TIIE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SUNDAY, MAY 20, 1906. NEWS OF INTEREST FROM IOWA COUNCIL BLUFFS Offloe. 10 rri BC Tel. 49. MISOR MEMTIOV Clark's sodas. ' Davis Mil drugs. Stockert sells carpets. Ed Rodger' Tonjr Faust beer. New location. $0 Peart St. Maloney. plumbing and heating, Btxby Son. A good school Is Western Iowa college. Woodrlng Undertaking Company. Tel $3. lwl Cutler, funeral director. 'Phone i. High grade watch repairing a specialty at Leffert s. Diamonds aa an Investment. Talk to i.i-rreri anout it. Buy vour Edison records from William son. It's. Main St. Beautiful lace door panels. SSc and up. Stockert Carpet Co. I nii and ce-savlng rcf rlgeratora at D. W. Keller's, 103 South Main. Specials for graduation gift. Alexan der Art Store. 333 Broadway. Dr. Luella Dean, homeopath. Diseases. ot wrtnen. Brown Uldg. 'Phone 809. See Stephen Bros, for Hre brick arid fire day. sewer pipe, fitting and garden hose. For imported wines, liquor and cham pagne. L. Rosenfcld company, lit Main. Buy your ice cream at I. Mucel, the ice cream man. Plain ice cream, 25c a brick. Wanted All K. o. T. M s to bring their shoes for -repair to Chris Loseth, at 23 Main street. Hlx per tent mortgages on raal estate for sale. Absolute security. Clifton Walker conipany. Ralph Kastner, inn of A. Kastner. South . First street, la suffering from a sprained elbow, the result of a fall. A marrluge license 'was Issued yesterday i to Pearl Watson, aged 22, and Florence H-'lvlll, aged 1. both of this city. Moving vans and wagons; furniture stored Neshttt s Tranerer utifl wtorage. Tel. tJ3. Office 331 West Broadway. Sterling silver teaspoons, good w'elpht and popular patterns, only $.160 per set at Leffert ' this week.' 4 Broadway. Look, before you leap, but when you do leap, lean for one of Clark's sodas, all flavora. They are the best. Clark Drug Co. Free this week, a beautiful Eephyr fan with a 25c purchase. Hee them In our show window. Swalne A Maurer, 336-338 Broad way. Shades ready made and made to order in all colors. Ask ta see the patent hold era. Hewetson's, Masonic temple, Council Bluffs. Do not forget the Council Bluffs Paint, OH and Glass company when it comes to wall paper because they can make you the best figures. For Sale Will sacrifice on my fine piano. Payments If desired. Can be seen at Schmoller A Mueller's, 503 Broadway, Council Bluffs, Iowa. Tk. I - II., , Q, I1a ill'. S.'nl.a. copal church will meet Monday afternoon at the residence of Mrs. T. J. Foley on , South Sixth street. - W have tho finest line of sample monu ments to select from In tho west. Sheely , V Lane Marble ami Granite Works, 217 Fast Broadway, Council Bluffs, la. Do not sell your old Iron, copper, brass and old rubbers before you aee us. Wa pay 9 per ton for No. 1 machinery iron. J. Kattleman. S03 8. Main, Tel. S&0. Our nut sundae Is the best In the city. We use fresh nuts and our own home- niaae ice cream, v e inane 11 in umw 1 1 nun, i not to sell. O. C. Brown, tot Broadway. NEW WATER WORKS SYSTEM Council Committee Decides to Beject Proposal of Old Company. nsanaaw-ss ACTION SAID TO HAVE BEEN UNANIMOUS Tin Glv.-n out Jadae MePherann Will Hand Dow Opinion Monday ' Adverse 1 City In Case abmltted Hla. While the four members of the city council sDecial ronimlttee on water works were reticent Friday night as to what J transpired at the& meeting, it leaked out yesterday that the committee practically j decided to recommend to the city council !that the proposition submitted by the water works company be rejected In toto and that steps be taken as soon as possible looking towards the construction Of a new water worka system by the city. It is said that the committee was unani mous in reaching this decision, although the chairman. Councilman Wallace, a day before the meeting stated he was flatly opposed to the city constructing a new water plant. Although attorneys for the water works have no advice to the effect. It Is said that the members of the special committee have received inside information that the decision of Judge Smith Mcpherson In the water works Injunction suit will be handed down Monday. One member of the special 'committee, It is said, has been advised that the decision will be adverse to the city and will hold that the company's fran chise is operative until January-, 190. Attorney Wright, counsel for the water works company, when asked as to this yesterday, said: "Well, as far aa I am concerned this la all news to me. 1 have not been advised, neither have I received any inside information to the effect that Judge McPherson Is expected to hand down his decision Monday. Of course, I shall be glad to have hi in do so and doubly so If the decision Is In our favor." The special committee Is expected to make a report at the meeting of the city council tomorrow night. Broadway, this afternoon at 1:30 o'clock. Sunday school will be at 3:30 p. ra. The First Church of Christ (scientist! will hold services at 11 a. m. and I p, m. The subject will be "Anrlent and Modern Necromancy or Mesmerism and Hypnot Ism." First Christian church, Rev. W. B. Clem mer pastor. Morning worship and sermon at 11 o'clock. Topic of sermon, "The Twelve Before the Cross." In the evening at I o'clock Rev. A. E. Cory of Nanking. Chlim, will deliver his special lecture upon "The Trail of the Dragon.' during which he will Introduce twenty-five stereoptlcon views. Bible school will be at 9:45 a. m.. Loyalty Christian Kndeavor meeting at 4 p. ni. and Young People's Christian En deavor society meeting at T p. in. Swedish Lutheran church. Rev. B. N. Ullm, pastor. Services at 10:30 a. in. and 8 p. m. Sunday school at noon. Broadway Methodist church, Rev. James O'May. pastor. Preaching in the morning at 1(1:30; topic, "The New Birth." Sunday school at noon; Epworth league at 7; stere optlcon pictures and Illustrated address at 3 on the topic of "South America and the Panama Country, or Mission Movements in the Land of the Incas." There will be special music morning and evening by the volunteer choir. had ceased to breathe at the expiration of about five minutes. Less than rents' worth of chloroform was used. Mr. Ma lony will endeavor to have the city council Issua an order that the poundmaster use chloroform with which to kill the dogs In the city pound In future Instead of a shotgun. Un Fishing. Come to this store for your fishing sup plies: Take-s-Part reels'. $3.V. Steel casting rods, 11. Braided bass line, Sc. Fish reels, from Snc to $5. Fish stringers, oc. Cork floats. 5c. i Furnished lines. 6c. Kirhy fish hooka, all sites, dox.. 5c. Peterson Schoenlng Co. set aside by the Douglas county court. Yes terday morning he commenced habeas corpus proceedings In the superior court of thta city to regain the custody of his two sons, and the writ w-a placed In the hands of Major G. H. Richmond, city marshal, to produce the children In court on Wednes day, May 30, at which time the hearing is to he held. Mis. Rall-Sweney-Ball promised to have the boya in court at the time named and they will remain In ber care until then. A neighborhood quarrel was stopped the other day by one of the parties purchas ing our new pattern of poultry fence. The sure remedy at a little cost. C. llafer. A tine piano case organ, good as new, 7V octave, at a special price. $. We have some bargain in good second-hand pianos. Bourlcltis PlHno House. 330 Broadway, where the organ stands upon the building. KKtKR HAVE OOOU PIANOS Been Said So ! anal em Swell Kasy Payanent. It Is a well known fact that the A. Hosp company are the oldest and largest deal ers In pianos In the west, operating five stores, contracting for pianos In large quantities and by their conservative meth ods do sell pianos at prices that astonish competition. It occurred to them that this Idea of asking 3.U, to 60 per cent more for a piano than it was worth, then making concessions and allowances in an Irregular way, was not a fair proposition, so they make only one pi Ice and that price is based on the actual cost of construction. You can't beat the other fellow, so he safe and get your piano at A. Hospe company's, 33 South Main street. Follower, of Perkini Control the Contention by 8rull Mai Tity. llt Oreara. ROOftTIM FOR THE V. M. r. A. Smoking is a pleasure; not a habit. We have founrt that out. Our customers all say It Is a pleasure to smoke our cigars. Now, if you want a real half hour's pleas ure come In and let us sell you cigars after this. We are located at 30 Pearl St., our new location. Maloney. You are aafe when you Intrust your wall paper work to us. We want you to be antlafled an we will set vour work Attain: Rev. Otterbeln O. Smith, D. D., pastor ., , ,,,. . ,, , if the First Congregational church. - . - " ,u rived home yesterday from Dubuque, where i wall paper of us we make a price that will he attended the state convention of Con- I satisfy- you. Berwick, III 8. Main. Tel. gregailoual churches. SS3 i ne lunerai 01 Miner uiwin, uu ui iwi . and Mrs. Ous Olson, 2108 Avenue C, was held yesterday, the services being con ducted by Rev. B. N. Ollm, pastor of the Swedish Lutheran church. Lady Mary hive, Ladies of the Modern Maccabees, will meet In regular session Tuesday evening at the usual time and place. At the close of the business session refreshments will be served. County Treasurer Consigny yesterday turned over to City Treasurer True $4,867.81 general fund taxes and 3840.33 special as sessment taxes, being the city's propor tion of the April collections. The funeral of the late W. H. Kuhn will be held this afternoon from the family residence In darner township and Inter ment will be in Garner cemetery. Five nephews of the deceased will act as pall bearers. Years of experience has told us the best variety of planta to grow. We can furnish them to you, no extra charge, and will do the planting free, either rx your home or in the cemetery. Will commence work In the cemetery Monday. J. F. Wil cox, Florist. Henry and Chris Green of Lewis town ship, charged with shooting wild duck out of aeaaon, took a change of venue yes terday from the court of Justice Gardiner to that of Justice Field, where the case was dismissed, the state falling to produce any witnesses. L. L. Evans, former city auditor, arrived In Council Bluffs yesterday from Salt Lake Cltv. where he now resides, enroute to Cumberland, la., to visit his parents, who on Monday will celebrate the fiftieth anni versary of their wedding. .He la accompan ied by hla son Glenn. Why doea Borwlck's wall paper gtva the best satisfaction? Because he sella the best paper in the city for the money and does his work right. Hla customers never complain (that's saying a wnole lot), but if you will call him up at 211 South Main street, telephone 83, and let biro do your work you will be satisfied, too. Tom J. Carter, better known as the "man newsboy." was In police cdtirt again yes terday morning charged with' being drunk and resisting an officer. He had but re cently served a Jail sentence for a similar offense. Hla protestations that he would In the future abstain from liquor availed him little and the court sentenced him. to twenty days on the municipal rock .pile. William Fry. who was found acting sus ptcloualv in a dark alley back of Main street Friday night by Merchants' Police man Clear, was given twenty days on th rock pile yesterday by Judge Scott. I rv inHhitalned he waa looking for a friend, but Hie. faet that h la only re cently out of 'the penitentiary for-burglary and that he had a number of auaplcloua looking keys in hla poaseaalon waa agalnat lilm. . - Mr. and Mrs. John Wilson, an aged couple iw:nir at lb Third avenue, were taken at a late hour Friday night to St. Bernard's kn.i.i Mrs Wilson showed alalia of temporary insanity and her husband after accompanrlng her to the hospital, evinced nt lrrBnonalbilltv suppoited to be due to hl anxiety over In wife a ronditlon t h. wa. knt there over night. Mrs. Wilson was reported to be much Improved v..i.r.i.v urn! the husband was aald to have regained his normal condition. Ci earn Ormonde. Wo a Jar. There la noth Ina like It for the complexion, sore hands. feet or face. It a cooling, soothing and haa a very sweet smell. Oravee la the sole ''agent. K Peaii etieet. Right now Is the time to paper and paint and If you are going to paint and paper let the Council Bluffs Paint, OH and Glass company do your painting and papering, because they do It right. Tea Thonaand Dollar fttart for Balldlna; Fans' Wanted. The commute in charge of the Young Men's Christian association project, follow ing a meeting held yesterday afternoon. issued the following appeal: Time for action has come. An opportunity to secure the best man In the field today for conducting the Young Men's Christian as sociation campaign In Council Bluffs has also come. It Is a long looked for oppor tunity and one which the Young Men's Christian association boosting conim'ttee hardly dared hope for. But In order to grasp this opportunity Council Bluffs has a condition to meet. That condition Is this, via: One or two subscriptions to' the amount of 310.000 must be made In order that the campaign might, be given the proper Impetus. With a sub scription of this else to start out with the aervleee of the best man In the flel.t conducting such a campaign can be se cured and the success will be ours without a doubt. Are there not two or three men In the community who will come forward and give the starter which will mean that Council Bluffs and her young men will. without a doubt, secure an Institution which will mean more to their welfare than any one other Institution that can be had. At an Interesting meeting of the general committee held yesterday afternoon, a com mittee of five was appointed to secure ine required subscription, which will guarantee to Council Bluffs one of the finest Young Men's Christian association buildings in the middle -west. It Is hoped that when men of means in Council Bluffs are ap pealed to they will give the matter in question favorable consideration and boost the cause This Is an opportunity of a lifetime and one which may not soon come our way again. Therefore, we cannot afford to see it go by. Will not Council Bluffs arise to the occaalon snd do herself proud? Communication over the long distance telephone was had with Harry Curtis, former secretary of the defunct Young Men's Christian association of this city, and now holding a similar position at Dubuque, and he promised the general com mittee to be In Council Bluffs Monday and Tuesday to assist the special committee of five In raising the Initial fund of 110,000. New and attractive goods coming In all the time at Hewetson's New Picture and Art Store. Framing a specialty. Masonic temple, Broadway, Council Bluffs. Absolutely pure unfermented grape JuiC. 2&c and 50c a bottle. Wash hollers. $L25 to 32.75, the best grade of boiler in the market. Gasoline stoves, $2.26; garden tools, screen wire, ltyc per square foot. J. Olson, Tel. 113, 73t West Broadway. Mnttera In District t'oart. Owing to other business occupying his time In district court yesterday Judge Wheeler postponed passing sentence on Charles Stevenson and Mickey Taggart, the Omaha youth. He will probably let them know their fate Monday and may at the same time pass sentence on James Arthur, twice convicted of taking part In the attempt to blow the Treynor bank safe. In the matter of the injunction suit brought by W. S. Goodrich to restrain Mm. Paulina Dobaon. the owner, and Justice Gardiner from putting Into execution a de cree ousting him from the Metropolitan hotel,' Judge Wheeler continued the tem porary restraining order until next Wednes day In order to give Goodrich an oppor tunity to take the case before the su preme court on appeal. It was stipulated that no bond would be required of Good rich pending the determination of an ap peal. Judge Macy was In the city yesterday and held r session of district court to hear an Injunction case In which K. M. Hitchcock Is plaintiff and William Iiveloss Is de fendant. The suit Is from Harrison county and Involves the right of the defendant to make a breach In the levee which separates the waters of the Soldier river from the Missouri river for the purpose of drain ing the water into Round lake. Judge Macy took the case under advisement. If you prefer "quality to quantity and absolute satisfaction to yourself, get Schmidt's photos. Always guaranteed to please. 'Fhone W7; 406 Broadway. ' Solid C'oniforl. Rustic hickory and Adirondack silver birch porch furniture. Vudor porch shades. Vlldor hammocks. Vudor hammock fhalia If you want solid comfort on a hot summer ! 'rhursday'MrV''1 J evening get into one or our vudor ham mocks or jne of our Vudor hammock chairs and you will get It. Keller-Farns- worth Furniture Co. afternoon. The next meeting will le st I BOLT IN WAPELLO COBXTI ine h. ime or Mrs. Kinmet Ttnley vt ecincsds y eveplng. The Wednesday Kensington club met Wednesday afteruoon at the home of Miss Maude Davis, South Seventh street. Twelve were present. The pi me fur the fueeslng contest was won ty Mtss tm-x Hirland. Luncheon was served. Mis. Fred Johnson. 13.C Harrison street, will he the j QJMM NS MEN WALK OUT OF THE HALL next hostess. i Miss Opal Goodman was hostess of the Kiatter klub W'nn'J"''r",rIvni'li!i. Sneakers on Plolh sides HnnfeH lwa head prise was won b Miss J.ie i!Xli. , the twenty prise was cut for Mrs. Oliver ; anl1 n Real Pleasant Time In- Patterson and Miss tlrlcler. Miss Glider being the luckv one. and Misi McMhien i dnlaeit In Before the of Onawa was awarded the guest prtxe. A dainty luncheon was served. Next Satur day the club will tie entertained at 1 o'clock luncheon bv Miss Fanny Davenport. Mrs. Rolert Wallace and Miss Helen Wallace, at the home of Mrs. Wallace. Mrs. A. P. Iatngnmde. o; Minster stteet. entertained a number of friends st high fie Frlrtev evening Prises wire awarded Mrs. Frank Falkinbiira. Miss Mary Ijing md. Mis. Frank Owens and Mr. Richard Filter. Refreshments were served. Those present were Mr. and Mrs Falklnburg. Mr. and Mrs. Filter, Misses Flossie and Cecil Langmade. Mr. snd Mrs. Fran1' Owens. Mls Blanche Falklnbuig. Miss Ada Ma loney. Mr. Charlf-s White of San Fran cisco and Mr. and Mis. Laugumde. Mrs. Adolph Kastner of South First street, assisted bv Mrs. Mattlngly and Mrs. Doty, entertained the Jolly Twelve at her home Tuesday afternoon. At cards the luckv ones were Mrs. Fay Bolln, Mrs. Roy Coffeen and Mrs. A. C. Keller. The prlie for the guessing contest wn won by Mrs. Coffeen. At the cios or the afternoon a tastefully arranged luncheon was served. In the center of the table was a miniature May poie. a doll at each place holding the nine streamers. cexe ames ( 'lirlstenson. .Mrs. Fav Bolln and Mrs. Hiy Coffeen will en tertain the club at the home of Mrs. Coffeen In Omaha. IITeii's $1 table Is attracting great at tention. Many beautiful and useful articles worth up to i have been selected from the stock and put on this table for tl each. An opportunity to buy nice gifts for a little money. Two deep building lots, :j, acres, garden land, adjoining on Lincoln Ave,, paved; price, ll.gno. Please Investigate. Chas. V. Tullys, 102 Main St.. upstairs. You cant afford to have carpets and rugs beaten In the old-fashioned way when yon can have them thoroughly cleaned by tiur process at such moderate cost, without injury to the finest fabric. 'Phone 51. Council Bluffs Camel Cleanlna and Rug Mfg. Co., 34 No. Main. There Is an art In making buggies, There Is an art In showing style; There Is an art In pleasing patrons Van Brunt does It all the while. PAST WFF.K RM FFS SOCIETY Why can you tell that Muccl's Ice cream Is swell? Because he makes the pure Neapolitan Ice cream at 30c a brick. .2U W. Broadway. Telephone 3H4. We are giving some extraordinary values In diamonds this week. Perfect white stones, ',4 carat, $18; t carat, $35; M carat, $65; K carat, $35; 1 carat, $125, set In 14 carat gold mountings. See the fine selec tion In our window. Leffert, 9 Broadway. Rent Knar. When your hard day's work is done get a hammock and hang It In the cool shade and take life easy for an hour or so. If you hnvtn't got one go to Swalne 4 Mauer, they have the beat hammocks for 75c and up to $8.00. The cleanest and best restaurant In the city, service prompt. The Vienna, 41 'VVest B'way. Folding and reclining go-carts. Keller, 103 South Main. D. W. Investigate our cheap land proposition In eastern Colorado, $5 per acre for raising all kinds of crops; good soil; best of water; delightful climate. Excuraions first and third Tuesdays of each month. Send for printed matter. F. C. Lougee, 124 Main street. Council Bluffs, la. Tapioca Granulated IX- One Pound Cartons Full weight Neat Clean and Pure, as all our gooda are. 10c and one check given. Mill we are selling tajie AA Sugar. St Ih. gLUU PHOXE VOI R ORDtvR TO The Union Pacific Tea Company 404 BROADWAY Council Bluffs, ".-.. Telenhon T52. Bandar Services. St. Paul's Episcopal church Rev. H. W. Starr, Pastor Fifth Sunday after Easter $ a. nr., holy communion, 10:30 a. m., morn ing prayer and a synopsis of the recent diocesan convention and the bishop's ad dress: 12 m. Sunday school and Bible class, 3 p. m., shortened form of evening prayer and musical numbers Instead of a sermon, this being the program: Organ prelude Largo Handel Processional Hymn, Bid Antnem As the Hart pantetn ureene Paalm .v Anthem Aa the Earth Brlngeth Forth -. Harris Scripture lesson Nunc Dimlttle Creed and , prayers Hymn, 460 Solo Fear Not Ye. O Israel Buck Miss Scott. Flute solo (a Souvenir of the Alps..Boehnf (b) Traumerel Schumann Mr. Frank Badoiett. Anthem The Lord Is My Light. ..Merchant Offertory duet Twilight Masters Lynne Brown,. Kenneth "Herman. Closing prayers and benediction DuetHow Sweet the Name of Jesus Sounds Brown Mrs. Ward and Mrs. Sherman. Recessional hymn, 3J8 Organ postlude Grand Choeur...,..T..Reed First Congregational church. Dr. Otter beln O. Smith, Pastor Morning service at 1V:30, evening service at 3, prayer meeting Wednesday evening at t, Sunday school at noon. Morning aubject, "I'nrest and Ita Cure;" evening subject, "Beauty a Divine Gift." Special music for morning, Anthem, "The Lord is Exalted." West. Flute solo, "Largo" (xerxes), Handel, by Frank Badollet. Evening: Anthem, "My Soul Truly Watteth," Rea. Solo, "The Lord la My Light." Allison, by Mrs. Frank f Reed. First Preabylerian church, Rev. P. Mc Clure, paator: 10:30 a. m., morning service, theme: "Eight Arms, But Not Those of an Octapus," 12 m. the Bible school, 7 p. m., the .young peoples' service, subject, "Les sons From the Uvea of Elijah and John the Baptist." Dr. A. C. Brown, leader, $ p. jti., evening worship, theme, "Fit for the Kingdom." ' Second Church of Christ scientist , will hold services this morning at 1046 in Mod ern Woodmen hall In the Merriam block, when the subject will be "Ancient and Modern Necromancy or Mesmerism and Hypnotism," Sunday school at 11:42 a. in , Wednesday evening testimony meeting at 7:46 o'clock. At St. John's English Lutheran church there will be preaching at 11 a. m. and $ p. m. In the morning the pastor. Rev. G. W. Snyder, will take aa the subject of his sermon, "Prayer's Promise" and in the evening "The Spirit that Couquera." Sun day school will be at t .45 a. m. and young people's meeting at 7:16 p. m. Rev. Q. W. Snyder of St. John s English Lutheran church will preach at the I'nlun Christian church, Thlrty-llfth street and "In the springtime" everybody cleans house; housekeepers are always on the lookout for some agent to lessen this ardu ous duty. "Old Dutch Cleanser Chases Dirt." For a free demonstration see Mc Afee's show windows. Special sale on pairs and half pairs of beautiful lace curtains, 60c to $1. Stockcrt Carpet Co. Porch and lawn furniture. D. W. Keller, 103 South Main. fine Farm. Two hundred-acre farm five miles from Missouri Valley. Good Improvements and orchard. Cheap at $72 per acre. Wallace Benjamin, room 1, First National bank building. Office telephone 203. If you don't read this you will lose your digestion. Read it and the n call your grocer and order a sack of Big A flour, the kind that pleases. t'emlnna and (iatnaa of Pee He Yon Know, Mrs. F. T. True, Ka Second avenue, la in Burlington, la., the guest of friends. Miss Frances Hutchinson Is the guest of ! Mrs. Frank Walker of lies Moines. I Mrs. K. ft Hicks. liVH Wlllnw av,nni visiting friends in Drs Moines and Amif. Mrs. J. AV. Fllrkinger has gone to Wich ita. Kan., for a two weeks' visit with .friends. Mrs. Page Morrison and children of First avenue are visiting relatives In Wood bine, la. Mrs. J. Blazer of Maitland, Mo., Is the ' MARSHAL guest or ner sister, Mrs. i,. it. Melxer or Fifth avenue. Mrs. A. G. Henniug of Avenue B left Monday for a two weeks' visit with rela tives In Sioux City. Mrs. Herman Rosche will entertain the Jolly Sixteen at her home. 740 Mill street, Thursday afternoon. . Mr. and Mrs. Fred Anderson of Sioux City ure guests at the home of Mrs. Charles Gorhnm. on Eighth street. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Kurts have removed from Oakdale. Neb., to this city and will reside aj. 723 Sixth avenue. Miss Myra Hutchinson has gone to Jack sonville, 111., for a several weeks' visit with her brother, E. C. Hutchinson. Mrs. Howard Pulker of Chicago is in the city visiting her parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Oliver on Park avenue. Mrs. A. G. Gilliert and daughter. Eleanor, have gone to Des Moines and lnciianola for a visit with friends and relatives. Mrs. Angle Bellinger arrived Thursday from Greenfield, Mass., to make her home with her son, Dr. Smith Bellinger. Mrs. J. P. Beach and Miss Elizabeth Beach. 917 Second avenue, have gone to Des Moines for a two weeks' visit. HOT K l fEARIH FOR WIFK Friend of Wnnaan Kills llnabnnd While Seeking a Protect Her. 8IOI X CITY. la.. May 1?. (Special Tele gram.) Norman Rutledge, habitue of sa loons and sporting houses, was shot and killed at 4 o'clock thla morning by Hardy Thomas, a fisherman. Thomas gave him self up and went to Jail without ball. Rutledge'a wife, an Inmate of a bawdy house, was In the Thomas house this morn ing and has been there for weeks, trying to escape the life of shame by which she has supported her husband. Rutledge came to the house this morning, pounded on the door of the shack and when refused ad mission, opened the door with an axe and was about to enter when a shot from Thomas' gun, an 8-gauge shot gun, pene trated through the door, through Rutledge'a left arm and Into his heart. He died a few minutes later. When the police arrived Thomas confessed to the shooting, saying, "1 had to do It." The Rutledge woman left the sporting hoivse of Blanche Douglas two weeks ago, driven Into hiding, she says, by the brutal ity of her husband. She declares be drove her to a life of shame and was supported by her Illicit earnings. .Thomas says lv had no ulterior object In taking Mrs. Rut ledge Into his home. Mrs. Rutledge nay that on her 'coming here from Onawa her husband forced her to enter the sporting house and haan't done any work since. Thomas and Rutledge have been good friends up to this time. Oi'Tl'MWA. la. May 1 -(Special Tele gram.! Pandemonium reigned for moie than thirty minutes at the republican county convention today. The supporters of the two rival candidates for the guber natorial nomination. George W. Perklne of Sioux City and Governor A. B Cummins, have waged a bitter fight for the last thirty days to secure control of Wapello rouniy, one of the pivotal counties In the state. The Perkins men were In control of the convention today by a small majority. The Cummins faction, when they saw they were defeated, Ignored the chairman. One of tha leaders Jumped upon the platform amid loud cheers from his supporters and put a motion selecting delgates to the stste, congressional and Judicial conventions. The Cummins men then left the hall. The re maining delegates proceeded and elected delegates Instructed for Perkins. The biggest demonstration occurred dur ing the selecting of the temporary Organl xation, when speakers on both aide wera hooted and hissed down. Order waa Anally restored and the Perkins men secured con trol of the convention. t JIIMiK HOWIE IK X .TTR.I.IZKI Final Papers Are Granted Flrat Anoatle'a Aged Father. CLAR1NDA. Is., May l-(Speclal Tele gram.) In the Page county district court ne this afternoon before Judge A. B. hornell, John Murray Dowle of Eaaex, la., who declares himself to be the father f John Alexander Dowle of Chicago, was rented his final naturalisation papers. Ills witnesses befoie the court were County Recorder John Iigerqulst and Sheriff S. McCord, former neighbors of John Mur ray Dowle in Essex. John Murray owi was born In Scotland, spent thirty-five ears in Australia and waa a Judge In that country. He is now In his 83d year. SKIZR MOIK RF.F.R $11 will buy a half doien knives and forks, half dozen each tea, dessert and table spoons; pretty French gray pattern, the reliable Holme & Edwards make, guaran teed to , wear fifteen ; years. Leffert, 4e Broadway. St. Panl'a Makes Good Showing;. Rev. H. W. Starr, rector of St. Paul'a Episcopal church, who attended the state diocesan convention at Cedar Rapids, is much pleased with the excellent (mowing St. Paul's made. It led all the parishes of the diocese In its Increase of membership In both the church and the Sunday school. The report of the Woman's auxiliary to the Board of Missions. Its guilds and two chapter of tha Brotherhood of St. Andrew were among the best of those presented. Its Sunday school offering tor the mission was the largest In the two dioceses of Iowa and Nebraska. Rev. Mr. Starr was ap- Don't forget that I have fine spring and summer suits from $20 to $26. S. 8. Hick. A good tchool I Western Iowa college. CENTRAL FLOUR $1.15. Every sack warranted. Central Grocery and Meat Market. A good school Is Western Iowa college. WATCH WEEK at Leffert s. During the coming week we are going to give watch value that it will be Impossible for others to duplicate. We guarantee absolute satis faction with every watch sold or money will be cheerfully refunded. for ltek of Evidence. HAMBURG. Ia.. May 19-(Speclal.)-John Holmes was arraigned before Pete Wlkoff Friday, charged with maintaining a nuis ance. The evldenc-e showed that the de fendant had leased a building from Dr. Hoover to be used for upholstering work. Dr. Hoover was notified Thursday morn ing that beer Was being kept In the build ing and at once called the marshal. They found the floors locked, but they were soon opened and Carl Allen. Wright Barnes and one of the Townsend boys were found Inside. The beer was taken to the city vault, and later turned over to the Townsend boy, who claimed it as his, There was no positive evidence to bind the defendant over to the grand Jury, as he swore that he gave Allen permission to use the back room for sleeping purpose and that he neven had any beer there, Ft r AriC.F.4 A . I . tf anv Ml.. M.rl. lV,u lf, IU. ..!, , : ' Copenhagen, Denmark, where he will visit I He wag "y'at the time the eearch was at the old home during the summer. j made and knew nothing of the matter tin- Mr. W. E. Lewis, 105 South Seventh street, til tha warrant was served on him on his naa as nis guest last week hi brother, return from Watson, Mo. Judge Wlkoff dismissed the defendant on Don't let , a few dollars Influence you when giving out your furnace contract. A good article at a fair price is cheaper than a poor one at a low price. Wise people buy Wise furnaces. Paddock St Handschy Hdw. Co. For Sale 4 room, Ave. B. west end, city water, a nice little home for $600. pointed dean of the Des Moines Convocation j ror $2,000. 10 room, modern except heat, with supervision of the missionary work in southwestern Iowa, and wa also selected to preach the sermon at the ordination of Mr. Thoma Caaady In Des Moines on June 24. The committee on the state of the church reported that the last year had been the best In the history of the Episcopal church In this dloceae. The next conven tion, will b held In Burlington In May, 1907. CENTRAL FLOUR-$1.15. ,. Every sack warranted. Central Grocery and Meat Market. Iowa r SCAVENGER WORK I haul dead animals, $1.00 per bead. Garbage, ashes, manure and all rub bish; clean vaults and oesapoels. All work dona 1 guaranteed. Calls promptly attended to. ' Phone, Ash-103U. . J. H. SHERLOCK A good school la Western Iowa college. Do you want your home decorated this spring? If o aee the new line of Imported good at Hewetson' New Wall Paper 8tore, Masonic temple, Broadway, Council Bluffs. Haa your husband a nice, comfortable den where he can go and take a smoke and rest? I have some odd roll of the Blrge paper which I am closing out very cheap. See them; they are the thing for coxy nook and den. Hewetson's, Masonic temple, Council Bluff. Parties having house for rent or sale, list them with Clifton-Walker Co. for quick action. Recent sale have greatly reduced our list and we have customers waiting for Inveitment. Dnge Dispatched with Chlarafnrm. An even two dosen untagged dogs were sent to the happy hunting grounds for canines yesterday afternoon at the city pound by the chloroform rout under the supervision of Councilman Maloney, Dep uty City Marshal Crum and Poundmaster Burke. The killing of the dogs by the use of chloroform wa an experiment a Coun cilman Maloney had raised an objection to the animals being dispatched with a shot gun, the latter method he dalmed being Inhumane. The twenty-four dugs, some large and some small and of all breed and condi tion, were placed In a large wooden box with an air tight lid except for a bole through which a large sponge soaked with the chloroform waa thrust through at the end of a small wire, the hole then being closed. Although the dogs were left In the box for nearly half an hour Councilman Malouey gave It a hi opinion that they barn, on 11th Ave. For $3,000, 7 room, modern except heat. on Glen Ave., 2 lots, good barn. In good repair, and rent for $300 year. Easy term. Alva Smith, Real Estate and Insurance, Room 7, Everett block. Real Estate Transfers. These transfer were reported May II to The Bee by the Title Guaranty and Trust company of Council Bluffs: Mrs. B. Zipf to Jesse Caldwell, west H of lota 15 and 16, In block 16, in Stutsman's second addition to Council Bluffs, la., w d George B. Green to Charles C. Lacy, lot 3 In Lincoln Place addition to Council Bluff. Ia., w d Annie M. Walker to Hattie Jacks, lot 7. In block 11. In Baylies A Plamers' addition to Council Bluffs, la., q c d $1,500 Three transfers, total. $2,001 Velvet Ice cream, made from pure cream, flavored with pure vanilla extract and strictly home-made. O. C. Brown. Tel. 574. Ice cream coda and sod i water, all flavors. , Ice cream home-made and made right. Purity Candy Kitchen. 54i B'way. A beautiful gold filled locket and chain, Roman finish, guaranteed ten years, only $4, at Leffert' this week. Seal rings, cuff links, scarf pins and hat pina, for graduation gift; various style and price. One engraving free of charge. Leffert, 401 Broadway. Go to Hicks' for your money worth In tailoring. No bluff, either. N. T. Plumbing Co. Tel. 250. Night, Lti'J The Title Guaranty and Trust company, abstracter of titles. Book data back to 1353. Books are all up to date. Work ac curately and promptly done at lowest price. Office opposite court house, 15 Prkrl street. Council Bluffs, Ia. Robert A. Ball, whose matrimonial troub les have been frequently aired of late in the various courts of Council Bluffs, haa taken steps to secure possession of his sons. Reeve and Robin. The boy are In ruatody of their mother, now a reaideat of Council Bluffs, who waa married to Mark Smeney in thla city following her divorce from JmU and prior to the oivorc being Mr. Dwlght M. Lewis of Des Moines Mrs. R. H. Harris of South First street will entertain the members of the Unity Social guild at her home next Friday aft ernoon. Mrs. Frank L. Greene has returned to her home In Fort Madison after a visit with her sister. Mrs. Ed C. Brown of Glen avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Francis of Boone, la., are spending a few day at the home of Mrs. Francis cousin, Mrs. Ed ward O'Connor. Miss Helene Bixby Went Tuesday to Des Moines, where she was a guest at a house party, going from there to Chicago for a brief visit. Mrs. Ros well Q. Horr of New York haa returned from a trip to California and is the guest of her sister, Mrs. 8. Alexander, 333 West Broadway. Mrs. M. D. Stanford haa returned from her trip to San Francisco. She went chiefly out of anxiety for relatives, but found them unharmed. Miss Bess Crane of Park avenue left yes- j terday morning for Oskalooso, where she win ne me guesi. ui inemia aou relatives for about two weeks. Mrj A. J. Dorsee of Park avenue enter tained Informally at a kenslngton Tuesday afternoon. Eight were present. Dainty re freshments were served. Miss Emma Leutsinger haa returned from Los Angeiea where aha has been for several months past. For the present she 1 the guest of her lister, Mr. Thoma Maloney. Dr. S. A. Allen of Loup City, Neb., was the guest last week of Dr. Scott Covalt while attending the Nebraska Slate Dental society meeting at Omaha. Mr. W. E. Zentmlre of Aledo, 111., super intendent of the Illinois Slate Infirmary at that place, was the guest last week of Mr. and Mrs. O'May on Fletcher avenue. Mr. Ralph Metzger, formerly Miss Fran cis McMllfen of this city, arrived Friday from Sterling. Colo., for a visit of several weeks with relative and friend here. . Dr. and Mr. Don Macrae, Jr., returned yesterday from a visit In Des Moines, where Dr. Macrae attended the annual meeting of the Iowa Btate Medical society. Mr. and Mr. Andrew K. Brock." 320 Bluff atreet, announce the engagement of their daughter, Edith Frances, to Mr. Ray B. Heurdaiey, the wedding to take place in June. Mrs. T. J. Collina, 720 fckiuth Seventh street, who has been spending some time at the Mineral Springs sanitarium, Bur lington Junction, Mo., returned Thursday jyery much Improved In health. Mrs. Ovlde Vien Is home from Rochester, Minn., where she has been in a sanitarium for several weeks. She Is much Improved in health. She was accompanied home by her daughter, Mrs. A. W. Hawkins. Mr. and Mr. W. L. Burgess, who have been visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Lynchard, have gone to New York. They expect to spend the season at some of the Atlantic coast summer re sorts. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Leverett have re turned from Sunnyvllle, Cal., where they have been for the last three years, and will make their home here. They were accompanied by tneir daughter, Mrs. M. B. Stanford. Friends In this city have received an nouncements of the marriage at Hillings, Mont., of Mixa Gertrude Webster and Mr. Herbert C. Harris, botn formerly or this city. They will make their home on Mr. Harris' ranch eighty nillc-a from Billings. Miss Mlna Sedgwick entertained the girl of the Cio Hla at tier home. Grace atreet, Friday evening. The guest of honor waa Mla Ruby Sabin of Chicago. Thir teen members were present. The evening was spent at games and music. A three course luncheon was strved. Mies Belle Lx-nleon and Mr. Julius Han aon were united In marriage Wednesday evening at 7:Su at the home of tha bride siater, Mr. Dolan, 1731 Sixth avenue. Kev. W. N. Graves of the Fifth Avenue Metho dist church officiating. Only Immediate friends and relatives wars present. The Euchre club waa entertained Thurs day afternoon by Mrs. Oeorge H. Mayne. Ij3 Third avenue. The club prise was awarded to Mra. A. 8. Haaleloo. Refresh- the completion of the evidence. A war rant Waa Issued for Allen, but the mar shal was unable to And him at that time although h turned up later. Changes at Iowa Normal. CEDAR FALLS, la.. May 1. (Special.) There have been a few changes made in the faculty membership of the Iowa State Normal school by the board of trustees, which haa been In session during the last two days. Edgar Chapman of DeKalb was elected asslHUct In the physical science de partment; C. L. Hawk and Mr. Hitchcock of Springfield, S. D., assistant In manua training; Miss Eva Luse of Ross, Ia., critic teacher In the advanced department of the training school; Miss Mattle Fargo of Ur bana. 111., cataloguer of tha library; room teacher for the training department, Miss Sybil Lincoln of Corning, Mis Ida Kracaw of Washington and Miss Clara Hancock o Waukon. Th resignations of Mis Har rlett E. Gunn, head of ths kindergarten department, and Miss Ruth Adslt, critic teacher In primary grades, were accepted by the trustees. The new physical science building, now In process of erection, Is progressing finely. Arrangement for the approaching commencement exercise are about completed. - Ner Nates. LOGAN The annual memorial service will be held on Sunday, May 27, at the Methodist Episcopal church. Rev. P. C. Stere will deliver the address. UNDERWOOD Patrons of the public schools held a social In the city hall Thurs day evening, proceeds to be used a a Anal payment on the school house piano. About $20 was cleared. UNDERWOOD While hanging u bunch of bananas. James Shields, an Underwood merchant, caught a good-slsed tarantula. It Is the first which has been seen In this place for a number of years. UNDERWOOD While engaged In a game of base ball. Ernest Bchroeder received a painful Injury. The liall bat in the hands of a schoolmate swung around and struck Jiltn on the forehead. The boy Was taken home and will be ready for work In a short time. HAMBURG Rev. and Mrs. Charles W. Hlghfleld celebrated their fifteenth wed ding anniversary Monday evening. A hun dred guests enjoyed an evening of social Intercourse. Dainty refreshments of Ice cream and cake were served. Many beau tiful pieces of cut glass were presented by the guests. GLEN WOOD The Glenwood Library board this morning swarded the contrail for building tho new library to William Doan and Thomas L. Hall of Glenwood. A committee was appointed to endeavor to purchase the remaining lot of the Townsend site, on which the building will be erected. As It now stands the building will occupy one lot or nrty-aix reel. SIOUX CITY Corbet t end Sullivan, Idols of Sioux City and former champion fire horses of Iowa, have begun active train Ing for the stale tournament st Clinton on June It. They have paased their 14ih birthdays, but are as speedy as three year ago, when they won the state champion ship and gained lame uy itieir nine an over the country. The team will appear at Mapletou June 7 tor an exniiition run before the Mapie vuiicy aasocianon. t nar It, and Mike, another Are liouaa team. are showing up in good shape this spring and may I taken to t union. MONEY HIDDEN IN QUEER PLA(JE Means Kmployed by Peogls ta Snfe- g'nnrd Their Fnnd trans Greedy Hands. One of the best known member of the British Parliament built himself a mansion In a remote part of Hampshire on the con fines of the New Forest. He noticed during the progress of the work that a contractor's clerk csme back from the railway station bringing with him a walking stick bearing a label ad dressed to his employer. This always happened on a Friday afternoon and, ha became curious to know the reason. When he asked for an explanation of the mystery the contractor touched a spring In the handle, screwed oft a head piece and turning the stick upside down, rolled out on the table a heap of sovereign. It appear that the nearest local bank. could not be used in time for weekly pay. Accordingly the contractor had tha stick made, the Interior of which was hollowed out In order to take the sovereign. Tha precious freight amounted to 100 and wa dispatched every week a an ordinary pa"- cel. During the whole time It never mis carried. . Possibly a more remarkable saving batik was found during an Inquest held In Lon don recently. It was discovered that tha deceased had a wooden leg. within which were a. number of sovereigns wrapped In a kid glove. Surely a wooden leg I one of the most peculiar bank Imaginable. A short time ago an old miser died at Brescia. She lately revealed a singular hoarding place for treasure. She had al ways lived as one In deep poverty and had carefully excluded all neighbors from her apartment. When she was taken III and felt the ap proach of death she sent for a notary, to whom she confided the hiding place of her money. She had lived In constant dread of rob bery or loss and so for years had pre served the whole of her money Jn a hol lowed out ' leg of a certain table In the room. When search was belrV rhade be fore properly accredited witnesses k sum of 5.000 was brought to light in money securities. A sum of over a quarter of a million pounds has been -thrown Into tha ash pit by the government. This extraordinary exhibition of waate of publio money was found out some little time ago. It was discovered that scrap brsss had been used for road making. Originally the ashes from th bras foundry and rolling mlllc of the Royal laboratory and other factories were re garded as so much waste material. As a matter of fact they were given to the su perintendent for the purpose of making roads and pathways. This went on for a number of years, when a wideawake contractor got to know of It. He generously offered to remove th ashes from the Are holes and to give th government the sum of 3s 4d a ton' for them Into the bargain. After this arrangement had been going on for some time It was discovered that the contractor was selling ths refuse at a ton. Then th ordnance official took the matter Into their own hand and Issued proper tender form for them: Then the Arm which had been used (a paying 8a 4d a ton offered t to 1 a ton. while eventually as much as 7 7 d per ton wa offered fur the waste ashes. This means a revenue of 10,0u0 a year, which hitherto had been thrown into the ash pit. Actually it Is estimated that a quarter of a million pounds haa been wasted by th military officials who thoughtlessly threw the refuse sway. A sum of $,0u0 was found In th mud at Liverpool a short time ago. Till waa la the mud behind the landing stage water, where cssh box was found containing a number of bank note and about $,000 In securities Pearson's Wekly. Gsn Crass. Many people have gone crasy from dy spepsia, constipation, etc. Dr. King New Life Pill cure; 'Jbc. Guaranteed. For sal by Sherman McConnell Drug Co. Dream Tragedy Caen Trne. While th coroner waa vainly trying ta Identify th body of a man killed by a. pas senger train Mr. Cora Miller Walter, who had been worrying over th failure oC her husband D. E. Walter, to return home. dreamed that he had suffered death In pre cisely that manner. The anguish caused her to awake at $:M a. n. and she at once sent her 12-yar-old son to the morgue to Inquire if any fatal ity had occurred. The lad waa shown th dead body and Immediately recognised Ms father. Walter was 45 years of age and an engineer. He accompanied his wife on a hopping tour in i he central part of Col umbus. About 10:45 she started home. Her husband was to com on the next tar. lis did not arrive, however, and ilia re tired, but ber sleep was not continuous. When the boy returned and Informed ta's mother of the result of bis quest sh fell ovsr unconscious. Bss Waat Ads Are Business Boostars It you have anything to trade advertlss It la ths For Exrhange eeuiunia of Th He Want Ad page. ' 1