ft SPECIAL NOTICES A4?rrlUrnifiili for these rntamna be taken anttl 12 ra. for the "'! eilltloa and anlll X p. ns. for Morulas and Sanday edition. Hates 1 l-2a a word flrat Insertion, l a word thereafter, ftothlaa; taken for less than 341c for the Inl lnner tlon. Tbeaer ad vert laenaea t a annat be roa eoaaeeattTely. Advertisers, by requesting anm lrrd check, can have at.l rlreaeed to a numbered letter In ear of The Bee. Answers ao addreaaed will be delivered on presentation ol rhfk. MISCELLANEOUS BOYLES COLLEGE. SummtT Tenn, June 4th, RunlnphH. hlmrthand, Tj pewrltlng, Telrg .aphy and Engilsh. Catalogue free. Ad ..lesa H. B. boyles, Pres., Boyles Rldg., omah, is'cb. II 6m WHERE TRINK8 ARE MADE. Trunks, suit cases and shopping bagi. Old trunks taken in exchange; repairing. FREL1NU BTKINLE, 10 N. 16th be 'Phone Doug;. tf'S. R 121 M26 ENGROSSING and fancy penmanship. Royles College. R 2Qb OMAHA Safe and Iron Works make a spe cialty ol tire escapes, shutters, doors nnd safes. Q. Andrceu, Prop., 102 8. loth St. R 66 SIGN PAINTING, 8. H. Cole. 1302 Douglas. R TRY Kelly's Towel Supply. Tel. DourSMO. R 271 Iowa Sanitary Cleaning Co.. 11 Farnam. R-272 MARTIN MEYER. shirts, underwear to order. R M609 M20 bURVEYING. Bllckensderfer, 812 Bee Bldg. R-4T3 ANTI-Monopoly Garbage Co., 621 N. loth. Tel. Doug. 1719. Res. phone, Doug. 70ol. R Mo40 CARLSON CO., upholstering, repairing nd mattress rtnovatlng. Tel. Doug. ails. R MoM UJ HAVE Wilson hang paper; quick, clean; paper cleaning a specially. Tel Douglas 6065. R Mali III BEE KEEPERS' supplies. Send for cata logue. Leahy Mfg. Co.. 174) Bo. loth. R-Mi38 Jl SEATON l ling and repairing. 384. R 1 Jes EL8A6SER & BR1CE, Machinists. 317 South 12ih St. Tel. 6837. R 13u PROCESS engravers, operators, half tone and sine etchers and routers; steady posi tions; non-union; give reference. Address, P. O. Box 83, Cincinnati, O. K 669 20 HAVE Wilson hang paper; quick, cli paper cleaning a specialty. Tel. Dou loan; jgloa R M7U Jel9 WASH PARASOLS mado to order, any material desired. Itoston Umbrella Co. 'Phone Douglas 1617. 620 So. 16th St. R M 766 20 WANTED MALE HELP WE want high-class solicitors everywhere: if you are made of tha right kind of stuff we can place you In a position to make from 1200 to IO0 per month; absolutely new, original and very attractive; nothing has more good, convincing talking points; for writers of. insurance and salesmen of ability It caps them all and has a future; those who have sold peach orchard shares will find this especially attractive; it Is backed by men of excellent reputation with strong financial standing. The Plo need Trust Company of Kansas City, Mis souri, trustee. Write us or call. Security M her I a Company, 407 New Nelson Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. B 741 2tix Wa wll make you a present of $100, give' you a splendid suit of clothes every ninety days, enlarge your picture free and pay you a salary of $H6 per month and ail trav eling expenses to take orders for the fireatest and most reliable portrait house n the world. All this will be guaranteed. Address, R. D. Martel, Dept. 140, Chi cago, 111. B 666 2ux WANTED Canvassers to sell automatic creon door catches; make big money; ample catch, postpaid, 26c. Automatic Catch Co., Chicago. B T-3 2ox WANTED Men to learn system of freight shipping for city positions. Great demund. D. D. Co., 4t.l)-2i9 Dearborn, Chicago. B-643 20x WANTED A good man to travel. Ex panses advanced. Salary $20 a week. Stnp:e line. J. E. Mc Brady & Co.. Mfgrs.. Chicago. B 642 MX WANTED Men, everywhere; good pay, to disiilbutu circulars, advertising mutter, tacit signs, etc.; no canvassing. Address National Distributing bureau, 100 Oakland P.ank Bldg ; Chicago. 111. B 6M 2ox CrUVEP.NMENT position: want bright, younj man to prepare for same; M to stall; rapid promotion. bee Underbill, ui..R.ia onice, ii-0 N. 24th St. B 661 20 A..TED Four men to travel In each t'-atc, distribute samples and advertise our souus. Salary, J.'l per week and ex It ns a nuarameed. Expenses advanced. .. iTicnce unnecessary. Address, wllh t.l.i p, slating age and occupation. Reeve Co., 411 1. ear born St., Chicago. B 634 20x MANAGER WANTED Every section to select agents for "Uameosclence," world's gietitest new lawful came for drinks or cigars; takes place forbidden slot ma chines; played with nickels or quarters; 4nc to seven persons can rlay at once: finish beautiful like cash register; rented or sold on easy payments; 49,i) now in Uue; sample sent free; proposition will plense you If we still have opi ning in your section. United Sporting Oouds Mrs Co., Dept. 69, Chicago. 111. B J 20x WANTEI Reliable men to sell diamonds, and watches to everybody on credit; good commission; salary to proved business (fetters. Walker Edmund Co., 103 State St., Chicago. B 672 2ox WANTED Men to become draftsmen. San Francisco will be rebuilt; hundreds of architects and draftsmen are going there for larger salaries. This makes vacan cies at home and is your opportunity to got a better position. Wa will success fully train you by mail in eight weeks and make you self-reliant If you do as we direct. The "Acme Way" la the only correct way to learn drawing easily and thoroughly at home. Instructions are adapted to your Individual needs. Our students accept good positions before graduating. Satisfaction guaranteed or money back; eight years at it; Incorpo rated liw.ooo. Write for full information now before you forget. Acme School of Drawing. 171 Chase block, Kalamazoo. Mich. B-g.S 2ox CAN YOU SELL? Everything now points to real estate Investments; there Is a boom on in Brooklyn building lots; take up this line; our liest agents are men without previous experience In selling land. Write with references. Land, P. O. Box $21, New York City. B 6!"1 20x REAL ESTATE salesmen to handle new development; men with records and posi tive ability can make advantageous, ar rangements. Main Una Tunnel Realty Co., 150 Nassau St., New York City B 633 JOx SALES MANAGER to take agency large real estate corporation selling New York City lots, competent of handling sub ogciita, can nuke advantageous arrange ments; splendid opening for a hustler' one manager has nif.de M.uoO in the past 6 weeks. Illustrated booklet mailed Daw ley Real Estate Co.. 16 Court St., Brook lyn, N. Y. B H 3ox HONEST man to travel, place samples, groceries, etc.; experience unnecessary; lis week and expenses. Kel-Bro., Man hattan Bldg., Chicago. B iHi 2c x WANTED Experienced fire Insurance clerk. Must be stenographer. State ex perience and salary expected. H. M. Christie, 24-0 N St., South Omaha. B-26 20 OFFICE BOY. U to IT years; good chance to work up. Apply at Once. WESTERN REF. BOND ASS'N, INC., Dept. B, i4u-il-U N. I. Life Bldg. ; B uol 20 STENOGRAPHER, able to do some nfTloe work, ifn) to i0 to start. Apply at once. WWTKKN REF. BOND ASS N. INC, Dept. B. eeXl-41 N. Y. Ufa Bldg. B-ojJ SPRLNU AND BUMMER bClloU. NOW Uft.V OMAHA COM ERl''?AL COLLEGE lJih and rarnam. oILDENirj lui-i,iiu DAILY, ror Business Course, Shorthand, '1PS' writing and Telegraphy. Reduced summer rates of tuition. CATALOGUE and PARTICULARS r REE. ROHKBOUGU BROS., OMAHA, NEB. B M822 Juni DO IT NOW! $1 a Month Plan MVardrobe . Expert Cleaners and Dyers ?18 South 13th Street Tel. Doug. 1729. Two Young Men In Business R. E. CORNWELL L SOUKUP B BOOKKEEPER and stenographer, $75. Two stenographers, J&O, $60. Ledger clerk, $40. Traveling salesman, $2,500. Billing clerk, typewriter, $30. Call and see us if you want a position. Don't hesitate or wait, but call at once. Oflioes Omaha and Kansas City. WESTERN REE. A BOND ASS N., INC., Dept. B, H40-41-42 N. Y. Lite Bldg. B 697 19 MEN and boys wanted to learn plumbing, bricklaying, plastering trades; pays $6 a day. Coyne Brua. Co., New York, Chi cago, Cincinnati, St. Louis. Free cata logue. B 284 WANTED Three men of good personal ap pearance; outside position; steady em- gloyment. C. F. Ailuni Co , 1619 Howard t. b "a 50 MEN. Icehouse, north of lead works, Cut-Off lake. B M400 20 DRUG stores bought and sold;' drug clerks wanted. F. V. Kulcsi, 624 N. Y. L. B 2S6 WANTED Four or five good boys; good pay. A. D. X. Co., 212 S. 13th 8L ' B MM1 VI 24 WANT D Boy who works during the day to sleep in ottice at night. Address D Is, Bee. B M430 STEADY men. Ice company, 6th and Jonea. B M462 20 WANTED For U. S. Army, ablebodled un married men between ages of 21 and 36; cltlitns of United States, of good charac ter and temperate habits, who can speak, read and write English. For Information apply to Recruiting Office, 13th and Doug las Bts., Omaha; Lincoln ami Gracd Is land. Neb., or Sioux City, la. B 173 WANTED Men who have a few dollars to invest to investigate my manufacturing planu Manufacturing staple Hue; no competition; big protlt. Will gaarantee 20 per cent; every dollar as sate as though it was In a bank. Will stand closest in vestigation. Address E 33, Bee. B-M 474 WANTED Man to take charge of a small telephone exchange; make all repairs on Inside and outside work, including switch board, cables, lines, Instruments, etc., Lib eral wages, give references. Address E 46, Bee. B M67S 19 FREE Hundred-page Illustrated book on British Columbia. Accurate information about Its wonderful natural resources. Send postal card to the World Printing and Publishing Co.. Ltd., Vancouver, B. C. R-M463 lx STEADY men. loe company, 14th and Nicholas. B M461 20 WANTED A good slaughter house man and sausage maker; good wages paid to right party; married man preferred. Ad dress Butcher, Box 193, Sterling, Colo. B M422 21 BECOME a chauffeur at home, positions guaranteed at $26 weekly. Write for particulars. Automobile Dept., 742 Sev enth Ave., New York. B M411 tlx WANTED A sober man with small capital in small, good paying business; will pay good salary and give right man Interest in business. pleasant and profitable work. Address E 82. Bee. B M469 WANTED An old line life Insurance agent, one with experience, capable of writing business himself and managing men. Salary and commission. Address E 86, care of this paper. B M668 21 WANTED Two chefs, man and wife or two men for good hotel in small city: must have references; good pay and transportation. J. W. Robinson, 606 So. 16th street. . BM 662 2ox CONTRACTORS, ATTENTION! We want 8.0U0 yds. dirt taken from base ment of our elevator. Apply Nye Schneider Fowler Co. Room 623 Bee. B M 670 20 MAN GARDENER Work and chores, one not afraid of work, $26 mo., board, close In. Fisher, half mile south of Gallup's tavern. B M5l 2ox WANTED Laborers at the Brush sugar factory, Brush, Colo., good wages paid. B Mo77 J lax SEVERAL steady young men. 423 8 16th. B-M463 20 WANTED Man of good reputation and wide acquaintance in city to sell real estate for large Ann. Address E $6, Bee. B M496 19 WE WANT a good, live, energetic real es tate salesman. Templeton at Manker, 206 Bee Bldg. B-M MS WANTED-Crosacutters, rippers and nail ers; wages $2 to $3; ten hours a day; open shop. Apply by mall. E. G. Horn brooks, 1114 Grand Ave., Kansas City, Mo. B-M641 10 STRUCTURAL Iron workers, 1 hoisting engineer, 2u laborers, on sugar factory construction. E. 11. Dyer at Co., Brush, Colorado. B 662 WANTED Boy or young man for general work, tea acre place; stale wages wanted. E 44, Bee. B M5S0 2ox WANTED Good reliable millwright. Call Poavey Elevator, Council Blurts. U-iH 2vx MANAGER WANTED An Ohio corpora tion manufacturing household necessity desires Nebraska manager; demonstration in leading department store; otlice fur nished; three years' contract; salary $l.su0 and commissions. Good opening for man of character and ability. Address Manager, 22e Ontario Bldg., Toledo, O. B GOVERNMENT CIVIL SERVICE EXAM INATIONS will soon be held in every stste; about J.2uu appointments monthly; full information and questions recently used by the Civil Service commission free. Columbian Correspondence College, Washington, D. C. R SALESMAN 113 per week, board and ex- fense money advanced: visit stnall owns in viuinlty, distribute samplos, take orders and make collections; un usual opportunity for man of ability: f oal lion permanent and salary increased f satisfactory. Address Proprietor, TIIE OMAHA WANTED MALE HELP FOR Are Insurance company, young man for position as stenogrspher and snb smnn. Good chance to learn booin-ss. Salary, fo". WESTERN REF. BOND ASH N. INC., Dept. R, s4-41-42 N. Y. Life Bldg. B-63 20 TEN TEAMS; long Job. In city; excavation work. $4 :- and o per dry. Apply to Bweney, 20? B. 12th St., or on works, to F. C. Jackson, Dth and Farnam Sts. B-MKU WANTED Laborers and teams, 4"th snd Davenport Bts. Come ready for work Monday 7 a. in. Baiber Asphalt Co. B-M751 22 ONE young man In every locality wanted to represent us in th sale of lands nnd business chances; experience or capital unnecessary; we teach you the business and furnish printed matter nnd adver tising. Fur particulars write The Lerew Iand Co., First National Bank Hldg., Omaha, Neb. B 774 20 $1 HAT store, 3"S No. Kt h. Open evenings. WANTED FEMALE HELP WANTED A couple without children either a man and wife, son and mother or brother and sister to take charge of a manual training boarding school for In dian girls. Must be communicants of the Episcopal church. Address Bishop Hare, Sioux Falls, S. D. C M501 20 WANTED Girl to take care of children and do light housework. Call 724 8. 3uth. ' C-M973 WANTED Good cook; references re quired. Apply 2016 Cass. C M826 WANTED At once, good cook. Apply Mrs. Edward Hayden, 2016 Cass St. C M162 APPRENTICE girls. Burgess Shirt Co. C 287 WANTED Competent girl to take care two children; sleep home nights. Address C 38, Bee. C MSU WANTED Forelady for chocolate room and chocolate dippers; also fancy box packer. Address Box 2ti4, Sioux city, la. u M.-iOu 19 COMPETENT girl for general housework; no washing. lo24 Park Ave. C M3U 19 MIDDLE-nged woman who understands canning fruit. Address E 3i, Bee. C-622 21x WANTED Girl for general housework. 2116 Binney. C 664 20 VICTORIA Suction Sweeper Co.. 828 F St.. Lincoln, Neb. Send Victoria sweeper for i.w, an cnarges paid. c- LADY sewers to finish off shields at home $10 per 100; can make two an hour; work sent prepaid to reliable women; send re ply envelope for full Information to Unl versal Remedy Co., desk B, Walnut St. Philadelphia, Fa. C 73G 20x WANTED A general servant In small fam ily; every convenience; no washing; high est wages. Mrs. Hall, 118 N. 39th St. C-M621 WANTED Ladles' clothes lrnners; plain shirt finishers; mangle girls. Model Steam Laundry Co., 1110-12 Dodge St. C-M616 21x WANTED Bright, capable woman to travel and teach local demonstrations: $15 weekly and expenses. Willingness to work more essential than experience Smith, Sexton & Co., 370 Dearborn, Chi cago. C 670 20x LADY to travel; reference required; salary $21 per week; expenses advanced. j. S. Zicgler & Co., 323 Dearborn St.. Chicago. C 690 20x GIRL for general housework. Mrs. Flan ders, The Majestic. C M623 21x GIRL for general housework; good wages. Tel. HarneyW. 41 Dodge. C-31 20 WANTED At once, able and efficient lady solicitors and demonstrators. References required. Apply 226 Neville Mock, be tween i and 6 p. m. C 633 20x WANTED Experienced bindery girls. Call Omaha Printing Co., 10th and Farnam. C-7 20 WANTED Middle aged woman to do gen eral housework for family of two. Must be a good cook. Good salary. Call 702 do. zjtn m. Monday afternoon. C-752 20x WANTED An experienced woman presser, steady position at good wages; If you know the business call Monday. The Pantorlum, 1613 Jones. C 756 20 WANTED A children's nurse. Mrs. A. L. Reed. Tel. Benson 348. C M755 22 WANTED A good girl for housework, small family; no washing; good wages. Mrs. J. H. Dumunt, 3642 Lafayette Ave, C MU33 22 WANTED Girl for laundry; wages $20, room and board; also dishwasher, experi ence unnecessary, ticket furnished, good character required. Perkins hotel, David City, Neb. C-746 20x GIRLS for laundry work. Experience not necessary. Kimball laundry, 1611 Jackson. C M-760 WANTED-Competent girl tp do second work. Mrs. Ward M. Burgess, 122 N. 22d St, C-r756 20 WANTED Housemaid to care for chil dren; references required. Mrs. Ward M. Burgess, 122 N. 22d St. C 787 20 FIFTY berry rlckers for about June 1. For particulars address W. A. Anderson, Florence, Neb. C 7W 20x COMPETENT girl for general housework; iiu wauins. AU? f ar Ave. C-M781 20 $1 HAT store, tf No. Ifith, Open evenings. WANTED SITUATIONS BY BOY 19 years old. to learn a trade. Nine months' experience In railroad, office Fair accountant, good writer. Belt ref erences. Address E) 34, Bee. A MD04 20x STENOGRAPHER experienced In most responsible work wants light office posi tion for summer. V, Bee, Council Bluffs. A M587 20 CARE of an Invalid; experienced In nurs ing demented. Call Monday morning. 614 N. lfth. A 62k STENOGRAPHER wants typewriting to do at noma evenings. Address E 64, Bee. A 719 20X $1 HAT store.-108 No. 16th. Open evenings. AN UP-TO-DATE cutter and practical tailor, also good salesman, would like to bi i nsiin-iii ior luu season, tjood references. Address E 67, Omaha lice omce. A 792 2o WANTEDAGENTS THE two best San Francisco books are Bishop Fallows' and tha one written by Charles Banks and Ople Read. We Seil both; 600 pages; loO photos; 60 per cent: crecut: freight paid; outfit free. W. A. Hixenbaugn 6 Co., Ware But., Omaha. J-M4od AGENTS wanted on our new work, "The Destruction of San Francisco." Abso lutely new and nonsensatlunal. Illus trated, filled with comprehensive valua ble Information and containing a large scale map of the city, as it was with the burned district, fully outlined. Com plete outfit and terms sent prepaid upon receipt of 10 cents. Rand-McNally & Co., Chicago. HL J 49 BAN FRANCISCO GREAT DISASTER. Only $1 book. Far outsells higher priced books. Large, fully Illustrated. Extra terms. Freight paid. Credit given. Outfit free. Zelgler Co., 216 Locust St.. Philadelphia. Pa. J 666 19x MEN of good appearance splendid chance a winner for the homes men making from $18 to $35 weekly. Room 2, paxun block, I to 9 a. in. and t p. m. B. K. .Duncan. J 63 i? PERFECTION skirt gsge: every woman ouya. email, JUIg. l o., 1434 Madison St., Chicago. j FREE SAMPLE New household specialty, patented April, li; $ per day. EdRi-en Co., Milwaukee, Wis, J BIO profits, permanent business; price monopoly in engraved silver name and number door plates; never before sold for less than $6, but you can now sell for $1.5o snd make 76 cents each; only best families bought when Vi, now evary one orders at $1 60; get our exclusive territory proposi tion. New Metliod Co., 6760 Prairie Ave., Chicago, Ja) 20X DAILY BEE: SUNDAY, MAY WANTED AGENTS SOLDERENE mends tinware; big profits for airents; sample 10 cents, postpaid. Solderene Co., 53 State St., Bo-ton. M-iss. J- W ANTED Agents. A worthy woman or man In every community of less than l".i0 popjltttlon to sell our groceries to the family trade. Only such as want permanent employment need apply. Lib eral cash commission paid. Rn.lenhclmer Coffee snd Tea Co., St. Louis, Mo. J AGENTS Learn to fit glasses bv sending for our free hook on the eye; It will tell you all about It. () t a profession that pays from $75 to $150 per mnth; the optical profession will do It for you. No held 'so pleasant, profitable or so little worked; no longer necessary to work for someone else nnd a monger salary. Don't miss this opportunity, but send us a pos tal card by first mail. Jacksonlan Optical College, College ISace, Jackson. Mich. SELL our reservoir dtistless floor and enr pet brushes In stores, schools, residences, public buildings, hot.-ls, halls; field un limited; reduce dust 9T per cent actual test; gold niedal at St. Louis World's fair; strictly guaranteed; big margin nnd gieat seller, with opportunity to build up permanent trade; exclusive territory; no competition; state experience. Milwaukee Dtistless Brush Co., Milwaukee, Wis. J 650 2cx ATTENTION horsemen; hitch anywhere; patented; big seller. Agents wanted. Pocket Hitching Post Co., Muncie, Ind. J-067 2fx A E start you selling diamonds. Don't fall getting our liberal otter; $6 dally sure. Carbon Diamond Co., Syracuse, N. Y. Mention paper. J 6i'i2 20x AGENTS Here It Is; newest household article In the market. Will outsell any thing you ever handled. Don't waste time. Get busy making more money; good profits; quick sales. Kent Mfg. Co., Box 62, Fort Atkinson, Wl. J biiO 2ox WANTED Salesmen make big monev sell ing Chamberlain's Gas Regulators. "Write today for terms nnd territory. United States Gas Saving association, 2tS W. th St., Los Angeles, Cal. J 608 2Ux ANTED Energetic, trustworthy man to work in Nebraska representing large manufacturing company; salary J4.S to $90 per month, paid weekly; expenses ad vanced. Address with stamp, J. H. Moore, Omaha, Neb. J 712 2ox WANTED Sales agent for Omaha. James Mfg. Co., 1939 Broadwuy, Denver, Colo. J M619 21 x LADY agents wanted to sell unbreakable spiral spring side steel cdrsets; popular prices; profits large; write for catalogue. Fisher Co., 210 Monroe St., Chicago. J-727 20X WANTED Agents for Ideal Skirt Sup porter; sell on sight; rare money maker. Fisher Co., 210 Monroe St., Chicago. J-730 20x MANAGER wanted In every city and county handle best paying business known; legitimate, now, exclusive control; no insurance or book canvassing. Ad dress Chas. Halstead, 34 West 26th St., New York. J 733 20x PORTRAIT AGENTS 16x20 crayons. 25c; water color. 3oe; send for samples nnd catalogue, free. Rerlln Artist Association, Dept. 152 Lake St., Chicago. J 732 20x CAN you engage agents and establish a branch office in your city, county or state for the "Handy Clamp?" Newly patented utility adapted for stores and homes. Big profit for managers and agents; 3.i clamps sold In Chicago last week. Write at once for territory and particulars. Sample outfit free. Give references. Progressive Mfg. Co., 145 Illi nois St., Chicago. J 720 20x WANTED In every town, county or town ship, solicitors for a quick, easy-selling magazine. Commissions are so liberal that any one can start a profitable busi ness without capital. To those who can give full time we offer a guaranteed con tract. Address, International, Port Huron, Mich. J 723 20x AGENTS-$20 weekly guaranteed, selling our self-generating gas burners, titling common kerosene lamps; brilliant, port able gas light, absolutely safe; exclusive territory, description free. Eastern Gas Light Co., 2!0 Broadway, N. Y. J 654 20x AGENTS-Legltlmate substitute for slot machines; patented, sells at sight for $1; good territory open, particulars. Glsha Co., Anderson, Ind. J 637 2ox WE have a new patented hourehold health necessity. Sells to every household at sight. Over 26,000 sold here the last few months. Agents making $5 to $16.60 per day, why not you? Write today for proots. Advance Mfg. Co., Los Angeles, Cal. , J-657 20x $450 PER month selling the half-minute churn. Ten agents made $20 per .day. Twenty made $16. Churns butter in half minute. American Mfg. Co., Mattoon, HI. J 616 20x OPPORTUNITY of a lifetime to one man in each city with reference a.id few hundred dollars (experienced salesman preferred); new nnd unique business proposition that appeals to every man, thus making him a customer instantly. Sherman Co., 16 Dover 8t., New York. J 6S3 20x AGENTS WANTED Best book San Fran cisco Earthquake; vaat gallery pictures; 70 per cent commission; outfit free; send 10 cents for postage. The Bible House, 325 Dearborn street, Chicago. J CK1 20x AGENTS "New life for old knives;" a new article; particulars, stump; sample 60c. Frey, 188 Market, Newark, N. J. .1-687 90x AGENTS can easily make $10 a dav selling our gold window letters, novelty signs and changeable signs; catalogue free. Sulll vn Co., 405 W. Van Buren St., Chicago, 111. J-688 20x RELIABLE party to act as general agent for our Sprlng-Duz-lt Shirt Waist and Skirt Holder; entirely new; nothing like it ever made; has spring that allows waist to give when bending, thus no tear ing. Every woman interested; Is prov ing a big seller. We want party who sells to subagents; good profit. Simmons Co., 564 Washington St., tioBton. Mass. J-676 20x AGENTS WANTED-Scll our $1 bottle of Sarsaparllla for 3uc; best seller; 350 per cent proiit. Write, today for terms and territory. F. R. Greene, Dept. 97, 25 Lake St., Chicago. J 674 2ox AGENTS WANT E D Fo r "The Catholic En- cciopeuia, pumisiieil by Kobert Apple ton Co. Address James Plunkett, general western manager, Fine Arts Hldg., Chl-oeo- J-ii97 2x PORTRAIT AGENTS First-class work nt lowest prices, direct from artist; rejects credited; samples free. Siegfried Studio, 1 Blue Island Ave., Chicago. J 639 20x AGENTS Sell San Francisco Disaster book; highest commissions and special premiums; credit glv-n; outfit free. Can supply any book and save you money. The Thompson Publishing Co., St. Louis, Mo. J-679 20x $1 HAT store, Soft No. 1tith.Ojeneyrnlng. SALESMEN WANTED RELIABLE, industrious men In every county to sell groceries to farmers and all large consumers. We are the largest firm In America conducting a business of this kind on the one-profit basis and our goods are guaranteed to comply with the most exacting PURE FOD LAWS. A permanent and profitable trade Insured; experience unnecessary; good references required. John Sexton & Co., Importers and Wholesale Grocers, 1618-i0-22 State St., Chicago. L WANTED Salesmen experienced In pro prietary medicine salesmanship to retail drug trade: we pay good salaries with expenses; also, liberal commission on ex cess sales; choice new territory; our lino of 20 remedies never sold by salesmen before; young, energetic, capable men only. Dr. Bhoop Medicine Co., Racine, Wis. l TRAVELING salesmen for Nebraska and Iowa with a full line of soaps, perfumes and flavoring extracts, furnishing the $3 and $1 selling plan to the retail dealer; $:J0 weekly advance. F. F. Cook, Sales Dept., Detroit, Mich. J, SALESMAN visiting drug trade. Jobbing and retail; must bo hustler: excellent position. State territory covered: refer ences. Sweet Castor Selling Co., 96 War ren St., New York. L 7 2ox BIO money, quick returns; we manufacture the largest exclusive line of advertising fans, appealing to all classes: beat months. March to June; liberal commis sions senii-monthly; samples free to es tablished salesmen; write today. The Kemper-Thoinas Company, fan depart ment, Cincinnati, O. L 647 Uix 20, 1906. SALESMEN WANTED CIGAR salesman Tfnnteri In your locality, city and country trade; salary and ex penses or commltslon; expetlence unnec essary: enclose stamp for particulars. National Cigar Co., Dept. 2, Toledo, O. L- 61.4 2"x SALESMAN wanted; steadily traveling; selling dry goods trade, small towns, for complete lace embroidery line, 30 pounds. Standard Lace works, 620 W. Broadway, New York. L 3 2ox TRAVELING salesman for Nebraska by large house to sell staple line t retail trade; permanent .iitrct and liberal drawing account; rcfi-n nces. . Box 7.'5, Chicago. I-?2S 20x LARGE FACTORY WANTS HONEST SALESMAN Welt advertised and staple line; 7a a week and expenses Address .Manufacturer, St. Ixiuis, Mo. Box 7W L-726 20X WANTED Two high-class salesmen who can produ-p results; a got d man can mkc $5,ouu per year. Box 97, Cedar Rapids, In. L 725 2X SALESMEN-8"11 our $20 soda fountain; make $10 on every sale; collect own com mission; act quick: write for particulars. J. B. Fox A Co, 132 LaSalle St., Chicago. L 721 2l)x SALESMAN wanted to sell grocers, drug gists and confectioners; $110 per month and expenses. Samples free. California Cider and Extract Co.. St. Louis, Mo. L 649 2lx WANTED Field manager, capable of breaking In specialty salesman, calling on drug and general store trade. One cap able of commanding good salftrv. Fine opportunity with established house. Ad dress Box 665, Chicago. L 648 2ox WANTED Salesmen to sell the One Minute Washer. Good side line. Write Hnwkeyu Incubator Co., Newton, la. L 724 20x CAPABLE salesman to cover Nebraska with staple line; high commissions with $100 monthly advance. Permanent position to right man. Jess H. Smith Co., Detroit, Mich. I-045 21' x SALESMAN for Nebraska, experlenecd traveling man preferred. Line staple for general trade; position permunent. $50 wekly with commission. Sawyer, Leslie & Co., Detroit. Mich. L 44 20x SALESMAN wanted; permanent position for ftrsl-clnss traveling Faicsman, worth $2.ono nnd expenses. Siaple line. United Mfg. Co., Iowa City, la. L-641 20t WANTED At once for each state, one first-class experienced road salcnman. Minnesota, Wisconsin, North Dakota South Dakota. Iowa nnd Nebraska. Old established Jobbing house. Applv Room 602, Sykes Blk., Minneapolis, Minn. L 656 20x SALESMAN Experienced In any line to sell- general stores in Nebraska, an unex celled specialty proposition. Commissions and $; weekly for expenses. The Conti nental Jewelry Co., Cleveland, O. L-656 20 x TWO traveling salesmen wanted In each state; salary $125 month and expenses; samples free; experience unnecessary. Los Angeles Cider Co., St. Louis. Mo. L 082 0x WANTED Salesman acquainted with hotl, club and restaurant trade to sell Imported olive and cooking oils on good commission; exclusive territory. Ph. Well, 0C9 W. North Ave., Chicago, 111. L 686 20x I HAVE over 60 salesmen selling my newly patented store necessity; sells for $50, cash or Installments; sells better than cash registers, scales, etc., and much greater profits. 1 want 50 salesmen worth from $100 to $300 per month above expenses and also 7 capable men with from $1,000 to $5,000 to open up offices in other cities and share profits. Address M. W. Pitner, 185 Lake St., Chicago. L 677 20x WANTED Salesman, by wholesale Jewelry house, to sell their line of Jewelry to general trade in Nebraska. We offer spe cial inducements to merchants, which makes sales easy; high commissions; per manent position. McAlllster-Coman Co.. 356 Dearborn St., Chicago, ,il. L 71 20x $1 HAT store, S08 No. 16th. Open evenings. FORRENT FURNISHED ROOMS FURNISHED room for rnt. iftflfl rhin DEWEY European hotel, Uth and Farnam. Dou. 611 0. M. E. Haul Trunks E 239 Thurston hotel; rooms $1.60 up per week. . E-M60J FURNISHED room in new modern house for 1 or 2 gentlemen. 2308 Douglas St. E M930 T9 lnKe front rooms; rent $8.00 up. 2310 Douglas. 'Phone Douglas 4663.- E M467 20x T3f-9 F,,ce'y furnished south front rooms. 20o4 Harney. E M499x nicely furnished room, all modern, $10. Tel. Douglas 6309, or 122 80. 26th. E M648 'I0x TWO nicely furnished rooms, one front, for rent In very desirable neighborhood. Breakfast if desired. 'Phone Douglas 6390. 2310 Webster St. E-M646 2ox SUITE of elegant furnished rooms, also single room; good location, modern, 107 N. 20th. E M6M 26 TWO nicely furnished rooms, close In. 1911 Dodge St. E-M542 20x FURNISHED room for gentleman, private family. $16 No. 18th. E M68t lOx TWO nicely furnished light housekeeping rooms; reasonable, 816 8. jsth St. E-591 20x MODERN rooms, single or ensulte. 318 S. 26th 8t. . B-693 22 LARGE nlcsly furnished front room, also back room, walking distance. Phone Doug. -6.40. 2554 Harney. E M757 26x MODERN front room for quiet man in pri vate family. 211 80. 20th St. E-761 20x 24W6 DAVENPORT, one or two rooms, all modern, housekeeping, $7.60 each per month. E-722 20x WELL furnished, cool, modern room; walk ing distance; reasonable. 27 Farnam. E 70 23 x FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD NICELY furnished room and board. 30IJ Webster St. F 291 25x 627 PARK AVE., I'leasant room, suitable for two, with breakfast; beautiful lawn; refined neighborhood. F M513 20x Doug. 611 0. M. E. Haul Trunk r-2o VIENNA hotel; private dining rooms, cafe. F 891 THE ROSE, 2020 Harney St., nloely fur nished south front room with good board. Rates reasonable. F 419 Jcdx ONE large, front room; very desirable loca tlon. 1000 8. $th St F M646 20x UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT CENTRAL; $ rooms; bath. Ttxard, 220 N. 23d. U M1JI i PARLORS and kitchen, near 26th and Davenport, $18. Call at 122 So. 26th St. G M549 lx THREE rooms, modern, light housekeep ing, references. 2114 Chicago. G 668 2ox FOUR unfurnished rooms for housekeep ing. Kou.itse Place. Telephone Taylor 6134. G-697 20 X FOR RENT I or S desirable rooms, suit able for light housekeeping. 1918 Emmet St. G M613 tlx THREE large modern rooms, wllh alcove; walking distance. 1137 N. lMh. G 1T jo FINANCIAL m WILL erect and finance, anywhere In the United States, hotels, office building, theaters, hospitals, churches, lodge halia, Y. M. C. A. building, factories, on our bond proposition. Will give twelve years' time for repayment. Write us for par ticulars. Tell what you want to build lu first letter. Lawrence & Co., Madison 6,1., Chicago. ,111,. BUSINESS CHANCES FOR SALE STATE RIGHTS ON AN srtlclo in universal demand. Recent In enllon; may be sold through trn.le, on Installments or by mall order. Sale In creasing daily. Only principals meaning business need appiy' Adorcss oppor tunity, P. O. Box 1592, Philadelphia. Pa. V 6i 19x WANTED To sell or rent, hair dressing pari'. 1 s, newly lurnished, 011 easy terms, to responsible pnrtv Call 301 or 3".' .Ne ville Llk.. Omaha. Neb. Y-MlM FOR SALE Con: blna lien dill and gio c ry stock. In thriving town In center it the state. Good paying business. Lul si.kness compels a change. Address P. care Donald-Porter Co.. urund island. Y MI2-JI0 DENTAL business nnd complete outfit for sale; former owner clcceas-d. Address Fred Ithilr, Fremont. Neb., or M it-shall Dental Co., Omaha. Y MjJ9 2Jx FOR SALE -Clean stock of general mer chandise In live town of 7"0, within fifty miles of Lincoln; Invoice about $10 om; practically no dead stock. Not for trade' Good, establish) d cash business nnd steadily growing. Prosperous German nnd American si itlemont. Address T. J. C. Nebraska City, Neb. Y M.V17 20 FOR RENT, SALE OR LEAS E-Tiwm hotel, nicely f irnlshed; cost 9o0 to fur nish; $liu will tuke It. as sickness com pels me to sell. Write L. Colbone, Lonan, la- Y-M536 19x WANTED. Location, or will buy stock of furniture and undertaking; will also consider rl nerslup. Address E 41, care lice. Y M573 23X DENTAL PRACTICE FOR 8ALE-dT. Byrnes' Cedar Rapids, Neb. Y--M579 J1S YOU can never profl oy business chances unless you have some money; small sav ings are the foundation of large fortunes; start a ravings account with J. L. Bran dels Sons. Rankers, 16th and Douglas Bts. Assets over $400,000. Y PATEN r S GUARANTEED Patent secured or Fee Returned. Send model or sketch for free opinion as to patentability, bend for illustrated Guide Rook. Contains M0 mechanical move mints and LIST OF INVENTIONS WANTED. Particulars NEW TRADE MARK LAW COPYRIGHTS, etc. lat ent!! advertisod free in World's Progress. EVANS. W1LKENB & CO., Reg. Attorneys, 688 F Street. Washington, D. C. Y YOUNG man wanted to lake up the study of the law at home; an unus'inl opportu nity to secure a legal education snd ad mission to the bar without loss of time or other sacrifice. For particulars address The Spraguo Corn sp::id nee School of Law, 6J8 Majestic Ding., Detroit, Mich. Y OWN YOUR BUSINESS-Anyone. any where can manufacture, our specialty, sells on sight: 50 per. 1 Hamblctonlun Remedies Co., Newburgh, New York. Y 702 20x $1 HAT store, 808 No. 16th. Open evenings. MONEY nt home; $:.Ti per week; greatest opportunity ever offered; no agency; no mull order; something new.j cipher Co., 234 Broadway, New York. Y 7o4 20x GOOD paying up-to-date mfg. plant with wholesale and retail trade; business re quires two energetic men nnd from six to eight thousand dollars. Address K 5f, Bee. Y-M738 24x FREE six months, a mining paper worth reading; It shows how to make money; write for It. American Securities, 34 Broadway, New York. Y 736 20x SOMETHING NEW The Ice cream waffle; great success with fairs, Ice cream par lors, street corners, summer resorts; thousands sold at the White City, Chicago, Atlantic City and loading summer resorts; Inexpensive outfit, secret formula; write for details. Waffle Cone Mfg. Works, R. 641, 154 Lake St., Chicago. Y 739 20x SEND for "Successful System" of trading in grain with small capital. Booklet and marked letter sent free. References. Comstock & Co., Commerce Bldg., C'ht caifo. Y-668 20x A WEALTHY corporation, engaged in a popular, established business, desires cor respondence with an active, educated man, suitable to handle Douglas county ss district manager: $1,000 cash capital all that is required; the business caters to manufacturers, contractors and mer chants. Address E 49, care Bee. Y-M743 21x FOR SALE Established, clean, fresh, up. to-date grocery and queensware business; ?;ood town, 1,500, central Nebraska; good arming community; no small towns near. Dandy business opening. Address E 48, care Bee. Y 744 20x $1 HATS, all shades. 808 No. lflth. POME OOOD BAFU1AINS. tA ACRRS Baxter Co., Ark ; (0 acres eultl rat.4; tin. wat.r. lit. 60 par sera. 240 ACHES ArkanMR Co., Ark.; Improred ; W per aire; also 161 crn, 25 per acre; alio to acre, timbered land; price 115 per arre. SO ACRES Oregon Co. Mo.; all wild land; aprtng and creek; near town; prlca 1400. 2l AOREB Piatt. Co, Mo.; 160 acres cultivated: good tullnlnie; orchard; 10 an acre. 120 ACRES Washington Co., Mo.; 45 seres culti vated; well Improved; fruit; price $i,10o. ltKi ACRES Washington Co., Ark.; 100 screa cul tivated: 60-scre orchard; price 18,000. 160 ACRC8 Greer Co., (ikl.r 100 acres cultivated; 8-room house; well; price 44,600. to ACRES Cadda Co., OH: acrea cultivated; well fenced; good water; price 11,800 14U ACRES Ilogeremllls Co.. Okl. ; 70 acrea culti vated; good iniprovementa; price $2,000. 47" ACRES Kannln Co., Tex.; S7"4 acrea culti vated; good Improvements; $26 per acra. JiO ACRES (IrsjF and Donley Cos , Tej. lor acrea cultivated; dugout; near town; II. 000. 151 ACRES Bowie Co., Tex.: 86 acres cultivated; good buildings; apples, etc.; $1,400. Mo ACRE-Wise Co., Tel.; 160 acres cultivated; 5- room brick house; orcherd; t6 an acre. 124 ACRES Smith Co., lex; 60 acres cultivated; 6- acre orchard; house, eto. ; $1,100. 120 ACHES Itarthelomew Co., lnij : 75 acrea cul tivated; good building: orchard; JJ.Ooo. 10 ACRES OIL LAND Cherokee N., I T. : no Improvements; land never leesed; price $1,260. 670 ACRES Wilcox Co.. Ala.; CfiO acrea culti vate!; tandy soli, price $4,lu0; part rash. o ACRES Case Co., Minn.; will grow all kluds of small grain; lake and grove price $700. TWO Uild or ULIl.bl.Q-Culhrle, okl.; two storirs; good water; An. loc-allon: $4 100 TWO ACRES At bWKLUNO El Paso, Tea.; frama house of 4 rooms; som. fruit; price $ii00. HOCSK 2 LOIS-Lyndon, Kan.; frontage M feci; 6 rooms; soma fruit price $1,000. HOlgE t LOT Little Rock. Ark.; I rooms; $1,844; also vacant lot; 3i: slso boarding house; well furnished; good business, price I'M Hot HE St I AI RES Alronac, Mich.; nicely lo cated: tummer rmut; prle IS.Ot'j; also i arm; partly pialletl in lias: prl-s $i (00. lei At RES Jo tisvlcss Co., Ill ; 70 acrea culti vated: good IniprovsnienU; $60 per acra HAliUKR SUOl' Ellla, Kan.; Income' p.r week $::0; two chslrs; all complete; price $600 UENLItAL bTfX'K-haskelt. Ky. ; doing a good business, population 'M, 1101k worth $1 mm HARDWARE 8T0CK. UN dllOP. riXTl'RER Lawrence Co., Mo.; 1 lota and buildings; price II-ANINq MILL Ottawa, Kan.; good business; price I2.SIW; also MS sues limbered land will trade for good farui: pr,-e $l.i,s7 o N. B. JOHNSON a CO., Bank C'ommarce Hldg , Kansas City. Mo. Y $76 !ix FOR SALE flood drug stock, good room, u.iuir., rv"i uttrgain to uuver, good terms, good country, good reason for sidl ing, 8. K. Nebraska. Oood $7.5iW stock clothing and furnishings for eood land: a-oorl ,-miniru- a 1.- x-r.i. ?ii" '"cl1 general merchandise for' land. win i.j neii. oooo terms to a good party. 8. E. Neb. " rite what you want to s.-ll, buy or ex-' change. Henry C. Smith. Falls citv. Neb Y-734 20 CORPORATION controlling business estab. iiBin-u i-wm 111-Hires eneiKetie, experience- business man to manage state ag-ncy; salary, $2,n0 yearly and commissions. In vestment of ll.fio and upwarJ and uo- auestlonaMe references required Ad res. Bug 42o, Madison, Wis. Y-722 Jux $2 1IAT8 for $1. 306 No. ICt h PATENT system for furnace, hot water and steam heat, regulating from one room, every room and furnace. Oreat many installed; fine testimonials. In stalling very simple in old and new bouses. Takes little cspltal to swing It. Will net exie,tionallv large profits. t cluslvo city agem-y to party with some capital. National IK-nt Regulating fo., Milwaukee, Wis. Y 03b 2fx BAKERY, soda fountsln. confectionery Mlddleby oven, horse and wagon; bake 4iO a day; town railroad center; a snap at $1 2Hj; not necessary to be Imker Address Bos in, Enid, Okl. Y M6&2 2Jx ' WHEAT $12 54) buys five bids and five ofTere, good for one week; Jtc advance or decline from pries gives $lut profit. Write for particulars. Commerce Grain Co.. t'omuicroe Bldg., Chicago. . Y-Mi ivx BUSINESS CHANCES $1 HATS, all slmdes. 3"S No. 10th. CAI'ITAL firnlshed meritorious enter prises, stink nnd bond Nsues negotiated nnd mniketid; uiidern rltlnir and gusran teeing supplied. Hunker, Box 4,a. Al bany, N. Y Y I'M 20x I'NI.ISTKD SETRITIKt-I will buy uy o C. K or sell; send for the Intest price list. feslnger. In test dealer In I'nlted States. 40,1 North American Bldg, I'hlladelphla, I "a. Et. 1W,. Y-fiNt20g MONTHLY salary of $m expenses and a -'-mm!.K4liin for sstlsfartorv nutn with $1.S o cash, ns sales manager st Omaha; right man with executive nblllty snd a cliaii record can make $.T.o!" or more per minim. Address Mr. Camion, W hash Ave., Chicago. Y-6S3 20 $1 HAT store. No. lrUh. Oicn evenings. COAL PROPOSITION. A syndicate purchasing and opening n great S-ft. vein of con I within ir0 miles of two of the greatest conl markets in the west will accept a few subscriptions from re liable parties on very advantageous terms. Address K 40, Bee. Y 710 20 WANTED At Lo Mars. Iowa, nn up-to date business man to rent one of the best o-rtvrs in the city; double storeroom, modern In every way, built for a depart ment store; 76 feet plate glass show win dows; a fine opening for a general store; will hold the building open until Septem ber for the right parties. Chns. E. Flau gher, owner. Le Murs, lows. Y-M71S 21 FOR RALE- Physician's $2,000 practice, druirs, otlice furniture snd 7-room resi dents with $ lots, good town, rich farming countrv, north central Iowa, $l,fno cash. Address E 47, care Bee. Y 717 20x WE want a young man to represent us In every town; experience or capital tin necessary; we teach you, 'furnish adver tising aiid printed matter and make yo$ a partner In our succeewful business, For detailed information address The Lerew I-nnd Co. First National Bank Rldg., Omaha, Nob. Y 773 30 $2 HATS for $1. 308 No. Kth CLAIRVOYANTS ZORA Permanently located at 1701 Capitol Ave. All business private and confidential. Hours 10 a. m. to 8 p. m., daily and Bun- MTSTERIOVS POWERS. 8TARTL1NO REVELATIONS. Zora reads your entlrs life from cranio to grave, locates absent friends, lost articles, hidden treasures, de velops personal magnetism, gives you good lurk to gain your greatest wish. She gives advice on patents, pensions, wills, deed and lawsuits. Are you unhappy? Are you unfortunate? Come to this gifted lady, for she can and will help you. Madame Zon removes evil conditions and causes thosa you love to love you, warns you of com ing dangers, averts trouble and sickness, tells you If friends are true or false. $1,000 Reward For Her Equal . During 15 years of unparalleled success Madame Zora has made a reputation which 1h tho envy of all pretenders. Her work In Omaha has stood the test of time. Scores of this city's best cltl renn stand ready to publicly endorse her methods. SPECIAL OFFER For a few days a $S reading fdr $1 to all who call at once and bring this coupon. Without any natural means of knowing who you are she tells your name, names friends and enemies, tells who and when you will marry, gives dates, facts and loca tions the only clairvoyant In America who gives a written guarantee. To gtvs entire, satisfaction in all special work T crfargs not one penny. Is not this honest? Could anything be fairer? Madamo Zora reunites the separated, teaches personal magnetism, changes your luck. Her advice on business never falls. When needing the advice of a clairvoy ant come to one who has the best reputa tion for honesty and reliability and who Is located permanently in Omaha. S-75S 20x IF worried or perplexed you can get honest advice from the reliable Mrs. Faust. HliS tells everything. Ladles, 50c; gentlemen, $1. Satisfaction guaranteed. I008 Cumins St. S 775 x MME. BUDDHA, LEADING PALMIST. Call at No. 113 South 16th St., upstairs. Resultful prediction absolutely given. 8-369 MRS. FAC8T is now perroansntly located at 1608 Cuming Ht. Ladles, 60c: gentle men, $1. Satisfaction guaranteed. 8 M545 19 GO TO Mrs. O'Neal, (colored) palmist and card reader, with your troubles. Tsl. Rod tltll. 2214 N. 21 St. 8664 !4X WANTED S llrst-class specialty sales men; splendid opening; permanent posi tion for high-grade men- whoso tlmo Is worth $3,000 annually or more. Address Dept. 25, Box 470, Kansas City, Mo. , S-47S 30x MEDICAL LADIES, $1,000 REWARD! I positively guarantee my Never-Falling ERQo KOLO Remedy. Kufely relieves longest, most obstinate cases of delayed Monthly Periods In I to I days without harm, pain or interference with work. Mall, $1.00. Double strength, $2.00. "SPECIAL FOLD ER FOR LADIES FREE. DR. B. H. SOUTH1NGTON CO.. KANSAS CITY, mo. acs BEST nerve bracer tor men. "Oray's Nervs Fond Pills" $1 box, postpaid. Sherman as McConnell Drug Co.. Omaha, U6 LADIES Chichester's English Pennrsyal Pills are tho best; safe, reh-ibls. Take n other. Send 4c stamps for particulars. "Relief for Ladies," in letter by return mall. Ask your druggists. Chichester Chemical Co.. Philadelphia,1 Pxv DR. HUTCHINSON, specialist of women aid children. Otlice iMb Cuming. 'Phons Ilouglus 36o7. PATENTS H. A. 6TURQK8, 'eglstared attorney; pat ents, trade marks, copyrights; no fas una less successful. 617 N. X. Life. Omaha. -155 F. J. LARSON & CO.. patent lawyers! patent book free. Bee Bldg., Omaha, Nab. 366 SHARPE MACHINE WORKS-PatentS procured. Invention developed, drawings, patterns, castings, machine work. 4o4-6ii a. loth St. J&7 PATENTS procured, bought and sold. Na tional Investment Co., U Douglas Block. -Sii ' - iT. OSTEOPATHY JOHNSON Institute. 41$ N. Y. U Tel. Doug. rW- ' $31 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOIi SALE. Desirable house in north party of cltTl Cheap; easy terms. See ' UNDEKII1LL, S3J0 N. 24th. RB T9$ 20 $1,900 R-ROOM bouse on lath near Vinton St $j.io-4-room house, modern, lsth and Vinton Sis. $2.2i--rooin house, modern except fuf- r.a-'c, un E. 2!th. $2 2"io K-riiotn house, modern, 8. lftth St, $2,5oO k-room house, modem, H l!th St. Two 5-room houses on 8. ZlBt St.; like to receive offer for sams. VACANT LOTS. Il.ono fin-foot l"t, corner 38th and Jonas $ 450 on feet by 176 fe.-t lot on 8. 15lh St, TRACKAGE LOTS. 3 lots on lxth an.l Pierce St. Other houses snd lots of all descriptions. Inquire MELCHIOR LEIS & SON, iirw n. torn m. Phone Douglas Uf. Omaha, Neb. RE its 21 FOII SALE CHEAP By nonresident, $ room modern house, half block from car line. In Dundee. Tel. Haiucy lir,. RE-87$ CHtAS- Williamson Co- v- AJlr-aUl ' s I 1 r. SI