Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 20, 1906, NEWS SECTION, Page 3, Image 3

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idaj Apportionment LareMt Eat On in th
History of the Bute.
Stat Rnir ef Pahlt I.anA and
Batldlae; Arrmtn to Allow
Railroad to ftaa Tkrsigh
state Groans at Norfolk.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, May 19. (Special. )-The May
apportionment of school money to be cer
t.fled to the state superintendent it the
don of business Monday evening by the
slate treasurer will amount to over $411,000.
There Is that amount now on hand and
Monday's business I yet to be considered.
This Is the second largist apportionment,
Treasurer Mortennen having topped the
lecord In May. 1901, when he apportioned
0Jt 1443.28. Last December the apportion
ment waa I3S9.O0O In round numbers.
The per capita apportionment at that
time was $1.03 and under the present ap
portionment of K12.000 the per capita will
be about (1.10. This will give to Douglas
county about 140,800 as Its portion of the
state school money. In 1904 the per capita
apportionment was $1.17.
Railroad wsita State Laad.
The State Board of Public Lands and
Buildings went out to Milford this morn
ing to look over the ground which the
Burlington railroad wants to use as a
right-of-way in changing its line through
Milford. Without a special act of the leg
islature the board has no right to deed the
land to the railroad company, but the
board, after an investigation, agreed to
allow the road to put in its track and then
go to the legislature for a deed next win
ter. The road crosses the state Innd In
what is considered the worst part of it. The
company will nave to do considerable grad
ing. Norfolk Hearlsg Postponed.
Because district court begins at Norfolk
Monday the Investigation at the Norfolk
asylum by the members of the Board of
Publlo Lands and Buildings has been post
poned until later in the week. Judge
Robertson, attorney for Superintendent
Alden, asked for the postponement be
cause he will be busy the first part of
t tie week In the district court.
ftOTernor Talks to Gradaatea.
Secretary Piper of the State Board of
Charities and Correction, returned today
from Alma, where he accompanied Gover
nor Mickey yesterday. Mr. Piper attended
I he closing exercises of the Alma schools
and listened to the address by the governor.
He reported the exercises good and the at
tendance large.
Formal Closing; ef Assessment.
At Its meeting to be held Monday morn
ing the State Board of Assessment will take
a formal vote on the assessment of rail
road property and, the records will be
made up In accordance with the decision
of the board as already published. Then
comes the work of distribution of values
along the different roads belonging to each
system. Inasmuch, however, as changes
were made only In two systems. It Is pre
sumed the amount assessed wilt be dis
tributed it was last year. The board
this rear completed Its work quicker than
ever before In its history and very little
debate was indulged in.
Sapreme Coart Aiiigasiest. .
The following is a proposed assignment
of cases for hearing Tuesday, June 19,
CejHral Granaries Company against Lan
caster County, (reiigurnent before the
court), Lancaster; I Laval Separator
Company agiiitist Jellnek, BHllne: Harvey
against Godding. Oloe; Old Hardware
Company against J. I. Case Threshing
Machine Company. Valley; Wood against
(peck, Holt; Morrow against I,averty.
York; American Bonding Company against
Pulver, Keainey; Keith. Trustee, against
Brudrr. Holt; Strawn, Kxerutrlx. agRinst
First National Bank of Humboldt, Rich
ardson: Port Huron Machinery Company
against Bragr. Phelps; Tracy against Dean,
Madison; Kertnon against Kertaon, Madi
son; tthutt against Lockner. Butler;
Cheney sgslnst Cheney, Hntler; Keckler
against Modern Brotherhood of America,
'hss, Merrill ag.Unitl Conroy, Douglas;
Hebesta against Supreme Court of Honor,
Cass; Flint National Bank of Plattsmoutb
against Estate of J.chnofr. Cass; Bice
gainst Slate, Boyd; Moyer against Adams,
Dawes; Allen agHlnst Ruchforth, Douglas;
Fryer against Fryer, Lancaster.
'Following is a list of cases which will
be called for hearing 'June 5:
South Omaha National Bank against
McGlllln, (reargument before the court).
Chase; Jacob North & Co.. against An
gelo. Lancaster; Stull against Masllonka,
reargument before the court), Platte;
Omaha Loan and Building Association
against Hendee. (reargument before the
Court), Douglas; l.owe against Prospect
Hill Cemetery Association. Douglas: Bettle
against Tledgcn. (reargument before the
Court). Madison; Prante against Lompe,
Nemaha: liolyoke against Sipp. Lancaster;
Weeke against Wortmann, Thayer; Tay
lor against Hover, Sarpy; Starr against
Dow, Red Willow; Steger against Kosch,
, Butler; Canhum against Bruvgman. Knox;
Rrlnegar against Copass. Richardson;
Griffith against Griffith. Richardson; Brown
against brown. . Hamilton; Brockway
against Reynolds. Dawes; Mirage Irri
gating Company agaitiNt Sturgeon, Sheri
dan: Moore against Neece, Sioux; Hlte
nainsi Troupe, (reargument before the
Commission), Buffalo; Topping against
Cohn, Otoe; Stelir against Mason City A
Fort Dodge Railway Company, Douglas;
Dilscoll sMlnnt Modern Brotherhood of
America, Uni-nln.
laaaranr Money raid la One Week.
TABLK ROCK. Neb.. May 19.-Spe''al.)
The policy held In the American Accident
association 'of IJncoln by Frank Baltey,
who ass killed May 11 In the machinery of
the Table Rock Brick plant of this place,
was paid to the widow . yesterday to her
Jul! satisfaction. The policy was for $l,8no
Piles Cured
As Easily A Cough; Painlessly.
Vuickly and Without Catting.
Trial Package ' Mailed Free.
The agony and suffering In plies la ao
great that It a surgical operation was a
certain cure twhlch it isn't), and there
was no other means of relief, some per
sona might be willing to take the chance
of blood poisoning or lockjaw.
But now thai the Pyramid Pile Cure has
been discovered and has been proven to be
a quick and certain means of relief and
lasting cure, there la no excuse for risk
ing your life.
Dots Pyramid Pile Cure give immediate
relief? Does it cure? Try it and prove it
to out self, as thousands liae don be
fore you. 'Then go to your druggist and
get a 50-cent box and complete the cure.
Pyramid Pile -Cure will cute you, and do
it with a certainty and a rapidity that will
astonish you.'
Take, for example, the case of Mr. Ben
jamin Shaw, postmaster of Bland. We
quote his own words in his letter of Octo
ber IL lsi: "I was in great agony of
mind and body. In the meantime a gentle
man told me of the virtae 'of your Pyramid
lemedy. I fortunately found it at a drug
store, and by the next morning I did not
feel that any operation was necessary, and
lu three daya I waa able to return home,
and a complete cure waa accomplished, to
my great satisfaction and lb surprise of
the physician."
For a trial package send your nam and
address to the Pyramid Drag po 41T7 Pyra
mid Building. Marshall. Michigan, and you
will get a trial package by re lorn mail.' No
&i ax a.
and his rating a a machinist entitled
her to receive SO per cent of this amoutjt.
She was handed a draft for ITJn. J. H.
Whltt. genersl agnt, and M. D. Hatch,
secretary and adjuster, were here from
Lincoln and arranged the settlement.
ri.A his i tnrtiG
Beech of Committee Appointed
Room Candidacy.
GRAND ISLAND. Neb., May 19 -(Special.)
Twenty-nine supporters of George L.
Rouse In his efforts to land the repuhllcnn
nomination for governor met at the court
house yesterday and appointed several com
mittees to boom his campaign. The meet
ing was In response to the written notice
sent to the members of the committee of
one hundred notifying them of their ap
pointment and requesting them to meet to
organise. Twenty-nine of the honored re
sponded. Mr. Rouse was tailed for and suggested
the plan along the lines of which he de
sired the committee to work.
In accordance with his suggestion a com
mittee on publicity was appointed, consist
ing of C. K. Fratli k and W. R. King, to act
In conjunction with Henry Si-buff and Mr.
Rouse. Mr. Rouse. Mr. Srhuff. Mr. llorlh
and Mr. McAllister were appointed as
committee to appoint six congressional com
mittees for work under Mr. Rouse's direc
tion, each congressional committee to con
sist of He members. A committee was
also appointed to work among the bankers
who will convene in this city next week.
The committee on publicity was. on mo
tion of W. R. McAllister, requested to have
envelopes printed bearing a. history of Mr.
Rouse, to be mailed, enclosing correspond
ence, where they would do the most good.
A committee wa appointed to see that the
papers of the county were lined up in sup
port of Mr. Rouse, but this motion was later
Seven precincts of the county were repre
sented, Wood River, the Soldiers' Home and
the five precincts in Grand Island.
Blair Grants Five Licenses After Law
v l.eaajne Oraanlaes.
BLAIR, Neb., May 19. (Special.) Klmer
E. Thomas of Omaha assisted In the organi
sation of a Iaw Enforcement league here
on Thursday evening and today the lid
was lifted and four licenses for saloons
were granted. Mr. Thomas spoke In the
opera house to a lurge audience, whli h
showed its sympathy with the objects of
the league by subscribing; a sum of nearly
$500 to meet expenses of the coming year.
The following officers were elected: Presi
dent. Dr. C. R. Mead: first vice president,
C. O. Krogh, second vice president, John
A. More; third vice president, John I Lutz;
secretary. Rev. Mr. Axtel; treasurer. C. L.
Pollock; finance committee. C. C. Prowell,
Jr., Georgo A. Smith and J. B. Adams. A
large membership has already been secured.
At 2 o'clock this afternoon Don C. Van
Dusen, editor of the Courier, called on
Mayor Harrison and withdrew his notice
of appeal on the publication bf licenses,
which- he contended were not printed In
the paper having the largest circulation as
provided by law. As this removed the only
obstacle In the way license were at once
Issued to the four applicants and they Im
mediately opened up for business. One
more license will be granted on Monday.
There haa been a bitter fight over the is
suance of the licenses since May 1.
Teeamseh Baaker Convicted of Ea
besallna" Ten Thousand Dollars.
AUBURN. Neb., May 1. (Special Tele
gram.) Charles M. Chamberlain was
found guilty tonight of the charge of em
bezzling $10,000 from the Chamberlain
banking house of, Tecumseh.
The defense rested at noon yesterday and
the state offered only one witness In re
buttal. Halick F. Rose made the, closing
argument for the defense after supper,
and this morning George A. Adams closed
for the state. Judge Raper Instructed the
Jury and the case was submitted at 2:80
this afternoon. The jury was out about
two hour, and a half.
The case has occupied the attention of
the district court for about two weeka. '
This waa the third trial of the case.
Following the failure of the bank nearly
rive years ago Chamberlain fled. He waa
indicted and two years later returned vol
untarily for trial.
TECUM8KH, Neb.. May 19 -(Speclal Tel-egram.)-The
verdict glvea general satis
faction In this city, although Chamberlain
ha a following 'which of course la dis
pleased with the decision.
Cleveland Appointee Who Left Demo
crats Retarn to Old Party Fold.
COLUMBUS, Neb., May 19 (Special
Telegram.) James E. North, who was
appointed collector of customs In Omah-t
by Cleveland and who left the demo
cratic party when William J. Bryan wo a
fit at nominated for president, haa an
nounced hi return to the old party again.
Time-waa when Mr. North could not stand
Uryan's kind of democracy, but his heart
haa been changed, probably on account of
the great tabernacle meetings in Colum
bu. At any rate he gives it out now
that he repents having left the party
and that he Just hope that he will llv
long enough fo see the democrats nom
inate W. J. Bryan, o that he can vote
for him and make dp In part for hla
wandering from the fold.
School Work at Hnmboldt.
Ht'MBOIJJT. Neb.. Maj 19.-(8peelal.
Thia haa been a busy week in the city
school, teachers and pupils preparing for
the coming graduation exercises. The class
of 190s will contain three members Mis
Jessie Draper, Herbert Ford and Garnett
H. Murray and the exercises will take
place at the Snethen opera house on Tues
day evening. May 29. Other events on the
calendar are: Junior reception and banquet
Thursday evening. May 34. at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. L. Howell and at the Park
hotel; eighth grade graduation exercises
at the Christian church on Wednesday
evening, May SO; the alumni banquet and
reception at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
L. M. Stern on Thursday evening. May SI,
and the class sermon at the Presbyterian
church Sunday morning.. May 20, delivered
by Rev. I- Richmond Smith.
Mrs. W. R. Cooper came near severing
one of her fingers from her hand on a
glass fruit Jar which she waa handling and
which brok In the operation.
Fighter eet Mtsfortaa.
NEBRASKA CITY. May 19.-(8peclal
Late Thursday night John Hutton of
Mound City, Mo., attacked S. V. Hudson,
night watch at the Burlington bridge, and
received severe injuries from th encounter
and later met with an accident in which
he received a broken leg and a sprained
ankle. Hutton was intoxicated and after
he had crossed the bridge secured a large
rock and attacked Hudson, who defended
himself with his lantern. After th trouble
Hutton started up town, but later was
found lying on the Burlington railroad
track with his left leg broken and his ankle
sprained. He waa attended by physician,
who say in man lnJVirle are very se
rious. Attorney Polk Gets Derision.
PIATTSMOCTH, Neb.. May 19 (Special.)
In district court la this city today Judge
George A. Day of Omaha handed down a
decision in the celebrated case of John
fcuoko 4 -ai-a gainat-Attorney C. a. Polk
of thia city. Tbs court found that th vi-
dence clearly showed thst Mr. Folk hsd
not msde any misstatements or misrepre
sentations to the heirs in Kentucky and
that no fraud hnd heen committed by Mr.
Tolk In any wsy and that he was entitled
to the farm, which he purchased from the
heirs for the sum of $4 ono and also the
notes, amounting to the sum of $4,500, but
left undetermined whether or not the con
tract conveys other notes subsequently
found, In the sum of 12.7CO.
This case wss previously tried here before
Judge Paul Jesscn and appealed to the
supreme court and by It sent hack for re
Olto Schmidt Receives Rewards for
Rravery on lll-Fated Reanlsgtoa.
BLAIR, Neh. May 19 (Special.) Otto
D. Schmidt, the sailor boy from Blair who
was granted n gold medal and $100 by the
secretary of the navy for heroic conduct
on board the Bennington when Its bollns
exploded, at San Diego, received his gold
medal about a month ago and today le
celved his money. Mr. Schmidt is one f
eleven comrades so awarded :ind the only
one from Nelaska. The special bravery
for which this award was made wss for
volunteering to go below for the rescue of
their comrades on the call of the officer
of the deck.
Blacksmith's Home and "hop Rnrna.
TECI'MSEH, Neb., May 19. (Special.)
Fire which originated In the second story
of Fred Rubink's blacksmith shop at Graf,
a small town east of here, lute Friday
night destroyed the shop with Its contents.
Including an engine, lathe, etc., together
with Mr. Rubink's dwelling house and
about all of Its contents. The famllv es
caped with but few articles of clothing
and valuahles. The cause of the fire is
not known, and It had gained great head-
j way liefore being discovered. However, the
villagers turned out and fought the flames
as soon as aroused and It was with great
difficulty that Gordon's general store, which
property Is near the destroyed buildings,
was saved. Mr. Rubink's total loss on
house and shop, with housekeeping effects
and blacksmith machinery. Is about $3. Oft).
Insurance, about S1.7U4.
News of Nebraska.
SK WARD August Ooldhammer has sold
his quarter section southwest of Milford
for $12.1).
PLATTSMOCTH Charles L. Sheldon
was looking after his poll ileal fences here
on Friday.
SEWARD The Strong Lithla springs of
Milford has been incorporated for $tO.0"K),
lii.orn) of which Is paid up.
HL'MBOLDT Dr. K. A. Litchfield has
been spending the week at Omaha attend
ing the state dental meeting. '
Hl'MBOLDT A base'ball club haa been
organized in this city, suits purchased and
grounds laid off and an early season Is
PLATTSMOl'TH-The lol conference of
the Swedish Mission church convened In
this city Saturday evening for a three
days' session.
BKATRICEl It is reported the Rock
Island's new service between Kansas City
and Fatrhury will consist of two passen
ger and two freight trains dally.
FALLS CITY The class reception given
by the Juniors to the seniors was held at
the high school building Friday evening.
About 150 guests were in attendance.
BEATRICE At a meeting of the senior
class of the Beatrice High school Charles
Thornburg was selected as class valedic
torian and James Ayres as salutatorlan.
YORK Many Improvements are being
made in York purk and Chautauqua
grounds. Will Readier has placed an order
for another Detroit modern gasoline launch
which he will put In service.
HUMBOLDT Miss Lela Patterson left
esterday for San Bernardino, Cat, to visit
with relatives and attend the marriage of a
sister. Miss Zula, who has been out in
that state n couple of years.
HVMBOLDT-The William Mix Grand
Army post has arranged to observe Dec
oration day with its usual exercises at
the hall and in the city park, although a
speaker has not been selected as yet.
BEATRICE Beatrice lodge No. 30,
Knights of Pythias, held a largely at
tended meeting Friday night, at which
there was a number of initiations. A ban
quet was held al the cloae of the business
BEATRICE C. B. Rodgers. superin
tendent of the Wymore division of the
Burlington, and F. E. Culp. bridge In
spector, passed through Beatrice Friday
in Mr. Rodgers' private car on an inspec
tion trip.
BEATRICE The Beatrice Woman club
met In special session Friday at the home
of Mrs. F. C. LaSelle. The constitution
and bylaws were revised and general plans
for next year's work were discussed and,
decided upon.
PLATTSMOL'TH J. A. Walker and Allen
Wilson of Murray came to this city and
accepted a challenge from H. N. Dovey
and W. K. Fox to play a series of game
of "pitch(" The score waa 8 to 2 in favor
of the visitors.
BEATRICE Sheriff Trude ha received
word from Maryavllle, Kan., that a team
Of horses waa stolen there Thursday night
and that the thieves were headed toward
Beatrice. At last accounts they had not
been apprehended.
BATTLE CREEK The ninth annual
commencement of the Battle Creek High
school was held Friday night. The grad
uate were: Loretta Carr, Hazel Kilburn,
Rose Krrvanek and Verna Oliver. All de
livered oration and acquitted themselves
SEWARD The case of Christiana Sou
chek. an inmate of the Girl' Industrial
home at Milford, against Ernest Carr was
tried at th last term and the defendant
found guilty, the Jury bringing in a ver
dict to that effect after being out all of
last night.
COZAD Commencement exercises of Co
xud High school were held Friday night
The class consisted of Nellie C. Anderson
Roslna Bllleter, Mamie Nendo and Fern
Peck. The four girls did themselves great
credit in the construction and delivery of
their oration.
BEATRICE Two divorce case were
filed In the district court Saturday. Ora
Miller seek etpa ration from Henry
Millar on ground of cruelty and non
support, and Paul Wltzkl aak divorc
from Lottie Wltskl on charges of adultery
and Intoxication.
SEWARD The Nebraska fish and game
commission car passed through Milford
and left ,000 small catfish and pike to
be planted In the Blue. The fish were
placed at different points in the river be.
lorn- the dam. The Soldiers' Horn river
was well stocked with the fish.
PLATT8MOUTH John Gorder of this
city and Miss Zetta Peter were united in
marriage at the home of the bride'
parents. Mr. and Mrs. William Peters, In
bprlngrleld, Keb., Thursday. After a wed
ding trip to the coast the happy couple
will reside in their new home near tins
BEAVER CITY Mr. H. P. Wllcockson
died suddenly at 7:au this evening of heart
trouble. She hud been ill for some weeks,
but had been much better today. 6he
dropped dead while walking from on room
to another. The Wilcocksona formerly
lived at Elmwood, where Mr. Wllcockson
was postmaster.
M'COOK Three separata attempts at pre
sumably incendiary Ores were made in
thia city late laat night. Th only damage
worth mentioning was in the Fianklin
block, occupied by James McAdam. and
the loss here did not exceed tino. The au
thorities have placed in service an extra
night watchman.
BEATRICE The gasoline weed burner,
which has been working on th I'nlun
Pacific line between thia city and Lin
coln for the last few days, has been taken
to Urn ha foe repair. It work ha been
unsatisfactory, a It consumes . a large
amount of gasoline and fails to do the
work for which it I Intended.
BEATRICE Word ha been received
that Robert Klose. proprietor of th
! Grape -Nuts
Your Hotel Breakfast
and the food will come. Soma few
hotel leave It off tha menu bo
nuw it I not furnished them free.
I nwas'nc.jqoi JT)flas.i
CHKTOXNK 3ti lnchr-8 wide,
as nearly fast as the best
country can make them at, per
36 INCH TAKKKTA In rose bud pattern
with valance to match, white and colored
grounds, 17 other styles poppy, American
beauty and silver styles at, per TT
yard JJC
32 INCH KNtil.ISH CHINTZ All reprints,
fast colors, just risht for over curtains, fur
nltuie coverings and bed draperies, nf
per ard UC
designs, two-tone colors, Rose du Berry
yellow, reseda green, and all the new ef
fects In decorative materials, at, QQ
per ard J DC
stunning effects, absolutely fast colors and
worth every where 13 yard, we bought a f .
an Importer's stock on sale at 3 Jill
half price, per yard wv
Porch Rugs
Mourzouk Rugs are made from the cocoanut fiber dyed with vege
table dyes, which are perfectly fast, and woven by hand, In beautiful
Oriental designs and colorings:
3x6 Mourzouk Rug 8.5
4x7 Mourzouk Rug fl.JSO
Cx9 Mourzouk Rug 12.0O. . .
6x12 Mourzouk Rug Ifl.OO
7-fixl2 Mourzouk Rug 10.5O
8x10 Mourzouk Rug 17.00
9x12 Mourzouk Rug 24 .SO
CREX GRASS RI GS Very desirable for summer use, cool, clean
and sanitary, especially good for dining rooms and porches, also made
in runners for halls:
18x36 4c 3x6 f.liS
21x48 59c 4-6x7-6 :t.OO
24x54 GKo 6x9 4.SO
2-3x5 8.V 8x10 $7.00
2-6x5 9.-K- 9x12 8.BO
In gasoline Movea, construction means protection from accident.
The National Insurance Gasoline Stove gives you this protection, in a
measure, greater than any other. It effectually prevents accidents, by
prohibiting carclessnesM. A child can open the valves or the burner
flame may be blown out and no gasoline will eacape.
There is no drop cup to overflow when generating, simply light
at torch, put it In position and ttirn on the burner, and your stove is
ready to use.
No mechanical knowledge required to clean It, a tenpenny nail
and the attention of the housewife or maid for five minutes is all that
is necessary. No higher in price
of less merit Prices
2 burner Junior, $2.45.
rchard i Wilhelm arpet
jxjxnn nrn-i-i- -
Beatrice Brick works, wno has been In
Germany for two years, was taken seri
ously ill from an attack of appendicitis
Just bs he was leaving for home. Mr.
Klose had notified Beatrice friends lie
would reach this city May kM, but his ill
neji will cause a delay.
8EWARD-While returning from Pleas
ant Dale Wednesday Samuel Unxlcker and
Guy West were the participants in a bad
runaway and collision of buggies. The ac
cident happened at the industrial home and
the outlit was scattered as far as th
stock yards. Both men were shaken up
considerably. Mr. Unilcker suffering a dls
located shoulder.
TABLE ROCK At a meeting of the
village board the matter of licensing a
billiard hall came up for reconsideration.
A petition to this eneci signeu ny iwemy
aeven business men was presented. The
re was raised from SH) to 175 and
a license was granted to A. N. Aylor and
the billiard hall opened up tor Dusimws
Saturday morning.
a imhwortH The Ainsworth base ball
team successfully presented "The Soldier's
Sweetheart" Friday evening, it was given
by home talent, assisted Dy Mrs. rweiyn
Lambert of Omaha and her daughter
Mamie, for the benefit of the Ainsworth
first nine. They are asked to play at
liriif IMne Monday nlKht. The proceeds
of the evening were $64.
ui'URULDT-Hev. John Calvert, pastor
of the Methodist church of this city, left
yesterday on nis ten wreas vacation,
which he expects to spend with his aged
mother near Wakerleld. England. Mr.
Calvert has been in this country about ten
years and this is his first visit to his na
tive land. The local pulpit will be filled
during his absence by neighboring pastors.
BEATRICE The Crabtree rorenslc club
held Its last meeting of the year Fridsy
evening and debated, "Resolved. That the
trusts Should oe pui unuer leaerai con
trol." The afflrmattva was represented by
P.rnest Hahne. Charles Hepperlen and Wll-
mer Johnson and the negative by Donald
Folson, James ijiwrence ana- l imora
Phillips. The Judges decided In favor cf
tht arnrmatlve.
BEATRICE The 6-year-old daughter of
B. W. Campbell was probably fatally in
jured at Adams Friday night by running
into a barb wire fence. She waa coasting
down hill on some wheels when the vehicle
veered and ran Into the fence, cutting her
throat in such a manner that a physician
found it necessary to take twenty stitches
to close up the wound. It la feared ahe
cannot recover.
NEBRASKA CITY William Baumer
post. Grand Army of the Republic, will
nhivrva liecnration day and they will be
assisted by the Woman's Relief corps and
Comany ('. Second regiment, .-eDrasaa
National Guard. The memorial services
will be held in the Methodist church Sun
day morning. May 27. The services Dec
oratiun day will be held at the snme,
the address being delivered jy Rev. J. T.
YORK -The funeral of lr. D K Redge
wirk took place Friday morning from th
residence at Sixth and High streets. tr.
Sedgewlck was one of the pioneers of
York and was Identified wltli both public
and private enterprises and assisted aia
terlallv In the upbuilding and growth of
the city. He was highly respected, loved
by all, a physician who ranked with the
best In the state. He leaves a widow and
three sor.s.
EDGAR The following teachers have
been re-employed by the school board for
tha ensuing year: Superintendent, Prof.
K. L. Weaver; principal. Miss Mary A.
Johnson; aKsis'aul principal. Miss Esther
H. Alexander; eighth grade. William H.
Reld; feurth grad". Miss Zo Vincent; third
grade. Miss Genera, Thompson; primary,
Miss Marie Johnson. Applications for
otlmr grade teachers are still being con
sidered by th board.
PLATTSMOL'TH Th body of Mrs. Sid
ney Mackey. who was shot and killed by
her h'isiand near Reynolds, was brought
to this city by her stepson and interred in
Oak Hill cemetery. Aa requested by th
stepson, do services wer held either in
this city or at th grav. Deceased waa
formerly Mrs. Ida M. Young and resided In
this city for many years. Domsstlo
trouble Is said to have been th cause of
the double tragedy.
Ht'SHVIM.E Rushvllle High school
graduates held their exercise In th opera
house last night. Th graduate delivered
Never before have we been so well equipped to supply your
wants In cool, attractive looking, as well as economical furnishings
lor the home. Light, airy and cool looking summer curtains and
draperies. Comfortable and substantial summer furniture. Rugs
made especially for warm weather use that add to the cheerfulness
of the home. We are here to show these and oiler some excellent
values to th: purchaser.
in good colors,
printers In the
M.tDKAH IN COLONS 3d ins. wide
dainty side borders, per yard
4 0 Inches wide, dainty side borders,
per yard
4 5 Inches wide, dainty side borders,
per yard
50 Inches wide, all over patterns,
Ur yard
CuHalns, full slie, in good styles and pat
terns, hemstitched ruffle, newest 7 f?
patterns, special, per pair JC
CRKTOXNK !IKI SKTS With bolster cover,
good styles, all new, complete, ready "1 "r
to use, per set
bolster complete
than stoves
$9 to $24
414'Ife'I8 South
innnrinnnnri - i - i - rriTi'i - r
orations In most cases with distinct ar
ticulation, the subjeeta being well chosen
and handled. Entertaining music was fur
nished by the Rushvllle orchestra, assisted
by Prof. Ward, violinist. Prof. McNoun.
principal of the Rushvllle schools, and
Attorney C. Patterson, president of the
school board, presented the diplomas. The
Sraduales were: Marguerite Patterson,
osle West over, Minnie Gammon. Olive
Mann. Kitty Dullaghan, George Dale and
William F. Brown.
TABLE ROCK A meeting In support of
peace and arbitration was held here In the
Methodist Episcopal church Friday after
noon under ihe auspices of the Woman's
Suffrage association. After scripture read
ing and a prayer the main address was
Slven by the pastor of the church. Rev.
. T. Roberts. An article by the national
chairman. Mrs. L.ucla Ames Mead, was
read by Mrs. I,. C. Fellers. Mrs. Lydla
K. Andrew gave an Interesting talk on
the subject, quoting liberally from Mrs.
Mead's published reports. A committee
waa appointed to perfect plans for carry
ing out the work In this village.
OAKLAND At the regular meeting of
Oakland chapter No. 1M, Order of Eastern
Star, Friday night the following officers
were Installed: Mrs. Jean Myers. W. M.;
A. B. Peden. W. P.; Mrs. Mary Mlnier, A.
M. ; Kthel Hopkins. secretary; V. L.
Fried, treasurer; Mrs. Emma Cull, con
ductor; Mrs. Grace Simon, associate con
ductor; Pearl Swanson, Adah; Rachel Hop
kins, Ruth; Mrs. Theodore Masennann,
Esther; Esther HnlmquiHt, Martha; Mrs.
Emma Peden, Electa; Mrs. Belle New
mann, chaplain; Mrs. Nellie Warwick,
marshal; Frank RJngqulst, organist; Mrs.
Helen Lang, warden; A. C. Holmqulst, sen
tinel. At tha close a "Dutch" lunch waa
Maaager Hyrae Oalllnee the Program
for the Season at Hla
With the opening of Lake Manawa on
Sunday, May 27, tha summer resort aeaaon
will be on In full swing. Manager "Billy"
Byrne Is elated with the outlook at his
beautiful resort and with the vast amount
of Improvements mad counts on an un
precedented Increase In popularity and at
tendance at the famous lake resort. Mr.
Byrne is in receipt of numerous letters
of Inquiry from parties In towns for a
radius of 100 miles around who contemplat
organlxing excursion parties to the lake
this summer.
Th work of beautifying the park has
been carried out on a mora elaborate seal
than ever before. It is estimated that
when com pic led the floral decuiatlona will
require over 2000 plants. Last fall 3n0
flowering shrubs of different varieties wer
set out and beside the resetting of old
trees a large number of new ones wer
The features for amusement have bmi
greatly Increased, the most notable addi
tion In thia line being th installation of a
mammoth roller coaster, said to be the
largest now constructed west of Chicago.
It la of the VHfi pattern, therefor em
braces all th latest improvements to mak
it as near th ideal model aa genius has
conceived. This popular devlc has been
looated in th old base ball park, which
by th removal of th fenc, his been
thrown into tb park proper. A brand new
penny arcad will b placed In th front
end ef th theater. A representative of
the Manawa Amusement company is now
la the east selecting aom of th most
up-to-date machines for this Institution.
Another new feature will b a Japanese
baaar, In conjunction with which will b
1 operated th Japar.ese hall game, a pas
Uni ef growlas popularity at summer re-
3x feet, at ,
Oil Shade, good roller
3x6 feet, at
Hand finished oil opaque, Hartshorn
roller, complete, all colors
nefpnmonn hh nff paccc and Box
.We are sole Omaha agents and carry the genuine Ostermoor Mattress
and Box Spring. We have just, received a large shipment and offer
the Ostermoor Mattresses in the mercerized art twill 1 C OA
Ucking, full size U.UU
Ostermoor Upholstered Spiral Box Spring, in art twill
Showing a full complete line of
the celebrated Herritk Refrigerator
In opaltte glaas, white enamel or
spruce lined. This refrigerator has
perfect dry cold air circulation and
with its increased insulation makes
It nearly refrigerator perfection
prices up from "
Porch Rockers
(Like rut) frame made ef mapla,
natural finish, with woven rattan roll
seat, substantially con- a JCi
atructed, each
Gliding lawn or porch swing, maple
frame, natural finish, very strong
and durable, and easy running, C'i
price ipias
Other lawn swings, painted r'J,
four passenger, $6.60 to 17.00.
Folding lawn settees, the good sub
stantial Kind
4 feet tl.BO
f feet l.7
( feet a.00 ,
Sixteenth Street.
wwmwwwwwwwwwwwwww. --.-r.-L1
sorts. Several other new concessions are
being negotiated for and it la expected a
contract will be closed soon. The toboggan
slide, Neptune wheel and other water toys
will be reinstated at Manhattan beach,
which will be added to with other con
trivances to make bathing a thing of Joy.
The management will do all it enn to
make bathing enjoyable. An Instructor will
be In attendance who will teach swimming
free of charge.
Many lovers of music will be delighted
to hear that Ernest Nordln haa been en
gaged aa director. Mr. Nordin promisea an
excellent roster of talent for his band.
He la a conscientious leader and enjoys a
well earned reputation In musical circles
and Intends to put forth such efforts that
will merit a far-reaching popularity. With
th rifle court, novelty shooting galleries,
baby racks, photograph galleries, merry-go-round,
see-saws, etc., Manawa will af
ford a far greater variety of amusements
than ever before and preparations are
being made to handle a greatly increased
Older Cities Xnt Ip to West la
Javealle Correct loa. Bars
Oaflcer Bernstein.
Probation Officer "Mogy" Bernstein, who
has Just returned from Philadelphia, Is
firmly convinced th west has the east
beat as far aa Juvenile court systems are
concerned. He declares th system In
Philadelphia is a "fright" and bis freedom
in telling the Judge who presided over the
court so caused a little wordy acra'p be
tween th two.
"One trouble they have back thre,"he said
"lies In the friction between the women
probation officers and th humane society
officers. All their probation officers ar
Oho Perfect Food"
In giving good health no other
food compares with Malta-Vita
the perfect whole-wheat food. This is
because Malta-Vita, rich in nutrition, is so
easily digested and assimilated that all its valuable life
giving food elements are quickly taken up by the blood.
No other food so completely meets all the demands of
the body and no other i so good to eit. BaVed crisp and brown,
every grain of the malteti wheat a little wafer flake, Malta-Vita
19 always appetizing, delicious and satisfying. Try some todar
with milk or cream. You nvr Us ted anything quite so good.
All grocers. Kcut
Mil ;
YI'IHIK I'OIU'H SHAIES The only porch
screen that admits air and keeps out the
sun, all sizes, CO CJ7a CC
at, each 4--W. D'D
H A M M OCR S -com pi et e line, each
1.50-2.50-4.50 to 7.50
PORCH CVSHIONS Cool matting 1 C
cushions, 2 for 25c, each UC
-A good shade, 25 C
Let us measure your house for shades; we
do the work right.
women and they can't get along with the
men of the humane society. The Juvenile
work Is divided between the two sets of
officers and It causes considerable trouble.
' "Another objection Is In the method of
trying cases The Judge wears his robe
and sits on the bench twenty-five feet away
from the child on trlsl. They have to
yell at each other when they talk. Then
there are six or eight policemen present
and the whole atmosphere of the place
scares the child. He usually tremble Ilk
a leaf. Every two weeka they change
Judges, which Is another bad feature. One
good thing I found la In a provision re
quiting parents to pay for th mainten
ance of the child while he ia in charge of
the court."
Bernstein waa in attendance at the na
tional meeting of charities. Mrs. TI. H.
Heller , and Superintendent Morris of th
Associated Charltlea were also In at
Fair la F.astern Nebraska Today,
Showers In West Portion
Showers Tomorrow.
WASHINGTON. May 19.-Forecast of tha
weather for Sunday and Monday:
For Nebraska, Kansas, North and South
Dakota Fair In east, showers In west por
tion Sunday; Monday, shower.
For Iowa Fair Sunday, warmer in north
portion;, Monday, partly cloudy, probably
For Mow tana Scattered showers Sunday!
Monday, fair.
For .Colorado, Wyoming and Missouri
Fair Sunday and Monday.
Archbishop Farley Goca to Italy.
NEW YORK. May 19. The Most Rev.
John Farley, Roman Catholic archbishop
of New York, sailed today on th steamer
Konlgen Lulse for Genoa,
Tt.rf. on.