A Russia is disappointed t Ti U Expooud Dtcm of it LtMt Partial AaiMtj on (Wi Ainivsmry. . KCUROKTstrr is at teterhof palace Kt Frt Real? lur'i A dreeo, hat U(ttr Mr Be Dl. Vr Mesnaere I Canrt. 8T. I'KTERSBLttG. May l.-Although It was certain last night that the partial ant- nesty 4r with which it was thought a few day ago the emperor would signalise , hit birthday would not be promulg aLed to iiy. nevertheless ita (allure to appear Caused popular disappointment and mleglv - Ings. This waa more pronounced aa the , Official Messenger contained thia morning . side by aide with the usual batch of promo Hons and decorations issued on such occo -Ions, two columns of irotesta from leac- f ttonarr Organisations Inspired by General TrepoIT secret circular to the governors, Instructing them to have the "Black Hun. dred" organisations Immediately dispatch to the emperor protests against amnesty, the abolition or the death penalty; and con cessions to Parliament. President Jtoarocntaeff was present at the gala luncheon at the Alexandria palace at Peterhof in honor of Ms majesty's birth day, but ha eamwt present the address In reply to the speech from the throne, ex- : cept at an audience formally granted for that purpose- It is hardly possible, how ever, that he can avoid an Informal UIh cnslon of the situation with members of the court. Wrksiea feenteaeed to Death. Hi OA, Livonia, Mass, May U. A court martial here .today sentenced eight work . men t death for the murder of three po licemen. i. 8ARATOFP, May 19. - The peasants throughout this province sre greatly ex- cited And seem to be organising a general 'agrarian government.. In the district of Atkarsk several landlords have been burned ' out and Coasacka have been dispatched to ' restore order. NO MORE LOPSIDED YOUTHS Slew York Begrtaa at the root ta Stralgatea . Its Otewisg Paaatatlaa. There isn't going to ha any more curva- ture of the spine in Greater New Tork, William H. Maxwell.- olty superintendent of schools, has looked after ' that and has Straightened J7J mile of Under, pliable spines with a gtroka or his pen. The stroke was made on March XT last, but the glad news has just leaked out. Here It is. Just as It comes from Superintendent Max- . wtll's office aa official bulletin to all the 'schools: '. The Carrying of Books Pupils should be required to carry their books on the right side on tha even day of the month and on the left side on the odd -days. This ap plies ta the chaiigmg of cawr room and tha carrying home of books. This is done to avoid one cause of spinal curvature. 'The .number of book carried should be reduced ;to a minimum. By order of the Board of - Superintendents; : r ' WILUAM H. MAXWCLaU ' . . . . 'City Superintendent of Schools. . Thf odd-and-evea order waa about tha first thine that, cam eert of Mr. Maxwell's office After he threw out that hint about being on the verge. . , Developments of ' the plan ' are expected. Chewing gum must be munched en opposite Idea on alternate days, but to get tha west symmrfUtcaJ . romet prodsjet of the publto school system tha gum should be .Chewed first on the right side on odd days To offset ttl weight of Mr. Maxwell's own eat text books en tha other side. Hair must be parted in the middle all the time or the side mustb changed -daily. . Little girls must wear round garters or else have the up-and-dqwn-tha-slde kind mended every night, or have both sides broken on tha same day. or change tha broken one from left l" right or vice versa every school day. Considerable latitude will be allowed to this matter, for Draco could not Insists that a little girl have both sides whole every day. Ne little girl ever did. and the eanatant grabbing at the same kne every school day to pull tip something to bad for the spine. If boys are allowed to go barefooted on Saturdays It is requested that they get splinters and stone brulsea an their left feet one week and on their rurht feet the next, aa every IttUe help la this crowded fcnd rushing are that makes (or the even and symmetrical development ef the child. '. Mr. Maxwell does not pretend to regulate the actlvttlea of the paptla away from school, but the sports indulged in at the recreation centers and en the . school grounds mast be modified in behalf of tha spines. At base bail Ike boy chosen for pitcher must deliver the ball Orst with the right, then with the left hand, expectorating In the same before tossing drat from the left and then from the right side of the mouth, or not at all. This la Imperative. To prevent dlsaloeso and a lopsided forma tion, each player must run around' the bases from left to right as often as from right to left, and the girls must observe the same rule of alternating at bean bag. Tha moat serious phase" of the problem yet to be tackled Is that of the pocket loads of boys In the, primary and grammar gradea Every careful parent with the spine of her child really at heart, should sew two Pllmsoll marks to the seat or his trousers, one on the right sMt and One on the left, to Indicate any difference there, may be in the sag. so that difference may be corrected and. tha pocket load dlstrib- A Dou Medicine Aycr's Cherry Pectoral is mot a simple cough syrup. It is a strong medi cine, a doctor's medicine. It cures hard cases, severe and desperate cases. Especially good in bronchitis, pleurisy, consumption. Ask your own doctpr all about it.' Wc hate no secrets I We publish the formulas -o all bur medicines. , C. ATBl'S Ball IfiOnsAhs katr. AlU'aAitaayaUUJk-ettasMse. tiled with reference to the outside weight crrfef In text boohs. New Tork Bun. CLIMBING MOUNT M'KINLEY Ksaedltlea ta r.splere the Highest Meeataia Teak la Tterta America. Dr. Frederick A. Cook, who wss Surreon of tha Peary Arctic expedition of 11-W and surgeon of the Belgian Antarctic ex pedition of 18!7-. and Prof. Hersrhel C. Parker of the department of physics of Columbia university left New Tork City May 7 to climb MoKlnley, Alaska (K.t4 feet), the highest mountain In North Amer ica. In difficulty the enterprise transcends the ascent of Aconcagua 2?,8u feetl, in South America, which M. Zurbrlggen, he Swiss guide, and Steaart Vines of Jlr. Edward A. Fitzgerald's patty, accom plished In 197; that is to say, the attempt on McKiniey. though It may fall, is likely to Involve the Intrepid climbers In greater hardships than were encountered by ihe victors of Aconcagua, Fitsgerald made u campaign of several months against Acon cagua, camping higher and higher In the snows before a dash could be ventured for the summit; every member of his party suffered severely from exposure, and at an elevation of M.000 feet Fitsgerald succum bed to mountain sickness. Aconcagua breaks the clouds In lati tude 31 degrees, S3 minutes, 40 seconds, 8; almose due-west of It 1 Valparaiso; -the base of the mountain, therefore, is In the temperate clime. McKiniey, in latitude (3 degrees 4 minutes N., la very near the Arctic circle. The snow line on the Alas kan mountain comes down much lower than on Aconcagua, Professor Parker es timates, w. believe, that that there is 4.006 more feet of snow on McKiniey than on Everest. So it follows that If a traversable glacier can be fonnd on any slope of Mc Kiniey there will be more Ice cutting for the climbers than on any other mountain in the world in all probability. Moreover, the cold on the heights will be more Intense; and Dr. Cook and Professor Parker will have a season of only weeks. Instead of months, to lay siege to the giant of tha Alaskan wilderness. Extreme cold Dr. Cook has experi enced In his invasions of the Arctic and Antarctic, while Professor Parker has taken hie degree as a mountaineer, hav ing made first, ascents of Ooodslr, Daw son, Piddle, Deltaform, Hungabee and Lefoy in the Canadian Bockies, where the axe and the rope are Indispensable. It should therefore be, a happy combination for th assault on McKiniey. Both have penetrated Alaska before, and Dr. Cook made an attempt to scale the mountain from the west in 190S. when he found him self confronted at an altitude, of 11,400 feet by a granite wall pitching down sheer 8.000 feet. On his return Dr. Cook said: "Arctic conditions begin almost at tha base. Unlike Mount St. Ellas, the glaclatton Is not extensive enough to offer an all Ice route. The conqueror of this immense uplift must pick his path over broken stones. Icy barriers, sharp cliffs and an average alnpe of 45 degrees for at least 14.000 feet. it lsn under taking which for difficulty and disap pointments Is comparable to the task of reaching the North Pole." The presumption Is that the campaign against McKiniey will be made from the east this time. 4y the wayof the Shusbltna river, which rises in the foothills and flows Into Cook Inlet. With the use of a launch or small steamer the party may begin their march to tha base by the middle of June at the latest, which would give them two months or more to find a practicable route, ff there Is one, and gain the highest elevation- 'lf It Is hllmanlv WnaalHl' Tw-. - - 1 -r - j r iiidio should be time enough to experiment with ma northwestern ridge and try the Mul drtrw glacier. If acoess from the eastern slda It Impracticable. It would be the grandest triumph In mountaineering to stand on the supreme ledge of McKiniey. although the altitude Is almost t ,000 feet less than that of Everest. In view of the prodigious ob stacles that Dr. Cook and Professor Parker must encounter. It Is too much to expect that success will be achieved by them; but they can and do deserve it, and their cou rageous enterprise kindles the enthuafaum of the votaries of mountain climbing. New i era sun. T Tawtafn Baalist. "Mamma." said the little boy In the fifth row. who waa looking with open eyed won der at the scenery and stage setting, there' tba moon "Yea. dear." "It's a real nteon, too!" "Sh. dear!" He waa ejulet for five minutes, and then be spake again. "Say, mamma, what's the reason we didn't see that moon while wa were coming here in the carriage ?" "Donald, you mustn't talk so loud. People will hear you." "Tea. but I want ta know." "I'll tell you all about It after the play la aver. Ton must keep ouiet now, or I shall have to lake yon out." That held him for nearlv half an Then he broke loose again. "Mamma." ha said, with ineffable disgust, "that moon hasn't moved one bit, either up or down! It's a fake '"-Chicago Tribune. ' Beash Warrant eaaaed. WILMINGTON. Del.. May 1.-Jude Bradford. In tha United States district court, today Quashed the eearch warrant under which the printing establishment of uu iu. rwajv.-v mmm wurciiw oy United States secret service aa-enta for !,(.. 71 support of the charge against Mr. Ttoaera - j i 10 b sent out of the slut. The Judge directed the re. turn of the article seised. Tbe order waa made without argument. ors are C.L.wU, Mitt aTCK-g UX-rr eeartipatlea !' ACUI CllU-Pet Malaria are. t TIIH OMAHA CHAOS ON EYE OF ASCENT Democratic Administration Divided Though EoHritfe City Hall Monday. OAHLMAN DOES NOT CONSULT COUNCIL faakheiser aad lledferd Are as lllfter as Kver In Their Matt ta He Kleeted Presi dent of Chamber. Sunday is the laet day uf the present city administration. The new elective officers will tske their positions Monday. The new democratic council will meet for organisation purposes Monday atternoon at 3 o'clock. The charter requires lliln for mality shall he carried out on that day. which Is the third Monday after elec'.hm. At the icq neat 0r candldate-elecl City Clerk Elbottin prepared an official call for the meeting, which was to be signed by the twelve couticllmen. Whether the new council will succeed In choosing a president at the meeting and getting In shspe for the transaction n( bus iness at the Hist regular meeting Tuesday night is not settled. The Bedford and Funkhoiiser factions each claims the presidency for its man. Bedford is picked for the place by most Of the politicians. Saturday morning Bedford said no caucus had been called and that aome of the new councllmen seemed disposed against one, but that he was will ing to participate in an assembly of the sort. The practice In former yeais was for the majority to get together and fix up things as to the presidency and committees and leave the minority out entirely. No joint session between the mayor and councilinen to try to agree on appointments has been scheduled, either, and in this re spect affair are chaotic. During the week Mayor-elect Dahlman has manifested an Intention of naming his slste exactly as he pleases, regardless of modifications to suit the council. The result is a ptslblllty that all the first batch of appointees sent in may be rejected by the city lawmakers, because it is not believed a single councilman will be satisfied. The latest word from Dahlman Is that he will reserve announcing appoint ments until the meeting. May . Flyna'a Stock Goes Back Vi. Tom Flynn's boom for street roniml sloner has had a new lease of life and his stock was quoted above par Saturday, principally because ex-Sheriff Power .had declared he was not fighting his former deputy's present aspirations. It has been settled that one of the hold overs smong the employe, will be Miss Nsoml P. Schenck. journal clerk In the city clerk's office. Miss Schenck has boen In the department many years and is to be retained becsuse of her exten.MV knowl edge of the records and documents It har bors. She hss been the subject of many efforts to remove her. sll f which failed. Another clerk In the office to he kept for a while at least Is Mrs. A. T. Olbson,' a sister-in-law of outgoing City Clerk El bourn. Assistant City Attorney Jrterdman will stay a while In the legal department to assist the new Incumbent in learning the ropes. All sppolnttve officers and employes under them will hold their Johs until their successors have been appointed, confirmed, and qualified. Therefore a deadlock be-' tween the new mayor and council will not worry them jrery much. City Clerk-elect Butler has announced th appointments for his office as follows: Deputy. Thomas H. Dalley; Journal clerk, Miss Naomi F. Schenck: license clerk Harry Prlmeau; clerks, O. Jellen and Mrs. Grace C. Oibson. LUCID THOUGHT AT FINISH Strangest Will en Record that af a Lawyer Who bled la aa Aslam. Several years aao Charles Lmmiium . Chicago lawyer who at on time ranked nign in nis proreeelon. died, an Insane patient at the Cook County asylum at Dunning. Although this man died abso lutely deetitute and penniless, he left the following "will:" ' "I. Charles Lounsberry, being of sound and Hlafutalnv mini) - MM.. - t . , iiiviiiury, uu nereoy i make and publish this, my last will andl testament, in order, as Justly as may be. to distribute my Interest In the world among succeeding man. "Item: I leave to children. Inclusively, but only for the term of their childhood, all and every, the flower of the fields and th blossoms of the woods, with the right to play among them freely according to the customs of children. rrin ih.m the same time against thistle and thorns. Ana i aevise to children the bank of the brook and th golden sands beneath the water thereof, and th odor of th wil low that dip therein and tbe whit clouds that float high over the giant tree. "And I leave to children th long, long day to be merrv in. In ihn..n4 and th night, th moon, and train of th milky wy to wonder at. but ubject. nevermeiess, to tne rtgnt hereinafter given ta lovera. "Item: I devlae ta boys Jointly all the useful Idle fields and commons, where ball may be played: all pleasant water where one may swim; all snow-olad hill where one may coast, and all stream and ponds where on may flsh. or where, when grim winter cornea, one may skate, to hve and to hold those same fot th period of their boyhood. And all meadows with the clover bloeeome and buterfUe thereof; th woods with their appurtenance, the squirrel and th bird and choe and strange noises, and all distant place whlob may be vis ited, together with the adventure (her found. "Item: To lover I devise their Imaginary world, wtth whatever they may need. th stars of th sky. ths red roses by th wall, the bloom of the hawthorn, the tweet train of musto and aught else thy my desire to figure to each, other th lasting noes and beauty of their lose. "Item: Te young men. Jointly. I devise and bequeath all boisterous. Inspiring sport of rivalry, and I give to them the disdain of weakness and undaunted confi dance In their own strength. Though they re rude, I leave to them the power te make lasting friendships and of puesssslng companions, and to them exclusively I give all merry song and brav choruses to sing with lusty vole. "Item: To our loved ones with snowy crowns I bequeath the happiness of old ge, the love and gratitude of their chil dren until they fall asleep."-Dr,.r Ttmes. taer Tal of tareery. A strange eight was. seen In Justice Joyce a court recently. It waa that of g staid, lawyer-like, elderly gentleman gravely devlariug that he had been under the ta fluence or "sorcery." and controlled by g telepathic mesmeric Influence which "caused him Intense pain at night." As Joseph William Thon.a .-ha i. k-i... ng an ait ion with regard to transactions! wiiii. i iuh iia wnen r.s was in an asylum, made these accusations against his brother. Sir Alfred Thomas, at p., he eniphaalied l.ia points with a placa-nes which be carried In hit hnd. "Are you at ill under this Influence V asked Mr. laaace. K. C. "It fa not ceaaed absolutely, and prob- DAILY BKE: SUNDAY, MAY My never will." replied Mr. Thomss. rais ing his plnce-nei. He added that distance msde no differ ence to the "Influence." which wss con veyed at night. The "Influence" might be exercised by his brother's sgents. In adjourning the ae the Judge ex. preened an opinion that the matter In dls pute ought to be settled out of court. Lon don Ulnhe. NEW YORK'S GREAT KITCHENS They Are Kettle; Rlaaer Kverr Year (Mens Rallt Oat lager the lret. In re. cinly built hotels the kitchen I a space almut lV'xfii feoi, floored with red tiln. The wsllx, where rxponed, lire tiled In while. The celling l fourteen feet IliHli. At t lie entrance Is the chef's office and near hltn the t'linctpal lefrlgerstof for the stoiaue of meat. Along one skle' are from fifty to ' lineal feet of muge nlnpted to coal, ga anil vhnrcoal. In flout or these arc tne conks' tuhles, Irt the sleel tops of whlMi ore sinks. Iininarle and steam tables. I'ndeineatli re steam plaie warmers. Above the cooks' hearts are rucks, on which Is tiling a picturesque array of copper pots, skillets, saucepans snd kettles, and above this again la the elaborate system of ventilating ducts which carry off the smoke snd odor from every appliance where heat Is gener ated. Near the main kitchen and about one half its size s the soup snd roasting de tmriiiient, provided with stock, soun and grease boilers and an oven for roasting fowl or large joints of meut. Such an oven In one of the new hotels has a capacity of l.Oti pigeons or t chickens or sixteen large ribs of beef." The holler are lingo copper affairs, doublu Jacketed, and some of the spits for roasting meats are turned by electricity. This department nmlHln Its own rerrifcer stor. In which is kept all uncooked food' prepared here. . Other departments are the vegetable room, butcher shop, oyster room, bakery. Ice cream department, confectionery shop, china store and the grest storeroom. In addition to these departments, where the chief classes of food sre prepared, there are lntumerable booths nd counters where dishes of a lighter order are made ready for the hurrying waiters. Sandwiches and salads, for example, are prepared near the garde manger. Coffee urns and roll warmers, griddle and waffle ranges, toasters and egg boilers must be where their products can be most conven iently delivered to the room above. The kitchen should not be removed more than one floor from the dining room, grill room or cafe to bp served. Dumbwaiter communication Is impracticable, as It cooIm the food. The human waiter muft have free access to the kitchen, and so speedy that he shall spend the greatest possible time In the dining room within call of pa trons. Having dropped his written order in a tube, he must go to the proper place In the kitchen to obtain It when prepared. On his Way to the ranges he should pax the counter, near the kitchen entrance, where bread and relishes are supplied, for he must be placing these before his customer while the flsh or meat is being cooked. A he starts up the stairway he must pass the checker, who places the price upon whatever ho Is serving. For salads he must be able to reach the salad department with equal ease. For wines and liquors he must go to the bar of th kitchen.. Whatever number of stories a hotel dis plays above the street, the business of the enterprise goes on in those below the pave ment, and so hard pressed Is the city hotel for space that every foot the laws allow the owner to reach under the sidewalk Is eagerly seised. The bakery of the new Hotel Belmont, for example, is under th pavement at park avenue and Forty-ec-ohd street, and one of the ovens Is directly over the subway as It makes the curve there. Indoors and Out. CHILDREN'S PENNIES WASTED Myatery Sarroaadlaar th Faad Coa trlajtrd by School Children far l-afayetta gtatae. More than seven years ago the school children of fhe United States contributed their pennies to a rund amounting to 1130.000 to erect an equestrian statue or the marquis de Lafsyette in the court yard of Ihe Louvre In Paris, the art center of the ft capital of the world. The statue wae to be an enduring monument to the memory bf th hero and a perpetual emblem or International felicity. The project was specially of local Interest. Inasmuch as the leader or th commission Intrusted with the expenditure or the children's pen nies were prominent Chlcagoans, among them Alexsndet H. Revel!. Ferdinand W. Peck and Robert J. Thompson. Today In the Place du Carrousel, perhaps th most cherished site for a work of art In th French capital, stands an unsightly Image of staff which waa dedicated with Im posing ceremony In 19uo as a statue of 1n fayette. Crack have opened in the sur face of the figure and the neck or the horse has eseumed a grotesque twist the result or th action of th weather. A few months aco one Af t . u.i.riio boots dropped off and Sculptor Paul Bartlett giue n on again and applied a thick coat of bronse paint. The naint Is n r.ii off, and th "gift" of th American eohool children has become a horror that the French authorities threaten to remove. Such, tn brief, la the visible result to date Of the expenditure of the echool children pen n Ita. Of the tlM.OUO contributed arlik tn.i- enthusiasm. CCOOv has he-i n.id th. tor. who I now, a heretofore, reported to ! h. ..ttln. 1 .. . . I -".. . .-.u vi ci a permanent i bronse statu te be put In place either this ! fall or next year r th vear aft.r t. i sculptor's contract I for tsi.om th. e..n prlc of hi work. The mm of tM.OOO has i been expended for a pedestal for the statue ' that annually has beer, heralded --.i,... '. ready." Approximately 110,000 wo:ib .-jwiai, were ueea in jsnp i0 carry Secretary R. J. Thompson of the Lafayette memorial ' commission and his retinue " distinguished i Americans and patrons of rnatlonal art j iu im aruicaiory ceremonies at the staff statu of Lafayette. According to Secretary Tlij Ytbftnn twin W0.U00 remain on deposit lr r.t American! ttvai ana saving oanK of Cttrf'tiCt If th school children-thoae of tlie.T. wno till are young enough to have slates and pencils-do a little ciphering they will find that even at the figure given, some 114,000 remains unaccounted for. if they figure the Interest on I1X. at I per cent for sis year they will discover that at the expira tion uf the period the original I ! WOOD would have grown at s.mple intereet to tlc4.too. Thle suppositious case I: a entered Into the ciphering of some of the critics of the staue commission. Only a few day ago word cam frurn Parte to the effect that anmna- am.H.... resident there ha arisen the question; ' "What ha been don with the money?" ! R. J. Thompson accounted for sorns of it j yesterday w,ei: J told of in compar. I lively an. all an.ount that has been paid tu in scuipior, tne cost of the pedestal and the coet of the trip of himself and hi retinue to the ceremonies in 1900, when the staff Image that since hss become an ob ject ef shame to Americans abroad was erected. More of the money was used to 20, l!H6. erect set for rpeefstors st the ceremonies. Mr. Thompson admitted thet it IS entirely In th range of probability that a portion of th remaining pennies may be used for paying th expense of another trip of the commission to Paris. He said that, he stopped hi own ealsry, which Is said to have amounted in :'W monthly, two years ago. According to the figures of an estimator, Mr. Thompson received approximately H6.000 salary out of the fund. Every feature of the financial side of the situa tion Is not a clear at some people Inter ested would have it. Chicago Tribune. BEN BUTLER'S COOL NERVE How II e Saved Hitters Haadred I. lies When a Transport Wnn N straaded. The death of Ueneral Sertell In New York malls a story of (enetwl Rutler. with whom Sertoli whs closcty associated In Ii4. In so Interview William ftslley of Hi!! uimv told the story: I was the chief rook uf the famous Dul ler transport Mississippi, which took the noted MssHScliusetts general and two regi ments of his New Oilcan expeditions to Ship island In February, The regi ments were the Thtrty-flist MaSHachuseits end the Fifteenth Maine, in all l.tJi men, 'and only T5,' said General Putter. 'In my pocket for contingencies.' i "The Mississippi sailed from Fortress Monroe on February 26, and on the fTth the ship struck a sand bank on the Frying Pan shoals, off Cape Hatteras. The cap tain of the steamer, whose name was Ful ton, had showed much Inattention to duty before the mishap occurred knd Qeneral Butler had begun to mistrust the loyalty of his sailing master. "The ship's position had been roughly calculated, and all hands, with no a I st ance In sight, were cerfalnly In a bad pre dicament for several hours. "The port anchor had been 'let go' as soon s the ship touched bottom," con tinued Mr. Bailey, "end a hole wss stove In the side .of the ship by one of the an chor flukes. IJcutensnt Flske. afterward a general and well known In Iowell, soon reported that the ship was making water In the outer compartment, and the situa tion was desperate, Indeed. With the com manding general wss Mrs. ttutler, the only representative of her sex. I believe, aboard, and the general, for ones in his life, wu In sore distress over the plight In which he found himself. "Among all ihe men aboard there were no navigators who were competent to take tha place of the ship's raptaln, who was a prisoner under guard In the pilot house, nd Just what would have become of the Mississippi, with Its nesrlv 2,000 souls on board. It Is hard to say had not the block ading steamer Mount Vernon. Captain O. C. Gllsnon. hove In sight nd discovering that we wer aground here down to ren der such nid a was In Its power. "Mrs. Butler was transferred to the Mt. Vernon. nd Colonel Neal Dow, with SflO of his Maine men. wad ordered to the relieving ship. But Colonel Dow snd his man all refused to leave the Mississippi, and Oenerel Butler then declared he would be the last man to leave the ship. As the men expected the general would also go aboard the Mt. Vernon this announcement was received with cheer. "The water In the Mississippi' hold." continued Mr. Bailey, "proved Its salvation, for the increased weight of th vessel seemed to crush th sandbank beneath It and thus rendered the task of the Mt. Vernon to haul the transport Into deep water a much less difficult Job. The steamer was floated, a sailing master was furnished from the Mt. Vernon and the Mississippi was safely navigated to Port Royal for temporary repairs. "But for the coolness and the resource fulness of General Sutler," said Mr. Bailey, "on this very trying occasion there might have occurred one of the saddest disasters of the war. But the general was active In all part of the ship, keeping his staff members at all sorts of duty, calling on this man to heave the lead and some other man to keep a lookout for approaching vesscle, other to watch th hostile Fort Mfieon. only five mile away, . while (till others wer noting the dangeroua Increase of water in the ahlp'l hold. He seemed to do about everything but sail the ship. "But as the vessel was hard aground he could not do that. He did stop the leak, however, at Port Royal, and the ship Anally reached Ship Island without further Inci dent. "Not only did we make our "port all right," said Mr. Bailey, "hut w had eevernl thousand tons of coal In the hold which wa a real godsend to th fleet of Admiral Farragut. Our was th first transport that steamed up the river to New Orleans," concluded Mr. Blly. "and as no on ashore would throw us a line Oenerel Butler ordered a boat crew out forsihat purpose. 'The reception w got that day from th crowd on th dock Was of th frostiest kind, and but for th guns of th fleet we might have had another close shave. Since- the war I have been in variou ships, but I never shall forget that trip of the Missis sippi when the bravery and activity of Oeneral Butler saved th live of sll on board." Chicago Inter Ocean. IT WAS A FAM0US FEED New Terk'a Seventh Regiment Palls OH a Spread for SJRUI Peraoas. In honor of It century of years th fa mous Seventh regiment of New York City put up a seven-course batiquet for ttJSS per son at th Regimental armory recently. The function is said to be the largest af fair of Ita kind ever held in this country, eclipsing the gustatory rests of th Ancient and Honorable Artillery company of Boa ton. That is glory enough. Th plate and dishes used ;n th serv ice of th eeven course would Mil a china hop. ' Altogether lr took 0.0ur piece In plates, cups and saucers and more than 10.004 knives, forks and spoon. There wer 10 dessert plates for lde dishes, 2.800 BrVkfst plates, 5,000 dinner plates nd S.600 mor" eacn ror oup, dessert snd coffee. In weight the commissary supplies ran to 'ni One hundred suuare loaves of bred wr used for the canapes of caviar. On? thousand chicken liver went into the muet dressings. Tt fill In on some of th 6 ah wr twnty-flv gallon of minced chicken and U.0OO hard-shelled crabs. On thousand flv hundred beef tenderloin disappeared quickly before th l.jt.1 g-uest. So did forty gallons of lobster sauce and forty more of muahroom sauc. A half ton of potatoes were uad and a similar quantity of string beans. Of 1c oream 100 gallon were consumed and with It M pound of cake. There were i.Oog special roll and 250 pounds of tsbl butter. With flie 260 gallon of eoffe were served 4.SU0 cigars and LjOO boxes of cigarette. , A NOTRE DAME LADY I e!t; Mat frs. wtth f1 last ructions, torn tic, cnpl j'tunlKn fur tfii nir ml Uutorr.b llfr.ioa lr,,i,mi.'i rlltr. X -n. 07,0.1, Srtmr mt Pt.fi Ptrtoto Tumor r liro.tlut Hut riMbM Ormtr u 1 if. ''retain lwii ta tt (, ram in ike Bck, an ail rmaM rmvktea. I ail HBdlag ill Ta metkara af tmriui tfaaastar I .ill aieiala s lUMllu. Hafn Ireml eol It Tan toenu la costtaua t vni hIi caat kkM 11 aairla s waa ta faarvslae a rura Tall I tkaf atigarera ef R. Ika 11 th I aak II ara , laiaraata rl aa4 tall mi BurU frwott , l" it"" " ""M,, ' Katra j THE OLD FOLKS AT HOME Are Never Without Pe-ru-na in the Home for Catarrhal Diseases. &:VMl tfhS iiKttarhlend V Foss. -'if .,V j M'fjt t MR. S. I). FOSP. Uti 8. 15. th street. Minneapolis, Minn., write: "I wish to cung i atulsle you on your medicine, IVruna. I have been a sufferer with catarrh of the stomach for over two yenrs. but since I have commenced in tnke your remedy 1 have been strmlily Im proving until tmw I enn safely ssy 1 feci no more of my old A 1001 wok i) rm rK-nr-NA. trouble, and as a matter of course, I al ways have good word fur I'etiina. "I recommend It to sll my friends." Mrs. Mugdnlena Winkler, Itoute 4, West minster, Md., writes: "I thank you very much fur your sd rlce. I can safely say tlmt Prruim and Manalln have saved my life. "When I wrote to you the first time, aNking your advice, my condition was so poor 1 did not expect to live through the winter, but now I urn perfectly healthy. I cannot pruisit vour PKAISK hOK I'K-Hl-XA. medicine eiioiiktli and 1 recommend It to others." T. T. Marklsnd. a well known hiiHinexn man of Cincinnati, o., writes from 3100 Woodburn Ave.. a followx: "I find that In my case t'eruna Is a flesh builder. I am now at work every dsy, and have gained ten pounds. I took your Peruna accord ing to directions, and the result was more IGAINRD WEIGHT, than 1 expected. DOCTOR YOUNG MEN in i nirnii iiiinaiif-iiii r-nn-ftag lowed by debility and suffering. lfve h"rvd tha terribly blighting Influences of shuses snd Indlscro V?. ? a ln.t,le '"" and middle-aged, sapping th vital forcea. undermining th IK?f .i. rnanhood- floudlng the brightest mind and destroying all noble thoughts and aspirations. v.T,hrrI5 Jhmieands of partially and totally wrecked constitutions among ened'vuIntC ili'iL bu"" "J"1 1"dlB't'"n " "rly life. Their weak Molt it, dJ L.'i V lrt,d; nerves and exhausted energies tell a pitiable story. iiW. L n"VC brmjRnt urn themselves the horrors of disease or weakneis ie i.ef VT""?"' .b,ul!''Vlnd unnatural drains, w hich sap the very foundation and I sexuarwreck" strength, leaving them a mental, physical K. J"-di0U-.n?.of 'i" mnnr houssnds of WEAK MEN and do you wish t ?r, !!i .V2v'.dSvo,,,d many ypr" "lulvely to treating tnl class of if.0"' ?i,"l!,'",.,?Hh. ',rat "'""i " we are thus enabled to glveVuch Vivtll n-i" bn"nJ, of our extended experience In treating diseases of this rd?.-..-Th-iprc,"i"t." of. th" tat" M"" Institute are emlnentlv quallfle." to advise, direct and treat such cases. We are thoroughly conversant with evry minute detail connected with such caaee, and encourga and counsel th Jtrenirth and"happ"ness"' Wh"" """ nd ,n''(11clne "'" him to health, . Wo cure safely and thoroughly: , . Stricture, Varicocele, Emission, Nervo-Sexual Debility, Impotency, Blood Poison (Syphilid), Rectal, Kidney and Urinary Disease, and all disesites and weakness of men due to evil habits, ' self-abuss -cesses or the result of specific or private diseases. FREE CONSULTATJQX AND EXAMINATION. S.oVi on t0 1 9 m STATE MEDICAL INSTITUTE IS08 Far nam St., brtwren I8lh and 11th streets, Omaha, Neb. The Pass word for a QUAKER MAID RYE Try it one yoa'II know the reason why. C To sclucr, ginger ale or soda, it adds aa appetizing scst and imparts rich nest of flavor possessed by no other whiskey. L QUAICI MAID BYE it tht winner of thre kifhett swsrds St. Louis, 1904; Psris, 1905; Portland, 1J5. Il it "The Whiskey wtth Reputation" for tal at all orst-ouu S. HIRSCH & CO. II. A. Sampson, Genl poison or lftiwrr. pnatinrittj VWKlth iiur or r ybro f.u:ut r.oi rtn. jny, j,oli lafsMV Jeaa fttsst U a. ons.is r-anraBM Kiv WSMaWsTTIU lleVhtUaft I tjtTsV taa' UMuf IlkChajaaaa I . .. - aVftor tVall44 f aUIUTVI Wltll r " ' ism ) r Lfr i it a . ItflsT lfttX4SkBt. f u;. lIlfWnUAtlwn. 4Vn4 -tt I LMM lf-o .f rhfckjdl to hi) fuNtrsri .Alrv I RLOOD ii II r,k.... I I 'imf ovear wiai ii7 "I enn now breathe with ease, and else I my cnugli Is stopped. I bad it for six I months before I took down with the grip j "1 took no other iiieilicliie hut Pcruim i ami it' accompli.' lied all. Yuu told ins In wnir llrt letter that l'riuna would curt ! me and It hss. ' "1 am seventy-three years old end cur laiiend to my work and business as usual." Mrs. Thcono Mlkkolson, Hrtgham City, I'tnlii writes: "I wish to thntik you for all the good reruna has done nic. I sm entirely free from the cough which used to bother tne so much eVcry winter. "My kidneys are also In good condition. lend I feel stronger ; and better all over. HVKS PK-nt-XA CREDIT. For all these I give the credit to your ex cellent medicine, Pe runa. I am pleased to recommend tt m everybody."- ., ItoviNrd Formula. "For a number of years requests have come to me from a multitude of grateful friends, urging that Peruna be given a slight laxative quality. I have been ex perimenting with a laxative addition for quite a length of time, and now feel gratified to announce to th friends of Pcrnna that I have Incorporated such a quality In the medicine which.. In my opinion, can only enhance Its well known beneflclnl rliarscter. "8. B. HARTMAN. M. D." for EMEKI Y.uth U prone to weakness, and weakness, allied with fffnornncv of the ronseonrnces of indiscretions and foil v. are sure tn r.il. perlect "Highball" ban, cat and drug lort KANSAS CITY, MCJ hair Agent, Oiualiu. OR WESTiMAL'S SENNA LIVER PILLS For dsstlnat runstlpstlon. Billiousness. our Bton.sch. Hick Headache. Nervout n. auaea. Insomnia. Jaundice, Torpkl Liver. Try one. 2Ui pr bottle, paatpaid SHERMAN & McCCKXELL DRU3 CO Corner 1st a and Iodgs lis,