Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 18, 1906, Page 4, Image 4

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tabasrlkara leewtaar lty tea
perarlly shawl have The He
Bailee) ta these. A agree will fc
chaagea aa aftea aa requested.
Senator Bulkeley certainly has the
courage of his convictions and "Nut
meg State" morals have become pro
verbial. If Congressman Kennedy helps to
get that army dental bill through he
will surely have all the tooth pullers
pulling for him.
By the time the Russian reply to
the throne is ready the czar may have
forgotten what he said. The memory
of kings is not long.
Since the Standard Oil company Is
so sure it has not profited by secret
rebates It should start an investiga
tion to discover who received the cash.
When all the "grafts" In the rail
way service are abolished the com
panies may have to pay higher wages
unless the cost of living is greatly re
duced. Failure to be sworn is not a good
defense to perjury in Missouri. Judg
ing by the experience of St. Louis
councilman the best defense Is a friend
on the Jury.
Before clamoring for the total abol
ition of the council of empire Russian
reformers should learn how the Brit
ish House of Commons manage the
House of Lords.
. If the democrats had only seven in
stead of eleven members-elect of the
new council they would come to agree
ment as to which should be president
much more easily.
That railroad car distributer wlio
requested rash in place of mining
stock for favors was wise; the men
who hold the stock may be called
upon to make restitution.
The San Francisco earthquake is
said to he responsible for the senate
committee agreeing to favor the sea
level canal. This la not surprising, as
its tendency was to level all things.
The announcement of the probable
settlement of the coal strike In Kansas
should not cause suspension of pros
pectlng In Nebraska. Cheap fuel Is
the unsolved problem of the state.
Had the Mormon church decided to
retire from the industrial field several
years ago enemies of Senator 8moot
would have failed to receive some of
the aid and comfort tendered them.
President A. J. Cassatt declares he
was deceived by hia subordinates In
the management of the Pennsylvania
Railroad company. His shrewdness
was demonstrated, however, la his
ability to pick subordinates smart
enough to deceive even him.
Kentucky haa twice -vindicated the
proper Idea of the doctrine of "state's
rights" before the United States su
preme court. The spirit of the old
war governor seems to remain In the
state In spite of the fact that he was
unable to hold the commonwealth
"neutral" during the civil war.
If the clerk of the district court en
forces strictly his ruie to require prn
payment of fees on legal documents
filed in his office he may put a damper
upon the class of cases taken by local
lawyers on contingent contracts. If the
lawyers have to dig Into their own
pockets and plank down the cash In
advance they will look a little more
closely into the prospect of getting
Ihelr money back.
The political symptoms In West Vir
ginia, which is on of the states In
which the legislature to be elected
neit November will choose a Tnlted
States senator, suggest forcibly the
general popular disposition which Is
already manifesting itself In many
quarters. There Is widespread and se
rious protest against the re-election of
Senator Elkins, who is Identified with
the reactionary antl-admlnlstratlon
element in the senate led by Senator
Aldrlch. Not only Is by far the larger
portion of the party press up in arms,
but numerous resolutions condemning
his course have been adopted by repre
sentative bodies and legislative candi
dates in his Interest rejected.
It is certainly significant when a
public man so Intrenched as Senator
Elkins has been supposed to be In
West Virginia, Itself a state long pecu
liarly under the Influence of great rail
road and allied corporation interests,
finds himself ominously confronted
with organized opposition because of
that very fact. The fact demonstrates
that the mass of the people there are
aroused as they are In the more dis
tinctly agricultural sections, and that
It Is unsafe for any senator, no matter
how strong the hold of the special in
terests with which he Is affiliated may
have, seemed, to plant himself athwart
the path of such a movement as Presi
dent Roosevelt represents.
Senator Elkins. after having gone
the full length of obstruction along
with the Aldrlch coterie all through
the session, seems lately to have sud
denly realized the situation. For,
after the scheme of that element broke
down, he began to offer some of the
most radical amendments to the rate
bill that have been proposed. The
people, however, do not accept such a
record, which Indicates fear rather
than loyalty.
In West Virginia, as elsewhere, the
case between the - president and the
senate obstructionists now goes back
to the people, and the sentiment which
has forced congressional action may be
trusted to sustain It, In spite of all ob
stacles. There would not be the slight
est doubt of the result even in West
Virginia If the election of senator
were by direct vote of the people.
The decision of all .the Missouri rail
roads to Issue no free passes to dele
gates to the democratic and republican
state conventions soon to be held shows
which way the wind la blowing. No
statute, federal or state, forbids passes
and it has been customary time out
of mind for the Missouri roads to carry
free practically the whole body of del
egates, as well as a vast throng of can
didates, their managers and workers.
The action of the roads Is simply a
recognition of universal public senti
ment and of their own interest In view
of It.
The railroads have at the same time
agreed to make an excursion rat. on
account of the conventions, probably
about one-half regular fare, which will
Insure a profitable return, amounting
according to a prominent official to a
saving of at least $75,0,00.
This action of the Missouri carriers
undoubtedly foreshadows the stringent
prohibition of free passes by the next
legislature, in line with the general
movement which will control the legis
latures of other states as well, aa fast
as they have opportunity to act.
The revelation In the coal investlga
tion by the Interstate Commerce com
mission, although It has only Just be
gun, are of the most startling charac
ter and bid fatr In the field of the rela
tlons between transportation and coal
corporation to produce more im
portant results than the recent official
Inquiry Into life insurance. It Is Indeed
startling when high official of the
Pennsylvania Central, one of the great
est transportation systems In the coun
try or In the world, confess under oath
that they have received great bribe
of coal company stock or cash, the sole
purpose of which could only be to mis
use the power over transportation to
hurt and crush competing coal com
This I a grosser form of abuse than
the direct proprietary interest of a
railroad In coal industry, for such In
terest, although it Involves authority
Incompatible with public Interest,
might In some cases conceivably be ad
ministered without wrongful Intent or
discrimination. But bribery of high
railroad officials could originate In
nothing but corruption and result In
nothing but wrong.
It has long been no secret that the
coal Industry has been at the mercy of
those who controlled the transporta
tion corporations. That they held arbi
trary power over enterprise throughout
the coal region has been a fact uni
versally recognized. For an indepen
dent concern to invest capital and at
tempt to do business against coal com
panies owned directly by railroad or
having the favor of their officials was
to put its head In the lion's mouth
The table of the Tnlted State senate
Itself this very session is plied high
with memorial and complaint against
the tyranny of railroad corporations In
this respect, and It was In response to
such representations that the pending
Investigation was ordered.
But this Is the first time official pub
liclty ha been applied to the method
of the long standing, far reaching
system of abuse exposed. It I to be
remembered that coal constitute one
third of the total ratlroid tonnage of
the United Bute, evei-y pound of
which paramount publld. Interest re
quires to be carried on evual terms
and a transportation despotlstj that ar
bltrarllv discriminate, eltherthrough
reblte or through dlstrlbutlomef cars
andVervlce. strikes a serious blow not
nly at nonfavored coal Industries, but
lao at every other Industry that cen
times coal.
Full publicity on this great phase of
transportation, which extends vastly
beyond the one commodity of coal. Is
demanded. The Interstate commerce
law, strengthened and extended, yet
remains to be enforced In Its spirit and
letter, and publicity Is prerequisite to
Its enforcement.
Members of the State Board of As
sessment are. in our Judgment, setting
a bad precedent In fixing the valuation
of railroad property by ballot Instead
of following the previous practice of
recording the vote In answer to roll
call. In this It Is not a question
whether the assessment is higher or
lower than it should be, but of en
forcement of responsibility upon pub
lic officers.
Members of the board are not act-
ng as members of a Jury, nor are they
acting In their Individual capacity, but
they are vested with authority as rep
resentatives of the taxpayers as a
whole, and the people whom they rep
resent have a right, to knew how each
one personally discharges his duty.
If the action of the board la unani
mous the preliminary vote of the sepa
rate members need not be made of
record, but where there Is a division
as between members of the board, the
record ought to show how each votes.
so that the public may pass Judgment.
On general principles star chamber
boards and secret voting in matters of
government administration are repug
nant to the sentiment of the people.
An officer who is conscientiously per
forming his duty as he sees It need
have no fear of publicity of his acts,
and the very fact of secrecy too often
draws suspicion even where it is not
It Is In accord with the e'.ernal fit
ness of things for Thomas F. Hall to
vent his spleen In public against Ed
ward Rosewater. Old-timers remem
ber how Mr. Rosewater. reckless of
the enemies he made by it and the
sacrifice entailed, fought the battle to
make Hall postmaster of Omaha when
the latter was as poor as a church
mouse and needed the office to furnish
bread and butter for his family. Mr.
Rosewater, almost single-handed,
waged the campaign that made Alvin
Saunders United States senator In
1877 and the naming of Hall for post
master was about the only reward he
got for his efforts. The least the
beneficiaries of Mr. Rosewater's suc
cessful fight to make Alvin Saunders
senator could do In decency now
would be to keep still If they are not
men enough to return favors.
The best declaration of principles
of the gang of spoils mongers, who
sail under the false banner of "Better
Government," is that formulated by
R. B. Howell and presented for signa
ture to candidates seeking republican
nomination at the late municipal pri
maries, pledging them to deed over
to "the executive committee" all their
rights and privileges of official patron
age. That declaration of principles
may not be formally embodied In the
constitution, but It represent the
aims and purposes of the "Never
Quit" Just the same.
The World-Herald Is congratulating
the Instructor In Smith college, who
Is said to have resigned rather than
continue In the service of an institu
tion that accepts Rockefeller dona
tions. It declares that It likewise
commended William J. Bryan for re
signing a trustee of his alma mater
for a similar reason. It forgot, how
ever, to enter Its protest against the
people of San Francisco accepting the
$100,000 contribution of Mr. Rocke
feller to the earthquake relief funds.
But perhaps it la not yet too late to
enter Its kick.
A little bunch of Irreconcilables and
disaDDointed office seekers, who Im
agine they have a following, want to
nemetuate factionalism in Douglas
county forever. When they delude
themselves Into the belief, however,
that they voice the sentiment of any
number of the rank and file of the
oartv they are badly fooled. The re
publicans of Douglas county 99 out
of 100 of them subscribe to the "get-
together" doctrine as the only way to
put the party on its feet and make It
again triumphant.
Without going into the question
whether fees for performing marriage
ceremonies should be accounted for
by the county Judge the same as reg
ular fees of his office, It might not be
a bad Idea to look also Into the fee
for posting notices to which allusion
was made in last year's campaign and
which had never found their way int
the county treasury. If the finance
of these county fee offices are to be
reformed, let the reform proceed all
along the line.
It Is Interesting to note that the lit
igation of the Omaha Water board has
reached the United States circuit
court of appeals. Something has to
be done to give the lawyers a chance
to resume the work of milking the
cow. In the meantime we are still
waiting for that long deferred ap
praisement of the water plant.
The report that Count Wltte plans
a coup d'etat doubtless emanates from
those who prefer to see htm removed
from power than to see Russia enter
upon a new era. The day is past for
any one man but the csar to rule the
empire and It looks as though his day
were rapidly passing.
fsrrr the Sews.
Philadelphia Press.
The decision of Grover Cleveland not te
be a candidate for president any more
should hsve been promptly cabled to
Bryan. It would make the remainder of
his trip around the world more agreeable
to him.
Ripertlni Too Marh.
Chicago News.
Probably It avas too much to expect that
so important a measure as the rste bill
could get through the senste without one
party or the other trying to make, political
capital out of It.
There Are Others.
Baltimore Amerlrsn.
When Ida TarheP. IJncoln Bteffens snd
Rsy Stannard Baker read the news from
Washington now they are probably ready
to retire to the rear, and consider thst as
muck-rakers they cannot hold a candle to
some others.
Well Founded Presumption.
Washington Post.
"The president. I presume, knows what
he Is nbout," said John D. Rockefeller. Jr..
In discussing the message about the Stand
ard Oil company. Mr. Rockefeller refrains
from presuming whether the president
knows what the oil company Is about.
A Weighty question.
Baltimore American.
A weighty question to be ranvBssed In
a railroad association In the west Is
whether an elephant Is for shipping pur
poses live stock, excess baggage or a pet.
The advocates of the excess baggage so
lution possibly had In mind that portion
nf the animal's anatomy not contained
In Its trunk.
Speaker Cannon's Yoathfnl Activities.
New York Sun.
No precisian will And fault with the at
tribution to Speaker Cannon by the chap
lain of the house of "the glory of seventy
years of usefulness." Even during the
first twelve months of his estimable exist
ence the Infant statesman waa useful to
his country and his party In the aense that
he was on earth getting ready for the
usefulness of seventy years later.
A Baseless Charge.
Kansas City Times.
The president may not have relied so
much on the democrata In the senate as
the minority leaders were led to expect;
there may be honest dlfferencca of opinion
as to fine law points Involved in the bill;
the president's generalship may he ques
tioned, but no man can honestly say that
Mr. Roosevelt is Insincere or lacks cour
age. And no man will make capital for
himself or for his party by such an at
tack aa Senator Bailey made on the presi
dent. Re Mot Weary of Welt-Dolngr.
Baltimore American.
The people have been generous beyond
belief In their response to the cry from
stricken San Francisco, but It Is one thing
to hurry relief under the stimulus of the
first Impulse to answer a cry for help and
another to keep on with assistance when
the flu.-h of that first generous Impulse Is
past. San Francisco will be In need of
relief for some time to come, and It must
be a steady stream keeping up until the
prostrate population are again upon their
feet. Tt is not only a question of doing
well, but also a heeding of the Injunction
to be not weary of welldoing.
Free Alcohol for Competition.
Philadelphia Record.
The prealdent's side reference to the
desirability of passing the free alcohol bill
In his late Standard Oil message had a
stinging application to the subject not
apparent In the text. In both Germany
and France denatured alcohol Is used for
illuminating purposes as well aa for fuel.
A gallon of the alenhot lasts twice as long
as a gallon of kerosene and gives a light
of equal candle power when burned In a
properly constructed lamp adapted for Its
use. Thus It will be seen that alcohol will
be a cheap competitive product against
both kerosene and gasoline for Inside house
use and for outside use as well. It Is
more cleanly and less explosive. Free alco
hol would certainly touch the Oil trust on
a sore 20t.
Important Measare Prohibiting; Cam
paign Contributions.
Indianapolis Newa (ind. rep.).
The senate committee on privileges and
elections has reported a bill the effect of
which. If It become a law, will be to
limit very greatly the Influence of cor
porations in politics, and also the slxe of
campaign funds. The bill was introduced
more than two months ago by Senator
Tillman. But It hits been much strength
ened, and Is now before the senate In Its
amended form. Under it no national bank,
and no corporations organised by authority
of any act of congress, will be allowed to
make any contributions whatever to party
campaign funds. The bill further makes
It unlawful for any corporation to contri
bute at any election at which presidential
electors, representatives In congress or
candidates for a legislature, which Is to
choose a United States senator, are to be
voted for. The penalty for a violation of
the statute ta a fine of not more than &.m
on the corporation and one of not more
than ll.tmo on each officer and director.
The bill Is so good that It la hard to
believe that It can pass. For Its effect
will practically be to get corporations
out of politics. Of course. It does not,
and can not. apply to mere local elec
tions." It will still be possible for public
service corporations to buy elections and
corrupt city governments. But no corpor
ation can contribute to the carrying of
elections Involving rami Ida tea for the presi
dency, the senate, or the house of repre
sentatives. And no national bank or fed
eral corporation can help finance any cam
paign whatsoever. By thus diminishing
the power and Influence of corporations
we shall Increase and strengthen the power
and Influence of the people, which is what j
we should all want. With an honest en
forcement of such a law aa this we shall
see a great shrinkage in campaign funds,
and consequently more honest elections.
And men In office will be more courageous
and Independent than they now are, for
there will be less temptation to be sub
servient to the "Interests." which are now
so powerful In politics. With all senators
and representatives freed from all finan
cial obligations to corporations, and with
the parties themselves thus emancipated,
the practical purchase of legislation would
come to an end. Thus we should, get
mere honest elections and a more honest
And the example set by the federal gov
ernment in enacting auch a bill would be
weighty with several states. A standard
would be established to which they would
feel they ought to conform. People would
aee that, if It were wrong to allow cor
porations to contribute to the election of
a president, it ia quite aa wrong to allow
them to contribute te the election of a
governor or mayor. And the final result
would be the elimination of corporate In
fluence aa far aa It Is derived from cam
paign contributions made by them. If
neither party In thia city, for inatance,
could get one cent from the atreet car
company, the gas company, the water com
pany, or the railroads, there would be
many questions that we should not need
to conaider at all. We sincerely trust that
the amended Tillman bill may pass. It Is
encouraging that It should be favorably
reported by the committee. All the pa
triotic Influences In the country should now
be enlisted In tt behalf.
Haa Earned the Position.
Beatrice Times (rep ).
In the opinion of the Times, if the belief
gets fastened upon the ri-publlcans of Ne
braska vln time for it to take effect, that
Mr. Rosewater can have In the legislature
a delegation from Douglas county which
will do battle for him. nothing ran stuy the
tide which will carry him forwsrd to the
position which he ek and nhlch he has
earned over and over again.
o Milk end Water nrletr.
Oerlng Courier iRep. ).
It is announced that Edward Rosewater
Is a candidate for the t'nlted States set, ate.
and. while the western section of the state
Is somewhat committed to the candlda-'y
cf Norrls Brown. It Is likewise sure that
If shy one lias a firm enough hold upon the
hearts of the people to give a project of
success It Is the veteran editor of The Bee.
If he were not nhroad at this time we
fancy his candidacy would cut a still
greater figure, even In this part of Ne
braska, for he Is stronger In the state at
large than In Omaha. As a senator he
sould be a potent factor, not In the least
of the milk and water variety.
I.ngrlcal Repahllcan Candidate.
Schuyler Free Iince (Ind.).
Edward Rosewater, the veteran editor of
The Omaha Pee, la announced as a candi
date for I'nited States senator. This means
that there will be a fight for the Douglas
county delegation to the republican state
convention, as Omaha haa several aspirants.
Senator Millard desires another term. John
K Webster would like the honor and O.
W. Wattles wants It also; besides others
are mentioned. The fight there will be a
warm one and alteady the Rosewater
forces are organlxlng and with a show of
winning out. In fact, Rosewater may suc
ceed In getting the prlee at the conven
tion. And why should he not? He Is a
man of experience in public affairs and Is
able and. best of nil. Is a people's man.
He spent the better part of his life in news
paper work and throughout has been a con
sistent fighter for the cause of the masses
as against the classes. He has ever been
lined up In the work agninst the corpora
tion methods and has fought for the rights
of the people agalnM the encroachments
of the railroad corporations from first to
last. This year the railroad question Is to
the front and the winning and popular side
la against the railroads, so why should not
one who has been a pioneer on that
ground be chosen on that Issue? We
believe that Edwsrd Rosewater Is the
logical candidate of the republicans for
senator and that he should be named by
the convention. One thing sure, he will
have some votes In that convention.
Xo Strings on Him.
Lynch Journal (Rep.).
To our mind Mr. Rosewater Is the strong
est candidate yet announced fof that office.
His position Is well known on all questions
of the day and we believe he is better
understood and held In greater respect
by the people of this state today than ever
before. If he ia chosen he will be the sena
tor and no one will pull strings on his
voice or vote. If the senator cannot come
from the northwest, why not Rosewater?
Oatspokea on All Isaaes.
IJncoln Politician (rep.).
Rosewater and Brown will be the ag
gressive candidates throughout the entire
campaign, and if others intend entering the
contest with expectation of landing the
convention endorsement they must awoken.
The candidacy of John U Webster hss
been announced for some time, but not
much has been done to keep it fully before
the people. Rosewater Is In every way
qualified for the position he seeks and has a
powerful newspaper behind him In his am
bition. The Bee long has been recognized
as the leading newspaper west of the river
and wields an Immense amount of Influ
ence. Not only that, but Mr. Rosewnter
Is recognized aa one of the most astute
politicians of the state and one of the best
Informed men on all public questions in the
country. For years he has been prominent
In public affairs, principally as a private
citlxen, however. No one ever has to won
der for long where the editor Is at on any
Issue, as a perusal of The Bee quickly sets
all doubts at rest. It is to be hoped that
the petty political differences of the Omaha
and Douglas county republicans will bo
forgotten and that they will line up solid
In his support.
Beat Type of Pnblle Mai,
Stuart Ledger (rep.).
Edward, Rosewater haa announced hlm
aelf a candidate for the United States sen
ate. The man who has made and unmade
congreasmen for more than thirty years
Is asking the voters of the state to elect
him to one of the highest official positions
In America. In Rosewater the people have
always found a stalwart defender. He Is
a stayer, a fighter and a man of unques
tlon strength of mind and character. He
never undertook to lift a load for the pub
lic but what he lifted It. If he made up
his mind a good democrat would better fill
an office than a bad man of his own party,
he worked for that man, regardless of mis
representation and abuse. Rosewater is
the best type of public man In the west.
Original, fearless, always placing men
above measures, alwaya courageous enough
to fight for his convictions of right and
wrong. He is Nebraska's pioneer journal
ist, an editor of national repute, and will
bring to the senate experience, ability and
distinction. His wide knowledge of public
affairs and his Roosevelt courage are par
ticularly needed at thia time in state and
Either Brown or Rosewater.
Bradshaw Republican (rep ).
No friend of Attorney General Brown haa
any reason to feel the least bit sore over
the launching of the candidacy of Edward
Rosewater. This move virtually shuts out
the "favorite son" move and the contest
in the state convention will be squsrely
made between Brown and Rosewater, with
the rhancea In favor of the former; but
should the latter be the winner the people
will have a champion that they can well
afford to stand by.
For Hint from the First.
Imperial Republican.
While this paper haa nothing to say
against the candidacy of any worthy and
able republican for this office, a-e have been
In favor of Edward Rosewater from the
first, and we don't rare who knows It.
Firat. his ability Is the best of any man
mentioned for the place. For more than
a third of a century he has been a tireless
worker In upbuilding his state snd no one
can truthfully say that he haa not been
a powerful factor In this direction and Is
deserving of reward at the hands of not
only republicans, but the general public aa
well. He Is a pioneer advocate of legisla
tion demanded by the people and advocated
the principles embodied In the republican
platform when they were far less popular
than now. Hia consistent battle for better
and purer politics has made him bitter ene
mies among the class that dependa upon
political graft for an rxiatence. but his
efforts in this direction should and do com
mand the respect of the rank and file of re
publicans. If he desires to round out his
long and honorable career with a term In
the United Slates senate he richly deserves
the distinction and the Independent voters
of the republican party should make theiw
selves heeid with no uncertainty In his be.
half. i
It Quiets
the Cough
This is one reason why Ayer's Cherry
Pectoral is so valuable in consumption:
it stops the wear and tear of useless
coughing. But it does more it con
trols the inflammation, quiets the fever,
soothes, heals. Ask your doctor about
it, then do just as he says.
We have no secrets! We publish
the formulas of alt our medicines.
Msds by the J. O. Arse Co.. Lowell, Xui.
Alse Msnursetursrs of
ATTICS HAIR TIGOR For the hair. ATER'S FILLS For conitipition.
In spite of the damage done to the Uni
versity of California, at Berkeley. Presi
dent Wheeler announces that the summer
session will be held from June L'5 to Au
gust 4.
Sir Thomas I.lpton has had models made
of the three Shamrocks, which he will pre
sent to the New York Yacht club at an
early date. They are now being exhibited
in Inndon.
N. R. Usher, who will be the first man to
command the armored cruiser St. Ixuls. Is
a young naval officer. He was on the his
torical expedition of the Bear to find Oiee
ly In the far north.
Prof. L.. K. Hill of the Royal Society of
IyOndon. has demonstrated by personal ex
periment that he can live under an air
pressure equal to that which would be felt
under water at the depth of 200 feet.
On June 14 Kentucky will unveil a statue
of Stephen Collins Foster, who wrote "My
Old Kentucky Home." The statue was
made by Sculptor J. I.. Root from a de
scription of the composer and an old
daguerreotype In the possession of Foster's
daughter. Mrs. Marlon Walsh, of Allegheny
City, Pa.
Congressman John Wesley Gaines of Ten
nessee gave an unusually interesting dis
play of temper In the house one day last
week and waa called to order repeatedly
by the speaker. One of his colleHgues re
marked: "Every man haa a right to make
a blasted fool of himself, but really John
abuses the privilege."
The council of the faculty of sciences of
the University of Paris has confirmed the
initiative of the minister of public Instruc
tion In appointing Mme. Curie to the chair
of the university occupied by her husband.
This is the first time a woman has occu
pied this high position. Prof. Curie and
his wife were the discoverers of radium.
Charles Haynes Haswell, 97 years old this
month, is a practicing engineer In New
York City and was an interesting figure
at the laying of the new engineers' club
house cornerstone by Mrs. Carnegie the
other day. The old gentleman saw Robert
Fulton's first steamboat on the Hudson
river and expecta to take a prominent part
In the Fulton and Clermont centennial next
year. In the civil war he was chief of the
engineer corps in General Burnslde's ex
pedition and reoelved high praise.
"TIRSCHBAUM clothes are the
sort you admire on others and
.1 buy for yourself if you have
the courage. of your judgment. Find
the Kirschbaum dealer. Sometimes aj
man gets into the wrong place and lets
himself be bullied into taking what he
doesnt want just to please the man in
the store.
Ask for Kirschbaum Clothes (War
ranted). Good stores everywhere, $ 1 2
tO $30. (Look or laUD
Wear the Eastern Styles.
Tor Sale ia Omaha iy
Berg-Swanson Company
AYEB'S AGUE CUkE-For nuUiia aoa agat.
i.Air;niN HF,MRK.
Constituent Doc. there wasn't one in a
doxen of those garden seeds you sent me
that ever csnie up."
Congressman Great Scott. Ferguson!
Ton dldn t plant them, did you? Chlciro
Yeast You didn't seem to gain any weight
while you were down south.
Crlmsonbeak -How could I? Why. r ..
nose peeled three times! Yonkers States
man May Fechts Jack Ooodley called upon
me the other evening.
Mr. Chellus Huh! how did you survive
It? I suppose he talked about something
Idiotic all the time
May Pechls Well. yes. he spoke shout
you quite a great deal Philadelphia Press.
"What do you think of alt this ahou?
the rate hill In congress?"
"I would rsther not give an opinion
until I have taken brosd review of the
matter." Baltimore American.
Nell Now. one of these hsts is quite too
expensive and the other Is cheap. I don'
know which one to take.
telle Take the cheap one. It suits your
face better. Philadelphia ledger.
"Satan doesn't bother to go after de man
who has made up his mind to git rich
wlfout workln'." said Uncle Eben. "Fl
Jes' leaves de latch string out an' waits
fnh him to come In of his own accord."
Washington Star.
Washington Star.
High up on a shelf In the pantry it stood
In fHncy 1 se It again
A remedy certain to do you much good.
Though fraught with incredible pain.
There Is nothing In all of the various Ills
That mortals are called to endure
From a sty or a stone brulae to fever and
That it wasn't expected to cure.
Its flavor was that of some lke down below
That the imps kept eternally hot.
If outwardly used, in two minutes 'twould
A blister, more likely than not.
And when, like a martyr who yields to
You weakened and uttered a yen.
The folks would approvingly not. and de
clare: "Thai's a sign It Is making him well."
Though I long for the momenta of Innocent
That only a child can enjoy.
I always think twice before yearning to b
A careless and frolicsome boy.
Though life's serious cares cause full mrfny
an ache,
And hope only leads to dismay.
I'd rather face all such distresses than take
One dose from that bottle today.