Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 20, 1906, EDITORIAL SECTION, Page 6, Image 14

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Characteristic Which Made Ban Frar.cioo
Unique Among Cities.
TJIorlnaa (llmate" FaUraed Caparltr
Inr Drink rosmapnlltan Crowns
renditions ot Mkelr tn
Re Restored.
t I fineere lit the urnipt'hy of such visitor
ttint itrnt him on hi y. a butt of the fre.
tir liters ' of the plate, with a couple of
vrry red spots on hi checks.
The mwH of Ban Krancisro always had
a many soldiers nnd sailors on view a
other Amerlrsn titles have only st time
of national relebratlnns. The FTesldlo.
iiim of the Uricert. as it I" certainly one of
the most beautiful, military post In the
country in within the Pan Franelsro cor. '
porate limit!", and the soldier p-.urod out j Johnny Da Strap, on HI. Can aat
Rival Editors of Rital Mining Camps Start
an Awful Row.
The essternner returning from his first
visit to Ran Franeiero that was always
hsd a certain difficulty In picturing: Hie
nlnee to hi eastern friends who hadn't
tiPti there. He aenrrally began and ended
by eayinti: I
Well, San Francisco In Just a town
hat's different, that's all-it a different. I
If his stay In Pan Francisco whs of shon j
luratlon he would probably continue l
refer to the town upon hi return r.s
Frisco, but easterner" who remained in
Han Franc-It o for any length of time soon
ot out of the way of calling It 'Frisco.
They found themselves snubbed or
sharply corrected every time, they spoke of :
San Francco as 'Frisco. The San Fran-I
clscans were always great sticklers for the
full name of their town. It was probably a
pure hobb for they must have know-ii
that nobody could ever have confused the
'Frisco that the easterners used for Pan
Francisco with the unimportant little town
really named 'Frisco.
The easterner making his first visit
-rwould say to his hospitable San Francisco
cfcerone, after a glance around the town:
' It's! a great place sure, sure enough, this
His (Fan Francisco companion would In
stantly freesc.
Frisco?-' he would say. "What do you
mean by 'Frisco? What do you "
"We're In San Francisco, my snow shov
eling friend." the San Francisco man would
say. "You get a map or a postal guide
ind you'll find out where 'Frisco Is. This
1 Fan Francisco.
Flattery for San Francisco could not be
laid on too thickly by the visitor: and
this, while It may have seemed curious to
outsiders, was really a great thing for San
Francisco, and It largely accounted for the
making of the splendid city. Every San
Franciscan was always, at home and
abroad and above everything else, a
booster and plugger for his city.
Jollying; Easterner.
The San Franciscans have always re
ferred to everybody living on this side of
the Sierras as snow shovellers and ice
diggers, and they have great fun out of
these phrases. They mean by these terms
that the folks living on this side of the
coast range of mountains have to contend
with hard, bitter and wholly Impossible
winters, while they, the San Franciscans,
got about the same quality of climate the
year around, except for the rains.
The "glorious climate of California" never
really meant San Francisco at all. It If a
verv rare dav summer nr winter, in Pan
Francisco that does not seem chilly and
penetrating to the easterner established
It was only about two years ago that
cents became a part of the fractional cur
rency In use In San Francisco, and even
when they were introduced they did not
catch on very well, in spite of the fact
f that, taking everything into consideration,
I Ban Francisco Was perhaps the cheapeht
( city In the United Status In the matter of
living expenses. There was a great general
' objection In San Francisco to the Intro
. duction of coppers at all. the San Fran
rliranl rather enlovlna1 the distinction of
being the one great city of the country
that scorned the use of cents.
"Bits." as a phrase, originated in San
. Francisco. They never call a quarter
a quarter out there. A quarter Is two bits,
half four bits and anything costing 75
cents le said to be worth six bits.
Some San Franciscans even go the length
of refusing to employ the word dollar,
and call the dollar eight bits. There is a
fine old piratical origin to the bits business.
cigm Dits is a nneai aescenaani oi me
pirate's piece of eight.
rapacity tor Drlak.
Kasterocrs visiting San Francisco gen
rally found that they could stand far
more strona drink In that climate than they
could In their own. The theory an to this
phenomenon formed by some of those who
experienced It Is that drinking In San
Francisco is a good deal like drinking on
hoard a ship at sea and most men can
stand a great deal more liquor on a sea
voyage than they can ashore.
Moderate drinkers back this way rarely
begin their drinking until after luncheon
anyhow, but first drink time in San Fran
elco was rarely more than- an hour after
breakfast If Indeed It did not precede the
matutinal meal hy thejengtli of time elapi
Ing between a man's getting out of bed and
bis appearance at the breakfast tabln.
Naval officers, who have always loved San
Francisco, found out many years ago that
. the old scheme of getting engaging civilians
at tbe ward room table and moistening
them up to the point of making them Inca
pa tile, rarely or never worked when more or
leas seasoned San Franciscans were the
, quests.
rSlnhe trmtlnar V!ra-llnhmen nf immense
rariacltv In waSKftil hwve confessed them
, selves clearly outclassed when they've gone
up against the big drinking doings In San
FTanclsco. Before the Bohemian c!ub as-
! aumed a certain modern sedateneas they
, used to keep a record there of famous folks
who had been put under the table lit the
accomplished r.ngllsh topers that i ever
Visited the slope appeared on that old list
Much drunkenness was to be seen In the
San Francisco wiloon. of all grades. The
wine makers of California were never able
r to get the San Franciscans to use as
steady tipple the fine, sound, fruity and
wholesome wines that they produced. The
hard stuff or beer remained tho beverages
of the drinking San Franciscans thrtiuch ail
of the educational campaign of the viticul
ttirtsta who tried to show how and why the
habit of drinking sound, still wines would
, be the greatest thing in the world for
The sporty Trawa.
flau Francisco haa been prtte fighting
tiuid for a great many years, and in a great
many of the back rooms of the saloons
punching bags were to be found. When
the elainbang punching bag and the piano
and the vocal efTorts of the piano sur-
' rounder were all going at once in the
back room of the saloon the combination
of sounds was something to be remem
bered as wholly characteristic of San Kran
clrco. Women, many of them atiangely pretty
and oung and fresh looking, were to be
found tn the bark rooms of a great many
4 of these Ban Francisco saloons. The pret-
Uest among them swore like the army in
Flandcie. For utter abandonment and an
immorality as distinguished from lm-
1 morality as completely frank as that of a
naked baby, there never was anywhere
tn the world anything to equal the bad girl
of Ban Francisco.
The extreme pretttness, not to say the
beauty of some of the girls lounging around
the back rouma o' theke San Francisco
saloons would excite first the amaaemant
and then the pity of visiting eaatern men.
but the Can Francisco girl of this typt
bad a way of laughing aod snapping her
of the Tresiillo s gates after their dally
grind of duties and sought diversion.
Then the henvy artillery soldiers from
Alcatias Island, the seven acre rock in the
harbor, were constnnt strollers on the
Fan Francisco thoroughfares, and the bunch
of artllleryhien would be augmented by a
wist mft of doughboys or Infantrymen
from Angel Island, the Infantry post
across tho way from Sausalito, where a
whole regiment Is always stationed. Fort
Mason contributed Its bunch, too, and there
would be soldiers on the streets all the
way from Ilencla barracks up the San
Joaquin river a bit.
Heeollert Ions of a "Ringer."
Mare Island, the great west coast naval
station across the way from Vallejo, which
Is only about three-quarters of an hour's
ride from San Francisco, would send down
to Join the soldiers a hugh crowd of marines
and bluejackets and the whole crowd of
uniformed men would fraternize and fight
and have the finest Imaginable old time
of It all hours of the day and night In San
Great congregating places for the blue
Jackets used to be Al White's Joint on the
waterfront near the Clay street whaj-f
and the old Farragtit glnmill on Kearney
street. The chief barkeeper at the Farra-
gut was a redheaded bucko from the Brit
ish navy, who thought he knew a lot about
the fighting game.
As a matter of fact, he could fight pretty
well, but his abilities were chiefly along
the rnugh-and-tumhle line as exercised In
the bouncing of disorderly patrons of the
bar. The Marc Island sailors pulled in a
ringer on him on one memorable occasion.
They sicked Tom Sharkey, then a Jimmy
Legs or master-at-arms on bourd the Phil
adelphia, on to the redheaded British bar
keeper and the barkeeper tried to run
Sharkey out the front door. By the time
the redhead got out of the hospital there
happened to bo a British man o' war at
anchor in the harbor and the redhead
went out to her in a sampan and shipped
on board of her. He wasn't willing to take
chances on meeting any more ringers.
San Jfranclsco has been racing mad for
a grent many years and it would not be
unfair to say that almost everybody played
the iiorses out there. Those who couldn't
make the tracks used the handbooks for tho
placing of their bets and handbooks were
as thick as blueberries In Michigan. Boot
blacks made two-bit handbooks and news
boys took nickel bets on theis mattes' se
lections. One filled with haunting memories could
go on indefinitely pointing out little In
stances In which San Francisco "was dif
ferent." The dolorous thought creeps in.
however, that It will probably never be
different any more after It is rebuilt. It
will be a clean, steel, spick and span,
washed and dressed San Francisco, but it
will never be the same old reckless, rollick
ing, live and let live sea gray burg that It
was In the day of the not yet old fogies
who used to In all of Its riotous op
ulence and who are now filled with memo
ries. New York Sun,
Hikes for "J. Matthews. Fdltnr
and ManHller" W hat
- Happened.
President Jordan Says a Monntaln
Ridge Slipped Six Feet and
Started Troable.
A clear and authoritative statement of
the case of the recent earthquake la given
by President Jordan of Iceland Stan
ford, Jr., university, In the latest Issue
of the New York Independent. Briefly,
his explanation is that the disturbance was
caused by the slipping northward of the
mountain ridge that forms the backbone
of the peninsula on which Kan Francisco
stands. The slipping was along the lino
of an old crevice, technically known as a
fault." Vesuvius is not mentioned as
having any connection with the quake.
President Jordan says:
"The backbone of the peninsula of San
Francisco is formed by a softly rounded
mountain chain, locally known as Sierra
Morena. or Sierra Santa Crux. This rises
to tbe height of about 3,600 feet in thj
ptak called loma Prieta, growing gradu
ally lower to the northward, where It
pvsses into the sea. Along the eaat base
of this mountain for forty miles or more
extends a sharply defined narraw valley,
known In different places aa Steven's creek,
Portola valley, Canada del Raymundo.
Spring valley, San Andreas, and extends
northward to Mussel-shell Rock across the
Oolden Gate to Bollnaa bay and Tomalea
bay. This marks an old fault of geologic
times. Whire it was made, the rocks on
the east side fel some 2,000 feet as related
to those on the west, which constitute the
Sierra Morena.
"Most of the earthquake shocks about
San Francisco have been due to frictions
and readjustments along the line of this
old fault. The very violent shock of April
IS was clearly due to this. The old fault
In the rock reopened, breaking the surface
soil more or less for a distance of upward
of forty miles. The mountain on the west
side of the fault slipped to the northward
for a flistanee of between three and six
feet without change of level on elfher
side. The strain on the mountain, what
ever it was, became relieved, and after
various petty tremors of readjustment
the earthquake was over.
"From the first grinding movement
along the line of the fault, waves of In
tense violence were propagated along the
earth. The motion was horizontal, at flrst
buck and forth, and then as waves from
more distant points came In, they
coalesced into most extraordinary twists.
"The result was the snapping off of
chimneys and spires as though from tho
lash of a whip. Brick walls were crum
bled and feeble buildings crushed like egg
sneua. liuuuings or steel construct ion
swayed in wide amplitude, to the injury
of (their neighbors. Solid masonry stood
fairly well if not too high. Buildlnga of
steel structure were mostly unharmed.
"Concrete reinforced by steel wire
(Random construction! bore the shock
perfectly. Wooden houses were unharmed
aj to walls, but generally lost their chim
neys, which were often broken off at the
base. Pictures and crockery were flunz
alHiut. and the plaster on the first floor
largely thrown off. that of the ceilings
being intact. Roofs In general were un
harmed. "The direct damage of the earthquake
In San Francisco waa not great. Old
brick buildings were crumbled, and chim
neys flung about, but the modern steel
structures received little if any Injury.
F.ven the slender Call building, some thir
teen stories high, swayed in perfect
rhythm. The ruin of San Francisco was
due to the fires, which broke out simul
taneously in dosens of places lit the closely
built wooden and brick district souDi of
Market atreet."
Meat Cnltera Kleet Officers.
HCFFAIX). May 19. The convention of
tile Amalgamated Meat Cutters and
Butchers Workers of America, which has
been in session In this city for several davs
adjourned last night. The next convention
ill be held at Louisville. Kv Michael
Ionnelly of Chicago waa elected president
and Homer V. Call of Syracuse secretary.
That summer afternoon the Eye Wink
saloon contained only two citizens of Gold
Plume, greatest carbonate ramp on earth
the bartender smd Old Hoss Durand.' The
bartender was lolling hack, with his elbows
among the glasses, doing his best to look
Interested, while Old Hoss unwrapped
curious little gray rocks from tissue paper
coverings and thumped them down on the
bar. These, Old Hoss explained, were
specimens from the greatest silver claim
H the universe.
Outside the snow peaks glittered In the
brief summer sunshine of the Divide. The
bartender's eye swept the laxy street out
side, but found nothing to charm away his
wandering attention from the tale of Old
Hoss. who rambled on, telling of horn sil
ver that you could pick tip out of the vein
with a knife end leads that assayed a
hundred to the -ton.
It was a relief, then, when a stranger
pushed through the swinging doors. T)ie
bartender, accustomed to estimate his
patrons at the outset with a view to possi
ble future trouble, saw that he wasn"t a
mining man In active service because he
wore a white collar, and that he wasn't a
tenderfoot because he did not look like
one. He was passing young and seemed
lo be struggling to be calm.
When the stranger rame In range of
vision. Old Hoss greeted him with a whoop
and a burst of awful words:
"Olorlana Peacock!" said Old Hoss. drop
ping his language about thirty degrees.
"Olorlana Peacock, If It ain't Johnnie Duff!
Hss Oro busted or has that Inst editorial
ful-mln-a-tlon o' yourn blown you out of
town? An" what are you drinkin'?"
"Rye and a cider chaser," said the stran
ger. Then he leaned on the bar and fixed
Old Hoss with a gray-blue eye.
"Business." said he, "Important and press
ing business. About the most Important
business that ever engaged the attention of
Sobbing; for Blood.
He unbuttoned his coat. Swinging In
front of his left hip. Just within easy reach
ing distance, was the holster and the
wicked grip of a Coifs .46.
"See?" said Johnnie Duff, as he toyed
with his glass.
Old Hoss whistled.
"Jest goln' to wade in gore, ain't you?"
said he. "Goln" to leave bloody tracks all
over the face of our fair little city? Goin'
to mark your trail down our greatest busi
ness street by widows and orphans? I
hope and trust that I ain't Included in the
grand municipal funeral?"
"You're In It," said Johnnie Duff, "In
an advisory capacity. I'm here to wipe out
the Gold Plume Times-Dispatch. Wipe it
out and to hell with the consequences. And
I want out of you the plans and specifica
tions of the new grammar butcher that's
editing lt-that J. Matthews."
"Down your drink, man; down your
drink," said Old Hoss In a voice that was
choked with some strong emotion.
Johnny Duff drank. As he drank he
raised his eyes to the celling and so he did
not see a qu(ck signal which passed be
tween Old Hoss and the bartender. When
he set the glass down they were both
as serious as owls. Old Hone spoke.
mm rigni, jonnnie. Ten your
troubles. It'll do you good to get it off
your mind before you go up against J
Matthews. Make a nice obituary Item for
your old sheet down at Oro; for. Just as a
friend, I'm warning you that you ain't the
first man who got his medicine from J
Matthews In a short week's In-cum-ben-cy
of the Gold Plume Times-Dispatch."
"For the matter of that," responded
Johnny Duff, "I ain't betting whether the
funeral will be In Gold Plume or Oro. Go
ing to be a funeral, though. Matter of
honor. Old Hoss, honor! What's an editor
got but his honor?''
There was a tear In his eye. and the bar
tender, out of the fullness of experience,
made a note that this wasn't his first rye
and cider chaser of the day. nor yet the
second, therefore the bartender shifted
his gun to a place under the beer cooler
ao as to be on the safe, side.
The Fonl Aecnaatton.
Johnny Duff pulled a newspaper clipping
from his wUstcoat pocket and shoved It
along the bar. '
"Ain't there shooting In that?" he asked.
"I want to know, ain't there shooting in
that? I slam Gold Plume regular In the
editorial columns, as is proper and a part
of tho game. Old Charlie Hart, when he's
here, running the Times-Dispatch, does the
same to Oro, and It's all right. Then Old
Hart goes down to the democratic conven
tion In Denver and says on the front page
that he leaves the business in the hands of
J. Matthews. I print my regular weekly
roast on Gold Plume, as Is right, ain't i: ?
And here's what J. Matthews does! Read
It! Get it into your head and ak yourself
U they ain't shooting in it."
Johnnie Duff leaned moodily on the bar,
and Old Hoss rend the clipping' thus:
"The youth and inexperience of the per-
son who attempts to edit the Weekly Mer
cury of Oro should be the only excuse for
the ridiculous misrepresentation of plain
facta which appeared In last week's issue
of his semi-occasional sheet. An excerpt of
tne article appears below, more for the
amusement of our readers than for the ad
vertisement of a newspaper so plainly lack
ing la the first qualifications of Journalistic
dignity. Great newspapers make great
communities. How can Oro expect to at
tain that place beside Gold Plume which
its citizens fondly dream of In their most
optimistic moments while it is handicapped
by a person ao plainly amateurish In his
methods as the callow editor of the Mer
cury." "Well." said Old Hoss, looking owr the
clipping Into Johnnie's face, "you are mid
dling young, Johnnie Duff."
"Young!" exploded Johnnie Duff. "Young!
Is it any business of that tenderfoot who
broke into the business last week? It It
his funeral If I get out the Oro Mercury
when, where and how I durn please? Semi
occasional! You can t talk to me, Old Hoss.
Feelings hurt. Kditorlal honor touched.
Gone beyond all fair and appointed limits.
Blood's got to wipe it out."
Redeye and Tears.
The maudlin streak surged uppermost
in the mind of Johnnie Duff, and the tear
glistened again.
"If you are desirous of perishing In your
Ignorance," said Old Hoss, "Jemme tell
you a few rock ribbed facts. This J. Mat
thews la a man killer."
"Makes no difference! His blood or
This same J. Matthews is the offspring
of old Hart's sister," went on Old Hoss.
' A tenderfoot and a College graduate.,"
"A tenderfoot!" roared Johnnie. "A
tenderfoot and a' college graduate and a
man killer! Shucks! Shame to puncture
him. a blowed shame! Got t) he done,
though. Editorial honor."
"It surely don't look reasonable, but theae
are facts. 81 nee Infestin' thia here camp,
this J Matthews haa laid 'era out by
doxens." said Old Hoss, Impressively. "I've
seen 'em up against J. Matthews by hull
squads and columns, and come tack cor
poral's guards. This here J. Matthews
don't have to shoot. 'Taln't necessary. Its
Just his its Just the look in the eye of
this here J. Matthews. Which I warn you."
went on Old Hoss. "which I wsrn you will
be found when you shoot up the office of
.the Times-Dispatch."
"Durn kind of you." said Johnnie. "Act
of an old friend. Fair warning. But it's
his funeral or mine."
The bartender looked at Old Hoss. and
Old Hoss looked at the bartender. Johnnie,
still leaning on the bar. didn't see that the
former raised his eyebrows In a swift ques
tion and the latter nodded. Old Hoss
"You talk like a man. Johnnie Duff. I
kind o' like It In you. Tell you what I'll
do. Seeln's you've come over here sll
alone, and orphaned and unprotected, to
shoot the Innards out of Gold Plume, I'm
goln' along, and to blaies with everything!
I'm feelln' kind o' reckless myself since
that last drink. Only shoot htm fair! Face
him down kind nf calm like, and then draw,
deliberate.. It'll sound better in the funeral
notice. Make your memory a durn sight
more popular."
The March.
"Fair and square." said Johnnie Duff.
"Going to tell him what I think of him.
Do ine good to know he heard Just what
he was before he passed In. Say, have an
other. You're a good friend o, me or any
other man. Have one on me."
Old Hoss shook his head at the bartender.
"Nope. Johnnie. Now or never. My
nerve's kind of ootin' like, and I' for plas
tertn' the landscape of Gold Plume with
this J. Matthews right now. Gun's o. k.,
is it? All right. Jump along."
The bartender watched them through the
door before he sat down and collapsed.
Old Hoss and the man with murder In
his mind stopped at the doof of the Times
Dispatch office. A Job press was clinking
rythmically within, and by the dirty front
window one could see the back of a printer
swaying with the regular motion of his
arm. All was peace.
"Now, remember," said Old Hoss, "you
don't let that trigger finger o' yours git
nervous, because ITn here to see that you
tote fair. Deliver your opinion first, and
then do your shootin' prompt."
Certnln. Dead sure thing." Johnnie was
grinding out his words between his teeth
and he looked pretty sober.
'Then in you go." Old Hoss shoved John
nie ahead of him through the door. "There
that little cage to the left."
On the wooden partlt'ion was a sign which
read, "Ye Editor."
The maneuvers of Old Hoss at this point
were peculiar. He followed very close be
hind Johnnie, with his hands breast high
and ln easy reach of the latter's right
elbow. His attitude was all alertness.
A girl In a shirtwaist sat within, pound
ing a typewriter. She looked up as they
pushed through the door.
Johnnie had not counted on stenographers.
He stood abashed for a moment.
Go on! Git to your klllin'," whispered
Old Hoss In the ear of the avenger.
The Meeting:.
' Johnnie Duff spoke a bit falterlngly.
"Would you tnlnd getting out a minute.
Miss, and sending In J. Matthews, the edi
tor? Just tell that J. Matthews there's a
gentleman that has Important doings on
with him."
The girl laughed and looked, full at
Johnnie. She had a clear, blue eye, a
saucy nose and a straight carriage. John
nie noted all this, even at that Bolemn and
supreme moment.
"I can't send J. Matthews In," she said,
"because, you see I'm J. Matthews. I'm
the editor. What can I do for you?"
Old Hoss observed that Johnnie Duff's
right arm dropped to his side.
"And seeln's I wasn't needed, I pulled
my freight and left him to his slaughter,"
he said when he told the tale afterward.
He went Into the composing room, and
spilled over the neck of the foreman and
whispered In his ear. The foreman ex
ecuted a dance and swelled up with silent
laughter. Old Hoss seized upon him, bent
him over an Imposing stone and pounded
him in a rupture of silent Joy.
They straightened up as though someone
had shot an electric current through them,
for from behind the partition there sounded
a shot, another shot and still another.
Old Hoss turned white and drew his gun.
The foreman, for he was a man of the
world, ducked under the Imposing stone.
"My God, he's done it!" cried Old Hoss.
"My God!"
He broke for the sanctum, tore through
the door.
He saw the girl standing In a corner, a
little pale, but smiling. Johnnie Duff aat
in the editorial chair, with his gun pointed
at the door and .the intruder.
"Don't draw. Old Hoss." said Johnnie:
I ain't going to shoot not unless you get
stubborn. These shots were shot by the
permission of Miss Josephine Matthews,
sort of by way of putting the Joke back
and shutting your fool mouth. There's the
holes in the floor. This gun is pointed your
way because I want to be formally intro
duced. I've got Just a heap of things to
say to this young woman."
When Old Hoss had Introduced them he
waa excused.
"Settling the differences of the Oro Mer
cury and the Gold Plume Times-Dispatch
seems to take a long time," he remarked to
the bartender later in the afternoon. New
York Sun.
jfmiimEammtBnmmmnmi ittiiimiiiiihuixjib ni,lMiiiJM,Mt".:laT.iiBia i .mi ;iaiwjAti.,wiu'iiM,' i.ii iUiu.gBgTTaarsuam.
& I. ii? 1 yjfpk
n vj ' LI - - , fwl X rywriaSO M
C'arefol Chenlaa of Food and Atten
tion tm Appetite Shown to
Improve Health.
The Map shows the Burlington-Northern Pacific line over
which two daily trains are operated between the Missouri River,
Portland and Puget Sound.
Your ticket sliouM cover this route, either going or coming. It forms a conspicuous
portion of a Coast tour. The other half of the journey can be made over the Burlington to
Denver, thence through scenic Colorado and Salt Lake City to the Coast.
A summer tour of the Pacific ('oast the greatest railroad journey in the world is
directly within your reach after dune 1 at an extremely low rate of travel.
"Write me for particulars.
J. B. REYNOLDS, C. P. A., 1502 Farnam St., Omaha, Neb.
About getting your
advertising into the homes.
Business men who employ canvassers, know how hard
it is to get at "the lady of the house'' the canvasser can't
get admission. The easy way to get your business proposi
tion before the housewife is -to make a daily visit in the
Not every paper in admitted to Omaha homes; most people object to the
ugly noise of scandal and flaunting chronicle of crime as daily food for their
children's minds. A clean paper, like The Bee. is regarded as an educating,
not a demoralizing influence, in the thousands of homes where It goes.
Thoughtful advertisers study these conditions; the housewife does ithe buying for
the family; the paper that goes to the homes is the paper she reads; The Bee is the
Omaha paper which is admitted to every home; advertisers recognize these facts
because, in the first four months in 1006, The Bee carried KH.o'U agate lines more
display advertising, than its nearest competitor.
Br the Old Reliable DR. SEA1LES A IFAil.FS
Estahllshe1 In Omaha for It years. The manv thou
sands of easea cured by us make us the most experi
enced Specialists in the west, In all diseases and alU
ments of men We know Just what will cure you
and cure quickly.
We make no misleading- or false statements or offer
you cheap, worthless treatment. Our reputation and
name are too favorably known every case we treat,
our reputation is at stake. Your health, life and hap
plness Is too serious a matter to place in the hands of
a "XAM1LIII DOOTOm." Honeat doctors of ability
use their OWBT BTAJM XJT TWB lUinill. We
can effect for everyone a life-lone CUsVB for Weak,
jserrous aien, varicocele troubles, nervous Debility,
Blood Poison, Prontatlo troubles. Kidney, Bladder.
WaBTOTO DISEASE a, Hydrocele. Chronic Dlseaaaa,
Contracted Diseases, Stomach and Skin Disease,
pnpp Examination and Consultation. Writ for
Pvmctom Blank for Home Treatment.
DR. BARUCS A lEARLBft, lath u Donglaa Streets, Oasaka, aearaaltaw
tad Begin Your' Treatment No
Prof. Irvine; Fisher of Yale has concluded
an experiment on the relation of endurance
to diet and has made public the flrht state
ment of the result. Nine Yale graduulrs
were selected for the experiment and were
given one teat immediately after the Chirt
nius holidays, when they were fresh from
vacations and another after a term of hard
The men were simply asked to eat slowly
and thoroughly masticate their food, giving
special attention to its taste und following
Implicitly the dictates of Hppetlte. A rec
ord was kept of the food consumed by each
man each day. The proportion of fat.
starches, sugar and proteirts weie worked
out by means of a mechanical diet Indicator,
devised for this purpose by Prof. Fisher.
It was found that the men had decreased
their food 18 per cent, the proteids 1.1 ier
cent and the consumption of meat and othr
flcnh foods by 40 per cent instinctively.
In order to test the morking power of the
men, trials of endurance were made at
Yale gymnasium at the beginning of the ex
periment. The same teats mere repeated at I
the end. It was then found that each of th:
nine men had improved anywhere from 13
to more than 100 per cent, despite the fact j
that no special exercise had been taken. I
The average physical endurance was over
SO per rent. Strength tests were also given,
but the improvement ill endurance was
greater than tn strength. Mental teats were
given in form of problems and It was also
found that most of the men had Increased
in mental quick num.
As every precaution was taken to prevent
any disturbing factor, to wliii h the im
proved condition of the men might he :- '
crlbed. It is believed that the t xpert:itcut i
haa'demoiistrated that it Is pn',l,lc for any
person In two and one half months time, hy
simple mastlflVatlon of the food and follow.
Ing the appetite, lo improve the endurance
by orue-half.
This Train Runs
Over Salt Water
To cut two hour off the trip to California, tracks
have been laid .across Great Salt Lake, on strong
piling, of course. That's one reason why the
Overland Limited Is two meals shorter lo San
Francisco than any other line. v Just save this
time and money on your trip to
. California
There's pleasure and profit in a trip to California
either or both.
Everybody should know about it.
, For full information inquire at
City Ticket Office, 1334 Farnam St.
Thone DoiiKlaa-834.
Dr. McGrew, Specialist
and all weaknesses and disorders of rma,
Charges Lsss Than All Othsrs.
Treatment by mall. Call or write. Bo
1M. Offices 21& South Fourteenth Street,
Omaha, Neb.
Every Vcmnri
auHTWM snn tiotilrt tw
, s1""" lt wcurterfsl
SI4KVIL wan-ling &pry
tiosasrf murium. Itrst-iUr
et--Mol onvAntaril,
an CNlCHltttn a kuk
lire. A i. a' tl. iwiari'M
tm rHItHKHTEK'l r.MdLla
IS ftiKlft U4 Irani Mat Ml bSBSS 4
tiik UwrtakM 1 ke thr. K4n
TrM sWUinjUavs 4 lawit-
Wa- ftsy of ' ti
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tmrm MmU. ., l-aw
i - - - -- aaWnsttetaaJ C
Miiwi ft; rLLm W
anaaaa am mmm
J. nan. Those suffering from west
3 U nesei winch sap tbe pleasures
a of life should take Juveo t'ilis
ne bo i mil i-U siory "t
marreloua results. This medicine baa more
rejuvenating, vitalialng forre than has eer
iK-rire oeen oaervu. ent "
package only oa receipt of this ad, aod 11-
Maria by lie ortginauirs C. I. Hood I o.. pro.
Brieiors Uood'a baraaparUla. UwelL Ha
It he i-anntlauun)w tt
MlBtllL. anei an
Mi.. r . bat land aloif for
Hltiiratr4 ixmk ml.4. ttrlres
f is It particular, and 'lireotK.,.. in.
in. bit i" m mi l. in.,
ae A. aT..av wsk. '
tor Bale by
16th and iJodne Stl
MYEhg-IM l.l.IN LIU'0 , CO.
B. K. Cor. 16th and Farnam Bis. ,
a . .a i kin lynllfM
Nim Art j wuKitn. ,
jcumiuiX I Oas Bai fee aasawel .
ilZLiZi T nlraraitoaa
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Circvlatisf the Me4,
etwee COHtllsntON
VEINS see' WEsKRUS, eaiaraae aes reatara fall
dial eMrir. Said a Iriai. tail a tar free
lt iUltUH BQUSm. 1M4U4,..