THE OMAHA DAILV BEE: SUNDAY, MAY 20, if06. PASS SYSTEM AT CITY HALLi Lutheran league meeting Evil that is 80 Dwply Entrenched u toEi Hard to Uproot CONFESSION OF RETIRING COUNCILMAN ays Railroads Shoald Khat OsT It, . far Constituents Will Sot Cease DrMiaJl Amr Other War. "Tha psss evil no far as city councilman and other city c.fllrrrs are concerned cannot ba exargrrated." said one of th outgoing rouncllmen. "It wvmi to me that during mjr term when I was not talking municipal business with people In their presence or over the telephone I have been talcing ap plications for railroad parses from con stituents. It lias been the custom for city nfllrcra to use their Influence with the ra.ll- . ways to obtain these passes and the custom lias been worked to death. Some of the councllmen have asked railroad ofllcers to hut off on the deal, so hard has the prac tice been worked. "During the last administration the charge has been miule repeatedly that least one councilman not only procured lots of transportation for his friends and him (elf, but actually got passes and sold them to scalpers, netting a clear profit for him self by every transaction of the kind. Baaad to HrlaaT Resalts. "Bay what you will, this pass business means that the councllmen can't help but treat the railroads with more or less grarlousness and leniency every time they ' ant anything from the city. The prac tice Is tnot confined to the council. It ex tends to other departments aa well, and I know of one In particular that is actually stuffed with blank transportation that can he used any old way the department sees fit. I doubt If there Is n department, of ficer or employe of the city who has not received free transportation from the rail roads. It does net take much discernment or reasoning to figure out what It means, for the railroads do not give away free rides without expecting something in re turn. "The talk about the anti-pass question being Injected Into the new administration as a leading Issue started aa a Joke, but It has developed Into something more seri ous. Several of the councllmen who will take their seats Monday say they are go ing to uproot the practice. They may suc C4. but if they do they are going to ' have, "mighty hard sledding. The city hall has been a mecca for the pass fiends for o long that it will take resolution and effort to educate the public to a new view, (letting a pass for a constituent Is an awfully nice way to make a firm friend and booster out of him." UNION PACIFIC'S NEW LINES Tntal of Seven Ilnndred Miles of Trark Will Ba l.ald This Year. Tn addition to the new work already mapped out, the Union Pacific, during the year 1906, will relay 337 mile of main line between Council Bluffs and Green River with ninety-pound steel rails. It will lay In addition to this, on new lines and branches, 344 miles, or a total of 701 miles. The magnitude of this work Is best ex plained by stating that If in a straight line it would build a track from Chicago to a point nearly fifty miles west of Grand Inland. This is In addition to the double track work which Is being done In Wyoming. Th work on the Lane Cut Off Is progress- a n . v- v niiu 1 11T7 1 1 11 1 at am being cut away and placed In the heavy fills, which the work requires. A. la rga force of men is at work on the line from North Platte to Northport and this work is being pushed as fust as pos sible. The Burlington la said to have aban doned its work on the line between North riatle and Bridgeport. The contractors also are pushing the work on the Una from .Central City to Stroma burg, and as no heavy grades will be met, this work should soon be finished. General Manager Mohler drove over this new route lust week and reported the work pro gressing nicely. Klithtlaar the Flames. Talbot's "Fighting the Flames" is the rather unique title given to the big show thst conies to Omaha for four day's en saginent, c ommencing Wednesday night, May 33 . 'flic; lociil Kir and Police board will ben efit by the' sale of tickets. The huge tents and enclosures will be located at Twentieth and Paul streets. "Fighting the Flames" is an entirely new era In the amusement world. It requires two special trains of forty cars each to transport the show over the road. In its presentation nearly a thousand people, horses, ponies, etc., are used. A force of fifty mechanics, carpen ters, electricians, etc.. will arrive In Omaha Monday to place In poaitlon the huge auperstructure upon which the corrugated Iron scenery Is hung, The picture, when In place, represents an entire city block 36rt feet in length. A portable grand stand, which seats lO.noo people, each and every one occupying a separate reserved opera chair. Is also carried with this Immense enterprise. The action or scene of Talbot's Fighting the Flames'' takes place in the thickly settled tenement district of the East Bide, New York City. There is a atory and plot to the show. During the action of the story nearly a hundred of the best circus features obtainable are intro duced. Including the original and only tlentry Dog and Pony show. The first ex hibition will be given in Omaha Wednesday night. May 33 and for the balance of the engagement two performances will be given dally. A grand free street parade of all the show proper features, augmented by the local fire and police forces, will be given Wednesday, May 23. VEKV LOW HATtCS T Boston aad Retarta. v-la the Michigan Central, the "Niagara Fall Route." For complete Information call on or address Mr. C. C. Merrill, travel ing panacnger agent. Tenth and Walnut streets, Kansas City, Mo. W. J. LTNCH. Passenger traffic manager, Chicago. 91S.SO t. Paal umm Mla.e.,i. an Retara From Omaha, via Chicago Great Western Railway. Tickets on sale daily after May 11 to September SO. Final return limit, October O. Equally low rates to other points la Minnesota, North Dakota, Wiscon sin and lower Michigan. For further in formation apply to H. H. Churchill, general agent, 1411 Farnam stre-'t, Omaha. Low Kales Taesday. Every Tuesday, balance of the year, ths Chicago Great Western railroad will asll homeaeckers' tickets to Minnesota. North Dakota and Canadian northwest at about aalf rata; to other territory first and third Tuesdays. Write li. H. Churchill, o. UU Farnam slra'st. State cumber in party and when going. Lw rates to Boston and New Haven, Conn., and return, via the ERIK RAIL ROAD Picturesque trunk line of America. Apply U ticket agents, or J. A. Dolan. T. K A, Caloago. Officers Are Fleeted, with John F. Helgrea af Amafca aa President. The Omaha District lutheran league of the Swedish church hss been In session at Emmsnuel Lutheran church, ' Cass and Nineteenth streets, since Thursday, with a large attendance. The district comprises the cities of Omaha. South Omaha, Oak land, Fremont and .nbut(t. This is Hie first meeting of the league and is for the purpose of organising the district lesgue of the cities and towns named. Friday afternoon officers were elected: John F. Holirren, Omaha, president; Fred Miller, Omaha, vice president; Miss Daisy Johnson, Oakland, secretary; Mrs. A. 8. Wlckstrom. Oakland: Harry Larson, Fre mont; Edward -Anderson, Omaha, and Louis Wllg, Omaha, additional vice presi dents; Rev. C. F. Sandahl, Omaha, treas urer. A committee of three was appointed to prepare a constitution and bylaws, to report at Saturday afternoon's meeting. Friday evening Rev. Elof Peterson deliv ered an Interesting lecture, which was fol lowed by an elaborate musical and literary program of twenty-six numbers. Saturday afternoon's session was de voted to completing the details of the or ganisation and hearing the report of the committee on constitution and bylaws, which was adopted. A special program of services will be ob served Sunday, which will conclude the meeting. These services will take place at 10 a. m., to lie presided over by Rev. F. N. Swanberg and will be devotional in char acter. A conference meeting will be held at 3 p. m., presided over by Rev. C. E. Elwving, and a special service at 8 p. m., at which Rev. C. F. Sandahl will deliver an address on "What Can the Christian Toung People do to Promote the Cause of Christ st Home and Abroad?" The district league has under contempla tion a plan to organise a conference Luth eran league which will embrace the states of Wyoming and Nebraska. uivaur&ssTcs A a 1 n T5tT-jf rt stli nK-SCOFIELD ui Lcuuisarrct I TWELVE THOUSAND CHURCHES Congregation Xhnrey Zlon and Swedish l.ntheran Plan on Siw Building. Application has been made to the city building department for a permit for a new $12,000 brick veneered church for the Swedish Zlon Lutheran congregation at Thirty-sixth street and Lafayette avenue. Permits Just issued by the city include one to W. H. Burnham for the J70.O00 six story United States Supply company build ing at Ninth and Farnam streets; George Reif. two ll.Sno frame dwellings at 1814-lti Spring street; C. A. Hempel, two $1,000 frame dwellings at Seventeenth and Pratt streets; Graham Ure, two' $2,000 frame dwellings at Twentieth and Spruce streets; R. II. Landeryou, $1,00 frame dwelling at Twenty-eighth and Ruggles streets. Congregation Sharey Zlon will have plans drawn at once for a $12,000 to $15,000 syna gogue. It will be built this summer on the east side of Nineteenth street between Hurt and Cuming on a part of lot 4, block 2131$, bought recently from A. Goldstein at a cost of $2,300. The home of the congregation has been for the last ten or twelve years In the modest little hrlck church at 1117 Dodge street, and for years the church haa been raising money to build a more pretentious home. John F. Meyer the last week bought lot , In block IS, Kountze Place.- The lot has a south front on Wirt street and will be Im mediately Improved with a modern resi dence, to be occupied by the owner. Hw Boston Commissioner. The appointment of James Taylor Weth erald has just been announced as sinking fund commissioner of Boston. Twenty-two years ago Mr. Wetherald adopted Boston as his permanent home and entered the field of newspaper and magaslne advertising. Having met with remarkable succoaa he Is now sole owner of the largest newspaper advertising agency In New England, which bears his name. He has developed the accounts of some of the largest advertisers in the country and his progressive methods,-rare business ability and experience have contributed to the success of a number of notable adver tising campaigns. Beside the newspaper and magaslne advertising business which he owns, Mr. Wetherald Is president of Chester, Kent & company, manufacturing chemists, whose products are sold in both this and foreign countries. Wetherald undoubtedly has a wider per sonal acquaintance with the retail drug gists and newspaper publishers of the United States than any other one man In the country. WATCHES Frenser, lBtn and Dodge sta. Omaha to Have Visit from Royalty. Thursday next. Victoria dav. Peter Kerr of Boston, royal secretary. Order of Scot tish Clans, will honor Omaha, with a visit. He will be the guest of Clan Gordon and its chief. A Victoria day social will be given In Edward Crelghton Institute, 210 South Eighteenth street (next building to Nebraska Telephone company) that even ing at S o'clock prompt. Splendid talent musical and oratorical will be produced. The royal visitor wll be the principal speaker. Little Gladys Chand ler will sing: so will Mrs. Donovan, Mrs. Fltt. Hall Fink, W. H. Chandler and others and there'll be a dance. The following evening in Jim O Brien's cafe, 1415 Farnam street,' royalty will be entertained to a public "dinner. Mayor Jas. C. Dahlman will make his first appearance as mayor In public social functions by be ing chairman. Chief William Kennedy of the Gordons will act as toastmaster. Among the "toast aponsortals" will be Williamson S. Summers, Gilbert M. Hitch cook, Matt aring. Robert Cowell and royalty itself. Tickets for the social Thurs day evening. cents; banquet, $1.50' a plate. Tickets for either can be had of Jamea C. IJndsay, secretary Clan Gordon, 160 Howard street. In May anal Jane Boston. New Haven. Louisville. St. Paul, Chicago, Milwaukee and others. The only double track line to Chicago. Electric lighted trains to Chicago and Bt. Paul. Full Information at city ticket Office. 1401-03 Farnam street. "Phyalology" is the topic for discussion at the meeting of the Omaha Philosophical society Sunday afternoon. May 30. The opening address will be made by Mr. C. B. Atsen. The society meets at 3 o'clock p. m. tn Patterson block. Seventeenth and Farnam streets. Mortality Statistics. The following births and deaths have been reported to the Hoard of Health dur ing the twenty-four hours ending at noon tUlurday : liirths B. Carmello. 1531 South Eleventh boy; Fred Dahlmrom, Kiwt Omaha girl" Carl Gagtno, fell Marcy, boy; Herman e' Gregory, VI Harney, girl; Lena Johnson.' Fifty-fourth and Harney, girl; John Pol lard. nls Raes. boy. v Deaths-Catherine V. Harris. IJtehfleld. Mich., 4: Mrs. M. Llmanek. U0 tfc.uih Fourteenth Susie P. Ballou, Madison hotel. s4; Barbara Krlst. 1414 South Thir teenth, 48. Havo Root print IL Werta. Dentist. - Paxton hl,.ck. Sterling Bttvsr-Frenser, Utn and Dodge Charming New Waists We announce the arrival of beautiful new Waists, distinctive new styles, pos sessing features which, will immediately win favor. The dainty yoke and allover em broidered effects are extremely effective designed mostly of embroidered medal lions, tuckings, lacs and English eyelet embroidery. TEnM?. $2.50 10 $10.00 Linen Waists, J2.9S Beautiful Waists, made of pure linen, with either long or short sleeves, handsomely embroidered fronts, with deep plaited fronts and back specially tf a Ar priced at 72efD Special Waist Values at $1.25 and $1 .95 Over a dozen different styles in Lawn and Mull Waists, with long or short sleeves, some elaborately trimmed with valen tiennes lace and Insertion, others with tuckings and paneled fronts verv :r.'.'",.r..$1.2S and $1.95 1 1 'i 1 ""in",; gagi fl 5- mm mi mmmmammimt iiiiiiini'MaiiaiMMil i a jj ... '". mi. M i TtiC JJaV MaJi'jiyr?." XZA Finding our old quarters at 13th and Jackson streets, which we had oc cupied for s, QUARTER OF A CEN Tl'RY, entirely too small for the needs of our steadily increasing busi ness, we beg to announce that we have REMOVED to our New Five Btory Building Opposite THE UN ION STATION, where we will be pleased to supply your wanta. Call In person or telephone Doug las 1431. M. WOLLBTEIN & CO., Inc. Wholesale and Retail Liquor Dealers, 814 South 10th St., . Opposite Union Station. WANTED high class specialty .salesmen. Must have experience, A 1 refer ences and ability to sell best people. Exclusive local terri tory; splendid opportunity for right party. Address at once AMERICAN VIBRATOR CO., St. Louis GOULD SHOPS ON ' POND LOTS Mlssonrl Pacine, It is Bald, Will Baild on the .'Old Mercer Property. i Rumors are being persistently-circulated. which purport to come from authoritative sources, that the Missouri Pacific Railroad company is In possession of the Mercer pond lots at Forty-third and Isard streets and will build shops there. Dr. Mercer dis poned of. the property .several months ago to V. V. Sholes. Mr. ,8ho!s will not say what the purchase was for and declines to name the man for whom he secured It. It la regarded 'as entirely probable that the . Missouri Pacific, will build shops In Omaha, on account of the removal cf di vision headquarters from Atchison to' this city, increasing the Importance of Omaha aa & Missouri Pacific point. The Belt IJne skirts the pond lots on the west and the property would make a good place for the shops. It Is very low and woum have to be filled in. At present it is an eyesore to the neighborhood and the sldewalka along Its borders are In an execrable condltlyn. DIAMONDS Frenser. Uth and Dadge sta. Card of Ttneaka. We -wish to thank our nany friends and nelghbora for their kindnessand sympathy shown us during the slcknes and death of our beloved father. MRS. JOHN J. PUA.NTEKN. CARL. PUSTEEN. RAY PUANTEEN. GEO ROE PIANTEEN. c Comprised of the best malted tMrlrr, the chnwst im ported Hof, parklir.e Arte ian Water, and brewed in one of the moit tcientificalljr man aged plant! in the U. S., STORZ BEER ii pre-eminently the bat. None of the renowned foreign been turpan k in ' flavor and frw, if any, quel k in purity and nutritive value. Order Storm Betr Jow-a town or for your home, A J i--M- s-v3 lillrlii mm Jewish l.ertare on Hoaela. Mr. Bernstein of Chicago- will speak on "Past and Present Conditions In Russia." In the Jewish language, Crounse hall. 117 North Sixteenth street, opposite pom office, at T p. ni , sharp Sunday. The public Is welcome. FISHING AMD t'AMPlVU KATES TO CLEAR LAKE, I A., , Via Chlrao Great Writers Railway. For parties of 14 or more one fare and one-third for the round trip, good for 10 days. Ticket on tale daily until Septem ber SO. For further. Information apply to any Great Western agent or J. P. Elmer, a. P. A., Bt. Paul. Minn. DIAMON OS JLdnoln,. lata a Harney st Men's, boys', children's, clothing, hat, ladles' j'Hts. skirts, millinery, etc.. cash or ct edit. People a Store. lih and Farnam. Engraved Wedding Invitations A. I. Root, One), LX10 Howard St., Omaha. . PARIS GREEN to Kill POTATO BUGS' One tableKponnful Paris Gren S.-W. Co.. one large, sprlnklerful water: mix and sprinkle, over potato tope or vines. The above constitutes a death warrant for both Mr., and Mrs. Potato Bug and all - their" little bugles.' But be sure you get the pure' Paris Green the Bherwln Wll llama Brand. -pound Paris Green for loo H-pound Paris -Green for 18o l-pound Paris Green for '. .30o 100 pounds Paris Green, at. pound 86o Sherman & McConnsIl Drug Co. Comer 10th and Dodge, Omaha, Web. GREEN POISON KILLS RK1 BI OS, KILLS COCKROACHKS, KILLS ANTS. KiLI-S MICHOIIKS, KILLS ALL INS HOTS, HAS NO ODOR Does Not Burn or Explode Kills tho F.gga, Too. he thr Point? "GREEN POISON" Is easily applied with brush or feather. A 25-cent bot tle of "GREEN POISON" from your druggist will kill a million hugs. w I i la flistfenRutcura, curb CONSTIPATION EIU0USNES3 AX0 HEADACHE i hum wuni fmotiau rar rau Vha Ma KniiHnpM ,-r csv, CatMms toriaaa, km. Tan Footwear The proper shoe for a man's summer comfort Is a "TAN." Tans are the coolest and tltp easiest to care for and we're glad that they will be so popular. We've All The Choice Styles Handsome Ties and Bluchers, ex treme styles In narrow toes, and the broad and comfortably proposition for the more conservative man. $3.50, $4.00, to $5.00. FRY SHOE CO. Iftft and Douqlai 5fj mini Li4f vi he Great. Manufatfurtr's STOCK SALE C SI v I J? WHIP THE RELIABLE ST9RK Third Day otx the Cmt V t SALE Don't Go if Blind! Common Sense and Every Other Sense U ill Convjnce You THAT O N I O D SHOES Are the Best Made of thejcholcest materials, by the most skillful workmen and dirert' from the factory to feet. Of course they arc the best. Wear a pair and you will know It. THE BENCH MAKE ONI MOD Is for men who want the best Com bination of valufi, style and comfort. Prices 4 00 to $8.00. The $3.50 Onlmod Rives splendid satisfaction. No other $3.60 shoe equals It. We guarantee a perfect fit by mail. Writs for Style Book B-8. eoent 20s SHOESSJ5ZST. 9EnnSanHnnan8nnfl annSlSinQnnnXBnasb Women's Gray Canvas Oxfords We have just received by ex press Women's (Jray Canvas Ox ford. We have been expecting these for a long time, but they are here , now and we enn fit you in the very popular summer shoe. PRICE $3.00 We also have a full line In white, pink and blue colors. Drexel Shoe Co. 1419 Farnam Street. Art in Printing That's the Mang-am style. It roHts no more. Good stationery requires not only good materials, but good taste. Typewriting Imitated perfectly. We print from a ribbon the same as your typewriter does, and you can use thn same ribbon on your typewriter to insert name and address. roes it inatth? Ask (Vlangum 109 S. 13th St. Tal. Dauslaa 1865 Great Clothing Sale Continues The prices nrc very attractive, tiie quality and styles even more so. Such values as you would expect to see only at the end of the season; Better values than elsewhere! IVe' believe so, but suppose yon put it to the test. Look elsewhere, then come here before you buy, we're confident of results. Men's Suits, Worth Up To $20 In fancy worsteds. rassimerA. serges, Thibets, unfinished wor sted, single or double breasted styles, every garment hand tailored-remarkable J50 rOO values, at..' 1 Men's Suits, Worth Up To $15 k lJu all the newest . shades of grar blues, blacks, in plain or fancy mixed fabrics; over, 50 to select from, either single or double breasted styjes, perfect in tit, splendidly tailored, JS0 f AQO sale price..., "iU . Men's Outing SuitsOver 60 different patterns to select from, the best assortment and best values in Omaha, at $15, C tifk $12.50,' $10, $7.50 and eJ.UU Youth's Long Pants Suits Single or double breasted styles, in .fancy cheviots, cassimeres and serges greatly under- P AA priced for this sale, at $7.50, $6,75 and JUU Children's Wash Suits An immense line in the season's newest style and materials, closed out from a well known manufacturer at, a oargain, will be placed on sale. Kemarkable values, at, $l,;Jo, $l.o, $1.50, $1.25, 95c, 75c and 50q HAYDEW BROS. Hock Island Excursions $29.75 $33.35 $19.75 $13.25 $20.00 $41.00 $23.75 $17.50 $30.50 $60.00 $52.00 $61.50 $53.25 $42.50 $22.50 Boston, Mass., and return. On sale May 31st to June 9th. New Haven, Conn., and return. On sale June 1, 2, 3 and 4. 'Louisville, Ky., and return. On sale June 11, 12 and 13. Springfield, 111., and return. . On sale May 31 and June 1 and 2. Chicago and return. On sale daily after June 1st. Buffalo or Niagara Falls and return. On sale daily after June 1st. Petoskey or Bay View, Mich., and return. On sale daily after June 1st. Colorado arid return. On sale daily after June 1st. Salt Lake City and return. On sale daily after June 1st. California 'and returnl On sale daily after June 1st. California and return. On sale June 25th to July 7th. Mexico City arid return. On sale daily after June 1st Mexico City and return. f ' On sale June 25th to July 7th. Mexico City and return. On sale June 5th and 19th. Galveston, Houston, Austin, San Antonio, Corpus Christi, Texas, and return. On sale June 5th and 19th. " These are only a few of the excursion rates that Uie Rock Island has placed in ef fect. For further information, call at 1323 Farnam St. F. P. RUTHERFORD, D. P. A. SKI Special HomeseelierV Excursion Jane 5th and 19th, July 3rd and 17tb. VIA THE-.- Tuesdays "'Iron Mountain ROUTE To Certain Points in the West and Southwest ONE FARE SFifi ROUND TRIP WITH VERY LOW MINIMUM RATES STOP-OYKRS wni b allowed both going and returning nfter flrat HonieserkerH' iKtint enroule. I'nusual opportunities rxit along the line of the Missouri Parlflc Iron .Mountain Itoute. The rit-h, alluvial, delta landa and river bot tom lands of KoutbenM Minsourl, KaMern Arkansas, Ijouisiana and Texass, capable of producing fiO bushela of corn, a bale of cotton, 4 to 6 tons of alfalfa, I5U bushels of potato, and o there graJns, vege table and hay crops, ran be bought for $7.50 to $15 per ncre. When cleared and slightly improved will rent for 4 to per acre cah. I'plandM more rolling, lighter noil, adapted to fruit growing peaches, pears, plums, grapes, berries, also melons, tomatoes and other vege. tahlek can be bought for .1 to $10 per acre in unimproved Mate. Many places with small clearings and some Improvements ran be iKiught very cheap. This Is a flue slock country. So long winter feeding. Free range, pure water, mild climate. A healthy, growing country, Mith a great future. r'or Further Information, Manx, Folders,, Address T. F. GODFREY Passengerand Ticket Agt, Omaha, Neb. H. C TOWNSEND, Gen. Pa. and Tkt. Agt., St. Louis, Mo. '4 4 i a' 4 M -J "1 ) 1 3u