i THE OMAIIA DAILY BEE: T1JUKSDAY, MAY 24, lfXVV 10 Start a savings account today in our state bank, 4 percent inter' est paid. OMAHA WKATHER FOIIFCAST Trtnnwlsy. Cloudy. Our State Bank pays 4 per cent interest on sav ings deposits TV TT TV TT TZ3i- ll lf 4 I V II I II I I I i 1 i Ell A 1 II. pfiii THE RELIABLE STwRE 11 sale of "' Sale of f 3$ Chun. 1 .FFrr nrxBfriimcj iM k 1 1 UJ 3 . 1 U IUI A l 1 E JJ !C B I dr. ml 3 I Special Sale of Millinery? Stunning Mats al $2.50 I On Thursday we place on sale 600 lace, chiffon and horsehair braid hats in the newest style turbans and dress shapes. These hats have been trimmed in our own work rooms with the same style and elegance that characterizes our-tlO hats. The models are beautifully trimmed with a whole wreath of roses and foliage, also with velvet J 2 II r I h h n n and nrnampnts. war Made specially for' this event and shown for the first time Thursday, at... 12i Dress Hals alS 5 In Black or While Every lady knows that the black or the white hat is the fashionable millinery for summer wear, we offer ( for Thursday a large variety , of these hats in chiffon or French chip, also Leghorn hats,' in the latest style all trimmed with roses, velvet ribbon, mallne and the newest ornaments some especially beautiful bats trimmed with three ostrich plumes, on sale at $3 Ready-to-Trim Hats at 75c Surplus stock of one of the largest hat manufacturer's. Over 2 2. Ml 1 2,000 ready-to-trim horse hair braid and chinon hats, in dress shapes and turbans principally in old rose, blues, browns ant greens actually; worth $3 apiece, at, each ladies' Walking Skirt, $3.98 A new assortment . pleaUd nkirta in cloths, etc all the pretty new effects, go at. . . of circular er grays, mixed 3.98 '" : ' Ladies' New Summer Waists Dainty pleated and tucked waist, wltb lace or embroid ered trimmings . many lingerie ef fects, at 98C-1.50 KTl it i n L i Ladies' Tailored Suits $10 Pretty eton, pony and polo coat styles, cir cular skirts, prettily draped and tailored, all the leading colors for spring and summer. ." $10 1 4 i 3 2 THE DRESSY NEW SILK ETON JACKETS These are very popular this season made of black silks, with white lingerie or lace trimmings special for Thursday ....... 4.98 Ladies' Summer Underwear g Ladies' Egyptian cotton or lial vests, bilk taped or ribbened neck and arms, also ladits' lisle pants, umbrella style, wide lace trimming, at BRANDEISBOSTON STORE lie POPULAR PRICES! POPULAR PRICES! 1508 DOUGLAS STREET. Grand Millinery Sale HUNDREDS OK BKAl T1FVL" GRADUATION HATS Exquisite Dress and stylish street hats in this sale made of Milan, Tuscan, Chip, Neapolitan, Chiffon and satin braids beautifully trimmed- e THURSDAY, at S5.00 and $6.75. I ABSOLUTELY EVERY HAT REDUCED IN PRICE. ME ARE SEI.UXO HIGH GRADE, I'RETTV MILLINERY, ebeai?r than any house in Omaha. KOl'lTAK PRICES IX VKHTIUATF POPULAR PRICES. C&l if orn iaL Summer Excursions 60 Ail the wy Aac turn tarts, hu. 4t.. Ml ilk A.... UMKteM Bug, tUlMt, to, 1m "A tl ' sesklct Daily, June 1 to Sept. 15, first-class, round-trip. from Omaha and Kansas Gty Final return limit, October 31. Honored on The California Limited. Al Jim IS Is July 7, similar ttcksti will be sold at $51 Iron Omaha and Must City, limited to rctura Sept. IS. Ea rsstt its Grtad Casysa t Arlissa. CriEH TRACES STAUfS ETEfiT Tl-E Closing Out Week ii Burns' Crockery Thousands of New Pieces, at 8c, 7r. Tr. 3r and w e vm.m Jus. Plates, Cups, Saucers. Cover Dishes. Meat Platters, Etc., Ete. $1.50 pieces marked down to fl fks 2?c .nd MJC 1 r P LtfTC JTrite. HTl - An Extra Cut of $2.00 on w every Dinner Set, only 15 a?.... 7.00 Choice of Any Cover Dish China PA or Porcelain Thursday, for..... OlM Choice of Any Covered Butter Dish or Sugar Bowl, ...... A Thursday, at IUC Goods worth $1.00 and A $1.25, for... ....1UC Ladies' $5.50 Silk Petticoat for $3.95 100 Fine TaSeta Silk Petticoats, black, white, rose, silver gray, navy, red, Alice blue and all changeable shades accordeon pleats and ruffle, with under dust 'Z O i ruffle on sale Thursday at... Thft Ladies' Silk Suits Plain colors, changeable colors, fine checks and small stripes, Eton styles, dressy styles and Jacket Suits, all the very latest models of this season JjQ ftt Allover Embroideries at 60c 25 pieces fine Nainsook Allover Em broideries, 16 to 20 inches wide, heavy eyelet, dainty floral and shadow work patterns, worth 7 Be to $1.00 yard, all go (t special a yard J U V Pretty Wash Laces Cheap Wide and narrow Edges of Wash Torchon Laces, with Insertions to match, and an odd lot of Imported Wash Panda, proper idea for wash fabrics, worth to 16c yard all go " Thursday special Silk Glove Offer Ladles' Pure Silk Gloves. Interwoven double finger tips, French Lisle Gloves in modes, tans, browns, blue, green. FA. plum, black and white, two-button length special a palr...UC Pretty Wash Lingerie Fine Batiste and Lawn Chlmeaettea, In Val laces, every one In this lot worth 60o, Thursday special each mmOKt New Lot of Handkerchiefs Ladies' Fancy Pure Linen Handkerchiefs, hemstitched, with fancy block and check patterns, white only, worth 25c each, sale price Thursday C each ), i lvC Bargain Hale Ladle' and Children's Hose Ladles' fast black Cotton Maco Hose, black foot and split sole; ladles' Lisle White Hose, chil dren's fast black cotton Maco Hose, fine and heavy ribbed, and Infants' white Lisle Hose, all spliced heel and toe Thursday Special t a pair IDC TJnexceUed Value in Corsrts Thursday 1,000 Corsets and Girdles in this lot, made of light weight batiste, white, drab, pink and blue, worth 89c and 4 8c each all go on sale Thursday C each ....6DC 93c Umbrella for 60c Big lot fancy and plain natural wood handle Umbrellas, with glace finished cotton covers, regular 95c f ft value, sale prlr Thursday each t 0.C White Goods Special 60 plecea imported Swiss Mull, 30 Inches wide, worth 25c and f 35c yard for one day Thursday yard , , i "C 30 pieces Dotted Swiss, S8 Inches wide, regular 18c and 25c i f qualities a yard, only..... IjC 25 pieces Checked Nainsook, in small and lsrge checks for t A Thursday only a yard lUC Colored Dress Goods for Hoi Weather New Gray Panamaa. in shadow plaids and checks, stripes and Melange effects, shepherds' checks, fancy plaids In silk and wool, Plain Serges, Nuns' Veilings and Batistes, worth up to 76c yard en Thursday a yard OUC 46-lnch Chiffon Panamas and Batistes, Just the right weight and finish for warm weather, dustproof, sold at $1.00 yard. Thursday Jy X a yard ' 5C .1.00 BENNETT'S DIG GROCERY Our purchasing power rnsblta us !Enm as Pride of Ben nett's Flmr, pr eaek $1.30 And forty grsea trading stamps 26c t.rop.. 38c i Bee Want Ads Bring Results uo.uea oaniua Coffea, icr do u nd And tw.ntjr (rcn trading stanDi. Basket Ftrvd Jsp&n T.4, ner tmund And twenty frn trading stamps. Schepp's Coco An ut, pound Okf pack. . tW And ten aren trading stamps. Unci Barn's Baked Beans, OKc three cans for S.OW An ten green trading stamps. Bennett's Barf&la Laundry O S fl Boap, tea bars s.lmon. per pound 12iC lOo Peanut Butter, to uve our customers money. Anderson's Tom. to Soup per can Corn, per two-pound esn BreHkf.nt Ox-os, - . Pr cn ...... Oil fer1!ne. per ran Pickles, assorted, bottle Bbo.dueDT."'0.':... 10c Bennett's Capitol Extrsct (Or Lemon, bottle IOW And twenty green trading stamps. Bennett's Capitol Extract Vanilla, bolile 'O And ten green trading stamps. l'neela Blecum. three packages SOW And ten grees trading stamps. Klppeted Herring. 20C And ten green trading stampa. Herring in Tomato Sauos, 20C And ten green trading stamps. . Sc ,5c 10c 3c 9c BTBCIAI. ORDERS FOR BREAD. CAKE! AND PIfc.6. FOR SATl'R IiAT DEUVKKI, TO BE LEFT WITH I NOT LATXK THAN TMCMPAT. BARE FOOT SANDALS The Bare Foot Sandal Season I here. This Is the popular ehoe for summer wenr. Juot what you want to root your tired feet, cool and comfortable. Oenulne Welt Rolf?, with no nails to hurt the foot. Uppers made of genuine Russia calf blurk and tan colors From Infants' to Men's Sizes. Child's IB, 6 to $1.10 $1.35 $1.50 $2.00 i Men's slies, 8 to $2.55 These sandals ars made to wear. Child's Rises, 9 to 11 Misses' Sizes, 12 to 3 Women's sizes, I to U Drexel i Shoe Co. 1419 Farnam Street. 3 Uhe Best of Everything The Only Double Track Railway to Chicago MAY AND JUNE Round Trip Rates Boston ....$29.75 Louisville ..... 19.75 Dpadwood 18.75 St. Paul 12.50 Milwaukee 20.00 New Haven 33.35 And many others. Full particulars promptly and glfdly furnished. City Offices- 1401-1403 FARNAM ST. OMAHA TCL. 624-661 WE KNOW THE merits of fair dealing; and fair profits both of which we have the right to name by long experience in the tailoring business. - Not another assortment of choice tailoring fabrics like ours under any roof in the city. Trousers, S5 to $12 -Suits, $20 to $50 WILUAM JERREMS' SONS. SW-81 isti 8uvf HOTCLI, GREEN POISON K1I.I I1EI BUGS, KILLS COCKROACHES, KILLS ANTS. KILLS MICKOBKS, KlUiS ALL INSECTS. HAS NO ODOR Does Not Burn or Explode Kills the Egffs. Too. See the Point? "GREEN POISON" is easily applied with brush or feather. A 26-cent bot Ha of "GREEN POISON" from your druggist will kill a million bugs. IT tke nevly six month, for Stosi But to jo from th. kettle to you. It U thu thoiouhly matured tod reable to the moet delicate ttomach. It pouetut tlao tlist dtliciou. pdauble fUvor thst proper aging a one can jire. Stosi Btsi ia the ker for you. Drink n de vm-town kwp a cms in your ho. tie oroer IgSy JXJ Great Sale of White rsmo Fashion favors whlt for th snmmor season. Korrwring this vrry state of affairs wf art" bottr preparrt! than ctor Iwforo to supply your etwjl wish. LADIES' SUITS, SKIRTS, WAISTS AND COATS The greatest assortment of Nsutlfnl stylos and material in whit err shown In this city. We invite your inspection of these beautiful garments Thursday. . CMARMINO WHITE Rt'ITS Tn llnsrrips. lawns, rmtlsfrs. Bwlssrs. rtc-., rxrfrrt copts of thr most handsom Imported tinsels, wonrtTtull7 sttrHCttve Vslims, st n&.oo, oK. t.oo, moo. ti5.. e on 2.h0. JtMl.no. J7.M snrt O. UU HANDBOMK WHITE RKtRTS A surpris ing ssnortmpnt of styles and mat Tin In, the extraordinary values Thursday st $12 SO, 110.00, 17.60, 6.00, . Af) 2.M nnd l.VJU BEAI T1FTI. WHITE WAISTS Such wll known arnrments ss the Marquise, Vic toria, Opera, Stanley snd Nalln, grpntept vsrlety snd best vslnos In Omaha, st S1A.00. 112.50, 110.00, 7.n0. O IS.0O snd ATA, SrRINO SUITS AT HALF TO ONE-THIRD PRICE IN OI'R (1REAT MAT CLBA RI NO SALE. In Justlrs to yourself you should sen these garments rierore you nuy. fffi.OO and 176.00 Suits st noTT.8 .18.90 w.8"!.1.'..... .'........'....14.90 $15.00 Suits now , Women's .OO Walking Skirts, In large ftsvortinent, at '.. HANDSOME SKIRTS In fine Pnnsmss, voiles and eollennes, newest colors snd latest styles, worth up to fait $10.0(V-ln this sale at O.VO PROM S TILL. A. M. in 11.60 Long Kimonos OyC FROM S:W TIM.. :W A. M. 1.00 Wash Underskirts $40 .7.50 .2.98 49c Women's 7.S0 Silk Underskirts Thursday .3.98 Grand Millinery Sale Fine Pattern Hats at Half Price and Less. 'About 200 elegant hats in the lot, and at such low prices, will go in a hurry. Come early . and get your choice, as the better ones will be sold soon after the store opens. For Thursday only, hats that were marked $20 and $25, for... $10.00 , $10 and $12, for 4.98 $4 and $6, for 2.50 Thursday is Notion Day Staple notions from the largest stock In Omaha at half price and lees. 10c quality Warren's Feather- bone, at, per yard 16c Silk Covered Warren's Featherbone, at, yard 10c qua'lty Delong's Hump Hooks and Eyes, per card.. 25c Stockinette Dress Shields, at, per pair 30o quality Tooth Brushes, each C COUNTER, with notions worth up to 36c. 10c quality Tooth Brushes, each tc Black Darning Cotton. per spool ,...4ie ...74c -..4Jc 9c 9c 4Jc ... lc ...9c 25c Wide Elastic Hose Supporters, per pair One large counter of Staple Notions, worth up to 6c each, r choice JViC COUNTER with notions worth up to 10c. 4V4C COUNTER with notions worth up to 26e. 16C FANCY KMRROIDERED C, HANDKERCHIEFS ftj Thursday morning we will place on sale 1.UU0 dozen Handkerchiefs, odd lots snd samples, worth 16c In onu great lot, st, your choice. ....... Both plain linen and . fancy Swiss em broidered handkerchiefs In this lot. .5c" Wash Goods Sale From 2:30 to 8:00 I. M. We will sell 100 pieces of fine Pacific Challles, perfectly fast colors all Persian styles, only 12 yards to customer at, per yard ........... 5c Wool Dress Goods From' 1:30 to 2 P. M. We will Bell 25 nieces of 62-ln. fine luster mohair. In black, blue, brown, eta., goods worth up to $1 per yard and only one pattern to customer, at, yard ...... 38c Omaha's Greatest Grocery, Fresh Fruit, Veg etable, Butter and Cheese Dept. 21 lbs. Best Pure Cane Granulated Sugar C 10 bars best brands Laundry Soap 25c 10 lbs. best granulated Corn meal 10c 1 lb. package best Cornstarch .....4c 1 lb. package Macaroni S'-iC The best bulk Lundry Starch per lb 4c Yeast Foam, per package Sc 011 Sardines, per oan 3o 1 lb. Jars pure Fruit Preserves 8"c 1 lb. package Mince Meat oc Chow Chow or mixed Sweet Ptckles, qt. 16c- Fancy Santos Coffee, per lb 16c Fancy Porto Rico Blend Coffee, per lb. 'Mr. Choice Tea Sifting., per lb 12V4C Fancy B. F. Japan or Sundrled Japan Tea, per lb 26c BUTTER AND CHEESE PRICES. Fancy Separator Creamery Butter, lb... 21c ir.nv mill Cream New York Whits Chaese. per lb 16o Neufchatel Cheese, each - o Sap Sago Cheese, each 7VfcC FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. Fancy large quart boxes Missouri strawberries 7Ho 6 bunches fresh radishes ............ eo 2 bunches fresh asparagus 6o 3 hearts fresh lettuce 6u 6 bunches fresh pis plant . ..So Fresh Wsz or stding beans, lb lOo 6 bunches fresh onions .... ....... ...to Fresh ripe tomatoes, lb 10a Fancy large cucumbers, each . 6a Fancy large Juicy lemons, doson....lto Fancy ripe banannas, dosen 12a Fresh roasted peanuts. 2 measures. .60 Cnpc In our 5 and 10 Department Basement Annex a large J! glass of ke Cold Lemonade or Cherry Phosphate from iO a. m. to 12 m. and from 2 fo 4 p. m. ? L3 L2)bal!!iSij TO ,it:.i.r:li 51 A VERY LOW ROUND TRIP RATEO $60 to Seattle. Everett. Portland. Vancouver, and return. $.17.50 to Wenatcber. and return. 855 to Spokane, the Kootensi." Fernle. and return. $50 to Anacoeda. Butte. He'ena, Great Falls. Kallspell, Belton (Lake MacDonald). Lethbridge, and return. Final Return Limit Oct. 31Liberal Stop Orers. Inquire further of F. 3. WWtney, P. T. M., St. Paul, Miaa. or Nearest O. N. Kr. Agent. Ask ths sssnt for sailing dstes of the "Minnesota- and "Dakota." fresttls to Japan and China, DIPUTT STATS TXTKRIXARIAM, crrr viBTemxAviAa. H. L RAMACCI0TT1, D. V. S Oflee aa Iallcaaat-r, Kk aad Uamtm Vta.J s. r. THEY KNOW IT We mean the girl and boy graduates, when their graduating gt'ts come fmm Lindsay's Jt-welry Store It s sll rlsht. CwA style ar.d good grv.-. Our store Is full of sufrsMtions In this line. , Spend a few -Imhs. I-ju VANAME. S. W. LINDSAY, JEWELER. V