TILE OMAHA DAILY REE: MONDAY, MAY 21, 1006. SPECIAL ilOTICES Advertisements for these will he taken natll IX an. for the evening edition and antll 9 p. m. for the anemia and edition. Rates 1 l-ila a warn flrat Inserllon, la a word thereafter. othlnsi take fop leaa thaa Xv for the nrat I user, tloa. These uttrrlUtarall mast be m eeneeentlvel jr. Advertisers, br repeating a nam bered eheek, raa he a meters "H gressed to a numbered letter la ear f The 8e. Answers an addressed vlll be delivered oa areaeatatlea of ekeek. MISCELLANEOUS BOY LEs'cO LLEG E. Summer Term, June 4tb, Business, Shorthand, Typewriting. Teleg raph v and English. Catalogue free. Ad dress H. B. Boyles. Pres.. Boyles lildg., Omaha. Neb. R lw WHETRK TRUNKS ARE MADE. Trunks, auit cases and shopping tings. Old trunk taken in exchange; repairing. KBEUSU at STEIN EE, 410 N. I6tb St. Phone Doug. lf..o. R-121 M26 ENGROSSING and Boy lea College. fancy petinianafiip. R 26o OMAHA Safe and Iron Works make a spe cialty of fire eacapea, ahuttera. dors and safe. Q. Andiecn, Prop., 102 S. loth St. K JiK 61GN PAINTING, S. H. Cole, 1302 Iuglax. R2x TRV Kelly a Towel Supply. Tel. Doug. ;i53u. K 2i 1 Iowa Sanitary Cleaning Co., 1818 Farnarii. R 2(2 bURVEYlNG. Bllckensdcrfei. 212 Bte Bldg. ANTl-Monopoly Garbage Co., 621 N. ltiih. Tel. Doug, liiV. Rea. phonfl, Doug. "Otil. K M640 CARLriOK rO upholstering, repairing and .naltrtss renovating. Tel. Doug. 2m. R-nl8S2 M23 F.F.E KEEPERS' supplies, fiend for cata logue. Leahy Mlg. Co., 17 So. l:ith. it M;h& Jl C'V VTfi'V for shingling and lepaiiing. CfeAXUlN iw. Doug. 34. R-812Je8 ELSASSER & BR ICE, Machinists. 31? South Jith bi. Tel. ,iv!7. R J'ij HA'E Wllunn hang paprr; quick, clean, paper cleaning a Nprc.ialty. Tel. Douglas rw. R -M711 J1 F0R SALE MISCELLANEOUS feODA ULNTA1N6, any tile, UU Fa i nam. (HERWIN-WJ LL1AMS CO.. bet mixed paint Shermuii & McConnell Drug Co., Oman. J ia HALL S atfca, new, 2d-liand. 11 Farnam. FOR KALE Empty Ink barrel!. Inquire of J. li. lampDtll, Bee mail loom. Q e4i WE buy everything in the fuimtute Unit. Chicago Furniture Co.. 1410 Dodge. Q-2i"i CHEAP chicken fence, long fir timbers, white baaawood fir burnt work. 'Ml N. Ulh. Q-iTia CAUTION! Beware of fake piano ada.; genuine new Hteinway pianoa are aold ONLY by Schmoller & Mueller and they are the ONLY authorised Nebraska rep ieentativea. Tel. Douglas 1311-1313 Farnam. MILCH COWS, on easy terms. Ud and Center. Q AIMS SI'ND US your mall orders for drug; freight paid on HO lota. Myers-Dillon Drug Co., Omaha. Q 63t FOR SALE at a bsrgaln, a Vm Oldsmo bile. Just new.. Address E 27, Bee. Q-404X FOR SALE-1,600 tons of Ice. W. S P.al dufT. Q-631 23 HOUSEHOLD furniture and square piano. 34U& Farnam. J MiilS 22 GOOD piano; very cheap. Inquire 3211 Howard. Q-MH30 22x PARTY leaving city will sacrifice plaiio. Singer dropriead machine and china cabi net. 415 N. Mrt. Q MtilO 22X KIMBALL organ, fine condition, 318; party leaving city. 1819 Davenport. Q-M712 21x x40 TENT complete. 618 N. Pith St. W-M7I.0 22x UPRIGHT piano and Regina music box. l"f5'J?.rJt: Q-M7H1 22x BUSINESS CHANCES WANTED To sell or rent, hair dressing parlors, newly lurnlshed. on easy terms, to responsible party- Call 301 or 302 Ne ville Hlk , Omaha, Neb. Y-MS71 DENTAL business and complete outfit for sale; former owner deceased. Address N-ifl Blair, Fremont, Neb., or Marshall vsntal Co., Omaha. Y M53S 21 x WANTED. Location, or will buy stork of furniture and undertaking: will also consider part nership. Address ,E 41. care Bee. T M573 23x XENTAL PRACTICE FOR BALE Dr. Byrnes' Cedar Rapids, Neb. Y--M07SI J18 OCH1D paying up-to-date mfg. plant with wholesale and retail trade; business re quires two energetic men und from six to eight thousand dollars. Address K M. Bee. Y-MT38 24x A WEALTHY corporation, engaged In a popular, established business, desires cor respondence with in active, educated man, suitable to handle Iouglaa county ae district manager; 11. "00 cash capital all rhal Is required; the business ratera to manufacturers, contractors and mer chants. Address E 49. care Bee. Y M743 21 x BAKERY, soda fountain, confectionery, Mlddleby oven, horse and wagon; bake 4"l a day; town 16.000: railroad center; a snap at ll.JTU; not necessary to he baker. Address Box 121, Enid. Ok I. Y M65S 22 WANTED At I-e Mars. Iowa, an up-to- date business man to rent one of the best corners in the city; double storeroom, modern In every way. built for a depart ment store; 76 feet plate glass show win dows; a fine opening for a general store; will hold the building open until Septem ber for the right parties. Chas. E. Flau gher, owner. I. Mars, Iowa. ; . T-M718 21 X FOR SALE State rights on an article In universal demand. Recent Invention; may. be sold through trade, on Install ments or by mail order. Sale increasing dally. Only principals meaning business need applv. Address Opportunity, P. O. Box liW. Philadelphia. Pa. Y-M7W8 21x FOR EXCHANGE TO EXCHANGE! t.ltO-aore ranch, center of state of Ne braska, wmiv good general aiock mer chandise. Ranch price, $31,000. $.400 acres wheat and alfalfa land north west Missouri, waul rental or merchan dise. Frio of land. $21,000. JOHN ai. LIVINGSTON. ' Nebraska City. Neb. M4U tl If YOU do not find what you want in this column, put an ad to and you will soon ; gel it. Z-3 WANTED TO BUY WANTED Tq buy second hand furnltuis, stoves, carpets, clothes and shoes. Py the best trices Telephone Douglas ST71. N M 83 Ji WHEN you have any old clothes to sail calk roa 32$; best prices. N 34$ 23 Vk'l now have buyera for four or five more ' rottagea. $l.n0 to $l.auo. List your prop erty with in for quick sale. C. R UI)tR BON. I K t Ufa Bldg. lH)Ug' 131. i li WANTED MALE HELP SPRING AND SI M M ER SCHOOL NOW OPEN at the OMAHA COMMEH' 1AL COLLEGB lHili and Farnam. STUDENTS ENROLLING DAILY. lw But-lness Course, Shorthand, Tjrpe wiiting and Telegraphy. Reduced summer rates if tuition. CATALOGUE and PARTICULARS KKEB. ROHUliOUGH EllUS., OMAHA, N EH. B M3 J una BOOKKEEPER and stenographer, $76. Two stenographers, IS", V. Ledger ch-ik. Traveling salesman, $-.uti. Billing vIi'iK, lv nn r. $.i. Call and nee us if you want a position. Don t hesitate or wait, hut call Hi once. ifflces- Una ha ami Kansas City. WESTERN REE. A WIND AftS'N.. INC.. Dept. U, 4o-41-42, N. V. Lite Bldg. U-M7: 21 MEN and boys wanted to learn plumbing, biicklay lug, plastering I rati en, pays $i a day. Coyne Bros. Co., New York, Chi cago, Cincinnati, St. Louis. Free cata logue. BM WANTED Three men of good personal ap pearance; outside position; ateady em ployment. C. F. A J. .ina Co, liil Howard St. B-5 DRLU Mores bought and sold; drug clerks wanted. F. V. Kniem, N. Y. L. B VSS W ANTED Four or five good boys; good pay. A. D. T. Co., aj S. 13tli St. B-MiMl M2i WANTED Hoy who works during the day to sleep in offlee at night. Address D IS, Bee. B-kUO WANTED-For U. S. Army, ablebodled un married men between ages of 21 and 36; cttlicns of I nited States, of good charac ter and temperate habits, who can speak, read and write English. For Information apply to Recruiting Office, 13th and Doug las Bts.. Omaha; Lincoln and Grand Is- land, Neb., or Sioux City, la. B 172 WANTED-Men who have a few dollars to invest to investigate my manufacturing plant. Manufacturing stspie line; no ct inpetitum; tug protit. Will iieitrantee At per cent, tveiy uollar as sate as though It was in a ban. Will stand closest in vestigation, -vuutess E UI, Bee, B-M 474 WANTED A good slaughter house man and sauxugo maker; good wages p.-ild to right party; married man preterred. Ad dress Butcher. Box 1D3, sterling, Colo. B M4J3 il BECOME a chauffeur at home, positions guaranteed at IJS weekly. Write for pai llculai s. Automobile Dept., 74 J Sev enth Ave., New York. B M411 iflx. WANTED A sober man with nmall capital in small, good paving bubiness; will pHy good salary and give right man interest in business. Pleasant and profitably work. Address E 32. Bee. B M4tU WANTED An old line life Insurance agent, one with experience, capable of writing business himself and managing men. Saiarv ami commission. Address E 3S. care of this paper. H M"6t8 21 WANTED-laborers at the Brush sugar factory. Brush, Colo., good wages paid. B-M.i77 Jisx WE WANT a good, live, energetic real es tate salesman, lempleton & Manker, 2ti6 Bee Bldg. B-M5H WA NT ED Ci ospruMers, rippers and nail ers; wages 12 to ti-ti hours a day; open shop. Apply by mail. E. U. Hornhrooke, 1114 Grand Ave, Kansas City, Mo. B-M541 TEN TEAMS; long Job. In city; excavation work, 14 So and $o per day. Apply to Sweney. 2iW S. 12th St.. or on works, to F. C. Jackson, 9th and Farnam flts. B-MH11 WANTED laborers and teams, 40th and Davenport Sts. Come ready for work Monday 7 a. m. Barber Asphalt Co. B-M7M 22 WANTED Printer, young man. with one of two vears' experience. Lance, Suthei land, Neb. B M7W 24x WANTED FEMALE HELP WANTED Girl to take care of children and do light housework. Call 724 S. 3uth. C M973 WANTED Good cook; references re quired. Apply 2016 Cass. C M82C WANTED At once, good cook. Apply Mrs. Edward Hayden, 1016 Cass St. C Mlt2 APPRENTICE girls. Burgess Shirt Co. C 287 WANTED Competent girl to take care two children; sleep home nights. Address C 38, Bee. C MS11 MIDDLE-aged woman who understands canning fruit. Address is 37, Bee. C-522 21 x WANTED A general servant In small fam ily; every convenience; no washing: high est wages. Mrs. Hall, 118 N. :th St. C-M621 WANTED Ladles' clothes Ironers; plain shirt finishers; mangle girls. Model Steam Laundry Co., 1110-12 Dodge St. C-M616 21 X GIRL for general housework. Mrs. Flan ders. The Majestic. C ftisii ztx WANTED A children's nuree. Mrs. A. L. Reed. Tel. Benson 348. C M766 32 WANTED A good girl for housework. small family; no washing; good wages. Mrs. J. H. Dumont, 3642 Lafayette Ave. C-M6J3 22 GIRLS for laundry work. Experience not necessary. Kimball laundry, loll Jackson. C M-760 WANTED Lady agents: salary, 31 per day. Pay every day. Apply after 10 a. m. 817 No. 17th. , M. G. Whllcraft. C 801 21 x WANTED AGENTS THE two best Sa.ii Fimnclsco books are Bikhop Fallows' and the one written by Charles Banks and Opie Read. We sell both; 600 pages; loo photos; bu per cent; credit; freight paid; outfit free. W. A Hixenbaugu & Co., Ware Blk., Omaha. j-M4at AGENTS wanted on our new work, "The Destruction of San Francisco. Abao- j lately new and nonsensatlonal. Illus- i trated. filled with comprehensive valua ble Information and containing a large scale map of the city, as it was with the burned district, fully outlined. Com plete outfit and terms sent prepaid upon receipt of 20 cents. Rand-McNally & Co.. Chicago. 111. J 9i WANTK1 Sales agent for Oniaha.' James Mfg. Co.. 1S3 Bnatdway, Denver, folo. I j Misotzir PATENTS U. A. 8TURGES, 'egistered attorney; pat ents, trade u.arks, copyrights; no fee uiu less successful. 61i N. Y. Life, Omaha. F. J- LARSON & CO.. patent lawyers; patent book tree. Bee Bldg.. Oniaha. Neb. SHARPE MACHINE WORKS-Patents procured. Invention developed, drawings, patterns, castings, machine work. 604-612 S. loth St. 4i PATENTS procured, bought end sold Na tional Investment Co., Ji Douglas Block. -Jit AUTOMOBILES LARGEST stock of new and second-hand automobiles in Omaha; slso supplies. 11. E. Predertckson, 15th and Capitol Ave. -4W7 Jl 15-H. P. Royal Tourist 4-cyllnder touring car with top, at great bargain. 11. g, Frederlcksun, 16th and Cspllol Ave. -o Jl CLAIRVOYANTS M M BUDDHA. LEADING PALMIST. Call at No. 113 South 14th St., upalaiis. Hesultful prediction absolutely glveu. S-3ct GO TO Mrs. O'Neal. I colored I palmist and card reader, with your troubles. Tel. Red 6161. 2214 N. 21st. - 24x SIDEWALKS LET John Grant make your rement side walk, driveways or cellar floor if you want the beat guaranieed 10 years Office lib flour Bee ttldft. Tel. Douglas Vuz Real Estate Don't delay F0RRENT FURNISHED ROOMS FURNISHED room for rent. 150S Ohio E-143 DEWEY European hotel, Uth and Farnam. E Doug. Gil O. M. E. Haul Trunks Thurston hotel; rooms Jl.M up per week. E M'jOi FURNISHED room In new modern house for 1 or 2 gentlemen. 2306 Douglas St. E MD3U TW'O nicely furnished south front rooms. lin.4 Ilainey. , E M4Hx SUITE of eleemt furnished rooms, also single room; good location, modern. In? N. 20th. E-M5.S4 25 MODERN rooms, single or ensulte. 1R 8. Ktb St. E-o93 22 LARGE nicely furnished front room, also hack room, walking distance. Phone Dour. -two, 2564 Harnev. M767 2tix WELL furnished, cool, modern room; walk ing distance; reasonable. 271 Farnam. E 70 21 x FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD NICELY furnished room and board. 30'3 Webster St F-2H1 2ox Doug. Gil 0. M. E. Haul Trunks F-290 VIENNA hotel; private dining rooms, cafe, F XI THE ROBE, 2020 Harney Bt.. nloely fur nished south front room with good board. Ra tee reasonable. rjr419Je5x UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT CENTRAL; 3 rooms; bath. Tlzard. 220 N. 23d. U MU1 FOR RENT 4 or 6 desirable rooms, suit able for light housekeeping. 191K Emmet St. O MR13 21 x FOR RENT HOUSES WE DO expert piano moving at lowest prices. Tel., Dougias-lti25, Schmoller & Mueller Piano Cti., 1S11-1313 Farnam. D-313 MAGGARD Van & Storage Co. Dry rooms, low prices. Telephone Douglas 1034. D M10 M2C TinTTSlVS Jn all parts of the city. The O. F. Davis to.. 60S Iiee Bldg. D-307 TH llTCiKsi hi all parts of the city. R. " c. Meters &. Co., Bee Bidg. xj 30e HOUSES, insurance. Ringwalt, Barker Blk. D-J08 THE Omaha Van & Storage Co., pack, move and store li. 11. goods, storehouse, 1120-24 N. lKlh. O trice, lUltt Farnam. Tel., Doug. 1569. D 3u WE MOVE pianoa. Maggard Van & Stor age, Co. Tel., Doug. 14L. Office, i713 Web ster St. D 310 SEE us wnen shipping household goods to large cities west. We can save you money. EXPRESSMEN S DELIVERY CO., U4 N. Sixteenth tiu Tel., Doug. 1196. D 311 AMERICAN TRANSFER CO., STORAGE. 'Phone Douglas 1062. 1106 Farnam. D-876 J SMALL cottage newly papered, 2d and Francis; 7. Breen ai Bloom, 613 Bee Building. D M17 HOUSES FOR RENT. 1 45.00 A very desirable H-rooni house, mod ern, 1029 S. 30th Ave. Inquire R. C. Peters & Co., ground floor Bee Bldg. . JJ 4fru 7 ROOMS, modern, upstairs. 29th and Woolworth. Phono Red 4538. D MS50 21x 8-ROOM furnished house. 1913 Spencer St. D-M544 -ROOM modern house, open plumbing, 3110 N. 22d. Apply 39u8 N. 22d. D 585 21x FOR RENT New, 7-room all-modern house, 24th and Burt. $35. H. B. Boyles, Boyles College. Residence 2753 Burt. Tele phones: Office, Doug. 11184; residence, Harney 1721. D-M612 S2 NEW FI-JCTS TO LET. 61" 8. 26th Ave., flat first floor, five rooms; flat second floor, six rooms. These ore new and strictly modern; floor and In terior finished In hardwood throughout; walls will be decorated to suit tenant; ready for occupancy June 1. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO., 1320 Farnnm. D M614 2309 CALIFORNIA St.. 8-room modern house, fine location, $40.00 per mo. George Co., 1601 Farnam. D 764 22 12-ROOM modern house, with barn; private family only. 22d and Half Howard Sts. C. D. Birkett, 38 Barker Blk. D M753 22 X FURNISHED 5-room apartment. 1112 S. lllh. Adults. D 786 22 x FOR RENT. Modern apartment in Davidge Bldg.. facing Farnam $45.00 8-room modern house and large lot at southwest corner of Hanscom Park, a desirable place 80.00 Nice cottage, modern except furnace, 25J Davenport St 25 A) Suite of offices In David Bldg 20.'i0 JOHN W. BOBBINS, lsu2 FARNAM 8T. D 7ai 21 FOR RENT STORES & OFFICES $30.00 per month fur large atore room, southeast corner loth and Leavenworth. Inquire R. C. Peters tc Co., ground floor Bee building. iM Duo FOR RENT Desk room In Bee office, city hall building, 417 N. 26U. St.. South Omul, a, App.y to manager. 1124 SUITABLE for wholesale or manufactur ing, 44xluO; three floors and basement, elevator; will rent 22xlu0 separately. Iu03 6 Farnam Bu inquire 314 Fuel National Bank bldg. 1-22 $40 Large store room for rent. 1818 Harney St. N. P. DodMe & Co. 1 2V4 FOR RENT One first class four-story brlcK store. 130 feet deep; good elevator; 1-i7 Douglas. Inquire of John Ltiiuer, ijj Douglas. 1 M6i FOR RENT German) hall, lith and Harney. Audiioiium. stage, etc. Sultubis for a theater, concert hall, bans, etc. N P. Dodge Co., 1714 Farnam St. 1872 OFFICE room for rent; an elegant room In our office with use of 'phone; good light, facing ou Farnam bt. Inquire 206 Bee Uldg. I -MJ.4 ! FULL lot. with choice trackage on Douglas street, for sale, lease, or will build for tenant. 8. S. CurtU, 1M Harney. 1144 STORE ROOM tor tent. 4. S. Uth. Or. pheum Theater Bldg Dyball. 151H Doug fas. 1-M4h6 STORE 2lh Red 456k. and Woolworth. i-m: piiuiie A 21x WANTED TO RENT WANTED Room In retlned private f.imilv by two young office men. Address K 51, Bee. K-M62o21x FURNISHED house, modern, for the sum mer; lest of references. Addrtss E 55, Bee. K M763 21 LAW AND COLLECTIONS J. M. MACFARI.AND. JO H. X. U bC is going-goSngQgoing up. in making your purchase. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE $1.9ivs-ROOM house on Kith near Vinton St. l.av-g-i ooin house, inodein, 1 stli a ml Vinton Sts $2.'.i-t;-i'oiini house, modern excest fur nace, mi H. 20th. 12 :.ri0--rooni house, modem. 8. lih St. linOO-S-rooin house, modern. S Isth St. Two 5-room houses on 8. 21st St.; like to receive offer for same. VACANT LOTS. tl.K W-f(Kit lot, corner 35th ami Jones. I Wi!i reet bv fTi feet lot on 8 15th St. TKAl'KAUE LOTS. 8 lots on ISih and Pierce 8l . Other houses and lots of all descriptions. Inquire MHLCHIOH LEIS & SON, UJ43 8. 24'th St. Phone Douglas 6'.. Omaha, Neb. RE 78 21 FOR SALE CHEAP By nonresident, -room modern house, half block from car line, in Dundee. Tel. Harney 1164. RE-7I CA8 Williamson Co., u- R R-8M 4-ROOM cottage. ?Rth and Templet on, full lot, $1.3-'. easy payments. 4- room cottage, irrt M and Lflk. 31100, $150 rash, balance monthly. 6- e-ooni new cottage, full lot. 4oth and Decatur. 31.200. eaiy payments. 5- room cottage. 45th and Seward, city water, SI .. easy terms. 7- rooni house, 29th and Grant, $1,200. Sl'JO cash, balance monthly. 8- room house. 22d and Clark, city water, slate roof, IC.fKiti. monthly payments. 30 acres, two miles west of city, on paved street. $110 per acre. ."522 acres, eight miles south of South Omaha, highly improved. (115 per acre. Also great bargains in South Omaha prop erty. SILAS ROBB1NS. FREN7.BR BIXiCK. RE 9-a- AECUITECT J. H. STANWOOO, 2427 Lake RE &t Ml SOME BARGAIN'S AT $1,230. lfofti Ohio St., rooms, water. 2214 N. 27th Ave.. 7 rooms, water. 2810 Miami St., city water, large lot. 3202 Reward St.. corner lot, city water. 3M6 Saratoga St., two lots, 7 rooms. 20i7 Mnrtha St., corner on 20th St. 2903 Charles St., comer, city water. 3316 Parker St., city water. 3M1 Parker St., 5 rooms, full lot. Choice of above at $1,250. W. T. Graham, 604 Bee Bldg. RE-560 22 TRACKAGE : A fine piece of trackage property, 147x2M, on IT. P. track, at 6th and Jones Sts., $12,000 will take it for immediate sale. THOMAS BRENNAN, Room L New York Life Bldg. - RK-293 HAWVERS patented "built In the wall" folding bed; great labor and apace-saving device. Be It In operation. 1614 Emmet Bt. . RE-MS84 M28 TWO DEEP BUILDING LOTS. SH ACRES. Gnrden land adjoining ofi Lincoln Av. ; paved. Investigate quickly. Pee Charles W. Tu'leys, 102 Mails Bt., upstairs, Council Bluffs, la. h RE-613 M18 LIST PROPERTT' for sal, rent or ex change and business chances with Tem- r let on A Manker,.. 206 Bee Bldg. Tel. otiglas.2S04. . RE M535 LIST your properties with Boyer, ?2d and Cuming. RE-W A Fine Home for Sale A beautiful 10-room. east front home. Jaclng Hanscom psrk on 32d Ave. Quarter sawed white oak finish and hardwood floors downstairs. Electric light, gas, bath, furnace, lawn, shade, shrubbery, perma nent sidewalk and stone steps. A bargain it taken at once, can only orrer tnis ror the next few days. Kenny Real Estate and Insurance Co. Four residences In South Omaha, paying 18 per cent Interest on Investment; well rented. If sold before June 1, $2,000. Fifteen lots north of Farnam and east of 40th St., best thing In that district ever offered; for quick sale, $4,000. Six-room houR, close to car, south front, fenced and shade. $1,450. NATIONAL INVESTMENT CO., J. W. Martin, Pres. Douglas Blk. RE-783 21 MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE GARVIN BROS.. 1604 Farnam, I and per cent loans on real estate; no delay. W MJ23 MONEY TO LOAN Payne Investment Co, . W-346 WANTED City loans and warrants. W. Farnam Smith 41 Co., lifi liium St. W 444 BUILDING loans on residence property; 6 per cent. W. B. Melkle, Ramge blk. W-Mt LOWEST RATES Bemls, Pax ton Block. W 347 PRIVATE money. F. D. Wead. 1620 Doug. W 34a fl.OoO.OCO TO LOAN on business and resi dence property In Omaha; lowest rates; no delay. Thomas Urennan, R. 1, N. Y. Life. W-350 WANTED City loans. 11. C. Peters & Co. W-351 FARM. CITY AND BUILDING LOANS. Reed Bros., 1710 Farnam St. W 362 City & farm loans. O. F. Carson Co. N.Y.L. LOANS on improved city property. W. II. Thomas, 5u6 1st National Bank Bldg. V 154 FOR SALE FARMS Farm and Ranch Lands Nebraska, Kansas, Colorado aud Wyoming; low prices, ten years' lime. I .and Dept. U. P. H. R., Omaha, Neb., Dept. "A." H-804 FREE HOMESTEADS IN NORTH DA KOTA -Will furnish you free transpor tation every Tuesday from Minneapolis to the lands, puy the filing cue. furnish free livery, and make your filings tor Jon, all for- $loo. For lurther niiormi lion write F. M. Rourke, Lisbon. N D. li Mi 1 3 21X Cheap Western Lands lOOO.uuo acies, Colorado. Kansas anu Ne braska lands. $2 lu ii. 5u per acre. Gov eriiineol liomerieads located. Printed lists giving li-tiui deiicriptiona and pr.e; also maps, pictures, etc., tree. THE STERLING. INVESTMENT CO.. Al From ot., Sleiling. Colu. 11-523 UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY Is Closing Out li LANDS. FIVE FARM AND RANCH LANDS In Western Nebr.ieka. Colorado and Wy oming Fioiii $.; to ta P r Acre. TAKE ADVANTAGV: of the low pr'ces and easy terms offered wnlie the oppor tunity presents Itself. SPECIAL EXCURSION RATES to th landa FOR FURTHER INFORMATION spplv t' Union Pac ft.- Land Axenry. ) n iin H-M787 Ji B31 PERSONAL PILES CURED WITHOUT AN O P E K A i' 1 O N-ALL KINDS OF PILLS CURED INTERNAL, EXTERNAL, BLIND. BLEEDING OR ITCHING FILES -A GUARANTEE GIVEN IN KVEHY CASK TREATED HY DR. MAXWELL, who has hsd twen- I ty-five years' exp.-i lence In treating pile". : Hundreds of testimoiilals given oil spp'.l- i cation. I 624 Bee Rids . Omaha. Neb. J 'Phono Douglas 1424. U-164 m:? IIKAI.'I'H V, wholesome; Sallti Skin be- stowed by Satin Skin Cream and Satin ; i i U-I , tftc. I A Dollar for You Any time before June 1, 19". this slip will be accepted at .mi down, payment on a $10 I purchase of shoes, hats or clothing, the bal ance to he paid as vou earn It. Home Credit Clothing Co., Ib20 Dodge St., Oniaha. O, A. LARMON, Mgr. U-M175 MAGNETIC MASSAGE. 412 N. 16th ST., SECOND FLOOR, ROOM 2. U M976 M26 MAGNET If J ferment A batha. Mme. viiuiil;gnilUli lis N. 15, 2d tl..r.2. U 865 ANY POOR GIRL In need of a friend call or write to the matron of the Salvation Army homo for womuu ul 3b24 N. 24th kt Omaha, Neb. V M100 TRT KELLT'S Laundry, 'phone Doug. 3610. U 320 DR. ROY, Chiropody, R, 2 & 3. 1506 Farnam. L-321 CHAMPION fPet Cleaning Works. Beautiful, unique rugs trom old carpets; prices reasonable. V20 8. 14th St. Tel. Douglas two. U 323 J-13 SEND your carpets to Omaha Electric Car pet Cleaning wkl., 2231 N. 20th. Doug. -1653. U-M60k M81 YOUR saving 40 per cent. Investigate. Pennell Millinery Co , 111 South 15th at. U-324 PRJA ATE confinement home; babies sdopted. Mrs. Dr. King, 201 N. 21st St. Tel. 3553. U-325 PLEATING fcuiit,KR!uig. s Kuniuwj Kinbrolderlim, i.'eing anu Cle&niuB, Spongliit; and Shrink ing, only bg per yard, bend ror price list and sample. GOLDMAN PLEATING CO., 200 Douglas Block. Tel. Douglaa 1936. U 326 WE RENT sewing machines, 31 a week and $3 per mo. W e repair till makes of ma chines; second-hand machines, $5 to $10. Neb. Cycle Co., Tel. Doug. 1663. Cor. 15tU mid Harney. U 327 MAE0ElWAVEiSJlSS,,lB- ftli. Bryant, 81 Bee Bldg. U 813 M25 LAUNDRY CITY STEAM Tel. Doug. 264 211 S. lllh St. U 314 PRIVATE home during confinement; babies boarded and adopted. Mrs. Gar dell, 2216 Charles. Tel. Doug. 6811. U 317 THE Salvation Array soliolts cast-off clothing; in fact, anything you do not need. We collect, repair and sell, at 114 N. llth St., for cost of collecting to the worthy poor. Call 'Phone Doug.-tl8 and wagon will call. L 611 FREIS medical and surgical treatment at Crolghton Medical college, 14th and Davenport Sts. Special attention paid to confinement cases. All treatment supervised by college professors. 'Phone Doug. 1167. Calla answered day or nlgou U 128 SEWING machines and supplies. P, E. Flodman at Co., 1614 Capitol Ave. U-M507 M31 THE City Garbage Co. Office, 14th and Leavenworth Sts. Tel. Douglas 1367. U-321 FLY time is here, and you need new screens. See Johnson, 16tu and Chicago, general repairing. Tel. Douglas 6208. ti 863 Je MAGNETIC OSTEOLOGY Mra. M. Ritteo house, 410 N. 16th, room 2, second floor. U-M508 JeU JOIINSON-GOODLETT CO. 8-layer white cakes, 30c; pure milk bread, BAAelea Anil m.JI I 1 1 0 I A lJ . Douglaa 1676. 0 M487 41 MRS- SMITH'S school of practical dress- niamiqi u m kui;iii--i ui urees- making. cutting and fitting. Girls can earn tnelr own tuition. Jl Douglas Blk. U 621 J3 PRIVATE hospital during confinement. Ba bies adopted. Best and cheapest In the city. 08 S. 13th St., Omaha, Neb. U-M536 Jl PRIVATE home during confinement; ba bies adopted. The Good Samaritan San itarium. 728 First Ave., Council Bluffs, la. Tel. Tit. U-322 SHAMPOOS, manicuring and facials at your own home; New York method. Mra. Willis. 2810 Lavenport. Tel. Douglaa 6024. U M882 Ju7 OMAHA Stammerer Institute. Ramge Blk. U 316 SYRINGES, rubber goods, by mail; cut prices. Send for free catalogue. Myers Dillon Drug Co.. Omaha. U W7 HONEST work at reasonable prices in the pholsterlng and furniture repairing lln. John Hansen. 1522 N. 24th. Tel. Doug. 8211. U 45 J une 15 PARASOLS and umbrellas repaired and re-covered. Boston Umbrella Co., 620 So. 16th St. U M506 Jel6 Madia Desdunes. Marcel waving. Doug. 7013. I -MIS Jelfi MEDICAL LADIES, $1,000 REWARD! I positively guarantee my Never-Falling KltGO. KOLO Remedy Safely relieves longeat, most obstinate cases of delayed Monthly Periods in 3 to 6 days without harm, pain or Interference with work Mali, $1 6u. Double atrerqjth, $2.0u. "SPECIAL FOLD ER FOR I.ADIES FREE. DR. B. H. SOUTH INGTON CO.. KANSAS CITY. MO. 328 BEST nerve bracer for men. "Gray s Nerve Faxd Pills 11 box, postpaid. Sherman & MCConneu iTUg to. iiinsnx 330 FENCING ANCHOR and iron fencing. Wire fencing 5c per ft. 205 N. 17th St. Tel. Red 814. 882 July8 WIRE and Iron fencing, hitching poets, wire trrlha. Omaha Wire & Iron Works. 2127 Farnam street. Tel. Red 6'v M- si JS WANTED TO BORROW WANTED To borrow. $n.fi0 to build resi dence ; will give residence and oilier prop erty as SK-uilty. Address K 66. cir H.e. V 7S1 21x FLORISTS . L HENDERSON. 1618 Farnam. Tel. loug 1268. -a HESS FWOBODA. 1415 Fsrnsm S3S PLUMBING CALL JOHNSON for quk'k erv4CM iw piicts. 18:3 Ham.y. Tel sft j UNDERTAKERS HOFFMANN GENTLEMAN. 708 N. Uth, Douglaa ffX. jWI J MONUMENTS GREAT WESTERN GRANITE) CO. Do ig. X2L M-m MI3 MONEY TO LOANCHATTELS 1XJANS On Household Goods. Pianos. Horse aud Wagons, Etc. Wa will loan money on the above wurlty at positively the lowest rste of Interest to be obtained In the city. Why? because .we hne unlimited capital and would iathr loan money out than have it Ivlng Idle. We make these loans In the strictest confidence, make no Inquuy of your neighbors and merely want to see your secuiliy. If yoO owe several small hills w hich are bothering you. come to us, state your circumstance!-, and we will loan you money enough to pay them all off, ao that you will have vour in debtedness all In one place where one pay ment each month will take care of It. And we will make the payment small enough to suit you. : We Also Loan Responsible" Sal-' : . ar!ed l'o;.e on Their Plain : : Note, Without Endorsement or : Publicity. RELIABLE CREDIT CO.. Rooms 807- Paxton Block. X-M-HuvW OUR LOANS our v.opiuyes aie Weil lufoiined and coi.rteous and we aie always pleased 10 explain our manner of loans. We tell you to the cent where the cost will be, and If you conclude that ll will not pay you to borrow there is no harm done. We loa-i on furniture, pianos, live stock and other chattels, and to salaried people upon i heir own agreement to pay. We offer you rates as low aa you will find and our facilities for quick and con fidential service aie unsurpassed. We are the oldest concern In our line in the city and we always try to please our pat ions. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN COMPANY. 119 Board of Trade Bldg. T'noue Doug. SUA. (.Established, lt$2. S. 14th St. X-234 Mu.Nhil loaned on pianos, furniture, Jew elry, horses, cows, etc. C. F. Reed. 310 8. 13th. X 336 Bowen, 703 X. Y. Life Bldg., Advances private money on chattels or salary. Easy to get no red tape. You get money same day asked for at amall cost, open evenings until 7. X-M336 DR. PRIBENOW'S PRIVATE MONEY loaned on furniture, pianos, salary, horses, etc., in any amount, at less than half the rate; no red tape; perfect pri vacy; immediate attention, on any terms wanted; payments suspended In case of sickness or out of employment. Room 214. Ksrbsch Blk., 3o9 8. 16th Bt. X 337 When In need of MONEY Call on us. PHOENIX CREDIT CO., 632-3 Paxton Blk. X-333 MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLB and others without security; easy pay ments. Offices in 63 principal cities. Tol man, room 714, New York Life Bldg. X-333 FURNITURE, Piano. Jewelry, Loans. 331 Nevill Blk. THE WESTERN LOAN CO. X 340 FURNITURE. Live Stock, Salary Loans. Duff Green Loan Co., room 8, Barker block. X 841 CHATTELS, salary and jewelry loan. Foley Loan Co., 1604 Farnam Bt. X 342 EAGLE Loan Office, reliable accommodat ing; all business confidential. 1301 Doug. X-318 DRESSMAKING M DOWELL system of dress cutting taught; simplest and best method. 1621 Farnam. -M6S May 21 BRENT & BROWN, first class dressmak ers. 2039 Harney St. 'Phone Douglaa 642. 321 CALL and see the one-priced dressmaker. Jtfi Douglas bloc. 620 J el PRINTING LYNG8TAD High Grade 1806 Calendars, s. Tnuvf 8 E. corner lth Bt. and & JORVE. Capitol Ave. 20 ENGRAVING and printing. Kotera AV Co.. 1610 Howard. Tel. Douglaa 2007. -IP? TYPEWRITERS TOU CAN RENT An OLIVER TYPEWRITER with oak table for $3.00 monthly. CONVENIENT AT HOME. THE OLIVER TYPEWRITER CO., 11 8. Uth St. Tel. Doug. 2913. M164 Junoi: TICKET BROKERS CUT-RATE railway tickets everywhere. P. H. Phil bin. 1605 Farnam. 'Phone Doug. 784. -338 LARSON JOHNSON. 140 Farnam. Doug. 1835. j 383 BILLIARD AND POOL TABLES WE TRUST EVERYBODY, easy payments, and lead the world in cheap prices oa billiard and pool tables and bar fixtures; catalogue free. The Brunswlcke-Balke-Collender Co., 407 8. 10th Bt., Omaha. Neb. -ZSS CEMENT BLOCK MACHINERY CONCRETE MIXERS. Tapp Construction Co., 303 Neville Blk. Miles face down cement block machlno. -MB78 MID HORSES AND WAGONS FOR SALE FOR SALE High bred riding mure. 8 yeara old, well gaited. gentle, w rigid about 1.000 Iba. Inquire 2623 Charles St., sfter 6 p. m. P M586 76x GRADING AND EXCAVATING CALL on the Partridge-Shelly-Thomaaon Co.. 1822 Farnam. Yard 'phone, Harney 1410. M762 LOST LOST I-ady's gold cliain and cross. Re ward if returned to 236 Douglas St. O 5HI 21 x 0STE0PA1HY JOHNSON Inatitute. 418 N. Y. L. 1664. Tel. Doug. 331 GOVERNMENT NOTICES PROPOSALS FOR CLOTHING AND Eo.iiing-' Lepot Quartermaster's office. 3d and Olive Sis., St. liuis. Mo.. Msy li'., lM'i. Sealed proposals. In triplicate, sub'ect to usual conditions, will be received here until 12 o'clock noon. June 5. If, and then opened, for furnishing and delivering at 'he St. I.ot.is depot of I he Qiiartermas. ter's Department, 1'. 8. army. 6.ii0 coin brooms and 3.."si0 scrubbing brushes. The light Is reserved to reject or accept any ni si! proposals or sny part ihiof. Prefer-eni-e will he given to articles of domestic u.anufaciuie. conditions of. quality and niii-e i including in rile of foreign produo- Hon or manufactures the duty thereon) b i hi equal. Standard samples to be seen at 1 and lilanks for proposals and full infornia , lum will be furnlal.rd upon application to 'this nftU-e. Eiixelo,ea containing proposals ! t-i lrf ei-doraed "Proposals for Clothing and i Equipage, to be o.( ne.l at 12 o'clock noon, ' June 6. 1'-. I.I. Col. F Von Schruder, I Depot Quarteiiiiaaier. U. 8 Army." Ml.-lS-l-31-.IZ-f Business Boosters Try th Want a4 Coin mag j? I 1U. LEGAL NOTICES To Bondholders of The Sheridan Coal i",im pnny: The holders i f bonds of The Flierldnn Cnnl Company aie hereby notified that the wn deiKinned trustee, under trust deed of '; he Shendan Coal Coman. dated .I'ltie n. lW. and recorded June "Jo. '.!-!. In book -s of MortgnKe Records, on p. me 4.K. in ih office of i he County Clerk of tin- i .uutv of Shoridan and State of W'sonihig Ik received notice from The Sheridan i o Company that it will, on or Jietoie .In . IWK. remit to the mule! signed $24. "On. i take up and teine ;'4 bonds, as provided ii ssld Irusi deed. Notice is hereby giv e:i tliat the uiidetiRnid hss drawn :ind s... Ie.ed by lot n,r following Iwentv-fnir niinibeis of W ! nt -four of the bonds o'" standing. sei nied bv said trust deed. I. i t. 342. 47.. 31.'. ;n, .'.i. ;,., it. . 2'!7. 5'0, 5!5. 231. :.:v .14.", -fr 7-,-f 4S. 27, for paxment from the il'nkinp 'und! to be so psld to n bv ssld The Sheridan Coal Companx iindii said trust deed, and iihiii such payment of -mid V.'t.mi tij th undersigned ou or heron- .hm, ;. p. the linderslgneil will, lit its olll.r ai the corner of Deaiborn and Madison slice's. In the City of Chicago. Illinois, on i lie fiist dav of Julx. A. li. hurt, pk.v to ti.e holders or legleieied owners of said bonds numbered Ms aforesaid, the piincipal and six.-iimnl-4l.-d Interest t hereon, upon the sun ruder and tlellveiy thereof to i he unci .-rsiumsl. un cancelled and ac. oiiipanied h all unpaid coupons thereto helongitg Interest on each of said bonds numbered as aforesaid, will ceasr after aaid firsl day of July. A I. wtieiliei inesemed on said day or thereafter. UNION TRUST COMPANY. Trustee. Hy RI M'S F. CHAPIN, Se. returv M14-2l--.T4 GOVERNMENT NOTICES FORT MEADE. S TV. MAY 31, 1006 Sealed proposals in trlplicit for window screens and srreen doors for six bupllc build ings a.t Fort Meade. S !.. will he recelx ed her until 2 p. m. June ll. i: Bidders who are not maiiufactuiers of the goods called for will submit the name of the manufacturer from whom the goods ar to lie obtained. Information furnished upon application. U. S. reserves right to accept or reject any or all propos-jls or anv p-t thereof. Specifications max- b seen by ap plication to the yuartei inaster at St. Paul, Omaha, St. Ixnils and at this offlc. F.n velopes containing proposals should he maj-ksd, "Proposals for Screens Fp't Mead. S. D.." addressed Major Geo. K. Hunter, I'onsl meting Quartermaster. M21-22-23-24-JS- wmcsss. . rm RAILWAY TIME CARD I'NION STATtOS TF.STH AD MARCY. I n Ion Fnria. Leave. Overland Limited a 8:40 am The China and Japan Fast Mail a 4:15 pm Colo. Calif. Ex.. a 4 15 pm California at Ore. Ex. ..a 4:26 pm Ixig Angeles Limited. ...all:30 am Fast Mail a 1:66 pm Colorado Special a 7:46 am North Platte Local a 8:10 am Beatrice Local b 8:15 pm Chicago Great Western. Bt. Paul Minn a 8:30 pm St. Paul 4 Minn a 7:46 am' Chicago Limited a f :0o pm Chicago Express a 6:06 am Minn. A Bt. Paul Ex..b 8:00 am Minn. & St. Paul Ltd.. .a 8:30 pm Arrive, a 8:18 am a 8:10 pm k 9:30 am a 6:10 pm alO:45 pm a 3:30 pm a 7:44 am a 4 60 pm b 2:00 pm a 7:1R am a 7:56 pm a!0:30 am a 8:30 pm bU8aS6 pm a 7:30 am Chicago, Rock Island at Paclflo. LAST. Chicago Limited a 3:26 am a 7:10 am Chicago Express a 7:00 am a S.uo pni Chicago Express, Local. bil l am a 4:30 pm Des Moines Express a 4:30 pm bll:60 am Chicago Fast Express, a 6:40 pm a 1:15 pm WEST. Rocky Mountain Ltd... a 7:30 am a 3:15 am Colorado Express a 2:01 pin. a 1:16 pm Oklahoma 4 Texas Ex. 4:40 pm al2:05 pm Chicago at Northwestern. Local Cedar Rapids a T.05 am Chicago Daylight n 8:00 am Chicago Daylight a s:oo am Chicago Limited a 6:3 pm Carroll Locav a 4 32 ;r.i St. Paul Fast Mall a t.L, pm Sioux C. & St. P. Local.. fc s.uu pm Fast Mali Chicago Express a 6:50 pm Chicago Limited all :0b pm Norfolk A Bonesteel.... c4o am Lincoln A Long Fine... a 7:40 am Casper 4k Wyoming a 8:00 pm a 6:00 pfn 11 .50 pm 11.60 pm 8:15 am 8:50 am 7.-06 am a VM am 2:30 pm a 7:30 am 11:15 am 10:38 am 10:3o am a 6:06 pm 6:16 pin 6:06 pm t12:40 pm 3:46 pul Dead wood & Lincoln. .. .a :w pm Hastings & Albion . .b 3:00 pm b 6:02 pm ..all:30 am Fremont-Albion ... Chicago Local .... Illinois Central, Chicago Express .. .a 8:00 am .a t xii pm a 3 55 pm a 7:30 am Chicago Limited i Wabash. Bt. Louis Express I Bt. 1-ouls Local ifrom Council Bluffs) i 8:30 pm 8:1s am a 8:40 am al0:30 pm bll:30 am S'snberry Local (from Council Bluffs) b 6:00 pm Chteasro. Milwaukee A St. Paul. Chicago & Colo. 8pecT.a 7:55 am California & Ore. Ex.. .a 6:4o pm Overland Limited a 8:j pm Marlon & Cedar R., Lo..b 6:45 am pttsaoarl PaclBc. St. Louis Express a 3:00 am K. C. A. SU L. Express. a 11.15 pm am a 3:10 pm a 8:20 am bii :o0 pm a 6 30 pm a 6:00 pm Bl RLIOTO STATIOK 10TII at MASOM Barllngton. Leave. Denver ft California. ...a 4:10 pm Black HlllJ 4:10 pm Northwest Special 77. ...a 4:10 pin Northwest Kxpres ,...all:lo pm Nebraska Express a 8.10 am Nebraska Loca.1 a8;ouam Lincoln Local Lincoln Fast Mail b 3:U pm Ft. Crook 4k Plattem h..o 2:50 pm Bellevu at Plattam'h...a 7:60 pm Denver Limited Bellevue & Pac Juno... 3:30 ani Bellevue av Pac. June... 8:10 am Chicago Special aj:26 am Chicago Express t :46 pin Chicago Flyer ...ao6pm Iowa Local a I L am Bt. Louis Express a 4:' pm Kanaas Clty-St. Joe alO:w pm Kansas Clty-St. Joe a 8:1a am Kansas Clty-St. Joe a 4:46 pm Arrive, a 3:26 pm a 6:M pm a 7:10 atu a 6:30 pm a 7;4u pm a 8:06 am al2;2o pm hlO:26 am a b:2o am a 7:10 am a 3:30 am a 2:00 pm a 7:25 am a 3:56 pni a 7:26 am al0:53 pm all. JO am a 6:45 am a ;10 pm WEBSTER DEPOT 1BTH at WEUSTlStt Chicago, gt. Panl, Minneapolis at Oiuaha. Leave. , b 6.30 am ..a 2:iio pm . .b 8 20 pm ,.o 8:46 am Arrive, b 8:10 pm ali ao am b 8 36 sm c 6.60 pin Twin City Passenger. Sioux City Passenger Emerson Local Emerson Local Missouri Paelfla. Nebraska Local, via . . Weeping Water b 3:50 pm bl:S0 pm a Dally, b Dully except Sunday, d Daily except Saturday, e Sunday only. Dally except Monday. Klrctrle Trunk l.lnea. Within the last few days, says the Well Street Journel, an announcement has been made of a proposed air line electric route between New York and Chicago, reduced to a distant of 742 miles, th run to he made In ten hours. The Pennsylvania rail road line between Chicago and New York is 812 inllea. Th electric sir lln rout would thus cut off 170 miles, or IS 6 per cent of the steam rmtd distance. Assuming that an electric trunk line be tween Chicago and New York Is financial! and otherwise practicable, and this Is open to question, the strategic value of such a project is such s possibly to hax- a fsr reachlng effect on the whole trunk line sltustlou. If electric lines could evntu ally parallel the trunk lines to th Atlantic and gulf seuports tblr Infiuenr on the railroad alt itlon might not stop with P ttenger traffic They would begin tell sooner t.r lal-r on freiglu conditions They would not simply figure as feeders of "he railroad, as they are now generally filing, but p.isxtblv reduce the mn-inlle rat fieiglit ti a i.ew low basis of cost T e average reveirie a ton-mile for the year ended June 3o. l'Jo3. was .7.'. and for lo4. 7K-. This Is the lowest average cost of any railroad system in the woild. but cannot bs accepted finality. T probable effect of electric line construction on railway rates would uoi only be found to Influence through freljjlii-.. but inltf'i' be mill more marked in its f eel upon l-a-al friglit ra'es. rid Is doubtless a far lo't nhead. but th development "f elertrl"nl power has been so rapid and m'irvrloua Ihst Its possible future growth become Sub ject of fascinating ant itl. Douglas te.i. bt , ttuaba. Nte. f