Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 20, 1906, NEWS SECTION, Page 6, Image 6

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Presbyterlana In Omaha ai?rally were
pleased at the selection of the new mod
erator by the general assembly t Det
Moines, tr. Hunter Cnrbott.
"H na done a j-nnrt (lav's work and
deserves the honor," said Rev. A. S. C.
Clarke, pastor of the Lowe Avenue rhurrh.
"Ha la a good man and haa wrought
wonderful amount of good for the church
at home and abrri&d."
All local pnatora of thla church concur
In theee sentiment.
Dr. Corbett waa the pioneer missionary
In China. For over forty years he haa
labored to teach the gospel of Christ to
the benighted people of that country and
only returned to his native land a little
while ago on a year's furlough. When he
went to China to begin hla work a a mis
alonary the Christian encountered many
more dangers and obstacles than now and
Dr. Corbett had numerous escapes from
summary treatment that -were sufficiently
narrow to leave a strong Impression on his
mind. But they did not daunt him In his
mission. He had gone to stay and he stayed
stayed, it Is aald, until his name became
a household wore In China wherever the
cause of Christ Is known and he Is be
Vived by every convert and respected by
every heathen, . -
In - appearance the new moderator Is
striking. Tall, mora than the average
height, well proportioned, with long, flow
ing, gray beard, he presents a patriarchal
picture. He U quick; and nervous In action
and especially so when on the rostrum or
In tha pulpit. Bo long among the Chinese
he speaks that language as fluently. If
not more fluent, than he does his own, and
he haa unconsciously acquired many of the
little characteristics In speech and action
of the Chinese.
He had been known as the "father of
missionaries" for all these years and had.
Indeed, been a father to the new and young
missionaries entering the distant and
strange land where he so long had labored.
Music at the First Congregational church,
Nineteenth and Davenport streets:
Prelude Allegro Moderato Pastorale
In B Ouilmant
Anthem Praise the Lord Ranrtegger
Offertory Elevation Collins
Quartet Thou Wilt Keep Him In Per
fect Peace D. Buck. Jr.
Poatlude Grand Choeur tn F Salome
Prelude Melody. t Guilmant
Anthem With Glory Clad Wagner
Quartet Blessed Be the Lord Beethoven
OrIertory-Jracloso H. Smart
Holo Be Thou Faithful L'nto Death
(from St. Paul) Mendelssohn
Mr. McCreary.
Poatlude Clark
Martin W. Bush, Organist.
Ira B. Pennlman, Director.
One of the most Interesting items of
church news the week has brought forth
waa the announcement that the new
Kountae Memorial English Lutheran
church, Twenty-sixth and Farnam streets,
will be formally opened for worship a
week from tomorrow. Rev. Alonio J.
Turkle. D. D., a former pastor of that
uhurch, . will preach the sermon at the
prededlcatory service, which will be Sun
day morning. May 27, beginning at 10:30.
Tha dedicatory exercises will extend un
til Friday evening, June 1, when a
publlo reception will be given. With the
announcement of the dedication came the
statement that Herman Kountae offered to
clear off all present debta of the church
that It may be dedicated free of obliga
tions. Music at the First Methodist church:
Prelude JerusaJem the Golden Spark
Anthem My Soul Longeth Marston
Solo The Homeland Hanscom
Miss Margaret Damm.
Duet The Lord Is My Light Buck
Mlsa Damra and Mr. N. P. Dean.
Offertory Music Andante Pathetique...
Poatlude Marche Solennelle Lemalgie
Prelude Andante Pastorale Richmond
Anthem I Will Lay Me Down in
Peace Garfsby
Solo Open to Me the Gates Bishop
Miss Damm.
Offertory Interlude Traumerei . . . Schumann
Solo The Angela' Serenade Bruga
Mrs. G. W. Icken.
.With Violin Obligato by Mrs. . K. Don
aghue). 3.' C. Norman Richards, Organist and
An Interesting program has been arranged
'or. the thirty-ninth annual convention of
he Nebraska State Sunday School assocla
ion, which meeting will be held at Tork
Iune.19 to 21 Inclusive. Rev. Daniel E.
lenklna, professor of theology at the
He Wanted the Real
Thing and Got It
' "Good morning. How can I serve you
today r
"I want a salt of SINCERITY
" Ail right, air. 1 can fix you up fin and
Have yoa got 'mf "II not, don't
waste any time, trying to sell me anything
else." Ne had all the flat-iron 'doped'
clothes I car for." "I'm tired of having
my clothes shaped and pressed vary time I
get caojht In a dew-fall."
"It's me lor the 'square deal' from now
on, and that' the -SINCERITY LABEL"
when I want clothes."
" You're on the right car, and I tee you
know where to ring the WU."
"Give me tha man who know what' he
wants, and has the nerve to Insist on it."
" I'd rather wait on him ten time over than
the man who will take any old thing the
salesman off art.1
"Too many people consider that if a coat
looks nobby the first day h'a worn, that it's
all 'to the good.'"
' "They forget that tha flit Iron Old Dr.
Gooee is the fakir' that dopes' about 8o
per cent of all clothes, and cleverly masks
. defects that oght to have been revised by
shear and hand naedla-erork In the first
-I can aay thU for SINCERITY
CLOTHES: Yon will find that the careful
Catting and Tailoring, splendid materials,
and tybsh designing, will insure yon a suit
that will hold lis style aud shape as long as
yon care to wear it.
"Thanks. I'm glad yoe foand just what
yoa wanted. "Cease again, for you will
always find the right label in our clothes."
This is it s
l!??n&iTY rinrnrt
Omaha Presbyterian Theological seminary,
and George G. Wallace, chairman of the
executive committee of the association, will
be two Omaha men to take a prominent
part In the program. "The Problem of the
Boy and the Toung Man" will be discussed
during the convention, the discussion to
be led by Secretary E. F. Dennleon of the
Omaha Toung Men's Christian association.
boys' department. All phaees of Sunday
school work will be discussed during the
convention. Several authorities' on Sunday
school work will be heard.
Music at the First Christian church:
Organ Prelude
Pro-'ennional Holy, Holv, Holv Lord.
God Almighty J. B. Dykes
Response I Have Called Upon Thee
DevotlonsI Hytrin O, Could I Speak
with Matchless Worth Mason
Solo Nearer My God to Thee..R. DeRoode
Mrs. r. . itckett.
Congregational Hymn Mighty Rock
v no s Jowering rorm O Kane
Communion Night with Ebon Pinion..
Recexsional Hall to the Lord's An
ointed Klein
Organ Post I uile
Organ Processional Hark ! Hark! Mv
Soul Uj'kes
Response The Ixjril Bless Thee and
Keen Thee Herbert
Hymn Sweet Peace the Gift of God's
Love Helieorn
Quartet (male voices) Sweet Sabbath
Kve r"ark
Invitation Come Ye Disconsolate. . .Webbe
Offertory Now the Day is Over Barn by
Recesslonnt The 1 .nrit n Mv Shenherd..
Organ March In D Major Portogallo
ested Choir or Thirty voices.
An Interstate Presbyterian 8unday school
Institute, at which delegates will he present
from all of Nebraska, western Iowa and
South Dakota, will be held at the First
Presbyterian church, from 2 to lo In the
afternoon and evening of Tuesday. May 29.
Alexander Henry, D. D.. secretary of the
board of pulillcatlnn and Sunday school
work, will preside, and the follow
ing missionaries will attend: E. H.
Grant and Isaac Parry, South Da
kota synodical missionaries; Rev. C.
H. Foland, South Dakota presbyterlul
missionary; J. B. Clapp, North Dakota
synodical missionary; S. B. Doty, John R.
Hughes, Rev. J. T. L. Coates and Rev.
Thomas Johnston, North Dakota presby-
terlal missionaries; Rev. . J. B. Currens,
Nebraska synodical missionary; J. B.
Burke. A. E. Foyer. W. W. Scott, E. K.
Bailey, M. D., and Rev. D. B. McLaughlin,
Nebraska presbyterial missionaries; Rev.
S. B. Ferguson, Iowa synodical missionary;
B. F. Sulzer, Minnesota synodical mission
Music 'at Trinity cathedral:
Processional Hymn Savior. Precious
Savior Mnrley
venlte Exeltlmus Elvey
Gloria Patri Elvey
Te Deum In B flat Stalner
Jubilate Deo 8mlth
Hymn O God. Our Help In Ages Past..
Offertory Anthem I Will Mention the
Loving Kindness of the Lord ... .Sullivan
Recessional Hymn Go Forward, Chris
tian Soldiers Smart
Processional Hymn Onward, Christian
Soldiers Sullivan
Gloria Patrl Turner
Magnlflicat Turner
Nunc Dimltls Barry
Hymn Jesus Calls Us Jude
Offertory Anthem Ixive Divine. ..'.. .Stalner
Mrs. Stanley and Mr. Wllklns.
Solo for Bass Voice
Mr. Mclntvre.
ReceaHlonal Hymn Stand I'p, Stand up
for Jesus Webb
Ben Stanley, organist and choirmuster.
Music at the First Baptist church:
Orgsn Prelude Nocturne Pache
Anthem The lrd la My Light
Henry Hlles
Offertory Solo Selected
Mrs. Jennlso"-
Poetlude Smart
Organ Prelude Meditation Baldwin
Anthem Saviour When Night Involves .
the Skies Shellev
Offertory Solo By and By Ashton
Mr. A. I -an slug.
Postlude Gounod
Mrs. Andrews, organist and director.
Rev. Edwin Hart Jenks of the First Pres
byterian church, who haa Just returned
from a trip through the holy land, will
have for his subject Sunday evening, "On
Horseback Through Palestine."
Next Thursday will be a red letter day
for the Methodism, of the city. The cormr
stone of the new Methodist hospital on
Cuming street will be laid at 1:30. Gov
ernor John H. Mickey will preside and
Bishop John W. Hamilton and Dr. Frank
Mason North of New York will deliver ad
dresses. The annual banquet of the Omaha
Methodist union will be held at 7 o'clock in
the evening at the Millard hotel. Governor
Mickey, Dr. Frank North and Bishop Ham
ilton will be among the speakers.
Rer. Alonzo J. Turkle of Allegheny. Pa.,
formerly pastor for eight years of the
Kountae Memorial church of Omaha, will
preach Sunday morning and evening at the
Kountae church, and will spend the week
here with his old parishioners. He will be
here for the dedicatory services a week
from Sunday,
A missionary rally will be held at the
First Persbyterian church Sunday after
noon. May 27, at o'clock. Rev. Alexander
Henry. D. D., of Philadelphia will pre
alde. Twenty missionaries, fresh from their
fields of labor In Nebraska and adjoining
states, will be present to tell of their work
and the needs of the cause. A number of
papers will be read and discussions of them
will follow.
For Sunday morning services at the First
Presbyterian church Dr. Jenks has an
nounced a aeries of addresses aa follows:
May 20 Nazareth The Bllent Years in
the Life of Jesus.
May IT The Ministry of Gallllee.
June 1 Eedraelon The World s Greatest
Battle Field.
June 17. Espraihm, the Hills Once
June 24. The Holy City Past, Present
and Future.
The muslo at the North Side Christian
church will be aa follows:
Processional Holy, Holy, Lord God Al
mighty Duet The Saviour Calls
Mr. Knight and Mr. Mats.
At the evening service Mrs. Galloway of
New York will sing "Not a Sparrow Fall
eth," by J. U Gilbert.
Rer. R. B. A. McBride of the Central
United Presbyterian church will preach
Sunday morning on "Men and the Church,
a discussion of the "men's movement" of
the United Presbyterian church.
Rer. William Gorst, preeldlntf elder of
the Omaha district, will preach at Hans
com Park Methodist church Sunday morn
ing, following the sermon with the admin
istration of the sacrament of the holy com
munion. In the evening the pastor, Clyde
Clay Clssell will preach on "Eternity:
What Will You Do With It?" being the
closing aermon of a series on "Questions
We Must All Answer."
Rev. T. V. Moore, D. D., pastor of the
Westminster Presbyterian church, has been
appointed chairman of the Sabbath school
committee by the General Assembly at Dee
Special serv ices are being held at the Sal
vation Army hall under the direction of
Ensign Alice Herbal of Huron, 8. D. En
sign Ilerhst and her brigade of singers
were through the state last fall and made
many conversions. A rm-eptlon In honor
of the trtaaie was given last Wednesday
evetuue-. bvrvkces wlU be held Sunday
morning at 10. afternoon at ar,d evening
at I. The Sunday meetings will he In
charge of Major J. (1. Galley of this city.
Special Instrumental and vocal music will
bf furnished. All are Invited to attend the
V. M. C. A. otea.
W. E. Harper, employment and member
ship secretary, left eerly In the week for
Ottumsa. Is., where he will spend his two
weeks, vacation.
Tennis covins :ate In excellent condi
tion and a great deal of Interest Is being
manifested in this sport. A "round robin"
tournament Is now being played. In which
nearly all the tennis club members are
E. F. Denlson. boys' work director, left
Friday evening for the east, where he will
make a tour of some of the leadPhg associa
tions to study the latest things In boys'
work. He will round up his trip at In
dianapolis about June 1, and will attend
the international secretaries' conference
The men's meeting Sunday after
noon. May 30, will be held in Lyric theater
at 4 o'clock. It will be a farewell service
for Rev. E. Comble Smith, pastor of the
First Methodist Episcopal church, who
leaves shortly for Buffalo, N. Y. This
will be the last chance to hear Ir. Sinltli
in a men's meeting in Omaha. Miss Caro
line Conklln will play a violin solo. The
Lyric theater, when properly aired, is a
cool place, and a great many men spend
an hour enjoyably In It on Sunday after
noons. The annual members' meeting was held
last Monday evening. About 100 of the
members were out and a very pleasant
evening was passed. Reports were re
ceived from the officers and chairmen of
committees and a short business session
held, after which K. H. Packard enter
tained the boys in his own inimitable
style. Alexander C. Stewart sang and was
encored several times. Refreshments were
served snd the' members went away feel
ing that they had spent a profitable even
ing. Y. W. C. A. Motes.
The regular gospel service will be held
Sunday afternoon at 4:80. There are only a
few more of these aervices before the sum
mer heat compels discontinuance of them.
Mies Florence A. Veil, the extension secre
tary, will speak May 30. Mrs. C S. Scran
ton May 27 and Mrs. Margaret Park Juni 3.
Refreshments will be served at 5:30.
Since the closing of the regular gym-"
naslum class work, various outings are be
ing planned by Miss Wallace, the physical
director. Thursday evening one class
picnicked at Hantcom park. Next Tues
day afternoon the grade school girls will
leave the rooms at 4 o'clock for Elmwood
park. Other picnics are to follow.
Mlaeellaneeas Aaaoanpements.
Bethany Sunday Sschool, 3863 Leaven
worth Meets at 3 p. m.
Ontario Street Chapel of CaRtellar Street
Church, Eighteenth and Ontario Sunday
school at 3 p. m.
Parknole Congregational Bible school at
3, preaching at 4 o'clock.
Park Forest Chapel of Castellar Street
Church, Twelfth and Dominion Sunday
school at S p. m.
Church of the Living God. College Hall,
Nineteenth and Farnam 'Millennial
dawn" Bible study at 2:30 p. m.
Third Presbyterian. Twentieth and Leav
enorth, John E. Spencer, Pastor Services
at 10:30 and 7:30; Sunday school at 3.
Plymouth Congregational, Arthur J. Tol
some. Pastor Morning service at 10:30, Bi
ble school at noon, no evening service.
First Christian, 8. D. Dutcher, Pastor
Bible school at :4o a. m. ; preaching at II
and 8; Christian Endeavor at 6:30 p. m.
Swedish Mnthodlst, Nineteenth and Burt,
Peter Munsen, Pastor Preaching at 11 and
S: Sunday school at 10; Young People's
meeting at 7.
St. Paul's Episcopal, Thirty-second and
California Morning prayer at 11; evening
prayer at 8; services conducted by Mr.
Thomas Isilt.
Calvary Baptist Branch, Thirty-fourth
Seward, Rev. E. R. Curry, Pastor Bible
school at 3:30 p. m. ; Thursday, 7:46 p. m.,
gospel service.
First Spiritual Society of Omaha, Patter
son Hall. Seventeenth and Farnam Serv
ices at 8 p. m. Carrie L. Bean will lecture;
tests will be given.
First I'nlted Presbyterian, Twenty-first
and Emmet, David R. Turnhull. Pnstor
Services at 10:30 and 8; young people's meet
ing at 7; Bible school at noon.
Saratoga Congregational. Rev. B. V.
Diffenbacher, Pastor Services at 8 p. m. ;
theme. "Two against Four Hundred and
Fifty;'' "Victory and Defeat."
People's, Charles W. Savldge, Pastor
Morning, "All Things Possible to the Be
liever;" evening. "Don't Snesk Out of It."
Prof. Merles has charge of the music.
Castellar Street Presbyterian. Sixteenth
and Castellar, Walter It. Reynolds, Pastor
Services at 10:30 and 8; Sunday school,
with orchestra, at noon; Endeavor society
at 7.
North Side Christian, Twenty-sixth and
Grant, H. J. Klrschsteln. Pastor Morning,
A. H. Corey, a returned missionary from
China, will speak; evening, "Why Become
a Christian?"
Hillside Congregation, Thirtieth and Ohio.
Herbert L. Mills, Pastor Services at 10;30
and 8; morning subject, "The Christian's
Destiny;" Sunday school at noun; Christian
Endeavor at 7.
St. Mary's Avenue Congregational, Lucius
Olmsted Balrd, Pastor Morning. W "A
Religion of the Will;" vespers, 4:30, "Christ
in Every Day IJfe with the Sick;" this
service lasts Just one hour.
Knox Presbyterian, Nineteenth and Ohio,
M. V. Hlgbee, Pastor Morning, "Forward;"
evening, "A Model Sermon;' hours 10:30
and 8 o'clock. Sunday school al noon.
Young people at 7 o'clock.
Second Presbyterian, Twenty-fourth and
Nicholas, Rev. Newman Hull Burdlck, Pas
torPreaching at 10:3o and 8; morning sub
ject, "A' Shallow Repentance, a Study of
Saul;" evening, "The New Creation."
First Congregational. Nineteenth and
Davenport, Rev. Hubert C. Herring, Pas
torServices at 10:30 a. m. and l p. m. ;
Sunday school at noon; Christian Endeavor
at 7; evening topic, "The Book of Job."
St. Mark's English Lutheran, Twenty-tlrst
and Burdette, L. Groh, Pastor Services at
10:45 and 8; morning subject, "Does God
Answer Prayer? How?"; evening, "What
is Gospel?"; Sunday school at noon; young
people at 7:15.
First Church of Christ. (Scientist1)
Twenty-flfth and Farnam Morning service
at 11 a. m.; topic, "Ancient and Modern
Necromancy, or Mesmerism and Hypno
tism;" Sunday school at t:46; evening
service a I 8.
Seward Street Methodist, Twenty-second
and Seward, Rev. J. B. Priest, Pastor
Services at 10:30 and 8; morning subject,
"The Storm-Driven Workers;" Sjnday
school at noon; Epworth league and class
meeting at 7.
First Presbyterian, Seventeenth and
Dodge, Edwin Hart Jenks, D. D., Pastor
Morning service at lo:3o- subject, "Nasa
reth Tne bllent Years in the Life of Jesus;"
evening service at 8: subject, "On Horse
back Through Palestine."
Lowe Avenue Presbyterian. Fortieth and
Nicholas, Rev. A. 8. C. Clarke, Pastor
Morning service, 10:3o; sermon topic, "Tho
Claim of Man on the Heart of Man; even
ing service, 7:4s; Sunday school at noon;
Junior Endeavor, 3 p. in.; Sunlur Endeavor,
6. SO p. m.
Hirst Memorial, Methodist Episcopal,
Thirty-foui th and Larimore Avenue, Will
iam Esplln, Paalor Class meeting at 10,
preaching at 10:46 and 8. Sunday school at
noon, Junior league at 3, league at 7, Bible
class Tuesday evening, prayer meeting
Wednesday evening.
Third Presbyterian, Twentieth and
Leavenworth Rev. Joseph W. Angell of
Monroe. Neb., will occupy the pulpit botn
morning and evening. Morning worship at
10:30; Sabbath school at 3 p. m ; Young
Peoples Society of Christian Endeavor at
7 o clock; evening worship at 8.
Clifton Hill Presbyterian Morning service
at 10:30; Rev. Daniel Jenkins of tho Omaha
Theological seminary will preach: Sunday
school at noon; evening service at 8; Arthur
Chase, atate president of Christian En
deavor, will speak and the meeting will
be In charge of the Christian Endeavor so
ciety. Trinity Cathedral, Capitol Avenue and
Eighteenth, the Very Rev. George A.
Beecher, lean Holy communion at 8 a. m. ;
hospital aervicea at 9:15; Sunday school and
Bible class at :45 a. ni ; morning prayer
and sermon at 11; evening prayer and ser
mon by Rev. R. H. Clark, D. D., of le
trult, Mich., at 8.
Dundee Presbyterian, Fiftieth and Un
derwood Avenue, Thomas K. Hunter, Pas
torMorning worship and sermonette at
lu.ZQ, theme, "The Crown of Lite;" even
ing worship at 8. Sabbath school at noon.
Junior Endeavor at 1.46, Senior Endeavor
at 7, prayer meeting and bible study
Wednesday at k p. m.
Iinmanuel Baptlat. Twenty-fourth and
Blnney At o clock, "With Power of
Attorney From Jesus;" at 8 p. m., "The
First Martyr Witness for Jesus." There
will be a baptismal service iu the evening.
Bible school at noon. Juniors at 3:30. Bap
tlat young people at 7, prayer meet lug
Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock.
First Baptist. Twenty-ninth Avenue and
Harney, Rev. J. W. Conley. D. D.. Pastor
bervloee at 10:30 and I. morning. "A Three.
Fold View of God," in tne evening. Rev.
Edward Thomson of Washington, I. C., an
eloquent advuvei of letli Sunday ob
servance, will preach; Snndny school at
noon: Young People's meting t 7 p. m.
Calvary Baptist. Twenty-flfth and Hamil
ton, Rev. K. R. Curry. Pastor-Services at
lu::!i and ; evening subect. "The Con
versations nf Jesus -the Ke'ding t,f the Mul
titude;'' Bible school at noon: m"ti's
Karnca class at noon; Young People's meet
ing at 7: midweek prayer and praise service
Wednesday. at 8 p. m.
Central i'nlted Presbyterian. Twentv
fourth and Ivoclire. R. B. A. McBridn, Pns
tor Mmnlng Worship st 10:30; sermon, sub
ject, "Men and the Church," a discussion
of the so-called "men's movement ' of the
I'nlted I'resbyterinn church: evening wor
ship st 8: sermon subject. "Christ and the
Common People;" Sabbath school at noon;
Young People's prayer meting at 7.
Bagel Bill's Stories of Stunts Per
formed by the American
Reel Man.
"The western Indians are great magi
clans," says Colohel Buffalo Bill Cody. "I
believe I have seen fakers of Just about
all nationalities, but these western Indians
of ours beat them all.
"The modern stage niagtciun, of course,
has the aid of assistants, and of a pre
pared stage, but the wild Indian Just squats
down on the prairie wherever he happens
to be, seemingly without any preparation
whatever, and does some things that will
make a man's hair stand on end.
"One day I saw a Sioux medicine man,
with nothing on but a breech cloth and a
dozen different paints, having in his hand
a kind of wand, do some things with rat
tlesnakes that I never saw equaled by any
snake charmer In the world. The old fel
low was a noted necromancer among his
people, and I had often heard of him. One
day, In his village, I met him and an ex
hibition was quickly arranged. That fol
low positively did not have time to make
any preparations whatever, but went at
his Job immediately.
"He waved us away some ten feet or
more and soon we were glad to be twenty
feet away from him. He took his cane or
wand, whirled It swiftly around his head
a moment, and when he ceased doing so
he was holding a big squirming rattlesnake
by the tall. It was a lightning change, all
right. He laid the snake on the ground,
and when I next noticed It there wasn't
any snake at all, but there lay that In
dian's stick In Its place.
"Grabbing the two plaits of hair which
hung down his back, they, too, suddenly
became live rattlers and twisted them
selves around his neck, the hissing heads
swaying back and forth near his face.
"Then that old Indian produced or manu
factured snake after snake. We never saw
where he got them from, but in a few min
utes he had the ground around him liter
ally covered with them. But they remained
near him. although crawling around, twist
ing and squirming. Then the worst thing
of all, that red Indian deliberately ate them
up, one at a time. At. least he appeared
to eat them alive, and finally there was
nothing left but the wand and' his braids
of hair, which had returned to Its natural
"One day, over in the Big Horn basin, I
saw a Crow Indian do some tricks that
would make him famous If he ever got on
the stage with them. This fellow took a
buckskin tobacco bag, drawing it through
his hands to show there wss nothing In
It. He even tied it (n a knot, for the same
purpose. Then he untied It and threw it
on the ground. Almost Immediately a big
Jack rabbit, with cars a font long, bounded
nut of the sack, darted this way and that,
like a streak of lightning, disappearing
with a pack of camp dogs right after him.
A moment later, and without the Indian
going near the bag, three hlg rattlesnakes
crawled out, threw themselves into posi;
tion and were ready for a flght at once.
But before they could raise a row a large
owl came out of that bag. blinked and
winked at the aun for a moment and then
flew away. The Indian killed the shakes
with his stick, picked up the hag. took out
a pipe and some tobacco, loaded the pipe,
nnd. without the formality of lighting It,
began to puff away, while clouds of smoke
rolled out.
"But the very best piece of maglo T ever
saw." said Colonel Cody, "was done by a
Cheyenne Indian medicine man out In the
wilds of Wyoming. There was a full dozen
of us, and we sgreed we had never seen
anything like It, and I never have since
then, either.
"We had formed a circle the whites nnd
the Indians and when the conjurer entered
he was without a stitch of clothing, except
that he carried a gray army blanket across
his shoulders. He had a big warclub in his
hand. Along with him there came a little
Indian girl, looking about 8 years old. The
child didn't have much more on than old
Medicine did, either. '
"The little girl lay flat down on the
ground, and old Medicine covered her with
the blanket, right in front of us all. Then
he began making passes over the blanket,
and, suddenly raising his war club aloft,
he brought it down With fearful force on
the Uttle body, of which we could plalnlj'
see the outlines under the blanket. There
was a scream, and I Instinctively grabbed
my pistol, but managed to regain myself,
knowing it was some kind of a fake.
"Then, again and again, that big Indian
struck that little girl, and she screamed
time after time, the screams gradually be
coming weaker and weaker.' The Indian
Jumped onto the blanket with his feot
Jumping up and down. We could see the
red blood stains coming through the gray
blanket, and I mentally resolved to shoot
that old fellow before the exhibition waa
"But suddenly old Medicine stopped his
blows, reached down, picked up the edges
of the blunket and lifted it up. We looked,
expecting to see a corpse. There was noth
ing whatever under the blanket. Old Medi
cine grinned at me aa I stood with my
mouVh open in amazement. We all ruahed
up and examined the blanket. It waa wet
aa If with blood, all right, but the body was
not there.
"Then old Medicine pointed away serosa
the prairie. We looked and saw a figure
running toward ua at top speed. It wss a
quarter of a mile away. When It reached
us It proved to be the little girl whom we
had seen placed under the blanket! We
couldn't explain it, and we didn't attempt
to. Old Medicine wouldn't say how it waa
done, and neither would any of the other
Indians, If they knew. He would only sny,
'Wakan' the great mystery great un
known!" Portland Oregonian.
Artleles that Are Made from the
Refuse of American
In the felling of the giant redwoods for
timber tons upon tons of the foot-thick
bark would accumulate as a result of the
cutting up of the glanta. It was often
found seriously in the way, interfering
with the removal of the logs; otherwise
It would have been allowed to remain on
the ground until It rotted. Bo there waa
nothing to do but burn the unsightly heaps.
But one day a shrewd Connecticut Yan
kee named Atkinson, a wood turner by
trade, began to think about thla waate a
bit and In the course of time had pro
duced a whole variety of useful articles
from the hitherto wasted bark, dubbed It
"atkinsos" or vegetable asbestos and made
an honest living for years therefrom. The
Industry spread and now redwood bark ar
ticles are in fact, always have been com
mon properly for anybody to make in the
west or east.
Almost all rcLflc atate iwincs have ex-
Good Morning
Have you seen the latest creations
from New York City and abroad In
Linen and Silk Suits and advance
styles for fall that are on display In
our establishment? ,
We would be pleased to have you
amples In their rooms of the useful articles
made from this bark. Some of these red
wood bark articles are pin cushions, pen
wipers, table mats, bathroom noiiiibsoiiient
mats, fishing floats, temporary corks, life
buoy tilling, "cork" Jackets, cold storage
Insulation, house sheathing, heat Insula
tion, moisture proof match safes, bicycle
handles, chair seat mnts, silk hat brushes,
sound-deadening insulation, mattress fill
ings, cork carpet substitute.
Curious natural brushes are produced
from one of the palmetto species on our
southern coasts. The "bristles" of the
brush and the solid wood portion thereof
are all one. The brushes are made In two
ways. The extreme root of the tree Is a!
mass of fibers. These are cut off close up
to tho trunk, which Is sawn off about an
inch up, and the slab la cut up into simple
brushes for the bath, toilet, hair, etc. An
other couple of Inches will be sawn off the
trunk, well soaked and the pithy wood
Jagged out from between the libers by a
crude kind of steel or Jagged comb.
These curious natural made brushes are
only locally known and are occasionally
sold to tourists. They are unknown to
commerce In the American brush trade.
They are possibly the longest lived brushes
extant. Sclentitlc American.
Penniless and llongry Traveler Col
lapses from Weakness la Phil
adelphia Hotel.
Starving within sight of the dainties
which society women were dispensing, Al
fred Harwood. a friendless, penniless young
Englishman, slipped from one of the chairs
111 the Walnut street corridor of the Belle-vue-Stratford,
Philadelphia, and fainted.
There the man lay prostrate while the
orchestra played sweet music and women
ate and chatted until Farrell, the hotel
detective came along, carried him to an
adjoining room and sent for Dr. Bloom,
the house doctor. Dr. Bloom looked the
mun over and said: "That man needs food,
and he needs It badly."
The man opened his eyes slowly, tried
hard to smile and whispered: "I'll be all
right In a few minutes, old man; I haven't
had anything to eat for a long time and
I'm weak. I'll be air right, though; Just
let me rest a little while."
That was enough for the hotel men.
They carried Harwood to the steward's
room and fed him with nourishing soup.
For some time he could scurrely speak
uhove a w'hisper.
Harwood left Sun Francisco six months
ago to work his way home to his father
and mother in London. Recently he ar
rived In Phlladephia and walked the streets
from early morning to late at night, unable
to get work. He spent his last 25 cents for
a frugal supper. Since then he has been
continuing his quest, but his pride kept
him from begging.
Harwood went to a number of hotels
and applied for work, but there was no
work for him. As a last resort he went
to the Bellevue-8tratford and asked to see
the. steward. No sooner had the boy
started to And the steward than Harwood
reeled Into a chair, too weak to stand.
Dozens of fashionably dressed women
passed him, well-fed men, smoking ex
pensive cigars, sat or stood within a few
feet of him; in the tearoom waiters were
serving the best of things to eat and there
In the big. red chair watching it all sat a
man actually starving to death.
In fact, few people were aware that
Harwood was there until he slipped out of
his chair to the floor.
"I'm sorry to have caused so much
trouble." ssld Harwood after he had been
fed. "I'd like to get a Job if I ran. for
I'm up against It pretty hard. I'm willing
to do any kind of work I don't care what
It Is, for I need money. and I don't want
to starve that way' again. If you haven't
anything for' me to do Just let me do a lit-
Badger Refrigerator latest
vanized steel lining, 2o pounds ice capacity,
reduced to
50 pounds ice capacity, reduced to
Peerless white enamel,
packed with mineral wool,
50 lbs. capacity, f Z4$
reduced to
90 lbs. ice capacity,
ity, apart-
... I
ment style reduced
Sole a rents for McCrav
and Bohn Syphon Refriger
ators. Lawn Mowers Mon
day, up from
S. Fredrick Bcrflcr &Co.
Aothorltles en Style.
uomshop 1517 Farnam St.
tie something to pay you for that meal.
I never will be able to repay you for your
There was a brief consultation down
stairs and then Harwood got s Job. He
will not make a fortune at what he Is do
ing now, but he will have plenty to eat
Philadelphia Press.
Said In Be mn the I'nlon Parlfle Bill
of Sale and Cannot Be
Nearly $5i0 was paid the other day for a
beautiful specimen of the green five-dollar
revenue stamp. This stamp, although Is
sued no further back than the early '70s,
Is now among the rarest of the many priced
revenues, to which stamp collectors are
paying so much attention.
Recent as was this stamp's production
it was only a few years ago that stamp col
lectors became aware of Its existence. It
was brought to their notice by the dis
covery of twenty-four specimens In a Lon
don warehouse. In this warehouse there
had been deposited many barrels of bay
rum and some of these barrels bore the
scarce stamps. The bay rum, which came
from Jamaica to this country, was stamped
here and then sent across the water.
The barrels had been allowed to remain In
their storage place for a number of years.
Great as was the value of the liquid they
contained, It was easily exceeded by that
of the apparently Insignificant stamps, each
One of which Is now valued at from 1350
upward. The fine copy referred to brought
The stamp belongs to the issue of 1871-5
and Is of the size of a small envelope. It
Is printed In black and green, tlwv portrait
ef Washington being In the center within
an ovnl border.
It was printed on two kinds of paper,
violet and green. , There were issued,
according to the government records,
seventy-four on the violet and fifty on the
green pa per. ,
The revenue stamps are in more than 00
varieties. Many of them were used during
and after the civil war on all kinds of docu
ments, such as agreements, certificates,
bills of lading, contracts, powers of attor
ney, bonds, warehouse receipts, convey
ances, probate of wills, leases, life Insur
ance policies, mortgages', bills of sale, bank
checks, etc. They were made in denomina
tions that ranged from 1 cent to $1,000 and
there is even a story to the effect that a
tTi.OOO stamp was Issued.
According to the stamp dealer this speci
men Is the most valuable stamp ever is
sued by the I'nlted States and had Its origin
owing to a singular circumstance. At the
time the fnlon Pacific railroad was sold
by the government in 1898 the revenue taxes
established during the Spanish-American
war were In force.
Some 85,0(,fiO0 was involved In the trans
action. The highest denomination of reve
nue stamp at that time was 50. as the 1100,
$500 and $1,000 varieties were not Issued un-'
til liDO.
It waa clearly out of the question to use
stamps of this denomination, as the num
ber required would almost cover the docu
ment, so a special stamp of the denomina
tion of $5,000 was ordered. Only two speci
mens of the stamp were printed, one of
which was placed on the bill of sale and
that document la now said to be in the
office of the president of the railroad.
The other stamp was added to the govern
ment collection of stamps In the postoffice
department at Washington, which contains
R specimen of every stamp that has been
used by the I'nlted States. Of course this
stamp has no official existence.
Repeated offers. It is said, have been
made for the stamp by collectors, some of
them going as high as $5,000, but there la
little possibility of the oddity ever being
sold, as its absence from the document
might lead to trouble. New York Sun.
improved, hardwood,
Kf.Zl .1
-ny. " Ut,""aJ IS
List ofi News
Stands and
Boston, Mass.
Public Llbrarv.
Buffalo, N. Y.
Public Library.
Samuel Cohn, 155 Klllcott St.
Chicago, 111.
Auditorium News Stand.
Joseph Heron. 454 S. California Ava.
Great Northern Hotel.
Post Office New b Stand. 178 Dear
born St. . 4 '
Palmer House.
Brlggs House, 185 Randolph St.
O. B. Barrett. 217 Dearborn St.
Cincinnati, Ohio
Public Library.
Colo. Springs, Colo.
H. H. Bell & Co.' '
Denver, Colo.
Julius Black. Cor. 16th and Curtis.
Kendrlck Book and Stationery Co.,
914 17th St.
The Brown Palace Hotel.
Edmondton, Alta, Canada
Cross , News Co.
Fred Daly.
Excelsior Springs, Mo.
Slsk & Clevenger.
Hot Springs, Ark. '
Cooper eVWyatt. 620 Central Ave,
C. H. Weaver Co.
, Hot Springs, S. D.
Eroil Hargens.-
Kansas, City,. Mo. '
Public Library.
Butcher News Co.
Ricksecker Cigar Co., 9th and
The Yoraa News Co.; 9th and Main.
Jenkins Cigar Co., 8th and Walnut.
Reid's News Agency, 818 Wall St.
Los Angeles, CaL
Public Library.
B. E. Amos.
Abe'Berl News Co.
Milwaukee, Wis.
Hotel Pfister.
Frank aMulkern, Grand Are. and
3rd St.
Minneapolis, Minn.
M. J. Kavanaugh, 48 S. 3rd St.
West Hotel.
Hotel Opera, 321 1st Ave. S.
Century News Co., 6 S. 3rd. St.
New York City
Astor House.
Oakland, Cal.
N. J. Wheatley News Co.
Ogden, Utah
D. L. Boyle. 110 25 th St.
Lowe Bros., Depot News Stand.
Goddard & Petty, 366 25th St.
Pasadena, Cal.
A. F. Hornung Newt Depot. '
'. Pittsburg, Pa.
H. A.'schafer News Co.. 307 3rd
Portland, Ore.
Carl Jones, 275 Washington St
J. Bader & Co.
Oregon News Co., 147 6th St.
Rockford, 111.
. Public Library.
X St. Joseph, Mo.
J. Berger, 613 Edmund St.
Brandow's News Stand, 721 Ed
ifaund St.
St. Louis, Mo.
Southern Hotel.
News St. James Hotel.
E. T. Jett. -
Public Library.
St. Paul, Minn.
C. L. Miller.
N. St.. Marie, 96 E. 5th. St.
Salt Lake City, Utah
Mrs. L. Levin, 24 Church St.
Barrow Bros., 42 W, 2nd. bo. bu ,
Salt Lake News Co.
San Diego, Cal.
B. E. Amos.
; Seattle, Wash.
Hotel Seattle.
International News Co.
Frank B. Wilfcon. 207 Pike 8t.
J. R. Justice, 210 Columbia bL
Spokane, Wash.
John W. Graham.
Tacoma, Wash.
Acme News Co.
Washington, D. 0. .
Becker & Orndorff, 14th. and T Sta.