Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 18, 1906, Page 2, Image 2

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    JHEr. OMAIIA . DAILY. BEEt FBIDAY. MAY- 18, 1906.
Telepriore Douglas 18.
ear of
. Friday will be a day of savings in this department. The price
below will verify this statement.
4 AC fMBHO lfi
Jlest Qua I It plain satin ribbon with
gtna (rain bark, colors, green, cardinal,
light blue and pink, always sold for 40c,
Friday.' In hasement.- 15c yd.
Light weight taffeta ribbon, novelty
floral designs and "avail rl" effects, al
waya aold for 2So, Friday, In basement,
IBe yd.
Plain. aattn ribbons, rolots yellow, light
blue, green, pink and brown, alwaya aold
at 26c. Friday. In basement, 10c yd. As
there la not a great quantity of the"
Itooda we advise' you to come early.
Dainty Neckwear for Women.
Every lady In Oniuha who la Interested
In" aummer neckwear should b ttvt
dainty designs we are ehowlng. They ore
Just a little different from those shown
elsewhere The favorites Bre white linen
storks, white embroidered stocks, lace col
lars A large .collection of ollar anj
ruff seta Roc to $1 50 ea h. Ladies' Neck
wear Department, main floor, north aisle.
Our Colored Wash Goods in
If you have not seen our new Daylight
Wash Goods lepartmenf, you certainly
should, for now Is the best time. Wah
Ooods are in full bloom and ours, as you
know, are always of the choicest kind.
Irish rlmltiea Not a few left-overs, but
hundreda of the choicest of designs Just
rrtnted Silk Organdies at 25c, 30c, ioc.
i New Changeable Silk Moussellnea at 25c.
New Changeable Silk Jacquard at 40c,
60c yd.
All new shsdes In Banxal Silk, both
plain and Jacquard weaves, at 60c yd.
the last "rfve years explored portions of '
..fries and other wild countries, traveling
lrt.Uu miles, announced that on next De
cember he would go to China and explore
- the'eountry along the.Oreat Wall, taking
In the great Gobi desert tn Central Asia.
.He also, will extend his travels into Lake
Baikal district - In an endeavor to. settle
some of the disputed facts as to the char-
' acter of that part of the east.
Episcopalian at Philadelphia.
PHILADELPHIA, May IT.-The church
congress, composed of Episcopal clergy and
laity, devoted today to the reading and dls
' cushion of papers. -
laeei or unn, was me topic cweit upon
' In papers read by Rev. Dr. A. H. Holland
. .Alexandria, Va.
of Memphis and Rev. Stewart Means of
..New Haven, Conn., followed the reading of
the papers.
Mirer reisreii nay net t-nat naira puro.
reu, iti national conferehca here, will iproh
ubly iibnllsft the' rule Which for years has
prohibited members of the Church being
'".'jmotosrrapned, considering It a algn of
vanity.- " .
A committee was appointed today to re
port upon the elimination of the old rule.
Raptlsta Close Session.
DAYTON, May 17.-The twenty-ninth an
hlversury of the Amerloan Baptist Home
Missionary society closed Its sessions to
day by electing Mrs. J. M. Crouse presi
dent, Chicago, and Mrs. Reuben Mapleaden,
reeurdlag secretary, Brooklyn. This after
noon the eighty-second anniversary of t ho
American Baptist Publication aoclcty be-
gins Ita celebration.
Moarhern Prrifti l.rlon. IIiihv.
QEENVIIXE. 8. C. May 17,-The gen
. eraf assembly -of the Southern PreHtiy torlun
church cfymfioHed.of 110 to'mmlssloni r from
all pari of the southern states, convened
at ' the' First Presbyterian church today.
Dr. T. W. Sloan, pastor of the church, de
livered the invocation.
- After' taking four ballots Allen G. Hall
of Nashville. Ten a., was elected, moderator.
, . New Blsunp Chosen.
BLRMINQH AM, Ala., May 17.-John H.
Tttrart, secretary of the general conference
s iar ncinHin r.piacopai cnurcn aoutn,
waa elected a blshob en the first harlot
taken today by the conference.' No other
bishop 'waa elected on the first ballot.'
Beth Ward of Texas waa elected a bishop
on the third ballot. '
Dr. Joseph Adklna, Sunday school editor
of -the. Methodist Kplacopat church, south,
waa elected bishop tonight on the twelfth
llot.-' "-'" : '
' ' Atteotioiv is, directed to the splendid new equipment
' of electric lighted daily trains, Omaha and Council .
V Bluffs to Sioux City, Mankatb, St. Paul and Minne-
apotis via ' T
I?ul'fit-smoking and library car, splendid Pullman
drawing room sleeping cars and free reclining chair
..-car of the latent type, with all modern travel conven
iences; train new from the shops and brilliantly
lighted by electricity, leaves Omaha daily 8.28 p. m.
l'.lectric reading lamps in every section and drawrng
room and in the buffet-library car. Electric curling-
roit. heaters in the ladies' dressing rooms. Breakfast
,;a U carle in buffet library, car. '
' Tlv Nort-h-W extern Line is the direct line to St. Paul,
t !i;.iii aK!i , Su)eripr, Duluth, Ashland and the Lake
S.ij'i ior country.
i" train.; il;'i!y L ave Om.iha -7.;cjamand 8.JS pm.
' ?,.-tt c-r ic-cri.itij . acl ful iiifi)nnaiioi nuiccrniug rates
ii.J wltii.J i't ! ,1'i.ia ;,t
TICM7 ciTi-CS: 1401-KC3 Ftmase llraei.
i Printed Organdies at 16c, Ho. .
l,lnon de Soie Flue French materials
j printed with elaborate French designs," In
the lateat floral effecta, 85c yd. "
Real French Organdies at S(Jc yd.
j Cross Barreil Silk Moussellnes In solid
colors at 30c and 40c d.
La Belle Tokio.
The newest parasol model of the season,
shaped Ilka a mushroom by using sixteen,
gold finished ribs Instead of the usual
eight. Ask to see this new model. Pricea
from $5.00 to IS 00.
Black Chiffon Trimmed Parasola $14.00
and $15.00 each. ..
riain White Parasols, $1.60 each. Better
Ones as high as $13 60 each.
Tarasol Kxhlbition, main floor, left of
Ladies' Knit Underwear.
We were never better prepared to meet
your underwear wants than now. -Mora
room to show goods, better light, larger
stocks, better assortments and prices that
will appeal to you.
Ladies' flue Swiss Ribbed Silk Oause
Vests, now neck, no sleeves, hand tape top,
$1.00 each.
Ladles' line Swiss Ribbed Silk 'Gauze
Vests, low neck, no sleeve, hand tape top,
trimmed, extra fine quality, $1.60 and
$.'.50 each.
Ladles' Swiss Ribbed Oauxa Lisle Vesta,
low neck, no sleeves, hand crochet
trimmed yoke and shoulders, a number
of beautiful patterns to select from, 60c
and $1.00 each.
Ladles' fine Ribbed Cause Lisle lirawers,
made with tlgm knee or umbrella jfyle,
lace trimmed, French band or tape top,
50c each; a better quality for sc and
Howard Corner Sixteenth Street
(Continued from First Page.)
rates was reaohed, - Senator TiUmaa asked
Senator Allloon for his opinion as to the
propriety of retaining . the words "In. Its
Judgment'' in the clause empowering , the
commission to prescribe Just and reason
able rates. The Iowa senator replied that'
he had consulted several lawyers and waa
convinced that "the words constitute an
essential part of the bill and should be
Mr. Tillman said he had been Informed
that the clause would render, the blr un
constitutional and he moved to strike, out
the words "In Its Judgment." ssylng that
he had not found anyone who could tell
him what the words mean.. If It was de
sired to say tha. the words would be con
strued os rendering the findings of the
commission final he thought that there
should be an affirmative declaration; "tcl' that1
r.ffeci. . . ...... , J7 ,
Senator Dolliver defended (he language,'
saying the worda "have the effect of icon
fldlng In the commission a discretion very
necessary; to Ita operation."
He referred to Senator Knox's Pittsburg
speech as confirmatory of his position, tmt
tha Pennsylvania senator said that that
speech had no applicability to the pending
meaxure. " '
Knox Mates Ilia Position,
Mr. Knox quoted his own rate hill,- say
Inir that the language used In It was In
tended to apply to the question of a .court
review. He had, he said, submitted the
bill because he. had" been gratuitously ar
raigned as a railroad, senator,, and, deslr
lux to show the contrary, lie bad ha.itlly
presented a bill covering especially the
court review question. His clerk had put
the bill together and- had uaed the Words
"In- Its Judgment,"' iind he hacf not dis
covered the fact until after the measure
waa In. print. .. .. ..
"I want It civ latlcally- understood." he
went on. "that If HI .cumea . ti the pro
posed law on account of the Insertion of
these words I do not want to be "Ifcld re
sponsible for their. presence -there,":
Senator Fofaker pronounced, the cleue
a "mere Jugglery ' of words" and con
tended that It was - legally ', nonenaentUI
whether the words "In"' It Judgment" arq
retained or. not except, that he .Vs sure
that the retention of the word would
be construed as the .aena'te'j own con
demnation of the measure . 'I regard the
law as unconstitutional." he paid,. "The
trouble la that It Is fundamentally, wrong
and .you can't, make a'sllk. purse put of
a sow'e ear any .more tha, you 'could
Bee, Mar 17, HOC.
. Our May White Ooodi Sale.
j 26 pieces 15c India Llnon, sale price 10O
' per yard. -
f 50 pieces V India Llnon,' eale price 14c yd.
64 pieces 26e India Llnon, sale price 18c yd.
60 pieces 30c India Llnon, sale price 20c yd.
60 pieces 36c India Llnon, sale price 26c yd.
: 60 pieces 60c India Llnon, aale price 36c yd.
60 pieces 15c Persian Lawn, aale price loo
I T6 plecea 20c Persian Lawn, sale price 14c
60 pieces 26c Persian Lawn, sale price lie
26 pieces 30c Persian Lawn, aale price 20c
60 pleces35c Persian Lawn, sale price 26o
26 plecea SOc 'Persian Lawn, sale price Me
10 pieces 65c 4S In. French Lawn, 49c yard.
10 pieces 75c 48 In. French Lawn, 69c yard.
lo pieces S5c 41 In. French I-awn, 89c yard.
. 10 pieces' $1 48 ln. French Lawn, 79c yard.
10 plecea $1.26 48 In. French I-awn, 89c yd.
10 pieces $1.60 48 In. French Lawn, $1 yard.
Ladies ' Knit : Underwear in
" We mention three special good values
better read them.
Indies' gauze vests, low neck, no sleeves,
plain tape-trimmed, 10c.
Ladies' gauze cotton union suite, low neck,
no sleeves, plain tape top, made with tight
knee, good quality, 6oc each.
Children's Swiss ribbed gauze cotton
vesta, low neck, no sleeves, 2VC and 16c
eaoh, -
when that expression first fojnd utter
ance."' ,-Vlth Senator Teller's motion to strike
out the words "In Its Judgment" atlll
pending, . the . senate, adjourned, until 11
O'clock tomorrow ...
Fr Per Tenl DlfferriKlal Allowed In
Parlde Coast Hhlpyarde.
WASHINQTOK .May 17,-After two
week's debate the; house today, passed the
naval appropriation bill parrying- $9.74,n0O.
The amendment providing that the secre
tary of the navy could go Into the open
market and purchase chains, anchors. and
cordage, should it be demonstrated that
tey' could be had cheaper In free markets
than- they could be made by -the- govern
ment, was defeated today by a vote of 118
to 129.
By the action-of the house Tirr the' second
amendment. : upon . which . a separate vote
waa remanded - to ; conjunction . with rh
nnvnl appropriation Wl, a four percent.
JllffereYitlfm, wlirt allowed Dlddera trom
the Pacific cobb! on'trie hea ships provided
for In the bill, the secretary of the navy
being Instructed 'to make this allowance
In favor of such .shipbuilders. . .
The,. vote ui this amendment was very
close, three republicans changing from "no"
10 "yea." Messrs. Haugen (la ), Thom and
Ixmgworth. After the passage of the pavaL
budget the house. In committee of whole,
resumed consideration of. the so-called
naturalization, bill,, but no great headway
was made. v .
(Continued from First Page.).
on the extra, coet of. maintenance, the ex
penses Of clea'rlr.r . the tlrl tr. h no rrut
acres of land that will be aubmerged by the
eentral Jake proposed by the. lock plan.
wrucn it is estimated would make the total
cost at least 1180.000.00O. The rsit r
forming the lock plan Into a sea-level canal
is Miimatea at aDout 1200,000,000. -.
In conclusion the majority says: -'VYottr
oummittee reels entirely confident that
the board of. consulting engineers selected
to study thla problem haa submitted a plan
that responds In every respect te the con
ditions stated above and that the sea-level
canal can be realized in Inn A. . la van wa m.
at a coat not to exceed $0,oOO.OOO above that
required by the construction of the mulU
lock canal proroaed by the minority."
Brotherhood. Asrees . (o Helaatate
"sjeaded Division After
Esteaded Defeat.
MEMPHIS, Tenn.. May iT.-After three
dsya devoted almost exclusively to the
appeal of the suspended division, composed
of members of the Chicago Great Western
system, the convention of the Brotherhood
of Locomotive Engineers late today voted
to sustain the suspension, but after some
further debate It was agreed that If the
representatives of the division who were
present would acknowledge their errors
and request the restoration of the charter
It would be granted and the members re
Instated In the. order. This action followed
and the charter was ordered restored.
The members and ' division were ordered
suspended about .three years ago for vio
lation of a law of the order relative to
the employment of engineers on an ac
quired road of the Chicago Great Western
system and the appeal was instituted at the
convention held at ls Angeles in 1SD4.
Grand Chief Engineer tone's recom
mendations for the appointment of an
other grand engineer was adopted today.
MsMsrkswIU "asnmer t'attaars.
MONUMENT REACH. Mbss , May 17.
Flra swept through the summer cottage
settlement here early today. Twenty-four
cottages and the New Yoia. New Haven &
Hartford railroad station were destroyed,
the loss (estimated) Is $60,000.
Tiia Her la Mlaaesata.
BRAINERD, Minn.. Msy IT -At Cross
Lake, between $.uua.00O and 6,IXtt.0uu feel of
logs, nearly all white plne,tf high grade,
have been destroyed by forest flres.
- Baaae terra) Pleat.
BOONE. la., May 15. (Special Telegram.)
Fire has completely destroyed the Boone
Cereal company s plant. Loss. $100,tt.
Fearfal Caraas
occurs every day, from cuts, Injuries, eto
Stop bleeding and heal the wounds with
Hucklen'a Arnica Salve. 26 qrnts. For salt
ty Sherman McCannell Drug Co.
WATCHES-Frenaer, lith and Dodge sts.
Eauitn Parliament Bemaim in Beiiion
0vr ronrteen Honrs.
Preeldeat Mereaaer Will Ask far
aa Aadleace With' Nicholas To
day ('aavll Ale He
snaada Aataeety,
8T. PRTEP.9BI RQ. tay IS., 1:30 a. nt -Sltting
until long after t o'clock this morn
ing, the lower house of the national Par
llament aat Ita seal upon Its first great
work, the adoption of the address In reply
to Emperor Nlcholss" speech from the
throne at the Winter palace and setting
forth the alms and aspirations of Russia' e
Desplie attacks, both from the right and
from the left, the leaders of the constitu
tional democratic party held their follow
ers together to the last and the address
waa adopted substantially In the form In
which It was proposed by the commission
and aa already telegraphed by the Asso
cisted Press; ,
After the address of the lower house in
reply to the speech from the throne was
adopted the house adjourned aubject to the
call of the president. '
After the .reading of the final draft, M.
Petrajltsky took the rostrum and appealed
for a unanimous rote.- Count Hayden
stated that he and his friends, though ap
proving of the . address Jn general, were un
able to vote for certain details and would
withdraw In order that no opposing voice
might be heard. He then left the hall,
followed by Ave members. . The address
waa thereupon unanimously adopted.
Will tall on Caar at Oaea.
President Mouromtseff was Instructed to
request an Immediate audience with the em
peror today if possible. On his visit to
the emperor. President Mouromtseff will be
accompanied by several members of tha
commission which drafted the address.
The' amendments adopted Wednesday and
Thursday affect important details, which
extreme aa it may be n the eyes of the
autocracy, falls far short of tha expecta
tions of the radicals. Time after time dur
ing the long three days of debate the ex
tremists, with their undying hatred of the
whole ancient order, launched their flrey
attacks against the ''mllflness" of the var
ious paragraphs only to break agalnat the
firmness of the restraint of the chiefs of
the party. When the discussion had been
finished the deputies, with the exhortationa
of the country to speedy action ringing in
(her ears, ventured no further delay and,
though they had been, already in session
fourteen hours, took a recess until 2 o'clock
this morning, for the reading and adoption
of the final draft of the address Instead
of postponing this" formality until the open
ing of Friday's session.
C'aahcll Demaads" Amaeaty.
As if running a race to see which would
be the first to present to Kmperor Nlcholaa
a demand for amnesty, the council of the
empire also was in session well into the
early morning hours discussing Its address
Jn reply to the speech from the throne.
This document, which If far simpler and
more conservative than that of the lower
h cruse, proposes an amnesty which doea not
Include those who ara coupled with political
offenses, murder or violation of property
rights In other words, political aasaiwlns
or participants In agrarian excesses.
The lower house's demand for amnesty,
the kernel and most pressing point In Its
address, was altered aV the last moment by
th rorhmles'lon Haeh,irhlorii In response to
erltlcrsms "of lndeflnHfies In the express
"full political amnesty , substituted . am
nesty for -all crimes committed from relig
ious or political motives aa well as agrarian
Justice for-lhe Army.
The commission also accepted a new
clause to meet the wishes of discontented
In the army and navy, asking the emperor
to revise the conditions of the service On
the basis of right and -Justice.
The last feature of the debate was an at
tempt by Prof. Kavalevsky to Introduce a
declaration in favor of peace and Pan-
alavlsm as the guiding principle of the em
pire, but the amendment commending Em
peror Nlcholaa for his peace manifesta
tions and pledging the government to
cherish the aspirations of the Slavonian
people outside the empire waa rejected.
Twenty-Five Billion Dollars Fixed by
American Statistics as la.
trrnatlonal Yalne,
WASHINGTON. May IT.-The world a In
ternatronal commerce will- aggregate fully
$26,000,000,000 In the year 1906, says a bulletin
Issued by the Department of Commerce
and Labor. By the term "world'a Inter
national commerce." explains the bulletin,
lit meant the imports plus the exports of
all countries of the world rom whlrh statistical-
trade reports were available. Tha
figures given Indicate that the trade be
tween nations In 1908 will be six times as
much as In 1860, two and one-half times as
much as tn 1870 and 26 per cent more than
In 1900-
One interesting fact, says the bulletin,
which an- examination of tha figures of
average monthly trade of the principal
countries of tha world develop is that the
t'nited States now 'stands at the head of
the world'a great exporting nations. The
average monthly exportation from tha
United States In the nine ' months ended
with March, 1906, is shown by the bureau
of statistics figures at $147,308,078; the
monthly average from the United Kingdom
for the same periods $143,574,912; the aver
age from Germany during the twelve
montba ended with December, 1906. $110.
777,100, and the monthly average from
France for the twelve months period ended
with February, $72,770, 400. An examtnatloi
KU 19 17 ATOM
The 20th Century
Sanitary Carpet
CRUX doea not wear forever
but la practically Indestructi
ble. The wiry prairie grass
from which It is made la one
f the longest and toughest
ef fibres, woven with the best
aa airoagest oat ion twine.
CREX is dust proof? and
gat in-proof. Made la all
widths aad a variety ef colors.
Used universally the year
round tn city and country
bouses Cheaper and more dur
able than any other floor cov
ering at double the price.
CAt-nOli Avoid lasltatlaas
be ear yea gel I'MCl.
Sn4a uhtimw tort tl m
New York. - t. Piul, Minn
jobbers In Omaha Orsaaxd ft
WUaslaa Oaryet Com pas y.
of the export column shorn s that the United
State stands third amont the nations, ss
an Importer, the monthly sversge of Im
portation Into the United States for the
nine months ended with March being $101,-60B.417.
Amen Thena Is One Agalast Dr. Pries,
Farnterly at Omaha, aad. It
Dr. Rudolph F. Tries of Kiirnpe. formerly
of Oniuha, haa been Indicted by the federal
grand Jury. The doctor is a "specialist"
and the charge on which he was Indicted
Is mailing nonmailable matter. Some
months ago it became noised abroad that
Uncle Bam had a crow to pick with Dr.
Pries and It was not so many moons after
that that the public prints contained per
sonal mention of the doctor having betaken
his leave, without any great or noisy dem
onstration, to Europe.
The federal grand Jury returned twenty
Indictments Thursday evening and two "no
bills." Six of the twinty Indictments re
turned are not yet available for publica
tion, aa tha parties are not yet under ar
rest, nor have they been admitted to bond.
It Is understood one of these six latter bills
is that against Joseph Crow, foreman of
the last grand Jury. Until capiases have
been Issued In these six Indictments the
names of the Indicted parties will be kept
secret by court direction.
The list of Indictments given out are those
against William P. Cnx. Daniel Black
hawk, Stephen Walker. Charles Mitchell,
George Mitchell, for Introducing liquor into
Indian reservations; William F. Barada,
William Alexander, alias Gilbert Alexander;
E. J. Kelly, John Gllstrap, J. A. Felix,
Hugh Gallagher, Albert Ijimson, for sell
ing liquor without paying the special gov
ernment tax; William F. Berg, former
postmaster at Cornlea. Neb., for embex
sllng postal revenues and falling to depoalt
the same, amounting to' $378.81, arrested
February 21, 1906, and Dr. Rudolph F. Pries
of Omaha for mailing nonmailable matter.
Dr. Pries formerly occupied an office In
tha Arlington block on Dodge street, near
Army headquarters. This Is the second
offense of the same character charged
against him. However, Dr. Pries has long
since left the city, having gone to Europe,
as stated by his friends.
The grand Jury will resume the Investiga
tion of the fraudulent land filing cases from
Sheridan, Cherry and Box Butte counties
Friday morning at 1:30 o'clock.
A large number of witnesses waa ex
amined Thursday forenoon, including sev
eral women whom, it la alleged, made fil
ings on the lands In question with the
understanding that the lands were to be
deeded over to the cattlemen for a con
sideration after final proof had been made.
The procedure of the filings are In a meas
ure the same as those procured by Lambert
In the U. B I. I -and and Cattle company
case In Hokr county. The expenses of
the entrymen and entrywomen were paid
by the agents of the cattlemen.
Senate Resume Rate Bill with Talk
by Reverlda-e, Lodge and
WASHINGTON, May 17.-Plpe lines were
the first things taken under discussion
when the senate resumed consideration of
the railroad rate bill today. Senator Bev
piidge presented, but later ' withdrew an
amendment to include pipe lines carrying
gas Senator Lodge said he cared little
about the gas provision. . What he wanted
waa to control the Standard Oil company,
which "has the oil business of the eoufttry
by the throat."
Senator Taligferrn presented . an amend
ment excluding Only natural gax for muni
cipal use from the provision making pipe
lines common carriers.
Two New Tralna on Rock Island.
CHICAGO, May It-Effective June 8 a
number of Important changes will be made
In the running time of passenger tralna on
the Rock Island road. A new one night
train will he placed In service between
Chicago and Colorado in addition tn the
present service. It will leave Chicago at
8:30 a. m., arriving at Omaha at 10:16 p. m..
Colorado Springs. Denver and Pueblo on
the afternoon of the following day.
An additional train will be placed in
service between Omaha, Dea Moines and
Chicago, eastbound. This will leave Omaha
at (.80 p. m., arriving In Chicago at 8:16
a. m.
The Golden State Limited will leave Chi
cago at 7:80 p. m. Instead of f p. m., aa at
A number of other changes will be made
In the service;
Cotton Manufacturers Boar.
A8HEVILLE, N. C. May 17.-The fea
ture of the forenoon session of the Amer
ican Cotton Manufacturers' association was
the announcement by Secretary Bryant that
187 new members had been taken in at this
convention. This la the record for new ap
plications In this association. The meeting
opened with ttu reading of a paper on
"The Recent Development In Area Condi
tions," by 8. W. Cramer of Charlotte. N.
C. He was followed by 8. B. Perry of
Boston, Mass., who discussed "The Effi
ciency of Electric Draughts In Cotton
Mills." M. V. Richards, land and indus
trial agent of the Southern Railway, read
a paper on "Immigration and Us Rela
tion to Labor Supplies."
braska Cooler In Southeastern
Iowa Today.
WASHINGTON. May lT.-Forecast of the
weather for Friday and Saturday:
For Nebraska, South Dakota and Kansas-Fair
Friday and Saturday.
For Missouri Fair Friday and Saturday;
cooler Friday In northwest portion; not so
warm Saturday.
For Iowa Fair Friday, cooler in south
east portion; Saturday, fair.
For Wyoming Fair and warmer Friday;
Saturday, fair.
For Colorado Fair Friday, warmer in
east portion; Saturday, fair.
Loral Record.
OMAHA. Neb.. May 17. Official record of
temperature and precipitation compared
with the corresponding day of j the past
tnree years:
1906. 1!C6. 1904. 10u8.
Maximum temperature... 77 7 eu 81
Minimum temperature t 4S 49 62
Mean temperature 71 6 54 72
precipitation T .'JO .08 ,1
Temperature and precipitation departures
from the normal at Omaha since March 1.
and comparisons ailh the past two yoars:
Normal temperature 82
Exce for the day 9
Total deficiency since March 1 64
Normal precipitation 14 Inch
lflc!ency for the day 14 Inch
Precipitation since March 1 8 Inches
Deficiency since March 1 J8 Inch
Deficiency cor. period, 19.J6 ti Inch
lJrlciency cor. period, 14 M Inch
Reports from gtatlous at T P. M.
Station and State Temp. Max. Raia-
of Weather. 7 p m. Temp. fail.
Bismarck, clear 6 2 .40
( hevenne. cloudy 4 .00
Chicago, clear M 00
Davenport, p;irt cloudy 4 to w
Denver, part cloudy t8 74 00
Havre, cloudy 6" '.it Ml
Hlena. clear 58 60 T
Huron, clear ft. ' oJ
Kankaa City, cloudy ''! to
North PUlle. cloudy 7 74 w)
Omaha, cloudy 71 77 T
Hapld City, clear uu
St. Ixula. clear to uu
St. Paul, clear 7 U
Salt Lake City, cloudy hi to Vj
Valentine, dear to 7 i)
Wllllmon, part cloudy A i T
"T" Indicates trace of precipitation
L A. WKI.SH, Local Forecaster.
Pure, Healthful, Refreshing
" The Queen of
Thla is the time of year when one is thinking or changing Under
wear, and we wish to aay, If you are in the market for Underwear, that'
we have a line that will ault you In price and quality.
, FItc Strloa of Men's Underwear for .25c a Garment , '
Three Style of Men's I'mlerwcar for ,'I.V a Onmient
Three Styles of Men's Underwear for 4,V a flarment
LarticV Underwear ,V, KK-, I2ltr, l.V, 1c, 2V
Child's Underwear from 0rto2Ac.
We have I'nderwear for all. Our prices are right. Spring Hosiery In all
weights and prices. STAMPING DONE TO All kinds of Art Needle
Work Material. Agents for Pictorial Review Patterns and Magaxlne. '
322 South 16th Gtrct, OMAHA, NED.
Utah Mormon Society Will Dispone of Hold
inn in Industrial Concerns.
State Tbreateaed with (Ommerrlal
) Revolution Throaah Action of
President Smith, Who Adopts
Kerr Business Policy.
SALT LAKE CITY, Msy 17-The Mor
mon church is going out of business, ac
cording to a local morning paper. Its prin
cipal holding in Salt Lake t'lty, the I tart
Light and Railway company. Is to be tHkea
over by a $lsi,000,Ooo corporation compot-d
of English and American capitalists. The
new company will also acquire the Ogdcn
street railway and build an electric line
from Juah county, I'tah, to Oneida county,
Idaho. It will be known as the Interna
tional Consolidated Railway company and
will be incorporated both In l'tiu' and
Idaho. The hoard of directors will Include
H. H. Vreeland, New York City, baron
d'Olssel, Psrla; Sir Thomas Jackson, Ijn
don; William G. Rathbone, Manchester,
Kngland; . Alexander McKentlc, Ottawn,
Canada; Henry Dupont, Paris; Beresford
Hope, London, and a number of I'tah men,
among them Governor John C. Cutler. The
enterprises will be financed through the
Intel-mountain Trust company. Incorpor
ated In I'tah and Idaho, a few days ago.
Simultaneously the announcement Is
made that the Salt Iake A Los Angeles
railroad, mother church property, haa
been aold to a local syndicate for tnOfl.000.
This road Is thirteen miles In length and
runs from the city to the Iske.
President Joseph Smith of the Mormon
church is quoted as saying that the divorce
of religion from business la made on ac
count of the fact that the Mormons whom
the church aought to protect years ago no
longer need the protection of the church In
business 'affairs. The church entered bus
Iness to assist converts and strangers be
longing to the church, but as they are now
on a firm footing, the church withdraws
from business entirely. 1
If thla policy Is completely rarrled out
the sale of" the traction Interests will be
followed by the esle f slocks In bnnks.
sugar factories, the great Zlon Co-operative
Mercantile Institution department store and
many smaller entreprises. It will be noth
ing less than a commercial revolution
which will profoundly- affect the political
and aorlal life of (he state.
Some Reports Denied.
The statement that the railroad to Salt
nlr and the Saltalr beach and the
pavilion practically had been sold to local
capitalists for tVXi.O was confirmed to
day at the headquarters of the Mormon
church. .
The reported sale of the greater commer
cial interest, of lhe church, however, can
not be confirmed from any reliable source.
ha Waa Told That aa Operation Wa
Inevitable How Bba Escaped It.
When a physician tells a woman Buffering-
with aerious feminine trouble
that an operation is nrcettary, the very
thought of the knife and the operating
table strike terror to her heart, and
our hospitals are full of women comlnf
for juat suoh operations.
There are caaea where an operation
lathe only resource, but when one eon
aiders the great number of caaea of
menacing- female troubles cured by
Lydia E. Pinkharn'a Vegetable Com
pound after physicians have advised
operationa, no woman should submit to
one without first trying- the Vegetable
Compound and writ ins; Mrs. Pinkham,
Lynn, Maaa., for advice, which ia free.
Misa Marg-ret Merkley. of 275 Third
Street, Milwaukee, Wis., write:
Dear Mrs. Pinkbam:
" Loss of strength, extreme nervousness),
shooting pains Uiruuga tiia peine oryaias
brariug down paius aud cramps compelled
me to msx medical advice. The doctor, after
making an examination, said I had a female
trouble and ulceration snd advised au opera
tiai. To tbi 1 strongly obiecte.1 and dwtded
to try Lvdia E. Pliikham s Vegetable Com
pound., lbs ukwaiiun u.uiclv hralad, all
the bad symptoms disappeared and I am
ouoa more strung, vigorous and well."
Female troubles are ateadily on the
Inure among nooirs. If the month
ly periods are very painful, or too fre
quent and axcesaire if you have pain
or awelliug low down in the left side,
bearing-down pains, dou't prglevt your
self . try Lydia Is. PiukUaiu a Vegetable
Table Waters "
At the church headquarters It we srated
that nothing was known of the other deals
John II. Winder president of the I'tah
Light and Railway company and ranking
next to Prenldenl Joseph F. Smith In the
first presidency of the Mormon church,
positively stated that the story was un
Commissions Will Form Norlety to
t'romote Reform 1st the
Varlone States. -
WASHINGTON. May 17 A permanent
organisation of the civil service commis
sions of the country was formed ss a re
sult Of a meeting bf the representative of
state and municipal civil service commis
sions with that of (he'genprBl'givernnient,
which came to a close yesterday. ' Its hb
Ject Is the promotion of civil serVice reform
throughout the country by supplying In
formation to national, state and municipal
civil aervlce commission. These officers
were elected: President. Charles B. 1 Fow
ler, Now York City commission: first vice
president, Ir. c. J. Mason of New York;
second vice president. Henry Sherwlri; sec-nr.tary-tr'easurer.
John T. Poyle of tha
I'nited States Clvlf "Berries commission-.'
'Xfl Insnranre Iteform.
RATON ROT'OF. La.; My 17. Oovernor
RlanchHrd today sent to the legislature a
special message urging insurance- reform.
Money for San PrnnrUen.'.
NFW YORK. May 17 -The sum of f 2,?1T.
0V wss tmneferred by telegraph to San
Francisco by the subtressury today. ' '
r t 7- j-'i
- ; 't-v ,j"V ;A-?'-: -M
Formerly cutter and aaiesman foe the
Grand Pants Co., and the V. 8. Tailor
Ins; Co., la now with Max-Carthy-WII-son
Tailoring Co., 8A4-.KHI Mouth 10th
Ht., where his friends and patrons are
cordially invited to call on him...
rJuevial aale of two-piece suits to
measure, $2A. Perfect fit, good work
and good atyle guaranteed.
IWtl Usm U J "" DRUQS
rsutalylLltat. VARIGOSC, KNOTTED
VEIN ( WEAKKUS. estarae tmt restores tall
Ital energy, tela en trial. Call at aril Isr (ree
keok. sent testes, rials. HYMIC COu
iHi ti g Hrrmti iran. it. utii, .
MAY 16 17 -18
GAMES CttltO 3:45
Friday Ml, IBlh Udiei' Dly.
1 HE HOOUHtKIl trot'K COMl'A.W
Tnnight8aturday Mstliu-e atid Night.
The CclU of Richmond
Monday, May ?1 3T.Mli I'crfof matiea. boU
eiur I'l.oto Mary Hill
line. Nights, eau Mai, lo-o. Tu,
Tliurs. Hat. Mats, 10-:-vv
With Matinees Wednevday. Tburiday,
Kritlay and Saturday Afternoons
at I O'vlwrk.
Heer ed seels, eveutti l&c and atV:.
Matinees, no reserves, S.o for any seat
In tne house.
lOrnaha s foolest Tba''"' '
TON 1(111 T l:IUMAT. si ATI' B DA T
The eustun of the Ag
tiuiulay Till'. M )C N S 1 1 1 N K R3.
sv.- '.cyr.-i
.- . ' fc-.e i