Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 18, 1906, Page 3, Image 3

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Dfxridet Business Oolleeei are 8ehooli and
Exempt From Tuition.
Caart Holds Comaa'ay Took Wraagt
Method of Testlngr Imlltr
Assessment anal Mast Par
ho Tnm.
(Krom a Staff Correspondent )
UNCOL.N, May 17.-8peclal.)-The su
preme court this morning affirmed the
decision of the lower court In the esse
r-f the Rohrbough Business college of
Omaha to the effect that the college ia a
ehoot and In therefore permitted to deduct
from Its value for assessment put poses
that part used exclusively for school pur
poses. The court also found for the Van Dorn
Iron Works, which "sued for a balance dua
on steel cells placed in the state peniten
tiary. The auditor refused to issue the
warrant because the company had failed
to put In sewer connections in six of the
cells, though the board allowed the bill and
passed favorably upon the work done.
William A. flmmoni, who brought habeas
corpus proceedings, was ordered released
after an attack on the dipsomaniac law
under whose provisions he had been sent
to the asylum. The court did not pass
upon the constitutionality of the law.
Wester talon Moat Pay
Tha Western Union Telegraph company,
which sought to enjoin the collection of an
Increased tax levied by reason of an in
crease ordered by the County Board of
Equalization on Its property, according to
tbs supreme court, sought to secure relief
by the wrong methods and therefore or
dered the Judgment of the district court
reversed and the cause dismissed.
In May, 1904, tha county assessor of Doug
Ins county gave to the company's officials
a blank upon which to make out the
company's assessment. This was returned
with the personal property valued at $20,
?S.Sfl and the gross receipts at $27,092 29.
The two Items made a total "personal" val
uation of $4T.1.19. The county board
served the company with a notice-to show
cause why Its assessment should not be
Increased. After a hearing the assess
ment was placed at $77.9X1 and the as
sessed value of the personal property was
extended on the records at $15,464 Instead ot
$9,440, aa returned by the assessor. The tax
against the company was $477. The com
pany offered to pay taxes on Its tangible
property, $20,2fl(i.90. This sum was refused
and an Injunction was asked for to re
strain the county from collecting any more
taxes thai was tendered. After a hearing
the Injunction was granted. In reversing
the case Commissioner Ames said:
"An action in equity will not He when
the plaintiff has a plain, adequate and
speedy remedy at law."
He also held It la right and proper to
take Into consideration tha gross receipts
in arriving at tha value of a franchise.
Mrs. Ogden leasee laaarssee,
The supreme court has reversed the de
cision of the district court of Douglas
county In the case wherein Mrs. Mable P.
Ortgen, widow of the late Charles Ogden,
secured a verdict against the Woodmen
of the World for 2,000, the amount of a
policy carried In the order by the deceased.
It was shown Ogden failed to pay an as
sessment levied for the month of November.
He died, the following January. The widow
brought suit, allaglng that her husband
was In good standing and denying the
legality of the assessment, as It was made
by the , sovereign, commander and the fl
nande "commit tee rattier than by tha sov
ereign camp. The court holds under the
laws of ,fhe order an assessment Is due snd
payable each month unless remitted and
consequently the deceased waa not a mem
ber In good standing at the time of his
death. The case was remanded.
In affirming the decision of the lower
court of Douglaa county In the case of
Bertha Getsschmann et si against the
county commissioners of Douglas county,
the court holds that when rjval news
papers set up a claim for county printing
and the commissioners after a hearing in
good faith award the same to on of the
paper, a Court of equity will not Interfere
by Injunction to restrain or control Its
action. Tha plaintiffs sought to secure
the printing of the delinquent tax list of
the county and two rival papers secured
the work after a hearing as to the ability
of the papers to come up to the require
ments of the law governing such publica
tions. The board of commissioners was sus
tained. Road Moat Pay for Streets.
The Omaha Bridge and Terminal com
pany will have to pay the city of South
Omaha nominal damages for condemning
Its streets and alleys for the purpose of
laying tracks. The case Is reversed. When
t(te railroad company and the city council
could not get together on an agreement as
to what damages should be paid the clly,
the company condemned the property and
the district court allowed the town $3 dam
ages. Tha supreme court holds the city
has tha same property Interests in its
streets as a private party has in his prop
erty and should be treated the same.
Woaaan Dies oat Train.
Mrs. A. F. Pearson, en route to Lincoln
from Altoona. Kan., to vlalt her mother,
Mrs. W. J. Hamilton, died on .the train
near Weeping Water. The woman com
plained of being 111 of heart trouble and
during tha night she took soma headache
powders. It waa tha opinion of Coroner
Graham that sha died as the result of this
Norfolk Hearing Moaday.
Acting In accordance with the opinion of
the attorney general that the Board of
Public Lands and Buildings was tha proper
party to hear the complaints against Su
perintendent A Id en and Physician Nichol
son of the Norfolk asylum, the governor
todsy turned over the records in the caae
to I -and Commissioner Eaton, chairman of
the board. The board will go to Norfolk
Monday afternoon to begin taking evidence
In the case.
Chief Justice Sedgwick waa called home
this morning by a telegram announcing the
death of a brother at York. Supreme court
at one adjourned without waiting to paaa
upon the motions for rehearing.
rtsjht Over ! Meeie.
FORT CALHOUN, Neb.. May 17. (Spe
cial Telegram.) Tha election In Fort Cal
houn was a fight between tha saloons and
tha law and order element, and the mayor
and city council were elected by the law
and order party by a good majority. Then
L Baiting
Powder f
1 aotia will w ai foe il
ever known. Manufacturers' surplus stocks and Pinple lines, mill ends and a general clean-up of our own immense stock of spring
occasion reveals you'll be greatly the gainer, the -bargain prices alone form a powerful buying incentive, but when placed upon goods
These Ladies' Furnishing Bargains
invite You.
Sample Lines and Surplus Stocks irom Well Known Manufactarers
Ladies' Knit Underwear
A Oleaa-np Ziot from a Largs Kill and.
Wortk Doable gala Woe.
Ladles' Union Suits In lisle or fine cotton,
high neck and ankle TCp
length, at 4c and
Ladles' Combination Suits, low necked and
sleeveless, in lisle or OSt-.
fine cotton, at Kc, JSc and OW
Ladles' Vests In fine lisle or rnaco cotton,
silk taped and with lace yokes, tfr
sale prices 16c, 12 4c and iUk
Ladles' Vesta snd Pants, vests are high
necked and long sleeved, pants knee
length, lace V'mmed, great n.
snap at, sale price garment 1VC
Ladles' Vests and Pants In fine lisle, worth
I5e and auk
Children's Vests- and Pants, vests long or
short sleeved, sale price 1fi
per garment IvL
Ladles' Uauze Vests In all siies, worth
double, sale e
price, 7He and Ot
Children's Union Suits, All sties. 1Qr
summer weight, st "
Ladies' and Children's Hose
The entire surplus mill stock and sam
ple lines of two manufacturers.
Ladles' fine I.lsle Hose in blacks, white and
faniieg, plain or lace effects, worth no !
10 our. sale price
per pair
Ladies Hose in black, white and fancy
colors, many fine silk embroidered hose
in this lot, worth to Zoc pair,
at, pair
Remarkable Skirt Bargains
b. Dress and talking Skirts in the ne
iwu iuib ior ims sale.
Stylish Skirts, worth $6 00, O QQ
sale price aS.VO
A fortunate purchase enables us to offer you Just the opportunity you've been
looking for, that of securing pretty Wash Suits at a great bargain. See them
Wash Suits, worth $4.00. f (IE
sale price !"!-
wen worth iiu.w, sale price while tney last
W omen s $7.60 Silk fQ.
Underskirts O.VO
Women's $6.00 Jap and Net O fiQ
Waists aS.VO
Women's 76c Wash qfin
Underskirts OV.
Women's 76c Dressing
In the Main Wash
I cases of dotted Swisses, regular
26c grade, at, a yard
I cases of dotted Silk Moussellne,
tha 36o grade, at, a yard
1 cases of plain Silk Moussellne,
121 c
tne zoo grade, at, a yard.
t cases of Panama, fine mercer. Ol -Ised
goods, 26c grade lasfk
26c grade
Eollennes ...
10 cases of lc
the council refused to vote sufficient funds
to pay a marshal, which made It im
possible for the mayor to carry out the
wishes of the people. The council thereby
virtually surrendered to the saloon ele
ment. The mayor refused to surrender
and resigned.
Sandajr School Workers Meet.
BROKEN BOW, May 17. (Special.)
The annual Custer county Sunday school
convention is now in session In this city
and will last until tomorrow night. Dele
gates from all parts of tha country are
present, while the Presbyterian church,
the. scene of action. Is crowded at every
meeting. Tha program of 5esterday after
neon and evening consisted of devotional
meeting, conducted by Hev. Epley of
Broken Bow; address, by W. W. Klmberly
of Lincoln; discussion, A. J. Picket if
West Union; three addresses, two by Miss
Haines of Lincoln, and one by State
President L. P. Albright of Red Cloud.
A song service was directed by D. B.
Allen. Comstock, while Prof. Stledly of
Lincoln, had charge of the round table.
Today's program Includes a sunrise prayer
meeting, three praise services, reports of
county Sunday schools and election ot
officers, several addresses and a round
table. Praise services were conducted by
Mrs. Fred Drum, Callaway; Mrs. B. L.
Atklsson, Merna, and W. T. Woody of
Lc max. The majority of out-of-town
delegates are being entertained by local
members at their homes.
Fear Drives Maw Iweaae.
FREMONT. Neb., May 17.-(Speclal Tele
gram.) Anton Matcyeck, a patient at tha
Fremont hospital, caused considerable ex
citement last night while Insane. He was
suffering from heart disease and occupied
a room which was generally used by pa
tients who were to be operated upon. Fear
that he was destined for the operating room
drove him Insane and after Ineffectual ef
forts to confine him he leaped from a
second story window to the ground. He
was found by the poire near the city hall
and taken to the room for the Insane at
the county Jail. Shortly after some dis
turbance was heard in the Jail and It
was found that the unfortunate man waa
attempting to strangle himself with his
suspenders. This evening It waa thought
best by his physician to take him to his
home at Morse Bluffs and he waa sent there
this evening.
Telephone Maes Consolidate.
TECUMSEH. Neb., May 17 (Special Tele
gram.) The Johnson County Home Tele
phone company, which ia the new Independ
ent company here, today bought the entire
holdings of the Johnson County Telephone
company, an Independent company owned
and controlled by H. F. Canon of Cook. The
Canon lines Include the exchanges at Cook
and Graf, towna In this county and several
rural lines running put from these towns,
ss well as a connecting line from this city.
The acquisition gives the local company
about 0 additional phones, which com
pletely cover the northern part of the
county. Mr. Canon will he retained as man
ager of his former holdings by the Home
company and the transfer of ownership
will be made July 1.
Decree ef Honor Convention.
TABLK ROCK. Neb.. May 17.-1 Special )
The Degree of Honor convention of the
Third district convened in Table Rock on
Wednesday morning. Nineteen visitors
from sbroad were present. The question
of "The Open Door" was discussed and a
vote taken resulted in Its favor. The ques
tion of the reserve fund was also discussed
and highly favored. The visiting members
were entertained at dinner at the hall by
the women from tha country. In the even
ing Dr. W. H. Wilson gave an address
of welcome which was responded to by
Mm. Mary A. l-aikv A program mas also
rtiiuettd and (lull woik as aiS9 djn.
Great Manufacturer's
Begins Friday,
Ladies' Hose In black, tans and fancies,
worth 19c pair, sale s
prlie, pair 16c, 10c and f
Children's Hose, heavy ribbed with triple
knee and double heel and toe, worth
19c pair, sale price, 10C
Children's Hose in whites, pinks, blues snd
black, regular made, vorth up to 1fr
25c pair, sale price, pair aVfc
Infants' Hose in black, white or colors,
regular 2c values, Cr
at, pair -
Ladies' Corsets
One great lot of sample corsets, many In
the lot worth up to $'J.50. They come In
white, drab and fancy colors and have
two sets of hiwe supporters attached, all
sixes from 19 to 3ti. jb
at 89c. 50c and mOC
tm-o sets of hose stiporters attached, all
manufacturer's samples, worth up to M'c.
at one price In this Sl-
sale , IOW
Ladies' Gloves
Ladles' silk or lisle gloves In black, whlto
and all colors, with double finger tips,
w.irth 60c, sale price per O Re
pair aO
Ladles' Long I.ace Mitts In black or white,
worth up to $2 00. 7c
at nair. $1.00 and iOw
Misses' 60c Silk Oloves. with ilnuhln
finger tips, In this
Misses' 26c BUck Silk Mitts,
Lsdi-s" Silk Gloves with reinforced
finger tips, at $1.00, 7&c and
west styles and materials,
divided Into
$8.00 and $9.00 Skirts, perfect A fit
beauties, sale price 1iV3
Wsh Suits, worth $5.00 and
jg.oo, ie prlre
linen and other materials.
Women's $2.00
Women's $1.60 Moire and Sateen
Women's $1.00
Goods Dept.
a cases or 16c di.
Batiste OlC
3 esses of fine silk and mercerised wait
ings, regular 39c tCri
goods Ivw
2 cases of 10c India si
Llnon 9L
2 casea or l-VtC India
2 cases of 15c India
15 other specials on sale on this great
Vote Almost Unanimous Amone Veterans
in Favor of That Place.
Four Ballots decease ry to Make Selec
tion, the Other Candidates Betas
General Caere of Lincoln and
Ell Bnrnea of Grand Island.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Neb., May 17.-(Specal Tele
gram.) The next encampment of the Grand
Army of the Republic will be held In Fre-'
mont. This wss decided at the business
meeting of the veterans this afternoon, al
most unanimously. A big fight on the part
of Lincoln had been anticipated but failed
to materialize, as nearly all of the veterans
resent what they think scant attention
paid to them by the citlxens and business
men of Lincoln and the opposition to the
capital was almost unanimous. Because
of this when the motion waa made to.
hold the next encampment In Fremont
went through with a whoop. Lincoln was
not even mentioned, though at one time
this town hoped to be the permanent meet
ing place of the old soldiers.
The following officers were elected: J.
R. Maxon of Mlnden, department com
mander; John F. Dienen of Syracuse, senior
vice commander; Jonathan Edwards of
Omaha, Junior vice commander f L. 8. Sales
of Geneva, chaplain; W. H. Johnson of
Lincoln, medical director.
The only fight was on the election of a
department commander and it required four
ballots to settle this controversy. The
others voted for were General Gage of
Lincoln and FJ1 Barnes of Grand Island.
Gage was second In the running.
Tomorrow another business session will be
held and the remainder of the officers
Tonight a camp fire was held at the Audi
torium and a packed house wss In attend
ance. Commander-in-Chief Tanner, Gov
ernor Mickey, Mrs. Abble Adams and others
spoke and patriotic songs were sung by the
entire audience.
Parade at Veterans.
Inspired by the deeds of forty years
ago, grisxled war veterans, many scarcely
able to walk alone, some with an arm
or leg missing as a reminder of the war,
marched through the streets of Lincoln
this morning, greeted everywhere by
crowds which generously cheered the lit
tle remnant of a gallant band. The oc
casion was the second day of the encamp
ment of the Grand Army of the Republic.
The exercises were a lesson In patriot
ism. The high school children marched
In a body to the Auditorium and the old
and the new Joined lit singing patriotic
songs snd In listening to patriotic ad
dresses. A beautiful flag was presented to
the high school by Mrs. Jennie Bryant
on behalf of the Women's Relief Corps.
Then there were speeches by Commander-in-Chief
Tanner; Mrs. Abble Adama. pres
ident of the Nstlonal Women's Relief
Corps. Department Commander Lett and
Department President Hsrrlet A. Wilcox;
Mary A. Morgan, national secretary, and
Principal Sanders of the high school.
Tonight Genersl Custer circle gsve a re
ception in the parlors of the Llndell to
the rational and department presidents of
the Ladles of the Grand Army of the Re
public. Mrs. Psttie M. Vaughn of Lin
coln delivered an -address, to which Mrs.
Camelle Elliott of Omaha responded. Miaa
Elva Barber aang a solo.
The Ladles of the Grand Army of the
t r.-publlc met at the Llndell hotel thli
May 18th-.
Ladies' Suit and
Besides several manufacturer's stocks
Included in this sale our entire stock of spring garments. In most dvlrr,i styles,
materials and colorings, at about half and In many cases less thsn half their real
THR CELEBRATED CROWN SUITS for which we are eicluslvs Omaha agents.
sold all over the country reruleriy st
In this sale at. choice
ttf.r.0 and moo Tailor Suits in this sal-, at
WOMEN'8 SPRING COATS-Over K gsrments In this line
the best bargains ever offered.
100 Covert Costs and 76 Silk Coats, worth i
$.oo. in tnls ssle at. 1 OR I
choice J.VOt
246 HANDSOME CRA VFNETTF.S $16 00 values. In all styles, colors snd
sizes, greatest bargains ever offered, at, sale price
Together With a General Clean-Up Sale of Our Own Immense Stock
It's an 111 wind that blows nobody good Is a saying that proves true in this In
stance. Over 47.0ii yards of beautiful silks Imported for various Sun' Francisco
firms were secured from the agents by our buyer st a fraction of their real value.
These together with a general clean-up sale of our own Immense stock are un
doubtedly the most marvelous values ever offered In Omaha and will be on sale
Friday In four great lots.
LOT 18.493 yards. Including corded snd
check loulslenes, 49-ln. black and colored
taffetas, hnlr line, stripes, etc.,
during this sale at, yard
LOT 2 Consists of over ll.oni yards of
peau rte eyeries, novelty suitings, 27-ln.
natural Japs, 20-in. guaranteed black j
taffetas. 20-ln black peau de soles, chiffon
poplins, color pongees, corded hsbutals
and a great line of cheeks In black snd
white, blue snd white, brown ilOc
and white, sale price per yard
Men's Furnishing Bargains Better
Than Evet
Every Item lifted here a winning value which you cannot help but appreciate.
Tou don't need to be a Judge of value to recognise their bargain merit.
Men's Underwear
Men's Silk Lisle Shirts snd Drawers In
white, blue and fancies, worth COf,
up to $200, sale price UJ
Men's Fine Balbrigaan Shirts end Drawers,
good range of siies, worth 75c, CiAc
at, per garment
Men's 60c quality Shirts and Drawers, all
slses, In plain and fancy colors, iQc
sale price per garment
Men's Combination Suits, worth up . to
$6 00. plain or fancy colors, f ff
at $2.00, $1.5rt and !
Men s $1.00 Night Robes In fine 45C
cambric, sale price
Men's Hose
Men's Fine Embroidered Lisle Hose In all
the new shades, up to 75c, 5Sr
at. pair
Men's Fancy Hose made from finest maco
cotton, all newest shades and patterns
forspring, 25c values, l2lc
sale price
Men's Hose worth 19c, in blacks, tans or
fancv embroidered, lOc
at. pair ,ww
Or pair for 26c.
Men's 12Hc Hose In blacks or tans, Rr;
sale price pair
Your Lace Curtain Opportunity
immn. Un of aamDle Lace CurUlns in all the lateet designs,
worth up to $3.00 a pair, will go in
arM M1Wva.v
choice, each
morning In executive session. The entire
time was taken up' In reports ana am-
cusslons of reports.
The Women's Relief corps is noiaing ioro
at St. Paul's church and at noon served
State Hesta In Chamherlaln Case.
ii'cT-nv vh Mav 17. 8Declal.)
In the case of ths State against Charles
M. Chamberlain, now on trial nere, on a
change of venue from Johnson county, the
state finished it's side of the caae and
rested st noon today. The defense moved
the court to Instruct the Jury to return
a verdict of not guilty, on the ground
that the evidence was not sufficient to
warrant a conviction. Judge Raper over
ruled the motion and the defense com
menced on its side of the case. It is not
thought the case will be submitted to tha
Jury until some time next week.
tews of Nebraska.
SEWARD Phil Mullenwaber sold his
quarter section of land in "K" town te
Henry Roth of Illinois, for $80 an acre.
TABLE ROCK Mr. Edward Nemee of
DuBola and Miss Josle Macha of Table
Rock were married yesterday, at Beatrice.
photographer, has moved his gallery from
here to Ulysses, where he has taken charge
of a photograph gallery.
TORK District court will convene, Mon
dsv, May 21. The docket Is light. Two
criminal esses will probably be tried the
second week of the term.
KKWARD The marriage of Miss Nellie
Lyons and Carl W. Mayland oeeurrej
yesterday at the home of the bride's par
ents. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lyons.
PAPILLION The Methodist people here
sre thoroughly overhauling the church
and when the workmen are through 't
will have the appearance of a new build
ing. SEWARD The annual sermon to the
old soldiers will be delivered by Rer.
P. H. Schell at the Methodiat Episcopal
church Sunday morning. May 27. This
will be union service.
NORTH PLATTE Word has been re
ceived here of the death of Frank W. Bry
ant, a former clerk In the United States
land office of this place. He died at Long
Beach, Cal., on May (.
ADAMS At a meeting of the citlxens of
Adsms they voted to hold a street carnival
Julv i" and M. J. A. Miller, chairman; W.
C. Gray, secretary; F. B. Fisher, treasurer.
The fair will be a success.
BEATRICE In a base ball game played
here yesterdsy afternoon between the
Beatrice Junior hall team and the high
school nine from Blue Springs, the latter
won by the score of 17 to 1.
WAHOO The second annual rendition of
"The Messiah'' will be given here May 23.
There will be a chorua of seventy volcea
from Luther academy. The affair Is under
the direction of Herbert A. Johnson.
MINDKN The women of Mlnden
Library association gave another suoper
tonight and It was well attended. They
are raising money to build p. .
library and all are pushing it along.
BEATRICE The Union Pacifis board of
examiners arrived in the city laat night
to examine employes of the road at this
point. The train was in charge of C. P.
Carey and left for Unco In this morning.
NORTH PLATTE Mrs. M. Louise Burke,
who la one of the pioneer setlieis of this
country, yesterday received word from
Amsterdam, Hollund, that her oldest sister.
Mrs. Anna Swltxer, died there on April 30,
BEATRICE Mrs. Roxa Ziegenhaln. re
siding ne;ir Ellis, died yesterday at the age
of 7K years. She Is survived by a family
of nine children, all grown. The remains
were interred In the Ellis cemetery this
TEKAM AH Donald, the -year-old son
of Fred Walbridge of this city was kicked
in the fsre by s horse last night. It re
quired seven stitches to sew up the wound
and while it is not considered serious, it Is
very painful. '
YORK J. W. York and Iee Beard dug
out ten wolves on the banks of Uneoln
creek. The wolves were purchased by a
huHlness man here, who will either start a
goologlcal garden or donate to the mena
gerie at York park.
8H ELTON J. P. Smith. Bhelton's oldest
merchant and a respected citisen. died
this morning sfter an illness of but a few
weeks, desth being the result of age and
dropsy combined. He wss one of the pio
neer set Una of Buffalo county and had for
many years been In the hardware business
at Sheltua. He waa a member of the vil
lage board and his great interest la public
Stock S
of careful preparation for this
ing together of the greatest collection
Coat Bargains
of Wash Suits. Skirts. Waists, etc., we have
$15.00 to $42.50. Q Oli
Stylish, well made and
ohegan coverts
300 Stylish Coats In fire m
or handsome checks and plaids, K OR:
worth $10 to $12; sale price O.VO ,
Silk Bargains
LOT1 J Includes over l.l.OfiO yards of 27-in.
novelties, 20-ln. fancy stripe silks for
petticoats, handsome plaids, 30-in. color
taffetas and a beautiful line of 4Sc
checks, sale price per yerd JW
LOT 4 The greatest vslues of nil about
14.600 yards of meesaltnes. electraa. 27-ln
color taffetas and fancy suiting silks,
38-ln. black taffeta, black snd natural Jap
silks and a great assortment of choicest
novelties, $1.00 to $2.00 values, (Qr
at, yard OVW.
Men's Shirts
The largest stock ever shown In Omsha
and the smallest prices you ever paid for
garments of such superior quality. Every
shirt perfect and well made. The entire
sample line and surplus stock of a well
known shirt maker. They come In fine
madras, percales and silk or mohair
bosoms. Collars attached or detached.
They come In all the latest patterns for
summer wesr and are worth up to $1.60.
Divided Into three lots for this sale.
Greatest bargains ever shown, OSe,
st 60c, 39c and SiJW
Bovs' Shirts snd Shirt Wsists In light or
dark colors with soft or laundered collars,
tight fitting or blouse styles, lOc
worth up to 60c, choice - w
Men's and Boys' Suspenders, worth 1fn
up to 50c, st 36c, 16c and ,u
Men's 16c Linen Collers, four ply. good
styles, slses 14 to IK, good, clean fie
stock, at, each
Men's Heavv Working 6hlrts in blue
chambray or black, all slses, 2Sc
regular 50c value, at -
this sale at
of the best waterworks systems In Shelton
of sny town In the state. He waa an old
soldier and Grand Army member.
BEEMER W. A. Smith, cashier of the
Fret National bank of Beemer has Just re
turned from-a bu sines trip to northwestern
Nebraska, where he has been negotiating
for several sections of Sherman county
land near Rushvllle and Gordon.
BEATRICE W. B. Ellis was arraigned
today before Judge Spafford on a charge
of forgerv. He entered a plea of not guilty
and In default of 1,000 bond he was lodged
In the county Jail to await his preliminary
hearing, which is set for May 23.
SEWARD The right-of-way men for
the riuriington railway were in rtewarl
Tuesday and made application In the
count v court for a commission to appraise
damages on the proposed right-of-way of
the new line In the vicinity of Mllford.
YORK It is known that the Union Paci
fic railroad will have two stations on Its
cut-off from Stromsburg to Cen'ral City.
One will be two miles norm ot Stsrk post
office and the other will be some six miles
north and east of Arborville in this county.
BEEMER T. C. Kirk made a shipment
of cattle to South Omaha the first of he
week returning home last night. Mr.
Kirk Is one of the heaviest stock feeders
In this section and is vice president of the
Beemer Stale bank.
SEWARD A collection amounting to
$63 was taken up here at the German
Evangelical church, and one at the Ger
man Evangelical church of Goehnor and
the money forwarded by the pastor ot
both churches to Rev. Ad North.
BEATRICE W. F. Compton died yester
dav at his home three miles east of the
city after a prolonged Illness of kidney
trouble. He wss a native of Ohio and was
67 years of age. The funeral was held this
afternoon at f o'clock and Interment was
in the Beatrice cemetery.
LEIGH A. L. Scutt broke ground this
morning for the erection of a new brick
store building. The structure will be x
feet, two stories and basement. Ilgh Is
experiencing quite an activity In the build
ing line at present. Another brick atore
will soon be erected, besides several fine
BEATRICE Testerday afternoon at the
home of the bride's sister. Mrs. Van Llew
in South Beatrice, was solemnised the msr
risge of Mr. Edwsrd Nomec snd Miss Josle
Macha. Rev. N. A. Martin officiating The
young couple left today for Du Bols, Neb.,
near which place they will make their home
on a farm.
SEWARD Rev. M. W. Lorimer, pastor
of the Presbyterian church of Utlca, was
assaulted on the street here today by a
man by the name of HcharcK, a saloon
keener of Utlca. Rev. Lorimer was in
lured about the head. Rev. Lorimer is
the secretary of the Seward Law and
Order league.
BEATRICE Yesterdsy Clyde F. Macy,
until recentlv a resident of Beatrice, and a
son of Mr. and Mrs J. F. Macy of this
city, was married in Uncoln to Miss Kittle
B. Taylor. Rev. J. W. Hilton ornrlating.
Mr. and Mra. Macy will make their home
at Uncoln. where the groom la employed
in the offices of the Burlington road.
BEATRICE Charged with brutally as
saulting his nephew. Henry Ullle. Jarnea
I.IIlie was brought here today from Rock
ford. He pleaded not guilty and gave
bond for his appearance in the county
court next Thursday. Llllle alleges that
his nephew attacked him with an ax and
that the assault was committed in self de
fense. HO WELLS The Colfax County Medical
society held Its qusrterly meeting at Clark
son yesterday sfternoon In the office of
Dr. Allen, lmportsnt papers were resd by
the following members: Dr. Preiton of
Howells. Neb., Ir. Corbln of Schuyler,
Neb., and Dr. Algers of Leigh, Neb. Their
next meeting will be held In Howells, Neb.,
In September. 19".
BROKEN BOW A quiet, but Impressive
ceremony took place In the parlors of the
Commercial this sfternoon. when Rev.
Chamberlain of the Methodist church,
spoke the words thst united Delbert Imla
snd Elisabeth Martin In the bonda of wed
lock. W. L. Iewls and wife, parents of tha
groom, end one or two friends were the
only witnesses to the ceremony.
YORK Mrs. G. H. Westgate snd son
Raymond were both seriously In lured In a
runaway accident that occurred at the Burl
ington passenger depot when a passenger
train arrived, scaring the horsa that ran
into the Westgste horse, causing it to be
come frightened snd turning over the
buggy, throwing both on the ground. Mrs.
Westgate s arm was broken In two placea
and Raymond Westgate waa picked up un
conscious. SEWARD Judge Good iiim from
Wshoo to hold court In the place of Juris
I Evans. The grand Jury appeared in opa
i .in on Hai.irday and mane a tjei.iu
report, returning four indictments. An
'indictment against John Cox of 1'tin for
'keeping liquors without a license ww
event have resulted in the bring
of eplcndid values Omaha has
goods is included in this sale. If
of such high merit the opportunity
Laces, Embroideries, Fancy Goods,
Ribbons, Veilings, Ladies'
From the clearing-up stock
staple goods. Go on sale Friday
..1 .
Embroideries J,1
This lot of factory clearings in embroideries and Insertlngs come In
rljs of y to yards
First Iot,
per ya rd
Second I-ot,
per yard ..
Third 1-ot.
per yard
n;!.... This cleaning-up stock Ribbons from tne mill in one great lot, ootn plain
uivvviia and fancv, nre worth rrom lbc to ,i.c per yarn, vi nave not
time to assort them so will let them go at one price during this nle.
The greatest ribbon bargains ever shown, at, a yard
25c Shirt IVasf Seis 5c
rtlete er
I6c. Wn secured 6"0 of these sets at 'he clearing up hale of t ne factory,
and will offer the entire lot during this great
sale at. per set
$1.50 Embroidered Waist At - , W ' Embroidered Waist
Patterns, each -, l Vatterns, each
$2.26 Embroidered Waist KQr i Coi-et Cover F.mbrolder-
Patterns. each uwl r" "
Ladies' Neckwear 7k
This lot of Ladies' Neckwesr is compos.; d almost entirely of trsvellng salesmen's
samples, worth from 15c to 50c each. They are slightly mussed, but "
the greatest neckwear snap ever offered. At our lC
sale price, each
I All kinds of odd sets of French and German, Val, Torchon and Nottingham
.CCS Wash Laces, woith from 16c to c per ysrd.
sll go at one price In this sale, lCt
per yard ,
C,u --J, An Immense lot of Pillow Tops. Dollies, Scarfs, Shams, Center Pieces,
tanCy UOOOS 1Mnnw Cords, Laundry Bags, etc., all go at ABOUT ONE-FIFTH
Sofa Pillow Tops, stamped and
tlntd, choice at
Sofa Pillow Cord, all colors,
at, per yard
Center Pieces, stamped,
at, choice . .
Bcarfs. stamped, many pretty
designs, each
11 '
.OJC ;
1 (rt
. "OW
Don't Pass These Bargains
In the Great Domestic Room
White Walstings. worth up to 25c yard,
In piques, msdrasses. leno Rr
stripes, etc.. at. ysrd -"
India Llnons, worth 12Vjc and 15c yard, fine
and sheer, In long mill lengths, Kc
at, per yard w
Bleached Cambric and Muslin, worth 10c
and 1 J'V vard, fine quality, JW-ln. wide,
mill lengths, at, Ftlc
yard aJJW
Long Cloth and Nainsooks, worth up to
tfc'ysrd. extra fine quality, 7oC
mill lengths, at. yard w
Unbleached Muslin, worth 8Vc yard, extra
wide and heavy quality, mill Rc
lengths, at yard v.. .
Unbleached Sheeting in 9-4. 10-4 and U-4
widths, worth up to 30c yard, INc
long mill lengths, st yard........... ayjf
Table Linens, bleached and unbleached. In
lengths from 1V to 4 yards, at HALF
actuil value.
14 artneared before the court V
terday and gave bond in the sum of $600.
The grand jury was sent home with or
ders to appear on Monday, June 11.
AUBURN At the interstate debate he
tween the Peru Normal and Campbell
college of Holton. Kan., on the 16th Inst.,
the decision was given to the Nebraska
debaters. C. R. Gates, son of Mrs. Anni
Vlo Gstes of The Grsnger of this place
was one of the Nebraska debaters.
BEATRICE The republicans of G:ge
countv favor the candidacy of Edward
Rosewater for United States senator and
there is little doubt but that he will hove
a strong following In this section of the
state. The people believe that In him they
have a man who will represent them is
against the trusts and corporations snd do
honor to the state of Nebraska, where he
has worked for the last half century for
the republican party and Its principles.
BEATRICE At a meeting of the Board of
Education last night Miss Emma Wllhelm
son. a a-radiiste of the State university.
and for four years principal and aunerin
tendent of the schools of Broken Bow. was
elected for normal training work In the
Beatrice schools. Superintendent FMlmer,
Mrs. E. O. Drake and L. E. Munford were
selected as the examination commlftee for
the coming yesr and the tuition was filed
as follows: High school, $2 50: grammar.
$2; primary. $1.60. Janitors were elected
and September 10 wss fixed ss the
4. Our treatment is known the world over, and has proved
its merits in over 350,000 cases.
5. We give value received, and that is the reason we are at
the bead in our specialty.
6. The only Keeley Institute in the state of Nebraska is
located in Omaha.
Send for aur frea booklet "Facta
Take laraey fired ear traa ehber frset
We carry all the leading brands of CIgarettea. Write ua
for prices and information.
We aell to private consumers.
Gunnoude & Zurmuhlcn
W noli Sale and Retail CI Kara
516 Broadway COUNCIL BLUFFS, IA.
ale Mmm
you consider well all that tins
becomes one of extraordinary
Etc., Etc.
of several manufacturers. All
at one-fourth to one-half reg-
nrh. Shown In six great lots:
Fourth Lot
I per yatd
Fifth Lot
1,'er y.nd
Sixth Lot,
per yard
i 50c Laundry Bags, In this
! sale
Sofa Pillow Covers, snap
at. each v
Ladles' Gold Belts.
Silk Floss during this sale, r
( per .m
i Dollies. Center Pieces, Tray Cloths. Scarfs
etc.. that sold up to $1.26,
sale nrlces 3c. Jiic and...
Lswns and Batistes, worth 10c to 12H
yard, in long mill lengths. In
this sale at. vard
Cotton Voiles and wool effects In all new
spring shades, worth up to 2oc 71c
vsrd. mill lengths, at. yard "
K-ln. Percales, worth i:tye to 15c yard. In
good assortment of medium and dark
shades, mill lengths, Vln
at, yard
Fancy Lawns and'Batletes In newest spring
shades, worth up to 2oc yard, T4c
mill lengths, at yard
Dress Ginghams, worth l'JHc to 15c yard.
In great assortment of medium fC
snd dark shsdes. at. ysrd v'
Sateen Finish Prints, worth 64c ysrd,
medium and dark shades. In JllC
this sale at, yard ,
date for onenlnr the schools next
fall. The list of graduates for 'o
was passed upon hy the board. The class
numbers thirty-seven and comprises twenty
two girls and fifteen boys. It is one of the
largest classes ever graduated from the
Beatrice Hl?h school.
WACO Willie Campbell has made appli
cation for saloon license and haa filed hla
petition with the town hoard of Waco, hav
ing the required number of signers asking
that a license be granted him. The prohibi
tionists claim that the names on the peti
tion were not signed by the parties them
selves snd that many of the signers did
not own res.1 estate In Waco. For the past
four daya the case has been tried before
the town board and attorneys for both sides
are bitterly contesting the case.
NORTH PIATTE The officers of the
United States land office here have begun
the publication of a notice notifying the
public that on August 20. 1908. the e4 of
township 15 snd also the ety of township 1(1
in range 83 In Uncoln county, will be re
stored to homestead entry, the same having
been withdrawn for Irrigation purposes
prior to the time when the Kinkald act
took effect. This lsnd Is situated near the
Blrdwood creek and there Is vacant In the
land to be restored about 6,000 acres. In
this district to be restored ttere are several
quite good sections which would have been
homest ended long ago but ,for the with
drawal. 1. Drunkenness, Opium,
Morphine, Cocaine and
other drug addictions are
diseased conditions.
2. Therefore, scientific
medical treatment is nec
essary. 3. In case of sickness,
none but the best should
be accepted.
About tha Keeley Cure,"