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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 24, 1906)
THE OMAHA" DAILY " BEE: THURSDAY, MAY 24, 1900. 9 5 r NEWS OF INTEREST - FROM IOWA COUNCIL Offlca, 10 PMri CALL FOR CITY PRIMARIES Delegates to County Contention to Bo Selected 8aturdaj Evening;. O. COMPRISE ALMOST HALF OF CONVENTION Hales Adopted In IfMMt to (ioirra Votla at the Prlaaarles Locatloaa V f tkc Pnlllnc Places In the Varloaa Wards. Chairman.. Hess of the republican city committee issued the call yesterday for the primaries to be held Saturday nixht at which delegates to the county convention to be held next Tuesday and a committee man from each precinct are to be aelcc-ted. The primaries will be held at the following plates: First Ward First precinct, 132 Knnt Broadway, seven ' delegates; Second pre cinct, cllieeley & Une i shop, nine dole gates. Second Ward First precinct, city hall, nine delegates; (tenond precinct, 7-4 West Hrnuflway, nine dHtgatea. Third Ward First precinct, 219 Bouth Main strett, nine delegates; Becond pre cinct. No. 4 engine house, six delegates. Fourth Ward First precinct, county court house, seven delcgites; Second precinct. No. 6 hose house, six delegates. Fifth Ward First precinct, county build ing. Fifth avenue and Twelfth street, eleven delegates; Becond prvcinct, county building, 1 f 1 1 3 South Thirteenth street, seven dele gates. Sixth Ward First precinct, county build ing. Twenty-fourth street and Avenue B. eleven delegates; Becond precinct, house at corner of Fifth and Locust streets, one delegate. . It will be seen by the above that the city will have ninety one out of the 21" dele, gates 'In the county convention. The primaries will be held Saturday night under the rules adopted by the republican county ; central committee In 1900. These rules require that the polls shall be opened not earlier thau 7:45 p. m. and not later than 8 p. m., and shall be kept open for at least one hour. A chairman and secre tary shall be elected, as well aa three judges,' one of whom shall be the chair man, and. .two clerks. The clerks snail enter the name and address of every person voting and the counting of the ballots shall .OCEAN STKAMERS. Wrench Line Compa&ni Generate Tran-ta1tan1iftt Glgtntio, Eligant, Fast LtvUthans I,A 'PROVENCE, newest twin screw flyer ha, ing peaaenger elevator, roof cafe, and many other innovation. Naval officer!' man-of-war disci pline. Company a vestibnled trains. Havre-Parts, 1 hours, where convenient connections are made for all points on the Continent. 20in Cenlury HugaTwIn Screw Flyers LA PROVENCE) May I LA LORRA1NH June 1 LA TOl RAINK June 14 LAiBAVOIR June 21 LA EROVENCB June it For plans reservations and tull informa tion call on, telephona, or write to Hatty K. Moore, 1601 Far nam Street LttulS Reese, fare First Rational Bank It.B. Reynolds, ISO 2 Farnam Street W. 0. Davidson, 1512 Farnam Street G. K. Ahhatt, 1324 Farnam Street, W. E. Boek. 1B24 Farnam Street. Aseats (or Omaha ANCHOR UNI U. B. MAIL STEAMSHIP. NBW YORK, LONDONDERRY AND GLASGOW. NEW YORK. PALMERO AND NAPLE8. Superior aceammaeattan, eiMllMt Culaan. Ttaa comfort ef paBaangara carefully eonaMered. Single or round-trip tickt Issued between N York nnd Scotih, Bmllsh, lnh and atl principal eontlnantal polnu at atiraettvs rataa. Mnd for Book ot Tours. Tor ttrketa or ganorat Information applr to anf Inral a(nt el ttaa Anchor Una, or to HENDERSON BKOS.. Oea'l Asanta. Ctalrago, 111. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS AND BIDDERS Ptaled proposals will be received up to twelve o clock m. Tuesday, June, 5, 190, for sll labor and material required In tho erection of a brick smokestack, Including the wrecking of the old dining room and kitchen building, also for tunnels and cis terns. For full Instructions apply to the State Board of Control at Des Moines, Iowa, or to Henry W. Rothert, superin tendent, at the School for the Deaf at Council 'Bluffs, Iowa. Speeii rail For those who wish to attent to Christian Scientists' 1 meeting at Boston, Mass., and any others who may wish to take advantage of the low ard rullman sleeping cars will be run through to Doston, .'leaving Union Depot, Omaha, At 8:00 p. m. Wednesday, June 6th Arriving Boston 5:20 p. m. June 8th VIA THE Chicago, Milwaukee fi St. Paul Railvay Route of train will be via Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway to Chicago, Wabash, West Shore and Bos ton & Maine R. R., Chicago to Boston. . RQUIiD TRIP RATE $29.75 - Via Hew York City ...... $33.75 . Sleeper, one way, double berth $8.00 Stop-overs allowed af Detroit, Buffalo and Niagara Fall going and retuniing, and at New York City returning. Tickets honored via boat between Detroit and Buffalo and between Albany and New York City, no extra expense, ex cept meals and berths. ; For Pullman reservations and full information write to or call on, F. A. 1114 fklAH ST. O eUlA. BLUFFS St. Tel. 43. be dune by the Judges and clerks. Any pt-tsun whose vote ahull be challenged will be required to make the name affidavit whk-h would entitle him to vote at a regu lar election and the affidavit la to be pre served by the secretary and returned with the other papers by him to the chairman of the city central committee. 1 ( fto Damaae from Anto Orrner. , The lirst suit In the district court here , ror damages py reaaon oi a runaway i- leged to have been caused by an automo- l bile resulted yesterday In favor of the defendant auto owner. Mrs. Isabel Dor sett was the plaintiff and former Council man L. A. Casper the defendant. Mrt; Doraett asked for $2,000 damagea, alleg ing that on June 2 of laat year the horao she was driving became frightened and unmanageable on account of Mr. Casper's automobile passing it, and finally ran away, throwing her out of the buggy, aa a result of which she was severely in jured. The trial of the case was begun yester day morning before Judge Wheeler anil a Jury In the district court. At the clcue of the evidence for the plaintiff Judge Wheeler sustained the motion of counsel for Mr. Casper to take It from the Jury and direct a verdict for their client. The evidence for the plaintiff failed to show that Mr. Casper was driving the machine ' at excessive speed or that he manifested any lack of care. The outcome of the suit was watched with considerable Interest by other owners of automobiles in this city, of whom there are now quite a number. For Sale 4 rooms, Ave. B, west end, city water, a nice llttie home for IW0. For $2,000, 10 rooms, modern except heat, barn, on 11th Ave. For $J,000, 7 rooms, modern except heat, on Qlen Ave., t lots, good barn. In good repair, and rents for $.1uo year. Easy terms, Alva Smith, Real Estate and Insurance, Room 7, Everett block. A hot weather refreshment Jello-O Ice Cream Powder prepared In vanilla, choc olate, strawberry and several other flavors. Two packages, 2bc. makes the finest home made Ice cream going. Fancy pine apples, j sweet and Juicy. We have lunch' cheese hard to beat. John Olson, 731 W. B'way. Rest your feet on one ot our foot stools. 26c and up. Just received, a new stock of lace curtains, 90c and up to $10. They are the real, latest patterns. Stockert Carpet company. If you need a sewing machine, bicycle or phonograph, call on 8. M. Williams, 17 Bouth Main street, or 'phorre Red 1167. Refrigerators, refrigerators, refrigerators, carpets, linoleum. All cloth, sideboards. combination bookcases; anything In house furfilture. D. ,W. Keller. 108 8. Main. Gravest 100 Pearl street, carries t the finest line of hair goods, combs and os metics in the city. Beautiful line of wash goods at Hunter's. Memorial Day Proaram. Encampment No. 8, Union Veteran legion and Abe Lincoln post, Orand Army of the Republic, have practically com pleted arrangements tor Memorial day. The Vnlon Veteran '.legion will i hold memorial services Sunday evening In the Dodge Light guards' armory. Judge O. II. Carson will deliver the address and the usual exercises according to the ritual will be carried out. . Abe Lincoln post. Grand Army of the Republic, and the Woman's Relief corpi, will attend the morning services Sunday at the Broadway Methodist church, when a memorial address will be delivered by the pastor, Rev. James O'May. On Memorial day the usual parade will be abandoned and Instead committees from- the two orgagnlzatlons will visit the several cemeterlea and decorate the graves of deceased veterans. In the aft ernoon the Vnlon Veteran Legion an! WANTED'Four new carrier s Bee Office, 10 Pearl Street rates, a special train of stand- i NASH, GEWIU HESTUM ACDfT. the Orand Army post will gather at Falr mount park, where exercises will be held. Ths address of the day will bt delivered by A. H. Br. Iff of Missouri Valley, editor of the Harrison County News. It Is likely that an address will also bs delivered by Colonel J. J. 8 lead man, who Is here from Los Angeles an a visit. Tea Theoaand Still ltrklaa. The special committee of the Young Men's Christian association general com mittee has up to date failed to secure the Initial $10,010 which C. 8. Ward, the cam- paign organizer deemed was necessary be- fore starting on a canvass to raise the balanoe Harry Curtis, the secretary of ,he Dubuoue association, who snent Mnn day and Tu , tnl c(ty M.lltlng thf, special committee, has returned home. All the special committee succeeded In secur ing was the conditional promises of ao.000 In $1,000 donations. F. C. Rtker, who Is taking a leading part in the Young Men's Christian association project and Is a member of the special com mittee of five, stated yesterday that, while somewhat discouraged, the committee had no Intention of abandoning the proposition and hoped to ultimately bring It to a auc cessful Uaue. Investigate our cheap land proposition In eastern Colorado, $5 per acre for raising all kinds of crops; good soil; best of water; delightful climate. Excursions first and third Tuesdays of each month. Bend for printed matter. F. C. Luugee. 124 Main street. Council Bluffs, la. Smoking Is a pleasure; not a habit. We have found that out. Our customers all say It Is a pleasure to smoke our cigars. Now, If you want a real half hour's pleas ure come In and let us sell you cigars after this. We are located at 30 Pearl St., our new location. Maloney. Right now Is the time to paper and paint apd If you are going to paint and paper let the Council Bluffs Paint, Oil and Glass company do your painting and papering, because they do it right. See the newest things in back and side combs at Hunter's": N. T. Plumbing Co. Tel. 250. Night. L6S. Fire at F.levator Factory. The fire department was called shortly after 6 o'clock yesterday to the Kimball Bros', elevator factory at Ninth street and Eleventh avenue, where fire had gained considerable headway In the root and sec ond floor before being discovered. The de partment, after its arrival, soon had the blase under control, but It Is estimated that damage to the extent of nearly $1,000 w done. "The cause of the fire la unknown, al though It Is thought possible It may have resulted from spontaneous combustion of a quantity of oil waste and other Inflammable material stored on the second floor. There was little of value stored on the second floor and nothing on the lower floors wits damaged. The loss 4s fully covered by In surance, The Title Guaranty and Trust company, abstracters of titles. Books date back to IS53. Books are all up to date. Work ac curately and promptly done at lowest prices. Office opposite court house, 235 Pearl street, "Council Bluffs, la. Parties having houses for rent or sale, list them with Cltfton-Walker Co. for quick action. Recent sales .have greatly reduced our list and we have customers waiting for Investments. Don't forget that I have fine spring and summer suits from $20 to $26. E. 8. Hlcka. A good school is Western Iowa college. Mortenaen Gets Job. "Just taking life easy." was the reply of Martin Mortensen, a young man claim ing to be a section hand, with Omaha as his home, to Judge Scott In police court when asked what he was doing. In rate rail road yards here. Mortensen had been ar rested as a vagrant Tuesday night. "Well, In Council Bluffs we all '"work," stated the judge. "Tea, 1 guess they do and the police seem to work overtime, too," but I guess a fel low has the right to rest up If he feels so inclined," retorted Mortensen. "Yes, Indeed," replied Judge Scott, "and In order that you may do no I'll give you twenty days on the rock pile as a spring tonic." If you prefer quality to quantity and absolute satisfaction to yourself, get Schmidt's photos. Always guaranteed to please. 'Phone 857; 40 Broadway. CENTRAL FLOUR-1.16. Every Back warranted. Central Grocery and Meat Market Go to Hlcka' for your money's worth In tailoring. No bluff, either. Warraat for Fighters. I. C. Fish an upholsterer of tbls city who I was one of the victims of the dlagraoeful I free-for-all light on fhe Rok Island special ! returning from Neola last Sunday evening ; after the ball game, filed an information ! yesterday In the superior court charging j Morris Higglns with assaulting him with ', Intent to do great bodily Injury. Higglns la said to' be one of three brothers who ! were responsible for starting the rough house. . . j Fish, In protecting his wife from ob ! Jectlonable advance made by Higglns, who ( Is said to have been under the Influence or uquor,. was aiiacaea, it is alleged, by Higglns and several others. Why can you tell that Muccl'a Ice cream Is swell T Because he makes the pure Neapolitan ice cream at 30c a brick. Zli W. Broadway. Telephone dbi. The cleanest and best restaurant in the city, service prompt. The Vienna, 114 West B'way. A good school ia Western Iowa college. Real Estate Travelers. These transfers were reported to The Bee May !3 by the Title Guaranty and Trust company of Council Bluffs: Flora D. Sunderland to Charles Fors- tuer. lot IS. block 12. In Pierce's sub- dlv In Council bluffs. Ia., w. d tX) Elmer L- FVhr to Clara B. Qulgley. lota It. and 21. block t. In Webster's 1st ad to Council Bluffs, Ia., w. d t Al. Rlrhe and wife to J. H. Schnetse. lot 11. block KV In Evans' Id Bridge ad to Council Bluffs. Ia. w. d 100 W. 8. Shoemaker to Elmer I Fehr. lot a. block 3. In Ferry ad to Council Bluffs, la. q. c. d H. E. Oould to F. J. Bchnorr, lot 10. 11 and 12. block I. In Bunnyslde ad to Council Bluffs, la., q. e. d ,. Five tranafers; total. CENTRAL Every sack warranted. Central Grocery ana Meat Market. Folding and reclining go-carts. T. W. Keller. 10S Bowth Main. . Hotel Littaatlea Es. Ths litigation between Walter S. Oood rich and Mrs. Pauline Dobson over his I tenancy ef the Metropolitan hotel feaa been j amicably settled. Ooodrtcb will not appeal I to the supreme court from the decree giving Mrs. Dobson posaeealon. but will suxieuAer tue premises May (L Ths dlSar nt suits connected with the litigation have been dismissed. It Is said that Goodrich will, If permitted by tile city, erect a temporary bunding on the opposite aide of the street, adjoining on the weat the large brick hotel he la now putting up. at the rorrr of Broadway and Rlghth street, which he will style the "New Metropolitan hotel." Eaa-lae Crew Held Blameless. The coroner's Inquest yesterday after noon over Mrs. Henry Held, who died from Injuries received Tuesday morning by being struck by a Great Western smitch engine, at the Tostevln street crossing, resulted In the Jury bringing In a verdict exonerat ing the crew of the engine, tleorge Iong, Ed McConnell and R. R Ingham comprised the Jury. The testimony showed that Mrs. Held waa deaf and that Engineer Miller blew the whistle vigorously on approaching the crossing. The funeral of Mrs. Held will be on Friday afternoon at I o'clock from the family residence, 1510 Tostevln street, and Interment will be In Walnut Hill cemetery. If you don't read this you will lose your digestion. Read It and then call your grocer and order a sack of Big A flour. the kind that tie sea. Solid Comfort. Rustle hickory and Adirondack silver birch porch furniture, Vudor porch shades. Vudor hammocks, Vudor hammock chairs. If you want solid comfort on a hot summer evening get Into one of our Vudor ham mocks or one ot our Vudor hammock chairs and you will get It. Keller-Farns-worth Furniture Co. A careful Inspection of "Van Brunt" vehicles will convince even the most skep tical that goods such ask he sells must possess more than ordinary merit. There are good reasons for It. Call around and Van Brunt will tell you why. Don't let a few dollars influence you when giving out your furnace contract.' A good article at a fair price Is cheaper than a poor one at. a" low price. Wise people buy Wise furnaces. Paddock & Handschy Hdw. Co. ... :, i Fine Farm. Two hundred-acre farm five miles from Missouri Valley. Good Improvements and orchard. Cheap at $71 per acre. Wallace Benjamin, room 1. First National bank building. Office telephone SoS. Tour old wornout carpets and rugs are valuable. ' Dc 't throw thfm away. We manufacture 1.. "Vme, reversible rugs from old carpets. Tu ands of them In use In the best homes. F .11.' Our man wU call and tW! you all -ut It. fiend for booklet. The Council Bluffs Cl prt Cleaning and Rub Manufacturing; com pany, $4 North Main. , . Splendid values In summer . Corsets at Hunter's. . . A good school Is Western Iowa college. ' Hsrrlase. jMeensen. Licenses to wed .were issued yesterday to the following: Name and Residence. ; Ajre. Lawrence Claunsen, O'tfaha 3 Gertie Blakslee, Council BlufTs 18 John Grote, Underwood. Ia.. , W Annie Chrlstensen. t"ndrwond, ,1a.. John Clapper. Sioux Ctty. la Kerstlne M. Petersen, Council Bluffs 26 MINOR. MEXTfO;, Clark's aodas, j Davis sells drugs. Stockert sells carpets. Ed Rogers' Tony Faust beer. New location, 30 Pearl St. Maloney. Plumbing and heating. Rlxhy & Son. A Rood school Is Western Iowa college. YVoodrlng Undertaking company.. Tel. 339. Lewis Cutler, funeral director. 'Phone 97. Men's and boys' bathing suits at Hunter's. Diamonds as an Investment. Talk to Leffert about It. Mr. Charles A. Wiley Is home from Sioux Falls, 8. D. ' . Beautiful lace door panels, 35c and up. Stockert Carpet Co. " Specials for graduation gifts. Alexan der's Art Store. I3 Broadway. Homes furnished complete on easy pay ments. Peterson' & Scboening. WlUlaro Moore will 'leave this morning for a short trip to Denver, Colo. See Stephen Bros, for Are brick and fire clay, newer pipe, fittings and garden hoae. For Imported wines; liquors and cham pagne.. L. Rosenfeld company, 619 Main. Buy your Ice cream at I. Muccl, the lee cream man. Plain Ice cream, 2oc a brick. Wanted-All K. O. T. M s to bring their shoes- for repair to. Chris Losetli, at 23 Main street. - . Six per cent mortgages on real estate for sale. Absolute .security. Clifton Walker company. If you want your fire insurance to In-' sure have Clifton-Walker Co. write It In reliable companies. The city council will 'meet this afternoon in adjourned session and alxo as a com mittee of the whole.- Dr. Charlotte McCuskey left yesterday for Des Moines to attend a meeting of the State Society of Osteopaths. Do not wait until you get soaked; buy your shingles now. Hafer haa a large stock ot all grades at bottom prices. Moving varts and wagons; ' furniture stored. Neabitt's Transfer and Storage. Tel. !i3. Office 331 West Broadway. Free this week, a beautiful sephyr fan with a 25c purchase. See them In our show window. . gwalne A Maurer, 33t-33t Broad way. The members of the- Woman's Relief corps will meet at the Broadway Methodist church Sunday morning to attend the me morial services. . -. - Do not forget the Council Bluffs Paint. Oil and Glass company when It comes to wall paper because they can make you the beat figures. For &tle Will- sacrifice on my fine piano. When You TUST J fragrance and malt body. Then observe its brilliancy whether bottled or from the keg. These are uniform characteristics which bespeak for Blatz Beers their un questioned honesty. These beers represent the very top most achievement in the art of brewing Blatz own process. Step in where you see Blatz signs. Tell the man to "draw" you a glass of Blatz Wiener Beer or any other Blatz brand. Be as critical as you like. "Your beer" will be "Blatz" ever after. Cultivate the"Blatz sign habit." Bottled Blatz U available, or should be, in most first class places. Atk for Blatz Wiener Beer. TELEPHONE DOUGLAS 101 OR DROP A POHTAL TO OMAHA BRANCH. SO-J-19 IHM tiLAS HT., CORNER EIGHTH. The celebrated brands Wiener, Private Stock, Muenchener and Export ..... D re wed Exclusively by VAL BLATZ BREWING -CO,, F.HLWAUKEE L Payments If desired. Can be seen at Brhmoller Mueller's, ("1 Broadway, Council Bluffa. la. The Bvea society of the Swedish Lutheran church will meet tonight at o clock In the church parlors. Miss Ada Ring will act as receptiou committee. Mr. and Mrs. K. Bllhai of Audiilxin. l.i., are the guests of their niece, Mrs. John Moran, en route home from California, where thjy spent the winter. Do not sell your old Iron, copper, brass and old ruhut-rt liefoie ou sea us. We pay $" p"r ton for Nil. 1 machinery Iron. J. Kattleman, M'il S. Mnlti. Tel. tloO. We have the tliiest line of sample monu ments to select fioin In the west. Slieely At Lane Marble and Oranlie works, !U Kast liroadnay. Council Bluffs, la. Why does Clark's Drug Co. get such an enormoua inula on Ice cream soda? Be cauae thev have discovered the secret of making the best Ice cream soda In the city. lilen Donley, aged 21. of this city, applied yesterday for a lliense to many Letle T...i. a ... (. I . Xm ihu Iiuu. ... - ,,, .... " young woman was not with hint was return il Justice Field performed the marriane ceremony yesterday for Lawrence Claua 8 en of Omaha and Gertie HlHkalee of tills city, and John Gtote and Annie Christen seti, both of I'mlerwood. Yeats of experience has toU ua the best variety of plants to grow. We can furnish ........ I-.... t.i .tin. ,tiui-i mill Will dO the planting' free, either at your iioiiie or Involved lh the election the Question of In the cemetery. Will be planting ail tins I co-operating and atllllutiiig with the Antl-w.-ek at the cemetery. J. F. V ileox. K , league. J. S. Ward of Hondurant, r lorlal. , , . . Whv .hone.. vur life bv baking over the present chairman, waa placed in notoln- a hot stove when, you can buy better bread T and pastries at MRAtees: in me "" merit af our goods lliut n.aaes them so , populai better pular. They are not simply egum to. oui . tnan any POUI in llie tiv. nj ' twentieth Centuty and Colonial biead and be convinced. ' Anna 8. Hermes brought suit In the su perior court yesterday aaalnat the Omaha Council Bluffs Street Kailway company for ll.ifW damages for alleged personal in juries. The plaintiff alleges that while alighting from a car at Twenty-second street and Avenue A the car was started suddenly and sne was lliruwu violently to the ground. The receipts In the general fund of h Christian home last week were $1ub. 16. being Ih-Iow the needs of the week and In creasing the amount needed in the con tingent and Improvement fund lor lKott to $11,630.0$. In the manager's tund the re ceipts were $14, being 1-1 below the needs of the week and Increasing the deficiency in tills fund to date to $HS.75. Police officer Maher has been relieved fruui patrol duty and will for the present J serve as a deputy city marshal. His new ; all'ca'ser'of "up'ement" U.e U- ! . oration or person doing ao haa the neces- sary permit and to Bee that all such Pvr- , 11 le II L luneii i i " ' v. ' ' of six inches, as required by the recently passed ordiuance. Laeey and Cooalna Henomlaated. 08KAIX08A. la., May 23.-tfclpcclal.)-At the Sixth congressional district republican convention held here today Congressman , John F. Lacey was renominated by ac- , clamatlon without opposition and a resolu- J tion was adopted endorsing "Secretary Leslie M. Shaw and pledging to him the support of the district for president of the I'nlted States. The convention seated the stand pat delegates from Wappello county. CEDAR RAPIDS. Ia.. May 23. (Special.) -In the Fifth congressional district re publican convention today at mis city v on wamou Robert Coaplna was renominated. " .& ' . .... a f ,yilU"" . t taiift reciprocity resolution was offered by f H Smith of :rshall county, but was i not' adopted. . Hoffman Cllectiaa for Cedar I alts. CEDAR FALLS. Ia.. May 2S.-Spee1-tl. )- President Scerley of the Iowa State Normal school, accompanied by Trot. M. K .. Arey . J . .hltt. A' I A of the natural science aep. . i. n, h. tiulnnr brwlv. have . sienogru,,.-. h ' returned from Osknloosa where they nave u .....rii riv neaotlatlmr for the lrf li lui ' " nurchaae of the splendid collection of mln- cals and curios owned by Dr. D. A. Hoff man of that city. President Seerley pur- chased the entire collection, which repre sents years or unremitting search by this pioneer physician, for the. Normal school. where it will be known as me --nonmnu collection." . Court for Onatra. . ONAWA. Ia.. May 23 (Special.) Judge Ony nor will come to Onawa June 1 to bold a continuation of the April term of the Monona county district court. A mo tion In the case of William McFarlane against Jamea Cook & Sons will be heard and a number -of decisions handed down lri cases now under advisement. This will likely wind up the business until the Sepr tember term. Bankers Meat at Slonx City. SIOUX CITY. la.May 23. (Special Tele gram.) Nearly a hundred bankers of north western Iowa were in attendance at the annual convention of group No. 1, which came to a close with an elaborate banquet tonight. Alfred Morton of Sibley was elected chairman for the coming year and F. P. Burker secretary. Next year's meet ing probably will be held at Rock Rapids. Inatractora .o Abroad. CEDAK FALLS, la,. May 23. -(Special.)-Miss Jeanette Carpenter, professor of Eng lish language and literature In the Iowa State Normal school, left today for a six months" trip In European study and travel. Prof. Karl F. Gelser of the polit ical Science department, with Mrs. Geiser, are expected to return about September 1 after a year of foreign study. Miner Crashed by Case. FORT DODGE, la.. May 23.-(Speclal Telegram.) Frank . Dunning, an employe of the I'nlted States Gypsum company. In attempting to run beneath a descending cnge In the Mineral City mine at this place today, was caught and fearfully crushed. His back and both arms were broken.- He will die. Great Law Suit Decided. The tvupreme court, ' the people, has de cided that Dr. King's Now Discovery wins against coughs and colds. B0o and fl. For sale by Sherman St McConnell Drug Co. Drink note, if you please, that most convincing hop RUNNING MATES FOR COFFIN Iowa Prohibition Convention Complete! Iu Bute Ticket MALCOM SMITH COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN Klerted Over J. a. Ward. Who Was I'sinitil by Faction Atl vwratlna; (u-operatloa With the Aatl aleoa l.eaaae. (From a Staff Correspondent.) DES MOiNKfl, May .-(Special. The prohibition state loiivenUnn, which met .,., ,vti.l,. ...f ,v.r livl.iv to complete the nomination of. state uffU'. is and the completion of the party platforrn by the adoption of the rcaolutiona. After agreeing to part of these eslonlay the convention on meeting this fmencoii spent two hours on the election of a chairman I of the state ceuttal committee, there being atlon and It la asserted that he ;as the chief mover In getting the party a year utHn... with the Ami. cmiuihi i-Kgue. m t.unii.iuii w uuu colm Smith of Cadar Rapids, a former state chairman, was nominated. He Is opposed to audi adulation- Smith was elected by W to 63. The election was then made unanimous. The convention then proceedud to con sidering tiie resolutions only partly com pleted yesterday. In addition to the tem perance plank the convention today adopted planks favoring the Hepburn-Dolliver rate bill,. the Initiative and referendum, a tariff commission to study trade relations and make recommendations to congress und favoring the anti-pass. A Z-cent fare plank was considered, but there was a strong sentiment against it. in addition to the nomination of L. 8. Coffln ot FQrl podge for governor, made yesterday. . tho prohibitionists today made the following nominations: Lieutenant governor, K. W. Brown of Ames; secretary of slate, D. R. Dungan or Des Moines; auditor, J. 8. Ward, les Moines; treasurer, George W. White of Fairfield; attorney general, J. L. Watson of Hawarden; judges of the supreme court, Benjamin RadcliR of Marcus and II. F. John. of Woodbine; clerk supreme court, y y jrei,er ot Oakland; reporter supreme court. M,g. Anna M. Edworthy; state superintendent, Mrs. Ida M. Wise of Des Moines; railroad commissioners, M. M. Dixon of Marshulltown and E. K. Bennett of Wlnterset. ' Protect Dobs, bnt Kill Cars. The Iowa Dog Protective association to day'' held Its first regular meeting "and elected officers. The association Is regu- 1 . . 1 . . J .... . a ..-..!.. !, .. I .t,a . ! Laii) oil in ni u it-u uiiuci in- in w ui .lata Ihn l,Wl Vainer th. rl.l.ilntr nf lh state of curs and the protection of a'.l good dngg. It was decided to offer a stand ing reward of $100 for the arrest and con viction of any person guilty of mallei ub injury or theft of any dog belonging to a member of the association. The otflcers lectert -re; H. B. Wyman, president; W. A. Vce president"; Wilbur J. Oar- . ,...'. rr r. urer; Don H. Foster, V. II. Miller and Fred i... ,... UunVieT, directors. Business propriMiions advertised In Ths Bee go Into the homes ot the best people. LieLifj tompray's New (ft ease Cook look By Mrs. S. T. R0REB. FREE to any woman who will i?nci iter address to Lteblg's Extract of Meat Co., Ltd., ISO Hudson TT street. New York. f Save Your Kidneys The' chief cause of Kidney Trouble are uric acid poisons that accumulate in the sys tem by reason of over-work and errors of diet. When these poisons are abundant in tho blood in their ordinary form, they clog' the circulation in the kidneys, cause scant and highly colored urine, frequent and pain ful urination, kidney disease and bladder trouble. When they are thrown out of the blood back into the tissues they allow the urine to become free and clear, but causa muscular soreness, rheumatism, backache, etc., and a strong tendency to future trouble. ajar a l these plain facts in mind it is easy If I 111 to understand why the so-called 'kidney remedios", litliia, mineral waters, etc., do so little permanent good. They un doubtedly make the urine free and clear by driving the poisons back into the tissues. El rry mmryf tne Remedy. It ill! I I MO makes uric poisons freely soluble, so that they can be easily thrown out of the system without Irritating the kidneys or bladder. This makes the urine free, but not clear. It saves the kid neys and avoids rheumatic complications. A Freer Book of 64 pages by Dr. K. C. Scott with every bottle, or ent by mail on request. Ask your drugpiat for E-liru-i-"?. la-oz. bottle $1. Accept nothing else. Elimino Mi.dicjni. Co., Les Moines, U. 0 I 'j- 1 Ei fl lime. Yale's Hair Tonic FOR CHILDREN AND ADULTO ANTISEPTIC AND HYGZanC Soils on Merit, not rn Beau tional Advertising. , A Hair Invigorate! Jurt what Its name Implies. It supplied nourishment, the elements f growth, which, when t-bserbed T the hair, strengthens and beauti fies It In the same way that sap glorifies the foliage of a tree. Even where the follicles are seemingly dead. If the sal la massaged dally with Mme. Tale's Hair Tonlo a vigorous growth will be produced. It has honestly earned its title of "the great hair grower." It stimulates the mast stunted growth an makes the hair mangiflceatly healthy and beautiful. By It use women can provide themselves with a trailing mantle of hair womaa's natural raiment, her birthright. Mme. Yale's Hair Tonic Is . equally ' by men and ' wofiw particularly vhen the hair hlns to weaken or fade. Cures bald ness, grayneas, splittiag of ths hair, leurirtiff and all aieease of th heir, scalp and heard. Oae application usually stops hair fall log. A nursery retulsiui bo mother should neglect. ta use It for her boys and girls when ths hair Is made strong In childhood it remains proof against disease and retains its vigor and ywu tanni nes through life. Mme. Yale's' Hair Tonlo Is a 'colorless, fragrant, delightful hair dressing; neither sticky, gritty nor greasy; makes the' bair soft, fluffy and glossy. Contains no artificial coloring; would not soil the whit est hair; restores original color by Invigorating the scalp and re establishing normal circulation and proper distribution of tho live coloring matter. . Beautiful hair redeems the plainest counten ance, and any one can secure It by using -Mme. Tale's Hair Tonlo. Now in three sites; prices, 11.10, 60c and 25c. '' Our special prices, 23c, 5o, Stc DRUG DEPARTMENT, CONSULTATION FREE Mme. Vale may b consulted by uiil fre of charge. Twanty-aeve years ot practice and nrprriTic in treating te human bair and acT, combined with nataral adaptability and sH-ntirlc study, haa glvem tlila wonderful vfomaa com plats tnaatary of the capillary stnwtare. . k Mme. Yale's Books Are Free Mme. Yale's book on the subject ar Health and Beauty and the Human Hai will be mailed free upon request, ddreaa. MME. ii. TALIS, tso Firm Avenue, New Terk City. DR. WKBTMAti ' SENNA LIVER PILLS A PILL WITHOCT A FAIN. For Dararfad Sratam . CONBHPATION. UfbIOIIBN8 BmT STOMACH, SICK HSADACHJJ, NAUSAVA, NiiEVOLBNES, TORPID- UTBA, Sfic Poat PalaV SHEBMAH & WcCCMSEli ISC2 t UUi and Dadas Bh MHIANIWBCni. SaaSlaSCara IrrttauaM aa alaaf ailnas f aiituaw Ki.Im. aa4 mi 1 t trial u'! ua ( af 1 ae ml ta paata aiyaia, kr waia. a HOTELS. HOTEL KUPPER Kauaas dtf Th(. k . ma ft tlful roiirua and Is located at IKS and McOce streets in the ahopploC diatiioc Onljr half a block from the HtfOory. Bird. Ttiayer dry gooda aura; Mat tOI ttie Uieatars 1 ISS Prltetc SaBaa. alcyhaaca la Ail Itaa. Bat aai CeM ftaaaaaa Miatar fca tvrry Saaaa. l annWii Caaa. faM C setae. Oae BraaklaaSi mm4 Takat B"Ut Ba aan Sancd la Cala. aUlaa 11 s Say mt a 1 a tareteaa riaa. Keearvatlona may ba aaads fey tale frapb at our expense. Kl'PrEJl BKNSO!! HOTEL) XV P. A. ItKBSOS. Muaw. Mi-sui i