Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 18, 1906, Page 9, Image 9

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    THE . OMAUA DA11A'. BKBi. FRIDAY. MAY 18, lOOfl, ,
IJOo-acre rinth, center of itm of Ne
braska; want Rood general atoclt raer
rhandlse. Kanch prire. 131,000.
1.400 acres wheat find alfalfa land north
went Missouri; want rental or merchan
dise. Price of land. $21,000.
Nebraska City, Neb.
z Mm ii
ACTOMOBII.K in-horse power, 2-cyllnder.
practically iiw touring car. standard
make. In perfect order and fully equipped:
will sell for each or take part payment
In real estate. Address E 31. Ttee.
7r-4a 17
IF YOU do not find what you want In thli
column, put an ad In and you will anon
get It TizT-
H. A. 8TUHOE9, 'ealstered attorney; pat
ent, trade marks, copyrights; no fee un.
leas successful. 617 N. Y. Life, Omaha.
V. J. LARSON & CO.. patent lawyers;
patent book free. Bee Hid.. Omaha. Neb.
procured, Invention developed, drawings.
Satterna, castings, machine work. j4-6.J
. XOth Bt. -367
PATENTS procured, bought and sold. Na.
tlonal Investment Co., 63 Douglas Block.
STOLEN-Black horse. weight about 1Mi
lht. i blind, one white eye. tl'l reward
for return to J. W. Bait left, 171S Madison
Ave, South Omaha. M i4 -x
LOST A Scotch collie bitch, brown with
white mark; medium else; anwer to
name of Bowsy; reward If returned to
JlH Karbach block. Lost M50 2l
LOST ladles' gold watch, Saturday after
noon, between Frenzcr's store and 13th
and Hsrnev flts. Liberal reward. Call
N. V. Uo)ge & Co., 1714 Karnnm St.
I.O.-I-517 18
FOR SALE Horses, high class, high act
ing, well hied einkja drivers, matched
pairs, young, sound, large, also speed
I inspects and liorsea wkli record. These
nurse on sale at Genoa, Neb., lifter May
h). Come .' wilts. Roberta & K t ill ma n,
Uenoil. Neb F M103 1!U
MUST sail my open family Surrey, cheap,
ilniot new, roomy. Telephone Harney
II 2 ) .. " - P M : 8 '.MSt.
MJUOWRLI. system of dress cutting
taught; simplest and best method. I.'S
' Farnam. -MtWi May'Jl
DRKNT BROWN,- first class dressmakers.-
11080 Harney Ht. 'Chone Douglas
CALL and see the ono-prlced dressmaker.
:o Douglas blpcjt, r"20.Je
Call at No. 113 South 16th St., upstairs.
Resultful prediction absolutely given.
MRS. FAl'RT Is now permanently located
at ln Cuming Pt. Indies, 0c: gentle-
men,- II.- Satisfaction guaranteed.
: 8 MMfi 19
ANCHOR and Iron fencing. Wire fencing
-- 6o par ft. 306 N. 17th. aU. Tel. Red Si 1.
. i2, July
WIRE and Iron fanclng, hitching posts,
r wire trtllla. Omaha Wire oc Iron Works,
-2i: Karnain at rest. Tel. Red 6K0K.
'. . .. . M 9fi5 J9
WNTKD Te buy second hand furniturs,
stoves, .carpets, clothes and shoes. Pay
the best prices. Telephone uougias 3yii.
N!d-83 J6
, u
VTTEN "you" hv any old clothed to soil
can rea an; pesi prices. it i is
-vnti CAM BTOT
table for n w montniy.
Ill S. 15th St. Tel. Doug. 2919.
ni junei:
WJHTKl'ST EVERYBODY, easy payments,
' and lead the world In cheap prices on
- billiard and pool tables and bar fixtures
' 'catalogue free. The Brunswlcke-Balke
''; Collendtsr Co., 407 6 10th St.. Omaha. Neb.
CllTHUTK railway tickets everywhere.
P. U. Phllbtn, Uo Farnara. 'Phone Doug.
' 7.
JOHNSON, MM Fa mam. Doug.
L- HENDERSON, 1(19 Farnam. Tel. Doug,
HOB. ... cm
HE33 A 9WOBODA. 1416 Farnam -83
CALL JOHNSON for quick aervlces snd
lo wi prices, mi Harney. Tel. UQiig. Wu.
- M 47(1 J1&
JOHNSON institute. 418 N. Y. L.
Tel. Doug.
uuloaae Depot Quartermaster s Office
Id and Olive Bts , St. Louis, Mo., May
16. lSua. ' Sealed proposals. In triplicate,
subject to usual conditions, will be received
hens until 12 o clock noon. June I. 10)1. and
then opened, for furnishing and delivering
at the St. Louis depot of the Quartermas
ter's "Department, U. S. army, con
brooms and 1.600 scrubbing brushes. The
tight Is reserved to reject or accept any or
all proposals or any part thereof. Prefer
enc will be given to articles of domestic
manufacture, conditions or quality and
fiiice (including In price of foreign produo
Ions or manufactures the duty thereon) be
log equal. Standard samplea to be seen at
and blanks for proposals and full lnforma
tlon will be furnished upon application to
tnis omoe. envelopes containing propossis
to be endorsed "Proposals for Clothing and
bquipage, to pe opened at ii o cioca noon
Jun (, wn. Lt. Col. F. Von Schrader,
lcpot; Uuartermaater, U. . Army.
Office, Omaha, Nebraska, May 16. I
Sealed propmials. In trtplloata. subject to
the usual conditions, will be received here
. until I a'ckjck a. in., neutral standard
irnsa, June , ifua, at which time they wl
. be opened in public, for furnishing and In
stalling screens for door and window open
Inas In vwiieue public buildings at For
Omaha. Nebraaka. Opacifications and blan
forma pf proposals may bt obtained at this
omca. in ngni la reaervea to reject an
and ail - bids or parte of blda. Major M
ftrey ZaltnskL Quartermaster U. S. Army
. CuiistruiXing uuartermaster.
. ,s . Mis-u-n-u-jt
L X.l.-LJ-l
. Mm ' esase a ass m
a.m Misrsi luwiu Tns Tnasa.
Tto Ms katsM-Cna-w Innlf Ow.
n IV'J
Mi -S- f TH-" v
to ' .ii'itigUiiti
Office. 10 Pearl
MlftOR MKT1(H.
Clark's sodas.
ravls sells diugs.
Ktockert sells carpets.
Ed Rodgers' Tony Faust beer.
Plumbing and heating, Bixby k Son.
A good school Is Western Iowa college.
Woodrlng Vndertaklng Company. Tel J39
Lewis Cutler, funeral director. 'Fhnne 7.
I'lamonds as an Investment. Talk to
Leffcrt about It.
Beautiful lac door panels, 8Fc and up.
Stockert Carpet Co.
An Immense aasoitment of fine muslin
underwear at Hunter's.
Buy your tires and bicycle sundries front
Williamson, 17 South Main.
See the Immense line of Indies' fine sum
mer underwear at Himter'a.
Price and Ice-aavlng refrigerators at I.
V. Keller's, 103 South Main. .
Plain lea cream. 2e a brick. I. Muccl,
The li e Cream Man. Tel. 884.
Buy your cigar banda for decoration
work at Alexander's art store, 33.1 B way.
l or tmpor'ed wines, Ihjuors and cham
pagne. L. Kosenfeld company, 61 Main.
Wanted All K. T. M s to bring their
shoes for repair to Chris Loseth. at 23
Miiin street
lor' Zl. "Abate" Ht'y. "mS..!
Walker company.
Look at that be.iutlful lot on Olen avenue
hlrti Chas. T. officer has for aale. It Is i
is most litantlf ill lot left.
PalntlnK and wall paper hanging
a spe-
Council Bluffs Faint. Oil and Glass
New location, Merrlam block.
Moviiig vans and wagona; furniture
ored. Ncshllt's 'J'rar.ster imd Storage,
el. Office 331 West Broadway.
Look before you leap, but when you do
up, leap for one of Clark e sodas, all
flavors. They uie the best. Clark orug t o.
Shades icruly made and mode to order
II ail COinrS. AFK 1(1 Bfe in wiriu ,,,,.,
rs. Ilewetson s, Masonic mnpie, v. uuucn
i'w,i kinds nf snwdust We have a full
sr of coarse for the iceman and a nice
oi of fine for the merchant tor store floors.
. Hafer.
For Sale Will sacrifice on my fine piano
avments If desired
Can be seen at
c limoller it Mueller s,
bu. Brou),
ouncll Bluffs, Iowa.
Do not sell your old iron, copper, brass
nd old rubbers before you see us. We
ay l per ion for No. 1 niacmnary iron.
Kattleman, 804 b. Main. J ei. sow.
w nave me nnesi una oi mic
Lane Marble and (iranlte WorKS, ill
East Broadway, Council Bluffs, la.
Rliv vour hummocks early and get a full
r,;nVeachf Vy!".
Paddock & Handschy Hardware company.
k niairiiiae license was issued yesterday .
o Fred Schnelderwlnd; aged .'. of Omaha
na Maun tsiair, ageu u, in nrninrj. r0.
Thcv were married by Rev. Henry ueuong.
Mandolin cases, violin caaes, anything In
ha musical Instrument line at most reas- .
onable prices at Bourlcus' Piano House, , W"hlle the "standpatters" are demonstrat
333 Broadway where the organ stands upon , tn(ir KrtMt th, county.
ne Duuaing. . .
The First Ward Improvement club will
eet this evening In the city council cham-
ber. Any citizen of the First ward can be- stump the east e,nd of the county for Oov
come a member., and all are cordlajjy In- i ,rnor Cummns ,nn mMtlngs are being ar
vlted to attend. 1 . . "
Joppa council. Royal and Select Masters,
wlll meet tonight In special assembly for
work in the Royal and Select Masters oe
Hree. A banquet will be . served at the
close of the session.
The Hock Inland railroad will run a
special Sunday to Neola for the ball game
between the Feleraen ft cnoening wmii
of this cltv and the Neola team. Covalt s
band will accompany the team from here.
Clvde Clemmer, Loren Andrus and Jay
Cleaver, the high school's representatives
to the state high school neia meet at
Iowa City, left ror tne- university iown
veaterdav mnmlm. Thev were accom
panied by a number of rooters and Prof.
red Orass or the nign sciiooi racuuy.
Why does Borwlck s wail paper glva the
best satisfaction? Because he sells the
best naner In the -city for the money -and
does his work right. His tJuatomers never
complain tinat s saying a wnoie iow, uui
if vim will call him ud at 211 South Main
street, telephone 683, and let him do your
work you will be eatisnea. toe.
John Frankman, a stranger from can
v u,u vlven thlrtv nava 111 tne
county Jail In police court yesterday morn
ing for converting to his own use a brass
Journal which he took from the Northwest
ern yards with the Intention, as he ad
mitted, of getting "a ploce of money,"' ha
being totally devoid ol tunas. '
Hunter's prices are certainly ngni on
summer underwear.
Richard Rutherford has tendered his res
ignation as captain or me xsvuge ijigui
Guards, forming Company L of the Fifty-
fifth regiment, Iowa National uuara, ana
First Lieutenant Bam ween is tempo
rarily In command until an election la
ordered held by the adjutant general. It
Is expected that Green will be elected cap
The two little sons of EJ. H. White wre
the victims of serious accidents this week.
Wedneaday afternoon Stuart, aged years.
fell from a carriage, lacerating his - ear
badly. the wound requiring the . aervlces
of . a surgeon. Thursday morning Edgar,
the youngest boy, Jumped from nis oea.
fell and suffered a severs fracture of his
right forearm.
Reginald and George Blake, sons 'of Wil
liam Blake, a laborer employed by the
Park board In Falrniount park, will be
brought before Judge Wheeler In the Juven
ile division or tne aistrici court mis morn
ing on a complaint filed by' Rav Henry
DeLong, probation officer. It Is said that
Uluke neglects the boys, who are mother,
less, and that they do not attend school."
Bluff City Typographical union Is finding
some difficulty In electing a delegate to
the national convention to be held at
Colorado SDrlnas this summer. At the reg
ular election weoneaaay evening jonn
Hlnkle and J. R. Thomas tied, each receiv
ing sixteen votes. The same result occurred
last nig lit, and another attempt to choose
between the two will be made this evening.
It Is a well known fact that the A. Hoepe
eompany are -the oldest and largest deal
ers In pianos In the west, operating Ava
stores, contracting for pianos In large
quantities and by their conservative meth
ods do sell pianos at prices that astonish
competition. It occurred to them that this
Idea of asking IS1 to 6i per cent mora for
a piano than lt was worth, then making
concessions and allowances In an Irregular
way, was not a fair proposition, so they
make only one price and that price Is
based on the actual cost of construction.
You can't beat the other fellow, so be safe
and get your piano at A. Hope company's,
M South Main street.
The thing a woman ' moat' desires is
beauty. A spotless complexion and a beau
tiful figure. - If you possess these points
now you want to preserve them." if you
poaaess only a part of the above points,
you want to increase them. There is noth
ing on the market today that will preserve
and Increase your beauty any better than
Cream Ormonde. It contains no fatty sub
stance, does not close the pores; but feeds
and nourishes the skin. We say positively
thore Is nothing on the market that will
equal It aa a complexion and massage
cream, lt Is the result of years of hard
study by the' finest experts In the world
oa delioate and coarae skins. Ws olalm the
highest degree of perfection has been at
tained Id this twentieth century product.
Graves, sole agent, 106 Pearl, street. Coun
cil Bluffs
114 Comfort.
Rustic hickory snd Adirondack silver
birch porch furniture', Vudor porch shades,
Vudor hammocks, Vudor hammock r ha Irs.
If you want solid comfort on a hot summer
evening get lato one of aur Vudor ham
mocks or one of our Vudor hammock
chairs and u will get h. Keller-Farns-worth
Furniture Co.
Chaa. T. Oflloer haa soma big bargsina In
residence property and vacant lota which
be la offering tor aaie bow.
St. Tel. 48.
Plan Chanced at Request of Gitiieni of
'"' Xwt End o' County.
Senator Rerr Rilled for Several
Speeches In the t'onnty In Behalf
of the Candidacy of tiov-
George 11. I'erklns of Sioux City, the
"standpatter" candidate for governor of
Iowa, will make one speech In Pottawatta
mie county. In response to the requests
or the people In the east end of the county
George 8. Wright, chairman of the county
republican central committee, yesterday se
cured a promise from Mr. Perklne that he
mould speak at Walnut on Monday, May 2).
Lieutenant riavrnnr llerrtnlt la il.rt
'" " I.
pceted that the meeting will be a big and
enthusiastic one
veeling that Pottawattamie county was
ssfe and would send an anti-Cummins del
'gallon to the state convention. Mr. Wright
Wednesday, In answer to a communication
from Craig Wright of Sioux : City. Mr.
Perkins' campaign manager, wrote that It
was not necessary for Mr. Perkins lo visit
this county and that he would use his time
to more advantage elsewhere. When this
b.an1(. known in the east end of the cciuntv
yesterday morning telephone and telegraph
messages came pouring Into Chairman
Wright to have Mr. Perkins make at leat
one speech In the east end of the county
Chairman Wright at once got busy and In
the afternoon received a telegram from
Mr. Perkins saying he would be pleased to
speak, as requested, at Walnut next Mon
Extensive . preparations are being made
In the east end of the county for the
Perkins-Herrlou meeting at Walnut Mon-
.,- it.,.i... ..,,.. ,
") ra "i ommna on nmnij.
The demonstrations In these towns are be-
lnfir nlanned under, th aiiRnicefl nf t h re.
TWn.- RooaeveU. RepubUcan club
iuunLi.uur wunn win . m-
vide music for the three gatherings. At
Avoca the Grand Army of the Republic
. . -n.,lr,,,. ,(,i ,,, (.
" , . A, .V V
l" a'""1 i-uienni governor nerno.i
ana acnora nun a ntttng greeting.
J" "- ..j
by. State Senator Berry of Indlanola will
i '"'" "1""' mmoen ana parson.
v miiijii Mil. Drily will lie me principal
speaker. The dates have not yet been an
nounced for these meetings, but It Is likely
they will be Jield the first . days of . nxt
week. Indications are for a warm fight In
Pottawattamie county from now on until
the county convention to be held In this
city' Tuesday, -May 29.
President Wallace of the Roosevelt-Cum
nilns Republican league of Pottawattamie
county received a. telegram . from Des
Moines last night announcing that Senator
Berry would apeak at the following places
In this county next week: Tuesday at Mill
eh. - Wednesday at Mar-edrtrfla, Thursday
at Carson, Friday afternoon In aom 4oWn
ship adjacent to Council Bluffs and Friday
evening at Oakland.
Carpets taken up and cleaned by our anl-
tary' process and relald or one day' no
tice: Now" Is the time to leave your or
der. Council Bluffs Carpet Cleaning and
Rug Manufacturing company, 30. N. Main
St,.. Tel. 616. ...
One' of the greatest Inventions of the
twentieth entury Is the celebrated "Star
Ball Rearing" axle on Van Brunt vehicles.
You have only to grease your buggy once
a year; that Is worth something;, Isn't lt?
Besides, reduces draft one-half. Call
around and examine K.
Do you want your home decorated this
spring? If so see the new line of Imported
goods at Hewet son's New Wall Paper
Store, Masonic temple, Broadway, Council
New and attractive goods coming In all
the time at Hewetson's New Picture and
Art Store. Framing a specialty. Masonlo
temple, Broadway, Council Bluffs.
Has your husband a nice, comfortable
den where he can go and take a smoke and
rest? I have some odd rolls of the Blrge
papers which I am closing out very cheap.
See them; they are the thing for cosy nooks
and dens. Hewetson's, Masonic temple,
Council Bluffs.
Real Estate Transfers.
These transfers were reported to The Be
May 17 by the Title, Guaranty and Trust
company of Council Bluffs:
August C. Petersen and wife to Louis
Larsen, lot 8 In McGee'a subdiv ln
Council Bluffs, la., w. d 860
Edward O'Keefe and wife to Ferdi
nand A. Saar. lot 1. block 15. How
ard add to Council Bluffs, la., w. d .
Mary L Marshall and husband to
A. K. Hess, eVs of lot X. block IX In
Hall s add to Council Bluffs, la.
w. d
J. D,.Edmundson and wife to Ernest
E. Hart. Inc.. to Edward Biakely,
lot 4 in Lincoln Place add to Coun-
. ell Bluffs, la., w. d
Receivers of Officer ft Pusey to George
W. Llpe. lot I, block 18, In HalFa
add to Council Bluffs. Ia., w. d
John T. Hasn and wife to A. T. Rlck-
erby, lot 12. block 39, In Ferry s add
to Council Bluffs. Ia., w. d
Anna E. Cook to E. E. Powell, swW
se iwk. 36-74-M. a. c. d
James Madden and wife to Lejvls Mr-
Daniels, wilt of lot 2. block G. in
Curtis ft Ramsay's add to Council
Bluffs, la., q. c. d
J. W. Squire and wife to J. H. ln
goldsby, lot I block O, in Curtis ft
Ramsey's add to Council Bluffs, Ia..
q. c. d
Nina transfsrs; total
Special aala on pairs and half pairs of
beautiful laee curtains, tOc to $1. Stockurt
Carpet Co.
Rest Easy.
When your hard day's work la done get
a hammock and hang it In the cool shade
and take life easy for an hour pr so. If
you he v.nt got one ga to Swalne ft
Maue.-, they have the best hammocks for
lie and up to MM.
Investigate our, t heap land proposition In
eastern Colorado, ti per acre for raising all
klufla of crops; food soil; best of water;
delightful climate. Excursions first and
third Tuesdays of esoh month. Send for
printed matter. T. C. Lougee. It4 Mala
street. Council Bluffs, Ia.
Complaint Cigarette gales.
Chief of Police Richmond received an
anor.ymaua communication yesterday mera
ing calling his attention to the alleged il
legal aale of cigarette In CoujmU Bluffs.
Tin communication contained extracts from
ihe law on the-subject, together wlUt the
copy of .two rulings of the supreme court
on the matter Ths writer contended that
tba payment of the annual license of 3u0
did not give the dealer the right to dispose
of cigarettes at retail, as la done In this
Chlr-f Richmond stated that he would In
vestigate the law on the subject.
Plant May Re Broken 0.
A meeting of the rpeclal committee of
the city council appointed to take charge
of the negotiations fur municipal owner
ship of the water works will be held thU
evening In the office of the chairman.
Councilman Wallace. The other members
of the committee are Cnuncllmen Olson,
Knudsen and Hendrlx. It Is said the meet
ing Is for the purpose of discussing the ad
visability of suspending sll negotiations for
the purchase of the present plant and tak
ing step to construct an entirely new
water works system, with, possibly an
electrical plant as an adjunct.
The visit of E. T. Sykea. a contracting
and construction engineer of Minneapolis,
Is said to be responsible for this change
of front on the part of certain members
of the special committee. Councilman
Knudsen yesterday, expressed himself In
favor nf building an entire new plant In
trie light pUnt
ttee would mo,t !
conjunction with an elect
He staled that the com ml
likely engage the services of Mr. Sykes
to make an Investigation of the present
plant with a view to. estimating its value
and also prepare an estimate nf the coat
of a new water works system for the city
and another estimate for the construction
of a Joint water works and electric lighting
Ah no appropriation was made for the
employment of a consulting engineer. It
la said that It Is doubtful if the committee
under the circumstances can engage the
services of Mr. Sykes, and some of the
councllmen are opposed to using any more
of the city's funds far such a purpose. In
view of the fact, that under the contract
with Harl A Tlnley, special counsel en
gaged by the city, the municipality has
already made Itself responsible for the
psyment to them under certain conditions
of 7.t00.
Chairman Wallace of the committee
stated last evening' that he wss not at all
In favor of constructing a new water
works plant. "It Is absurd to think of
such a proposition," he said.
Herrlck refrigerators are selling now. If
you want the best you want a Herrlck. No
argument, come and see. Price Jlo to JS5.
Style In stock all solid oak. Paddock ft
Handschy Hardware company.
Maloney's cigars bring thought In the
early morning; solace in time of woes;
pesce In the hush of the twilight; balm and
sweetness f memory before your eyelids
close. Maloney's new location. 30 Pearl.
house; housekeepers ' are always on the
looaoiii inr some ageni 10 lessen mi aroU'
ous duty, "Old Dutch Cleanser Chases
Dirt." For. a-free demonstration nee Mc
Afee's show window.
If you prefer quality to quantity snd
absolute satisfaction to yourself, get
Schmidt's photo.- Alwsys guaranteed to
please. ' 'Phone SWr 0 Broadway.
A good school l- Western Iowa college.
Matters In District Conrt.
E. E. Harteri the' Sac City man who was
Indicted on two counts ,on the charge of
passing worthies' check ln this city Igat
summer, entered aT plea of guilty yesterday
afternoon before J-tedere Wheeler In the dis
trict court and was sentenced to two years
In the penitentiary at Fort Madison. It Is
not likely, howeve ' that Harter, who Is a
member of a nmnilnent firnllv In Ban
city, will have to nerve out hi sentence.
Both Judge Wrheeler and County Attorney
Heas. stated that they would be willing to
sgn a petition tq Governor Cummins for a
parole. It waa contended by Harter that
he Issued the checks while on a apree In
this city and this Is believed to have been
the case. His wife has brought suit for
$5,000 damage eac4i against two saloons of
this city, alleglng. that they were mainly
responsible for her husband's downfall.
Charles L. Stewart, the old government
scout, who ha been ln the county jail
for several months awaiting trial on the
charge of forging the name . of the Qulnn
Lumber company of this city to a check,
also entered a plea of guilty yesterday and
was given one year In the county Jail.
In the" divorce" suit of Josephine Jackson
against Andrew J, Jackson commenced last
July, the plAihflff yesterday secured from
Judge Wheeler an order enjoining her hus
band from beating, trying to eject her from
the house, making alanderous statements
against her or doing anything to Interfere
with' her peaceable possession cf the prem
ises. Having no Other place to go, Mrs.
Jackson ' has . been compelled to occupy
apartments in' the same house where her
husband stills maintains a residence.
A good school ts Western Iowa college.
The cleanest and best restaurant In the
city, servioe prompt, Tha Vienna, tit West
CENTBAL FLOUR-tl.le. Every sack
warranted. Central Grocery and Meat
Don't forget that I have fine spring and
summer suits from t30 to $2t. E. 6. Hicks.
nnn Jtnys.
Go to Hunter's for your summer under
wear. If you don't read this you will lose' your
digestion. Resd it snd then call your
grocer and order a sack 'of Big A flour,
the kind that pleases.
Anything and everything In summer un
derwear for men, women and children at
Folding and reclining go-carts.
Keller, 103 South Main. .
D. W,
Vina Farm.
'TWo hundred-acre farm five miles from
Missouri Valley. Good Improvements and
orcliard. Cheap at 72 per acre. Wallace
Benjamin, room 1, First National bank
building. Office telephone JU3.
Porch and lawn furniture,
lui South Main.
D. W. Keller,
The Title Guaranty and Truat company,
abstracters of titles. Books date back to
11 Boks are all up to date. Work ac
curately and promptly done at lowest
prices. Office opposite court house, S5 Pearl
afreet, Cquiu.II Bluffs, Is.
A good school ia Western Iuwa college.
lingers ' geeks Pardon.
vt . c. Rogers, who was convicted and
sentenced to twenty years In the peniieu-
Ilary for killing Saloonkeeper Bert Forney
Id this city In April, lime. Is seeking a Par -
don from Governor Cummins.
County Attorney Hess declared yesterday
mat he would resist Rogers being pardoned,
aa he believed thst he waa convicted justly
and should pay tha penalty for his crime.
He also stated he would resist Rogers be
big paroled.
Judge Thornell. who la holding court at
ClarlmU and before whom Rogers was
trled, stated over the telephone In response
to an inquiry that he had reoaived several
letters , from Rogers stating that he in
tended applying for a pardon and asking
him to send certain papers to Des Molms
At the same, time Judge Thmnell said no
request had been made of him for a rec
ommendation to Governor Cummins.
Rogeta' case was taken oh appeal lo the
supreme court, but the verdict of the lower
court aa confirmed.
Says Commission Will l olhl
I ntll Counell Arts.
Dwight N. Lewis of pes Moines, secre
tary of the low a State Railroad commis
sion, was In the city yesfnlay and Coun
cilman Wallace took advantage of the op
portunity to show Mr. lewls the condi
tions existing at the Great Western rail
road crossing on Woodbury avenue, where
for more than a year past the residents In
that vicinity have been trying to Induce
the city council to pass an ordinance re
quiring the railroad company to construct
a viaduct.
Mr. Lewis admitted that the ciosslng
looked a most dangerous one to him. but
waa not prepared to say what action the
commissioners might tske In the matter.
He. however. Impressed upon Councilman
Wallace that the commissioners would not
t-k- ny action In the matter until such
time as the city council paseeu i inui
nance requiring the railroad to construe!
a viaduct. If this was done by the city
council the matter would be In such shape
that the commission could Rive It atten
tion. Since the new council organised Council
man Wallace has been unable to secure
any action on the pending ordinance, as
each time he haa brought it up It has been
relegated to the background by the other
members. . Mr. Wallace staled yesterday
he would bring the matter up again at
the meeting of the council next Monday,
when he would Insist that action be taken
one way or the other.
Mr. Wallace also showed Mr. Iwls the
Wabash bridge over Mosquito creek, where
I five large piles, remnants from the old pil
ing sunk to support the "false work." still
I remain and act as a dam In case of high
I water, catching as they do the debris which
Is carried down stream. The railroad has
been repeatedly requested to remove the
piling, but as yet has taken no steps to
do so.
Go to Hicks' for your money's worth In
tailoring. No bluff, either.
Are you thinking of painting or paper
lug? If you are, let us figure with you.
tVe can do the work cheaper and better
than anybody else, and It will cost you
nothing to figure with us. Council Rliiffs ,
Paint, Oil and Glass Co., Merrlam block.
New location.
Parties having houses for rent or sale,
list them with Clifton-Walker Co. for quick
t -.tir, toe.rif sales have arestlv reduced
! ait and we have customer waiting .for
Neapolitan Ice cream, 30c a brick.
Muccl, the Ice cream man. Tel. S4.
CENTRAL. FIXM'R-11.15. Every sack '
Central Grooery and Meat ;
Twenty Per Cent nlsenant.
Sale on Jardlnlers this week at W.
Absolutely pure unfermented grape Juice,
16e and 60c a bottle. Wash boilers, l.U to
2.75, the best grade of boiler ln the market.
Gasoline stoves, :,25; garden tools, screen
wire, IHo per square foot. J.' Olson, Tel.
119, "39 West Broadway.
N. Y, Plumbing Co. Te). 260. Night, L698.
Monslgner Powler at Moax City.
SIOCX CITY, May 17.-(8peclal.)-RIght
Rev. Mgr. E.. W. Fowler, of Rome; for
merly pastor of a Catholic church In 8loux
City, who wss here this morning, denies
that the Catholic church in the Philippine;
has received unjust treatment at the hands
t President Roosevelt. Mgr. Fowler lg on
bis way from the Philippines to Washing
ton, where he will confer with Secretary
Taft In regard to the condition in the
Islands. He has Just completed a tour of
the world, which Included Rome, Manila,
Australia and Mexico. He has been secre
tary to Most Rev. John J. Harty, arch
bishop of Manila. Mgr. Fowler also bears
the distinguished consideration of Pope
Plus to President Roosevelt, who, accord
ing to the Manila divine, Is held In great
admiration by the Roman prelate. Mgr.
Fowler contended that .General Wood was
right In his slaughter of the savage Moros.
saying that the women and children In the
Islands carry knives as sharp and deadly
as the men and are careful to use them.
Ellsworth College Gradnatea,
IOWA FALLS. Ia., May 17.-(8peclal.)-The
following are the members of the grad
uating class at Ellsworth college this
spring, the commencement exercises oc
curring the evening of May 24: James E.
Huffman of Owasa, Nellie May Wall of
Burdette, Grace H Campbell it Williams,
Edna E. Wall of Burdette, Charles J. Mc
Laughlin, Mary I. Campbell, John W. Mc
Laughlin of Williams, Walters B. Hill
house of Bartlesvllle, I. T. ; Wendell P.
Thorpe, Harold C. Bingham, Delbert L.
Rankin, Thomas J. Wlldman, Celford L.
Sharpe, Eva M. Wilbur, Hilda M. Ashby
and Pearl G. Daniels of Iowa Falls.
Mora Factories In Prospect.
ATLANTIC, la.. May 17.-(8peclal.)-The
possibility and probability of making paper
in Atlantlo Is now being discussed. J. W.
Cuykendall, manager' of the Atlantic Can
ning company, has just returned from Vin
ton, where he went to Investigate the mak
ing of paper from the husks of the canning
factory and has a sample of paper made
from corn husks that looks good. It Is
more than likely, that the husks from the
canning company here will be used to
make paper In a few more years. He Is also
Investigating the process of making alcohol
and may add that Industry If the present
bill before congress becomes a law.
Educator to Wed.
CEDAR FALIJJ. Ia.. May ltj.-The for.
nul announcement of th engagement of
Miss Harriet E. Gunn, director of the kin
dergarten deiiartment of the Iowa State
Normal school, was made last evening by
her mother at a company of friends. Miss
Gunn resigned toduy from the normal and
at the close of the summer school her mar
riage with Mr. Juseph Robersou of Spo
kane, Wash., will be solemnized In this
Retail Merchants Organise.
M1SSOCH1 VALLEY. Ia., May 17-(Spe
clal -The Harrison County Retail Mer
chants' association was organised at the
'" council rooms yesterday, with the
following officers elected: President, W. H.
I Fensler of Missouri Valley; vice president.
' " D. Sterns of I-onn; secretary, L. W.
I Ktbles of Woodbine; treasurer, A. Selbels
of Woodbine. The organisation la planned
to protect Its members sgalnst bad ac
counts from "deaubeats."
Anetleneers Will Meet.
SIOCX CITY. la . May 1" i Special )
The state convention of auctioneers will be
held in Slous City June f and 7. It ia i-
peeled that over too of the red flag nien
W be here for th meeting.
vLaWja u r II IV KAIIml
Linn County Maa Capture Dalesatiou to
State Convention.
Doctors Dismiss I haraes tea Inst I nn
duel of Hospital at fMnle nllegr
at A mea tude nts Slanil
H the Doctors.
iKroiu h Siiiit Coi i. soon. lent I
DES MOINES. May 17 -"Special Tele-
gram.i-At the It.-nlun county republican
convention today Major R iihlnn n of Linn
county wa Indorsed for governor and a
strong stniMlpnt il. -I. B:H !on selected to t he
,ate convention.
Minister l.lir Himself I i.
Rev. John II. Swlit of Winiersct. who
was Indicted by the federal grand Jury here
a few days ago for attempting to bin, k-
mall a Wlnterset banket. W. J. Cornell,
voluntarily returned today from South
Carolina and gave himself up to the au-
thoiltles. He gave bond for tMni and will
prepare for trial.
lireat Western Wreck.
No. ti on the Great Western, a fust pas
senger train, was wrecked this morning at
J. Hit near Hetwlck, fifteen miles north of
Des Motncs. K cry co;ich and the englnn
left the track and l raveled for a quarter
of a mild on the ties without turning over t
and no one was Injured beyond being j
shaken up. The track was torn up so as
to delay truffle till noon. - -
Doctors Hear liarea. '
At a meeting of the State Medical society '
today tlii' charges hruIusi Dr. Harrlman.
In charge of the college hospital at the i
Agricultural college at Ames, were called
up. A committee npnilnled jesterdiiy to
lnve.tlaie tporicd today all Irregularities
removed. The matter was quickly disposed
of. as It was shown that a large per cent
of Ihe students at the college had signed
a petition asking that Dr. llarrlman lie
retained. The annual banquet of the so
ciety .took place at the Havcry tonight.
The greater part of the day was spent In
listening to technical papers from various
members of the society,
Verdict for Railroad.
ln federal court today Judge Smith Mc
pherson, directed -Gte Jury to return a ver
dict for the Northwestern railroad In the
liO.OoO damage suit brought by Mrs. Martha
J. Nutt for the death of In r husband, who
was killed In the railroad yards at Ames.
- Y. M. C. A. at Mom Ity.
Plans for the state convention of the
Young Men's a.snc.afloh at Sioux
City have been nearly completed by the
Go Somewhere
Round Trip Summer Rates from Omaha
San Francisco and Los Angeles, June 25 to. July 7, $62.00
One way via Portland 4.50
San Francisco, Los Angeles, Portland and Seattle,
daily after June 1st X0.00
One way via Shasta Route. ............. .f. , 73.50.
Portland and Seattle, June 18 to 22 60.00
One way via California
Spokane, Wash., after June
Butte and Helena, after June
Yellowstone Park Tour, after
Salt Lake City and Ogden,
Glenwood Springs, Colo, after June 1. 29.50
Denver, Colorado Springs and Pueblo, after June 1. 17.50
Denver, Colorado Springs and Pueblo, July 10
to 16 15.00
Cody, Wyo., after June 1 30.10
Sheridan, Wyo., after June 1 26.40
Deadwood and Lead, S. D., after June 1 J.8.75
Hot Springs, S. D., after June 1 16.40
Chicago, 111., after June 1 ,. 20.00
St. Louis, Mo., after June 1 ,. . 18.50
Milwaukee and Madison, Wis., after June 1 20.00
Mackinac Island, Mich., after June 1 26.25
Charlevoix, Mich., after June 1........... 24.40
Petoskey, Mich., after June 1 24.40
Detroit, Mich., after June 1.. 33.50
Buffalo and Niagara Falls, after June 1. , ........ 41.00
Montreal, Quebec, after June 1. ....... , .....53.00
Boston. Mass., May SI to June .1, inclusive 32.76
Springfield, 111., June 1, 2, 3 and 4. '13.25
New Haven, Conn., June 1, 2, 3 and 4. .-. .33.35
Louisville, Ky., June 11, 12 and 13 .19.75
Better call or write and let me plan your summer
i l ii-r ia ax m v i i uii.i'f pm-
J J AND ) H fP
1( Return
II Every Day from Juno ) I
p5)(y) 1 to September 15.
' Final Return Limit Oct. 31. 1906 Liberal Stop Over I
1 I Privileges. I
Vl th
) j Great Northern Railway j
"Tha eomfertshle Way"
Inquire further of F. I. Whitney, T. M., St, I'atul, Mlun. I
I or Nearest ii. N. lly. AKt. 1
. Ask t lie sgent for sailing dates of the "Minnesota" and I
jaoia.' Bgattlelo ChUia. """""""mii...
... I. ., , ' i , .,- , .
Beautify Your Lawn Vith
nlitiinn MM 11111 JH:
in-- imin sin i li-n iiliii i
CHAMPICM IR22J Will WIS. Wm. ZrttlVLZ. fill S. IStS.
t-n.ied to tiux.r,..., ,,f N hta.ka.
to deliver an address and Invitntlons will
mI mi be i xtemlril lii Governor K II. Elrnd,
i of south ikct.i ami Goternor a. ti.
iCummln. of Iowa. F..V five day previous
to the opening of ilie convention evangells-
seivlcis will be held In the new Grmcl
j tn.ater of sums city
ttep irlment ti. K. H, Order.
li i.u tnient Cu'i-mander B H Harper of
1 1 1- Iowa ilcp.ii timiii. Grand Ainiv of the
1 Republic,' Issued today a. general order ap
! pointing Assistant Aillutant General George
A. Newman and Comrade J K WlMman.
i C. W. Reynold mid Thorn Graham
the c.i il. 'Minis committee for the.encnmp-
! ment at Bonne. June 6. Hand 7 The order
,.,, ,,., ,, , meeting of the
,),.,,,,., wi t,e at the oja-ra house at
j n , Vediie,a morning. June . The
i ,.,,,. ,,, l(ll4l n post (o observe
' .,.,., .,,, u , ,m ,. i,,,,,,! (m
', twenty-ninth anniversary of the adoption
,,f (h fig. Although the encampment I
i ,.BB ,mn nne munth away there has this
1 (HI. )p,. very. Utile discussion as to Ihe
' iton of. comnuinder. which Is always
, r,m,ered and held as nn honor and the'
'disposition of which .by election, ha usually
( attracted a great deal of attention. It is
llna, ,,.,. ,im ('.,iim,.i Clarke of Cedar
Rnpids as a candidate and there la some dis
position to give it to him without opposition
as a high compliment and furthermore with
the ex!ei tatliiu that he will next year be
a candidate for the' position of national
commander. Colonel Clarke s candidacy sa
department commander was announced
unt .par rter the holding of the en-
ciimpment at Otlumwa.
The Mrnnarest Thins;
that could happen would be a case of con
Ftlpatlon that Dr. King s New Life Pills
wouldn't cure. Guaranteed. 26 rents. For
sale by Sherman ft McConnell Drug Co.
haraes Against l.avttrr,
A I, III A. la . May 17. (Special .) Disbar
ment proceeding hnve been commenced
In the district court here by members of
the Monroe county liar against George
Woodson, the negro lawyer. .He la well
known and talented and is a partner of S.
Joe Hrown of De Moines.
Mallplons Mischief
often done by Indigestion, Is prevented snd
cured by Klectric Hitters. 60 cents. Guar
anteed. For sale by Shernisn ft McConnell
Drug Co
Iron Workers ame Officers.
CINCINNATI, May fT.-Tlie national con
vention of .the Steel and Iron Workers'
union todav elected the following officers:
President, P J. MrAnlle; secretary-treasurer,
John Williams; assistant secretary
treasurer, M. K. Tlglw; manager of the
, - , -Vinahan.Ii:. Jenkins" and
, j0,n . Hagnn.
1 ........ .
May 28. . .
after June 1
vacation for you. I can give you all th
later t information and free descriptive lit
erature. J. . REYNOLDO, C. P. A.,
1S02 Farnam St. Cmaha. Ksb.
Our Steel Picket Wire Fence
Our CbaroptoB Steel Picket Heavy Wtr
feuoe, ju rants par Uoesl rook
tlltcb PtiU, Window tlusrda, Trag
Uuard aod Trslllgta.
Fifty Styles of Wrought Iroa Faaa
Our Post Will Not Rus
Established 1888. '
vj 1
i 3 i
. I