Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 24, 1906, Page 5, Image 5

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It happens occasionally
that the skill of a dentist de
teriorates from carelessness,
dissipation or old ss.e. Pa
tients are not able to discern
this at the time their work
Is done, but must wait for
expensive experience to show
them that something Is
wrong with their dentist.
Before you select your
'new dentist I want yon to
Investigate me and my me
thod of filling and crowning
teeth painlessly. Not only
' can I give you the best of ref
erences but I can pVove to
your own satisfaction that I
x can fill and crown your teeth
s without hurting.
DR. FICKKH, Dentist. 83 Dee Bldg.
'Phone Douglas 637
Laying? nf Cornerstone to Be Attend
y Blehop Hamilton aad
"" i I Goeernee Mickey.
Te cornerstone of the Methodist hospital
will be laid Thursday . afternoon for the
new building; n Thlrty.stxth and Cuming
streets and the public generally Is Invited
to be present at the ceremonies. Governor
Mickey will preside, Vnlted Btates District
Attorney Charles A. Qoss will speak and
Bishop John W. Hamilton of Sun Fran
cisco will deliver the principal address and
. lay the cornerstone, The munlc for the
occasion WTU be furihshed by Trinity Meth.
' odlst church choir under direction of
v Choirmaster Oraham.
All the money for this new hospital has
been subscribed and work Is now being
done by inf contractors and will be pushed
Mo I speedy finish. The foundation was
' laid some time ago, but the superstructure
was delayed for. lack of funds. With these
ail at hand nothing now stands in the way
of finishing the building.
(station Caveat -After Twenty Tears
M .
Tvt more than twenty years Mr. J. b.
v'r Masssy of 3328 Clinton St.. Minneapolis,
f t Mian., was tortured by sciatica. The pain
and suffering which he endured during this
lime Is beyond comprehension. Nothing
gave him 'any permanent relief until ha
tusea nam serial n a . rain Balm. One ap
plication of that linament relieved the pain
m rt A iviiHa a u p. Aif put iiMaIKU wA I
than ons bottle .baa effected a permanent
curer- Mr! Massey relates his experience for
the benefit ef others who may be similarly
afflicted. If troubled with sciatic or rheu
matism why not try a X-cent bottle ef Pain
Balm and see foe yourself how Quickly It
relieves the pain.
10.OQ to Beaton aad Retava. 9111,00,
pins ft.oO, from Chicago, via Nickel rial
Road, May II. to June I, Inclusive; also
via - New York City at excursion rates.
Return limit of July II by extension of
ticket. Folders, ratea and all Informa
tion furnished by applying te J."hn T.
Calahan. . general agent. Room Hi, 111
Adam street, Chicago.
Band concerts In the Omaha publle parks
. I lianacom park by band or forty pieces.
, under the direction of Qeorge Green, the
j well known bandmaster. Before the open-
Ins of the resorts around Omaha band
eonnerta-et Hanacom park were th prin-
', cipai ttunoay attraction, ana on many
j bright Sunday afternoon- has the large
f i and shady park been taxed to ita capacity
with vehicles and . people.
Lincoln Matter Before Grand Jury Promise
to Be Bemariable.
Some tome from as Far as Illinois
to Tell of Flllna oa Govern
ment l.nno la Nebraska.
The federal grand Jury was engaged In
hearing testimony In the Edmonson case
from Lincoln on Wednesday. The cas
la one wherein It Is alleged that some
public land procured by fraudulent affi
davits was traded for other valuable prop
erty at Lincoln or in that vicinity. The
case la said to possess some sensational
features and may result in an Indictment
for forgery aa well as perjuiy.
Owing to the lateness of the hour when
the federal grand Jury had finished Ha
day's work Wednesday evening and be
cause of the absence of Judge Munger
from the building no report waa submitted.
The testimony In the Edmonson case la
said to have been completed and the hear
ing of the evidence in the land fencing
casea waa resumed. Thursday will be an
other busy day, as it Is ths wish of the
federal officials to get through with the
battalion if old soldier witnesses, and per
mit them to return to their homes. The4
Jury will resume work at 8.30 this morning.
The Investigation Into the fraudulent
land filings within the Spade ranch en
closures was resumed upon the conclusion
of the Lincoln case. Among the witnesses
summered In these cases are some 200 or
mors old soldiers, who were Induced to
make the filings with the understanding
that the cattlemen would buy the land of
them as soon ss they had completed their
final proof. Eight old soldiers are here
from the Illinois Bulders' home at Qulncy,
twenty or more from the city of Qulncy
and vicinity, ninety or more from different
polnte In Iowa, eight from the Soldiers'
home st Mllford and a number of young
women, stenographers and teachers, from
different parts of Nebraska and Iowa, who
were Induced to make filings under the
Kinkald act, with the view of later dispos
ing of the lands to the cattlemen.
Many of the old soldiers assert they
never went onto the lands at all, and
others say ths same piece of land was
shown to different ones as the land that
had been selected for them.
Aboat Chaetaaqaa lake.
Te people from the west "Chautauqua"
usually has the slgnlcance of a summer
educational institute. It Is true that the
institute Is located on Chautauqua lake and
it waa not an accident that they selected
this beautiful location.
A very beautiful booklet, recently issued
by the Erie railroad, tells all about Chau
tauqua and lake, and can be
obtained by addressing J. A. Dolan, Travel
ing Passenger Agent, Erie railroad, Chi
cago, 111. The booklet Is so handsomely
Illustrated that it does ample Justice .to
even so delightfully picturesque a spot as
Chautauqua lake.
DIAMONDS Frenser, 16th and Dodge sts
Caralval at Concord.
The program for the race meet and
carnival at Concord, June 6, is out and
shows a fine list ef events. The day
opens at 9 In the morning with a band
concert, a basket ball game at 10 between
the Wayne and Coleridge High school
teams, an automobile exhibition at 11,
base ball, between Dixon and laurel, at 1
o'clock; races begli nlng at 2:30, font
races at t, band concert at 7 and a grand
ball both afternoon and evening.
i i
Is an ordeal which all
women approach with
indetcribattle fear, for
nothing compares with
the pain and horror of '
child-birth. Thethoueht
f the arTering and danger in store) for her, roba the expectant mother
f all pleaaant anticipations of the coming event, and casts over her a
ahadew of gleem which cannot be shaken off. Thousands of wemen
hare to and that the ate of Mother's Friend during pregnancy roba
(oofinsgmeot of all pain and danger, and insures safety to life of mother
aslxhSd. This scientific liniment it a god-send to all women at the
time ef their most critical trial. Not only does Mother's Friend
carry wann safely through the perils of child-birth, but it use
gently prepare the system tor the coming event, prevent "morning
aiekaeu' aad other dis-
ti.QOi fcer .ltottae. Book
containing waivable information free.
Ta tVoefteld tayaJate Co., UlssU, fra.
i s
Orchard s Wilhelm
. ; .-. .Carpet Company,
4I416..S 5oiith 5lxteeuth Street.
Inqrain arpets
P If you want a good article with the old fashioned
Wearing qualities and colors that only good dyes and
good wools produce, it can be had. There have been 60
maxr so-called all wool carpets made from combina
tion yarns with large or small proportions of cow hair,
jute, etc; that we are often puzzled to know where the
term all wool should begin. Park Mills extra supers
are a ptandtrd of Ingrain Carpets. We guarantee every
yfcrd to be wool, and the price is only a few cents per
yard higher than other grades we carry. Park Mills
Extra Super, 78o a yard. These carpets have the great
advantage of being one yard wide and reversible.
Initial Journey of Commercial Club Over
Hock Island in Kansas.
Impossible to Get Employment, as
' Face and Body Were Covered With
Itching Sores Scratched Till
Flesh Was Raw Spent Hun
dreds of Dollars on Doctors and
Hospitals and Grew Worse
.Art Squares
r The great trouble with most manufacturers of Art
Squares, is that they try to see hew cheap they can
make them instead of how good. "We don't believe in
cheapness at the expense of quality, but we are offering
this week a brand new lot of theBest Wool Art Squares
at about the same price the "other fellow" will ask
you for an inferior quality.
6x9 Art Squares..! 4.85
4-7x9 Art Squares. . 6.15
9x9 Art Squares 7.25
9x10-6 Art Squares 8.35
9xi2 Art Squares.. . 9.75
lC-Cxl2 Art Squ'res.11.50
12x12 Art Squaree.$13.25
9x15 Art Squares. 12.25
9x13.6 Art Squares. 11.00
12x13-6 Art Squ'r's 1185
12x15 Art Squares.. 6.25
15x15 Art Squares.21.00
"8!n!e the year 1894 I have been
troubled 'with a vary bad case of
ecscma which I have spent hundreds
of dollars trying
to cure, and I went
to the hospital,
but they failed to
cure trie and it
was getting worse
all the time. Five
weeks ago my wife
bought a box of
Cuticura Oint
ment and one
rake of Cuticura
Soap, and I em
pleased to say that I am now completely
cured and well.
"It waa impossible for me to get
employment, as my face, head, and
body were covered with It. The
eczema first appeared on the top of
my head, and it had worked all the
way around down the back of my neck
and around to my throat, down my
body and around the hips. It itched
so I would be obliged to scratch it,
and the fieish was raw.
"I would first wash the affected
Earta with warm water and Cuticura
oap, and then apply Cuticura Oint
ment and let it remain on all night, and
In the morning 1 would use Cuticura
Soap. I am now all well, which all
my frieuds can testify to, and I will be
pleased to recommend the Cuticura
Remedies to any and all persons who
wish a speedy and permanent cure of
skin diseases' Thomas M. Rossi ter,
290 Prospect Street,
Mar. SO, 1905. East Orange, N. J.
Comalf. ExtarnaJ tn4 Intern! Treatment for T.ywrf
Humor, from Pimpiw to ncroful. from lnfinc? to Aft,
eonaUtlrf of Cuticura So.p. u (Xntmnt, KVt., Knu't.
tnl, Mu. fin form f Charolatr Cm44 Mil, Ye. nr vial
t 40), mar ft Ka4 f H 4rugflfti. A tinilt MI ofl.n rnrt
fjk mo 41rvMlnc tIM whan all alar falla. Pmta. Hm.
S Cfcauv Carn.. RoTa Proa., BfMtaa, Maaa. '
ear Mail m, AU Admi taa Sfcia. ttwls. aS HfcJ
Waahonts In Some Placea In Kebraak
Beqnlrlna Maeh Time for
Considerable damage was done through
the state by the heavy rain "of Monday
night. Places most srlously affected wers
Long Pine, Uehllng and Rlverton. Be
tween Rlverton and Inavale several wash
outs were reported, which required all day
to get thi tracks repaired so the trains
could pass.
Because of the new service Inaugurated
by the Rock Island between Falrbury and
Kansas City and to facilitate the opera
tion of trains, a change has been made In
the territory of the Kansas and Missouri
divisions. The Missouri dlvison has been
extended to Horton, Kan., InHtead of St,
Joseph, as formerly.
.... i
The Northwestern Line.
Very Low Roand Trip Rates.
Boston, New Haven, Liouisvllle, St, Paul,
Chicago, Milwaukee and others.
The only double track line to Chicago,
Electric lit trains to Chicago and St. Paul
Full information at city ticket, office,
1401-03 Farnam street.
Maa-nr Da hi man Roes Alona, hut
Rnlks When He Sees Two
Thlrteens aa Kamher
ef the Rnstlne.
Amid the music ef tluster's band and
cheers frorn many throats a Rock Irlnnd
special pulled out Wednesday morning
bearing Omaha's trade excursionists on
their first trip of conquest for this srisnn.
With a great deal ef hurrying and per
suading, the members of the trade exten
sion committee managed U get everybody
tn board In due season and the cor due 'or
gave the engineer the highball at 7:10. which
waa schedule time exactly.
The departure was not without difficul
ties. As a first obstacle the Rock Isitind
officials, with John Utt at their had, said
they would take oft their car and stay at
home, for they felt exceedingly ntieed st
the "roast" on them In the excursion hook-
let, a copy of which had Just come to their
"These gentlemen,''' said the booklet,
'are responsible for the por freight ser
vice on your shipments in this t-rrltory.
They have now faithfully agreed to give us
better service hereafter."
John Utt said this was an Insult which
could not easily be forgiven. He was per
suaded to listen to reason by H. A. Per
kins, commercial -pgent of the road, who
took him to one vslde for- consultation.
After a minute's earnest conversation with
Mr. Utt, Mr. Perkina went te William Tet
ter, the great mogul of the party, and said
all would be forgiven if Yetter and K. V,
Judson would stay away from the pretty
girls at the towns along the line and leave
them to the Rock Island officials.
Jim Balks at Somber.
The second hitch came when Mayor
Dahlman saw "1313" in big yellow figures
on the side of the locomotive. Mnyor Jim
waa taken along to show the cowboys of
western Kansas that Omaha Is not an
effete eastern town. Mr. pahlrnan was
nxious to go, but he had seen cow punch
ers go against thai 18, and had never seen
luck brought to any of them by It, espe
cially when the "13s" came doubled up
or tn pairs. - It required five or six men to
explain that the double 13 was not neurly
as big an Item In the devil's list of :lirms
as a single 13, but when it had been -made
clear In his mind he allowed himself to
be shown to a car.
Six cars made up the train, a baggage
car, a coach ror the band, tnree sleepers
and the private car of the railroad offi
cials. On the baggage car was a big ban
ner with the words, "Omaha, the Market
Several thousand booklets with the names
and pictures of the excursionists and pho
tographs of Omaha and the jobbing houses
were taken for distribution among the mer
chants. Several boxes of small cowbells,
bearing the Injunction, "Ring for Omaha,
the Market Town," were among the ar
ticles of baggage. The umbrellas of last
year were taken along and the umbrella
brigade will be In evidence.' . '
The Bemls Bag company's siren whlst'e
was on the engine and Its unearthly shrieks
will be heard In the towns along the line.
The schedule for the first day embraced
the towns between Omaha and Manhattan,
Kan., the next night to be spent In making
the run to Burlington, Colo.' Thursday the
towns between Burlington and Phllllpsburg,
Kan., will be visited, and 'Friday the towns
between Phllllpsburg and Falrbury, Neb.
Ten o'clock Friday nign, Js1 the . time set
for the return to Omaha.
See these trunks they're strong nnd compactly built, niadt of best seasoned wood
with heavy hardwood slats and sheet iron bottom lift-out tray sold the country over
for $7.50 our price, $5.50.
Water Proof Suit Case full steel frame co.vered with befit grade of waterproof cloth
with stock hinges and waterproof corners linen lined exclusive trunk store price $2..")0;
our price, $1.89.
Genuine Leather Suit Caae3 Made over strong steel frames, the corners protected with
sole leather caps three steel hinges full linen lined, with strap in lid a regular $5 6uit
case, for $3.98. . i
Farnam at
Filteenth St.
Farnam at
Filteenth St.
Society fVrent.
Sarah Berks took Electric Bitters for
headache and can now meet her social en
gagements. M cents. For sale, by Sher
man & McConnell Drug Co.
Cheap Rates to Boston.
$19.00 for round-trip from Chicago
(plus $1.00) via the Nickel Plate Road,
May $1 to June 9, inclusive, with prlvtlegy
of extension of return limit to July It.
$24.00 via New York City, all rail, or
$23.00 via New York City and steamer
In both directions between New York and
Boston. Stopover at Niagara Falls and
Chautauqua lake points if desired, within
limit of ticket. Tickets good on any
train on above dates. No excess fare
charged on any train on Nickel Plate
Road. Meals In Nickel Plate dining cars,
on American club meal plan; ranging In
price from 36 cents to $1.00; mid-day
luncheon 60 cents: also a la carte. Three
through trains dally, with modern Pullman
sleeping cara to Fort Wayne, Flndlay, Fos-
torla, Cleveland, Erie, Buffalo, New York
City and New England points. Trains
depart from LaSalle street station, Chi
cago, the only depot on the Elevated Loop.
Write John Y. Calahau, general agent.
room 298, 111 Adams strvt, Chicago, for
reservation of berths In through standard
and tourist sleepers and full particulars.
Chicago o Boaton at Retarn Vln New
York or Direct Ronte.
The Lake Shore will sell on May SI to
June 9, Inclusive, tickets to Boston and
return at above rate. Return limit, by de
posit, July 15 stopover of ten days at New
York on return trip on tickets reading via
New York. Write M. .8. Qlles, T. P. A.,
Passenger Traffic Manager, Chicago.
ri2.2lt St. Pent ana Retnrn.
Via Chicago Great Western Railway.
Tickets on sale May 28th to 31st, Inclu
sive, account biennial meeting General
Federation of Women' . Clubs, Return
limit June 9th, with extension privileges.
For further Information apply to H. II.
Churchill, O. A., 1512 Farnam street.
Compromise Hrirhrd Whereby Man
FalllnR Through Elevator
Gets tsss Sam.
After the Jury Jiad been Impaneled and a
part of the testimony taken a settlement
was reached In the case of Albert BJoberg
against Frank Burkley and Hugh McCaf
frey, growing out of Injuries received by
SJobtrg by falling down an elevator shaft
In the Kimball laundry building, belonging
to the defendants. By the terma of the
settlement SJoberg will receive $2,600 In
cash above the costs of the suit.
Mr. Bjobevg was connected with the
Swedish Tribune, with an ofllce In the top
story of the building. He stepped into the
elevator shaft, thinking he was going Into
a closet. He fell more than twenty feet
and lay unconscious until he was found the
next day. Among other injuries the frac
ture of one leg made it necessary to re
move about foiir inches of the bone.
Mr. BJoberg is said to be an Inventor of
considerable ability. One of his Inventions
Is the contrivance on voting machines,
making It Impossible for the voter to cast
his ballot for more than the right number
of candidates for each ofllce.
Pflaim Klowf
ffoir lira
Memorial Will Re Held by O. A. R.
Post of Sooth Omaha Nest
Memorial services will bo held for mem- i
bers of Phil Kearny Post No. 2, GranJ i
Army of the Republic of South Omaha, j
next Sunday at 11 o'clock at the Leflor j
Memorial church, Albright. The sermon j
will be delivered by Rev. Mr. Stambaugh. j
The ottlcers of the post urge all old sol-;
dlers and their friends to attend. I
Decoration day ceremonies will be held
by the post at 2 p. m.. May 30, when
the members of - the post and the relief !
corps will meet at the post rooms over
the First National bank. They will then '
march to the cemetery, where ritualistic
and musical services will be held while
the graves era being strewn w!h
Schools and citlsens are urged to bring
flowers and. assist in the decoration of
the graves of departed comrades.
DESTINATIONS: Denver, Colorado Springs and Pueblo.
DATES AND RATES: From June 1st, round trip rate,
$17.50. From July lUth to 16th, inclusive, round trip, $15.
Colorado is a mile higher than tide water. Its atmos
phere is charged with vitalizing ozone. There is no climate
that will more quickiy restore a depleted system than that
of Colorado; if you have only two weeks' vacation and need
a quick toning up, try the mountain country.
Write for special Colorado folder containing list of de
sirable resorts, ranches, parks and stopping places.
tionate excursion rates throughout the summer.
J. B. Reynolds, C. P. A., 1502 f imam St., Omaha, Nib.
1 -
mam- m r. n '
FUhlnsr and Camplnst Rates to Madi
son l.a ke, Wntervllle and Klyslan,
Minn., Via C'hlraKO Ureat
For parties of ten or more, one fare and
one-third for the round trip, good for tan
days. Tickets on sale dally until Sep
tember"!. For further information apply
to any Great Western agent, or J. P.
Elmer, Q. P. A., St. Paul, Minn.
flan Gordon Nomina;
Committee of arrangements will be at
hnll, Edward Crelghton Institute, Thursday
evenlnrr promptly 7:30. All clansmen will
wear regalia. By order of the chief.
JAMES C. LINDSAY, Secretary.
Cheap ltat
to New Haven, Conn., from Chicago di
rect and via New York City, June td,
3d, 4th and 6th. Extended return limit
June $0. Write Nickel Plate Road, room
29$, 113 Adams atreet, Chicago, (or par
ticulars. '
To and front Enrouenn nnd Asiatic
Full line of outward and prepaid tickets
via all Transatlantic eteamshlp lines. Make
your reservations for cabin passage early.
For rates, sailing lists, etc., call at City
Ticket Office, Chicago Milwaukee A Bt
Paul Railway, 1624 Farnam street, Omaha,
Salvation Army Revival.
Revival services are in progress at the
Salvation Army hall. 1711 Davenport street.
At the meeting Hunday morning ten per
sons wero converted, ana in the evenins;
elsJit sought salvation. The Divisional Re
vival Brigade, which was In charge last
Sunday, will be - here all wt-ek and next
Sunday. This band of Salvation ray
workers has been engaged In churches In
Nebraska for the last six months and has
succeeded in bringing hundreds to accept
Christ. At the street meeting Munday
evening two young men resolved for a
better life.
Sterling Silver Frenxer, 16th and Dodge.
One nnd Half Million Pounds of
Dressed Meat from Omaha
for Soldiers.
Captain T. B. Hacker, chief commissary.
Department of the Missouri, is busy tab
ulating the bids for the fresh beef and
mutton supplies for the posts of the depart
ment for six months, beginning July 1,
1906. The bids were opened May 18 and
called for practically l,6un,ono pounds of
dressed fresh beef. The bidders were
largely the South Omaha packing houses,
though bids also were received from fresh
meat dealers In the localities of the sev
eral posts. As a ru'.a the bids from the
big packers were much lower than for the
last six months or year, while the bids
from the local dealers were much higher.
The award of the contracts will not be
made for several days, until the bids can
be proprrly tabulated.
Our charges are within the
reach of all. Many are treated
free of charge.
Medical & Surgical Institute
We are Specialists for Diseases and
Weaknesses ef MEN and MEN ONLY.
We know just what we can da. and we
have such firm confidence in our HEW
METHODS and TREATMENT that we are
willing to cure our patients under an
absolute Guarantee of
W Moan This Most Emphatically. K la Far Yau-Far Everybody.
LOST POWER RESTORED (According to Ags) 14 to 60 Dys
PRIVATE DISEASES (Recently Contracted) 4 Dnya to 10 Dy
Kidney and Bladder Troubles (Either Acuta or Chronic) IS to 40 Dsys
Clnn Gordon to Heeelv Royalty.
Thursday is Victory day and Clan Gordon
nil) welcome and entertain real live roy
alty. Peter Kerr of Boaton, royal sec retary
Order of Scottish Clans, of which Clan
Gordon Is the local branch, will be chief
r-eker at a grand social that evening- In
Edward Crelghton Institute, itO Bo. Uth.
opposite city hall. A high-class program Is
arranged and Mayor Dahlman Is expected
to look In.
Friday evening Mr. Kerr will be guest of
honor at a public dinner In O'Brien's cafe,
1415 Farnam atreet. The mayor will be
chairman. Williamson 8. Summers, Q. M.
liltchcoi. Matthew Oerlng, John I Mc-
Cague, Robert Cowell and others will re
spond to toasts proposed by Chief William
Kennedy ef the Gordons.
Low rates to Boston and Ntv Haven.
Conn., and return, via the ERIE RAIL.
ROAD Picturesque trunk line of America.
Apply to ticket agents, or J. A. Dolan.
r. P. A.. Chicago.
WATCH K8 Frenser. l&th and Dodge sts.
Tin Cntcncn Grent Western Railway.
For parties of 10 or more one fare and
one-third for the round trip, good for 10
days. Tickets on sale dally until Septem.
ber Ml For further Information apply to
any Great Western agent or J. P. Elmer,
O. P. A.. Si Paul. Mian.
If you neglect the stomach
and bowels ycu will, sooner
or later, pay the penalty.
Nature often needa a little
assistance and an occasional
do6e of the Bitten will help
wonderfully. It cures Poor
Appetite, Belching, Heart
burn, Dyspepsia, Indiges
tion, Costiveness, Female
Ilia or Malaria. Try it.
Dr. McGrev, spaciaiist
Blood Poison, Varicocele, Stric
ture, Loss of Vitality
and all weaknesses and disorders of men.
Over 30,000 Cases Cured.
Charges Lees Thau All Others.
Treatment - by mall. Call or write. Beg
Tel. Offices 211 South Fourteenth straed
Omaha. Neb. '
Every omaii
uuurraanj im mould Know
about aronderfni
MARVEL whirling iprsy
fVTN US SM U.'lra)r,trf
afe. A"r!v' sat-Moal t'omaniniL
See our fchedulee to some of the principal eastern
Detroit. 21 hours
Buffalo 27 hours
Syracuse 30 hours
Albany 33 hours
New York....... 37 hours
Boston.' 44 hours
Indianapolie 21 hours
Cutcianatti 24 hours
Pittsburg; 26 hourt
Philadelphia. ... 35 hours
Baltimore 36 hours
Washington..... 38 hours
The Illinois Central's fast "Chicago limited" train
leaves Omaha at 6:00 p. m. Fast day train at 8:00 a. m.
Union depot oonnectioas in Chicago for nearly all prin
cipal points.
Steamship tickets to all European and Asiatic points.
Cafe car service.
Tickets and information at City Tioket Offio, 1402
Farnam St., Omaha.
District Pssseogtr Accel
Tf sa cannot aupplv the
Mast. St. no
piur, sut aendauunp toff
Inuairaiad tMMk-al4. It lTa
full itarucnlara and ttra.nioi. tit.
f alualu in la.lias. MIHIII. .,
an aa. mt aaw i vsua.
For H
le by
16th and lAds bi.
. C Cor. llh and Farnam eta.
roui ness-
ta aanv Tin awiifcrlua fro
I a fj uaaa winch aap lLa pleasures
J n ol Ills sawuUl uli Juvu ruts.
aaaataaawaHBaaai unf wa 141 leu aivf r vi
mivrreiou results. This tusdlclns fca more
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