Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 20, 1906, NEWS SECTION, Image 1

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    unday Bee.
Pages 1 to 8.
No Pllttty natln
Best A". West
Fhe Omaha
"Eternal City" Celebrate Ninth Year of
Iti Twenty-SeTtnth Century.
i. r i- a: r n: ,
resent vycie is caaea on lonnaing oi vnj
by Komnlus.
Many Travelers Stay in Italy as Besult of
Uvea Lost, bat F.artk Considered
"ir and Firm hot" Trembles
aad Some Hoiari
ROM EX May 19. (Special Cablegram to
The Be) 'lne city ot Home haa Just
celebrated lt Z.nmih birthday. This da tea
from Iht generally accepted tradition of
the foundation of the city of Romulus.
There la rnon to believe, however, that
the spot on which Rome was built waa In
habited about five centuries previous to I
h I 1 - i 1 .l.S ..I... .9 Dnmllltll '
Such would seem to he tne result of the
researches an carefully and learnedly
hy Commrndatore Bonl In th Jloniuil
Forum. There la no city existing at pres
ent, the recorda of which are ao continu
ous or so full as those of I tome. Its en
durance In the ago that have auccreded
the decline and fall of the Roman empire
Is to he attributed to the fact that It be
came the see of the supreme pontiff, and
today even the presence of the successor
of fit. Peter within Its walls is the man
net which drawa so many hearts to It and
directs to' It the feet of ao many pilgrims
who flock here from all Christian lands.
One of tho chief slgna of the birthday cole-1
bratlon Is the hoisting of the Italian flag
on the campanile or belfry of the
The vast crowd ot visitors to Rome Is
beginning; to lessen; many have gone away
already, and Naples and Vesuvius, show
ing still the signs of the late eruption, are
attracting many curious sightseers. Those
who fled from the city by the sea during
the eruption are not desirous of returning
to It. for the condition of the terror
stricken Neapolitans waa not reasaurlng.
Illshopa Leave Rome.
Among the departures from Rome are
two bishops from Australia, the most Rev.
Dr. Dunne, bishop of Bathurst. and most
Vev. Dr. O'Connor, bishop of Armldale.
The former, with hla brother. Rev. Father
Dunne, went to Florence, and the latter,
with Fathers Marshall and Shanahan, pro
ceeded to Anoona and Loretto, where they
will visit the shrine of the Holy bouse,
and from thence proceed to Bologna, which
la celebrated as possessing the rollca of St.
Dominlo. In a. monument of marble carved
by the .most celebrated artists in Italy.
The Australians who have recently visited
Rftma were entertained at dinner In the
Irish college with all that kindly hospital
ity wfdeh It distinctive of that national In
stitution;. On this occasion the guests were:
The most Rev. Bishop Dunne, Bathuret;
most Rev. Dr. Ooldrlck of Duluth, Minn.;
Rev. Father O'Reilly, Paramatta; Canon
Kavanagh. fit. Andoen'a, Dublin; Messrs.
Dalton and Meagher and the Rev. Fathers
Hayes.' Marshall, Shanahan, Dunne, Sheri
dan. Donohue. eto.
The people of the coast cities have not
forgotten the horrors of the earthquake.
A recent storm almost frightened the resi
dents of the Vesuvius districts out of their
wits. They were awakened by a roaring,
rushing, whistling sound, which waa ab
solutely new to them. They fled to the
streets and found themselves and their
property threatened by a new horror the
falling cf mud avalanches. Their terror
was extreme. Women and Children fled
screaming as from a living monster Into
the open country. In aplte of the floods
of rain and the cyclone there fortunately
seems to have been no loss of life. . All
are praying for fine weather, as the mud
avalanches may occur again and ara a
constant menace to Ufa.
- Taseaay Shaken.
Now, a considerable portion of Tuscany
has been shaken by similar phenomena,
and, though the shocks have been weak,
they show a connection with the greater
disturbances elsewhere. At Florence a
weak shock waa recorded by I the Instru
ments In the Zlmones observatory; an
other at Pogglbonat, In the Siena district,
followed by a series of feeble shocks.
Caeel Florentine and Val d'Flaa have also
been conacluu of disturbances of "sure
and firm set earth." At Siena, too,- there
was quite a panic, but no victim to lament.
At Pogglbonsl the communal palace iiaa
been damaged, the telephones were In
terrupted and a farmer's houae fell, but
no Ufa waa lost.
A rather notable discovery has been made
o the left of the Via BaJarla, In the vi
cinity of ' Monte Retondo, so well known
la the history of the attack against Roma
In which was made by the . Gart-
baldlana, assisted by Italian troops. The
recent find conslrta of a huge tumulus
butlt in the Etruscan manner, ornate. In
deed, even unique. In Ita construction. It
is a sepulchral monument of a special
value, standing near the highway In the
manner of so many ancient tombs and
monuments wniou lined tne road that 11
to and from the capital. There have beeu
many such on this Val Salarla. one of
the largest being discovered about a quar
ter Of a century ago In a magnificent
state of preservation, a condition It owed
to the fact that it had been covered with
earth In the making of a new road and
lost to sight and memory for about four
teen or fifteen centuries. The discovery
now made, which ta entirely owing to the
efforts of a priVata individual, was found
In proximity to the pla.n on, which the
celebrated battle of the AlUa waa fought
3M years before the Christian era. beween
the Romans and the Oauls. tlie latter uu
der the leadership of Rrenuua, and In
which 40,000 persona are said to have per
ished. The historic Villa Palmier!, which the
late Queen Victoria occupied during ber
visits to Florenoe. was put up far sal
by auction at the niajt receutly by the
direction of the earl ot Crawford. Thla
villa coatatna a private chapel and thea
ter and, although situated ta a delightful
country, wltbtn a mile of Florenoe. no
bids were offered and the property was
Norwegian Ship Ran Down.
KE1I Germany. .May 1.-The coast de-
fenae Ironclad Frlttijuf yesterday ran down
In fog and sank off thla port the Nor
i Weglan hailing vessel Ot hallo. The cap-
taia of the Othello and on jut its crew
euw draw nad. The rest were saved.
ere ee t.rt Hope In Fart of
Rrprramutliiii In llrltlah
GLASGOW. May 19 (Special Cablegram
to The Pee.) The tnth annual Scottish
Trade Unions congress, attended by 131
dclgsts. representing workers. hHS
lust flowed It session at Greenock. The
retiring president. Bnllle Johnston. In the
coarse of his presidential address, said
that since the last meeting at Hawtcit
events hrfd taken place that would be
memorable In the history of the country
on t account of the great Issues Involved, af
fecting trades unionism and the worklnir
classes genera lly. The large Increase of
labor members returned to Parliament,
pledged to Independent political action,
should give them hope, strength and cour
age for the. future. The neglect and In
difference shown by the late government
on questions of social legislation has
aoused the working dosses of the coun
try, and to this must be ascribed the great
revolution that had taken place. Although
all their fifty odd members had not been
returned under the auspices of the labor
representative committee, there was no
reason to doubt that their representatives
would act In conjunction and harmony on
every question affecting trades union and
lalior Interests. Ancient traditions, political
and other prejudices, were still the great
est obstacles they had to contend against,
but he believed the day was not Mr dis
tant when labor representatives would meet
employers face to face In far larger num
bers, not In a position of social Inferiority,
but on a footing of perfect equality, on
public boards and in Parliament.
Mr. John S. Samuel, who Is devoting a
vast deal of time lo what he calls "Social
Derelicts," says the problem, as It presents
Itself today, and as the result of the quite
recently abolished short service system.
Is this, that the labor market was yearly
flooded with young men who hnve entered
the army at from 1 to 29 years of age and
are discharged at the end of their term of
service, having learned little or nothing in
the army, and having perhaps entirely for
gotten any trade they might have had
before enlisting.
Vinegar Hill has sheltered many children
of the road from different climes, but it
Is doubtful If a more picturesque group
ever halted on the ancient show ground
than the Herman gypsies. They hall from
Pnmeranla. and. according to their own
statements, they were persuaded that Scot
land waa the happy hunting ground of
Itinerant horse dealers, peddlers and show
men. Full of high enterprise, they left
the Fatherland, but their hopes and ambi
tions have been disappointed, and they
have one illusion the less. Shnnned by
the public and hunted from pillar to post
by the police, their lot since their arrival
haa been far from happy. In certain quar
ters they have been regarded as a Teu
tonic branch of the fraternity of which
Bill Bikes Is the typical representative.
They resent the Imputations nd claim to be
merchants and express themselves as being
disappointed that they have found so few
ready to deal with them.
Secular Education Dors Not Increase
Crime According to Report
of Officer.
SYDNEY. May (Special Cablegram to
The Bee.) In connection with the state
ments frequently made alleging an increase
of crime in Australia owing to secular edu
cation. Captain ' Metenateln, comptroller
general of prisons, characterises the story
as arrant humbug.
His report for 1905 shows a remarkable
diminution of crime in New South Wales.
During the thirteen years Just ended the
number of prison Inmates In relation to
population haa decreased almost to per cent.
At the end of 1006 the number of prisoners
of all kinds waa 1.6, as compared with
1.80 In MM and 2,M In 1KM. In spite of the
growth of the population from 1,100,000 to
L5O0.000 the actual decreases In the number
of prisoners In the ten years Just ended
are In New South Wales 775 and In Victoria
31. The total entriea to Jail also showed
a large decrease, and not half of the total
entry were born In New South Wales, and
of the remainder S.837 came from the United
Kingdom. The jail figures, borne out by
police reports, ahow that the country Is re
markably free from serious crime, and ex
pert officials Intimately acquainted with
both cltlea declare there Is much more
larrlklnlsm In London than In Sydney.
Rev. Mir John Hoakyna and Wife of
Harowood Married Sixty
LONDON. May 1. (Special Cablegram to
The Bee.) Oolden weddings are always
notable events, but diamond weddings are
more remarkable still, and many congratu
lations have greeted the Rev. Sir John
Hoakyna, ninth baronet of Harwood, and
Lady Hoskyns (a daughter of Sir John
Peyton), who kept the sixtieth anniversary
of their marriage last week at Aahton
Tyrrold, their pretty home near Walllng
ford. Sir John, an old pupil of Arnold's at
Rugby and a former fellow of Magdalen
college, Oxford, haa been rector for more
than sixty years of Ashton Tyrrold. to
which he was presented in 1M, the year
Newman Joined the Roman Catholic church.
Sir John and Lady Hoakyna are both in
their ninetieth year, but are still able to
go about and work In the pariah, where
they are greatly loved and respected. Their
eldest son is a colon;l of engineers, an
other is the bishop of Bouthwell, and yet a
third vicar of Brighton; and they have
grandchildren without number lo wish
them Joy and length of days.
Jew language betas Adherents la
Laud Where Latin Uiirit
BUDAPEST. May lS.-lBpecial Cablegram
to The Bee.) Eapeiaulo haa at last pene
trated into the wilds of Hungary. The
Hungarian Eapcranlo euclety held Its first
general meeting her last night.
The Introduction of this world language
Is being welcomed by the Hungarians, who
dealre lo extend their commercial relations
with the rest of Euiope. With the fullest
patriotic eathuaUism fur the Magyar
tongue, the Hungarians recognise its de
ficiencies for commercial purposes
It Is unlike any other language and not
related to any existing feint of speech.
I .a tin. which as used ,n railiament
and the law courts until IMS, Is practically
dead In Hungary. Occasionally. In an
Isolated village, one comes across some old
vatersn who take one's breath a wj by
talking in pure Clcerenlan periods, hut
such occasion are rare.
American Explorer Telia What He Hopes to
Do in tho Far North.
Balloon to Be Used Will Be Largest Eer
AueuatWill See SurV'Tht in Air if
iP; 4 aturnl Phenomena to
!. 'laee on Airship to Men
Who Know linn to
Manas ( raft.
PARIS, May . (Special Cablegram to'
The Bee. 1 Walter Wellnian, who will make
hla third attempt to icacli the notth pole
this summer, has just arrived from Amer
ica. Major Henry D. Hersey of the United
States government meteorological service,
who will be the scientific observer of tho
expedition, accompanied him.
The chief feature oT thla voyage of dis
covery will be the great airship. In which
the party will sail from Spitsbergen, but
one real novelty-will he what the explorera
call a motor uledgo. Arctic explorers ordi
narily travel across the Icefields on sledse
drawn by teams of dogs. The Wellnian
expedition will travel on a train of two or
more sledges draw n by a motor.
Three patterns of motor sledges were de
signed In America and sent to a British
engineer, who went to Norway to experi
ment with it. The engineer relumed re
cently and made his report lo Mr. Well
man and Major Mersey.
The pattern which proved to be the most
serviceable and which will be lined, coui
slats of n smnll sledge just large enough
to hold one man and the engine, which lx
of the ordinary motor car type. It drives
h wheel fastened between the front ends
of the sledge runners. The rim of the
wheel is provided with spikes that effect
the necessary grip" on tlie smooth sur
face of the Ice. i
To Keen la Toach with World.
Another novel feature of the arrange
ment will be an attempt to keep constantly
In touch with civilization by means of wire
less telegraphy. For this purpose wireless
telegraph stations will be established at
Hammerfest. Not way, and tho headquar
ters in Spitsbergen, points that are -603
miles apart.
Communications will l.e miintsined be
tween these stations continuously and the
airship itself will be provided with a com
plete installation of the wireless method,
so that whatever happens the members of
the expedition can always report them
selves to the cutslde world. ,. .
Mr. Wellman outlined his plans to news
paper men as follows:
"We leave Parla with the alrahlp at the
end of May," he said. We shall proceed
to the town of Tromsoe. Norway, where
the members of the expedition will as
semble. Besides Major Hersey and myself
there will be Mr. Maxwell 8m1th, the wire
less telegraph expert; Mr. Gaston Hervleu,
one of the most famous aeronaut In
Europe; and a fifth member of the party,
whom, we have not yet selected. He will
be a mechanic and aeronaut and will be
engaged In Parla.
"In addition to these, we shall leave at
our headquarteis In Lew Island, North
Spitsbergen. Dr. W. N. Fowler and Mr.
Felix Rlessenberg. a former member of
the Cnlted States Coast and Geodetic
survey. He will be In charge of the nauti
cal Instruments. Mr. Alexander Llwen
thal, who waa associated with Count Zep
peblln In the famoua airship experiments
in Germany and Switserland, and an
Adirondack guide, will also be left there.
.arse Cargo on Alrahlp.
"The steerable airship which M. Godurd
and hla corps of experts have completed
Is wholly unlike the ordinary balloon.
Ita great aixe enables it to lift the car
of steel, three motors, two screws, or pro
pulsors, a ateel boa, moter sledges, rive
men, food for seventy-five days. Instru
ments, tools, repair materials, lubricating
oils, and 5,500 pounds of gaaoline for the
"In its cargo caps-.Wy our ship or the
air much more resembles a sea ship, than
the small contrivances used by Santos
Dumont and Baldwin. H. (iodard Is con
structing for the expedition the strongest
and most enduring gas envelope ever
"We co from Tromsoe In the Ice steamer
Frlthjof, which haa been chartered for
two years, and If our various trials ara
satisfactory the voyage by airship to the
North Tole will be taken in Auguat.
"If we find something dtfecttve in the
apparatus and It Is impossible to make
the required changes at headquarters, we
shall return to Europe, and. if necessary,
strengthen, or even rebuild the airship
for a fresh start in 1807."
Mr. Wellman was asked If he waa con
fident of success.
"We should not start If we were not
determined, to win," he answered. "Major
Hersey and I believe that we have a prac
tical plan, and we have adopted th-
methods that eventually will make known
the vaat region that constitutes the polar
cap or me eartn. it is certainly not the
reckless venture that some people chooje
to regard It"
Mr. Wellman la being delayed by tho
strikes In the automobile factories. To
mske the hydrogen for the Inflation of
the airship 105 tons of sulphuric acid
and aeventy-flve tons of Iron filings will
be taken to Spitsbergen.
Uoterosnont Will Instrnrt Natives la
Is of the Methods of
PEKING, May l.-.8peciai Cablegram to
The Bee. The Chines government has ar
ranged to establish several stations
throughout China for experiment with Mar
coni'a system of wireless telegraphy and
to inatruci Chinese operators in working
them. Apparatus has been installed on
four Chinese men-of-war at Shanghai and
i at the three north China cities of Tientsin,
J Peking and Paottngfu. try radius of action
being about 146 miles.
An Italian officer has been appointed as
Instructor and engineer. It Is stated that
one of the reasons for the Chinese govern
ment interesting ItMlf in wireless ttdeg.
rapky is the fact Its reprecentatlvea were
le-i invited la the wireless telegraph eon-f-r.ce
now being held la Europe.
Kla Peter May Re Depose.! If He
Continues to Favor
Aastrla. . '
BELGRADE. May 19.-(Sp. cial Cablegram
to The nee I There will certainly be no
reason for surprise If we hear t!mt one of
these nights King Peter Is captured in his
bd and conducted aciosa the Danube out
of Servian territory. He bus reached such
an Impasse that It Is difficult to see how he
Is going to get out of it. ServU for twenty,
live years past haa been a sort of
state of Austria. The Obfenovltdies were
the faithful allies of Frans Joseph. King
Peter, however, Is Russian In his sym
pathies and on .Miming to the throne made
feeble effort to shake off the Austrian
oke. The first timid step In this directum
was the commercial convention with Bul
garia, which would undoubtedly have been
followed by a military one In which Mon
ti negro would have been Includ' d. Austria
saw the danger at once. A Balkan com
bination of this kind would close the route
to Its onward march to Salonika, which is
regarded as Austria'e heritage when the
luenk-up of the Ottoman empire comes.
Austria took Its usual steps. It closed
Its frontier to Servian pigs and in three
weeks' time brought about a commercial
crisis of such neuteness that the agree
ment with Bulgaria had to be modified,
rnforttinatelv for King Peter, however,
the Immense majority of the country Is
ladlcal that is to say, antl-Austrlan. If
King Peter goes too far In his concessions
to Vienna they will undoubtedly depose
him. King Pei.-r, in his dilemma, thought
of an appeal to Britain for aid. but King
Edward replied by the stern nonpossumus
"First punish the regicides." As these
latter iire trailing their sabeis over tlie
pavements of Belgrade, masters of the
garrison. King Peter is helpless. There
Is undoubtedly a strong movement to de
pose lilm. Hut. what Is most extraordinary,
the person suggested as his successor is
his brother. Prince Arsene Karageorge
vlclu This would, however, la" pure romln
opera politics. Prince Arsene Is the ne"er-do-well
of a family none of whose members
ever distinguished themselves for civic or
other virtues, t'ndoubtedly he would suit
excellently the gang of regicides who sur
round King Peter, as h certainly would
not be troubled with scruples of any kind.
It can hardly be believed that even Servian
regicides would flagrantly defy public
opinion by making him their king.
Vomrrin ay ow lie Hanged.
Crnelfleil or Rnrned by the
TANGIER. May in. (Special Cablegram
to The Bee.)-An official denial Is given to
the statement that It Is Intended to crucify
the Marrnkosh cobbler. Hadj Mohammed
Mosfewl, who has confessed to the murder
of thirty young women. '
There Is an old Moorish custom which
admits of criminals being burnt alive when
there is a strong public demand for this
form of execution, but the probability is
that Mosfewl ami hla female accomplice
will be beheaded.
The true facts In connection with the
murders are that Mosfewl and a female
accomplice romed Kahalli, 70 years old,
were in habit of inviting young Moorish
women to dinner.
During the dinner they administered a
narcotic to their victims and afterwards
murdered them In their sleep, with the ob
ject of robbing them of whatever Jewels
and other valuables they possessed.
When the crime was discovered thirty
headless bodies were found buried beneath
a room In the cobbler's house. While the
accused couple were being conducted to
Jull tinder arrest an Infuriated crowd
made an effort to lynch them. Both were
afterwards driven around the city on don
keys In a half naked state, and were pub
licly flogged, during which process they
made loud confesaions of their crimes.
The families of the murdered women
dally create pitiful scenes in the streeta,
crying aloud for justice.
Several Officers to Suffer as Resalt
of "Ragging" of a Lien,
LONDON, May 19. (Special Cablegram
to The Bee.) As a result of the official
court of Inquiry Into the recent case of
"ragging" In the First battalion of tho
Scots Guard, held at Aldershot, under the
presidency of the late Lieutenant General
Blr Gerald Morton, the army council have
announced that the commanding officer,
Colonel Cuthbert, Is to be placed on half
pay, that Captain Btracey la to be re
moved from i..e regimental adjutancy and
severely censured, and that the remaining
officers concerned deprived of leave for
periods of six months or a year, and, In
several cases, passed over once or twice
for promotion.
There were circumstances connected with
the 111 treatment of Lieutenant Clark
Kennedy which differentiated the case
from others which have occcurred In re
cent years. The army council treated the
case with exemplary severity, as It Is
only two years ago that, In consequence
of several recent cases of 111 treatment
of Junior officers, the most notable being
that In the Second Grenadier Guards In
the preceding year, which, like the present
case, resulted In the removal of the offi
cer commanding the battalion, they Issued
a strong memorandum to all commanding
officers giving notice of their determina
tion to inflict severe penalties in case
of the repetition of such Incidents.
Removal of Troops Caases nnAdeace
to Take the Place of
BERLIN. May H.- (Special Cablegram to
The Bee.) Germany claims that its pro
posal on October it of last year to remove
Ita troops from the province of Chill, ex
clusive of Pekln, as Italy, America and
RusKla had previously done, has converted
Chinese distrust of Germany into con
fidence In German f riendllne. por
tion of tlie German garrison has since
been withdrawn to Tien Tsln and tho
railway, but 1 men still remain. In
Shantung two weak outlying posta have
been withdrawn and the men have been
add'-d to the strength of the Tien Tsln
garrison, where fortifications, presumably
against the Chinese, are being constructed
wilh undimlnlxhd ccttvlty. The Chinese
have long known that adverse criticism In
the Reichstag and the fact that all the
indemnity money had alreud. t.een ex
pended made It ceriain that the German
troops would he withdrawn or reduced at
the earliest opportunity at which Or many
could do ao without loas of prestige, but
lbs withdrawal was postponed on account
at the war.
Preibyterian General Assembly Votes
$4,000,000 for Ministerial Belief.
I Important Questions Oo Over Pendinc
j Eeporta of Committees.
i . i
Preachers Are Entertained by Becimental
Drill Reviewed by General Miles.
Argnnivnt In the Injunction Salt
Continues In Jadg-e- John's
I Hurt early All
DES MOINES, May 19. Commissioners
and visitors to tlie llMh general nsFemWy
of Presbyterians of America were enter
tained at Fort 1cb Moines today, following
a short morning A regimental drill
reviewed by lieutenant General Nelson A.
Miles, retired, who Is here the gueel of hi
son, lieutenant Lewis Miles, was the fea
ture of the afternoon. Following the drill
a reception was tendered General Miles and
tlie commissioners.
After listening to the report of the Board
of MliiiHterial Relief, showing thut more
disabled members than ever before had
asked for aid during the last year, 'he
assembly voted In favor of a resolution
j offered by this hoard asking for an ap
propriation of St.ono.noo to be expended in
this cause. An amendment made It In
cumbent upon the ciders of the church to
collect the amount from the entire church
membership at the rate of 10 cents each.
Considerable Interest Is taken in the ap
proaching discussion of the prayer book.
Van Dyke's book of common worship,
copies of which have been placed on every
member's desk, will probably receive the
greatest attention. Members are waiting
for reports on marriage and divorce before
making comment. Other important ques-
1 lions will be allowed to go over until re
ports are made.
nnptist nt Dayton.
DAYTON, O., May 19. The seventy
fourth anniversary of the American Bap
tist Home Missionary society opened In
earnest and will continue its sessions until
Monday afternoon.
Treasurer F. T. Moulton of New York
reported l41.S2.a In the missionary treas
ury. The report of the hoard shows 32,3.r
missionaries employed in tlie t'nited States
during the seventy-four years. 2o,GSi Bap
tists and f.o52 churches organized.
The receipts for the last year were over
llon.OK) in excess of any previous year.
Work In old Mexico, Porto Rico and
Cuba were defined and needs suggested
by Rev.- G. H. Brewer of Arizona, Rev.
E. L. Humphrey of Porto Rico and Rev.
Wilson of Havana, Cuba.
Cnmberlanda Adjourn Karly.
" DECATUR, 111.. May l!).-lAiighter and
applause greeted a .telegram received by
the general assembly thla morning from
the colored Cumberland Presbyterian as
sembly In session at Waco, Tex. It
quoted the text. "Behold how good and
how pleasant it Is for brethren to dwell
together in unity."
The southern Presbyterian assembly also
telegraphed greetings.
The moderator announced a long list of
committees to whom the business of the
assembly was referred. As no business
was ready, the assembly adjourned to give
the committeea the afternoon In which to
Before Judge Johns the argument in the
Injunction suit was continued st length by
Judge Gaut, for the defendants, who was
followed by Judge Menxir, for the plaintiffs.
The court room waa crowded with auditors,
though most of the commissioners re
mained at tlie church until adjournment.
Methodists at Birmingham.
BIRMINGHAM, Ala., May 19. Bishop
Duncam preaided today at the general con
ference of the Methodist Episcopal church
south. A resolution was adopted to the
effect that money raised on Children's day
ft his year be not applied to the chair ot
pedagogy, which the conference yesterday
decided to establish at Vanderbllt univer
sity. Bishop A. W. Wilson was made president
of the board of missions, with Bishop At
kins as vice president.
The report on the committee of federation
recommending noncurrence with memorials
ssklng for the appointment of a committee
on proposed organic union of the Methodist
Episcopal church and the Methodist Episco
pal church south was adopted. The con
ference adopted a report commending the
"growing spirit of so msny churches In
emphasizing the sscredness of marriage."
Dr. W. 8. Mathew of Berkeley, Cal., fra
ternal delegate from the Methodiat Episco
pal church, bade farewell to the conference
today. He asked that every assistance pos
sible bo given to the upbuilding of Metho
dism In San Francisco.
Preparing for Agreement
GREENVILLE, S. C. May 1.-The
Southern Presbyterian general assembly to
day appointed a committee on articles to
agreement, each atate In the synod being
represented by one member. Rev. Josephus
Johnston represents Texas and Rev. H. M.
Spencer Mlesouil.
Men In aval Hospital at San Fran
cisco Receive Mention la
WASHINGTON. May lb. Tlie Navy de
partment la in receipt of futther evidence
of the heroic conduct of the personnel of
that branch of the service when earthquake
and tire overtook San Francisco. This
came In the shape of a report from the
United Slates naval hoepltal at Mare Is
land, giving the names of three officers who
were patients and who volunteered for duty
when diaastr overtook the Golden Gate
city. Theae officers were Ensign R. C.
Davis, Lieutenant A. Blokes. Marine corps
and Lieutenant E. A. Cdell, Marine corps.
Hear Admiral Met 'alia, commandant of
the Mare Island navy yard. In forwarding
their names to the department, says: officers are. in 'he opinion of the
commandant, to be commended for their
zeal and tor the fact that notwithstanding
they were In the naval hoapltal they applied
for or continued on duty after the earth
iiako and subsequent fire in San Fran
cisco. Lieutenant Stokes, it waa shown, con
tinued on duty at the main gate dally as
j officer of the guard, while Ensign Davis
and Lieutenant i U"ll were dliected by the
comirandanl in conformity with their re
quest to proceed and report for duty. When
the emergency was over these two officers
returned to Mare Island and re-entered the
the BEEBULum
Foreenst for rbraskn Fair In Kaat
showers in West Portion Sunday
Monday showers.
ftF.Wft F.t TIO-F.Iht Pnaes.
1 Romnnn Celebrate nn Innlversnry.
Wellman Pinna to Bench Pole.
Presbyterians lalt Army Post.
Forest Klrea weep Over Michigan.
J Fairbanks Pna X lalt to Atlnnta.
. Rill for Federal Groin Inspection.
cw from All Parts of ehrnhn.
4 llnhlman Renews fampnlgn PIrdae
Affairs nt outh Omaha.
5 t sar Disappoints Rnsslana.
Chnos on F.te of Administration.
Wanda y Men lorn.
7 Mportlnsr Events of the la.
ICniTOnHI, KCriO KlaM -nes.
5 Past Week In Omaha society.
3 Men Who Fought vrlth tien. t rook.
Illndn Honly In cvr York t lly.
4 Kdltorlal.
6 Pomp nt Coming Royal Wedding.
Plnygrronnd I llr Formnlly Opened.
Despondent Woutan lianas Herself.
hnrnrterlstlca of loa Francisco.
Fend of Rival Border Editors.
7 Council Rlntta and Iowa ew.
H Pass stem In Yoarnc at City llnll.
WAM' All F.tTION-KIht Pages.
I Palatini ew Piano Mnlesrnora.
it Coming Jnhllee) of Trinity Church.
Timely Talk on Ileal F.state.
Condition of Omahn'n Trade,
a Wnnt Ads.
4 Want Ada.
H Want Ada.
6 Want Ada.
7 Financial nnd Commercial.
H John null linn Japanese Trade.
1 Bryan on l ife In the East.
Exploding tun on the Princeton.
2 Y. M. C. A. Work In Clilnn.
On the rtoad to Vesuvine.
3 4OBlp of Pla)a and Players.
Music and Musical Mnttera.
4 tirent Irrigation Project.
Kountxe Memorial hureh.
B Williams, Mlraril of the Orchard.
(rent Copper Mlnea In Kootenay.
H Womani Iter Way a and Her World.
7 Weekly tirlst of Sporting fioaatp.
1 Boater Brown llrenka Ip Party.
2 Thirty tears Solitary t on linemen t.
!t Fnahion osnlp for Women Folk.
4 Sambo Works Himself Into a Job.
Temperature nt Omaha Yesterday!
. . nu
, . no
. . no
. . Kit
. . M
. . RN
. . HO
. . W2
I P.
.1 p.
4 p.
B p.
7 p.
. . M
. . 17
. . 7l
. . 711
. . 7l
. . Hit
. . 6M
Urn. ni.
ft n. m .
7 n. m .
S a. m .
a. m.
IO a. nt .
m .
in .
II n . m .
lit m.. . .
Racine Thinks It Hna Earthquake
When Report frosa Mills
la Heard.
RACINE, Wis., May 18 Two terrific ex
plosions, which shook buildings through
out the southern part of this city and as
far north as the city hall, .occurred today,
and hundreds of persons leaped from their
beds, believing there had been an earth
quake. Later It was ascertained that the
shocks were caused by an explosion at the
Rand 4 Laflln powder mills, located In
Pleasant Prairie, Kenosha county.
Messages from that place stats that
the glase and press rooms and the Corning
mill were blown to pieces. Involving a loss
of perhaps $25,0no. Windows In houses
throughout the village were broken and
some damaged, but there wax no loss of
life, only one man being knocked down
by the shock. The main mills are Intact
and can be operated. The cause of the ex
plosion Is not known. It was felt through
out Racine and Kenosha counties.
MILWAUKEE. May ID. An Evening Wis
consin special from Kenosha. Wis., says
that the explosion which wrecked the Iaf-lln-Rand
powder mill carried sheetlron
which had formed the sldea of the building
nearly a mile away, while all of the win
dows In homes of Crow, fully three and a
half miles away, were broken.
Henry Goger, the engineer, and hla fire
man. James Gedsls, were at work in the
engine room. They were thrown from their
feet, but not seriously Injured. The shock
from the explosion waa felt for thirty miles.
MICHIGAN CITi, Ind., May 1-A num
ber of residents felt what was believed to
have been an earthquake shock early today.
Buildings quivered and windows rattled
for two or three seconds.
The trembling of buildings was accom
panied by a muffled sound, as of an explo
sion, which was heard by police officers
shortly after 3 o'clock this morning.
Mesabers of Legislature May Break
Deadlock Which Has Lasted
for Tears.
DOVER. Del.. May 19-8even Kent
county union republicans, members of the
Delaware legislature, met In conference
with United States Senator Allee today
and signed a petition asking Governor Lea
to call a special session of the legislature
for the election of a United States sen
ator. In the call they pledge themselves
to support the nominee of the republican
Similar action by the Sussex county mem
bers Is expected In a few days. This ac
tion, if taken. Insures a break In the sen
atorial deadlock which haa existed for so
many yeara.
Governor Lea, Is In Canada on a fishing
trip, but will return early next week, when
the petition will be laid before him.
Anonymous Letter Sara He Will Be
Killed Inleea .VOOO Is Left at
Designated Mpot.
ST. I.UU18. May la. It became known
today that former Governor D. R. Francis,
president of the World's fair, yesterday
received an anonmous letter threatening
his life unless the'sum of Sr,000 was placed
at a designated spot on Delmar boulevard.
Just outside the city limits In St. Louis
county, between S and 10 o'clock last
night. Detectives were itaclond at the
designated place for several hours last
night without result.
Fireman Killed by Jumping.
COLUMBUS. ).. May 1-Charles W
Kastlake of Newark. a rraduate of
Kenyon college, plinti'd headlini; out 1
the enxine cab of the midn giit eprcf
train on the Haltiniole aV Ohio jfo ithern
aOoiil midnight, wnen, atler opening tin
door to fire up, he saw some excited peo
ple flagging the train as It naa rushing
toward a bridge east of Cook s station.
nor Washington court house. The bridge
was oa Are and the train waa stopped Just
in tin. Westiaa. was killed.
jny ,TSELF m
Dancer from Forest Fires in Michiean Orer
for the Present.
! Four Towns Totally Wiped Ont and Ten
! Partially Destroyed.
Four Bodies Recovered and it is Expected
! Death List Will Be Larire.
; Bark Fires started In a umber
of Places Partially Protect
Towns and Farm
MILWAUKEE. May.. 1S.-A dispatch to
t the Sentinel from Eseanaba, Mich., bv a
. staff correspondent, says: Four known
i dead, a score or more missing, hundreds
of families homeless, several million dnl
, lnrs worth of property bprned. fn'ir towns
wiped out entirely and a dozen more pir
1 tlally. five counties devastated and l'
; equnre miles of territory fire-swept. Th's
j Is the dreadful picture that the northern
I Michigan penlsula presents todnv after the
I worst forest fire since the Pestlgo deans ter
j In 1871, has spent Itself.
j General Superintendent W. E. Wells of
j the Esonnadc and Lake Superior road.
along whose right-of-way the grea'esi loss
j occurred, returned tonight from a trip of
1 Inspection nvr the lire stricken area and
says that the flames hae gone down ainl
for the time being the danger Is over nnl"
a new gale arises to aaaln fan the embers
Into flames.
Summary of Damage.
The following summary briefly tells the
The dead:
PET Kit LA FOND, s cook, smothered in
.1 lumber camp near Kastos. bodv found
THREE unidentified children desd nl
Qulnnesec. Mich.; separated from their par
ents while the village was burning and
Heoies of homesteaders and woodsmen are
missing and many have probably perished
in the flames.
Territory devastated; Eive counties: Mar
quette, Menominee, lielta. Alger and Dick
enson. The terriiorv fire-swepl: n miles square.
Towns totally burned: Talbot. Mich.. Sfm
population, only a few houses left standing.
Qulnnesec, Midi., ton population, only one
house remains.
Saunders. 1MI population, nil wined out.
Niagara, Wis., : population, all wiped
Towns partially destroyed:
Northland, Cornell. Antolne, Spring Val
ley, Klngsley, Woodlawn. Foster City.
8h1s. Metropolitan.
Many Twice of Misery.
Details of the fire are gradually coming
out of the burned territory. All day long
refugees and trainmen have been coming
In. telling tales of misery and suffering
as well as of heroism and brave deed that
were enacted while tlie Are was at Its
height.' The reports show that the fire
was fully as serious as at first reported.
The burned district extends from a point
tfn miles out of Eseanaba to Talbot on the
south, to Charvnlng and Qulnnessec on the
west. Sands on the north and back to Es
eanaba. The flames were fiercest along
the Eseanaba A I-ake Superior line. It Is
In this district thst 1.000 or more of the
small fires have been smoldering for weeks.
Nothing was thought of these fires, because
they were not dangerous, but It only needed
a wind to fan them Into a mighty eheet
of flame. The wind came on Friday after
noon. Toward noon the wind began to
blow from the west at thirty miles an
hour; at 2 o'clock the velocity, waa forty
milea an hour, and by 4 o'clock the small
flres seemed to have united Into one thnt
swept along with a fury that no human
hand could ' stay. The flames seemed to
center from a place called Northland and
from there swept down toward Eseanaba.
Woodsmen Fight Fire.
Throughout the territory hundreds of
woodsmem were put to work to stay th
Are, hut it could not he fought. It marched
oa and It was only by diverting Its path
that some of the towns were saved. The
first to be drive nout were the woodsmen
in camp and homeateaders. Hundreds of
small, prosperous farmers live In the terri
tory and these hurried to the nearest town.
Cattle and stock and houses and barns and
their contents were left for ' the flames.
Wagons were hurriedly loaded with per
sonal effects and the rare against the flames
began. In some Instances whole families
came In. In many caaes, however, some T
the members had been separated and left
behind. Some of the towna were hemmed
In on all sides. Talbot and Quinneseo are
the most notable examples. At both a hard
fight was put up hut In the end the places
had to be abandoned.
There was little that human effort could
do to check the flames, water was scarce
and even when It was plentiful It was of
no avail In combatting the flames. Hun
dreds of woodsmen fought In spots through
out the district. Step by step they would
back up, trying at each stand to backfire
the flames.
Back Flrea Started.
Clearings were burned over with flres
that could be controlled. Then when the
flames reached there they found nothing
more to consume. In this manner many of
the towna In the path of the conflagration
were saved. While scenes of horror and
despair were being enacted In the flre
stricken territory there was also a panic
In neighboring cities miles from the Are
line. Most of the refugees were taken
back today when it was reported that the
flres had died down, hut many of them
found nothing when they reached the
spot where their home stood. Gradually
the wind died down and this morning It
shifted and the flames began to lose their
fury, but the tires are not out. While the
fires are not spreading it will only need a
fresh wind to start them again In all their
fury. Talbot t fought hard to ward off
the flames, but it failed. A score of house
and an entire logging train were burned
Daggett had sent a fire engine to Talboit.
I but even tills waa burned up. Daggett
nanaged to save Itself liecause of the
ihifting of the wind. Qulnnesec la still
Is gone
from this end and cannot be
Trainmen say the entire town
Ferry Reecura Sis from Hirer.
1 PIERRE. 8. D. May !.isjpeclal Tele
j gram. I A gasoline launch ulth alx pas
sengers whs xmashed against the p'.llr.g
at Hie railroad biiilae this ntterniHin by
the !,eay current und Miink in a f ' m;n
ui. Ji' ff tin f. rr hi.aia happened
lo i i neai Air scene Hiid hastily launched a
ik I. which reached the frantic passen
gers just as ihe wrecked boat sunk under
their feet, leaving Uism struggling la the
m wad all wet pleked agv.