10 THE OMAIIA DAILY BEE: WEDNESDAY, MAY 23, 190(3. Wednesday's Bargain Bulletin. OMAHA WEATHER FORECAST Wednesday Fair. 9 J: Viiiiiii - " ill i NEW WASH G TOR SUMMER Very Specially Priced in Basement 10c Corded Lawn for H!r Yard High grade summer lawns, eordPd. chocked and striped grounds, printed with black ft and colored figures, dots and floral designs. See them In the wlndo White and tan grounds with black and colored liimr dots and checks, will wash splendidly and is just the thin for waists i n d shirt walsts suits, at yard 8k n sale In basement at yard. Just received new lot fine India linen, de sirable lengths left from regular 25c qual ity, on basement bar gain square, at, yard !0c New dress Swiss with embroidered dots, new printed patterns, they re worth l!c yard off the bolt, new lot rem nants for Wednesday at, yard 3ic is ' NEW&ST ARRIVALS IN Ladies' Silk Suits Made In extremely pretty shirt waist styles new blacks, with white trimming of lin gerie (very popular); dainty Alice blues, resedas, old rose; pleated and folded effects, prices 98 ...998. 12?? Tretty short sleeved Boleros and Eton Jacket effects in all the newest Ideas circular skirts all styles are new this season and extremely becoming. The prices are 1250448519 a a i 9 ft SENSIBLE SiiOfc- ft VERY STYLISH StIOE RED GROSS SHOES FOR LADIES ,8"de..$3 aid3.50 The ehoa that bends with the fost, newest last. the best value in strictly high shoes J. L BRANDIES & SONS Mcur Ma sloe 1 uoooo BOSTON AND RETURN One fare pins $1.00 for the round trip. Ticket on .sal? Ma 31 to June 9. ,, LOUISVILLE, KY., AND RETURN-$19.75 for round trip. Tickets on sale June 11, 12, and 13. . -i NEW HAVEN, CONN., AND RETURN One y fare plus $2.00 for the round trip. Tickets on sale June 1 te 4. Liberal return limits. Ilave your tickets read via tht Qiicago, Milwaukee & St Paul Railway. Three fast trains to Chicago leave Omaha Union Depot at 7:55' a. m., 5:45 p. m. and 8:35 p. m. every day. Close connections at Chicago with eastern lines. For full information call at City Tiokft 1 Office or write to F. A. NASH, GENERAL WESTERN AGENT. 1524 Farnam Street, Omaha, Neb. rMttnwr. ., twBje-jif. flllL "Follow tho Flag" - Exceedingly Low Round Trip Rates TO BOI.S Docatur, UK, May 17th to 24th $15.40 Boston, Mass., May 31st to June 9th $29.75 Springfield, 111., June 1st to 4th $13i25 New Haven, Conn., June let to 4th. .$33.35 Louisville, Ky., June 11th to 13th ! !$1975 Mexico City, Mex., June 25th to July 7th ... .53.2! Boston and New Haven trip tickets good on boats across Lake Erie etth.. Harry E. Moores, G. A. P. D., Wabash R. R., Omaha, Neb. Bee Want Ads Bring Results CANVAS TIES IN COLORS AND WHITE Are the ultra fashionable idea for the ladies' footwear during the hot Rummer days We are abreant of the times Bnd have secured these summer dainties In but;, nxK, gray and white and they are handsome, comfort able and economical. We have cleaners for the colors as well as the white Better get them while the stock Is fresh. FRY SHOE CO. The Ihoert, 1C4h mmA rin..!.. Cl. J 25e-Thls Week 14c Williams' Shaving Slick This -1 Week liL-L We have Just received fifteen gross Williams' Shaving Stick the largest order ever placed by a retail dealer in America and larger than any Jobber west of the Mississippi. See display in our Fifteenth street window. No limit to quantity. Brother Druggists, here is a chance to save 50c on a dozen. BEATON DRUG CO. 1STH AND FARNAM The Progressive Drag Store of Omaha. The Most Quality for the Price. $35 WALKOVER $4 STYLES Lead in Omaha...... SEE OUR WINDOWS. Quality builds bigger business every week at the Walk-Over ShoeStore 1521 Farnam SI. ED. S. THOMPSON, "The Walk-Over Mam," Nettletoa Agency SPANISH PERFECTO CIGARS A He Shipment of Our Old Brand Four for . . . . 25c Per Box of 25, $1.25 MYERS-DILLON DRUG CO., 16th and Farnam Street. PURE WHITE HELLEBORE We sell Powdered White Hellebore for killing worms aud insecta on plants and shrubbery. This is the article re commended by Mr. Joslyn's florist ex pert. We GUARANTEE the purity of each and every drug we sell. Paris Green for Potato Bugs 1 lb.. 80c Paris Green for Potato Bugs 5 lb. f 1.40 Rubber Plant Spray, SOc, 75c, and $1 Ask us for everything in the drug line. SHERMAN & McCONNELL DRUG CO. Cor. 16th and Dodge, Omaha, SCHOOLS. HARVARD UNIVERSITY EXAJUVATXOW TO AJDtfMIIOsT Will be held la Omaha, la the rooms of the Omaha Public Library, June it to July Jli, Inclusive. The terms of admUaion, foes, expense and privilege In any or all department of the fnlverstty may be arned f rora DZIOUITm riMrltll whu-h may be had on application to the berretary. Harvard University, Cambridge, Mas. RADCLIFFE COLLEGE CAlTDrDATXa TOM A-DMISBIOV and other women who wish to take the Harvard Examination will be examined In Omaha, at the same time a the candidate for admission to Harvard University. All Information with regard to these examina tions may be had on apprioaiton to the peo'y fcacfel2 .College. Caabudjs it. 0li 3 cnira ixak"3 stamps tan uxz WJ Monday and Tuesday Were Big Days ii Burns9 Crockery Hundreds Of pieces, each at 10c, 7c, 5c, 4c, He and 2c One big lot of Cover Dishes in White and Decorated, $1 and &&Hh4s 1,25 values a11 s at' each 35c Meat Platters small, large and medium, 25c, 20c loc,. . .10c Odd Cups, each 3c crrsr? Odd Saucers, each 2c V-v-v-TcSw?; AJ J Cf T 1. J A V'. )' "r r'K uuu uravy uoaia, zuc, joc ana iuc Brush Vases left out of Toilet Sets, worth up to 50c, for. .3c Jugs, at 5c The greatest bargains offered in the Burns' Stock are coming each day this week things we have not had the space to show before. Dinner Sets must be closed out, and have been cut again only one of a kind a set $10, $8, $7, $6 and $5 About Nine Toilet Sets Left all at extra cut prices a set $2.98, $2.50 and 1.75 Half Off on all the Jardinieres, Pots and Pedestals, and Lamps Wednesday. Another Great Silk Sale Wednesday at 39c Yard 200 pieces One, plain and fancy Swiss taffetas, touisiennes, foulards, 27-inch cream Japanese silks in this great lot silks for every- "XQ one worth, from 59c to $1.39, yard, Wednesday JJC Handkerchief Special Wednesday 100 dozen ladies' shadow em broidered hemstitched handkerchiefs, very sheer and jP pretty, a ten cent article, special, each C Bale of Ladle' Turnoyer Collar We put on Bale over 100 patterns of fancy embroidered turnovers collars, worth up to 26c, ' f each, Wednesday, each 7C 60c liox Baching., Wednesday, JWc a box 100 boxes of fine Chiffon Neck Ruching, 6 different ruchings In a box, worth 60c 'Z r a box, Wednesday, a box. JDC Cheap Sale of Val. Lacea One hundred dozen yards of Val Laces, with Insertion to match, worth 8 l-3c to 12 He yard All go f? Wednesday at one price, a yard DC Waist and Skirt Insertions In fine Swiss and Nainsook embroideries, 8 to 8 Inches wide, most desirable patterns to select from; an odd lot of flouncing embroidery edge3, regular 48o values, C sale price, a yard wC $1.00 Waist Patterns, 75c Fine batiste walstings, with embroidered front and cuffs, material enough, to make any 7C waist, a ll.OOyvalue, special, each DC Special Bargain Sale In Wash Goods Barred organdies with pretty floral designs, worth 16c, Wednesday, A yard...'ii IUC Finest quality fine Scotch ginghams and fine Scotch f Zephyrs, special for Wednesday, a yard , DC 60 pieces pretty fancy lawns, dot, stripe and floral M patterns, a yard, only , , , , . f 200 Sofa and porch pillows, covered with fancy art ticking, f filled with ellk. floss, worth 39c, Wednesday, each DC 2 Vt lb. Feather Bed Pillows, covered with good ticking, M f worth 7Bc each, Wednesday .each 1tJC 8-4 and 9-4 unbleached sheeting, regular 27c yard, f Q Wednesday, a yard.. iJC Three Handsome Numbers in Grad uating and Evening Dresses Plain White Organdy Trimmed with Val lace, very full X CI C skirt and girdle ,J,JD White Organdy with bine and pink flowers IOC a very nobby dress JJD Fine Dotted Swiss With Val lace and hand embroidery, 1 Crt a very swell costume JLtD3 Ladies' White Linen Outing Skirts New circular with double M f box pleats in front and back, folds at bottom, $6.50 and TT.OU Ladies' China Silk Waists The genuine Geisha make, white M f n and black, plain with pleats, a $6.50 style at flD Ladies Walsta Thirty new styles in ladles' Shirt Waists, in fine lawn, batiste and India linen, buttoned in back or front, long sleeves with dainty panel embroidery trimmed fronts, many beautiful designs, neat stock collars and cuffs special Wednesday $-.25, m 98c, 7&c and tQC Big Purchase of Umbrellas at Special Prices Lot 1 Special Taffeta covered umbrellas, 26 and 28 inches wide, with natural wood handles, worth $1.60 each, sale price, fl 1C each I, ZD hot 2 Corola Silk covered umbrellas, 26 and 28 inch, selvaged edge, natural woed handles, and 26 inch with fancy assorted aa handles, $1.25 values, sale price, each lvU Lot 3 Glace finish cotton covered umbrellas, 26 and 28 Inch, natural wood and assorted fancy handles, worth 95c, sale r price, each OlC l 4 Glace cotton covered umbrellas, 26 inch, large assortment of plain and fancy wood handles, worth 76c each, sale price, fA eca D)C BENNETT'S BIG GROCERY n 5 1 AND SIXTY FINEST VALUES EVER GIVEN IN FRESH ROASTED, FULL FLAVORED, BEST GRADE COFFEES. WEDNESDAY SPECIAL Dennett's Breakfast Cof feeA Delightful Com bination, two A Q pound can . . . aV-PU GREEN TRADING STAMPS. 1 5th Day of the great Manufacturers Stock Sale. THE RELIABLK STRE V 1 5th Day of the great Manufacturen Stock Safe. SPECIAL SALE OF BOYS' CLOTHING. Smart Stylo, Rest Material and Splondid Tall-1 oring are features which Omaha mothers have learned to expert here, and are always assured., of best values obtainable anywhere. Children' Knee Pants Suits. Children's Novelty Was Suits. Blnnle and rtnuble rtrnstM Norfolk. Doiihln rlroastPil Knlrkfrbnrlier end Plain iou Wp KrraKted Style m1i tip in Ki-PHt VHrlPly nf pluln snl fanny nilxd All W'nol Fsbrlcs SnpclRl Ir1rp ...? .. and Whrn rou se our Ilns rnuV mem and hlfheat quality ar r ( her at nrlcca whirh mn 'I frt Mvinff to you take ad I1 ..$2.50i 'is 50c rHILDREN'8 WASH KNEKT ANTS In (Treat assort- B me,,t remarkable values at our ric!H So? Tad.25C Wool Dress Goods Sale. rOM 1:30 TO 9:00 P. K. We will sell 60 rleres of silk end wool eolllenes. 44 Inches wide, nil rolors (ex cept black and white), for 30 mlnit.-s only one piece to customer at. vard '. ioC FROM 8:30 TC 3:00 P. M. We will sell 100 pieces of Hue mercer ized English waist ingH, Rooxis that sold at 2f.c, 3!io and a yard only one pattern to a customer 1f at, a vnrd IUC SPECIAL FOB AX.X. BAT. 18c fine sheer Indln 4l llnon at ltC 15c fine sheer India f llnon at vfW I0c fine Fnltsh lonff clothat 15c fine English cloth at Ions 15c 124c 39c fine sheer Scotch Oftrt embroidered Bwlsaes, at M.,.t" 8!)c fine colored linens, for dresses I yard wide dress linens, fine maiv good vnlue at $1.60 (( our price vVF We have tha finest wash goods, white; goods and dress linen departments in th west, and prices lowered. Three Rousing Hour Specials in Our FutT nishing Goods Dept. PBOM TIIiIj 10 A. it Ladles' Oauae Teats In plain or fanny colors, with silk taped neck and arms, many fine lisle gsrments in the lot worth up to 8&c limit of six to er customer at, each JV PKOM 10 TILL 11 A. K Balbriggan Underwear for men and boys, worth up to fiOo, In plain or fancy colors, drawers will not be sold sepa rate, greatest snap ever offered, tlj-. at, per garment riOK 11 A. SC. TILL It Men's Half Hose is black, tana and fancy colors, fine lisle sliaj embroideries black with white foot, etc, worth reg ularly np to Mo i sale prloo 25C HO PEDSLSmS OB DEALEKS BTTP PLZXB AT TB.XS BALB,. Fresh Fruit, Vegetable and Grocery Prices. Fany large quart boxes Missouri strawberries 6 bunches fresh radishes 2 bunches fresh asparagus ...... 3 heads fresh lettuce .., B bunches fresh pie plant Fresh Wax or siding beans, lb 6 bunches frerh onions Fresh ripe, tomatoes, lb Fancy large cucumbers, each Fancy large Juicy lemons, dozen. Fancy ripe banannas, dosen Fresh ronsted pennuts, 2 meaetiri OBOCEBT PRICE!! THAT ABB IBS. 21-lbs. best pure cane granulated ..7Ho , . . .6c , .. .60 .....&o 5c ....lc ... .60 ....10c be . . .16c , ..12c s . .60 WW- sugar . r.- T1 W 10-lb. sacks best oommeal . . 1 1 . 1 ,n" 5-lb. pails pure fruit Jelly ......... .1(0 Fancy chow-chow, sweet mixed or small gherkin plcklea. can , ., ,,..L ir-o Oil sardines, can ...M...........So 1- lb. pkg. mincemeat .5o 2- lb. can pancake flour ..6a Swedish Health Bread, lb. ,7 U o The best soda crackers, lb. ........... io Fresh crisp ginger snaps, lb. ......... Get a sloe oold drink of wUd eastrr ' Phosphate, root beer or ice tea, free, l grooery department. mm )li0l!iS?3 Special Bomeseeker's Excursion Tuesdays iSSSSiSS; I ttt sfXTTTrnin 1 To Certain Points in the West and Southwest ONE FARE RSU ROUND TRIP WITH VERY LOW MINIMTJM RATE3 W?f I VTA TESm. sa I fiTOP-OYEBS will be allowed both nln aad wornM mttnr nomrseekers' point reroute. UsnxsaaJ epprtunitirs exist along tia line 4 the Mlseoort. VmflfU) Iron Monntain RMte. The rich, aUarial, dckVa Itutda aa4 koV torn lands of BotUheaat Mlaaeori, Beatern Arkssisaa, TupaiutMln Trias, capable ef pretfnclna JO bosheis mt cam, f bale t ocsteov tous ef alfalfa, 1M bashejs ef potsloee, and etheM grUtu rt tables and hay craps, oaa be beuyht for $7X te $1S per a ie. Wshb cleared and allcbtljr Improved will rent for $4 to $ per sre eaah. Uplands tuere relUnc lighter sell, adapted te fruit frewhajf ' seacftea. Era, plnras, yrajMe, brrrtes, also melens, tomatooa and Other loe can be beufht for (5 te 1 per acre In onlmpreTSj) ttsVMw nj places with small clearing and seme fan prove asm ta earn be bought very cheap. This is a One stock country. Jfe long winter feeding. Free ataao enre water, sniid climate. healthy, growing connrry, w4th future. For Farther Inferraation, Maps, Folders, Etc., Addraaa T. F. GODFREY, Passeoger and Ticket Agt, OmAha, NcTx. H. 0 TOWNSEND, Gen. Fat. and Tkt. Agfa St. Loula, Mo. 5 RIGHT IN FRONT OF THE ELEVATOR The office Immediately la front of the elevator on tho sixth floor will bs vacated on the last of April. It Is conveniently divided Into a private office and waiting room. This is a sunny south room finished in hard wood, with a hardwood floor. THE BEE BUILDING is the standard in office buildings, by which the other Omaha office buildings are measured. The elevator service is eacellent. the Janitor service moat satisfactory; the building has Its own electric light plant and all service is included in the rental price. The rent ef this etSue Is 111. 09 per month. If you want this omoe May Brat, apply at oace, te R. W. Baker, Bo.pt. . , C C. Roeewater. Beo"v Rooua aia, or to Be uffloe, Ccrvuad Hoot 1 ' 11 1. mi 1 11 11. at 1 . 1 11 ii. . 11 11 11 - FAST UK OilAHA TO I TEE EAST 8 tir tctbedolod te ora of ta principal eavrtera dti: Detroit 21 hoTtrt Buffalo 27 boars Syracuse 30 hoars Albany 33 hoars New York 87 hours Boston 44 hoars Indianapolis. ....21 hoars CLacinnatti 24 hours Pittsburg ........ 28 hoars Philadelphia. ... 85 hour. BaVtimorv 86 hours Washington 88 hours The Illinois Central 's fast ' Chicago limited" train leaves Omaha at 6:00 p. m. Fast day train at 8:06 a. m. Union depot connections in Chicago for nearly all prin cipal points. , Steamship tickets to all European and Aaiatio points. Cafe car service. Tickets and information at City Ticket Offloa, 1402 Farnam bU, Omaha. SUIIE1 NORTH, District Passenger Acext 7 1 V T k