Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 21, 1906, Page 2, Image 2

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    i J
For Habitual and Obsttaate Canstlpatloo.
ORDINARY DOSE. A Wineglass Jul btjort Breakfast
The) good effects of Apenta, Water are maintained by smaller
and steadily diminishing doses, repeated for successive days.
A Refreshing and Pleasant Aperient for Morning Use.
Sole Exporters: THE APOLLINARIS CO., Ltd., London.
Affair tt Norfolk Likely to Result in a
General Overhaulinc -
larxtil (! In History of tbe
Inat Itatinn ealeyan Inlverslty
I Esrrclsea
Rrl May 2H.
(From a Staff Cm respondent. )
nlXCOl.N. May . lSpeclal.)-The el
imination and investigation demanded by
Superintendent Allien and Assistant Super
lntendent Nicholson of the Norfolk asylum,
whose resignations were demanded by Gov.
crnor Mickey on charges of incompetency
and mismanagement, may lead to a general
ahakeup In other Institutions. When the
hoard goes Into this cane It may deride to
go Into others.
No doubt exists but all of the atate In
atltutlona are in better shape at thla time
than ever before In the history of the
atate, and no far a the public Is concerned
ho vii the Norfolk Haylum supposed to be
, tunning; In first claaa shape.
In the meantime, it la said. Dr. Alden
and Dr. Nicholson Intend to put up a hard
fight for vindication and part of their de
fence will be, it la aald, a letter from the
Kovernor giving; them a clean bill dated
after his own investigation of the asylum,
tnlveralty (ommrnrrmrnt.
Inasmuch aa the State university will
turn out one of the largest graduating
classes in Its history more than the usual
amount of Interest la being taken In the
coming commencement exercises. The an
nual sermon will be delivered by Chancel
lor Andrew. While General Nelson A. Miles
and John Harper Long of Northwestern
university are on the program. Aa an
nounced by Registrar Clark, the ceremonies
will begin the evening of Friday, June g,
when Dr. John Harper Ixing of Northwest
ern university, will address the Nebraska
Chemical society. Saturday evening. June
9. the nnminl commencement recital of
the mhcrslty Fohool of Music will be held
In Memorial hall. The baccalaureate ser
mon will be delivered Sunday evening, June
10, In Memorial hall by Chancellor An
drews. Monday. June 11, the annual Phi
Rets, Kappa oration will be delivered be
fore that society In Memorial hall. Tues
day will be class day. The board of re
gent i will meet In the morning and the
senior class piny will be iproduced In the
evening at the Oliver theater. The alumni
of the unlvf rslty will gather at the uni
versity farm on Wednesday for the annual
celebration. The Hnnual address will be de
livered by Will Owen Jones of the class of
1, who will speak on "Government by
Public Opinion." The climax of the week
will come on Thursday morning, June 14.
when the commencement cxerclsea will be
held In the Auditorium. The commencement
address will be delivered by General Nel
son A. Mllca, whose subject will be "Our
Country and Its Future."
Ivy Dajr Pros ram.
The celebration of Ivy day will be held
by tho senior claaa next Wednesday after
noon, when the ceremonial planting of a
sprig of Ivy to commemorate the class of
law will be done by the president of the
claaa and the .rowel turned over to the
president of the Junior class. Alt seniors
will be excused from recitations from 1 to
i In the afternoon. The program will begin
t I O'clock, with music by the Young
Men's Christian Association quartet. The
Ivy day oration will be by Earl M. Marvin.
The singing of the clasa song, composed
by Ethel O'Connell, will follow, and will
be auoceeded by the reading of the claaa
poem hy Mlsa Lela Stetter. The presenta
tion of the claaa memento to the univer
sity will be responded to by Chancellor
Andrewa. President Edwin Critea will
plant the Ivy, then turning the trowel over
to President Herbert a. Myers of the unlor
class, who will moke short speech of
acceptance on behalf of the claaa of 1907.
The exercises will close with the May pole
dance by sixteen girla of the class.
Med leal College Rserrlaes.
The program of the fourth annual com
mencement of the 1'nlverslty College of
Medicine, which will be held In Omaha
Wednesday and Thursday. May J3 and S4.
has been announced. It la as follows:
Alumni day.
Special alumni clinics. Methodist hospital.
Come Now
Own Up
You don't like those gray hairs, do
you? And your husband certainly
doesn't like them. Then why not try
a bottle of Ayer's Hair Vigor? It
restores color to gray hair every time,
all the deep, rich color of early life.
And it cures dandruff also.
The best kind of a testimonial
"Sold for over sixty years."
Vase the O. Aye Co.. Lowell, sum.
Also MaoMfMtarsrs o
AYIB'SSAtSArAan.LA-r'er the sloes. TI S NU-r costtiaatiea.
YaaVCHY raCTOaAJ.-faf Coagh. a1BK'SAOUgCQk( MauUiM aatsps.
1 to 10 a. in. Dr. Jonas, surgical.
W to 12 a. in. Dr. Clifford, eye. ear. etc.
Douglas county hospital,
s to 10 a. m. Dr. Alkln, nervous.
10 to Yi a. m. Dr. Bridges, internal medi
cine. yuarterly centennial alumni meeting.
2 p. in. College building. Twelfth and Pa
cific streets.
Business session.
Historical addresses by Dr. A. S. Von
Mansfelde of Ashland. "History of Medi
cine in Nebraska;" Dr. W. F. Mllroy of
Omaha. "History of the College of Medi
cine of the 1'niverslty of Nebraska;" Dr.
F. D. Haldeman of Ord. "Alumni of the
College of Medicine of the I'nlversily of
S p. m. Complimentary theater party
given hy the Omaha members to visiting
Commencement day.
Bpecial alumni clinics. Immanuel hospital,
in to 12 a. m Dr. B. B. Davis, surgical.
Swedish hospital.
8 to 10 a. in. Dr. George H. Bicknell. nose
and throat.
10 to 12 a. in. Dr. A. C. Stokes, cysto
scop and urethoscopy.
2 to 4 p. in. Annual alumni luncheon at
the Calumet, 1411 Douglas street.
8 p. m. Commencement exercises. Congre
gational church, Nineteenth and Davenport
Music Grand chorus (Saloniei
invocation by the chaplain of the day.
Music Chant pastoral (DuBoisl.
Administering of hippocratio oath by the
Conferring of degrees by the chancellor.
Awarding of prizes.
Iteduced rates from Lincoln, going May
23 and returning May 24.
Commencement adnress by James Carroll.
M. D., curator of the Army Medical mu
seum. Washington, D. C. "The Microscope
in Medicine."
Music Festival march (Dunster).
Informal reception for the speaker,
alumni, graduates and Invited guests hi
the church parlors.
Church Mar Boy Tahllha Home.
Dr. A. A. Turkle of Pennsylvania secre
tary of the board of edurntion of the Lu
theran church, is expected In Lincoln to
morrow to look at Tahltha home with a
view to buying It fir tho use of the Lu
theran church. It In planned to build in
addition to the iroaont stru -t ir' on Ui?
grounds a seminary at a cost of 2S.00. pro
viding the property Id bougn.. luoithu
home has had a strenuous existence during
the last three years.' It was s.arted. somo
eighteen years ago by Rev. and Mr-.
Helner, who conducted it as n homo icr
aged people and homeless childrvf., and
w ho depended upon tharity to in ike it a
go. Things moved along with little trui:ble
until a committee of Lincoln ieoj.l en
eluded It needed looking Into and then the
hammers began to beat, with the result
that the Heiners 'cre forced out of the
property and It was taken over by the self
appointed guardians of the friendless with
a flourish of trumpets not unlike the open
ing of a new coal mine. The committee
found It had a white elephant on Its hands
and the home was dropped and the ham
mers brought forth again. At this time the
home Is being managed by a committee of
IJncoln business men acting In conjunc
tion with tho Heiners.
Surprise for Slier.
Lincoln letter carriers gave Postmaster
Slzer a little surprise last night. They In
vited him to the postofflce during the even
ing and numerous speeches were made
congratulating him on his reapimintment.
finishing tho ceremonies with a nice spread.
Mr. Bizer responded with a speech.
Thompson Speaks at Syraease.
Deputy Attorney General Thompson will
speak at Syracuse on Memorial day. Mr.
Thompson has received a number of In
vitations to use his voice on Memorial day,
but he had accepted the Invitation to go
to Syracuse before the others got hers.
It is planned to make the day a memorable
one in the Otoe town.
Bids Are Too Hlarh.
Bids for the construction of the new Elks'
home at Thirteenth and P streets were
opened yesterday, but all of them were
higher than the estimated cost of the struc
ture. It had been estimated the building
would cost $38,000, but none of the bids
came within these figures. The committee
has not yet announced what It will do, but
It IB believed new estimates will be made
and bids railed for a second time.
Modera Woodmea Mcaaorlal.
The Modern Woodmen of America la
planning to hold memorial services June
t at the First Presbyterian church. Head
Counsel Talbot and G. W. Berge will de
liver addresses. A program of some length
In addition will be carried out.
Wealeraa Camaaeacemea t.
Commencement exercises at Wesleyan
university will begin May 28. Following Is
the program for the week:
Society Anniversaries Mondav, May 28
Theophanian; Tuesday. May 2. Wll'lard'
Wednesday. May t. Orothphlltan ; Thurs
day, May 81, Everett.
Saturday, June 2 i p. m.. class day ex
ercises. College of Liberal Arts.
Hunday. June S 10:30 a. m., baccalaureate
sermon by Chancellor D. W. C. Hunting-
ton, r. P., I,L. D.: 4:30 p. m., onion services
of F.pworth league. Young Mens Chris
tian association und Toung Wor.ien's Chris
tian association; 8 p. m , university sermon
by Rev. H. C. Swearengen, D. D.. Lincoln.
Monday, June 4 2 So p. ni., base ball.
Faculty against Business Men; 8 p. m,
commencement concert. Conservatory of
Music. Pt. Paul's Methodist Episcopal
church. '
Tuesday, June 610 a. m class day ex
errlses, academy; 2 p. m., annual meeting
board of trustees; 2 p. m.. woman's Wes
leyan educational council; annual meeting
end election of officers In the C. C. White
Memorial building: 8 p. m.. annual recital,
School of Expression and Oratory.
Wednesday. June B 10 a. m.. university
commencement exercises; oration bv nrshop
W. F. McDowell. D. I)., LL. D.. of Chicago;
conferring of diplomas and teachers' state
cert Ideates.
Alumni Functions 1 p. m., luncheon.
Beetle's hall; 2:30 p. ni., business meeting
ami Initiation of new members.
The C. C. White Memorial building will
lie formally dedicated at-the opening of the
college year In September.
(barged nlth Kmhesalemenl of Bunk's
Fonda liny lie Left.
TKCI'MSKH, Neb.. May au.-iSneolal.)
Teeumseh and Johnson county people gen
erally speaking are satisfied at the verdict
of the district court of Nemaha county,
in Auburn Saturday, finding Charles M.
Chamberlain, ex-cashier of the failed Cham
berlain hanking house of this city, guilty
of embezzlement. The case was taken fi'om
this county on change of venue.
The Chaniberlaln banking house of this
city closed Its doors In August, 1S02. a few
days after the cashier had left for the east,
ostensibly to raise funds for immediate use
In the concern. Chamberlain disappeared,
going first to Cuba, then to Mexico, later
to the Pacific coa. states and finally to
Canada. April 15, lu5, he became wearied
of dodging the law, for there was a reward
of 11.200 for' his return, offered by the
Board of County Commissioners of Johnson
county. Chamberlain came to Lincoln
from Chicago, where he worked for a few
weeks In a packing house, and from the
office of his attorney, Mr. Rose, the sher
iff of Johnson county was telephoned to
come to Lincoln, and Chambeiiuin would
accompany him home, which lie did.
A grand Jury in this county-on March 3.
19i3, brought in eighteen Indictments against
Chamberlain. Chamberlain was acuultted
on one of these, and the one on which he
was convicted in Auburn last week no
doubt covered some ground that Is con
tained In others. This particular indict
ment acciiNed him of embezzling of
the bank's money on August 25, 1902, the
day he departed for parts unknown.
Old Healdent Found Dead.
NORTH PLATTE, Neb.. May 20.-(Spe-clal.)
Irvine A. Fort, more familiarly
known as "Tom" Fort, was found dead In
his bed at 11:30 this forenoon in a small
house on the premises which he owns on
East Sixth street. The body was discov
ered by Mrs. James Shaffer, who occupies
the main house on the lot. and the sheriff
and coroner were at once not Hied and later
the remains were taken In charge by
I'ndertaker Glnn. The last time Mr. Fort
was seen alive was about 8 o'clock Wednes
day evening. Tills forenoon a man called
to rent the barn on the premises and Mrs.
Shaffer went with the man to the house
Fort occupied, knocked at the door and re
ceiving no reply, looked In the window and
saw Fort lying In bed with an arm over his
chest. Repeated knocking failed to arouse
him, and concluding he was dead, the
officers were sent for. Cpon arrival Cor
oner Longley found the body rigid and
Is of the opinion that death ensued Wednes
day night. The deceased was a pioneer
resident of North Platte, coming here the
latter part of the (Sis, and with the ex
ception of the last year or two, which he
spent In the east, lived here almost con
tinuously. He leaves one child, a daughter,
now with relatives in the east. An inquest
will probably he held this afternoon and
funeral arrnngements will be made.
ot All for Rour,
GRAND ISLAND. Neb.. May 20.-(Spe-clal.)
The Wood River Interests, another
republican paper In Hall county, seems to
be unwilling to endorse fully and unequiv
ocally the candidacy of George L. Rouse
of thla county for governor. In the Issue
of this week Editor Quackcnbush of the
Interests says:
The Hall county central committee met
last Saturday and a goodly number of
prominent republicans met with them as
well. The writer was not present, nor any
one from this vicinity that we know of,
but we learn from the rhsirman, Henry
Sehuff, and from the Daily Independent
that the central committee and the citizens
organized In the Interests of Georgx L.
Rouse for governor and that a committee
was appointed to whoop 'er up foe Mr.
Rouse. What, if any other business, was
transacted we are not informed. We learn
that a number of the committee were not
consulted or informed as to their appoint
ment, the writer being one such, and the
appointing of such a committee was some
thing of a surprise to him. That Mr. Rouse
is an able and honorable man 'and has
manv friends in Hall county goes without
uuestion. but there is a goodly number be
fore they would umialinedly endorse his
randldacy would 'like to know something
of bow he stands on certain questions of
Nebraska Sens ntra.
COLCMBl'S There was a civil service
examination held at the high school build,
lug here today for carriers and clerks for
Postmaster Kramer. There were seven
PLATTSMOI'TH The grandson of Mr.
Flckler. residing south of Plaltsmntith,
captured a young eagle alxiut two weeks
old and brought It to this city Saturday
and sold it for 50 cents.
PLATTSMOI'TH Saturday afternoon the
Plattsmouth High school ball team de
feated tho Mynard team here bv a score
of 2J to . Tliry also defeated the B. & M.
team by a score of 6 to 5.
NORTH PLATTE Our former townsman,
M. C. Harrington, met defeat in bis race
for alderman in Denver Tuesday. The ward,
however, is strongly republican and Mr!
Harrington did not hope for success.
PLATTSMOUTH There is talk of a ferrv
being established at South Bend, which
will afford the citizens of Cass county an
opportunity to visit the state fisheries, a
privilege thejr have not enjoyed for a long
WI8NER Fourteen students will gradu
al from the high school at the close of the
term the coming week. Graduating exer
elHta for eighth guide and the high school
Classes will be held in the opera house
next Friday and Saturday nights.
PLATTSMOI'TH The First prebbvlerlan
church was tilled to its seating capacity
this evening, at which time Kev. J. 11.
Selsbury. the pastor of ue church, de
livered the clans sermon to twenty girls
and four boys, the senior class of the high
WEST POINT-MIss Elizabeth Wester
man, the only daughter of Anton Wester
man, of St. Charles precinct, succumb, d to
a severe attack of pneumonia. Funeral
services Were held at St. Boniface church
at Monterey. Rev. J. Behoof, rector,
COLl'MBt'S-Distrlct court for the Sixth
Judicial district in and for Platte cuuntv
will convene at the court house here oil
Mav 22. This is the May term of court
and will be presided over by Judge James
a. Reeder. There are seventy -rive civil
rases and six criminal.
WE8T POINT-Mrs. Henry Frickenstein
wife of Henry Frickenstein. a prominent
citizen of Monterey townahip. died on
Thursday at the age of 7o years. Hue had
been a resident of the parish for thirty
years and leaves a husband and eight
grown children. Funera' an-I. e.. -
held today at the Monterey church Rev I
J. si, officiating. ' I
WI8NER An organization for the prour.
tlon of farmers and horse owners against
hurae thieves was effected tieie Butuioav
atiernooii and the following officers wti
elected: J. K. Mansfield, pi esut..iil : 11 It
lla. r. vice president ; J. y. Kenower, sec
retary; H P. MiC.uire, treasurer. I lie
membership fee was placed at $1 minimum,
with a limit of fS for emergency.
WEST POINT-Tne local lodge of the In
dependent Order of i Hid Fellows are ri
peilem log a rapid growth in the member
ship of the order. Hince Janu.uj l twelve
new men. hers have Joined th- local lodge
with a number of others in proiect. The
lodge numbers among it ineml-rs Grand
Master M. E. Keii, who take an active
Interest lit the welfare of the order
.0Ta PLATTE-TLe ccntitvt lor mak
ing r'r"' t the Pacific hoiel were al
lowed Tuesday morning. Joseph Fllllon will
Will do the plumbing ami tin work. J. Rav
nor the carpenter work find Babbitt the
Inside painting and paper hanging and the
electric light company, the new electric
fixtures. The exterior of the hotel will lie
painted by a company of painters and the
color will not be changed, as was first in
tended. WEST POINT-Small grain, grass and all
other vegetables are In a luxuriant state
of growth. The ground is becoming dry
from the strong winds the past two weeks.
A few farmers ore deferring corn planting
for rain. This week the farmers have di
vided their time In Meld work between plow
ing pulverizing ami planting corn. A few
fields of early planting are beginning to
show blades of corn. The roads are very
good at present.
WISNER The Wlsner Live Stock Show
and Agricultural association has rerfecti d
an organization and at a recent meeting of
the hoard of directors a manager, F. J.
Buck, for the show whs chosen. Plans
were adopted for the erection of the sheds,
enclosure of grounds, sale pavtlllon. etc. A
large amount of thoroughbred stock Is
listed from the surrounding country for
the f.ill show, cattle, hgrses. bogs and
poultry. The show will be held September
12. 13 and II.
WEST POINT Allen O. Burke, a well
known and popular attorney or Bnncroft.
was united 1,, marriage to Miss Emily
McManus by Rev. Father Judge of the
church of the Hatred Heart of Omaha last
week. They will reside in Bancroft, where
the groom has an extensive law practice.
The bride is the daughter of James Mc
Manus. a well known pioneer settler of
Bancroft township, and the groom Is the
son of Former Representative Burke of
Cuming county.
BUR WELL The sixth annual commence
ment of t he Burwell High school was held
last night at the Methodist church. The
class address was given by G. R. Boomer.
Frances Blitt was the class prophet and
Mae Noah valedictorian. A scholarship to
the Wesleyan university was presented to
Miss Noah for the best standing in her
class. Immediately after the graduating
exercises Miss Gumb, one of the graduates.
wms married to F. M. Thomas, a prosper
ous farmer of this county.
Pi EHCE Commencement exercises of the
Pierce High school will be held the last
week of this month. On Sunday evening
the sermon to the graduating class will
be dellveied by Rev. George E. Taylor of
the Congregational church at the Metho
dist Episcopal church. On Wednesday
evening the class will give a program at
th opera house, which will consist of
orations, readings and reel tut ions. On Fri
day evening at the opera hoAse the com
mencement exercises will be held.
WEST POINT The graduating exercises
of the musical deportment of St. Joseph's
convent at West Point were held in the
opera nouse, 'I he graduates were two In
number, Miss Anna Cejda of West Point
and Miss Ottellne Haun of Scrlbner. Miss
t'ejdn has finished a seven years' course.
The entertainment was of a very high class
throughout and reflects great credit upon
the sisters In chaifce of this department,
which has achieved a state-wide reputa
tion for the excellence of the Instruction
NORTH PLATTE V. E. McCarty of this
city has been appointed traveling engineer
on the Union Pacific, with a Jurisdiction
extending from Ijiramle to Green River. He
has gone west to assume his duties. That
so young an engineer as Mr. McCarty ha.i
hern selected speaks well for his ability.
The Union Pacific continues to make im
provements to its property In North Platte
that add to the convenience of their em
ployes, the accommodation of the travel
ing public and the general appearance of
the surroundings.
NORTH PLATTK-Jnhn Klllher. who was
up from Maxwell Wednesday, savs the
failure of the Standard Beet company to
pay for the beets delivered last season is
keenly felt by the growers. Several of
these growers have V00 or $900 due them,
while there are a large number of others
whose accounts range from $200 up
ward. A majority of these growers
badly need this niouey nnd the
lack of It financially cramps them. The
failure of the Standard Beet company to
pay these claims has given the beet in
dustry In the Maxwell section quite a black
ere. ; ,
PIERCE The Pierce County Fair and
Speed Hssci'httlon has been organized here
wilh the following nfflrers: 11. H. Mohr.
president; ooda t ones, vice president;
W. G. Ilirons, sec e aryj M. Inhelder, treas
urer. Messrs. W. 11. Hough. W. B. Don
aldson, George Story. William Zulauf and
W. W. Riley are elected managers. The
association lias been Incorporated In the
sum of $5.0(10. with shares or stock of $25.
Already eighty-eight atvtres have been sold
amounting to $2.:tooi Tweiity-ltve acres cf
land have been lea il of W. W, Riley,
east of his resident- and is being put In
shape for a first-class fair grounds and
racing track. There, will be. h race meet
here this season.
ARLINGTON Ths school board elected
Prof. 8. M. McNown of Kushvllle, Neb., as
principal. Tho other teachers elected are:
Misses Murray, Comstock and Wise. No
teacher has been elected for the primary
A RLINGTON The Elkhorn river has
changed its channel south of this city and
maiy acres of land have been cut away.
ARLINGTON The prospects are fine for
a bumper crop nr cherries, apples and
plunia in this part of the atate.
ARLINGTON Corn planting is progress
ing nicely ami crops are growing fast. The
ground is dry ami could stand some rain.
Work on the vauey land Just started.
BEATRICE Mrs. M. M. Claim of this
city was married in Lincoln to Mr. George
Clark. After a visit in the city with tne
brides parents, Air. and Mrs. Bick, the
newly married couple will locate in Ohio.
BEATRICE Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Croly
pioneer residents of Beatrice, celebrated
their flftletli wedding anniversary Bulurday
in the presence of a tew friends.
BEATRICE Mrs. II. M. Hepperlen yes
terday received a telegram trom Bcranton,
r KrJMOfVi' The household ettecta, team,
etc., owned by John Urabowsgy, wno was
kl.led I na runaway accident a few weega
ugo and over wnose .estate there has been
consiuerahle trouoie, weie sold at specuU
udniinistrator s sale this afternoon and
brought gootl prices, his will has turned
up, out owing to there being no person
living who would taae the property it has
not Oeen ottered for probate. Uraoowsgy,
according to his relatives, Inherited about
$lo,oou trom the estate of his wife, who died
last fail, and has burned in all but $2,2U0
of it. ,
FREMONT The Fremont Women's club
elected tne following oiocers at its last
ineeinig: 1 resiuem, Mrs. iNettie K. Hol
lentiecs, lust vice preKiUeiit, ,nrs. A. U.
liiaKCSiey; second vice presi lent, Mrs.
Caroline M. Nye; recording secretary, Ati
Nannelte Met arn ; owl responding secretary,
Mrs. Ltnel Cumin; treasurer, Mrs. Kll&a
Fa., announcing the death of her mother,
Mrs. L.. D. Varner, a former resident of
tins piace. Mrs. Warner was t years of
uge ami ner death wus caused from apo
plexy. BEATRICE Mrs. Shipley of Chicago,
wno Is visiting at the noine of her uncle.
W. F. Nolan, at Uarneston, sustained a
serious injury to Her spine Oy being thrown
trom a horse.
BEATRICE The commencement exer
cises of the Barneston High school will be
lieitl Tuesday, May in. A class of four will
be graduated.
BEATRICE The Jury in the case of Otto
Meyer, cnaiged Willi horsestealing, after
being out twenty-tour hours at Macysviiie,
Kan., tailed to agree, and eyer is lo have
biioliier trial. Aeytr was attested at Lin
coin lust w inter oy Sheriff i rune ot Bea
ttice just as he entered a livery barn lor
the animal alleged to nave been stolen.
BEATRICE The University club of this
city neid us annual picnic at "Windy
Bend ' Saturday utteinooii. The afternoon
was pleuMHiiiiy spent In outdoor amuse
ments, loiiowing wnich a luncheoif was
served, beveiai gunsis were in attendance
fro.: Lincoln.
Rr.ATKlCK The Beatrice Military band
gave a sacred concert at the Institution for
reehie Minoed Youth Sunday atteinoon.
i iitiLr. hock A few days sinre Fred
Barrett, the li-.v ear-old gou of A. J. Bar
lett or this place, who was an employe of
the brickyard, cashed his April check and
leli town, thinking he wouio tase a look
at this lug worm. The tin eg was for $56
Word comes that he was rohlsil at Kansas
City of ail of his roil hut 61 tents As this
Is tne second tramp he has taken his folks
refuse to send for him.
does do work ycu
don't suspect. Quit
and try
10 days and note
how well you feel.
John L Kennedy'! Bill Aimi to Perfect
Bankruptcy Prooeedinei,
Business Men, Says Omaha Conareas
anaa, WKo Formerly Stood la Their
Own MbM Hate 'Come lo
See lis I sefnlneaa.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON. May 30.-Speclal.)-A
clear exposition of the amendments to the
bankruptcy law proposed by him In a bill
Introduced In the . house last Tveek was
given today by Congressman Kennedy for
the benefit of readers of The Bee. Mr.
Kennedy holds that the bankruptcy law
Is now a recognized necessity In the busl
ness world, benefiting alike the creditor
and the honest debtor, and his amendments
are designed to make the way of the dls
honest debtor still harder.
saea aoout tne possibility or the re.
peal of the present law. Mr. Kennedy said
"The present bankruptcy law Is a striking
evidence of the fact that Intelligent and
experienced business men frequently stand
In their own light. For many years the
majority of them persistently opposed the
proposition to enact su -h a law, and ths
passage of the act was made possible only
after a long campaign ot education. Prior
to Its passage the United States was ths
only civilized nation without a bankruptcy
law. At the time It was passed the ma
jority of the business Interests of the
country believed It would serve a tempo
rary purpose only, and then should be re
pealed. In other words, they thought the
bankruptcy courts should be used as so
many clearing houses to clean up the
accumulation of financial disasters and fail
ures, and then they should be closed
again until a new crop had accumulated.
Today 85 per cer.'. of the business interests
of the country ir-? In favor of the law
and want It continued as a permanent part
of the commercial system. This Is the
correct theory. Ine bankruptcy law will
not be repealed now, or at any time In the
Law la Better Enforced.
"There have been complaints about the
law and Its operation, but these have been
traceable not so much to the law as to its
exocutlon. When the doors of the bank
ruptcy courts were opened, after belti
closed for twenty years, these courts wrre
filled with debtors clamoring for relief
from their burdens. The malority of them
had little left but liabilities. I'll- law was
new to .the courts, the referees, the
trustees and the attorneys engaged in the
proceedings. It had to be construed. The
Judges, the referees and the trustees were
Inexperienced In bankruptcy proceedings.
The business thrust upon them as so
great that they had little time to investi
gate thoroughly the ftnnnial affairs of
the bankrupt, and In mar. case he was
discharged without having fully accounted
for his property. Now thsse official liot
only have experience, but they have the
time properly to administer the luW, md
they are getting better results.
Itrferees Recommend Changes.
"In 1903 the original act was amended in
certain important particulars, and was
greatly strengthened. The referees In bank
ruptcy, through their association, last year
recommended certain further amendments,
most or all of which should be adopted.
The bill introduced by me In the house to
further amend the law deals with four
propositions. It provides that if the bank
rupt makes a false written statement to
obtain . credit, even though , not made . to
the creditor direct, he shall not be dis
charged, if it appears that lie made It to
be communicated to the creditor or to the
trade for Instance, If he made It to one
of, the commercial agencies. It also pro
vides that the burden of proof shall be at
all times on the bankrupt to account for
all assets owned hy hlni at the time he
obtained the credit. Both of these pro
posed amendments were recommended by
the referees. Taking them together, the
dlshonst debtor is caught coming and going.
If he has made a written statement sched
uling his property, he must either admit
that the statement was false, or he must
account for the assets he represented lie
Two lie iv Provisions.
"My bill contains two provisions not ad
vocated by the referees. One is, in effect,
that If the bankrupt testifies falsely In
the bankruptcy proceedings, he shall not be
discharged, and the other is that In no
event shall he be discharged until the
bankrupt estate has been fully adminis
tered and the property distributed to the
"Experience has taught that shortly
after being adjudged a bankrupt, he ap
plies to the court for his discharge, and
frequently obtains It before the referee or
the trustee has an opportunity to Investi
gate his financial affairs. The result Is
that often, after he has been discharged,
something develops which would prevent
his discharge if known when the order was
eptered. The facts are never fully known
about the bankrupt's property In the be
ginning of the proceedings. They come out
from time to time aa the investigation pro
ceeds. The bankrupt should be kept In
court Until everything has been accounted
for to the satisfaction of the court and
the creditors. Of course, under the present
law, the order discharging the bankrupt
may lie revoked upon a proper showing,
but that puts the burden on the creditors;
and occasionally the bankrupt gets his dis
charge and moves out of the Jurisdiction of
the court before the facts warranting the
revocation of the order are discovered.
'"A bankruptcy law, properly adminis
tered, Is a protection to the business In
terests of the country. The present Isw
should be perfected; Its provisions should
be rigidly enforced, and the dishonest
debtor should receive no consideration
whatever from creditor or court. Wherever
In the course of the proceedings, the bank
rupt commits one of the criminal offenses
defined in the law be should be prose
cuted without fear or favor."
Xew Bishop Ordalaed.
BIRMINGHAM. Ala.. May 20. The fif
teenth quadrennial general conference of
teh Methodist Episcopal church south.
which has been in session her since May 1,
Mil in all probllity close finally tomorrow
afternoon. The session is regarded as one
of the most Important ever held by the
The three new bishops were formally or
dained tills afternoon. The candidates were
J. J. Tlgert, Beth Ward and James Atkins.
Steamship Ticket
I am agent for all European eteamahls
lines, handling outward and prepaid tickets. I
Balling lists, diagrams and literature can
be obtained on application, first and sec
ond cabin snd steerage at very lowest
rates. J. B. Reynolds, C. P. A. Burlington
lout. Uui Parnam street.
Society l:i,l.
8a rah Heika took Electric Bitters for
headache and can now meet her social en
gagements, to cents. For sale by Sher
man A McConnell Drug Co.
Diauiunds (of own import), watches ami
Jewelry at M per cent below prices at A.
B liubermsnn s. S. K Cor. 1.1th and Doug
las fays no rent and liuya for tasn.
WATClitsJ i'reuser, litn and Dodgs sts.
Of Lydla E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, the
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June 1 to September 15 J
I I Inquire further of F. I. Whitney. P. T. M St. Taul, Minn. I
V V or Nearest G. N. Ry. Agent. I 1
V Ask the sgent for sailing dates of ths "Minnesota" and 1 I
V'Dakota. 'la t0 JPa" ""d I I
The most stupsnJous, awe Inspiring out door aero-dramatlc
spectacle. Will positively exhibit within its own canvas, at
Twentieth and Paul Streets
Every Afternoon, at 2.
Ausploee and Benefit of Police
1 ,000 PEOPLE AHD HORSES 1 ,000
including GENTRY'S DOG and PONY SHOW
One 60 Cent Ticket Admits to Everything.
Don't Fall to See tho New Grand FREE STREET PARADE, at
Noon Wednesday, may Z3.
THE WOUUiiitnii s I ot iv lusrA.ll
Tonight. JI75th Perfortnani e Souvenir
Photo if Mary Hill.
ProfeHHliinal Matinee Tuesday.
Prices Nights, H-Jbt-. Tues., Thins., Sat.
Mats.. 10-Juc.
Haturdav Niglit Curtain Raises at
O'clock ttharp.
This Week Flowers Permitted Over Foot
lights. KRUG THEATER 17
(Omaha's Coolest Tneater.)
Tonight H IS Matinee Wrdneaduy I lie
Ureal Southern Melodrama
The Moonshiners
An Idvl of the Hnuthern Mountains.
Thursday "BI 'ST KR BRnWN."
fwfeUehe Tlaaeijr rwrsa Telcs.
MAY 23
Evenings, at 8.
Firemen's Relief Fund
MAY 19, 20 AND 21.
Monday, May SI, School Onildras's Bay.
riTV vki emiANiAS.
OSlee and Infirmary, ana s4 llaeoa