Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 20, 1906, NEWS SECTION, Page 4, Image 4

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Acain PledM Himielf to Giva Oitj an
Economical Administration.
Mar-Klrr ar That WKbla xtj
!)? Ha Will Par fc Pay
Holla Be oa a Hail- '
rn Haste.
M i ji -.!.( t L'mIiIiiihii came uut Irulii Ills
rrtiidiKTit Ion enough to reiterate some
of hi pre-election promise at tha me ting
of th liupont Improvement club lat nlfht
at Twtnty-ninth and CasUllar. The In
coming mayor la a membar of tna club
and whs present In that capacity and also
aa a specially Invited guest. Among th
othtr guests of the evening were Mayor
Zlmnian, City Attorney Brean, City Attof-aey-eli'ct
Burnam, Councllmen-elect Alma
Jacksun ot the Bfvenlli ward and W. W.
fclnKlim. Mayor-tluvt Dahlman was
giied by enthunlustlc cheer when h
went forward to addreaa tha meeting. Km
Improvement clubs are great things for
Oiimiim, und l am glad tnat 1 am a member
uf this iMKuiuautlon and 1 hope to become
a vhIuhIiIp n emlier, and In return 1 want
your u-opri a Hon when 1 enter upon my
Uiiti B3 mayor. 1 wartt to do things
lor nit peiiine and for the Improvement
of Omaha and i carry on Ita affairs in
an . . ..noi.iict.t way. If any city ever
iiicii.ii an ''onoiiiical administration It la
umatiH. After sixty days 1 expect to hava
reduced tne city s expenses wherever It
can ii- done, if xertaln work can be dona
by llnce men 1 pionnsa you that live men
will not be employed to do that work. If
any man expects ottlce under me and ex
pects to get a aiiap ne will work. The ex
penses ot tne city can and shall be reduced.
I expect to be a pretty busy man and ln
tend to slick my nose in wnerevsr n ib
Hened 1 want the co-operauon oi me
'n.r.rfivetiipnr clubs. And I do not want
v.. i. i.i ix afiuiil to come ud to me and
tell me yoiu neeiln. 1 stanrt ready to do
my part ami to give the cliy an economical
administration and help build up tha city.
I want all ot you to help me wnether you
voted for nie or not. 1 auk the Kontanelle
and the Civic federation and all good citi
ens to stand side by side for the city. I
expect with my wide acquaintance through
out the wet to aronct in bringing trade and
buslneaa to this city where It belongs, and
promise you that 1 will do all 1 can to
bring this trade here and waul all of you
to siumi uy me (or the good of Omaha.
City Attoi ney-elcct Burnam spoke briefly,
expressing his belief In Improvement club
and stated that he would give bl best ef
fort to making a good city.
Zlaamau Kxpecta ta Be Basy.
Mayor Zlmnian said:
I came here to fulllll a promise I marie
you before election, it has been charged
that 1 will be lonesome In the new council.
Not a bit of it, but 1 will be busy. 1 have
the democratic platform framed and hang
ing up in my oftiro nnd I shall sea to It that
they keep ilioir inoimsea. It la the aame
platform that 1 nave bflen working on for
.alx years, and I will be Klad to no thtm
carry It ut anil will help them to do It. I
will not be a republican councilman for
they are all my colleagues, and all are
for the best Interests of ihe city and I will
help them make good. If they are unfaith
ful to their promise, they will get over
hauled at the next primaries. I hop ail
who have been elected will prove good men
and good officers. I am proud of my
election, for I take it as a vindication of
my record for the past alx yeara. Improve
ment cluba can do more for th city than
can the councllmen. Com to th council
meetings and see that your wishes and
their promises are carried out. Tour pres
ence there will have a wholesome affect.
Ask for reasonable Improvement and you
will get them. But do not expect to be
granted unreasonable things. Tou can
assist the council in regulating the public
corporation. I would sooner com to uch
meetings a this to get th aentlment tf
th public than go to the Merchants. Na
tional bank for publlo Information and
. The other upeakw were City Attorney
Breen, Councllman-clect Jackson and tv".
W. Bingham. v
rentral Federatloa Baar.
. Th hall was crowded. The delegate
from the Central federation present were
J. W. Malon, president; Mike Kalanlja,
vice president; A. F. Wilson, ecretary, and
I. P. A. Bruecherg, treasurer, with aeveral
representative from each of the clubs In
cluded in the federation. After the tran
aactlon of the routine business of the Dn-
pont club, the meeting was turned over to
th Central federation, with J. W. Malone
, presiding.
, An executive board of th Central federa
tion waa elected consisting of George X
Balrd of the Druid Hill club, George Klaff
- ner of the Dupont club, E. Kingsbury of
the new South Bide club, A. F. Wilson of
the Omaha View club, I. P. A. Bruecherg
,of the Riverside club and Fred Haarman
,of the Southwest club.
Cosasalttaa em Membership.
: A committee consisting of A. F. Wllaon,
John Laviea and 1 i A. Brueulierg waa
appointed by the chairman to bring other
Improvement clubs Info the federation,
after which the meeting adjcimed.
Just prior to adjournment, Mr. Kleffne
poke briefly on the initiative and refer
endum law of ist7, applied to the matter
of voting; bond for city Improvements,
and itated that the federation club would
tail up the matter with the special view
to agitating the question of municipal
ownership of public utilities.
Admiral Maaoa " Mar Meaey I
Seeded ar Ship Will
WASHINGTON, May 19. "Should war
break out within the next few years the
condition of the navy will be uch as to
lead to disaster."
Such Is the itatement made by Rear Ad
miral Mason, chief of the bureau of ord
nance of the Navy department. In a state
ment to the secretary of the navy calling
attention to the reduction in the estimates
of the bureau of ordnance made by the
department and the house committee on
naval affairs.
Admiral Mason show that more than
Ili.b00.0o0 has been cut out of the estimates
and he describes the condition of the bu
reau as 'little short of desperate," for the
coming year. He say there I not now and
will not be any reserve ammunition avail
able for any of the Important gun. It
will be necessary probably to discontinue
target practice and new ships must be sent
into commission without ammunition or
ordnance (tore. Ther will be no reserve
gun, torpedoes or reserve mine on hand,
and range-finders and the money to buy
them I lacking. After pointing out that
congress provides for increaes In the navy
without "making provision for additional
ordnance and ordnance store. Admiral
Mason says:
The evil effects of this practice are ac
cumulative and the resulting lack of effi
ciency has been Increasing steadily for the
last few years until today the situation I
so serious that th barren believes that It
would be guilty of the gravest dereliction In
the performence of Its dutv to the people,
to congress and to the department did It
not with the utmost respect, but In plain
and unmistakable language, place itself on
record a having laid the actual fscts as
they exist before all those who are in a
position to ameliorate the very dangerous
condition whirh now exist.
Replies ta Criticism of Mr. Williams
Regardlaa; th Recording"
of Votes.
WASHINGTON, May Speaker Cannon
said he had confidence In the reading clerks
of th house yesterday. Mr. Williams
(Miss.), during the filibuster against the
bill to pay Samuel Lee $10,000 for expenses
Incurred during his contest for a seat in
the Forty-seventh congress, stated that he
had heard the name of a member called
and that the clerk had recorded him as
voting when aa a matter of fact the mem
ber was not In th city.
He said that he thought on several occa
sions he had heard clerks respond for the
name of member, but he could not be
certain of this, because his own hearing
was not good. On thistoccaalon, however,
he bad distinctly heard the clerk vote the
member and he thought there ought to be
a more careful calling of the roll.
Speaker Cannon replied that the effi
ciency and Integrity of the clerk at the
speaker's desk had never, been questioned;
in fact, their worth and honesty were
known to every member. He said that In
this great hall, and with the great mem
bership in th house, It wa almost Im
possible at time to hear members respond
and he thought that in a moment of
thoughtlessness the clerk may have re
corded a response . without 'consideration.
He believed that the taking- of votes In
the house waa on a high plane of Inteeritv.
i Mr. William replied by saying that lie
' did not dealr to impugn the motives of the
! clerks; he only asked for a- proper record.
Rata Bill to ti to Hons.
WASHINGTON, May 1.-The rate bill 1,
expected to go back to the house Monday
when it will probably be laid on the sneak
er a table pending an informal conference
of republican and democratic renresenta
tlve. Aa to the house conferee on th
bill. Chairman Hepburn Is th only one
who can be named at this tim with any
Lei Rac-oa Abm tm u.u-
WASHINGTON. May l.-Count Perettl
d La Rocca, who" baa been th guest of
Ambassador Jusserand her, ha left for
th City of Mexico to act a charge In th
aosenc or Mr. Blomdel, the French mln
later to Mexico.
For Prcscrviiisr, Piirifyiii
andBcauUtyingtlic Skin,
Scalp, Hair, and Hands.
t.r.ii- tU ptt- mi tmrnumm mrmUmtt 4 th
BoX rftsMt)D rf iM ataaw-. lay4i Uo, fl
Kaaaa City Jaekey Clab to Pas a
Martyr la later est of
KANSAS CITT. May ll.-Tha V.n...
City Jockey club will hold a racing matin
mi anerooon at Kim Rldg- rae traok
to teat th antt-bettlna- law. Thar win k
th usual batting feature except that th
wager will ba telephoned to Kanaa City,
nan., ror registration.
The antl-raclna bin. ramii r th.
esaloa of th Missouri legislature, pro
hibit tha reels trln- of bars .
tracks. It Is th contention of the E3ra
Ridga qfl rials that thar can b no penalty
for a man racelvlnaT a waver, and. aa K.
today win not be registered la Missouri,
ware wui D n violation of th law.
X. B. KinbralL faroaauittaar atfornm m
that be could da aothlaa before tbe law
waa violated. He said that If ther wa
r vtoladan of tha law tha guilty person
would be antrd.
Twa book will be In onmHoi. i. it..
bettinjr rtna. On will b aeoliml ,k .
telephone and th other with a telegraph
mninuinb IB OB DOOK th bta Will b
telephoned to Kanaa Cltr. Kan .
lstration. while In tbe other tbe bet will
d receiTeo and be wired to a Dallas pool
room. Every person who enter the gate
will bar a badge with a different num.
Wken a person desires to mak a wager
h will glv tbe nam of th horse and
th bookmaker will tak th number of
hi bad. Th bokmakr wlU take hi
money and telephoae or telegraph the bet
out of th state ror registration.
Praatwaa Baakera Have Charge af the
laatltatlaa Backed by
Mark (,
CHICAGO. May 1.-Th Commonwealth
Trust and Savings bank. Cbl,r'. ,
union labor banking institution, opened Its
aoor today. Th bank hi organiied under
th law of ArUona and ha an authorised
capital of tl.m.90. divided into share, of
id eacn. i ma capitalisation has been re
duced to tatf.uOO. half of which ha been
subscribed for.
Th managing officers of th bank ar
practical bankers and men of Jong ex
perience. The board of director I eom
poaed of men who are prominent in th
labor world.
t i PsrUk fctM Bl !. i law, 1ST
O rtt twug Ci. 1' kit Pmm.
Be-Matted rn. "Hw f,mm n,rlMf, Hunks
a ttia, via, km, "
If you have anything to trade" advertlee
It In th For F.xchange couluma of Th
Ba Want Ad page.
Georc Brtdetn tee ki to Make Tronbl for
Polk md Folio Board.
Makes lleaatlaa That Ha Paid far
Proteetlaa af Hoaeee Which the
Police Are Maw Try! a a
to ( lose I p.
Impositions are being prepared for sub
mission to tha giand Jury of the district
court for the purpose of securing an in
dictment which may bring to trial several
prominent parties of South Otnaba. Among
the number may be a prominent attorney,
the chief of police and possibly members
of the Fire and Police board. Th matter
concerns certln allegation of George
Bradeen to the effect that, although there
had been no act of the city to license Il
licit houses, the same had existed in the
city by tuclt permission. Now, since the
Board of Fire and Pollr Commissioner
has ordered the fosterers of thee objec
tionable places out of the city, Bradeen
come forward with the declaration that
money had been regularly extorted from
the places under hi control for th priv
ilege of exemption from th rigors of police
regulation. For th past lx month
Bradeen ha made periodical effort to air
his supposed grievances. He made the
statement before an executive session of
the Board of Fir nd Tollce Commission
er omc week before the spring election.
He made the statement that the attorney
In question had collected this money from
him and that the said attorney had made
the assertion that he was acting under
the direction Of th chief of police. These
accuration were vigorously denied by the
officer of the police force and the allega
tions implicating th chief werK dismissed,
with an expression of confidence In the
integrity of the head of the police depart
ment. The matter of the attorney, being
otitside, of the Jurisdiction of the board,
was alro dismissed. Afterward the case
was laid before the county attorney, who
refused to bring an action against any of
the parties conoerned. 80, In th nature
of an appeal from the opinion of the
county attorney, Bradeen laid hi case be
fore the grand Jury Thursday morning.
Many witnesses were subpoenaed and ap
peared befor the court, among them the
members of the Fr and Pollc Commis
sion. The consensus of opinion among
those who are acquainted with the evi
dence Is that no Indictment can be brought
against any member of tbe pollc force,
nor against th board.
Police Canrt Troahlea.
The only case of possible Interest in the
police court yesterday was the arrest of
Harry Miles, who is charged with drunken
ness and being a auspicious character. The
officer detected him In what looked like
an attempt to break Into a boxcar In the
railroad yards. He had not succeeded in
breaking the seals, but was seen working
at them when Officer Tangeman gave chase
and caught him In a few yards. . It la said
Mile hs lately pawned a number of ar
ticle of th description of articles taken
In recent boxcar robberies.
Th case ot Charles Sanford was con
tinued until Friday, May 25. It Is under
stood that the charge of shooting within
the city limits will be changed to shooting
with intent to wound and kllL The latter
Is a penitentiary offense, while tbe former
could give only a Jail sentence.
Bandar ervlooa.
The services at th First Methodist
church Sunday morning will be unusual
In that the regular preaching service will
be given up to the Woman' Foreign Mis
sionary society, which will hold Ita annual
thank offering meeting. Tb wlfa of the
pastor will mak th addre. Mrs. W. B.
Van Bant, president of th auxiliary, will
preside. In the evening the Epworth leagu
wllf hold an anniversary service. Mr.
I'raxton. president of th organization.
wl'.l preside. The service will consist of
reports, paper and addresses. Prof. Baker
I has lately made some Important additions
to his chorus choir. Special music at each
The regular services wfll be held In
the First Presbyterian church. Muslo by
the chorus choir. ,.
The ubject of W. D. Stambaug-h' sermon
at Leffler's Memorial churoh Sunday even
ing will be "Answered Prayer." In th
morning Dr. Stambaugh will pay a visit
to Springfield, Neb., where he will preach
the baccalaureate sermon for th graduates
of th high school.
Eev. George N. Mendenhall of Atchison.
Kan., will occupy th pulpit at th Eng
lish Lutheran church In tha morning rv-.
Iceland also in th evening. Rev. Mr.
Liver will ba In tb field parmaneatly by
May 27.
Uradlagr Fort 1.1 a e Aboat Daaa.
Tha Omaha Council Bluff railway ha
nearly completed its grading of th new
Fort Crook line. Th crwa ar working
on tha last cut and the gTOund has been
broken from th end of th Albrlaht ear
lin to connct with th grade which I
being constructed from tha south. It is
likely that th track laying may be com
pleted by th last of June. Thr 1 an.
other crew working near Bellevu.
Elecltaa af Teacher Monday.
There was a confer no of th teachers'
commute of th Board of Education last
night and It was announced that tha order
of business for tb rearular meeting of
the board, which Is to coma next Monday
night, will Include th election of all the
teaching- force, which Is ta be hired from
among th present corps of teacher. There
will be a fw resignation, naturally, and
some teachers will hav to be changed in
locality. There has been a conference be
tween the teacher' commute and all th
principal and they hav made their recom
mendation In this respect. The question
of the site for the new school building
on Sixteenth and H street will be taken
up and definitely disposed of. Th time
for th reconvening of the schools after th
summer vacation will be definitely fixed.
It Is the expressed aim of the majority of
the board to make as few change in th
teaching fore aa posalbl.
Ball Game Raaday.
There will be a double header base ball
game in Duffy' park Sunday afternoon.
The nrt will be played between the Joe
Duffy and th Bellevue team and the sec
ond between the Omaha Coawrui
pany's team and the O. W. Clark' of
Omaha. Th Duffy' won their nn lat
Sunday In a handaom manner and they
expect to win from Betlern
Mag-la City Uosals. '
John C. Prescott resorts the hinh ..f -
daughter in his noma, Twenty-sixth and P
Examinations covering th last six weeks
were conducted Thursday and Friday In
tli public school.
William Bamum. John Taylor and John
O'Rourke all received small fin at tb
hands of Judge King yeaterday.
H. F. Teeter of Holbronk. former It .,f
the bureau- of animal industry hare, la
visiting bla friend in this cltv for a day
or io.
Mr. E. M. Rohrbaush stalled Thursday
on a visit of alx week to her borne in
t'arlliage. 6lie will til so pay a visit at
Dr. Beattie will occuuv thm nulult .it fh
Christian church at Ancient Order uf United
vtorkmen tempi Sunday morning and
Mrs. John McKale, who underwent aa
operation of a serious character, la rcow
erlng safely. The operation aa performed
a meek ago.
fWeral partlee have be doing . mm
reckless sbooilng on Last O street on the
rlvr bottom. Stray shot hava lately
ttru-h houses In th neighborhood.
Pupils af the eighth grade at tha Central
scnool gav their prlnoipai. Mlm Martha
iMiibeil, a fruit shower yeeierday. Th
pur.lls of the third grade of the Central
rhool enjoyed a plcnlo during yesterday
C, derrtn.m Na T ""
tat. i i "ttled, both In this
tat and elsewhere, that a 1.
inv i-P.P ' ny to t,10" waiter ctu-
lly in issue and tried and determined n
tha action In which it i. .rt "
Section is r th. ..
Uonar only pplk,lble to ordinary civil c"
sufflIn.' ?tht.chKtrT uf J7 contained
nt authority for the relevy of n
iVESitlS f apeclal assessment which was
hi rr 'JLi? ,''v,',1 und"r 'rmr ct
'edure b"cmu" ot Irreeuariiy in pro-
1U6. School district No 77 Mgainst Gow
glll. Appeal, Phelps. Affirmed. Kppereon.
C, department No. 1.
,iL,. ,,t"' to PUhHc offloes, and the
right to exercise the lunotions thereof by
persona claiming title thereto by election,
can not be determined In an action for In
junction. , .An injunction suit cannot be main
tained to reatraln the teaching of chool
. iuaJ1"ed teacher under a contract
u'STrict officer of th chool
14263. Irving against Bond. Appeal, Doug-
,,fnrrn1- Ames, C, department No. 1.
i. When one ha an option to pay a
dent in money or by the conveyanon of
property and voluntarily deprive himae.f
Xpow,'r ' make the conveyance, bl
obligation to pay cash becomes absolute.
14. Peycke against Shlnn. Error,
Douglae. Affirmed. Jackaon. C, depart
ment No. 2.
1. A contract for potatoes in carload
lot at an agreed price per bushel for all
that may be loaded during the week, under
which the seller haa loaded and shipped
Tour car loads. Is entire In the sense thst
either party had the right to a full per
formance. x. The authority of an agent may be
shown by the letters from his principle,
and It is a sufficient foundation for the in
troduction of such letters in evidence to
show that they were received In due course
or mail In answer to letters written bv the
ae-ent to the principal, and dulv mailed
to the address of the party sought to be
14-',-l. Taylor against Hunter. Error-.
Lancaster. Affirmed. Oldham, c. Division
IV o 1,
1. Wher an examination of the pleading
riled and the evidence offered In support
thereof show that the party complaining
procured a Judgment more favorable -o
him than the law and the evidence war
ranted, we will not, at his request, ex
amine alleged error of the trial court in
receiving testimony and in giving and re
fusing instructions.
1467S. Cather against Hennlngs. Ap
peal. Douglas. Affirmed. Ames, C, Di
vision NO. 1.
1. It Is competent to embrace in on act
every detail of legislation connected with
or having direct reference to the subject
expressed In the title.
2. In an act Incorporating a certain clas
of cities and prescribing and regulating
their duties, powers and government. It
is competent to enact that the treasurer
of the county In which Ihe only cltv of
that class Is situated shall be ex-offloio
treasurer of the city.
14f In re application of E. A. Butler, et
I., for a writ of habeas corpus. Original.
Writ of habeas corpus allowed. Petition
ers discharged from cusody. Barnes, J.
1. In the taking of depositions notaries
fubllc are not exercising Judicial func
lons and do not constitute a law court.
Their powera are derived solely from th
statute. Courtney against Knox, 81 Neb,
2. Wher a witness fails to attend be
fore a notary public In obedience to a
subpoena issued by that officer, he may
be punished as for a contempt; but such
punishment can not exceed a fine of ISft;
and the notary is not authorised by statute
to commit the witness to the county Jail
1 4i 13. State ex rel. City of Red Cloud
against Searle. Original. Peremptory writ
of mandamus sjlowed. Barnes, J.
1. Cities of the second class and village
In this state, hav the option to vote
bonds to the amount of 5 per cent of the
assessed valuation of their taxable prop
erty, to establish a heating or . lighting
system, under the provisions of section
8B04 to 8508, inclusive, of Cobbey's An
notated Statutes, 1903, or limit the amount
of such bond to' per' Cent of - uch
valuation by proceeding under chapter (3,
laws of 19.. . '
1 Bond designated electric light bond
to the amount of 8 ter cent of such aa
eased valuation, which the record fairly
shows were voted nnd issued under the
provisions of the act of 1903, held valid
and entitled to rr: ---'ion.
If you have an
It in the For 1
Bee Want Ad page.
trad advertise
column of the
Be Want Ad Ar Business Boosters.
Italv Qaeetloas.
Mrs. Alexander, th novelist. Uvea In
Florence. Ther a young American woman
recently Interviewed her.
"Mr. Alexander wa delightful," aald
th. young woman. "Sh amused m very
much. I, too, amused her sh thought
m nalv.
"Once, when I asked her a certain ques
tion about the financial side of novel writ
ing, sh declared that my question was as
nalv a that of a little. Florentine child's
that she had heard about the day before.
"This child, at dinner with her parent,
turned to her mother and aald: .
"'Mamma, wher were you born?"
" 'At Padua, darling.'
" 'But I wa born In Florence, wasn't IT'
" Ta. dear.'.
" 'And father; where wit he borar
In Venlc.'
"Th little girl looked gravely from on
to th other.
" 'Isn't It funny,' sh said, that we
hould all. hav met Ilk thlf r "Detroit
Frea Pre.
Delineation of Four Hnidrod Iqual 8nf
fragiiti Call on Cmpbell-Eannrraan.
Beaaaee af llTereaeea la tha Party
on tha Sahleot Ha Will M,te
LONDON. May IS.-EBcorteU b forty
members of Parliament, t.early 400 women
suffragists, representing organisations from
all parts of the country, interviewed
Premier Campbell-Hannerman at the For
eign office today and presented their claims
that women be allowed to vote. Only eight
members of the numerous deputation wert
allowed to spunk, and. In accordance with
a previous arrangement, each speaker wa
limited to Ave minutes. But In the aggre
gate of forty minutes the premier heard
about all there wa to hear In favor of
female suffrage.
Th Immediate grant of women's right
wa the unanimous demand of the speak
era. some of whom presented to th premier
"their minimum demands." claiming that
Immediate legislation bestowing on women
the right to vote wa necessary and de
claring that a promise to take the matter
up at the next session of Parliament would
not satisfy them.
Scene Is Hasaorom.
On apeaker menacingly declared that the
women were prepared to sacrifice their
live in behalf of their demand.
The premier smiled upon this strangely
assorted gathering of women. Including
as It did women ot title side by side with
factory employes, and said he sympathised
with the object of the deputation, but
asked Ills visitor to be patient until the
government became more united In favor
of the extension of the franchise to women.
The cause, he added, had made enormous
stride of let year. Personally he be
lieved that women were a well qualified
a men, and perhaps better, to exercise
the right to vote and in hi opinion th
deputation had made out a conclusive and
Irrefutable case.
Speaking for others, however, a well a
himself, the premier pointed out that It
wa necessary to preach the virtue of
patience. Only harm would result if, be
cause of his own sympathies and convic
tions, hs gave a pledge regarding the time
and method of achieving the object they
bad in view.
Party Not t atted.
No party or government wa entirely
united on this subject. He warned the
women against Indiscreet action, which, he
said, probably will check the flowing: tide,
and advised them to leave th matter con
fidently to the growing strength of their
The premier concluded with saying that
he believed It would not be many year
before the desired change wa brought
about. This referenc to "years" wa met
with hissing from the members of the
deputation, who left the Foreign office
evidently greatly dissatisfied.
Th arrival of th deputation at th
Foreign office wa oreceded h atr
demonstration, oontlorenta of women from
.- ...... - i ,1., . . ...
marcning witn nanners
flying and band playing to th Victoria
embankment, when, accompanied by an
Interested crowd of onlookers, the women
marched to the Foreign office.
Koah to Retarn to Africa.
BERLIN, May 19.-Prof. Robert Koch,
who returned to equatorial Afrfca jn March
In order to continue the atudy of tropical
diseases, ha written to the Berlin Medical
oclety aylng that he -has become so In
terested In his further . rarchea. espe
cially in connection with the "sleeping
sickness," that he will not return to Ger
many for two years, and therefor ba ha
resigned th presidency of th society.
Dynamite Causes Da ma a.
COBALT, Ont., May 19. Several ton of
dynamite exploded in the northwestern
ectlon of the town yesterday, wrecking
twenty-five houses and throwing- tha citi
sena In a panic for a time. A number was
more or less injured by flying debris, but
none seriously. The explosion wa caused
by a forest, fire igniting the building in
which the dynamite waa stored.
British Fleet to Visit Rala.
ST. PETERSBURG, May 1. Th re
port that Great Britain I 1 arranging to
end th Channel fleet to Cronstadt thi
ummer is confirmed. The exchange of
civilities and festivities at Cronstadt Is
manifestly intended to foster . the aentl
ment In both countries In favor of an
Anglo-Russian understanding-.
Heavy Ral.a aa Veaavta.
NAPLES. May 1. Torrential rains re
cently have washed ashes and cinder down
th slope of Mount Vesuvius and hav
flooded th country around th volcano.
carrying away aeveral oeasanta' houses
and drowning many animal.
Paa-Asaerlcaa Dalaaataa Xasaed.
WASH INC TON. May lk-The president
ha appointed Andrew J. Montague of Vir
ginia and Paul 8. Relnach of Wisconsin
delegate to the Pan-American congre at
Rio de Janeiro.
Tot Only Do We Oat Inspiration
Katara, Bat Health a Wall.
For people who are run-down and norr
oa, who uffer front Indigestion or dys
pepsia, headache, blllonsne, or torpid
liver, coated tonga with bitter taste ta
th morning and poor appetite. It be
comes necessary to turn to torn tnnle or
traugthenflr which will assist N'lur
and help thew to get on their feet and
put th body into ita proper condition, it
s bacomlna more and more annarcnt that
Nature' most valiiahl health giving
font are to he found In forest plant
and roots.
Nearly forty years ago. Dr. R.V. Plerca.
now consulting physician to the Invalids'
Hotel and Siiigu-al Institute, at Iiuffalo,
N. Y.. discovered that by solent'.flrally
i trading and combining certain medici
nal principle from native roots, taken
frum our American forest, be could pro
due a medtcln w hich w& marvelously
fflclent Id curing rases of blood disorder
and liver and stomach trouble a well aa
many other chronic, or lingering ali
ments. Thl concentrated ei tract of
Nature's vitality he nind "Ooideu Med
ical DUcovery." It purifies the blood by
utiing iu stomaon sua liver into
ealthy condition, thereby helping th
digextion and assimilation of food w hich
fxexi tha blood. 1 hereby it cures weaa
stomach, in-lic ostion. torpid llvar. or bil
iousness, and kindred derangement.
If you hav coated tongue, with bitter
or bad tatte in the morning, frequent
headaches, feci weak. suyly tired, stitches
or pain In side, back gives out easily and
aches, bole hi us of gas. constipation, of
Irregular huwuTa. feel flashes of heat al
ternating with chilly itciisatioii or kin
dred symptoms, ttiav point to derange
ment of your stomach, liver and kidney,
which th '(iolden Medical Discovery
will rontPi more speedily and perma
nently than any other known agent. Con
tains uo alcohol or habit-forming drugs.
All Its lniftvdlonu printed in plain Knr
11 h on w rapper.
Th sole motiv for substitution la tt
permit the ieler to make a IliU mot
profit. He gain; you lose. Accept no sab
itltuM for 'Ltoiden Medical Discovery."
Constipation causa and aggravate
many anrlous disease. It I thoroua-hly
enrad by Ir. Pierce's Pleasant PelUta,
On a laiatlv-, twa ar three ar eathartt.
Fraae Reeciv Medal.
PARIS, May It At today's meeting of
tb council of mlnlatars. Premier Burgeol
presented th medal given by th United
States to Frano la commemoration of th
Franklin anniversary.
Feme Coaferaaca Heat Year.
TUB HAGUE, May ll.-lt 1 regarded
her a practically assured that th sec
ond International peac conference will be
postponed until th end of May, 1M7.
Roller Kkatlag at Maaawa.
Manager Byrne of Maaawa la arranging
to install a roller skating rink as on of
the attractions of that park tht summer.
With the new roller coaater and other
novelties which hav been added since th
close Manager Byrne 1 figuring on a
continuance of the Immense crowd he
had Ust season. Th swimming season la
so late In opening that roller skating will
be tried fvr the early comer.
ten fed th dentist' convention, la tb guest
of Mr. and Mrs. Don Shuil.
Charles R. Edgar of Lincoln, J. I..
Marena of Kanaaa City and E. O. Campbell
and son of Central City ar at th lien
shew. Hon. W. E. Andrea, auditor of th
treasury at Washington, la In Omaha on
bla way to Hastings, to attend to some
piival matter.
U Carlisle. F. E. Butt of Los Angeles,
C. M. Urough of Han Francisco, J. C.
1 -ester of Superior and Z. H. Young of
Pasadena are at th Paxton.
Inva Walsh of Denver, George Barnett of
Kansas City. A. I Anderson. Chris Jeeu.
Mr. and Mrs. ti. Brown of Tekainah and
W. 8. Swanaon of Oakland are at the
Mr. and Mis. J. W. Koopman of St. Paul,
Mini)., spent riaiurduy in the city. They
attended the funeral of Mrs. Koopman s
mutner, Mrs. Alice Alexander, of Twenty
fourth a rut South boulevard.
D. K. Johnson of Denver, J. V. Sharp
ies of Ansley, W. A. Cottrell of Cnnrnrdia,
B. Stevenson. Ir. K. H. Kusera and Fre.l
Landox of Verdigrla, F. Currie of Crawford
and ' M. Penney of Arlington are at the
kc reliant. r
Samuel Kats. U Harris and Max Morris
of Nebraska lodge B nal B'riih and Martin
L. Sugarman and Morris (Hickman of De
Molnea. representing William McKlnlay
lodge, will attend th meeting! af th grand
loda la Mlnneaswlia Sunday.
Furnishing AE'Jome
I m woman' Jnaf prltle. It in her aim to surround herwrlf with Rootl
furniture, both dnrable and pleasing to tlie eye. II I .last as Important
to own a nicely furnished iiom as it is to live in a nhe lot-nitty. Y.
AlW. RKADY TO 1IKI.P YOU make a home after your own Ideal ami
extend to jrou Ihe most liberal ('KKI)IT ACCOMMODATIONS that will
allow you to pay a little at a lime In amounts that your 1 1 rv urn stance
will permit. We charge nothing Ufa fur Uieav tN-roininodaUuiM awail will
help placet you on a aoriaj footing; exual to your more prosperous neigh
flxlO Brussels Rug
!xl()-t) Brussels Kugs
Hxl2 Wool Art Stiuare
Japanvse Cotton Chain Matting
China Matting
Window 8hade
Mm Store
Will Clothe
Yourself and
Family and
Furnish Your
Hams on
5J I'-V. , I .v
J??:?" rTT
Refrigerator Hard wood, char
coal lined, length 24-ln., depta
17 -In. 3-in. high, capa
city 40 lbs
Oak Sldebourd Solid oak, swell
top, divided drawers. Trench
plate glass. Big value
This 5-plere Parlor Suit, a wonder for Go-Car t- Prettily designed
the money, heavy mahogany finish basket, tempered at eel
frame, upholstered in valour, 4Q nr running gear,
only IOiUU at
HI f 1 1 V tl .
mm m m fl I. If i II I
;.'!,MI ajaaui ill Jif iJWaar
Thai Tired Feeling
When you cut your grass can be prevented by using a
good lawn mower a Philadelphia or Continental. Then wa
have lower priced mowers with ball bearings. We have tho
Cadet mower, best low priced machine made 12-inch,
$2.75; 14-inch, $3.00; 16-inch, $3.25.
la another grass and money saver. We have it in two oizes
three-fourths and one-half inch. Brands
Remember every foot of Goodrich hose is warranted.
Jas ftlorton & Son Co.
Exclusive Agents Goodrich Hose. Hardware and Toools.
How lo write a Furnished
room Ad
You can't rept a bare, poorly
furnished room as easily aa a
cozy, attractive furnished one.
People wont answer an adver
tisement as readily if you do not
make it inviting if you do not
make them feel that yours is
just the room they want.
Str fa Aa hind tut to tori.-
OH ROIT-Ooad frnlh4 rara
for ta gDtlrao. 1M rarnexa
TUt vostU ht fort mpt to ran tKt renw
rOR KENT rUaaaot aouta front
ram. for twa santleman well
turnlsh kath n ju floor -
mtnntea walk frara dew a tswa. 1M
Faraam slrset.
Tha Brat ad went coat aa much, kut
tf tha longer ad win rant tha raom,
bacaata It la aXtraetlv. It's g4
S0,000 Rial CiroulatUn.