasclemrlews) Sera plea ot Ciaali. lowers froaa Peaaaylveala and Illinois Cams Then to Mk -Affair Hot litilmii. DES MOINE8. la.. May U.-"l do sol emnly declare end here publicly announce that the baata ot reunion and union la now In full fore and effect and that the Cumberland Presbyterian church la now reunited with the Presbyterian church In h tTnitad at a tea of America aa one church." With thes words, uttered before the gen eral assembly today. Moderator Hunter Corbett facially eatsbllshed the union of tha Cumberland church with the Presby- l.rkn church in tha United Btatea of America. The bis ecclesiastical assemblage burat into a atorm of rejoicing. Hand clapping cheera and waving- of handkerchiefs gave expression to unalloyed pleasure. Tha con summation, devoutly wished and worked for through many yeara, despite many obataclea. had becoma a reality. Yesterday a telegram was received from Decatur announcing tha adoption of the Joint resolution by tha Cumberland church, At tha opanlng session of the Dea Molnea assembly similar aotion waa taken and messages to that effect dispatched to De catur. Dramatic) .eene. - The most Intensely dramatic scene of tha ceremonies attending the formal union of the churches was the vote against union by two commissioners. Moderator Hunter Corbett put the question, which waa In tha form of a resolution, and called for the affirmative, vote, to be expressed by the commissioners rising to their feet. In stantly the. assembly hall was converted Into a atamplng, cheering crowd. Aa the hand clapping and cheering died down and tha commissioners took their aeata, tha moderator said: "AH who are of the opinion that the mo tion should not prevail please rise." A laugh went around the hall, for It waa believed the request waa a mere formality and would meet with no response. To tha. astonishment of all present two com' mission r rose to their feet. Pandemonium broke loose, and It was feared for an In stant that Indignity would be offered the lonely men who opposed the union. One pf tha men waa Dr. William Laurie of , Trkyforrte. Fa, and the other was Rev, Roger F. Cressey of Jacksonville, 111. Matter of roaaelesiee. Dr. Laurie la a stalwart Scotchman and ils personality dominated the convention. "Greatly as I dislike to record my vote against this union, and deeply as I feel the pain of being forced to disagree with my fathera and brothers, yet I cannot con scientiously vote for this union. It Is purely a question between me and my God. I have to oppose It." Rev. Dr. Cressey said: "This Is a matter of conscience with ma. T eannot honestly vote for the union." A motion waa made that the negative votes be recorded. Cries of "no" were raised. Dr. Laurie was on his feet lm mediately, declaring, "I desire that the negative votea be recorded. I never yet was ashamed to stand by my convictions." The record was duly made. Delegates from Dcestsr Present. Immediately after the adoption of the resolution uniting the churches and the declaration by tha moderator that the union was now consummated, two repre sentatives from the Cumberland aasembly were Introduced to tha aasembly, which came to Its feet and applauded, cheered and waved hats and handkerchiefs for five minutes. The Cumberland visitors were: Prof. W. H. Black, president of tha Mis souri Valley college, Marshall, Mo., and Dr. B. P. Fullerton, pastor of the Lucas Avanue Presbyterian church, Bt. Louis, Mo. Prof. Black was tha' Cumberland chairman for tha Joint committee on church reunion and union. Both men made speeches to tha assem bly, expressing their gratification at the union and announcing that tomorrow Mod erator Ira Lar.drlth and a delegation of seven others from the Cumberland aasem bly would arrive In Des Moines to receive and extend official greetings. Tha aasembly telegraphed the Cumber land assembly at Decatur of the action on tha question of union Immediately after the Juncture waa declared operative and received a telegram In reply containing congratulations, announcing the official re ceipt of tha Information and the adjourn ment ot the Cumberland assembly. fksrek Federation Approved. The proposed federation of all the Evan gelical churchea cf the country for char itable and human work was approved at th Presbyterian general assembly here today. The report of the committee recom mending that th Presbyterian church go Into tha federation waa unanimously adopted. The federation excludes the Unitarian church by tha terms ot lta preamble to It agreement, tha preamble declaring that all churchea which believe In th dlvln Lord and Savior unit in th work. Uni tarians, disclaiming th divinity of Christ, ar thereby excluded. Th branches of work upon which It Is agreed ta unite are: Marriage and di vorce. Sabbath desecration, social evils, child labor, th relatione of labor to cap ital, problems that are created by for eign immigration, the bettering of th con dltiona of th laboring classes and th moral and religious training of th youth. ta. Two Haadredth Aaalversarr. Th afternoon session of the aasembly was devoted to a celebration of th two hundredth anniversary of th church. Ha first presbytery having been organised at "Old Button Wood." the home of the first Presbyterian church of Philadelphia, In 170$. The consummation of church union with the Cumberland Presbyterians added greatly to th rejoicings of the occasion and unusual enthusiasm marked all of the featurea of the program. The church reived greetings from two foreign dele gates. Rev. William P. Patterson. l. D , I T, Continued on Second Page PRINCESS STARTS FOR SPAIN ratare Qaeea Leaves Lossos aaa win Be Met at Froatler by King. LONDON. May 23.-Prlncess Ena and her mother. Princess Henry of Batten berg, left London today for Bpaln at the frontier of which King Alfonso will await his future bride. The departure of the princess from Victoria station was the occasion for an nthusiaatlc demonstration on th part of the Spanish colony here. Whil the plat form waa crowded with English mends who gave th futuro queen of Bpaln a hearty send off. The king. Queen Alex andra, the prince and princess of Wales, the duke and duchess of Connaught and other members of the royal family and the staff of the Bpanlsh embassy were among those present. The king conducted Prin cess Ena to th royal salon car which was filled with flowers. Loud cries of "long live the queen of Bpaln" were raised as the train lett tne station. MADRID. May t4. King Alfonso accom panied by Premier Morel, the minister ot wer; Lieutenant General de Luque ana brilliant suite of officials and court dig- natarles. left Madrid this afternoon for the frontier, where he will meet the fu ture queen of Bpaln. Vast crowds wit nessed the king s departure, which lnaug mented auapl' Ty the events attending the royal mar .;V The king will arrive at Irun at dayl. V .fmorrow morning and the bride will r Cher an hour later. The station at i A elaborately fes tooned and decora "l Jth Spanish and British flags. Bpat. , 'easants playing flutes and tamborlnes . 'reesed In their quaint, local costumes ' wilcome th bride, the municipality "C offer her homage and a regiment e Catllian guard will act as her mllli yort. Th royal train will return to adrid at f o'clock Friday morning, arriving at tho Pardo palace at 6 SO Friday night. A spe cial railroad station hung with tapestries and displaying the royal arma haa been erected near the palace. Thenc the royal halberdiers will conduct the princess to the Pardo palace, where she will await tho marriage ceremony. CLAIS, France, May a. Princess Ena and Princess Henry of Battenberg arrived here this ' afternoon -from Dover on their way to Spain They were met by the Spanish ambassador to France and the British consul here. The railroad station and Its vicinity was brilliantly decorated and the crowds greeted Princess Ena with shouts of "long live the queen." The princess entered a special train, proceeded on their Journey to Irun and passed Amiens without any noteworthy In cldeot. PARIS, May 24. Princess Ena and her mother, Princess Henry of Battenberg, on their way to tha Spanish frontier, reached Juvlsy, twelv miles from Paris, at o'clock this evening. There they were met by Prince Alexander, brother of th fu ture queen of Bpaln. and th staffs of th Spanish embassy and consulate and mem bers of the Spanish oolony. Sir F. L. Bertie, the British ambassador to France, and his staff were waiting on the railway platform to welcome the royal party. The Marquis Del Muni presented the members of th Spanish colony, with each of whom Prinoaaa Ena shook bands. ; Crowds n . tha bridfc cheered the - de parture of th royal party. WOMAN HARANGUES A CROWD Mrs. Moa tenor Advises Hearers to Aasaalt Hoase of Chaacellor of the Exehefser, LONDON, May 24,-Mrs. Mary Monte- flore, one of th leadng wovnan suffragists under whose lead many women have pledged themselves not to pay their taxes on the ground that taxation without rep resentatlon Is tyranny, harrangued a grea crowd of women suffragists from the sec ond story of her house near London to day. She roundly denounced Chancellor of the Exchequer Aaquith aa an assassin, be cause he stod In the way of the advance of the woman's movement, and Chief Sec retary for Ireland Bryoa and Captain John Sinclair, secretary for Scotland, were also bitterly assailed. Mra. Montefiore informed her hearers that those who were refusing to pay taxes were taking thia course in order to advance th education of the mln istera, and warned the latter of the de termination of those who were conducting the campaign to obtain their Indisputable rights. She asserted that the cabinet ministers who opposed the movement were marked men and suggested that her hearers break the windows ot Mr. Asqulth s house. She would do so herself, she declared, were It not for th fact that she waa engaged In defending her residence against tax col lectors and others. The house of Mrs. Montefiore, which la situated near the Thomas, nit far from Hammersmith, is barricaded and sur rounded by tax collectors and bailiffs, who hope to starve her out. Friends of Mrs, Montefiore are supplying her with food. BRITISH ARTIST MURDERED Body Foaad aad Polleo Think He Was Killed by Bask Robbers. LONDON. May 24. Archibald Wakeley ar. artist and a regular exhibitor at th Royal academy, waa found murdered J bis home at Bayswater today. The front of his skull was battered In, but th weapon used waa not found. There la no clue to th perpetratora of th crime. Th police theory is that the murderers en tered the premises with the object of gaining th basement and thence diggin an entrance Into the vaults of a bank situated next door, when they were in tercepted by Wakeley. Another banking Institution was robbed In a similar manner last week, the burglar ge'tlng off safely. CASSATT STAYS IN EUROPE Prealdeat ot Peaarlvaala Railroad Compear WIU Set Mak Hia Trio Shorter. LONDON. May 24. -A. J. Cassatt ot th Pennsylvania Railroad company early In the week asked the White Star line to re serve accommodations for him on Its steamer sailing May 26, as It waa possible he would have to cut hia holiday short Testerday, however, he cancelled thla book' Ing and retained his original accommoda tlons for two months hence. His leaving for Paris yesterday waa In conformity with his Intentions whrn he arrived her. ho Agreement oa Asia. LONDON. May ?4--Forelgn Secretary Grey, replying to a question In the House of Commons today. Informed William H. Redmond, Irish Nationalist, that no agree ment disposing ot the questions affecting Persia, Tibet and Arghanlstan exists be tween Russia and Ciical Britain, as re cently all Kid. BRICGS AND MURPHY HIT South Omaha Chief of Polio and Lawyer Iadicted for Allseed Graft. CHARGE IS EXTORTION FROM WOMEN Aceaeod ef Taklagr Money from Keepers of Resorts for Protec tion Both Mea Protest Their laaocence. A sensation was sprung by the county grand Jury yesterday afternoon when an Indictment was returned charging Chief of Police Brlggs of South Omaha and Henry C. Murphy, an attorney of South Omaha, with extortion and blackmail by receiving money from houses of ill fame for police protection. I Chief Brlggs and Mr. Murphy were ar rested late in the afternoon and gave a bond for Il.OOO each, signed by ex-Mayor Frank Koutaky of South Omaha. The bond Is for their appearance In court at 9:S0 o'clock this morning, when new ball will be asked. The Information was returned on testi mony given before the board by George Bradeen. Mrs. Lillian Beck, Bradeen e for mer wife, and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mc Laughlin, all of whom formerly operated resorts In South Omaha, but were recently driven out by an order of the Fire and Po lice Board. It Is charged that Mr. Murpb.' solicited the money, representing himself as an agent for the chief of police, from Mrs. Lillian Beck. Twenty-flve dollars a month Is alleged to be the amount raid. Chief la Arrested. Chief of Police Brings was arrested In his private office at South Omaha by Dep uty Sheriff Hase. Two reporters from Omaha were about to enter the office with Chief Brlggs when Captain Hase came up. I want to see you, chief." said Captain Hase. "These boys want to talk to m a few minutes," said Chief Brlggs, not suspecting the deputy sheriff's business. "I will see you In a moment." "I want to see you first," said Captain Hase, stepping Into the room and closing the door. The two were closeted together a short time and then the reporters were Invited In. Chief Brlggs was very noticeably af fected by his arrest. It appeared to be a blow he waa not expecting and his volco shook when he talked. Brians Calls It Blackmail. "It Is all a dirty blackmailing lie," ho said with considerable emotion. I am surprised that twelve men should have believed the stories told by such peoplt as these. It Is a case of their belnir sore because we drove them out of town. Bradeen was ordered to Close up about three months ago. There Is absolutely no truth in the charge." That "police politics" Is back of tha charges was the assertion of Mr. Murphy last Saturday at the time he was testify ing before the grand Jury. He declarer" It waa a acheme to have Chief Brlggs ousted from his office in the Interests pf Captain Shields. Chief Brlggs last night was also Inclined to ascribe tha charge tc an nttemot to oust him In favor of Captain Shields. Cap tain Shields made an emphatic statement that he had nothing to do with the charpes at all. He testified before the grand Jury but he said he could prove by those who heard his testimony that he did not g1"e any evidence discrediting his chief. He expressed the belief that Chief Briggs was Innocent. Baals of th Indictments. The charges made by Bradeen and his former wife have been heard by the Fire and Police Board once or twice before. It is said that the board voted to refer th matter to the grand Jury and certain mem bers testified before that body. Bradeen asserts that the payments of $25 a month continued through a period of six months. Then came the order of the Fire and Police board ordering them driven out of business. This was about three months sgo. The Indictment Is in four counts, all covertng the same alleged transactions. Mr. Murphy heard of the rumors that he wss to be Indicted and telephoned the office of the district court to find out If It waa true. He was told the Jury had not reported, but rumora were afloat he was to be indicted. He made arrangements to meet the officers and In accordance with the agreement he met Deputy Sheriff llaxe with Chief Brlggs In custody near Thir teenth and Douglas streets. He had al ready met Deputy District Clerk Gallagher and was with him at the time. Arrange ments for the bond had been made with Mr. Koutsky, and the party proceeded to the court house, where the bond was given before Judge Sutton, who was called up by telephone. Both men declared they would demand speedy trials. Dlrtr Play, Sara Marphy, "The finding of an indictment by the grand Jury against myself Is the culmina tion of one of the dirtiest and most dia bolical plots ever hatched. The grand 'Jury found this Indictment against me upon the testimony of a woman and her escort, who at one time were engaged In running a disorderly house in South Omaha The only relation or transaction I ever sus tained with either of the Bradeena waa that of defending them on one or two occasions whrn they were charged with having committed some crime. In fac of th fact that the Fire and Police board of South Omaha Informed Bradeen and his wife that the board would not tolerate tke collection of protection money from th members of th tenderloin of South Omaha Bradeen and his wife now say they con tinued to pay it. It is surprising that the grand Jurw would besmirch a man's repu tation upon this testimony. And It la more surprising to me that tho Fire and Police board of South Omaha, after having satis fled Itself of the falsity of the charges made by Bradeen, certain members of that body, aided by th captain of police of South Omaha, were very active In vouch ing for Bradeen'a story to the grand Jury. I am ready and willing and anxious to have this matter presented to a Jury where I may be permitted to face my accuser, and I .m ready to abide by the result of the Jury's deliberations." MRS. DAVIS IS NO BETTER Members of Family Romala W It hia ilrk Calllasr Dlataae at Her Bedalde. NEW TORK. May 34. The condition of Mra Jefferson Davis, who became worse last night, aaa not Improved today. Mem bers of her family are remaining within quick railing distance of the bedsde. Shortly before noon Mrs. Davis rallle-1, her Buls and temperature returning to normal again. Thla waa the third sink- Ing spell BU has had during her prsr.t lUnea N TFLtDEMAKERS COMING EAST Commercial dab Exeerslen Leaves Colorado I.lae oa Its Trip Th renah Kaasas. COLBY. Ksn., Msy 84.-(pecll Tele gram.) The Commercial club train was de. layed from various csuses during last night's run, lesvlng Phllllpshurg. Kan., four hours late. From Phllllpsburg west to Burlington, Colo., on a smooth, level and open track, speed was Increased to seventy miles sn hour, reaching Burlington fifty minutes late. Here the Methodist Episcopal ladles' society had prepared a veritable feast, which was thoroughly ap preciated after the all-night ride through the Invigorating air of western Kansas. The Journey back through Kansas Is very Interesting and ths towns are showing marked increase In population and tho farms are exhibiting ths old-time bounte ous harvests. At Goodland. Kan., a town of f.OOU, a stop of thirty minutes was made. The merchants are trying to outdo each other In extending to the Jobbers kindly greeting here. The Rock Island shops have a monthly payroll of about t,or0. At every town the excursionists, are enthu siastically received and the trip so far haa been a decided success. NORTON, Kan.. May 24.-(gpeclal Tele gram.) At Colby. Kan., and each succeed ing town visited today the excursionists were enthusiastically received. At Dres den. Kan., the entire population was at the station. Every store and business house waa closed. They also had their local band with them and school children with bou quets of flowers and copies of the local newspaper to distribute; to each of the party. At Clayton the usual reception waa ccorded. There the party also was met by a committee from the Norton Commer cial club, consisting of jB. F. Scott and O. L. Miller, secretary of the club. Ko stop being made at Norton but for a minute to take on board a few more mem bers of the local Commercial club, who made the trip to Phllllpsburg and return. preparing the way for the reception at Norton In the evening. At Almena and Phll llpsburg, as well aa at all other towns. the glnd hand was extended to the Jobbers of Omaha, the market city. Leaving Phllllpsburg, the return trip was made to Norton without any stop. There the Norton Commercial club certainly out did anything yet accorded the excursionists. A grand supper was nerved at the Simmons cafe, where the entire party was seated at once. After supper the arrangements had bef-n made for a drive about the beau tiful city, but aa usual the rainmakers had gotten In their work, which barred this pleasure. But they were doubly repaid for tho disappointment, aa . every store and business place remained open during the entire evening, also the Commercial club rooms, and more could not bave been done, The famous Hustlers' band continues to bear up their popularity With the excursion party and they came Into the entertain ment with their music, furnishing their usual popular selections. ' A dance was also arranged for the entertainment of the Visitors. Norton is a city of about 2,200 population, has eight churches, high school and city schools and dne of the finest court houses seen on thjs trip. PRIVATE COMPANY WINS ' la Delivery:. f BotUrwKtp !, talma ' Ahead of Cos nectieat Bid ders Score Pol at. WASHINGTON May 24. The delivery Tuesday at Norfolk to the government of the completed battleship Louisiana of I6,ono tons built by the Newport News Ship building company ended for a private cor poration, the great struggle that has been going on fo." nearly three and a half years to determine whether the government ccuid build at a navy yard a warship as quickly as It could be constructed In a private yard. The keel ot the Louisiana was laid down February 7, 1903, at Newport News and the keel of the Connecticut which was to be built In competition was laid down at the Brooklyn navy yard March T of the same year. The Lout.nana was launched August 27. 1904, and the Con nectlcut followed It Into the water a month later, September a. Bo far the race had been close, but soon the private work men forged ahead and the result was that the Louisiana was declared ready for service some months in advance of the Connecticut. Another point against the government was the fact that the Louisiana cost the Navy department $3,992,000, while the Con necticut has already consumed al! of the total appropriation ot $4,212,000 and Its builders have asked congress for $380,000 more. COLLECTING JHE INSURANCE Baa Francisco Committee Says Bogus Companies Are Following Policy of Krasloa and Deception. BAN FRANCISCO. May 24.-The sub committee on insurance, appointed by th committee of forty on the construction of San Francisco, today adopted a report, saying among other things: , We are advised that some of the Insur ance companlea ar doing what is fair and Intend to adjust losses speedily and Justly. Others have not yet been able to surmount the conditions existing so that we can with nny degree of certainty report as to what they will or will not do. 8HU others, either through choice or because of the exigencies of the situation, are following a policy of deception and evasion that Is both annoying and suspicious. We are of the opinion that the defenses baaed on the earthquake clauae and dynamite use will. In general, be of no avail to the In surance companies, and advise against any deduction being made by the Insured baaed upon an argument of that kind alone. The employment of a force of clerks superintended by, a skilled Insurance man to Inspect and supervise proofs of losses for the Insured a ho have losses and do not know what to do, and to assist In en forcing the collection of the demands, and the organisation of a corporation which will charge policy holders a fixed per cent for taking charge and attempting to collect the face of the policies, waa recommended, the profit, if any, to be paid Into the relief fund. MAN STARVES TO DEATH Arksvasas Jewelry Peddler Attempts to Live oa Tea Cents Worth ot Ice Cream a Day, ST. IJM'18, Mo.. May 24.-A special from Little Rock, Ark., says: An Investigation by Dr. W. H. Abington of the Argents board of health. Into the death of A. 0. Roberta, a Jewelry peddler, reported today that, Roberts had tried to live on 10 renta north of Ice cream a day and had starved to d'-ath. Roberts believed that there aaa a giat ' deal of nourishment In Ice veim. Recently he had run short of funda and hia income permitted him to spend only a dim a day. ! This he invested la it cream, at larva lion realie(t ARS UNFAIRLY DISTRIBUTED Mine Operators Testify that Railway Officials Demand Bribes, MEN WHO REFUSE TO PAY GET NO CARS Oa Company Forced to Sell Mine Beeaase ot Dlserlmlaatlon Congressman Evades Service. PHILADELPHIA, May l4.-Addltlonal evidence of discrimination by the Pennsyl vania railroad in the distribution of cars In the soft coal field was presented to the Interstate Commerce commission tolity. John I Lloyd, a banker and coal operator of Altoona, who Is one of the members of he banking firm of Cassatt A Co., testified that the Columbia Coal company was forced to sell the Alexandria mine because of th shortage cf cars, and George E. Scott of the Puritan and Crescent Coal companies declared that he paid for the use of rallroafl cars when h failed to secure his allot ment and that during a period of twenty three days the railroad had furnished hhn with only one car. He also asserted that Michael Trump, general superintendent of transportation, had told htm the romvatiy Intended to protect the Berwlnd-While company at all haxards. Xo Relations with Cassatt. During the time that Mr. Lloyd was on the sfand counsel for the commission made persistent efforts to force an admission that he had been associated in a business way with President Casuitf. Mr. Lloyd, how ever, said that his only relations with Cas satt were with Cassatt Co., with which Mr. Cassatt carried a personal bank ac count. Th railroad company had for many years been a depositor with the First Na tional bank ot Altoona, of which Mr. Lloyd Is president. Mr. Lloyd gave testimony on th organi sation of various mining companies In which he Is Interested, saying he consid ered It good policy to have railroad men among the stockholders of the coal com panies. Trainmaster Accepts Oraft, Frederick Vrooman. an assistant train master, told the commission that he had received gifts of money in amounts from $5 to $30 from various coal companies fur favors that lf did not grant. The commission today received a telegram from a process server who went to Irwin, Pa., the home of oCngressman George W. Huff, who. It has been repeatedly testified, made gifts of stock In various coal com panies to railroad officials. The telegram stated that the officer was unable to serve the subpoena upon Colonel Huff, as the lat ter locked himself In his house and evaded the server by escaping by way of the cel lar. It waa learned later that he had left town. Oil. TRAFFIC HEARING RF.MMED More U(kt I'poa the Methods ot the Rockefeller Combine. CLEVELAND. May 24.-In two pro tracted sessions today, the Inlterstate Com merce commission. Members Prouty snd Clements In attendance, heard evidence bearing on the methods of the Standard Oil, company, - The sessions were a con tinuation ot the Investigation held In Chi cago nearly two weeks ago. Only four witnesses were examined today. Those who testified were F. B. Westgate of Titusvllle, Tenn., treasurer and manager of the Amer ican Oil works; State Senator Emery of Bradford, Pa.; State Senator J. W. Lee of Pittsburg and Frank B. Fretter, secretary of the National Refining company of Cleve- land, and president of the National Pipe Line company, having several small pipe lines in Ohio oil fields. No decidedly sensational testimony was produced, but most of It related to methods which the so-called trust took to prevent competition and drive Its rivals out of business. Much evidence was offered show ing that railroad companies took consider able part In aiding the Standard to fight its rivals. F. B. Westgate, the first witness, and an independent oil man for nineteen years. testified that since 1886 rates had nearly doubled without apparent reason. State Senator Louis Emery of Bradford, Pa., was asked concerning the conditions in Pennsylvania when the oil pipe lines were constructed In that state. The first pipe lines in Pennsylvania were not Invented by the Standard OH company," said the witness at one point in his testi mony. "The Standard never Invented any thing. , It has always stolen what some body else created." Th further testimony of the wltnera was principally devoted to trials and hardships of his company. The United Statea Pipe Line company Is building pipe lines across Pennsylvania from Oil City to the seaboard In competition with the Standard OH com pany. In giving his testimony the senator crew quite eloquent and his words re sounded through the chamber like the de livery of an Impassioned address. He was allowed to proceed without Interruption, and he related the many struggles of a ten years' light to get two pipe lines to the seaboard, one by the way of Philadelphia and the other through West Virginia. In one contest he said the company lost be tween $700,000 and $800,000. "We are today." he said, "ths only com petitor of ths Standard to the seaboard, and that Is ths only way we can transport our oil, for the railroads are controlled completely by the Standard. We have been hounded to death by the Standard. They even tried to buy up our $1,000,000 issus of stock and we were compelled to put our stock In trust so that It would not be pos sible to sell out to this 'devilfish' except by the unanimous consent of all of us." Senator Emery of Bradford Pa., took the stand again when tha afternoon session began. He related further history con cerning his fight against the Standard, giv ing one Instance ot how a refinery at Phil adelphia was compelled to go out ot busi ness because the railroads raised the rates to an exorbitant figure and also scattered their tank cars to the distant comers of th country. Another Instance was when a new field of oil wss discovered In the Bradford district and his company took charge of It. A railroad rate of 10 cents a barrel waa obtained, but the Penn sylvania Railroad company compelled the connecting line under threats to raise th rate to IS cents. He said then the nil company constructed a pipe line, where upon the Standard concern came In and offered 10 cents more a barrel for th oil and compelled his company to abandon the field. Senator Emery toid of the, alleged spy system of th Standard to obtain Informa tion concerning th business of rivals, lie had a contest, he said, not mora than a year ago, with the Pennsylvania railroad. A field of oil had been found In the vicinity of Steubenvllle. Ohio and he obtained a rat of 12 cents a hundred gallons to Brad ford, Pa. Tha rale was allowed for only . (Continued ou (fecund Pag J NEBRASKA WEATHER FORECAST Rain Friday and Katarriayi Frldar In north Portion. Cooler lea. Hoar. flea. . W 1 p. m TA . H4I a p. at'. KO . a p. m Hi . 4 p. m a . Tl S p. m at . ra n p. m to . 7TK T p. tit 74 . TU a p. m T3 ft p. m TO ILLINOIS STRIKE TO END Indications that Coal Operators and Miners Will Reach Agreement. an SPRINGFIELD. 111., May 24.-The Illinois Coal Operators' association In se cret session today appointed a committee of nine to take up questions presented by Its member of the subcommittee of the Joint scale committee. This committee wns In session al'. afternoon and adjourned to meet at o'clock tomorrow morning. It was learned tonight that the commit tee will recommend that thes operator stand firm In their demand for arbitra tion of the main differential scale, com pensation, for extra expense Incurred by the employment of shot flrers and reim bursement for the shutdown caused by the violation of the Joint contract. After these question have been disponed of there will still cotne the scale. A prominent official of the operators said tonight that neither side has reached the limit of advances which It will make. This Is construed to mean that rather than see tha Joint conference adjourned with out result, concessions will be made to such an extent that It will not be profit able for either side to prolong the present situation. P0ST0FFICE ROBBED AT NIGHT transers Visit South Dakota Town and Get Away with taih and Stamps. ABERDEEN. 8. D.. May J4.-(Speclal Telegram.) Th postofMce at Revlllo, s smart town on the Minneapolis ft St. Louts mad, In Grant county, was robbed last night by burglars, who blew the safe open with dynamite and secured $100 in cash and $60i) In stamps. There Is no clue to the burglars. The post office Is situated In the drug store of John E. Rouk, In which the cen tral ; office of the Dakota Central Tele phone company is located. There Is no night operator In the telephone office. The switchboard near the safe was demolished by the explosion. The robbers gained en trance to the store through the back door. It Is believed they srrlved and de parted from Revlllo on a hand car. I BID IS MADEF0R FUSION Pennsylvania Prohibitionists Woold t'nlte with Democrats la Form ing a Btate Ticket. HARRISBTTRG. Pa., May 24.-The pro hibition convention today nominated a mixed ticket for the state offices to be Voted for at the next general election. William H. Berry, democrat, who waj elected state treasurer as a fusionlst Inst November, was named for governor; Homer L. Castle, prohibitionist of Pitts burg, was nominated for lieutenant gov ernor; Representative William L. Creary, democrat of Catawasala, for auditor gen eral, and ex-Representative E. A. Co ray, Jr., republican of Wllkesbarie for sec retary of Internal affairs. The prohibitionists hope that this ticket will be endorsed by the democratic state convention which assembles here on Jun 23. COAL LAWS FOR ALASKA Regalatlons of I'nlted States Are to Apply to Entry of Land. WASHINGTON, May 34 The coal land laws of the United States are made ap plicable to Alaska In every particular under a bill which haa been ordered re ported favorably by the senate committee on public lands. The provisions for the entry of coul lands by associations have been changed so often that they are not clear. , The bill now reported authorizes four or more assignees of coal land locations to make entry and develop tracts of 640 acres, but still prohibits one person from locating more than 10 acres. The purpose Is to sid In the development of these lands. As passed by ths house, associations were authorised to develop 1,280 acres. RATE BILL TO CONFERENCE Democrats and Resabllraas of Hoase Will hot Inlte oa Senate Bill. WASHINGTON, May 24. The railroad rate bill will be taken from th speaker's table tomorrow and sent to conference. This action haa been decided on by Repre sentative Hepburn, chairmen of the com mittee on Interstate and foreign commerce. The house provision increasing the slie of the commission will be adhered to most tenaciously by the house conferees. Since the rate bill was received by the house many conferences have been held between the majority and minority leaders relating to Its disposition. The final one took place today between Chairman Hep burn and Mr. Williams and resulted In th conclusion that nothing could be dune In the way of united action. COLONEL W. F. SWITZLER DEAD Veteran , Mlssoarl Editor, Father ot Omaha Attorney, Passes Away at Home. COLUMBIA, Mo.. May 2$.-Colonel W. F. Swlttler. aged 17, recognised as the oldest editor In the I'nlted States, died here to day. 11 established th Columbia States man in 1M1, and with th exception of a few yeara spent In writing the story of Missouri university, had been Its editor until he retired from active work two years ago. Colonel Bwllaler was known In Omaha where he had frequently visited his son Warren Swltxler. Mr. Swltsler left for his father's bdlde Tuesday morning, after receiving news of his Illness. Attempt as l.raehlac Falls. KANSAS CITY. Hay 14 -At Rosedale. Kan., near here, early today a crowd at tempted to lynch Munroe Talvers. a negro who had been found under the bed of a white woman. Before he trans led the negro waa cut down by the police aud takeu Ui th station. lis will ruvvr. CASH F0RJU1PPERS Kanias City and St. Lonia Timi Beoeire Thousands from Unknown Sources. NONE KEEP RECORD OF TRANSACTION One Man Thinks It Came from Treisrht Broker Thorna. BURLINGTON OFFICIALS EXAMINED All Vouchers for Payment of Commission to Defendanta Hare Disappeared. GOVERNMENT ATTORNEYS REST CASE Defense Flies Itemarrer, Allealag Lack of Evidence and Jarledlo Sloo Araament Will Be Heard Thla Mnralng. KANSAS CITY. May 24.-Members of half a dusen large business firms admitted her today al the trial In the federal court of George If. Crosby, the Burlington traffle manager; George L. Thomas, the New York freight broker, and the latter's clerk, Ih R. Taggart. that they had received thousands of dollars in commissions from "unknown sources." All of the tlrms had hired Thomas to attend to the shipping of their goods from the Atlnnttc seaboard to their stores in St. I,nul nnd Kansas City, hut none of the witnesses would say that th sums of money had come from Thomna. W. E. Emery, 'a member of the Emery Blrd-Thayer Dry Goods company of Kan sas Cily. who admitted receiving from $1,500 to C.tXfl a year, said he did not know who sent It, but "supposed It came from Thomas." Notwithstanding the large sums thus paid In coinnilxslons. none of the firms had kept sny record of the amounts, ac cording to the witness. All the payments were made In New York. Several officials of the Burlington railway were examined as to the payment of thes commissions and their testimony developed the fact that the vouchers for the amounts had disappeared. The government rested its side of ths case In tho afternoon, when Judge O. M. Bpencer. for the defendants, filed a de murrer In all the cases, arguing that no evidence had been produced to show a case of conspiracy, and even If such evidence had been presented the court lacked Juris diction, as the alleged crime wns committed In New York, and nol In Missouri. H asked that the rase of Crosby be dismissed. Judge 8mlth Mcpherson overruled the mo tion as to Crosby, and said that argument on the demurrer would be had tomorrow morning, to which time the court ad journed. McKlttrlrk Accepts the Money. More sensational testimony was brought out this morning In the trial in the United States district court here of ' George H. Crosby, traffic monafter of the Burlington railway; George L. Thomas of New York, a freight broker, and L. B. Taggart, hia clerk, on a charge of conspiracy. T. H. Mo Kit trick, president of the Harga- dlnc-McKlttrltk Xns Goods company ef. Bt. Louis, the first witness, who had tstl fled that lie had employed Thomas at g salary of jaoo a year to look after ths In terests of his firm In the matter of rail way rates and routing from the east, ad mitted that he had received various sums of money from "unknown sources." In one instance, Mr. McKlttrlrk testified, a person whom he did not know entered ills (McKlttrick s) office In New York City on day and handed him a bundle ot money containing between $400 and $500. McKlltrick declared that he did not know the men who had given him this monsy; that he had not since seen him; that h did not believe he would be able to Identify the man, and, further, that he did not know for what purpose the money was given him nor from what source It cam. At thla point District Attorney. Van Valkenburgh requested W. B. Kelby, Thomas' clerk, to stand up, and, pointing to Kelby, asked ot the witness: "Is this the man who handed the money to you In your New York office?" I do not know; I do not believe I ronld identify tne man," replied Mr. McXlttriok. Employment of Thomas, McKittrick continuing his testimony said that he had employed Thomas while he waa In New York, on May 1, 1902, signing a contract, which was renewed again In 1!KB. Thomas had, he said, solicited em ployment, claiming that he would he able to ship goods to McKlttrick's house from the east In the most economical way and by the railway giving the best service. Thomas' duties also were to Include th settlement of all cases of loeses In ship ment and overcharge, and to obtain from Lowell, Mass., and other mill centers th usual mill allowances offered buyers who accepted freight on a basis of shipment from New York. Thomas had been em ployed later, on the same conditions, but with no new contract. In reply to a direct question Mr. Me. Kittrirk said that, he had at various times received money from "unknown sources." Witness then detailed th receipt of th money In his New York office from an "unknown" man. Continuing he said that some of the money had been received by express. Tea Ttioosand Dollars Received. In this manner he said, his firm had with in four or five years received about $10,000, during which time they had paid out $480,000 In freight charges. In ons Instance, he said, he had received soms money personally and thla he had deposited ta his brothr's private bank. On croah examination Mr. McKittrick said that in seeking employment Thomas had said he would get any legitimate com missions that McKlttrick's Orm might be entitled to from railways Slid from sny water lines not subject to the interstate commerce act. Witness said he and Thomas had talked over the matter of rebates and It was agreed that no rebates were to be sought, lie did not know that money received in his New York office or by express had com from Thomas. The next witness was Hugh McKittrick, son of T. H. McKittrick and vice presi dent of th llargadlue-McKlttrlck Dry. Ooods company. Money from Myaterleas Boarres. Hugh McKittrick testlnad to receiving money twice while In the New York office, time, in Y1. an express package contain ing $:.l0 was received by witness. He did not know where it came from. The money was credited in a book used for "odds und ends." "At another time," taid the witness, "a gentleman came lu.. handed me the money, and said It was coining to me." He didn't know the man; didn't ask his narue and didn't care to know It. Mr. Kelby, Thomas' clerk, was asa4 tnj