TIIE OMAHA DAILY BEEs FRIDAY, MAY 18, 1906. f yff ! WAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET 1 rade L.ts But tnd DeTelopo Con tidenble Actm.. WHEAT ADVANCES ALMOST TWO CENTS Oa Part at Coaatry aeeenlagly T Wt, Anotber Part Too Dry .Red Host Appear Cora and Oata Hlgber. OMAHA. May 17. I". There wss free buying of wheat at the opening and price r up VoSc In spit fit Indifferent cables and bearish foreign news. There w a further sdvsnce in the first hour of about lc. NumTOui reports of dry weather rame from the southwest, while the north wai wan complaining of the weather being too wet. Red rust was reported from Texaa and Oklahoma. The market active, short being the beet buyers, and the southwest bought at the advance. At tha advance there waa profit taking by longs and the market reacted tbout lc. On later firmness the market Nosed with July 14 above yesterday. ')ats were active and up a cent, July fin ishing at the high price of SIHc Corn advanced a cent on covering by shorts. Influenced hy light receipts and the strength In wheat. Receipts were very light and under the eetlmatea. Estimated -ecelpts for tomorrow were moderate, and longs were Inclined to take profits at tho close, causing a decline from the top. The close on July was o above yesterday. Prlrrary wheat receipts were 2.ono bush els and shipments 318,000 bushels, against receipts last year of 152,OiO bushels and snlpmenis of 810,000 bushels. Corn receipts ere 319,ono bushels and ahlnmente. ?7Tll bushels, against receipts last year of ouneis ana snipments or 810,000 bushels. Clesrsncet were 241.000 bushels wheat, 8,113 barrels flour. 323,000 buahela corn and 20.000 bushels oata. Liverpool closed HVid higher on wheat and Hd higher on corn. Broomhall estimates Argentina wheat shipments this week at 2.800.000 bushels. against 8.104,000 bushels last week and 1,780.- ) ousneis last year. Corn vhipmenta are estimated at 2.800,000 bushels, sgalnst 2.234. 1V last week and 2.078,000 bushels last year. From the Record-Herald, quoting a Chi cago trader: "Millers are getting control of July wheat at Minneapolis aa rapidly as possible. I would not be short July wheat under any circumstances. The mill ers want absolute control of the old wheat, and they appear to be getting It. Local range of optlona: Artlclca.l Open. Hlgh.j Low. Close. Tea r I 77R 74B I 781 I I heat Mav... July... Cr.rn ( May... July... 77B, 7 I 7HR 77HB 7BTB 74SB 4B tSA 4B 434B UAi 43B 1 S14b I 2S1B! 4AVB! 4AUB A asked. B bid. Omaha (ash tales. WHEAT No. 2 hard. 1 car, 79 Vic. CORN No grade, 1 car, 42c. Onmha Cash Prices. WHEAT No. 2 hard, 77VifliOc; No. 1 hard, 73'9'77c: No. 4 hard, 71 740: No. 2 si ring, 78c; No. 3 spring. 71f, 75c. CORN-No. 3. 45Vc; No. 4, 43J44Hc; No. S yellow, 45Hc; No. 8 white, 4oVe. OATS-No. 3 mixed, 31Vc; No. 3 white, S.'ff2.4jC. RYE-No. 2, 57c; No. 3. 6c. Carlot Receipts. Wheat. Corn. Oats. Chicago Kansaa City Minneapolis Omaha Duluth St. Lou la 2 .VI 22 71 1 44 84 29 23 85 fHICACO (inAH Kn PROVISION Kea tares of the Trading and Clnalaa Prices am Board of Trad. CHICAGO. May 17. Dry, hot weather in the southwest caused a sharp advance In T lie price of wheat on tho local market, the July option closing with a net gain of IW'i ic. Corn waa up c. Oats were up Vtflc. l'rovla!ona were 141&124C higher. Tho wheat market waa atrong from the onoiilng to the close and trading waa ac me all day. The market opened firm be cause of the failure of the predicted show ers to materialise; trt th territory ef tits fall sown wheat, the weather bureau re porting an entire absence of moisture, with higher temperatures prevailing. The fea Une of minor Importance at the opening was the firmness at Minneapolis, where stocks of wheat are rapidly decrena !ng Aa trading progressed the market waa further strengthened by a large number of reports from the southwest telling of lamage by drouth and of Injury hy mat n Oklahoma and Texas. Influenced Uir hese advices the demand for wheat wns xtremely urgent during the entire dav, horts, commission houses and local bulla tlelng with each other in an effort to se cure the grain. At times thre were liberal profit-takings but all offers were eugerly absorbed. The market dosed strong with prices at the highest point. . July opened 'iS4c to 44Hc higher, at 814c. to 81c, idvanced to 83c and closed at the top. Clearances of-wheat and flour were equal to 284.000 bu. Primary receipts were 192.000 bu.. compared with 152.000 bu. for the cor responding day one year ago. Mlnneapolla Duluth and Chicago reported recelpta of 117 i-ars agalnat UK cars last week and 101 cars n year ago. The corn market waa strong for the greater part of the day and the volume of trading waa quite large. Early In the ses sion there .was active covering hy short and fair buying by commis sion houses. Iyite in the day there . waa considerable profit-taking, but prices held him. The market waa in fluenced by a report of a Cincinnati trade journal, which claimed that dry weather is Interfering with the proper development of the new crop. Continued small receipts also had bullish effect. The market loaed strong. July opened 4c higher at 474c sold up to 4&4c and closed at 477ic. Local recelpta were 66 cars with 19 cars of contract grade. Shorts and caah houses were active buyers of oats and the market waa strong all day. The demand came from apprehension of the effect of the continued dry weather upon the crop. Damage reporta were more numerous today and represented a wider area than heretofore. July opened Se to SH4C higher at 824c te 324c, advanced to S3 4c and closed at S34c Local recelpta were 80 cars. The feature of trading In provisions was an active demand for July ribs, a local packer being credited with heavy purchases of that product. There was a fairly general demand for lard and the tone of the market waa firm. At the close July pork was up 124c at $15.75. Lard waa up 74 10c at $ f4 85. Rib were 10c higher at $9.05. Estimated recelpta for tomorrow: Corn, 187 cars; oats, 127 cars; hogs. 19.000 head Tha leading futures ranged as follows: Article. I Open. I Hlgh.j Low. Close Tea y Wheat May... July... Sept. . . Corn May... July... Sept... Oats May... July... , Sept... Pork May... July... Sept... Lard May... July... Sept... Riua May... July... Sept... 84 S44 84 84 834 814,1 83 814,4, 7n4"W174'vl- 814-TN S3 SI 49V 49 4M! 474 474! 49 474 74 W74W4I 4?4,4844 W1I Si'.' ,1 844i $34! 4-74 47tl4 S44 34W 34 S3 S3Sir4! S34, 44SlSii9-4' 8. -SI S34I32VT4 i4 Jl Vo 4 304 'OS 16 W 16 70 15 70 I 15 70 16 66 16 24 15 774 16 b24 15 75 16 ft4 U 50 16 "4i 15 so ! IS S24j 15 40 S 74 S 874 S 85 8 8 ' 8 1 S 24 75 S So S UA S 80 au S 9r S 96 I w ! i 84 S 1 S 86 o ; lu tr?w 8 H74 S 96 S 6 S 9741 I 10 S 74l 10 S 974. No. t Cash quotations were aa follows: FLOUR Market, . firm; winter patsi 'a, $! 80; straights. $3.gft0; spring l -enl. S3 6&&., straights. S3.40yS M); bakers. S2 31140. WHEAT No. 2 spring, $3fiS6e; No. t 7tf 84c; No. 3 red. SO9l4e. t'ORN-No. 2, one; No. 2 yellow. He. OATS No. 2. 34c; No. I white, 4ja6c; No. S white. S34ti5c. RYE-No. 2. lc. BARLEY Good feeding. 406414c; fa'r to choice malting. ojflc. SEEDS No. 1 flax. Sl.: No. t nor h western, $1,144: clover, contract grail, $11 . PROVISIONS Mess pork, per bbl , $15 71 trio 71. Ird. per HO lbs., $8 T4. Short ribs sides (loose). $a 9uitf9.O0. Short clear sides 1 boxed 1. S9 SHaS.0. Following were the receipts and ship ments if flour and grain: Receipts. PhlpinentK Flour, bbls Wheat, bu Cora, bu Oats, bu... bu :.o M60 18.10 .... UtkO .... 8I.1.0 ....I44.(d .... I.IWI 131 .0ii :j i 1 0.0 barley, bu... 30i 1 uu iht Produce egchange lcda the but- uais May... July... I ter market waa easy; creameries. HH51V: dairies. fiari7c Eggs, easv; at mark, rases Included, Uai6ty; firsts. 14V; prime flrts, lSVkc; extra. 18Vc. Cheese, steady; StyliUc. KRW YORK OE1F.fl AL MARKET Qaotatlon of the Par Varlona Commodities. NEW YORK, May 17 -FI-OUR-Reeetpts, 21.992 bbls ; exports. 1.321 bbls. The market we firm, but qulrl, Minnesota patents, $4.oJ4 66; Minnesota bakers. 83 45-93 s; win ter patents. 14 0irj4.3n; winter straights, U 640"; winter extras. $2"it3.4o; whiter low grades, S2wvg3 35. Kve flour, firm; fair to good. $.1 40&3 no; choice to fancy, ti.!&4 IB. COR NM KA 1 Plead v ; fine white and yel low. 11.30; coarse. Si.tf81.00; kiln dried, 12.10 ta.so. RYE Easy; No. 2 western, 68c, nominal, f. o. b.. New York. BARLEY Dull; feeding. 47c, c. I f.. New York; malting. 52fl57c, c. 1. f.. New York. W HEAT Receipts. 74.000 hit. ; exports. 123.730 bu. Spot market firm; No. 2 red, 2o for nominal elevator and Mc fur nom inal afloat; N. . 2 northern Duluth, 93'c nominal f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 northern Man itoba. 90V4c f. o. b. afloat. Bull crop news explained a cent advance In wheat today. Trade waa active and broader, Including a good outside business. !.ark of rain was tha chief complaint. After midday prices reacted on predictions for showers through the winter whest states and realizing, but sventunlly turned strong agnln on new buy ing and closed liSUfcc net higher: May, i4 ilo, closed at 91c; J ill v. 87 15-lfi"-"9c. closed at 89c; September. 8MTlfilc, closed at H4c. CORN Receipts, 80.625 bu.; exports, 10.48 bu. Spot market firm; No. 2, 57c asked, elevator, and 57c nominal f. o. h. afloat; No. 2 yellow, 59VV nominal; No. 2 white, 5 He nominal. Option market was active and firmer at first on adverse crnp news, higher cables and the wheat strength. Re acting later with wheat, the market closed unsettled at 4fir net advance; May, hits. 674c, closed at S7V,c; July, Mij354c. closed, st 54V; September. MGtoV. closed at 54Vc; December. nSfiMUc closed at MSc. OATS Receipts. 1:15.400 bu. Spot market firm; mixed, 26 to 32 Ihs., 3SVifi' 19c ; natural white, 30 to 33 lbs , 394fi40c; clipped white, 38 to 40 lbs.. 406H2c. HAY Stendv; shipping. Sf.55'Sfi.W; good to choice. S?ro&io.00. HOPS Steady; state, common to choice. 1905. HtfJl5c; IK. 9tfI0c: olds, nominal. 19", l5c; 1W4, Itmuc; olds. 4a&c. HIDES Steady; OaK-eston. 20 to 25 pounds, 20c, California, 21 to 25 pounda, 21c; Texas drv. 24 to 30 pounds, lc. LEATHER-Steady: acid. 24f27V. I'ROVIPIONS-Beef. stesdv; mess. J7.00 fi95o: beef hams. 20.50'o 22.00; packet. $1000(611 00; city, extra India mess, 117 50 18.00. Cut meats, stendv; pickled bellies, 19 7511.00; pickled shoulders. 8Vji8.50; pickled hania. $11. 2hfi 12.00. IjurA. steady; western prime. $S 76 nominal; refined, firm; continent, $9.30; South Amerlra. $9.75; com- found. $7.ooCu'7.374. Pork, steady; family, 18.00; short clear, SIS 2fi18 00; mess, $16.50 17.25. TALLOW Steady; city, Sc; country, packages fre Bc. RICE Steady ; domestic fair to extra, 3Vi c; Japan, nominal. BUTTER Steady; held, creamery, com mon to extra. 14(S18c. CHEESE Steady; old. atate full cream, large and small, colored and white, fancy, 13$ 134c; atate, good to prime, U4c; atate, common to fair, llfal3c; new state, full creama. large and small, colored and white, best. 4c; fair to good, 84ij9c; Inferior, 7ac. EGGS Firm; atate, Pennsylvania and nearby fancy, selected white, 21c: state, choice, l(K8f20c; state, mixed extra, 194'it 20c; western firsts, 18c; southerns, 1344 14. POULTRY Alive, steady: western broil ers. 2fic; fowls, 144": turkeys, 12c. Dressed, steady; western broilers, 23t28c; turkeys, H'ifl&c; fowls. ll'&134c. t. I.onls General Market. ST. LOCI8, May 17. WHEAT-Hlgher. excited by drouth damage reports; No. 2 1. 1 , . . . n n -1 . . . - . &iA,-noM . rru, 1 d n 11 , -i-vhi, mFiitrii , unin, ffry.wiv:, July, 8t4ij2c; September, 804c; No. 2 hard, 83'(lWi4C. CORN Higher on drouth: No. t cash nominal; track, 50t?504c; July, 474c; Sep tember. 4.SC. OATS Htglier: crop damaged by drouth; No. 2 cash, 344c; track, 364c: July. 33Vtf 834c; September. Z'ic; No. 2 white, J7c. FLOl'R Steady; red winter patents. $4.20 ig 4.50; extra fancy and straight, $3.7"&'t.lO; clear. $2 50fi'2.SO. BEEPS-Tlmothy, steady; $2.50fi'2.90. CORNMEAI-Steady; $2.60. BRAN Steady; sacked, east track, 90 92c. HAY Firm; timothy, $14.K&17.00; prairie, $ll.5fKf13.50. IRON COTTON TIES-$l.O0. BAGGING V. HEMP TWINE 74. PROVISIONS - Pork. higher: lobbing. $16 75. Lard, higher; prime ateanied. $8.40. Dry salt meats, steady; boxed ektfa shorts, $8.74: clear ribs. $9,124: short clear, $9.25. Bacon, steady; boxed extra shorts, $9,624; clear ribs. $9,874; short clears, $1000. POULTRY - Steady; chickens, 104; springs. 2uU25c; turkeys, 10c; ducks, 9c; geese, 6c. BUTTER Firm; creamery, Wailc; dairy, 14gl7c. EGGS Steady, 134c case count. Receipts. Shipments. Flour, hbla : d.ooo S.000 Wheat, bu 34.000 .oi.io Corn, bu 86,fti0 90.mK) Oats, bu 6o,000 101,0(4) Minneapolis drain Market. MINNEAPOLIS . May 17. FLOL'R First patents, $4.30'&'4.40; second patentj, $4.1634.25; first clears, $3.5043.60; second clears. $2 462.66. BRAN In bulk, $15.25 15. iS. (Superior Board of Trade quotation for Minneapolis and Chicago delivery.) Tha range of prlcea, aa furnished by F. D. Day Co., 110-111 Board of Trad building, was: Articles I Open. I Hlgh. Low. Close. Yes y Wheat I 81 J. 824! 81 4! 81 VI 814. May... July... Sept... July... Sept... fflSft 83 814 83 1814114 !7iWlj804itr- - 79 804417r4,ji79 1 16! 1 164 1 16 1 li 1 1 1 174 1 18 1 174! 1 174 1 1 18 1 18 I 1 17 -1 1741 1 174 ' Mlnneapolla Cash Oiose Wheat: No. 1 hard, 86c; No 1 northern, 844c to arrive, 844c; No. I northern, 834. to arrive 834c: No. S, 81ti2e; No. 1 Durum, 75c; No. 2 Durum, 724c Corn: No. 3 yellow, 464c; No. 3. 444c. Oats: No. 3 white, 334c; No. J, 8l4324c Barley: 39 47c: Rye: 54'S)674c. Flax: $1,144. - Kansas City Grain and Provisions. KANSAS CITY. May 17. WHEAT May, 784c; July, 764c; September, JSV-; cash, No. 2 herd, 79 4 6 84c; No. S, 77 & 81c; No. 4, 704479c; No. 2 red, tiUr; No. S. 8904c; No. 4, 724J87C CORN May, 464c; July. 45c; Septem ber. 464c; cash. No. 2 mixed. 484c; No. S, 484c; No. 2 white, 4S4$484c; No. S, 484484c. OATS No. 2 white, SS436c; No. 2 mixed, S3 in S3 4c. HAY Weak and dragging; choice timo thy, SIS. 6ta 14.00; choice prairie. $11.6.valiiO. RYE Steady at 5M58c. EGGS Higher: Mlsanurt and Kansas, new No. 2 whltewood caaes Included, 14c; case count, 13c; rases returned, 4c less. BUTTER Creamery. 18c; packing. 12e Receipts. Snip ts. Wheat, bu 30.imo Corn, bu 6.eO0 Oats, bu 17.000 . 81.1100 1.(100 6.0X1 Philadelphia Produce Market. PHILADELPHIA. May 17. BUTTER Firm; extra western creamery. 21fl214c extra nearby prints, 23c. EGGS Steady and In fair demand; nearby fresh. 174c at mark; western fresh, 174o at mark. CHEESE Firm; New York full creams, 9 10c. Liverpool Grain and Provisions. LIVERPOOL. May 17.-WHEAT-Spot, nominal; futures, steady; May, 6a 84d; July, 74d; September, 8s 7Sd. CORN Steaov. apot. firm; American mixed, new. 4s 4d; American mixed, old. 4s 9d; futures, steady; July. 4s 64d; Sep tember, 4s 44d. nnlatk Grain Mnrket. DULUTH, Minn.. May 17. WHEAT T arrt.v and on track. No. 1 northern. 844c; No. S northern. .'4c ; May. 834c; July, 84c; September. 814c. OA I B To arrive, on track and May, SV. Mllwankee Grain Market. MILWAUKEE. Wis.. May 17-WHEAT-lligher; No. I northern. 86if4c; No. 2 nor' hern. ii4c. July, S.V bid. RVE Steady st 2c. BARLEY Quiet ; No. 2. 65r; samrle, S14c. Peoria Grain Marnet. PEORTA. Msy 17 . Cf.RN-Steady; No 3 yellow. fcV; No. S. sue, No. 4. 49c; no grade, OATe-Hrona; No. 3 white, 384c; No. 3 white. J'V. Toledo red Mnrket. TOLEDO. O.. 54 17. KKI S Clover, cash. ' Ouoh" in'. "inno.Uy, prime, $1 RYE-NO !. tWc agar Prices lawer. VFW TO1 K. May 17 -All aisdt- of i I refined s '.f a r' reduced i -tr.lt v j hundred pcr...s loday. NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Professional Limitations of tha Market Acain Clearly Define ThemselTes, ANTHRACITE COALERS ARE HIGHER Rest of the (ieaeral I.lst Has Teat earr to a and Close la Weak with a0me Valaes Lowest of Day. NEW YORK, May 17. The professional limitations ot the current stuck market clearly defined themselves again by the action of touav'a market. Varying fluctua tions over a narrowing range and ione- 1 quent dlscouragi-mem r panic. pauo.i 1 outside of the most persistent protess.onal operations were the characteristics of t he j "ai-'.i K j , 1 1 " ' 1 .' 'i - - 11 1 1 n r. 1 1 n . 1 1 k n 1 1 1 ' n ui i.vj 11" j aioeranie animation and tarried an impres slon of a continuance of brisk advancing ; tendency of the latter part of yesterday. The adroitness or the display ot strengtu pointed to skillful and veteran market management. But It was not so skillful as to prevent the fact emerging with 1 glaring distinction In the short time that i stocks which were conspicuous for strength yesterday were being diligently fed Into the market for the purpose of realising profits, while the new points of strength were sustaining prices by sym psthy and encouraging the purchase by new speculative elements of the stocks which were lifted to higher prices In yes terdsy's dealings. The stock Included most of those which were supposed to be the favorite medium for operations by the so-called Standard Oil party. Their advance yesterday was due to the Influ ence of the Anaconda annual report and the expected statement by Standard Oil officials In reply -to the arraignment of the company hy the commlasloner of corporations. The professional element adopted the inference that this powerful group of capitalists was embarked on a campaign for a rise in prices. When It became evident today that the same stocks were being sold to take prottis, profes sional sentiment was thrown into a quan dary again as to the attitude -of the Standard Oil party. Lacking light on this Important question the professional ele ment waa not much Impressed with other news developments of the day. The strength was pretty strictly con fined to the group of anthracite coalers on the assumption that great benefits were to accrue from the labor settlement for a term of three years to come. Very spec tacular advances were scored In the hlgn priced members of this group. The Penn sylvania group was subject from the out set to positive depression, which waa rather clearly traceable to the disclosure elicited hy the inquiry Into the soft coal carriers and by a report that President Cassatt contemplated retirement. Penn sylvania has been heavy In tone since the $.1,000,000 loan was an Influence In the market, supplemented as It was by rumors of additional borrowing to come. The violent decline in National Lead on the resumption of dividends proved rather formidable to those who have bought other stocks on an extensive rise In anticipation of new dividend declarations or of In creased dividends. More serious attention was paid to the resumption of the currency outgo to Xn Francisco.' Today's transfers to that point through the subtreasury rose to $2,227, 000. and yesterday's explanation of a "special transaction" lost Its force of re assurance today. The movement Is said to he likely to reach considerable pro portions again in preparation for the early resumption of banking In San Fran cisco, and also, It Is believed on account of the remittances by some of the In surance companies with the expiration of the thlrtv-dav period after the losses. The subtreasury accounting shows a heavy loss hv the banks on the week's operations, but as this is on account of the return or government aeposns in lowed against gold engagements and Is made good bv the receipt of the banks of the incoming gold from abroad, the reel position of the banks Is not sffected. Local monev rates were noi nuniiru u. renewal of the movement to San Fran cisco. Foreign exchange rates were in clined to advance, thus offering no sug gestion or a resumption or me goia im port movement. Crop damage reports af a th m-httt market and mav have contributed to the unsettlement of stocks: The sagging movement was as Irregular as yesterday's hardening movement, but there waa a general yielding at the last and the closing tone was weak. Bonds were Irregular. , rotai saies par valua, $2.5O.0flO. -Unite states nonos were unchanged on can. Quotations on slocks and bonds were as follows: seieii- Hign. uow. c mw. Adams RxpreM Amalgamated Copper Amsrirsn tv a- F American C. Ar F. pfd ... Amerlran Cotton Oil Am. Cotton Oil pfd American F.xprsaa American H. a I., pfd ... American lea, aecurltlta. . American Llnaead Oil Am. Llnaeed Oil pfd.: American Lioeomotlvs .... Am. LrfH-omutlve pfd American a. a R Am. 8. a R. pfd American Sugar Refining. Am. Tobacco pfd. ctfa Anaconda Mining Co Atchison '. Atchleon pfd Atlantis Coaat Una Baltimore Ohio Hal. 4 Ohio pfd Brooklyn Rapid Transit Canadlao PaclAc Central Leather Central Leather pfd Central of N. J Chesapeake A Ohio Chicago a Alton Chicago Alton pfd Chicago Great Weatern... Chicago a- Northweatern. . Chicago, Mil. r 81. Paul Chicago T. a T Chicago T. a T. pfd C. C, C. aV St. L. ...... . Colorado Fuel Iron ... Colorado Southern Cole. Bo. 1st pfd., Colo. Ao. Id pfd Consolidated Oaa Corn Producta. rfg Corn Producta pld Delaware A H udaoo. ..'.,. Delaware. L. W Denver Rio Orande ... D. R O pfd Dlatlllera' Securities Krle 250 2M1 J4S ttlH !! 41 414 414 108 10i 1014 124 I24 124 So 2(1 S4 14 14 4V, Ml 4:114 tov 204 UV 41 41 40i, 70V 70 4.100 M0 41 100 100 14. son 400 114 1H' 114 . 11.400 157S 1544 If 1.10 110 120 111 11.100 13S 1MV U4 loo 111:11 kiji 1031 . U.6O0 27H 8714 VIM , 12.400 0 (84 soo 1014 ioi lot , l.tOO 14ta 144 144V . t,X 1074 IfflV 107'w II . 41.100 M' W4 "4 70S II04 ltov 140V , 1.200 42' 42 4 424 00 in!, 104 V 104 . 1.10 1I H4 II . 1.100 AlVi 114 MV Si too 7 744 7f . t.loo 20 iiv 14 . I.10O 2061 204V tOA . 14.100 170 14 11 11 II 100 ..111.000 ,. I.ono jno 4t tl 14 70 tl tos MV 70 174 "4 47 V too 41 41 t.ion ii i7t uv 400 13V Z.1V il' 100 71V 400 114 l.i'io tw too 41 v 71V 71 toot 211 tOO t27v 41 V 4SV 7 4. tot 4t.00 1 80 44 v 44S 71V, 70 4.1 4IS :' 44 7VS Erie let pfd Krle M pld General Electric ......... Ureat Northern pfd Hocking Valley Illlnola Central IntornatloMl Paper International Paper pfd... International Pump International Pump rd.. Iowa Central Iowa Central pfd Kanaaa City Southern Kanaaa City 80. pfd Loularllle at Nahtlle... Manhattan L Met. St. Ry., offered Mexican Contral Mlnneapolla a St. Lrfiule.. M . St P. 8. 8 M M . St. P. S. 8. M. pfd. Muaouri Pacific 71V IV 1.200 100 tilt 1IH4 ltt 4.100 lot tm to2 121 00 171 1,204 20 171V, 171 IIS U1, N 1,700 800 too 14 II !7a tl tov 171 Iiv 17 V 17 V H tat. I, MO 14S 144V 1444 Ill Ill too IIV 200 72 too Itl too IIS II til 72 70 1S78 114 174V 171 I4S 84 V a .14 lat ta 7tv 74 t.loo KV MH-ouri. Kanaaa aV Teiae.. 11 MM JS M . K. a T. pfd National Lead .... Sallonal R. R of M. pfd New York Central New York. O. At W Norfolk Ac Weetero Norfolk eV W. pfd North American Northern PaclAc Pacmc Mall Pennaylvaula People' a Oaa P., c. c. Bt Louie... Preaeed flee. I Car Presaed Xirel Car pld... Pullman Palace Car Reading Reading lit pfd 1.4011 MVa 21. 400 814 1.200 141 1.000 tl 4,200 804 Iiv 141 60' 80 141 ol 884 til M 207 400 17 87 . I 100 ,20v .7 . 1.800 401 31 984 . !t,too i:u,s 113V uiv tl ! 12 82V to . 1.400 il n ,04 100 17V, 7V 87v 224 .itl. 400 1321, l0V 1J14, 104) t;v 8IV 81 Wt . 1 000 tt !V 2V . 1.400 102V 1014 1011 . t .400 Itv, 2 2tV I Reading Id pfd Republic Steel Republic Steel pfd Rock Inland Co Hock laland Co pfd Sioaa-Shrfneld 8teel St. L a aV F. id pfd. 8t. Louie Southwestern. . . .. Bt. Louie 8. W. pld Southern Paclflc 80. F'actflc pfd Southern Railway Do. Railway pld Tenueeeee Coal a lroa Texaa a Pacific Toledo. St. L. W T . Si 1. ic V. dm tuu ,4' 44 V 14 1.700 ti4 78 71 4t4 t:i it l-S 1K4 17 1 lot t4 48 V 10 l.aoo tot 4.1O0 It 44 l' tt It 4 11 HV too loo inn Hit 141V, 147 V, 144 l.tao it 81 tl v in 114 tiv II V, 10 tOI, tOV, tOV lOlon 181V 1414, 1414 100 St 8t 86 lot tl V toil tov to 4', lot 10', lWV, It-. 14 411 414 41 41 I few LtV, 10tt mt 8in 421, 41 1, I0 11DV, 110V 10, too jtt, tat, tnv, tot 47 44 4 161 ! i t'nion Pa Ific lolon Pacific pfd tolled AtetfS Kxpreaa lotted Rtalee Reall) t'ttlted States Rubber i. B Rubber pfd I nited rltatea Bteel I 8 Steel pfd Va. -Carolina chemical Va -Caroline,, t hem. pfd ... Wabatk eueek ptd Wei. a fareo Expreea Wcatlngnouae t:ie!rie Wotern I mon , Wheeling I -eke Erie W:aconaln Central w.p(-enia Central pfd II ttv el tot ItS lev Total aalea for the day. 1.0,7.140 shares. Bank f Franer Statement. PARIS. Msy 17. The weekly statement of the Bank of Fiance shows the follow. ln chanf-s: Notes in circulation de i ncatv-J, JJ,io,ut trams; i re as my d poalts Increased. 24.02S.OOO francs; gen eral deposits decreased, 64.825.000 francs; geld in hsnd decressed. 4.550,000 francs: silver In hand Increased, I.IO0.00O francs; bills discounted derreased. 43. 726.0'!') francs; advance decreased, 1$, 025.000 francs. Kew York Moaey Market. NEW YORK. May 17-MONEY-On call, essy. 3ti34 per cent; ruling rste. 34 per cent; closing bid, 8 per cent; offered at $4 per cent; time !sn. ; '? sd ninety days. 44 per cnt: six months, 4- per cent. PRIME MERCANTILE PAPER 6164 tier rent. 8TKRLINO EXCHANGE - Firmer st $4 8f 304 8535 for demand and at $4 87151 4.8220 for slxtv-dsy bills; posted rates, $4.83 and $4 54: commercial bills. $4 81 4. SILVER IJar, S64c; Mexican dollars, SrV. BONDS Government, steady; railroad. Irregular. Quotations on New York bonds today were as follows: V rsr t. res. e en 1 . r' v g ""J", " ( j. .,, ' . InHa Japan 4a. 2d aer'.ee 1MH 1 do 4a ftfe .1"V do 4 rtfe do !d eeriet I, e N. unt 4e... .14 1 Mas. e. g 4a 1W' Met Central 4... .WV do 1st Inc . T' eMlnn s, , 4, .UVM , K. T. 4a... do 2a ... J ... KM ...tot ...miuj ... 7 ... r a . ; ...102 ... Muj 4a. ' . . . S ...Hit . . .ma i ... rm ...inn ... Ii ... v. n 4s. rs da rnsoon Am ToUoeo 4. do a Atchlaon gen. a. do ad). 4a Atlantic c. I,. 4s... Ral. A Ohio 4a do la Rrk R. T. c. 4e... Central of Oa. 4a.. do lal Inc do Id Inc . MVN. R- of M. . MHiN. V. C. . ma .ton N. J. C. g. as.. . H4VNO. Pacific 4e.. . 874! do 3a Ill N. W. c. 4s.. T O 8. L. rfdg. 4 . Uni Penn conr.'va . la' Reading sen. 4e do 3d Inc. lfnH Chea AV Ohio 44a....lfWi8t. U a 1. M. c. He . 11.1V, Chicago AV A. IWa ... 7v?t. U AV S F. fg 4a. I!.t C, B a Q s. 4a ... ,8t. I, . w c. . ... an I '. ft. I. P. 4s.... "a i Seaboard A. L. 4a.. do col Aa anijs,, pacific 4a IH'C. A St. h. g 4. IMil do let 4 ctfa Colo. Ind. ta. aer. A. 7 So. Rallwsr fta 4 H7i 1X4 "N 1M4 7-. n 7 an ft do aarlea B.. . 77' Texaa AV P. la . 7 T-. St. l A W. 4, . t4 t'nion Pacific 4a lost V S Steel Id Sa. .. .100 Wabaah la . do deb. R .101 Western Md 4a . 1 A W e L. K. 4a ... . 10; Wis. Central 4a . Ml Colorado Mid 4a.. Colo. AV So. 4a Cuba 6a I) A R. O 4a Planner' Sec. Aa Erie p. I. 4a do gen. 4a Hocking Vol. 44a. Japan la Bid. Hoston Stocks and floods. BO8TON. May 17 Tall loans. 51J84 per cent; time loans. 44:554 per cent, ufflclul cionmg on siocks and bends: atcniaon aaj. 4a... do 4a Mex. Central 4a Atchlaon do pfd Boston AV Albanr... Roaton A Maine Ronton Elevated ... Fltchburg pfd Mexican Central ... N V., N H H t'nion Pacific Atner. Arge. Chem. do pfd Amer. Pneu. Tuba.. Amer. Sugar do pfd Amer. T. A T Amer. Woolen dc pfd Dominion I AV 8... Kdlaon Elec Mllu... Maae. Rlectrle 14 Ulnttei . 31 .1114 . 81 V 124 1144 .700 . ;4V n . 17 . 17 . 124 . 10 4 . II . IJV, IS 424 .lOSS H' .101 14 ' 4 . 14V . Al . 12V, . US . 7V .1.111 i:v .100' .. 7V , . ' .1024 .2M .171 .114 ..ill .. t34 ..117 . .14 .. V .. 16 .. IIV .llv ,m ..lmv .. 174 ,.104 .. l"4 .144 .. II Amalsamatfd . American Kinc Atlantic ...... Rlngham 'al. A Herla.. Centennial .. Cooper Range . Daly Weat .. franklin Gran by tale Rorale ... Maaa. Mining . Michigan Mohawk Mont. C. A c. Old Dominion . Oaceola Parrot Oulncy ....... Shannon Tamarack Trinity United Copper f. 8. Mining.. do pfd Maas. Oaa foiled Truit Unlled Shoe Marh. do pfd V. 8. Steel do pfd Woatlng. common , Ad venlura . Asked. "Bid. 41V 112V V. 8 OH " ctah . 20 . 41 .104 . 77 4 Victoria Winona Wolrerlne North Butts ... London Closing; Stocks, LONDON. May 17. Closrnsr quotations on the Stock exchange were: vonaoia. money .. II 1 11 N. T. Central .141 . .l . 84 . H . . 47V, . 4o . 47 . ' .101 . I8V4 .I.SoV, . 81 . 41 .lot . Il . 4I oo account n ll-l Norfo k A W Anaconda 14V do pfd Ontario A W Pennsylvania .... Rand Mloea Reading do lat pfd do Id pfd Southern Railway do pfd Southern Pacific . Union Pacific do pfd C. 8. Steel do pfd Wabaah do pfd AT'-meon ' ... B2Va do pfd im Baltimore A Ohio. ... till Canadian Pacific ....J.-,! Chea. A Ohio sot, Chicago Ot. W 2ou C.. M. 8t. T 1741 lieneora Oenvar A R. (I.... do pfd Erie do lat pfd do Id pfd.....;. Illlnola Central .. Loularllle A Naah .,. 44a ... 80 , ... 4tV n ... 72 ...171 ...14 si., k. a- T.. Spanish 4a Av,'f?5.B,r '- ""Tier. S0d per "ounce. V.1 The rate of diacount in the open market for short bills ta 3 per cent; for three months bills, St per cent. Hew York Mining: tocks. NEW YORK, Ma 17-Closlng quotations on mining stocks were: , - Adama Cos : Little Chief .., Allot 3.M t lOotarlo Breect 0 H phi r Brunawlck Con ..... et IPhnenls Comaterk Tunnel it tPotoet .. .. Con. Cal. A Va tt Savage Horn Sliver too Sierra Kevarta Iron Silver .6fV Ismail Ho pea . Leedvllls coa tt standard , Ofteied. ... t ...210 . . .400 ... 8 ... 1 ... 7t ..: 21 ...it ...804 Bank of Kngtland atatesaeni. LONDON. May J7-The weekly state ment of the Bank of England shows the following changes: Total reserve. In creased, 507.000; circulation, decreased. 141.008; bullion, increased. 358.560: other securities, decreased, 1.853.000; public de posits, decreased, 2. KSl.uoO; public de posits, increased, 1.2fi8.O0il; notes reserve, Increased. 470.000; government securities unchanged. The proportion of the bank a reserve to liability thla week la 41.46 per cent at compared with S9.J5 per cent last week. Bank of Gerngany Statement. PERLIN, May 17 The weekly atate ment of the Imperial Bank of Germany shows the following changes: Caah in hand Increased, $9,320,000 marks; treasury notes increased. 4,720,000 marks; other ecurltle.s decreased, 28.600,000 marks; notes In circulation decreased, 46,24O,Ou0 marks. . . . Treasnry Statement. WASHINGTON, May 17.-Today s state ment of the treasury balances In the gen eral fund, exclusive of the $160,000,000 re serve, shows: Available cash balance, $157,!3M17; gold coin and bullion, $71,702, 746; gold certificates, $37,188,810. Bank Clearings. OMAHA, May 17. Bank clearings for to day were Sl.64fi.96ii.Sl, and for the corre sponding date last year $1,272,137.88. - Wool . Market. B08TON, May 17.-WOOL High price, a small supply and a slight tendency toward activity are the featurea of the wool mar ket. Much of the interest Is still centered in the west, though It Is mainlv in the form of speculation aa to what the growers will finally do In the ma iter of prlcv. The inreiii prices are considered pronillltlve. Pulled wools are aulet. In territories. clothing wools are all that are now avail able and sales are of small volume Pulled wools are quiet. In territory, clothing wools are all that are now available and sales are of small volume, leading ouotatlons follow: Ohio and Pennsylvania, XX and above, 34 t36e; X, 3i33e; No. I. 3t&a9c; No. 2, iS'f iik" rln nha-BBha etvAOMVn. unwashed, 8&!s32Vc; three-eighths-blood. 33c; j un.niirl uriailic. invW , line WMBIlfU Uf lalne. ,ir.r. Michigan, fine unwashed, 24'j25c; quarter-blood unwashed, 31"32c; three-eighths-blood, 32.t.c; half-blood. 31 &32c; unwashed delaine. J76L9c. Kentucky, Indiana, etc.. thrt-e-elRhths and one-quarter-blood, 33-a 34c Territory: Idaho, fine. 22'u i3c; havy fine, lieu-; fine medium. 22jj 23c; medium. 2tlfi27c; low medium, 261?27c. Wyoming, fine, 2T&-;2c; heavy fine. 1882rtc; fine medium, 22c; medium. 2&27c; low medium, 2rt8;7c. Utah and Nevada, fine, 22(it:jlc; heavy fine. WrrJOc; medium. ati'6 27c; low medium 26t27c; fine medium. 22(fl23c; medium, 2t(T27c; loa- medium. li'Ul'c. Mon tana, fine cholc, ?4j;5c; fine medium fhclie. 24a-'6c: average, Wn21c; staple. 27'n2cc; me dium choice, 27i&2hc; average. 2Mi27c. ST. LOUIS, May 17.-WOOLSieady : me dium grades, combing and clothing. ri29c; light fine, 22ft25c; heavy fine. 18tj20c; tub washed. SltiSStc. INDON. Msy 17-WOOIThe offerings at the wool suction sales today amounted to 13,437 bale. Mela I Merkri. NEW YORK. May 17. METALS -There was a sensational decline in the London tin market today, owing, no doubt, to an effort to realise speculative profits. Spot lost 12 10a snd futures il !oa. with spot closing at 1!5 and f'lturcr rt 11 p; lo cally the market was unsettled and lower In sympathy with the break abroad, with spot quoted at $44 00454 00. Copper also waa lower In London at 85 15s id for sit and K4 17s d for futures; locslly the maikct mas unchanged: lake is quoted at Jit Toil 18.fi). electrolytic st $18 67vy& 18.76 and cast ing at S18 2fal8 37V Lead was lower in London, closing at 17 8s fid; locally quota tions ranged from $5 7Vrj.4 .00. according to shipment. Spelter was unchanged at 27 !s kd in tndon: locally the market was also unchanged, drains: at $5 10. Iron was 2i3d lower in the English market, with Standard foundry eh alng at 60 hd and Cleveland warrants at & 'i: locally the market waa unchanged: No. 1 foundry northern la quoted at r8,75tj(l fo. No. 3 foundry northern and No I foundry south ern at $18 SkWIS ta and No. 2 foundry south ern at $17 TMtll.e. ST. fyOCISt. May 17.-M r7TAL-Lead. firm; $o W. Spelter, dull; $6.85. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET No Great Chance in Valaes on Cattle of Any Kind. HOGS COMMAND SOME BETTER PRICES Dessaael Gone! aael Prices anon lnt Very Little Chang in Aay Direction. SOUTH OMAHA. May 17, 195. Receipts were: Cattle, holt Bneep. Cfnclsl Monday ... omrisl Tuesdty .... fiftlclal Wednesday Ufflcisl Thursdav . ... 4.521 S.7 S.J.J ... i.VA 8.5J4 $.. ... S,t93 l.lla i.Ml ... S.JtiS 7. 46 7 2.Vi Four days this week..l8.3.VJ KW1 ll.'fel Same days last week... .19.817 Sv.M OT.Stb Rime two w-eks aao 18.127 8J,4)il TA.iZ Bame three weeks a5o..l2..W 44.852 2b.6T8 Same four weeks aao. . . .14.SS9 84,2 3 48,417 ame days last year. . . .ln.032 27.465 IV. M9 RECEIPTS FOR THE TEAR TO DATE. The following; table shows the receipts of cattle, hoa-s and sheep at South Omaha tor the year to date, compared with last Jar; isto. Inc. V'atlle 3t6.i4 S1I.' f.4.745 Hoars m.,i 87S,:j. 118.1 wd Sheep o8.872 620.988 8,84 CATTLE QUOTATIONS. The following will show the prices patd for the different kinds of cattle on the South Omana market: Good to choice corn-fed steers. ... $5.108.75 Fair to choice corn-fed steers 4. 75o5.lt) Common to fait corn-fed steers... 4.00-04.75 Good to choice cows and heifers... 4.1(cg4 76 Fair to good cows and heifers .3iat4 10 Common to fair cowa and heifers., a.fltvuj) .23 Good to choice atockers & feeders. 4 0(Vf 4.76 fair to gouu atocKrrs and feeders. w.j4' Common to fair atockers.. SOOijiS 50 , .Stt3.7S 3 004J5.76 riuus, stags, etc Veal calves RANGE OF PRICES Cattle. Hogs. Omaha $2.o"tj. 16 $5.ovio.j7j Chicaao L8Mni.l5 8t6nio.5i4 Kansas City J.blfMO.&O S.o"i.3iys St. Louis i.OmuH.vIO o-oWtfo.! Sioux City J.0iui.4O S.a'teb.Jii The following table shows the average puce of hogs at houtn Omaha for the last several days, with comparisons: Date. im. !18f. 11904. ;!., 1902.1901 . 19. May 4.... 21A S tfl 4 591 S 76 6 4 S 2 May 5.... 15 t 8u 4 be 7a t 02 S X May u.,.,1 e j 6 28 4 bt 8 b S 8ti k t8 May 7. .. 8 15 4 tV $ S3, 6 W 5 7u, S 22 May 8.... t ;iH; 6 IT IK 4: 7 tail 6 Mi 8 11 May S.... 10H1 ! W A 7 07 S 8 S 1$ May 10... 84t 5 1, 4 t 7 ti S bl t lo May 11...I iJv 6 2i 4 t4 S 54 5 tk i U May 12 111' I o i 4 2 8 47; iir.li t ig j 6 20 4 88! 6 42 7 08 S 68 1 S 31! I 4 871 6 Si, 7 loi & 71, i 17 May 13.. May 14 may lo... 2! t 10 34 1 11 & ntt t at May 18... 8 28 6 kO 4 1; 6 8o 7 07 5 69 5 23 May 17... , D 2)1 4 tW' ? 12, 0 72; 5 20 Sunday. The official number of cars of stock brought In yesterday by each road was: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. H'aes. C. M. St. P 2 5 2 Missouri Raclflc 1 1 Union Pacific 38 : 3 1 C. & N. W., cast 1 8 .. 1 C. N. W.. west.... 4K 23 1 C St. P., M. A O.... 17 7 2 C, B. Q . east 1 2 1 C, B. & W , west.... 48 20 2 C. R. I. A P., esst . . 2 4 C. R. I. P., west.. .. 1 Illinois Central 2 2 6 .. Chicago Gt Western.. 4 6 Total receipts 154 106 16 The disposition of the day a recelpti was as follows, each buyer purchasing the tiumber of head Indicated. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. 1 0&A 41 Omaha Packing Co.. Swift and 4matiy 881 Cudahy Packing Co 1,022 Armour & Co 684 Vanuatu & Co S VV. I. Stephen 17 Hill A Son 7 Huston A; Co 14 i,4a;i 2.750 501 1.164 120 2.05S J. B. Root A Co 8 Other buyers 166 64 Totals . ...3.4t 7,660 2,670 CATTLE There was a fait run of csttle here for s Thursday, although receipts were somewhat short of one and two week ago. As noted yesterday the quality of the eattl f;enerauy was good. The receipts consisted argely of corn-fed steers, with very few feeders and only a light sprinkling of cow stuff. The market on beef steer did not pre sent any especially new or noteworthy fea tures, the trade being very much In th same condition as yesterday a regards values. As to the movement of the oattle there was not quite so much snap a yes terday. Buyers seemed to be In a position, owing to heavy purchases earlier in the week, where they could afford to tske their time. . Sellers also had their Ideas pretty high alid were demanding pretty stiff prices. Altogether the trade was not very active and still the cattle for the most part sold In good scaaon In the morning and. a noted above, at steady prices. The close was dull and slow. Not far from twenty loads of cows and heifers were on sale, but the trade was not particularly active for the reasons noted above in regard to beef steers. Prices, however, were steady and the market as a whole in a satisfactory condition. . Very few stockers or feeders were noted among todsy's arrivals. The demand was not particularly active, although there were quite a number of looke.rs In the yards, and some commission houses reported that they had order in hand for good stuff. The market might be described ss practically steady. Some very nice Galloway feeder old up to $4 75. Representative sales: BEEF STEERS. No 1 S t t i i ii 14 I 14 K t : I It t t I to 1 I t I It 14 II II 11 I t At Pr No At. Ft. 17..' 1104 N n mi t ot II Itll I to II INI tta) 1 lilt 8 tt 7 1221 t Ml 88 lilt t on 41 1111 lot to mi t on 17 lltt 8 no 44 1141 m SO 1027 01 It 1181 I ot It lltl I ot II 12tl I ot 1! 1140 I It t4 nit 5 it I lilt I It 1 1)50 i 10 s not i io tl 1140 I 10 II 1181 I 10 4 1264 t II II 1714 i It tt 1171 I II not it I nil l to it 1118 t 10 ii not i to i nit i to 42 1117 i to ?o n i to ii not t to to 1144 t tO tO 130 t It II lilt I 21 84 12M i it M 1187 I It 37 1174 4 10 84 lilt 80 81 1480 I to H 144t I It It 1404 I tt 1 1441 t 11 It 1251 It 10 1174 t 40 t? 1108 I 41 It Itll I 41 1 1451 I 4i 710 i X 1087 8 71 1000 tt IHS 4 20 Tit 4 X 800 4 It too 4 It 1070 4 it 84 4 40 tot t tt 781 4 41 1117 4 to Itt 4 to 10. 4 to Itn 4 tt Kit 4 tt C40 4 10 871 4 tO 1008 4 40 820 4 tt 118 4 IS 1140 4 71 Km 4 71 ...... 727 4 ?l 84 4 71 11)1 4 10 ISO 4 o KM 4 to not 4 to loot 4 tt 1104 4 8t 1074 4 It 1181 4 81 Ittl 4 It 1121 I It 1074 4 It 1110 4 It 1088 4 81 Ul 4 80 1188 4 80 1010 4 80 1107 4 80 1314 4 to 1118 4 80 1011 4 80 1183 4 80 101 4 10 lilt 4 80 list 4 80 I 17 IT. . It . II ... II.. tl.. It.. SI.. 84 . l.. II.. It. . 14.. I . .. I.. 1100 4 84, COWS, 1 1018 I 1 4 lit t 10 1 810 40 18 1121 I Si 1 820 1 to 1 i:41 4 00 J 700 1 10 1 1H0 4 00 1 lO'.O t t8 4 1010 t 00 1 I t 80 1 1IO0 4 S 1 780 t tO II 841 4 00 t 72t t 80 1 lltt t 00 1 II I 10 4 I7 4 00 I til t it t Ml IM 1 1080 71 1 10 t 04 I 1100 I 71 1 1410 4 00 I 1020 I II ?1 847 4 tt 1 780 2 to I 1110 4 to 1 870 It 2t 107 4 80 1 til I 00 II 121 t OS I 844 I 00 4 .. 1141 I It 1 tie I 00 4 1047 4 10 1 880 I 00 4 1082 4 1 0 t 12V0 I oo 1 aon i I Ill I 10 I iiot 4 II 1.. 1010 I tt t 1280 It 1 into I tt tl H2 4 80 1 87V It 1 1281 4 to I IK4 I 40 I I't 4 It I V4 8 to I 840 4 it 1 1400 It 1 12M 4 It t 4. 'K I to I 11C1 I 2i 1 870 to 8 1171 4 2t 1 1070 to I 100 4 II I (ion 1 to I i 4 a 1 1020 I tO 1 187 4 :t 1 loan in 1 4M 4 tt I l;o TO 4 . 1182 4 10 1 nrt 8 tt 1 it4 4 at I I'M I 71 I Iiat 4 4t It loot 11. I 1070 H 1 mo I tt t ;.i-i I u I I'M I St 1 1410 I 40 II 1071 I It 2 114S 4 40 87 714 8 M 17 I I t 10 17 ion 81 t I4V 4 10 1 170 80 1 IM 4 10 I Iio I a 1 yyi I to 1 luM lit t Lie 4 M HK1FERS. 1., 4O0 I oo i fl I l 1 740 t) 4 47 I H I 7J 1 00 1 41 4 "0 t 7MI t no t4 HI 4 o I tin in It. 00 if II 478 8 to 8! tot 4 J 1 fn .! 4 W I nv I m : 7so 4 o t loo I 71 4 tit 4 4.V I Ill IH I 71 IH BLLLS 1 It 10 1 7 l HC J 7) 1 1 tat I 1 ';o I 75 1 M7 i IS I IMi 1 71 1 U.vn I It 1 lite I to 1 e f ts I !1 as 7. 1041 l! 1 b! I li 1 l0O 1 1,1 4" 1 v 1 lln S 11 I I son v 1 IIV 8 Ik 1 17X0 I to 1 14H 8 go t I:y 1 1 ioo $ g j !S 4 n 1 1770 I v ceo 4 oo I...... Hid 1 43 1 70 4 "0 l i; i in 4 tt; I oo t Itfl S tt 1 lit" 4 08 1 ISIo I TS I 7o 4 ;j 1 1240 I Tt CALVES I 420 I It I0 171 1 8- 4 no i ion i no t .-o 4 0" 1. . . iro t 7v 1 to 4 it 1 In t T8 1 4o 4 ?5 t ts jt I II 4 tt I 1 .40 tt 1 t0 4 to 4 141 t 71 1 110 4 71 1 1 it I ;t 2 lot I 0o t 14' I t 1 110 I 00 1 U0 t it t to t oo :.. is t it 1 110 I 00 I 100 S 7 .V 4 107 t IS 12 14 4 00 I i;j I to 1 ltu on I itt I Tt 1 54" I Oil STOCKF.HS AND FEEDERS. 8 ts 1 tt 1 Kit 4 no 1 40 $8.1 i 11S 4 10 1 tto $ en f T4" 4 It f tot I to ; ;. 4 u 8 '4 4 on J t u 4 ;v : to 4 oh 1 . 4 ts t 7IS 4 00 II 810 4 It 4 li2 4 00 8t Hi 4 tt HOOS Hogs sold :'Vfl5c hlslicr this morn ing. While It was a little slow to open the trad was setlv when It once got started and th big bulk of the hoes changed lianas In very good season In the morning. Hood hogs sold generally at $ti..".Sir;.35. which range bought the larger ptrt or th re?eots. while vesteiday the buik went at til iityfi 6. .10. The best hogs here sold ss high as $6.40. which was the top. as against $it.S3 yesterday. Among the receipts were a few high mixed loads, that Is. loads mad up of big, heavy hogs running down to light pigs, which sold from $6. SO down to $6.C.V It will be noted that the advance today not only makes up for all the weakness of vesterdsv and dav before, but leaves the market at the highest point touched since the present reaction In values set In In Other words, the highest point touched since April 18. Kepresentaiive sales: No at. 8k. Pr No- At. Sh. Pr 10 110 ... Itn t; so 40 t 1!V T ltt ... t to 88 184 ... Itv, 100 168 ... 4 26 74 241 4011 I Itv, to 188 . . I It 11 281 ... I 12V 24 lit 40 4 80 tl IM ... 4 tl 80 174 ...'I0 48 247 100 I 8?V 47 201 40 M tl ! ... 4 Itl II 18t ... 30 ft 27 ... t 12V, 82 121 80 80 87 2M ... I 8tt 78 204 40 8 10 74 114 tOO 4 111 48 Ml ... I 10 40 228 ... I 12', 17 111 80 I 10 78 188 IM 12' 71 IM 80 12V 72 244 110 I It 4.: 288 110 t 82V, 47 112 10 lit 71 104 10 12V, tl tit 80 8 It 8 118 40 I 12V, tt 241 10 I It TO 12 ... 15 V, : 17t 120 115 It Hi ... 12' tt 250 ... IJ. to 14 ... I'JV tl 248 ... It T t'4 ... 12 V, 80 141 120 It 41 lit 80 4 12 V, tl tn ... lit Tl US ... I 31V 7 MS IM It 78 107 110 8?v, 42 '.'tn ... (It 81 117 ... t l:, 7 : 120 38 82 117 iio S;i 7H 524 ... It 7 118 40 12V Tt 240 10 15 48 2tt 80 32V, ,) ;m ... lit 41 288 81) I 82V, 72 27t ... II Tt til 120 I Ji't 8t lit ... I It 81 200 ... t 82' 27 238 ... It 7i 107 ... I 1!', 7f' 228 ... IS 71 121 80 32Vi C7 2.V4 to St 8f 2"4 40 1 12', tt 211 10 lit 71 217 540 t 82', tl 812 ... I It 4t 240 10 Kv, 82 2IT 80 8 It It 121 ... Itv It Iti 80 I It Tt 120 100 4 82' 81 282 ... 4 88 47 1 1 10 I 12V, 70.. 221 ... ltt 41 Ml ... I 32V 71 2f tO 4 It Tt 124 ... I 3tV 14 250 ... lit Tt 188 10 I 32 V, 78 230 120 4 tt Tt 228 ... I la ', 7.: t. ... It TS til 110 I Itv, tt 21 ... 87V 87 218 120 I2 3( 177 10 I 37', 0 Ill 80 1 121 72 11! 40 8 17', Tl too ltO 12V, tt 21 ... I ITV 44 168 ... 12V, 80 181 ... t to 8 128 too I 32V f8 "tt 40 48 17 1IT 120 I X2V, 40 Itl io 40' STAO HOOS. 1 no to t io i 730 m I 10 1 40 80 t 10 SHEEP Receipts this morning consisted of sixteen carloiids, ten of them single decks, so that the total number of head on sale waa comparatively small. As has been the case all the week the demand for de sirable killers waa very good and fully equal to If not In excess of the arrivals. Still the trade was not quite, as brisk as on some days owing to the fact that there was quite a sprinkling Of medium kinds that could not be expected to attract as much attention or excite as much interest as did the $6.i5 lambs here yesterday. Si ill the trade was sufficiently active to effect an early clearance. Among the sales were wooled Iambs good enough to bring $7, with two cars of shorn lambs at $6.ti0. Quite a string of medium lambs sold at $b.?5v7ti.85. The feeling In the market Is still very strong and some sellers who have good shorn lambs back are talking about getting up to even money next week for their Clipped stork. Quotations on wooled stock: Good to choice lambs, S7.O0iff7.86; fair to good lambs, $6.60037. Oil. Quotations on clipped stock: Good to eholce western lambs, $.253I75; fair to good lambs, to ;tj d 25 ; cull lambs. $4.Coij? 5.60; good to choice yearlings, $5.758.25; fair to good yearlings. o.2n'&o.nj; good to choice wethers. $6.7fifjti.fln; fair to good wethers, $6 406.76; good to choice ewes, $.V4OfJ6.0: fair to good ewes, S4.7D'rv,.4o; cull heep and ducks, u.ia'B'4.30. No. 80 cull ewe 6 cull lambs 338 western lambs ISO wooled lambs 68 western ewe culls S western lamb culls 40 western lamb feeders.. 58 western lambs 332 western ewe 128 western ewes 24 western lambs 1 western yearling Av. 88 70 71 61 .... 57 .... 83 .... 68 .... 70 .... S4 .... 8 . . . . 2 ....110 Pr. 6 00 6 00 m 7 00 S 75 4 &0 5 00 6 26 '5 60 5 y Oft 5 00 26 6 26 6 36 6 36 6 35 7 00 2S8 2 308 29n 110 IM western lamb culls native lambs, wooled., western lambs western lambs western lambs wooled laniba 71 155 1 81 66 63 CHICAOO LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle, Hogs. Sheep and l ambs Steady on Moderate Reeelpts. CHICAGO. Mh- 17. CATTLE Receipts, 8.500 heed; market steady; common to prime ateera. $4 faS.:; cows. $3 25-65. i. netfer. $;.76j6.8r,; nulls, $:).iXKo'4.25; calves, $2.7ofll 40; atockers and feeders, $2.76Q4V10. H0418 Receipts, m.ufai head; market steady; choice to prime heavy, $860416.66; medium to good hravy, $8. toft. 65; butcher eights, $.(A'atv5i; good to choice heavy mlxe-1, $.45ti.60; packing. $H.OVrj8.47H. SHEEP AND LAM HH Kcreipta, 16.000 head, market steady; aheep, $6.004.35; yearlings, $i 0iKiJ.36; lambs. V5.'ifi'67.75. Kansas City Lire Hock Market. KANSAS CITY. Mo, May 17. CATTLE Receipts, 2,61.0 head, including 800 head southerns; nisrket ateady to a shade lower; choice export and dressed beef steers, $6 2i it?6.80; fair to good. 14 ;fxw6.x6; western fed steers, .; fK-g5.it, stockers and feedera, $-) ir46ti; southern sieers. t3.604i6.2&, southern cows, $if-n4.ia: native cows, $J.60U4.80; na tive heifers, 83.eotlj.26; bulls, 3.wnf 4.i6; cs Ives. SSOmqftOO. HOtiS hevrlpts, 12,100 held; market steady; lop, .45: bulk of sales. $6 TiWS 8 3;V,: heavy, tb i.'ilno 4i; pacaers, $6.3 it 6.4il. pigs and lights. 45.6tKii0.22i. BHELP AN u I . A M Bb Receipt s, 3.700 hesd; msrket strong; top lambs, $7 i0. lambs, $8yu7.70; sheep and yesrllnga, V6 ' 4i8.2j; lexas clipped yearlings, Si-'o'i7 1.25, Texas clipped neep. $5lOt.uU; stockers and feeders. Sl.Scyt.oo. Sinn I II) Lire Stork Market. SIOUX CITY. la . May 17. -(Special Tfl -(i am.) CATTLE Kfce Ipts, tfai nead; mar ket steady; Blockers, vvcuk; beves. J4i"a 6 40; cows, bulls snd mlxd. SJ.tWo 4.6' ; stockers and feeders, t3.Vyfl4.Zh; calves ui.J vtarllnga, 83 0iV(( 4 :6 H'Mib-Receipts. 3 2A head; mar'.tet :ic higher, selling at ..'yiJ.3.v. bulk of sales, So.2fyrj.27V. t. Josepk I, lie Slnrk Market. ST. JOSEPH. Mo.. May 17. CATTLE Re ceipts. 2.13 head; market slracy; native. $4.6trg6 60; rows snd lieiters. S3.7b'ri4 '.'; stockers and feeders. fc4.fXyfi4.IO. HOGS-Receipts. S.ri hed: market steady to weak; lljliis. 8. li-8i3S; medl'ici snd heavy, SS.2596.4.Li: bulk of Males. $S27t f f. 37H. SIltEP AND LA MBS -Receipts. ?.6i8 head; market s.cd.v to weak; liiii.',j, !7.'u. Hi I.onls lle tlorb Market. ST. LOUIS. Mo.. Msy 17. -CATTLE -Receipts, 8.6" hesd. Including -'.) heail Tex sns; market for nat.ves s rung: Txans strong: nttlve shipping and export steers, f 4ffti.fi0; dreasfd beef ant bull iter sif er. i:l 8f-fi5.7n; steers under l.iX j pounds S3 60't 6.00; stockers snd feeders. $2 a4 1:0: 1 ow snd heifers. $: ooaf.'tl; rtnner. SLS.Vsi2.76; bulls. 82 4a4 : calves. S4.iV26 Su; Texst snd Indian sceert. $VyKfj4.76; roat and helf n $24n4(Vi. HOG3-Receipt, ,i bead; matket hither; pigs and light. SAtJiflelM, cVtrt. $S iod)8.U; butchers and best hesv). $A.4A-t HHEEP AND L AM US- Receipts. lie head; market higher, mtlve muttons. 84 "1 110"; Is'Titis. 6U-iis(X; culls and bucks, n ,Mid:.l. siiMkera, ;J tVU4.2S. Kiook la IM. Receipts of live stock st the 11 principal western markets yesletday: 1 nme. nogs nreep , 1.. , At! I Sj.b nuiini v.'niniis ii.wn bloux CIH J"0 .74 Kansas Citv !. . t Josepn -MM S.4 fii. Loin S.fTO .IX Chics go S.fsW .0 J.4'41 i'.i'i 2.818 $.0iJ I5.tmii Totals 18.561 68,847 26,71$ OMAHA WHOI.KS AI.I6 84 ARIIET. Condition of Trade and Quotation an Staple and riser Prodoee. EOGS -neieipia, liberal; frctli cocg. cat Con"i, lie. LIVE POULTRY -Hen. KV; rooster, S 457c; tuikevs 15c; ducks, lie. Ul TTKR-Packing tttck. 12'tr; Cholcg to fancy uuuy, lc, creamery . ltttte. HAY Price quoted bv Omaha read renv pany: No. 1 upland, $10 50; medium, $9.50; ct'iaise, $9.00. Rye straw, $o50. HP.AN-I r ton. $17.60. NEW VfcuETABLE". TOMATOKS-Floilda, per .rat of tl lb, net, SS.20. WAX MEANS-Per box ot about 8ft Ibt, net. $4.60. STKLSG BEANS Per bog of about IS lbs , net. SI. TURN I P8, BEETS AND CARROTS) -Louisiana, per dot. bunches, tie. HEAD LETTUCE - Loutalana. pr bbl.. . IT. per do 1. heads. SlOOUl.tt. Lk: AF LETTUCE Hothouse, per hrsds, 45c. CUCUMBERS Hothouse, per dot., $1,009 I 60. ONIONS-Colorado, yellow and red, SW per lb.: Spanish, per crate, $4.00. MUSHROOMS Hothouse, per 15., SOtHM. RADISHES Hothouse, per do, bunco. CCgf 6c. TROPICAL FRUltS. DATES Per box of t l-lo. pkg , St 66; Hallowe'en. In 70-lb. boxes, per rb v 60; Say eis, per lb . 4c: walnut stuftrd, 1-1. pkgs., $-'.00 per dot.; 8-lb. boxes. $100; fafTas, all size, $3.26; Mediterranean tweet. $3.26; seedlings, 13. ORANUES-Callfornia, extra fancy Red iand navela, ail site, S3.S6; fancy nay;. $325; choice, ll sites. U. LEMONS - Limonlers. extra fancy, 548 size. $4; 300 to 860 else, $4.26. FIGS-California, per 10-lb. carton, 769 toe; Imported Smyrna, three-crown. Uc; eix-crown, 13c BANANAS - Per medium id bunch, $i.76ii2 26; jumbal, $2.603.00. TANGERINES California, per box . of about 125. $3.00. GRAPE FRUIT-Califronla, per bos, $601 66 60. PINEAPPLES-Sixe 24. 30 and M. SS; gist 42. $4.76. FRUITS. PEARS-Wlnler Nelllt, CtA. APPLES California, Ben Davit, St bar bu. box; Wlnesapt, $2.50 per bu. box; other varieties, $2.oo32.6u per bu. New York ap ples, Imld T.iia jtnd Rusaela, $C par bbl. GRAPES Imported Malagas. .l57.6vi. VEGETABLES. POTATOES Home grown, per bu., 309 6oc; Soutn Dakota, per bu., 70tj7Se. BWKKT PUXAlOEo-lUlnol. per 11 -peek bbl., 84.76. NAVY BEANS Per bu., $1.86; No. S. $1.7. LIMA BEANS Per lb., 60. CABBAGE California, Sv per lb.; Wit consin, in crates, per lb., Jvc. CEL.ERY Florida, Si.ist per doa. -UEttF CUTS. BEEF CUTS No. ' 1 fibs, 12c; No. 2 rib, )ovo; No. 8 ribs, 8H''; No. 1 loin, Uo; No. 2 10111s, 12c; No. 3 Joins, 11c; No. 1 chuck, oVtc; No. 2 cnuck, o'c; No. 8 churck, sc: No. 1 round, 8c; No. 2 round, 7c; No. I round, 7'c; No. 1 piste, 8c; No. 2 plat, Sc; No. 3 piste, 2Vfcc- MISCELLANEOUS. CIDER Per keg, $3.36; pe. bbl . S6.7S. HONEY New, per 24 lb., SI 80. CHEESE Swiss, . new, 18c; Wisconsin brick, lbc; Wisconsin llniberger, 15c; twin. 13ftc; Young American, 16c. NUTS Walnut, iV. 1 soft sheila, new crop, per lb., 16Vc; hard shell, per lb.. i3Vc. Pocan, large, per lb., 14o; small, per lb., 12c. Peanuts, per lb., SHc; roasted, per lb., 8C. Chili walnut, per lb., 12ftl3iu. Almonds, soft shell, per lb., 17o; bard hells, per lb., 16c. Cocoanuta, $4 per tack of 100. ' FRESH FISH-Trout, Uc: halibut, lie; pickerel, dresaed, 7c; white baas, Uc; gun-nab,- tic; perch, skinned and drtsced, Sc; plk. Q10c; redinapper, Uc; aalinon. 13c; crapplea, 6c; eel, 18c; black baaa, 32c; whitetiah, U'jl2c; frog leg, per do., 66c; lobsters, green, - 38c; boiled lobster. 42o; bluefish, 16c; herring, 6c; Spanish mack erel. 16c; haddock, ldc; shrimp, $1 per g.Lj suielts, 12c; cod, 12c; bullheads, Uc; cattish. 16c: roe aoad. 76c; flounder, Uo. ... , ...... .1 .. et ,A .... . . . nYoif'ttO I-ieoi. eie-uumm, T4.W per gau. , hell oysters. Jl.ooWf.uvi per 100; Uttlo Neck clams, 81.60 per 100. . SUGAR Granulated cant, in bbl., $6.08; granulated cane, in sacks, $4.01; granu lated beet, In sack, $4.81. SYRUP In barrel. 24c per gal.; In case. S 10-lb. cans. $10; caaes, U S-lb. Can. $3.80; cases. 24 2-lb. cans, $1.80. COFFEE Roaated: No. 35, 26Vo per lb.; No. 80, 2c per lb.; No. 26, 1810 per lb.; No. 20. 15Vc per lb.; No. 21, 12Ho rr lb. CURED FISH--Family whlteflsh, per U bbl., 100 lb.. RW; Norway mackerel, per bbl.. 200 lb., bloater, 80.00: No. 1, $28.00; No. 2, $26.00; No. 8, $20.00; Irish. No. t $14 00; herring. In bbl., 200 lb each; Norway, 4k. $13.00; Norway, 3k, 813.00; .Holland, mixed, $11 60; Holland herring, in keg,' milker. Soc; keg, mixed, 70c. CANNED GOODS Corn, atandard west ern, fx'ue; Maine, $1.16. Tomatoea. 6-1 ft. can, Sl.2iiji.50; 2-lb.. !7VjcTl.(i0. Pineapples. S rated. 2-lb . S2.062.80; sliced. S1.S02.24. allon applet. fan y, 83.7b, California apri cot, $1.4002.00; peart, $1 TEfc2 50; peaches, fancy, $1.7:2 40; H. C. peaches, 2.Mir.60. Alaska tainion, red, Sl.lt; pink, SOc; fancy Chinook, l' $210; fancy ockye, F $1.5; ardine. ft oil. $2.60: 8 mustard, $2,604 8 10. Sweet potatoes. Sl.164fl.26; aauerkraui, S1.00; pumpkins, SOc&Sl.OO; wax bean. 2-lb., 76&Oc; lima bean, 2-lb., 76c$l.S6; spinach, $1,364,-2 00; cheap peas, 2-lb., SOc; extre. 76-4 SOc: fancy, $1 &SS1.76 HIDES. PELTS AND TALLOW-No. t green hide, Sc; No. 2, 8c; No. 1 aaltad. lie; No. S, loc: bull hide, 73r; dry hide. 12Jr?0c. Horse hides. Isrge, $3: small, $2. Sheep pelt, each, rjOcfll 26. Ttliow. Ntk 1, 4c; No. 2. 8c; rough, le. . .. Coffee Market. NEW YORK. May 17. -CONFER Market for futuret opened steady at unchanged prices. In keeping with featureless cable. There waa a little buying for .European ac count, but Wall street longs were seller and the market during the middle session old off tn a decline of S point. Later tha market rallied on a private cable received from Rio stating that a meeting of par ties chiefly Interested had fixed is M a a rate of the conversion, par of exchange, and that the market waa in a tat ot panic. It was supposed here that this cable had some bearing on th valorisation plan. REAL ESTATE TRAMFEnS. Hastings aV Heyden to Martha R. Bor land, lots 8, 10 and 11, block t, Hast ings aV Heyden 2d add $1,360 Maty A. Hudenberg and husband to Joaeptilne v eldenleller, m of lot 7, . 1 uttie s sub - 1.10U John H. Mason and wife to Arthur Borland, lot 6. block 8, Clifton Hill.. Arthur and Martha Borland to Hast- lugs A. Heyden, sa.me .' Charles A. Gamwell to C. W. Brlnn, part of lot 4, block 6, Pask Plate.... H. it. Bhlpman to J. J. nyont, lot 1, block 1. O'Neill' sub J. M. ( rouse et al. to C. G. Tlnkham, same Minnie C. Samueison to Han Backen- sen, part of lot ll'tj. Millard Cald too OUO 260 100 well's add L700 John t . Miat k and wife to Philadelphia Mortgage and I rust coinftany, lot IS and 11, block 8, Kountxe -tth add - 1 Eoiim it. Arm.ut and huaband to Annl Rowley, part of lot 6, block 12, buuiii Oman , 2,600 E. M. SiMter v H. B. Payne, lot 26, M vyne s add gui in 1 . t'ayne and husband to E. M. Slater : Tucfy t.and company to C K. Seagren, v. of lot 2, block 9r Reed 1st add.. Omana Itili a company 10 Andy Han sen, lot i, block iVL Grand view.... Leonora O. Fiench and husband to tx-rnard Rliey, lot 6. block X Pat-' liens Sd rlaruioga The Florence company to I. M. Horton, part of lot 8, biocx 3. K. V. Smith' add - 1 1 4u0 1 too 67S Love.i.U Batdorf to oul A. Frederick- soa. lot 64. At son a ad 1,000 2.600 P. S. t 011 ner tt al. to II D. Mills, lot 4. block 3. Perain sub Chris Ra:be and wife to F. A. Fer- el, lot 3, Miller Park The r.irenre compn to Paul Wis- d'im. part of lot 8, block 3. E.. V. 400 ninlth'a 3.00 Annie Benson to K. K. Chrisliineen, lot 12. block . Pairiik s 2d add. 264 AuguHta Vvennrrsten to Anna Oitnder, ot 13. b ecu ' Hi , figs 4: till. ana. i.4j J-.nrtS.nl .4urie.l, Jr., to L.lxbeth El fdMrer. I' ft of lot 33, Uunebaugb ruiT 1.100 Aithur Buriand and wife to William L. liougti. lot . blix-k 2, Beymour add : 1. F ell-it.: tj Maggie Heater, part of lots 14 and 16. block 446. Grand View 304) Shinier at 4 hsse company to Ouy C rusinen, part of lots 16 and 17, block i. Yatea Hrmpel 1,7 t 'f i I t i .-If ! 1 1 1 i ! ! lb II t IM I!