Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 20, 1906, EDITORIAL SECTION, Page 3, Image 11

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BscoTleaiibDt of the Bis: Horn Expedition
" Aettnst the Eitrai in 1876.
Instances of lienernl Bofcb'a Iravrrr
at Frtteriaan Ferry J.iratenaat
Sibley and Hla rintll
treating Trip.
'. iitir General J. W. Buhb, who has
!.... 'rdered to St. Paul to assume rom
r.iand of 1he Department of Dakota, and
Mr.Jor Frederick W. Sibley, the command
Ins offlcef of the. Third squadron of th.j
Eecond cavllry, now stationed at Fort
Snelltng. saw service, together sgalnst the
Indians during the campaign of 1874
against the Rlnux. Both were at that time
young .lieutenants. General Hubb had
beerf promoted from the ranks during his
aervlre In the clvfl war, while Major Sib
lejr wss then a young oftVer vJuet out of
Went Point. They nerved throughout
General Crook's Big Horn and Yellowstone
expeditions, and General Miles' earn
palgn through Montana General Biibb
with the Fourth Infantry and Major Sib
ley, then, aa now; with tpe Second cay
airy. ,
One little Incident of Lieutenant Buhh'a
bravery la related ( by,- the famoua war
correspondent, . afterward ( Congressman
John F. Flnerty, in tilt book. "Warpath
i Bivouac, ' or the Conquest of the
oux." The'lncldent occurred In Wyom
ing In May, 187. It la thua described
by Mr. Flnerty:
"Rome officers informed us that the
ferry between the ramp and Fort Fetter
man had broken down, and that we could
not get out mall or send diepatchea. The
river at that point la o rapid and ao full
of whirlpools that" few men care to awlm
It and most, ''horses refuse, to do ao. A
wagon drive, together -with a aergrant
and two private soldiers "of the Second
csvalry. tried the experiment of swimming
their horse's over a few days before and
all were drowned. It waa absolutely neces
sary for us to cross the river.
"When we reached the ferry we found
that It had been patched up In a tempor
ary manner, and concluded to go across.
When near the Fetterman bank the rope
broke and we ahould have been swept
down the stream a't the Imminent risk of
drowning but for the heroism of Lieuten
ant and Commissary Biibb, who plunged
Into the river on horseback, caught a
cable which aomebody threw toward him
and t owed us In safety to shore amid the
plaudits of the spectators."
The Ml bley Scoot.
General Bubh waa engaged In nearly all
of the celebrated engagements of that
The "fllbley Scout" Is famous among In
dian fighters as having one of the nar
rowest -escapea from savages now on rec
ord. It was In 187$, at the time of the
Custer massacre, when Ueutenant Sibley
waa ordered out with twenty-flve mounted
men to look about the country and aee
what waa going on. Frank Grouard, a
half breed and chief of the United States
scouts, ' accompanied Sibley. The young
officer waa fresh from West Point and
rather Iriaxperlenoed in frontier warfare,
ao cautious General Crook bade him heed
the scout's advice should emergency arise,
and off the trooper started almost at the
same time when Custer, a hundred miles
away, waa being cut to pieces by the cut
throats of Sitting Bull.
Mr. Flnerty waa also on this expedition,
lie tells first In his book of his meeting
with lieutenant Sibley and later has a
page portrait of Lieutenant Sibley and
devotes a chanter tn "The filhlev ftrnnt!
Close Call." In describing his Introduction
to Lieutenant Sibley, he aaya:
"Captain Sutorlus introduced me to twa
officers of the Second cavalry. Captain
Wells and Lieutenant Sibley. Lieutenant
Sibley, with whose career I waa destined
to be linked under clreumntancaa which
subsequently attracted the attention of the
continent, and which will long live in the
tales and traditions of our regular army,
was a young Went Pointer, who had dis
tinguished himself under General Reynolds
In the attack upon and capture of Craxy
Horse on March 17 of that eventful year."
Joe De Fartha In his "Life and Adventurea
of Frank Grouard, Chief of Scouts," also
had a full page portrait of Lieutenant Sib
ley and a chapter called. "A Miraculous
Escape." describing the Incident of which
Major Sibley was the her.
Res lata noatllo Territory.
The incident was as follows: The scout
ing party traveled two daya without. Inci
dent. As It nearcd the mountains Grouard,
who always traveled ahead of the soldiers,
suddenly signaled to halt. Signs of In
dians were seen. From an eminence com
manding a vast area of rolling country
little specks could be seen here and there.
The glasa proved that each speck waa a
squad ' of several Sioux In war costume.
The specks began to concentrate. They
' moved toward the trail made by the troops,
but without discovering It for a long time.
They were entirely Ignorant of tho pres
ence of the soldiers. After holding a pow
wow one of the Indiana chanced to ride
toward the telltale trail. He found It and
returned to the other braves, waving his
blanket and gesticulating. It then seemed
to the young cavalry officer as though In
diana fairly sprang from the earth tn all
directions to aee what had been discov
ered, i nere were warms or mm, but
happily they were miles away. Then began
the race for life.
The horses were urged up the mountain.
mi came me inaiana. They were seen
occasionally along the canyona In the rear.
'The band had divided and was trying to
head oft the soldiers and surround them
Suddenly, as the soldiers ascended the side
of a gulch and gained small plateau, a
parly of redskins sprang at them, firing
their rifles and yelling. The men scat
tered like sheep. Ueutenant Sibley or
dared the men to Are even If they did not
aim at the rnemy, for a rifle made a noise
like a cannon amid those hills. Finally
the men got together and Ueutenant Sibley
ordered a retreat up a slope to a bit of
wooded ground, whi. h protected them from
( the Ore of the Indians. This waa about
o'clock in the morning. Mr. Sibley de
scribes the situation aa follows:
"The Indians begat, to gather about us
mora rapidly. The situation wus growing
mora serious every minute. My men wera
doing good work with their rifles. t It
pleased me to aee one man shoot a noted
,' Sioux chief right through the heart. The
old sinner never twitched a muscle after
lha lead hit him. We never knew how
jjiany wo killed, because when an Indian
la shot hla comrades keep him out of sight.
Well, we held them off for four hours, and
they wera four houra of hot work. I can
tell you. My acout then told ma that the
Indiana wera on three aldea of us. Wa had
tcna chance left to retreat, and thla chance
was fast lessening because fresh Indiana
ware coming."
Tho Escaae.
Both Flnerty and Do Bart he relate the
aiory with much mora elaboration and
both say that Lieutenant Sibley at first
hesitated at taking to flight even under
those rtreumstancea. but Grouard con
vinced him that it meant a terrible death
to' all and o- good could possibly come of
it If they stayed.
"I did not like to abandon our norma,"
relates Major SlMey, "but it waa that or
j.- a the retreat waa ordered. I in-
speeted each man personally to eee that
his equipment wss right, but owing to my
Inexperience and the excitement of the
moment I forgot the rations. Only one
man In the command took his rations. It
was an hour or ao before the Indiana dis
covered thst be had fled. By that time
we were upon the mountain In places so
steep that one man'' had to help the other
up. The horses could not follow us. So
for the time being the Sioux would not
strike us. Grouard took a mountain trail
which we followed on foot or fifty hours
without a monthf j1 to eat. 8urh fearfully
vigorous exercise without food nearly
killed us.
"Toward the end of the perilous march
we all became so weakened that we
marched, for ten mlnut" and then would
lie down and rest. Several of the most
robust men became Insane, and one or two
never regained their wits. When we
reached Crook's ramp I slept for twenty
four hours without waking, and during
thst time the camp waa sharply attacked
by the Indians. F.ven the roar of musketry
did not disturb my sleep in the least. Not
a single man was lost on the trip."
Remarking on his experiences of plains
life, Major Sibley said that it seemed won
derful to him what remarkable Instincts
the halfbreed scout possessed. A acout
had led him across a trackless waste on
a 'dark night when the snow was falling
and the wind blowing. The horses were
continually drifting to windward to get
their faces away from the cutting blast.
There was not a landmark to guide the
scout. Yet in the face of all these, diffi
culties the scout would lesd the troopers,
after marching all night, to the exact spot
for which they started. St. Paul Pioneer
Sornrlslnsx Stories A boot the Great
danker and Hia Dealings
with Indiana.
Simeon Ford has been giving to the
Phlladelphlans the results of his studies
Into the character and habits of the late
William Penn. At a dinner of the Penn
sylvania Bankers' association he said:
"From his portraits I gather that Wil
liam was In the heavyweight class, and
spourted a collodion of chins, resembling
In appearance the approach to the na
tional capltol, all of which he worked
overtime in Joshing the untutored aiv
ge. "As an all-around Josher he was In a
class by himself. If he were alive toduy
he could almost sell life insurance. His
eloquence whs such that the untutored
savages fell all over themselves In their
efforts to underwrite an agreement where
by' they undertook to exchange their
broad acres for glass beads preferred and
Jamaica rum common. And they wouldn't
stand for any water In their common,
'.'The noble elm under which thla treaty
was made stood until quite recently. A
tree which would stand for that treaty
must necessarily be hard to down. It
waa a slippery elm tree under the shade
of which that shady transaction was con
summated. I am the proud possessor of
a rosewood cane made from Its wood.
"As I have said, Ponn waa a Quaker in
religion If a fakir In the real estate busi
ness. He was a man of peace, and al
ways got the biggest one.
"The Puritans, It Is said, extinguished
the Indian title by the simple expedient
of extinguishing the Indians, but the pious
Penn, Instead of shooting them, got them
half shot and accomplished the same re
sult. Hence the saying. The 'Penn Is
mightier than the sword.' (I have seen
the wooden model of this fine old colonial
Joke in the patent office.)
"To show how smooth Penn was, I will
relate an anecdote which is doubtless fa
miliar to all of you.
"The Indians agreed, for a consideration
so small that a microscope went with It.
to grant to Penn as many miles of river
front as a man could traverse tn a day.
The Indians, poor, simple souls, thought
Penn would pick out a man with a epavip.
or the spring halt, or the heaves.
But not so! Penn had a ringer In train
ing on tha quiet, who covered about 100
miles, and came In under a strong pull.
When chlded for this seeming sharp prac
tice, Penn remarked: 'Children of the
Great White Father, have I not alwaye
agreed to give you a run for your money.
Tou must excuse haste and a bad Penn
"When Penn's ship arrived In Phllade
phia he anchored off the bar and pro
ceeded at once to a tavern called the
Blue Anchor Inn. He blew right In and
anchored off the bar. This tavern waa
kept by a man named Guest, who waa al
ways sure of at least one patron. It was
modest caravansary, being but 12x22
hardly room for suspicion and Penn's party
completely filled It, and reciprocated.
Have We Done Such a Tremendous Home Outfitting Business as
in the Last Two Weeks, and a Great Part of it Is on Credit, Too.
Tlit FftipU' Slori' is it potent factor in home-making and has altsolutely ivino ed Uip
burden imposed on salaried men and wage workers by the "mnstvhave-oash houses," or
those stores that maintain a strict and stringent collection system.
We are doinsr the business of our lives, and here's whv: By our association with the
largest furniture buying syndicate of the world we are enabled to obtain special price con
cessions that cannot Ire had by any other firm buying singly or in small groups. YOU PROFIT BY THIS SAVING. Our customers
have always received AND ALWAYS SHALL RECEIVE benefits from us that they could not possibly get elsewhere. This' is
sweeping statement to make, but we are thoroughly in earnest.
Customers "stick" to the Peoples Store, and the public as a whole appreciate their fair and reasonable treatment and are not
usually lured awav bv tempting offers and savorv promises, that upon investigation prove to be of light weight.
Iron lifdn (exactly like cut) A new
bed, made in fancy scroll design;
full bent posts of seamless, tubing
and very heavy chill work: have
four coats of baked white
enamel; can be had In
full or 4 szes, special.
I The Peoplesl I
f I Store Special J-v II
II, inn i.Igi ii 14 Y
The Peoples
Store Special 3-
Piece Parlor Suite
Consisting ol Sola,
Arm Chair and Reception Chair.
Decidedly the best value we have ever offered in parlor suites; finished In ma
hoRany, veneer effect, upholstered in figured velour of a very high,
grade and handsome pattern; the massive frames are very neatly carved;
the entire suite Is rubbed and polished to a piano finish; the up- 4 n pA
holstering Is done by experienced workmen over guaranteed Ih
A beautiful suite of furniture for any home; special price.
Terms, f l.BO Cash; BOc I'er Week.
Dreser (exactly like cut) Fin
ished In (coition qnarter-Ra wd oak
meet. Isrs Kronen nv-
leJ rlatp mirrors, dniibl
swoll top drawers. bst of ,
construction ; special sal".
Terms, $1.60 CMfh; 80c per Week.
The Peoples Store Special Kitchen
Cabinet (exactly . like cut) Has
two large bins for flour and other meals,
two good sized drawers, a bread board
and a meat board; occupies the space of
a kitchen table and has the
room of a cupboard; special
The Peoples Store Tiger Velvet Rug 9x12 size, choice S4 r A
designs and patterns, guaranteed qualities; special price .ULv)
Terms, $2.00 Cash; $1.00 Per Week.
Mattings Good heavy grade, regular 17c value; special -ft a
this week XUKs
Ruffled Muslin Curtains Regular $1.00 value; special this (Qa
week UvC
We Sell
Goods Onl
ol Town
Very Easy
Write t's lor
Go-Carts Reed bodies, shellac fin
ish, enameled gearing, rubber
tired wheels, fold com
pactly; special
The Peoples Furniture & Carpet Co. Established 1837.
Refrigerators We are sole agents for the famous
Gumey line. This week we otter a special well
made refrigerator (exactly like cut) at the r "jr
extremely low price of tKltJ
How aa Eaterprtalnsj Maataaav Girl
Stirred Solvtf and Iacreaae
School Artdanc.
Margaret Sullivan of Butts. school
teacher on Modesty creek, a llttla box of
a school house, hss adopted novel methods
to Increase tha attendance of pupils and to
interest tha parents in tha needs of tha
school. Previous tescher, she found tha
room dirty and the attendance of mora
than half a dozen pupils, but now tha little
achuol house Is filled to overflowing.
When Mis Sullivan reached tha school,
after having secured tha appointment as
teacher, she found the room dirty and the
windows una-ashed for many a long moon.
so Instead of school the teacher had a lioua
cleaning bee and set her pupils to work
scrubbing the floors and washing the
When they had finished everything waa
as bright as a new dollar. In looking over
the stock on hand the teacher found that
the only book of reference was a dictionary
In a very dilapidated state. Next day she
said to her pupils:
"Tell your folks at home that wa are
going to give a dance at the school house
Friday night and ark them to tell every
body else."
The newa spread fo the farmers and
prospectors a,nd when Friday night rame
the people gathered from far and near.
They found the desks In the school room
had been moved out of the way. A tent
was erected Just Outside the. door where
tha wrapa and the babies could be left, and
Inside a fiddler and an organist, recruited
from local talent, were providing music.
The teacher stood at the door and de
manded "four bits" from each male at
tendant, and the money rolled In so fast
that there waa enough to buy aixty-flve
books, and so now there Is a library
The dance waa such a success that soon
another one waa held and the school now
has a glob and several maps for the walls.
In tha meantime the attendance Increased.
Some of the blgboys who met the teacher
at the dance decided that their education
had not been completed and started In ta
school again. The trustees simply had to
raise the teacher's salary, and they did
Butte Miner.
Jtra. Davis Mirk Better.
NKW YORK. May 1-Mrs. Jefferson
Pavis was reported' as greatly Improved
today aad it waa aaid that she had spent
the most oomfortanie night since she be
came seriously til. The fsmlly la now hope
ftii af a eoiualata recovsry.
Gaedwar of Baroda Prop;sei to See How
We Do Thine. ,
Royalty Party I.eaa Imposts Than
Its Title Princely Iaeomes of
Iadtaa Prlneca How They
Bast Trusts.
Hindu royalty Is represented in New
York JusC now. At home the chief of the
party Is the maharaja, gaekwar of Baroda
Sir Bayajl Rao III. Ben a Kbaa Kbel,
Bam Bher Bahadur. Farrand-l-Khaa-l-Dow-let-l-Englishla.
Name and title looked like
that on the steamer register, and it goaa.
In plain Vnited States, tha maharaja la
first in the rank of Hlnud princes and
soond in rank In all India. , He oomes
to us, says the New York Sun, to see the
country, study the people and try to learn
tha secret of their success. With him are
her highness, the maharanl of Baroda, aa
pretty a little woman as ever walked down
a gang plank, and the Gaekwar'a brother,
Sampatrao Calkwad.
For a prince with so many names, tha
aeoond wealthiest in India and tha owner
of a collection of Jewels that Is famous
the world over, the maharaja Is a most
unassuming visitor. He sauntered down
the Celtic's gang plank looking like a
very ordinary tourist who had been
bronzed by a tropical sun and pleasantly
nodding goodbye to the acquaintances he
had made on the trip over. Perhaps that
la explained by the fact that, besides
being one of India's wealthiest princes, he
la regarded also aa its most enlightened.
' How He Looks.
He is a tittle man, not much more than
five feet tall, but stocklly built. He is 41
yeara old and haa ruled over the state of
Baroda under British sovereignity since
he waa a more boy. He traces his ancestry
back to Slvayl, tha founder of the Mah
ratta power In India, but he owes his occu
pation vt the throne to an indiscretion of
his predecessor, Oaekwar Mulhar Rao, who
cut up such high Jinks In 1876 that his Mali
arlna fled for protection to the home of
Colonel Phayre, the English resident. The
Gaekwar made a bluff by discharging some
blank cannon chaj-gea at the resident's
house, but it didn't work. Her Highness
refused to return to Rao's senana, and a
little later Colonel Phayre got some chemi
cals In his food which acted like poison on
his .ystem. The gay old Maharaja waa
tried and deposed, although he waan't con
victed of having poisoned the resident.
It waa tip to the Maharanl then, in acord
ance with the Hindu custom, to appoint
the succeeding ruler. Guided by England's
I helping hand, she chose Gopal Rao, the
present Maharaja, then a boy of 12.
I1Q HW rUUI.ICTI .11.111' UJ 1 1 1 1. 1 1. II I
tutors and began early to make a special
study of the ne?ds of his state. He decided
that there must be a public school system.
Yesterday he said (here are schools now
in more than half of the state, and in some
parts of It compulsory education. lie has
established a man's college and a woman's
college and a technical school In the ell
of Baroda. and haa changed that place
from a slovenly, antiquated Hindu town
Into a modern city, with fine public build
Ings and apacloua parks. He declared early
a ruins child marriages and announced that
none of his children would ever marry
before the age of . These are only a few
of the things he has done. He haa taken a
most active Interest In the government of
his state, being allowed considerable latitude
by the British government, and haa often
sat aa a Judge In the native courts.
Hoekrfeller laeoaie.
Tha Mahsrata's Income has been estimsted
at from $S.flrin,nfO to J7.MO.flnO a year. The
Scindhla of Owallor. with tl5.WW.onii a year,
la said ta be tha richest of the Indian
princes. The Maharaja has 2.000,000 subjects
under his rule. The state contains 8.100
square miles. Besides his enormoua annual
Income the Gaedwar of Baroda possesses
jewels which have been valued nt between
$30,000,000 and (40.000,000. In ordinary
circumstances the wonderful collection lies
In the Nazar UaJ on exhibition. But on
state occasions there Is no Indian prince
who Is more brilliantly arrayed. Persons
who have seen the Maharaja on dress
parade say that he fairly aclntlllatea from
the crown of his head down. There Is one
mantle or shawl which Is aaid to be the
most precious piece of Jewelry In the world.
It is made of woven pearls, with a border
of diamonds, emeralds, rublra and sap
phires. It la said to have been made
originally as a decoration for Mahomet's
tomb. The pivce Is valued at several mil
lion of dollars.
When he goes out on parade the
Maharaja also wears a diamond cap and
Jewelled gloves. Besides these things, he
has one gold and one silver cannon, which
are drawn on state occasions by bullocks
with magnificent trappings. Four of these
cannon, two gold ones and two sliver ones,
came Into the present Gsekwar's possession
when he became the ruler. Within recent
years one of each was melted down and'
the proceeds turned Into the state treasury
for the purpose, it is said, of relieving
famine conditions in Baroda. These guns
are among the world's mont notable curiosi
ties. The gold one, it is said, weighs 4i0
pounds, but it has a steel casing, which
probably counts for a good many pounds.
It took a native workman five years to
make the guns. The bullocks selected to
draw the artillery pieces are the finest
Baroda produces. It is estimated that their
trappings alone cost 145,0)0. The horns of
the animals are tipped with gold and they
wear gold and silver anklets. The silver
gun is said to weigh 220 pounds.
something of a Reformer.
The maharaja's immediate predecessor
waa a picturesque Individual known as
Malaha Rao-Glakwar, who, according to
history, was as Oriental as any man
wanted tn be. He waa of the old regime,
and if there waa anything due him in
the way of power or pleasure he saw that
he got it or there was trouble in the land.
He did not like the British, which he veiled
with true Oriental politeness, but one time
after a big dinner at his palace the British
resident and some of his compatriots be
came very 111. ' The coroner diagnosed it
as poison, and the result of It wss that
Maiaha Rao-Glakwar lost his Job. Tha
British resolved then to go in for a safe
and sane administration and chose the
present ruler, who at the time was
a young man of good habits.
He was taken In hand at once; English
professors came out and educated him:
everything about him waa English at
tendants, servants and frlrndx. This was
varied with frequent trips to England, ao
that when he did take charge of the gov
ernment he was modern In every particu
lar. He has never lapsed, and since that
time the little state has steadily progressed.
The msharaja's first reform was t
abolish Infant marriage, which was a
pleasant little custom whirh nearly re
sembled the entry conditions for the Fu
turity In this country.
He abollmed the old style of special
taxes, like the tax for the sacred com-, and
put them all under one head.
Ha chose a cabinet and placed all de
partments under a separate minister, with
a prime minister at the head of It.
He removed religious restrictions, and his
present prime minister Is a Parses, al
though It is a Hindoo state.
He passed modern Isws and established
schools, colleges, muneuma and art Insti
tutions all over his state. He ordained a
coiapuliory free education law.
In all hla buildings, however, the maha
raja h sticks to the ancient Indian-Bar-cenlc
architecture, and all the public
buildings are In that style.
When It com to the maharaja himself
ha may be called a very busy man. He
runs his kingdom, seeing to every depart
ment. He takes the lead In all work, he
dedicates all public buildings, makes the
big speech at every gathering, supervises
the railroads and adjusts the rate regula
tions. He haa labored hard and earnestly
to find anything like a Standard Oil com
pany In his Jurisdiction, but his views are
so well known that the opposition has not
thought best to accept his invitation to
start one.
The Indian method of curbing anything
unpopular Is to kill off the heads of It with
their families and any other person sus
pected of being Interested.
Baaslas) Giant Who Towers and
sv Qaarler Feet Comlag
to America.
Nine feet three inches of giant, with head,
hands and feet to match, will make his
appearance on a New York roof garden this
summer, if at the last minute, he does not
get a spasm of flight and refuse to sail
from Cherbourg.
This Goliath is Machnow, known in Eu
rope as the tallext man in tha world. Ha
Is a Russian peasant, and all told there
are 300 pounds of him not so very many
considering his great height. His hands,
from the wrist to the tip of the middle fin
ger, measure twenty-four Inches and hia
feet are constructed In proportion. His
head takes a hut big enough for two ordi
nary men and his fingers require gloves
of great slse.
Machnow once had an offer to come to
this country and exhibit himself and he
agreed. But Just as the boat was about to
sail his timidity overcame him and nothing
could Induce him to board the steamer.
This time he signed a contract with Oaoar
Hammersteln, who believes he will coma
at the appointed time.
The giant is married to a woman of or
dinary else, and is very happy with his
wife, who haa to stand on a chair to kiss
him. He is in fine health and haa a hearty
appetite. For breakfast he devours two
quart bottles of milk or tea. sixteen boiled
eggs, six or eight loaves of bread and half
pound of butter. For lunch he has two
and a half pounds of meat. Dinner la
more elaborate, this being his menu on
most days: A basin of soup. Ave pounds of
meat, five pounds of vegetables, three
pounds of bread and a quart qr two of
beer. His 10 o'clock "snack" consists of
ten eggs, several loaves of bread and a
quart of tea. New York World.
dealer. Inflammation of the appendix itself
does not constitute, though it starts, the
disease; and so long as only the appendix
is affected, though there may be discom
fort, there is no real pain, the occurrence
of pain giving the signal that the perito
neum, tho smooth membrane covering all
the bowels and lining the abdominal cavity,
haa become Inflamed in that portion which
forma the outer covering of the appendix.
Appendicitis haa increased amailnly In
the last ten or twenty years, due to the
widespread change of social habits and
diets. The caecum is tilled with undi
gested food, such aa tough meats, lobater,
clams, nuts, pineapples, frocen or refrig
erated meats, poultry, etc. Tea drink
ing has much to do with the onset of the
disease, the beverage being too astringent
for health. Appendicitis is peculiar to
youth, more than 80 per cent of all the
cases occurring under the age of thirty.
Furthermore, 80 per cent of the cases are
males. New York Press.
C'aalae Swallows Taft of Haaaaa
Hair and Gets Fashloaabl
A Ana bull terrier belonging to a real-
dent of Brooklyn waa operated on last
meek for appendicitis, and is doing well.
In the appendix waa found a small roll
of human hair, which proved to be a col
lection of the rombel-out strands of his
mistress' locks. Human hair is practically
indigestible except to the ostrii h. A mouoe
of It In a dog's alimentary canal Is quiie
sufficient to Inflame the appendix. Most
women burn their combings in the kitchen
stove for lurk.
Appendicitis la a horror. I met a young
man yesterday, healthy to look upon, who
told me he had appemllcltle and would have
an operation performed as soon aa he could
get the money and three months leave of
absence. There Is nothing pleasant In the
Formerly appendicitis was wrapped in
much obscurity and Its ffects wore at
tributed to "gastric aelsure." "Inflamma
tion of the bowls." "illlac pliUgmon."
"perltyphllltis." paratyphtlltls," and con
ditions under many other names. The
earliest and full account of the dixeaee
was not given until 1M. Thus we are Just
twenty yeara In the grasp of tha death
Startling Effect of the Order Closing
All Saloons in San
One peculiar and entirely unlocked for
result haa attended the proclamation of
Mayor 6c limits closing up all saloons and
forbidding tha aale of liquor In San Fran
cisco. Majiy habitual drinkers, suddenly
deprived of their accustomed stimulant,
have been driven temporarily Insane.
It waa stated at the Park Emergency
hospital that up to last Sunday night and
for several days previous the average of
insanity cases examined per day had been
forty. The crush of business waa ao great
that the examining doctors had themselves
to commit tha patients, It being utterly
impossible to put tha matter through tha
routine channels.
According to Dr. Imlor of the emer
gency aervlce tho period of acute mania
for cases Induced by total abstinence from
alcoholic liquors is forty-eight hours. At
tha end of that time the patient either be
comes normal again or la hopelessly in
sane. As the lunacy oases have been
shipped out of the city to the asylums as
fast as possible no results are at hand yet
aa to the number that will be claased as
Incurable or the number that will be re
turned aa normal. Among the number of
the insane are included many "hop fiends"
or "dope fiends." whose weakened sys
tems also collapsed when the stimulus of
their dally drug waa taken away. Among
the Insanity cases are also many rases
Induced through nervous shock and strain
brought on by the disaater and the at
tendant circumstances Ran Francisco
the uniform alone to carry the majeaty of
the law against the turbulent classes. Each,
trooper carries a Colt's 38 strapped on hla
hip and a twenty-Inch locust stick la slung
from the pommel of his saddle. In addition
to these "persuadera" he carries the Spring-"
Held carbine of the army for riot duty, but
tha latter arm hangs In Its rack at the bar
racks most of the time, for the idea of tha
force la to produce a morel effect rather
than physical and tha Instruction to each
trooper Is to carry bis point without report
ing to "gun-play." Under the act by which
Pennsylvanla'a constabulary waa created
the members may make arrests without
warrants for all violations of tho law and
serve and execute warrants Issued by tha
proper authorities.
Besides these duties the force is expected
to ant aa fish, game and fire wardens, but
since the shutting down of the mines tha
constabulary haa been held In readiness to
answer emergency calls, patrol duty haa
been continuous and llttla time has bean
found to devota to their own police duties.
Harper's Weekly.
Pennsylvania Bnral Police Well I al
io r Bnalneas.
Uk tho raps and helmets, the constabu
lary uniform Is dark gray, made Of service
able whip cord. The blouae is cut very
much like thst of the field service uniform
of the regular army and tha riding breeches
built to a better fit than one usually sees
In tha government service. Buttons are of
nickel and the legglngii black leather put
ties. For protection from lnrlement weather
In summer the constabulary wears a light
rubber cavalry cape: In winter a heavy dark
gray storm coat serves the purpose. This
great ooat is not built on umbrella rover
lines like that of the army, but Is a roomy
garment with enough cloth so that when
the wearer Is mounted the skirt may cover
the pommel and can tie of the saddle as well
aa tha legs of the lider. The whole uniform
Is substantial In material as well as effect.
It Is serviceable and Imprenslva and clothes
the wearer with the respect due a represent
ative of tha state's executive.
But tha constabulary Is not dependent on
Hoat Cootly Garment la tho United
Stntea, Hello of Hawaiian.
What Is probably the most costly garment
in the United States la stored away in a
corner of tha United States National
museum at Washington. It Is not a femi
nine gown, nor is Its faahlon of any civil
ised country. It is a product of savnpe
art, being a Hawaiian - ceremonial, cloak
made, of the feathera'of birds peculiar to
the Islands.
The label beneath It statea that it was a
present from King Kamehamaha III to
Commodore J. II. Aullrk, U. S. N., and that
it was the mantle of the former's father,
Tamehameha. It is further stated that
the yellow feathers of which , tha cloak
Is largely composed were valued at S1.60
for five. '
Not only are these feathers very small,
but tha bird to which they belonged waa
very difficult to catch. It is estimated
that, Including the price of tha feathers,
not lss than fl.OOO.AOO worth of labor waa
expended on this cloak.
The feather work of the Hawallans la
now a lost art. This Is to be lamented, for
the feather, cloaks of the Hawallans are
both curious and Interesting.
The cloaks "ma mos" In tha ' native
language which were worn only by tha
kings and highest chiefs, are of great
beauty. All the earlier travelers to tha
Hawaiian group mention them. Captain
Cook, who. In 1778. waa the first to visit
the Islands, was rerelvetl by the natives
with all the ceremony and adoration which
they thought due to blm aa a god, and .
their chiefs presented him with several
feather covered cloaks and lu-lmets, which
they regarded as their finest treasures.
In Itartolozxra well known engraving,
"The Death of Captain Cook," published in
lTtrj. four of the natives are represented
wearing cloaks, and vary llttla else, and
two wear helmets all drawn, douhtlesa,
from the samples brought home by Cook's
expedition and similar to the specimen In
the National museum. So highly were tha
cloaks valued In Hawaii that very seldom
was one allowed to leave the islands as a
result of purchase.
Though once fairly abundant In Hawaii,
spwclmera of this feat lie r work are now
very scarce and more highly prized than
ever, the art of making them having been
lost with the extinction of the bird whoso
feathera were most highly prized in their
manufacture. New York Bun.
Worklnar ream Holds Meeting;.
The working team, which will put on tha
stage part of the Ak-Per-Hen Initiatory
rites, met Friday evening at J. P. O'Rrten'a
at an informal banquet and completed ar
rangements for the Initiatory ceremonies.
The different parts wera aalgntd and a
meeting for rehral wss called for Mon
day night at the den. It la tha Intention
to have a number of thorough rehearsals
before putting on the degree work.