TITK OMAHA DAILY BEE: SATURDAY. MAT 19, lOOfT. 11 JOSEPH CROW IS ARRESTED Form or FostmMlef Indioud by Grind Jury ii Admitted to Bond. OBSTRUCTING CARRIAGE OF JUSTICE Count liilrtmrnt Contains Ten and Show Crow, Form I War Grand Jury, Wrk4 tor Him. Joseph Crow, former postmaster of Omaha, lawyer and legislator, of whoie Indictment by the federal grand Jury for obMructlng. the carriage of Justice readeri of The Boe learnd the firt of the week, was arrested Friday morning. An Indictment or true bill of ten count was returned agHlmt Crow by the grand Jury Thursday evening, but owing to tlia fact that he was not to be arraigned until Friday morning the definite Information of his Indictment was not authoritatively given out until then. Mr. Crow was ar rested on a capias at a. m. Friday at Fifteenth and Farnam streets by Deputy United States Marshal Earl Mathews and taken before the United States district court, where he gave bond In the sum of M0 for his appearance, for trial before the district court. Detaila of the Charge. The Indictment against Crow states effect: First count, that on or about November J", wtiile he was foreman of the fed eral grand Jury that wta then Investigating the cnarge of conspiracy against Ueorge ti. Ware, Frank Lambert and Harry Weimi for procuring illegal tilings within the I . H. 1. Lrfiiiti and Cattle company a enclosure In liookei county, he sought corruptly to Influence one William J. tiehr, a 'meniler of the grand Jury, to vote against return ing an indictment against the accused pur ties by furnishing said Uehr Willi tree transportation from Omaha to Fremont anil return, having procured the transportation or pass troin an employe of the I nlon Lu cille, thereby wilfully and knowingly seek ing to corrupt said luetic to deliberate un l vote "no bill ' against aaid Ware, .Lambert and Welsh. count two embodies the same general alle gations In tne procurement of tree trans portation from an employe of the Chicago dc Northwestern railway to Klgln, Neb., lor grand juror James Aiderson. Count three makes tne same charge ex cept that the transportation was procured over the Chicago & iS'orthwestern for W. J. Gow, a grand juror, to Norfolk, Neb. Count four, ior procuring transportation over the Northwestern for M. C, Gamble, a grand juror, to Hlunlon, Neb. Count five, for procuring transportation by the same means over tne Nortnwestern for Jra M. Williams, a grand Juror, to Fremont. Count six. for procuring transportation over the Chicago, St. Paul. Minneapolis & Omaha railroad, for William Barge, a grand Juror, to Blooinneld, Neb. Count seven, for procuring transportation by the iwme means over the Chicago, St. Paul. Minneapolis & Omaha road for John O. Ashley, a grand Juror, to Tekamah, Neb. Count eight, for procuring transportation over the Missouri Pacific railway for C. II. Thomas, a grand Juror, to Stella, Neb. Count nine, lor procuring transportation from some railroad, name not given, for John G. Ashley and F. C. Nielsen, grand Jurors, from Omaha to Colorado and return, during the summer of1 1906. bach of the foregoing counts makes the frnnral charge that the transportation was urnlshed the parties named for the pur pose of Influencing them to vote against returning a bill against Ware, Lambert and Welsh. Count ten bulks the general allegations of the proceeding nine counts and charges Mr. Crow with Impeding the administration f Justice. , , Fine and Imprisonment. The penalty fixed by the United States tatutea In such cases la for a line of nut more than ),0i or Imprisonment for one year, or both at the discretion of the court. Joseph Crow has been more or less Idnntl . fled with Nebraska politics for a. number of years. He was at one time a member of the Nebraska legislature from Douglas county and is by profession an attorney at law. He preceded Captain H. E. Palmer "as postmaster of Omaha and has of late been Identified with the construction of the Sioux City Homer Interurban Klectrlc railway. The story appearing In a morning paper that Mr. Crow had left the city Thursday afternoon upon receiving an Intimation that an Indictment had been returned against him aa groundless. The federal authorities knew of Mr. Crow's presence In the city and that there could be no possible motive for his leaving the city as a result of the charge against him. A peculiar Incident Is Just now recalled that during the time the grand Jury was In session, of which Mr. Crow was foreman In 1905, he protested to the court that It was unwise. In his opinion, that the grand Jury Indictments should be made public. He was Informed, . however, by the court that after Indictments had been reported by the grand Jury the public bad a right to know of them, except where It might be that the indicted parties were not yet under arrest or bond. rliii"'ni'i' II' 'i'1' M"" -"T1- iMirf H"- 1 ITHf ".''HI Men's Tropical Wafer Ctotles COURSE the tropical weather is not here, and judging from the Hj' style of weather handed out this week it may be possible you are a bit skeptical regarding warm weather. You'll have it good and plenty, and that soon, so you might as well consider these tropical suits. Serae Suits $10, $13.50, $18 Two-Piece Suits $8, $10, $12 Single Breasted and Double Breasted coats. Fast color Serge, the suits made in this sea son's newest and most approved styles. Coats are cut 31 to 33 inches long for 36-in. chest. Medium lapels on coals. Some coats have vents, others have none. Some are half lined, others are full lined. Single Breasted and Double Breasted Coats. A wonderful assemblage of these two-piece suits coats and pants of flannel, cassimere and tropical worsteds. Some are lined only a fourth, others are half lined. All styles of coats, including straight front and fitted backs troupers of course with cuffs. $5.00 Suit Cases, $3.98. Today, your choice ol 100 solid leather Suit Cases, worth $5, f of $3.98. Wash Suits for Boys Tomorrow, for the first time this Reason, jrou can select Wash Suits for the boys. The newest styles are with us and you may be sure of one thing, any Wash Suit bought here Is fully warranted to launder per fectly. All sites all prices , 45c to 2.95 Straw Uats Ior Men and Boys Ready With the New Straw Hat. t Tomorrow we make the first grand display of the summer season with Straw Hats for men. You will find here more of a variety than in all the hat stores of Omaha combined. When you see our stock of summer headwear you see everything that Is used for tat purpose. Furnishing Goods for Men Special Prices Today 10c and fancy 20c kind, 10c. Men's plain, tan, black colored seamless hoso 25c Men's Neckwear Men's new, stylish light and dark colored silk Four-ln- Hand Ties the 60c kind, 2JVo 45c in Men's rndrvrear Men's fine Qual ity Imported Palbriggan Underwear, gray, ecru and white the 76c kind, 4.V. 75c Men's Underwear Men's extra fine quality Lisle Thread Underwear, In white, pink, blue and tans, plain or ribbed, long or short sleeves the $1.25 kind, 70c 95c Men's Combination Suits Men's fine Quality derby ribbed, lisle finished Combination Suits, light and cool, sixes Si to 46 the $1.50 kind, 95c. . . 75c Men's Shirts Men's (rood quality of Madras, Cheviot and Tercale Shirts, neat light and dark colors, separate cuffs the $1 kind, 75c. Men's Shirt Men's fine light weight Mercerized Chambray Negligee Shirts, soft attached collars, small neat patterns and solid colors $1.60 kind, ft. 25c Men's Suspender Men's fine Web Suspenders with leather, canlab or roller ends, fancy and plain colored web the 60c kind, 25c. be In direct charge and the board and fac ulty members will exercise a general supervision. INSURANCE FOR DOC OWNERS FLEMING ENDS SIX TEKAMAH WINS THE PRIZE Bart Coa.tr Toot. Selected Ortr Blair aa Beaalngtou .a Cadet Cam. Commandant; Stogsdall has selected T kamah aa the place of the high school cadet encampment June 4-9. inclusive. Bennington and Blair were other towns who offered Inducements, but Tekamah - was picked for various reasons. The bat talion will pitch Ita tents In the high school park at Tekamah and will use the fair grounds close by for drills and pa rades. Special efforts are to be made by the Board of Education and high school faculty to keep the encampment free from ciitl ' clsm this year. Commandant Btogadall will Retires from Tai Conmlslonerhlp and Pablle Life Sunday, When Tern Kiplrea. William Fleming will retire Sunday night from official life after six years as tax commissioner of Omaha. He haa been en gaged in making an inventory of the arti cles in his office according to the require ments and will turn over his books, papers and all documents to the city clerk aa the charter in the section abolishing the office directs. With Sunday night the office of city tax commissioner ceases to exist, the assess ment work going to the county assessor, who In the future will base both city and county assessments upon one set of books, thereby consolidating the labor. The plats and records of city property and Its valuation compiled by Mr. Firming are of considerable Importance and likely will be placed in charge of the county as sessor. Mr. Fleming is going Into the real estate business. Since the first of the year his duties have been mostly concerning the city's interests in the scavenger tax law (ales. The city assessment for the present year was made by the county authorities. There has been talk of assigning the old tax offices on the second floor of the city hall to the Water board, but this program will hardly be carried out, as the rooms are needed for the consolidated county and city treasury department, which is to be located at the city hail. The number of people doing business in the treasurers office makes its location on the first floor Imperative. More spare Is needed and the only solution Is to use the old tax offices directly above, connecting tliem with the first floor by a spiral stairway. YEARS ! Protective Association Formed by Omaha Men New and Novel. . Great Law SnM Derided. The supreme court, the people, haa de cided that Dr. King's Now Discovery wins against coughs and colds. 50e and ft. For sale by 8herman & McConnell Drug Co. glft.OO to Boston aad Retnrn, flO.OO, plus $1.00, from Chicago, via Nickel Plat Road. May 31 to June 9, Inclusive; also via New Tork City at excursion rates. Return limit of July It by extension of ticket. Folders, rates and all informa tion furnished by applying to John T. Calahan, general agent. Room 29t, lit Adams atreet, Chicago. . STEAMSHIP TICKETS To aad from Earopeaa aad Asiatic Points. Full tine of outward and prepaid tickets via all Transatlantic steamship lines. Make your reservations for cabir passage early. For rates, sailing lists, etc., call at City Ticket Office, Chicago Milwaukee A Bt Paul Railway, 1624 Farnam street, Omaha, Neb. Low rates to Boston and New Haven, Conn., and return, via the ERIE RAIL ROAD Plotureso.ua trunk line of America. Apply to ticket agents, or J. A. Dolan, T. P. A., Chicago. TRAVELING BAGS AND SUIT CASES CI UJ 3 r S9 CI ti 3 LET ME SHOW YOU Aa up-to-date line of high grade SMIETS v Including many new ideas and fab rics in soft collar goods as well as pleats and plain negligees -prices from $1 to $2.50. They fit perfectly and wear as well. 5 en tt Se m BOURKE, the Tailor, 519 South 16th Street. 3 TKAYELKS BAGS AX 3 SUIT CASES OBJECT TO PREVENT STEALING DOGS Operations of Company Will at First Be Confined to Nebraska aad Then Spread to Other States. The Dog Fanciers' Protective association, the purpose of which Is to insure owners against the loss of their hunters and pets by theft and to put a stop to the systematic operations of gangs of dog stealers, is being organised at Omaha by E. P, Buffett and J. B. Coningham. There are associations all over the coun try for protection against horse thieves, but the promoters of this enterprise know of no organisation which looks after the dogs. They believe theirs is the original idea along this line. They have sent out letters to about fifty dog owners of Omaha asking for an expression of opinion on tho subject and suggesting a meeting at an early date. Already a sufficient number of men have been interviewed to make it look probable that the plan will be successful. The plan embraces the registration of the dogs with the secretary of the association, the books showing number, breed and name of dog, weight, age, color and special Iden tification marks. A system of physical measurements, such as length from tip of nose to base of tall, height from floor to top of shoulder and length of head, is pro posed. Will Find Lost Dogs. Whenever a dog Is lost or stolen the owner will notify the secretary, who will at once give the description to every mem ber of the association, and within a certain radius to sheriffs, city marshals, constables, express companies, baggagemen, bridge watchmen and depot gate keepers, offering a suitable reward for the recovery of the dog or Information leading to the arrest and conviction of the persons stealing the dog. As a special tax Is levied against dogs they become personal property, the same as a horse or cow. In case of theft, If the value Is above IS, the offense carries with It a penitentiary sentence upon con victlon. "We believe such an association would stop systematic dog stealing," said J. B. urungnani. ad umana Danker told me that nowadays banks protected by the American Bankers' association are seldom robbed, and I think that after one or two convictions the thieves would be wary about taking animals which have the tag of our association on them, for our aim would be to Imprison an offender whenever pot ible. They are stealing dogs in Omaha and selling them in Minneapolis and Sioux City and Denver; they are stealing dogs In the latter cities and selling them In Omaha. "The scope of the association will be con fined to Nebraska at first, but our expecta tion is to branch out and take In Iowa, Dakota and Minnesota, and perhaps finally become a national organization. In Ne braska alone are at least 2,000 men who own dogs valuable enough that they ought to have this sort of protection." road king. He Is chemist Pacific shops in Omaha. Union NEW OIL COMPANY PROJECT Former Employe of Standard Pro poses to Launch Enterprise to Compete with Hockfeller. If the plans of O. C. Turner of this city materialise Omaha will no longer be com pelled to pay tribute to John D. Rock efeller. Mr. Turner has announced his Intention of going into business In competition with Standard Oil, with Omaha as a distribut ing point, and his opened correspondence with the Commercial club to learn what measure of support the club and the busi ness men of the city will lend him. He proposes to operate a wholesale business, getting his oil from fields which are inde pendent of the trust. Though he has some backing, he feels the need of still greater financial assistance to make the project go, and its establishment will depend largely on the attitude of the club. For the last twelve years Mr. Turner has been in the employ of the Standard Oil company, most of that time as a sales man on the road. He ha traveled in Ne braska and Missouri. "The Standard OH has crushed many other competitors, why cannot It crush you?" was asked of Mr. Turner. His reply was one of . confidence. "I have been with them so long I know their methods," he aaid,. "I know where the stumps are that the others have been WTecked upon." BRYAN, THE SENATE AND HILL Great Commoner Not Candidate and Hill a Dead One, Says Brother Tom Allen. "I believe Mr. Bryan would not accept the senatorshlp if a democratic legislature should offer it to him," said Tom Allen of Lincoln, secretary of the democratic state committee and brother-in-law of Wil liam Jennings Bryan. Mr. Allen admitted he had understood W. II. Thompson of Grand Island and O M. Hitchcock of Omaha were senatorial candidates. He also admitted having beard of Dr. Hall's gubernatorial aspirations. and ventured to doubt the story. "I don't know whether Hall would take it or not," 'he observed. Regarding a report brought back from New York by A. W. Tldd, a former Ne. braskan, that David Bennett Hill ha4 said be would head the New York delegation for Bryan In the next national conven tlon, Mr, Allen aaid: "Of course I don't know what Hill may have said, but I do know he is a dead one a back number and furthermore that It would be better to have the opposition of Hill than to have his heartiest support. I don't believe he'll be In the next na tional democratic convention." WATCHES Frenser. 16th and Dodge its. HARRIMAN CAUGHT BY LAW l nlon PaclSe Man Among Aatolsts Charged with Exceeding- tho Speed Limit. In the meshes of the eager law held out to catch offending automobile owners and chauffeurs In Omaha Is to be found no lcs a distinguished personage than Mr. Har rlmun of the Union Paclflo. That the law is no respecter of persons and that its ardent. exponents In this cru sade against excessive automobile running In Omaha are blind to the character and distinction of its victims became apparent Thursday evening when a common police man a colored one at that stepped up to the urbane Mr. Harriman, who chanced to be riding through the streets ct Omaha In his automobile, and told him he would have to "come along" for running Ms ma chine faster than the law allowed. Mr. Harriman is a quiet, courteous gen tleman, but he never was arrested before and this shock came near destroying the equilibrium of his sweet temperament. He thought to resist the officer and then, as if pondering on the hateful consequences of such an act, he turned, smiled and said he would be in court at the proper time. The colored policeman let him go on his own' recognisance. Mr. Harriman desired that the matter be kept from the papers, but It got noised abroad by some sort of accident and natur. ally got Into public hands. 'This ts Mr. M. 8 . not Mr. B. H. Harri man, but h is a relative of thg great ran- BUSINESS OF THE NEW BANK General Banking- aad Trnst Opera tions I nner the State Laws is Plaaaed. Mr. T. E. Stevens of Blair, who Is con nected with the move to organize a new bank In Omaha, says the institution will not be a savings bank. It will be or ganized under the laws of Nebraska, to do general banking business and, as soon as needed legislation can be secured, it will be extended to include the general business of a trust company. The men who are interested In the move are quite confident that Omaha at present offers a very Inviting field for another banking In stitution, and they hope to open for busi ness very soon. The main thing to oe decided now Is the location of the banking house. A capital stock of 1300,000 is practically settled upon, and one of the probable sub scribers to the stork wilt be an eastern bank of great strength that has never ben represented in this section. TRIBUNE TO BE TRI-WEEKLY German Paper Passes from fietsrh to t'arl l aser aad Fred Del.amma t r r. The Nebraska Tribune, a German weekly, will change management June 1 and after that date will be published three times a week. Carl Unger, formerly of St. Louis, a newspaper man of long experience, will be editor and Fred Delmmater will be advertising manager. The Tribune Is the oldest German newspaper In Nebraska and has been in existence about twenty -five years. In its new form sporting and theatrical news will be printed In English. Soviets- Event. Sarah Berks took Electric Bitters for headache and ran now meet her social en gagements. 0 rents. For sals by Sher man at McConnell Drug Co. BEFORE THE PEOPLE'S BAR Peoria Oitissn Eioki Over the Dashboard and Blames Omaha Whisky. SAYS REAL BRAND WOULD NOT ACT SO Mother's Wandering; Boy Is Exiled to Council BlniTs and Stnaaed Almost Speechless by tho Blow. John Franklin Coulter of Peoria tried to spring a new one on Police Judge Craw ford . when arraigned before the people's bar Friday morning on the charge of drunkenness and refusing to pay for a meal. Coulter was arrested at the Yager restaurant on Farnam street, where the man from Peoria ate viands and drank liquids to the commercial value of 75 cents, and then refused to conform to a local custom which Impels people to pay a stipulated sum usually Indicated on a check to be presented to the cashier. As Caterer Yager and Patrolman Shields ap peared against Coulter the prisoner was fined 15 'and costs. When asked to give an accounting of his stewardship In Omaha Thursday Coulter set up the plea that when he drinks In toxicating liquors he becomes a different man and doea things he would not think of doing in his sober moments. . "Judge, when I am sober, I am one of the best men in the world- I know that the laws of supply and demand are such that a man who serves meals must receive money to keep his books balanced and support his family. It was not my Indi vidual self that refused to pay for the meal, but the Omaha whisky Inside of me, which rebelled when my better self wanted to pay Mr. Yager. If I had drank Peoria whisky the results would have been dif ferent; I would have put down a gold piece and told the cashier to keep the change," remarked Coulter. "But the court cannot take official cognizance of the varying effect of dif ferent whiskies. It is my duty to weigh the evidence presented to the court," re plied the Judae. 'Of course, it's up to you, your honor," rejoined the defendant. When Coulter waa told he tried to turn the Yager restaurant Inside out and then tried to suspend business at the city Jail be stood aghast and said he would hit the high places for Peoria as soon as be paid his fine and the roads dried up. George W. O'Brien, charged with va grancy, caused a ripple of laughter in po- lice court Friday morning. "You will have to leave town or get employment," said the police Judge to O'Brien. "I will leave town If you will discharge me. Judge," responded the prisoner. "Well. I'll let you go this time. Get to the next town as soon as you can." "Wbat is the next town?" queried O'Brien. "Council Bluffs. Go one block south, turn east and cross the bridge and keep agoing with might and main," was the answer given O'Brien. The thought of being exiled to Counoll Bluffs stunned O'Brien. He placed his arm across his forehead, reeled toward the wall and exclaimed in faint tones, 'Tills is too much; I did not deserve such a fate. But when my poor old mother kissed mewtood-bye at the gate, she said, 'My boy, always remember the advice of your mother and don't spend all your money in one place." So, Judge, I will go, I will go. Though the thought almost kills me (pronounced ma). I will go to Council Bluffs. Tell the folks their boy was not a coward. Did you say one block south and then turn to the east? Good bye, Judge, take care of yourself." Then with saddened face and a bandanna handkerchief around his neck O'Brien walked one block south and turned east to meet his fate In Council Bluffs. Five more complaints against automobile men were filed with the police Judge Friday morning. The names of the alleged trans gressors were: II. E. Fredrickson, C. T. Holnw-s. G. U Smith, Joseph Hstfield and D. C. Bradford. The autoists were charged with exceeding the speed limit on West Farnam street and on Fortieth street Thursday evening. Chief Donahue's flying squadron Is petroling the principal thor oughfares and boulevards every day. The campaign will be continued until the auto mobllists are brought to realise that there Is an ordinance against running automo biles at a speed to exceed twelve miles per hour. That a democratic administration hath no fury like a woman hugged when she does not want to be was the sentiment expressed by Dan Smith of Chalco, when tho man was arraigned In police court Fti day morning on the charge of drunkenness and Insulting a woman on the street. Smith's rase waa set over for Saturday morning. The story told of Mr. Smith was that be accosted a woman at Sixteenth street and Capitol avenue Thursday evening about twenty minutes before the curfew whistle blew. He placed his arms around the woman with whom he was not on speaking terms. Patrolman IJckert, who waa stand ing across the street, viewed the spectacle and caught Bmlth. The woman ran away after expressing her scorn by saying, "How dare you, sir!" and then striking Bmlth across his olfactory nerve with her parasol. After drinking a pint of whisky with a friend on Farnam street Thursday evening Michael Stachan began turning cart wheels and throwing empty flasks on the pave ment. Stachan was arrested for throwing glass on the street. The police Judge fined the Chlcagoan fl and costs. Stachan said the next time he feels strong he will go down and throw rocks In the river. SCHR0EDER IS THROUGH NOW WUl Slot Walt for Old Council's Formal ( Dissolution, but Leaves on Trip. Councilman Schroeder will not wait for the final meeting of the outgoing council scheduled for Saturday night, but will leave on the afternoon (rain of that day for a ten days' trip to Chicago, Milwaukee and other places of business and Interest along the great lakes. He wants to taki a rest and at the same time look ovsr the tobacco market. One of the heritages of his three years in the council la the pessession of thirty-three writs on in junction, restraining orders and mandam uses bearing upon official acts. Counclnan Huntington has been clean ing up his desk preparatory to vacating. "I need a dray to cart out the corre spondence received on every conceivable subject." said he. "If all the people who wrote to me for something had voted for me It's a cinch I wouldn't have to move.' Iness at Eighteenth and Douglas streets. It Is understood the agreement is to the effeot that the theater wil! either discon tinue business or pay a royalty to the Ak-Sar-Ben when the organisation holds Its annual fall carnival on the streets and lots around the site the vaudeville company elected to occupy. AK-SAR-BEN ANDSH0W AGREE Governor and Vaudeville Theater Company Reach Terms for I'se of Groaada. The Ak-Sar-Ben governors and the "prop rietors of the Crystal Park Vaudeville theater have come to terms and a license has been Issued to tho theater to do bus- WILSON BACKJTO NEBRASKA Return from California, Whero He Has Been for Last Five Year. , Victor E. Wilson, formerly of Stroms burg, then of Omaha and a bank examiner In Nebraska under the populist regime, has returned to Nebraska after five years' resi dence In California. He, with his brother. J. W. Wilson, and A. B. Hed bloom of Stromsburg, has been In Omaha for the last two days. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson with their son have returned to Nebraska to remain. They will make their borne at Stromsburg, where Mr. Wilson will resume his banking business. While In California Mr. Wilson was cash ier of a bank at Kern up to a few months ago, when he sold out his banking interests and real estate and went to Berkeley, the seat of the University of California, there to pursue a special course of study. He was at Berkeley April 18 when San Fran cisco's fate was sealed and waa In the stricken city ovur the bay a few hours after the first earthquake shock, which was quite severe In Berkeley and Oakland. He was later head of one relief committee In Berkeley and prolonged his stay on the coast because of that. He confirms what others have said of the Inadequacy of lan guage easily to describe the horrors In San Francisco. Years Sciatica Cured After Twenty of Torture, For more than twenty years Mr. J. B. Massey of 8322 Clinton St., Minneapolis, Minn., was tortured by sciatica. The pain and suffering which he endured during this time Is beyond comprehension. Nothing gave him any permanent relief until he used Chamberlain's Pain Balm. One ap plication of that linament relieved the pain and made sleep and rest possible, and less than on bottle ha 'effected a permanent cur. Mr. Massey relates his experience for the boneflt of others who may be similarly afflicted. If troubled with sciatica or rheu matism why not try a K-cent bottle of Pain Balm and see for yourself bow quickly it relieve the pain. DIAMONDS Frenzer. loth and Dadg st. rvi Don't put off that New Spring and Summer Salt for yourself or wlfo any longer. If you haven't the cash, and If you do have the cash, don't pay out the last dollar you have. Call at Rldgley's. He will trust you without any questions asked. Simply buy now nay us later. MEN'S Department Men's Suits, Men's Hats, Men's Khoen, Men's Itain Coats, Men's Top Coats, Men's Shirts, Hoys' Suits, Young Men's Suits. LADIES' Department Ladles' Suits, Ladies' Skirts, Ladles' Waists, ladies' Hats, Ladles' Fine Shoes, Ladies' I'nderskirta, Indies' Covert Coats, Little Girls' Clothing. Your Credit Is Al ways Good at RIdflley's THE STORE WHKRE THEY SHOW NO IHS UNCTION ANI WHEKE NO TEKMS AKE SET. VOU MAKE THE TEKMS VOlltSELF. RIDGLEY'S M 1417 DOUGLAS ST. Elmsr Bsddso - - Mimttr,